i-have-not-slept · 1 year
magnus: what’s your ideal man like?
alec: tall, golden eyes, witty, sarcastic, mysterious past, daddy issues…
magnus, tearing up: you’re describing jace, aren’t you?
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rhiannons-bird · 1 year
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lurafita · 5 months
Bermuda triangle mystical beings
How about the famed Bermuda Triangle (also known as the Devil's Triangle), is a subspace portal kinda thing where all the mystical beings that can't blend in with the mundanes are stuffed?
Because Unicorns might be able to glamour themselves to look like wild horses and the mundanes being non-the-wiser. But Pegasus (Pegasi? Pegasuses? what is the plural of pegasus?) who like to fly around have a bit more trouble with that. And what about the Loch Ness monster? You get spotted a few times, and bam, off to the other dimension it is for you. Oh well, at least the lakes are cleaner here and there are no annoying stupid ships one has to avoid. So all your favorite mystical beings could be in this extra dimension (some more dangerous than others). And maybe sometimes Magnus has to pop over there for potion ingredients. And then Alec worries because of some of the dangerous things that are there. So he comes along.
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Okay but the demon Elyaas had a point because if Malec had met in the 80s instead of the 2000s I could totally imagine Magnus making a mixtape for Alec as a form of courtship and I am tempted to create a playlist with said songs on Spotify now
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foodsies4me · 8 months
AWG but Alec has a warlock mark
Tagging @ariella9melody and @buglersholiday because you both asked for this prompt that ended up in Cat's POV because the majority of Alec's POV would have been a mixture of "don't speak to Magnus Bane", "don't speak of Magnus Bane" and "don't tell Catarina about Magnus Bane"
Catarina stares at the young teenager, barely more than a child, in front of her. She takes in the nervous way he’s clenching and unclenching his fingers, his eyes darting every so often to a smiling Magnus, who is discussing some last-minute details with Elder Musa.
The boy is clearly uncomfortable with Magnus being there and Catarina is still trying to figure out if that’s due to his parents or something else. She doesn't think it's the usual shadowhunter bigotry, though, which is a relief because she wouldn’t want him to fight to overcome self-hatred on top of everything he already has on his plate.
“So, Alec,” she says, “- are you fine with me calling you that? Or do you prefer something else?”
“Alec is fine,” he nods, eyes darting over to a slowly approaching Ragnor. “But - uh, I thought you were sending me back to the institute, so,” another look sent Magnus’ way and a sigh of relief when he leaves, “Why am I here?”
“I’ll make a portal for you,” Catarina reassures, trying not to scare the young teenager away or make him think they’re keeping him captive, “But you’re here so we can schedule a training regimen for you that wouldn’t interrupt your shadowhunter duties.”
Catarina tries to keep her voice even as she says this, trying to ignore the same impulse that had pushed several of the Elders to mention the word ‘kidnapping’ in more than a joking manner. Because it wasn’t enough for Alec to be in an immense amount of danger just by existing. No, the Lightwoods also had the fantastic idea of letting a thirteen-year-old patrol.
Alec furrows his eyebrows together, “Why?”
“To teach you how to control your magic,” Catarina says, confused by Alec’s sudden confusion. He had been the one to seek her out, after all, panic and fear were visible in every line of his body when he asked her for help because his glamour runes refused to work any longer.
Catarina had been confused at first, wariness and compassion in equal measure had put her on high alert, her magic scouring her surroundings for any other angelic signatures, which led to her only catching half of Alec’s explanation.
That confusion had faded the moment Alec had raised his shirt and twisted around to reveal white, opalescent scales that gathered into small diamond-like shapes along his spine. A warlock mark.
Catarina had been quick to contact Magnus and the other Elders despite the panicked request she keeps this between them. Something like a shadowhunter-born warlock, one that could bear runes unlike Tessa, was not something she would have been able to keep to herself. Not when that very fact put Alec into a world of danger.
Still, it had taken her nearly an hour to get Alec’s okay. The promise of blood oaths that would prevent her and the Elders from sharing the information with anyone else enough to finally convince him.
That's how they ended up in their current situation, though, Catarina is starting to realize there was some miscommunication somewhere down the line if Alec is asking her why she would help him train his magic.
“But you glamoured the…my back,” Alec says, eyebrows still furrowed in confusion. “That’s all I needed.”
Catarina gentles her voice, “Untrained magic is dangerous magic,” she says, repeating the sentence her own teacher had installed into her at a young age.
Alec somehow looks even more confused.“But I don’t have magic,” he corrects, breaking his parade’s rest to scratch at a spot over his chest. “I’m pretty sure I would have noticed if I had.”
“Maybe it’s weaker because of your angelic blood,” Catarina muses, walking over to her couch and inviting him over. “But I can assure you, you do.”
Alec presses his lips together, “I don’t want to be a bother,” he says, sounding old and painfully young all at once. “You mentioned you’re a nurse and I don’t want to take up your free time to accommodate my schedule.”
There’s something infuriatingly adult in the way he speaks, a maturity that comes from being forced to grow up past your age. Then again, she thinks sardonically, being used like the Nephilim equivalent of canon fodder will do that to you.
Seriously, a thirteen-year-old patrolling. Most warlocks wouldn’t let their children or apprentices brew a harmless beginner's potion by themselves at that age.
“I’m sure we can figure out something that would work out for the both of us,” she says, conjuring a pen and a notepad that she holds out to him. “Now, what about you write down your schedule and I write mine down.”
Alec does as ordered and starts writing down his weekly schedule to her growing horror. Starting at half past five in the morning, Alec's days seem to stretch well until midnight on the nights that he isn't patrolling and that will just not stand.
"As a nurse, I'm obliged to tell you that the recommended amount of sleep for a child your age is eight to ten hours a day."
"I'm a shadowhunter, not a child," Alec says with an assertiveness that doesn't come from defensiveness, but from being told the same words over and over again. "And I think I'm finished."
Alec hands her the schedule and Catarina tries to read the different categories Alec has written down: training, trainees, paperwork, Max and Leo, archery practice, patrol, sparring with Jace, sword practice, studying, rune practice, and story time.
"Training and trainees?" she asks, wondering what the difference is between both categories.
"Training is for Jace, my parabatai, Izzy, my sister, and I. The trainees are what we call my little brother and his best friend, they just turned three and are learning their basic forms. I'm helping them."
Catarina nods to show she understands. She supposes she can't fault Alec for wanting to be a good brother and help his little brother with his training, even if the thought of a three-year-old needing to learn how to fight is horrifying to even think of.
"And Max and Leo?"
"The New York Institute isn't a kid institute, so Max and Leo don't really have anyone to play with or keep them busy."
Catarina nods again to avoid asking about the amount of 'Max' as well as 'Max and Leo' time as well as 'Trainee' time that has been penciled in. Instead, she summons a cup of hot chocolate for Alec to have something to distract herself and him with. Then, after he's taken a few sips, eyes brightening in delight - and oh, she wouldn't have taken him for a sweet tooth - she asks about the strangest entry.
