#just starts givin me panic attacks
the more you harass me about doing something the more stubborn i am about doing it.
i said i’d do it, i will do it. as soon as i’m capable.
no i don’t like what i’m doing either and am actively trying to be better. just fuckin hear me when i say i’m trying
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intoxicated-chan · 6 months
𝐈 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 ❛𝐓𝐢𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞
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Summary ➳ Daryl has many regrets and he carries them everyday and everywhere but this is one that’s going to stick with him for many lifetimes.
(A/n) ➳ Inspired by “Blue Jeans” by Lana Del Rey. So… What do you guys think? P.S, I did change the title, I didn’t think it fit.
Word Count ➳ 1k
Content Warnings ➳ Female Reader/No use of (Y/n), typical TWD violence, blood, death, swearing, injuries, HEAVY ANGST, mentions of hunting animals, murder, no happy ending oops…
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The last time Daryl remembered crying like he did when carrying your corpse was when he saw Merle as a Walker.
During the start of the outbreak, Daryl wanted to find you, he was willing to use all resources available for you. Merle had to stop him, reminding him that looking for you was a lost cause, but Merle praised you for your skills. You weren’t a good tracker but damn did you know how to put up a fight.
And so, every time Daryl got the chance to explore the abandoned city of Atlanta or any place, he would look for you even if it was just a sign. He refused to believe what anyone said about you and or mostly likely demise.
With an extra map that he stole, he would map out the possible courses that would direct them to you. Even if he was wrong in all of them, he was able to find one thing.
It was blue.
It was a crossbow arrow with blue fletching, ones he got for you. Each one of them was carved with both of your initials. It was a couple of weeks before the outbreak when Daryl decided to teach you how to hunt and he was surprised at how terrible you were. He took every opportunity to laugh at your horrible aim and how you scared every animal away.
“Yer gonna die if some shit happens!” Daryl snickered at you, grabbing your hands to lower your aim.
“I’m tryin’ dammit!”
“One more- Don’t start givin’ up on me.”
It was only when you started learning when the outbreak happened, that you were lost in the panic, unable to use any phones. And when you went back to the cabin Daryl shared with Merle, it was empty, cleaned out.
But you were determined to make it out and get back to him, even if you had to lose a couple of limbs. You didn’t have time to grow trust, it was do or die, and you didn’t want to die. You stuck around for the first group and stayed with the second—a big mistake.
Daryl kept the arrows close, nearly refusing to use them unless he was sure he was going to get them back. His pattern continued, map and search, search and map.
He reached another deserted city, he didn’t bother to look at names anymore. First, he scavenged for supplies, maybe food until he caught the color blue in the corner of his eye.
He saw another arrow. He confirmed it was yours by the carving, but then he saw another and then another and another…
Some were etched into the walls of the building, laid on the ground, and deep into the dead Walkers. He followed the trail, his crossbow high, he didn’t want to take any chances.
He could hear panting, he could see their shadows scurrying around the room. Hell, they were even laughing. He was caught off guard until one of them came at him from around the corner, he shot with ease, and the arrow lodged into the attacker’s thigh. He hurled it over in pain, clutching it.
“The hell’s the matter with you?!” The attacker shouted.
Daryl only rolled his eyes and shook his head, ready to turn a blind eye until he saw the assailant carrying a crossbow as well and-
Your arrows. Each caving on display.
Daryl dropped his, grabbing the man by his shirt. “Where the hell did ya get these?” He demanded to know. “How?!”
A woman suddenly gripped his arms, beginning to cry. “Please! Let us go!” She begged. “We’re jus’ tryin’ to survive! Look for our families!”
“Ya wanna live another day?” Daryl grabbed his pocket knife, bringing it to his throat. “Y’all gon tell me how ya got these.”
It was like some horrific joke.
“W-We jus’ wanted ‘er help! But she refused us!”
“And where is she?!”
“The cunt’s dead! Like the rest of ‘em!”
You were right where he said you’d be.
You were propped up against the wall. You took an arrow to your calf, arm, and your neck. The blood leaking out of your mouth was starting to dry. You must’ve bled out while they were taking your things, leaving you for dead.
And you were.
Daryl sobbed, his whole body shaking as he fell to the ground. He reached to touch your face, just barely warm. Your eyes no longer held any life in them. He sounded as if he was in pain, his chest turned as he whispered your name, practically begging for you to come back to him.
He cradled your corpse in his arms, something he wanted to do for some time but he was too chicken to even ask. He was too late.
He could no longer ask you to hunt with him, go on a midnight bike ride, take a smoke with him, or let him pour his heart out for you.
The bastards’ bodies were enough for him, even when he did finish the job on both. It wasn’t enough.
He collected your arrows first, took your body into his arms, and brought you to the rooftop of the highest building to lay your body. He remembered vividly how you loved the night sky, he didn’t understand it but that night, he did.
He took in every detail, how every start shined and glimmered. He only wished he could get your input.
But when the sun started to come up, he took your body back down and made a pyre to burn your body. But before he did, he placed a kiss on your lips, whispering words into your ear before he lit the match.
“I love you.”
And as long as he was alive, his love for you wasn’t going anywhere. He would walk this world with regret and guilt until his time was up.
Maybe in the next lifetime, he will have the courage to say those words. But it ain’t gonna be in this one.
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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Taglist ➳ @celtic-crossbow , @duffmckagansbandana , @gamingfeline , @thegeorgiahuntsman , @snailss , @xmaeyonaiise , @suniloli , @ladylincoln , @of-storms-and-sadness , @annhells , @sexyxdylanxobrien , @yoowhatthefuck , @oikawarz , @mylifeinthetardisforever , @let-love-bleeds-red , @virginsexgod69 , @scudslut , @theesexystallion , @yondus-girl , @sleep-queen ,
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remirem12 · 2 years
Idk just warning ask and I’ll add. I’m new don’t judge also I know this is cringe so I’m sorry.
 L a m ‘ b u r g a sweet unfinished symphony 
————- It was a cold morning but still comforting as the morning mist was still in the air, around the room or should I say office there were stacks of paper that where finished last night. You where asleep in the desktop, you slowly open your eyes and you can feel yourself wanting to sleep but you can’t as you stand up you back starts to hurt since you were not in the most comfortable position on the desktop.——————
T h i r d person P O V
————-As you stand up and walk to the door you get a familiar sent of cigarettes and cinnamon you look up because you just realize you’ve been looking down the whole time and see Jschlatt sitting in the living room area of the offices. You where about to speak but it was too late….————
“Long time no see, and before you say anything about why I’m here I would like to do a proposal to you?”- he said with such dignity and confidence that I could not copy .
“H-how did you get in here?”- you said with a shaking voice and then it hits you, one a long time ago you where a part of lama’bur… you were friends with everyone until they decided to backstab you and betray you. Wilbur your lover for which you still has his promise ring told you that you where evil…..
You snapped back to reality and said…
“What type of proposal  are we talking about?” In a very but very intriguing way…
“ oh… I like where this is going, we’ll to be my assistant in helping hand to run the government of lam’burg…. I know this is such short notice but I would appreciate the help and you could get promoted!” He said  every word in a very interesting manner to the point I would say yes right away but I thought
What better way to get back at your enemies to them see you in power…..
“ and where would I stay if I decide to agree to this plan of yours?” You said trying not to sound interested…
“ in a house we built for you outside of the nation so if war happens you won’t get involved!” For the first time Jschlatt the “president “ was kind enough to not let me get involved in there shinanigins but I had to ask one more question..
“ who else is in lam’bur right now.?” I said with a cold stone soft but stern voice 
“ everyone that was there originally the election are in a month so I needed a assistance fast and I heard you are the best am I wrong?” 
“ no you are not….” You pause for a moment and then say” so do we have a deal?” To be clear you could have said it a different way but there was no time to overthink it right now. I slowly put my hand out for him to grab it.
“ With pleasure I’ll pick you up tomorrow so it’s better if you pack right now” he said with joy with still holding your hand.
And with that he left and you where smirking? 
Y/n P O V 
Why? Well you are getting revenge? But why do I still have the things they gave me? Do I at least feel a little guilty? Why don’t I feel bad? Am I the bad guy?
Am I the bad guy? Why don’t I feel bad? I keep trying to get these thoughts out of my head but I couldn’t the rest of the night I keep beating myself up for not feeling bad about them….
Before I realized the morning came…. It was weird I was happy? I got up to hear a knock I knew who it it was so I wasn’t worried about it. I open the door to see Jschlatt there standing 
“ Good morning y/n! I’m here have you packed?” He said with a genuine smile…. But I had trust issues so I did not know it I could trust him yet
“ Yea actually I couldn’t sleep so I has a lot of things to do!” Trying to return the smile that was givin to me… but it was not as genuine as I thought it looked oops I guess?
He looked at me and then he got some of my bags of the floor and help me get them on a horse out side he had a big smirk on his face which did not help the fact that I was about to have a panic attack of the nerves, anxiety and panic of when the others see me. I have not been in l’manbur in 2 years,2 fucking year….
He got on the horse and signaled me to get on mine, so I did and we begin to get to lamanbur. As we rode our way over there I began to hum to a song I had wrote to try and calm myself down, apparently Jschlatt noticed this and began to hum along even it it was of key… then we talked and we became friends friends was I moving forward to quickly? I mean he did some awful things but in all he seemed like a good person. 
should I do more?
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beels-burger-babe · 3 years
Totally Not Lost
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***Holy!! I'm so happy you sent in a request! You know I love my boy Mammon, so I will gladly do this. I hope you enjoy @holygarm. I decided to up the intensity a little and also add in my own personal phobia of the dark, so I hope you don't mind. *** Summary: Mammon takes MC treasure hunting, only they kind of get more than a little lost along the way, and it's starting to get dark. TW: Anxiety/Anxiety Attacks
You glanced around nervously as you and Mammon continued to trek down the gnarled, unmarked, trail of the deep woods. It had been hours since your adventure had first begun. Mammon had come to you early that morning, super excited about a treasure map that he had found. His face was practically glowing with joy in a way that made it impossible to say no to him when he asked you to tag along.
It was as bright as it could possibly be in the Devildom when you two first took off. According to the map, the treasure was supposed to be under a crow-shaped stone near the base of a lake deep in the woods. At first, you were just as excited as Mammon and eagerly tried to help him decipher the map as went further and further into the wilderness. But now what little light the sky offered was beginning to fade, and threatened to trap Mammon and you into a blanket of pitch darkness. You glanced nervously up at the sky and tugged on Mammon's jacket. "H-Hey Mammon? Maybe we should be getting back soon." Mammon whipped around to look at you with wide eyes. "And forget about the treasure?! Are ya insane? We've been lookin' for it all day; we ain't givin' up now!"
You swallowed down the lump of fear in your throat as you noticed just how dark it was getting. There could be all kinds of monstrosities around you, lurking in the black, and you wouldn't even know. "I know. B-But I really want to go back. Please. It's getting dark." Mammon's expression lit up as he put an arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. "Not to worry MC! As a demon, I can see the dark. I'll lead the way. You just stay close the GREAT Mammon, and I'll take care of everythin'!" You felt your stomach sink. You knew he meant well, but you really didn't know how much longer you could be out here. "M-Mammon that's really kind and sweet of you, b-but I just want to go home. I don't like the dark." He looked at you for a moment before his expression softened. Now that you mentioned it, he could see the way you nervously clenching and unclenching your fists. He could feel the subtle tremor in your body. Most obviously, he could see your wide eyes darting around you, searching for any signs of danger. His poor human was scared out of their mind! Mammon sighed and nodded. "Alright. I suppose a fragile little human like yourself shouldn't be out here this late anyway," he took your hand into his own and turned around. "Come on, MC. I'll lead the way back. You'll be safe with me." You nodded and allowed yourself to press closer to Mammon as the two of you walked through the woods. Only ten minutes later, you found yourselves back by the same tree you had initially stopped at. You frowned as you noticed it, and glanced up at Mammon who had a slightly confused expression on his face. You felt your heart stop at the sight of it. "Mammon...are we lost?" Mammon quickly looked down at you with wide eyes. "Lost? What no! We're not lost! We're just...taking the scenic route?"
He was very obviously lying. You didn't have time for this. The dark was getting closer and closer. Soon it would completely envelop you and trap you its void. You wouldn't be able to see, and you'd be vulnerable to Diavolo knows what. The fact that you were lost made matters worse because it meant that there would truly be no escape. You'd be stuck in these stupid woods forever and no one would ever be able to find you, and- "MC? MC, ya need to breathe." You let out a squeak at the sound of Mammon's voice and suddenly became aware of the fact that he was right; you weren't breathing. You should feel yourself shaking and your heart pounding in your chest as though it was about to burst from your rib cage at any moment. Mammon took one of your hands and placed it on his chest as he looked down at you. His expression was also one of panic and fear, but for a very different reason than your own. "MC, ya need to listen to me. I-I'm not as good at this stuff as Satan or Levi, but I'm tryin' my best here. Just breathe. Follow along with me." Under your sweaty palm, you could feel Mammon's chest rise and fall with each exaggerated breath. You took in a staggered breath as you tried to copy the rhythm, causing Mammon to relax a little. "Good. Keep going. Y-You're doing good," he pulled you closer to him and pressed his forehead against yours. "We're gonna be okay, MC. The moment you're calm, I'm gonna get us outta here. I promise." Wrapped in the safety of Mammon's arms, you were able to gather yourself enough to steady your breathing once more. However, by the time you had, the darkness had finally fallen, and you could barely see an inch ahead of you. You whimpered and pulled your hands into your chest as you felt panic begin to rise within you once more. Mammon snarled and looked around the two of you. He wasn't going to let you work yourself up like that again. He refused to have you being so scared while you were with him. He was your protector, and he'd be damned if he let you panic again. "Right. Enough of this. I'm gettin' ya home. Now." Mammon shifted into his demon form and unfurled his wings. He grabbed your arms and laced them tightly around his neck. Although you couldn't see it, his face was flushed as became nearly nose to nose with you. "Hold on tight, okay? I won't drop ya, or nothin'. I just need ya to trust me." "O-Okay." You tightened your grip on him and yelped as he swept you up into his arms. You could feel his breath tickle your face as he smiled softly down at you. "Ya ready?" With your nod of confirmation, Mammon flapped his wings and launched the two of you into the air.
You felt your breath catch in your throat as the wind roared around you. Mammon tightened his hold you, and flew quick and fast with all the confidence of a former angel. Though the air around you was cold, you felt your cheeks heat up at the intimacy of the moment. You closed your eyes and nuzzled your face against his chest, hearing the fast beating of his heart. In no time at all, the two of you were back at the House of Lamentation. The moment Mammon had your feet on the ground, he cupped your face with his hands and frantically started searching for any sign of injury or pain. "Are you alright? You didn't get hurt or nothin' right?" Rather than respond, you simply wrapped your arms tightly around him. "I'm alright. Thanks for helping me." You bit back a smile as you heard him sputter in search of words. Eventually, you felt him hug you back and place a gentle kiss on the top of your head. "Don't worry about it. You're my human. It's my job to look after ya." ***Holy this was so cute! Thank you so much for the recommendation! I hope you like it!***
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(Y/n) and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week: Thursday (Part 2)
Monday     Tuesday     Wednesday     Thursday (Part 1)     Friday     Saturday     Sunday
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: panic attacks, swearing, puking, concussions, mentions of injuries/bullying, homophobia
Word count: 5,138
After school, you were sitting on the couch as you furiously typed on your keyboard at an extremely fast pace. You were on a roll with these essays, they were probably going to be finished by the time you had to go back to the school to get on the bus with the team. You figured that you could even finish Annie’s essay and get started on Sammy’s US history presentation on the sociopolitical climate of the United States in the mid twentieth century to today. However, instead of covering a variety of topics like the rubric requested you to do, you were only going to talk about the significant events that happened to the LGBT+ community starting with Stonewall and going to Obergefell v. Hodges. You were also going to go in depth about how even if there are more opportunities available and more laws set in place to protect for LGBT+ people in the present then there were in past, members of the LGBT+ community still suffer heavy discrimination in the workplace and in the public. With receipts of course, the assignment required a minimum of three pictures per slide, and the group chat was a perfect source.
After that was done, you would email Sammy’s teacher (you had her last year for US history and you knew that she had a son in the grade below you currently transitioning from female to male) that you were the one that did her project and send screenshots of Sammy calling you slurs. Luckily for you, you had receipts of her being transphobic in the past that you could also send. Everything was effortlessly falling into place for you today. 
As you were typing, the front door swung open and two overly excited fifth graders ran into the house and up the stairs. A tired Schlatt followed them. “I will never know how the hell Phil keeps up with them.” 
“I dunno, maybe because he’s already raised three kids before.”
You watched as your uncle jumped and whipped his head over towards you, his hand clutching his chest. He lightly glared at you, “christ kid don’t do that, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”
You smirked at him before turning back to your laptop to continue typing the essay. You were almost done with the conclusion paragraph on Annie’s essay and you wanted to get to Sammy’s presentation as fast as possible. As you were typing, you felt a warm air fan across your neck and your uncle’s voice right next to your ear, “whatcha typin?”
You lept off the couch and almost fell into the coffee table before steadying yourself and deadpanning at Schlatt. “I was typing an essay before you interrupted me.”
He snorted, “it looked like you were on a roll, just thought I’d see what my beloved niece was writing. Can I read it?” 
Your eyes lit up as an excited grin split your cheeks, “yeah, but lemme catch you up real quick. Adrian, Sammy, and Annie got mad at me a few days ago and wanted me to do some homework for them as a sort of payment. But after they pulled that little stunt in the lunchroom yesterday, they decided to be little bitches to me and call me slurs. So naturally, I decided to change the essay prompt into an in depth analysis about discrimination LGBT people face from their peers on the daily. My english teacher’s really against homophobia and the project’s worth twenty five percent of our overall grade, so it’s perfect.”
While you were rambling on and on about your detailed plot for revenge, Schlatt couldn’t help but be proud of the person you’d become. A major part of him was impressed that you came up with a detailed plan so quickly, that meant that his cunning nature was rubbing off on you and that made him ecstatic. Sure you mentioning not being straight was new to him, but he was prepared to accept you for whatever you identified as. He didn’t care how people identified, he just cared if they were good people. And his niece was one of the best kids he knew. He’d let your slip up slide for now until you felt comfortable enough to properly come out to him. 
“That an amazing plan, fuckin brilliant. Though, you could do more.”
That piqued your interest, “I’m listening.”
“Do you have any blackmail?”
Your eyes glinted with sudden understanding, “why yes I do, uncle dearest. I just so happen to have thousands of texts from them talking shit about each other and basically the entire school. And them being incredibly racist. They would be destroyed if that came out.” 
“Two things. One, never call me that again. Two, perfect. Keep it as leverage if they try to do something. You don’t pull out all the good cards in the first round, you wait for the right moment to strike so you can win. You need to constantly defend yourself against other players and anticipate their every move. If you leak everything right now, you won’t have anything to use against them if they have something up their sleeve you didn’t know about. Patience is key in things like this.”
You absorbed every single word that came out of his mouth like it was the holy gospel. Although he was your uncle and you loved him with all your heart, but he was a sly bastard when he wanted to be. He knew his way around fighting and manipulating people just right, so you were incredibly happy that you were on his good side and he absolutely adored you. Though questionable and morally gray, he was giving you advice because he cared about you and you’d be an idiot to not heed his advice. 
“That’s genius, Uncle Schlatt. What would I do without you?”
“You’d get along just fine without me, you would’ve gotten there eventually. You’re smart. I’m just givin you a little push in the right direction.”
“I honestly would’ve never thought about waiting, I was so dead set on getting revenge that I would’ve just leaked everything all at once. I want them to feel how I felt when they were around me. I-” you paused. Would this make you the same as them? You’d be screwing up all their grades, Adrian’s job, and Sammy’s athletic career. You came to the chilling realization that you’d be the same as them. You’d be as manipulative as they were. “...Uncle Schlatt, would that make me the same as them?”
