#just to make me feel worse about not getting that variant šŸ˜­
piepiepiemag Ā· 4 months
imagine the scenario: iā€™m using ascendant midas, zooming with my car towards reckless railways. my map shows me aresā€™ medallion. i go towards it. there are no items around it, indicating a fight, just a medal next to a bush.
ā€œsuspiciousā€¦ā€ i say ā€œā€¦but shiny!ā€
i get out of the car and grab it. motherfucking MONTAGUE jumps out of the bush and shotguns me to death. "ughhh You....." is all i can say.
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wickjump Ā· 2 months
Hey. Hey come here.
*gets really close and whispers in your ear*
Nightmare with leg problems/chronic pain in legs that he doesn't want to admit/acknowledge until one day he literally falls down in front of one of his gang members (like Killer for example) and finally needs to acknowledge it and is forced to go to a doctor and finds out he needs to use a cane (or be a part time wheelchair user or something) and he's very upset about this and Dream is confused on why there hasn't been any attacks on AUs recently, meanwhile the gang is helping Night get used to this.
*runs away*
(Sorry if this was inaccurate on chronic pain idk much about it)
OOH OOH ME ME i have chronic pain!!!! granted in my back not legs BUT I HVAE IT!!! aw i love chronic pain headcanons they make me feel happy. itā€™s good to be in pain when other characters also are so you can write it well (i recently was in the emergency room for it)
i feel like he would find other ways to continue his work even without the use of his legs (ie using tentacles to walk/move around, which weā€™ve seen him use before, and def have other types of painā€”head pain and migraines, for example, because half his head was blown off. he šŸ¤ horror )the worst migraines ever)
heā€™s a very work oriented type character, regardless of interpretation heā€™s often doing work in some shape or form, whether physical or paperwork; i donā€™t think that would change at all. i love aid users btw, especially hcs too theyre so underrepresented, and i def think that works for other characters, but nightmare,, wouldnā€™t, the same way i havenā€™t gotten a cane despite how that would probably make my life easier. Iā€™m a ā€˜tough through the painā€™ kind of personā€”Iā€™ll feel it regardless, itā€™s best to chuck pain meds and get on with my day. and nightmare does have optionsā€”again, tentacles, the ability to grow said tentacles and generally shift to provide aids on his own.
sans would use a cane/wheelchair 100%, as would most other classic variants or swap papyri. they donā€™t care nearly enough to make themselves feel pain on the daily for sake of ā€œusefulnessā€ or ā€œappearancesā€. nightmare, i just donā€™t think would. he views his cause as too important and neglecting his pain like i or others can do seems more fitting. heā€™d despise not being able to move as ā€˜freelyā€™ as heā€™d like even if it would be better for him. on worse days he sits down the entire time in his office and makes his henchmen do his dirty work. heā€™d find ways to work with itā€”he is 500 years old after all.
but holy shit do i LOVE the headcanon where he has chronic pain in his legs!!!!!!!!!! i feel that he uses something that acts like a cane but isnā€™t sometimes, something like a staff that he subconsciously uses to support himself while still looking ā€˜prestigiousā€™ or whatever the fuck. but traditional aids? no way. heā€™d sooner die than go to a doctor, heā€™s too full of himself and cocky to get help from someone, especially one he doesnā€™t know. even in a fanon approach where his gang urges him to do something about it, heā€™d rather make a remedy for worse pain himself.
idk just my thoughts!!!!! also donā€™t skip out on getting aids or pain meds nightmare is immortal and a fucking stuck up asshole and an idiot. go to a doctor. get checked out. get prescription pain meds and aids if you need them. do all the things, donā€™t do what i do im just a dick to myself and probably a bit of a masochist given how little i ask for help with these things šŸ˜­
ANYWAY YA!!!! love this hc so much thank u anon,,
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starheirxero Ā· 4 months
I swear to god, I don't have words to describe, what this arc is making me feel/pos-
Moon is seemingly completely losing his grasp on reality, causing him to become more violent. He's becoming reckless, because nothing feels real anymore. He doesn't care anymore, if he's playing the villain, and has actively decided to lean into this role, as a matter of keeping control!
Sun is breaking down, because he lost his brother. Again. The Moon in front of him is nothing more than a shell of who he used to be, and he's struggling to keep his head above water.
Monty is planning on bringing old Moon back! I adore old Moon, but I care for New Moon just as much. What will happen to him, once his old self is back? Will he be trapped? Will he die?? Killing him would be unbelievably cruel, especially in his current state!
EARTH IS GODDAMN KIDNAPPED AGAIN- Another thing to point out to it, is what was said. Eclipse wondered, how she can still be so kind and positive. Earth has threatened Ruin and Bloodmoon to kill them, if she has to. If she were to kill them in self defense, I worry, what it'll do to her mental state!
