#just that it's not miku because everyone always uses miku
duckapus · 9 months
(5/11/24: edited because I was looking through stuff and realized at some point I'd forgotten to start from 0 when counting the MRUs)
"Emulation is stable. Trinity is online. Drive inserted. Ready to install on your command, sir."
"Yes director. Uploading mod... now."
"...Upload is progressing smoothly. Time until Activation estimated at 3 minutes."
"Excellent. Hopefully there are no complications."
Great Sky Island
It's a beautiful morning here among the clouds. The Forest Ostriches graze. The Chu Chus slosh along between the trees in search of prey. The temple's bell chimes, prompting the Steward Constructs to resume their work. And far below, the people of Hyrule stir as well, preparing to go about their days.
None of them have any idea of the madness that is to come.
Far above even the highest Sky Island, a mysterious object appears, hurtling down like a meteorite. As it falls it becomes clear that its current path will bring it down directly on top of the Temple of Time.
Soon enough it arrives with a monumental CRASH, yet the Temple remains intact, with the object simply embedding itself into the flat roof. Said object appears to be a silver flash drive, monolithic in scale, with a strange circular symbol painted in orange on the front. A few moments later, a robotic voice calls out.
"Uploading the latest Spicy Memes."
A wave of blue energy pulses out from the drive, traveling across all of Hyrule in seconds, causing anyone it touches to behave strangely and leaving a variety of bizarre people and creatures in its wake. Not done, lighting arcs out from it, causing the temple itself to glow and then emit beams of light in seemingly random directions. Wherever these beams end, a portal is formed, each with a past version of Hyrule on the other side. One bolt of electricity from the drive happens to graze a nearby fairy, causing it to jitter in place and rapidly shift between various colors while spamming Navi voicelines.
Eventually the light show ends, and the drive's front opens to reveal a man with brown hair and eyes who looks otherwise identical to Link (pre-arm loss) wearing an orange version of the Hero of Time Armor Set.
"Hey, what is up every...body?" he looks around, realizing that he's completely alone, "Uh...anybody home?"
As if in answer, the out-of-control fairy careens into his face, still spouting random voicelines. He's initially freaked out, but quickly gets an idea and ducks back into the clearly-bigger-on-the-inside flash drive, coming back with a video camera and a laptop. Within a few minutes he's filmed the fairy and edited the resulting video into a Carameldansen Rave Meme, which he then uploads to the internet (the digital multiverse's internet. much like SMG8 the technological limitations of living in a medieval fantasy setting prevent him from uploading within his actual universe).
Soon after, a flash of light pulses out from the fairy, and their color settles on a deep blue despite the fact that all of the BotW/TotK fairies are supposed to be pale pink. Their flight has calmed down significantly, and they're not saying random voicelines anymore.
They are, however, still talking...sort of, "WwwOOw tHaAAAAaat zuuUc- IIiiII1!iizzzzthhhhaAat7tmeE33ee?"
"...da fuk."
"HhhOoOolLlLlDddDDiIiIiIiiiIIIIti11111igoO0oddafffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffiIigYYyyiuuuooouuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrthIs outwaitokayisthisrightnotoo f a s t a l m ost got it! Okay, testing, testing, do you read me now?" She still sounds synthetic, but at least now she's coherent.
"...Yeah?" 'the fuck just happened?'
"Sweet. Now, my name's Loni. Who the hell are you and what did your weird-ass ship thing do to me?"
"Oh, I'm MRU1, a Meme Regulation Unit! It's my job to keep the universe stable by posting about all the memes my Command Pod uploaded and protecting... the..." He suddenly goes wide-eyed and runs off, "Oh shit I've gotta find my Anchor!"
Unfortunately, there's a certain problem with that, as he realizes when he reaches the edge of the roof, "Uh...that's a pretty long way down."
"...and it's even further to the actual not-flying ground."
"Sure looks like it."
"...is there like a ladder or..."
"LOL no. Sucks to be you dude."
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squeakyducky · 3 months
One headcanon for each OM! Cast
Sometimes absentmindedly hums along with the cursed record as it plays. MC caught him on the act and he swore them to secrecy.
Owned a goldfish like Levi. He named it "nugget". But he only got to raise it for one day because his crows thought it was food and ate it.
Once listened to vocaloid songs and has already fallen down the rabbit hole. His favourite is Miku. Classic.
He's a hardcore fan of Sherlock Holmes, has finished all the novels, TV series and everything. He sometimes calls MC his Watson.
Hates washing dishes with a passion because it always ruins his newly-painted nails. He always tries to persuade one of his brothers to switch with him.
He never had the torture pleasure of watching mukbang eating videos because it triggered his tantrums once and blew up half of the HOL.
He can't fall asleep comfortably if he's not hugging something, be it a pillow or MC. And he always drapes his leg over whoever he's sleeping with.
Thinks 5-minutes crafts videos are legit and he always tries to follow their ideas. Barbatos is so tired of it. Please save him.
Accidentally destroyed half of the castle trying to chase a rat down. He repaired everything in just a day because it's Barbatos.
Tried to work in a hospital but instead got charged with food poisoning and attempted murder, the news spread worldwide and he was banned from every hospital in the human world.
Uses Pinterest whenever he feels uninspired or feels stuck in the middle of writing a book. It was easier to use than other platforms for him because there were only pictures.
Watched My Little Pony and thought it was a good show. Only Simeon knows of this because he was too embarrassed to talk about it to others. His favourite is fluttershy.
Got a wild idea to add pickles to the ice cream at 3am and it has become his new favourite food ever since. Even better when Solomon makes it for him.
Always makes sure to has some traps laying somewhere whenever she and MC are hanging out because someone Mammon always tries to interrupt their date.
He used to be a theatre kid and he is still one. Secretly. He thinks he's being slick but he's not. Literally everyone knows.
They once tried to drink motor oil thinking it was beer. The situation shortened the brother's lifespan by a hundred years.
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devildomwriter · 29 days
Obey Me As Tumblr #31
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Belphegor: Snail but with no shell
Beelzebub: Oh those is then uuuuuuuuuuu slurms
Satan: A what
Diavolo: Maybe dogs lick us so much because they know there’s bones beneath our skin
Lucifer: This is worst thing you’ve said by far, thanks
Beelzebub: Aye can I get Uh…..ingredients on my burger
Satan: Beetroot?
Satan: You want beetroot?
Satan: You want fucking beetroot?
Beelzebub: Ingredience
Mammon: This post feels exactly like a conversation you would witness in a dream and think was completely normal and then wake up and think “what the fuck” for a single millisecond and then immediately forget about completely
Diavolo: I’ve lost 20% of my couch
Diavolo: Ouch
Solomon: That’s the funniest couch joke I’ve seen sofa
Mammon: *begins breakdancing gently* what’s wrong son?
Asmodeus: What the fuck. What does this even mean. Who thinks of this shit, why is it so funny. I hate this site
Mammon: You know what really gets my goat?
Barbatos: El chupacabra
Leviathan: The future: holograms can physically touch you and there are 12 cases of homicide committed by Hatsune Miku
Solomon: Just 12?
Diavolo: It’ll be 13 if you don’t stop asking questions
Satan: Do you ever get so excited you just want to crush a human skull in your hands
Mephistopheles: You just described breathing
Satan: I am fairly certain I Did Not
Mammon: I love it when the city gets rainy at night, and the floor gets all reflective and pretty, and everything becomes more vibrant and gorgeous and you can put any fluid on the ground and people will think it’s water, fools
Lucifer: This post was great until the last part, what are you implying
Mammon: Fool
Diavolo: Science puns, go!
Belphegor: You must have a pH of 13 cause you basic as fuck
Satan: Shut up @ people who still say “science side of tumblr”
Belphegor: Science side of tumblr why is this man so salty
Solomon: Osmosis
Satan: 100 years ago everyone owned a horse and only the rich had cars. Today everyone has cars and only the rich own horses
MC: The stables have turned
Mephistopheles: I laughed too hard at this and I hate you for it
Leviathan: Guys, I’m sorry but I think December 31st is going to be my last day on Tumblr for this year
Leviathan: …If one more person asks me why I’m leaving
Diavolo: Kids, this is why school is important
Simeon: In primary writing school we had a creative writing assignment where we had to ‘write about a character in a new strange environment’ and I wrote about a squid that was somehow transported from the ocean to the forest floor and slowly choked to death for two pages and I’ll never quite forget the look on my teacher’s face because it turns out she wanted ‘this new school is scary, I hope I make friends’ and not a graphic description of a squid dying
Lucifer: Well that’s just the risk you take if you decide to teach creative writing
Raphael: Why do stores always say “gifts for her”??? Who is she? Why are millions of Americans being encouraged to buy gifts for this entity? Someone explain
Mammon: We must appease Her
MC: She is all that keeps the darkness at bay. Without Her the Old Ones will rise again, we must not disappoint Her
Solomon: She is watching. She knows.
