#just throw me in the loony bin
bylightofdawn · 1 year
I'm finally home, I watched Across the Spiderverse and I am vibrating from wanting to scream about things but I am so mentally boomed all I would manage is "ooooo pretty colors"
So I might try and talk about it tomorrow when I am slightly more coherent.
I also got my playstation visa card AND realized I'd mis-read the whole offer about the 125 statement credit thing, it expired 6/30
So I SHOULD get it. Which is good since I Just put 600 dollars on a credit card with a stupid high APR. Which I will be focusing on paying off ASAP. -cringes-
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I'm being a good girl and did not get Jedi Survivor. I want to pay this off ASAP and don't need to carry anymore debt on it than I have to.
I'm going to try and pay this off within 3 months which may fuck around with my plans to start paying on the Obi-Wan and Fox hot toys. I feel like....Obi-Wan will prolly sell out before Fox and he releases first so I"m going to focus on him and then Fox afterwards. Can I say how upset and disappointed I am we do not get a Fox headsculpt?
Okay I'm fucking beyond exhausted. The last chapter of this A M A Z I N G Xedgin finished posting and I'm like three chapters behind at this point.
Everyone should go read it.
It's a delightful AU set about 7ish years before the movie and kinda takes things and tosses it out. Ed, Holga and a seven year old Kira decide to leave and head down South towards Mornbryn's Shield. And along the way they meet this handsome Paladin and Eg is very much lowkey thirsting until he finds out he's Thayan and well there's a couple of chapters of Ed making you want to strangle him but he gets better.
There is so much scrumptious pining and people being dumb. I love it so much.
So I'm going to read that foe the rest of the night and hopefully don't pass out midway through because I am legit to that poi t of exhaustion where I am loopy.
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garak-pussy-indulgence · 10 months
waiting until February is gonna be fucking stupid I wanna do it now
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angstflavoured · 1 month
shakes my hands above my head and paces around the room im so sick of everyone acting like ford is a dumb stupid idiot baby who was completely tricked by bill and did nothing wrong. yes he was lied to and bill was abusive, but theres so much more to everything that happened. ford was soooo incredibly willfully ignorant and pushed other important people in his life away, YES bc bill tricked him, but mostly because he wanted to be important. he was actively ignoring red flags from bill and hurting the people around him and was complicit in so much stuff bill did just because he wanted it to be true that bill picked him bc he was special. ford was the one who summoned him in the first place, but then bill just??? told him that he picked ford bc he was special which makes no sense and ford is smarter than that, but he didnt care bc wowwwww he picked me bc im so awesme and smarter and better than everyone!!! he was fucking HEAD OVER HEELLLSSS OBSESSED WITH BILL BTW THAT SHIT WAS NOT ONE SIDED!!! idk why everyone pretends it was. he was building shrines and worshiping him like a god. and never questioned him for a second????? like girl he is the most scientific, curious man in the world and he never once thought bill was lying. he let bill into his life and let him take it over sooo fucking quickly. and he didnt tell anyone bc "they would throw him in a loony bin" ?????? THATS OBVIOUSLY NOT WHY HE DIDNT TELL FIDDLEFORD. he was LYIIINNGG. They were building an interdimensional portal, fiddleford obviously wouldve believed ford and taken him seriously and kept a secret for him. he didnt tell fiddleford bc he was one of the only people in fords life who saw through his bullshit. hes nice, but he stands his ground. as soon as things got too hot, he left. and ford knew that if he told fiddleford about bill that he would immediately be like "dudddeee this is so fucking sketchy you need to research this guy theres obviously smthn else happening." if ford looked into the runes and the messages in the caves, hed probably deduce pretty damn quickly that bill was evil!! but he didnt bc hes selfish and self righteous and wanted to be a part of soemthing bigger than himself. thats literally all he ever wanted. I think the most interesting thing about TBOB is that it shows that it wasnt as black and white as it seemed and that ford wasnt the perfect victim. its shown in the show sooo much how fucked up his morals are. and im not saying this with malice, i fucking love ford and his character so much, i just think so many people act like billford was like a fucking domestic abuse situation where ford was just sad and pathetic and helpless. its so much more complicated than that. ford is not a super great guy and thats such an interesting part of his character. IDK.
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shyanshippingsociety · 7 months
Your fav crack fics, in the bag, now 🔫 (please and thanks 💕)
here take everything we could muster up!!
A Small Porcelain Chicken by breathtaken | M, 3K, Complete
Legs-For-Days presses a hand to his chest and declares, “Detective, I have lost my heart!” Ryan rolls his eyes. “No intangibles!”
moving right along by idkspookystuff | E, 3K, Complete
“This is gonna sound crazy, and if you told me this I would throw you into the loony bin,” Shane warns him. When Ryan just nods in understanding, Shane mutters, “I think I just saw the ghost of Jim Henson.” Ryan rolls his eyes. “Oh, come on, dude. Stop fucking with me.” Ryan reaches for the door handle, but he must see something in Shane’s eyes, because he stops, all humor drops from his face, and he turns a little pale. “Holy shit, are you serious?” Shane nods. “FBA.”
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Things I'm doing rather than my 600 followers event and my school work: This
I'm sorry
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Pairing: Mahito x Reader
Word Count: 2'560
Warnings: Forced Relationship, Implied kidnapping, Escape attempt, Brief gore, Murder (not reader), Blood, Torture (not reader), Knives, Noncon kissing, Mahito is his own warning.
Bonus points if you can see what two scenes I got heavy inspo from
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“So let me get this straight.” Your friend had their elbows resting on their knees -  hands pressed together in a prayer position with their fingertips against their lips, “You were kidnapped.”
“Not by a man, but by a monster.”
“A monster that it seems only you can see, but it can still interact with everyone else despite this.”
“Are you sure you didn’t hit your head on your way here?”
“Damn it, I’m being serious!” You hissed, looking towards the living room window nervously, “I don’t know how long I have, I need a place to hide.”
They held up their hands in surrender, “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. It’s just…” Their expression softened, “you’ve gone for weeks, hun, when others find out about your explanation, they’re going to throw you in the loony bin.”
You laughed dryly, “Yeah, and he would have endless fun with that.”
A beat of silence passed as they looked you up and down, eyeing you with concern.
“You really aren’t making this up…”
There was another stretch of silence as the weight in the room officially set in.
“...How did you get out?”
Flashes of memories far too fresh for your taste sent a chill down your spine, and you shook your head rapidly - drawing your knees up to your chest.
In all reality, it was pure and honest to god luck. You could barely remember half of the events that led to your escape, adrenaline doing its job in being one hell of a drug, but frankly you did not want to remember.
The thought of possibly having to do it again would break you completely.
The cushion beside you dipped with weight, and you felt your friends arms wrap around you - hugging you closely to their chest.
Your flinch was ignored by the both of you.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be asking you things like that.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, “It’s fine.”
“No, it isn’t.” They moved their hand in soothing circles on your back. “Of course you can hide here, although I’m trying to think of the best place to put you while also not triggering the shit out of you.”
That made you laugh a little, dissipating the tension ever so slightly. “Just don’t put me in a basement, and we’ll be fine.”
They chuckled, hugging you closer. “No basement, got it.”
A somewhat comfortable silence fell between the two of you, and for the first time in ages you felt hope that maybe, maybe, you would soon be able to relax.
“I have an idea.” They said, releasing you gently and standing up, “Follow me, I’ll need your help.”
You obeyed, sending a last worried glance towards the window as you followed them out of the living room. Eventually you came to a stop in front of a closet in one of the hallways.
“Where I’m planning on putting you doesn’t have a lot of heat, so you’ll need these.”
They pulled out a pile of blankets - each differing in texture and thickness as he handed them to you. You took them wordlessly, setting your chin on top of the pile to keep it from falling over. They looked towards you and smiled warmly.
“You can never have enough blankets when utility is expensive as shit.”
Your lips twitched upwards as you were directed back the way you came - your friend sporting their own bundle tucked under their arm as they eventually led you out their back door into their yard.
It was a quiet night, and very clear. It had been a while since you had experienced one of them.
“In the absolute worst case scenario, I thought this would be the best place.” They explained, nodding towards a small shed that was in the back left corner of their yard. “I haven’t used it in a while, but I still keep it pretty tidy so you should be somewhat comfortable until you feel enough time has passed to move to a place that’s a little more conspicuous.”
