#just the way she looks at her pip-boy then up at him
ghouly-boiiiii · 5 months
Rewatching Episode 8 and just noticed the shadowy figure Barb looks up at during the Vault-Tec meeting Cooper listens in on
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Not sure how I missed this before but I wonder who it could be??
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itsclydebitches · 4 months
By this point we’ve all seen a hundred “Lucy had a crush on Cooper Howard and doesn’t realize he’s the Ghoul” takes (which feed me during the hiatus, thanks), but just for the lols I’d love to see the reversal: Lucy hates this guy.
Cooper Howard is her personal White Whale. Lucy hate-watches his films and nit-picks every scene like someone is paying her caps to do it. Whatever the opposite of a blorbo is, that’s Cooper. She woke up one day and chose violence against this 200 years dead actor in particular… but, you know, in a PR approved, Vaultie kind of way. Why the hate? Who knows. Probably a combination of her dad showing her Cooper’s debut film right when she hit that tween age where liking what your parents like is soul crushing and the fact that if she didn’t have this emotional outlet she’d probably explode. It’s the one (1) thing goody-goody Lucy is irrational about and Norm takes endless pleasure in it.
So she’s traveling with the Ghoul, right? Not a whole lot to do while traversing the Wasteland, especially when your companion is blatantly ignoring you and the pip-boy isn’t picking up any radio signals. So when Lucy is able to open that wound again she starts talking about her dad. The books he liked. Jokes he told over dinner. His favorite pair of socks. Silly, inconsequential things that don’t touch on the weight of his betrayal.
Eventually, Lucy talks about the movies they used to watch.
Eventually, Lucy is comfortable enough—and bored enough—to segue into epic rants about Cooper Fudging Howard. For hours. Nothing escapes her passive aggressive, couched-as-constructive-criticism bitching. Not his acting (“Really, he’d benefit from learning a gesture other than sticking his hands in his belt”), not his looks (“Who decided to put him in those pants in Master of the Ranch? Although, Dad says Howard is the one who requested them…”), not even his unintentional impact on the family (“I swear if Dad makes me watch A Man and His Dog one more time…”).
All the while Cooper is walking a few paces ahead. Seemingly stoic.
Actually losing it.
What’s he even supposed to do in this situation?? He hates himself, but not like that. Cooper doesn’t have any desire to talk to Vaultie (that’s a lie. He’s good at lying to himself), but suddenly he wants to turn around, finger held aloft in the air (hers), and correct everything coming out of her mouth—whether he truly disagrees or not. Hands-in-belt is a classic cowboy pose. He loved those pants.
Cooper is Struggling™ and they haven’t even hit the strip yet.
Bonus points: Somewhere along the line they get together and Cooper starts angsting over whether Lucy will leave him. Not because of the radiation damage, or the murder, or the cannibalism, but because if she ever finds out he’s Cooper Howard she’ll absolutely abandon ship. Or kill him. Either option seems likely at this point.
Lucy: Are you ever going to tell me your name? Cooper, literally in bed with Lucy post-coitus: …That’s a little personal, sweetheart
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violetashfall · 4 months
Clumsy Boy.
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Where Carl is a wreck...
┊ ➶ 。˚
!basically fem reader (No physical disc) - 3rd person!
Pretend Warnings;
Carl is a complete loser in this !!
Got some notes at the end of the fic, just me complaining...
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Carl Grimes had gotten significantly more uncoordinated after he lost his eye… his depth perception was not what it once was, and paired with the headaches and brain fog, his clumsiness only got worse.
He took offence to the way his eye deceived him, looking so insulted whenever a water bottle hit his lips before he could part them, how forks kept knocking against his teeth when he tried to take in food.
One person who always witnessed his struggles was [name], she couldn’t help but notice his stumbles and the empty grasps he made whenever he missed whatever he wanted to hold.
His clumsiness was ever-present in how close he got to her while talking and walking, always finding himself a few many steps too close. He tried to make it seem casual, he totally meant to stand foot-to-foot with her–He didn’t even notice when the rim of his sheriff’s hat hit against her head–and when he took those very slow steps back, they were so inconspicuous he might as well have been a ninja…
But of course, Carl was lying to himself, he looked like Bambi learning to walk on ice whenever he was with the poor girl who kept falling victim to his wobbly brain.
But [name] found it sweet – Carl looked so flustered when he accidentally wavered too close, how his lanky arm bumped into hers when they walked… his coordination skills only got worse when the sun came out, blinding his only good eye and making his foggy brain ache further.
It was how he ended up in such an awkward situation: He hated ladders with a burning passion now his mind was constantly dizzying. He had to climb one at the lookout post during the summer day, clinging close to the rung bars - focusing on not getting too woozy. [name] stood at the top, looking over Alexandria with her hand extended for him to take - the one he missed as he clambered to the top with the fear of a tiny puppy - for such a strong boy, he was acting like a kid terrified of heights, throwing himself into the lookout with zero grace and little self-preservation left.
[name] couldn’t dodge him quick enough when Carl tumbled into her, the crown of his head harshly knocking into her chin - making [name] freeze as the force drove her to bite her tongue. When Carl felt the clunk on the top of his head it was already too late, eye-level with [name] once his legs were fully straightened, already taking a tripped step forward and already hanging off her to stop his fall. Their noses hit each other and worst of all, their lips ungainly brushing together.
[name] pushed herself back and forced him upright in a split second, hearing his thick boots thudding against the floor as he stabilised himself. [name] fell backwards raggedly, tripping on her shoelace - his clumsiness was infectious apparently. Not only did [name] feel her sore teeth and hammering chin, but her lips were also buzzing like his had zapped an electric current through them. Her nose wrinkled at him, pure perplexity taking her face as she stared–
“Jesus, Carl!” She exclaimed like a bruised child, She was a bruised child; tasting that pinprick of blood that pipped out her bitten tongue, knowing she’d get a purple mark on her chin from his thick skull colliding with it. The one day he didn’t wear that stupid sheriff's hat… at least it'd cushion the blow.
Carl looked down at her, eye shot open and brain paused in a deep drowning feeling of mortification… and an upcoming migraine. “I’msorry–” His words spilt so fast they were incoherent, hands extended yet frozen by his sides - he had practically just attacked her–Thrown himself at her like she was a lake and he needed to hide from the wasps swarming his head–and it didn’t even work! His brain burned, lit ablaze by the thoughts in his head telling him he was an idiot, asking himself why it was always her.
“You sneeze on me yesterday and now break my jaw?” She whined dramatically, grumbling and pouty, cupping her chin and instinctively touching her lips. She gawped at Carl who's face was burning scarlet - not only had he been weird with her for months, hindering his progress with her at every turn by stepping on her toes or stabbing her with his fingernails when trying to hold her hand–something he was so embarrassed by he was timid to try again, especially after she began figuring out what his murderer name would be after he finally killed her–He had also just ruined his chances further by attacking her with his gracelessness.
“--I didn’t mean to,” Carl cringed at himself, heart pounding in his chest as he kept inwardly begging for the world to swallow him up right there, partly wanting to glare at her for bringing up when he sneezed on her - he had begged her to forget about it, he just wanted her to think he was cool. “Both times,” He muttered, “Any of the time–All of it.” He spilt, moving towards her with stumbled steps and fumbling arms. He tried to help her up - thanking god he at least held her hand with more ease this time.
He couldn't believe himself, he wasn’t awkward, he was outspoken and smart - but Jesus, he did not act like it... especially now, staring at her apologetically with a tight grasp on her upper arm as if she would flee if he let go, but in reality, it was to stop himself from falling to his face without her support, he felt dizzy.
“You’re fine,” [name] said, side-eyeing him as he helped her stand, feeling his hands shake against her. She usually found his clumsiness endearing, but she was startled this time, so much to process about that split second interaction. One thing [name] could tell was how by that tiny grimace on his face - one clouded by the most dorky, cringed, expression ever - that he was at the start of a migraine, and so was she if the pain in her chin radiated any further through her skull.
She started hoping their mistaken kiss would turn him into… well, just a Carl who didn’t keep colliding into her… but he wasn't a frog, and she was no princess, she scowled too much for it.
"You are fine? Right?" She asked, brows furrowing as she inspected his expression, seeing his jaw tight and eye squinted. "Just, Just a headache." He said, shaking his head and diverting his face further, not exactly wanting to look into her eyes when he was so mortified.
[name] huffed, Carl was back to his normal stubborn denial now, just with some extra embarrassment - he knew damn well she was about to tell him to take his painkillers, he'd give her that look as if to say 'Don't baby me' - he wasn't a child who needed to be reminded… but he couldn't bring himself to look at her after that colossal fumble, still flushed and awkward from basically kissing her. "I'm fine." He repeated, voice holding tenseness, something about how [name] stood quiet for a few seconds too long made him know she'd be teasing him soon enough for the massive blunder... he just wanted to get over it... and maybe smirk and kick his feet while thinking about how her lips briefly felt against his.
"...Why are you smiling?" [name's] brows furrowed further, watching Carl who held an expression mixed with pain, mortification and somehow cheekiness... his mind somewhere else for a moment.
Carl's eye widened when she called him out, looking at her as his tiny, dopey smile fell and got replaced with blabbering lips, "Shutup." He grumbled - getting ripped away from his lovey thoughts - about to let her hand go, yet he couldn't bring himself to, palm stuck to hers like glue, wanting to hold it too much to let it go.
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(A/N) I hate writing in 1st / 2nd perspective so I just didn't... the use of [name] is pretty robotic but, hey... I have no defence. I kinda wanted to make this a 'neutral pronoun' fic but got pissy that my WiFi wasn't working so I didn't...
I just wanted to try writing fanfiction.. This was supposed to be a bot, and probably will still be. I didn't capture his character because I made him a dorky whump - I was in a silly mood!!
So yeah, first fanfiction, I felt like a completely stereotypical teenage girl writing this and I don't mind it.
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fhrlclln · 2 months
it started in hollywood | the ghoul
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SUMMARY -> after 200 years, after the bombings, after everything went to shit, the ghoul still had one thing in his mind that never left him, it was his family. it was you. his star wife.
the ghoul/cooper howard x wife!fem! reader
GENRE -> fluff & angst
WARNINGS -> typical fallout violence, vault-tech sucks, cryo shit, poor lucy, radroaches, swearing, emotions, you’re his wife, drugs (chems duh)
WC -> 4.08k
a/n: so fAWK I FORGOT TO POST THIS anyways, so i’ve fallen for walton goggins and of course the ghoul hence a fic!
likes, comments and reposts are greatly appreciated !! <3
enjoy !!
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underneath the scorching sun of the wastelands, the ghoul stares ahead at the vaultie ahead of him that’s walking limply that’s bound by his lasso. the sand underneath his feet is a pain in his ass feeling the grains go inside his shoes every step he takes but it was a treck. all went to shit when this particular vault-dweller got the head of his bounty eaten by a fucking gulper and destroyed his vials trynna not be eaten by it, and now he’s running out of his chems which was a total shit indeed.
yet he stills keeps living on as usual. just a lot of shit that’s going on.
lucy huffs out a breath out of her chapped lips, dehydrated and legs sore from walking a mile. the rope wrapped around her waist wasn’t helping either and neither was the scorching sun shinning brightly over head either. her vision was starting to get blurry but she could see they were nearing abandoned pre-war buildings. she glances behind her, seeing the ghoul still walking cooly, coughing a bit but still looked like he was still holding up which annoyed her. she sighs, walking a bit more, hoping maybe the ghoul would have a change of heart and maybe they’d settle down at some abandoned building there and rest for a bit— and maybe a chance to escape and continue on her quest to bring back her father.
lucy huffs as they halt for a moment. the sound of splashing water catches her ear as she glances back again to see the man holding a canteen as he screws it open and chugs the water down. she stares at it, panting, her mouth salivating at the sight of water.
“sir…” she pleads, “sir, please, i need water… please.” she begs as the ghoul momentarily stares back at her and eventually ignores her as he continues to drink. her brows furrow, desperation gnawing inside her. “please.” she rasps, more loudly. the ghoul doesn’t say anything as he drinks then emptying out his canteen once he’s done. precious water droplets wasted as a mockery to the poor girl. lucy stares at him with disbelief as the ghoul unsheathes his shotgun as he gestures for her to walk. the poor girl obliges, not wanting to get a bullet to her head as they continue on until lucy’s pip-boy rad meter suddenly triggers. her footsteps halt as she turns to where it was indicating radiation to a puddle of water in which her eyes hunger at until the ghoul spoke.
“water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink.” he says casually. “ain’t much stays clean here, vaultie. you’ll see.” he warns.
“is that what happened to you?” she huffs. “radiation?”
“something like that.” he answers as they continue the walk, passing by a large vault-tec advertisement. lucy looks at it, a sign of determination for her remembering her dad and her vault. a gunshot rings as the face of the vault boy is shot right clean. she quickly glances at the ghoul, seeing he was the one who shot it.
he lowers his shotgun, staring at the holed face, anger seeping in him silently. distain for whatever vault-tec shit he sees. they continue on yet the cold silence from the ghoul can be felt all the way. he hated that fucking corporation, ruining his fucking career, sending him into a downward spiral all because he trusted that woman. but amongst all he fucking hated was how not only his career went to shit in hollywood, he hated that he got his wife involved in it.
ah, hollywood. his thoughts run to there, a distraction for the walk. he wasn’t one to dive in much in his memories, past was past, but dammit was the past the only thing that maybe kept him sane. because after all, it all started in hollywood.
when he met you.
his hand dives down in his inner pocket of his duster, fishing out something. his hand grips a worn-out photograph, one he got along his travels exploring the worn out california crest studios, back when he was fresh from this awful new world he awoke to after the bombings. a small photograph of you. one he ripped out of a picture frame out of desperation from a studio. you were a star, a known actress back then, known for your bombshell status and numerous romantic films you’ve been in. and known for being his wife as well thereafter.
cooper howard’s star wife.
he remembers it clearly, meeting you for the first time behind set when he got casted for one romantic film he did for the first time, as only a side character. he was fairly still new in the industry back then before his big breakthrough and you were already big in name. you were the female lead and his heart immediately knew from then on that he was in love with you from the first meeting. you captured his attention and everyone else but he was smug enough to say that he caught your attention, and the rest was fucking history.
the ghoul stares at his precious photograph, gently caressing the worn out picture with his thumb. the one thing that kept his sane. a numbing feeling encapsulating him as he forces himself to look away, focusing now on the present. he tucks it back in his pocket, right inside his chest pocket, above his rotting heart. it wasn’t the time to grieve now, he spats in his mind, he has shit to deal with.
the walk continues on, the ghoul could tell they were passing by studios seeing a lot of tour buses surrounding the area. they past through it on a route to another road in where the ghoul’s destination is. he coughs, a little more hoarsely as suddenly the vaultie in front of him stops and stares at something.
“what you starin’ at, vaultie?” the ghoul tugs his lasso harshly as lucy yelps at that as she glares at the ghoul before he turns his head to take a look at what the smoothie halted their walk for. his eyes slightly widened and his radiated heart stops momentarily at the sight before him.
it was you.
you, on a life-size poster, holding an appetizing cold nuka-cola bottle, smiling brightly as ever with your signature red lips and perfectly styled hair. the poster was a bit shredded and dirty but it still had the picture of you still intact than his photograph that he stares at it now. the same old fluttering yet sentimental feeling filled his hollowed chest as he takes a step to get a good look on your face, that face he dreams of everyday. memories started to flood in and he remembers this very advertisement that you had done. heck, he was even behind the camera, watching you from the set when you posed for nuka-cola, being the it girl that you are.
lucy is confused at the sudden silence the ghoul gave as he stares at the poster she was staring at on a while ago. she knew you, she was even a fan of you after watching numerous movies of you back back when she was still in the vault. was the ghoul a fan of you as well? she thinks as she opens her mouth to speak.
“big fan of her?” she asks yet the ghoul doesn’t answer her for a moment, still staring at your poster. but hearing your name made him feel something, something he hadn’t felt since forever.
“you know her?” he asks back which surprises lucy expecting he’d shrug her off or tug his lasso again and tell her to get a move on.
“y-yeah, loved her movies. always watched them ever since i was a kid… with my dad.” lucy says, surprised at the sudden small talk she was having with the cold bounty hunter.
“huh.” he grunts at that, a genuine small smile gracing his lips as he lifts his arm up to touch your poster as he admired you. his darling star wife. your eyes were still sparkling like diamonds even on a poster. still a star after 200 years, huh baby? he sweetly thinks.
lucy’s eyes widened at the sudden genuine… genuine smile the ghoul gave. he must be a really big fan, she thinks.
yet the sweet feeling dies down inside him. you were gone. gone from this world. he grieves at that harsh realization that he never got to see you one last time before the nukes dropped when you went away for work as any other day while he was at a kid’s birthday party. he never knew what happened to you, never knew if you survived or if you were still alive, if there was a miracle. but there were no such things as miracles in the wastelands, that he knew well. he steps back, letting his hand drop and he turns ahead, tutting his chin to lucy who was staring at him.
“get a move on.” his small smile fades as lucy nods when he tuts his shotgun again. he glances back at you one last time and he sees the wedding band on your finger, a pang in his chest erupts as he forces himself to look away and continue on. you were gone. that was it, he harshly tells himself.
that was it.
they arrive to a town, to a medical clinic of some sort, a worn down one as usual. they could hear some grunting and hissing coming from inside and the young girl was hesitate go in as the ghoul pushes her to move forward. the ghoul was looking for rog, another fellow ghoul, hoping he had some spare vials yet luck run out for that. and things did get ugly, shooting roger on the head was mercy, poor fella almost to the brink of turning feral. and poor lucy watched him cut the man up and eventually she cut him up for the ghoul for some ass jerky.
well shit. the ghoul thinks, as they continue on the walk inside the town. concern floods in him, turning feral wasn’t on his list today as well and neither was the vaultie almost escaping from him and biting his damn finger off. on their walk, they happen to past a vault, just a little bit out of the town, he don’t give two shits about what’s in it yet lucy was now adamant they try to go in there.
“please, sir!” lucy pleads again, pointing to the direction of the vault. “i can g-get in there, and maybe the fellow people there can give us supplies and your vials.” she pleads, the idea of her mind getting non-radiated water and food making her gnaw in desperation. he raises a brow at how she can get in there yet the idea still opposes him. he didn’t want to be dealing with more bubble-head smoothies.
“and why the fuck should i agree on that, vaultie?” he coughs out, more violently now.
“please, i can get in, my pip-boy can get us in.” she begs, desperate for him to agree. “listen you need those vials, right? my vault had those and i know every vault has a storage of that in our clinic. if i could get to talk to the people there and reason with them, maybe they can give it to us.”
“maybe.” he scoffs at that, another cough follows through as he could feel the more drastic changes in him now. he wheezes, sighing. he had no problem defending himself if the vaultie turns on him once they get into that vault so why the fuck not? he steps forward as lucy’s pleading eyes wait for his answer.
“well, alright then.” he says as lucy face fell into relief until he spoke again.
“but so we’re clear, vaultie, we’re not done yet. and i won’t hesitate to shoot you and those damn other vaulties if things turn to shit from what fuckery you’re saying.” he warns as lucy quickly nods.
it was amusing for him to see the girl stumble in her steps despite being dehydrated and exceptionally tired as she rushed to the massive vault. it made her look mad, like an addict rushing to a pile of chems. he stands before the vault, feeling the coolness of being in the shade a little relief for him. still, looking at what vault-tec created, on what he advertised made him sour. he sees lucy plugging in her pip-boy to some panel beside the vault, a minute passed and the massive doors open, the sound of it ringing through his ears. before lucy could get in, the ghoul tugs his lasso as she stumbles back as she glared at him.