“Fuck no! You’re always gonna be better than them no matter what. When they’re at their best, you’re always gonna be a whole lot better than them. They deserve what’s happening to them, it sounds like they put you through so much shit the past few years. I actually think you could do a whole lot worse to them if you’re willing to put more work in, but it’s your plan and if you think that what you’re doing is too much,” he darkly chuckled, “you wouldn’t like my idea.”
“You’re right, they deserve everything I have planned for them. God, I don’t know what I was thinking, ‘would that make me the same as them,’” you mocked what you said earlier, “what a load of shit. Anyways, thanks Uncle Schlatt. I’m gonna get back to writing this. They’re due tomorrow and I wanna finish as much as I can before I have to go.”
“Alright, whaddya want for dinner? Phil’s gonna be like thirty minutes late from work so I’m cookin tonight.”
Oh no. No, no, no, no. That man can barley cook boxed mac n cheese, let alone anything else. He’d burn down the house if you left him alone in the kitchen with the stove. “On second thought, why don’t I help you with dinner? We can make some chicken alfredo.”
“Awe, you’d rather hang out with me than finish your homework? Ya really do love me. C’mon let’s start.”
The process of making dinner was… interesting. Multiple times, Schlatt almost spilled boiling water on himself and he even managed to burn the pasta while it was in the water. How he even managed to do that you’d never find out, you had your back turned cutting up vegetables and herbs at the time. That was when you subtly started to take over in the kitchen, giving him smaller tasks while you handled everything else. You felt bad for Tubbo, his father can’t cook for shit. 
By time you finished, about an hour passed and Philza had come home and changed out of his work clothes. The two adults sat at the table discussing something that you didn’t pay attention to while your brothers and cousin were in the living room waiting for you to finish dinner. Finally, you set the table and it was time to eat. 
Because you couldn’t have many fatty foods before any matches or practices, you had made a separate plate for yourself that only had plain pasta, chicken, and broccoli. You were surprised with how well it turned out, you were following an iffy recipe you found on the first link Google brought up. 
After dinner, you went upstairs to put your uniform on and pack a little bag full of things you might need: a small blanket, some snacks, a water bottle, and a portable charger. Oh, and fuzzy socks and a pair of crocs. You could never go wrong with fuzzy socks and crocs. Feeling a vibration in your pocket, you pulled out your phone.
Hales : )
(Y/n), I’m omw to your house
Gonna give you a ride to the school
Hales you don’t have to give me a ride, I can drive
Hales : )
Don’t care
Omw, be there in like 7 mins
You swiped out of yours and her conversation and opened up the family group chat
I don’t need a ride to the school, Haley’s giving me one
She’s gonna give me a ride home too
Alright, thank her for me
Tell her I said good luck too!
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do
(Y/n), do everything he wouldn’t do
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Fuck you I’m a good influence
You’re really not
Technology Sword
Uncle Schlatty Patty
Fuck all of you 
You heard Haley’s car pull into the driveway and dashed out of your room with your bag. Just as you put your hand on the doorknob, a hand stopped you.
You grumbled as you reached past Philza to grab your coat. After you slipped it on, you were pulled into a hug. “You’re gonna do great out there. I know you’re gonna win this, we’ll be watching in the stands.”
“Damn right she’s gonna do good, she’s my niece after all.”
Schlatt pulled you away from your father’s hug and tried to ruffle your hair before you swatted away his hand, “don’t. You have no idea how long it took me to get a perfect ponytail. I have an ungodly amount of hairspray and bobby pins in my hair right now.”
“Fine. You’re gonna kick their asses tonight.”
Tommy and Tubbo pushed past Schlatt and both tackled you into a hug making you stumble slightly back. 
“Kick their asses good (y/n)!” Tommy cheered, making you crack up before one stern glance from Philza completely stopped you. “Tommy, don’t say that. (Y/n), not funny.”
“Alright, Haley’s waiting for me. I gotta go, love you guys!” As you turned to walk through the door, you could hear your family following you and shouting “good luck”. You felt heat creep up on your cheeks as Haley rolled down her window and wove at your family with the biggest grin on her face. 
“Thank you! We’re gonna take home the gold for sure!”
You hopped in her car as she rolled up the window and chuckled. “I love your family, they’re always so full of energy. It’s refreshing to see compared to how boring my family is.”
You glanced at your entire family gathered on the front porch. Tommy and Tubbo were practically vibrating with excitement, Wilbur and Techno calmly smiled and wove at you, Philza was grinning widely at you as you saw his mouth forming words that you couldn’t hear or read, and Schlatt was grinning cheekily at you. You raised your hand to wave at them as they vanished from view when Haley pulled out of your driveway. You smiled softly, “I love em too.”
The car ride was relatively quick with the same soft indie pop music floating from the speakers and an easy going conversation with Haley about the match tonight. You both thought that you could beat the other team if everyone focused 100% and played exactly like you guys did in practices. If everyone did that, you would be unstoppable. 
Luckily for you and Haley, you were the first ones in line to board the bus so you two got the back seat with Zara and Jazzy sitting across from you guys. The hour long bus ride passed quickly and lively with you four passing around your phone and playing some mad libs, you were sure that by the end of the last game you four were laughing and crying. Sometime in the middle of the trip, you noticed that Haley would start to lean on your shoulder and continuously glance at you as she laughed. You desperately wanted to believe that it was because she liked you, but she was straight and she was your best friend. She was probably trying to make sure you were having a good time. 
When the team had gotten to the opposing school and left the locker room to stretch in the gym, you could hear your family start to scream your and Haley’s names from the front row next to you, Tommy and Tubbo being the loudest amongst them with Philza trying to get them to quiet down so you could focus. You felt your cheeks heat up as you smiled at them and Haley wove enthusiastically back at them. Zara was laughing at you two. Stretching went by in a flash and before you knew it, you were on the court facing the opposing team. 
The first match was won by the opposing team by five points. The second match stretched on and on until it was won by your team narrowly by two points. The team was going to have to shape up in the third match if you guys wanted a chance at winning, the opposing team was good. Before the third match started, Coach Williams called for a time out so you guys could talk about strategy. Before Haley could go back onto the court, you pulled her aside.
“Hales, we need to do what we practiced. The other team won’t be expecting it at all, I’ve been setting you up this entire game. They’re never going to expect you setting me up for a spike.”
“When are we going to do it though? We need a better plan.”
“I’m sure the opportunity will come and both of us will recognize it. We just can’t do it too early in the game though, that’ll ruin their surprise.”
“(Y/n), I hope you know what you’re doing.”
“When do I not Hales? We gotta get gold this year.”
The third round went by with both teams constantly swapping places until you both were tied fifteen to fifteen. You saw the ball flying towards Haley, giving her the perfect opportunity to set you up for a spike.  “HALEY NOW!” 
You watched as her face hardened in determination as she pretended like she was going to spike it by jumping high in the air and stretching her arms back, making the opposing front row players all gather in front of her. Much to their surprise, she launched it towards you as you leaped up and went for the kill. The stinging of the ball hit by your wrist and the smack sound the ball made when it slammed onto the open gym floor was something you’d never forget as the crowd around you went wild over the unexpected play. You could hear the high pitched screaming of Tommy and Tubbo over everybody else. Glancing at them over your shoulder, you saw them jumping up and down on the gym floor and looking at you with awe filled eyes and gaping mouths. The rest of your family looked at you with similar expressions, their cheers echoing in your mind. Winking at them, you turned back to your team and went straight to Haley. Clapping a hand on her shoulder, you pulled her into a quick hug, yelling over the raving of the crowd. “HALEY WE NAILED THAT!” 
“You have such little faith in your setter! You wound me Hales.”
“Well, I would have more faith in you if you weren’t chaotic on the court, sweetheart.”
You felt yourself surge in happiness at the nickname, but you couldn’t afford to focus too much on it. Your team only needed one more point to win best in the state and go to nationals. It would be the first time in your team’s history if you reached national level, and you’d be damned if you were the one to screw it up for them. 
The last rotation went on for a while, each team fighting tooth and nail for the state championship title with clashing determination. You tried your best to block every hit and try to set Haley up for a spike, and you were successful for the most part, only missing a few blocks. You saw the setter adjacent to you set the spiker up for a spike and jumped up in time to try to block it, your arms stretched upwards and your palms out. Only, the ball didn’t hit your hands. It collided painfully with your nose, ricocheted off your face with a thwack and sailed over to the other side of the court. Your head whipped back as your body followed suit and flew backwards onto the floor. Without giving you any time to react, your head bounced back and cracked against the polished hardwood floor of the gym. Everything went black. 
You faintly heard someone calling someone’s name over the continuous ringing noise. Was it your name? It felt right, so it had to be your name. You peeled your eyes open to see a blurry figure hovering over you. It was swirled with tans, browns, and backs. After a while of the figure repeating your name, it slowly became more recognizable, albeit appearing twice in your vision. It took you a while to figure out who this was before your muddled brain recognized Haley.
“Hales! There’s two o’ya. Twice as beautiful babe…” You slurred out as you attempted to smile at her.
“Oh thank god, PLEASE WE NEED A DOCTOR SHE HIT HER HEAD!” Her usually angelic voice gritted against your brain like sandpaper making you cringe as pain exploded in your head.
“God babe you’re so loud, why’s so bright? I-wha's goin on?” You blearily tried to move your head to look around only to be stopped by a pair of large hands on each side of your head gently holding it in place. You moved your laggy eyes around to look at the figure. He was a blonde man with blue eyes and a hint of stubble on his chin. His eyebrows were knitted together and he looked… he looked… your brain worked to figure out why he looked how he looked. Who was he?
“Please don’t move hun.” His muffled voice was baritone. You squinted at him trying to figure out who this man was.
“Who th f-fuck… why?”
“I’m your dad hun. Do-do you not recognize me?” You made a noise in the back of your throat as your stuffy brain finally put a name to the face.
“Dad- wha’s goin on? I’on feel so good…”
“Shh, I know, I know. Just stop moving and talking. Everything’s fine. I’m here. You’re okay.”
“Mmk… Dad, where are we? I’ont know- you’re so quiet.”
“Stop moving so much. You’re on the floor in a gym. You just won your team the state championship. Now stop talking please.”
Huh. So that’s why everybody seemed to appear from above you. You strained your eyes to look around you, but you could only see your dad’s face hovering above you. “Shit I- who’s aroun’ me? Where’s Hales?”
“I’m right here sweetheart. I got the doctor, Mr. Minecraft.”
Your dad’s face moved away from your vision so fast that it made your head spin and your stomach twist. Another face appeared above you that you once again didn’t recognize.
“I’m Doctor Martin, can you tell me your first and last name?”
“Uh, (y/n) Minecraft?”
“Good, what month are we in right now?”
“Close, it’s late October. Can you tell me who this,” he pointed to your dad, “is?”
“S’my dad Phillip.”
“That’s your dad Philza.”
The questioning stopped as he suddenly shined a blinding light into your sensitive eyes. You hissed as you tried to move your head away from the offending light only to be held in place by your dad’s hands. Your head spun as you moved too quickly and a wave of nausea hit you, making you groan and move your arm to cover your eyes. Your hand was stopped by something warm and soft wrapping around it and holding it tightly. Everything was so overwhelmingly and painfully bright and loud. You wanted to make it stop. 
“Mr. Minecraft, your daughter appears to have a concussion. I don’t have the tools on hand to determine the severity of it, but it’s worrying that her pupils are asymmetrical, she’s delirious, and has slight memory loss. I understand you live about an hour away from here, and it’s alright for you to take her to a hospital closer to your house. Make sure you keep her alert.”
Your delirious mind only registered about half of what came out of the doctor’s mouth. You mumbled gibberish as you once again opened your eyes to look around. You were only briefly able to crane your neck to the left. Several figures large and small were standing behind your dad. Your family, your mind supplemented. Slowly, your mind was starting to recognize your surroundings even if there was currently double of everything and everything was blurry.
“I’m going to help you stand up. Do ya think you can do that?”
“Yeah Dad.” You lifted your upper body off from the ground with a gentle hand on your back helping you sit up. Fighting the wave of nausea that slapped you in the face, you reached up to rub at your eyes. A hand once again stopped you. You peeked your eyelids open and lightly glared at whomever stopped you. “Hales you’re lucky you’re so cute I woulda slapped you. I like holdin but you’re bein annoying. Stop.” You attempted to make your voice sound firm, but the words that came out of your mouth were slightly slurred.
She was silent as she helped her dad haul you to your feet. Once on your feet, you saw the room spin and felt yourself start to sway slightly. An arm wrapped itself around your shoulders and pulled you close to them so that your weight was supported. They were a little taller than you were making it easy to lean on them. 
“...Can you walk?” A deep, monotone voice rumbled the chest of the person you were leaning against. 
“Mhm. ‘M not weak.” Though your limbs felt like they were made of molasses, you placed one foot in front of the other slowly. The person moved alongside you, “you’re doing so good, keep going.” That sparked familiarity in you as you stopped in your tracks and tried to look up at the person you were leaning against making the person tighten their arm around your shoulders when you almost fell over.
“Yeah, it’s Technoblade. Just focus on walking. You’re almost out of the gym.”
When you realized that you were out of the gym, you sighed in relief. It was so much quieter and darker. Though it was still relatively bright, it was better than the gym. 
“When we get her to the car we can give her some sunglasses or something if it’s still too bright for her.”
“Focus on walking.”
You huffed in irritation, “don’ tell me what to do bitch.”
You felt Techno’s body jolt slightly as he chuckled, making your head throb at the sudden movement. “Just walk.”
When you walked outside, you shivered as you felt the cool air nip at your exposed skin. Right, you were in your volleyball uniform. “I’ll go pull the car around, you guys stay with her.” 
You saw a tall brunet start to walk away from you. Uncle Splat? Uncle Schmat? Whatever his name was, you were sure he was your uncle. You tried to snuggle closer to Techno, craving warmth but never being satisfied. Where was your uncle? 
After a while, you saw a car moving towards you and blinding light pointed right at you making you cringe away and groan. Techno started to slowly walk towards the car. “C’mon (y/n), you’re almost there. When you’re in the car you can relax.”
“Tommy, Tubbo, and Techno, you’re in the back row. Schlatt can drive and Wil, you’re taking the passenger seat. I’ll stay with her in the middle row so she can have some room to lay down.” Tommy and Tubbo were with you? Why weren’t they talking, they usually were very vocal.
“Tom, Tubbs didja like the game?”
They didn’t say anything as they climbed into the car. Did they not hear you? 
“They’re just… tired (y/n).” Your dad’s voice reassured you as he took Techno’s place holding you up. 
“I wanna nap. ‘M so tired.”
“You can’t sleep yet. We gotta get you to a doctor first.”
“Mm. Makes sense.”
“Let’s get you in the car hun.”
As he helped you climb into the car, you felt an overwhelming wave of nausea wash over you making you lose your balance and almost faceplant into the cloth seats. You felt yourself being gently, yet urgently taken out of the car and led to grass as you felt your esophagus shorten. Something burning made its way up your throat and spewed into the grass. You felt someone rubbing your back as you puked up your dinner. 
When you were done, you reached up with a shaking hand to wipe your mouth. “You feelin better? Think you can get back into the car or do you need to sit down for a bit?”
After some difficulty, you were successfully in the middle row of the car laying down with your head on Philza’s lap. Soon enough, your shoes were taken off and a blanket was draped over you. 
“(Y/n), what do you remember?”
You scrunched up your face as you squinted at Philza’s face. “I remember playing volleyball with Hales. She’s so pretty, she’s straight though. I remember the other team hitting the ball, me jumping, then nothin. Wha’ happened?”
You watched as Philza winced, “well, you got everything right so far. You got hit in the face with the ball so you fell and hit your head on the floor. You were passed out for a minute before you woke up. It was a pretty nasty fall, we’re going to the hospital now. How’re ya feelin?”
“Head hurts, ‘m seein two of everything, an I can’t think.”
“Do you know what a concussion is?” You nodded in his lap slightly, “you probably have one.”
After a while of talking, you were slowly starting to come to your senses and your speech was clearing up, but your head was still too stuffy to think about what you were saying before you said it. You didn’t have a filter.
“Do you wanna tell us about your week so far? Do you remember most of it?”
“Mhm, it was shit. On Monday I had a panic attack and Adrian, Sammy, and Annie were being bitches to me all day. They fucked up my back. On Tuesday, they got mad at me for ditching them and they had me do their homework, had another panic attack, and Haley told me that someone took pictures of our boobs ‘n stuff and they were gonna leak it to the school if Haley didn’t stop hanging out with me. Haley and I almost kissed, but she’s straight. Pulled an all nighter and Wednesday I accidentally came out to Tech and Wil and had another panic attack. Annie, Adrian, and Sammy took more pictures of me through my window, Annie outed me to the entire school and slapped me. Another panic attack, skipped the last two classes and felt like shit the entire practice. Today Adrian and Sammy told me to kill myself and I had another panic attack. ’S about it.”
As you were going through your week, the hand that was previously gently stroking your hair had frozen as the car was enveloped in a tense silence. Luckily, Tommy and Tubbo were passed out in the back seat so they didn’t hear how bad your week was. Everyone awake knew that you had a few bad days this week, but they didn’t know the full extent of it. You watched as Philza’s expression had turned downright murderous, but you didn’t really care. You were busy talking about your week.
For the rest of the car ride, Philza asked you simple questions like what your favorite color was, your favorite animal, basically your favorite everything. Eventually, the car pulled into the hospital parking lot and Philza helped you get out of the car. “Schlatt, can you take the boys home so they can get some rest? I’ll stay with her.” 
“Yeah, I’m on it. Don’t cause too much trouble (y/n), we all know you can raise hell.” He watched you for a reaction, but when you didn’t react, he coughed. “Well, I’ll see ya later kid. Good luck.”
The car drove off leaving you and Philza at the front of the emergency room building. “It’s gonna be a long night (y/n).”
“I gotta finish Annie’s essay and Sammy’s presentation though.”
“No you don’t, I’ll email your teachers.”
You two checked in with the front desk before moving to sit on the uncomfortable chairs. It was going to be a long night. You were so tired.
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991 notes · View notes
all we know is don't let go
Fandom: Supernatural
Summary: Dean has some emotions to work through after they get Cas back.
Word Count: 1k
ao3 | ff.net
The first thing Cas does when he comes back is fall into Dean’s arms, clutching him so tight it would hurt if Dean hadn’t been dreaming about this moment for months. The second thing he does is pass out on the first comfortable horizontal surface he can find, which is fortunately a bed. It’s also Dean’s bed, since his room was the closest.
And Dean tries not to hover. He just checks in every now and then. Just to make sure he’s okay (not dead), see if he needs anything, make sure he’s still there, that he isn’t gone, that he hasn’t been taken.
Cas sleeps for over twenty-four hours and Dean sleeps for approximately two. He means it to be a quick catnap on the couch, but when he sees the clock through bleary eyes and realizes how long it’s been, his heart nearly stops, then begins to race as he sprints to Cas’s room. He slumps against the door frame in relief at the sight of Cas snoring in bed. He catches his breath, but his heart keeps pounding like it’s trying to break out of his chest.
It's not that he’s scared. He’s just worried. Good things tend to come with a price tag, and he doesn’t want to be taken by surprise. Yeah, that’s it.
So he pulls up a chair beside the bed and settles in, determined to sit there until Cas wakes up. A few hours in, he rests his eyes a moment.
When he opens them, Cas is gone.
Dean bolts to his feet, panic flooding his chest and threatening to overflow until he hears Cas’s steps in the hallway.
“Hello, Dean,” Cas says, stepping into the room. He looks like he’s showered and changed.
“What the hell!” Dean bursts out.
“What?” Cas looks at him, confused.
“Givin’ me a goddamn heart attack.” Dean steps forward and pulls Cas into a tight hug.
“You looked peaceful,” Cas says. “And you needed the rest.”