"What about paperwork? Is that similar to the studying and rune practice?"
Alec shakes his head, slowly lowering his cup on the coffee table, "No, it's just - when mom and dad are away to other institutes or in Idriss, I have to do the paperwork," he says with a careless shrug.
Catarina looks down at the schedule, looks back at the young teenager on her couch, and back at the schedule. Then, she bites down the question that is burning on her tongue.
After all, the answer is staring at her in the shape of a frankly ridiculous schedule that Alec wrote down without a second thought.
This means the story time entry, the entry that takes place twice a day at the same time every single day, right around what would be the usual bedtime for a three-year-old, is exactly what the word entails.
Catarina didn't think her personal opinion on Maryse and Robert Lightwood could sink any lower.
"Your studies are they with a teacher?" She asks, looking at the few spots those take. She wouldn't be able to ask him to do the paperwork he shouldn't be doing over at her apartment, but maybe she can convince him to take his studying sessions here.
"Not anymore," Alec says, "I just get the study material and the homework I need to finish. Why?"
"Well, then I suggest we broaden your studies during those hours," she says, circling the study hours on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday the days she usually has off. "That okay with you?"
Alec is still looking at her with a confused expression as if unsure of what to expect from her. "If that's easiest for you," he says, hand coming to scratch that spot on his chest again, "But I can adapt. I just have to be there for Max when he wakes up and when he goes to sleep, but the rest I can switch around."
Catarina had an inkling he would say something like this.
"Don't worry, this would work out the best for both of us," she reassures, hiding the anger behind a kind smile and another cup of hot chocolate. Then, she gives Alec his promised portal with a promise to see him on Thursday and dials a number she knows as well as her own.
Magnus picks up on the first ring. "Chocolate or alcohol?"
"Both. As well as a plan on how to murder the Lightwoods if you'd please."
"That bad?"
Catarina thinks of patrolling at thirteen years old, thinks of the hellish schedule and the fact that Alec is apparently single-handedly raising his little brother, is semi-raising his two other siblings as well, and all that on top of not quite running the institute in his parents' absence. .
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professionalfanatic · 9 months
It's been two hundred years since Magnus Bane lost his husband. Two hundred years since he'd lost the love of his life, Alexander Gideon Lightwood.
Magnus stood, looking out at the starry lights of the busy New York City. The streets were brimming with life, and the sounds were deafening as always. The horns of the cars, the screeches of the brakes, the low hum of people talking, they were all just the same as they had been two hundred years ago.
Strange how everything had changed and remained unchanged at the same time.
Magnus cradled his half filled wine glass lovingly. Once upon a time he would have done that to Alec's face, and would have pressed a kiss to his forehead. But now Alec was gone.
He looked down at the letter on the table. He wanted to read it, and throw it away, both at the same time. Magnus closed his eyes, feeling the familiar prickling behind his eyes. He bit his lip hard, almost drawing blood.
Did he have the courage to read the last letter Alec had left him?
Before Alec had died, he'd given Magnus a huge bundle of letters. He'd been on his deathbed at the time, the Brothers having declared that there was nothing they could do to save Alec's life. Alec had smiled at Magnus, and had told him to open the second drawer of his bedside cabinet. Once Magnus had discovered the letters there, Alec had whispered that he hoped the letters to help. And then he had closed his beautiful blue eyes forever, leaving Magnus with a bundle of letters and a lifetime of wonderful memories.
He'd gone, leaving Magnus to grieve for eternity.
Magnus's throat burned, and he inhaled sharply. Alec's death still hurt like a sword stabbed through his heart.
He'd read the first letter, the one with the simple sentence on the envelope saying when you miss me.
He had been missing Alec so much that he had been almost suffocating with the pain. His heart had been aching, as if someone was twisting the invisible knife in his chest. He was almost gasping for breath and he wanted nothing more than to die, to end this numbing pain.
And then he'd read Alec's letter.
" My dear,
My own Magnus, " it had read, "This letter is for you when you miss me. Miss me dreadfully.
Your heart must be wrenching with pain, and it must be difficult for you to breathe. The pain must be intense, and you'd surely be wanting to die, and just end everything. That's what I felt when Jace died.
But, Magnus, I haven't left you. I'm still here, I'm still here with you. And do you know how you could see me? Close your eyes, Magnus, and whisper my name. You'll see me then. Because you see, I didn’t leave you. I'm still alive, in your heart, and in all the memories we made together. "
At the end of the letter Magnus had sobbed his heart out, clutching the letter so hard that it had ripped in half. His heart felt as if it had splintered into a million smithereens.
But he had felt a little better. The ache of not seeing Alec would never go away, but it had lessened. Enough for him to go on living at least.
And the letters had helped. Alec had written one for every occasion.
He'd written one for when Magnus is so angry he wanted to burn the world down. A letter filled with the soothing love which always made Magnus calm down. Magnus thought he heard Alec's soft voice when he read it, easing his boiling anger, just how a lullaby would comfort a toddler.
Alec had written one for when he is so sad that he couldn’t function. When he fell into a black hole and couldn’t find his way out at all. Alec's letter cheered him just the way Alec had always did. How he always reminded him that there were always good things in this world.
And there was another letter. A letter full of reassurance when Magnus depreciated himself, hated everything about his existence. Hated his demon eyes, hated his magic, and felt that no one could ever love a filthy Downworlder like him. Alec swept those misgivings away with his loving and caring letter, just like he'd done when he had been alive.
Another one for the time he'd first smiled after Alec's death. He'd seeked comfort in Alec's letter after feeling unbelievably guilty for enjoying something without Alec. For being happy without his Alec. Being happy after the man he loved died. Alec's letter filled with joy and laughter lighted up Magnus's bleak life.
And so the letters had gone on.
Magnus had read them over the past two centuries, reminding himself again and again as to why he'd fallen in love with the blue eyed Shadowhunter.
But when he'd woken up that morning, he had closed his eyes, and had tried to imagine his Alec, he hadn't been able to. He still lived in his heart, but the image wasn't clear. It was hazy, a sort of warm feeling you keep close to your heart. You remember the gist, but the fine details have faded.
Magnus remembered how Alec had laughed when he was with Jace and Isabelle, but he couldn’t clearly recall how deep his laugh was. He knew Alec smelled wonderful, but what he exactly smelled like, he couldn’t bring to memory. He knew he loved the way Alec kissed him, but he couldn’t remember exactly how Alec did so. Whether he leaned in first, or stroked a thumb across his cheek first. He knew Alec tasted sweet, but like what, he didn’t remember.
And he knew Alec had the bluest eyes possible, bluer than the ocean, than the sky, and even more than his magic, but Magnus couldn’t remember the exact shade.
He had sat on his bed, shocked and shaken to the core, scared that if he would forget these details, small ones, yes, but the ones which made Alec, well, Alec, he'd forget something else. Something important. And, this hurt him more than anything, that Alec would finally fade into a distant memory, a warm and welcome one he'd think only on his hard days.
And Alec, his dear sweet Alec, he knew that this would happen eventually. So he'd left a letter, his very last letter addressed with a simple when you forget the exact shade of my eyes.