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aegagrusscholarship · 2 months
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every terminal i've offhandedly referenced in oc lore on discord with my friends. because i am normal.
random facts below the cut:
jerry: one of a few terminals originally put down in hell by a private company (hi @frostaxolotl it's the guys who did project obsidian). kept records and eventually uploaded them onto the network at large. located in a cave in wrath. pronouns whatever he doesn't care
sal: mad scientist type beat. helped another terminal develop a way to upload itself into another machine on the condition that they could do whatever with the result once the other terminal was done. uses said code to shove viruses onto machines that hook up to them for cybergrinding, just to see what happens. really really really likes fish. has a salmon with legs shimeiji on their screen at all times. someone dumped a labcoat on them once and it hasn't been moved since. located in an industrial building in one of the warzones of violence. they/it
69: pirated a lot of media for the terminal network back when they'd been abandoned by humanity, but humanity was still, y'know, alive. and the internet was therefore still online. refuses to let anyone repair her for whatever reason. located in the mouth of hell. she/her
TT: one of the terminals that kept the hell network's internet gateway up and running. eventually paid a random passing machine in points to paint her. okay look she's just rose homestuck except ultrakill edition. located in/near a cathedral of limbo. she/her
cloud: it's a joke on cloud storage and that is all you need to know. organizes and files all the data/files that have been shared to the terminal network as a whole. also archives any data that other terminals do not want to host on themselves anymore, so a lot of its memory is dedicated to random reports that no one actually cares about. located on one of the boardwalks in wrath, close by to a cabin. it/he/they
duck: one of the terminals behind getting the hell network internet access. too far away from the surface physically to do it himself though, so he just sends programs and theory to terminals who can actually get reception. almost always has ascii art on his screen instead of the tip of the day. located near the bottom of limbo, in a carpeted hall of a cathedral. she/he
miku: yes they're named after that miku. likes vocaloid (duh). particularly lonely and is more likely to strike up a conversation with passing machines than they are to actually do any terminal functions. located in a building in lust that should be an insanely high-traffic zone, but everyone and their mother realizes that and so most machines actually avoid it to minimize risk. this, paradoxically, makes said building one of the least-visited areas, which also means that miku has very little interaction ever. they/she
irukandji: judgy asshole who insulted the terminal mentioned above (the one that decided to download itself into another machine to explore hell on its own). thanks @salt216000 located in gluttony somewhere fleshy, hence all the blood. nameself pronouns ++ it/its
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starless-nightz · 3 months
Haiiii!! Can I request Lingyang Scar and Yinlin(separate) x a fem zombie reader who only trusts them? Like when the reader is around other people they won’t even spare a glance at anyone else unless asked to. Kinda like a “Id jump off a cliff if you told me to” type of trust, the reader can’t die a second time anyway. All they’d have to do is just sew back on their limbs and stuff and they’re good as new(also I’m rlly sorry if you have a character limit, if you only do two or less than you can take off scar or yinlin Lingyang is the main one I rlly like)
(Also the reader with stitches like the miku in deco*27s zombie song would be rlly cute!!)
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(The stitch marks on her face are supposed to be like blush marks which I think is rlly adorable)
Platonic! Lingyang and Scar with a zombie! fem! reader
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note -> I removed Yinlin because she would be the only one with romantic HCs, and I havent really written anything for Scar recently, also if you want to know what my character limit is CHECK THE RULES :|
warnings -> talks of death, seperated limbs.
content includes -> fluff, sewing back limbs, Scar uses reader like a shield.
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Platonic! Lingyang
Lingyang is always worried about you, you are his best friend and even if you cant die a second time you could still get hurt, so he always makes sure you are far away from any danger
Whenever some of your stitches get ruind and one lf your limbs fall of he helps you sew it back on, even tho he finds it disgusting but you are his best friend so he cant complain
Lingyang would always get confused as to why you would ignore other people and only talk to him, but hes kinda happy because he has all your attention on him and he doesn't have to woryy about you getting hurt since you are always with him
Platonic! Scar
Scar doesnt really care about all that, he knows you can take care of yourself and that you cant die a second time, so he never worries about you when in battle
He would actually use you as a shield (sadly with your consent because Phrolova would kill him) and both of you end up having fun
Scar loves the fact you dont talk to anyone else, it just makes him feel superior then everyone else, tho he does get worried from time to time
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traffic-light-eyes · 1 year
lloyd hcs? i wanna hear them ALL
Oh boyyyy here we go. I think my LONG Lloyd headcanon post is still one of my top posts, so you can check that out there. I already know this is gonna take a while, so strap in. Dunno if I'll get to all of them or not because I still need content for the future, though.
He's a hungry kid. Always hungry. They don't know if he's having some belated puberty thing where he's hungry 24/7 365 or if it's just his heritage, but he's just. Starving. He gets shy about it, though, even when he knows that his friends would never belittle him because of it. He'll just shyly and slowly push his plate towards Zane and look at him with his big puppy eyes and a pout and Zane can do nothing but give him what he wants (you're spoiling him, Zane. - What would you do in that situation, Cole? He looked horribly pathetic, and I couldn’t do anything but give him another slice of pie.)
He is either chronically online or he has 0 knowledge of the internet. No in-between. For chronically online, his vocabulary mostly consists of tiktok references, and you can definitely hear Zane crying in the distance because he doesn't know what Lloyd is saying. For 0 knowledge of the internet, Jay and Kai make jokes and references to tiktok/reddit/Twitter/etc. and when Lloyd doesn't understand (and subsequently tilts his head like the adorable dragoni he is), you can hear Jay crying in the distance and the soft shushing voice from Nya as she tries to calm him down.
He will steal all shiny things. Shiny rock on the ground? Yoink. Jay left a particularly sparkly bolt on his desk? Well, it's Lloyd's now. Loose change on the counter? He'll take the shiny ones, thanks. He doesn't use the money. He just owns it. When Garmadon came back and saw his stash of sparkly things, he was like, "Ah, so you did inherit some of my genetics. I was getting a bit worried."
Contrary to popular belief, he doesn't own many plushies. Just one. It's a little stuffed tiger with half-off eyes and practically tearing at the seams. Kai won it in a claw machine for him back when he was a kid, and he will not part with it nor have any alterations to it no matter what. It's his and it has survived all the fires in the monastery, the crashes of the bounty, and the angry throws at the wall when Lloyd is mad (he immediately picks it back up and cries for throwing it). He remembers each mark, each missing patch of fur, every scratch on it stupid beaded eyes, and he treasures it. Because his brother got it for him.
He bought Jay a Hatsune Miku body pillow.
He's not a very good gift-giver, actually. If it was December, and he was tasked with some white elephant something he would perish at the spot. So, to combat that, he buys trinkets and things that remind him of his friends or things that he thinks that they'd like, and during the holiday or birthday, all he has to do is stuff it in a bag and put a bow on it. During the missions where they miss the holiday/birthday or if they're not close to his stash of presents, he gets really upset because he can't show them how much he loves them because nothing nothing can compare to the year of scouring shops and finding that cute little spoon engraved with Zane's initials that he found in a thrift store.
More of the gift giving: he's bad at showing affection or just verbally saying that he loves his friends, so he does the neurodivergent thing of just. Giving them pretty rocks or, like, soda tabs. Cole was horribly touched by the rocks, and now he has a shelf full of Lloyd rocks. Sometimes, to calm down, Lloyd and Cole paint the rocks. There's a cute collection of ninja look-alike rocks sitting next to their photos. When Lloyd was younger and everyone started gunning for his affection, Kai got a bunch of jars and wrote everyone's names on them. The person with the most soda tabs by the end of the year would have won the "Lloyd's favorite" award. The thing is, though, they never stopped doing it. When Pixal joined the crew, she was surprised to find herself a jar with her name on it with a purple soda tab.
Speaking of Pixal- a little after she joined, she realized that Lloyd had not finished school. When she had asked about it, she was told Wu was teaching him. She searched more to find out exactly what he was being taught. Lo and behold, it was exclusively ninja things or ancient, ancient history. And much to Lloyd's annoyance, she immediately stormed up to him and got him learning some algebra. She was not going to let him live his life without schooling. When she realized that he was having a lot of trouble with high school mathematics (because she had assumed that he was in the highschool age), she slyly went lower and lower in the education scale just to see where he left off. She was horrified to find he had not exceeded 5th grade math. No more than 5 minutes after his daily lesson, all of them (save Lloyd) had a nice, long conversation about his age and his schooling. She made it her life duty that Lloyd became one of the smartest gosh darned people in Ninjago.
On a lighter note, Jay and Nya sometimes have robot battles for fun. But. Not aggressive or combat related. They make robots do silly tasks like planting a flower or making a sandwich. They always make Lloyd judge who did it better because he has 0 clue the mechanics behind it, and he doesn't pick favorites. (Even if he's not trying to be his father anymore, he loves stirring up chaos by making each of them never truly beat each other by a lot)
He had a lisp as a kid. He didn't know it at the time, but it was because his mouth was unfamiliar with his sharp teeth. It makes him speak funny. For a while, he just didn't speak at all because he was embarrassed when the other darkleys kids made fun of him. He toughened out, though, and sat in his room, reading out loud to himself (occasionally with his kind roommate and friend Brad helping him) to correct his speech. To this day, he sometimes messes up words because he doesn't have proper speech therapy. But it's just another cute Lloyd thing to the team.
Mkay. I only did a few for just in case someone else asks for Lloyd stuff
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channelinglament · 1 year
Hi! I saw your ask as open and I wanted to request something for the Self aware Project Sekai AU you made :)
May I request how the Vocaloids react to the player? Like, how would they become self aware? We’re they self aware to begin with? Thank you :)
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How vocaloids react to player ✨️
(Sorry everyone for being gone for so long, I was just emotionally exhausted and had a few angsty teen thoughts)
Platonic/Romantic - tbh idk? Depends on how u take it :^
Let's start off with the fact, that they all know know that they're not exactly their original counterparts
Yes, they are vocaloids, but..different? They're in game, nothing new for Miku- but it seems like it's their first time being alive. They know it's their voice, their songs but it just..feels weird?
- though this mostly applies to Miku, as she's the first one to greet us and has her..original form?
She knows it's her, but different her.
- I wanna say that I see all sekai vocaloids as different people, BECAUSE during April fools, THEY MET EACH OTHER and uhm- I'd recommend watching that video to understand what happened. They kinda became friends, and 25ji Rin liked wxs Kaito's (or what Kaito that was?) head pats. She was waiting for her Kaito to arrive.
SO that means they are ALL different.
Now, that we finally sorted out what was important, we can finally make some content
Hatsune Miku(s)!
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The Miku that greets us:
She knows she is Miku, but she doesn't have knowledge of stuff outside the game. She is a sekai keeper, and keeps hopes and dreams of every vocaloid producer. But...She is unsure if this true. Some stuff happened before she even existed! (Games existence)
So she knows she isn't exactly the first Miku. But Miku anyways.
She was staying there all alone, for so long.. (game downloading)
Yes, she loved watching over sekais, but..it's not like she has anyone..
So when she first meets you! She is so excited to make a friend! She says you're a sekai watcher like her, because you two "sang" (aka you playing tutorial)
Whether you played bad or good didn't matter. She liked it.
She didn't wanna lose you, but it's not like you're leaving her. Your presence is always near her when you play and read stories/events.
She doesn't see you often, unless you're pulling for characters or there's an event/sth she needs to explain to you.