Dean pulls back, looking Cas over. “How’d you rest? Feeling alright?”
Cas nods. “I–”
“Good.” Dean grabs Cas by the shirt and shoves him into the wall. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Dean?” Cas makes no move to try and get away.
“How long have we been friends?”
“For many years,” Cas says cautiously.
“And you never thought to mention it? What the hell, man?”
“You’re angry that I saved you?”
“Yeah, I’m angry. I’m friggin’ pissed off that for ten years you don’t say shit, so I think that you don’t–” He clenches his jaw. “And then you tell me, like that, and then you leave me–”
“Leave you?” Cas pushes back hard. “I did not leave of my own volition.”
“You could’ve told me any other time, before the deal. But you didn’t. Instead you waited till the most selfish possible time–”
“Selfish?” Cas is starting to get angry too now, and he crowds Dean against the dresser. “I sacrifice myself for you, for everyone, and you call it selfish?”
“Yeah, it is,” Dean says, firmly. “Cause a world without you just ain’t fuckin’ worth it.”
The confession leaves him breathless, but he still kind of wants to punch Cas in the face. He also wants to kiss him – has for years – and he’s not sure which would fit the situation best.
They’re standing very close together and while that’s par for the course for them, it has a bit of a different undertone now. Dean lets his fistful of Cas’s shirt go. He tries to decipher what Cas is feeling but can’t read him.
“You never said anything,” Cas says finally.
“Well, I didn’t have much of a chance, did I?”
Cas just looks at him expectantly.
“You have the chance now,” he says simply.
Dean sighs and looks away. “You know I’m not–” He looks back at Cas. “Not good at that sort of thing.”
Cas doesn’t say anything, and he hasn’t moved either. He’s still standing inches away from Dean. It makes it hard to concentrate on what he wants to say.
Finally he decides that, fuck it, he has forever to figure out how to say it – forever, what an idea – so he just grabs Cas by the shirt again and hauls him into a kiss. Cas makes a surprised little hum, but then he’s grabbing at Dean too, pressing him against the dresser.
And it’s… well it’s kinda everything. He knows Cas, how he smells, how his body feels pressed up against him, but how he tastes, that’s a new one.
Actually, scratch that, he didn’t before know how Cas feels when he’s kissing you like a starving man gorging himself. Dean realizes that maybe he’s been starving too.
What he doesn’t realize, of course, is that the door is still open. And even if he did, he’s much too busy to worry about it.
Sam, who had had a hard time sleeping due to Dean’s constant pacing, had ended up sleeping in a different room farther down the hall.
He’s walking back to his room after catching a few hours of shut-eye when he notices the door of Dean’s room is open and pops a head in to see how Cas is doing.
His Hey dies in his mouth at the sight that greets him. While it may not be entirely unsurprising, it is still unexpected to see Cas pressing Dean against his dresser as they make out like teenagers. He stands stock still in the doorway for a few moments, ready to yell out an apology and then get out of there if they notice him, but they don’t.
He slips away, planning on spending the day in the library. Then he hears the bed creak as a body falls onto it and Dean moans – still with the door open – and decides that the library is not far enough. Maybe he’ll go for a drive instead.
Inside the room, Dean can feel his mind trying to short-circuit, trying to overthink this. He pushes away the impulse and pulls Cas close. He can – and almost certainly will – go over this in his head a million times later, but all that matters now is that Cas is back. He’s not wasting any more time.
10 notes · View notes
comic-book-jawns · 4 years
Valentine’s Day 1988
“Flowers seemed... obvious, so - ”
Dani’s eyebrows had risen instinctively. She’d just assumed and regretted it immediately when she saw the panicked look on Jamie’s face.
Remembering how stressed out Jamie had gotten on their one-month anniversary, Dani had purposefully asked that they keep their first Valentine’s Day low-key. She figured Jamie was liable to be stressed as it was with it presumably being their busiest day since opening The Leafling at the beginning of the month.
It had, in fact, been even busier than they’d predicted, which had helped boost Jamie’s confidence but taxed her all the same considering the bulk of the work had fallen to her — though Jamie had insisted Dani had the far more difficult task having to interact with customers so often between taking calls and working the register.
In any case, Dani had insisted Jamie take a nap in the back room after they’d finally closed up for the day. Jamie had pushed back, of course, but passed out on her shoulder before she’d even finished a glass of wine.
Now, about an hour later, Jamie was standing before her, arms behind her back, wide-eyed and pale — Dani having undone all of her efforts to relax Jamie with a single muscle movement.
“I can do an arrangement.”
“No, no, Jamie - ”
Dani got off the couch, holding her hand out as she stepped toward her.
“I’ll do it right now!”
Dani gently gripped her upper arms just as Jamie turned toward the main room.
“Jamie, it’s okay!”
Jamie was still panicking but turned back to look at her. Dani slowly rubbed her arms.
“Whatever your present is, I’ll love it.” Dani smiled softly. “Because it’s from you.”
Jamie started to calm down after a few moments, her lips turning up slightly, then looked down and cleared her throat.
“I just figured ya must’a gotten flowers... uh, before.”
Dani’s eyebrows rose once more. Jamie was right. It had been Eddie’s go-to since they were teenagers, and it had been sweet at first. And then it had started to feel like he was checking off a box — a well-intentioned gesture but without much thought put into it.
And here was Jamie, who put significant thought into all of her floral arrangements, including the one she’d given to Dani two weeks ago in honor of The Leafling’s grand opening.
And yet, Jamie had chosen to do something different for today so that it would feel more special to Dani. She could feel tears already springing to her eyes as Jamie cleared her throat.
“Anyway, I, uh - ”
She was interrupted by a knock at the front door. Jamie had left the door to the back room open when she’d come in with the gift, so they could see a delivery man outside with their Chinese takeout.
“I’ll get it.” Jamie turned to her and brought her arms out from behind her back, revealing small, rectangular gift about the size of a book. “Didn’t want it to get damaged, so I just kept it in here. Second page.”
Still not meeting her eyes, Jamie handed it to her, then walked out of the room. Dani watched her for a moment, then turned back to the present. She gently unfolded the wrapping paper, revealing a sketch pad. Dani flipped it over to the front cover, carefully opened it, turned to the second page and gasped.
She was looking at herself. A sketch of her tending to an orchid. An incredibly life-like, beautifully shaded, simple yet intricate portrait, practically a snapshot...
Last month, before they’d officially opened, Jamie had been giving her a lesson. She’d been so focused that she hadn’t immediately noticed Jamie step away. Just before she’d looked up, she’d heard a camera shutter. Jamie had said she was just taking photos for posterity and proceeded to take some of the shop itself.
She’d even let Dani take a few of her — granted, Dani had not exactly been asking — but Jamie hadn’t let Dani see the photos when she’d had them developed. She’d explained that she wanted them to be a surprise, but Dani had never imagined this.
She held the book farther out as she felt tears start to trickle down her face and looked up as she heard Jamie’s footsteps returning. Jamie finally met her gaze, but she was blushing furiously and rubbing the back of her neck with her free hand.
“Haven’t drawn in awhile, so it’s not ma - ”
“Jamie... ”
Dani could barely say it, but Jamie seemed to understand. Through blurry eyes, Dani saw her lower her hand and step into the room, closing the door behind her, then put the takeout bag down on the couch and step toward Dani. She still looked a bit nervous, a bit uncertain, but not embarrassed.
Dani carefully closed the book, closed the distance between them and raised her left hand, lightly brushing Jamie’s cheek as she cupped it. She heard Jamie’s breath catch, then leaned in. Several moments later, she gently pulled back, resting her forehead against Jamie’s as they caught their breath.
“So ya liked it, then?”
Jamie’s voice was even lower than usual. Dani giggled and heard Jamie, whose hands were wrapped around her back, chuckle a moment later. Dani pulled back slightly, still cupping Jamie’s face, and smiled widely.
“Thank you.”
Jamie was blushing again, but it was now accompanied by her lopsided grin.
“Thank you, Dani, for, uh... ” She cleared her throat. “For today.”
She didn’t elaborate, but she didn’t have to. Smiling even wider, Dani leaned in again for a quick kiss.
“I have something for you, too.”
Jamie smirked.
“Well, I should hope so.”
Laughing, Dani pulled back, wiping her face, then kissed the cover of Jamie’s sketch book as she leaned down to put it on the couch. She heard Jamie stifle a whimper, so she ruffled her hair when she leaned back up and heard Jamie giggle as she walked past.
She hadn’t gotten Jamie anything too big, not wanting to overwhelm her or make her feel insecure. And given the turn the night had almost taken a few minutes ago, Dani knew she’d made the right choice.
Above all, she’d wanted it to be personal. But she had to admit that she was feeling a bit nervous now.
She was not in an enviable position following the person she loved more than she’d ever loved anyone, who’d given her the most thoughtful gift she’d ever received. So, it was with a quickening pulse that she retrieved her gift from her purse and walked back to Jamie.
“I - I know it’s really lame.” She laughed nervously. “I just - I thought you might like it. But I’m not the best with, umm, technology or - ”
“Poppins.” She felt Jamie put her hands around her own, which Dani hadn’t realized were trembling slightly. Jamie was smiling warmly. “You... are brilliant at givin’ me gifts.”
And Jamie meant it. There was the chest Dani had given her for her birthday that meant more to Jamie than she would ever be able to say.
There was the light blue Adidas jumper with white racing stripes, which Jamie was wearing right now, that Dani had given her for Christmas — “I thought since you do have to wash your crewneck... on occasion.” Jamie had narrowed her eyes, and Dani had giggled. “And my hoodie’s a bit small for your shoulders.”
There were the suspenders Dani had just given her for The Leafling’s grand opening. And then there was everything else: the futile but earnest attempts at tea; the laughing at her jokes, even when they were at Dani’s own expense; the easing her through nightmares and panic attacks without complaint, ever; the holding her whenever, without her ever having to ask — Dani just knew.
And above all, there was Dani herself. Jamie had felt lucky to be in her presence from the moment she’d met her but had never imagined it would go beyond that. And it never would have if not for Dani. Before they’d even left Bly, Dani had already given her more than she’d ever wanted.
Jamie’s smile widened now as Dani laughed shyly.
“Can I - ”
Dani nodded and relinquished her hold on the small gift-wrapped box. Jamie brought it closer, smiling up at Dani as she untied the ribbon around it, then looked back down as she gently unwrapped it, opened the lid and squealed.
“Is this a mix tape?!”
Dani smiled rather proudly now.
“I know you like music for your runs.” She couldn’t help laughing the last word as she realized Jamie, who’d let the box drop to the floor in her rush to examine the cassette, was so giddy she was bouncing slightly. “I, umm, tried to pick songs I thought you’d like, but - ”
She was cut off by a bruising kiss, then almost knocked over as Jamie ran past her.
“Oh, sorry!” Jamie had frozen and turned back just inside the main room. “Are ya - ”
But Dani was laughing and waved her on. Beaming, Jamie turned back and continued on to the boombox on the back counter. More than a few moments later — with shaking hands, Jamie had had difficulty putting the cassette in place — “Heart of Glass” by Blondie was blaring through the speakers, and Jamie almost screamed.
Dani almost fell over again when Jamie ran back, throwing her arms around her.
“Thanks, Dani!”
Dani quelled her laughter but was still smiling impossibly wide as she wrapped her arms around Jamie’s waist.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Jay... I love you.”
Dani didn’t want to kill Jamie’s vibe. She’d only said it twice before — first on Christmas Eve and then a couple weeks later after their first major fight, and both times Jamie had cried profusely.
But she couldn’t let today pass by without saying it. Fortunately, when Jamie pulled back a moment later, she was still smiling, though definitely teary-eyed.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Poppins.” She bounced up onto her tiptoes and kissed Dani’s forehead. A few moments later, she pulled back, wiping her face, coughed out a laugh and took Dani’s hand. “C’mon!”
She then pulled an equally eager Dani out onto the “dance floor.”
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Tide Pools (1/6/2021)
Click here if you’re like “What the heck is this about?”
Alastor and Angel Dust @sluttyspiderpolkacock (and the same adorable baby featured here) hang out around a tide pool. Angel shares (with some coaxing) some of his worries re: Valentino following this little incident, and Alastor brainstorms with Angel possible ways to keep him safe��from adjusting his contract with Valentino to fleeing Pentagram City to getting an effective weapon that could take Valentino down a peg.
And the baby eats a crab.
(This is also where Angel gets access to the holy water that he uses here.)
At long last, Alastor had finally gotten antsy enough to pull out his bathing suit and meander down to the beach to explore it properly. He’d found a little path right next to the ocean in the shade of the estate, and it had some tide pools he’d been examining with interest.
Unfortunately, being in the shade like this and having his arms and legs exposed to the breeze for the first time in decades meant he was chillier than he’d planned on. Detached from Hell as he currently was, he didn’t want to waste his energy warming himself. He wished he’d foregone the bathing suit and kept his coat...
Something billowy covered him up from above.
He jumped up and flipped it off with a startled trumpet sound effect, identified it as a coat, looked around, looked up, and looked back at the coat. Sure, that’d do.
He pulled it on, folded up the cuffs so they didn’t dangle over his hands, tied the two spare sleeves around his waist like a sash, and crouched down to study the tide pool again.
As the damned thing flew out of his sight, Angel gradually felt the ability to breathe return to his control. Deep breaths now. He could stay with Seapup a little longer. Gently, he threaded those chubby limbs through his spindly claws and pulled him to his fluff to warm him. Happy thoughts now... little sleepy Veci burbles... waves crashing against the rocks - - -
**And a loud, sudden TRUMPET.**
Pelagios started to stir. Then, mouth scrunched up before all four eyes popped open, he began to cry.
" _OHNONONOOO!_ " Angel cooed with a gather of the orange ball into his arms, " It's ok! I'm here! I'm SORRY, MIO BAM_BINO!_ Back ta sleep? Can ya sleep? Fa me? C'mon, let's go back to sleep. " He then rolled to his side and got up to pace the room, lightly bouncing and swaying the baby Veci to try and get him to calm. " Water? Ya wanna see the water, Baby? Yeah? Ok, let's go see what the jazz band's all about, ok? "
Smiling and making faces, Angel made his way to the balcony and perched himself over the edge to give Pelagios a taste of the sea air. With a little swaying and some light humming, it seemed to work long enough for Angel to let himself peruse the view. Sea... sands... sunlight like glitter over the waves... tidepools...
" ... Alastor? " Catching sight of a figure wearing Valentino's coat almost gave him a HEART ATTACK, but piecing together the features of his local Radio Demon pulled the biggest sigh of relief from deepest recesses of his lungs. " What'cha doin' down there in... that? "
Alastor looked up. "Oh, hello! I thought I remembered this coat! I think the better is question is what is *this* doing down here with *me*?" He straightened up. Check out that snazzy 1920s swimsuit. Complete with skirt. "I appreciate that it didn't have *you* in it this time, but how many times do you plan to assault me with this coat?"
" _As many times as it takes fa ya t' learn ya lesson,_ " he teased darkly before laughing and shaking his head, " They were both accidents! Like this one! _Say ' hi ' to Uncle Alastor ~_ " Angel then tilted little Pelagios towards him. Too sleepy to do much more than yawn, Angel wagged a finger beneath his paw to mimic a wave. " I was just, uh, swingin' around. Practicin' m'coat flingin'. Y'know, job stuff! And got a lil' carried away! "
His ability to lie was getting worse and worse. He couldn't even look him in the eye and instead smiled off into the sky.
" Suits ya, though! Just ya color an' e'rythin'. Go ahead an' keep an eye on it so it doesn't get the better a ya again, yeah? "
"Unfortunately for us all, I'm utterly incorrigible! You'll have to spent the whole trip pelting me with clothing."
*Uncle Alastor.* He wasn't sure he liked the sound of that when it was in reference to some stranger's baby. But he endured it with grace and dignity.
"Coat flinging. Really." Do you hear his skepticism. "I suppose there's a precise technique to it, is it. Minute differences in the wrist flick that communicate different forms of sexual desirability."
" Yeah! Totally! Look. " Perfectly balanced upon the railing, Angel extended a limp wrist and an immaculately straight leg in a striking pose. " _Queer..._ " He then shifted into bent arms and legs. Reek that raw masculinity. " _Drinks nothin' but beer!_ "
In a fit of laughter, he drew his knees back together and tossed his chin to the sky. Pelagios didn't seem to find it worth acknowledging, but Angel thought he was hilarious and doing an _exceptional_ job.
" Dunno what I was goin' for, but it did _somethin'_, didn' it? Look at'cha, all cozy ~ " He then leaned over his knees with the sincerest espression since the start of the conversation. " So ya just out explorin' ? "
Uh-huh. Alastor kept giving Angel a skeptical look. "And I suppose you do many shows where you're called upon to strip while acting as aggressively heterosexual as possible."
He perked up at the question. "Yes! I found crabs!" He pointed at the tide pool. "They look *exactly* like Earth crabs."
" I used t' be a HIT at bachelorette parties, MIND YA! " he insisted snarkily before swiveling his hips off the balcony and dropping down, a slumbering Seapup still in tow. He then walked up to the pools and copped a curious squat.
" Oh shit, y'ain't kiddin'... " Angel mused with a lean almost too far. Perhaps the scent of fresh food riled him, as Pelagios _immediately_ bounded off his chest and dove straight for a crab. Eyes blew wide and multiple sets of arms flailed in a panic to keep him from falling in and dampening his fluff.
An announcer’s recorded voice rang out, “*And they’re off!*” Ding ding ding! A crowd roared in excitement! Alastor leaned in to watch the seapup go after the crabs. Angel can look after himself, this is way more interesting.
Angel scanned the contents of the pool with hawk - like precision. Nothing seemed too nefarious, especially not up against Pelagios happily burbling on fresh crab guts, triumphantly circling the pool on his back like an otter. He exhaled his held breath and fell back.
" Jesus fucking christ... " he wheezed, " He was OUT COLD all but TWO SECONDS AGO! " Oh he is _BEAT._
“Look at him taking his victory lap! What a champion!” Alastor leaned forward to grin down at the seapup. “You’re a vicious little killer, aren’t you? Well done!” If he had been worried for Pelagios’s safety, he sure wasn’t showing it.
A big, grinning face! The little veci copied it as best as his his little jaws could and propelled his tail towards Alastor's perch. He knew praise when he heard it and was beginning to learn that sharing was caring. So he offered a couple legs, waving them both in his chubby paws like flags.
"Is that for me!" He plucked the legs out of seapup's hands. "Why, thank you very much! Quite hospitable of you." He offered one to Angel and crunched down straight on the other, like some kind of freak who eats crab shells, Alastor what's wrong with you. "I hope these aren't toxic! Want one?"
Angel peered over his fluff and sat up just as Pelagios turned tail to playfully harass another crustacean of some sort. " The fuck're you - ? " He rose a brow but nonetheless took the crab leg and started taking it apart. " Ya... supposed t' eat the fuckin' SHELL? It'd be a lil easier to think you can chomp on, uh, GRASS, but crab shells?? Ya can TAKE THAT?  "
“You’re not *supposed* to, no. But it’s very satisfying!” Crunch, crunch, crunch. Enrichment. “... I probably shouldn’t swallow it, though.” Don’t mind him as he spits the pieces back out. Never take this man to a fancy restaurant.
He laughed out loud. " Yeah? Ya THINK? " he responded through giggles, half teasing, half validating. He then pulled the meat and returned the shell so Alastor could have his fun, " Don't choke, ok? Wouldn't wanna be givin' ya ribs another poundin' so soon. "
“Don’t lie, you’re just waiting for another excuse!” Crunch. ... Crunch. All right, it stopped being satisfying. Once the novelty and shock value wore off, it didn’t really have much to offer. He tossed the rest of the leg into the tide pool.