“gentlemen first.” he says as he got in, the vault was different to see. not like the ones he got in to advertise back then. it was more… industrial from what he can see than a home. lucy steps to his side, confused at the sight of this vault, expecting there should be a vault keeper by the control panel but there was none. the vault door behind them seals shut again, sealing them from the wasteland.
“cat got your tongue, vaultie?” he speaks up to the dazzled lucy.
“this…” she doesn’t know where to start, the vault isn’t the same as hers. “this is d-different.”
“yeah, well…” he shrugs. “i guess vault-tec don’t cater that home of yours to all vaults.” he walks forward to the hallway, an empty hallway, he couldn’t hear any footsteps or murmurs coming in so he guessed this vault must’ve been abandoned.
“t-there should be people here. a vault keeper by the vault door to greet us and an overseer ready to question us—“ she explains, walking behind him, still confused.
“then you’re wrong.” he replies “place still looks intact though.” he looks around, rounding a corner and now into a room in where he halts his steps, surprised at what’s in it and how cold it was.
“well shit.” so many cryogenic chambers filled the room in where he sees. humor fills him, so vault-tec wasn’t advertising just a home but also a way for people to be frozen, huh?
lucy walks quickly to him to see it. “w-what—“
“the people you were looking for are frozen turkey.” he says casually, stepping in, still cautious of his surroundings as he ready his shotgun. lucy walks faster, looking around to see multiple people frozen in these chambers.
“are they… pre-war?” she asks.
“i’d reckon.” he answers, standing in front of one, getting a good look of this person. observing the state of the man in the chamber, he could tell he looks alive seeing the fella still breathing.
“and still alive.” he snickers. he wonders what vault-tec advertised for this shit.
“i don’t understand…” she’s still confused, confused why people are willing to be frozen alive. “why… if they’re frozen then there must be someone watching them?”
“not if that someone is already dead.” he tuts his chin to the control panel where a skeleton is lying down in front of it. he must have guessed maybe something happened to the one caregiver—or more in this vault.
lucy gasps at that. “then how will they all get out?”
“their fate, vaultie. just a fucked up one.” he reminds her and steps away from the chambers. it was grim realization for all the people living here, that they’ll be frozen forever because of vault-tec after they promised them their safety. lucy is rendered speechless of what she’s learning. a moment of silence transpires and a sudden alarm rings off from one of the cryochambers, a blaring red light is seen from it. lucy looks at the ghoul, seeing him confused as well. she rushes to it to see a woman in the chamber as a terminal beside it warns that it was failing life support.
“she’s dying!” lucy shouts, worried.
“leave it.” the ghoul warns, not wanting lucy to touch any shit here.
“if i don’t do anything she might die.” she reasons as the ghoul sighs at her. the terminal’s screen flashes that the chamber is critically failing and that to press the eject button immediately. lucy huffs as she searches for the eject button, ignoring the ghoul’s warnings. a red button is under the terminal and she could see the eject label. despite her arms tightly tied to his lasso, she does one thing that surprises the ghoul as she butts her forehead to press it quickly.
“motherfucker—“ the ghoul grits his teeth as lucy slumps down to see the cryochamber open, cold air hitting her cheeks as the woman in it groans awake. lucy watches as her eyes open suddenly and a gasp is awoken in her as the very woman stumbles out of her chamber, falling to the floor as well.
“ma’am?” lucy spoke up, dazzled to see this woman. seeing clearly that she wasn’t wearing a vault suit like hers but in a black mini-dress. the ghoul watches from afar of where he stands, something familiar about this woman who lucy ejected sparked curiosity in him. it couldn’t be—
“i-i can’t see.” your hoarse voice croaks.
“is someone there?” you call out, blinking your eyes frantically but you still couldn’t see clearly. everything was blurry and confusing for you as you tap the floor from where you are slumped.
lucy is starstruck. you were the woman she just saved from life support. she couldn’t believe it as she glances to the cowboy, seeing him equally shocked as her as well.
“ma’am, i-i’m here.” lucy gently calls out as you raise your head yet the image of lucy is still blurry. your face then drops, into a sudden look of worry.
“m-my husband. is my husband here?” you immediately ask, remembering cooper was supposed to visit you on set after his gig at a birthday party and yet the bombs fall and you couldn’t get to him.
“cooper… cooper howard is he here?” you ask again, panicking.
“he’s…” lucy couldn’t answer that. “i don’t know, ma’am.”
“please… please tell me he made it. i need…” you blink again as it was still blurry. hysterical now that the woman talking to you didn’t know where your husband is or if he even got in time to get into this vault despite you knowing he fucking hated this.
“i-i need, fuck, please tell me he’s here. cooper—“ you sob now. “is my husband alive?” you asks, tears staining your cheeks.
“i don’t know…” lucy’s voice lowers, sympathetic for you. after being frozen for such a long time, your vision was still adjusting to the sudden awakening. your sobs grew louder, realizing he didn’t make it. lucy lips tremble at the sight of you as she looks to the ghoul, seeing him stand frozen as like the people in the chambers.
“sir?” she calls him out.
cooper is dumbstruck at the sight before him. he didn’t know if the lack of chems were taking a toll on him but there you are, his darling beautiful wife, alive and in one piece. still looking like the day he last saw you, all gorgeous in that black dress you wore. he hesitantly steps forward, his rotten heart beating so loudly. a number of emotions are mixed in him. and he was scared. but seeing you crying had his feet finally moving to you and lucy. you were sobbing, calling out his name, and that struck him that you thought he was dead. but in reality, he was in fact dead, now just a shell of a man that turned into a ghoul. he wasn’t cooper howard for a very long time but maybe now, he could still feel his old self inside him from just seeing you alive.
“coop…” you sob his name out. confused and scared as your vision started to become more clearer by the minute. you couldn’t stand, just by the thought of cooper dead had you wanting to be put back in that chamber again.
“i’m here, sugar.”
he finally speaks, crouching next to you. “i’m right here, baby.” he whispers as you frantically lifted your head up hearing his voice, vision still a bit blurry. but a silhouette of a man wearing a cowboy hat had you stopping your sobbing.
“cooper, that you?” you sniffle as you weakly tried to sit up.
“slow, baby.” he ushers you gently. “your body’s still adjusting.”
“you made it?” you ask.
“sort of.” he says as he gently caresses your cheek, he shudders feeling of your soft yet chilled skin. yep, this is real. you’re alive. “once your eyes adjust, sugar. i ain’t the husband you had back then.” he sadly tells you as you nuzzle your cheek to his warmth.
“that’d be impossible.” you tell him as he chuckles at that sadly. “how long have i been frozen turku?”
“give or take, 200 years.”
“well shit.” you say, shocked. had it been that long?
“shit indeed.” he grins, he could tell your vision was starting to come back as he warns you now. “i’m telling you sugar, you not gonna like what i look like now.”
you blink and blink and the light blinds you for a moment before you stare up at him. you gasp, seeing his face now. he was right that he was different. his face was all muscle, no nose, eyelids were sunken, as if the bones are starting to come out but his hazel eyes were still the same. cooper stares at you, waiting for you to be scared and disgusted by him but you surprised him again.
“what happened to you, coop?” you cup his face, softly caressing it. he shudders, the coldness from your hands and the feel of your soft fingers again mad him relish it. “what happened without me?”
“long story, sweetheart.” he says. “not a good one.” his face is stern at that and you could tell he’s gone through a lot of shit.
you hum, letting go of his face, sitting up now. “i thought you were dead.” you tried standing up but failed as cooper helped you up, hands on your waist to keep you steady as you look into his eyes.
“so did i, sugar.”
“i’m glad you’re here. don’t care you look different, coop.” you sigh with relief, caressing his chest as cooper nuzzled his face into your neck, breathing in your scent, glad you still smelled like warm vanilla. it made him feel more warm, the cold exterior he put on melting down because of you. it felt like for a moment that he was in home with you. the two of you dancing in the kitchen with the radio on after you made dinner.
“mhmm.” he hums, loving this feeling of having you in his arms finally as he caresses your hips to your waist. “feelings mutual, baby.” you giggle a bit when he kissed that spot on your neck.
“uhm…” both of you pulled apart for a moment at lucy’s interference. “just so you know, there’s a couple of roaches on the walls.” she points out as cooper whips you to his side as one lurches at him. you yelp at the sudden gunshot, shocked to see cooper handling a gun again. it kind of looked like he was acting in his cowboy movies with attire but you sure knew that this was not a movie as he eliminated each one. their guts splattered on the floor, sticky and green looking, you cover your ears from the gunshots as you watched your husband stomp on the last one.
“those were roaches?” you asked frantically, appalled at the sight, used to seeing those little critters being little.
“radiation does some fuck up evolution, sweetheart.” he explains calmly, taking your hand into his. for the first time in 200 years he finally feels that feeling he was denying for, hope. and that hope went straight to finding him to you. he kisses your hand lovingly, a promise made he’d protect you once you two get out of the vault.
“a lot has changed up here.” you look at him, there’s this unspoken sadness in his eyes. you understood what the world would like up there and you felt ready for it knowing he’s by your side as you nodded with determination.
“i’ll be ready to face it with you, coop.”
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not-neverland06 · 3 months
Crash of Worlds
Previous part / Next part
Cooper Howard x fem!reader, The Ghoul x fem!reader A/N: After this there’s gonna be more canon divergence - this one’s short (rope divider done by @saradika-graphics , cowboy hat/revolvers done by @firefly-graphics) Summary: You’d been expecting everything to be different, people, to be different. But not like this. Not to such an extreme extent. Maybe the vault had softened you more than you’d have liked but there was nothing to do about it now.
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The green canopy of the forest provides a welcome relief from the heat. You and Lucy follow the signs pointing the way to Filly. You hear it before you ever get to see it. There’s a distant sound of yelling and the murmur of people. It has your heart clenching in your chest. 
You’re outside, breathing in real air, not oxygen from tanks. You can feel the breeze in your hair and hear people. It’s all you wanted for three years. Bud prepared you for a lot. But he didn’t prepare you for just how jarring it is to wake up and suddenly everything you’ve ever known is gone. You don’t feel the years you’ve been asleep. It was like it happened yesterday. 
But you’ve had three years to come to peace with what had happened. You can’t let yourself get wrapped up in this feeling of nostalgia. The raiders that came down to the vault were proof enough that the people you’re going to meet up here aren’t going to be anywhere near friendly. You know this world has turned into dog-eat-dog, Lucy doesn’t yet, though. 
She walks towards a large grove of abandoned cars. The paint has flaked off and the glass smashed in, but they’re not in horrible condition for being two hundred odd years old. You're distracted by the convertible she stands next to and you gasp. 
You rush forward, hand smoothing over the hood and grinning at the familiar feel. “I-”
You cut yourself off abruptly and Lucy looks over at you, a curious smile on her face. “What is it?”
You shake your head, “Nothing. Just excited to see civilization again.” You give her a terse smile, hoping she doesn’t smell the lie. You’d almost said that it was exactly like your old car. But that would have opened up a can of worms you weren’t ready for. 
She groans, linking her arm through yours and nodding. “I know, me too. The surface is definitely not what I was expecting.”
You sigh, glancing back at the car before stepping towards Filly. “Yeah, me either.” 
The noise reaches a crescendo as you finally manage to make your way into the market. There’s still signs directing you further through the woods so you figure this must not be Filly yet. Probably just a little place where people tried to peddle junk. 
A man lurches out at you holding out a kebab and grinning widely. “DOG MEAT!” You jump back in shock as he screams in your face. His eyes are unseeing as he waves the kebab around. “GET YOUR DOGMEAT HERE!” 
“Oh, what the fuck?” You mutter, you didn’t mean dog-eat-dog literally. You notice you and Lucy getting odd looks and you finally realize just how much the two of you stand out. In comparison, you're both well groomed and much cleaner than anyone here. 
Not only that but you’ve got the stupid Pip-Boy’s on your arm and vault suits on. You’re walking advertisements of “Come rob me!” You steer Lucy further through the market, narrowly avoiding a lizard meat stall and dragging her towards a tunnel at the end of the path. Filly’s just beyond and you shove her through the opening, eager to get somewhere where you might be able to find something useful. 
You seperate with the promise to meet back up in the middle of the town square. You’re going to look for something to change into and she’ll find some information on her father. Should be easy enough. 
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He’s not supposed to be here. He’d gotten himself and all of his kind banned a long time ago. An impressive feat, considering how lawless Filly is. But no one’s going to say anything to him, no one ever has before. 
Any other ghoul and they would have been dragged right back out before they could even put a foot through the tunnel. But he’s not any ghoul, he’s the ghoul. And no one in their right mind is going to be the one to start a fight they’ve got no fucking hope of winning. 
He rolls the empty vial of RadAway around in his hand, hat tipped down as he waits for his mark to show up. Ma June, cantankerous old bitch that she is, always has good supplies. But she doesn’t sell to ghouls, and if he didn’t need her alive right now he would have shot her for turning him away. She’s a well known fence for fugitives and bounties. If his mark is going to show up anywhere, it’s going to be right here. 
Most of the people who try their hand at bounty hunting do it for the experience. They get bored, not that he can fucking blame them. After a while staring at nothing but sand and chickens makes a man go a little crazy. They don’t understand that it’s all a waiting game. 
Sometimes it’s an exhilarating chase, like a predator tracking down its prey. But more often than not he’s just waiting for a slip up. A mistake from whoever has a price on their head is usually what lands them in his hands. And the second this man decided to use Ma June as a transport was when he made his mistake. Everyone knows that Barv can’t keep her mouth shut for shit. 
When someone decides Ma June can help them, everyone knows where they are. It’s a big bounty, enough to keep anyone with a normal life cycle sated for the rest of their life. For him, it’s all about the hunt. The wait, that look in their eyes when they realize they're trapped and there’s nowhere left for them to turn. He loves it when he’s got them cornered. 
There’s a desperation to them that makes the capture all the more sweeter.  
There’s two bright flashes of blue against the otherwise dreary countenance of Filly. He doesn’t look up much, still trying not to draw too much attention to himself. He sees one, brown hair and wide eyed as she takes in the sights. Fucking vaulties. 
It’s been a while since he’s taken one of their bounties. Their tech was pretty valuable among surface dwellers and when one was spotted, which was rare, there was usually a good price on their head. He can only catch the back of the other one, her face blocked by a conveniently placed support beam next to him. 
She stops by the clothing stall, waving her friend along and speaking to the woman who runs the booth. Good fucking luck to her. There was no haggling with that woman and her prices were fucking ridiculous. He wonders how long it will be until he sees those two on the poster in some bar somewhere. He’s sure when the time comes, he’ll enjoy taking them too. 
His gaze goes back to Ma June’s shop, interest already waned in the rare vault dweller. They were never all that fun. Never had any good information and always had a stick up their ass about morals and being a “good” person. 
Finally, his mark turns up. Blind to the danger lurking behind him. 
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You’re in a really shitty spot when the fighting starts. You’re overwhelmed by everything around you. Freaks in wacky ass clothes peddling their mutated animals and fucking teeth. Teeth. 
Teeth and bottle caps, that’s the currency now. Who decided that bottle caps were a good idea? Or teeth for that matter. You’ve only got so many of them. You don’t even want to think about what they’re getting used for.
The woman in front of you only has four of her own left and she’s demanding three of yours for a shirt. You’re not well versed in the economy of the wasteland, but even you’re sure that three teeth is a ridiculous ask. From the way people keep glaring at you as they walk by, you’re sure that she thinks because you’re from a vault you’re going to be gullible. 
You’re too caught up in your quickly escalating argument to realize what’s happening until it’s too late. A man stands in the center of the square, his back to you. You can tell from your view that he’s pretty badly burned, the skin around his neck and skull warped and twisted. 
He’s yelling about a bounty and your head tilts in confusion. There’s something to the lilt of that accent that sounds familiar. You take a step forward, abandoning the clothing stall and trying to place how you know him. It’s impossible, really, that anyone recognizable would still be alive. But maybe someone else got out of a vault and made it to the surface. If they did, it clearly wasn’t unscathed. 
It’s only when he pulls out his gun that you realize Lucy is standing in front of him, with the man that bothered her last night. You want to call out her name, try and catch her eye, but the last thing you need is him pointing that gun at you. You jump back in shock as he shoots the man’s foot off, eyes widening, and feet scrambling backwards. 
The woman in the clothing stall hisses, “Fucking ghoul,” and makes a run for it. You watch her go, finally realizing just how empty the square is now. Everyone has left, all of them terrified by the man in black. Your eyes dart between him and the stall. 
She’s gone, and you need clothes. You’ll deal with Lucy’s scolding later. You leap over the counter of the stall and begin to rifle through the woman’s stock. Stuffing any spare clothes you think will fit into your pack and just because she was such a horrid bitch, you steal her bag of caps too. 
The crazy old lady by the shop screams out a reward for anyone who manages to kill the man in front of you. When the guns start going off you realize just how screwed you are. You’re in the middle of the town square. Granted, you are blocked by the clothing stall, but these bullets they’re using aren’t ordinary. 
They’re getting holes blown clean through their chest and the buildings around them are damn near exploding from the impact. The measly little wooden stall isn’t going to be any sort of decent cover against them. 
You risk another look over the counter, hoping to find a clear path to Lucy or at least some better cover. He’s finally turned around now and you can get a half decent glance at his side profile. There’s nothing truly recognizable about him, just familiar. It’s hard to really tell anything about him when he doesn’t have a nose. 
You watch with wide eyes and a disbelieving expression as he takes three shots to the chest like it’s nothing. He keeps chewing on his tomatoes and slowly finding cover to reload. A ghoul. Hank and Betty had told you and the other’s about them. People poisoned by radiation. 
Most of them turn feral, but those who can find the right chems live a lot longer than any normal human should. They heal nearly immediately and are almost invulnerable to anything except their own disease. Considering how quick on the draw this guy is, no one has any real hope of taking him down. 
With the shooting redirected you leap out from behind the counter and rush towards the shop. But something stops you before you reach the door. You don’t know what it is, what connects in your brain that has you so harshly coming to a stop. 
You whirl around, ignoring the way Lucy calls out your name. He’s back out from his cover now. He aims, grinning and laughing as he manages to get two people with one bullet. Carnage is all around you. Blood flying through the air, surrounded by blood and guts. The relatively peaceful downtown has been littered with dead. 
And in the middle of it all stands him. You have to be wrong. There’s no fucking way he’s standing in front of you. You take a step forward and his head whips towards you. The rest of him isn’t recognizable, but you would know those eyes anywhere. 
His eyes widen with surprise and you feel your gut drop to your feet. This can’t be him. There’s no way. He’s slaughtering these people like it’s nothing. The man you knew could never be so casual about this. Then again, the relationship you’d had was built on lies. Maybe you’d never really known him. 
Before you can process the anger in his face you’re being jerked to the side. Lucy pants as she drags you into the shop and you look over your shoulder, shocked to find a bullet where you’d just been standing. You catch his eye, see the smoke coming from the barrel of his gun and realize he’d tried to fucking shoot you.
Shit, maybe it is him. He had always had a bad temper and a good aim. 
You can feel his eyes, tracking you even as you disappear behind the walls of the shop. You and Lucy risk a peek out of the shop when you hear something like an explosion. You gape as a power suit lands in front of him. What twisted ass blast to the past have you just been sent to?
How the fuck was Cooper Howard, ghoulified, and a power suit both in the same area? 