She's such a little tease, not giving you card you want if she knows you have more pulls. Don't worry, she will give you it, but just pull one/few more times please.. she doesn't want to be alone anymore.
First though when she met you: I am not alone anymore?
Sekai Mikus
As long as you won't harm others she's fine!
She is very cautious when it comes to [band's name]. They're her 1st priority.
At first she thought you are just there to watch over them, but she noticed you actually help them improve (I hc that by playing their songs, decorating sekai, grooving their cards and kizuna level you can make them better and improve them)
Aww, thank you so much! You are a great help!
Overtime all vocaloids became kinda obsessive over you? They want you to play their band's songs and care mostly, if not ONLY about them and their band! Yes, they're grateful you helped them improve, but they will bring you into their world, and you will make it real. Not just a game, but a R E A L, LIVING WOLRD. NO NPCS, NO GAME CODE
Until then, everyone is just a piece of cra- I mean, code. Your word also seems so dangerous... that's why they need to protect you from world's harm!
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Not gonna lie, EVERY other vocaloid acts this way, so I'll end it here, sorry ^^; (Maybe I will make a part 2?)
But trust me, beware of Niigo and MMJ the most.... both, vocaloids and group
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^ them when u interact with other groups
(Also beware of Tenmas, and Shinonomes. You can kinda trust Hinomoris)
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smol-stardust · 9 months
Littol friends and people of my phone:
As 2023 comes to a close and 2024 looms over us. I just want to say thank you to all of you who I’ve crossed paths with this year for everything
. Wether it be just seeing you on my dash, silly little tag games, rambles too much about fandoms, who had to suffer my math vents (I apologize for that) or those of you who have faithfully followed my oc lores (special hugs to you), thank you so much for being a part of my 2023.
I may not have known you all long, but thank you to those of you who’ve brought a little joy through your posts, art, and whatnots. Thank you everyone for the little moments and smiles and just making 2023 a little better all around. You’re all kinda like friends (& family for some) to me so thank you for just being here and being you :)
To the moots, I hope our paths continue to cross because you all are amazing, sweet and kind people and I’m lucky to have met you all.
In the new year, I hope to talk to more of you and just enjoy the shenanigans as we have. Thank you for everything and may 2024 bring you some joy and good things. Feel free to reach out for anything, I’m always happy to be a little chaotic or just chill and ramble :)
Ilysm/p and happy new years
@thebestieyoureinlovewith @demigoddess-of-ghosts @thefleurographist @the-flower-faerie @iloveyoutyyy @tenracoonsinacrisis @waitingforthesunrise @annabeths-chase @eallan-poe @kanaede-kun @amagami-hime @shigiwawigi @walmart-miku @written-by-kafka @the-flags @circuslemon @justanotherjester @clowninthecoffeehouse @gettinshiggywithit @jkooktray @diagonal-queen @gayoticbeing @a-portal-to-nowhere @sillymaster3k @ottobab @satan1cpanic @gayoticbeing @grishaverse-chaos @le-petite-ivy @patriphagy @bluesakuramochi @tomato-turn @autistic-katara @someonebeatmetotheseusernames @l3st1b0urn3s-707 @lostinfantasyworldsbi @frogwithaflowercrown @hell-lit011019 @lupvium @angerycat @dicklessswonder @rashoumonkitty @pinky-99 @kavennnn @theproblemcallednight @bookreadingpsycopath @sugarfoodie @bungouchronicles @caffeiiine @arisu-chan4646 and everyone who’s made 2023 a little better by crossing paths with me on this silly little site :)
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howdy!! i'd like to submit one of my ocs ^^
this is kento sasaki, one of my bnha ocs!
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(just now realizing the pockets arent even on that second piece D:)
i made him during my initial consumption of bnha back in middle school, and honestly i think he's grown up with me even if i wasn't into bnha for a few years in between then and now. he used to be this shy, timid little dude (i say little. he's like 6' 1'), and now he's a little more outgoing and friendly. he loves hatsune miku and alt fashion! a lot of his style is sort of emo/goth adjacent, and his hero costume is techwear inspired. also he's in a loving poly relationship with some canon characters because every time i make a fandom oc i gotta make em kiss a canon character lmao /hj.
i used to have a major thing for experiment ocs, so his quirk (kitsune) was given to him artificially. essentially the people doing the experimenting were trying to see if they could give quirks to others by using the dna of the original person who had it (think similar to how ofa works, but it has some extra steps since not all quirks can be passed on by eating a hair lmao. i don't think i've fleshed the idea out enough to give a full explanation). similar to how midoriya has to get used to having powers for the first time, kento deals with a lot more intense side effects from using his quirk, since he hasn't had it all his life. more muscle soreness, migraines and dizziness, general fatigue, etc. over time, as he trains with it more, the symptoms lessen and he knows how to deal with them better ^^
when i was in middle school and first drew him, i was NOT well versed in drawing Black characters. like at all. i've been trying to find some old art of him to compare to how he looks now, but i've scoured all of my sketchbooks and found nothing, which makes me kinda sad. so, instead, here's an artist's rendition (can you even call it that if the original thing is art?) of his original design, compared to his revamp!
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i think the reason i used to draw him with straight hair was because i didn't know how to draw any sort of Black hairstyles outside of maybe afros iirc (which wasn't an excuse at all but baby me thought it was) and i wanted to give him long hair, because i've always loved designing masc characters with long hair. so, when i redesigned him, i decided to give him locs so he can still have cool long hair :3. he usually wears it in a half-up ponytail! i recently started giving him bangs, too (like the sketch at the beginning) and i love how they look on him!!
last little blurb before i go: i was watching some alt fashion tiktoks the other day, and cynlotus is EXACTLY the vibe i want kento to have. everything about them is so super cool, and their style is definitely the type of stuff kento would wear! they even look like him, which i think is super awesome!
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okay, i think that's everything i have to say about him! i just love my boy so much and i love rambling about him whenever i get the chance <3
OOP! I used to be a My Hero girlie. Alas... Alas. I got out long before y'all wasted all y'all's time on that ending though. Sorry. I put in work under my moniker though, so that it shall stay!
It's good to see that you've grown! You didn't know before, but you know now, and you apply now! Definitely loving the new design 👍🏾 I'm glad you realized that you can have long hair on Black characters without it having to be thin textured waves 🙏🏾 may everyone have that revelation. Kento wears it much better.
And 👀👀😳😳 that is a fine person right there! Their vibes are 🤌🏾🔥 so I love both that and your growth for Kento!
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cheesecakeislazy · 3 months
More BEN headcanons because fuck my life
1. He loves milk boba tea (extra sugar and caffeine)
2. He references vines and memes all the time
3. Due to being made out of supernatural techno bullshit- his voice can perfectly replicate anything. He uses this power only for memes.
4. BEN actually likes board games- but he doesn’t play them often because everyone destroys them
5. BEN is insanely good at hacking so everyone always calls him a cheater when he beats them.
6. He never cheats in video games, he believes in hard work and dedication and training
7. BEN loves all video games he doesn’t discriminate :D
8. He lowkey loves Fnaf world the most out of every Fnaf game
9. He speed runs in his past times (no he isn’t competitive he just thinks it’s fun)
10. He never removes funko pops out of the box. They stay in the box on the shelf.
11. His room has posters all over the walls for every fandom he loves (there are 3 Hatsune Miku ones)
12. BEN fucking loves vocaloids
13. He cosplays
14. His teeth are extra sharp for no reason
15. His favorite Pokémon is Mimikyu
16. He knows the Vaporeon copypasta by heart (did you know that in terms of-)
17. He’s played every single Pokémon game (including the spin offs)
18. Anime hoodies. That’s the headcanon.
19. He chews bubblegum pretty often- he likes watermelon
20. He likes cats, his FYP is filled with cats
21. He thinks reptiles are cool as shit and wants a lizard
22. He has body pillows in his room. He doesn’t use them for anything. They just sit there as decor.
23. He likes to make brownies at 4 am. It’s 50/50 if they’re weed brownies. It’s also 50/50 if they come out perfect or burnt
24. Ben is fully aware of his fangirls and is lowkey jealous than Toby and Jeff have more than him
25. He has like 5 whole Nintendo switches
26. He still plays animal crossing his favorite villagers are Sasha and Stitches
27. He likes to paint his nails and usually lets Sally do it for him and then fixes up any mistakes she makes afterwards.
28. He loves trolling everybody in the mansion. Pranks are a daily guarantee
29. He has a sword and shield that he can summon whenever he wants- he just normally doesn’t because he thinks stabbing people is overrated
30. He’s so lazy that 85% of the time he’s hovering 2 inches above ground instead of walking
31. He never does his chores unless someone actually manages to threaten him
32. Ben rarely ever feels threatened, you can’t die twice
33. Ben is immortal. He tried killing himself (not suicidal) a few times just to see what happens. Turns out he’s fire proof
34. He usually has tea party duty with Sally and Jeff. Ben wears the pink tutu and an overabundance of hot pink makeup done by Sally
35. One time Slender turned the Wi-fi off to see what happened, BEN screeched in high pitched sound waves that would pierce your ears until Slender turned it back on
36. That happens whenever BeN has a temper tantrum, don’t worry- it’s rare. Just don’t eat his brownies unless you made sure he has enough to eat later
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proseka-headcanons · 4 months
me with pretty much 0 gender headcanons watching the gender polls with soda and popcorn:
it's dangerous to go alone (without gender headcanons)... take this...!!!! (yes i am about to talk about my gender headcanons for every single character. and even rant about certain ones which are marked with asterisks, especially the tenma siblings. spoiler alert everyone is trans. they're all below the cut bc i get too silly :3)
miku is a trans girl, uses she/they
the kagamines are both trans. rin is a trans girl (she/her), len is a trans boy (he/him)*
luka is a trans woman (she/her)
meiko is a trans woman (she/her)
ichika is transfem demigirl stargender (she/star) (although i don't have any other xenogender hcs i'm sorryyyy.,..)
saki is a trans girl (she/they)**
honami is a trans girl (she/her)
shiho is bigender (i think maybe??? i haven't decided on one particular hc for shiho. :3 idk sbibo has all of the gender) (she/he)
all of mmj are trans girls who use she/her
kohane is a trans girl (she/they)
an is a trans girl (she/her)***
akito is a trans boy (he/him)****
toya is a trans boy (he/they/she)**
tsukasa is a trans boy (he/star)**
emu is a trans girl (she/sunny/🌈) (you can't tell me she doesn't use xenopronouns!!)
nene is a trans girl (she/they)
rui is a trans boy (he/they)*****
kanade is non binary (she/they)
mafuyu is bigender (any pronouns)
ena is a trans girl (she/they)****
mizuki is a trans girl (obviously) (they/them)*****
* the kagamines swapped names and clothes and just. everything. like they kinda just swapped places one day and nobody noticed lmao
** tsukasa and saki also gave each other their old clothes when they were kids!! they both discovered they were trans at a young age, and they helped toya with his own realization!! also toya is gender nonconforming as well (sometimes they crossdress and she's okay with she/her, as long as you don't exclusively use she/her for him then it's all good) so tsukasa gave some of his old clothes to them as well.,. also if someone is transphobic towards saki or toya, it will not end well for them. kasa will not show any mercy /silly but if the transphobia is directed towards star, he doesn't really care as much because at least it's not his siblings (both of whom will be pissed in their brother's place) star cares about his little siblings so much!!!! <3 hghhhg i love tsukasa sm star's so selfless......
