#just thought it fit herb so well haha
flowerprintundies · 7 months
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Get stepped on.
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The Apothecary Diaries
S1E14 First Watch
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Here's where I watch The Apothecary Diaries for the first time and give my thoughts, analysis, predictions, and occasionally I stumble into a joke.
To start at the beginning:
Episode 1
Content warning: Discussion on sexual harassment, assault, and rape
My character/location cheat sheet
Suiren - Jinshi's attendant
Lady Gyokuyou - Precious consort
Hongniang - Lady Gyokuyou's attendant
Jade Pavilion - Lady Gyokuyou's pavilion
Concubine Lihua - Wise Consort
Concubine Loulan - the new Pure Consort
Lady Lishu - child bride concubine
Lakan - mysterious officer
Lihaku - young military officer
Pairin - one of the princesses of Verdigris House
Opening. Like with many of the openings in this show, I don't know what is happening yet. But it is visually and musically stunning. The strings bowing out some poignant melody while a woman under a red umbrella crosses a nearly colorless courtyard with her retinue. I'm guessing this must be the new concubine. Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure that was the crown that Lady Ah-Duo wore. This lady ditches it as soon as she comes into the Garnet Pavilion. I wonder how she feels about being made into the newest high ranking concubine. Her face is revealing nothing to me.
I don't know what Lady Gyokuyou is up to, but I love her, so I'm looking forward to whatever "good timing," she's trying to take advantage of. Probably trying to see Maomao I'm guessing.
Oh good, Maomao is planting her own herb garden. Perfect! Finally a way to start to make a place for herself in Jinshi's world. Maybe she can find a way to fit in here. Suiren doesn't care about this garden though, she wants Maomao to clean the office. And I'm starting to wonder if this lonely residence is maybe not as great for Maomao as the Jade Pavilion was. Back in the Jade Pavilion, Maomao was surrounded by people who cared about her and supported her. That isn't to say that Suiren won't, but who else even lives here? Gaoshun? I mean there is Jinshi of course, but I'd like to know she fits in with more than just him.
Turns out Jinshi is in the office that Maomao is meant to clean, so maybe Suiren is just trying to push Jinshi and Maomao together.
Something truly screwy has happened. Maomao has been selected to teach the new Pure Consort. What they want her to teach, I don't know. Probably not poisons. As it turns out, Lady Gyokuyou has written a recommendation for Maomao. A chance to get Maomao back into the Rear Palace so they can all see her maybe? Oh haha, Lady Lihua, wants her back too! Well Maomao did teach Lady Lihua something useful! Terrific! Maomao, who just failed her exam to be a court lady, is now highly recommended to teach the new high ranking concubine. Incredible.
Before Maomao had walked in, Jinshi called the situation "perplexing," followed by a frustrated or maybe thoughtful hum. Then when Maomao arrived Jinshi definitely made a frustrated sound. Was he upset that he would most likely need to send her out of his residence, and back to the Rear Palace? Was he upset that this seems like a blatant excuse for those concubines to see her? Or maybe he's upset that she failed her exam to be a court lady, because she does show up ready to clean his office, carrying all of her cleaning equipment.
Jinshi: The Rear Palace has set it's mind to the Concubine's education. And they selected you to be the teacher. Maomao: That's a good one.
Maomao, doesn't see how she could be good enough for a position like this. It must be a joke.
Jinshi: I'm not joking here.
And, oh yeah, he's not happy. He doesn't like that two of the top concubines have forced his hand like this. And maybe he also doesn't like Maomao's self deprecating attitude He sends her off so abruptly, that it seems curt. And what the hell is Jinshi's issue? Why is he acting like this with Maomao? Maybe he is just uncertain what to do with her. She's so capable at certain things, and yet... there are certain things she just won't or can't do. She's a highly requested teacher to the top concubines in the rear palace, yet she can't pass the test to become a court lady. Maybe that is what has Jinshi so annoyed. Maybe he can get over himself, while Maomao goes on her mission.
Does Maomao still owe money to Verdigris House? WTF. Maomao tries to stealthily change her wages but Suiren immediately shuts that down, even though Jinshi was willing to pay her more.
Jinshi seems excited about Maomao's class now and wants to see what teaching supplies she is bringing to the Rear Palace and Maomao becomes defensive.
Maomao: Under no circumstances can he see these!
What does she have in there? Maybe it's some courtesan stuff. Perhaps she's going to try to teach the new consort some brothel tricks?
Maomao insists on pulling her own cart. Maybe she didn't realize that Jinshi and Gaoshun would also be coming to the Rear Palace or she wants to be sure no one gets a chance to look at the racy goods she's transporting.
Jinshi is received like a celebrity, with lines of adoring fans all hoping to catch a glimpse and make a comment about his appearance. He puts on a smile and laughs, but I think he hates this. Maybe Maomao should draw some freckles on him.
And maybe this is a good time to take a closer look at what Jinshi's experiences have been with sexual harassment. I have @cjrae and @teaflowsthroughthesesims to thank for opening my eyes to some things in the comments section of the last blog.
Jinshi has been getting this kind of reaction to his appearance for a long time. I'm realizing now why he was so excited to have Maomao glare at him in one of the early episodes. People so often look at him and see his beauty, but not the person. He has never had to worry about that with Maomao. Her absolute lack of self value means she never considered for a moment that Jinshi would see her as a viable romantic partner, and so therefor never bothered to look at him with a lustful eye. It's rather sad that that was a novel experience for Jinshi.
We know that his own female servants have tried to leave their underwear in his closet. I've learned that the undergarment made of human hair is meant to be a love spell. How utterly fucked up. Just as bad is the fact that people have tried to sneak aphrodisiacs into his food before. Maomao identified one for him way back in episode 2. I did not realize that when he asked Maomao to make an aphrodisiac that he would be using that to retaliate against the male officer that gave him the drugged food, and it becomes apparent that he did when we hear the rumor about a man who "hates women" that was seduced by servant girl. I've been taught that "hates women" is a euphemism for gay men. So Jinshi has been experiencing sexual harassment from both men and women, and it ranges from lascivious comments that he hears on the street like we see in this scene, to very intimate acts like the undergarment in his own drawer and food that was given to him. It's one of the reasons Gaoshun attends him everywhere. Perhaps Maomao should be a food taster for Jinshi.
I can't help but think about the moment when Jinshi gave Maomao his hair pin. She had just explained her story of being captured and sold, but also about how she had been sexually harassed. He probably felt a powerful empathy with her then. Imagine what it would mean for him to share his own experiences with her.
Jinshi wants to attend Maomao's sex ed class, but she literally pushes him out the door. Delightful. She says they are going to be discussing sensitive womanly issues, so, cool, maybe Maomao is the right choice for this class. She might actually teach these ladies something. Maybe prevent a few UTIs and yeast infections.
Lady Gyokuyou is so happy that her favorite romcom Maomao is back. Maomao knows everyone in the room, other than the new concubine, Lady Loulan and her attendant.
Maomao shares a book that gets blushes all around the room, as well as a few more dramatic reactions, so it's got to be something she learned at the brothel. The new lady seems to be ignoring Maomao?
Jinshi has his ear pressed to the door, like a creep. Is he worried about what Maomao will teach these ladies, or just curious about what she knows? Maomao bust him trying to listen in. When he finally sees what's going on in the room, he's not so sure he should have agreed to all of this. Lady Gyokuyou and Lady Lihua seem pleased, but Lady Lishu is traumatized, and most of the attendants are freaking out. Only Lady Loulan seems unfazed. What is her deal any way. All I've seen her do so far is discard her crown in the opening scene, yawn, gaze off at nothing, discard the book Maomao gave her, and ignore everything around her. Is she bored? Depressed? Does she have a disability? Maybe she isn't ignoring everyone, maybe she literally can't hear them? Of maybe she can't understand the language? It would explain why she's not moved by anything being said and why the book is of no interest to her. Maomao did point out that her clothes are of a foreign style. I can't figure her out. Maomao says that Lady Loulan is unreadable. Agreed.
Maomao actually seems pretty pleased as she lays down to sleep. She's giggling about her bonus, and I have to appreciate her commitment to avarice.
The hell? Was that an explosion? Maomao thinks to investigate, but then gives up at the thought of Suiren. How much impact does Suiren have on Maomao's behavior? Is Maomao afraid she'll get in trouble with Suiren? Is this a good influence that is keeping Maomao from behaving recklessly, or is it a bad influence that stymies her curiosity and impulse to help others?
We get a name to the mysterious man from last episode, Master Lakan. He's investigating the explosion and has found that opium pipe from last episode. His face says he knows something, but when someone asks if he found something, he says no. Is he involved with this explosion somehow? Is he going to cover up some piece of evidence? Is he an investigator in the palace? If so than he probably will cross paths with Maomao at some point, since she can't help but get involved in mysteries.
Maomao is working in Jinshi's office today. She's surprised to see how much work falls to a eunuch of the Rear Palace. And for fuck's sake Maomao, the man is so clearly not just a Rear Palace eunuch. I think she must be intentionally delusional about this. She's already figured out part of the puzzle that is Jinshi's background but chose to discard it. Perhaps the truth is too intimidating for Maomao to face.
Because if she were to accept who and what Jinshi is, that would probably be the end of all of this. It would widen the gulf between them as Jinshi was worried about a few episodes ago. It's something Maomao is also very worried about. She's being very careful that she doesn't do anything that will force them to part.
Jinshi is so obvious with his attraction to Maomao, and Maomao is so reserved, that it can often seem like this is a one sided relationship. Maomao doesn't dare think about her feelings for Jinshi, much less speak or act on them. To get an idea of what she's feeling, we have to make some assumptions. But they aren't totally unfounded, we can see evidence of Maomao's feelings in some of the choices she makes, and in some of the actions she takes, even if we may be waiting a real long time for her to think about or verbalize them.
Maomao has managed to secure herself a position here in Jinshi's residence, in a position that keeps her close to him. She chose to come back to the palace. She gave up the people she calls family in the Pleasure District, and the career she loves as an apothecary to return to the palace. And yes, she thought she was going to be working in the Rear Palace, but she's not complaining about being in Jinshi's residence instead. In fact she's planting her herbs in the yard. She's literally and metaphorically putting down roots here.
Though Maomao thinks she's not worth the affections of a eunuch official, she has still managed to build a rapport with Jinshi. They can banter, and solve mysteries together hold each other when they're drunk and sad. She likes that he encourages her to use her skills, that he appreciates her abilities, that he pushes her out of the places she hides, so that she can grow. And for Maomao that's pretty nice actually. All of it is more than she would hope for from him. It's a beautiful dream, that falls apart if Jinshi is more than a simple palace official. Because even as a simple official, she's taking more than she deserves. It's completely inappropriate already. If he's a prince... there really, really isn't a place for her in that world. So she holds on where she can for now, and takes what is offered, and very carefully does not think about Jinshi's true identity.
Also, because Jinshi is a "eunuch" he is safe for Maomao. She has some serious fears around sex. When she told us about being sexually harassed she said that nothing ever came of it, and I do think that being attacked, even if she was not raped is enough to cause this level of trauma. There could be more though. She told that story to a pavilion full of people, it's highly likely that if there were a more serious story about sexual assault that she may not have told it so publicly. Regardless of the origins, Maomao has sexual trauma. As a "eunuch," Jinshi would not be able to assault her that way, even if she thought he were willing to. So, it's easier for Maomao to continue to believe an increasingly unbelievable delusion, than to deal with her trauma.
I am so here for the Gaoshun-Maomao dynamic. Gaoshun is mothering "Xiaomao" and making sure she stays warm, because it's cold outside after all. Maomao is once again thinking about what a catch Gaoshun is. You know, if things don't work out with Jinshi, then Gaoshun could be a nice runner up.
Oh and Jinshi has noticed all of that! He's literally growling. Back the hell up off his girl Gaoshun! Oh my god this is a hilarious scene. Now Gaoshun is claiming the cloak and thoughtfulness came from Jinshi. I wonder if next time, Jinshi doesn't get up and bring her a cloak himself, rather than sending Gaoshun.
Maomao: To need permission to give warm clothes to a chilly servant. Talk about bureaucracy.
Holy hell, her ability to misread a situation... is just... mindboggling. I know her confidence is nil, she is incapable of seeing Jinshi's affection for her, but the mental gymnastics required to come up with other possible explanations is a lot.
Once again, medicinal herbs have drawn Maomao to the military officers side of the palace grounds. She happened to run into Lihaku. Jinshi is not going to like that.
Lihaku fell in love during his night at Verdigris House, and now he has dedicated himself to his career advancement so he can buy another night with Pairin. But in the meantime he drinks frugally with other girls hoping to catch a glimpse of his love.
Maomao says she's been transferred to a palace official's personal quarters.
Lihaku: Transferred huh? And to such a thankless detail. Maomao: Yup, I've gathered that much.
Something didn't seem right here, so I switched from the English dub to the Japanese with English subtitles and got:
Lihaku: Personal quarters? Who's crazy enough to do that? Maomao: Yeah, I wonder the same.
This is really not an important scene, so I'm not sure why I'm so hung up on it, but I think something is probably lost in translation. I think what Lihaku is implying is that the move is a bad one for Maomao. It's not as prestigious as working for a high ranking concubine in the Rear Palace. In a private residence how will a servant stand out or advance? Lihaku is all about climbing the ranks, and he pities Maomao for getting stuck in a position where she can't. Maomao has gathered that this position isn't one to bring her career advancement, but she doesn't cares about that, it's not why she wanted to return to the palace or why she is finding contentment in her new job. So she pokes fun at herself yeah I guess I am crazy for taking this position, not because she's missing out on a chance to advance her career, but because she's given up on other options for her life like being an apothecary in the Pleasure District, to take a risk in the palace.
There was a fire last night, the origins of which are unknown. Maomao cannot resist a mystery. Maomao surmises that it was an explosion and that the military suspects arson. Maomao finds that same opium pipe that Lakan did. She has an idea, and now she just needs to prove it. She asks Lihaku to bring her a few things. Maomao builds a very nice wooden box, and Lihaku compliments her. She remembers a time when she was young, at home with Luomen while he examines a box. Maomao uses her box to demonstrate how improperly stored powder such as flour can be combustible. She surmises that someone went into the warehouse to light a pipe and accidentally caused the explosion.
Damn I like watching her work.
Lihaku: How is it you know these kind of things. Maomao: Simple. I once blew up a room at the Verdigris House experimenting with powders. Lihaku: You're a menace.
I don't know if Lihaku is taking personal offense to her causing trouble at the brothel where the love of his life lives, or if he just thinks she's weird and dangerous. Either way, I don't think Jinshi has anything to worry about when it comes to Maomao and Lihaku. I'm looking forward to him be jealous about this anyway.
Maybe I do understand how she can still owe the Verdigris House, if she has destroyed rooms in the building before...
Maomao kept the fancy pipe, accidentally of course, we've all forgotten about her klepto-urges a couple episodes ago, right? I can't help but think that keeping this pipe is a mistake. There is a lot that could go wrong if someone finds that in her things. She could be accused of using opium to start, but she could also be accused of stealing it, selling drugs, associating with nefarious people, or who knows what else. I don't like that she has it. She considers returning it. I hope she does.
The final scene is of a man having a break down in an eatery. He breaks something and cries about being "worthy too." I don't know who he is, but the other dude who looks back over his shoulder looks familiar. Was he around when Sir Kuonen died? Do we have a serial killer in the palace? Or maybe an assassin?
Want to start from the beginning: Episode 1
Next Episode:
Episode 15
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oplishin · 1 month
what are your thoughts on patho 2 re race
i don't think you were looking for such a long response but uhhh you're getting one!!!!! smarter people have discussed this better, but i have a lot of feelings.
the good:
the broad strokes of artemy's relationship to his race: everytime i have replayed p2, i find myself surprised by how much artemy's angst resonates with me. he can fit into the broader, white culture of the Town, but that acceptance is always conditional. his friends have this "you're not like them" attitude, or they're just outright racist to him. they hate his people but like him. He's also not accepted by the Kin- he's spent too much time both in the Town and outside of it. the way elders in the community chide him is too real, haha. artemy discovering that the cultural practices he ran away from in his youth actually really, really matter to his identity is a feeling i find uhhh really relatable!!! this aspect of p2 just rings really emotionally true.
i like the way (some of) the racism is written: vlad jr is obsessed with learning about the culture of the Kin, he's even gained some trust with them, but wow, he does not give a shit about them when it comes down to it. they're an object of study to him, artifacts to collect, not actually people. andrey takes the cultural art of twyre tinctures and uses it to make a profit and to get really high. he keeps a dancing herb bride in his bar as entertainment. rubin's deal feels similar, he's learning kin traditions because of his weird weird relationship with isidor, but he hates the people. i like that foreman oyun sells out his culture, and that he hates himself so much for it.
okay. it's only downhill from here.
the bad. there's a lot:
the endings
i think the endings are cynical to the point of being unnuanced and un-interesting. the tragic mulatto trope played as straight as possible to a comically extreme degree. either almost every NPC you've met dies, or you destroy the remnants of your indigenous culture. it's just. i don't know. it wouldn't be very pathologic for this to have an actual magical solution- there isn't a magical solution in real life, the status quo just churns onward, and indigenous bodies and lives are discounted. i don't know. i don't know!
i hate that the game presents the diurnal ending as better than the nocturnal one. this is the part where my faulty memory is troublesome- i may be getting the way the fandom treats the endings mixed up with the way the game does. sorry if that's the case! the diurnal ending is bright, the town you've spent so much time saving is safe at last, all your children and friends are rebuilding their lives in interesting ways that you get to take part in. but it's fucking disgusting! the bodies and lives and culture of indigenous people are utterly discounted. this includes artemy, who's doomed to forever try to fit into white society, to never be able to pass on his cultural traditions, who just has to let himself die. the only person who mourns is a dying Aspity, who was one of the last people to carry on and teach tradition anyways. it's terrible.
i,, honestly do not remember much of the nocturnal ending, and a lot of went over my head when i played it. the majority of people read the nocturnal ending as "the bad ending"- all your friends die. and even though they're all super racist, you care about them, probably.
whyyyyyy are the indigenous characters written Like That????
it is fucking embarrassing that 26/29 of the Bound are white. i cannot believe this did not change with 14 years of hindsight post p1. well, the game did add nara, and she deserves her own paragraph!!!! wow, lucky her!!!!!!!!! the kin are so fucking underrepresented within the major characters. the white characters are given complex, differing perspectives about the nature of government, spirituality, morality and guilt. pathologic 2 writes the Kin as a mystical, esoteric hivemind. the non-diversity in the perspectives within the Kin was always something that bothered me, even when I was 15. They do not feel like a real, breathing living group of people. minority groups are not monoliths. i think the game wants to represent them as a collectivist culture, but is too racist to know that people within collectivist cultures uhhh have opinions about things.
p2's racism is just slightly more subtle than p1's, to the point where my stupid fucking 15 year old self didn't pick up on it as much. but god, it also asks the incredible question "what if racist stereotypes were true? wouldn't that sort of justify mass genocide? isn't the diurnal ending just as valid as the nocturnal ending?"
so much justification for the white characters' racism within the fandom comes from "but the indigenous characters did [x] bad thing! but their culture is misogynist!" which 1) fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you 2) someone made the active choice to write the indigenous characters like this. now why would they do this??
the misogyny
god i fucking hate the herb brides. i know that the fandom has tried to reclaim them in interesting ways. i just really cannot. why are these dancers all soft and curvy in the correct ways? why do their clothes fall off to look like they're wearing raggedy skimpy swimsuits? why are gamers soooo horny?? i'm. i cannot! i can't. this game has an asian women fetish. no thanks!
this brings me to the nara thing, which, okay. i'm about to get really mean!!! nara is this demure, docile, exotically sexy lady who's totally cool with giving up her agency artemy and being killed by him because the game has deemed it necessary. sorry, i do not care abotu the diegetic reasons for this. there's a dream sequence where her sexy sillohuette dances in the void. why? this game has a misogyny problem! and a yellow fever problem!! so much of her dialogue is dedicated to "ohhh i'm trying to make you less uncomfortable with this, artemy :(. i'm indifferent i promise :((" she doesn't protest in her death, she just says lore at the player. i'm not happy. i find the attempts to reclaim her in fandom admirable, i'm just. disgusted! by all of it! this game owes me reparations.