They leaned against the wooden door with their shoulder and it opened with little resistance. Inside, moonlight illuminated the contents, revealing an assortment of all kinds of tools - all of which had a thin layer of rust on them.
“Pretty much anything that’s sharp is either on the upper hooks or in a drawer, so unless you are explicitly trying, you won’t have to get a tetanus shot while you’re here.”
They set the blankets down on one of the steel counters before facing you fully, resting a hand on your shoulder. “But in all seriousness, by having you in here, you are completely out of sight. I’ll bring you food for as long as you want to stay, and you’re absolutely free to leave at any time. However, for the sake of staying as hidden as possible, I’d recommend only coming inside when you need to use the washroom. Is that okay?”
You nodded, tears filling your eyes. “I can’t even begin to think how to thank you.”
They smiled kindly, “You can thank me when this is over.”
With that, they left; leaving the door open behind them as they made their way back into their house.
The breath you hadn’t realized you were holding left you in a long sigh. This was really happening. You were really here.
There was still the gnawing sensation in the back of your mind, screaming at you to go back before Mahito found out you were gone, but it was far too late for that. He would have undoubtedly noticed by now, and you’d be doing your dignity and pride a favor by not crawling back to beg for forgiveness.
You doubted he’d listen to such pleas, anyways.
You set the blankets down in a corner at the back of the shed. It was partially hidden by the counter, leaving a three foot gap for you to curl up and tuck yourself out of sight, in theory anyways.
The blankets your friend had carried were layered on top of the others, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to lay down just yet.
Drawer contents rattled softly as you pulled each of them open, taking some of them completely out of the slot to get a better angle with the moonlight to see what was inside before putting them back. You stopped at the fifth one, reaching in and pulling an old, dusty box cutter and holding it up to the moonlight.
It had definitely seen better days, but the slide wasn’t stuck which was good news. You pressed the blade out, snapping the rusted tip off and placing it towards the back of the counter out of harm's way.
You stood in the doorway for a moment analyzing the knife before slowly closing the door, enveloping you in darkness.
It would have to do.
Curling up in your corner, you buried yourself under several layers of blankets - exacto knife clutched closely to your chest. The exhaustion of it all came to a head, and you let your eyes shut for your first night by yourself in a long time.
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You woke to the sound of glass breaking and muffled shouts.
Ice replaced all the blood in your veins and all the air was sucked from your body. You didn’t dare move, not a single inch. A sweat broke out all over your body, your grip around your impromptu weaponing tightening as you put all your effort into keeping your panic as silent as possible under the blankets.
A naive part of you questioned if it could be a robber breaking into one of the neighbouring houses, but that would have been too much of a coincidence.
You knew better.
The noises suddenly came to an abrupt halt, the previous evening silence returning, however its peace was now tainted with fear.
It was the not knowing that killed you inside. The overwhelming urge to leave the shed and enter the house to see what had become of your friend had to be stomped out, and you pressed yourself against the wall as much as you possibly could; hoping that your corner looked like a heap of old blankets rather than anything else.
There was no way to know how much time had passed between the crushing silence and the groan of the shed door on its hinges, but it stood still when you heard the sing-song call of your name.
“Come out, come out, wherever you are~.”
The inside of your mouth filled with blood as you bit down on your cheek to stop your whimpers from escaping, but it was impossible to keep yourself from flinching at a sudden, and incredibly loud *CRASH* sounded out. He must have been pulling things out of the cabinets looking for you.
The second time it happened you were ready, but you still flinched from the impact of several objects falling onto your blankets.
“There you are!”
Dread sank in your stomach and you pressed your lips together to keep your cries in while praying that his declaration was one of assumption of where you were rather than set in fact.
The latter was proven to be the case as the blankets were ripped away from you with ease, the shock from the cold air and exposure to your monster making you gasp.
As soon as he locked eyes with you, Mahito smiled - looming over you with satisfaction.
You sat up, pushing the blade of the box cutter halfway out and pointing it towards him with as much menace as you could muster. He looked down at your weapon of choice curiously for a moment, then back to you, his smile widening.
“You’re so cute, you know that won’t hurt me.”
“I can fucking try.”
To prove your point you took a swipe at him when he reached out to pull you up. Mahito dodged it effortlessly, his eyes darkening for a moment before disarming you faster than you could blink. The gap between you was closed just as fast, the tip of the blade now inches away from your own face.
You braced yourself, not even daring to breathe as he looked between you and the knife, the tension in the air increasing tenfold when he pressed his thumb against the slide - pushing out the blade as far as it could go.
The cheerful expression he gave you next was like whiplash.
“This won’t do a thing unless I let it, watch!”
To your absolute horror Mahtio opened his mouth and pressed his tongue against the blade, dragging it upwards like licking a lollipop. You couldn’t take your eyes off the grotesque display as you watched his tongue split into two, only minimal amounts of blood dripping down his chin and onto your blankets before the gashes closed on either side once he reached the tip of the blade - creating two separate tongues.
“There you go,” he popped his lips, looking back towards you in glee, “see?”
It was a miracle you weren’t sick right then and there.
He began to say something else, but the words went over your head as you focused all your energy in not throwing up on the spot. After a moment, the sound of your name brought you back to reality temporarily enough to shift your attention to his face, and you let out a gasp of simultaneous disgust and surprise when you felt his lips press against yours.
If it wasn’t a task not to puke before, it certainly was now. You tried your best to keep your lips clamped shut, but the effort was just as futile as your attempt with the box cutter. The sensation of two tongues invading your mouth made you squeal, unable to move while Mahito did as he pleased - moaning into your mouth and making you gag at the vibration. You didn’t dare bite him or push him away.
He broke it off almost as suddenly as he initiated it, a thin string of saliva connecting your lips for a moment before it snapped.
His eyes were half lidded when he spoke, “Now that I have your attention, we really do need to talk.”
You were yanked up harshly by your wrist, the skin burning underneath his grip as he hauled you out of the shed back towards the house.
“Now, we’ve been together long enough to know each other pretty well, don’tcha think?”
You yelped when your shoulder clipped the back door frame. He hummed contently in response as he weaved his way through the rooms.
“I think so too, so you know that whenever I make promises, I’m going to follow through with them, right?”
He came to an abrupt stop, holding you so your faces were mere inches apart and searching your face as you nodded - giving you yet another smile when you let out a meek “Yes”.
“Good! So this shouldn’t be a surprise.”
He pushed on your shoulder, turning you away from him as he spoke and you came,face to face with the grotesque remains of your friend.
Disfigured didn’t even begin to describe the state they were in, they were massacred.
It was obvious he didn’t just transfigure them, the blood that streaked across the walls and ceiling like a horrific Jackson Pollock painting was more than enough evidence that he took joy in beating them within an inch of their life.
The fact Mahito had kept them alive was another torture inofitself.
The only indicator they were still with you was a sickening gurgle as they attempted to say your name as you made eye contact, and your stomach twisted into knots.
They only managed to get half of it out as a tear fell down your face, and bile rose in your throat.
The look you sent him was withering, “You’re a fucking monster.”
Mahito waved his hand dismissively, “Semantics, I told you what would happen and you didn’t listen.” He walked over to the remnants of your friend, propping his foot up like he was fucking Captain Morgan, “I made it very clear when we first got together, ‘leave me, and it won’t be just you who suffers the consequences.’,” he gestured to the lump beneath him, “so this is just as much your fault as it is mine.”
The sorrow in your heart quickly shifted to anger, “I didn’t make you do this!”
“Oh but you did!” The look on Mahito’s face was haunting as he reached into his pocket, pulling out the same box cutter from the shed, “and to make you fully understand that, you’re going to finish what you had me start.”
Confusion set in first before the gut sinking horror, and you shook your head frantically - too appalled to even say anything. You knew it was dangerous to refuse him - especially at this point - but you didn’t care. There was a very clear line in the sand that you absolutely refused to cross.
But it was clear that meant nothing to him.
He clicked his tongue, staring at you for what felt like ages before he gave you the most sinister grin you had ever seen.
“Tell you what,” he placed his palm on their skin. Your eyes widened in terror.
“Instead you get to choose how they go.”
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© absolute-flaming-trash 2022. Do not repost, modify, copy, or claim.
Taglist: @prettycutebunny, @sai-my-beloved, @we-are-so-close, @shorkbrian, @biby-24k, @forcefulkitten, @siphite
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Phantom of the Opera: 25th Anniversary at the Royal Albert Hall
Live Commentary (feat @l10ng1rl highlighted in blue)
I do know that there were restrictions placed by the venue and the fact that it was televised but that's not gonna stop me from commenting on how lame they are.