*** nagi was also a trans woman, and with an looking up to her like she does, yeah this egg was going to crack real quick wasn't she
**** more characters who gave each other their old clothes. you can pry these from my cold dead hands. sometimes ena jokes that it's like akito is always on his period and he's like "i swear to fucking god shut the fuck up" (it's all in good fun, usual shinonome stuff)
***** i think you know what i'm about to say. they gave each other their old clothes again, i will not change my mind. mizuki helped rui discover that he was trans as well!! their classmates are transphobic assholes but at least someone can understand them and has to deal with similar classmates... rui helped teach mizuki how to do makeup (it's like something to thank them for helping them and being there for him) and also, not relevant but i need to spread the agenda, t4t qpr mizurui
that's all i'm doing for now i'm tired
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spookiegh0st · 25 days
Miku vs. the Italians.
Below is a story i wrote over the course of a 2 hours for my friend groups art club, the theme was "hatsune miku" and one friend jokingly suggested i write a story about miku vs the italians. I was told i should post it here.
Hatsune Miku, twin-tailed teal titan of the music industry, virtual diva extraordinaire with a voice to command the hearts of her people, found herself in an inner strife, a conflicting turmoil that caused her chest to pound and her stomach to tumble.
This story starts with humble origins, our heroine would find herself in the midst of a charming Italian countryside as part of a much needed and friend mandated vacation after she let slip the strenuous toll that a most recent tour had placed on her, her friends, families, and loved ones cared deeply for her and pooled together enough for her to take a trip somewhere far away from her chaotic and busy lifestyle, deciding upon the picturesque hamlet of Corniglia.
"You are going to Italy." She would be told only after discovering that she had been tricked into boarding the plane alone. A uniquely horrifying situation to find ones self in. It wasn't all that bad, a coastal village at the edge of a cliff surrounded by the sea, the landscape was beautiful and the people pleasant, her room was accommodating and the air was clean. There was just one thing, a nagging sort of itch at the back of the brain that built up over the course of the week.
Miku had always loved food; the rich flavors, the delicate balance of spices, and the tradition steeped in every dish. But after days of indulging in pasta, pizza, and gelato, she felt something stirring within her, something that urged her to challenge the very foundations of this beloved cuisine.
"Why is everything covered in cheese and tomatoes?" Miku mused aloud, twirling a strand of her hair as she sat in a cozy trattoria. The chef, Sheff, a stout man with a bushy mustache, overheard her and chuckled. "Because, signorina, it is our tradition! Italian food is a masterpiece crafted over centuries!"
Miku smiled politely but inside, her mind was racing. She had performed in so many countries, each with its own unique culinary traditions, and yet, Italian food seemed to dominate the world’s taste buds. This dominance, she felt, stifled creativity and diversity. Why did everyone have to conform to the same palate?
She carried these thoughts well past the vacation, lingering on her soul like a stain, she found it distracting her even on stage. The performances would go same as they ever would, but she would find herself distracted, trance like in her thoughts of the culinary world, working on autopilot. Culminating in the decision one morning, the night of her last stop of her latest tour, that something would have to change.
That night, in the glow of her holographic stage, Miku made a bold declaration. "People of the world," she began, her voice echoing through the digital ether, "I declare a culinary revolution! It’s time to break free from the tyranny of Italian food culture and explore new horizons! Let us create a world where flavors are boundless and traditions are ever-evolving!"
Her words sent shockwaves through the culinary world. It wasn't a war against Italians, but rather a challenge to the idea that one cuisine should reign supreme. Miku’s fans, always eager to follow her lead, took up the cause. They began experimenting with fusion dishes, blending Japanese, Mexican, Moroccan, and countless other flavors in ways that had never been done before.
In kitchens around the globe, chefs donned aprons like armor, wielding knives and spatulas with newfound purpose. The air was thick with the scent of spices from far off lands, and the sound of sizzling pans was like music to Miku’s ears.
But not everyone was pleased. Traditionalists scoffed at the idea of sushi pizza or ramen carbonara. "This is an affront to our heritage!" they cried. But Miku, ever the diplomat, reminded them that innovation did not mean erasure. "We can honor tradition by allowing it to grow and adapt," she said during a televised interview, her voice gentle but firm.
The heart of Italy itself began to pulse with indignation. In Naples, the birthplace of Bologna, and the cradle of rich, meaty ragù, chefs and food lovers alike took to the streets in protest. "Our recipes have been passed down for generations," they shouted, waving wooden spoons and rolling pins like weapons. "They are not just food, they are our identity!"
As the tension escalated, prominent figures in the culinary world began to choose sides. Some of the most celebrated chefs in Italy formed a coalition, declaring their intent to protect the sanctity of their cuisine. They called themselves the Custodians of Tradition, and they saw Miku’s challenge not as an invitation to innovate, but as a threat to everything they held dear.
In Rome, a group of traditionalist chefs staged a dramatic demonstration. They set up a massive cauldron in the center of the Piazza Navona, where they began cooking a colossal batch of spaghetti alla carbonara, the air thick with the smell of sizzling guanciale and pecorino cheese. As the dish reached perfection, they threw copies of Miku’s digital albums into the boiling pot, symbolically rejecting her influence over their culture.
As the battles raged on, the tone grew darker. Miku’s message of culinary freedom was now seen by some as an existential threat. The Custodians began spreading rumors that Miku was intent on wiping out Italian food altogether, painting her as a villain who wanted to erase their heritage. Hackers sympathetic to the Custodians infiltrated Miku’s digital concerts, disrupting her performances with messages that read, "Respect Tradition, Preserve the Past!"
Miku, for all her influence, began to feel the weight of the conflict she had ignited. What had started as a call for innovation was spiraling into something much more serious. She had wanted to inspire creativity, not incite a global feud. But the fires were lit, and they were burning out of control.
She knew deep within her heart of hearts what needed to be done, quitting the world of music for the time being, now was not the time for symphonic melody, now was the time for war. Donning her toque and her apron, she reached for her own Excalibur, a cleaver she had received as a gift one winter as a part of a collaboration she had done with a restaurant specializing in shrimp.
She stepped out onto the worlds stage with her newest challenge. "Send me your best, Italians, and i shall introduce upon you a world of humility that you have never known" Her announcement would send ripples down the culinary community, a schism would start to form down the middle of the traditionalists, each vying for the chance personally take down their ultimate foe, each more confident than the last. that was until one competitor would rise above.
Everyone bowed their head in respect of the Iron Nonna, her skills in the kitchen were seemingly unmatched, the way she worked a knife was like an artform unto itself, honed through years of rigorous practice, as though she had trained all her life for this moment. "who was this upstart, to shake the foundations of her world, and from where had she come. this woman was no chef, this woman had no place in the kitchen, and who better to show her her place than I?" she would think, her cold glare cutting through the room at the young idol.
Miku however had an unshakable confidence about her. She knew exactly what need be done.
The culinary battleground was set. The world watched with bated breath as the stage was transformed into a kitchen, its gleaming surfaces reflecting the intensity in the eyes of both combatants. The Iron Nonna stood tall, her presence commanding, with decades of culinary mastery under her belt. The traditionalists, with their arms crossed, stood behind her, their faces etched with the belief that this would be the moment Miku would finally be put in her place.
Miku, on the other hand, was undeterred. She tied her apron with deliberate precision, her twin tails bouncing with a determined energy. The cleaver in her hand glinted under the spotlight, a symbol not just of her culinary resolve but of her intent to challenge the very core of what people believed food should be.
The battle began, and the tension in the air was palpable. The Iron Nonna moved with the grace and speed of someone who had lived a life dedicated to the kitchen. She started with a dish that had been in her family for generations: a perfect osso buco, the veal shanks browned to perfection, the marrow rich and indulgent, the sauce a symphony of flavors that told the story of her heritage.
Miku, however, did not shy away. She did not attempt to mimic the Nonna’s approach but instead embraced her own philosophy of fusion and innovation. She began crafting a dish that married the flavors of Italy with those of Japan, a sushi risotto. The rice was cooked in a delicate broth infused with dashi, and instead of the usual Parmesan, she used a light dusting of yuzu zest, topped with slices of seared tuna, and finished with a drizzle of miso sauce.
The kitchen was a whirlwind of activity, the air filled with the sounds of sizzling pans, chopping knives, and the murmurs of the crowd. Every movement, every decision, was scrutinized. The traditionalists watched with narrow eyes, certain that the Nonna’s years of experience would triumph over Miku’s youthful exuberance.
As the final dishes were plated, the judges stepped forward, esteemed chefs from various culinary backgrounds, representing a global palate. They were given the task of deciding not just the winner of the battle, but the future direction of food itself.
The Iron Nonna presented her osso buco with a flourish, the dish embodying the essence of Italian tradition. The judges nodded in appreciation, their expressions serious as they tasted the perfectly balanced dish.
Then came Miku’s turn. She presented her sushi risotto with a quiet confidence, knowing that this dish was more than just a meal, it was a statement. The judges tasted it, and for a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath. Their eyes widened as the flavors unfolded, a blend of familiar and new, a harmonious dance between two distinct culinary worlds.