" Now ya just bein' ridiculous ~ " he said dramatically with a fish through the tidepool, " I can deal a beatin' whenever I want, AND get paid t' do it. I don't NEED to be settin' anythin' up fa YOU. "
He then pulled something out. A sponge. A big one. _Definitely wider than Alastor's throat._ And a big, mischievous grin to go with it. " Bet'cha can't swallow this whole ~ " he joked with a crack of his neck as if to ready himself for the pounce.
“Sure, but it wouldn’t be a beating for *me,* would it? It wouldn’t be half as satisfying for you!”
He eyed the sponge critically. “Hm... No, probably not!” Bait not taken. That thing didn’t look the *least* bit edible.
" Kiddin'! I was KIDDIN'! " he assured with a toss of the sponge back into the pool, " Ya really thought I was gonna shove this salty thin' down ya - ? "
And Pelagios volleyed it back, saturated with sea water. It deflated flatly against the side of his head and emptied enough water to drench him with. Hello, karma.
The studio audience laughed obnoxiously.
Smiling politely and totally ignoring Angel's plight, he said, "No, I didn't—but I'm not putting it past you to hope I'd shove it down my *own* throat."
Angel raked his wet bangs off his face and rolled his eyes. It probably wasn't very noticible, but all eight went. " Tsk, even if ya DID call my bluff, I wouldn't 'ave LET YA. I wouldn't do ya like THAT! I wouldn' even let ya SELF, _do ya like that._ "
“I’d like to see you try to stop me!” As a reward for misbehavior, Alastor plucked another tiny crab out of the pool and offered it to the seapup. Here, kid, you earned it.
“So! I’ve been just *dying* to find out—why the delayed arrival? Didn’t you have work?”
" That was the whole joke! " Angel exclaimed with a wringing of his hair as Pelagios happily crunched the crab and started playing with the legs.
A rich, sea breeze coursed over the pools and followed the shiver down his spine. " I did, " he said simply, " Then changed my mind. Big V didn' stop me. " Basically the truth, omitting the fact that he'd _tried_ to stop him.
“Really? The kind of taskmaster who has his employees working on Christmas?” Alastor quirked an eyebrow. “Didn’t stop you, or didn’t have an opportunity to stop you?”
He leaned back on his hands and crossed his legs, eyes narrow and subtly flickering in his direction from the sides. " ... _Yeah - !_ " The reply came in a curt exhale. " He could'a stopped me if he wan'ed to. Ya really think I could ever get the better of a brass like 'im if he 'ad anythin' t' say about it? "
“Now, that’s a careful question. Do I think you could get the better of him if he had something to say about it? No. Do I think you could get the better of him *without* giving him a chance to say something about it and then decide what to do when you get back? Possibly.” Alastor had been wondering about the abruptness of Angel’s arrival. And he didn’t know a lot about Valentino—had never *cared* to learn much about him—but he suspected Valentino kept a tight leash on Angel’s diet, even more strongly suspected Valentino took more than his fair share of Angel’s earnings, and didn’t-even-have-to-suspect at least a couple of the gross indignities Valentino put his own business partner/lover through.
Maybe aside from a little obsession over nutrition and garden-variety unjust wages, everything was aboveboard; but it was enough to make Alastor suspicious of the idea that Valentino would willingly let his star employee go at the last minute during an extermination.
" WELL! Ain't YOU a SMA'T COOKIE! " he growled, " If ya think ya got me all figured out already, what's the poin' a askin', huh? Like hearin' yaself TALK? Get some sorta, OFF from makin' me out t' be some BITCH? " He'd twisted in Alastor's direction and raked a claw through the natural rock they were perched upon. A deep snarl twitched over the precious metal in his mouth. It was the most direct he'd been with him since arriving. And sudden, as if Alastor had abruptly shown in a secret, sacred place of his and made him scream.
" Well I ain't - ! " And he SNEEZED over his shoulder. Cold breeze, wet fur, and his high body temperature started giving him the shakes, making his beligerence anything but threatening. Brows scrunching in annoyance, he held up a finger in pause, sneezed a couple more times, and stared blankly. " ... Fuck was I? " Train of thought? _Derailed._
Oh, hit a nerve, had he? Very sweetly, Alastor said, “I believe you were in the process of lambasting me for implying you were someone’s b[*BEEP*].” Isn’t he helpful. “Which isn’t what I meant to imply at all! Only that the fact that you *took* a liberty doesn’t necessarily imply he willingly *gave* it!”
Alastor stood, untied his sleeve-sash, and shrugged off the coat so he could offer it back to Angel. He was wet and sneezing, he needed it more than Alastor. “I don’t think I’ve figured out anything! All I know is that you plummeted out of the ceiling and that three out of the scant four facts I know about your boss are synonyms for ‘he’s a control freak.’ The rest, I can only learn from you. I didn’t want to be so *direct* with my insinuations, but I was starting to worry that if we got much more *in*direct, I’d never solve this mystery.”
Eyes glued to the rock, Angel took the coat and threw it over his entire person like a tent. " Fine. I left wit'out permission. Ok? " he muffled from beneath the thick velvet mass, " I couldn' do another night, 'specially not that one. 'Aight? Ya satisfied wit' 'at? Ya mystery solved, Prancy Drew? "
The bump started to shrink as he drew in his knees and curled into himself. He wasn't lying when he said he thought Alastor was smart, but it started to _worry_ him how _transparent_ he really was while he strived to draw an iron curtain around his occupational ( personal ) life.
“Really? Prancy Drew? I would have gone for Sherlock Hooves, personally!” A light laugh. Ahhh, he shoulda been a comedian.
“That covers act one!” He crouched down again. “What worries me more is act two. What happens when we go back?”
" Not buppidy enough, " he replied monotonously before falling silent a few beats, " ... ... ... I dunno. I... didn' plan it. I don't even... " ~~Know if I CAN go back.~~ " I dunno. I'll... figure it out later - "
The mass grew a couple inches. " The fuck are _you_ worried about? This ain' got nothin' t' be doin' wit' you. "
“You dare accuse *me* of being *worried*?” He planted a hand on his chest, scandalized. “Anyway, I could have asked you the same after you hauled me from the bar to your room! You owe me this one! Or I owe you one, whichever direction this thing goes.”
And Alastor was worried it *might* have something to do with him. If Valentino decided he needed to come confront his wayward worker—and if Charlie expected Alastor to be the one blocking the front door.
" They was ya exact words! " the bump exclaimed comically with a visible lean towards him, " I told ya, it didn' FEEL RIGHT t' leave ya in the middle a the hotel like a bump on a log, yeah? That's just _decency_ where I'm from. You don't gotta... "
Angel swallowed thickly as he tried to wrap his head around _whichever direction._ Was he looking to pay it forward? Simply get even in the transactional sense? The latter sounded more like him. The notion that he wanted the satisfaction in turn for doing someone a favor felt like it was _completely_ off the table, so they likely weren't going _there..._
_And his head started to spin._ " ... Ya don't gotta worry about m'boss... or my job... Ya already bought me some hours... That's... good... " _**SNIFFLE.**_
A pause. “You’re right! *I* accused me of being worried! I don’t know how I’ll recover from this betrayal.”
Oh, no, was Angel about to get emotional? Alastor hoped that sniffle was from the damp. “Oh... don’t give me the credit, you bought yourself these hours.” He attempted an awkward shoulder pat. “Unless you mean back on Christmas, sure, although I don’t think that has much to do with this situation—” His eyes brightened. “Say now, how’s that for an idea? Go back and claim that at the last minute you got paid better to be somewhere else, give him his cut, do you think that would make all this blow over? You’d have to tell me, I don’t know him.”
Angel gasped with a violent flinch upon contact, frantically drawing the coat from over him as if he were drowning. Not being able to see Alastor coming was a mistake, but through a shot of wide eyes, Angel insisted nothing untoward happened. He clenched the bundled material in his lap and anchored his sights to it, shaking his head solemnly.
" His call tops e'rythin'. He wants me somewhere, I don't get t' tell 'im I got a better idea. It don't - ... it doesn't work like that. N - ... _no amoun' a cash's gonna fix what I did._ "
Alastor pulled his hand back and raised them both up, palms out. Okay, no touching.
So he was more power-hungry than money-hungry. Pity. But something about Angel's reply rubbed Alastor wrong. *Fix what I did.* That sounded less like a fear caused by what Valentino was like and more like a fear cause by what Angel had done—and that made Alastor wonder whether what he'd done was something worse than simply skipping out on a shift. "And... what *is* it that you did, exactly?"
He didn't know why, but seeing both Alastor's hands up made him deal a double high - five. _See? Touch is fine! I can TOTALLY do it JUST FINE! HUZZAH!_
But his eyes stayed low, corners of his mouth twitching. It was hard to tell if he was about to burst out laughing or crying. Claws closed over his cheek and he turned his head towards the sea, as if the words he were about to say were the ashes of his soul to be put to rest.
He mumbled, " I broke outta the top story window, let the angels in, crashed 'ere. 'Splains the glass. "
Alastor actually laughed at the double high-five. Okay! Unexpected, but entertainingly so!
And then let out another sharp bark of a laugh at the confession, less out of amusement and more out of surprise. “Well! You know how to make an exit, don’t you! Maybe you’ll get lucky and the angels will take care of the problem for you, eh? But I wouldn’t bet money on it.”
His cheeks rose in a weak smile that reached his eyes and not much else. " No... the angels wouldn' get 'im... He'd throw all of us to 'em first. Bet all our lives b'fore we even get a chance t' take a count. " ~~_Basically what *I* did..._~~ Angel winced at the realization.
“Oh, keep your fingers crossed—who knows, maybe he had fifty meat shields and the exterminator that gets in will have a quota of fifty-one sinners to meet!” But there are no lucky breaks in Hell.
“Do you know what you’re going to do when you get back?”
" Don't matter i got _six_ to cross... he's still gonna be there, for sure... Waitin' fa me... " He pawed at the mass of hearts in his lap, raking through them, attempting to disrupt their pattern but they remained.
" ... Lookin' fa me. I don't - ... I don't KNOW. I _can't_ go back, but... What 'appens to a Sinner outta Hell too long? You're a magic man. Ya can pick up shit runnin' through Heaven, yeah?? What's it look like? " By this point, he'd crawled over the coat and put a tentative hand on the rock beside his hoof, pleading at him for an answer that'd lead to his least painful existence.
His smile turned sad, without his noticing. “I can detect signals from Heaven. I’ve never been able to figure out how to understand them.” He sighed. “But, I do know what happens to sinners outside of Hell: same thing that happens to any soul in the mortal realm. You’d be a ghost. For now, you’ve got enough energy from Hell to sustain a visible, physical form—but over time, it will run low. Once you’re out, you’ll be another intangible spirit, detectable by the average human only as a shadow or an eerie feeling unless you find a source of energy to leech off of and study how to channel it. Maybe it would be different here instead of Earth, with so much more magic around that’s easier to absorb, but that remains to be seen.”
A vague shrug. He could ask Alexander, once he got the hang of drawing power through his radio, whether he collected power more easily here than Earth; and when Sir Pentious started living here for longer periods of time, if he ever got up to weeks, months away from Hell, Alastor could ask about his energy and whether he had to do anything to sustain it; but right now there was too much unknown.
“But visitors to Earth, angelic and demonic alike, are always on the lookout for fugitives. Usually, they’re just souls who didn’t pass over. They’re hauled in to their respective afterlives and that’s the end of it. I don’t know what they’d do with escapees.”
Angel swallowed thickly. " _I couldn' do that..._ " he whispered lowly, " _I'm too fuckin'... STUPID t' read through all that technical... spiritual... SHIT...!_ " Surely that wasn't the reason, despite how unintuitive it'd be for him. It was moreso his own frustration talking. His lack of tact. His inability to fully consider the consequences of his actions. Not to mention, REALIZE what he was doing until he'd already DONE IT. His instincts had protected his immediate future, but DOOMED him in the long haul.
" So I'd just... go back... no matter what... I can't just be ghostin' fo'ever... "
He melted into the ground, two sets of claws masking his face and wrenching through his hair. If he couldn't escape any kind of persecution, he'd take his chances with the angels... " No one... who's rumbled with the angels ever came back, huh...? " If Extermination Day was going to be his LAST, there's so MUCH he would've done ( most of which included hunting down all the people he already wanted to KILL, but nonetheLESS... )
" So that's it. Hide out 'ere until the angels find me. Take me back. Do whatever they're gonna do t' me. That's all I can do not to 'ave ta... _face 'im._ "
“If it helps, I don’t think ghosts are given a how-to manual, and most of them get the hang of it.” But what did he know, he’d never been a ghost.
Alastor grimaced at that. “Well. No one who’s ever been executed by an angel has ever been *un*-executed. But people have survived close calls.”
He settled himself more comfortably, they were going to be here a while. “The way I see it, you have several options. One—“ ding, “—hide on Earth as a ghost. Some ghosts get away with it for centuries. Again, I don’t know if escapees are given higher priority than souls that have never left the mortal realm—but I’ve never met an imp who was *enthusiastic* about hauling in wayward souls.
“Two—“ ding, “—hide *here* as a ghost. Unless the powers that be *try* to hunt escapees on Okkylk—and if they were going to, we probably would have found out when Sir Pentious started spending nights here instead of Hell—angels and demons might never visit this planet. Why would they? It’s possible you could hide here indefinitely.
“Three—“ ding, “—hide in another ring of Hell. I have connections that can sneak sinners out of Pride. But being a sinner on the lam in another ring has its own perils, as you could imagine. I’ve turned back mid-trip if going forward meant putting myself in a position where I couldn’t walk back to Pride on my own two feet if I had to—I doubt you’d have that luxury.
“Four—“ ding, “—throw yourself on the mercy of somebody stronger than Valentino. If you happen to know any dukes who like to blow thousands on you and would be moved to tears by your terrible plight, now’s the time to dial them.
“Five—“ ding, “dye your fur, learn a new accent, change your identity, and go under cover.
“*Six—*” ding, “erase him before he can get his hands on you.
“And any of those could be combined to *great* effect with faking your own extermination. If you have any limbs you’re not fond of, all you’d have to do is toss one in a little pile of gore near where you were last seen!”
" I ain't gonna be taken by no fuckin' _IMP,_ " he grumbled, but seemed to relax some beneath the comforts of someone thinking for him when he had such shortened foresight. Slowly but surely, he started to remember who he was. " I ain't gonna _hide_ fo'ever either. I worked too fuckin' hard makin' m'name. If it'd all be fa nothin', I'd rather fuck off into extermination. "
Yet, the sternness of his words contradicted the shuddering, the fading pink of his bodily markings into the faintest grey.
" I know... some demons... but they're all either frien's a Big V's , or ain't gonna wanna make beef wit' 'im fa anythin'. Or care to if it's gonna mean they're losin' all the rest a his business. An' I'd be... in the same spot... caterin' to their e'erythin' an' if I don't - "
He stopped himself and curled up on his side.
" Madame... could... an' would, but she's got a deal wit' 'im I can't fuck with. I got a lot goin', but wit'out 'im I ain't got much t' bargain. He owns... ALL I got under contract. Everythin' but m'soul. "
Everything but his soul. Alastor was silent a moment as he contemplated that, staring out over the ocean. Finally, he said, “Greedy. You wanted to have everything and you wanted it as fast as possible, didn’t you?” His tone wasn’t scolding.
“What are the terms of your contract? Any buy-back provisions, any terms under which it would immediately become void?”
" No... it was... slow... " he responded with an evasive weakness, " Yeah, I've always wanted t' be a star. Since I was human. But when I first dropped 'ere, I was... _fine._ Doin' what I was doin'. Workin' bars, streets, weapons. Until he showed me I could be more. An' I believed 'im when he said we was gonna be a _team._ "
He trailed off.
" I trusted 'im. Wit' everythin'. _And he wrung me the FUCK OUT fa E'ERYTHIN' I got._ There's... no way out. He 'ad me agreein' t' shit I shouldn't've. The way he talks an' the things he does... It's what he does. He can get ya agreein' t' anythin' he wants wit' just, a flick of his DAMN WRIST until he's covered all 'is bases. An' ya can't fight 'im anymore. Ya _belong_ to 'im, whether ya want to or not. 'Cause at the time he had ya noddin', everythin' just sounded... good. No fine print. It's ya whole _ass_ in bold. "
“And who could pass up such a temptation.” It was damn foolish to trust anyone like that in Hell. But everyone had a bit of a damn fool somewhere deep inside of them, and the cleverest manipulators only needed to find the right angle from which to pry that fool into the light. “Do you have a written copy of your contract? Or was it all verbal?”
" Not me... " He picked himself up just enough to be eye - level with him. " Not... you, " he dared with an implicit confession before sitting back. " He has it. " Of _course_ he does. " I haven't even seen the damn thing in decades. "
He didn’t react to the implicit accusation—but he didn’t deny it.
A sigh. “And I’m sure so much as *asking* to see it will raise suspicions. Not, of course, that you could ask even if you wanted to, if you can’t go back.” Damn. Alastor was sure the thing must have loopholes—*everything* had loopholes—but he wasn’t going to figure out what if he couldn’t see the thing. “What about your soul? Why *haven’t* you sold it? Does your contract stipulate anything about what happens if you do?”
" I... I don't... r'member... I don't think he thinks I got the guts. It was the one thin' he let me keep t' keep me thinkin' I stood a chance. I don't even fuckin'... know what HAPPENS or what it feels like t' not 'ave ya soul. He got me this twisted up wit'out it. Givin' it away would do me worse, wouldn' it? "
"It would depend entirely on who you give it away *to!* And, say, whether they might let you buy it back. Mind, most 'sell your soul now, buy it back later' deals are designed to make getting out of debt practically impossible, *but.* Infernal law favors dealmakers who work in souls. In most cases, selling one's soul trumps any prior ownership claims over any other part of one's person. But you'd know better than I whether Valentino drafted your contract with a clause ensuring he'd maintain his holdings even if you sold your soul."
Every word of it was the truth—but consider the source when considering whether this was actually good advice.
He almost zoned out. It made much more intuitive sense to just KILL the bastard in place of reading between any lines. Which was what he was working UP TO before he blew it.
A grimace. " I doubt it, but then again, I don't know. Guess I'd... gotta get it from 'im if I really wanna fin' out. " He was nearly stark white. He had to keep going no matter how much harder he ended up making it on himself. Hiding would only be prolonging the inevitable. If he was going to end up going down, at the very least he had to take Valentino with him, or strongarm _some_ sort of upper hand... somehow.
"Which brings us right back to the problem of your having to face him, doesn't it?" And even if he could get out of his contract that way, that wasn't going to do a thing to stop Valentino from coming after Angel if he was mad his prisoner was getting away. It addressed a long-term problem but not the immediate one.
He couldn't speak, only shudder. Angel had _nothing_ over Valentino. He was near certain he carried his contract on his person at all times. It was really seeming like there _was_ no way around it. Just a nod. A bitten lip and raking claws over his forearms.
" Can ya... hear what they're broadcastin' about? "
Alastor hesitated, then shook his head. "Not without somebody opening a portal to Hell. I picked up a little trick recently that might be able to boost my power enough to listen across planes like that, but I'm reluctant to test it out in the middle of an extermination and risk broadcasting our location."
" ... Ok, wouldn' want that... " Angel replied meekly before staggering a shaky reach into the pool to pluck Pelagios from a pile of coral he was rearranging. " Later... could ya tell me? " He then sank his face into the seapup's head, clutching him dearly as he replied with vaguely confused burbles.
"As soon as I can." He smiled wanly. "You're not the only one eager for news out of Hell."
He was cold again. He summoned up a big beach towel from indoors, and offered a second one to Angel.
" Thanks... " First things first, he could stand to feel more like himself. Angel let Pelagios down into his crossed legs and started drying his hair. So long as he was stuck, getting his mind off the situation was the best he could do, for now. Diligently he dried and out of his line of sight, Pelagios had escaped him to chew on a corner of Alastor's towel.
He could restrain the urge to chatter for a moment. Let Angel have a second to recover.