You had to be dreaming. There was no way this was happening. But it was, and whoever was in charge of that suit had no idea what they were doing. He’s ducking under their swinging metal arms, taunting them and drawing out the fight. He could end this now, you both know where the weakness is. 
Hell, you could end this fight right now. But you don’t see the need to kill the Knight when it’s clear he’s trying to protect you and Lucy. “We need to get him,” Lucy points frantically to the man on the ground. He’s not really moving, just clutching the bloody nub where his foot used to be and looking astonished at the blood around him. 
“This is really stupid,” you hiss as you both start forward and wrap an arm around one of his own. You don’t have much time to process what happens next. 
“Watch out!” The knight barrels towards you both. He wraps his arms around Lucy and goes flying into a building. You jump back at the explosion of wood and metal flying down around you. The ghoul has his gun pointed at them both. He’d clearly been trying to snipe you both, get you away from the man on the ground. 
Well, he could fucking have him. You drop the man to the ground and he grunts as you make a run for it. A coward’s move, the same one you admonished Norm for. But, you’re a fucking hypocrite, so what? Right now, you’d really just like to survive this gun fight unscathed. 
Something lands near your foot and you jump, realizing it’s a bullet. You glance up and the ghoul is laughing at you, full on belly laughing as he shoots around you. You realize with a start that he’s playing with you. Taunting you like a man who’s got all the time in the world. But you can’t stop running. If you stop, those bullets are going to catch up with you. 
You keep going, legs pumping and heart racing as you’re separated more and more from Lucy. The mission, the whole reason you came up to the surface, is lost on you. You can only focus on one thing, surviving. You keep running, through alleyways and around buildings until you’re back in the woods. The whole time his laughter is following you. 
The sharp noise of something whistling through the air reaches your ears and then something snaps against you. You glance down, only a moment to process the rope over your arms before he’s dragging you back. Your head hits the ground with a harsh snap, the motion slamming your teeth together and nearly biting off the tip of your tongue. 
You groan in dazed pain and then he’s slowly dragging you back. One sharp tug after another, rocks ripping at your suit and scalp, hair ripped out underneath your back. Until, finally, he’s peering over you, face upside down and lips twisted up into a strained smile. 
“Well, there you are, sweetheart.”
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end. — I do not own the characters or the game/show Fallout, but this writing is my own all rights reserved © not-neverland06 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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bunnypeew · 5 months
my sweetheart- Cooper x Fem!reader
okay so i’ve wanted to write a one shot of The Ghoul cuz he’s so funky I love him!!!! so this is an attempt to writing something that isn’t hazbin hotel heheheh :3c
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the surface was something else, and for a vaultie like her it was terrible but she’ve been out and about for at least a decade now so she knew her way around. She had her fair share of partners sure, but finally after years she found the one, the perfect person for her. Coop was a ghoul, a pre war one too and for those 200 years he hadn’t found anyone after Barb, no one at all, but something about her changed his heart forever.
they met during a bounty hunt, long before the Wilzig one,, and they just so happened to bump into each other in Filly, it was definitely not normal to see a ghoul there so she got curious, she said sorry for bumping into him, tucking her hair behind her ear out of slight embarrassment
''Don't worry, I'm not gonna crumble after a slight push,,
he says smirking, lit cigarette in between his lips, takes a puff and looks back at her
''say do you by any chance know where I can find this fella here?,,
he says showing a drawing, of what seems to be a wanted poster, she looks at it carefully only to not recognise the guy and biting the top of her finger looking at the ghoul
“sadly no, but i can help you find him! i’ve had a few bounty hunts in my time,,
she says, kinda proud of herself since she hadn’t been doing that for long, and she thought she was pretty good at it
the ghoul looked her up and down, not in a rude way but it was the fact she was still wearing her vault suit, after years of not being in a vault she was still to attached to it and couldn’t take it off, of course she tweaked it a little bit with patches where holes where and some armour on top so it wasn’t in its original state
“sorry sweetheart but i don’t think a vaultie like you would ever take on of my bounties,,
she seemed a bit taken aback by his sentence but tried not to show it, she strikes a bit of a pose, hand on her hip and the other one takes the poster from his hand, gently of course
“well, try me!,,
the ghoul smirks again, taking a last puff from his cigarette then making it fall on the ground and stomping it with his boots
“sure thing,,
that was the day they met,, and since then they’ve been inseparable.
now in the present they would take bounties together all the time, but now was one of those days where they stayed home, they got a little cottage in the middle of nowhere, near enough vegetation to grow their crops
they were relaxing on their bed, she was playing on her pipboy while he was reading a book, suddenly he plops down his book and looks at her being concentrated on her game, he starts kissing the back of her head with soft little pecks making her shiver a bit but still playing the game
“hun get off your pip boy and come cuddle with me for a lil, huh?,,
he says now kissing her neck, so she decided to turn off the pipboy and give her man attention.
she turns around and gets under his arm cuddling in, then looks him in the eyes
“how lucky i am to have you Coop,,
he chuckled and looked at her kissing her nose
“I think it’s the other way around my sweetheart,,
this is a short one!! but i like it!! WE LOVE THE GHOUL RAAAAAH
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Pathetic (M)
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(I did not edit this picture. Weverse literally just dropped it and I’m so lazy)
Title: Pathetic
Part one of the Pathetic series
When your best friend Jeongyeon drags you to a frat party, you aren’t expecting much. Certainly not to be fucked dumb by notorious man whore Yoon Jeonghan, but hey, what happens at a frat party, stays at a frat party.
Simplified tags: 6k words, Porn with Plot, frat boy!Jeonghan, college student!y/n, best friend!Jeongyeon, soft!dom to hard!dom Jeonghan, mean!Jeonghan (and y/n loves it), submissive!y/n, female!y/n (sorry gender-neutral friends), heavy degradation, light masochist!y/n, sadist!Jeonghan, mild pain kink, vaginal fingering, creampie, spitting, slapping, big dick!Jeonghan, blowjob, mentions of aftercare but I don’t write it happening he just says what he’ll do
Warnings: This fic is filthy, dub con (I personally think that the consent is explicit enough but I’m tagging it this way just to be careful since it is intense), Jeonghan is a fiend. There is spitting, a creampie, degredation, like Jeonghan calls you pathetic. You thank him for him treating you like trash. There is after care but there is also light slapping, I’m serious this is literally the filthiest thing I have ever written. I’m embarrassed to have written it, and I hope that the five people who like things like this enjoy it. Jeonghan starts off as a soft!dom, but quickly turns to a hard!dom
I have this... secret blog that I wrote one story on cause I was embarrassed by it and didn’t want it to be on this blog and on that blog I asked if anyone wanted this kind of fic and I had like twelve people like the post so here we go.
“Really Jeonghan? Another fling that you just dropped for no reason?” Seungcheol asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Jeonghan hummed as he placed another lego block together, glancing over at the instructions for the house that he was building.
“Just not a good fit.”
“And by that he means she couldn’t handle him,” Soonyoung pipped up, unhelpfully. Seungcheol sighed.
“What is he? A monster in the bedroom?”
“Have you not heard him with people?” Jihoon asked, a look of disgust on his face as he handed Jeonghan the next lego brick he needed. “They’re sluts, all of them- and I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, he calls them that.”
Seungcheol seemed surprised, but Jeonghan didn’t bat an eye at the accusations.
“They like it, but not as much as I want them to,” Jeonghan replied with a sigh. “This last girl... She doesn’t listen, and not in a cute brat way. She just chases her orgasm and that’s good enough for her.”
Soonyoung snorted.
“Isn’t it enough that you’re able to make her orgasm?”
A smirk spread over Jeonghan’s lips.
“I make everyone I sleep with orgasm.”
“Topic change, topic change,” Seokmin requested desperately from where he was lounging on the couch. The room fell silent for a little bit, but Seungcheol’s curiosity wasn’t going to be quelled just yet.
“You’ve been blowing through fuck buddies for months and you haven’t found a single one that you want to keep. What makes you think you are ever going to find this perfect...” He trailed off, not sure how to finish it.
“Whore,” Jihoon finished. They all looked at him. He shrugged. “He wants the perfect whore. Literally.”
“Desperate for my cock, desperate for my cum...” Jeonghan sighed. “Desperate to cum, but only if I say so. Obedient, and desperate and sloppy-”
“I am begging for a topic change,” Seokmin interrupted. “It’s bad enough we have to hear Jeonghan fucking people-”
“I’m just saying. It doesn’t seem like you’ll be able to find the perfect person-” Jihoon cleared his throat and Seungcheol sighed. “The perfect whore. Why don’t you just settle?”
“The problem isn’t that the perfect whore doesn’t exist,” Jeonghan replied. “It’s that I’ve been looking in the wrong places. I’ll find them. It just takes time.”
“Yay, conflict resolution,” Seokmin cheered humorlessly. “So that means I can go back to my book and you all can go back to your legos and we can talk about next weeks party and not Jeonghan finding the perfect whore.”
A little laugh spread throughout the room and finally Seungcheol allowed the topic to go towards what other frats and sororities to invite to the party.
“I want you to go over this again with me, very slowly,” you said, your eyebrows narrowing at Jeongyeon. She gave you a bright smile, brushing back her bob.
“I want you to come with me to a frat party,” Jeongyeon said slowly. You gave Jeongyeon an unamused look.
“A frat party?” You repeated humorously.
“Not just any frat party,” Jeongyeon continued just as brightly. “Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia’s party.”
You groaned, but she wasn’t having it.
“Come on! You know that Jimin hates Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia and he never goes to their parties.”
“You and Jimin’s thing is-”
“Infuriating?” Jeongyeon grumbled.
“Stupid,” you corrected.
Jeongyeon and Jimin were two people impossible to be around. Because their hatred for one another didn’t stop at talking smack about one another behind their backs. It didn’t stop at shooting insults at one another in person. It didn’t even stop at Jimin railing Jeongyeon in the dorm room with you in your bed trying desperately pretend like it wasn’t happening.
Jeonyeon and Jimin hated each other to a point where their frustration could only be culled by rough sex every few weeks, and you were desperate for the two to evolve past that.
“Come on, I know that you don’t want me to fuck around with Jimin tonight, and who knows maybe I’ll go home with someone different from Phi Mu if we go there tonight,” Jeongyeon pleaded.
“I’d prefer if you didn’t go home with anyone,” you replied. “I’ll have to find somewhere else to go and-”
“We’ll find someone for you too!” Jeonyeon replied enthusiastically. “Then we both will go home with someone and it will be perfect!”
You pressed your lips together firmly, a clear indication that you weren’t convinced but Jeonyeon grabbed you, hugging your arm.
“Please, the boys at Phi Mu are so handsome. Surely, you’ll find someone you like,” she insisted. 
You sighed as you looked at your friend, realizing that your hopes of studying for the night were completely over.
“Doesn’t everyone call them Alpha Mu boys?” You asked. Jeongyeon rolled her eyes.
“Same diff,” she mumbled. “Come on. You’re not going to just make me go alone are you?”
“I’m not wearing heels,” you said finally.
Your heels clacked against the wooden floorboards of the frat house as Jeongyeon practically dragged you through the house. She had the cutest outfit on. A pink dress that resembled that of a loosely torn shirt, with a corset to cause a bit of a silhouette and a pair of heeled white boots on top of it all. That along with her radiant smile she looked like a punk angel. You had tried to match her in ways, sticking with a corset and a loose shirtish dress. You had a choker on that resembled a collar (at her insisting) and regrettably you were wearing a lacy pair of lingerie. Just in case, as Jeongyeon would insist.
You sighed, the thought of being here still being mildly annoying. Frat parties themselves were frustrating. Loud, crowded, sweaty. But on the Brightside Alpha Mu parties had music produced and mixed by Lee Jihoon, so while loud it was bearable.
Jeongyeon practically knew all of the Alpha Mu boys. You wondered idly who she was trying to find tonight. She dragged you up to one of the boys- tall and lanky, and grabbed his arm to get his attention.
“Jun,” she whined. He looked at her over his shoulder, eyes lighting up when he saw her.
“You made it!” He said excitedly. His eyes flickered over to you. “You brought y/n!”
“You said you had someone for her!” Jeongyeon replied, both of their voices extremely loud as to hear one another over the music. “Someone good?”
Your eyebrows widened.
“Wait, you set me up?” You blurted. Jeongyeon didn’t even look upset.
“Of course, I did! I didn’t make you wear lingerie just to socialize all night!” She said. Your face flushed red, but Jun didn’t seem to care about the fact that he now knew what you were wearing under your clothes. Instead, he pointed away from the two of you.
“I’ll be right back,” he said. “I just need to grab him, okay?”
Jeongyeon nodded.
“Okay! We’ll be here!”
“I don’t want to be set up!” You insisted as soon as Jun was far enough that you didn’t think he would hear, which... Wasn’t that long.
“That’s what single people always say,” Jeongyeon said with a roll of her eyes. ”Jun said that you’re really going to like this guy! And that way you have less to do on your end so I can spend as much time as I want trying to find someone for me to spend the night with.”
“You should just go home with Jun,” you said with a roll of your eyes. “I mean it’s not like you guys haven’t fucked bef-”
“Y/n-” Jun’s voice called out over the sound. You looked up to find Jun standing there with someone else. You smiled at him.
“Uh, hi,” you called over the noise of the party.
“Hi, I’m Chan!”
You smiled at the person in front of you politely, noticing that behind Chan, Jun was talking to someone else, who looked notably annoyed. Your eyebrows strewn slightly at the man and for a second you caught one another's eyes. He looked away from you after a moment, his eyes peering at you from under the long strands of his hair.
After only a second, you turned your attention back to Chan. You figured you might as well get this over with.
Chan was... Nice, but that was about it. As awful as it was getting to know anyone at a loud party, you weren’t exactly thrilled to have to yell at him as he drank beer after beer.
You stuck to water but after a while you just couldn’t stand it anymore. You politely made an excuse to get away from him, saying that you were tired and you wandered up the stairs of the house, not wanting to admit to Jeongyeon that the guy that Jun had set you up with just simply wasn’t a match and you wanted to leave.
As you wandered the rooms upstairs, you walked past closed doors in which you could hear moans. You sighed in frustration. At least someone was going to get laid tonight. It seemed like your lingerie really wouldn’t be of any use tonight.
You entered the first empty bedroom that you could find. A king size bed with fluffy blankets in the center of room, a bookshelf with pictures of boys on the shelves, and paintings and the walls. You hummed and began to look around, the sound of the party muted behind the walls of the room.
You finally thought that you had found some peace.
“What are you doing?” A voice asked. You glanced over your shoulder, sighing when you saw the person from earlier. The one who looked annoyed when you had first met Chan. Your eyebrows rose slightly at him.
“Escaping the party.” You paused for a moment your lips pursing and your head falling to the side slightly. “Escaping Chan.”
“You don’t like Chan?” The person asked.
“No I like Chan, I just...” You trailed off.
“Not the sort of person you put on a matching set for?” The person piped up, a small smile crossing his lips as he spoke. You rolled your eyes.
“Sure,” you said, even though- He was right. Chan seemed too nice to be someone that was going to rail you to sleep that night. Regardless, of how attractive he was. As you looked around the room, you noted that the man at the door wasn’t backing down. Instead his eyes were drifting, making their way across your body.
You couldn’t really say you didn’t like the attention.
In fact, while Chan had been handsome, with his long chiseled face, and parted hair, this man was a whole other kind of attractive. He was pretty. His hair was long and wavy, falling past his ears, and yet not touching his shoulders. As your eyes trailed past his pink lips and down to where his shirt lay, just barely covering one of his collarbones. You looked back up at him, to see that he had definitely noticed your interest.
You looked away from him.
“Sorry am I in your room?” You asked him, clearing your throat.
“Yeah,” he commented. “It was getting a bit too loud for me out there too. I was going to close my room door.”
You glanced back at him and he gestured towards the door knob.
“You’re welcome to stay, of course.”
You knew what he meant and your intention in coming out tonight hadn’t really been to get laid. Sure, you had humored Jeongyeon. You had dressed the part, and said the right things but you knew from the minute that you looked at Chan you were going to be spending the night with your vibrator.
But... There was something about this guy.
You shrugged.
“If you don’t mind the company,” you replied. The man hummed and closed the door behind him with a click.
“Jeonghan,” he said, gesturing to himself.
Jeonghan...? You had heard his name from Jeonyeon before.
“Ah, the same one with a different fling every week?” You said, before you could really think over what you had said. Jeonghan hummed and walked over to his closet.
“So you’ve heard of me.”
“A few things,” you replied back. “That you don’t stick in one place for long.”
“But I always get positive reviews,” Jeonghan replied. As he spoke, he took the hem of his shirt, lifting it over his head. Your eyes widened in surprise at the sudden appearance of his six pack. Your cheeks flushed red and you looked away suddenly.
Fuck, he was hot.
“Sorry, it’s hot in here,” Jeonghan said. You heard his hangers clanging softly, and after a few moments they stopped, you looked back at him but he was still standing there shirtless, looking theatrically stumped. “And with nothing better to put on.”
He shrugged and walked over to his bed, taking a seat at the edge. He gestured to your outfit.
“You’re dressed nice... Like Jeongyeon.”
“She’s my best friend,” you replied pointedly. You leaned forward slightly, your fingers slightly dragging up the corner of your skirt. You tried to play it off as accidental, just a brush up of your skirt that would flash the corner of your lacy underwear.
You could tell that Jeonghan knew it wasn’t accidental.
“You want to play a game?” Jeonghan asked. You shrugged offhandedly.
“Depends on the outcome.”
“Come here,” Jeonghan said softly. You looked at him from across the room, your eyebrows raised.
“Why should I?” You asked. His lips quirked up slightly.
“If you do, you’ll get to cum, and if you don’t...”
He knew he didn’t have to finish that threat.
You walked over to Jeonghan, coming between his knees. His hands fell to your sides, squeezing your hips slightly as you raised your hands to his shoulders. You swallowed thickly at the proximity of the two of you.
“Tell me what you want,” Jeonghan said. Your nose scrunched slightly, mostly in embarrassment.
“I want you to fuck me,” you said softly. The smile that spread across Jeonghan’s face was one of pure delight.
“Really?” He asked, his voice riddled with surprise. His fingers dipped below the hem of your shirt and his fingers daintily brushed over the lace of your lingerie. You shivered a little under his touch, your fingers gripping at his shoulders a little bit tighter. “You really want some stranger to fuck you upstairs at a frat party?”
The degrading chide in his voice made your cheeks flare up even more. You cleared your throat, your eyes trailing away from him.
“Well, if your reputation proceeds you, I would love to be one of your...” You mumbled. Your face blazed even redder. “Sluts.”
One of Jeonghan’s fingers raised to your face, tilting your chin towards you. His eyes flickered down to your lips.
“Don’t worry love, I’ll treat you just the way that you deserve.”
Jeonghan’s fingers lowered to your throat, his hand making it’s way to the back of your neck.
“You’re so pretty,” he mumbled. “Just pretty enough for someone like Chan. You look so delicate.”
“I’m not delicate,” you murmured back, but the praise itself was making it hard to keep eye contact with Jeonghan.
“No?” Jeonghan breathed. He was so close to you that both of your breaths were intermingling. His grip on your neck was tight. “Is that why you didn’t want to spend the night with Chan? You want someone to rough you up? Someone to treat you like a little whore?”
You couldn’t help the airy moan that left your lips at the sound of the word.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” Jeonghan asked you. You nodded, feeling yourself growing closer to him as his fingers ran closer to your core over the lace of your panties.
“I’m going to need some words from you,” Jeonghan said seriously, his other hand tightening around the back of your neck. “Or else you’re going to get jack shit from me.”