Also **spoilers** we hate on Hadley Fraser's Raoul a lot in here. I know that much of this may not actually be Hadely Fraser's fault: the direction also has to be considered. This did come out a year after Love Never Dies premiered, and Raoul's character there is less than princely. It occurs to me that this may have impacted the direction/interpretation of his character here. Or not, who knows? All this to say, we're not actually hating on Hadley here, just this particular execution of the character. But also if you like this particular Raoul (not just Hadley Fraser), please do tell me why, I would be fascinated to know.
- Not me watching the 25th anniversary and being very sad that Earl Carpenter is in it and not as the Phantom
- Oh no! NINETEEN SEASONS? NINETEEN? they really dumped it on Carlotta here didn't they?
- I miss the elephant
- Madame Giry is Uber creepy here
- oh i see why you hate this Raoul
- I'm so glad I'm not the only one hating that Raoul 🤣🤣🤣
- I'm proud to announce that @l10ng1rl and I are founding the official Hadley Fraser as Raoul Haters Club
- They couldn't have done a regular dressing room set?
- "CHRISTINE DAAÉ! Where iiiis your red Skhhhafff?"
- Fucking hell he looks at her like she's something to eat
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- Yeah no Hadely Fraser's Raoul is disgusting. He's got rape face I hate it
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- I can't with this LED screen mirror
- Sierra's vibrato is really amazing. And I'm not gonna say she's the best Christine, like, ever, but that high-note is really chilling.
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- Ooh damn she cross-eyed
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- "Music shall surround you
Hear it, feel it
Closing in around you"
I was warned about this, but I cannot believe how unpoetic this is. Go back to caress/possess, you cowards!
- Ok I do like when a phantom has to scramble a little to cover her with the cloak he's so cute
- WHY IS HE NOT IN HIS CAP AND GOWN? How is a banyan going to hurt the Albert Hall?!
- Raoul may not have been with Christine that night be he was defo planning on it based on the way he was looking at her in that dressing room 😖🤮
- look everyone knows Raoul de Chagny is my punching bag, and I love nothing more than stepping on him, but This is not a Raoul for me to even step on, I wouldn't want to soil my shoes with his slimy self
- I appreciate when a phantom keeps the tune instead of *just* screaming at Christine. That so rarely happens.
- Ooh damn that "Burns in hell" went right down my spine
- Why is Firmin drunk? He's supposed to be drunk right
- I declare, I have NEVER seen Raoul played like this, WTF. He's so impertinent! What is this attitude? Where is the indignation in his "Of course not!"?
- This guy? I can totally see this guy gambling away his fortune and getting lost in the bottom of a whisky bottle
- Why am I so obsessed with this damn ring? I have a problem
- this is the best croak
- Oh how deliciously homicidal! 😍 I love when wet get to see the murrrderrr
- This Raoul would have thrown her in a loony bin within five years
- *Oh jeez is she gonna start fucking crying? Ugh stupid hysterical women.* "alright come here, there, there it's alright " *rolling eyes* --Raoul's inner monologue
- RUN CHRISTINE! He's got the pong of marital rape about him
- No oh my gosh this Raoul fits how he's characterized in The Phantom's Atonement (@madamedestler) to a tee
- Patrick really is like an innocent schoolboy compared to this guy
- I've always loved the fact that the line that really sets Erik off on the rooftop is
"Share each day with me/each night each morning" That's the part where he goes from sad to angry
- Also also also I think it's precious that Erik assumes Raoul would fall in love with Christine for the same reasons he did. Because he's got ADHD brain he's like "how could anyone not be enraptured by her voice like I am ~.~"
When in reality Raoul's just going after her because he's already got an in
- I forgot that they don't actually drop the chandelier. They threw in the bring down the chandelier line and the chandelier doesn't even come down 🤣🤣🤣
- And NO ring snatch 😡😡
Raoul: You don't have to Christine, they can't make you!
Also Raoul: they can't make you, but I can guilt you into it!" Fuck you buddy
- Fuck you Raoul! 🤣😂. I think you wouldn't feel a grain of regret to step on this Raoul without mercy
- Again, wouldn't even step on him. He'd get my shoes dirty. Being stepped on is for decent Raoul's who can be salvaged
- I am so, so digging these close up shots of Erik putting his hands all over her during ponr. Because Ramin's Erik so rarely actually lets himself touch Christine. So then when you get to PONR he just indulges himself a bit. And good for him
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- I love the gentle, soft, touchy side of Ramin's Erik
- Can I have this ring custom made? How much would that cost? I want it so bad! I wanna wear it all the time and pretend I'm married to Erik ~sways back and forth~
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I'm kidding, but I do want that ring
- I love/hate whenever a Phantom plays PONR visibly, forcefully horny during Christine's part in PONR because I looooove horny Erik but I feel so so bad for him because I know what's coming (and it's very sadly not him)
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- OH! HE GROWWWLED! OH MY GOSH! HELP! He's got me. Ok he's got me.
- Uhuuu he's still growling oh my gooooooohhh
- I love what it says about Christine as a singer, actress, performer that even when she's *running away, struggling against him* she's still performing the play. I've just identified my stalker as being on stage with me but THE SHOW MUST GO ON! And honestly I love her for that
- Love how there's no grate so they have to have Erik hold her throat again so Raoul has a reason to sing "Free her!" As if Erik would ever put his hands on her throat in anger. And risk damaging her vocal chords? I don't think so
- yeah, that much neck grabbing I think it was unnecessary,and I also think that Erik would never do it. He would never harm her.
- The "Did you think that I would harm her?" line is harder to justify here. Which irks me because it makes me so weak every time I hear it
- Every time I watch the graveyard and the final lair I just want Christine to turn around and tell Raoul to shut up.
- Oh no! his eyes when she says "tears of hate"... aww baby
- I will never stop hating that she's calls him "pitiful creature"
- Yeah, with that "pitiful creature" she really thrusted the knife in his gut and twisted it
- Sierra is such a champ throughout this scene
- She is one of the very few Christines that is actually sorry and conflicted to leave Erik behind, not as her father figure, but as her other love interest. At least she is one of the few that can credibly convince me so
- I just cackled very loudly
- What made you cackle? Lol
- Raoul's face. When she kisses Erik. He looks like he would actually rather die than see her kiss Erik. This is almost as good as watching His face during ponr in the movie.
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- 😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤭🤭🥴🥴🥴 that one takes the prize!! He just reminds me of Sam the Eagle from the Muppets here
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- Oh poor thing, he really had no self esteem at all
- Ok OK ok
She starts singing All I ask of you
THEN Raoul appears
Was she actually singing that to Raoul?
- Oh yes, you got it! Was it for him? Hehehe, I don't think so
- Ugh she is on the knife edge right to the very last second
- Completely! Sierra is very believable in this scene
- Go AWAY Raoul! Let her stay with him, you're gonna regret this so badly son. She'll never love you the same, and you'll never have kids either. Just go hold off the mob so they can get away
- Gillian Lynne, MVP ever and always
- I love seeing Sarah and Michael together
They just make me smile
- Ok so we've got joj, colm Wilkinson (werrrr, not my favorite Phantom but I have to respect him), who else?
- Oh thank goodness they let John take the high note
- I wonder why they didn't ask Earl to join them at the end.
- I've always been tickled that Sarah never could shake the British thing where they can't say a word ending in "a" without putting an r on the end. Operar.
- UGHHH JOHN'S EYES! He's so in-character during MOTN. He's got so much emoshuns.
- I, too, now have emoshuns.
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You Can't Just Piss in the Sewer PART 2
Summary Casey finds out about the sewer activities and decides to do something about it.
Word Count 785
Warnings None. It's just crack treated seriously.
Author's Note BEHOLD! The sequel no one asked for (including me)!
I have been haunted by this story ever since I made the first chapter. It was just supposed to be a oneshot but here we are. (I'm all done now though I prommy. It's out of my system)
The first chapter can be found here. And if you'd rather read the story on ao3, it can be found here.
A lot had happened to Casey Jones in the past year.
He had lost his job, met some teenage mutant ninja turtles, saved the world, got his job back…no big deal really.  This was just his life now.  Unfortunately, since it was supposed to be a secret, it left him with very few talking points when someone asked him what he had been up to lately.