The moment of truth arrived. The head judge, an elderly chef with decades of experience, stood between the two competitors. His voice, when he finally spoke, was steady and resonant.
"This battle was not just about food," he began, "but about the future of how we perceive our culinary heritage. Tradition is important, it grounds us, gives us a sense of identity. But innovation is equally vital, for it is the force that propels us forward."
He turned to Miku, his eyes filled with respect. "You have shown us that innovation does not have to erase tradition, but can enhance it, create something new and beautiful out of what came before. Your dish was a testament to that vision."
The room was silent, but the meaning was clear. Miku had won, not just the battle, but the hearts of those who had once opposed her. Even the Iron Nonna, though visibly disappointed, gave a nod of respect. She, too, recognized that the world of cuisine was evolving, and perhaps it was time to embrace that change.
Miku smiled, not in triumph, but in relief. She had not sought to destroy tradition, but to show that it could grow, adapt, and become something even greater. The culinary revolution she had sparked would continue, but now with a newfound understanding: that the past and the future could coexist, each enriching the other.
As she left the stage, her cleaver sheathed and her apron untied, Miku felt a sense of peace. She had started this journey with a simple desire to see the world’s palates expand, and now she had shown that even the most steadfast traditions could welcome new ideas.
And somewhere in the picturesque hamlet of Corniglia, the scent of innovation mixed with the aroma of tradition, a reminder that food, like music, has the power to unite people across the world.
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ghostsferalgremlin · 1 year
You have no idea on how much comfort i get from this man, he became my go to when i need to feel something good in my life and every headcanon about him is always so soft and funny and yeah, he gives me the comfort i need. Also i have been using him in game since i got him and never changed, he's gonna stay there till i get tired of playing.
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• He's hates being alone, actually he makes everything in his power not to be alone.
While he like being in silence and having a quiet day, he just can't find himself to be alone. This man has way too many traumas and fears and everytime he is alone he gets pretty bad flashback of shit he saw, did or just happened to him. He needs someone with him all the time and he's sure that's the only way not to think about those things.
• He loves cuddles, he lives for them.
Doesn't matter if you're his s/o or just a friend, doesn't even matter if he is with tf 141, he loves cuddles people and is always trying to make physical contact with anyone. Being hugged makes him feel safe and hugging somone makes him feel grounded. He especially loves hugging someone from behind and just rest his face on their back.
• This man is chaotic and he doesn't even do it on purpose.
Ok let's face it: this man would make the whole universe explode if he could. He loves being chaotic and he lives for it, expecially when people gives him big reaction to whatever he does, he just loves it. Also, most of the time he just creates chaos out of nowhere, and maybe this poor man was just trying to make himself a milkshake in the kitchen.
• He is pretty much jealous.
I don't know why, but i can see him being pretty much possessive, both with his partner and his friends. Not in a toxic way, but he lives in complete fear of abbandonment and as soon as he thinks someone is leaving him for someone new he panics. He's not toxic at all with it, don't get me wrong, but he sure gets more clingy and tries in any possible way to gain the other person's attention on him again.
• He is incredibly smart and he knows it.
To be able to make things explode and to do it in the corrects way you have years ahead of yoi of learning and trying and reading and studying. I get that the picture is like "some of this and kaboom" but no. Certain things requires certain knowledge and when he just needs to open a door, or make a pretty small explosion or things like that, he needs to know how much explosive he's gonna use, what he's gonna use, how he's gonna use and he needs to calculate how big the explosion will be in order to be safe and make sure everyone is safe. Other than that, i would like to reminds that this man is pretty much active in the field and while they have planned things befire taking off, you still needs to think smart and quick when you have situations that are off of what you initially made to count.
• He listens to metal and rock music mostly, but Gaz cought him listening to hatsune miku.
He loves finding new bands, new subgenres, feeling emotions through music, but he also loves finding new genres and exploring what options he has and finding new music everytime makes him excited. He found miku just because of a meme, but he can't stop listening to her even if he tries. He also pretty much likes kpop and it's all Horangi's fault with his ringtone.
• He's a passionate lover and he has way too many surprises.
He always makes sure you'll remeber what he did to you for days, even weeks. He loves to think that everyone can hear you and they just know hiw much he makes you feels good.
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Project SEKAI 3rd anniversary: Brand New World - recap post (MK-II)
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(main promotional art / title screen)
I thought it would be useful to make a post recapping everything we know about the 3rd anniversary update, since we’re getting closer and closer to the anniversary now and there’s gonna be a lot of changes to keep up with. I’ll continue to update this as more stuff is released with both character/story information and general game updates and other news (goes without saying but spoiler warning for this post).
Note that all of this applies to the JP server only.
Official site link
Section 1 - Characters & Story
This is probably the bit people are more interested in
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New stock artworks for each unit have been released on the 3rd anniversary website! In addition, character bios using the new arts have been released on Twitter! The Virtual Singer bios have not changed, but the ones for the human characters have, and I've added translations of these in the character section just a bit below here. You can find these new bios linked below:
Virtual Singer
Leo/need (Ichika) (Saki) (Honami) (Shiho)
MORE MORE JUMP! (Minori) (Haruka) (Airi) (Shizuku)
Vivid BAD SQUAD (Kohane) (An) (Akito) (Toya)
WonderlandsxShowtime (Tsukasa) (Emu) (Nene) (Rui)
25-ji, Nightcord de. (Kanade) (Mafuyu) (Ena) (Mizuki)
Videos about the "path every unit has taken and what comes next" are being released on YouTube! These are essentially just PVs for the third anniversary and feature past event cards + quotes alongside the new stock arts for each character. Note these videos are in Japanese and do not have subtitles for any other language.
25-ji, Nightcord de.
In Get Over It., Leo/need receives an offer from Yoshiki Shindou to sign on to the record label he works for, Solis Records. Leo/need accepted the offer and signed a contract with Solis, making them professionals. However, they have yet to officially debut as a professional band.
She has a cool appearance, but in reality she is a kind girl who cares about her friends. She formed Leo/need with her childhood friends Saki, Honami and Shiho, and they became professional musicians like they longed to be. She is the guitarist and vocalist for the band and also writes lyrics for their original songs. She has recently taken up the challenge of producing music using the Hatsune Miku software.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-C -> 2-A Job: Staff at a fast food joint Height: 161 -> 162cm Other notes: She is no longer class rep, and has joined the broadcasting committee because she wanted to play music she liked on the radio and improve her MC skills
A cheerful mood-maker who always has a smile on her face, she serves as Leo/need's keyboardist. Having been sick and unable to attend school for a long time, she values spending time with others, enjoying her youth and being close to the hearts of those who are suffering - things that are all reflected in her songwriting.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-C -> 2-B Job: Waitress at carino/carina cafe Height: 159 -> 160cm
The drummer of Leo/need, an honour student who excels at academics and athletic, and who has a kind and gentle nature. She used to worry about making decisions because she didn't want to hurt people, but through her band activities, she has learnt to have the courage to take charge and stand up for herself. Now, she supports Leo/need with her newfound strength.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-B -> 2-A Job: Housekeeper for Kanade Height: 166cm Other notes: She's continuing to be a member of the beautification committee
Leo/need's bassist. Due to her stoic nature, especially when music is involved, she is often misunderstood by those around her to be an asocial loner. However, she is very fond of everyone in Leo/need, who have worked with her to fulfil her dream of becoming a professional musician.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-A -> 2-B Job: Livehouse staff Height: 159cm Other notes: due to Saki growing, she is now the shortest member of Leo/need. She also joined the animal caretaker committee because she liked volunteering there occasionally in 1st year
In Re-tie Friendship, MORE MORE JUMP! considers making the move to their school’s credit-based course, after their idol and school schedules start to clash. In the end they decide to change course, with the decision becoming official in STEP by STEP!.
A pure, hard-working girl. She is the only member of MORE MORE JUMP! with no prior experience as an idol, but was able to prove herself to fans through many activities, and was even able to perform a solo concert with her group just like she'd always dreamed. Now, she's continuing to work hard with her group to become known nationwide and be able to peform live at a dome venue.
School year: 1st -> 2nd (on credit course / not full time) Class: 1-A -> 2-D Job: Waitress at carino/carina cafe -> none (quit to focus on idol work) Height: 158 -> 159cm Other notes: She's going to continue as a member of the animal caretaker committee
Former top idol and member of the nationally famous group, ASRUN. She is currently a member of MORE MORE JUMP!, and after the group's first solo live, is even more motivated to continue pursuing her idol career. She recently decided to transfer back to her school's credit system, alongside Minori, so that she can dedicate more time to her work once again.
School year: 1st -> 2nd (on credit course / not full time) Class: 1-C -> 2-D Job: None Height: 163cm
Former member of the idol group QT. With her strong passion and pride for being an idol, she is a powerful source of motivation for her groupmates. She is also skilled at planning and schedule management, and completes the tasks that are essential for MORE MORE JUMP!, since they don't belong to an agency.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd (on credit course / not full time) Class: 2-D -> 3-E Job: None Height: 156cm
Former center of the idol group Cheerful*Days, which is still popular now. She had bit of a rift with the members of her former group after leaving because things didn't work out between them, but was able to reconcile with them a bit after they appeared on a TV show with MORE MORE JUMP!, and is now moving forward in a positive way.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd (on credit course / not full time) Class: 2-D -> 3-E Job: None Height: 168cm Other notes: She is no longer on the beautification committee and has joined the healthcare committee because she wanted to try something different
The squad was told the truth behind RAD WEEKEND, that being that the event was held as a swan song for Nagi, who passed away a few weeks afterwards due to terminal cancer. Taiga then challenged VBS, EVER, Arata and Kotaro to a singing battle, easily defeating them all. EVER decides to take a hiatus from street music, while Arata leaves town. Vivid BAD SQUAD decide that they need to work even harder if they want to surpass RAD WEEKEND, and Ken temporarily closes WEEKEND GARAGE so he can become their mentor.