“I do,” you said immediately. “I want you to kiss me.”
He pressed hard on the back of your neck, pressing you closer to his lips until they had crashed together. Despite how gentle Jeonghan had started off, the kiss was when he started to show his true colors. You whined against his lips as he forced his tongue into your mouth, pressing you closer to him.
He pulled you off of him, smiling when you leaned forward, desperate for his lips again. He hummed, his fingers dipping down underneath the hem of your lingerie, and he pressed his fingers down to your clit. You whined, throwing your head back.
“F-fuck,” you mumbled, rolling your hips towards Jeonghan. “I really fucking need this. Jeongyeon has been hammering sex into my head all day.”
“Yeah? You really that starved for sex?”
You nodded, leaning forward to catch Jeonghan’s lips again but he didn’t give you the satisfaction. He pulled back.
“No,” he chided. “You’re a bit needy aren’t you?”
You whined in response as Jeonghan’s fingers slid past your clit, to your already wet folds. He shook his head.
“Chan get you like this?” He asked. “Even though he was too vanilla for you, he is very attractive. Did he make you needy? Would you have resorted to your vibrator tonight thinking about him? Wishing he would treat you the way you want to be treated?”
As Jeonghan spoke he worked one of his fingers into you, his long fingers pushing deeper inside of you than your own fingers could. You whined, shaking your head.
“N-No,” you murmured. “It wasn’t him.”
Jeonghan hummed again, like he didn’t really believe you, so you continued.
“You made me like this,” you insisted. Your fingers tightened on Jeonghan’s shoulders, and your eyes lowered to Jeonghan’s lap where you could see a tent in his sweatpants. When you glanced back up Jeonghan didn’t seem very convinced. “How am I supposed to respond to the way you’ve been treating me?
Jeonghan scoffed.
“You should be fucking humiliated,” Jeonghan replied. “You’re doing everything I want you to, taking every single thing I give you-” As Jeonghan spoke he pushed another finger into your pussy, causing a small, pleasurable burn to run through your body. “I bet you’d even thank me for it. Are you going to thank me for fingering your stupid wet cunt?”
Your face blazed but you nodded obediently.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, your voice quivering as soft moans slipped from your mouth.
“Thank you for what?” Jeonghan asked. Your eyes fluttered down, and Jeonghan crooked his fingers deep inside of you.
“Thank you for f-fingering me,” you said, your eyes shooting back up to Jeonghan’s. He smiled.
“Good girl,” he praised. “But you don’t really deserve this, you know that?”
You whined as he shoved a third finger inside of you. His pace was fucking agonizing. His fingers slowly spreading your pussy... Hopefully so that it was ready for his cock.
“At least, you haven’t really proven yet that you deserve this,” Jeonghan amended. He slipped his fingers from you and your whine was cut off by Jeonghan sticking his fingers into your mouth. You immediately sucked them clean, moaning around them. He hummed again, seeming to still be unsure of exactly what to make of you. His hand gently pressed against your stomach, pressing you backwards.
“Get undressed, I want to see you.”
As you began to take your clothes off (struggling immensely with the corset that you had barely gotten on in the first place), Jeonghan stood up as well. Your eyes stayed glued to his chest until he lowered his sweatpants down and kicked them away to reveal his cock.
You faltered in your ministrations, your mouth dropping when you saw the size of Jeonghan’s cock. God, you had never slept with anyone bigger than Jeonghan. Never even imagined you would see a cock as big as his. You felt greedy, you wanted to have his cock inside you immediately, but you did your best to keep that to yourself. You quickly regained consciousness and finished tossing your clothes to the floor.
You stood there for a moment, letting Jeonghan look at you silently, his eyes trailing up and down your body, the smallest hint of a smile crossing his lips.
“God, you may be a pathetic slut, but you are absolutely gorgeous,” he said. He pointed down to the floor in front of his spread legs and then leaned back on his hands. “Come on. Show me what you can do. Show me that you’re not just a waste of time.”
You immediately dropped to your knees, squeezing yourself between his legs, your hands wrapping around the base of his cock. You stared at it for a second, just admiring his cock, before suddenly remembering what you were supposed to be doing.
You sucked the tip of his cock into your mouth, moaning around it, just relived to have a cock inside of your mouth. You whined as you pressed his cock deeper inside of your mouth, getting too excited and pressing his cock further into your mouth.
You barely thought about it as you pushed your mouth as far down his cock as you could, choking almost immediately. You gagged around his cock, pulling off and coughing to the side.
“You’re so big,” you said between coughs. Jeonghan scoffed.
“You’re just not trying hard enough.”
He slid his fingers into the strands of your hair and pushed your head back down on his cock.
“If it’s too much for you, just tap my thigh,” Jeonghan said, before beginning to push you down. He pushed you to the part where you first started coughing, but he didn’t stop there. He kept pushing, ignoring your gags as he eased you down on his cock.
Your fingers squeezed against his thighs, but you were halfway down his cock, and you wanted to be good so fucking badly. But despite that, Jeonghan pulled you off of his cock, letting you gasp for air.
“No, no,” you insisted. “I was okay. I’m okay, push me back down.”
Jeonghan’s eyebrow quirked.
“Really?” And the heightening of his voice made it clear just how surprised he was.
Jeonghan was quick to push you back down on his cock, this time going even faster than before. Despite your gags, he finally pushed you to the base of his cock. Your nose brushed against his pelvis, and tears ran down your cheeks, but after a few moments you felt your breathing through your nose began to even out, and your throat settled around his cock.
Jeonghan’s tight grip on your hair loosened, and his fingers threaded through your strands in a way that was almost comforting.
“You certainly are a determined slut,” Jeonghan praised. “Go ahead then, show me what your worth.”
You slowly raised yourself off of his cock, now finally able to really show Jeonghan what you were made of. You began to work his cock in and out of your mouth, hollowing it every now and then while one of your hands fiddled with his balls.
If you were insecure about your blowjob abilities, you weren’t with the way that Jeonghan was moaning at your actions. His fingers had settled down around the base of your neck, squeezing ever so slightly when a particularly loud moan left his mouth, a good girl sure to follow.
All it did was make you that much wetter. You were pretty sure that at his point you were literally dripping on his floor, but you didn’t care. As Jeonghan’s cock twitched in your mouth, you felt excitement course through you.
You could tell he was getting close.
You picked up your pace, sucking his cock with even more determination. You could taste the salty precum dribbling from the tip of his cock.
Jeonghan’s fingers suddenly tightened in your hair, and he yanked you up off of his cock. You coughed, trying to catch your breath.
“You’re such a disgusting whore, you want my cum that much?” Jeonghan asked. You whined, your fingers reaching forward trying to wrap back around his dick.
“Please, Jeonghan. I’ve been so good, I deserve it,” you pleaded. He scoffed.
“That’s for me to decide,” he said. “And I don’t think I want to put my cum anywhere then in this-” He gave your pussy a slap- not too hard. It was as if he was testing to see how you would react to it. It was just hard enough for you to yelp and jerk slightly. Jeonghan hummed. “Cunt.”
He pulled you up by the hair, pulling you close to him. He roughly slammed his lips to yours, his mouth sucking your bottom lip into his, his teeth nipping down on it just enough to puff it up.
“You want that? You want me to come in your pathetic cunt?” You were nodding enthusiastically at the question, but Jeonghan barely took note of it before pushing you face down into his bed. He grabbed you by your hips and pulled your ass up so that he could line the tip of his cock to your leaking cunt.
“God, you’re such a little whore. You’re going to make such a mess on my bed. You're dripping all over it.”
You whined, as Jeonghan pressed two of his fingers deep inside of you without any warning. You couldn’t help the way you laid your head to the side, your tits brushing aginst the comforter in a way that made you shiver.
“I wonder if you even really deserve my cock.”
You propped up onto your elbows, turning to look at Jeonghan with large eyes. You had never been with a man that had made you this desperate before in your life. Sure, you loved sex but there was something about Jeonghan that made you a complete different person. All that you could think about was his thick cock and having it pressed deep inside of you.
Just the suggestion of being filled with his cum made your mouth drool and you had never let a stranger fuck you without a condom. But with Jeonghan? It was all you wanted. You felt feral.
“Please Jeonghan I’ve been so good. I need your cock, I need it so bad. I don’t even have to cum I just need your cock in me. I need you to fill me with your cum,” you begged. Jeonghan reached forward, his cock still just brushing your soaking folds. His fingers wrapped around your throat, and he pulled you up by it, momentarily constricting your airways. You gasped desperately as Jeonghan pressed his face to yours.
“You’re so fucking pathetic. Begging a stranger to fill you with cum.”
He pushed you back down on the bed, pressing his hand on your back as to press your ass further in the air.
“But I pity a whore who has done this much and still needs a cock in her. So I’ll humor you.”
Without warning, Jeonghan pushed his cock inside of you, all the way down to the hilt. Your whole body jolted forward before you even realized what had happened and you cried out at the sudden intrusion. You unashamedly practically screamed at every thrust, your fingers digging into Jeonghan’s sheets as he fucked his cock into you.
He didn’t seem to care about the way that you were barely able to keep yourself up on the bed. All he cared about was digging his fingers into your hips to the point at which you knew there would be bruises there the next day.
“God, you’re so fucking loud. Do you know that? Do you really want everyone to know how pathetic you are.”
You didn’t even care how humiliating it was.
“Yes Jeonghan. Fuck your cock feels so fucking good,” you sobbed into his sheets. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Jeonghan snickered.
“I need to see how absolutely pathetic you look right now,” Jeonghan said. He pulled himself out of you and flipped you on the bed. You instantly spread your legs out for him, and he grabbed your thighs to pull you close to him, and without warning reinserted himself inside of you.
He pressed down on your belly fucking you fast and hard. You felt your eyes flutter closed as he fucked you, but it didn’t last long.
“Open your eyes you whore,” he snapped. You felt a slight pain on your cheek, your eyes shooting open as you realized that Jeonghan had lightly slapped you. You felt your walls tighten around Jeonghan’s cock, and a loud moan escaped your lips.
“Oh, you like that?” Jeonghan asked. He laughed and dragged you up and scooped the back of your neck up so that you were forced to look at him dead in the eyes. “You like it when I slap you like the fucking slut you are? You are depraved, you know that? Useless to anything other than being fucked.”
Jeonghan’s other hand lowered to your clit, and he pressed down on it hard.
“You’re going to cum aren’t you?” Jeonghan observed. You wondered what gave it away. The mascara surely running down your face as tears of pleasure left your eyes or the way you were desperately grinding your hips down on Jeonghan’s cock.
“You’re going to cum after being treated like absolutely useless trash.”
You were barely listening to him, lost in the sensation of his fingers on your clit and his cock slamming so deep into your pussy that every few seconds you had to practically scream a moan.
“Open your mouth whore.” You immediately opened it, sticking your tongue out. You watched as Jeonghan leaned forward, spitting into your open mouth. “Now fucking swallow.”
You swallowed obediently.
“Now thank me. Thank me for fucking spitting in your mouth like the whore you are.”
“Thank you,” you blurted out. “Thank you so much for fucking me even though I barely deserve it.”
“You’re self aware,” Jeonghan murmured. He spit again, this time on your cheek and smeared it over your face with another slap. “I’m going to cum, you hear me? And if you want to cum you will only do it after I do.”
You could barely keep yourself conscious, much less control the fact that your orgasm was rapidly approaching.
“And if you do cum before me, I’m going to fucking splatter my semen all over my face and you are going to go back down to that party and explain to everyone that you were bad and you didn’t deserve to have my cum in your cunt, do you hear me?”
You nodded, but it wasn’t enough for Jeonghan. He reached forward and slapped you again, this time harder.
“Thank you,” you cried out, the slap only making it harder not to cum. “I hear you, I understand. Please cum Jeonghan, please fill me up. I need to feel your cum inside me, I want it so much.”
You kept babbling, making Jeonghan roll his eyes.
“God you really are so pathetic.”
He pushed two of his fingers into your mouth, momentarily gagging you, but just as he did so you felt warm ropes of cum begin to fill your cunt. You cried around Jeonghan’s fingers, your body shaking as you tried to hold back your own orgasm.
You started to beg against Jeonghan’s fingers again, to the point where he had to remove them as he continued to fuck his cum deep inside of you.
“Please, can I cum now? I need to Jeonghan, I need to cum.”
Jeonghan hummed.
“You think you deserve to? You really think you get to cum on my cock?”
You nodded desperately but it wasn’t enough. All of a sudden Jeonghan pulled away from you. His cock slipping from your pussy. You felt tears rolling even faster down your face as you realized what he was taking away from you. You fell forward to your knees, grabbing at Jeonghan’s thighs as you practically crawled towards him.
“Thank you so much Jeonghan. Thank you for your cum, thank you, thank you,” you babbled incoherently. “But please, I want to cum. I want it so badly.”
“Yeah?” Jeonghan asked, honestly looking bored of you. He leaned down, grabbing you by the hair, ripping your head back roughly. “You think you can handle being choked baby? Think you can come just from my hands wrapped around your neck?”
“I... Please, I need more. Just a little more. Your thigh? Please, can I at least have your thigh?”
Jeonghan sighed, shaking his head.
“Pathetic, absolutely pathetic.”
But still he lifted you up so that you were sat on his thigh and his eyes wrapped around your throat.
“You can’t breath until you cum.”
His fingers tightened around your throat but it didn’t even matter, you found yourself silently screaming Jeonghan’s name as you rolled your hips down on Jeonghan’s thigh, feeling your walls spasm as Jeonghan’s cum leaked out of your swollen pussy.
Jeonghan’s hands loosened around your throat and your forehead fell forward on Jeonghan’s head. You were quick with your thank you’s yet again, fingers squeezing his thigh.
The orgasm was practically painful at the lack of Jeonghan’s cock in your pussy, but you were still thankful to have it at all. You tilted your head up, your nose brushing against Jeonghan’s. You looked up at him, lips curled up into a tired smile.
He hummed looking at you.
“You know what? You did deserve to cum,” he mumbled. He grabbed you by your hips, lowering you back down on his cock. He lifted you up, pressing you against as wall before beginning to rail you again. You were so sensitive but you didn’t even care. You wrapped your arms around Jeonghan’s shoulders, thanking him over and over again until he was cumming deep inside of you again.
“Now cum you pathetic slut. Cum all over my cock.”
You felt both Jeonghan’s cum and your own slick leaking out of your pussy around his cock as another orgasm ripped through you. As soon as you came down from your high, your face fell into Jeonghan’s chest.
“Fuck, Jeonghan, I’ve... I’ve never been fucked like that in my life.”
Jeonghan pulled you off of his cock, carrying you over to his bed, laying your head down on the pillow.
“Yeah? It wasn’t too much?” He asked you softly. You were surprised by the tone of his voice. You looked up at him, taking note of the gentle look on his face.
It was like he was a completely different person.
“Too much?” You asked with a laugh. “No, I loved every second of it.”
Your face flushed bright red.
“Will I ever admit to anyone the way I let you treat me and how much I liked it?” You asked. “Absolutely not, that goes to my grave but... I would let you do it again.”
Your eyes flickered away from Jeonghan’s but you heard the hum that left his mouth regardless.
“I’m going to draw a bath for you and get you something to drink okay?” Jeonghan said. You whined in protest.
“I don’t want to get up.”
“I don’t care, you need to get cleaned off.”
He looked away from you.
“Are you on birth control? Do you need me to buy you some plan B?”
You waved it off.
“I’m sure I’ll be okay.” You tried to lean up by propping yourself up on your elbows, but you were too weak.
“You can spend the night,” Jeonghan said. “I’ll be back for you in a second.”
You were silently for a second.
“Thank you.”
“It’s the bare minimum,” Jeonghan laughed. “I’ll be back.”
The door shut between him and as you rolled over you were lucky enough to find your phone with a message from Jeongyeon.
Hey, you’re not with Chan? Where’d you get off to?
Your face burned.
Ended up with someone else. Don’t wait up for me.
You let your head fall back down against the fluffy pillow. You certainly hoped that this would not be the last time that you saw Jeonghan.
“Jeonghan, did you really have to steal Chan’s date like that?” Jun sighed. Jeonghan looked up from his legos, eyebrows high.
“Steal? She came in my room. All I did was what she wanted me to do.”
“It was fine, she wasn’t feeling me,” Chan said dismissively. “Honestly not really my type either.”
“But exactly mine,” Jeonghan said, a smirk crossing his lips. “Jun, if you had told me sooner that Jeongyeon had such a dirty friend, I would have settled for one fuck buddy ages ago.”
Jun groaned, burying his face in his hands.
“And now I know too much about y/n.”
“Now?” Jihoon blurted. “You were lucky. You were downstairs at the party. I could hear every depraved thing Jeonghan said to that girl. And she thanked him for it.”
“As someone at the party,” Soonyoung piped up. “We could hear it too. Please tell me that she’s not a keeper.”
Jeonghan didn’t say anything. He just turned his attention back to his food, but everyone at the table could tell by the smile on his face, that there wouldn’t be much peace in the house the next time y/n was around.
Part Two: The Art of Humiliation
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pastafossa · 7 days
Something really special and tear inducing happened with Pip today.
(TW for pet loss, not mine but someone else's)
So we were going into the vet for a quick shot he needed, and for a final check on the cut on his leg. So me and him got there pretty close to closing (final appointment of the day), around 3:45 when it closed at 4. And as I'm walking in, I pass a woman hurrying out. She's in tears, and my heart just breaks for her. She gives Pippin a quick, 'hi puppy' and shaky pet in passing.
But then we go through the door into the waiting room. And another woman is sitting there on the bench, cradling a small collar and just sobbing. Sure enough, the little candle is lit up on the counter for pet loss. And I'm not sure what to do - do I offer a hug? Tell her I'm sorry for her loss?
But Pippin decided he knew what to do.
I need you to understand Pip for a second. He has been with us for 3 weeks. The rescue/foster before us had him for 6. This dog is only 9 weeks removed from that horrible farm where he was beaten, neglected, and left outside by himself at all hours and seasons. He did not have love or training. So, he's learning. He still jumps a bit, paws at people. He walks ok on a leash, like he'll pull but not yank, and he's easily distracted. Easily excited by love or attention because he's not used to it. I do not think this dog has ever seen someone cry. He has not been trained to know what to do when someone is upset.
So there's Pip, seeing this distraught woman sobbing in front of him, with - as far as we know - no experience or context he could make a decision by.
In a heartbeat, I'm yanked across the room - something he does not do - so he can reach this woman. He abruptly slows for the final approach, tail gently wagging, and very softly nuzzles at her in a way I haven't seen him do before. And this poor woman reaches down, carefully cradles Pip's head, and whispers, "hi baby, soft boy. My boy was soft too."
And then she just... cries with him, her head on his.
I glance at the receptionist (who may have teared a little like I had) and I kinda tip my head towards them, a 'can I wait to check in?'. I get a nod, and a mouthed, 'we can wait.'
So I just sat down quietly next to her. Let her cry and pet him. He'd done his big lean on her legs with his head in her lap, carefully adjusting whenever she did. After about five minutes she told us - me and Pip - about her dog. 18 years old, one she'd had since he was a puppy. She showed Pip her dog's collar, and showed me pictures on her phone of this dog, a cute little white fluffball with a HUGE doggy grin. And she pets Pippin more, and asks about him - his name, how long we've had him, whether he can sit yet because her boy took a bit to learn. We talk about Pip's skinny head and I get a watery laugh out of her when I tell her I call him corndog brain since I'm pretty sure the only way a brain could fit in his long narrow head was if it was corndog-shaped and went down his snout. We're there for about fifteen minutes before a tech comes out with nose and paw prints and she stands up. Pippin stays right with her, leaning calmly against her side as she takes the prints, her fingers buried in all the fluff around his neck. She gets a hug from the tech, and then leans down to do the same to Pip. And before she goes (Pippin trying very much to follow), she looks at me and just quietly says, '...thank you for letting me borrow him. I needed that.'