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
I'm back on my silly goofy haha bullshit once more. [This time with itward]
Itward with a reader who likes to make bread and tend to plants, maybe they make flower crowns and gifts for itward like bread and plant related things! [A basket made out of dead grass or handmade paper/books! Paper can be made from a bunch of weeds and just plants in general mixed with baking soda and boiled!]
Make sure to take time to rest, get water and eat something, such as a snack! :D
Itward x reader who bakes and does plant stuff !
God I'm so so sad that fran bow and little misfortune is.. not that popular <\3 or at least doesnt have a huge active fanbase
Which sucks because it deserves the attention! The game is amazing and did a lot for me growing up (comfort media am I right?) And you can tell the creators put so so so much passion into the games
Also itward pretty
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Honestly until we are confirmed otherwise, I like to think that everyone returned to ithersta after the end of the game... and until more content comes out (iirc they are working on a DLC bonus chapter! Dont quote me on that !!) And disproves that, I am going to believe that itward raises fran in ithrsta
Whether the reader is human or from a different reality, they're here in ithersta, too! Plus I think that's the most fitting place given the prompt :0
You and itward love baking together, often exchanging recipes and sharing tips on how to get the best product!
Imagine you two start a garden in order to be more self sufficient! Berries and veggies (get creative with the bread flavors!!!!) and the like are grown in your garden as well as some herbs and such! As well as other general plants that may be needed for whatever; potions, ointments, ect!
Plus itward just seems to be the type to be as self sufficient as possible, doesn't tend to buy things unless it's something he truly cant produce on his own..
Very friendly but asides from Fran, mr midnight, palontras, ziar, and the great wizard, and even cogwing, I dont think itward speaks to many people, given his introverted nature... at least according to the character sheet KMGs posted a few months ago!
Keeps every single piece of paper you've made for him. Compiling them all into multiple books! Keeps all his books in a little shelf he built in his ship... they're all kept neat, tidy, and dusted!
Ooouuugh he looooves when you make him flower crowns, loves slipping them around his hat and letting them rest on the brim of it
Dries out the crowns so he can preserve them for as long as possible... adds them to the main area of his flying ship, where the little shadow theatre thing is!
No thoughts only you two in the garden and he tucks a flower behind your ear.. looks at you with so so much love
You think his eyes can get all huge? Like cat eyes? Because I think so... his eyes get all round when he looks at you
Full of love
Okay back to the baking portion of this because I'm kind of neglecting it a bit, I feel
Theres nothing sweeter than baking something with your loved one, and enjoying your team work and company
I think you guys would have music softly playing in the background while you both work together
Maybe I want to rewatch fried green tomatoes, but you guys end up having a lighthearted food fight
Completely out of character for itward, but I think you can spark this silliness in him
Plus despite what the suit may imply, I think itward doesnt mind getting dirty... I mean he literally is an engineer! Bro probably gets greasy sometimes! Please help him clean the crevices between his bones
... that's another idea I absolutely adore and have talked about ^^^
Hold his hand and help him clean between his bones, please please he'd be so still and patient
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ketchup-chup · 8 months
Arcobaleno Real Names
Just some personal headcanons as to what the Arcobaleno’s real names are. 
This does not include any of the Sky Arcobaleno since those can already pass as real names I believe.
Reborn:  Renato La Rosa
Lal Mirch: Lalita Russo
Colonnello: Marcello Colton (Credit: @alternativeann)
Verde: Raphaël Auclair
Skull: Vitaly Andreev
Viper/Mammon: Silas Grace
Fon: Zhou Fēng (Zhou being the surname)
Reasons under the read more!
Reborn: I mostly chose Reborn’s name because I do really like the fanon name but wasn’t a huge fan of the last name Sinclair for many reasons. Thus, I wanted a last name that not only flowed really nicely with Renato but was also Italian. I decided on La Rosa in the end, since it’s a common last name in Sicily (according to my research, but please do correct me if I'm wrong), where I headcanon Reborn is from, and also Renato La Rosa just sounds so nice.
Lal Mirch: I really wanted to keep the Lal part of her name intact and always pictured her as at least half or mixed but not fully Italian. I imagine she goes by just the nickname Lal as she was tired of people butchering her name (and as someone with a “foreign” name I very much relate).  I also have the headcanon that all CEDEF members use code names with the theme of spices and herbs, which is why she would go by the name Lal Mirch. As for her last name? I just thought it flowed well…
Colonnello: The account @/alternativeann made a post about Arcobaleno names as well, and they gave the name Marcelo Colton to Colonnello and I absolutely loved it. I hope they’re okay with me using it as well, since it just suits him so well. I also love the idea he’s part American. 
Verde: Another first name I had contemplated going with is Victor but Raphaël won me over in the end. Like many others, I do go with the idea he’s French, specifically from France. And no offense to the French, but he fits the pompous, and rude stereotype they have.
Skull: Vitaly because it means life! You get it? B-because he’s the immortal stuntman… Maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, haha… I'll admit the last name is chosen completely at random. Oh, but someone on discord mentioned to me that they’ve seen Vasya used for Skull and I like that one a lot too!
Viper/Mammon: Essentially, my thought process was that, since Mammon is a biblical figure (not the KHR character but the actual Mammon), I should pick a biblical name for their real name. I’ll admit this now though, I grew up Buddhist, so I’m not the most familiar with the bible… For the last name I decided to make Mammon English and once again play into the biblical theme. This is the one I struggled with the most, so if anyone has better ideas please let me know! Fon: The exact characters are 周風, Fēng just being an alternate Romanization of Fon. It’s still the same character used and, since Fon also works as a name, I could see him just going by his given name. As well, because I'm a little split on the idea of him originally being part of the Mafia (or Triad) before he was cursed. I could also just see him being a famed martial artist or civilian of some form.
Please do let me know if you think any of these are horribly inaccurate or have mistakes!
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fallenclan · 11 months
OHH MYRTLEPAW BELOVED... DELIGHT in how you draw them / their general vibe they're soso cute :3. I think he and Mistlekit should get to bond over similar names. Him and Bristleheart too maybe, in that they're in the nursery at the same time and Mistle is probably pretty lonely... Similar names former loner solidarity ! Admittedly all the basis I have for this is that, but I do think it'd be cute... Especially with Mistle having been left behind, the idea of him having some older cats with similar experiences (confident and charismatic, too! More likely to reach out...) as a support system charms me a lot.
. OH MY GOD I FORGOT THISTLE . SHE FITS NEAR PURRFECTLY AS WELL... Former kittypet, but I think there's still a similarity :} and through him, Boulderstep; Bristle's kits through him and the nursery in general, likely Bub through Myrtlepaw as another former loner if they get on well, so on...
(Bashful gesture) heheh, apawlogy, the thought of a kid all on his own in an intimidating new world finding bonds and solidarity with the cats around him enough to feel safe and secure there in them got me. He's imaginative, he probably spends a fair deal of time in his own head, I picture him as kind of quiet myself, but the thought of him going from spending nights staring up at the sky and wondering after his mom, hoping she'll come back for him, to hearing stories from Bristleheart (the truth stretched just a Little for the sake of a good story, commentated on by Night and Quail for as long as they can stay awake to listen), or about apprentice training from Myrtle (with his current injury, I can imagine a kinda cute little "haha, maybe our tails'll match soon" exchange), or from Thistle about her time adjusting to clan life, maybe even from Boulder about different clans, and so on...
(draping myself kittyishly across a nearby structure, staring up at the sky) I wonder if he still thinks about his mom, even after time has passed, the wound's less fresh... He's imaginative. I wonder if he tries to think up stories about what she might be doing, adventures she could be going on, so dangerous she couldn't risk bringing him. Maybe someone nudged him towards it, some quiet conversation in which he bared his heart, looking for guidance - "What do you think she's doing now?" A way to keep her in his heart, without it hurting as much. He probably understands what actually happened, to some degree. Someday, if not now. (Personally, I concur with the thought that she gave him up because she knew she was going to die soon.) Still, the story persists... She might end up more a character than a memory, at some point, but sometimes that's how things happen. He keeps her with him. I think he might write stories if he were a person. Maybe he'll tell them to some kit himself, someday...
ANYWAY!!! MISC THOUGHTS. I think Bristleheart is probably pretty respectable as a medic, just divorced from the holy aspect that clan cats associate with the role. Maybe as a loner, he had to focus more on prevention than treatment - likely limited stores of herbs if any, less cats to have to care for, therefore more of a "take advantage of what you have/can find when you need, before things get worse" approach. It's impractical for a clan of so many cats to have each cat have some travelling herbs occasionally (or so, vague example) in the months they know sickness is more likely (to bolster their immune systems, or so), but not so bad an idea when you're just taking care of your kittens, or giving some cat who came to see you and herb and advice, you know? He'd probably have to relearn some things in a clan setting, but I think he'd contribute good, new ideas just as surely. Sunwish had to learn everything from scratch, after all - she knew a lot, by the end, and definitely enough to keep the clan afloat for a long while, but she didn't know every plant around the area! Certainly not those beyond the clan's borders. I think Bristle's knowledge certainly won't rival it - there's bound to be overlap, after all, and Fallenclan's medicine cats have figured out a lot - but it'll be a definitely handy addition! A new perspective... As far as character goes, I think he's pretty respectable. Some combination of "fake it til you make it" and genuinely just being sure in what he does. He does what he does well. (SIDENOTE: HIS FANGS AND HIS KITTENS HAVING ONE EACH ARE REALLY, REALLY CUTE...) And I think his kits have inherited that, a little! They don't really have a reason to believe things won't work out, because he's been doing all he can to make sure they do. He seems reliable to me.
Myrtlepaw... I think they're cute <3 a little unsure of things, but he's finding his feet okay, being charismatic probably doesn't hurt. I'll have to wait a see a little more of what they're like! :3
(BONUS: If Bub DID get sort of close with Mistle through Myrtle it is very very cute to me to consider him reflecting on it as practice if him and Willow ever have kits.) (. If they have had kits and I have somehow fully forgotten I am So Sorry,)
(- 🐈‍⬛) (. This is so long. I Am So Sorry,)
"the thought of a kid all on his own in an intimidating new world finding bonds and solidarity with the cats around him enough to feel safe and secure there in them got me" AUGHHHHHHHHHHH BLACK CAT YOU ARE DRIVING ME TO INSANITYYYY THIS IS SO CUTE
you are so so right btw. and the idea of Bub taking Mistle under his wing is so adorable aughh
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jeonghoneyss · 9 months
for the ask game: 10, 15, 20, 22, 24, and 30? <33
hii! i hope you're well, thanks for the ask! <33
10: What fic made you feel the happiest to work on?
I was happiest, I think, when writing my junhao fic! It gave me no end of trouble when I was trying to tie all the loose ends together, but when I was just writing the Vibes I had the time of my life!
15: Rec a fic you wrote or posted in 2023
I am going to recommend my jeongbin gym bros fic. I will be honest, the majority of this was written back in 2021 - but I wrote the last half and finished it up this year, so it still counts haha.
20: Share your favourite ending line
I'm going to cheat and give you three lines, but my favourite ending is the ending of my junhao fic - I had a lot of trouble trying to think of a good way to finish the story, but in the end, I think this fits quite well.
‘Soonyoung brought back a relic,’ Minghao says, carefully. ‘We won’t have to go back for a while. We could — ’ He stops, for a moment, tips his head all the way back. ‘We could do something. Or go somewhere.’ ‘How about,’ Junhui suggests, ‘somewhere very far from the sea.’ And Minghao looks at him, and slips his fingers into Junhui’s, and laughs.
22: Share an excerpt from your favourite scene
So this is another excerpt from my junhao fic because I had it open and it was the only thing I could think of haha. In this scene, I like the way Minghao's Oddness is expanded on, a bit, and the way they both know what they saw, but are pretending they didn't because it's safer that way. I don't know. Mostly it's the vibes.
And it’s — really nice, actually, standing here in the kitchen with Minghao, getting dinner ready and talking about nothing much, and Junhui is finally feeling like Minghao might be softening towards him, just the slightest. And then Minghao’s knife slips. And it goes deep into his finger. And he pulls it out, and Junhui scrabbles for some bandages, but when he finally finds some, Minghao’s finger is fine. It’s not bleeding. Or — there’s no blood, but there’s water, a lot of it, and Minghao’s shoulders go up to his ears when he takes the bandages from Junhui and tries to sort his finger out himself. Junhui feels faint. ‘You’re bleeding,’ he informs Minghao. Informs his mind, his traitorous mouth. He knows what saltwater smells like. ‘You’re bleeding, there’s so much blood.’ And he takes Minghao’s finger and keeps his eyes studiously on the floor as he dips it into the basin and bandages it up. ‘There was so much blood,’ Junhui insists, once he’s done. He doesn’t want to think about it. He won’t. Minghao looks at him, once, quickly, searchingly. He’s pale. Junhui does his best to drain the seawater from his eyes.   ‘Blood everywhere,’ Minghao mumbles. He turns away from Junhui. Lets Junhui nudge him out of the way and wash the herbs. ‘I saw it,’ Junhui tells the pans, and they finish cooking in silence.
24: What's something that surprised you while you were working on a fic? Did it change the story?
So this year, Versity and I wrote a fic together. I've never collabed on a story before, and I was pleasantly surprised by how well our writing styles meshed, and how fun (and funny) she was to write with, and how smoothly the whole process went! Our finished story was very much something I wouldn't have come up with by myself, so I suppose you could say it changed the story?
30: What's something that you want to write in 2024?
Allow me to tell you about an idea I had a few hours ago, after we talked about Descendants earlier haha. Jafar briefly turns into a genie at some point in the original movie, and I thought - what if Jay was a little bit genie, too? He wouldn't necessarily know, on the Isle, since the barrier blocks their magic and all. So in 2024 I'd like to write a fic exploring that, how Jay might discover his genie magic in Auradon, how it might work. Also - I don't know if you've read J M Barrie's Peter Pan, but good form/bad form is a huge thing to his Hook (his Hook went to Eton, if my memory serves me correctly), and I thought it'd be very interesting to see what that might mean for Harry Hook, especially given the general lawlessness of the Isle.
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shummashum · 9 months
Zeus Brundle Ch6 [1~5]
Previously on Ch5! Liz, who was trapped in the book by someone unknown's magic, played a doki-doki♡ love story with Zeus… hah………. I hope they stop further torturing me?!
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Since this is the 6th day, the flow of time is practically not much different from the 13-day system. Maybe I was thinking completely wrong
No matter how you think about him, he is biased to the extreme We need a more normal and exemplary Prefect
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Klaus is the former Prefect after all, we need someone on the field now
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Right then, found 'someone on the field' !! Can I ask if I can ask for help?
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Aah I had no idea that having a normal conversation with a sane person would be such an impressive thing
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And he even reached out a helping hand first woaaah he's dazzling I can only see the light 大 fon se feels like someone is detonating a flashbang right in front of my eyes
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you're the best dammit the screen is too bright it's too bright to see even if the brightness is set to 0%
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So, Liz decided to shadow Al to see what it means to be a Prefect.
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I have a question! Isn't this what a professor or teaching assistant should do? ah the Prefect is a postgraduate student
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aha!!! the Prefect isn't a student representative, but a postgraduate student they were the professor's (honored) slaves finally all the puzzle pieces fit together
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who is it who disrupts this sacred space of education but well, everyone already knows the answer
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oi potion freak, you say can't you see the light shining brilliantly right next to you
And why doesn't he get fired? I'm really starting to wonder at this point
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nah If she sticks by your side, I bet she'll just master how to calm a mad dog, not a Prefect stuff
and you know, I thought Zeus and Hiro would be barking and snarling every day, but rather, Liz and Zeus are b&s ing at each other, while Hiro is just throwing a few tsukkomi comments in between
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And here comes Cae
Al told Cae that he would give him the herbs he had ordered earlier. They started walking somewhere, and Liz hurried after them.
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go away why are you acting like this go away!! do you have nothing to do?
That's how all of the Season 6 comrades joined. What's this, kind of burger set?
When Liz showed interest in the herb that Cae wanted, Al began to kindly explain it.
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what what are you looking at you should have set an example if you want the right attention your everyday routine is "haha I'll summon the dragon" or "haha I'll sleep in class" and you expect her admiration or something?
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oh... you know, there's a nerdy plant freak named Mel... maybe the two of you are a good fit
Anyway, unlike you-know-who, Al was willing to provide quality and informative explanations to Liz.
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uaaargh he's doing bullshit again be fucking quiet
Hello, I have a favor to ask. Can't I just hit him once? It's not that I'm angry at him or anything, but he's sending a signal to my fist
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oh yeah you good clapclap
man why are you so angry what did she do wrong is it so wrong for her to ask advice from someone other than you
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eh erm why why are you looking at me like that no it's not like that stop looking at me like that when I get a look of disdain from you, I feel like I'm the worst piece of trash in the world
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
Hello, hey, hi! I hope you're well☆
I am using my one(1) free gush pass - bare with me i've never done this before so i don't know what i'm doing aaaAA-
Firstly, i haven't played CRK or CRO in a while, so re-installing has me clenching my heart, o u g h, i missed my friends!! It's so good to see everyone again (and to help them out a bit more in my kingdom.. sorry everyone *sob*)☆
And secondly - *slaps roof of my heart* this bad boy can fit so many crushes in it!!♡♡
I feel a bit embarassed leaving all my thoughts in this ask, so i will simply name them for now, in no particular order:
-Spinach Cookie
-Amber Sugar Cookie
-Rye Cookie
-Twizzly Gummy Cookie
-Espresso Cookie
-Affogato Cookie
I'm seeing a bit of overlap between some of them haha..!
Ah well, i just wanted to tell you and perhaps ask if any of them have visited your kingdom, and if you or your beloveds have any thoughts about them? 👀
A u g h, this was supposed to be a gush but here i am rambling!! I must leave immediatly, lest my face gets redder than B.A.D 4's outfits..!
My citizens better not tease me, i will explode!
🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟🎟 *throws more gush passes at you*
My friend, you are welcome to come in here and gush at ANY time! I’m sure all of your friends (and potential loves) are extremely excited to see you again! I’m doing quite well, thank you, and I hope you’re doing well too.
But OOOH!!! We have an entire LIST tonight!!!! Yes, yes, my beloveds and I have met quite a few of them!! Lemme just snatch them all real quick.
🍇: Ah! Spinach Cookie!! I think I might’ve met her once or twice? Every time I see her, she gives me cucumber slices ☺️. She seems like a real sweetheart! I know Herb Cookie’s met up with her a good amount of times too; I’ve heard him tell Sparkles about how they’ve exchanged gardening tips before.
🍾: Ah yeah! She hasn’t come to the kingdom yet, but Herb Cookie always talks well of her. If she ever stops by the Kingdom, then I’ll happily serve her a drink!
🌸: Ooh, just look at her outfit! Her dress is so pretty~! And her energy is just wonderful~ Dearie, if you date her, the two of you must simply join us for a picnic!
🍇: I don’t think I’ve met this dude yet! Like I’ve heard of him, I’m aware of his existence, but I haven’t stumbled into him. He’s certainly a hard worker though. And this labyrinth he’s in is mega cool… I wanna visit it- But no, he hasn’t stopped by the kingdom yet.
☠️: FINALLY!! Another cookie that understands how VITAL perfection is! Yes… yes I like the sound of this one! Though if he starts bossing me around, then it’s ALL over!
🍇: RYYYYEEEEE COOKIE!!!! Oh she’s SO cool!! She’s at the kingdom rn, and I heavily enjoy that fact.
🍾: She always stops by my bar whenever she has free time! She orders a classic rye juice every time she comes in. She… can get a little intense sometimes, but she’s great at keeping my bar orderly! I appreciate her.
🧀: I’m incredibly lucky that she hasn’t been able to pursue me. If both Almond and her were after me… perhaps it’d be the end of Phantom Bleu~
🍇: Man… you don’t mean that-
🧀: Oh, not at all~! But it’d certainly be much more difficult.