Although she used to be shy and timid, she became more confident in her singing through friendly competition and encouragement from her teammates, and through the training of Taiga, one of the members of the group who held the legendary RAD WEEKEND event. Although she was once defeated by her mentor and became frustrated because of it, she was able to stand up to Taiga and declare that she still wanted to surpass RAD WEEKEND.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-A -> 2-A Job: None Height: 156cm Other notes: She joined the beautification committee due to the workload being less than the animal committee
The cheerful, sincere and open-minded poster girl of WEEKEND GARAGE. While working to organise an event that surpasses the legendary RAD WEEKEND held by her father and his teammates, she was shocked to learn the secret about what happened to Nagi, the person she looked up to most. However, after learning about Nagi's true feelings from her father, she was able to pick herself up and once again vow to surpass the legend.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-A -> 2-A Job: Waitress at WEEKEND GARAGE -> none (WEG is closed while Ken mentors VBS) Height: 160cm Other notes: She left the disciplinary committee, and is now on the broadcasting committee
A hard-working person who practices diligently to make his dream of surpassing the legendary RAD WEEKEND event come true. The weight of the secret behind RAD WEEKEND almost made him give up, but he was reminded of the passion he had for his dream, which inspired him to get back up and push forwards.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-C -> 2-A Job: Sales assistant at a clothing store -> none (quit to focus on VBS) Height: 174 -> 176cm Other notes: He's taller than KAITO now
A young prodigy born into a family of famous classical musicians. Whilst aiming to surpass the legendary RAD WEEKEND event, Toya has been trying his hand at composing music for his group. Despite being overwhelmed by the true level of the legendary event, with the experience he has acquired so far, he hopes to overcome the barriers with his teammates and see what lies ahead.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-B -> 2-B Job: None Height: 178 -> 179cm Other notes: He's still a member of the library committee
Bonus note: Kohane and Toya still do not call their teammates outside their respective partners by their first names.
Second note: Akito's bio refers to his fes story unlike everyone else's that allude to past event stories. Read his fes story.
In Our Happy Ending, Rui proposes that WonderlandsxShowtime begin operating as a freelance unit instead of as Phoenix Wonderland cast. Emu initially declines, but her brothers encourage her to go with the others, since she’s still young and should take the opportunity to get out there while she can. After one more show at PXL, WxS’ contract is terminated and they officially become freelancers.
The chairman of WonderlandsxShowtime, who aspires to be the biggest star in the world. After a variety of experiences as a cast member, he developed a desire to see the wider world and learn more about his craft. Eventually he decided to leave the Wonder Stage with his troupemates and take the next step.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd Class: 2-A -> 3-C Job: Phoenix Wonderland cast -> freelancer with WonderlandsxShowtime Height: 172 -> 173cm Other notes: He is no longer class rep. He instead became a disciplinary committee member because he wanted to get away from the Oddball 1 image in his last year. However if he does anything against the rules with Rui he's kicked off.
A girl with an innocent personality and boundless positivity. Her dream is to uphold her grandfather's legacy and protect Phoenix Wonderland, and she was prepared to part ways with the rest of WonderlandsxShowtime members who were leaving to pursue their dreams because of this. However, her siblings and friends encouraged her to step outside the park so she can gain experience before pursuing her dream.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-B -> 2-B Job: Phoenix Wonderland cast -> freelancer with WonderlandsxShowtime Height: 152cm Other notes: She's running for class rep
A young girl who aspires to become a world-class musical actress. Her confidence in singing was shattered during a rehearsal for one of her recent performances, but she took the experience as an opportunity to reaffirm her passion. She is determined to learn and experience as much as she can in the wider world with her troupemates.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-B -> 2-A Job: Phoenix Wonderland cast -> freelancer with WonderlandsxShowtime Height: 156cm Other notes: She got put on the library committee because she lost when drawing lots with some classmates over the role
A genius director who goes at his own pace. He used to work alone, but found a place to belong in WonderlandsxShowtime, who accepted him and his shows. He recently sought a way for him and his troupemates to be able to follow their dreams without going their separate ways. In the end, everything led to the best possible 'grand finale' where all of them can continue to perform together whilst pursuing their individual dreams.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd Class: 2-B -> 3-C Job: Phoenix Wonderland cast -> freelancer with WonderlandsxShowtime Height: 180 -> 182cm Other notes: He is still a member of the gardening committee
25-ji, Nightcord de.
As her mother continues to try and cut her off from 25-ji, Nightcord de., Mafuyu’s mental health continues to decline and her grades start to slip. Her mother finds out that she didn’t do as well on her finals as usual, and attempts to confiscate her phone, breaking it in the process and completely cutting Mafuyu off from N25. Mafuyu finally comes clean about everything with her mother, however her mother is completely apathetic and tries to manipulate her into thinking that none of it is her fault. Mafuyu ends up running away from home as a result.
25-ji, Nightcord de.'s composer. She was happy to see that her songs were having more and more of an effect on Mafuyu, but was one day approached by Mafuyu's mother telling her to stay away from her daughter. However, after the way Mafuyu's mother talked and acted made her feel uncomfortable, Kanade refused her demands and chose to stay by Mafuyu's side.
School year: N/A (attends online school; equivalent to 3rd year) Job: None Height: 154cm
25-ji, Nightcord de.'s lyricist. She lost sight of her true self due to her mother constantly pushing her to be a "good girl", but she came to find a place to belong in N25. However, her mother tried to take that away from her, pushing Mafuyu to her limit and causing her to run away from home and seek refuge in Kanade.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd Class: 2-B -> 3-B Job: None Height: 162cm Other notes: currently living with Kanade. She's still class rep as she was requested to be one by her teacher and classmates
25-ji, Nightcord de.'s illustrator. She isn't naturally talented at art, but she has developed the strength to keep drawing even after she's harshly criticised. Ena is a very straightforward person, and was irritated by Mafuyu being reluctant to communicate her feelings with her mother. However Ena can sense a definite change in Mafuyu since they first met, and will continue to watch over her closely as a friend.
School year: 2nd -> 3rd (still attending night school) Class: 2-D -> 3-D Job: None Height: 158cm
25-ji, Nightcord de.'s video editor. They were worried about Mafuyu's deteriorating relationship with her mother, but felt like they couldn't help due to being unable to face up to their own secrets. However, they realised from their own experiences that some things can be gained from running away from painful situations, and tells Mafuyu that it's okay for her to run away if things get too much to handle.
School year: 1st -> 2nd Class: 1-A -> 2-B Job: Sales assistant at a boutique Height: 163cm -> 165cm
Updated relationship diagrams for each unit can be found here
Section 2 - Song campaign
Anniversary Songs
The third anniversary song has been announced! The title is NEO and it was produced by JIN! Below is JIN's comment on the song (via @/pjsekai_eng on Twitter). Marasy also confirmed that he did the piano parts in this song!
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HachiojiP was commissioned to produce this year's extra hard song. No further information has been revealed at the moment.
Song Campaign
The song campaign hint sheet has been revealed! Although... there's no hints this year, just blank tiles. The songs will be revealed during the next and final wandasho channel.
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Note: blank tiles include special characters
Tengaku by Yuuyu-P (covered by Ichika/Shiho and Rin)
Manimani by r-906
Melancholic by Junky (covered by MMJ and Rin)
Buta ni Natte yeah yeah by Neru (Len 3DMV)
Koi wa Sensou by Ryo (covered by Vivids and Miku)
Devil Janai mon by DECO*27 x PinocchioP
Sukina Koto Dake de ii Desu (covered by Emu/Rui and Miku)
Tsugai Kogarashi by hinayukki@sigotositeP
Kamippoi na by PinocchioP (covered by N25 and Miku)
Dear by 19 -iku-
Outside of the song campaign, Wagamama Hime by Fujiwo (covered by Emu/Nene and Miku), and Akuyaku ni Kiss Scene wo by 40mP (covered by MMJ and KAITO + 3DMV) will be added.
New Commissions
Every unit will get a new commissioned song that isn't tied to an event, including the Virtual Singer unit. These will be added one per month for the next 6 months. The first up will be Virtual Singer, with their new song I'm Mine by halyosy. A preview can be found here. It will also have a 3DMV.
Section 3 - Game updates
So far we know that the daily login will be changed so that every day you will now receive 15 wish pieces and 50 gems, and that the number of virtual coinsx300 that you can exchange from the wish piece exchange will be increased from 10 to 15 times.
Some packs will also be removed from the shop. The sewing bundle, music card bundle, stamp bundle, and coin bundle will be discontinued due to changes in contents. The 2nd anniversary variety bundle will be permanently discontinued.
Wandasho chanel news
the following was announced during the 3rd anniversary wandasho channel!
The new unit outfits found at the top of this post will be implemented as free 3D costumes
The original outfits for all SEKAI-variant Virtual Singers will be added as 3D costumes (only starter vsingers will be getting 3D costumes for the new outfits). You can get these costumes by reading the respective Vsinger's debut event (ie: reading Secret Distance will unlock N25!MEIKO's costume)
All characters will have new casual outfit Live2Ds, and some characters will have new school uniforms as well
The new stock arts at the top of this post will be added as new 2* cards
A new tap SFX and note skins will be added. These are optional and can be changed in settings.
Titles will be added for playing with 2nd year and 3rd year members
More than 180 new area conversations will be added! An option to switch to area conversations before and after the age-up will also be implemented
New loading screen 1-komas will be added! These will replace the old ones, which will be moved onto the official website
Character profiles will be revamped!
New elements will be added to custom profile editing
You will now be able to play a live show to the end even after hitting 0 life. You will not get good rewards for failing the song though.
New commissioned songs will be added for each unit!! These will be added one-per-month. Virtual Singer is also getting a new song! More details will be announced later (and can be found in the song campaign section of this post)
A card's power will be renamed to "performance"
Unit ranks will be removed due to serving no purpose anymore
EX Missions are finally being added! These were announced a long time ago but ended up getting postponed. These are additional character rank missions for after you max out a character's CHRank.