And Oh god, our two villains, Jesus christā€¦
Ruin is Ruin, as he is. He fascinates me-
Bloodmoon, on the other hand, is simply heartbreaking. He's actively talking and arguing with himself, because his brother isn't there to reassure him anymore! He's desperately trying to fill the silenceā€¦
Another thing I found really interesting was Puppet's talk with Foxy! What makes a person? What makes a creature? What makes one good, and what makes one bad?
It's just so fascinating, I don't even have words!
This is, by far, one of my favorite arcs yet!!! It's so twisted, it's so intense, it's everything I could wish for!!!
The whole. vague hand motions. Everything with Moon has me intrigued beyond belief but also SO HEARTBROKEN ON SO MANY LEVELS. The one time he absolutely needs his family most, he's lost all of them AND he'll potentially be killed ?!?!! I'm personally hinging my hope that it'll be more of a merge than killing one to replace the other. but I'm also terribly worried that, instead of being leveled out, it just makes everything so much worse HDJSBD
AND WITH EARTH, GOSH, YEAH. I know that yesterday's episode had a fascinating title and I haven't watched it yet, but it has me WORRIEDDD šŸ˜­ Exactly like you said, even if its in self defense that she kills someone, I am soso worried about what that'd do to her mentally.
And stars yea the two villains rn.... Like u said, Ruin is fascinating as per usual, but Bloodmoon is just out here KILLIN' ME ā˜¹ļø He's been trying his best to cope with his twin's death and it is just DEVASTATING 2 me ā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø AND YEA OMS DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON FOXY N PUPPET'S CONVO I HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS ON IT FOR REAL AHAKAHSKD
It almost makes me think of how Earth almost always call Bloodmoon some variant of "little creature", how that may make it easier for her to hurt and/or kill him. Yk?? Ahsjsbd its all just SO FUN. I am frolicking around HEJAHAJ
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existential-labrador Ā· 11 months
So rather than a bingo for what Iā€™d like to see in the finale, Iā€™ve made a rough hierarchy of my best case to worst case scenarios that Iā€™ve been thinking about šŸ˜‚ Best case first.
Lokius canon. Don is a separate variant who happily stays with his boys but our Mobius stays with Loki and they run the TVA/have adventures together, get married, whatever they feel like.
Same on the Lokius front except Mobius is Don but still hangs out with Loki and manages to look after his boys thanks to time travel. Loki helps out with parenting too obviously because, they are married your honour.
Lokius not canon but they stay together (I would rather have these two not separated than be canon. They belong together, whatever form that takes.)
Lokius canon but they canā€™t stay together together (because apparently thatā€™s a theme with my ships.) Sylvie stays with Loki platonically.
Lokius not canon and they canā€™t stay together. Sylvie stays with Loki platonically.
Lokius not canon, they canā€™t stay together and Sylki romance (I may be a diehard Lokius shipper but I would rather Loki had someone than be alone, which is why this isnā€™t at the bottom of the list.)
Loki has to look after the TVA alone/ends up alone (Fuck. This.)
Loki sacrifices himself and dies (Do I see the poetry of this? Yes. Do I want it? Hell no. Been there done that, thank you. And yes, I considered that him being alone is worse, but at least there would be the potential for him to not be alone forever.)
Sadly I know 1 and 2 are never gonna happen. As for all of the others, they make me nervous as hell. I honestly think 3 is the one I should be setting my sights on since Iā€™m not expecting canon anyway but just need them to stay together pleeeeaaassseeeee šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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magnuficentwo Ā· 10 months
Oh I have a few
Typhon DeLeon sucks.
New Tales isn't entirely shit.
If these reddit gamers found out abt fanfic they'd stop complaining abt the community being dead instantly but they can't comprehend this shit at all.
"Magic and technology both exist in this setting but they cancel eachother out" is a boring cop-out of making your setting interesting. Give me wizards casting spells with python scripts. Give me industrial forges with mithril tools. Coward.
Allowing people of color in your sci fi/fantasy setting and then having all the aliens/fantasy races look the exact same with no internal variations is weird and fundamentally uncreative.
Bigotry, in general, makes no fucking sense from a purely logical standpoint.
Some artificial flavors are better than the real thing.
"Typhon Bad"
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
Much like everything else in Borderlands, I just think Typhon sucks because he represents yet another concept that could've definetly worked, but that the writers just kinda half assed and called it a day. To me, having an 'OG vaulthunter' who came from a humble place in Pandora and having him progressively get worse as you learn more about him IS a cool idea, and it really kind of makes you wonder "Hey, maybe we should probably learn from the past here and Stop Looking For Vaults", but then they fumbled it SO BAD AND IT PISSES ME OFF.