He looked at the seapup gnawing on the towel Alastor had draped over his shoulders. And then, slowly, without looking away from seapup, Alastor stuck the opposite corner in his mouth and started chewing it.
" If I could get my hands on my contract, would ya help me figure out a way t' - " Angel slipped the towel off his head, hair a weird, frizzy mess and snorted at the sight. " Sorry, Schnookums! Took ya outta the water before you were ready, huh? " he said as he reached for Pelagios and attempted to gently ease the towel from his mouth.
To no avail. It seemed he made his choice. A tidepool rich with toys and potential snacks was second to gnawing on cotton and staring down the Radio Demon with the biggest, most impish smile he could muster.
Ah, so it was to be a battle, was it? Alastor leaned away from Pelagios, tugging lightly on the towel as he did.
"If you get it, I can look it over." Somehow, chomping on a towel did nothing to hamper his ability to speak clearly. "I can't guarantee that I'll find a way to help—it depends on just how airtight Valentino's made his contract—but I know a thing or two about Infernal law and I have fiends in high places."
The little orange veci hopped forward, easily tugged but no less determined to win... whatever the object of this battle was to be. He was rested from his food coma and had a wake - up snack. All that was left was energy to burn. A nefarious glint in his eye, Pelagios dug in on all fours and started crab - walking to the side to tighten the towel around Alastor's neck. _Ruthless._
Angel clamped a claw to his mouth to stifle a laugh. " Thanks, I... I 'ave no idea how I'm gonna pull it off, but... " He thought a little bit as Pelagios playfully death - rolled like an alligator. " I'll get it, and uh - " A loud pulse echoed in his eardrums. He was running on sheer force of will at this point. " - worse comes to worse. Which AIN'T gonna happen. But if it DOES, er... "
Nifty and Husk didn't seem to have it all that bad. Of course, they were vastly different demons and if anyone knew how severely false pretenses could be it'd be him, but he still couldn't finish the sentence. Angel still wasn't sure if bartering his soul would be something worth resorting to.
" ... I double die. End of story. Fat Nuggets is gonna be goin' to Kyxs. "
Alastor patiently allowed seapup to strangle him—goodness, what an inventive tike. He was going to be dangerous if he ever faced anybody who actually needed to breathe.
But his gaze remained on Angel, waiting for him to finish that sentence—*knowing* what it would be. They'd danced around the topic of strategic soul-selling already, after all.
When Angel chickened out before he could offer his soul up, Alastor was relieved. Alastor couldn't save face if he turned down the offer—but accepting it would be tantamount to directly challenging Valentino for ownership of Angel. Even if Alastor could legally finagle the transfer, there would be nothing stopping Valentino—and his allies—from going after Alastor.
There were friends he would risk his existence for. Angel *was* a friend, Alastor would concede that, but he wasn't yet on the VIP list. Alastor didn't want to have to tell him *no, I can't go that far for you.*
He placed his hand to his heart. "You have my solemn word that Fat Nuggets will not be made into bacon." His hand was immediately bound against his chest by the towel. "Oh, clever boy."
" Thanks. 'Cause if ya don't... " Angel, visage all but a void, crawled forward and gently swept Pelagios before he could make a full predatory circle around Alastor. It was clear enough to him that he didn't _mind_ being wrapped and was... perhaps a bit _entertained._ But he needed something to do with his hands. And he had to make some preparations. " ... It ain't like there'd be anythin' I COULD DO ABOUT IT. "
A knead - like rub between the fins of his head, and the Seapup started up a series of contented burbling followed by a slack jaw. " I gotta... go talk to 'em, " he said with a swipe of his things as he stood, " Ya... want any company, or should I take the lil' fella with me? " With a spare pair of arms, he dusted out Valentino's coat and wrapped the towel around his waist. " I could... leave ya with this, too... if ya liked wearin' it. It's pretty cold back 'ere and would be better to have that towel to sit on instead of the rocks, ah? "
“Very true! The best guarantee you could get is sticking around to keep me on the straight and narrow! But that’s never entirely in our control, is it?” A wink. “Still! You should do the best you can.” The closest Alastor is going to get to saying *I’d like you not to get erased.*
“Take him, you’d get far more out of his company than I would. But I’d appreciate the coat! I was starting to get attached to it!” He stood as well, it didn’t seem appropriate to keep talking while seated. Especially since he had something a little more serious to share. “Before you go, I’ve got something else you might find useful.”
Angel rose a brow, not the least bit in the mood for some empty pep talk. Nonetheless, he gave a small smile and floated the coat over Alastor's shoulders. " Knock y'self out. Nevermindin' the extra arms, it suits ya better than me. _Nice 'n red -_ "
He cut his sing - song and canted his head. " Yeah? Ontop a some contract literacy? " His upper arms dropped to his hips as Pelagios cradled into his stomach. " What'cha got? "
“They make for a lovely sash!” He tugged the coat back on and wrapped the extra arms around his waist again.
Once he tied them on, he turned his full attention on Angel. In what for him passed as a low voice, he said, “Now, I’m trusting you to keep this information to yourself. I’m not a dealer in contraband and I’m not looking for customers, I just happen to have a private collection. *But*, I happen to have in my possession two barrels’ worth of holy water—and I can increase that amount exponentially at a moment’s notice. If adding that to your arsenal would help you solve any of your problems... consider it at your disposal.”
He matched his drop in volume. " _Ya shittin' me._ " Though Angel knew he wasn't kidding in the slightest. Rejecting any semblence of good news was simply just a hard habit to break. " Angel weapons ain't exactly standard issue. How the _fuck_ did'ja get ya han's on _**holy** water?_ It really work like that? It really...? " A dark glint circled his eyes. " _Burn_ like acid? _Permanently?_ "
"Would you believe *Valera?* They passed me a little kit of magical ingredients they happened to have been given but didn't have any use for. All the usual little herbs and spices, but *guess* what I found in the back and have been multiplying ever since!"
He leaned closer with a malicious grin. "I can't speak *directly* to its efficacy on sinners, because I morally object to experimenting with torture methods on humans test subjects—unless I happen to have someone on hand who deserves it, of course." Hand over heart. What a saint. "But every once in a while I'll scoop out a glass of the stuff and dunk a small demonic critter in to make sure it's still potent! And oh, yes, it burns like acid. It burns like napalm. Exactly as advertised. A little different for each creature, but never pretty."
Of _course_ he believed Valera. He believed Alastor, too. Who would've _thought_ that holy water was such a common commodity outside of Hell? ~~On second thought, that probably made a LOT of sense.~~
Angel bent an equal amount backwards. ( _The grin, the coat, the stature... a VAST difference compared to the image that flashed his mind and nearly sent him COWERING again, but nonetheless one he wasn't quite ready for._ ) A stiff exhale of his held breath and he quickly straightened up. ( _He could get used to this. He DESERVED to get used to this._ )
" Morally object t' torture experimen's on people? Never would've thought the big bad _Radio Demon_ cleaner than the _Outfit,_ " he teased with a matching lean forward, arms crossed and Pelagios thinking he's about to be handed off. _Look at those chubby little orange paws reaching for Alastor._ Angel's voice then dropped into a demonic growl. " So, ya think a couple gallons could fit a ten foot moth overlord's head? An' ya just gonna... give it t' me? "
Oh, no getting in Angel's personal space today, all right. "The Outfit is evil for profit! I'm evil for fun! I think that puts me on slightly higher moral ground, don't you?" Studio laughter.
Baby reaching for him. Alastor automatically offered Pelagios a couple of claws to grasp on to. "Let's see, a couple of gallons is..." He conjured up two spectral red outlines of spooky floating milk jugs to hover next to Angel's head. "Should be plenty!" The milk jugs vanished. "Why shouldn't I? Once you know how to replicate it, the stuff's basically infinite!"
" _Touché ~ !_ No wonder I didn' fit in! " Pelagios let out a small SQUEAL of delight before grabbing both claws. Those four eyes sure are HUGE and soul - consumingly CUTE, but Angel playfully pouted at the comparison between his head, Valentino's, and milk jugs. " Buh - BUH! " He waved his arms through the projections and failed to stifle a snicker. " Not MY head! More like YOUR head! "
Angel then extended a hand to playfully ruffle Alastor's hair before drawing back. " Sorry, I mean, KIDDIN'! Thanks fa... the help... " he said sheepishly before drawing all four arms around Pelagios instead, just to find him very much attached. He gave him a little wiggle, but the seapup just took it as a means to wiggle Alastor's fingers. _So helpful._
Seapup grabbed on. Alastor had a dull little burst of happiness that was quickly rolled over by a wave of old longing for a whole generation of young cousins who had once automatically latched onto Alastor’s fingers just like this and who by now were probably all dead of old age.
“It’s close enough! Most heads are about the same size!” And Angel’s was the only one available to hold phantom milk jugs next to.
Alastor automatically jerked his head back from the touch—before Angel aborted the effort himself. Alastor considered Angel’s withdrawn posture, and then the fact that they were probably going to be stuck with each other courtesy of Pelagios for at least a few moments longer; and then sighed melodramatically, tilted his head permissively, and said, “Oh, all right, go on. Just don’t spread the news or everyone will think they can get away with it.” He’d distract himself by wiggling his fingers right back, puppeting Pelagios’s arms in a little dance.
" N-no... I wouldn' wanna be doin' THAT to ya. I know how t' keep ya shit under wraps... " he said meekly before hesitantly reaching out. His hand didn't fall heavily, but light as a feather as he gingerly pushed his claws through the strands and reassured himself. _See?_ Sure was _Alastor's_ head, alright. Solid. With hair. Red hair with fading brown dye. A certain other Overlord - level demon wouldn't be caught dead with that level of inattention to his appearance. Antlers, not antennae. Ears. _Ya can stop bein' STUPID, now!_ With a ragged exhale, the last of his nerves ceased his shivering as he combed Alastor' s bangs back into place with the drop of his hand. A single, efficient movement.
Angel then stayed silent for a moment before being startled by Pelagios's jubilant squealing and animated dancing. " Ya _sure_ you don' wanna keep 'im fa a little bit? " he asked again with a gentle rub between the seapup's head fins. _Usually,_ that eased him up enough to release whatever death grip or lockjaw he had going on. " I'll come back an' get 'im from ya after I go talk to Kyxs, or ya can hand 'im off t' Valera if you see 'em. Whatever happens first. "
His ears automatically flicked under Angel’s touch, but aside from that and his wiggling fingers he held perfectly still beneath the examination. There. Not so bad, was it? And maybe it would help Angel to relax a little.
“No no, that’s quite alright! I enjoy gently harassing small children, but I’m not terribly interested in babysitting one. You keep the kid and I’ll keep the coat.”
" Ok, say _bye - bye,_ Pelagios ~ " The seapup relaxed in Angel's hands and relented to being cupped over his shoulder with a turn towards the estate.
" _Blu - blu !!_ " he burbled with a double wave of his chubby citrine claws, lightly bouncing along with Angel's gait.
"And a blu-blu to you, too!" He wiggled his fingers in a farewell wave at Pelagios.
Alastor made a mental note to make some discreet inquiries about how Valentino wrote up his contracts; and then he crouched down again to continue studying his tide pool.
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second-chance-stray · 3 years
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(Split Ends) RP Log: Cravs, Riylli, and Rising’s friendship is tested.
(Cravendy Hound) It's not easy, but the three of them manage to hike back out of the Sylphlands without getting noticed, with Rising being dragged along on Crav's back. The trio finds their way to a Sylphic house and, with Rising's body laid out on the floor, are figuring out what to do next.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli had done the talking, likely the only one here with any experience with the sylphs, and it had not been long before they had identified the plant responsible and secured the antidote. Now that it had been applied, there was nothing left to do but wait. In awkward silence. For a terribly long time.
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs taps her foot impatiently and, upon reaching the limits of the patience, whispers loudly to Riylli. "When's she gonna wake up?"
(Rising Lotus) Rising had still felt the world spin around her, even laid out on the floor with her eyes shut tight. Thing started to slow down however once the antidote was applied, eventually cracking one of her eyes open, the right amount of colors in front of her instead of every one of the rainbow. "Ugh..." she brought her hand to her forehead, rubbing it as she sat up.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli had been leaning against the tree with her arms crossed, nervously picking at the dried paint on her arm. "...Should be- now, yes." The Miqo'te hopped up, stepping over to look down at Rising. "Good morning, how are you feeling?"
(Cravendy Hound) "Right. Ye think ye can stand?" Cravs fusses in the distance, keeping herself an arm's length from Rising.
(Rising Lotus) "Ngh... the dreams were the worst part..." she blinked a few times as everything seemed to be set in place instead of spinning now, wobbling a bit as she rose to her feet but otherwise looking stable. "Ngh... that's worse than when I went in that moldy city..."
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli pats the Roegadyn on the back. "This is why we don't mess around in Sylph territory... You're lucky they just like to mess with people for the most part."
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs tilts her head at the mention of a city, though there was plenty more she was curious about. "They're just dreams, they ain't real. But if ye've got a 'abit of stickin' yer nose in moldy places, then I've got a problem with that."
(Rising Lotus) "I 'spose so, saw some pretty neat colors  though." she glanced to Cravs. "Well that was before I joined up with Heartwood, an' I ain't gonna go there any time soon, was kinda neat though." she glanced to Riylli. "Where did we leave off before I started losin' it now?"
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli hesitated before letting out a sigh. "We were ABOUT to force Cravs to tell us what mess she's gotten herself into so we can help her. So... Hope you're feeling clear headed"
(Cravendy Hound) "Ye were about to do several backflips in a row." Cravs jokes. ".......don't listen to Riylli."
(Rising Lotus) Rising clenched her hands a few times as she watched them. "Honestly I feel more focused than normal, it's weird." At least the medicine didn't SEEM to have any adverse side effects. "Anyway yeah! You gotta tell us 'bout your mess!" she jabbed a finger in Crav's direction.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli gives Cravs a rather unamused look. "...Y'better not try to run this time. Just gotta rip the bandage off, get it over with an' all that..."
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs lets out a tired sigh, head hung low. "Either I tell ye, or I don't and ye both'll still butt yer 'eads in my business, potentially messin' everythin' up." She sucks in air between her teeth, headache incoming. "Fuck."
(Cravendy Hound) "Last chance. Seriously, I won't care if ye leave me to my shit. There's...a lot, and I'm..." She trails off. "I'm sure ye don't see me in a positive light, but trust me, it can get worse."
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli lets out an annoyed huff. "Oh just out with it already! You know we ain't gonna leave you behind when you're in trouble, and unless you went on a killin' spree through an orphanage or somethin' I doubt we'll change our minds about bein' friends"
(Rising Lotus) "I ain't gonna talk to a loan shark with jus' Riylli, then get knocked out by some weird bandit, THEN get super blazed out of my mind in the Sylphwoods to back out now!" she said, almost a tinge of pride to this strange journey. "But yeah! You're my friend, our friend...and uh.." she starts to lose her steam a bit ".. I jus' want to help ya, an' don't want ya to leave, or have somethin' happen to ya.."
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs is taken aback by Riylli's earnestness, barbed as it may be. She looks between the miqo'te and Rising, frown trembling. How, and where, to start? Cravs is certain that if she speaks now, it'll come out all wrong. Instead, she reaches into her pocket and shows an empty tranquilizer cartridge to her friends.
(Cravendy Hound) The unique design of the ammunition leaves not an ilm of doubt. Either Cravs buys the same stuff as the bandit, or...she's saying without words, that they're one and the same.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli just stares at the cartridge for a long moment, the hamster wheel in her head taking it's time to work out what it meant. Recognition eventually shone through in her eyes, and without a word the girl steps forward and slugs Cravs in the arm. "You ass! Y'know how long my head was achin' 'cuz of those things!? You better start explainin' or I'm gonna hit you again!"
(Rising Lotus) Rising clenches her fists as she sees the ammunition, her whole upper body starting to shake. She was gritting her teeth as she closed her eyes tightly. "Y-Y-You..." she said softly before her eyes shot open and stomped forward. "FUCKING ARSE" There were starting to get look at the tower they were in. "D-do you know how close I was to..." as she stared Cravs down her eyes were watering up as she looked to the side where her spear had hit Cravs. She turned away with a scowl as she started wiping eyes, streams of curses coming from her mouth about how stupid Cravs was.
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs instinctively moves her hand up to catch Riylli's punch. Worry flickers in her eyes as she forces her body to go slack, to let whatever hits that come next follow through. Hits, she can take. Rising crying in front of her, she can't. Worry turns to panic. "S-stop yer sobbin', alright?! Look, I can take a beatin'! Come on, show me what ye got."
(Cravendy Hound) "If it 'elps, I didn't expect any of you to be there. If I knew, I wouldn't 'ave attacked." She mutters.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli changed it up upon gaining permission, kicking Cravs in the shin. "Rising almost killed you y'know! If I wasn't so busy takin' care of that kid you were supposed to be babysittin' you'd be dead right now!"
Rising Lotus seemed a bit more rattled if anything. "It would've of mattered if I got you where I was aiming!" she snapped back, sniffing hard as she kept her her gaze away from the two. "An' Riylli could've bashed your head in with a rock!" she brought her hands to her face, holding them there for a few moments to try and deal with this angry sobbing.
(Cravendy Hound) "Ow! Shit, 'ow do ye kick so 'ard with sandals?" She groans. Eyes downcast and pain radiating from her leg, she talks to the floor. "...Pah, I would've hung on. I won't die. Not until I've exposed Mindred for the bitch that she is."
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs straights back up, ready to take another hit if it's coming. "Mindred's the one hasslin' Baldur, and I won't rest till I see 'er suffer."
(Riylli Aliapoh) "'Cuz I practice!" Riylli states, quite confidently. "Wait, that's not the point! Why didn't you just tell us? We coulda all jumped her durin' our meeting if you had actually came with us and just explained she was the one behind it!"
(Rising Lotus) "Cause we would've been put to the gallow if we did that." she sniffled a bit more as she turned around, eyes still looking a bit teary but most of her crying under control. "Those types of folk have strong connections, there's a reason why they can keep gougin' people with out gettin' caught."
(Cravendy Hound) "What, without evidence?! 'ave ye two on 'er bad side too? I thought if I wasn't with ye two, she'd get the idea that I ditched ye." Cravs growls back. "She knows who 'Singing Gull' is, alright? Shits gonna spiral, and I didn't want ye both involved anymore."
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli crossed her arms. "Plenty of ways to get around that... Like, for starters, not givin' her our real names!" The Miqo'te shifted her glare back to Cravs. "And that still doesn't explain why you were tryin' to rob her caravan, or collecting drugs out in the Sylphlands."
(Rising Lotus) "Well we're past that..." she sighed. "Which means trouble might be comin' our way anyway if she thinks we're connected someway.." she takes a deep breath, grumbling afterwards. "So like it or not we're involved whether you like it or not. You planned this horribly." she rubbed her eyes a bit more to get hopefully the last tears out.
(Rising Lotus) Not one but TWO chances to like it or not! Look I'm tired xD))
(Cravendy Hound) "I attacked cause I needed to find some dirt on 'er, and I did...but I found the worst kind." Cravs looks to the side. "I'm friends with some bandits that get their goods illegally, and Mindred trades with 'em. So I'm was tryin' to find a way to prove 'er criminal ties -without- gettin' the bandit friends caught too."
(Cravendy Hound) "So I'm 'ere to find somethin' she can't resist. I guess ye can say I'm plannin' on plantin' evidence."
(Cravendy Hound) "There's always a bad apple in the bunch, but that don't mean the rest is spoiled. I figured...she'd think that way about 'eartwood. Shit, I didn't think this through, okay?!"
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli stares at Cravs for a moment, then tilts her head. "...You're friends with bandits? What kind of banditry are we talking..."
(Rising Lotus) Rising groans. "We need to figure out where to go from here.. otherwise we're jus' gonna run into more trouble... I jus' don't know what the in the hells to do, everything seems like it's in such a damn mess."