Like right now, at his grandmother’s quarterly family dinner.
“Casey!” His grandmother exclaimed, ushering him over the threshold.  Her apartment was small and cozy as always, with the aroma of fresh cooked food permeating the space.  “Come in, come in – no, leave your shoes at the door.  What have you been up to, my boy?”
“Just the same old same old,” he replied, slipping out of his shoes.
“Oh, something exciting must have happened, you’ve got such an important job after all.  And we’re all very proud of you for not getting fired again.”  
I’m never gonna live that down, am I?   Inwardly sighing, he plastered on the most believable smile he could muster.  “Nope.  Nothing at all.  It’s been completely normal, average work days for the past year.”
She hummed.  “Shame.  Well, run along, everyone is in the living room right now.  I’ll be there in a minute.”
With that, the old woman scurried off, heading for the kitchen.  Casey took a deep breath before plunging into the crowded living room, which was filled to the brim with his immediate and extended family.  Grandma Jones’s dinner affairs were large, important events.  No one wanted to miss out.  Especially when doing so meant falling behind on family gossip.
A hand gripped his shoulder.  Spinning around, he found it was his Uncle, Greg.  “Hey, kid, I need to talk to you for a second.”  The man pulled him aside before he had a chance to respond, lowering his voice so the others wouldn’t hear.  “Listen Casey, I know what I’m about to say is nuts, and if your ma or pa heard it they’d throw me in the loony bin.  So this stays between us, y’hear?”
“Uh, sure.”  He wasn’t sure what his uncle was going on about, but he was one of the sanest, most truthful people he knew.  Whatever it was, it couldn’t be that bad.
Greg took a deep breath, pausing dramatically.  “I saw the Sewer Monsters.”
“The what?”
“The big green monsters that run around the sewers!”  He flung out his hands.  “I thought it was just an urban legend but…I saw them.  I was workin’, doin’ a safety check, when I found them pissin’ in the sewer like animals.”
Casey’s blood ran cold.  “What – what did they look like?”
“Like giant humanoid turtles.  And there was another one that looked like a rat!”
He gritted his teeth.  “You don’t say?”  I’m going to kill those idiots.
“Just…make sure to keep an eye out for them.  I don’t know how often they leave the sewer, but I don’t want them jumpin’ you on the job.”
“I’ll keep my guard up.”  He gave Greg a nod and soft pat on the arm before turning to leave.  “And thanks for telling me.”
Casey breathed out slowly through his nose, leveling his gaze with the four mutant turtles in front of him.  He was going to chew them out, yes, but he knew damn well they wouldn't listen if he wasn't at least moderately calm.
"You can't go around using the sewer as your own personal urinal."
Mikey snorted.  "I don't know if you've noticed, but it's a sewer, brah.  It's not like we're peeing behind trees or something."
"That's not the point-"  Movement from behind the line of turtles caught his eye.  It was a certain anthropomorphic rat trying to sneak off.  "Hey!  You're a part of this too."
Splinter froze for a few beats, narrowing his eyes before reluctantly rejoining the group.
“You can’t just piss in the sewer because it’s disgusting.   Donnie, you’re a genius with a high tech lab, but you don’t have a bathroom?! ”
“Well when you say it like that-”
“Wait–”  A thought had occurred to him.  “All those times you said I couldn’t use your bathroom because the toilet was clogged–”
“Was a lie.  Yes.  Try to keep up, Jones.”
He groaned, turning to leave and find himself a much more productive and relaxing use of his time.  “Alright, whatever.  Just get yourselves an actual bathroom.”
“Or what?” Raph piped up.
Casey could feel a smirk taking over his face as he pulled out his hidden trump card.  “I’ll tell April.”
The cacophony that rose up behind him as he left the sewer was music to his ears.
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saintnightshade · 1 year
Show Me Who You Are
(TicciVoid -> OcxToby)       
"C-come on! You've s-seen my face, ngh, you know what I look like! Woo! S-show me yours!" God, Void couldn't believe this shite, he got stuck doing the nightly perimeter check with hatchet man… got stuck working with someone who wasn't one of his brothers. "No." was the only thing he managed to get out before hatchet man threw his arms around Void's neck, hanging off him like a twitchy monkey and going into another long tirade about how 'that's not fair' and 'you've been here for months' blah blah blah… Void could feel his face heat up beneath his mask as he pried the other man's arms off from around his neck and shoved him away. Void jammed his balled fists into the pockets of his leather jacket and carried on with the check, walking ahead of hatchet man.
This place, this mansion, was the definition of a goddamn nut house, fuck the loony bin, this place had nothing on Saint Rhodes. And Mother really wanted them to play NICE with these people?! Void might be slipping into 'calling the kettle black' territory here but he did not care, not anymore. He couldn't handle this; everything here was so chaotic, people coming and going at all hours, it all seemed so… disorganized. He and his brothers prided themselves in their roles and organization back at their home. Especially Soldat and Hush, they both had their hang-ups about that kinda stuff. Were they not just as fed up as he was? Weren't they overwhelmed? Then again... this wasn't their home. It wasn't his home.
So...Maybe he's being… a LITTLE disagreeable. Maybe. Like a child being forced to move into his new stepfather's home… Eugh, Void vigorously shook his head at that unwanted thought. This is all so new, so strange and nobody seems to want to give him the time to take it all in. Not even a little. Void stepped around a divot in the ground while clenching and unclenching his fists a few times, his breathing began picking up. They'd stare at him, talk about him, question him. Untrusting, suspicious, everywhere all at once, watching and watching. Waiting for him to screw up probably or turn his back so they'd have a new place to stick their knives. It's not like he came here willingly, it's not like he threw a wrench into their perfect little routines on purpose.
Void hadn't noticed that hatchet man had stopped babbling, in fact, he had forgotten that he was even there. He was too in his head, too preoccupied with the onslaught of so many feelings all at once... A panic attack?! Now?! The crunching of dirt and gravel beneath his feet was becoming unbearably loud. His chest seemed to tighten with every rapid pulse of his heart and every shallow breath he took; sucking the life out of his limbs, leaving them feeling numb and shakey. His legs suddenly buckled from under him forcing him to kneel in the dirt, no not now, no one can see this! He was screaming on the inside, thoughts racing faster than he could grasp them and he just couldn't stop it. He can't be weak, Void is not weak! He terrorizes and maims and murders, people like him do not do this! His face was getting so hot, but everywhere else felt so cold. Sweat was beginning to roll down his face and back. His hands felt clammy and stiff and they hurt from all the flexing.
A pair of hands suddenly rested on his shoulders jolting him every so slightly from his daze, he couldn't think straight, couldn't see who the hands belonged to. His eyes were blurry from the tears he was trying to hold back and his mind was a jumbled mess. He couldn't breathe, the mask was making it worse… it was so hot, so suffocating, off off off, please. Please. With clammy hands he shakily brings them up and onto his mask and tears it off, throwing it to the side and onto the ground. Fresh cool air rushes over his face. cooling his burning skin. The only thing he can hear is his loud gasping pants, desperately trying to gulp in as much air as he can. He can hear the blood rushing in his ears and the occasional vague noise from somewhere in front of him.
Void rubs his hands over his bare face and begins counting in his head, going through the steps to correct himself. He focuses on the weight on his shoulders; hands. They're not his or Soldats or Hushs… It's hatch… Rodgers. Toby. He's kneeling in front of him gripping hard and pressing down on Void's shoulders, anchoring him, whether he knows it or not. Void takes the opportunity to clamp his hands around Toby's wrists, he pulls down with his weight forcing Toby to push down harder and he does. Void methodically breaths in, out, in and out. His head bowed the whole time, avoiding any possible eye contact, trying not to think about the humiliation he feels. A panic attack in front of anyone makes him want to vault off a bridge out of pure humiliation but he can't even do that if he can't fucking stand up on his own. He needs…
"I-I won't l-look. Just, ngh, st-top f-freaking out and breathe normally, woo, or else you'll p-pass out."
Toby's voice interrupted his jumbled train of thought, his words were surprisingly calm, and his voice was a soothing melody amidst the chaos in Void's mind. The grip on his wrists never wavered, it was steady and sure. Toby was a mystery to him, he seemed to switch from being overly talkative and chaotic to being surprisingly perceptive and calm. Void's panic attack must have damaged his brain... His breathing began to slow as the panic subsided but he did not pick up his head, still too raw from the episode.