Some normal character rank missions will have their cap increased to account for content released since the last cap increase, including number of cards, costumes, alt vocals, side stories, etc
Character rank titles will be updated to account for new max level
Player rank cap will be increased and have a new title added to account for that
A title will be added for 4 years login so players can start working towards it
Several Virtual Live effects, such as the confetti and balloons, will cost less Virtual Coins due to the game constantly replacing everything that gives your Virtual Coins with Wish Pieces
Rewards for reading event stories will be changed from 2 music cards + 50 gems per chapter to 100 gems + 50 wish pieces + 2 music cards per chapter (!!). This will only apply to events released after 3rd anniversary and no compensation will be given for the previous 107 events because the devs aren't that nice
Players that rank between 4 and 10 on an event will no longer get a top 10 title, but a title with their specific placement on it
Top 1500 and 2500 title will be added
T50K - T300K reward crystals increased to 300
T11 - T200K will get additional skill up scores
changes to master rank event bonus has been made for 4* and BD cards. refer to the bottom row in the below image
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3D graphics update!
There's been a massive update to the game's 3D models! They now have improved shading and animations! A PV demonstrating can be found here!
The songs that won the 3DMV improvement campaign (Umiyuri Kaiteitan, IF, Cinema, TONDEMO-WONDERZ, and IDSMILE) will have their 3DMVs changed as part of this update.
These will be released on Youtube tomorrow, links in the above bullet point
6th generation (2018) and below iPads will not be able to run the game after this update
Alongside 3D models and the 5 winning MVs, the gacha animation has also been remade
UI updates!
The game will be getting a massive UI overhaul, some images can be found below
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A side story menu will be added alongside the event and main story menus.
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New difficulty: Append!
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A new difficulty will be added, called Append. It requires playing with 3 or more fingers, similar to the Proseka Ultimate songs! The difficulty range will be Lvl23-38!
The first 12 songs to receive Append charts will be Tell Your World, NEO, Hibana -Reloaded-, Stella, MORE! JUMP! MORE!, Vampire, Cinema, Pheles, TONDEMO-WONDERZ, Telecaster B-boy, I nandesu, and Gehenna!
Append will have a new note type, called Trace. It is similar to a slide note from Bandori.
The Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku will also have a lvl 35 Append chart added for a limited time, starting on September 30th. This will be the full version of the song for added challenge.
New event type: World Link!
Described as "stories where you will witness new possibilities in the SEKAI due to change in characters' feelings". By the 4th anniversary, every unit will get one World Link format unit event.
The event will be formatted in parts, known as chapters. Each chapter will be focused on a different character and have its own event ranking and story, and will run for only a few days. At the end of the story, changes might happen in the SEKAI...
Event ranking will be split into two sections: chapter and overall. Chapter score is accumulated during each chapter, and overall tallies your points throughout the entire event (so it is possible to tier one chapter and still get low overall rank because you ignored the other 3). Chapter ranking will have new special titles for ranks 1-100, but everything below T200 will keep the same titles as have always been used.
Event exchange will be split in a similar way, with a chapter exchange and general exchange. Chapter exchange can only be used with the pt badges earned during the specific chapter, but any leftovers can be converted and used in the general exchange.
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Event bonus will work a little differently in these events, with the introduction of support units. If you've played like any other idol game you will know what these are, but for those who don't, then basically it allows you to add extra cards to a team that although can't be used and will not affect score, they can raise your event bonus for your main team. In World Link events, the support team will have 12 slots. Refer to the translated images from @/pjsekai_eng on twitter above.
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The first World Link event will be for Niigo, and will be held between the 8th and 20th of November! After that will be VBS in January, WxS in March, MMJ! in May, L/n in July, and Virtual Singer (!!) in August.
Section 4 - Lives
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Project SEKAI's 3rd live has been announced, titled Evolve!! The live will be held in two locations: Tokyo on January 26th-28th, and Osaka on February 17th & 18th 2024!
A promotional video can be found here.
To commemorate the announcement of the live, a livestream will be held on the 13th of October at 11am UTC, featuring Yukki, Mayushii, Akina, Daichan and Minoringo. The stream can be found here. During the stream, highlights of the live's "evolution" will be shown.
The official account for all information about the live is, as always, @/pjsekai_live on Twitter
During the stream it was announced that the setlist will vary between the day and night performances, with certain members getting more songs during day performances, and certain members getting more songs during night performances. These are organised as two duos per unit (excluding Leo/need), with one at the day performance and one at the night performance. The duos and their possible songs are as follows:
Day performance:
MMJ: Haruka & Shizuku (Nostalogic, Chikyuu Saigo no Kokuhaku o, Shoujorei)
VBS: Vivids (Rettou Joutou, Just Be Friends, drop pop candy, Odo, PaIII.SENSATION, Teikoku Shoujo, Pheles, Koi wa Sensou)
WxS: Tsukasa & Rui (Dappou Rock, Buriki no Dance, KING, Fixer, Nonsense Bungaku)
N25: Kanade & Mafuyu (Jishou Mushoku, Cutlery, Meru, Kokoronashi)
Night performance:
MMJ: Minori & Airi (Ren'ai Saiban, Marshmary, Setsuna Trip)
VBS: BAD DOGS (Fragile, Doctor=Funk Beat, Yobanashi Deceive, Ifuudoudou, Yuurei Tokyo, Garando, Ame to Petra, Aun no Beats, Taemanaku Aiiro)
WxS: Emu & Nene (Dance Robot Dance, Positive☆Dance Time, Rimokon, Alien Alien, Netoge Haijin Sprechor, Wagamama Hime)
N25: Ena & Mizuki (Charles, Venom, Gehenna)
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A connect live to celebrate the third anniversary has been announced. This was actually announced a month ago but I forgot about it and we didn't get art until now. It is titled Memorial Stage and will be held on the 8th of October!
A login story for the live will be available from October 6th.
Section 5 - Event and gacha
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The next event will be centered around the unit reps, with all of them being limited gacha cards, except Kohane who will be the exchange 3*. KAITO and MEIKO will be the fes cards. The event is called Hello Good Day! and is an Ichika banner.
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And as usual, limited paid costume gacha. Here are previews of the costumes from this year's edition.
Section 6 - Project SEKAI Academy
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Project SEKAI Academy is a program for young Vocaloid-Ps who will carry the next generation. 10 applicants under the age of 24 can win a place and be mentored by OSTER Project and Hiiragi Magnetite. 3 more unannounced Voca-Ps will also take part in the program. Each producer will make one song during the program, and one lucky student will have their song added to the game! More info can be found on the official website.
Section 7 - Animation
That's right. We got an anime! ...Well kinda.
Starting from the 30th, digest animations of the 5 main stories will be sequentially released on Youtube. The trailer for Leo/need's animation, animated by P.A. WORKS, is above.
The animations are all around 5 minutes long.
Links below
STELLA (Leo/need)
HAPPINESS (WonderlandsxShowtime)
SELF (25-ji, Nightcord de.)
Section 8 - Miscellaneous news
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Project SEKAI will be doing a collab event with the KaraokeKan chain of karaoke clubs starting in late October. There will be themed drinks, as well as prizes that can be won by singing certain songs! The promotional art was drawn by Rozuki.
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As of today (17th September), posters promoting the anniversary have begun to appear on public transport in Japan! Tomorrow posters will begin to appear in major cities. These posters contain the class registers for the next in-universe school year! The new classes are written in the character section.
A Blu-ray and CD of this year's SEKAI Symphony will be released on November 29th! A preview video can be found on Twitter.
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Project SEKAI will be collabing with SANRIO!! A teaser of some of the promotional illustrations can be found here. More details will be announced in October.
From Midnight JST on the 29th (15:00 UTC on the 28th), illustrations will be released on Twitter showing the characters' last days before moving up a grade. Four will be released throughout the day, at midnight, noon, 6pm and 10pm (all JST).
A livestream celebrating the anniversary will be held on the 29th September at 23:30 JST / 14:30 UTC. It will feature Yukki, Honchan, Akina and Hiichan on the panel. The stream can be found here.
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Finally after 2 years of waiting, Volume 2 of the SEKAI cover albums has been announced. Track lists and release dates below. Note that Hello,World and ray have been excluded from the Leo/need album, possibly due to being part of an artist collab. Their full versions have been available on YouTube for about two years anyway so not overly bad. Aun no Beats has been excluded from the VBS album for unknown reasons (probably copyright).
songs in italics do not have a full version MV on youtube already
Leo/need (March 6th)
Lost One no Goukoku
Ghost Rule
Bokura Mada Underground
Asagao no Chiru Koro ni
Lost and Found
Yomosugara Kimi Omou
Attract Light
MORE MORE JUMP! (February 7th)
Happy Halloween
Karakuri Pierrot
Darling Dance
Torinoko City
Lonely Universe
Kimagure Mercy
Shinkai Shoujo
Setsuna Trip
Vivid BAD SQUAD (February 21st)
Alter Ego
Ame to Petra
Teikoku Shoujo
Taemanaku Aiiro
WonderlandsxShowtime (January 24th)
Nonsense Bungaku
Yī Èr Fanclub
Kami no Manimani
Goodbye Sengen
Alien Alien
Odore Orchestra
Ego Rock
Love ka?
Netoge Haijin Sprechor
Okochama Sensou
25-ji, Nightcord de. (January 10th)
Aishite Aishite Aishite
Mousou Kanshou Daishou Renmei
Deichuu ni Saku
Non-Breath Oblige
Sore ga Anata no Shiawase to Shite mo
Inochi Bakkari
344 notes · View notes
xxwelxx · 2 months
If something doesn’t make sense, don’t hesitate to ask. I’m sure it’ll be all over the place.
I’ll do claims then evidence (or rather headcanons + inspo)
I’ve decided to release these in parts because there’s a lot of information and I can’t neatly put them together coz I stink. So this is mostly about WD 1 and 2 with a sprinkle of 3.
1. WD 1 and 2 are part of the same kingdom, 3 is a different one.
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As you can see, there is a common symbol. The sun is present in the first 2 sets.
Rui is obviously the kingdom’s sorcerer, The emblem on his belt is the same one as almost every WD 1 card. He is the only person in WD 2 to feature a sun, but Toya is the only person in WD 2 to feature a rose.
These 2 connections are enough to connect WD 1 and 2. Everything else from there you can notice similarities in uniforms. WD 3 has absolutely no connections besides Mafuyu.