(Cravendy Hound) "Not just friends." Cravs turns away, hair obscuring her face as she crosses her arms tightly over her chest. "Ye could call me their.....organizer. Leader. Fuck, it was a mistake, okay? But when piratin' became outlawed, I was mad as 'ell!"
(Cravendy Hound) "It /is/ a mess. Oy, I warned ye." Cravs quips. She combs her bangs back with her hand and then groans into the sky.
(Riylli Aliapoh) "A bandit LEADER?" Riylli's eyes widen, though she seems more surprised than upset. She brings a hand to her head. "Alright, hold on, one thing at a time... What kind of banditry. Stealing? Killing? Kidnapping?"
(Rising Lotus) "So we got these bandits that we need to protect, while provin' that Rot is doin' somethin' bad, all while also helpin' Baldur out."  she rubbed her temple "What was your plan than with this toad goo?"
(Cravendy Hound) "It's more like a loose coalition of salt-eatin' pirates who want to relive the good ol' days. So, uh.......w-well." She puts a hand over her mouth. "What matters is that I 'aven't 'ung out with 'em since joinin' 'eartwood."
(Cravendy Hound) "The toad goo's like gold to a spice trader. So, after plantin' some kind of tracker in it...I was gonna give the goo to Dirtpatch, tell my bandit friends bout it, and wait till it got traded back to Mindred. Then, Dirtpatch could use it as proof that she gets 'er shit illegally."
(Cravendy Hound) "I was gonna take precautions to make sure Dirtpatch doesn't get raided or anythin'!"
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli kept her arms crossed, now tapping her finger impatiently. "You're avoiding my question... Are these really people you should consider friends..?"
(Cravendy Hound) "They're angry, they're stupid, but yeah, they're my friends. Look Riylli, I was one of them! Maybe I still am." Cravs spits out, self-loathing dripping from her words. "And if ye put two and two together, maybe ye'd know why Baldur 'ates me so much."
(Rising Lotus) "..Oh..." she looked away. "...It was in the back of my mind, from the little I knew about Wyda...but I thought it was jus' a coincidence." she let out another sigh, this day was full of long sighs. "So that's your interest in him then? Makin' up for killin' his pa?"
(Cravendy Hound) "Yeah. I set this all off. So I gotta make it better."
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli continued tapping her finger for a long time, indecision clear on her face as she tried to come to some sort of conclusion. "You don't... have to be one of them. Not if you don't want to be..." She offered, letting out a sigh and rubbing the back of her neck. "I know it aint that easy... Just... Don't think of yourself as a lost cause, okay?"
(Rising Lotus) Between the strange substance she had inhaled, the cure, and now all of this, Rising was looking particularly exhausted. "I don't know if it's a good idea to involve Dirtpatch, I'm sure they'd find a connection to Heartwood, an' I'm sure by now they figured out we have ties there. I don't really got any better ideas though. At least not right now."
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs blinks, touched by Riylli's sentiment, and then sends her a worn out smile. "I /am/ a lost cause. But that won't stop me from tryin' to make use outta the life I've got."
(Cravendy Hound) "Mindred already knows I'm at 'eartwood, but I'll do everythin' in my power to make sure that I'm the only one to face the music." She looks to Rising now, for the first time making direct eye contact with her. Then, to Riylli. "I'm doing my best, but it might not be enough. Might grow outta this, might not. Even still, would ye watch over me?"
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli frowns, then proceeds to kick her in the shin yet again. "Idiot! You're my friend, and I don't let anyone talk like that about my friends!" She shoots Cravs an annoyed glare, then pulled back to plant her hands on her hips. "Of course we'll watch over you! We'll figure this out together and get you out of this mess."
Rising Lotus broke eye contact with Cravs fairly quickly after their gazes met. " Yeah, I mean I'm involved an' all. We should probably think of a better plan, or work it out or somethin' though." she shrugs weakly, keeping her distance from the duo. "Sleep on it or somethin' I dunno... I kinda jus' wanna be alone for a bit."
(Cravendy Hound) "OW! Damnit, the same shin too?" Cravs jumps up and hugs her leg into her chest. But, despite the physical pain, she mostly feels relieved. While she wasn't off the hook yet, the fact that her friends didn't immediately disown her despite knowing about all this baggage...it was nice. It was really nice.
(Riylli Aliapoh) "You better get used to it, I'm gonna keep kickin' you 'till you learn to trust us!" Riylli said, grinning at the threat. She turned to Rising, looking her up and down. "...Yeah, you probably deserve a rest after that Sylph cocktail. I'll talk to Ava, see if she can come up with anythin' to help. I'll leave your names out of it though, don't worry!"
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs sends Rising a worried look and wants desperately to comfort her. But maybe she's the cause for Rising's discomfort? Unwilling to take chances, she just sort of stares longingly at the other woman.
(Cravendy Hound) "Bugger me, I better buy some proper leg guards then..." Cravs shoots back at Riylli. "And yeah, ye do that. No more bad dreams though, ye 'ear?"
(Rising Lotus) Rising weakly shrugged again, turning to start to leave the Sylph tower. "We can meet again soon an'd plan things out, figure out a way to get her an' everything." she sounded quite drained, but nonetheless hurried on her way off without so much as a wave.
(Cravendy Hound) Though Cravs had thought otherwise, the trio’s friendship has survived the truth. Burdens shared and a chance given - one that Cravs was determined not to squander. The three of them would eventually leave the woods with much to muse over on their own.
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wooteena · 4 years
I keep seeing people freak out when they see you follow them- and i raise to you my slightly different experience where i have no idea when the fuck you started following me or why and i just popped into my followers to check out all my little minions one day and i nearly had a fucking panic attack when i realized you had started following who knows how long ago.
.....also i apologize for any stupid shit you see on your dash due to me
whyy am i givin people panic attacks i am So Sorry
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hysterialevi · 4 years
His Name Was Isaac - Ch. 12
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Fanfic summary: During a mission to avenge his mother’s death, Isaac hunts down the men responsible for her murder and kills them off one-by-one, only to discover that his last target is taking refuge among the Van der Linde gang. In an attempt to kill them, Isaac attacks the gang and unknowingly becomes enemies with his own father, who is in the process of fighting his own battle for redemption.
Point of view: third-person
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This story is also on AO3
“What do you mean Joe’s dead?” Dutch asked, his tone sounding more feral with every word.
“I mean Arthur killed him!” Bill reiterated. “Shot him right in the face when no one was looking.”
The other man glanced at Micah, watching as the man rested on a nearby bedroll.
“And Micah?” He asked.
“Isaac attacked him as soon as Joe was shot.” Bill explained. “Cut him straight through the eye. Micah nearly killed the boy after that. Almost drowned him in the river, but Arthur managed to pull him off. Gave him one hell of a beating. Then, he sent me back here.”
Dutch looked at him with bewilderment. “And you just left?”
Bill threw his hands in the air. “Well, what else was I supposed to do, Dutch? You know Arthur. That man’s a beast. You raised him, after all. As for his son, let’s just say the apple don’t fall far from the tree. He ain’t nearly as strong as his pa, but he’s goddamn crazy. I’d have been killed if I stuck around.”
Dutch sighed in frustration and turned away from Bill, annoyed at the dead-end he suddenly found himself facing.
He knew Arthur wouldn’t be easy to take down -- that was no surprise -- but the fact that he killed one of his men and nearly beat another to death sent Dutch into a state of panic.
If Micah, Bill, and Joe couldn’t bring Arthur back by themselves, what the hell were they supposed to do now? Their gang was short one man, and Micah was in no condition to be going after anybody at the moment.
Dutch would have to find Arthur himself. He may have been sick, and he may have been dying, but he knew that man better than any of these fools. He knew how Arthur thought.
It was going to take more work than he initially anticipated to bring that man down, but Dutch was sure he could do it.
He just needed more time.
“So?” Bill questioned. “Where do we go from here, Dutch?”
Dutch brought his focus back to Williamson, his cold eyes seemingly gazing straight through him.
“We wait. Now that the three of you have alerted Arthur, he and the boy are gonna have their guard up. So we’ll give ‘em some space to breathe for now. Let them think that we ain’t a threat no more. In the meantime, we’ll allow Micah to recover from his wounds, and think of a plan. We’re gonna need it. Men like Arthur don’t just give up.”
Bill offered no objections. “Yeah, well... neither do you, Dutch.”
The man nodded at that, patting Bill on the shoulder. “You’re goddamn right about that, son. I ain’t givin’ up anytime soon. And Arthur’s gonna learn what it means to betray our family. I just need you and Micah to be with me, and I need no more mistakes. Are we clear on that, Williamson?”
Bill was clearly still hesitant to go against someone like Arthur, but complied nonetheless.
“We’re clear, Dutch.”
“Good. Then if you’ll excuse me...” Dutch began strolling away, “...I have got some thinking to do.”
Trudging along the rocky path, Arthur and Isaac rode side-by-side as they followed the current of the river, slowly making their way up to the Grizzlies West.
By now, the sky had transformed into a soft shade of purple and was highlighted with wispy streaks of orange clouds, painting a beautiful contrast above them.
There were no other silhouettes dotting the dark horizon or distant gunshots to fill the air, and so far, everything had gone smoothly ever since their violent encounter with the Van der Linde gang.
Unfortunately though, they still had one other problem to deal with.
And this one wasn’t so easily ignored.
Throwing a silent glance at his father, Isaac felt a tight sense of worry clutching his chest as he watched the man let out another chain of coughs, his breath growing more ragged with every outburst.
Arthur kept insisting that he was fine for the moment and showed no signs of deviating from their plan to head up north, but Isaac wasn’t sure that wandering into the cold was the best idea right now.
Every fiber in his being hated to admit it, but Isaac knew his father was dying. He recalled Micah mentioning something about Dutch being sick not too long ago, and Arthur’s symptoms didn’t seem that different from the old man’s.
Isaac really had no idea where else he could’ve gotten it from or what the illness could’ve been, but one thing was clear to the boy. 
Sooner or later... he was going to lose Arthur. 
The outlaw was going to disappear from his life faster than he jumped back into it, and it made Isaac want to scream at the world for taking yet another one of his parents.
He had just started the process of finally moving on from Eliza’s death, and now, it was as if things had been reset.
Isaac was witnessing the death of his father now -- same as before -- only this time, it was going to be far more painful, and far more drawn out.
 Why was the world doing this to him?
“...It ain’t polite to stare, boy.” Arthur remarked gruffly, causing Isaac to avert his eyes.
“...Sorry.” He replied, his tone firm with anger. “I just... well, never mind.”
The kid didn’t even have to explain what was on his mind. Arthur could already tell.
“Don’t you go givin’ up on me yet, Isaac.” He reminded. “I ain’t goin’ nowhere anytime soon. It’ll take more than a cough to scare me away.”
Isaac gazed at the lively river beside them, his eyes downcast in sorrow.
“I know you’re tough, Dad. You made that pretty clear when you beat Micah to a pulp...” the boy rubbed his neck in remembrance. “But will that be enough?”
Arthur sighed, not wanting to dwell on the subject any longer. “It’ll have to be.”
Falling into an uncomfortable silence, the two of them decided to leave the matter alone for now and trotted quietly down the road as the sky continued to darken above them, instilling a sense of fatigue in them.
Before either of them could go nodding off however, Arthur suddenly felt the need to bring up another topic that had been bothering him and turned to Isaac, hoping to comfort the boy somewhat.
“Hey, Isaac,” he called out, “about what happened earlier with Micah...”
The young man raised a brow. “Yeah?”
Arthur’s face sank with regret. “I’m sorry you had to see me like that. I know we was in a tough spot back there, and we didn’t really have much choice, but still... I shouldn’t have lost myself like that. Not in front of you. That ain’t the kinda man I want you to be.”
Isaac didn’t appear to share the man’s remorse. “Bastard had it comin’ to him. He betrayed your gang and nearly strangled me right after interrogating me. S’far as I’m concerned, Micah’s lucky he only got away with a wounded eye after all the shit he’s pulled.”
“Isaac!” Arthur scolded. “Look, I know that man’s rotten to the core. He’s always been a rat since he first joined our gang, but we’re better than that. You’re better than that.”
The boy scoffed. “Am I? I’ve robbed people. Killed ‘em. I poisoned an innocent man just so I could get revenge on some sorry fool who had already forgotten me by the time I found him again. From where I’m standing, I’m no more of a saint than any of the people we’ve fought.”
“Now you know that ain’t true.” Arthur replied. “We’ve all done bad things. Myself included. But you’ve got a kind heart, Isaac. That much is clear.”
Contrary to what the older man expected, that only seemed to annoy Isaac more.
“What good is a kind heart if it just gets everyone around you killed in the end? Micah may be rotten, but at least he knows how to survive. He knows it ain’t worth it tryin’ to get close with people. I wish I knew better.”
The other man blinked in confusion. “What’re you talkin’ about? Survival’s fine and dandy, but there’s more to it, Isaac. You gotta have a reason to survive. And if you don’t have anyone to care about, well then, frankly I don’t see a reason.”
Isaac scowled at that. “Yeah, you wouldn’t.”
Arthur found himself at a loss for words. “What’s gotten into you? One minute you’re askin’ me if we should kill Micah for everything he’s done, and the next, you’re sayin’ you wish you were more like him? That ain’t like you.”
Isaac shook his head in irritation. “How would you even know what ‘I ain’t like?’ We were practically strangers when I was a kid. You was always runnin’ off with some gang, or doing a job that was more important than us. You don’t know the first thing about me. I’ve had horses in my life longer than I’ve had you.”
The older man stopped in his tracks at that and lowered his voice, glaring directly at Isaac.
“...Watch your mouth, boy.” He warned sternly. “Now listen, I don’t know what the hell’s goin’ on with you today, Isaac, but you better shape up. I know we’re both still stressed from the fight this morning, but we are tryin’ to survive out here, and the last thing I need is for you to be pushin’ against me like this. So get your head straight or I’ll straighten it for you. You hear me?”
Isaac hardly seemed fazed by Arthur’s words and simply tapped his horse’s reins, walking ahead of the other man.
“Yeah. Sure.”
Watching Isaac solemnly trot further down the trail, Arthur decided to put some space between them for now and followed the young man from behind, confused as to why he was acting like this all of the sudden.
It was obvious Isaac was upset about something, but what? He seemed perfectly fine this morning, even after their fight with the Van der Lindes, and Arthur knew it took more than a beating to get Isaac’s spirits down. So what was going on with him?
Perhaps all the memories of his childhood were just starting to come back? Because as annoyed as Arthur was with the boy right now, he couldn’t deny that Isaac had a point. 
He was hardly ever around when that man was still a child. He made an effort to be near him every few months or so, but Isaac never had a reliable father figure growing up. Hell, the closest thing to a father he had back then was Shay... and he hated him.
Maybe Isaac still hadn’t quite forgiven Arthur for being absent all those years. He could act tough all he wanted, but the older man knew how much that boy really cared about his family. So it was no surprise to him that Isaac would be standoffish about losing him. Arthur just didn’t understand why these feelings were coming up now.
He supposed Isaac would tell him when he was ready. If that kid was anything like his father, then Arthur assumed he wouldn’t appreciate being pushed to open up about certain things.
Still, Arthur couldn’t deny that he was worried. This was the only chance he had to do right by his son, and so far, it seemed like everything was going wrong.
He just hoped he wasn’t pushing the kid away. Being a father was turning out to be much more daunting than he expected, and the last thing Arthur wanted to do was guide his son down the same path that he took.
Isaac had the potential to be more than that. He just couldn’t see it.
Sitting on a short stump, Arthur gazed out at the sea of trees dominating the horizon as a bundle of stars began to light up above them, giving the sky a soft, pale glow.
At the moment, he was drawing in a new journal that he had purchased at Wallace Station and was working on a sketch of the landscape, hoping to escape his worries for the time being.
Meanwhile, Isaac got some rest next to the campfire and slept on a bedroll, allowing his incessant dreams to carry him away as Aldo stood protectively nearby.
The two of them hadn’t said a word to each other ever since their little spat earlier, and were taking some time apart from one another. The boy appeared to be just as irritated as before, and Arthur -- being the inquisitive man that he was -- couldn’t stop wondering what it was that he did to make Isaac so upset.
He let out a sigh and began scribbling some words next to his drawing, trying to get his thoughts in order.
“Oh, Hosea... I certainly wish you was here right now. You wouldn’t believe what’s happened in the past few days. You remember Eliza? That waitress I used to be with all them years ago? Well, I found our son again. I found Isaac. Turns out he’s still alive, and he seems to be doing okay, if a bit troubled. I think you’d like him.”
“Problem is, I don’t know the first thing about being a parent. That’s why I wish you was still around. You and Dutch -- the two of you always seemed to know what to do with me. It felt like you always had the answers.”
“But me... it seems like with every attempt I make to protect the boy, the worse things get. We got Pinkertons chasing us down, the Van der Lindes trying to kill us around every corner, and I’ve started to develop this cough that won’t go away. I think I’m getting sick, just like Dutch.”
Arthur set his pencil down and dragged a hand down his face, taking a breath before continuing to write.
“What the hell am I going to do? I love Isaac more than life itself, but... things are getting heated between us. I think the boy’s angry at me. He’s started pushing me away all of the sudden, and the worst part is, I can’t even say he’s fully unjustified. I know I didn’t do right by him as a kid. I was always too occupied with our gang that I left Isaac alone. I wasn’t there when he needed me.”
“But I don’t plan on making the same mistake twice. Even if Isaac comes out of this hating me, I still want to be the father he deserves. I want to be the father that you were to me, Hosea.”
“I just wish I knew where to begin.”
Shutting his journal closed, Arthur decided to call it a day and stood up from the stump, rolling his shoulders as he strolled back to the campfire.
It looked like Isaac was out cold for the night and didn’t even twitch when Arthur stepped near him, but even then, the older man could see the grip of a revolver poking out from underneath his hand.
Part of him wanted to wake the young man up and set things straight between them, but Arthur knew he’d probably just end up aggravating Isaac even more if he did that.
So, instead, he simply made his way over to his own bedroll and tried to get some shut-eye, preparing himself for the long road ahead.
Tomorrow would be the start of the toughest part of their journey, and if things went according to schedule, Arthur expected they’d be wandering into the colder regions of Ambarino before long.
He wasn’t eager to go back into the snowy mountains that killed Jenny and Davy, but if they could cross the border, then they’d finally be free men.
The goal of their journey was drawing near, and now more than ever, Arthur was fervent in protecting Isaac. He may not’ve had much time left in this world, but he was going to see to it that the boy made it out okay.
If anything happened to Isaac, well... Arthur didn’t know what he’d do.
That kid was everything to him now, and he suspected he wouldn’t be able to bear it if he lost him a second time.
He’d never forgive himself, and neither would Eliza.
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knifeboner · 4 years
Caress Your Soul Ch. 1
Danny x Reader
I don’t know how to keep things in one tense I’m so sorry.
There’s gonna be smut and gross stuff later so be warned. This chapter is clean tho.
You stand in front of your body length mirror in your bedroom, checking over yourself for the fourth time. It had been a long time since you had last gone on a date – you couldn’t even remember the last time. Had you even been on one before, really? You weren’t sure. You glance at the clock beside your bed and panic. It was almost time to leave. You steal one more glance at the mirror.
You wore a white dress that clung to your hips and showed off a bit more of your cleavage than you would have liked, but it was the outfit your friend Jan had picked out for you. It also happened to be the same friend who set this date up in the first place. As you were pulling the dress down, something white in the corner of your room caught your eye and you gasped, throwing your hand over your mouth and spinning around.
Oh. It was a white pleather purse your mother had given you a few years ago, of course. What else would it be. You felt like kicking yourself. With a sigh you grabbed the purse and slug it over your shoulder. Just your ever-wanting eyes playing tricks on you. Wasn’t the first time, and it more than likely won’t be the last.