"You okay?" Toby asked softly, his jerking to the side as did, his grip on Void's shoulders slowly loosening. Void nodded, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. He felt embarrassed and exposed like all his fears and weaknesses were laid bare for the world to see. He quickly retrieved his mask, not even bothering to wipe it off and put it back on, the familiar weight of it embracing him and giving him a sense of security. Only now did he dare to slowly lift his head to face Toby and when he met his gaze he was surprised to see, what he thought was, a genuine look of concern on his face. "...Thanks." Void said gruffly, his voice cracking a little from stress, he got to his feet with Toby's help. "I'll be okay."
"No p-problem," Toby said, giving him a crooked smile and lightly clapping him on the back. "We've all gotta, woo, have a m-mental breakdown every, ngh, n-now and then." Toby snorted out a laugh. Beneath his mask Void allowed a small smile to leak through, he knew this was an attempt at brushing off the whole debacle and he appreciated it. Void wiped his hands on his jeans and nodded. He still didn't trust Toby fully but it was as good of a start as any. "We better finish up here before Masky gets sent out after us." Void said, "Plus I'm getting hungry, nothing works up an appetite faster than having a mental breakdown at night in the middle of the woods." Void nodded his head towards the path in front of them and began walking with Toby matching his pace. "Oooo, w-was that a, ngh, joke?" Toby snorted "I didn't, woo, know you c-could do that… or, uh, is it s-sarcasm?"
They continued the rest of their perimeter check in this manner; Toby filled the silence by talking about everything and nothing while Void occasionally chimed in with his own short comments. They seemed more at ease around each other, maybe it wouldn't last but Void was pleased they at least had something positive come out of tonight's meltdown.
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onyxolay · 1 year
Archie meets Kritten part 3: Bar fight
By now it had been a good three months sesne the duo had met. They had become very good friends and their days consisted of having fun in the house, planting and gardening crops, and mining. They also loved to go to places they’ve never seen before and explore as well! Over all life was great, one morning though, Archie hears a knock on his door.
A human busts through the door, startling Kritten under the covers who had just woke up. “HAHA! YOU CANT KEEP OLLIE IN THE LOONY BIN FOREVER! Damn Archie who’s that? Did you get a boyfriend while I was gone? Sweet congrats!” “Huh- Wha..?” Archie had just woke up as well, rubbing his eyes. He looks at Kritten who is blushing under the covers, still startled by the kids sudden break in. “What- Ollie- no- they are NOT my boyfriend we literally met three months ago!” “That didn’t stop you from dating that other guy!” Kritten say up and looked at Archie with a kinda sad face, “what other guy..?” He was still very tired haven just woken up. “I- just an ex of mine, and Ollie you shut up! Now what’s really you doing here?” Ollie open a trap door next to the cooler Kritten hadn’t noticed before hand. “Ha- what do ya think short stack? Hiding!” Archie rolled his eyes. “Okay okay, just be careful alright?” “Alrighty then! Bai!” “Goodbye psychopath!”.
Ollie dropped down into the hole and closed the trap door and Kritten was left confused as ever. “He-“ “yeah I know it’s consuming at first but you’ll get to know him better as time goes on! Come on let’s get our days started! HEY OLLIE YOU WANT ANYTHING???” “NAH MAN IM FINE!” “OKAY! Anyways! Eggs?” Archie smiled. Kristen smiled and giggled, “hahaha! Yes please!” Archie got to cooking the eggs as Kritten happily watched.
Later on in the day the sun started to go down and Archie decided to bring Kritten to a local bar with him. “Now listen, they will only let you in becuase You’re with me alright? Because of our size they will I.D us too make sure we’re over 21, so be careful okay?” “Mhm!” They walked into the bar and sat down at the well- bar. The bartender welcomed them both. “Hello Archie! I see you’ve brought a friend with you! Who might you be?” “I-I’m Kritten.” “Nice name! Welcome to the bar, what would you two gentleman like?” Archie held his finger up, “I’d like my usual with the chicken tenders, the honey bbq kind please!” “On it! And Kritten?” “I-I’ll have whatever he’s having.” “Great choice! Archie is a man of taste! I can tell by the way he brung you here! Haha!” Archie almost dropped his money. “THEY’RE NOT MY BOYFRIEND!!!” Archie huffed and the bartender just laughed. “HAHAHAHA- alright then boys what tab will all that be on?” “My tab,” Archie replied. It’s Krittens first time here and he doesn’t have one.” “Okay then! Well I hope you come in more Kritten this place is great when there isn’t any fights!” “F-fights?” “Yeah,” Archie continued. “Sometimes people get to drunk and start a FI-“
Archie is immediately punched off of his chair and is picked up by a piglin. Kritten starred in fear and disbelief. “No..No fucking way you gotta be kidding me!!!” Holding Archie there was Uggub…the one person that Kritten was hoping to never see again. “HA! So YOU’RE the creature that has been giving that runt Kritten sanctuary! Say goodbye to your little boyfriend Kritten becuase you’re coming with me weather you like it or not!” Uggub punched Archie squarer in the face and all Archie could do was bite him till he got off of him. “NO! IM NOT GOING WITH YOU BACK TO THE NETHER WITH YOU! AND GET OFF OF MY FRIEND!“ Kritten gets Involved and runs to Uggub, hitting him with his golden axe. Uggub throws Kritten to the side and continues to beat up Archie. A few others got involved to try and break it up or beat up Uggub, nobody succeeded in stopping the fight until the bartender came out and saw what was happening.
“HEY HEY HEY BREAK IT UP! BREKA IT UP! YOU. PIGLIN BRUTE GET OUT!!!” “What-?” “GET OUT! I DONT EVER WANNA SEE YOU HERE AGAIN!” Uggub ran out and Kritten immediately got on his knees to check on Archie who was almost passed out on the floor. Archie try’s to sit up only for his head to fall on Krittens lap. “Oh my- Archie are you okay…?!” “Y-Yeha man who- who the hell was that..?” “That’s sad Uggub…I’m so sorry I didn’t know he’d be here..!” Kritten is nearly in tears and Archie reached to to rub his cheek. “There there now buddy it’s not your fault…” the bartender walks up to them, “Are you two okay? Would you still like your food and drinks?” Kritten replies: “I-I’d like mine yes- What about you Archie?” “Sure..” “okay then. You need to rest so I’ll just get you some wa-“ “No! I want my usual drink!” “Okay damn-“
As Kritten and Archie sit at a booth finishing their food Kritten holds Archies hand and looks at him. “Hey there Archie you feeling any better?” “Ugh..sort of~” Archies head fell on Krittens shoulder. “Ohh boy, you surely are drunk aren’t you?” Oh yeah~ heheheeheheheeee~!” Archie purred and scooted closer to Kritten, putting his arm around his waist. Kritten flinched for a second before sorta melting into it. He calmed down and let Archie hold him there. “So sweetie~ how we doin tonight~?” Archie I closer to Krittens face. Kritten scoots back a little bit away from Archie blushing, not sure what to do. “I must say…heh- you do look- *hic* very handsome~” “I-I-I-I- thank you-! I-“ Archie planted a little kiss on Krittens cheeks before eating the rest of his chicken and grabs the piglins hand to leave.
Archie just flirted more on the way home, Kritten was a blushing and confused mess and wasn’t to sure as of what to do besides to get Archie home and in bed. They get home eventually, Kritten helps Archie take his coat and boots off, getting him into bed and under the covers. Kritten joins him and turns to face the wall like usual when he feels Archies arms wrap around his body. “H-huh-“ “shhh…just sleep Krit.~..” “o-okay..!” Kritten blushed even harder, but he fell asleep eventually…
The next morning Archie woke up with a Terrible hang over, so that morning Kritten cooked breakfast. The whole morning Kritten felt an odd feeling of butterflies in his stomach remembering last night, Archie seemed to pick up on it though when Kritten sat his breakfast down in front of him and asked: “Hey Kritten you okay? You seem rather shy this morning. Are you still shook up Becuase of the fight last night?” “W-well yes but- no..y-you see uh- hehe- after the fight you got really drunk and..” “and what? Oh lord I didn’t hurt anyone did I?!” “What-?! No! You- we were finishing our food and you started to flirt with me..you kissed my cheeks and told me how handsome I was, you continued the behavior as we walked home! Even when I tucked you in, when I got in the bed you cuddled me to sleep.” Archie was shocked, he had a very blurry memory of what happened but he wasn’t fully aware of what he was actually doing. “O-oh shit man I am SO SO sorry if I made you uncomfortable- hey man listen if I ever pull some shit like that again just push me off and shit me up some how okay? I’m super sorry-“ “it’s okay..! You don’t make me uncomfortable at all, you just..surprised me is all hehe..” “o-oh, well okay then. What I said still goes though, if I ever make you uncomfortable PLEASE tell me to stop cause I don’t wanna make you feel that way EVER.” “Thank you Archie, and I will make sure to do that…” Kritten crawled up on the bed and next to Archie, leaving his head on Archie’s shoulder as Archie ate. Archie chilled and just kept on eating his breakfast.