Magnus had never really believed that he'd forget Alec's eyes. Their exact colour and shape. He had believed himself to have a better memory, that he'd remember those gems which had attracted him to Alec in the first place. But he'd forgotten. It had taken him two hundred years, but yes. He'd forgotten.
Taking a deep breathe, Magnus took the letter with shaking hands. He ran a light finger over the cursive writing on the envelope, reliving the way Alec looped his ys with a sad smile. He tore open the envelope and pulled the letter out, a much bigger one than the others, and began to read it.
Magnus had expected it to be a letter with sad reproachings. But he was wrong, of course he was wrong. How could he have thought that his Alec would ever even think of hurting him?
Alec's letter was filled with joy, happiness and warmth, just like him. Magnus felt his lips tugging into a teary smile seeing the pictures Alec had enclosed in his letter. The first one they'd taken together as a couple. Alec was clutching Magnus's hand with a determined smile, a glint in those blue eyes of his, challenging anyone who'd dare say anything against him. Magnus had been incredibly proud of Alec, his boyfriend for standing up against all the prejudices of the Nephilium.
The next picture was the one they'd taken in India. The one where Magnus had worn a saree. Alec had laughed so hard that tears had escaped from his eyes. He had looked at Magnus, his blue eyes crinkled and his mouth open in a little gasp. He had looked absolutely stunning, and for the first time in centuries Magnus had felt his heart skip a beat. And that had been the moment he had realised that there was no going back. He'd fallen for this man so hard that he hadn't realised it until he hit rock bottom.
Magnus choked back a sob when he looked at the picture of them cuddling Max together. Alec was holding him close to his chest, caring for their most precious treasure. Max was smiling up at Alec, waving his tiny blue arms. Alec's eyes were filled with the warmth and wonder at seeing Max, their Max, their baby smile at him.
And then all that was left was the last picture. With trembling hands Magnus picked it up and stared at it.
It was a picture of their wedding.
Underneath it, Alec had written one small sentence.
The happiest day of my life.
Magnus stared at it until he couldn’t see clearly,  making him realise that tears were flowing from his eyes.
His husband Alec.
Magnus remembered how nervous Alec had been when he'd proposed to him. He had twisted and turned his hands so much that Magnus had been afraid of him actually breaking a bone. He'd bitten his lip, drawing blood, and had let out a series of shaky breaths.
But when he'd finally pushed the question forward, Magnus had searched Alec's eyes, and those blue orbs had shone with nothing but certainty and conviction.
It had taken Magnus less than a second to say yes.
And the wedding, Magnus looked at the picture, looking at how handsome Alec was, wearing a black tuxedo with gold and blue lining. Gold to symbolise Nephilium, and blue for Magnus's warlock lineage.
The wedding of the century, they'd called it. The union of a Nephilium and a Downworlder, of an Angel and Demon, but above all, the union of two souls who loved each other with all their hearts.
As a tear slipped down his cheek, Magnus read the last part of Alec's letter.
And one day, again, you'll fall for someone else. Love someone with that beautiful heart of yours. And that should happen, Magnus. For you're an extraordinary man, and it has always been my greatest privilege and joy to love and to be loved by a man like you. The best gift Raziel ever bestowed on me.
And when you fall for someone else, love another, give them your entire heart. Fall in love again, and again, and never close of your heart.
Don't fear betraying me, love, and never think our story will be forgotten. It shall forever be written in the stars, and most importantly your heart.
I'm happy to have been part of your life, Magnus.
Tear drops decorated the letter when Magnus finished reading. Drawing a trembling breathe in, he collected all the letters Alec had ever left him, and cuddled them to his chest, pretending that it was Alec he was holding close to him. And in a way, he was. Alec had poured his entire soul into those letter.
Of course their story would forever be remembered. Even when Alec faded into a distant memory, a warm yet unreachable one, he'd live forever in Magnus's heart.
After all, how could he forget the man who taught him to love again?
My first ever fanfic! Wrote this when I was obsessed with Malec. Just some thoughts of Magnus after Alec's death. :)
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tetsunabouquet · 30 days
Can you write a headacanons of Carstairs Fam? Where they have one more child beside Mina and Kit? 🤍
-Considering Mina as kidnapped when she was young, I imagine Jem would be even more vigilant when they have their third child. -Which is also why shortly after their third child as born, they adopted a puppy of a big breed so it could grow up into their guard dog. -Their guard dog acts like the dorky side-kick to Irene whenever Ty is coming over. It was very amusing to watch Irene teach their dog some basic hunting skills with an expression that seemed to say, 'Just how stupid are you?' -Kit remains protective older brother towards the two. Precisely because his father failed him, Kit's fearful of all things that could go wrong and just wants them to grow up happy. -Their third child is obviously yet another nod to the people they lost. They decided that it would be named Henry if it were a boy, and Charlotte if it were a girl because they really were like parents to Will, Tessa and Jem. -Both Kit and Jem have allowed Mina to do their hair and paint their nails, with Tessa just watching on incredibly amused. If there is one perk about the advancement of beauty products and hair accesoires in the modern era, its certainly this if you ask Tessa. She made plenty of pictures to ensure she remembers these moments forever. -Tessa became quite the photo-taker. Because her first family already died of old age, she knows the heartbreak what's going to await her once they died of old age, so she tries very hard to enjoy the moments whilst they last and prepare herself for once Jem and the kids are gone. -With Kit being a Herondale, he ended up being recruited for his school's soccer team even though he doesn't really cares for the sport. He honestly sees it as a way to have more time to socialize and learn how to be more like a British teenager. Somewhere, a certain Ashdown boy is incredibly jealous, but Kit remains unaware. -Kit always plays soccer with the Lightwood-Bane boys whenever they're coming over. -Mina as an older sister and middle child would generally be the one to explain what Kit, Tessa and Jem think whenever they try to tiptoe around their fears temming from their various traumas in a language the little one can understand. She really takes after Tessa's mature and wise nature and understands why they can sometimes act overprotective or seem to fear things like interacting with the Fair folk. -Because Mina was so young, she doesn't remember being kidnapped and has no reaction outside for the strange urge to start crying when someone brings it up. Kit is very grateful that she doesn't remember it. -Speaking of memories, something Kit would frankly like to forget are the lyrics to Baby Shark. He had to sing it so often to Mina and the baby, that he can sing the entire song even years later. He really hopes Jem was right that all children's songs blurr together through the sands of time. -Whilst Kit and their youngest isn't too musically inclined, Jem was happy to take notice that Mina enjoyed listening to the violin, and learnt her to play when she was old enough. -The Herongraystairs family have attended many a violin performance at the local music theater showcases where young talent would perform. One time, Jem could have sworn he saw the fleeting ghost of Will watching Mina's performance from the back of the theater. -Obviously that wasn't the only time where Will's spirit has been spying on the Herongraystairs family, as he watches over them all the time.
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khaleesiofalicante · 8 months
“This is the boy?” Alec snorts. “Him?”