The ringtone of your phone makes you jump out of your skin and you quickly pick it up. “Yeeeees Jan, what is it?” you say as you pick your black cardigan up off your bed and head to your car.
“Just checking in and making sure you’re still going! You’ll just love Randy. He’s so funny. Trust me. You’ll have an amazing time. You’re going, right?”
You roll your eyes at her gushing. You highly doubt that you will be interested in this “Randy” guy at all. You’ve learned you have a very specific taste in men and you doubt you’ll find anyone like him ever again. Your heart twisted in pain and you quickly pushed the thoughts back down.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m going. If I don’t you’ll never let me live it down. Also, what the hell is with this dress? I think I’m gonna be givin’ him the wrong impression.”
“Oh, don’t worry. I bet you look hot as hell. Anyways, have fun! Tell me all about it when you get home. If you get home.”
You just about gagged. There was no way that you were fucking this dude.
You quickly walk to your car after locking your house up, pulling your cardigan closer to your body as the evening Autumn breeze scattered leaves about and tussled your hair. Once you were in your car you turned the music up and started to zone out. You didn’t pay attention to the music, you were just trying to drown out your own thoughts.
Don’t think about him.
Don’t think.
Of course, it was no use. Your mind jumped right to where it shouldn’t. You were madly, completely, totally in love with a man who you couldn’t have anymore. The fact that you loved him as much as you did was sick, due to what exactly he does. But you didn’t care. Love is blind.
Before you knew it you were parked in the parking lot of La Belle, the chosen restaurant by Randy. It was some overpriced, fake French cuisine joint that you never wanted to go to. He insisted it was the best place in town, apparently. Tears were streaming down your face – you hadn’t realized that you had started crying. Taking a deep breath, you reached over and took a tissue from out of your glovebox, then wiped your face. Hopefully your face wasn’t too red. Not that it mattered, you weren’t exactly trying to impress anyone.
You stepped out of your car and once again pulled your sweater tighter against yourself, an ice cold chill down your spine. The hair on the back of your neck started to raise – which was odd, because you’ve only ever experience that when…
Your heart started to race and you quickly spun around, your eyes scanning the parking lot. Could it really be?
After a moment of searching you gave up with a sigh. Again your body was being cruel to you. However you’ve never felt it this strong before. You blinked away the fresh tears that wanted to spill over and walked into the restaurant. As you did, your nose picked up a very familiar scent, one of cheap cologne. This time you ignored it, not wanting to have a full on break down in front of searching, judgmental eyes.
You spotted the man that Jan had set you up with and gave a tiny frown. He looked nothing like the photo she had sent you. He smiled when he saw you and stood up, beckoning you over.
“Hi! You must be Y/N! I’m Randy,” he beams, pulling your chair out for you. You give a small smile in return and sit down.
“Yep, that’s me.”
He sat down across from you, his brown eyes searching your face. You hoped the dim light from the candle on the table hid how red your face was.
“I ordered us a bottle of wine – hope you like reds,” he says, a lopsided grin on his face. Oh boy, he was already trying to get you drunk. Go figure. You nod and look away as his eyes travel down from your face to rest on your chest. Quickly you pick up your menu and look it over, internally gagging over the food offered here. How pretentious could a place get?
“So, Y/N, what do you do for a living?”
“Oh, I do graphic design. Don’t get out much since I’m always at home working, I also like to do photography on the side, “ you respond, toying with a lock of your hair.
“Ah, I see. Interesting, I…” you tune out his words, not really interested in what he does. You can’t help but feel a bit guilty, but again this wasn’t your idea. Your eyes flick over to a waiter walking to your table, holding a tray with a large bottle of wine resting on top of it.
Before you even knew what was happening, the waiter was falling to the floor, the bottle of wine crashing down with him. It shattered on the ground near his face and you thought for a sickening moment that some of the glass was going to slice right into the tender flesh on his face. Thankfully, he was lucky tonight, and he didn’t get a single cut.
A few people turned their heads and were watching the incident with interest shining in their eyes. Oddly enough, the man that was sitting alone at the table right next to where the waiter fell didn’t look or even flinch when it happened, nor did he offer to help the man up.
“Aw hell, I think that was our wine!” Randy fussed, peering at the scene. How did he even manage to trip like that?”
Your eyes linger on the back of the lone mans head for a moment before you tear them away.
- - -
The rest of the date after that moment went by pretty uneventful. You got another bottle of wine and the waiter had apologized pretty profusely, saying he didn’t know what happened. You got a pretty basic salad and had a few glasses of wine, but not enough to get you tipsy. Before you knew it, you were headed out of the restaurant and making your way to your car.
Randy was clinging to your elbow, who had obviously had much more to drink than you did.
“Are you positive you can drive yourself home? I’m totally sober, so I could-- I could, you know, drive you home,” he says, his hand tightening on your elbow. “Or, you could just come over to my house… I live right around here, you can lay down, or…” he murmured, drawing closer to you.
You immediately pull away and take your keys out from your purse, trying not to make a face.
“No, really, I have work to catch up on, and I’m fine to drive myself.”
Randy frowns and looks you over. “Well, my bed is, like, really comfortable. And I-”
“It’s a lot of work. I had fun, have a nice night!” you say as you jump into your car and start it before Randy can get another word in. You throw the car in reverse, and drive home.
- - -
Once you get home you jump into the shower and wash off the grime you feel you caught from Randy. You slip into your pj shorts and shirt and go back to your room, then sit on your bed, letting the tears that have been building up through the day flow freely. This had become something of a nightly ritual.
For a second time that night your phones ringtone made you have a heart attack. This time was unusual because by the time you had finished showering and getting ready for bed, it was 3AM. Who on earth would be calling at this time? The caller ID read “Unknown”.
‘Probably Jan with some new phone or tonight's lovers phone,’ you think as you hit the green button and bring the phone up to your ear. Your heart beats fast, once again hoping it was him.
“… Hello?”
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Chapter 4: Making Amends
The snow crunched under Stan’s knees, soaking his pants and making the cold burning his skin. The pines that made up most of the forest towered over him more than he remembered, making it impossible to see more than a few patches of the inky, starless night sky. Snowflakes fell around him, their gentle descent a mockery to the cruel helplessness that was tearing him apart.
He couldn’t get back up, despite his brain screaming at him to do something, because Fidds was right there, and he couldn’t lift a finger to help him, he couldn’t stop it.
He couldn’t protect him—
Wait. That was…but Fidds was in front of him—
He was—
Stan blinked, gasping like a man who’d just gotten a gulp of air after almost drowning. He wasn’t in a forest, or anywhere outside, but in a warm bedroom. His bedroom, actually. He recognized the long scratch on the roof from that weird octopus thing that attacked them once. Crickets chirped outside, and one glance out the window confirmed that it was nighttime. A few stars hung on the navy blue sky.
The mattress that squeaked and groaned as he shifted on it while he got his bearings. The lamp was on, emitting a soft light that illuminated the face of the man who’d called his name. His Fidds, who still had those funny antlers and cute ears, and was, more importantly, okay.
“Oh, thank goodness….” His boyfriend held his hand to his heart, shoulders slumping with relief, eyes brimming with tears. He was about to let out the waterworks, and Stan wasn’t about to let that happen if he could help it, reaching to wipe the rims of his eyes with his thumbs.
“Hey there, Fiddlenerd.” He sounded like he had just gargled gravel, but at least he could still talk. His throat felt dry for the first time since he changed. “What I’d miss?”
Fiddleford sniffed. “Aside from ya bein’ the biggest damn fool to ever walk upon this here world?” There wasn’t any bite to it, although his waspish tone suggested Stanley would be hearing about this of the next few weeks.
Stanley chuckled. “Uh-oh. I’m in real trouble now.”
“Damn right ya are!”
“Y’know Fidds, you’ve been getting’ an awfully big potty mouth lately.”
Fiddleford snark back at him like he usually would. He didn’t even scold him. He just sat down at the edge of the bed, hands running through his hair.
Stan grabbed his hands before he ended up pulling at his hair, like he tended to do whenever his stress got too intense for him to handle. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I’m super sorry. Whatever I did—”
“What ya—Stanley, ya threw yerself at a monster expectin’ me an’ yer brother to up and skedaddle without ya! Then ya got yerself cracked!”
Ah. That explained the bandages and his aching back. “Hey, come one, I couldn’t risk ya or Ford getting’ killed. I thought I stood the best chance. How was I supposed to know that it had weird magic nightmare powers?”
“You were a wreck, Stanley! We thought—I thought that…ya weren’t gonna make it. An’ then I heard ya yellin’…”
It occurred to Stan right then and there that he had cried and curled into the fetal position in front of both of them like a giant baby. He groaned, covering his eyes. “I can’t believe ya saw that.”
Fidds sighed. He got in the bed and cuddled up to Stan. His hand went to his cheek. Fidds had heavy bags under his eyes, and he looked almost as bad as Stan felt. “It’s nothin’ to be ashamed of, darlin’. That creature’s neurotoxins do a number on ya.”
Stan, who had begun to pull his boyfriend closer, paused. He pushed him back far enough to look into his eyes. “How do ya know that?” He began scanning Fidds body for injuries and froze when he saw the bandages on one of his legs, stained with blotches of red.
Stan sat up, ignoring the first genuine wave of pain he’d felt since he transformed. “That thing—it. I’m gonna kill it.”
Fidds huffed and pushed him back down, scowling. “You’ll do no such thing. It’s long gone, anyhow.”
“Wait. I was out for hours, an’ ya got hit with that magic mumbo-jumbo too. Why’re ya up?”
“Well, I shook myself outta it.”
Stan’s jaw fell open.
Fidds said it so simply, as if he hadn’t gone through the same experience, of feeling nothing but panic, being forced to watch a horror show as if strapped onto a chair, unable to do anything about it except experience his deepest fears manifesting right in front of him.
“Fidds. Come on, quit pullin’ my leg.”
“I ain’t.”
Sweet Moses, he wasn’t joking. “How?”
His boyfriend’s face fell. “I know it’s hard to believe, Stanley, but it’s the honest truth.”
Stan remembered their conversation, and he wanted to kick his own stony ass for being such a fucking idiot. “Whoa, hold on just a minute there, Fidds. Let’s get some shit straight. I ain’t lookin’ down on ya. I never did. I guess I shoulda made that clear, but I ain’t the best with words.” He gave himself a moment to collect his thoughts, to piece together something he could say that would get his point across. “Fidds, do ya know how it was around here before ya came around?”
The man blinked, obviously not expecting the question. “No?”
“Ford was barely able to get himself to eat. He was practically living off coffee and four hours of sleep a day. And don’t even get me started on how much he showered.”
“Darlin’, I have no idea why yer tellin’ me this, especially since yer brother still bathes every three days and sleeps every four if he can get away with it.”
“Believe it or not, used to be so much worse. And I promise there’s a point to this.” He cleared his throat. “He would get almost killed on a near-daily basis by some monster or lab accident. We were using so many first aid kits that we were buyin’ a new one almost every week. I was losing my mind just tryin’ to keep that dumb nerd alive, and we’d fight even more than we do now. Between that and boxing, I thought I was gonna go bald or somethin’ from the stress.”
Stan felt his lips curl up into a smile. “Then he called you. You an’ your banjo and weird southern talk. I’m not gonna lie, when I first saw ya, I thought, “this scrawny nerd isn’t gonna last a day”.”
“Thanks, hon,” said Fidds.
“But! I was wrong. Because before I knew it, Ford was gettin’ his science shit done even faster with another big brain helpin’ him out. I was able to sleep, an’,” Stan gestured to the room around them. “This place actually became livable!”
Fidds was smiling with him, a blush dusting his cheeks. “Aw, shucks.”
“My point is, Fiddlenerd, that if it weren’t for you, me and my brother would’ve killed each other by now or somethin’. Outta the three of us, you’re the one who has a head on his shoulders. We’re a team, and we need ya as much as ya need us. Hell, we probably need ya more. I…I know I do, at least.” He stared down at his own hands. “I’m sorry I ever made ya feel like I didn’t.”
Fidds held on of Stan’s big hands with two of his. “I was bein’ stubborn too. I shoulda just remembered that ya say what ya do ‘cause ya care about me.”
Stan glanced up at Fidds to see the man’s look of utter adoration, those big blues that made Stan’s knees go weak whenever he stared into them. “Well, maybe I shouldn’t be too worried. Especially not since ya did a pretty good job savin’ our assess today.”
“Actually,” said Fidds with a small cough. “I wouldn’t mind maybe talkin’ to Stanferd and maybe hangin’ back more when y’all go on monster hunts once an’ a while.”
Stan held his precious nerd close. “As long as you’re not always stayin’ behind. Don’t wanna haveta drag Ford away from giant goblins all by myself.”
Fidds chuckled. “Speakin’ of, he wanted me to get ‘im when ya woke up.”
Stan made no move to let him out of his arms. “Eh, let the idiot sleep, he needs it. ‘Sides, ya need your rest too, I’ll be here in the mornin’.”
“Oh, alright, but ya best be prepared fer him givin’ ya an earful.”
Stan would’ve rolled his eyes if he didn’t have weird glowy orbs that probably wouldn’t get the message across. “Not that. Anything but that.”
Fidds didn’t say anything to that. Instead, he was biting his lip, fidgeting like he always did whenever he had something to say and wasn’t sure how to go about it.
“What is it, Fidds?”
The man frowned, his Adam’s apple dancing up and down a bit. “…What did that awful thing make ya see?”
Stan felt sick all the sudden, his stomach (did he even still have one?) feeling as if somebody had pulled it out and was twisting it as tightly as they could. “Why do ya wanna know?”
“Ya just seemed to be in so much pain, is all, and…” He swallowed. “I…I saw you, and Tate and Stanferd had been—y’all were killed. Probably by one of them monsters, b-but…”
He squeaked as Stan held him as tightly as he could without crushing him against his chest. “Jesus, Fidds.”
Already Fidds was shaking, and despite his victory today, Stan knew how those things stayed with you, festering in some corner of your brain and jumping out when you least expect them to. He knew that it wouldn’t be something that would be forgotten any time soon. The man still got nightmares from his kidnapping, and that hadn’t sounded as bad as that shit. Stan began rubbing small circles on Fidds’ back. It was practically a reflex by this point, to comfort Fidds whenever he’d start having bad anxiety.
“It’s alright. I-I know it ain’t—it ain’t real.” He sounded more like he was reassuring himself than Stan. “I…I didn’t wanna see that, but I realized that i-if I wanna make sure that don’t happen, I need to be brave.”
Stan sighed. “You’re already brave, Fidds, and ya probably wouldn’t be so on edge if Ford an’ I weren’t always charging head-on into danger like a bunch of knuckleheads.”
Fidds chuckled. “As if the two of ya would be any more careful if I asked.”
“If it means it’ll stress ya out less? Then fuck it, I’ll guilt trip Ford into being more careful.”
Stan knew that if he wanted, he could say he didn’t want to talk about what he saw, and Fidds wouldn’t push. That had been one of the many things he loved about the man, how he always seemed to know when to give Stan space. He knew that Stan would always come to Fidds when he needed to.
But Fidds had come clean, even when it got him all twitchy, and damnit, he couldn’t just chicken out now.
“You ah…you remember how my pa kicked me out after the…the thing with Stanford’s science fair project, yeah?” He pressed his wings close to his back. Just saying it made the memory come into mind, the hard shove onto concrete, his world destroyed in the blink of an eye as his pa’s red face and cold, beady eyes bore into him.
Fiddleford hummed, nodding. “I do.” The man’s shoulders were tense, and Stan already began to see the tell-tale signs of the thunderous rage in his boyfriend’s eyes.
Stan had only lived in the shack for about a week when he told Fidds about his pa kicking him out. He hadn’t exaggerated when he told Fidds that he and Ford couldn’t even be in the same room without Stan doing something to inadvertently set his brother off. While they had decided to try and make things work between them, all it took was a reminder of the past for things to get tense.
Fidds lasted about a week before he took matters into his own hands. After a particularly nasty argument that had almost ended in a fistfight, Fidds had made Stan some tea, sat him down, and, managing to be very intimidating for someone so scrawny, made him explain everything. He could still picture Fidds’ initial reaction. The shock, then the sorrow so raw that it was as if he could feel Stan’s own pain, then the chilling glare that took over his features when Fidds told him to stay right there, now, I’ll just be a moment.
Less than a minute later, he heard Fiddleford screaming at his brother as if he was about to rip his head off. There’d been so much heat in it, Stan found himself rushing up the stairs to make sure Fiddleford wasn’t going to start exchanging blows with Ford. It had been the first time Stan had heard Fiddleford yell and give Ford talking to that would’ve made their ma proud.
The two twins had been forced to talk out their issues, with Fidds glaring down at them any time they tried to step out of line or fight. They continued like that for hours, until somehow, Stan and Ford had actually ended up hugging things out, a tired yet proud Fidds grinning at them.
He’d be lying to himself if he didn’t admit that he’d begun to see Fidds as something more than just some bookwormy dork with a banjo after that.
It warmed him to see that Fidds still got pissed at the mention of it. Stan snorted in amusement. “Easy, Fiddlesticks. That’s all in the past now.”
Fidd huffed. He wore a cute pout as he folded his arms over his chest. “Then why on earth are ya bringin’ it up now?” The realization hit him before Stan could reply, his eyes widening. “Oh, darlin’. You saw that memory?”
“Not exactly.”
Fidds waited, arching an eyebrow.
“He hurt ya real bad. My pa, I mean. And…Ford was there, an’ he was just…letting it happen. I-I couldn’t protect ya. I couldn’t do anything…”
Stan’s lip wobbled. Fucking hell, he wasn’t gonna cry again, especially not twice in one day! He was a man, damnit. He—
“Now, ya listen to me, Stanley Pines,” said Fidds, his voice a soothing balm over his pain. “An’ ya listen well. Yer brother is not gonna kick you out again, an’ he would never let any of us get hurt. An’ even on the wild chance that somethin’ possess Stanferd to even try to do so, well…He’ll haveta deal with me.”
“It ain’t just that, Fidds. I…back with the gnomes, and with this stuff today, I…I wasn’t able to be there in time. The only thing I’m good for is punchin’ an’ liftin’ things. If I can’t protect ya and Ford, then…”
“You hush. Yer so much more than that to me, hon, an’ I reckon Stanferd would agree with me.” He placed his forehead over Stan’s. Fidds had to move his head at an awkward angle so his antlers didn’t get stuck on Stan’s horns, but they managed it, in the end. “So I don’t want to be listenin’ to that nonsense, ya hear?”
Stan let himself relax, uncoil all the tension that held his body taut. “Yeah. Okay.” Then, in a whisper:
“I love ya, Fiddlesticks.”
“I love ya too, darlin’. How about the two of us get some rest?”
Stan yawned. “Sounds good to me.”
His lips curled into a content smile as he drifted off, knowing Fidds was snug and safe in his arms.
On the third morning of the transformation incident, the trio found themselves in the kitchen, Fiddleford at the table coaxing himself awake with a cup of coffee, and Stan just leaning back on his chair as he watched his twin pace. The sun had bun to rise, soft rays exposing the small specs of dust floating in the air, which would disperse whenever Stanford walked through.
A week had passed, and thankfully, all of their wounds were healed. Not only had Stan’s cracks mended, but gold lines trailed his back where the cracks had been. Fiddleford had a hell of a time talking Stan down from trying to chip it off himself to see if it was real, and even more of an issue when Stanford heard the argument and tried to get some off Stan to run some tests. The three of them had run so many tests on themselves that Fiddleford found himself getting burned out. Finding a cure was apparently more complicated than they’d thought.
So, he couldn’t help but place his head on the table and groan when Stanford broke the bad news.
“It seems like we may be stuck like this for a while.”
Fiddleford lifted his head to frown down at their notes, sighing into his coffee cup. “Well, at least we ain’t suffering any severe side effects.”
“Y’mean aside from Ford and his new riddle obsession?”