I have no idea how Pippin knew what to do, or how he can be like this even after being treated the way he was. But I'm really glad he could help that woman.
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desideriumwriter · 1 month
Anyone But You | Chapter 10
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Chapter Summary: A seemingly good night at the Yule Ball goes wrong and Reader absolutely loses it at Fred.
Pairing - Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Category - enemies to lovers + hurt/comfort
Content Warnings - cursing, arguing, yelling
Word Count - 2.4k
A/N: I know I knowww the second task was in february and the third was in june but we’re gonna change it up and say they were in january AND february instead, stay with me now, it’s for the plot i promise
Series Masterlist | F.W Masterlist | Previous | Next | Navi
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Katie and Angelina had come back just minutes after you had found your dress in pristine condition. Their exhausted looks from whatever Hooch made them do were replaced by shock.
“Is that- You were able to fix it?” Angelina blurted out, there was a noticeable amount of disbelief in her tone.
“Not me. I didn’t fix it.” You muttered, still looking at the clean fabric. “The twins…did.” You shook your head in disbelief, ignoring how the two girls gave each other knowing stares and smiles.
Katie then pleaded for you to leave the rest up to her, you did. And of course, by some miracle, was able to set you up with a Durmstrang boy for the ball, literally the morning of the event.
It was awkward being set up with a total stranger, but a date is a date.
Plus, you’d never have to talk to whoever this boy is again after this. Hopefully.
It was awkward enough meeting him. You had butchered the poor boys name to his face within the first minute of meeting each other. He had said yours perfectly through his thick accent.
“Poliakoff.” He corrected, you stammered out an apology and he only put up a hand to shush you. “It’s okay. Shall we go in?” He gestured to the entrance doors of the Great Hall when you looked puzzled at him. You nodded and wrapped your arm around his.
It was worse when you finally found where Angelina and Katie were standing with the twins, their dates. The weirded out stares from all of them were unnoticed by Poliakoff, but definitely not by you. It was so pathetically obvious you were just each other’s arm candy.
Poliakoff wasn’t the worst looking guy, but he definitely wasn’t the sharpest, and that seemed to be well-known already.
Even Cedric gave you a befuddled look and nod that said interesting choice when he entered with Cho and all the other selected champions and their dates.
Other than that, the night was going well. You stuck near Katie most of the night, you danced, you cheered and jumped around with the crowd when the band Weird Sisters came out to perform. Katie and you excused yourselves during the band's intermission to go get drinks from the refreshments table, you even were able to talk to Cedric then.
“What on Earth made you choose him?” Cedric gawked as you walked up to the table.
“You know…that is a really great question!” You happily pipped, turning to Katie with a sarcastic smile, “It was Katie's doing, not mine.” Katie scoffed and threw her hands up in defeat.
“Listen, he was the best I could find!” She huffed, crossing her arms in a playful way. “I understand he’s not the smartest but he was one of the better looking Durmstrang boys!”
“Exactly, you got her paired up with a Durmstrang while she's bestfriends with a future Triwizard Tournament winner from Hogwarts.” He grinned, tilting his head in a teasing manner, Katie sighed and shook her head.
“Future winner from Hogwarts.” You nodded slowly as you repeated his words, raising your glass in cheers to him. “Has Cho escaped you yet?” You teased Cedric, not realizing Cho was already making her way over.
Katie nudged you and your eyes went wide, a small amount of embarrassment creeping in when you saw her.
She stopped next to Cedric, letting out a shy wave.
“Cho! You look stunning!” You complimented, hoping to make her feel less tense than she looked. She thanked you, still giving a nervous smile.
“Cedric’s been giving you space to breathe I hope?” You joked.
“Yeah.” She nodded and let out a small laugh, you could see her relax a bit. “Um, you and Fred are having a lot of fun?” She pipped.
“What?” You blurted out. You were confused, honestly confused.
“You came here with Fred, right?” She blankly said, clearly oblivious to your hatred for him.
“Oh, um, no. No, I, uh, I didn’t come here with him. He’s not my date.” You stammered, genuinely surprised she thought that you and him were together.
“Oh! I’m really sorry! I just thought you two had something going on.” She rambled, apologizing more, you played it off with a laugh and shrug.
She then excused herself from the conversation, walking back to the group she was originally in.
“So, your nights been a success?” You let out a heavy breath, looking at Cedric and trying to distract yourself and everyone else from what just happened.
“Oh, it absolutely has. Cho..she…” He trailed off, letting out a happy sigh and looking behind his shoulder at Cho, “She really likes me.” He turned his head back to you with a lovesick grin stuck on his face.
“So, are you and her like…official?” Katie gestured, you looked at her with wide eyes as you nudged her with your elbow, your way of saying don’t be so nosey.
“I’ve got no idea.” Cedric breathed out, “I don’t know how to ask, am I supposed to ask? How am I supposed to?” He talked at such a quick pace, you gave him an apologetic shrug. He was so in love with her, you felt proud? Of him in some weird way.
“Well, I’ve got to get back. You better watch out, Freds been staring you down all night.” He winked and nudged you playfully before walking back to Cho.
He wasn’t lying either, by the time you looked over to where Fred was, he was darting his eyes away from you, going back to nodding at Angelina.
“He’s not wrong. He has been giving you eyes all night.” Katie said as you turned back to her.
“No he hasn’t!” You let out a ‘pfft’ as you waved her off.
“He has.” Katie said, a more serious tone this time. “You just don’t wanna see it. Cho isn’t the only one who thinks you and Fred have something going on behind the scenes.” She sipped her drink.
“You know, I would’ve told Angelina which one was George so you could take Fred.” Katie continued.
“Who thinks that?- Wait, she doesn’t know?” You gaped at her.
“I haven't got the heart to tell her Fred was the one who asked her out. I feel terrible…but I'm praying she’ll figure it out before she makes any moves.” Katie held back a laugh. “Also, plenty of people think that about you and Fred.” She gave you a sympathetic look, you ignored her.
“But what about you and George?” You attempted to switch the topic away from Fred.
“Us? We’re just friends. He clearly has his eyes set on Angelina.” She shrugged, unbothered. “Fred got Angelina, so he just decided to go with me. Anyways, where’s your boy gone off to?” She craned her neck towards the crowd, looking for your date.
You couldn’t remember the last time you saw him. There wasn’t a glimpse of him amongst the crowd.
“I suppose I should go look for him before the slow dancing starts, shouldn’t I?” You sighed, putting down your glass. Katie nodded. She went back into the crowd and you went to go look for your date.
It embarrassingly took ten minutes to find him. After looking through the sea of people in the middle of the room, outside the entrance doors, the staircase, you found him hiding behind a large pillar in an empty hallway. With some Beauxbaton girl. Sticking their tongues down each other's throats.
Neither of them noticed you standing there with a disgusted look, nor when you stormed off back into the Great Hall.
Sulking in a chair at an empty table, you felt stupid for being upset. You didn’t even care for that boy in the first place, but you felt stupid. You felt humiliated. It was embarrassing, being left astray like that, just embarrassing.
You stayed there for the remaining hour of the event. You weren’t sure why you bothered to stay since you were in such a bad mood, most students had left already. There were a few pairs mingling around or slow dancing.
You felt envious, watching Fred dance with Angelina.
You weren’t envious of Angelina, that she was Freds date, or that she got to slow dance with him. You weren’t envious of that, of course not.
You surely were envious that Fred was able to score a date, that he got to have fun until the last hour, and not be abandoned by his date. It hurt. It hurt seeing that. Seeing them. Him.
So, you continued to sit around, resting your head on your hands, staring at the bubbles fizzing in your drink.
“Wow, it’s odd seeing you in that fancy dress.” Freds voice appeared as he stood in front of the table. “Despite being all mopey, you look quite nice.”
“Why are you here? I thought you were with Angelina.” You slowly raised your head to give him a puzzled look.
“I thought she knew I wasn’t George.” He gave an amused look as he nodded behind him, George and Angelina were now slow dancing together, looking much more lovingly at him than she was at Fred. You let out a small amused breath, thinking about what Katie said earlier.
“What’s wrong with you?” He spoke when he noticed your face go back to its inexpressive look.
“Nothing.” You muttered as your eyes darted over to where your now ex-date was dancing with the Beauxbaton, you didn’t mean to point Freds direction to them, giving him a non-verbal answer. Fred clicked his tongue at the sight.
“I knew that geezer wouldn’t be good for you the moment he stepped in with you. Hell, I would’ve been a better date for you, and you hate me.” He sighed and shook his head.
“Yeah, well I didn’t ask for your input.” You muttered.
“I’m just saying.” He lifted up his hands in defense, “You're always holed up on your own, Katie and Angelina are the most people I’ve seen you hang around.” His words made you sit up a bit more, rubbing your arm for comfort, a bit shocked at his words.
“Maybe if you put yourself out there more…you wouldn’t be heartbroken being someone's last resort.” He shrugged, all your movements stopped as you glared at him.
Last resort? Was he fucking serious?
“Excuse me?” You whispered out, he opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off when you stood up.
“Firstly, I was no one's last resort and I am not heartbroken over anyone! Secondly, I don’t hole myself up, I have friends.” You noticed that look in his face, it was a hint of condescending. “And finally, what the fuck is your problem?” You felt your eyes glaze over, you decided to start walking off before the tears came.
“I don’t have a problem! I’m just telling you how it is.” Fred was quick to follow your steps.
"God, you just don’t know when to shut up, do you? Have you always been this insufferable? I swore you were somehow more tolerable when we were younger." You spat, he only let out an amused scoff.
"I reckon what happened is you've just become uptight. People love me, I'm great!" He uncrossed his arms as he followed you up the steps.
“Of course you are! That’s your fucking issue! You’re always great and you’ll always be great.” You stopped where you were on the staircase, whipping around to look at him. You were the one staring down at him this time.
“Everyone loves you and your brother and I can’t see why!” You continued on, “Why doesn’t anyone find you as annoying as I do? Either you’ve got them all under some spell or nobody has the courage to buck up and tell you damn insufferable you are!” Fred blinked back when you pointed your index at him.
“And just because you grabbed me out of the crowd that one night doesn’t mean I have to be your friend or like you! Because all you’ve ever done is make me fucking miserable! With your stupid tricks and pranks! You make people miserable!” The words were like venom spitting off your tongue, you felt awful about it underneath all your rage. Fred looked down and blinked a few more times, like there was something in his eyes.
“Why can’t you just leave me alone? Why’d you even approach me?” You breathed out, your tears were angry and hot. You never realized you were already crying.
“I originally wanted to say that you…” Fred hesitated to speak, opening his mouth and closing it.
“What?” You barked out, you wanted him to say whatever he was going to say so you could finally go back to your bed. Your feet hurt and you felt humiliated, there were already enough eyes from passersby set on the two of you now that you’ve shouted at him.
“That you looked…nevermind. Forget it.” He sniffled and shook his head. “Have a nice night.” He said flatly, turning around and disappearing down a random hallway.
There was a sting that came with his words. You’d never seen this raw version of him. So taken aback, sharing the same bitterness you had towards him. Spitting at you the way you always spat at him.
You’ve struck something in him somewhere in your scolding to see him be actually insulted by what you said.
You let out a breathy sob, you felt almost guilty for it, but you were blind with rage, and he started it. You attempted to swallow back your sobs and keep yourself together until you got back to your dorms, although you were already falling apart, you had already cracked in front of Fred.
Hermione bursted in not long after you, her face matching yours; tear stained with puffy eyes.
“What happened to you?” You accidentally spoke out loud.
“Ron. What about you?” She sniffled.
“Weasley boys. Can’t give a damn about anybody but themselves.” Hermione muttered, grabbing pajamas out of her drawer before slamming it shut and walking out the room.
Katie’s words rung in your head as you sat in the silent room.
“Cho isn’t the only one who thinks you and Fred have something going on behind the scenes.”
“Plenty of people think that about you and Fred.”
She had to have been exaggerating, no one truly thought that. There was nothing going on “behind the scenes”.
There was nothing but hate for Fred, there was nothing hiding behind your hatred for him.
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TAGLIST: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @five-seconds-flat@nal-leo-17@rhunew@albertdabuttler@weak-aesthetic @whotfskai @m00nymarauder @miaandthediamonds @hpstuff244444 @tarzanathetumblingwarrior @isabellavolere @navs-bhat @honeybee240 @pillowjj
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rebelliousstories · 5 months
What We Have Seen
Relationship: Norm McLean x Reader
Fandom: Fallout
Request: Yes by @fallout-girl219
Warnings: Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 1,046
Main Masterlist: Here
Fallout Masterlist: Here
Summary: When the plan to repopulate Vault 32 is set into motion, two people have to find a way to work around the set backs.
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“Feel like getting out of the house?”
And that was how she found herself along with Norm exploring Vault 32. The decrepit vault was in total disarray when they entered. Bodies strewn about, and locked in grotesque positions. She saw the worst of humanity in that vault. People turning on one another, infighting to the extreme. The worst was seeing the blood on the wall from the people of Vault 32, declaring they knew what was going on in Vault 31.
Norm took off to the Overseer’s office and she followed after him shortly. She did not want to be left behind in this place. When they made it to the office, it was not in a better state. The Overseer was bound to the chair, and holding something. Norm turned on the computer and began to rifle through it.
“Norm, I don’t like this place. They all went bonkers.” She pointed out as she continued to look around.
“If the last bio signal was two years ago, how did raiders get in?” Another puzzle in this great mystery that Norm called out.
“To do that, they’d need a pip-boy.” Her observation came, just as Norm stopped on a page on the computer.
“They had one,” came a whisper, ”they had my mom’s.”
All the air had been sucked out of the room. Neither one knew how to respond to that. There was both too much and not enough to be said.
“Come on Norm. Let’s get out of here.” Grabbing his hand, they made their way back to Vault 33, only to be stopped by Betty.
“Where have you two been?” Their hands flashed away from each other as if they had been burned. Looking at the other, they tried to formulate a plan when she blurted something out.
“We were helping with the potatoes.” She drawled out, trying to find the words. Betty looked at them for another moment before sending them off to get cleaned up. As they walked, both of them shared a look of silence. A look of, “I won’t tell if you won’t.” Mutual Understanding.
It was only a few days later that the duo found themselves in a lonely corridor when that dreadful announcement came. The announcement that they were resettling Vault 32. They had already seen the newly decorated vault, and the life that was brought back. They had no clue what they had done with the bodies, but the stark change in how it was before to now was suspicious.
When the reassignment came through, their hearts dropped. She was going to Vault 32. As they sat in that lonely hallway, their lives being pulled in different directions, it was bittersweet. Over the past few days, an unlikely relationship had blossomed. It never went farther than a few stolen glances and secret handholding, but it was their relationship. Neither one cared to show too much emotion to the people they did not care about. Norm had his arm wrapped around her shoulders, while her head was on his shoulder.
“I don’t wanna go, Norm. I mean what are we going to do? What’s gonna happen to us?” She lamented.
“I don’t know. But what I do know is that you’re not leaving. Not with everything we’ve seen. There’s no way I’m letting you go.”
She poked her head back up and off of his shoulder to look him in the eye. That was the most honest emotion she had seen from him since Vault 32. Her own tracked over his face like she was trying to remember every mark, every wrinkle and feature. His did the same, but with less attention. Norm knew that he would find a way to keep her with him; consequences be damned.
Before either one of them knew it, they were leaning in and locking their lips together. It was a little messy, and fumbled, but nether one of them cared too much. Norm reached a hand up to rest on her face while she found purchase on his chest. They moved against each other,and slowly found their rhythm. Neither was rushed, although they probably should have been; but they were trying to savor this moment. Who knew if it was going to be their last?
Sitting there together, the couple remained lip locked for what felt like hours. And they showed no signs of stopping. They were trying to keep their mind off of the impending vault switch. A noise startled them away from each other; Chet was at the end of the hall,and had dropped a can staring at them. They looked in between one another before Chet took off running. Norm followed after him quickly, and even though Norm was physically smaller and not as strong as the man, he still managed to get him to stop. Pulling him into another corridor, Norm was as out of breath as Chet.
“Chet, you can’t. Please.” Norm stated. He would never beg the man not to tell; this was the one time being a MacLean worked out in his favor.
“I have to, Norm. You can’t be doing that. You’re lucky that it was me who found you two, and not someone else. What if Betty caught you?” He asked, slowly catching his breath.
“She won’t. Not if you don’t tell her.” The shorter man took on an air of authority, and hesitantly let the other man go. Chet looked at Norm with just a touch of fear, but left silently anyways. By the time he did, she had finally caught up to the two men and warily watched Chet leave as she went to stand beside Norm.
“Did we just mess everything up?” She whispered, fighting every urge in her body to hold Norm’s hand. He turned to the woman with a gentle expression and drew her into his arms. Pressing her head against his shoulder, Norm squeezed her tightly.
“No. Never think that we messed anything up. It’s just the world we live in. Everything else is messed up. We’ll be fine.” As they stood in that empty corridor, the couple could not help but embrace each other for what was to come. They could only hope that everything would turn out just how it needed to.
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The Case of The Heart's Whisper 18+
Pairing: Pippa Fitz Amobi x Fem Reader
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Summary: You didn't realize having a relationship with Andie Bell would lead you to become Pippa Fitz Amobi's main resource in Andie Bell's complex life. You also didn't expect to fall for the detective, especially since you're still hanging on the girl who broke your heart.
Authors Note: I wrote this piece quite a while ago after reading halfway through the first book, for that matter this story includes many inconsistencies and does not follow booklore in terms of storyline or even timelines. What if reader helps pip with the case and ends up falling in love with Pip? but a bit Andie-coded because I just love her. This was just meant as a fun writer's challenge and is meant to be entertaining. Please also keep in mind this was written before I finished the first book.
Warnings: Past Andie x fem reader, angst, fluff, possessive pip if you squint. Mentions of child abuse, toxic parenting, Andie bell haunting everyone from the grave. Dark pip having the ability to bring me to my knees. This story is not suppose to make sense. That’s about it. Steamy but actual smut is not written. Not proof read. Reader is on her last year in school. Being held back a year for therapy. Cussing.
"What was your relationship with Andie Bell?". You gulped, feeling tears start to brim at just the name. Her name. Images of soft blue eyes and Andie's infamous smirk replayed in your mind like a broken record. Bringing back memories you had flushed away, locked away tight.
Under the watchful glare of Pippa Fitz Amobi, you felt your tongue dry against the roof of your mouth. Her words replaying in your mind, 'what was your relationship with Andie Bell?'
It wasn't that easy. You wish you could have gotten up from your seat in the canteen, where pip laid out her voice recorder, her strong willful blue eyes seeming to crawl over your skin, but not in a predatory manner, you couldn't help but notice the way she was staring at you. It made your stomach flip, your eyes burn, it felt all too familiar, the way her eyes were focused on you. With such intensity.
Just like her.
It had been forever since someone had eyed you like that. Five whole years to be exact.
A deep guttural sound boomed you away from your thoughts and your eyes moved to the boy who sat across from you, Ravi singh. His eyes were on you as well, except you couldn't help but feel like he was judging you. Sitting down with his arms crossed and his dark eyes looking into your soul, how were you suppose to tell him that Andie had been interested in you. That she had personally took you aside after you had stumbled upon Sal and Andie in the canteen, Andie with her usual puppy dog eyes directed at Sal. It had hurt, like a sucker punch to the gut.