The blonde squirms a little. Alec can see a bead of sweat running down the side of his head. He snorts again.
“He’s tougher than he looks,” Max vouches, not for the first time, and lowers his voice. “He tried to kill his dad.”
“Who hasn’t?” Alec scoffs and looks at the boy. “Look, kid-”
“David,” the boy provides. 
“Don’t interrupt me when I’m talking, David” Alec tells him. “I don’t know what Max told you-”
“He told me I can be one of you,” the boy tells him. 
“Did he also tell you I don’t like repeating myself?” Alec inquires dryly. “This is a family business.”
“David’s family,” Max says defiantly. 
Alec looks at his son incredulously. He’ll deal with the little shit later.
“I’m not afraid to do what you do,” David tells him. 
Alec chuckles at that. “You can’t even say it.”
“I’ll teach him everything he needs to know,” Max offers. “Please, dad, please.”
“Max, it’s nice of you want to help your friend-”
“I’m his boyfriend, actually,” the blonde points out. 
“What did I tell you about interrupting me?” Alec glares at the boy. 
“If you don’t want me to interrupt you, then don’t say stupid shit,” David replies, and then his eyes widen in horror.
Alec leans back into his chair. “You ever kill anyone David?”
“No,” the boy replies. "But I think about it all the time."
"We don't think. We do," Alec points out. “Why do you wanna do we do?”
“Max is-”
“No,” Alec wags a finger. “This cannot be about Max. You get into this for yourself and no one else.”
“But I love him,” the blonde boy whispers. 
“Love is not enough to stay in this business,” Alec informs the rookie. “Let’s say Max dies-”
“Dad,” Max groans. 
“Let’s say Max dies,” Alec continues anyway. “What will you do then?”
The blonde boy stares at Alec. Unblinking. “I will find out who killed him and kill them and everyone they’ve ever loved.”
“Aw, babe,” Max coos. "See, dad? You always say loyalty is most important trait in the business."
Alec rolls his eyes. “I don’t know, Max, this is all very-”
“Give me a chance to prove myself,” the blonde says then. “Just once chance.”
“Fine,” Alec replies easily. Because if he fails, then good riddance. If he passes, well, that’s a problem for another day. “But interrupt me one more time-”
“I won’t,” the boy blurts out, and then cups his mouth. “Sorry.”
Alec puts down his cigarette and looks at his son. “You sure know how to pick them.”
Lightwood-Bane Mafia AU where everyone's just an unhinged murderer or something like that 🥰
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bonniebird · 1 year
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Isabelle Lightwood x Fem!Reader
Requested by Anon
Make a request
Request: Anonymous asked: Could I please have an imagine where the reader is the younger half-sister (warlock) of Magnus Bane and when she meets Isabelle Lightwood she is obviously smitten (as is Isabelle). Alec and Magnus then try to play matchmaker for their sisters?
Read on Wattpad
Read on AO3
“Hurry!” Izzy yelled and turned around. Grabbing your hand she pulled you up a ledge and away from the demon that was chasing you. Jace emerged from the shadows and cornered it while Magnus came from another direction. Once it was dealt with, Izzy led the way out of the building and up onto the rooftops.
You stumbled out of the building and took a deep breath as you followed her. The tops of the buildings caught the wind and it allowed you to slowly take in cold air and calm yourself. “Not used to this kind of fun?” “Fun!” You snapped and looked at Izzy who winked at you. Clearing your throat you recovered yourself and gave a flirty smile. “I have more fun to attend to elsewhere.” Snapping your fingers you vanished. Izzy smiled to herself until she spotted Magnus watching her. Turning away she started to walk off not liking the knowing look that your brother was giving her. “I think it’s time for a push.” Magnus said. Alec groaned and glanced at Magnus who was watching Jace hurry after Izzy. “No. Don’t push them. It’ll just make Izzy difficult.” Alec pleaded. Magnus smiled as he vanished the same way you had and was gone from view. Alec groaned knowing that the next few weeks were going to be rather dramatic. At least on his sister's part.
“What are we going to do?” Magnus said. You had been walking through Pandemonium looking for something to do as you sipped a colourful drink in your hand. “Do about what?” You asked and he smiled. “Your infatuation with the shadowhunter." He started to walk away and you quickly followed him. "What are you talking about?" You asked sharply and frowned at him. "I see it all you know. The sly glances, the way you smile to yourself and the lack of lovers all of a sudden. It's pretty obvious. Just because they miss the signs doesn't mean that I do." He was satisfied with what he said until you shrugged dismissively. Deciding that it wouldn't do to just push you towards Izzy, Magnus left you alone for the rest of the evening. He called Alex early the next day and welcomed him into his living room. "What're you planning, Magnus?" He asked when he saw the look on the warlock's face. "Why must everyone insist I am always up to something?" Magnus grumbled. "Well. Are you?" Alec asked. He smiled when Magnus' face fell. "Yes. But that's beside the point. What are we going to do about our respective sisters?" Magnus asked. Alec stared at him for a moment and huffed. “Nothing. I’m not going to get in between the two of them.” Alec said quickly. Magnus chuckled and gestured for Alec to sit with him. “They won't like us meddling.” “Who says they have to know?” Magnus asked and produced a small bottle of silvery blue liquid from thin air. “I’m not using any kind of potion or magic.” Alec said reluctantly. “All it is is a truth potion. One drop each and for the next few seconds, they will be helpless to say anything other than what they truly want to say. We could even make sure that it’s just the two of them together.” Magnus offered. Alec stared at the bottle. All his sister talked about was you. Which was fine at first but frankly he had begun to wonder if he had ever been so infuriating when he used to talk about Jace, before meeting Magnus. “Fine. But only if it’s just the two of them alone. I won't let them be humiliated.” Alec said. He pointed a finger at Magnus and found, deep down, he assumed Magnus wouldn’t mind embarrassing you a little. They put the plan into motion at the weekend. Inviting you over for dinner and hoping that the two of you might happen to confess your feelings before they got the potion part of the plan. “They’re just awkwardly looking at each other over the table.” Alec whispered loudly to Magnus who tutted and joined him at the kitchen door, peeking through and watching the pair of you. “Oh. they are.” He muttered. Alec frowned and glanced at Magnus. “Did you think I was joking?” Alec asked and Magnus pulled him away when Izzy spotted the pair of them watching. “No. I was just hoping there was something telepathic going on but nothing. We have no choice but the potion.” Magnus said as he headed over to the drinks he’d been making. Alec helped him measure out the drops into the drinks. “Thirty seconds. That’s all and it wears off. Any longer than that and I feel rude.” “Rude doesn’t quite describe it.” Alec said mostly to himself and followed Magnus out with their drinks. The two of you happily took them and drank while talking. You started to feel strangely warm and relaxed. When you realised what Magnus had done it was too late to do anything about it. “I was wondering how you felt about Izzy.” Magnus said before you could argue with him and waste the time you had under the effects of the drink. “I-I like her.” You said before you could think of a way to stop your body from betraying you. You glared at your brother while Izzy’s eyes widened. “Oh good because I like you too.” Izzy said quickly. The potion wore off before anyone else could say anything. “I. Don’t know what just happened.” Izzy said. Then she started to look upset and stormed off. Alec hurried after her. “That was a cruel thing to do!” You snapped at Magnus. He gestured as if he agreed and then shrugged. “Perhaps. But these mortals don’t live long and you might as well have a great love instead of pining and moping around here. You bring the mood down.” Magnus said quickly. He knew it would make you angry and that you’d go after Izzy.