“As long as he ain’t eatin’ nobody, I reckon it ain’t the worst thing.”
Stanley shrugged. “Eh, true. And hey, I gotta admit, this is kinda cool, bein’ like this.”
“Speak fer yerself,” said Fiddleford, whose antlers had been getting caught in the top of doorframes all week. “It’s to darn hot fer me to have this much fur.”
“While I do share your sentiment, Fiddleford,” said Stanford. “This does give us a wonderful opportunity to continue to study our new conditions. Perhaps we’ll find a cure then.”
Stanley had that goofball grin on his face. He pulled in Fiddleford with one arm and Ford with the other. “Hey, if anybody can figure this out, it’s you two nerds.”
Stanford smiled at his twin, adjusting his glasses. “You just want us to do all the work.”
“That too.”
Fiddleford rolled his eyes. “Yer still comin’ with us to that cave, so don’t ya start thinkin’ we’ll just let ya lay around the shack.”
“Yeah, yeah. What’s so special about this cave, anyhow?”
Stanford playfully shoved Stanley away. “It had some very interesting inscriptions on the wall, and a few spells I have yet to add to the journals. Some of them even appeared to be prehistoric! I managed to catch a glance at some of them while I was chasing Mothman.”
“He still hasn’t paid ya back?” said Fiddleford, raising his I-told-ya-so eyebrow.
Stanford cleared his throat rather quickly. “That’s not important. There was a curious mural in particular that drew my attention, of a strange creature we haven’t encountered yet, that may be native to Gravity Falls. If anything, it’ll at least provide insight on the town’s history.”
“Sounds creepy. I’m in,” said Stan. He gave Fiddeford a gentle nudge. “Ya feelin’ up to it, Fiddles?”
Stanford paused, catching on to Stan’s soft tone. He gave Fiddleford a reassuring smile. “If you’re not feeling it, buddy, I’ll understand.”
Fiddleford took a moment to appreciate the moment. He realized, not for the first time, how fortunate he was to be here, doing what he did with two of his favorite people in the world. How he could ever convince himself, even for a moment, that he didn’t belong here amongst the strange and the unknown with the Pines, was beyond him.
“And leave the two of ya alone wanderin’ some caves unsupervised? I think not.”
This was his home, his life.
He wouldn’t change it for the world.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
Off Day: Twenty-One
It’s midnight in the hospital and you’re fast asleep thanks to some pain killers they gave you for your bruised ribs. Ribs you didn’t even know where bruised until after you were at the hospital. After Kaitlyn was safe and the adrenaline had worn off.
“Merry Christmas,” he murmured, kissing your forehead. He pulled you just a little closer when you whimper softly, hoping to chase the nightmares away before they had time to get started. Bucky knew he wasn’t gonna lose a wink of sleep over killing Rumlow and his gang. Not one. His girls had been in danger and he’d protected them. And that was all there was to it. You’d asked him how he’d done it. Bucky could still hear your quiet voice, worried for him. “I was a sniper, baby,” he answered, “One shot. One Kill.” He kissed your nose, “I had to protect my girls.”
“Bucky-” you murmur.
“One of us knowing what the inside of a person’s head looks like is enough,” he said gently, “That’s why I told you not to look.”
“Your shoulder,” you whimper touching it very carefully.
“Darlin’,” he chuckled, “It’s fine. Just fine. It’s gonna probably ache when it rains. And we better have all girls because I don’t think I can throw a football right anymore, but it’s fine. Small price to pay.”
You start tearing up and Bucky kisses you gently, “Please don’t cry, Princess,” he rumbles, “I know. It’s a lot. But you’re safe. Safe and sound okay? Kaity is safe. I’m okay. It’s all fine. All we lost is a truck. And that’s fine because detailing it after you gave birth in it would be a pain in the ass.”
You smack his arm gently and he chuckles, “It was my biggest fear,” he teases, kissing your nose, “But,” he concedes, “Kaity is cute so I guess I’ll keep her. Even if she ruined my upholstery.” You roll your eyes and you snuggled close, “I’m glad you’re not too broken up about it,” you say drily. 
“Never,” he says sincerely, tucking the blankets in tenderly. “My girls are safe. I’ve got a healthy mama and a healthy baby. That’s all I care about,” he soothes, rubbing the back of your neck to help you off to sleep. 
That conversation played in his head again as he watched the snowfall outside. He already knew his mom and sisters weren’t really happy about him telling them to stay home later today, but. He wanted the time with you. It was your first Christmas as a family and after the events yesterday, you needed rest. He needed rest. And Kaitlyn, well honestly he just didn’t want to share right now. He was in love with her. Very in love. He couldn’t believe he helped make someone so perfect. It amazed him and he couldn’t wait to get you both home to spoil you properly. 
Her fingers had curled around his index finger as he admired how small and smooth and sweet she was when they handed her to him for the first time and he was gone. He didn’t care in that moment, if no one ever believed he was a badass again as long as she never stopped holding his hand. He was a goner. He could see the glitter and giggles in his future and it was bright. It was perfect. 
It doesn’t take long at all for Kaity to grow into a chubby, bright-eyed, happy baby. Always worn against your chest and cuddled when she cried, she went almost everywhere with you. She and Salem both came to the book store every day and both napped in the playpen in the backroom while you worked. 
Bucky came by every afternoon to feed you and get a baby snuggle in on his lunch break. Sometimes he brings you flowers. Sometimes you make love on the velvet fainting couch after he locks the front door and he makes sure Kaity is asleep. Its domestic bliss Bucky never thought was possible. He never knew being married and having a baby could feel good. He loves coming home to you and making dinner while he listens to you in the other room playing with Kaity or soothing her through the discomfort of getting her first teeth. He doesn’t even mind being slobbered on and sometimes he’s a little amazed at how easily he can tell the difference between a frustrated Kaity cry and a hungry one. 
He watches you feed her a bottle and smiles a little. She’s always happy to eat. And so adorably chubby. Growing like a weed, his ma said. “Bedtime, Kaity-cat,” you hum,  rocking her gently over sleepy baby protests, “I know you want to stay up with Daddy and I but that’s just not going to happen, sweet pea. You need your sleep.” She tangles her little fist in your shirt and fusses unhappily, not ready to be put down, “I bet you,” you hum, that if you act really cute and extra sad, Daddy will tell you a story so mommy can have a hot bath.”
“Hmm,” Bucky chuckled, “You bet I will?”
“Please?” you pout prettily, kissing the top of Kaity’s head tenderly. You’ve been on baby duty all day, dealing with a feverish unhappy Kaity who’s not liking that her little mouth hurts with more teeth coming in. 
Your husband doesn’t need any more convincing than the look on your face. You might be playing, pouting like that but you look worn out. He knew Kaity had been on your chest all day fussing and upset. She hates being messy and she can’t stop drooling all over herself. And her mouth hurts, and nothing mama or daddy can do makes it feel better for long. She doesn’t want to be put down and even though she’s still small to Bucky, you’re small compared to him and having to carry her AND books or art supplies and whatever else all day up and down the shop ladders is exhausting.
He rolls his eyes but smiles at you, holding his hands out for his daughter, “Come’ ere, Lambchop” he chuckles, “Mama would win that bet in a hurry. I didn’t get to see my girls today at lunch and I missed you.” You hand him the baby with a grateful smile and steal a kiss on your way past that makes him pop you on the bottom lovingly and chuckle when you yelp. He knows that soon he won’t be able to do that in front of Kaity. She’s going to be too young to understand that kind of thing and what it means properly. And he’ll be damned if he isn’t a shining example of how a man should treat a woman he loves. He wants to do better than his dad. In the hospital, just before you brought her home. A day he probably would never forget, you had this moment of sheer existential panic. He knew now it was a mix of an anxiety attack and hormones, and just a bad brain day but hearing you tell him you couldn’t do this and it was a mistake at the time, had broken his heart. You’d cried so hard you could hardly breathe and made yourself sick. He’d pulled you into his lap and held you as tightly as he dared with your bruised ribs and rocked you, desperate to reassure you. To keep you. All he could think to tell you was,”Just do better than your ma,” he said, “That’s all I need. And you’re already doing it, baby. You’re sober and you’re scared enough to know this is gonna be hard. It’ll be okay.” And so you did. Mostly by doing the opposite of what your ma would have done. Logic Bucky couldn’t really fault and decided to apply himself. His dad had been hard. To him. To his sisters. To his ma. And that had been when he’d been there at all. So, as he carried his daughter, now happily gumming a teething toy and slobbering on his shoulder, up the stairs to talk her to sleep, it felt right.
“Did I ever tell you  how I met your ma?” he hummed, settling himself in the rocking chair, “Huh, Lambchop?” Big blue eyes stare up at him in rapt fascination and he chuckles, “I think I did, last week but uh, it’s the only story I can think about right now that you’re old enough for. Your ma would be furious at me if I told you about the time Uncle Clint- well. Just know Uncle Clint was very embarrassed and your ma looked real good. Still looks good. But this was right before I knew about you, darlin’.”
“See,” he rumbled, kissing her head when she yawned, “I knew your ma was the prettiest girl in the whole world from the second I got a look at her.” Kaity fusses at him and he chuckles, “This was 21 years ago almost. Long before you took that crown. Your ma’s not just pretty anymore. She’s beautiful. And she gets more beautiful the longer you look at her. See, some girls, they’re gorgeous. Right when you first look at ‘em. Hit you in the eye and you can’t look away. But that’s all they got is pretty. Your ma, well. The longer you look at her the more there is. And the prettier she gets. She snatches your heart right out and you can’t even care because. Damned if she ain’t take good care of it once she has it. You’ll be a lady like that,” he tells her grinning, “Don’t worry. Your ma’ll teach you right.”
She gums her toy and wiggles for him to move her so she can drool on his dry shoulder for a minute. Fussing because she’s getting slobber covered and irritated. 
He shifts her over and rubs her back soothingly, “I was only 5 years old,” he rumbles. And I thought I was hot shit see. I had on some new power rangers shoes and I was gonna kick ass at some tag later. But when your ma waltzed in with some overalls and a white t-shirt and a big blue hair bow, I didn’t want to play tag no more. I wanted this little girl to be my best friend. She just had to talk to me. That first day was a killer. She was so shy she wouldn’t really even look at me.” Kaity coos at him and he chuckles, “I know. Now she won’t stop givin’ me lip. I love it, but don’t you dare tell her.”
“I worked on it all day. She ain’t say nothing to nobody. Wouldn’t even answer the teacher is she couldn’t nod or shake her head. But I kept talkin’. Talked to her so much Miss Price damn near made me sit in the hall the first day. I think I irritated your ma half to death. My verbal diarrhea just ain’t quit though. Finally, it worked. Come about the end of the day, right after nap time, your ma is coloring a picture at the table. So damn tiny and cute her feet don’t even touch the floor right in her chair. And I come up and start chattering at her. Tellin her the names of all the crayons, thinking I’m cool because I know my colors. And she just looks at me. Calm as anything and says, “Bucky, Shut up.”
“I was so damn shocked she could actually talk I ain’t even care what she said. I hugged her and kissed her on the cheek and Miss Price wrote a note home to my ma. But I ain’t even care about the spankin’. She talked and she was gonna be my new best friend. I shoulda known then I was in deep but, I think I got the better end of the deal to be honest.”
He rubbed her back and kissed her head tenderly, laying her carefully in her crib, “Sleep tight Lambchop,” he chuckled, tucking her in. He watched her sleep for just a moment and smiled. She really did get your nose after all. 
Tags: @lancsnerd @etherealwaifgoddess @blameitonthecauseway @stevieang @wellfucksorrymum
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compresshischest09 · 4 years
Could Use Good Vibes Please
As an essential employee working 2 jobs non stop I had my breaking point today. Was coming back from a squad run and I felt off. Chest tight short of breathe the whole 9 yards. I ask my paramedic to check my pulse in which he thought I was joking.... up to 165. I was placed on O2 heart monitored and givin a shot of valium. Full out panic attack. I thought I was stronger then that..... but i guess being the person I am always taking care of everyone and putting them before myself has finally caught up with me. Just need some good vibes sent my way. Knowing and Struggling with GAD ( generalized anxiety disorder) everyday is hard. Especially now dealing with everything going on in this world. I am starting to feel better just going to have to take a day or 2 to get back to normal.
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xsspeedsterr · 5 years
(Heated) a Marvel’s Spider-Man 2017 Fanfiction
(This is 1/2 prompts made by Me and @crazyfanatic97 that take place in 2x01 “How I Thwipped My Summer Vacation” so we hope you enjoy like and Reblog for more, And this has slight sexual content btw anyways enjoy)
It was a lovely Saturday in Summer and Peter, Gwen, Anya and Miles were all setting up tents and making sure they had all there food and water to Last them the week they were in the wilderness where Peter was excited to finally check something off his Perfect Summer check list hopefully no villain decides to come out of the woods so he has to ditch his friends to Spider-Man off Easier said then done givin how it seemed that over the summer, every villian seemed to want to come out of the woodwork and attack him. if Peter was being honest he was surprised that Venom hasn’t shown up When Peter was wondering what villain would pop out at him this week a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and he felt a pair of plump bubblegum pink lips plant a kiss on his cheek
"Hey, you seem a bit tense..something wrong?" Gwens soft voice whispered into his ear, reaching up to stroke his hair.
"Need some alone time with me to calm down?" She teased and Peter blushed “N-No I’m fine don’t worry” Peter smiled at Gwen "You sure, i mean...i havnt seen you most of the summer." She stroked his hair again and sighed.
"Those villians got to see more of you than i did." She pouted “Oh trust me that isn’t a good thing” Peter laughed it off rubbing his shoulder it was still a bit sore from one of his last fights Gwen reached over and massaged it a bit.
"you alright?" But non the less he tried to calm Gwen down and assure her that he was fine
Something that wasnt working too well especially when she accidently touched one of his fresher bruises Peter flinched back his arm shyly it was still stinging a bit "Mind if I kiss it?" She joked “Heh um n-no” Peter blushes this relationship was new but it was getting better everyday for him Gwen reached and pulled up his shirt enough that she could get to the shoulder and gave it a nice long kiss Then there was rustling coming from the bushes turns out it was Anya and Miles coming back with fire wood Peter started to panic Gwen pulled herself back, and threw down Peters shirt,trying too mask and hide her blush “Alright I think that’s all we’ll need for tonight” Anya said as she placed the wood beside the fire pit and turned around to Peter and Gwen but gave them a weird look once she saw them "Thats great, less work and more fun right?" Chuckled Peter “Yaaa is everything alright with you guys” Anya questioned as she took in that Gwen was covering her face and Peter was shifting around weirdly "Whatever do you mean?" Gwen innocently asked Anya just lifted an eyebrow before turning around and going to get dinner going Miles gave the two of them an equally curious look, but brushed it off to go start the fire. Peter walked over to Gwen and sighed.
"Too close." “Ya no shit Pete” Gwen laughed nervously before getting up “c’mon we should probably go help the others”
“I’d love to” Gwen smirked as she tried her hand at being seductive but wasn’t quite sure if it was working Of course givin Peters luck with girls, any attempt was bound too work
A couple hours later and they had just finished Dinner and were sitting around the camp fire with Miles trying to tell scary stories
"And then, when they looked at the car door, they found a rusty old hook..but then..the now one handed murderer came up from behind...." "And what?" Peter asked with a mouth full of marsh mellows "He threw a rock at them!" “Awww that’s lame” Gwen pouted at the sour turn of events in the story "Wait how did he throw it that hard with only one hand?" Anya inquired “He used his hook hand too?” Miles tried to recover the story "But its stuck to that door " Pointed out Peter “C’mon Pete” Miles said over exaggerating his arm movements Everyone was laughing "Sorry, i cant help it."
Anya giggled at the boys banter before yawning “alright I think I’m gonna get some shut eye now” Anya stretched out as she stood up "Yeah, i think im ready to hit the hay too "Gwen winked at Peter and giggled Peter blushed and offered to clean up when everyone went to bed "If you insist." Miles said with a shrug As everyone shuffled into there tents Peter hopped into his and laid on his sleeping bag about 10 minutes have passed by since everyone went to sleep But everyone wasn’t fully asleep then Peter heard shuffling outside and sat up on high alert
"Peter?" Gwen whispered softly into the tent “Ya?” Peter sat up and unzipped the tents door Gwen crawled right in and planted a little kiss on his shoulder, smiling as she sat on his lap “Woh hey” Peter chuckled he could feel the blood starting to flow to his groin
"Sorry, i just missed you all summer." Gwen traces her finger down his shoulder “Hey I missed you too” Peter leaned in and captured her lips while grabbing her hips Gwen giggled and lightly pushed Peter into the floor of the tent and hovered over him “Hopefully this week will be villain free” Peter signs "I hope so too" Gwen leaned down and kissed the underside of his chin. ."I need my Spidey-time " she teased Peter smiled at the nickname “if I remember correctly you owe me some alone time” Peter smirked at Gwen she was trying to tease him all day knowing he couldn’t say anything when Anya and Miles were around she was a sneaky one "Well, how about we both cash in on that offer? hmmm” she she smirked cupping his face Peter leaned into her touch as there mouths intertwined tenderly Things started to get faster as Peter sped up a bit as he pulled her in by her waist he angled his head and started to plant kisses on her neck down to her collar bone where he started to suck a bit Gwen bit her lip and started to thread her hands threw his brown hair Peters hands started to head down south as it got more heated Gwen let out a squeal as Peter squeezed her hips then started to pull her yoga pants down as there mouths found each other’s again there tongues started fighting for dominance once Gwens pants were off she started to grind on Peter then started to work his shirt up his body feeling up his abs along the way and whining a bit as she had to break there mouths apart for a second to get the damn shirt off him fully Peters hands went right back to Gwens ass once the shirt was off deciding to be daring he gave her butt a little slap and smirked into the kiss when she squeaked but that squeak turned into a breathy moan as Peters fingers hooked onto her pink panties as the other squeezed her ass
“Um are you ok in there?” Anya called out hearing how much commotion they were making in the tent there blood ran cold as they heard the tents zipper be undone and when Gwen tumbled off of Peters lap and they both looked up they saw the very confused and shocked faces of there two best friends
“Shit” Gwen swore under her breath as she covered her rosy cheeks with her hands as Peter threw his sleeping bag over his legs not wanting his friends to see his erection right now
“A-Anya Miles what are you guys doing up” Peter panicked “We thought someone was getting attacked by a bear ya know with all the sounds coming from your tent it sure sounded like it” Anya said in a accusing manner throwing in a couple Latin curses for good measure meanwhile Miles looked like a kid who had just walked in on his parents his jaw hanging open at the scene in front of him “S-so how long has this been going on for?” Miles asked a bit hurt that his friends didn’t tell him and if he was completely honest he did ship his two friends but he was to hurt to say that right now
“Um around the end of the year look we’re so sorry we didn’t tell you guys it’s just this is still pretty new so we didn’t wanna ruin the friend dynamic between all of us by throwing in our relationship” Gwen bit her lip
Anya sighed she was to tired right now to deal with this “this is not over we are talking about this in the morning” Anya warned pointing a finger at the two teens caught in the act
Peter shrunk down into the sleeping bag if he was being completely honest Anya was scarier then any villain when she got angry like this
“Ooh you guys are in trouble” Miles smirked a bit at them while he secretly thanked god it wasn’t him this time on the other side of Anyas rath
Anya turned on her heel and marched back to her tent already thinking up how she was going to dig into her friends in the morning she was definitely also gonna enlist Miles help in setting up a prank
“Alright well night guys and hey make sure to use protection” He joked as he went off to his tent as well zipping Peters back up
Gwen turned to Peter “guess we better get some sleep before we’re chewed out by Anya” “Ya” Peters heart was beating a thousand miles a minute from what just occurred between him and Gwen
Gwen laid down and wrapped her arms around him “next time we gotta find somewhere more private” “Agreed” Peter answered as he snuggled up with Gwen and fell asleep as the night went by
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