🍇: TWIZZLES?!?!? Yeah, she resides at the kingdom… at least when she’s not in the hands of the TBD. But she’s great!
☠️: Uhm?! Faux Berry Cookie?!? Wasn’t that the cookie that, you know, almost destroyed our entire universe? Or… dimension? Or, whatever you call it?!
🍾: Yeah… I thought you considered her your rival?
🍇: I mean y e a h, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like her! If I didn’t have to fight her for the fate of the entire multiverse then we could totally be besties… I think. And besides, I think Slepster would definitely be a good partner for her! You could definitely keep her a bit more… non-homicidal- If y’all need help escaping the TBD, just come get me 😉
🍇: Even if I can’t comprehend how he does his magic, I’ve gotta give him some mad respect for the effort he puts into it!
🍾: He’s… incredibly picky with what he drinks, that’s for sure.
🍰: He’s surprisingly resourceful in battle. His magic is quite impressive, which is only complimented by how calculating he is. Even if he is not fighting along side me, I have to at least respect his willpower.
🍇: Not to mention that his banter with Madeleine is just absolutely hilarious. The amount of sass in that man’s dough is unbelievable, and I mean that in the best way possible.
🍇: oh boy- Don’t mind him… there’s just… a bit of a grudge he has towards him-
☠️: But… but my sweetness! Can you BLAME me?! I went ALL THAT WAY, back to that… that DREADED Licorice Sea! And I summoned these AMAZING minions!! And for what? NOTHING! All because he failed! Well, him and Dark Choco Cookie, but still!
🍇: Yes yes dear; your minions were very cool and you’re a very talented and powerful man. Don’t worry though, there’ll be another time where you can show off your skills properly, I promise!
🍇: In any case… ugh… that’s such a cute lil concept though. That whole thing about “treating your partners like royalty…” can be so much more literal now… that’s so cute~
🍇: As for what I think of him though, his silver tongue definitely scares me lmao, but I’d love to get to know him better! Something tells me we could be friends, should a proper time come. When that time will come though? Who knows.
🍇: Alright!! Final thoughts?
🍾: Well, no matter who you decide to be with, or if you decide to be with any of them, I wish you great luck in your endeavors!
🧀: It certainly sounds like quite an enticing romance~ I’m curious on how this will all turn out.
☠️: Hmmmmm, well a lot of them seem… like hard cases… But, if Faux Berry Cookie trusts your tastes enough, then I guess I will too! Go… go get them!
🍰: I suppose I share Sparkling Cookie’s opinions on this. I hope all goes well for you.
🌸: Oh, you all will just be the cutest together! Please keep us updated, dear!
🍇: Well, I’ve been trying hard to not start entering wingman mode… though I’ve definitely failed. I think you with any or all of them would be just the cutest! I can’t wait to hear more! Again, please invade the ask-box at any time! I’d certainly be happy to share my thoughts on how I think y’all’s relationships could go, if you ever need more fuel~
Your Host, Faux Berry Cookie! | Yours Truly, Sparkling Cookie | Phantom Bleu~ | The Almighty Licorice Cookie | Red Velvet Cookie | Sincerely, Cherry Blossom Cookie!
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dire-vulture · 1 year
names for tarragon, moraine, devilsaur and ingot?
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Tarragon, being my custom progen, I spent like an hour agonizing over his name..trying to find something complex and interesting to really sell that this guy would be the leader of my lair..only to choose something that literally just meant dragon dsfasdf but yeah after decided i wanted to go White/Jade for his colors, it did seem fitting to just go with the name of an herb. The most dragony herb C:
and Moraine..it's the accumulation of rock and sediment from a glacier! I had recently learned that word in a geography class and thought it was a pretty sounding word that worked well for an icy tundra dragon! Unlike Tarragon, I decided on this one very quickly haha
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Devilsaur! I did not name her myself, but she still has an interesting story I think. So, Artichoke was the first Snapper I ever bought. At the time I had only planned to buy unnamed dragons, but I saw this little green guy on the AH with the name Artichoke and was like..well ok I need him immediately. So I bought him and he became one of my favorites pretty quickly. I clicked through to his parents and decided to thank the person who bred him and complimented them on all their other lovely snappers too.
A few days later they responded back thanking me and saying they were leaving FR and that they wanted their dragons to go to good homes and I could have any that I wanted. So I looked through and Devilsaur, in part because of her name, captured my intention immediately and I asked for her, along with Elder and Concordia c: And Devilsaur turned out to be Artichoke's Great-Grandma no less haha... So I ended up with both Artichoke and Devilsaur in part because I thought they had fun names omggg. my first snappers <3
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and lastly Ingot! I can keep hers pretty short sdfsad her primary is Lead Bar..an ingot :)
Honestly I feel like there's a good chance Ingot was just a nickname she acquired that eventually took over her original name but I've never decided anything for sure haha
Thank you!!
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salveden · 2 years
A small gift basket rests outside her dorm when she next arrives. It's a sturdy basket, meant for gathering herbs from the forest. Right now it serves to hold a few more handpicked gifts.
Nestled inside is an old, well-loved naturalists' journal on various flora and fauna native to Fódlan. (The diary may be considered out of date by some, but the techniques developed are invaluable.) Next to it sits four small, green candles, meant to fit inside a lantern when exploring the forest late at night.
Two expertly crafted flower crowns--one of daisies, the other of marigolds--encircle a note.
"To Midori--
May these little gifts bring a smile to your face! Enjoy the Winter Festival!"
MIDORI TRULY FEELS as young as she is when she rushes out at the call of each winter envoy having completed their task.  flat heels click recklessly against the floor as she hurries to her dorm.  there’s a certain rush of her heartbeat that almost startles her, if not for the situation she currently sprints through.  a little hop stops her stride halfway into the next step, right before her door.  what little apothecary does not expect is the sight of a gift basket resting outside of her quarters, neatly placed beside the lower hinges of the door.  she stares at it for a moment, then two, before her excitement simmers into a lovely medium of joy.  no longer does her fingers shake like they once did, but do not mistaken that she is not elated at the idea of a gift!
she grabs the basket handle and carries it into her dorm, setting it onto her bed with a special carefulness.  though excited, midori doesn’t touch the gift basket’s contents until she’s freshened up and redressed—   a strict routine after all of her noon classes, when her evening schedule has been cleared.  finally, she’s upon her bed in a small jump and the basket rests in her lap.  it’s a decent weight, she realizes.  perfect for carrying it for the duration of a walk; which, she later finds out, is its purpose.
the basket, though, is not the gift.  or, the only gift, rather.  inside of it lies a journal, one midori slowly goes through, drinking in each line she skims over.  the first page tells her all she needs to know: a naturalist's journal with detailed notes on both flora and fauna.  shock causes her to misread the entire line, until she rereads it twice over.   “   no way...   ”   she whispers, turning the journal over in her hand to study the signature on the back.   “   this is priceless!  i can’t believe i have it... haha! holy sweet cakes, i can’t believe it!   ”
and the little apothecary is so invested in the journal, so amazed at the winter envoy’s thoughtfulness, that she almost ignores the other gifts!  but her knee raises and the basket tips, pushing the candles to roll and hit the side.
a laugh escapes her,   “   they’re green!   ”   midori sets down the journal in favor of grabbing a candle, turning it in her grip as she looks it over.  judging by its size, it’d easily fit in a—   “   oh!  oh wait wait, i have a lantern!   ”   the basket is dropped onto the bed as midori quickly slides off the mattress, only slightly clumsy as she moves towards the chest that sits across the room.  beneath its heavy lid, sits a lantern, one she brought from home.  it takes only moments for her to fix the candle inside its structure.  and when she does, midori’s expression brightens like a dance of fireflies.  the lantern she held could only carry one candle at a time though, which was good, since it gave her an extended time with the others.
and still, the gifts keep coming!  eager, midori places the lantern on her nightstand and hops back onto her bed, pulling the basket closer to see what else lies inside.  not just one flower crown, but two?!  her winter envoy was truly too kind!  before her hands can reach for the crowns, they brush against parchment and it is the note that she raises instead.  a gentle smile graces her face, far sweeter than any treat her cousin could whip up.
“   thank you, mysterious winter envoy.   ”   little apothecary says, carefully folding the note to slide into her skirt pocket.  she’d have to find them later, when she was finished going through the journal for the second or third time!
0 notes
eleteo125 · 3 years
Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Naughty Wolf (m)
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Wolf!Baji x Red Riding Hood!Reader
18+ fic minors dni
Red Riding Hood is a title given to those with the duty of delivering food, crops, livestock, etc. to the wolves in exchange for the protection of the village. But what if you met one of those wolves?
CW: Sexual Content, biting, hair pulling
Word Count: 15,010 (yeesh haha)
A/N: I haven't written anything in a loooong time haha. Also forgive my smut scenes they aren't my forte when it comes to writing. English is also not my first language so have mercy if I made any mistake haha. And lastly @kazutoraholic here's the result of that little thirst post you had about Wolf!Baji hahaha hope you enjoy this too.
In a map of a far away kingdom, there is a dense forest that not many have travelled to. There have been so many sightings of large monsters and predators out for prey. Beasts so strong even the strongest knights cannot defeat. Said beasts has been observed to only reside in the forest not wandering outside so they just left it be. But in the middle of said forest resides a quaint village. As most would assume how could this village survive in such an environment where beasts of great magnitude reside? Well they don’t. They’ve enlisted the help of the “wolves” of the area whom have taken the responsibility of protecting the villagers from outside intruders from entering the village.
Mighty generous some would say but alas, their services are not for free. They have demanded to be provided some crops and livestock from the village every two weeks. And that’s where Red Riding Hoods enter. They are responsible of dropping off said supplies at a certain drop off inside the forest. Red Riding Hoods must be able to easily navigate through the dense forest for faster delivery of the supplies. They don a red hood as an indicator that they are allies to the wolves so as to not to mistakenly attack them.
One of those Red Riding Hoods happens to be your grandmother. She would be leaving for quite a while and come back with great stories of her adventures through the forest. It could be as great as catching sight of the mightily beasts or as mundane as finding a rare herb, you soaked it all up earning you a great curiosity what’s beyond those dense forest. She even mentioned coming across a wolf pup who wouldn’t let her go until she gave him some food. You both laughed at the story while also telling you not to tell anyone and it’ll be your little secret. She emphasized how the wolves are very private creatures and doesn’t really like interacting with humans. She brings life and wonder of what’s beyond the forest and not just a habitat of dangerous beasts.
But one day, your grandmother never made it home. She disappeared. She never came back from delivering the supplies. There’s a rule where once a Red Riding Hood haven’t returned in a week, they are presumed dead and a new Red Riding Hood is titled. A rule some would say is absurd, but considering how dangerous the forest is it seemed to make sense. And most cases where Red Riding Hoods not returning, they either end up found dead or still missing.
Your grandmother’s disappearance could be enough to drive you away from the forest, but you still have hope that she’s still out there. So you resorted to ways where you could go into the forest without trouble. Become a Red Riding Hood.
The only knowledge you have of the forest is your grandmother’s stories which does give information but not enough to get you to be a master navigator. SO you spent the rest of your teenage years studying about navigating and studying the on the forest that is available. After years and years of studying, you finally find yourself fit to be a Red Riding Hood. Teachers and Professors are willing to put in a good word for you when you applied to be a Red Riding Hood. And after going through a tedious process of paperwork and testing, you finally did it. You are now a Red Riding Hood. You may be doing it because you want closure on your grandmother’s disappearance, but you still felt that childlike giddiness now that you’re just like your amazing grandmother.
And here you are at the village gates waiting for the gates to open to enter the forest. Nervous and excited, that’s what you are. You’ve always been a curious little bean, so seeing more of the forest beyond just illustrations and books is beyond exciting. But you’re also nervous because who wouldn’t be when the most dangerous forest in the kingdom is right there where wild beasts could maul you anytime. So yeah, nervous and excited. To calm your nerves, you resorted to count the supplies and double…well triple check in this case.
“Nervous?” a man in knight uniform approached you.
“Atsushi! Yes. Seeing the forest up close like this is…”you looked up and took a view of the forest “pretty intimidating”
“Ah I told you Akkun is fine. Might as well get familiar with each other since I’ll be escorting you to the gates from now on. And if it’s any consolation, this is my first time being near the forest too.”
You chuckled at his nervous face when gazing at the forest which you can definitely relate too. Knowing someone else might relate to you comforted you a little.
“Welp! Off I go then!” you said cheerfully trying to ignore your nerves.
“Take care okay. And thank you for your service to the village.”
“An honor to serve the village. See ya!” you said before taking off.
You’ve been travelling for two days and you came to one conclusion. You were definitely being followed. You don’t really have any evidence you were being followed but you can just feel it. You barely slept last night, but at least you’re already at the drop off point. So you quickly did your tasks so you can travel back home already and hopefully not get mauled by a beast.
Just as you were thinking of that, you heard leaves from a branch rustle. Your face paled and your body was paralyzed. ‘Not on my first day please not on my first day” you pleaded with your eyes closed. You slowly opened your eyes and turned your head towards the direction of the rustle.
You came into eye contact with a guy. No wait, uh, he has dog or maybe was it wolf ears. He must probably one of the wolves. But when learning about the wolves you assumed they would look more…wolf-like and not human-like.
“Hey.” The guy? Dog? Wolf? Said trying to get your attention
“Uhm, can I- can I help you?” you hoped you said that loud enough for him to hear you still were shocked of what you came across.
“Ya got food on ya?”he asked and stepping out from the bush.
“Yea, I just locked it in the drop off point.”
He looked at the drop off point and looked back at you. “That’s great! But what I mean is a spare food you guys have a lot of those right?” he said with somewhat an excited look on his eyes. You even caught a glimpse of his wagging tail behind him.
“Well the food on me is for me while I travel.” You explained while patting your bag.
“Aww. How about a bite then?” he asked stepping near your bag and sniffing a little which caused him to drool a bit.
“No can do, sorry”
“A nibble then?” he asked crouching down next to your bag and looking up at you giving you the puppy eyes. You almost cooed out loud because admittedly he looked cute looking like that. You shook your head “N-no” you faltered.
As you said that, his face turned into a frown and his ears started to droop down. ‘Oh no not the ears, not the ears! Hhnnggg those cute ears and those fluffy hair aagghh!’You sighed and reached for your bag “Alright, fine”
“Hell yeah!” he stood up and took the sandwich you handed him with bright eyes. It isn’t a problem really; you made extra the amount of food for your travels to gauge how much you’ll need for next time. As the guy devoured the sandwich, you started to observe him. Long dark hair one of the noticeable trait of his after his ears. Sharp canines which he made great use of while eating, and amber eyes which were now looking at you. ‘Oh’ how long have you been staring at him? You felt yourself blush at the thought of getting caught but brushed it off.
“So, I hope you enjoyed it!”you tried making conversation
The guy gave you a smile that showed off his canines. “Definitely! It was just as good as your grandmother’s haha.” He said while patting his tummy.
“Wait-huh? My grandmother’s?”
“Was she not your grandmother? There used to be a nice old lady who gave me food all the time when she goes here.”
‘Could it be?!’
“A-are you by chance talking about my grandmother?!” you asked enthusiastically getting close to him in the process…well maybe too close judging by the fact that he stepped back a little.
“Yes…” he said now the one thinking you’re strange
“H-h-how do you know my grandmother and I were related?” your thoughts were going a mile a minute that turning those thoughts into words is a bit of a struggle.
“Well, you both smelled similar.”
“Your scent.”
You stared at him before backing away and covering yourself “Have you been sniffing me?!”
“Wha- I was sniffing your bag I just got a whiff of you!”
“And how were you able to do that?!”
“I’m a wolf!”
“Oh” you realized feeling a little bit dumb. But at least you got a confirmation of what he is.
The guy in front of you sighed and said “Why don’t we start over. I’m Baji Keisuke, one of the wolves defending you village from the forest a pleasure to meet you.” He held out his hand for you to shake, which you accepted. “Gotta say, didn’t expect for you guys to change the Red Riding Hood so soon.”
Feeling like some tension was taken off, you decided to be friendly. “What can I say, I guess I impressed the village head with my top notch navigating skills.” you giggled at your faux arrogance which also earned the now named Baji a chuckle.
“So… you knew my grandmother?”
“I knew her as that nice lady with good food, other than that I don’t really remember much, was just a pup after all.”
Ah, you remember now. You recall your grandmother telling you stories about a wolf pup always bothering her until he gets food. With how he acted earlier, you definitely can connect the dots now.
“So how is she? Haven’t seen her for a long time.”
At that you felt yourself get sad for a bit. “I was hoping you would know something about it actually.”
He raised his brow at that statement “What do you mean?”
You looked at him before saying “She…she went missing. Here in the forest.”
“Oh. I see.” He said while looking down having a guess on what happened
“Don’t look so down, I still have hope that she’s still somewhere out there!” you declared full of confidence, you were determined to get to the bottom of your grandmother’s disappearance and Baji could sense that.
“Mind if I join you in that little quest of yours?”
You looked at him in surprise and delight you grabbed his hands and looked at him with bright eyes “Really?! You would do that?” you asked brimming with gratefulness.
Baji blushed a little bit at the sudden contact and proximity but you were just so excited to get help from someone that has a connection to your grandmother outside of the village that you failed to notice his flustered face. “Of course. Consider that as payment from the snack you gave me.”
“Oh you don’t have to worry about that.”
He smiled at you at that “Still, I would love to help you. She’s been a part of my childhood too albeit not as much as yours.”
“Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!” you said while continuously bowing.
“H-hey save your thanks for later once we actually made progress.”
“Oh r-right, ehehe”
“You better get going. You’ve got quite a long journey back home.”
“That’s true. I’ll take my leave then! It was very nice to meet you!”
As you were about to leave you felt him tug at your sleeve prompting you to look at him “Hey what do you say I escort you back to your village?”
“Really?” you asked though you find it hard to say no to a little extra protection from the forest’s dangers “Would that be ok?”
“Of course! Besides I like you!” he declared which made you blush heavily “No-wait uh, that didn’t come out right. What I was trying to say is that uh, your grandmother talks about from time to time so I kind of got an idea of what you were like so yea.” He let out a nervous laugh and though ‘The hell was that explanation, did it even make sense???’
“W-well I’ll be in your care then!” you tried to change the subject since this conversation is making you more and more flustered.
“Right!” he gave you a mock salute and went off to lead the way.
Through your journey, the sunset came about you. Baji stepped forward and held his hand towards the setting sun. He seemed to be gauging something before saying “We got a an hour or so before the sun completely sets. Let’s settle right here and set up camp.”
“Ok ok, I’ll grab some firewood not far from here.”
“Hmm, got a tent with you? I can set it up while you’re gathering.”
“Yes! Yes I do.” You answered handing it to him “Thank you very much.”
“Not a problem. Off you go now make sure to gather enough before dark.”
“I’ll be right back then.” Just as you said that, Baji noticed something move in his peripherals.
Finding firewood wasn’t that difficult and you find yourself content with the amount you have gathered. As you were finishing up, you heard a rustle to your right. “Ah Baji you didn’t have to come here I was…just…” it wasn’t Baji. And judging by the fact that this creature was eyeing you up as its next meal, it was safe to assume that it wasn’t gonna be as friendly as Baji was.
You tried to keep steady so as to not provoke the creature, but that didn’t matter since it started to approach you sizing you up. You’ve had training where you were taught how to defend yourself from these beasts and escape quickly but facing off with the real deal like this caused you to have a mental block.
You tried slowly reaching for your weapon—which is a measly knife—but it’ll have to do. But even the smallest of movements is enough to provoke it and was now charging at you in full speed. You were about to run but in the blink of an eye the beast’s head was crushed. And right on top of that crushed head is Baji’s foot. You were about to approach him but then he started stomping on the beast’s head flattening it to the ground. He then went towards its body and started to slash at it with his claws that you didn’t notice until now. He slashed and diced until all that’s left was just minced meat.