All the things Andie had said to you during your studying lesson. It all had been lies. Of course you did nothing, only turned back on your heel, book bag in hand. You heard rushed footsteps next and then Andie was behind you. Her force strong and impatient, "y/n wait!! I didn't mean for you to see that". You had halted, burning red eyes and betrayal filling your veins. You turned on the girl, yanking your hand from under her touch.
"My friends were right about you Andie bell. You're nothing but a cruel mean person who will use anyone for your gain! I should have known the minute you came to talk to me that you had no intention of being my friend! Or whatever the hell you were playing at. Do yourself a favor, get  another French tutor. I'm done."
Cue to the next day, when you were making your usual walk to Kilton grammar l, beanie in hand as the chilly English weather had been harsh at that day, numbing your fingers to the bone. Your father never was one for making sure you were comfortable and safe, his job stopped the day you were born. Despite  your rough upbringing you were usually rather optimistic, everyone always said you were a female version of Sal signh. Not exactly what you wanted to hear, but maybe that was why Andie gravitated torward you. You shook your head, Andie Bell was out of your life. And like life, you watched as a silver SUV parked along side you, Andie bell in the front seat, brows furrowed.
"Get in the car you'll freeze to death" she spoke. You only continued walking, defiant. "I prefer the cold air, it makes my immune system stronger".
You didn't expect Andie to park the car, getting out with a grumble and practically tackling you. If you closed your eyes just enough you could still feel Andie's soft fingers ghosting over your cheeks bones, hot breathe against your ear. "I apologize for what I did. It's just...Sal is my best friend. And perhaps I should have broke it off with him, but it's hard. And then you came into the canteen and I panicked, I'm not use to panicking. I-" Andie's blue eyes had remained still, blush on her cheeks. "I like you y/n. Like a lot. It wasn't suppose to happen at first I really did need help with my French, but then I started noticing things about you. Like how you're always so sweet to others, how you mumble when you're nervous. Or how no matter how much your dad makes you unhappy, you always seem to be shining. Why is that? Is there some sort of secret?".
You remember feeling like you were in the twilight zone. Andie bell was a popular girl, a popular girl with a cruel heart, one who enjoyed hurting others. And yet here she was, helping you up and dusting your trousers. Her eyes warm and soft. Why she liked you, you didn't know. But you wanted to know why.
Needless to say how were you suppose to sit and say that Andie bell had liked you, not to Ravi Singh , that would just make him hate you more. And perhaps you felt guilty. Because his brother had died for Andie bell. And she had been playing games with you.
A soft brush of fingers against your hand made you turn back to the girl, in an act of utter coincidence or an act of kindness, you weren't sure which she spoke, this time to Ravi.
"Ravi would you mind leaving us two girls together? I believe y/n would feel more comfortable giving me her account without others listening in".
At this you watched as Ravi immediately stood up, eying you with strange eyes, before walking out of the canteen, the door's hinges making an utter awful squeaking noise that reminded you of the deer your father use to shoot.
"Andie wasn't like the others".  You didn't recognize your voice as you spoke. It was brittle, far away sounding, pain infused. You watched as Pippa remained speechless, eying you with her soft grey eyes.
"The others?" Her brows furrowed, "other students you mean?".
You nodded, a tear flying past your cheeks and onto your bottom lip, tasting the familiar salt on your tongue. You watched as pip followed the motion, eyes drifting down your lips.
"At first when she came round to me, I thought it was some cruel joke she was trying to play. I had heard about what she'd done to Nat De Silva. People talked. But....when she came round to my desk after French class and asked if I could tutor her I was lost for words". Pippa watched as a smirk filled your lips. 
"Andie bell was kind to me. I don't know why....perhaps she saw something in me others didn't bother to see. And-and perhaps if we had gotten to be around each other more we could have been something. But she's gone now. And no one can bring her back".
"I will"
The words made your eyes find pip's. And you watched as the girl without thought reached over the table, taking your trembling fingers into her own, holding them against her own flushed fingers. Almost like she knew.
"I can't promise you Andie....I cannot simply wave my fingers and make her appear. Although I wish I could....but I can offer you peace. Justice. I can offer you a finalized solid answer to what truly happened to her. I've heard what others said about you and her. You were special to her too y/n".
At that all composure left you. Your body began to tremble and you let the soft sobs rock your body, the all to consuming feeling of grief taking over.
In an instance pip was beside you, bringing you to her chest and holding tightly. So tight you could feel the girls heartbeat, which was rapid and going a mile a minute. Battering against her rib cage.
You clung to her, after all these fives years you had wanted someone to hold you like this, to brush the tears away and say that it gets better. That time can heal wounds, but of course stuck with your father who had no notion of feelings or emotions that was not what you had learned to expect. Instead you tucked it away.
But pippa was kind. She had a sense of ease that seemed to calm your racing heart. And lull you into a sense of comfort. And perhaps, if you were being honest, she had that same energy to her. It was like having a piece of Andie with you, however small it was. Because as much as Pippa reminded you of Andie, she was almost completely 100% different. Where Andie was rough around the edges, pipa was solid, keen on the way she thought, logical. Where Andie was sporadic and lacking sympathy, pip made up for it with her soft eyes and just heart.
In the weeks that followed you found your eyes finding Pip's when you would greet her in the hall of Kilton grammar, her eyes seeming to find yours in a crowd. She was always the first to greet you, smile that pipa smile. What you were not aware of was the fact that pip had been ogling you during lunch apparently.
"What's up with Pippa Fitz Amobi always staring at you?" You blanched. Eyes wide as you eyed your best friend Seth from across the lunch table, your fresh salad you had nicked from the canteen bar forgotten.
"What do you mean? I helped her out with her end of term project a few weeks ago. She's probably just grateful or something. Not many people gave her grace over the topic" you growled out.
Seth, who was not very bright in social cues only began talking yet again. "No I mean, she's always staring at you now. She was in geography and just now when you sat down. I think she fancies you".
You had to chuckle at that, your laughter filling the lunchroom, your cheeks flushed and eyes wide, you immediately shoved Seth, "that is the most stupid comment I have ever heard!! Pippa fitz Amobi having a crush on me! Me Seth! I'm nobody. Seriously what a notion. She's probably got a few more questions to ask me."
"Well I better prepare because she's coming this way".
Your smile vanished, your eyes wide. "What!"
And like clockwork pipa was in front of your table, blue eyes scanning you. "Sorry to interrupt your lunch hour y/n, but would you mind if I asked you to have dinner with my family and I after school? I know it's sudden. I was going to ask Ravi, but I figured I hadn't properly thanked you for answering my questions"
Seth smiled from the brim of his thermos, making your nerves ramp up even more, but you stayed calm, moving your eyes to Pippa's. A small smile formed on your lips as you took in her face, all furrowed lines and nervous fingers behind her back. You half expected her to serenade you with random facts, a sign she was nervous.
"I really would love to pipa" you began, and you watched as Pippa's smile began to grow, her blue eyes alight with something you couldn't understand yet.
"That's wonderful!! My mum is making shepards pie, are you alright with that? I wouldn't want to make something that doesn't sit well with your stomach". Pippa’s nervous rambling was cute to an extent, and you only chuckled.
"I haven't had a decent shepards pie in quite  while, my father isn't a real good cook." You explained, and pipa nodded, before reaching out and taking your hand in hers, your reflex was to pull your hand away, but Pippa's touch was firm, almost gentle as she softly moved your sweater from your Palms, "it's alright, I'll be gentle, no need for a scare" she spoke, directly to you, blue eyes soft as she produced a pen from her Kilton uniform, writing her home address on the back of your palm, the nib of the pen feeling cold against your warm skin.
Seth only remained the smiling idiot he was, wagging his furrowed brows as if to say, 'is that evidence enough?' You only sent him daggers.
Turning back to pip who was on the last letter of her street name, you eyed the canteen, finding little to no teens were sat paid attention to you two. You made a small noise with your throat, watching as pip's eyes flew to yours, a sea of light blue, whispering softly you spoke.
"How's your EPQ going? Have you made any progress? About Andie?" Maybe it was the way her name fell of your lips, or how desperate for answers you were. Pippa's eyes widened, and she spoke fast, "I can't speak of it here. That's partly why I invited you round to my house. I have some more questions. But these need to be answered privately."
Pippa must have sensed your apprehension, because she was soon smiling, "nothing to be scared about y/n. If anything your answers have changed my mind about Andie. To an extent. And it will just be us tonight, Ravi is working. I noticed how you clammed up with him last time".
"I didn't clam up, it's just odd having Sal singh's brother eying me like I have some secret I'm hiding from him." You shot back, your confidence seeming to find its way out. You couldn't help but feel that raw feeling weld up in your chest, your teeth gritted out. You felt a flush take over your face as you apologized, your words escaping you. Gosh, here pip was going out of her way to invite you to a dinner, a family dinner that is, where you were probably intruding on, and you had snapped at her.
Pippa only eyed you, eyes flashing over your flared nostrils and wide set eyes,you watched as her eyes remained transfixed to your features, her blue grey eyes darkening just enough as she eyed your flushed cheeks. You would have found that odd, if it were not for your rambling, rapid apologies falling of your lips.  Pip only halted your words, leaning in so close you could smell her perfume, strawberry and raspberry. Your heart raced out of its chest at the way Pip moved to lean over you, her eyes taking in your eyes and your flushed racing chest, the smile that reached her lips was so saccharine that it made your stomach erupt in butterflies. Pip spoke softly against your ear, like it was some sort of secret to be hid from others.  Her words were soft, velvety against her tongue, "I like when you use your voice" she spoke, "it's cute. You look almost like a little puppy, puffing out its chest and barring its teeth. Such a sweet little creature"
From the way Pip smiled victoriously over the way your eyes followed her, almost trance like, you could practically feel Seth's eyes burning holes into you, probably resisting the urge to yell "she's obviously flirting with you!".  Once your brain was cognizant enough to realize that pip had said you reminded her of a dog, a puppy at that. A puppy, the lowest of the forms of dogs. Why didn't she just say you were akin to a baby playing in the sand box? It would have irked you, if we're not for the way that pip stayed eyeing you, a shine in her grey eyes, almost like she was getting some sort of high from teasing you. It made your cheeks flush and your eyes move down to her lips, which were plastered in that smile, the one that twisted your insides in the best way.
You felt your confidence come back to you in tiny spurts, your eyebrows raising, tongue coming to peek out over eager lips, "Who knows Amobi?" You spoke, twisting your lips into a even sweeter smile, your voice taking on a different tone, "I may be a wolf in sheep's clothing, easy on the eyes, soft, sweet, so sweet that you would be blinded by what I could do".
At that you watched as pip's eyes glazed over, her usual pale complexion pink in color. "Is that so?" She began.  "Well I'll just have to see about that. Half past six tonight, don't be late" she spoke, winking at you and walking off. As she walked off, You felt a sudden pang in your chest at your realization. You liked Pippa Fitz Amobi. You had ever since she had held you that day a few weeks ago.  But you never acknowledged it, it felt to odd. Too shameful.  You hadn't had a crush on anyone since Andie, you had stuck to your small group of friends and avoided going out, mostly you stayed in your room, far away from prying eyes and your father, who was too into himself to notice your tear stained cheeks on days you would allow your mind to drift back to Andie.
It almost felt like you betraying her, being here flirting with pip, almost like you had forgotten her for a split moment. Like your pain and anguish had been wiped clean and put back together by the girl in front of you.
Pippa watched you as she sat back with Cara, the way your eyes were downcast, and she felt a pang in her heart, you were still grieving, that part was evident. But if she could just get to know you, the real you she was sure she would be able to help ease the burden. After all Andie and you had been close, close enough that even witnesses and Andie's own friends had stated that Andie had been drawn to you. Like a moth to a flame.
At first pip had found that odd, a girl of Andie's caliber being drawn to you, but as she observed you throughout the weeks she found out two things. first, you we're different than all the other students that roamed these halls of Kilton grammar. You were kind to a fault, the sort of kind that made people smile, and their days brighter. You were a ray of sunshine on a cold dreary day. No wonder Andie had been drawn to you, after all she had been through with her dad, her family life, you had been a breathe of fresh air. A oasis away from the troubles of life. But you were also a mystery, one she couldn't wait to sink her teeth into, to know every little secret you ever had.
"Shall I send off the wedding invitations?" Cara spoke, making pip roll her eyes but steal some of the girls custard, which remained untouched on the girls plate.
"It seems Pip's EPQ is not the only thing she wants to study" seth spoke, and you only rubbed your cheeks in your hands, "oh god! She probably thinks I'm a nutter Seth” you gritted out.
Seth laughed, "after that performance?? Are you kidding me!! If I was a girl I would have fallen for you! I mean, you basically challenged her back. Pip seems like she needs that."
Kilton weather was often dreary, which was why you were partly glad that you had managed to bring your jumper, the air was cold and seemed to nip at your bones. You had snuck away while your father had gone down for bed, his tell tale signs of liquor cans littering the floor and the loud snores indicating he was out for the night.
Not that he minded if you went out, he usually didn't have any notions of where you were, it was a miracle you weren't one of those teenagers who abused that power. You knew many teens who would go wild with the freedom your father gave you. But with freedom came many things, the mood swings, the often vile words that would fall of your fathers lips when he drank too much. You knew he loved you, it was apparent he did, but he never had the courage to say it, never once. You chalked it up the fact that he had never had that himself, your grandparents were the typical Victorian English parents, their idea of affection was a Pat on the back and a job well done.
Drastically different than your mother. Even after years of her being gone you still felt the ache that her face brought. Etched into your memory like a painting that would never waver. Or fade. You hoped. Your mother had been your world, she had been there to pick you up and dust you of, but like everything in life she had withered and vanished. It was a car accident that took her. The icy roads of Kilton still haunted you. So you were on your own. Till Andie of course. Then you felt less alone, less inclined to be alone. Andie wasn't all smiles, she was a girl trapped in a toxic house, where her father would eye her looks, make her feel little than she was. You had understood that to a sense, and would sit and listen as she would talk endlessly about her father.
The Amobi's household was quiet, the house sitting on the edge of town, with a quiet garden in the front that you knew Pippa’s mother had loved to garden in. It didn't surprise you that right as you made it to the door, it opened. Pippa standing in the threshold, a dinner dress on and hair pinned slightly to the side, enough that you couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked. 
Vastly different from her regular Kilton uniform,  although the high knee socks did wonders for her appearance.
You couldn't help but notice how formal she looked, meanwhile you were less than formal.
A blush overcame your features, eying your now less than formal dinner attire. "I didn't realize it was fancy dress" you stated, "that dress looks beautiful on you pip. Even I couldn't make it as radiant as you".
Pippa had smiled, her cheeks crimson. "Oh this? I figured you would like to see me in something more than my Kilton uniform. Please, come in. You'll catch your death out here.".
Immediately you were bombared with checkered paws and a snout that began to lick at your face, all rough tongue and eager sniffs. you giggled, moving to draw your hand through the dogs soft fur. "This must be Barney. I've been told we share a couple attributes" you laughed, and the dog only began to bark at you playfully. The moment was ruined quick enough when pip gently moved Barney, "she's not here to see you Barney".
Pip's mother, Mrs Amobi had been almost overjoyed to see you. She had reached out and had hugged you so hard your bones had nearly popped off. She had knew your mother for years and had even stated you looked just like her. It was a comfort to know.
Mr Amobi had been just as nice, smiling and telling you how lovely you looked, you were thankful that a father had noticed. Josh was next, he had quickly said hello to you and asked if you were Pippa's new friend, to which you had eyed pipa and playfully remarked that was up to her. 
Dinner was pleasant. You couldn't remember sitting down to a dinner like this, where the food was made with love and care, where jokes were passed around and by the end you were filled with laughter and a full stomach. You tried not to notice pippa's eyes which were on you for almost half the dinner. It would have seem of putting to anyone else, but you noticed the way Pip's eyes would watch you as your brought trifle to your mouth, grey eyes zeroed in on the ice cream that stuck to your lips. Or the way she would make a joke, eyes seeming to smile wide when you would laugh just a little harder.  While you had gotten up to help Mrs Amobi with the dishes, feeling like a horrid house guest when she had just smiled and told you to sit your pretty self down. You had been hesitant to, but it was only then that pip crossed the room, moving to whisper something in your ear. Goosebumps arose on your forearms and you only watched as she took your hand in her own, fingers slotting against your own.
"Before you leave I was wondering if you wanted to take a look at my EPQ? It's just- I found some things you might be interested in".
You had agreed, feeling your stomach coil pleasanty as pip's fingers wrapped around your own, her grip soft yet firm, fingers caressing your skin. It made your head dizzy with want, the type that would fill your head and cause you to do stupid, stupid things. Luckily as soon as you passed into the threshold of Pips door your eyes caught sight of the board adorning the girls room. And as quickly as the soft syrupy feeling in your stomach had come it was gone. Vanished just of the sight of the crime board,
you were met with the board, Pippa's writing strewn about and evidence upon evidence filling the space. It shouldn't have made you so emotional, but you couldn't help but bring your hands to your lips. After five years pipa had managed to collect more than enough evidence, something the Kilton police hadn't the courage to do.
"You-you did all this?" You spoke, eyes turning to pipa in amazement.
She humbly nodded, "well Ravi helped me. But I did most of the work. I just felt as if I should show you" pip spoke, moving closer to you, enough that her pinky bumped over yours, the soft feeling of skin against your own making your cheeks flushed.
You eyed the board, taking in the utter dedication that had gone into it, but it was what was written on the board that made your heart stop. Not from surprise, or even grief. But anger. Anger that had grown in your chest for years now.
'Andie's secret older guy?' Written in Pipa's messy yet beautiful handwriting stared back at you. You could feel the way your heart had stilled, the world was quiet. Nothing but the board and pipa by your side.
You knew Andie well enough to know that you were just a pawn in her game. Even if she had told you she was fond of you, made you feel special, made you feel like you were important, said she saw you differently than others, she still had used you.  You were never as important as she said you were. Because it was evident from the board that she hadn't been as enthralled with you as it seemed. She had been secretly out with some older man.
You chucked sardonically, eyes moving to pip's ceiling. "Andie always did love her secrets didn't she?" You whispered.  "I know it's silly, but Andie was all I had left after my mum died. She made me feel like I was the most important girl, she would coo at me and tell me that she thought I was beautiful. And then she'd tell me to tell her she was the most beautiful girl in the world. And I would, without hesitation. But now I'm seeing parts of her I didn't recognize, or perhaps pieces that were always there but thanks to my naivety I just brushed off. I'm- I'm angry. Obviously, that she lied to me, it hurts. The type of hurt that makes your eyes burn and your body numb. But I also know that she's still out there, and even if she hurt me I'm not giving up". The conviction   in your voice was enough to cause pip's heart to stop, hoping that someday you'd talk about her like that. With stars in your eyes.
"I'm glad to hear you say that. Because I know this is awfully sudden, but- would you like to be my partner on this case?" Pip spoke, tilting her head and eying you with such soft eyes.
It was different from the flirty Pip from the canteen. Here was just pip, with her soft kind eyes, peering at you with-understanding.
" isn't Ravi your partner? I would hate to intrude-"
"I want you with me" pip has stuttered, eyes wide when she had spoken, but then her eyes calmed and she spoke again, "I want you to help me with this case. You knew Andie better than anyone. And you could be important. Theirs no reason why this case can’t have three investigators”.