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ridiculoser06 · 1 year
Like I know the whole thing with Bright Young Things is like you don’t need money to be happy but I am so pissed off at Adam. He cannot treat Nina right. Nina should be with me on GOD.
Adam literally does not try to make money. And when he does come into money he gambles it away like the stupid prick he is. Multiple times this happens. I HATE MEN!!! And to Ginger of all people!!! Come onnnn! Poor Nina, she deserves a nice life, she shouldn’t be in that munitions factory. Adam makes me punch walls. I can’t stop watching this film but when it comes to an Adam gambling scene I actually start punching my pillow. You just know that in the very end Adam did NOT get a job. Lazy butthead.
Side note I hate Ginger. It’s conflicting because he’s David Tennant but he makes me ENRAGED. Also why did Adam give him all the money like at least keep 4K for yourself big man. You have a child and a wife to feed.
Michael Sheen’s line delivery per usual making me want to throw myself off of a bridge (in a good way) he’s so UGAHHUUHA he’s so 😍🤤 Miles crying felt like someone was grinding my heart up into teeny tiny little pieces then ramming the heel of their shoe into the pieces crushing them further it into a fine sand-like powder, then snorting it as if it was crack straight off the ground it’s been crushed into.
Miles. My angel. My boy. My love and my life. My heart and my soul. My darling and my dearest. He’s so perfect. I could live a hundred years and never watch this film again yet on my deathbed my final thoughts will be of him. I will think about him every day until my memories are scrambled together and my brain is the same consistency as porridge.
Young Michael Sheen sets me off like this. I’ve not been the same since watching this film.
Also the fact that we don’t know what happens to Miles or Aggie in the very end is eating me up. Like I get Miles got outed and I get that Agatha’s in the loony bin but like what happened to them during/after the war. This is why I write fanfiction.
✿Tl;dr- I’m gonna write bright young things fan fiction. ✿
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moodboardsbysarah · 2 years
the entities that attached to my schizophrenic ex are trying to attach to me too since me and him are corded. they very much dont like me because I ambushed them and scared them away when I offered my ex all that unconditional love. theyre targetting me because I am growing into a powerful force for good. theyre abusing our cord and trying to torment me with parasitic thoughts. thoughts that I'm not good enough, I'm a slut, I need to become boring and blend in more (aka hide and be a coward) in order to be actualized, nobody will ever understand my thoughts so its futile to try and share anything with others, I'm a bad person for letting myself experience happiness, I'm doing the wrong thing by manifesting abundance in my life because it is "unfeminine" "unwomanly" of me to be a hustler, I'm never gonna be as smart as him or as good at anything as him so why bother trying, I'm a bad person for acting in my interests and protecting myself instead of completely dying for him... no matter how horribly he treats me...
I understand more clearly why he told me to run away now. he really did love me and want the best for me. he was literally telling me to run from the entities that are possessing him and working through him. he didn't have the words to explain what he was experiencing since society throws you in the loony bin if you tell someone about seeing entities and hearing voices. society is built to gaslight people's experiences as a method of controlling perceptions... the entities who puppeteer society don't want us to know they are real... obviously. also, gaslighting people is a way to create disconnection between people, create a depressed isolationist complex among those who perceive the entities (schizophrenics), which further feeds the entities their low-vibrational fear energy.
society suppresses all knowledge of entity attachments and pathologizes schizophrenics... when really, schizophrenics are seeing very real things that most people's perceptions are too limited to see. human perceptions are controlled and limited by alien forces, such as the reptilians, just to name one. most of us are not able to perceive what schizophrenics perceive. that doesn't mean what the schizos are perceiving isn't real. schizophrenics feel isolated because of how society treats them like loons. if we acknowledged the existence of these entities and how they are a predatory species upon humankind, I think we would help schizophrenics greatly. schizophrenics are valuable people who can teach us lots about fighting off entities -- if we only acknowledged that these entities are real in the first place and encouraged the schizos to confront them, instead of told the schizos to just ignore them and hate themselves for seeing them and medicate their very real perceptions away. they could be warriors who push forward our understanding of hostile interdimensional entities and entity attachments... two things which are absolutely real but suppressed by mainstream psychiatric institutions, for reasons stated above.
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Uuugh! I just wanna rip my fucking face off !!! I can't anymore-i just cant ! I look too much like her ! I can feel her creeping ! I need to get out ! How !?
I have this violent urge to go in the bathroom an just cut my face so there-then I won't look like them. Not anymore.
I'm at a place where I can't do that, w/ my job. They'll throw me into the loony bin the minute they see what I've done to my face.
God, I just fucking can't anymore ! The infection !
Is there any CHEAP ways to make my face not look like hers anymore? Pls I need some ideas pls.
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casspurrjoybell-32 · 8 months
All It Took Was One Look - Chapter 4
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*Warning Adult Content*
After that crazy family episode Jeanine, Eric and I made plans to hang at Starbucks for a while.
It was our favorite hangout spot.
It was a Sunday and I was dying to get out of this house, Nash was still hounding me about what mom was talking about on Friday.
He just didn't believe me and I was starting to get annoyed.
I literally had to slam the door in his face and lock it, he was knocking yelling to open the door for a whole five minutes till he finally gave up.
I mean damn do I looked like a damsel in distress?
I can handle myself. Jeez.
And this is the reason why I'm planning my escape from this loony bin I call a home.
I took a quick shower, towel dried my hair;.m
My hair was naturally straight so I didn't have to waste my time on it.
I bumped into Connie on the way down stairs.
I quickly grabbed her by the arms and steadied her on her feet.
"Dang Con, my bad," I said to her, I really don't think that she heard me though since she hand her iPod in.
I walked past her into the kitchen where my dad was drinking coffee and reading a new book.
Sitting at the table across him I took an orange off the table and began to peel it.
It was silent for a long while.
I was half done with my orange when my dad finally looked up from him book and said something.
"So what's on your agenda for today?" he asked meeting my gaze.
I shrugged stuffing the rest of my orange in my mouth.
"Eric and Jayare coming to pick me up to go to Starbucks."
I got up to throw the peels away and turn towards him leaning a hip on the counter.
He nodded taking a sip of coffee.
"You should take Connie with you. She's been bored all day," he suggested.
I frowned at him like he was crazy.
Connie has friends, she doesn't need to hang out with mine.
"She has her own friends. She doesn't need to hang with mine," I voiced my thoughts.
He sighed and shook his head.
"I think her and Jennifer had a fight. She's been moping around here all weekend. So I thought you could be a good big brother and take her mind off of it. Or is that just social suicide," he said with a fake shocked face.
I suppressed my smile as I shook my head at him.
"Okay, okay. I'll take her," I huffed at him leaving the kitchen with slouched shoulders.
I knocked on Connie's door.
"Come in," she yelled.
Opening the door I saw her laid out on her back reading some teen magazine.
'Con and her magazines,' I thought mentally shaking my head.
I looked around her room and saw all the posters and articles she had torn from them tapped to her walls.
Her room was a sky blue but every inch of the walls were coved in her stupid posters and pictures of friends.
Looking over to her, she was staring at me impatiently.
"Hurry up and get dressed were going out," I said before turning to leave.
"Okay," her chipper voice followed me as I left.
I grabbed my cell-phone from my room and called Jay.
"Hey man," Eric's voice startled me, did I call the right person?
As I was about to check he said.
"Yes you called the right number dumbass but Jay's driving," he said.
I rolled my eyes... smart ass.
"We're almost there," I heard Jay yell through the phone.
"Yeah like she said we're almost there," he said.
"Oh okay. I just called to let you guys know that Connie's coming with us," I told him and heard him repeat it to Jay and regrettably her scream.
'OMG I miss her we have so much to talk about.'
I held the phone away from my ear wincing as it started to ring.
God I hated it when she did that.