He took out what looked to be a handkerchief and wiped his face and hands before turning to face you. What he saw wasn’t exactly pleasant. You had a pale face with your trembling hands in front of you. He hopes he didn’t scare you too much, but what he did was necessary lest the creature go limping without its head. He took cautious steps towards you and you seemed to be rooted where you stand.
Who wouldn’t be intimidated at such a display? You knew it was necessary for both your survival but that was just too much for you to handle right now. On your first day no less. When you noticed Baji stepping towards you, you didn’t know what to do so you just stayed there. You were so lost in thought that you were surprised when you felt warmth around your hands. You looked down and saw him holding your hands. It was so big and warm and so…comforting.
Baji held your hands tenderly trying to calm you down. Once he felt your hands stop trembling, he asked you softly. “You doing ok now?”
His deep voice was enough to ground you to reality and be at the moment. “Oh I’ll….I’ll be fine. Just trying to process everything really.” Seeing one of the said protectors of your village in action is a lot, add on the fact that you were just in grave danger it’s a lot to take in. And he understood that.
“Why don’t we head back to the camp and rest there for a while then?”
So that’s what you two did. Seated by the campfire while you both stare at the bonfire, both of you not really knowing how to break the ice. You decided and went for it though so blurted out “That was impressive.”
“What is?”
“You overpowering something thrice your size. Didn’t even had a chance against you, you just stepped on it like a small bug.”
“It’s technically our job to get rid of those guys fast and efficiently.”
“Was mincing it really necessary? I mean you destroyed it’s head surely it must’ve died by then.”
“It’s mostly just a precaution really. That thing found us quite near our camp so I didn’t wanna take any chances.”
“I see.” As soon as you said that silence overcame the two of you once again. It wasn’t a comfortable silence nor was it an awkward silence. Just silence.
Baji got tired of it though. He looked at his surroundings before letting out a grunt as he stands up. “Come on, I wanna show you something. It’s not far from here.” He said as he offered you a hand to help you up.
You let him lead the way. You two walked for about two to three minutes until you ended up in a grass field where he stopped in his tracks. Was this the place, there isn’t much to see around here.
Baji suddenly bolted and ran through the fields in different patterns. You looked at him incredulously wondering what the hell he was doing. Before you could ponder on what purpose of his running was, you suddenly see a trail of gold light following after him. It didn’t take long for you to realize “Fireflies!”
They looked oh so beautiful with the moonlit night. As beautiful as they are your attention was on something completely different. Seeing Baji jumping and hopping around somehow made your heart skip a beat. ‘I don’t know maybe it’s his handsome mug?’
“Hey! Come on run with me!” Didn’t have to tell you twice. For the next ten minutes all you two did was run around while also trying to catch fireflies and letting them go not long after. It’s a cute activity except when Baji started to catch them with his mouth asking if it makes him glow. Which you firmly said no and proceeded to scold him, except it happened more than once so now you’re chasing after him to free those poor fireflies.
You managed to tackle him down but when you looked at him there was nothing in his mouth anymore. So here you are lying on top of him. You blushed at your position and quickly got off him for you to then lie down beside him. He was still laughing from the experience doing his best to calm his laughter down. You two are now staring at the stars while lying down and surrounded by fireflies.
“Beautiful place isn’t it?”
“Yeah” you sighed in contentment
“The forest is a scary place. It’s full of dangers and predators ready to pounce on its prey. But at the same time it can also be beautiful. It’s little wonders like these that give life to the forest. What you experienced earlier is a terrifying experience, but I ask you not to let that incident define how you view this place after all, it is my home. And maybe…your grandmother’s too.”
You sat up from your position and turned to look at him. “Thank you.” You chuckled after saying that “How much did I thank you just for today?”
“Don’t know wasn’t really keeping count. Besides,” he sat up “nothing wrong with being grateful.”
“We should take our rest; we still have quite a lot of land to travel through tomorrow. Especially you, you just went berserk just earlier.”
“Are you kidding I could easily take one of those guys again right now with ease.”
“Don’t jinx us.”
“Hahaha my bad, my bad,”
Your two day trip was shortened to a day and a half. And now the village walls is in your view already.
“Woah! Thanks for the help and of course for escorting me all the way here.”
“Don’t sell yourself short. Managing to trek through these forests to the drop off point in only two days is commendable. You’re a Red Riding Hood for a good reason.”
“Oh come on you’re making me blush from those praise.” You muttered while holding your cheeks.
“Oh you got a thing for praises then?”
Baji cleared his throat and said “Well uh looks like we’ll be seeing each other quite often huh.”
“Oh yeah yeah.”
“Until next time then?”
“Of course!” you answered quite enthusiastically
“Save me some snacks for next time then!” he waved at you before disappearing in the forest.
A very interesting first day you must admit.
You’re currently at your home taking your rest until the next excursion in the forest. You’re gonna have to set a routine and a new lifestyle so you can get used to your new job. As you’re taking your rest, your mind started to wander to that wolf you just met. He’s very energetic but you had a feeling you haven’t gotten the full experience just yet.
Now that you think about it, was it normal for wolves to escort Red Riding Hoods? It would make sense since they’re carrying something that the wolves need but that doesn’t explain the continuous disappearances of them. Maybe it happens occasionally. When you were studying, you haven’t come across any accounts that states they’ve been escorted by a wolf before. The only explanation you could think of is that since wolves are private creatures they don’t want them talking about how they are. Well the best way to find answers is to ask someone who’s been a Red Riding Hood before.
“Who did what now?” the man in front of you asked, shock written all over his face.
“A wolf escorted me home and I was wondering if that were normal for us.”
“Y-you came across a wolf?” he asked still in disbelief. He then stood up instantly “Do you realize what this means?! No one has seen any of the wolves for decades now!” The man then started to mutter and spouting details you couldn’t really make out so you just slowly backed away. Well now you know it’s definitely not normal. He was probably just helping you out cause he was familiar with your grandmother…and the food, can’t forget about that.
After all that deliberation here you are again nearing the drop off point to of course drop off the crops and livestock. You’re sat beside a large tree near it taking a little bit of rest before travelling back home again. When you felt well rested enough, you reached for your bag to take off only to find out it’s not there. Well that’s worrisome, but said worries were set aside when you heard someone clear their throat from above you.
“Looking for this?~” Baji asked while holding out the bag as he sits on a tree branch.
“Baji! Come on give it back!” he lowered the bag to you but pulled it out of your reach went you went to grab for it which made you chuckle. You tried to grab it from him multiple times jumping up and down. “Hardi har har Baji, now give it back or else I won’t be able to give you your snacks.” You persuaded which surprisingly worked on him as he jumped down from the tree branch.
He held out the bag to you but went to a sprint before you could grab it. “Catch me first! Hahaha” run after him you did. You figured that he wasn’t running in his top speed as you were able to easily catch up to him. No way were you able to outrun a wolf and you weren’t exactly the fastest either. Just as you thought you were close to him, he jumped up and onto a tree.
He turned to you and held his hand out “Upsy daisy!”
That caught you off guard “I’m not exactly a tree climber.”
“Don’t worry I got you!” he smiled at you with that wide smile where his sharp canines were on display. With such a charming smile, you couldn’t bring yourself to say no so you took his outstretched hand. You were much surprised when he was able to lift you up with just one hand.
He then handed the bag to you and climbed up higher and reached his hand out again. “We’re going higher?”
“Yeah I wanna show you something”
“How will we get down?”
“I’ll carry you down.”
You gave this a thought if it would be a good idea. You concluded that seeing the forest from a bird’s eye view can be very helpful especially in travelling. “Alright then.”
The higher you two get, the tighter the grip you had on Baji. He couldn’t help but silently smile at the thought that you trusted him in such a situation. Not long after, you two were at the top of the tree where the view of the large dense forest came to greet you. “Wow!” you gawked at the view while Baji basked in viewing the wonder in your eyes. “Look! I can see a little glimpse of the village’s gate from here!” you exclaimed pointing at its direction.
“They are pretty tall.” He acknowledged
You continued to sightsee and take in the large display of trees. You were taken out of your attention when you heard howling. You turned to Baji whose back was on you. You saw his flattened ears on his head, so you adjusted yourself to look at him and confirmed that it’s him who’s howling. “What are you doing?” you asked curiously
He turned to you and gave you a smirk. And that view got you blushing, his smirk along with the wind blowing his hair back with the large forest as the backdrop. After giving you the reassuring smirk, he continued to howl towards the forest for a few more seconds before pausing, waiting for something. Suddenly you heard howling coming from different directions of the forest.
Baji barked out laughter when he heard them. “THOSE ARE MY PALS!” he declared proudly. “You wanna meet them someday?”
“Can I?!?!” you asked excitedly. The idea of getting to know more about him and his friendships excited you.
You realize that your spot right now is a nice place to eat. So you fetched the food that you prepared for him. You decided to cook two servings of stir fried noodles since you figured that this man most likely had a gigantic stomach judging by the fact with how he devoured your sandwich last time.
Baji being the ever vigilant wolf that he is, smelt the food you took out and quickly sat beside you waiting to be handed the delicious smelling food. You even caught a glimpse of his wagging tail.
You held out the container to him but quickly pulled it back as he went to grab for it laughing at his pouty face paired with droopy ears. “Payback time.” He went and grabbed for it again but you managed to swipe it away from his reach. He tried again and again until your entire arm was outstretched while he was leaning on you as he tried to reach the container. It didn’t take long for you two to realize that he was basically hugging you with both his hands stretched out to reach the container and you in between his arms.
Both of you were quick to separate and sat there a little embarrassed flushing at the thought of how close you two were. “Here” you placed the container on his lap.
A few moments has passed and you heard him starting to eat. Baji thinks that it’s delicious! It even reminded him of a certain food he loves back home but his mind is currently at how close they were earlier. You felt warm he could cuddle you all day just stay in your arms basking in its warmth. “Do you like it?”
“Mmfff!” He answered while also nodding his head. “We have something similar back home too!”
“Glad you enjoyed it. So uh,” you looked down from the tree “How exactly are we gonna get down?”
“Hmm? Oh, I’ll just carry you down.” He offered you his back “Just hang on to me and I’ll do the climbing down.
You appreciated that he was willing to do something like that but the thought of hanging on his back at such a height makes you scared that you’ll accidentally let go of him.
Baji sensed the anxiety you were currently having and thought of something else. “Th-then how about hanging from my front then.”
“You clearly didn’t like the first idea and this is the only alternative I can think of.”
That was quite a smooth move whether it was his intention or not didn’t matter. Nevertheless clinging or basically hugging him until you get down didn’t seem like a bad idea. And you like being in his arms from earlier.
“That’ll do then.”
“Alright! Come on over here then.” He opened his arms with a wide smile trying to hide his fluster.
As you two got into position, both of you couldn’t help but focus on the breathing that’s right next to your ears. You give a pretty tight hug too. He lifted your thighs and guided them to wrap around his waist. The position was admittedly quite suggestive but he didn’t have any complaints and as he’s observed it seemed to be ok with you too. “Hang on tight.” He said as he started his descent.
As he was descending, you couldn’t help but pay attention to the breathing and grunts coming from him. You felt shame for thinking such thoughts so you just focused on the wind in your hair as he jumps from branch to branch and in no time at all you’re both back to the ground.
Once your feet were on the ground, you leaned back from your embrace with Baji. You still had your arms on his shoulders and his hands on your waist with you two just looking at each other. You caught a movement from his head and saw a caterpillar on his hair which made you giggle.
“What?” he asked concerned if he somehow looked silly.
“Nothing you just got a friendly guy hanging on you.” You reached for the caterpillar and let it crawl to your hand. As you wait for it to get to your hand, you felt how soft Baji’s hair actually was. You only assumed when since it looked like it, but getting to feel it it’s even softer than you expected.
The whole time Baji was just admiring you since he didn’t usually get a close look at you so he’s making the most out of this situation. He watched you place said caterpillar on a nearby bush letting it go in its merry way.
After that little encounter, you both agreed to start your journey back to the village. And thus another delivery as a Red Riding Hood has finished.
The both of you developed a routine where every time you are to do your duties, he would meet you at the drop off point, eat whatever you had prepared for him, and then show you a part of the forest he believes you would like. He never failed to bring a smile on your face when touring you through the forest. Then he’ll be on his way when you’re near the village. You’ve had this steady lifestyle for months until one day…
You were waiting for Baji because you just know that he’s on his way to get his precious snack. Your relaxed stated was disrupted when you smelt something burning. ‘That’s not good’ you thought It definitely wasn’t the smell of burning bonfire. You immediately rushed towards the direction of the burning hoping that it wasn’t the start of a forest fire.
Arriving at the scene, you were relieved it wasn’t a forest fire, but that relief was short lived because what you saw was somehow just as bad. There Baji was holding down a beast which is burning. “BAJI?!”
Your call made him turn to look at you. The sight of you made him widen his eyes in surprise “Stay back! I’ll handle this!” he said as he smacked the beast with a flaming torch before jumping away. He grabbed you in a hug and hid behind a tree where you only heard the flames getting bigger before silence.
You tried to look behind the tree but Baji only tightened his hold on you. The sound of something blowing up then overwhelmed you as you buried you head in his chest. A few more moments after that, Baji then loosened his hold on you. Once again you tried looking behind the tree only to find ashes everywhere. Nothing in the surrounding seemed to be burnt; the only evidence of there being a fire was the ashes and a missing patch of grass.
Before Baji could say anything, you smacked him upside the head. “What were you thinking?!?! You could’ve started something disastrous doing something like that!”
“But I didn’t~” he said before letting out a nervous laugh.
You went up real close to his face and said “You better NOT do this again or no more snacks for you!”
“Yes ma’am!”
You sighed and decided to take his word on it for now. “What even drove you to burning that beast?” you asked rubbing your temples
When you looked at him, he was guiltily looking down at his lap his ears droopy too, a clear sign of his guilt “I was hungry.” He said while in a pout.
“Come again?”
“I was hungryyyy” he whined “I easily get riled up when I’m hungry. That beast just attacked me at the wrong time.”
You sighed again not wanting to explore the topic any further. You took out a handkerchief and proceeded to wipe at his face “Look at you, you’re covered in soot.”
“So are you.”
“You know a place where we can wash up?”
Baji was silent for a moment trying to think of any. After a few moments, his face lighted up “I remember, there’s a river near hear with a small waterfall. I remember taking a bath there once.”
“Let’s head there then. Besides, a meal is much better after a bath after all.”
It wasn’t that long of a walk until you two came about the river he was talking about. The water in the river was crystal clear and the breeze around the area was refreshing thanks to the waterfall. You dipped your hand in the water to gauge its temperature which was just right it’s cold enough to be refreshing but not too cold that you’ll freeze. Maybe a little dip won’t hurt.
Unbeknownst to you, while you were observing the river, Baji was already shedding his clothes and was now running towards the river taking a dive. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard a splash near you. You instinctively tried to cover yourself from being splashed. It doesn’t take a genius to deduct what was the source of that splash. “Baji!”
Baji resurfaced from the water and pushed his hair back all while laughing at your reaction “My bad, my bad.”
“You have to be mindful of others…around…you…” you drawled out after seeing Baji’s shirtless figure. Thank goodness for the sun’s reflection on the water or you would’ve gotten a full frontal view.
“You like the view?” he said with a big smirk on his face while also raising his eyebrow fascinated at how you were ogling him.
You were quick to turn your back to him to prevent yourself from staring. “Wh-why yes, this river is wonderful.”
“Not exactly what I’m referring to.” He teased
“Oh would you just shut it.” You blurted out in frustration. You were flushing so hard right now; you can’t bring yourself to face him like this.
“Oh well, it’s your decision to not take a dip. I mean it would be a shame for you not to experience the very cool river.” He sarcastically said while swimming over to the waterfall and washing his hair thoroughly through it. “ Ahh~ feels like I’m washing my problems away.”
You tried your best to remain firm but you find yourself turning to look at him curious as to what he was doing. And the sight of him washing his hair underneath a waterfall was such an enticing sight that you wanted to join him right then and there, but you were still embarrassed. You haven’t been naked in front of anyone, but the thought of being naked in front of Baji didn’t really bother you, you just felt shy.
Baji finished washing his hair before turning to look at you again. When he saw you still rooted in place, he swam over to you. “Come on take a dip, the water’s great. And weren’t you the one who said that a meal is much better after a bath?”
Few moments has passed of you just pondering the situation before answering “T-turn around.”
“Huh?” he asked in disbelief
“I said turn around. Don’t really feel comfortable being watched while getting naked.”
“Oh, OH right right! Uhh ok!” you heard a few splashes before you turned around to make sure. And there he is, his back turned to you—goodness even his back is such an eye candy.
You quickly make work of your clothes before taking a dip. In Baji’s opinion, the sound of your clothes rustling is much worse for him instead of just outright watching you get naked. Imagination is a powerful yet troublesome thing.
The soft sound of the water rippling as you stepped into the water rang in Baji’s ears refraining himself to look at your direction. “You should give the waterfall a try. It’ll also speed up the process if need be.”
Step under the waterfall you did. And to quote what Baji said, it really does feel like all your worries were being washed away. Baji then went back to washing himself once he was sure that you were settled nicely. Him minding his own business was quickly thrown to the side when he heard you let out a squeal. He quickly turned to look at you and he low-key regretted it. The sight of you and your pretty figure with water running down your body was more than enough to rile him up even more. He wanted to pounce on you right then and there. He clenched both his hands and his jaw trying to maintain what little is left of his self-control. But try as he might, he can’t make himself to look away from you his eyes stayed glued to you and you only, he was starting to have tunnel vision.
That tree branch sure did surprise you, now you felt silly for reacting such a way. You brushed that little incident off and went back to washing yourself which was paused the instant you felt an intense gaze on you. You turned to look at Baji since he’s the only person you knew who could be looking at you.
“Eep!” you squealed—yet again—out of embarrassment, not wanting to see his reaction to how you look so you quickly swan to the other side of the waterfall where he couldn’t or vaguely see you.
The second squeal you let out was enough for him to break out of his aroused stupor. Now with only concern in his mind, he swam near the waterfall but didn’t cross it. “Hey you ok in there?”
“Why’d you squeal earlier then?”
“You were looking at me earlier and I was embarrassed!”
There was a pause from his side “S-sorry about that I didn’t mean to. I was just concerned. Are you ok by the way?” he asked. You can hear the worry laced in his voice, and he did apologize so you decided to let it go.
“O-o that I was just-uh” you paused a little embarrassed to admit “A branch brushed my leg and I was startled. N-nothing to be concerned about.”
“That’s good.”
There was a pause once again. You only stared at each other’s figure albeit being distorted from the waterfall between you. “You’re beautiful.” Baji blurted out
“Huh?” you blushed at the sudden confession.
“I’m sorry, you were so irresistible to me I couldn’t help but stare I-I…” you saw his figure hold his face in his hands as if in shame “You’re a grown woman, surely you have an idea on what I’m feeling right now.”
You didn’t really have any words, you were speechless. But that’s not to say you disliked the knowledge that he saw you that way. In fact, it excited you. You reached out your hand to his side and took hold of his hands which were still holding his face. “No need to feel ashamed, I’m flattered actually.” You said as you then cupped his cheeks “Besides, you weren’t the only one staring.”
That admittance caused Baji to tense up. The thought of you looking at him the same way as he was looking at you was enough to rile him up again only this time, you were only a step away from him with you touching him. Once again he clenched his fists and jaw to maintain what’s left of his self control “Stop that. You don’t know what you’re doing.” He said with a slight tremble at his voice due to him trying to keep himself in place.
“What if I do know what I’m doing?” right now at this moment, you wanted to be as close to him as possible let him hold you close and do whatever he wants.
You felt some sort of vibration on your hands on his cheek. Was he growling? “You sure know how to rile a man up.” You heard him say through clenched teeth.
You realized you’ve made him wait long enough. You pulled your hands away from him and stepped back further in the waterfall to make room for him. “Come on over, must be lonely out there on your own.”
At first Baji was worried that he scared you off when you pulled you hands away, but you inviting him over excited him even more that he just knows how dilated his pupils were. Good thing the water was above the waist too or you would’ve gotten a view of his tail wagging aggressively.