“Why would you do that to me Alec?” Izzy asked. He sighed and scratched at his chin nervously as she hurried to the door. “I just wanted to help.” He said lamely. She turned back, planning on yelling but saw you behind him. “Help.” You said coldly. Alec jumped and turned, looking guilty and then retreated back into the apartment. You stayed with Izzy who was rooted to the spot. “Perhaps we should start over. Without a spell.” You offered. Izzy nodded and smiled. “I do like you.” she said with a flirty smile. “I like you too.” You answered. “We gathered that!” Magnus yelled from inside. “Why don’t we go somewhere without these two?” You offered and Izzy agreed, happily following you out into the street. “I hope them being mad at us was worth it.” Alec said once you’d both left. Magnus tutted and sipped his drink. “(Y/N) only holds grudges for a few hundred years, we’ll be fine.” He said casually. Alec gave him a withering look before nursing his own drink.
Izzy tags:
@gillybear17 @ravennoore14 @the-caravello-post @killing-gremlin @aegonandaemondtargaryenslut18 @lchufflepuffcorn @geekyandgay98 @savagemickey03 @evattude @kaitieskidmore1 @darklyndivinely @sashawalker2
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So for your Writing Wednesday, would it be possible to get a different meeting for Male where Magnus sees Alex for the first time as he 'deals' with an out of line Shadowhunter from a different area. All of Alec's Shadowhunters just cluck their tongues about poorly prepared outsiders (or something like that). I love reading all your stuff!
Ah I love seeing your kudos pictures and cookie!
Ahaha I kind of went off with this prompt because when I started writing i couldn’t stop
Magnus barely manages to duck the blade that nearly gets his arm, his spell fading as he avoids adamas.
He spits out a curse and shoves the shadowhunter away from him.
And then the shadowhunter is down, a harsh yelp coming from his lips and an arrow from his shoulder. And Magnus watches as his attacker is being stepped on, a boot sharply pressing into his spine.
There is a new, aggressively dressed and nearly heavily armed group of shadowhunters.
The one stepping on Magnus’ would-be-murderer is an archer from the bow he wields and the arrow he launched. The red of its feathers match the ones in his quiver and Magnus watches as he looks down and grinds his heel into vertebrae.
Magnus’ attacker's face is pressed into the dirt, his cries of pain muffled by ichor soaked dirt as the archer pulls out his arrow.
The archer, a nephilim commander by the respect he’s shown, scoffs and wipes the bloodied arrowhead on the downed shadowhunters back.
Magnus has seen shadowhunter punishments.
He’s been across and on the same battlefield as nephilim warriors enough times to recognize its brutal efficiency.
But he’s never had it directed or doled out on his behalf.
And there’s every likelihood that this is only a tactical choice, seeing as Magnus is the only one on sight who is capable of closing the rift.
But Magnus still finds himself charmed.
As Cat would say, the bar is lower than Edom for shadowhunters.
“Someone get this disappointment of a hunter off of my battlefield!” The shadowhunter says voice deep and low and it rings across the small strip of sand and mud that Magnus has been desperately protecting while trying to close a colossal rift.
Dark eyes glance to him and widen and Magnus and several shadowhunters watch in shock as he misses a step, his booted heel crushing the man’s hand.
Magnus’ hunter looks down in consternation before he rolls his eyes. “Useless.” He mutters like it’s the man’s fault for being shot and having his fingers and spine tap-danced on. “Track what Institute they came from and tell them to stay out of my territory unless I ask for help. Idiots can’t be trusted not to fire on obvious allies.”
He walks towards Magnus carefully, bow out but unnotched and blade inactive at his thigh.
“Alec Lightwood, acting Commander and Head of the New York Institute.” And he’s younger than Magnus thought, with a still-healing nick through his eyebrow and blood at his jaw.
To anyone else he might look terrifying, with his dark scowl and the nearly feral way he’s assessing his surroundings.
To Magnus, he looks terrifyingly brilliant, like a comet that you’ll miss if you blink.
“Magnus Bane,” Magnus doesn’t add his titles because any decent commander, acting or otherwise should know him by name.
Alec’s eyes widen a bit, he definitely knows of Magnus then, but he seems more relieved than horrified.
“So if my hunters keep them clear of you, you can close the rift?”
Magnus nods, sharp and serious because this commander — Alec, perhaps Alexander — did take down another shadowhunter on Magnus' behalf.
“Protect the High Warlock of Brooklyn at every cost.” Alexander says, turning to his teams. There is a heavy emphasis on Magnus’ title and two of his gathered seven teams break off to surround Magnus.
They don’t hesitate, putting their backs to Magnus like it’s a natural occurrence, to have a furious and magically explosive warlock at their backs.
“I’ve wasted quite a bit of magical power.” Magnus admits, and his voice is cold because it’s a weakness he doesn’t want to share. But passing out unconscious in a group of admittedly, not-yet-terrible shadowhunters is not something Magnus wants to risk.
It’s unspoken that Magnus wasted that power because he was protecting himself from the demons and shadowhunters, while also still helping the shadowhunters.
Instead of being able to focus on the rift.
“Mirai.” Alexander is ordering and a woman with tight curls and sharp brown eyes steps away from the circle around Magnus. “We’ll switch positions. I’ll direct from the rear—“ he turns to Magnhs and steps closer, his hand held out. “You can take what you need, just leave me alert enough to direct my people. They’re competent enough to protect us until the rift is closed.”
There was a hint of threat in his tone and the shadowhunter he called Mirai is saying something into her earpiece.
“Of course sir, I’ll keep everyone in line. If we fall, you’ll fall last.” And Mirai gives a perfunctory nod and then takes off to create a larger and more secure perimeter.
It’s the first time Magnus has been able to catch his breath since he portaled in and he takes a moment to just inhale and exhale.
A flask is being pressed to his hands and Magnus is about to use magic to check it for poison when it’s taken back and he watches as Alexander unscrews it and sips, several deep gulps and Magnus can see the shine of water against his lips.
Magnus is suddenly a man dying of thirst.
He takes the flask when it’s passed over this time and doesn’t have to use any magic, just drinks the surprisingly cool water and feels it soothe his throat.
He finishes it and when he hands it back, he watches Alexander screw the lid back on and toss it to one of his hunters.
Alec holds out a large, calloused hand and Magnus takes it.
It’s dusty and dry and Magnus never wants to let go.
“Let me fall if I start to waver.” Alexander tells him as he stands next to Magnus, covering his back and side as best he can. “I won’t get a concussion with ground this soft and my hunters won’t break the perimeter to ease my muscles. Better to concentrate on the rift and any stragglers.”