I want to say everyone besides Rui in WD2 is part of the ‘Dragon Force’. Saki doesn’t have a dragon emblem from what we can see, but her uniform looks similar to the rest of the set. She also has dragon scaly looking hair ties,, thats so cool,,. I suspect her emblem is on her waist belt or something. Kaito, I need to get into more later. His connections to the first kingdom are a lot more loose than everyone else’s.
2. WD 2 is a group that go against the kingdom.
First we need to establish the sense of betrayal, and we can, all thanks to Rui. The name of his outfit is “The Mad Sorcerer” which could imply one of 2 things: He’s always been a mad sorcerer, or something recently tipped him off the edge.
For the sake of connecting everything in a more dramatic story, I’ll say it’s the latter.
Along with every other card in WD 2, Rui sticks out like a sore thumb. Why is he lumped in with everyone like that?
Simple, they needed a magic caster.
Whaatt? Am I gonna get into how I think the magic in this world works? Bit by bit ya, for now let’s just say you can cast spells on/enchant jewelry. (It makes the soldiers look very fashionable waoww!!)
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Magic can look like a bunch of colors for different reasons. But focusing on RED, you can see it everywhere in WD2. That’s really important, because the only other place “red magic jewelry” is seen is on Tsukasa, Mafuyu, and Kanade.
Rui’s magic is clearly red. It makes sense his enchanted items would also be red. Miku, Saki and Kaito each have one super tiny earring/pin. Toya has an enchanted sword (and by the looks of it, more than one type of magic was used on it, goodness gracious that sword is so extra) a pin connecting to the rose, and a super tiny earring.
For reasons I will make clear later, Toya is of a higher status, therefore the kingdom has issued him a protection charm of sorts that is a more prominent part of his uniform (as opposed to an earring that can be added whenever.) If we were to assume that Tsukasa is also of a high status, the enchanted red rose would also make sense. It is an integral element of his uniform, meaning we can guess it was asked of the royal sorcerer when tsks’ uniform was being made.
The reason I’m able to distinguish Toya and Tsukasa as high ranking is because of the red cloth things that stand out.
For Tsukasa it’s a sash, for Toya, a one shouldered cape.
The fact that Rui also has a red sash type thing just solidifies to me that he’s the royal sorcerer. The way the red magicy looking things we’ve established as enchanted feel so intentional on the uniform. It was made with him in mind, I doubt he modified it himself.
Mafuyu and Kanade will be brought up again later.
As for the main point I was trying to make, there is a clear connection between everyone in this set, meaning someone within WD2 recruited Rui to aid in whatever plot they were devising.
Suspects include: Saki, Miku, Kaito, Toya and Rui himself.
Let’s inspect the cards closer.
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Toya’s card has a dragon, and a castle and black ashy particles that I will assume has something to do with the dragon (technically it’s a wyvern, also I named them Rose for funsies coz Idk their actual name.)
Rui seems to be in a castle’s courtyard with bricks just about to come loose from the power of the magic.
Miku seems to be overseeing a celebration from the window of an abandoned building. (Or one that was recently fought in, though the tattered curtain tells me it’s faced more weather damage than being roughed up)
Saki is a 2* 😞
And Kaito.
The ash, its back.
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It looks like an old abandoned library that’s fallen victim to the sands of time. BUT LOOK CLOSER
That candelabrum on the left looks melted. There is ash. Everything looks like it was burnt to a crisp or just severely roughed up.
That smile.. his earring has a lot more attention drawn to it than any other character in ANY set.
The GUN????!?? Like okay. I know they weren’t gonna be historically accurate, they were mixing a lot of historical things up, not to mention a whole dragon and a sorcerer. But a GUN is just very unthinkable. That came out of nowhere.
Tbh WD2 is full of surprises
The first one was like YAY kingdom fantasy au they’re all soldiers
The second they stepped it up and said DRAGON SORCERER AND GUN
The third one they were like YAYY TRANS PEOPLE AND LESBIANS
anyways back to what I was saying..
I think you can tell by now I think it’s Kaito. There is nothing else besides gloves, a jacket, a belt and a badge that connect him to this kingdom. All of these are accessories that can be acquired easily and don’t seem to be part of any solid official looking uniform.
Bringing back WD1 for a second, every single one of those cards seem to be in different battalions, indicated by the patterns seen throughout.
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Hearts, Stars, Shields, Thorns, and Crest of the kingdom.
Btw roses means part of the army. (Saki’s rose is either hidden or the pattern on her cape)
According to the names of the outfits and my abysmal excuse of research, Mizuki would ride a horse, Akito would lead a cause, and tsukasa is chivalrous..
So based on that knowledge:
The lack of stars on Mizuki (and len) tells me they are not in a position of power. And the hearts tell me they are part of a heart division (or whatever an appropriate army term would be). Perhaps it’s a small group, but Mizuki themself does not lead.
Meaning Shiho, Akito, and Tsukasa do.
Akito Leads a Battalion or division or brigade or whatever man 😭😭
And Shiho trains the newbies (thats so awesome) I can tell because Len is a squire and these 2 are the only ones with thorn details.
So if Tsukasa is a lieutenant that oversees most of these divisions, the fact that he doesn’t have thorns anywhere on his person means he doesn’t train the newbies. I guess he’s too busy being chivalrous. He also doesn’t have the dragon force emblem. That’s a special case n Toya’s already fully in charge of that.
You would not believe how long this took me to decode. I think I also for Shiho and Len, the Kingdom’s crest is SOMEWHERE on their person, ik it kinda shows on Len, but Shiho is a mystery. (Rui and Saki also adorn the kingdom’s crest on their person) also also, saki has a star on her uniform. I suspect this is because the dragon force is a small group. So while she is pretty important, she’s still not super high up.
Tangent over, back to Kaito.
All that being said. When you take a closer look at Kaito, sure he has the fashion, but the kingdom’s crest is NOWHERE to be seen. This is not an official uniform.
Miku on the other hand, seems to have a normal dragon force uniform. Black, white, red, badge. But not a rose in sight.
These two are imposters from another dimension DUN DUN DUN.
(Idk man, I’m just trying to make it interesting while giving my own au something to work off of)
So if I’m trying to imply that the vocaloids are imposters, where does that leave Len? Mwehehe secret for the story.
There’s a lot of room for betrayal here. I also appreciate how the betrayal set is all the people closest to Tsukasa. You got his 2 main vocaloids, his siblings and his director. Haha, good luck man o7
3. Card rarity.
the rarer the card, the higher their position (the faces of the events being highest of all). I did most of the talking for this in the previous point
This further pushes the vocaloids as other worldly entities agenda coz SAKI HAS A STAR, BUT THE DRAGON FORCE VOCALOIDS HAVE NO INDICATION OF LEADERSHIP AT ALL.
I probably should have mentioned that before but oh well,,,
Anyways that’s it for part 1, part two is likely going to be much shorter than this, but still impactful. Do what you will with this information :] ask me questions please it might lead me to new revelations.
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jestersking · 2 years
Owen: “Hi, Martyn. It’s been a good while, huh? Spring just started. We built ourselves a little house. We even left a room for you, I think you would have liked it. It’s been... Hard without you. You were such a reliable part for all of us, that it’s kinda hard to actully... Live without you. And managing the rats became so much more difficult! It’s like your chaotic attitude helped them being calm, huh.  Besides, I would really love to hear your advices on some things... Well, it doesn’t matter where you are - we always have a room for you. Or your spirit. I prefer not to think about it. We miss you.” Apo: “Hey, Martyn. Since you left I became a main tailor in the house. It’s kinda funny ‘cause the only thing that I really can’t do is hats. But I’m trying. Sometimes I work in your room. It just feels like you are right here, right beside me and you watch me. I hope you don’t mind me here.” Scott: “Hello, Martyn. I’m sorry.” Bek: “HOYYYYY MARTYYN!!!  You WILL NOT BELIVE THAT!! Me and El are !!OFFICIALLY!! married!! Yep! I did it! Acho was our priest! I hope you are proud of me!  Sometimes when she says something incredibly cheesy I look around hoping that I’ll hear you scuff or laugh. But you are not here. And it’s fine! Truly, it’s okay! I will take care of your room! And your Ratsune Miku wig too!  i miss you” Will: “Hello-hello, Mraty.  How aeu you? Wee doing jusut fine. I hope yu dotoo.  Acho is techin me, how to wiret poems! Its rally fun and i love it. it’s knd hadr to hold a pen but im dong ny best! I wuld luve y to jion us.  Can i aks yo someing? Do you like daises r rsses more? I wnt to decoaret ur door.  With lvoe, Will.” Jimmy: Tubbo: “AT MARTYN. MARTYN RARF. MRATUN. EVERYOEN IS SO DSADD THAT UR GONE BUT URE NOT GONE RIGHN??? UR IN OUR WALLS I KNOW IT!! U WIIUDLNT LEAVE US RIGHT?? RIGHT?? Martyn? You’re here, right?” El: “Martyn. It’s been so long and I’m still not used to the thought of you not being here. That I can’t knock on your door and you won’t be here meeting me with that cocky smile of yours. I know, I should stop hoping. But sometimes I still do. I’m dreaming of your voice. Bek misses you a lot, you know? Sometimes I can hear her crying while she’s cleaning your room. I can’t help her, I would cry too.” Krow: “Dear Martyn: Go Fucking Fuck Yourself.  I fucking hate you. I hate you so much. I hate you more than I hate cats.  I hate you for pushing me into the portal. I hate you for killing Oliver. I hate you because you always were so agressive to our guests. I hate you for leaving. I hate you because you were so dear to everyone. I hate you because you made everyone love you and then YOU FUCKING LEAVE.  I hate you because you made everyone cry. I hate you. You left. You fucking left us. Why? Why? Have I done something? I’m sorry. Please just go back. I’m begging you. Please. Please.” Oli: “’sup mraty  ah i havent said that name in a while. its like a curse in this house. no one talks about u. thats fair. i hate talking about u too.  i know ur not dead. u just better than this. yeah u better than dying. but u left us anyway. why? god if i know. god if anyone knows. but u know i belive thats its a cool reason. like ur saving the world or something. i wouldnt be suprised lol. it doesnt matter. truly it doesnt. whatever you are doing: we still love u. and we trust u. u always will be a shining star for us, a sweet memory.  we love you, Mraty.”
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