You watched as he slowly stepped through the waterfall between you and seeing him all wet with some of his hair sticking to his in his naked glory brought you to arousal already.
Baji could say the same too. The sight of you all wet shyly covering yourself out of shyness from him was too much for him that he ended up caging you between his arms and the wall.
You two were close, too close with just a few inches between you as he pinned you. And yet it wasn’t close enough to your liking so you decided to fix that yourself. You threw your arms around his neck and brought your lips together with his which he gladly reciprocated. You felt how he was still trying to be gentle on you so you decided to rile him up. In the middle of your kiss, you gave his lips a long lick making him suck said tongue in turn. He then went to focus on your lips again sucking and biting which made you moan. Said moan turned Baji on even more as he shoved you further into the wall and dove to your neck giving it a hard bite pulling yet again another moan from you. The bite was hard but not hard enough to break skin yet hard enough to leave a mark that’ll be there for days. He gave the bite mark a lick before trailing butterfly kisses from your neck all the way up to your ear.
“I should’ve warned you earlier.” He said kissing your ear “I bite” he then proceeded to nibble at your ear while his hands were now roaming all over you feeling you up.
You didn’t want to be the only receiving end, so you proceeded to feel him up as well. You hands going to places you’ve always been curious about. First being his hair. You ran your hands repeatedly through his hair feeling how soft it is despite being wet. The next is his back; you’ve wanted to feel it ever since you caught sight of it earlier. You traced your hands on every muscle you could feel on his back starting from his shoulder blades and lower. You couldn’t help but wonder what it’ll be like when he’s thrusting into you. Third is his ears. You’ve always wondered if they were sensitive since it always seem to react to the tiniest bit of sound that not even you could pick up. You gave it a tentative touch and watch it twitch. You played with it for a while until you felt Baji’s nibbling to go harder.
Baji pulled away from your ear and dove for your lips making out with you as you both felt each other up. You were indulging in Baji’s kisses too much that you didn’t notice his hands going for your chest until he started playing with you nipples, pinching and twisting it while also squeezing your breast from time to time. The whole time he was doing so, you’ve been whimpering at the sensation. Baji was quick to put your breasts into his mouth sucking and nipping. As he does so, you started to feel something hard between your legs.
Naturally, you went and grabbed for it giving him slow strokes which earned a growl from him. A very welcome surprise for you, so you gladly kept doing it while his bites on your chests grow harder and harder. Eventually, Baji had enough of it. He grabbed your hand that was busy and pinned it to the wall next to you as he buried his face to your neck. “Careful now.” He growled
“Careful of what? I’ll welcome anything you have to offer, Baji.”
He gave you a tender look before going to kiss you again. As he was kissing, his free hand snaked down to your private parts and began to rub at it. Your moans from the action were swallowed by Baji as he kept kissing you. “You’re quite wet already aren’t you.” He said in between kisses.
“You sure it’s not just the water?” you teased
“Why don’t we find out ourselves.” He said with his signature smirk while inserted a finger in you making you gasp in surprise which he took advantage of tasting every bit of you through the kiss. Baji started to pull his finger in and out of you feeling your very slippery walls.
“I don’t know, it seems to me that the wetness is from you not the river.”
You didn’t even bother to answer, only focusing the feeling of Baji’s finger in you. You waited in anticipation as a second finger went up in you pulling a loud moan from you.
“Was two fingers too much for you, babe?” he swirled his fingers in you that made you squirm against him. “How are you going to handle me then?”
“B-baji please!” you pleaded as you looked at him with glossy eyes.
Baji would’ve loved to tease you more, but the sight of you begging and being putty under his hands is the straw that broke the camel’s back. He pulled out his fingers from you and grabbed your legs to lift you up against the wall. While in this position, you can feel his tip rubbing against you. Baji not wanting a moment to go to waste, entered you waiting for you to signal him to enter more until he is fully sheathed within you.
For a while you two stayed like that, basking in this very intimate embrace until you get used to the feeling of him in you. Once you felt ready, you called out to him.
“Take me.”
Baji gave your lips a peck “Anything my lady wants.”
He then pulled out from you leaving only the tip before slamming back in you. The act caused you to moan and squirm against him spurring him on even more to do it again. The first few moments he gave you slow and heavy thrusts but over time his hips started to move faster and faster leaving you a moaning mess against him. You can hear him growling and snarling as kept thrusting into you bringing you bliss every time. Baji only seemed to get turned on even more as he make love to you. The combination your sounds the feeling of your body against him and the feeling of your insides was driving him over the edge.
He dove for the space between your neck and shoulders and bit you his primal instincts taking over. The feeling of him biting you caused you to grab hold of his hair as you clenched around him.
In turn, the feeling of you clenching around him and pulling his hair only caused him to bite even harder. The act making you clench around him again. And thus it became a cycle throughout your session with his thrusts only growing harder as you two came near your climax. All you could hear was his muffled grunting and growling against your neck, his mouth still occupied by biting you. Not long after the familiar feeling of climax came upon you.
“Keisuke please! I-I”
He paid no attention to your words as kept his pace steady already knowing what’s going on. It didn’t take long until he heard you moan out his name out loud and feeling you cream all over him. He paused for a bit letting you take a breather. He went for a kiss making out with you before continuing to thrust in you again. You let him have his way with you as he chased after his high. A minute or so has passed of him just thrusting up to you until you hear his stuttering moan before feeling him pull out and rubbing himself before shooting out his load. You mimicked his action from earlier and gave him a kiss after his orgasm.
He let you down from your position before pulling you into a hug which you gladly returned. Being in his embrace after such an intimate endeavour felt romantic for you for some reason.
“How are you?” he asked as he strokes your head with so much tenderness you just wanted to melt into him.
“Amazing. I don’t know how else to word it.”
“I wasn’t too rough on you was I?” he asked looking at your bit marks in concern.
You noticed where his gaze was before smiling at him. “I would’ve smacked you upside the head if I didn’t like anything what you were doing. And I told you I’ll take everything you had to offer.”
“That’s good to hear.” He sighed in relief before kissing you. Said kiss started off innocent but eventually grew in fervor where he was now nibbling at your lips.
He pulled away and asked you “I know it’s too much to ask of you, but can you handle one more for me?” while caressing your waist.
“H-huh? Already?!” you gaped at him in surprise
“I told you, you’re irresistible to me. And I’ll only do it If you’re ok with it.” He emphasized
You were tired and winded from your first round, but the thought of a second round only aroused you despite what your body feels. You were definitely lying to yourself if you told yourself you didn’t want more.
As an answer to him, you jumped up and wrapped your legs around him again which he swiftly caught. “I’ll be in your care.
Baji definitely lit up hearing your answer. He gave you a deep kiss and said “I promise I’ll take good care for you the whole time.”
And just like that you were once again overwhelmed by the sounds of waterfall, your moans and his grunts inside the shallow cavern from behind the waterfall.
Just as he promised, he took good care of you drying you off, and dressing you up before cuddling you in a soft patch of grass beneath the shade of a tree. His arms felt so warm around you that you couldn’t help but fall asleep.
When you awoke, you realize you were lying down on his lap. The view that greeted you was Baji eating his serving of stir fried noodles. He swallowed the food in his mouth before speaking “Hope you don’t mind me eating while you slept. After all that I got hungry.”
“It’s ok you don’t have to worry about it.” You said as you slowly sat up “Besides better that than waking up to you burning yet another beast. And whose fault was it I was this tired?” you teased
Baji only laughed at your teasing before holding your chin and guiding you to him to give you a kiss. “I’d gladly do all it again if I’m being totally honest.”
You looked at him and said “No one is exactly stopping you.”
He went near your ear and whispered “Is that an invitation?”
You playfully pushed him away “Not right now you doofus.” You said chuckling.
Baji scooped you into his arms and onto his lap hugging you tight “I just wanna gobble you up all day.” He said nuzzling his face on your neck before looking up and giving you another kiss. After having a taste of you he just couldn’t get enough. He wanted to go back for more and more. Baji’s feelings were translated into the kiss where he continued to deepen it while also beginning to nibble on your lips.
You knew where this was going you wanted more of him too, but unfortunately you decided against it tapping on his shoulder before pulling away saliva still connecting you both. You wiped your lips before speaking “Very tempting really, but we should rest. We still have the journey back.”
Baji’s face turned into a pout before burying his face in your neck again his droopy ear tickling your cheek. The sight was too adorable you couldn’t help but pet said soft looking ears. Baji hummed in content as his ears perked up again, taking pleasure in your attention. “Come on, Baji up we go. We still have to set up camp before nightfall.” You coerced while patting his back.
He let out a low whine before standing up picking you up with him which made you giggle while giving him a kiss on the cheek. Once your camp was set up, you two settled for the night, lying down next to each other. It didn’t take long before you’re all over each other again. Both of you agreed not to go further than kissing tonight, after all you still need energy to go home. Who knows how long you two were kissing until you both fell asleep in each other’s arms. Baji holding you close and you holding his fluffy tail.
As you enter the village gates, Akkun happily greeted you “Welcome back! I hope it’s been a safe jou- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?!” he looked you over in concern
“What’s wrong?”
“Look at your neck! You’ve got bites on you! You have to go to a medic right away!” he frantically said while pushing you to a carriage that was supposed to drive you home.
Oh goodness gracious. Baji’s bite marks didn’t even occur to you. You stepped away from his pushy hands and tried to reason with him “C-calm down Akkun. This isn’t anything fatal; otherwise I would’ve been rushing here. It didn’t even break skin, look just bruised.”
Akkun only looked at you in disbelief “A-are you sure sure? Those look pretty gnarly. Might be safer to get it looked over.”
“I’ll be fiiine~ It’s just some troublesome creature that didn’t let go until he was satisfied.” You said looking back at you and Baji’s intimacy. He really didn’t let you go until he was satisfied. You only chuckled at the memory.
“Sorry if I’m a little bit pushy, but are you sureyou don’t want that looked over?”
“I’m sure. It’ll disappear in a few days.” You then remembered how hard Baji was biting you and concluded that a few days might be too short “…maybe.”
You opened the carriage door before turning to the knight “Thanks for the concern Akkun, but I’ll be fine.” You said before boarding.
“Take good care of yourself. I wouldn’t want the reason for a new Red Riding Hood to be appointed because the last one died.” He jokingly said before closing the carriage door and signalling the driver that everything’s ready.
Akkun watched as the vehicle went off still a little bit concerned. Just then a knight came near him and said “I sense that our little Red Riding Hood has been having fun in the forest.”
Akkun gawked at the statement before giving said knight a light punch to the stomach “Get your head out of the gutter, Makoto!” he scolded one of his subordinates.
“I don’t recall any creature that can give such a bite and not break skin.” A knight with glasses stated.
“Not you too, Yamagishi! Takuya help me out here!” Akkun turned to the person who seemed sane along with him in their little team.
Takuya only turned to him and shrugged “I’m somewhat of a biter myself and those looked familiar to me.”
Akkun gave up, these three can be stupid in their own way at times, even more stupid than Yamagishi.
Seasons come and go faster than we realize and before you knew it, winter is upon the land. Since winter is a very harsh weather for travel, Red Riding Hoods are only required to deliver supplies once a month. As much as you’re happy at the little break from your job, you can’t help but be sad too. Seeing Baji less brought your spirits a little down, but a job is a job and you must see through it if you wanna live comfortably.
So here you are the lone red in a backdrop of a harsh white, like blood in snow. It’s not supposed to be there. You hope that thought coming to your mind is not some kind of bad omen.
Sadly fate followed through with that omen. You being the only red thing among the snow, you are very noticeable and a winter beast has been eyeing you for a while now. You noticed that someone or something has been following you, but you assumed that it was just Baji, but when he didn’t turn up you figured that it wasn’t him and now you’re extra vigilant.
As much as you would’ve loved to run, doing so in such a situation can only provoke what’s been following you into chasing you so you did your best not to make any sudden moves.
You were too focused on not spurring whatever’s been following you that you didn’t notice that you’ve already arrived at your destination. You make quick work of locking in the supplies in the drop off point since you suspected that whatever is following you is after the food.
Just as you were locking up, you heard a loud roar which likely came from the beast that’s now making a beeline towards the place containing the food. You tried to jump out of its way but it was still able to reach you and pushed you out of the way quite harshly. You ended but getting scratched by its claws but at least you landed on the soft snow.
You looked at the beast trying to claw at the container, but failing to get it to open. You took that opportunity to run away and put some distance between you and it. The beast having found the container futile, decided to go after the running prey. Just as you think you have lost the beast, you heard it coming near you. So you continued to run away trying to think of a way to shake it off you tail. You were so lost in thought that you didn’t see the branches that you ran into it. You were quick to get up but wasn’t able to run away since your red cloak got caught. You tried to make quick work on it, but you noticed that the beast is gaining on you. You pulled as hard as you could to your cloak that when it was free you stumbled back and hit your head to a nearby tree.
Now feeling a little dizzy, your run was slowed and a little wobbly. You eventually ran into a dead end. The wall didn’t seem to be too high; you know it’s within your abilities to climb it. But with your dizzy state, you were seeing double and that climbing said wall can result to even more injury.
You looked back and saw the beast slowly coming towards you. All you could do was close your eyes and hope that it won’t be painful. And so you waited…
And waited…
Until warmth envelopes you. You didn’t know what’s going on but you welcomed said warmth. It reminded you of the warmth Baji provided whenever he held you close to him. Oh how you so badly wanted him to be here right now.
You opened your eyes and was greeted by red against white. It was the blood of the beast flowing down onto the snow. You processed that someone was holding you and you were greeted by the comforting dark locks and amber gaze of Baji. He looks at you in guilt as if blaming himself of what just happened. You couldn’t stand the look of him bearing the sins of a mindless beast.
You reached out your hand to cup his cheek and gave him a grateful smile. “Baji, thank you. You saved me you have nothing to be guilty about.”
Baji tightened his hold on you and kissed your forehead. “I know, I just felt responsible since you’re very special to me and I want to protect everything that’s special to me.” Baji leaned down and pecked your lips “You’re one of my treasures. I can’t bear to lose you.” He said his eyes on the verge of tears.
“And I’m still here thanks to you. You protected your treasure.” You returned his kiss before hugging him “Baji, I’m tired. Can I go to sleep?”
“Not yet, we have to get you looked over.” He said worry laced in his voice as he gently stroke your head as if trying to push your dizziness away.
“I’ll be in your care.”
You didn’t remember much that happened after. All you could recall was the cold wind against you as Baji rushed through the forest, the sight of a cave above you along with a lilac haired man with matching ears before everything went to black.
Once Baji is sure that you’re settled, he put on his coat and started to head out.
“Where do you think you’re going?” the guy tending your wounds asked.
“Don’t stop me, Mitsuya. That beast’s body is still intact; I’ll go finish it off.”
Mitsuya stood up from beside you and took hs coat. “No you won’t, I’ll handle it. You watch over your precious. She’d be more comforted if she saw a familiar face when she wakes up.”
Baji clenched his fist, his eyes full of vengeance. “I’ll destroy every bit of that beast. I’d make its soul suffer if I could.” He muttered in clenched teeth his rage leaking out.
Mitsuya knew that Baji being in this state will only be bad for him in the end, so he decided to slap some sense into him. Mitsuya grabbed hold of Baji’s face and made him turn to your sleeping state “Look at her! You want to leave her here just so you could satiate your hunger for revenge?! You already killed the thing, she’s already in a safe state now go take care of her. I’ll handle the beast’s body.”
The sight of your peaceful face was enough to soften Baji’s intense anger and admittedly he really didn’t want to leave you here. If he could he would stay with you forever to protect you from ever being harmed again.
Mitsuya sensed that Baji has calmed down and let go of his face. “I’ll be off now. Take care ok?”
Baji only gave out a nod before kneeling down next to you. Mitsuya smiled at the sight of this Baji not having seen it often. But he’s glad that he has someone special that he can be himself with. No wonder he’s been in a good mood lately. And like that he’s off to the forest to leave the two be.
Morning came, and you roused from your slumber taking comfort in the warmth next to you. It was so familiar that you’re sure that it was who you thought it was. You looked up and saw Baji’s sleeping face his hair cascading across his face that he looked to ethereal. You wish you could burn the image into your mind. He’s as handsome as ever. You lifted your hand and slowly pushed the stray hairs on his face to behind his ears, but the action caused him to stir awake.
You waited for him to open his eyes, before flashing him a big smile “Sorry for waking you.”
Baji stayed silent just looking at you before his eyes widened and sat up quickly and leaning on to you. “Y-you’re awake?! Are you feeling ok, you feel anything unusual, hungry, thirsty?” he bombarded you with questions in concern.
Before you could respond, he dove for the bag right next to him and pulled out a canteen and handed it to you. Now that you’re looking at it, you did felt thirsty so you gladly took it and took a big gulp sighing in relief after quenching you thirst. Baji took the canteen from you as you were finished and handed you a container filled with food which you gladly devoured.
Baji only watched you closely trying to see if there’s anything to be concerned about. So far, you’ve been fine but he couldn’t help but worry after yesterday’s display. “How’s the cut on your arm?”
“Hmm?” you swallowed the food still in your mouth and felt around the bandaged wound. “It feels just fine. It’s like it’s never been there in the first place.”
Baji smiled at the information and gently grabbed your arm. He started to remove the bandages causing you to pull your arm in surprise “What are you doing?”
“You’ll see.” He held out his hand waiting for you to place your arm there. You trust Baji so you gave your arm to him.
He continued to remove the bandage and you were expecting to see a nasty wound, but what greeted you was your clean smooth skin which caused you to stare at your arm incredulously. Baji chuckled at your surprised face finding it cute. “A friend of mine patched you up. He’s no medic, but he’s very well prepared for situations like these.” He explained while caressing your healed arm. “He had an ointment on him that medics back home created made from herbs found in the forest. With a forest so big, there are a lot of things unexplored.” He looked up at you “It would seem that your village hasn’t discovered such a thing just yet.”
“That’s amazing!” you said still looking at your completely healed arm.
“I’d teach you to make it if I could, but sadly medicine isn’t a field I’m very knowledgeable with.”
“Then how about your friend? I wish I could’ve met him too.”
Baji chuckled “He doesn’t know how to make it too. He only carries it around because the rest of us can be muscleheads sometimes.”
“Well I get to learn it someday.” You said leaning into him as he hugged you “It would be a great asset to our village.” The thought of your village made you realize something. “How long was I out?” you asked concern written in your eyes.
“You’ve been out for a day. Why, is something wrong?”
“I-I have to get back home quickly!” you said quickly standing causing your vision to swirl. You wobbled but Baji caught you.
“H-hey calm down. Why in such a rush?”
“I have to get home quick!”
“W-why you shouldn’t even be moving too much. The ointment may have healed you but your body is still recovering from healing external wounds. You can’t be out and about right now especially in this cold weather.”
The reminder of the season caused you to shiver, suddenly feeling the cold. Baji tightened his hug when he felt you shiver. “I have to go home.” You said
“That sounded like there was an ‘or else’ was supposed to follow it.”
“I have to go home or… or I’ll be declared dead.” Baji tensed at that statement.
Baji pulled away from you to look at you but still close enough to hold you. “You’ll be declared dead?” he stared at the distance trying to figure it out but came to no reasonable reason “Why?”
“Being a Red Riding Hood is a dangerous job. We’re aware of what we’re getting into. They have a rule set in place where once a Red Riding Hood has not returned in the designated time, they will be declared dead.” You looked at Baji to see his reaction and he is infuriated. You could see his jaw clenching and his body tense ever since you started to explain the situation.
“Why don’t they send out a search party to look for missing Red Riding Hoods? Surely some of them only got lost.”
“Think about it Baji, you yourself are very familiar with the dangers of the forest. Do you think that those who went missing only got lost?”
“Then how about your grandmother, do you believe she’s dead too just because people who are too lazy to look for them declared that they’re dead?” he raised his voice which caused you to flinch a bit. He reached for your hand and you let him “I’m sorry, but you yourself have experienced the loss of someone out here. You still have hope to find your grandmother remember?” he reassured recalling one of your first conversations.