Magnus laughs, a sharp bold thing that breaks across the screams of demons and the swears of shadowhunters.
“I’d have to let you go, for you to fall.” Magnus quips as he tightens his grip on Alexander's hand. And Magnus smiles, a soft thing that’s not fit for a battlefield but that spreads softly across his mouth. “And I don’t think I’m inclined to that.”
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carelessflower · 7 months
veiled fate
Sun set, sun fell, Idris and Edom proposed a truce. The ever-lascivious King Asmodeus had folded, more than willing to open a new trade road between the kingdoms for the eldest Lightwood’s hand in marriage.
So now, Alec simply awaited his fate, watching impassively as servants and tailors fluttered around him like ants and bees, making sure he turned up to be the perfect bride.
A willing sacrifice.
His siblings tried to reject the proposal at first- anyone in their sane mind would, Asmodeus wasn’t known as a kind lover. All six of his wives had died painfully, some during childbirth, or the dangerous politic of the harem, or the king’s sadistic play. He took and took and took, until spring blooms cried to desserts, and he left to conquer another land.
Alec had no illusion he wasn’t the next victim. Better him than Izzy, that was.
“You can’t do this.” Came Jace’s whisper. “Please, there’s still time, run away, don’t let this marriage ruin your life.”
Alec was glad he was hiding behind the wedding veil, separating him from the desperate, sad expressions his brother must have on his face. “There’s no other choice.” Their kingdom needed this allegiance, and King Asmodeus wanted a new plaything. “It’s my duty, and I suggest you respect my choice, Jace.”
There was no other protest after that, just sounds of Jace pushing over everyone when he stormed out. He wouldn’t be far for long, he was in charge of leading Alec’s carriage to Edom.
The journey was tedious, exhausting even. Alec felt layers upon layers of silk and brocade weighing him down. The two kingdoms had spared no expense for this wedding to happen, especially with the wedding veil. While Edom gave away their precious lace, Idris tailors spent days and nights stitching pearls and crystals to every mile of the fabric.
An excessive cage, trapping Alec to his doom.
In the carriage. In Edom. In the ceremonial hall. Alec bowed and made the vow before the gods with his new husband, his heart growing colder by the second.
When servants had sat him down in the private chamber, Alec was numb from it all. Here he was, waiting for his brute of a husband to swoop in and take him, hands clenching in his lap.
The door creaked.
Alec's husband had come.
Tick. Tick. The water clock rolled. Alec heard footsteps coming closer.
Then there were hands lifting Alec’s veil while he remained quiet, his gaze fixed on the ground, one hand reaching into his sleeve, twisting the gold bangle. It was a gift from Izzy, and it cheered with the final chance to prove its usefulness.
Alec uncapped a secret hidden underneath the bracelet and felt a hefty weight on his hand, sharp and dangerous. He struck when the king got closer, lunging forward with his dagger, fighting with every last breath. Unfortunately, the king did the same, and in the end, victory didn’t smile upon Alec.
His back hit the bed below hard, anger and dejection seeping through his veins.
“Kill me if you want.” He spat out. “But as long as I live, I would never submit to you.”
“Oh darling, why’d I kill my bride?” The king smiled, his green golden eyes flickered in the dim light of candles, and Alec was annoyed the portrait sent to him hadn’t done this man justice. He was younger, and more approachable, though still carried similar striking features in the painting.
Alec breathed heavily, confusion rolled off in his throat. Asmodeus seemed more willing to play with his victim than he thought.
“Tsh– Look at me forgetting my manner.” Magnus leaned down, one hand pinning Alec’s hands above his head while the other used the prince’s dagger to slice off buttons on his fancy attire. Alec whimpered, feeling the coldness danced against his skin. Soon enough, the once lavish robe turned to ribbons, hanging desperately on Alec’s body. “There’s been a change in management, I’m Magnus Bane, and your new husband.”
Taking advantage of Alec’s stunned silence, Magnus took a step further, throwing Alec's legs over his shoulder. Alec moaned out loud, the first of a long night.
“My king–I, ah.”
“You’re so good for me, my darling consort. Say my name, say it.”
“M–Magnus, Magnus.”
for @pocketoffeels keep feeding us with ur chaotic genius
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hughungrybear · 7 months
Thinking about the past episodes and reading fan theories in this site reminded me of two pertinent questions that the series have not answered yet:
1. Why does Tee's Uncle's picture in a headline of a newspaper (the one that White saw left on the kitchen benchtop)?
It is now established that the Uncle is a criminal who have no qualms in killing anybody that threatens to expose his illegal activities. He hit Mr Keng with a car when he rightfully suspected he was being investigated. He even have Non kidnapped and beaten to (almost) death because Phee's dad held a press conference revealing that Non is just another victim of an unnamed gang and not a master scammer. If that is the case, then how come he is headlining in a broadsheet just the same? Who exposed him? Is it Tee? (Because if it is, hello redemption arc?)
Edit: Well, sammie-lightwood-bane (I tried tagging, but for some reason their ID is not showing 😭) pointed out that the reason the Uncle is headlining because he is dead. Still, ordinary people's death does not normally grace a newspaper's front page unless it is a violent death. One of the surest ways to headline a death is if the one who passed away is (a) a celebrity/politician, (b) a pillar of the community, or (c) a well-known criminal. Also, how the fvck did he died and who killed him?
2. Aside from Mr Keng, Non, and Tee's Uncle (plus cohorts and maybe, the other person Mr Keng was talking on his mobile phone before he was ran over), nobody really knew what happened to Mr Keng that night at that shady restaurant. So, why did Jin hallucinated a bloody Mr Keng?
So far, the gang's hallucinations are rooted on things that are not that far off in their current reality. Por, Top, and Fluke are all carrying varying degrees of guilt when it comes to their treatment of Non, which (with the help of New's drugs) is literally haunting them.
But Jin. Jin is not being haunted by Non. His first hallucination is a bloodied Mr Keng - a person that nobody knows (outside the mafia's circle) has been fatally ran over by a freaking car. The official press release was Mr Keng and Non were seen riding in a bus and running away together. Alive and well. So, why would Jin's hallucination involve a Mr Keng in a condition that he should know nothing about?
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Alec + Ari + chaos
“You need to divorce your husband,” Ari says the first thing as she enters her dad’s office.
Dad doesn’t even look up, this is an everyday thing in their house now. “What did my husband do now?”
“He’s being annoying,” she says blankly.
“When is he never annoying?” He asks, silently praying to god that his husband doesn’t actually hear that.
Ari thinks for a second before replying. “Good point.”
His attention is drawn back to the files in his hands which is quite frankly insulting so, she stares at her dad.
A small chuckle escapes his lips. “Give me a second.”
Dad skims through the papers before he signs them. He closes the file and finally turns his eyes completely towards her.
“Thank you.”
“Alright. Tell me what’s going on?“
“He’s being mean again.”
“There isn’t a single mean bone in your Bapak’s body. Try again.”