Firstly, the guy just never evoked a particularly likeable image from the getgo personally, even though I thought he was funny, because he just seemed... forced, somehow. Then, when you learn about him being the Twins' father, you also just kinda... don't have a reason to like him anymore. Dude you left your highly unstable powerful siren baby alone ?? Locked up ???? With just her fucked up twin thing to keep her company ????? Obviously she's gonna turn out evil dude, you are handsomejacking her šŸ˜­ Doesn't even have the decency to be like "Ok yeah I messed up" either, he's just kind of there afterward. Super disappointing.
"New Tales ISN'T that bad"
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I never played New Tales myself because it costs Money and I don't Want To Buy It, so I really can't say much about it. What I WILL say However is that from what I hear, people focus on all the wrong negative parts of that game instead of criticizing actually relevant stuff.
"Magic and Tech should Coexist"
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
ABSOLUTELY. Maybe this is because I'm a sucker for fantasy getting mixed into other genres, but Magitech is just one of the coolest ideas anyone can ever come up with ever. One because at some point all futuristic science-y stuff becomes magical as you run out of explanations to justify it, and Two because it always feels so refreshing to have both a serious system for how things work and a "fuck you thats why" system. Like yeah, sure, maybe it doesn't fully make sense, but it fucks hard and it allows for more variety on what we can do, so we're keeping it. Such a good concept.
"No variation between fantasy species"
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I think you might've worded that kind of weird, but yeah, I think not having variants for alients is so annoying. You're telling me this big ass planet only has one kind of alien and they're all just the same guy with a different costume on ? Girl we don't even have that kind of sameness on the SAME COUNTRY, I'm really doubtful that your highly advanced alien society would only have a singular culture.
"Bigotry bad"
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
Yeah I don't got nothing to add. It doesn't make sense and it never will, but I guess logic never stopped anyone from being weird as hell about other people.
"Some artificial flavors are better than tbe real thing"
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I'm picky as hell and most artificial flavors activates a part of my brain that turns me into a dog eating chocolate, so I'm gonna have to disagree. Also one of my favorite flavors is Orange and no one knows how to do orange flavors ever so maybe I'm just biased here šŸ˜”
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lucyjung Ā· 2 years
A Foreign Feeling
Yellow diamond, a being of strength, confidence, andĀ Ā intelligence. So manyĀ variants , all from different universes. Dark Yellow Diamond was one of these variants, a some sort of outcast from the others, always emotionless, threatening to kill the others with no indication of lying. None of them were of interest to her, the two humans were worth as much at the ground she walked on and aquatic one was just a hot headed fool. But the only one who seemed to caught her eye was the one who claimed to be the ā€œ original ā€œ Yellow diamond, the only other gem of the group. Of course at first it was nothing special, just another nuisance to her peace or a target to kill. All until Yellow actually started to see her from a different point of view.
Suddenly, she doesnā€™t see her as some type of threat of outcast, unlike the others. Actually putting in the effort of try to get to know and understand her, which caught her WAY off guard. And after some time and patience, they became friends. Which is weā€™re theĀ feelingsĀ started. Those damn warm feeling she had when she even thought of Yellow. At first Shadow thought that it was something like fear, if you were to face your fears then the fear will disappear. And weā€™ll she tried that tactic, and made it 100x worse. Which brings her to where she is now. Shadow has developed this odd habit of justĀ observingĀ Yellow, watching go about her day. It alway brought back thatĀ warmĀ feeling, but it was a bitĀ addictive.Ā Alway wishing to understand Thai feeling to understandĀ Yellow. And now she will finally get her answer.
Shadow had conger up thisĀ magnificentĀ plan to grow some ā€œ balls ā€œ as Merigod said and march right up to Yellow and confront her on what the hell is going on with her and to explain what she doing to her. So she did.
Dark Yellow got up from her seat, walked right up to Yellow with a stone cold face, grabbed her jaw and she was about to say something, but just, froze. She just realized how stupid this was. She tried to speak but her mind just went blank. And then Yellow Finally spokeĀ Ā up from her state of shock. ā€œ Shadow! What are you doing-?! ā€œ Shadow was pulled from he nonexistent thoughts. The minute Yellow started to talk, she started to panic, she need to to make her shut up before the others hear what is happening. Her mine started racing until she went with the first option that came from he instincts. It wasnā€™t attacking her on putting her hand over her mouth no, that will be to simple and make too much sense. So her mind went with theĀ wonderfulĀ idea ofĀ F*UCKING KISSING HER.
And at that moment the world just stopped, everything was not focus on what the hell she is doing to Yellows mouth. That warm feeling was stronger then ever before which basically made it clear that this was a complete failure. But the only thing that made her not let Yellow go is howĀ goodĀ it felt. So natural and so warm. AndĀ addicting.