The rule has always been stupid in your eyes, but after years of studying of being a Red Riding Hood, they must have somehow buried that thought deep in you. Brainwashing you into thinking that said rule is a reasonable one. But thinking about it more, said rule is the reason you’re not with your grandmother anymore.
Too much emotion was going through you that you held on to Baji for comfort. In fact, it was too comforting that you ended up falling asleep in his arms. Baji gave the crown of your head a kiss before laying you back down and letting you rest. You need all the rest you can get because he just knows that you’ll insist on getting home once you wake up. He might even just carry you all the way there.
By the time you woke up, it was already evening. You smelled something good and saw Baji roasting something over the fire.
“Well rested?” he asked when he noticed you sit up.
“Like I could run a marathon!”
Baji sweatdropped and tried to reason “M-maybe not to that extent.”
“Well I technically have to run for a long time until I get home.”
“No need for that, I’ll just carry you. You can just enjoy the ride.” He said with a smirk no doubt confident in his abilities.
You chuckled at him “You know, when you say it like that something else comes to my mind you know.” You said blush slowly forming on your cheeks.
There was a slight pause as Baji processed what you just said just staring at you with wide eyes. He then smirked and said “There you are again riling me up.”
“Do you not like it?” you asked teasingly returning the smirk
“Never said such a thing.” He said as he took out whatever he was roasting off the fire.
You stood up and walked over to him not playing around. You lifted your leg over him and sat on his lap facing him. “Getting bold now are we.” He said his smirk growing bigger anticipating what will happen next.
“Are you still taking me for a ride?” you felt up his chest lacing your voice with a sultry tone trying to get him in the mood.
Baji placed his hands at your waist caressing it and occasionally wandering down to your butt. “In what context.” He teased
“You know…ride you.” You went close to him and gave his lips a kitten lick.
“I’m gonna need you to be more specific, darling.” He said before diving into your neck licking you there before giving you the first hickey of the night while also giving your butt a light smack.
“Please Baji! If you don’t take me right now I won’t be feeding you for the next month!”
“You treat me as if I’m some food motivated animal.” He said kissing you
“You sure act like it sometimes.” You responded in between his kisses.
Baji pulled away and looked at you with very dilated pupils. “Oh really? Then…” he lifted you up from where he was sitting and laid you down on your makeshift bed in the cave. “how about I eat you up. You’ll be my delicious meal for tonight.”
He went in to kiss you and took comfort of his tongue intertwined with yours. He indulged himself on your lips for a few more minutes before working to undress you and himself. Not long after, you two were passionately making out in the nude his hair cascading around you acting as sort of like a curtain, your only privacy.
Baji then slowly trailed kisses down to your neck where he placed a few more hickeys before proceeding to your chest. He took hold of it appreciating the feel of it against his hands before suckling on your nipples alternating between the two. After a few bite marks were given to your chest, he gave your tummy kisses.
You gasped when you felt Baji’s breath near your private parts. He adjusted himself and made room to slowly spread your legs. Guess you really were is meal, he looked starved when he caught sight of your glistening folds. Baji sat up and took a hair tie from his clothes and tied his hair back “Gotta make sure nothing gets in the way of my feast.” He placed your legs over his shoulders, held you down and gave your thighs a few bite marks.
Moans came out of your mouth as you felt his tongue give you a long lick tasting. Oh how he loved hearing those sounds knowing that he was the one to cause those. Baji gave her repeated licks savouring the taste of her burning it to his mind because he couldn’t get enough of it.
Baji was relentless, his tongue overwhelming you with sensations completely new to you. His pliant tongue a completely different experience from his thrusts back when you two were behind that waterfall. He was precise and you felt him everywhere, well it felt like it because the feel of him is the only thing you could feel and focus on.
After spending a while tasting your wetness, indulging himself in your taste. He figured he has tasted you enough that he should pay attention to your needs now. But you’d have to disagree as just his curious exploring was pleasurable as it is. Baji went to look for that bundle of nerves, and as soon as he came in contact with it, he felt you squirm away. Baji took hold of your legs on his shoulders and pulled you back and pinning you down. Now you’re a squirming and moaning mess underneath the mercy of his tongue. The stimulation was too much as you tried to squirm away once again but his tight grip on you prevented you from moving even a single inch from him.
The cave you two were in was filled with your moans and his slurping echoing across it which brought you an ounce of embarrassment and arousal. Just hearing those sounds excited you more, there’s something primalin the act of doing it in a cave, the thought bringing you excitement.
You felt around you trying to look for leverage to hold on to ground yourself from these sensations, but you settled at grabbing his hair and pulling occasionally. Since you couldn’t do anything but receive Baji’s actions, you were curious as to what he looked like and so you propped yourself on your elbows and peeked. What greeted you were Baji’s amber eyes staring at you intensely. The sight of Baji staring at you as he ate you out caused more wetness to gush out of you thoroughly aroused at the thought that he’s been watching you from the start.
Baji has been watching you, anticipating every single reaction he pulls out from you. He must know everything about you and how like to be pleasured, learning every single thing that brings you pleasure and excitement and exploiting them. Maybe even take advantage of it for the next time you get intimate. Everything about you just drives him crazy. He was in a daze he couldn’t stop and before he knew it a loud moan greeted his ears as fluids gushed out from you. He licked off every single drop off you clean before sitting up and licking his lips. He admired you and your limp and heavy breathing form, taking pride at his work.
As you were trying to catch your breath, you felt Baji lean over your figure and placed a kiss on your lips. Soon you felt something prodding at your entrance, but not right now. Not just yet. You sat up and pushed Baji into a sitting position with you leaning close to his face.
“That can wait. I have a different plan for now.” You said as you reached your hand behind his head and pulled his hair tie off his hair. You showed the object to Baji before using it to tie your hair back “Gotta make sure nothing gets in the way.” You quoted Baji from earlier which earned a chuckle from him.
You started to mimic how he went down on you. First kissing his neck and also leaving your little hickey before going down to his chest licking and tasting him. You took your time at his abdomen admiring it while also teasing him making him think that you’ll finally go down on him only to lick upwards again. You gave in after hearing him growl. You looked at him and his size seemed to lean on the bigger side. You weren’t sure if you could take all of him in your mouth, but might as well try.
You gave his tip a kiss and a lick before putting it in your mouth, swirling your tongue around just his tip. Trying to tease him more, you licked from the base of his cock all the way up slowly and flicking your tongue as you got to the tip. That seemed to be what caused Baji to snap. He grabbed you by the hair and shoved himself in your mouth. You giggled at his desperation before you started bobbing your head up and down your tongue still working in action.
Baji moaned loudly, throwing his head back as he indulged in the feeling of your mouth sucking him off. But he wasn’t one to pass up the sight of you and your face stuffed with his cock. He looked down and the sight almost made him come. He would’ve been done for if you were looking at him. Baji was quick to pull you away from him and kissing you. All the while kissing you, he pushed you down and hovered over you just appreciating in your beauty.
You could never tire of the view you have above you right now. Dishevelled hair around you both, his glistening lips, and the warm light of the bonfire made him appear even more sexier. It’s like everything around you was adjusting to you and Baji. Nothing else mattered except this moment between you two.
“Be a good girl for me and lie on your stomach, would you.”
Anything for him. You repositioned yourself and waited for Baji to make a move. You felt him kiss the small of your back his loose hair tickling you and made you squirm a little causing your butt to brush up to something hard.
Baji chuckled “Eager now, are we.” Ah, looks like he mistook it. No matter, you’ll both feel good later on anyway.
Baji’s hands explored your smooth back appreciating the feel of it against his hands and how you react to his every single touch whether it be a slight twitch or a whimper out of you, it excites him even more.
He leaned down to your ear “You ready?”
Once he saw you nod in response, he bit at your neck whilst inserting himself inside you. The feeling of each other’s closeness had you two letting out hot breaths, calming yourselves and letting you adjust to him. When you gave him the go ahead, he started ramming his hips into you. He couldn’t help himself from ravaging you, he’s been holding himself back ever since from the start.
You felt him lean down and felt his chest come into contact with your back as he continued to thrust into you. His pace started to quicken even more so you grabbed the nearest thing to you as leverage which happened to be Baji’s coat.
As soon as he saw you clutching at his coat, it sent him into overdrive standing on his knees and elevating your hips and holding your head down. He gave your butt a few smacks then proceeding to drive his hips into you once again. Baji pulled your hair up causing you to be on all fours.
“Look at you taking me so well.” He moaned out biting your neck once again “This is the third time I’ve been in you, right? You took me so well all times. Made me feel real good I couldn’t stop thinking about you after that.” He said between grunts.
Just as he said those words, he felt you clench at him “A-ahn~ you r-really do like praises huh.”
“You remember that? When I brought you back for the first time. You liked it when I sang you praises. Guess it carries over here too huh. Agh!” your insides clenched at him again. He grabbed your chin and made you face him “Driving me crazy here.” He kissed your lips tongue never failing to explore you.
After a few minutes of you two going at it, you eventually arrived at your climax which had you plop down on the makeshift bed ass still up. Baji rubbed himself a few more times before covering your back in white letting out a sigh of satisfaction.
Your back covered in his cum aroused him again; it makes him want to cover you with even more. But he knows he can’t, you still have to rest for tomorrow’s journey. He leaned down at your shoulder and bit down as his last ditch effort to satiate his current hunger, but sadly it only turned him on even more as he heard you moan in response to his bite.
You can tell that Baji is still raring to go but is holding himself back. “Keisuke,” you called in a breathy voice still trying to catch your breath “What’s stopping you?”
“Tomorrow, you need rest for tomorrow.” He kissed you again finding your dazed look to be irresistible.
“I thought you offered to carry me all the way home.” You teased
“I did say that.”
“And speaking of rides,” You sat up and sat on his lap, your cunt sliding against his already semi hard cock “I haven’t gotten my ride for tonight.”
Baji relented, grabbing your waist and guiding you to hover over his cock. “Do as you please.” He said with a smirk licking your collarbone.
Slowly, you sank yourself onto him with Baji’s arms stiff on your waist restraining himself from just slamming you down on him. It’s your ride, you do as you please. But goodness you sure are a good way to train his self-control because you keep testing him. By the time he’s fully in you, you caught sight of his knitted brows and a few droplets of sweat on his forehead.
You decide to spare him and slowly bounced yourself on him with Baji groaning in pleasure in response. You felt his hand on your waist go tighter. You can tell that he wants more, but you decide to just go at your pace going slowly. You low-key anticipate the impending rough treatment of you when he gets fed up with your ‘teasing’.
It didn’t take long before he’s biting on your neck and is now the one bouncing you on his cock. Baji laid on his back and continued to thrust up into you. You were glad he took initiative in this situation because you weren’t sure if your thighs could hold you up any longer considering his treatment of you in your first round.
Soon enough, you billowed out a moan your body twitching ever so slightly before collapsing on his chest. Baji pulled out of you and closed your thighs together and thrusted in there instead. The feeling of your soft lower lips and thighs rubbing him was what brought him to his second climax of the night. He felt you slowly dozing off on him. He pulled the blanket over the two of you before repositioning you into a much more comfortable sleeping position. He made sure to clean up the both of you before going to sleep himself.
You were woken up with Baji shaking you. When you woke up you were already dressed. “Time to go.”
You yawned and stretched before getting up preparing to leave. Travelling through the forest on a wolf’s perspective is a very new experience. You can’t help but close your eyes in bliss as you felt the wind in your hair blowing against you from the speed Baji was running. You vaguely remember this feeling when you were still injured after he saved you from the beast. You’re just happy you get to experience it again more clearly.
Baji suddenly came to a stop and when you looked ahead there are the gates of your village. On a normal circumstance you’d be happy at the sight of your home, but right now you’re only filled with dread. The gate lock was adorned with a red ribbon.
You hopped off Baji and approached said ribbon. “We’re too late.”
“What?! But you still have the rest of the day to return!”
“I know. They sure are quick to claim my death. Guess that’s that then.”
“You’re just gonna let them do that?!”
“Baji, once the ribbon is set there’s no way they’ll let me in anymore. It’s another one of those stupid rules. I’m not welcome here anymore.”
After all the work you did for them, they’re gonna dispose of you just like that??? Hell no, fuck those bastards, you’re not going back there. “You still have another place you’re welcome to go home to.”
Baji held his hand out to you “Come home with me. You’re more than welcome there. The pack would love you!”
You immediately took his hand. “If I’m being totally honest, I would prefer to be with you rather than stay in a place where not a lot cares about me. I missed you a lot when I couldn’t see you.”
Baji pulled you in for a hug and kissed you. “You’ve always been in my mind too. Now we don’t have to be apart anymore. We can be together whenever we want, wherever we want.”
“Let’s go to your home then.”
“Our home.” He corrected
“Yes, our home.”
And with that the two of you ran into the forest ready to start a new chapter in your lives where a new companion is by their side.
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slenbee · 3 years
Sunshine | B.B x Reader
Summary: You’ve known him for almost all of your life, and now that you’ve got a chance to finally meet him, will you risk it all to prove it to yourself that he’s real? The answer is yes. (I suck at summaries, this i what you’re getting. lol)
Pairing: Merman!Bucky x Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY - This content is NSFW. It contains monster!bucky, flirting, touching, and oral(f). Word count: 1991
Notes: A gift for @dirtychocolatechai​ <3 THIS IS MY FIRST TIME EVER WRITING SOMETHING LIKE THIS SO PLEASE BE GENTLE @u@;; haha.... <3 Love you friendo. Comments and reblogs appreciated! You can find this on Ao3 too!
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Your mother had told you time and time again to find the right man. 
To settle down and have a few children and a happy home to boot.
But no one had ever said anything about falling in love with a merman.
Few would call you lucky.
Some would call you crazy. 
Others? Well they would call you down right mad.
The first time you met him was when you were young, playing down by the bay. 
You were skipping rocks across the water at your favorite spot when you noticed the splashing of water nearby. 
Curious as ever you went to investigate, and by the time you came back? 
All of the rocks you’d skipped had been returned. 
Neatly placed in a pile on one of the wet stones at the water's edge.
Eventually you started covering your eyes after skipping each rock, counting to thirty before lowering your hands.
The rock would be there, right in front of you.
Right where you knew it would be.
As you grew older, you grew bolder.
After gathering a basket of flowers or herbs you’d go down to the bay to sit at the water’s edge where the water lapped at your ankles and the fish would nibble at your toes.
You would see movement in the deeper waters, the peak of a fin or a flash of color that filled you with excitement.
The water would churn nearby and the tiny fish would disappear. 
Other times you’d catch movement out of the corner of your eye, and sometimes you’d even hear a voice chuckling with amusement, sourceless and unseen.
Then, one day, he started bringing you presents and leaving them nearby.
Pretty little things. 
Like pearls or smooth, polished glass, and sometimes even carved stones.
You kept each one, of course. 
Tucked away in a little box that you hid under your bed.
One sunny day you found a trail of gifts waiting for you.
Each little gift was a colorful stone that led you towards the cave at the end of the bay.
Any sane person would have seen it as a trap, but you? 
You knew better than any of them what waited for you at the end.
And so you followed. Picking up and pocketing the stones, your bare feet carrying you across the smooth stones by the waters edge until you reached the mouth of the cave.
Sunlight peeked through a large crack in the ceiling, casting the pool of water inside in a warm and oh so inviting glow.
The gifts ended at the mouth of the cave and yet you carried on, water reaching your ankles and then your knees as you made your way deeper and deeper inside.
Staying close to the edge of the cave you pulled yourself up on a rock that rested in the shallows, allowing you to sit with only what was below your waist submerged. 
You waited with baited breath, every splash and drip of water making your stomach flutter and your toes curl.
Then, a dark shadow moved in front of you beneath the water, growing and stretching until--
A head of dark hair breached the water in front of you, followed by sculpted shoulders and a torso that would make even Adonis jealous. His left arm was more monstrous than the rest of him, bearing claws that could easily rend your flesh with just a flick of a finger.
Your eyes wandered lower, only to find glittering scales and a magnificent tail that disappeared into the depths of the water below.
“My eyes are up here.” He mused, his voice rough from a clear lack of use.
With every breath his chest expanded, the gills on either side of his ribs fluttering.
“You’re- you’re really-- ” Your voice trails off, eyes wide with excitement and disbelief.
“A merman?” He flashed you a smile that would rival the cheshire cats. 
“Real.” You finally say, your shoulders sagging as a bubble of laughter escaped. “I thought I was crazy. But you’re really real!”
Webbed hands came to rest on the stone at either side of your hips, the sharp nails of his left hand scratching into the stone with just the slightest bit of pressure.
You reached out with hesitation, hands hovering just shy of touching his face.
To your surprise he leaned closer, cheek nuzzling into your palm while his right hand lifted to cup your left.
“Do you have a name?” You ask, watching as he closed his eyes and purred at your touch.
“Bucky.” Dark lashes fluttered, his steel blue eyes flicking upward to greet your own. “You?”
“Y/N.” You say with a gentle sigh through your nose, your expression softening as he continues to nuzzle into your hand, the left brought to his lips where he kissed along your knuckles and wrist, nose brushing along your skin as if to scent you.
“You smell like sunshine.” He comments, tongue flicking out and dragging across your fluttering pulse. 
Pink tinted your cheeks, your smile turning shy as you pulled your hand away.
Bucky lets you go without issue, but he shifted closer a moment later, invading your personal space. 
Water dripped from his hair and fell upon your dress, the sudden chill against your chest making your nipples hard.
Leaning in he sniffed at your hair and then your neck, eventually making his way down to your shoulder. Following an unseen path his nose brushes across the front of your dress, lips grazing the spot just above your heart. "Heh.. You’re so small, I could just gobble you right up.”
A sudden spike of excitement and fear had you jumping, your heart leaping to your throat. “A-are you saying you’re going to eat me?”
The mer pulled back and looked up at you as if you’d gone and smacked him, brows pitched high with startled shock before it bled away into smug amusement. “Eat you?” He repeated, pulling himself up and between your thighs, putting you both at eye level. 
Leaning in he spoke lowly, his lips brushing yours. “Never.” 
A chuckle escaped Bucky at your flustered look as he pulled away and gave you a wink. “Well, not unless you want me to.”
Sinking back into the pool he breathed in a fresh lung full of water, his expression dropping to one of shock and awe before it evolved into a look of straight up hunger.
He remained submerged up to his shoulders in front of you, watching as you quickly closed your thighs, fingers digging into the hem of your dress where his eyes were currently glued.
“Oh… Oh Y/N…” Bucky let out a shaky breath, his tail giving a flick that brought him back into your personal bubble. With his head at level with your stomach he brought his hands up to brush across the outside of your knees. 
When he spoke, his voice was practically a purr. “You do want me to eat you, don't you." 
His hands dared to wander up towards the outside of your thighs, so close yet so far away.
Wetting his lips, he looked up at you with lust blown eyes. "I can smell you."
Feeling your cheeks burn you looked away, the heat steadily building between your thighs. 
The telltale prick of his nails sent a shiver down your spine, your thoughts wandering to darker places.
All it would take is a flick of his claws or a bite of his teeth and you’d be done for.
And that’s what excites you. 
The danger of it all, and yet here he was, being so, so gentle with you.
As if drawn closer by an unseen force the mer lowered himself back between your thighs, head dropping to nuzzle against your stomach. "I have to know. I have to know if you taste like Sunshine…"
When he looked up at you with pleading eyes you felt your stomach flutter and your breath hitch.
"Will you let me find out?"
Biting at your lower lip you gave a nod, a hand sliding into his hair as he sank beneath the water and into the apex of your thighs.
Pushing your dress out of the way Bucky looked up at you, needing to see the look on your face before he looked down, drinking in the sight of your bare sex. The water tasted of arousal, filling his lungs and captivating his senses. 
It was like a single drop of blood in the water, and now the sharks were circling.
A soft stream of bubbles tickled across your inner thigh, his shoulders wedging your legs further apart so that he could better fit between them.
His arms scooped under your legs, fingers digging into your dress at your hips when he pulled you closer to the edge. Warm lips danced across your inner thighs, the scruff of his facial hair causing your muscles to twitch and jump on their own.