"Tell her to warn a person first before she goes all banshee statues," I growled at Eric.
He chuckled repeated it to her.
Connie came in my room and sat on my bed waiting for me.
I looked at her and rolled my eyes at my cell-phone causing her to giggle.
"What?" I asked Eric because I missed what Jay was saying.
"She said to get off and shove it," he repeated, I could hear the smile in his voice.
"Yeah I'll shove it in her mouth," I said.
Connie looked at me with as her jaw dropped.
Oops I forgot I had to be g-rated around her.
"You do know you're on speaker right?" I heard Jay say.
I shrugged and said...
"Doesn't change a thing."
"Whatever jackass. We're outside now. Hurry up. I NEED MY CAFENIE," she screamed again but this time I just hung up.
My friends are just as crazy as my family.
"Come on," I told Connie as I left the room.
We bounced down the stairs.
"I'm leaving," I yelled to whoever was listening.
I heard my dad answer, asking if Connie was with me and I answered yes, rolling my eyes as we made our way to the car.
As we climbed in the back seat Jay turned to look at us.
She looked at me with a big smile.
"Hello fat cow," she yelled in a fake British accent.
"Hello fatter cow," I responded with the same.
"Hey Con Con," Jay said excitedly.
"Hey, Jay," she said smiling brightly.
At least she was happy.
I'm going to have to ask her what happened with Jennifer at some time..
"Hey man," I heard Eric said from the front seat reaching back here to do the guy handshake.
"Hey," I said, back at him.
"Alright. It's time for my daily dose of COFFEE," Jeanine yelled before pealing out of the drive way.
Not long after, we were at Starbucks ordering.
"And you, sir?' the lady asked me.
"I'll have a mocha frap with an extra shot, no whip, please," I said then looked down at Connie.
"What do you want?" I asked her taking out my wallet.
"Same as you," she said walking over to where Eric and J sat as I paid and went to join them.
"So how's life Con Con," Jay asked, taking a sip of her drink.
I don't know how she did it but her coffee was already ready when we got here.
We all gave her a crazy look which resulted in...
"What, I got hook ups bitches..." and sat down enjoyed her crack because that was what coffee was to her.
"Ah. A bummer..." Connie answered.
"Aww, why?" she asked her straw still in her mouth, like a breathing tube or something.
Eric noticed as well and we started cracking up.
She gave us a weird looks before focusing back on Connie.
"Well me and my best friend got in to it on Friday," she muttered.
Now I'm listening.
"Oh and what happened?" Jay asked straw still in her mouth.
"Well I mean we were having a great time, we were watching the new season of vampire diaries and then her cell-phone rang so I grabbed it playing around, you know. But when I saw who was calling. I got mad. I mean why would he call her?"
"Aiden. Connie."
Our names being called interrupted her story.
I quickly got up and grabbed the drinks thanking the lady and heading back.
Handing Connie hers and a straw I went back to focusing on her.
"Thanks," she said to me before continuing.
"So anyway, like I said I was confused as to why he was calling her. So I asked her but she started acting weird and wouldn't look me in the eye, then I just knew. She was going out with Bobby, MY Bobby," she said animated.
She had a scowl on her face.
Then it hit me, she said 'My Bobby.'
She's only fourteen, she doesn't need to be dating.
Or calling them hers.
I mean I'm seventeen and I haven't even been kissed... Don't judge me.
"No. So this bobby guy is like your boyfriend or something?" Jay asked consumed in the story.
"W-well not exactly, it's just that I really like Bobby, ever since fifth grade and here comes Jen trying to steal him from me. She knows how I feel about him," she exclaimed throwing her hands in the air.
I looked over to Eric who was shaking his head at how ridiculous this conversation was.
"So she finally told me that Bobby asked her out and she... said.... yes. So I left and haven't talked her since."
"Well hun let me tell you something," Jay began.
"A boy isn't important enough to ruin your friendship with Jennifer. So here what you do. You go back to your friend's house tell her that what she did was wrong especially if she knew how you felt about it. Then sit down and finish watching vampire diaries because Damen's a sexy beast," she finished... taking a congratulatory sip from her drink.
I shook my head.
"Yeah Con you shouldn't even be thinking about boys in the first place," I told her sternly.
"Your one to talk," she scoffed as she sipped her frappe.
My heart stopped as I realized what she said and who was sitting at the table.
My gaze snapped towards Eric and he had a confused look on his face.
He was frowning at Connie before he turned to me.
I looked to Jay with pleading eyes, she caught it.
"Sooo, E-r-i-c," she said dragging out his name to grab his attention.
"Did you meet any hot girls in Alaska? Oh, wait they were probably all cold weren't they, am I right?" she said raising her hand to him for a high five.
Eric stared at her with wide eyes before busting up.
"Ne-never i-in your l-life say that again," he exclaimed clutching his stomach as he hunched over the table.
"What, I thought it was clean," She grumbled around her straw.
"Yeah but it was so puny," Eric said taking a deep breath.
"No but seriously I didn't know that place was hiding all those furry booted babes, I would have visited my pops a long time ago. Like the time when I found out what my dick could do."
This caused me to choke on my coffee, Connie was hitting my back as hard as she could. It really didn't help.
Once I caught my breath I gave Eric a death glare.
"What?" he asked giving me and innocent look.
"My sister's at the table," I hissed glaring at him.
His mouth formed an 'o' then he grinned sheepishly.
"My bad Con," he said to her and she just waved it off.
"You're such a pig," Jay said taking a swig of her drink.
"Oink, oink baby," he said wiggling his eyes suggestively.
Connie started to laugh at that.
I just shook my head, ever since we had seen that 'Saved by the Bell' episode this is how these conversations ended.
"So Aiden, are you up to going with me next time to my pops so we can wreak havoc on the ladies?' he asked, looking at me intently.
I just laughed nervously.
"Y-yeah, l-let's get in th-those pants," I said awkwardly clearing my throat.
I caught Connie's frowning face.
"What? But I thought you were..." Jay quickly stated coughing loudly causing Eric to pat her back worriedly while I shoved Connie's straw in her mouth.
"Let's not let this go to waste," I said patting her head. I sighed grabbing my coffee.
My hairs going to turn grey before this day even ends.
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wisepidgeon · 9 months
Ah the new year
Honestly I wish tonight was special or something cool was happening and for some people I'm sure it is me I'm just trying to restart my life again
Some context on Christmas eve red canceled our plans and that set me off I was gonna throw myself off a bridge and yeah I told her my plan how I was feeling asked for help in the only way my panicked brain knew how I was not ok I did not handle things well
She called the cops I went to a mental hospital three days later I'm out and yeahthingd are good started going to work the next day had a day off spent that with a friend (took acidfor the first and not time) and it's suddenly new years eve I wake up early and im trying to set a schedule
I've decided I won't text red she has been making me feel like shit and I'm really trying to avoid thinking about her she canceled plans we had set in stone the night b4 it was shit but she did it because some dude bought them a room and honestly that's bullshit I don't care if he spent money you had plans and yo knew I was having a hard time and wouldn't take it well
Ah got mad for a sec it's still fresh but point is I don't wanna reach out to her I'm hurt
I guess the big thing is I've been out for a few days and she hasn't said anything like she said she cared about me even on Christmas eve and for her to not even try talking to me texting me anything makes me feel so fucking used and when I'm around people I'm good and don't have to think about it but I'm alone right now and I can't sleep
I know she is bad for me I know that she doesn't care about me I know I just wish she did and things could be ok and now I don't think they can ever be ok again I can never forgive her for sending me to the loony bin like that she knew better and honestly im really angry when I think about that
At the same time I'm sad I lost someone I loved someone who at one point I called and thought of as my wife she even told me the same and it hurts so I'm really not doing well tonight and I'm really gonna try hard in this upcoming year 2024 year of the dragon I'm gonna do my best
It's gonna be hard but I'm gonna keep trying because you don't lose til you quit and I'm not gonna be a loser anymore I'm not gonna quit on myself even if it's hard and I wanna die sometimes I'm gonna be ok I've got some friends and family and I'm gonna try to make more I've got a job so I'm gonna keep working
So far the hardest part of my day has been waljng past her apartment and job everyday but I haven't thought about her when I woke up for 2 days now so maybe I can learn to heal and move on. Even if she doesn't care about me I can even if she Doesn't love me I can. I know I can be important to myself and honest with myself and some of that starts here and now
I've got some thinking todo and alot of work ahead of me but this is my year I came it and ill do my very fucking best
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Dannymay 31
I’m the Phantom and the other a throwing tantrum.