Ari sighs. She doesn’t know how to explain what she feels but she guesses if anyone can understand, it’s dad.
“Bapak refused to sign the papers for my trek.”
“What papers?”
She avoids dad’s gaze, murmuring quietly, “The one that says that the school isn’t responsible if something happens to us during the trek.”
This time, she can feels the daggers.
“And you wonder why Bapak refuses to sign the papers.”
“It’s protocol, dad. It’s just stupid paperwork.”
“Paperwork that states that if something happens to you on the trek, the school is not responsible?”
“Yeah,” she deadpans.
Dad narrows his eyes at her. “And you wonder why Bapak won’t sign it? That sounds like negligence.” His phone rings and Ari knows who it is.
“Is he calling to snitch on me?” Ari huffs.
“You came to my office to snitch on him,” dad replies before he picks up the call. “Hey, baby. Yes, she’s here,” Alec glares at her before he mumbles, away from the phone. “Did you not tell him you were coming here?”
“I’m an adult.”
“You are fourteen,” Alec mouths.
“Arianna Lightwood-Bane,” Bapak’s voice roads through the phone. “If you’re not back home in another thirty minutes, you’re grounded for the next month.”
“You won’t be able to ground me if I convince dad to divorce you,” she snaps back.
Dad groans and puts his head in his hands as both Bapak and her back and forth keeps on going.
“Baby, baby,” dad says softly, the way his voice always change when he’s talking to Bapak. It’s sweet really. But right now, this sweetness might work against her. It’s always a gamble if dad’s going to be on her or Bapak’s side.
Ari needs this trip.
She needs to feel the adrenaline she only gets when she’s doing something like this.
It’s the only thing she lets herself feel sometimes.
But Bapak doesn’t get it.
Dad does. Or atleast he tries to. Or he pretends to. Either way.
“I’ll be home soon. Bye. I love you.”
Dad disconnects the call before he steps aside from his desk and stands next to her. Dad is tall, so tall. She feels like a baby next to him.
“Ari, we’re going home and we will talk about this with Bapak.”
“But, dad—“
“Ari,” His voice is stern but not strict. It’s his no-bullshit voice.
“Okay,” she sighs.
Dad smiles before pulling her against him and kissing her head. “Stop fighting with my husband all the time.”
“You should tell your husband to stop fighting with me all the time,” she mumbles.
Dad chuckles at her. “How would you like some lemon tarts on the way?”
Ari’s eyes gleam are the words. Lemon tarts are a weakness, among her other weaknesses.
Then she narrows her eyes because there’s only one other person who loves it as much as her. “Is this a bribe for me or Bapak?”
“I need to calm Magnus down and nothing works like lemon tarts on him.”
“So it’s for him?”
“Yep,” Dad says with a grin.
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lurafita · 5 months
Canon re-write where the downworld of New York takes a stand
Another series rewrite, where NY's downworld took the appointment of Maryse and Robert Lightwood as heads of the institute a bit harder, and cut off all manner of assistence to the NYI as a form of protest. (It doesn't go against the accords, as downworlders aren't slaves, they cannot be forced to help out shadowhunters).
The Clave doesn't reassign leaders of the institute, because most of them are bigoted assholes who think that they don't need the help of filthy downworlders anyway, and Malachi doesn't care about the people who betrayed Valentine's and the circle's values.
The NY downworld leaders have made their position to the Clave quite clear. They don't intend to hold other shadowhunters responsible for the crimes of ex-circle members, but they will not work together with (or worse, for) the very people who have hunted, tortured and killed their kind.
The issue would be easily solved, if the Clave just gave leadership to someone else and actually punished their own accordingly. (When Alec and his siblings bring up the issue of not being able to work with downworlders - like other institutes do - with their parents, Maryse and Robert of course lie about the real reason behind it.) This could mean that shadowhunters aren't able to step foot into Pandemonium (wards that won't let runes pass), (so the circle members also aren't in the club). And when they finally find a way to contact Magnus Bane, the truth about Maryse and Robert's involvement with the circle comes to light earlier.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 7 months
Shipper Tag Game
I was tagged in this game by @twig-tea, appreciate the tag but also bestie this is so many questions.
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Is this the part where I have to confess to being a superwholockian in my past? I no longer care about JohnLock or DeanCas, the evil is defeated!
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Oh it was almost certainly Beast Boy and Raven from Teen Titans
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3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Magnus Bane x Alec Lightwood from Shadowhunters, I wrote a bunch of fanfics for them when I was younger. I did not anticipate how many views I would get on a couple of them, so that was cool! (shameless plug to check out my AO3 account, Sent2TheBeast. Unfortunately most of my fics are now locked due to how people feed content to AI software)
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
Do I actually remember? No. Was it most likely something from Harry Potter or Supernatural? Yeah.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Baby, I write BL essays on tumblr, I think the minute I posted my first analysis I was signing up to ride the discourse wave.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
Honestly any incestuous plot lines I am typically very against: Wincest, Brallie, etc.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
I read a beautifully written VegasPete fic by the wonderful @ginnymoonbeam
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8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
How much time do you have? Kurosawa x Adachi/Karan x Achi; Togawa x Nozue; Minoru x Yutaka; PatPran; MorkTawan; Han Baram x Im Hantae; Shin Ki Tae x Lee Wan; Kenji x Shiro; etc etc etc
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Not that I can think of, but I will just give a generic shout out to all the queer baiting of old. BUT I DO HAVE COUPLES I AM EXTREMELY MAD ABOUT GETTING TOGETHER. AkkTheo and SandRay I am looking at you!!!
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
I will give this one to @bengiyo. I was not a fan of Korn and Intouch from Until We Meet Again because of how one-sided the relationship seemed to me. But conversations with Ben gave me deeper insights in to Korn and have had me reconsidering my impression of that relationship.
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11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Tony DiNozzo and Ziva David would almost certainly get me cancelled considering Ziva's service history in Israel. Glad I was able to free myself of the cop/military propaganda that is NCIS when I entered high school.
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
I don't really embrace the crack culture, I am not a huge fan of crack vids, crack fics, crack ships
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
Of all the couples I read fanfics for, I think Malec from Shadowhunters was probably my most frequently read.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
I feel like 99% of the ships that have wormed their way in to my brain to the point of obsession (aka me making fan art, writing fics, etc) lies in the complexity and opposition of character's to one another. For example:
In Shadowhunters, the tension between Magnus being a warlock and Alec being a Shadowhunter and how they navigate the fact that The Institute and his own family have caused and continue to cause active harm to Magnus and the other Downworlders.
In Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom, the extremely contradictory nature of Kaz Brekker's existence and how that impacts his relationship with and to Inej. I wrote a number of Kanej fics because I could not stop thinking about the fact that Kaz and Inej want to touch each other, want to be intimate with each other, and their extensive trauma makes that damn near impossible.
In Pushing Daises, the inability to touch, the tension between loving someone so much and knowing that to touch them would be to kill them is just so fascinating.