Bucky took his time, teasing you with kisses to your thighs and the gentle nibble of his teeth, breathing you in and savoring the sweet arousal that was waiting for him.
You pet a hand through his wet hair, a low moan of pleasure leaving your lips when he finally moved in close enough to brush his nose across your folds. His lips followed, peppering you with kisses that sent the butterflies in your stomach aflutter. 
Growing bolder he flicked out his tongue, tasting the warmth of your skin and the sweetness that tainted the water. You heard him moan, the hot, slick brush of his tongue pushing past your folds.
A single lick against your clit and you gasped at the new sensation, thighs clenching around his head while your hand tightened in his hair. One lick became two, and two became three as he took your reaction as a positive reinforcement to continue.
Pressing in even closer he sealed his mouth around your sex, licking and sucking as if he were a parched man given his first taste of water.
That sinful length of his tongue danced across your sensitive bundle of nerves, lavishing it in quick little licks only for him to stop a moment later. Sliding lower he teased and prodded at your entrance, lapping up your moisture before slipping inside.
Bucky flickered and swirled his long tongue inside you, licking and scooping out your honey before delving back in to seek out more.
“A-ah~ Buh-Bucky-” You gasp with a moan, voice echoing off the walls of the cave as you hang on to his hair and the nearby stones for dear life.
This man could drag you under the water and have his way with you five days til Sunday and it would still be so very worth it.
Heat pooled low behind your navel, inner walls fluttering around his tongue as he ate you out like a man possessed, his nose brushing against your button with every hungry movement he made.
Just as you were nearing that unseen peak of pleasure Bucky let out a deep, throaty growl, the sound reverberating through his tongue and into your sex, tipping you over the edge without warning.
You tipped your head back and keened with pleasure, inner walls twitching and fluttering around his tongue as he scooped out your cream and licked up your juices.
Breathless and near shaking you sit back against the wall of the cave, thighs shaking.
Bucky pulled himself back and rose up to gaze up at you, looking every bit the cat who’d gotten the cream as he nuzzled against your thigh.
After a moment of catching your breath you open your eyes and look down at him, your toes curling at the sensation of his clawed fingers grazing across the outside of your thigh.
“I was right.” He eventually says, rising out of the water to brush a chaste kiss across your lips.
“You do taste like sunshine.”
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supercorp-hosie · 3 years
My thoughts for Legacies 316: (here we go again😂)
(I’m combining after thoughts with live thoughts)
1) The soundtracks for this episode are amazing, they fit very well even for Finsie that I heard that a lot of people were complaining on Reddit.
2) I finally get my team Sowanby! I just feel so much from them! They kind of make a great team, but please, do not go on another heist again. You both sucks at that! The holes are, the museum don’t have a fucking alarm for Leonardo DaVinci’s work? Are you kidding me? And Landon beating the shit out of the guard but not putting him out first is so dumb. The worst is Cleo calling Landon’s name so loud, I can’t😂😂😂😂😂😂 you don’t want people to be on your back when you have the Malivore threat going on guys! And ha! You guys are on the headline! That’s why I really feel like these supernaturals are so outdated and solidified from modern technology, even in 2030! Are you going to tell me everything technology will still be the same like now?? Come on, there’ll be cameras watching everywhere. Like they can see Cleo using magic! I need my Trimini (or bridge) coven and Hope starting to integrate the supernatural world with the modern world. About Trimini and Hope future career, click here.
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3) the line about “many who shaped it are never acknowledged” I stand! After that, about the key card my random thoughts were about Landon being the one that stole the key card😂 just out of the blue and I’m proven wrong though.
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4) Landon bonding with Cleo!!!! They thought the same way, and “I can promise that anyone that have to get to you, they have to get to me” is so strong! But the scene after, is the moment I started really doubting Landon, the look is too alarming. But there are still Sowanby scenes😭😭😭 and the melted heart mud... I mean I genuinely believed that the spell didn’t work because Landon is also mud himself. But in hindsight it is horrific, like the serial killer is just standing next to you but and the signs are right in front of you.
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5) Malivore mud being artistically friendly! I can’t haha! Oh and when Holarke walked on Sowanby inspiring moment🤣🤣🤣I can’t, they act like both of them are cheating on one another it’s hilarious. Thank you for acknowledging each other Holarke and Sowanby🤣. By now, I should have known that’s MaliLandon. It’s humiliating because Holarke and Sowanby got me so happy that I didn’t see the clues lmao! Because there’s this line: “Following the footstep of the Renaissance greatest man? ” but this thing, Cleo only did it with Leonardo, with whom she slept with......
6) And damn, after that, I felt like a FOOL, CLOWN, WHATEVER after that! All I have for team Sowanby is fake 🙃🙃🙃🤡🤡🤡 Anyway we still have to admit that the promise still stand true right, cuz it’s literal.🤣🤣🤣 MaliLandon fulfills his promise by eating Cleo. TYPICAL.
7) Holarke! Clarke is still handsome as ever😍. We can see his presence is clearly affecting Josie and making Hope giving him information. Can we talk about how cute is he sleeping soundly here?
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8) Lizzie being the only unaffected queen here. AND IT’S FINALLY LIZZIE’S TURN FOR “AD SONNUM” I can totally see her pleasantness in doing that to somebody after being on the receiving end🤣🤣🤣 Josie and Hope had done it before so now we actually see her doing it. I somehow feel completed.
9) The look Hope and Josie shared. Hosie!
10) Josie is going to be the death of me! I like her look. And how the camera moving upward gosh! And I’m totally digressing here, what is a razzleberry? And what is a slush? I have no idea what they are, I just feel like tasting what she tasting now. Lizzie’s line, crashing and splashing😂 Am I colour blind? Cuz I really can’t tell whether Hope is wearing dark blue or dark green 😅 if it’s green, then the traffic lights colour are back again lol. If blue, then Hosie matching clothes! Did Finsie ever have matching colours? I’m just wondering.
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11) Hosie scene! They talked about how seeing Clarke traumatised Josie~~ damn and Josie says traumatised is her permanent resting state. I mean even on her birthday she was buried alive lmao. And Hope wants to help Josie stop the traumas by sacrificing herself to defeat Malivore, like by literally dying. Which she didn’t want because she didn’t want to live forever.
12) Holarke scene again! I love all those banters and their dynamics😂😂 how Hope is the only one that trusts Clarke now. The mimic spell! It’s their thing😍😍. Oh it totally surprised me that Clarke isn’t mud man anymore. I’m really happy for him, because he finally break himself out of the abuse! It seems like triad is totally gone?? But I still kind of think that there may be something more? And Clarke’s reaction to Hope opening the artefact! 🤣🤣🤣 and the way that Clarke sensed the familiarity with Cleo! Yea boy, she’s the inspiration to the creation of you.
13) Clarke keeps calling Hope and Landon kids🤣 how’s the feeling of getting kid!Hope kicking your ass and saving you😂😂😂 oh she’s totally your equal. Frenemies at best! YES! I love Holarke bonding. And the fact that Clarke being Hope inspiration to believe in friendship and her family now can help her to defeat Malivore, I Stan! Don’t lose sight of the corner! Josie! Lizzie! Clarke! Yes you have them! I’m glad that Clarke didn’t die, I’ll be so mad because the writer would be bringing him back for nothing. Oh the incendia is painful, affecting me more than the fake looking MaliLandon eating Cleo. The height difference again🤣 with Holarke this time.
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14) I love Maleb clothes, not really shipping them just short form for their bromance😂 but I do enjoy if there suggests shipping cuz it’s fun! Love that them being supportive of each other, superheroing, and the hero name🤣🤣they’re clueless too. Poor Kaleb and Cleo. I really need his backstory 😫
15) about hero names, I’m still having playback of “blursome and essential” in my mind. MG is looking at the mask longer than Kaleb, I feel like he’s missing Ethan, like a lot. Another thing is, since we see the effect of someone else being compelled so clearly, but we never seen Ethan’s compelling effects. Or it’s a budget matter? They must be kidding right? So maybe Ethan is really faking it? So that leads us to Lethan....
16) if my suspicion is true, then damn, Ethan is using Lizzie to get into SBS? I’m worried for Lizzie’s wellbeing. Also the look on Josie when Ethan drives near tight after she said like some eligible will fall out of the sky🤣🤣🤣 the timing is impeccable lmao. For real, Lizzie wanting Ethan to be Hope’s rebound after her kiss with him in the trio imagination, is ....so the trio is now sharing guys now? Jandon is still there in the history! It’ll be like a very messing love multi-triangle😌😌😌
17) the way Lizzie talked about how Hope is perfect the whole way and judging by the day when they arrived at SBS? That’s very long! Lmao, Lizzie are you sure you’re not in love with Hope? Hizzie rights! (I don’t even know when I started to ship Hizzie, it’s a mystery🤣) I think I can only talk like that about my love. Why don’t you make you and your sister Hope’s rebound? I’ll be happy with what I get🤣
18) The decision to bring Ethan on a tour, is so bad. What if ethan ended up enrolling SBS and Alaric can’t deny the application? Did she ever think of that?? And Josie and Mg is going to face the consequences in the near future🤣 dreadful! From there I already felt the cliche sweetness that when you’re trying to be a wingwoman and ended up “selling” yourself out🤣🤣 fuck CW for cutting the scenes of Lizzie’s epic facial expression when she was slapped with her own words😂😂😂anyway, it’s no way she can refuse the ask out after 315 where Lizzie still thinks that she can’t be the chosen one when Hope is there, but someone actually chooses her even after all the Hope is perfect speech. As much as I mourn for Methan and Mizzie, I’m happy that she got someone to tell her that. But I think they’re destined to backfire😅
19) so does the Mizzie “will they won’t they?” officially end here? I’m confused. Btw it’s really a way to mention Sebastian’s death being relocated permanently 🤣 oh wait...she knew that that prison world is destroyed forever right????? Someone save me.
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20) okay I have to go back before Ethan picked the twins up: while Lizzie is actually worrying about themselves being stranded, Josie is just more concerned about Hope? Hosie! Poor Josie, she never sees that she is Hope soft spot and can totally make Hope happy too. Look at your dumb joke at 103, Hope’s laugh is magnificent too. It’s because of you. And yes I’m with Josie, I just ship Hope with herself and her axe right now, don’t put her with anyone for at least 5 more episode please.
21) The one that doesn’t dissolve into goo! Now is Clarke! And the both of you my dear twins. Btw, the dna thing, where Clarke confirms that dna is still toxic... so it applies to Landon too right? And it’s now just more overwhelmingly apparent that handon sex is without protection. Yea so much for epic love. And this is about the possibility where (hopefully) it’s not MaliLandon when the sex scene happened.
22) Finsie time! I got to say, it’s really improving. Their scene is beautiful, finally. That feeling that they’re nice together is now going on continuous for me. I’m happy for them! They are now stepping up on Hosie, not derogatory, I’m just seeing some parallels from hosie here. The disclose of Ethan broken arm, where Hosie has done, before that there’s Clarke’s traumatising Josie thing with Hosie. Next, the focus on the hand holding, I’m thinking of 207 and others. The “me being here with you”, with hosie 308 “then I’ll be here with you”. The whole thing is very comforting for Josie. The hug is good too. We can see that they finally have some nice scene and the bgm is good for them.
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23) I have no idea what is magical agronomy, so I look it up. Again, that shows how Josie love plants, like someone in Reddit said they observed that Josie’s side of room has several plants. And in 307, the herbs, that she remembers. I think it can help a lot if Hope is starting a magical technology company. Josie’s interest in that can come in handy. They’ll make a great team. About TRIMINI INDUSTRIES tap here.
24) we are still missing Jed here. Justice for Jed. We need Jed real first name. Did anyone notice when the super squad faces MaliLandon there’s no werewolf present? They’re really downplaying that huh? But maybe I can be satisfied that they are not making Finch being there but not Jed.
25) We need to address this thing about Handon. It’s like one and a half time that Hope couldn’t recognise that Landon is not Landon right? We still have to give credits to her memories shared with Cleo actually make Cleo kind of recognise the difference? So half a time. I agree with Josie’s words that Landon makes Hope happy. I mean, yes, most of the time they failed in working but there’s still sweet scenes between them. So that’s actually what makes Handon tolerable. They are what makes me only do facepalm rather than skipping them. So yes of course Hope has happy moments with Landon. Just that it doesn’t mean that they’re good together.
26) it’s always Landon’s bros that first find out Landon wasn’t Landon😂 this time is Clarke. It’s Clarke that tell Hope, “Landon will never leave you”. That’s the inconsistency of the writers, not counting MaliLandon’s time, it’s still two times. And there’s time that some will argue that Landon’s feet literally walk away from Hope. So...that’s not true, do not stuff that in our throat anymore. “I always thought you two are destined to be together” is this the writer way of saying they’re not doing Handon anymore or otherwise? Cuz “thought” is past tense and “are” is present tense. I’m tired. It’s normal that Hope still wants Landon to be happy and still love him. But after the breakup, when she still doesn’t know that it’s MaliLandon, the “still dying to get Landon again” is obsession. Girl, it’s derogatory to your self-esteem. “If a mud man like me can beat his fate, maybe you kids can too” yea that’s Handon going on.
27) we shouldn’t need to be told that Handon is epic love multiple times. We should be able to feel them, see them ourselves. Why did I start approving Finsie now, because instead of them being only all talking and no showing, now we see them working well (until now). I have been widely accepting to any other legacies ships and why I never ship Handon? So really these multiple telling us that how good is Landon to Hope, is not working. I’ve never been so frustrated.
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28) Let’s appreciate the Handon parallel with 101. It’s interesting that how Landon is inside the cage and Hope is outside the cage again. The meaning of the cage has deep meaning here. Handon first kiss is in the cage, that kind of mean that their love is trapped there. Like how their relationship being so troublesome and bound by these fateful encounters. The lights are quite similar, handon always has this blue lighting for them, which sometimes it’s kind of weird. The first time it is Hope decorating the ceiling with stars for Landon. It’s sweet, but also implying that what Handon has is the false beauty of them and not keeping the cage symbolism in mind. In other way of interpreting it, this is the writer foreshadowing their endgame. Cuz they’re trapped there, no way in no way out.
29) I think I’m not the only one bothered by the mostly lack of real Landon appearance in s3. As we can see how MaliLandon words sits so right about, Landon not belonging to SBS if it weren’t Hope. Then he leaves with Cleo, that’s a thing for Sowanby too, they still don’t have roots with the school, and it’s a great bonding between them, friendship or not. It’s the bond between them that matter. In 314 315, we always see that the students were totally fine without Landon. Like the three trios paralleling? It’s sad that Landon is like bouncing here and there in SBS but never really belong. And now the writers kind of ripped his personal development. So now he has neither his pheonix powers nor fighting skills, great? And even Hope’s growth too. We are seeing her moving to a good direction and the writers have to drag her back in the hell hole. Hope needs to not always looking at Landon for her happiness, it’s not good for the both of them. Like MG said, be your own person.
30) THEORIES regarding Landon: a) It’s MaliLandon all the way? I hope not, it’s reminding me of Lost Girl that one of the characters slept with the father personating the person she loves, and got pregnant. Tell you what was more alarming? When the episode ended, I was recommended to move on to Lost Girl on CW seed. It’s disgusting! Why do you want to help make me hate Handon? I don’t even hate them initially! I’m like struggling to be logical and lean on the positive side here. Why I can’t move on from this possibility: first, I’ve always headcannon that Malivore has partial control over Landon. Like how Landon actually wasn’t lying in 102 103? That’s Malivore. And Handon, as genius as always, doesn’t talk about it. Second, the way that Landon dissolved, he was human back then, but he turns into goo? how does it even work? If he is human, toxic to dna will make him die, not become goo, right? Even if that wasn’t a problem, it can also be MaliLandon trying his luck. Third, Malivore purpose is to make the perfect legacy, he will totally give it a try to make tribrid-Malivore babies. Fourth, during the inspiration from Cleo, MaliLandon has Landon’s memories, enhancing the theories that Malivore has partial control over Landon, so even if it wasn’t MaliLandon, it’s still partial-MaliLandon. Fifth, after the inspiration, MaliLandon said that he doesn’t need Hope to tackle his problem or for his purposes, which means he initially wanted Hope, thinking getting to Hope can help with his purposes. It’s really not a far-fetched.
31) THEORIES regarding Landon: b) it’s real Landon during sex, but Malivore got him in the prison world. While having Landon’s personal growth ripped and Handon still dragging out are not pleasant at all, this is still a more pleasant theory for me. At least Landon did start fighting for himself after sometime, and while the sex is still partial-MaliLandon, at least it’s not MaliLandon. (I’m always using at least for Handon 🙃) maybe we can still have Landon fighting skills? Cuz I was happy for him about this though. But I just don’t think so. The evidence for this theory is, my feeling about Landon in 306 is that it kind of fits Landon personality, but he did start his violence there. Another thing is the letter. There’s care in “to whom it may concern”. However, that can be just me being simp. And there’s also possibilities that the partial control from Malivore is cultivating Landon’s behaviour starting there and slowly taking control. Because making a deal with the devil always has its consequences. It’s either that or Landon was taken after the letter.
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32) regarding the picture above, i just want to point out about another interesting point about the structure of the scene, if you scroll back and see sowanby picture with the door and another bonding talk, you can se that there’s always pillar and frames that’s framing or trapping them together. Like Handon. I mean that’s totally MaliLandon, so this pointing out is not mean to be romantic. It’s just a thought about how devastating that Cleo is stuck in something her whole life, especially the picture structure that implies that she’s stuck with MaliLandon again.
33) overall I’m thinking this is a good and disgusting episode. With all the unexpected twist, it’s really good, there’s actually layers in showing us that Landon is not Landon every time. Then those bonding. The soundtrack, the scenes. Disgusting, is about the theory, and how we are all tangled back to Handon again after we finally have some fresh air. Not to mention the always surprisingly convenient that Landon always has an excuse when we see Landon did something bad to Hope. Like he can never be making big mistake while only having little questionable doings that can’t possible tarnish him being the perfect person in the show. The first time he lies, Malivore controlled him. During the pageant competition, he is justified to walk away when he totally chose the wrong timing to ask that question, leaving Hope alone breaking in front of such important event. 207, monsters are coming for him, he’s protecting people by leaving. Musical episode, he needs to cross boundaries because it’s bound to be, without further reasoning it with Hope, when Hope specifically was very respectful of him in 111 about his songs. And now, this. That’s not him, we can’t blame him. He will never be blame for something big because the writers is biased. Very biased in making that Landon is better than anyone else in the show, so he’s the perfect guy for Hope. Like no one can compare with him. He’s almost perfect. Perfect than Hope.
34) Reflect on what Hope did in 308, MG is kind of right, she shouldn’t have touched it without fully prepared. Because it totally let Malivore running out free instead of him being an originally contained problem. It’s for the good view in whole. Heroes make hard decisions. There’s still the hair thing cut from Hope and Golem!Landon.
These pictures is my work, while it’s easy to get it yourself, and not that I’m professional in doing this. But I still did screenshot them one by one and did some editing. So please like or label the sources when you save or use it. ♥️
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travellingarmy · 4 years
Requested from Wattpad.
Female reader as requested.
Word count: 4.1k
Liyue is a prosperous city that attracts many and all sorts of people from business-related work to thieves who wish to earn extra cash. Everyone goes to Liyue with something on their mind that they hope to find in the city. There's even you- a normal person and a vision user- who came to Liyue all the way from Qingce village to look for a job. Everyone in Liyue all came with different reasons, but was all tied to Liyue.
Originally, your goal was to make enough money for a lifetime and then return to the mountains and help the elderly care for the fields and other needed work. That's just how your character was, but then an unforeseen event occurred and now you were in Liyue for a person.
"(Y/N), can you go pick up a batch of qingxin flower near Qingyun Peak? I'd ask Qiqi, but I sent her already to look for another herb." Baizhu enters the back room where you were sorting out the herbs in alphabetical order. "Sure, Dr. Baizhu. I'll do it right after I'm done these," you said.