But her world cam crash down when Yellow start to struggle and try to pull away. Which is where Shadow pulls back, takes in Yellow blushing face, throws her on the ground, and run for her goddamn life.
Inspirational quote from Shadow:
ā€œ Wow that was stupid dear stars what wasIdoingBlackDiamondcomepickmeuppleaseimagay, hell to the no f*ck this sh*it im out- ā€œ
Ā Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā - Dark Yellow Diamond
Mission Failed SuccessfullyĀ 
Hey this is me, the creator of this hot mess of a fic. Uh, This is just something I spawned instead of sleeping. This is a beta/ draft so it will be bad :) Also Iā€™m bad at spelling ;-;
Also some of the parts are just headcannons so correct me if Iā€™m wrong about any one the relationships or feelings.Ā 
Lucy, I love your art and this ship so much. Never apologize about anything about this blog, you are a kind person.
Anyway bye yā€™all :3Ā 
Ima just- * get stabbed by Dark Yellow for exposing her *
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You know what
I'm still read this again and again!! This is so goooooooood šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Thank you for this fanfic I really love you so much! šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•
And... it's not important, Regular Yellow call her "Dark".
Oh and if you don't mind, can I translate this into Korean? I really want to keep reading it easily. :)
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ivegotalongmemory Ā· 2 years
Twd 11x23 thoughts (I know I'm not emotionally prepared for this) ((spoilers)):
-it doesn't feel like this is the 2nd to last episode, I can't believe it
-that shot of all the weapons in one box is iconic honestly
-lori, CARL, RICK AND MICHONNE mention, yeah I knew I wouldn't be able to handle this
-she put the hat on R.J's headšŸ˜­
-rosita is gonna be a ruthless bitch this episode right? Please give me that
-oh dianne is here? Where has she beeeeeeen all this time
-that tiny little crumb of ezekiel saying goodbye to nabila and gracie?? Literally a crumb but I love it
-daryl literally cannot say no to Judith can he. And then there's lil r.j who just has to get passed around between the babysitters
-yay mercer go fuck shit up<3
-"is that your faith talking?" "In you, yes" okay look I never cared about rosita/gabriel but I have to admit that was cute
-i feel so bad for aaron and his lil group, like everyone else is back together and then there's these guys still out here, they better be back with the main group before the end of the show. Actually I just had a depressing thought, what if they all die and never make it
-"yet I smile" stop I will cry, ezekiel really did beat all the odds
-"you all are better than me" okay look I am not a negan apologist and I dislike how some people literally suck his dick and forget everything he did, but i do love his arc lately of being self aware and knowing that he did shit and trying to be better for no reason other than to be decent, that little conversation with ezekiel really did pull at my heartstrings
-omg did Maggie hear all that too?
-all these conversations about the Grimes fam are making me emotional
-lmao @ mercer and yumiko acting their asses off in front of this other commonwealth girl
-oh my god don't cut to another scene and leave me hanging like that???
-jerry yelling "dude stop" in the most dire of situations is the most Jerry thing ever
-that scene was almost unbearable, wtf
-lydia is gonna regret all the time she spent hanging out with Aaron because now they're twinning
-jokes aside, oh my god, I mean I'm glad she hasn't just been killed off completely because it could have been worse but yikes
-so sick seeing the whole group working together to infiltrate, reminds me of the earlier seasons
-variant walkers u are cool but this is NOT THE TIME to mess things up
-oh no eugene is fucked
-oh he's not fucked, GO EUGENE!
-i love u jerry please dont die but also i feel like hes gonna because he just said the cursed words "see you on the other side"
-ahh yes the usual killing of all the redshirts while all the mains somehow dont get shot
-and now mercer being arrested? oh this is all going to shit isn't it
-i love a good gunfight though
-also just thought how terrifying it must be for connie who literally can't hear any of this???
-OKAY GIRLIES THIS IS WILD PAMELA WHAT THE FUCK??? Judith literally shoved maggie out of the way to save her?? Stop it rewind right now
-but love how everyone went absolutely psychotic trying to shoot Pamela after she did that, it's what she deserves
-negans reaction to the variant walker just about sums it up
-love luke running up with a smile but like sorry bro we don't have time for smiles and reunions right now
Okay holy shit this whole post was a mess but
-judith shot? everyone desperate to kill Pamela? some guy accidentally opened the gates and let the walkers in? the walkers climbing the walls? Everyone penned in surrounded by the massive horde? Mercers been arrested? Aaron, Lydia, Jerry and elijah all still out there somewhere? We still don't know wtf happened to the oceanside people? now this is the kind of absolute chaos I want for the finale! Also I'm so glad amc apparently aren't releasing the finale early because for once in my life I can avoid being spoiled a whole week early
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