You let your eyes fall down to pip's wooden floor. For five years you've wanted the chance to find out what happened to Andie, not just for yourself but her parents, and Becca. The whole Bell family, because even if they had hurt Andie, she had also hurt them in turn. When you meant family, you had no notion of adding Jason bell to the mix.
"Alright" you spoke, lips upturning into a smile.
"I'll help you".  The smile on Pip's lips was reward enough.
The first thing you learned about Pip was that she was different from the other girls you'd met. And you had met many, being a tutor at Kilton grammar many had come to you. And they were all the same. The same way of speaking, even the same monotone spirit in their eyes.
But Pip was different. She was clever, well educated. Her brain worked faster than others. Perhaps a touch obsessive, but you would admit that you were also on the edge between obsessive.
"Andie had a burner phone" you spoke, watching as Pip's eyes burned with excitement, Ravi sitting on her chair in her room. It had been a particularly hard day, one that lead with no leads. Till you had spoken, hoping this fact would help. You had remembered seeing Andie silence the phone when you had been studying together, saying something about a Howie Bowers.
Pip's smile was wide and she immediately rushed to you, pulling you into a hug and kissing your cheek, "y/n you clever thing! We need to find that burner phone. Where could it be?" She thought, back to her usual pacing the floor.
Ravi remained standing a few feet from you, eyes refusing to meet your eyes. Ever since pip had introduced you to the team, Ravi had been distant. You knew he liked pip. Could see it in his dark brooding eyes. To him she must have been a goddess, a girl who thought his brother wasn't guilty, who was going to prove it. Might as well propose.
But lately you had seen their dynamic change. Instead of pip always looking to Ravi, her eyes were on you. You were the one she went to, when her dog had disappeared, when she had cried and cried enough tears you had been the one to wipe them away, to calm her down.
And Ravi knew that. And he hated you for it. And you couldn't help but feel like you didn't quite belong.
You brought that up to Pip during one of your sleepovers, the ones that had become usual now. Usual enough that pip even had designated a drawer that belonged to you. Ravi would complain that it wasn't fair that you got to spend the night, but pip would just smile that smile and say something to make him smile. It usually left you with a bad taste in your mouth.
"Ravi isn't fond of me is he?" You had stated. Pip had looked up from her log entries, halting the recorder that was spewing out a very angry Nat De Silva interview.
Pip's eyes had widened, her lips upturned into a questionable smile. Brows filled with concern more like.
"Where on earth did that come from?".
You had rolled your eyes, moving to lay dramatically on her bed, "you act as if you don't see the way he looks at me. Don't get me wrong he's always been cordial. But-I've seen the way he looks at me. Like he hates me. And everything always had to be a competition for him. Like let's see who can win pip first."
At that Pip's smile was evident as she watched you ramble. Taking in your pink lips, your pale complexion, the way your sleep shirt was riding up enough to reveal your braw straps. Something akin to hunger laid in her eyes.
"And I'm not that type of person" you began, rubbing your tired cheeks, eyes taking in the ceiling.
"I don't like when people have to choose sides. Ravi's making this into some stupid competition, like if your friends with me then you can't be friends with him. and that is not who I am! It's stupid and childish! and honestly I am beginning to think I should drop out, let Ravi and you finish the case. Because I am not-"
"I choose you".
The words had halted on your tongue. Lips dry, you immediately sat up, hair a mess of curls and you eyed Pip, who sat up next to you, laptop long forgotten as she eyed you.
Waiting for your response. Her grey eyes holding so much apprehension in them.
You only eyed her with confused eyes, "I don't want you to have to choose-"
"I don't care. I still choose you over him."
Pip was close now, her form leaning over yours, enough that your heart had begun to race. "I can't help it" pip began, her face now so close to your neck, pip smiled when she caught sight of the way your cheeks flushed.
And without even a warning pip was closing the distance, capturing your lips in a kiss. You only allowed your eyes to close, enjoying the way pip was laid on top of you, the weight of her body making you warm and fuzzy.
Pip kissed like her life depended on it, every brush of her lips was deliberate, very stroke of her finger against your cheeks was soft. It left your head spinning and your lips chapped.
"You taste so good" she spoke, in between kisses, her breathe ragged and eyes wild.
Her hands laid possessively over your waist, fingers gripping your skin softly yet firmly. You don't think you've ever been this turned on before, save for your few moments with Andie.
But pip, with her lips that were unforgiving and her hands that were ticking your sides. You had never thought pip Amobi, the girl who use to ask for extra homework would be this experienced.
Pip's lips moved to your chin, your jaw, your neck. And all you could do was whine in protest.
Again you couldn't help but compare Pipa to Andie, no matter how much you tried not no, to convince yourself that they were different people, you couldn't help it. When Andie had been with you, and she had that look in her eye, that familiar glean, the way her fingers would caress your hands, then up your arm. Andie had always been a hurry. She would pull you against her in the girls toilet, shushing you and then kissing you senseless, to her it was some stupid power move. She would have you say how much you were obsessed with her, and then she would leave you even more turned on, moving to wipe lipstick of her lips in the schools dodgy mirror. She never went far enough with you, and you always wondered why.
She had always been eager, that was fact, but she had never done what pip was doing. Eying you with dark blue eyes, Mapping out every detail of your features, "it's not fair for you to look so utterly ravishing" she had uttered, looking somewhat conflicted as she eyed your lips.
Her delicate fingers moved to hover over your face, swiping delicately a piece of hair that had gotten in the way. The way pip had done it, so softly, had made your arousal burn even more.
Pip sighed, fingers moving to dip bellow your chin, gripping softly, yet enough that your breathe hitched as she lazily caressed the skin bellow your chin.
"What am I going to do with you sweet girl?" she purred, eyes dark. "I could take you here right now on my bed like I've imagined so many times, or I could take you on the floor, though I doubt it would be sanitary. Though I would fancy fucking you on my door. You'd look so cute trying to stay quiet" she drawled out, laughing when your cheeks reddened, she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, feigning thinking.
Her smile had been confirmation enough that she had come to a conclusion. Her smile somehow looking like a toss between Pervy and downright Sinful.
"How about we start by removing this lovely top? Hmm?" She cooed, lips leaning in to kiss your lips firmly, leaving you breathless and your brain foggy. You only nodded into the kiss, and Pip very cleverly dodged your lips, wiping away the tiny bit of salvia that followed.
It shouldn't have been hot, you knew that. You knew if you were not being controlled by your horny mind you would have been sick, but from the way Pip had begun unbuttoning your night shirt, each button coming undone sending shivers through you. pip remained stoic, but you could see the control in her eyes shifting as the last button was taken of.
"I trust you pip...you can take it off" you whispered, your voice quiet and calm, yet you felt your body buzzing with anticipation.
It was then that your eyes opened, taking in the dark room, chest heaving as you eyes the girl next to you, watching as her chest rose and fell beside you sound asleep. Had all of that been a dream? Your cheeks flushed, the pit in her stomach opening up as you realized.
You were in love with Pippa fitz Amobi, and you couldn’t deny it any longer. You had to confess, for your sanity.
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bobbin-buckley · 8 months
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That Girl Is Mine
Tara Carpenter x Saxophoneplayer!Fem!Reader
Summary: You play saxophone with a band called “Sweaters In Fall”, you and another girl plus three other guys are in it. You’re girlfriend Tara comes to see your biggest concert at the Radio City Music Hall (NYC), after the concert things do seem to work with you in the band
Warnings: Fluff, Cat-Calling, Little bit of blood, Pervert, sexual mentions, lots of cursing, some punching
Y/F/B: Your Favorite Band
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
It’s the night before you and your bands performance at the Radio Music Hall.
You were very nervous, it was unusual for you to be this nervous. It wasn’t because of the people but it was because your girlfriend was coming to watch with her friends and her older sister Sam.
Not that you were scared of Tara being there, you were excited that the dark brunette and her friends were coming, it was just Sam.
Sam never really liked you, she had her suspicions. You respected that since after what they’ve gone through was tragic. This special night wasn’t just about winning an award to you but it meant to prove yourself worthy for Tara, you wanted Sam to see your talent and maybe she’ll like you. Maybe….
“Yo Y/n! What’s got ya all worked up?” Your bandmate Damien asked, he was a nice guy, he was a tall lengthy black man about in his middle twenties. “You’re not all pumped up like you normally are during rehearsal.”
“Just nervous I guess…” “Nonsense! You’re never nervous!” Kayleen hyped. Kayleen was your best friend, you guys were pretty close she was the reason why you joined the band. Damien and the other two guys were a little eh about another Saxophone player joining, but the raven hair just glared at them and had you join. You were the high voice of the group, the great Alto Sax player.
“Yeah, Y/N/N, you seem so low right now and you’re the loudest person normally.” Pip spoke, Pip was your 3rd favorite of the group. He was pretty quiet the majority of the time but he indeed was a fantastic Trumpet player. ‘Pip the Pipet’ Damien gave him the nickname, Pip hated it but he’s adjusted to it now since it sticks with him.
You all had nicknames, yours was Sexy Sax (boy you hate it but at this point you don’t care, Tara teases you about it), Kayleen’s was Sax Positive, every time you hear that nickname you can’t help but laugh a little. Damien’s is Damn Keyboard (idk) as he played keyboard in the band. Last but not least Dan…
you hated Dan oh boy, if you were to go ghostface he’d be the reason.
Dan was a creep in your opinion. Nobody else agreed though, he was just very…odd. He was an older man, I’d say in his early 40’s, he does have a lot of experience in jazz and band in general but he seemed off…every time after your solo in one of the songs you’d catch him looking at you with heart eyes, you’d catch him doing it to Kayleen as well. Eugh…you hate him
“Yeah baby stop being so low, your supposed have a high pitched voice in the band. If you know what I mean.” Dan said…flirted?
You wanted to throw up after he said that. Fuck he gives you the jeepers creepers.
“I’m fine guys I swear. It’s just my girlfriend is coming to watch tomorrow and her sister..isn’t quite found of me..” you rambled.
“Sorry to hear that champ. But everything will go great! Just…focus on yourself and not the crowed.” Damien explained, you have him a nod.
“Well, it’s getting late guys we should head home for the night,” everybody nodded in agreement with Pip.
It was a quick walk home, you hadn’t lived far from Damien’s house. Which is where you guys rehearsed most days unless the Blackmore’s band director lets you in.
Moonlight On the River by Mac DeMarco was playing in your ears, your saxophone in case swaying in your left hand as you trotted in the perfect white snow on New York’s streets to your way home.
You swore someone was following you, feeling eyes staring at the back of your head. You stopped in your tracks turning around to see no one.
Maybe it’s an animal or my imagination?
You thought
As paranoid as you used to be it’s been higher ever since you heard about the ghostface attacks. Tara always pushed you away when you met, you weren’t sure why until you discovered she was The younger sister of Sam Carpenter.
Eventually you told her you don’t care about some psycho idiot under a ghost mask with a knife.
It wasn’t long after you confessed that you really liked her and started the first date. It’s been a few months since you guys started dating, you both were happy.
You told Tara you’d always be there for her if she wanted to talk about everything or anything else that’s keeping her down. She appreciates you for that, but also doesn’t want to burden you because she knows you have your own issues.
Opening your apartment door, stepping in and feeling the nice warmth greeting you. You flicked on the lights with your free hand after slipping off your shoes and walked to your bedroom.
You sat down your saxophone in the corner of your room as well as your backpack, coat. Walking over to your bed taking the snow covered sweater and sweatpants you were wearing off. (I’m more masc btw so masculine wear)
Putting on a white-T with a sweatshirt over that has Y/F/B on it and throwing on a black pair of sleep pants. That’s when your phone started buzzing in your bag.
You grabbed your bag again and opened it to grab your phone, seeing that your one and only was calling you.
With a smile you pressed the green button without hesitation and pulled the phone to your ear.
“Hey Baby!”
You blushed at her voice and nickname
“Hey Tar, how was your day?”
“Not bad, just- some arguing with Sam. You know, the usual.”
“Sorry to hear that, what was it about? If you done mind me asking.”
“It’s fine love, it was just about me walking alone to school. She needs to grow up sometimes, I mean I do appreciate her safety, it’s just a pain up my ass all the time.”
You understood Tara’s annoyance, your mom was the same. She’d harp on you about being safe even if your taking out the trash, (though you don’t live with her no more)
Sam was always protective, ever since the first Ghostface incident. Sam has prevented Tara from having outside friends (definitely after Quinn and Ethan).
That’s why Sam dislikes you, she’s scared you’ll be the next ghostface. But Tara wants Sam to understand that she’ll fall in love at some point, and she already has. It’s you
You’re the lucky girl
“Yeah I know hun, hey tell you what. Tomorrow night I’ll prove Sam with my magical music talent that I’m worthy!”
Tara chuckled, “sure baby, you are quiet talented my musical girl. I’m excited for tomorrow, by the way, how was practice?”
“Good, Kayleen and the boys are hyped. I think we’re all ready, I’m just a bit nervous…” you said, biting your nails.
“Why nervous Y/N/N? You’re never nervous.”
“That’s what the band said..haha.” You paused with a fake laugh. “I guess it’s me trying to prove how good I am to Sam, and how important you are to me.”
“Honey, even if Sam didn’t care about tomorrow then screw her, cause you shouldn’t care about what Sam thinks. It’s Sam! But I know Sam will get your trust eventually she just has a hard time opening up,” you sigh, “plus I think she’ll love it. Sam really likes music if you didn’t know.”
“I didn’t know actually, but thanks Tar.”
“No problem baby, I gotta go Sam needs my help with dinner. I’ll see you tomorrow night! Love ya!”
Your heart skipped a beat, “love you too, see ya!”
You smiled widely after Tara hung up. You were going to prove your worthy for Tara to Sam.
Sam doesn’t realize how much you love that little feisty girl
It’s currently 7:30
Your show starts in thirty minutes
Sitting on an old chair in the back room as Kayleen does a few more touches with your make-up
You weren’t a big fan of wearing make-up, but Kayleen insisted on you wearing some especially for tonight. It wasn’t crazy make-up, just some highlights and eyeliner, nothing punk looking but more casual.
“Cmon Y/N/N you’re our sexy sax you gotta look sexy,” you rolled your eyes. “Even Pip gets a little bit of a make-over!”
“Uh-what?” Pip quipped.
“…Annnnd done!” Kayleen exclaimed, “it’s your turn Pip!”
Pip groaned but gave in
“A-are we all getting make-up?” Damien asked.
“No, Pip just doesn’t get the option because he’s one of our big soloists! But if you want make-up I’d be happy to-”
“Absolutely not,” both Damien and Dan said. The raven shrugged and went back to work
“So Y/N/N? How are you feeling?” Damien asked, as he sat next to you.
“Better, I talked to my girlfriend last night and told about my nerves but she said I’ll be okay and other things.” “Awe, she must be a real sweet one.” You blushed as his comment, Tara was a sweet one even if she’s a little feisty at times.
“We have about ten minutes left.” Dan looked at his watch.
“Shit!!” Kayleen squealed.
You laughed at her antics when she jumped to grab more blush
“We’ve got time girl.”
Tara shifted in her seat as she looked around the interior of the Music Hall.
She’s never been inside the music building, she’s only passed in on walks, in a taxi or on the bus.
It was quite beautiful, the lights were pretty, the room was nice and warm and it was just gorgeous in general, it was a very open dome with a lot of people.
Sam didn’t want to spend a lot of money so they chose the middle seats on the balcony. Tara wouldn’t really be able to see you but the tv’s they had were enough to see your gorgeous face.
“God I’m so excited! Thanks again Sam!” Chad smiled bright. Mindy thanked her too.
“Of course,” Sam smiled. “Thanks Sam, seriously, you don’t know how much this means to me and especially Y/N/N.”
The older Carpenter smiled at her little sister.
“Up next we have our Jazz Band “Sweaters In Fall!!!”
When Tara heard your band name she perked up and watched ahead of her as she cheered with the crowed.
You and band walked up stage with your instruments, the keyboard and drums already set for Damien and Dan.
“Let’s meet our lovely band! Up first is Pip the Pippet! Our Trumpeter!” Pip smiled shyly.
“Second we have Sax Positive Kayleen!”
Mindy shook her head, “reminds me of Quinn sadly.” Tara chuckled a bit.
“Third we have Damien that Damn Keyboard!” Everybody laughed and cheered.
“Fourth we have Drummer Dan!”
“He looks like he’s sixty!!” Chad yelled. Tara didn’t like Dan, the stuff you’ve told Tara about him make her sick in the stomach but that feeling faded away once the guy announcing announced your name.
“Last but not Least! Y/N/N the Sexy Sax player!!” (Sorry not sorry)
Tara blushed when you waved a bit to the the crowed. Knowing you were looking for her.
“Let’s get this party started!”
~~~~~~~~~(sorry if it’s cheesy 😭)
You were at the last song of your album. The next song was more of something you wrote yourself. (Not actually 😭 cause that’d be copyright)
Tara cheered with the crowed once the song was finished. You eagerly searched for her in the crowed then spotted her a bit later.
You blew a kiss at her as she did it back.
“Cmon Y/n! We gotta go!” Pip called.
You nodded, taking one last glance in Tara’s direction before following your friends.
“That’s it! That was it my guys!” Damien screamed in victory.
“Eh it was alright-” “What do you mean it was alright Kay? That was our best yet!!” Pip cut off Kayleen.
You smiled bright once you entered the backroom. This was definitely the best performance you’ve had in awhile, and you were proud of that.
It didn’t matter to you if you won something but- it mattered that you did it. All you cared about was Sam liking you.
The band continued to talk about the performance whilst you put up your saxophone.
“Y/n!” You looked up at her voice.
Tara jumped into your arms with a big smile, Sam and her friends no too far behind.
“Hey babe! How’s you guys get in?” You looked over Tara’s shoulder, making sure no guards were about to run in saying they broke in.
“They let us in, I told them I was with you.”
“Now who’s this pretty lady?” Dan asked, he made your stomach curl and in a disgusted way.
“I’m Tara,” she said a little grossed out herself.
“Hey! Y/n, you can officially meet Sam now!” Tara turned to her older sister, motioning Sam to approach.
Sam looked at you with those ‘I don’t trust you eyes’. Sam scared you a bit, but being up close..Jesus you were more scared.
“Nice to meet you Y/n,” your eyes widened. Sam, Sam Carpenter being nice to you? She held out her hand waiting for you to shake it. “I-uh hi- S-Sam.”
Sam pulled her hand away and chuckled, “you don’t need to be afraid of me. Sorry for scaring you a bit, I’m a bit worried meeting new people. As Tara probably already told you.”
You nodded with a small smile. Tara was ecstatic with your first impressions on each other.
“Yo Y/n! You gonna introduce them?” Damien spoke.
“Oh uh- yeah! This is my girlfriend Tara her sister and friends. Guys this is Damien, Kayleen, Pip and-..Dan.” You pointed to the each of them.
There were some waves and hi’s
“Y/n, you didn’t tell me your girlfriend was hella hot.” Dan walked close.
“Excuse me?” Both you, Tara and Sam said.
“You heard me.”
You looked at Dan with hatred. “Back the fuck up.”
“Woah, no need to get all frisky babe.”
“Don’t fucking call her that!” Tara yelled.
You put a hand out in front of Tara, keeping her back.
“Damn, she’s loud too.”
“Shut the fuck up you perverted mother fucker!” You shoved Dan back, but it wasn’t long before he struck your nose with his fist.
You stumbled back, wincing and clutching your nose as it bled. “Y/n..”
“Oh come on Y/n, your worse than your are at pleasing her.”
That’s when Sam lost it as well. Sam punched Dan, you pushing Sam back to finish the job.