"Thank you, (Y/N). Sorry for troubling you. I would go if I was fit for such exhausting travels, but you know how weak my body is," he said and you nod in understanding. He was the great doctor, but can't even heal his own illness. You didn't care about that as it wasn't your business and depart for the pharmacy when you were done at the back.
Looking at the sky above you and the position of the sun, you could tell that you will return late at night even when you run. You left from the sight of the city with only a satchel for the flowers. It was dangerous, yes, but you can fully protect yourself just as Qiqi can with her petite stature.
You were exhausted even before seeing a qingxin flower, but you did not stop. If you did, you'd have to camp the night out in the wilderness and that was something you were never fond of. Right now, you could tell that it was somewhere 3-4 in the afternoon- soon to be evening- and you departed from Liyue around 10 in the morning. "Please, Geo Lord, let me find these flowers soon," you say a quick prayer before stepping foot in the mountain area.
As if Rex Lapis had heard your little prayer, you found enough to satisfy Baizhu for two weeks at least, but the time it took was too long and by the time you decided it was enough, it was seven at night. You cried when you thought about how long it took just to reach the outer edge of Jeuyun Karst. "No! I am not camping out here!" you say out loud and determinedly made your way down the mountains- a bit slower when descending- and use what little energy you had with your determination to push dismiss your aching feet.
However, it seems that Rex Lapis didn't allow your travel back to be safe as you were soon facing a Lawachurl. "For the love of..!" Your sword appeared on your right hand and made sure that the satchel was sealed shut before engaging to fight the beast.
The beast, although bigger and most likely stronger than you, had a slower reaction time and decided to use that as an advantage so you dodge its fists and jump when he smashes the ground, but then, a sudden jolt of pain shot through your whole body when a stone came at you. You dodged it by a hair's length but collapsed soon afterwards. "My damn feet..!" Your body- especially your legs- was exhausted from the nonstop walk which made your reflexes a bit slower.
The lawachurl made it's slow approach towards you with its towering stature. You thought of a quick escape, but you just needed your body to co-operate with you. "Come on. Move!" You were pushing your exhausted legs past its limits, but knew it was your end when it raised its two arms that was to crush your smaller frame.
Your body suddenly jolts with energy and you found yourself suspended in air. You took this chance and use your vision to enhance your sword and bash the lawachurl's head open. It cried out as you jump away from it and watch as it disintegrated like any other wretched beast. You were left panting and scratched up, but you were happy that none of the flowers had fallen out.
"Ho~ What's a beauty doing out here so late at night?" A voice suddenly made its way to your ears and turned to your right, your sword blocking your body. The owner of the voice suddenly appeared before you and clashed his make-shift weapon with yours in an instant. "Oh? You've got quick reflexes even when you're exhausted. I should praise you for that."
"What are you doing?" you say through gritted teeth and push your sword. Then to your relief, the person jumps back a couple metres away, their weapon disappearing, and you sighed as you collapsed on the ground, your sword disappearing. "Haha, sorry to scare you. I was passing by and saw that a beauty was in a pickle," they said. "I was deciding whether or not if I should help you out, but you already took care of it." They shrug and puts their hands on their waist and grins at you.
You look at the person before you with a cautious gaze. They were male with ginger hair, blue eyes, and foreign clothing, and by the looks of it, he was somewhere near your age. "So, you're saying that you saw me, but didn't bother on helping me right away?"
The male looks at you and shrugs again. "I was going to help you since you're cute, but like I said- you already took care of it."
"And if I wasn't cute, you'd just leave me here to die!?" You were exhausted, but still manage to pull the look of disbelief. You waited for a reply, but instead, got a change of topic. "Anyway, what are you doing here so far from safety?" he asks and made his way towards you, his weapon out of sight as to not make you alert.
"None of your business," was all you could say in your exhausted state. "Ouch, no need to be so cold," the male says, though not even trying to mask hurt. You were tired of talking to the irritatingly brunette and wanted to return to the pharmacy. Slowly, you pushed yourself off the ground and took a step slowly. But, your body failed in fulfilling that and you fell forward and into the arms of the man, his hands holding your arms out of reflex. "Oh, don't tell me you've fallen for me now--" He stopped his teasing when he noticed that you were out cold. "Ah, what am I going to do?"
When you awoke, you found yourself facing a ceiling and feel the the comfort of a soft pillow and mattress and a warm blanket covering your body. You slowly sat up, hissing at the soreness and pain that washed over your body with a now conscious mind. The first thing you notice when looking at your hands and arms was that they were bandaged up and even feel a bandage on your left cheek.
"Good morning, sleeping beauty. It's about time you woke up," an irritating voice comes and greet you and chuckles. You recalled the fight with the lawachurl and the brunette who suddenly jumped out of nowhere and pick a fight with you. You turn your head to the right and see the same brunette at a small table, sipping his drink. The sun shone from behind him which made him look as if he was glowing. Now that it was daytime, you can properly see his face and was almost taken aback by how charming he looked.
He could see how your irises expanded at the sight of him which made him smirk. "Oh? You suddenly interested in me now?" he teasingly say and you suddenly broke out from the trance you were in just now. "Don't joke around with me," you said, remembering to what you has awoke to. "Anyway, where did you bring me?"
"Straight to the question with such a demanding tone. That's quite new to me," the brunette says. "Anyway, you can call me Childe, but I rather you call me babe." He chuckles which really upset you and you didn't mask to hide your frown. "I don't care who you are. I want to know where I am."
He looks at you and sighs. "Man, you're going to be a difficult one, aren't you? We are at Wangshu Inn," he finally answers. "I don't know where you live so I brought you here and bandaged you up. On that note, you should thank me."
You looked at your hands and then at the brunette who rested his cheek on the back of his hands and a leg crossing over the other, grinning cheekily at you. "Thank you." You got up, your body still aching from the fight. You see that you were still fully clothed and you mentally sighed out of relief before snatching your satchel on the nightstand beside the bed and leaving the room and soon the inn.
"(Y/N), I was worried when you didn't return last night and was about to send Qiqi to help you," Baizhu greets you at the pharmacy. "Qiqi was worried," Qiqi greets as well, wrapping her arms around your legs as a mean for a hug.
"Sorry, Doctor Baizhu. I had ran into some trouble and was tired to walk back last night," you said. "Oh, and I gathered a lot of qingxin flower for you." You took off the satchel off your shoulders and handed it to the doctor. "Hope these are enough."
"I'm sure it is. Thank you, (Y/N)," he said and puts the satchel full of qingxin flowers on the counter. "Alright, why don't you go ahead and rest for two days to heal your wounds? He looks over at your bandaged arms and face. You were grateful and thanked him before leaving the pharmacy.
The second day, your body wasn't hurting as much, but your wounds were still wrapped up in bandages which you changed when you got home. You found yourself lacking of food so you were out early in the morning on grocery shopping. "Ham.. Eggs.. Milk.." you read your list loud enough just for you to hear. But, since your eyes were glued onto the thin sheet of paper, you didn't notice a person suddenly appear before you and block your way before bumping into their chest.
"Ah, my apologies. I wasn't looking ahead," you say and rub your nose. "Hoh~ Well, what do you know? I thought you looked familiar and I was correct. Seems like we meet again." The all too familiar voice spoke above you, making you freeze up on the spot.
Slowly, you raise your head and see none other than the male from two days ago. "Is it just me or are we possibly fated to be together? Do you remember my name?" he asks, a grin forms on his charming face. "I'm afraid I don't," you said half-heartedly and excused yourself before brushing shoulders with him as you walk away. But, he grabs your elbow and stops you from walking any further. You look over your shoulders and give him the 'what gives' kind of look. "Well, since you forgot, I'll remind you again; my name is Childe," he says and leans close to your face. His eyes were a deep blue even under the light and felt as if you were drowning under water, where the water was an alluring colour of a pretty, deep blue. You were mesmerized, but notice that there was more to what the little pond you had found in his ocean eyes which made you much alert. Childe notice the fiery flames in your eyes suddenly on guard and he chuckles before straightening up.
"So, what's your name?" he asks. "I'm sorry, but I don't believe we're on the comfortable terms to know each other's names, sir," you stated. Your words are constructed to be polite, but your tone says otherwise. "Aw, you're going to play it the hard way with your saviour?" He forces a pout that was definitely not going to make you feel guilty so you stood there just staring at the brunette. He laughs and puts a hand on his hip. "Very well, I will do whatever I can to make you tell me your name."
You were about to turn your head and walk away, when a voice rang out across the streets. "Master Childe~" A high-pitched, flirtatious voice calls his name, drawing you both behind him. By the way they dressed, you could immediately tell that the female before you two was one of the many scums that could be found in large cities and that being said, you know exactly what kind of person the man whom called himself Childe is like.
"Master Childe, I've found you~ Did you know how sad I was when you didn't show up for two days?" The female clung onto the male's arm, completely dismissing your presence. Now that he was distracted, you took this chance to slip away from him and do your grocery shopping.
However, just because you slipped away today, didn't mean you slipped away forever or that you can do it the next time, and with that in mind, Childe was seen hanging around you- well, more like pestering you. But, with time, you soon came to accept the fact that the man wouldn't stop any time soon and told him your name and exchange words with him.
Of course, you had your doubts and had your guard up around him, seeing as he had a scum following him around almost daily, but you soon realize that you could see past the one part of him that didn't make up even one percent of him.
In months, you felt something in your chest that you know was wrong, but you couldn't help it as it dealt with him.
"Hey, (Y/N), wanna go on a little date for dinner?" Childe asks, approaching you out on the streets. When he said 'date' you know that it wasn't an actual date; it was a thing he said meaning to buy you lunch or dinner as a friend.
"You'll have to wait for an hour for me to get off work," you said, making your way up the steps of the pharmacy. "That's not long at all, apropos to getting your name, that is. I can wait," he said and gives you one of his dorky grin. You shooed him away and he did just that, off to reserve a seat for the two of you.
The hour felt long and made you impatient that it even shows. Baizhu looks over at you and smirks, knowing the reason had to be related to the young man he had been seeing occupying most of your time and mind. "(Y/N), since your shift is close to an end, why don't I let you go now? It makes no difference and Qiqi is here to help out if needed," Baizhu said, seeing as you face light up. "Really? Thank you so much Doctor!" you cheer, not even hiding the fact that you were indeed impatient to see Childe. You made haste around the counter and leave the pharmacy.
"Where is (Y/N)?" Qiqi asks, coming out from the back of the building, holding some sort of plant. "She just left, Qiqi," Baizhu answers and see that Qiqi became sad and pouted. "Qiqi was going to ask her if she'd search for the cocogoat with Qiqi.." Baizhu chuckles and put a hand on top of the little girl's head. "Sorry, Qiqi, but she's on a date."
"A date? What do you mean?" With that, Baizhu was now occupied trying to explain to the best he could as to what a date meant in the said case.
Just a few metres in front of you, you see Childe's back towards you as he chatted with a Liyue local. You were about to call out his name when a girl suddenly steps into view, blocking you from getting close to Childe. "So, you're the one hanging around Master Childe, huh?" was the first thing she said and looks at you up and down in disgust. "I don't get it. I mean, you don't even got the parts to be Master Childe's best."
Oh dear.. You know the girl all too well as she was the one you saw running to Childe and throwing herself at him. Childe has many more of the scums around him, but this one was around him the most. You bet that she brawled with the other scums because she wants Childe all to herself- well, his money.
"Hey, look, I'm going to be really nice here and tell you politely to leave Master Childe alone. He doesn't have time to loiter around someone who's body is of no use," she says and gives you a wicked grin, putting a hand on her hip to show dominance. You were unfazed and gave her a blank expression. "I'm sorry, but who are you to decide who I can and can not hang out with?" you ask.
"Hah, don't get on my bad list, girlie. Just so you know Master Childe slept with me the most," she states proudly. The words did hurt you, but it didn't make you cave into a cowardice. You kind of guessed he has slept with many women, considering how he had scums all over him. "Okay, I get that you're a scum, but you haven't answered my question."
You could see that the girl was already breaking and you couldn't help but snicker at how easy she was. "Listen here, I bet you haven't even gotten a taste of what Master Childe can do, considering how small your breast is," she laughs, looking at your average ones. "And I bet once he's gotten a taste of you, he'd be done and leave you."
You honestly didn't know where this conversation was going, but you stayed calm and hear her. "Oh? Then, tell me how I should please him to make him stay with me for- let's say.. Forever?" You cross your arms, still not letting her get to you.
"Psh, you think he'd stay with you even if I tell you?" She was hysterical, her face twisting to make her look like a witch. "Look, I'm sorry, but I really don't have time to talk to you. Have a good day," you said. You were about to brush shoulders with her when she grabbed hold of your arm and weakily throws you back. "Hey, you're not going anywhere until I know you're not going to hang around him."
"Sorry, but I can't comply to your wishes as it was your 'Master Childe' that came onto me," you state, grinning with your own wicked grin.
The girl snaps and lunges herself at you, but before she could even lay her long nails at you, you pulled out your sword and point it at her throat, just mere millimetres to lunging it in. Your face was still cool as ice, but the girl's mocking face turned to horror. "Listen, scum, I don't have time for idle chit chat as I have a date with your Master Childe," you said and lean to her ears so that only she could hear what you had to say next. "I don't care who you are, what you are to him, and I know that you can't even touch me so you best behave before my patience runs out and I plunge this sword at your pretty face. I'm being nice here and have pretty high patience so you best run along now."
The girl nodded frantically and runs past you. You turn around and watch as the girl disappears from sight. "Maybe you should call me Master," a voice whispers, feeling their breath tickling your ears. You turn around and was faced with the grinning ginger. "That is not going to happen."
"Maybe some day." He shrugs, which you immediately said no to. "Haha, but you said this was a date so that's a step close, no?" Your face flushed, forgetting that he was close by and had heard what you said to the girl. "Gah, I was just trying to let that girl feel mad," you said.
"Oh? You sure you don't want to call this a date?" he asks, giving you that glimmering eye look. "You can call it whatever as long as I get a free meal," you say and brush past him.
"Well, I know another way for you to get a free meal, but I wouldn't call it a date," he snickers and your lightly dusted face heated up quickly, knowing what he meant. "Shut up!"
"What? I was saying that we can always hunt," he lies, acting innocent to frame your impurity. "If you're not going to take me on that 'date', then I'm going back to the pharmacy," you said. He chuckles and fall in step with you, leading you the an expensive restaurant.
After the meal, you two were walking along the docks in silence, the ocean in the background was shimmering and wondered if it was a million noctilicious jade instead of pure water.
"So, what did you talk about with that girl from earlier?" Childe suddenly asks in a light tone. Your mind suddenly thought back to the event that had occurred with the girl and what she said about Childe sleeping with her. You wanted to ask, but you felt as if it wasn't right since it was his life and you didn't even know how to approach such question. "I'm sure you already know," you said.
"No, I don't so do enlighten me, since it was about me," he says. Then, you thought that it was the perfect time to add what you wanted to ask and took the chance. "Eh, nothing much. She kept on bragging how you slept with her multiple times though," you managed to slip in and shrug, playing it cool.
"Woah, woah, woah! She said that!?" Childe stops on his tracks and you turn to look at him. "That girl.. I swear that I haven't slept with her, or anyone for that matter!" Childe says, seeing his eyes look almost quite desperate to reassure you.
Your heart felt lighter, but decided to go on with the teasing. "Oh, really?" He nods almost instantly and you had to conceal your laughter. "Well, she said how you good you tasted and how well you did in bed to the point that I believed in it," you said, covering your mouth with a hand to hide your devilish smirk.
"You don't believe me?" he asks. "Nope," you said, not giving in to his saddened eyes. Then, almost in an instant, Childe walks closer to you and grabs your shoulders harshly. "Hey, what are you--" Your lips were sealed with his own. His lips was soft which caused a spark to jolt within you and making your legs almost became like jelly, giving in to the kiss.
Your hands were on his chest as he wraps an arm around your waist and the other on the back of your head. His tongue easily slipped past your lips and was now in a battle with yours, but that battle had ended sooner than you wished for when he pulls back and found the both of you panting. "I swear to you, (Y/N), that I didn't sleep with her," he says in a low voice.
To his surprise, you laughed. "I was just teasing around with you. Of course, I believe you," you said and smiled. The brunette stare at you in disbelief and when your laughter died down, you were kind of worried if you made a mistake in doing that. Then, he brings his lips back to yours with much more tenderness and you wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you.
He pulls away again to your disappointment. "You are the only one I'd ever sleep with," he says, his wrap around your waist becoming tighter. "Then you better ditch those other girls or you're sleeping with no one," you joked before bringing him for another kiss, this time being longer.
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Can I have the black cap? Haha I'm a 5'4 Latino looking to see what happens
"Looking for something specific?" the voice that sounded right in your ear startled you so much that you almost dropped the old statuette of a man in a top hat that you were looking at. On this day, you decided to go home after work another way. You walked through the autumn streets and watched the leaves fall from the trees in the nearest Park. That's when you came across a gift shop and magic supplies. Without thinking twice, you entered it to satisfy your curiosity, walked past several shelves and, not finding the seller, decided to find something interesting. At this moment, a young man appeared from behind and asked a question.
"Um, nothing specific.... just looking... " you replied.
"Well. If you want to buy something, just call me." the salesman left with a sly smile on his face.
You walked around the store a little more and decided to leave when you noticed an old gym bag on the bottom shelf. Something about her interests you. You reached out and took it out. The price tag said "Free." You unzipped it and looked inside. The smell of old used clothes hung faintly in the air. Among several things, you noticed a cap. The most common black baseball cap with the words "love" on the back of the head.
"If it's free, I'd take it," you muttered under your breath.
"This is a free product. You can take just so" you started from what's behind you, the seller replied to your whisper. Wasn't he behind the counter at the other end of the store? "Just be careful. Many may not recognize you in this. Did you know that a headdress changes your image very dramatically?"
“Probably Yes. Thank you in any case. I think I'll go..." with that, you hurriedly left the store. Something about this salesman scared you...It was pretty cool outside, so you put on your cap right away. What did this young man mean when he talked about image? You thought about it as you walked home. But you started noticing something else... It's like a strange fog is spreading in your mind... A haze that obscured some thoughts. Your flight of thought seemed to be slowed down. You couldn't concentrate on one thing. Your thoughts floated independently from each other. You were already grabbing the handle of your front door when you realized you weren't home. You were standing in front of some gym. The usual fitness club, which is a lot around the city. 
"What the hell?" you thought, turned around and walked home from the gym. You must have been thinking harder than usual and got the wrong turn. Half an hour later, you were almost at your home. You pulled the door handle, opened it, and a huge Jock came out with a towel and a gym bag. "What?!" you exclaimed again when you realized that the fog had lifted in your head for a moment and you were back at some gym."Are you coming in?" the voice of the girl at the reception brought you out of your stupor. As if on autopilot, you went to the gym, paid for a class, and went to the locker room."What am I doing here?" a thought popped into your head and then went out. Without hesitation, you went to the gym and started repeating some exercises that others did. You were still wearing your cap, but you turned it backwards for convenience.Your thoughts were chaotic, your mind was melting, and the music in the gym was hitting your eardrums. After an hour of exhausting training, you went back to the locker room. And then you realized what your mistake was. Cap. It literally changed your image, just like the salesman said.You looked at yourself in the mirror, and at that moment your mind finally cleared of the last coils of fog.... It wasn't you in the mirror. Your body was taller, about 6.2. Your skin was paler, and your muscles were like marble. Thick, tense, sculpted. Not to mention your face. It was someone else's. A strange guy with a long, pale, Europoid face was looking at you. Long chin, sharp cheekbones, blond hair, and bright blue eyes... That's when you realized you were in a bind. How do you explain to everyone who you are if you don't even look like your driver's license photo? The problems are probably just beginning...
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PS: the Seller just finished the protective ritual. He blew out the candles, swept away the ashes of herbs and paper, aired the room, cleaned himself up, and put on his badge. Why would he need a protective ritual, you might ask? would you want to communicate with dissatisfied customers who stop coming and asking for their life back? So he doesn't want to. And so from now on, none of the dissatisfied customers will be able to find the store a second time, no matter how hard they try. Well.. Happy Halloween, lovers of free...
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