In The Old Guard, Joe and Nicky having been together for 900 years when we meet them so you wouldn't think there is a complex tension there per say, but they were on opposite sides of The Crusades and had to work through that to cultivate a literally eternal love. And not just that (honestly less so that) but the tension between their line of work as mercenaries, their immortality, and knowing that one day, completely unannounced that immortality will stop. I could not stop thinking about how many times those two have had to watch each other die, waiting and wondering if their lover would come back to life this time around.
In Bad Buddy, Pat and Pran not only having to navigate their relationship with the incredibly antagonistic relationship between their parents but Pat having to parse through all these years of competition, hatred, fighting, to understand that all this time he's loved Pran.
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gif by @barrowsteeth 15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Lack of reciprocity. This is not to say the relationship has to be completely balanced. I don't think that it is a realistic possibility that every aspect of a romantic relationship exists in perfect harmony. But I've written about this before, my theory as to why so many BL boys get sick, in order to allow the person who has received more of the support throughout the show to care for their partner. I am a very outspoken Enchante anti because I hate Theo so fucking much. Theo's incompetency and Akk's incessant need to help him got Akk fired from his job, Theo lied about Enchante, and Theo moved back to France and made Akk work on his own to earn enough money for a motherfucking plane ticket to France. None of that being marketed as romantic is okay with me.
tagging: @emotionallychargedtowel, @neuroticbookworm, @telomeke, @negrowhat, and @solitaryandwandering
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foodsies4me · 1 month
August Malec fic rec!
So the original theme for this month was going to be warlock!Alec as suggested by the lovely @creedofdrums but I realized I don’t know enough warlock!Alec fics to to fill a rec list so I have temporarily postponed the theme for a later date. So, this month is going to be The World Inverted Malec! As always, I have tagged the authors but if you prefer I don’t please tell me because I don’t want these to be annoying for the authors.💜
If you want to add your own recs, please feel free to do so!😊
How Rare and Beautiful by @glorious-spoon: TWI Magnus meets our Magnus and I loooove. Small moment of mistaken identity where TWI Magnus mistakes our Magnus as Asmodeus and I don’t k ow why but that part cracks me up without fail.
Footsteps creak in the living room, and Magnus bolts upright, adrenaline flooding through him. His disturbed wards sting across his skin. He can taste the burn of the magic that slipped through them in the back of his throat. It feels strangely familiar, and that’s even more concerning. 
Or: the Magnus of 'This World Inverted' gets a couple of unexpected late-night visitors, and maybe a different perspective.
Worth the Risk by Aryn: TWI Magnus ends up in the shadowworld timeline/universe and meets a happy Magnus in a relationship with an equally happy Alec. Something he isn’t in his universe and maybe he might want to change that.
When one of alt!Magnus' spells goes off course, he finds himself in a universe where another version of him is working as the High Warlock of Brooklyn and is in a stable relationship with shadowhunter Alec Lightwood. Together, the three of them have to figure out how to send him back to his old dimension. 
He's just not sure how he's going to break the news that he and Alec aren't together in his universe.
When the Worlds Collide by the prolific and renowned orphan_account: Malec meets TWI Malec and this fic is *delightful*.
Magnus notices his Alternate self eyeing his husband up and down, "Yeah, I'll start explaining and you go and put on some clothes, okay?" He tells Alec. 
Alec knows why Magnus had said that and he laughs, "Now that's a line I never thought I'll hear you say." he winks at him and turns to go back to his bedroom, flexing his arms casually. It makes Alternate Magnus gasp. 
"Magnus," Alternate Alec elbows his boyfriend.
"Huh?" Alternate Magnus blinks and turns his head to face his Alec with a start. 
"Stop checking him out," Alec says accusingly, in a hushed voice, "I'm literally standing right here"
"wha- I wasn't" 
Or: Magnus Lightwood-Bane, The High Warlock of Brooklyn, gets drunk and summons his (and his husband's) alternate selves in this universe. 
And Alexander Gideon Lightwood-Bane, The Head of the New York institute, Is tired of his husband's drunken messes. 
Maybe this could end up well. Maybe this could end up a disaster. But it's definitely an interesting experience.
Well I Didn’t Expect That… by Tiger_Tiger_Burning_Bright: What if TWI Alec found Magnus after Clary and Jace just left, dead demon on the ground included?
To say Magnus had had an eventful day would be somewhat of an understatement what with demons and shadowhunters from alternative dimensions, not to mention getting his magic back.
Perhaps he hoped that things would calm down once alternative Clary and Jace left. Unfortunately for his he didn't factor in two things.
Firstly years of neglect meant his magic wasn't as strong as he was used to which certainly made disposing of a dead demon challenging to say the least.
Secondly Alexander Lightwood, the tall, dark and frighteningly handsome mundane he'd met earlier, seemed determined to track him down.
Or what happens when the man who was flirting with you finds you in a dingy basement with a very dead demon.
Happy Birthday, Beautiful by theMagnusBane: TWI Alec throws Magnus a birthday party! What more could you want?
The thing about having lived for centuries is that birthdays are no longer such a big deal. A pity no one told that to Magnus Bane's party extraordinaire boyfriend: Alec Lightwood.
Multi-chapter fics or series:
Never Stand Between Two Mirrors by @oncethrown: TWI Alec ends up in the shadowworld universe. I adore the characterization in this fic and both Alecs interacting is the best!
Alec has enough on his plate right now. His parents are furious at him, Magnus Bane is making him feel things he's trying so hard not to feel, his wedding is coming up, and his world is breaking apart.
What he doesn't need is a fussy mundane version on himself showing up in the Institute basement. What he doesn't need is Magnus telling him that they'll just have to wait for Seelie Magic to suck that version of himself back to his own dimension.
But since when does Alec get what he needs?
Alternate Dimension Alec gets trapped in the Shadowhunter reality at some point after the "I know you feel what I feel" scene. The gang desperately tries to stop chaos from ensuing.
Through The Looking Glass by @imawriteriwrite this series is just all around adorable and perfect for a feel-good read.
After everything with the Soul Sword, after breaking apart and then bringing their lives back together, Alec wanted to do something to show Magnus that he truly loved him. Something that would let the warlock know just how important he was.
A world revived by apathyinreverie: I adore all of this author’s fics but this is certainly one among my favourites!
What if the ever-so-brief presence of two Shadowhunters in the inverted world had some unexpected, rather far-reaching consequences? What if magic and demons return to a world that has entirely forgotten how to handle either? 
And suddenly Magnus finds himself stuck explaining the Shadowworld to a group of nephilim who think that seraph blades are pretty cool lightsaber knockoffs and who instead of discussing obscure demon lore keep quoting Disney movies at each other. 
If Ragnor were still alive, he'd laugh himself silly at Magnus' current plight.
hold you to the floor (I was only falling in love) by @liminoidal: Magnus’ magic and Alec, what more perfect combination is there?
This won’t be the last I see of you, Alexander, he thought to himself, and he couldn’t tell if it was his own excitement or the magic of his very soul (if the vile thing existed) that purred with excitement.
(Or, four times Magnus' magic behaved... oddly around Alec, and one time that Alec had the answers.)
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