I have the coolest name for a ghost, what other name would I boast? Apparition, not of my volition,
Spirit, what a dispirit,
Haunt, not what I want,
Spectre, sound like a funeral director,
Wraith, not a name with good faith,
Poltergeist, I’d be sacrificed.
Specter, not a misery collector,
Zombie, do I look like rhombi,
Vampire, I would rather rampire.
Shadow, that one I have to forego
Spook, do you want me to puke,
Angel, burry me in grange hill,
Demon, I rather be a freeman,
Sprite, sound like an ectoparasite,
Bogy, I’m not an old fogy,
Vision, would sound like indecision,
Phantasm, would get confused for cardiospasm,
Bogie, everybody would go boogie-woogie,
Materialization, sounds like something by a corporation,
Ghoul, do you take me for a tomfool,
Visitant, I’m a nonparticipant,
Zombie, I’m not a combi,
Familiar spirit, not something I wanna inspirit,
Fantasm, coconscious note the sarcasm,
Hant, I just can’t,
Bogey, we been over this pass the pirogi,
Doppelganger, too much of a cliffhanger,
Shade, and the options just cascade,
Djinn, I’d go straight to the loony bin,
Daimon, I’m no highwayman
Genie, ugh when can I get a martini,
Familiar, it just feels auxiliar,
Double, sounds like trouble,
Jinn, wow the selection is getting really thin,
Fetch, I’d just be called a wretch
Devil, how low-level,
Jinni, people would think I was a ninny,
Incubus, not really a plus,
Succubus, place the leaves like succubous,
Djinni, just rephasing words to make this less skinny,
Daemon, I’m not the gleeman,
Genius, how ingenious,
Lemures, non of these are redeemers,
Manes, are we done rotting my brains,
Imp, the option here are rather limp,
Lamia, I don’t live in mesopotamia
Shaitan, oh come-on
Fiend, that one need to be quarantined
Cacodemon are you gonna end it with eudemon?
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saintnightshade · 1 year
Show Me Who You Are
(Panic/anxiety attack, written from personal experience)
"C-come on! You've s-seen my face, ngh, you know what I look like! Woo! S-show me yours!" God, Void couldn't believe this shite, he got stuck doing the nightly perimeter check with hatchet man… got stuck working with someone who wasn't one of his brothers. "No." was the only thing he managed to get out before hatchet man threw his arms around Void's neck, hanging off him like a twitchy monkey and going into another long tirade about how 'that's not fair' and 'you've been here for months' blah blah blah… Void could feel his face heat up beneath his mask as he pried the other man's arms off from around his neck and shoved him away. Void jammed his balled fists into the pockets of his leather jacket and carried on with the check, walking ahead of hatchet man.
This place, this mansion, was the definition of a goddamn nut house, fuck the loony bin, this place had nothing on Saint Rhodes. And Mother really wanted them to play NICE with these people?! Void might be slipping into 'calling the kettle black' territory here but he did not care, not anymore. He couldn't handle this; everything here was so chaotic, people coming and going at all hours, it all seemed so… disorganized. He and his brothers prided themselves in their roles and organization back at their home. Especially Soldat and Hush, they both had their hang-ups about that kinda stuff. Were they not just as fed up as he was? Weren't they overwhelmed? Then again... this wasn't their home. It wasn't his home.
So...Maybe he's being… a LITTLE disagreeable. Maybe. Like a child being forced to move into his new stepfather's home… Eugh, Void vigorously shook his head at that unwanted thought. This is all so new, so strange and nobody seems to want to give him the time to take it all in. Not even a little. Void stepped around a divot in the ground while clenching and unclenching his fists a few times, his breathing began picking up. They'd stare at him, talk about him, question him. Untrusting, suspicious, everywhere all at once, watching and watching. Waiting for him to screw up probably or turn his back so they'd have a new place to stick their knives. It's not like he came here willingly, it's not like he threw a wrench into their perfect little routines on purpose.
Void hadn't noticed that hatchet man had stopped babbling, in fact, he had forgotten that he was even there. He was too in his head, too preoccupied with the onslaught of so many feelings all at once... A panic attack?! Now?! The crunching of dirt and gravel beneath his feet was becoming unbearably loud. His chest seemed to tighten with every rapid pulse of his heart and every shallow breath he took; sucking the life out of his limbs, leaving them feeling numb and shakey. His legs suddenly buckled from under him forcing him to kneel in the dirt, no not now, no one can see this! He was screaming on the inside, thoughts racing faster than he could grasp them and he just couldn't stop it. He can't be weak, Void is not weak! He terrorizes and maims and murders, people like him do not do this! His face was getting so hot, but everywhere else felt so cold. Sweat was beginning to roll down his face and back. His hands felt clammy and stiff and they hurt from all the flexing.
A pair of hands suddenly rested on his shoulders jolting him every so slightly from his daze, he couldn't think straight, couldn't see who the hands belonged to. His eyes were blurry from the tears he was trying to hold back and his mind was a jumbled mess. He couldn't breathe, the mask was making it worse… it was so hot, so suffocating, off off off, please. Please. With clammy hands he shakily brings them up and onto his mask and tears it off, throwing it to the side and onto the ground. Fresh cool air rushes over his face. cooling his burning skin. The only thing he can hear is his loud gasping pants, desperately trying to gulp in as much air as he can. He can hear the blood rushing in his ears and the occasional vague noise from somewhere in front of him.
Void rubs his hands over his bare face and begins counting in his head, going through the steps to correct himself. He focuses on the weight on his shoulders; hands. They're not his or Soldats or Hushs… It's hatch… Rodgers. Toby. He's kneeling in front of him gripping hard and pressing down on Void's shoulders, anchoring him, whether he knows it or not. Void takes the opportunity to clamp his hands around Toby's wrists, he pulls down with his weight forcing Toby to push down harder and he does. Void methodically breaths in, out, in and out. His head bowed the whole time, avoiding any possible eye contact, trying not to think about the humiliation he feels. A panic attack in front of anyone makes him want to vault off a bridge out of pure humiliation but he can't even do that if he can't fucking stand up on his own. He needs…
"I-I won't l-look. Just, ngh, st-top f-freaking out and breathe normally, woo, or else you'll p-pass out."
Toby's voice interrupted his jumbled train of thought, his words were surprisingly calm, and his voice was a soothing melody amidst the chaos in Void's mind. The grip on his wrists never wavered, it was steady and sure. Toby was a mystery to him, he seemed to switch from being overly talkative and chaotic to being surprisingly perceptive and calm. Void's panic attack must have damaged his brain... His breathing began to slow as the panic subsided but he did not pick up his head, still too raw from the episode.
"You okay?" Toby asked softly, his jerking to the side as did, his grip on Void's shoulders slowly loosening. Void nodded, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. He felt embarrassed and exposed like all his fears and weaknesses were laid bare for the world to see. He quickly retrieved his mask, not even bothering to wipe it off and put it back on, the familiar weight of it embracing him and giving him a sense of security. Only now did he dare to slowly lift his head to face Toby and when he met his gaze he was surprised to see, what he thought was, a genuine look of concern on his face.
"...Thanks." Void said gruffly, his voice cracking a little from stress, he got to his feet with Toby's help. "I'll be okay."
"No p-problem," Toby said, giving him a crooked smile and lightly clapping him on the back. "We've all gotta, woo, have a m-mental breakdown every, ngh, n-now and then." Toby snorted out a laugh. Beneath his mask Void allowed a small smile to leak through, he knew this was an attempt at brushing off the whole debacle and he appreciated it. Void wiped his hands on his jeans and nodded. He still didn't trust Toby fully but it was as good of a start as any. "We better finish up here before Masky gets sent out after us." Void said, "Plus I'm getting hungry, nothing works up an appetite faster than having a mental breakdown at night in the middle of the woods." Void nodded his head towards the path in front of them and began walking with Toby matching his pace. "Oooo, w-was that a, ngh, joke?" Toby snorted "I didn't, woo, know you c-could do that… or, uh, is it s-sarcasm?"
They continued the rest of their perimeter check in this manner; Toby filled the silence by talking about everything and nothing while Void occasionally chimed in with his own short comments. They seemed more at ease around each other, maybe it wouldn't last but Void was pleased they at least had something positive come out of tonight's meltdown.
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