You grabbed him by the shoulders and slamming him against the wall. “I swear to fucking god! If you ever say any of those things ever again I’ll break your skull!!!”
“Hmp, I’d like to see you try.”
Damien and Sam both grabbed your arm before you got the chance to swing another punch at him.
“Let me go!!”
“Dan, get the fuck away! Go! You’re out of this fucking band!!” Damien screamed.
“Whatever, I didn’t want to be here anyways, I just wanted to see some ladies.” Dan chuckled.
You snarled. “Get him away from me.”
Damien and Pip nodded before getting Dan out of the room.
“Y/n-” “Let’s just go home.”
“How’s it feeling?”
You and Tara were in her bedroom. After tonight’s event, your hand was swollen and bleeding. Sam checked it and no brokenness to it, just some bruises and scratches, plus it’ll sting.
“Like shit.” You huffed, laying back on her bed. Tara already patched you up, it hurt like a bitch too.
“I’m sorry,” “no. I’m sorry, I should’ve just kicked him off the band way before!” You threw your hands up.
“Baby, it’s not your fault. It isn’t your fault he’s some fucked up pervert, but thank you for defending me.” Tara brushed her fingers through your sweaty hair.
“Anytime..” you smile. Tara leaned down to kiss you on the lips, placing her scarred hand on your unharmed cheek.
“I love you.” “Love you too.”
This is fuckin cheesy.
Sorry for not uploading this faster than I planned. Weird shit has happened this past week
I need ideas cause my brain hurts and I can’t think of anything rn
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littlewoodblack · 4 months
Girl’s Night at The Burrow by Me ✨
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Pairings: George Weasley/reader (fem)
I wrote this when I was like 15 and originally posted it on wattpad, then ao3, and now this lovely platform.
My favorite fanfic theme, TENSION ❤️❤️
1.6k words
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Shouts and laughs fill the air of the Weasley’s living room, except they’re all emitted from loud and rowdy boys that should really be in bed right now. The only reason they aren’t is because Arthur persuaded Molly into letting them stay up until midnight seeing as it is summer break and on summer break, the children should be having fun.
“Get ready for bed, boys!” Molly’s voice echoes through the house from the kitchen.
“What? No way! It’s an hour till midnight, mum.” Ron rejected.
“I know dear,” she returned to her calm motherly voice, “It’s just for tonight, pip pip.”
I was handed an excruciatingly hot mug from her which appeared to be cocoa. Bye bye finger prints, now I’m free from the law, I guess. Ginny pushed her seat back with a sigh to excuse herself.
“No, no, Ginny sit back down, you’re staying here. So are you, Y/N.”
Ginny and I exchanged perplexed glances at one another as we mentally analyzed the passing week to discover anything we might have done wrong that we would be in trouble for. Molly walked away to the kitchen, presumably to make another hot chocolate for Ginny or herself.
In her absence, I whispered to Ginny, “did you do anything bad??”
“Nothing she knows about.” She whispered back, mirroring my clueless demeanor.
The second hot chocolate was placed on a coaster and slid to Ginny, who soon burnt her tongue.
“Now I know you’re wondering why I put everyone to bed”, a smug smirk appeared on her face and she placed her hand on her hips, “but it’s been ages since I’ve got to have a good girl talk and pampering. I brought a muggle face mask and- oh. Where do you suppose Hermione is at?”
“Did you tell her to stay down?” Ginny asked with an ice cube resting on her tongue.
“Oops.” Molly went to make yet another hot chocolate while I ran up to our room to find her, on the way being stopped in my tracks by George leaving the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped upon his waist and wet hair dripping water everywhere which Ron will probably step on later with socks by accident and throw a fit about. George is not the stoic and mysterious person he thinks he is, especially since the blushy tint of his cheeks was very obvious.
“Why have you not got any pajamas on yet?” He looked me up and down.
“Why’ve you not even got a shirt on?”
“Uh, well, do you like, wear your clothes in the shower or something?”
“Only when I’m feeling spontaneous.” With that sarcasm, I pushed past him in an attempt to hide the blush that I can definitely feel, and that he definitely noticed.
“MIONE!” I frantically knock on the door, internally withering away at the thought of George.
“BLIMEY, WHAT??” Her book falls to the floor when she reaches to hold her heart after being startled.
“Sorry. You’re not supposed to go to bed yet, we’re having a girls night.”
“Oh well okay”, she crawls out of bed, “wish I got the memo earlier, though”
She walks ahead of me with one of her blankets wrapped over her shoulders.
“Ah, good.” Molly waddles over to the table with more mugs and headbands are laid out already, along with a jar of bentonite clay. Hermione takes a seat and grabs the plush bunny headband.
“Y/N do you want the leopard print one or the bear one?” asks Ginny.
“Whatever one you don’t want”
She tosses me the leopard print one. “Damn.”
“If you wanted the bear one, you should have said so when I gave you the chance.” She rolls her eyes.
“No, no, the leopard print one is… nice.”
The hot chocolate is stubborn to cool off, but that’s never stopped me.
“So you fancy George?” Hermione is now applying the clay.
I nearly spat out my drink which would have been better than choking on it as I did. Ginny’s jaw dropped.
“I knew it!” Molly seems overjoyed as she slams her hands on the table.
“Hermione. I love you, but what the hell.”
She seems to be unconcerned- as if what relationship I could potentially have with George is clearly a matter of fact. How a scientist might discuss data.
“Sorry, isn’t that what you’re supposed to talk about at ‘girl time’?”
“Well… yeah, actually. I just wasn't expecting that in the slightest.”
“At least we know you wouldn’t be rejected.” Ginny says, also in a matter-of-fact tone while sipping her cocoa.
Molly is doing her best to withhold her glee, “Well it’s obvious, isn’t it?”
“Oh come on! He never shuts up about you. Everybody knows about his crush on you.”
“Everybody except me, apparently???” I’m flabbergasted, “how do you know?”
“Oh, well I don’t know, maybe cause he shoves our stuff over to sit next to you, or cause he’s always staring at you, or cause he steals your stuff, or cause-”
“I think she gets it, mum.” Ginny interrupts.
“No, no, no keep going, keep going.”
“This is something I think is especially cute,” Molly scrunches her shoulders up, “when he knows you’re coming over, he cleans his room and puts on fresh clothes.”
“He does all the stuff in the book Y/N, honestly, come on” Ginny says.
Hermione adds, “And you eat it up, you just don’t know it.”
I put my face in my hands. “Hermione help me.”
“With what?”
“When I went up to get you I bumped into him after he got out of the shower and he was shirtless and I was a blushing mess and there’s no way he couldn’t have noticed.”
“Oh, so that’s what was wrong with you.”
“I don’t know what to do.”
“Flirt back.” Ginny shrugged.
“Easy for you to say.”
After Molly takes off her mask, she rips open a bag of what she calls “muggle chips” and pours them into a bowl so tackily decorated, you’d only find it in the china cabinet of a very old lady.
“Where’d you get all the muggle stuff?”
“Mostly Hermione, but the weird things laying around like this, uh…” she pokes at a pocket sized flashlight laid on the side table of the couch, “that’s Arthur.”
I get up and look out the window to see the surrounding field, filled with the chirps of crickets enjoying the summer air. Ginny follows. The moon hangs like a plate in the sky and stars are spattered in all directions around it.
“It’s the prettiest thing in the world”
“Not in George’s opinion.”
“Ginny, drop it!” I shot her a lightheartedly serious look and we went to sit back down.
Footsteps thumped down the stairs, and the room dropped to a dead silence. My back was to the rest of the house and I couldn’t see who approached, but given Ginny and Hermione’s wide-eyed stares into my soul and Molly covering her mouth with her hand, I could assume the worst. I heard water pour from the pitcher behind me.
“Pretty hopping party, huh?” George took a look around. “When I’m with my friends, I like to sit with my back perfectly straight in deafening silence too.”
“George, go to bed.” Molly was stern.
“But I wanna come to girls’ night.”
“You’re lacking some plumbing.” Ginny giggled.
“I can trash talk people just as well as you lot can.” He leaned onto my chair with his hand resting on my shoulder, still sipping water, “did you see Freddie’s outfit today, woof. As if we’re not dealing with enough right now.”
I folded over in my chair snickering. Unbeknownst to me, he looked at Ginny and mouthed a triumphant, “yes!” to her, delighted to make me laugh.
“Go!” Molly swatted him with a headband, which he dodged only with his hips and kept himself in the exact same spot.
“I keep telling him to stay away from yellows since they wash out his features, you know, but he never listens.
“Alright, alright”
Once he had left, Hermione squealed, “That was so adorable!”
Ginny cheered, “Aww little Georgie’s in love.”
Again, with my face in my hands I gasped “Okay, you’re right, Mione.”
“I like him. He makes my heart drop to my stomach when I see him. He has the cutest smile ever.”
“You should tell him!” Molly is ecstatic.
“Maybe. Maybe one day.”
Ginny raised her eyebrows, “If you put it off too long, then I’m going to tell him myself.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I gotta pee, I’ll be right back.”
I abruptly left my seat and walked to the bathroom for a second alone to have a reality check. The hallway to the bathroom matches the scrappy but warm vibe of the house with hanging hand-knit tapestries adorning the wall and random shoes shoved to the corners of the floor.
“OH-” I let out a yelp.
“Shh” said George, who apparently was lingering around the corner the whole time.
“You nosy little-”
He cut me off with a kiss. His hands gripped on my cheeks and my hips. If I weren’t as stunned as I am, I might have noticed the warmth and smooth texture of his lips, or his strong frame holding me up, or even the cologne he wears just for me.
“You have a cute smile, too.”
“You’re pathetic, George.” I lay my head into his collarbones.
Into my ear, he whispers, “I love you”, then retreats back to his bedroom, blowing a kiss on the way.
“Good night.”
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toasttt11 · 5 months
Tumblr media
May 6, 2023
Lucia had slept in late after the late game last night against Carolina and they lost 6-1. She just took a shower and threw on a pair of Umich sweatpants and a Devils shirt, she walked out into the living room and saw multiple people in the kitchen.
Lucia furrowed her brows in confusion as Jack hadn’t say anyone was coming over, she walked past the bags at the door not even noticing they were all Michigan bags.
Lucia froze slightly as she stepped into the doorway and saw who the other three people in the doorway. Ethan, Mark and Dylan.
“Cici!” Mark grinned and stepped forward picking up his best friend in a tight hug. Lucia let out a small chuckle hugging him back.
Ethan pushed Mark away the second he set her back down and pulled Lucia into a tight hug, and let out a sigh as he knew she was at least physically alright right now.
Lucia gently pulled back and looked at her absolute best friend and found herself struggling to keep in her emotions seeing him, she lunged towards Dylan and they pulled each other into a tight hug.
Lucia let out a shaky breath as she held onto him tightly, it’s been a long last month for Lucia.
First she loses the big game with her college team and then has to say goodbye to all of them, left the night of the big lost straight to Jersey and moved into a new apartment, is on a new team and now playing in the NHL, playing in the playoffs after two regular games in the NHL. Then she finds out the guy she’s been in a situation ship with is hard launching the his girlfriend who he was with while being with Lucia and no one she was with knew anything was wrong with her and her brother didn’t even know something happened. All of that had been a lot for Lucia.
Ethan, Mark and Dylan shared a look of relief seeing Lucia again, especially with everything that happened with Mackie, Lucia has been not responding much and hasn’t facetimed them at all. They all knew how much she cared for Mackie and know she is hurt because of him.
So they decided the second they all were free to come out to see her, they had help from Ellen who told Jack everything so he could pick the boys up.
Lucia looked between her three boys with a smile brighter than any the last few weeks, especially the last week.
Jack who was in the kitchen as well furrowed his eye brows as he noticed the difference in her smile, it was just more her and her eyes crinkled, the way they do when she use to giggle when she was little and it made him wonder what else he doesn’t notice about her anymore.
It’s the downside about being in the NHL and living away from family, is you start to have separate lives and you don’t know everything about each other anymore.
Jack hates how after every season the distance between his sister and him is always more and it’s one of the reasons he was so exicted for her to play for the Devils is they could become closer again.
Jack picked up the car keys and tossed them to his sister, Lucia looked at him confused, “I’m heading to Nico’s and you can go out with them.” Jack shrugged having planned to spend the day with Nico and let his sister go with her friends.
“Thanks.” Lucia smiled nodding and Jack smiled nodding at the rest of them and headed out of the apartment.
“Where are you guys staying?” Lucia asked her three best friends hoping to put off the conversation she knows they are gonna have to have as long as she could.
“The hotel across the street.” Mark told her, throwing his arm over her shoulder.
“And we got tickets for tomorrow’s game.” Dylan pipped in, figuring out that Lucia is trying to push off the conversation and is letting her for now.
“Well let’s go get some food.” Lucia twirled the keys around her fingers and led the boys out of the apartment.
Lucia drove them to a small dinner that she found she really likes and they all smushed together into one booth.
Lucia was tapping her fingers as she listened to the boys catch her up on everything at Umich.
Ethan, Mark and Dylan shared a look and knew they needed to have a conversation.
“Are we gonna talk about it?” Mark bluntly questioned.
Lucia froze slightly but just shrugged, “What’s there to talk about.” Lucia played the silverware on the table avoiding their eyes.
“That he was a major dick and you deserved better and he deserves multiple punches.” Ethan scowled slighty wishing he could punch Mackie for Lucia.
Lucia let out a small snicker at Ethan’s words.
“I’ll be okay.” Lucia promised them, she knew she would get over her feelings and all the hurt eventually but she will miss the friendship she once had with Mackie.
“Are you sure?“ Dylan gently grabbed her hand squeezing it reassuringly. Dylan knew how much Lucia cares for the people she loves and knows she was hurt by Mackie.
“I will be okay eventually.” Lucia sadly smiled at her best friend’s squeezing Dylan’s hand back. Lucia also wasn’t big on talking about her feelings and spending time with her boys is more than enough to make her feel better.
“So can i still punch him when i see him next.” Ethan smirked looking hopeful at the idea to punch Mackie.
“Oh me too!” Mark perked up really wanting to punch him as well.
Lucia let out a fond laugh being very thankful for her three best friends and feeling better with them since she found everything out.
Lucia leaned her head on Ethan’s shoulder as she squeezed Dylan’s hand.
Mark gently kicked her foot making her smirk and kick him gently back.
She had really missed her boys and it only has been a month a way from them, she knew it was going to be hard next season.
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raayllum · 1 month
So, Kpp'Ar.
Where is his coin right now, and what are the odds the last diamond gets used to save him?
The tricky thing about Kpp'Ar's coin is that we don't know precisely where it is. Right now there's 3 options:
Rayla took it but kept it voided because he looks like a dark mage, and Callum (if he knows) never asked any questions. Cue main trio still having it
It's buried under the rubble of Katolis castle and will be retrieved by either the main trio or Claudia in 7x01
It was buried under the rubble of Katolis castle and, off screen, Claudia already picked it up
The first two are the most likely, and I personally lean towards #2
If the protags find it, that's good for them because Kpp'Ar has clearly Plot Relevant information about Aaravos (box twin from novelization) and the staff (now confirmed in S6). He's also our resident reformed dark mage now that Viren is dead and clearly knows a lot about magic and how things work. Since he knows something about the Staff of Ziard that we just don't, he may also know things about dark magic's creation and Elarion that we don't, all of which will be extremely important in S7. This is also the most straight forward because the Dragang would have the coin and the unused quasar diamond ready to go
However, the option that is "more interesting" To Me is if Claudia finds it. If she found the coin, she'd see a glimpse of former family that she could find while also wrestling with the fact that maybe Viren made Mistakes (shocking, I know), something we haven't really seen her outwardly acknowledge. She'd also seemingly know that they need another quasar diamond - and Aaravos will presumably want his cube back, so he has reason to want to go charging after the dragang and letting Claudia lead the way (how she'd find out they have the other one? who knows). This also means that Claudia would be on the offensive of trying to steal back the quasar diamond (maybe the boys are trying to save Pip-Harrow?) and that she thinks she's going to get a Replacement Dad Grandpa back and... Kpp'Ar is furious and scared of her use of the staff and is 110% against Aaravos. It'd be one hell of a rude wake up call but one she desperately needs - although how much she'd listen to him given that she's drinking that "my Dad was a good man" juice and that Kpp'Ar was willing to let Soren die... who knows
All that said, given that the staff could imprison multiple elves... presumably it could also free maybe more than one person? So maybe Kpp'Ar could get out 'right away' in that lens, but who knows.
But yeah like. Kpp'Ar has info that seemingly almost no one else in the series does, a unique connection to Claudia and Soren's family history, it's been confirmed we're learning more about his arm wound thing in S7 (this was confirmed after S5), and I think he'd have a lot to offer Callum in particular as a contrast (but by no means does canon Need to do so, it'd just be fun). It's gonna be him over whatever-remains-of-Harrow, I'd be very surprised if it went anywhere else
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A nasty NormXReader request for you:
Norm getting forehead kisses from tall(5'10+)!Reader. He deserves some. Thank you.
Teehehehehe, absolutely a treat to write anon! Ty for the ask, hope this fulfills what you were looking for :] Norm Maclean x Gn!tall!vaulty!reader
ANGSTY!! be warned!!!
Ah silence, the absolute worst sound to be hearing from Norm. Silence was how the vault dealt with issues, with conflicts, with emotions. You’d been desperately trying to unlearn it for your own sake but, well, being the overseers son made that a bit harder.
“What’s up?” You kept it cool, you two had been sitting in his room in complete silence for a while now, you’re head resting against the back wall with a pillow under your back to keep it supported as you craned your neck to look at your pip-boy. You’d looked over your SPECIAL score at least 10 time now just to be doing something, and that was rare when you hung out. Norm shrugged at the question, back facing you while he fiddled with the game on his pip-boy.
“Is…” You hesitated to speak. You two hadn’t talked about Lucy to one another since you’d seen her out of the vault a few days ago. It was a sensitive topic, because for all we knew she could be dead in a ditch with no one to find her. It hurt to think but it was true. “Is it about Lucy?”
He tensed for a second, his whole body seeming to freeze like he’d been caught. You felt bad, your own jaw clenching as you expected to be told to get out or leave him alone or the worst—just sit in more silence. Slowly, he turned his head to face you, and as he did you felt something deep in you drop. His eyes were red and a bit puffy and he just looked like he was in pain. You’d seen him cry, you’d been friends since pre-K after all, but you’d never seen this.
you don’t think you’ve ever shot up like you did when you saw his face, and you don’t think you ever will again. From your lazy position to straight upright in less than a couple seconds you got off the bed and onto the floor with him, pulling him into your abdomen. He shrank away from you for a second but it didn’t take long for him to embrace the affection and just let it go. He cried, and cried, and cried for a long time. You wanted to say that everything was gonna be ok, that Lucy was fine! But you couldn’t. You couldn’t lie to him in this state.
Once he calmed down you pulled him off of your chest for a moment. He sniffled, face wrecked and red. He looked at your suit for a second. “Sorry for… sorry for getting your suit dirty…” he sniffled, voice shaker and meek. You let your hand drift to the top of his head, petting through the hair and laying back in place where it’s been mussed.
“Don’t be.” You gently tipped his head up, bending down to try and kiss him. You could only reach his forehead the way you where—even on your knees he was at least 3 heads shorter than you—but it didn’t matter, he got he message well enough if his breathing slowing had any say. “I don’t mind if you mess up my suit. You’re worth the extra load of laundry to me.”
Norm laughed, strained but genuine. “Wanna just watch TV?”
You smiled “I’d love to.”
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