#justice correspondent
in-sightpublishing · 5 months
Multiple speakers provide diverse treats on FFRF TV show
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: September 1, 2014 Publisher Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Publication: Freethought Newswire Original Link: https://ffrf.org/news/releases/multiple-speakers-provide-diverse-treats-on-ffrf-tv-show/ Publication Date: May 2, 2024 Organization: Free From Religion Foundation Organization Description: The…
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garadinervi · 11 months
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My Name is Rachel Corrie, taken from the writings of Rachel Corrie, edited by Alan Rickman and Katharine Viner, with the permission of the Corrie family, in collaboration with the Royal Court Theatre International Department, Theatre Communications Group, New York, NY, 2006, pp. 47-50 (Rachel Corrie’s emails here)
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eleccy · 1 year
no but the way one of my favorite things about the krisnix dynamic is the way that apollo is such a blank slate at the beginning of aa4 and the way phoenix and kristoph are both trying to convince him to their respective “side” it’s so funny
like, they’re out here waging ideological warfare and kristoph is trying to steer apollo to follow his training and just be the calm, logical lawyer he trained him to be and phoenix is just like “but what if something something chaos” and it’s JUST enough to plant the seed of curiosity and doubt into apollo’s little mind and apollo’s like “ooooooh i just gotta know now sorry mr. gavin this is about the truth!!” and phoenix just gives kristoph that shit-eating grin like “haha kristoph you trained him for months maybe years all it took me was like five mins” and kristoph can’t fucking stand that shit. and of COURSE apollo is going to be curious, he has inborn perceive for god’s sake, and phoenix is the only one who knows that. even giving apollo a SHRED of an idea that there might be more to finding the truth of the case has apollo on the scent like a bloodhound and because of that, phoenix is able to play apollo against kristoph perfectly even when kristoph thinks he has full control of all of the pieces on the board (he doesn’t, phoenix has been eating the pieces while he wasn’t looking. metaphorically)
also why the fuck do two veteran lawyers care so much about what one rookie thinks. is it just the fact that apollo’s the only attorney in the room who has the power to do anything during 4-1 so they both have to play kingmaker in their game of chess to win, or are they just that petty that they have to “win” apollo as well
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historyforfuture · 2 months
When the criminal finds no punishment , he increases his crimes
The criminal netanyahoo and his gang with the criminal zionist forces spe. air forces which have no men bec. They kill and assassin but not fight .
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kp777 · 6 months
By Brett Wilkins
Common Dreams
April 5, 2024
"The Biden administration's ongoing support for Israel's genocidal policies implicates it directly in the relentless targeting and massacring of journalists in Gaza, including hundreds of our colleagues and their families."
Palestinian journalists this week issued an appeal to their U.S. counterparts urging them to boycott the April 27 White House Correspondents' Association dinner over the Biden administration's complicity in Israel's genocide in Gaza.
"In the past six months alone, the Israeli military has executed over 125 Palestinian journalists in Gaza—10% of Gaza's community of journalists," notes the appeal, which is being organized with the help of Adalah Justice Project and the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights. "The year 2023 marked the bloodiest year for journalists worldwide in over a decade, with over 75% of killed journalists targeted by Israel’s attacks on Gaza."
"As Palestinian journalists, we urgently appeal to you, our colleagues globally, with a demand for immediate and unwavering action against the Biden administration's ongoing complicity in the systematic slaughter and persecution of journalists in Gaza," the authors wrote.
"We bear the enormous burden of exposing the realities of Israel's genocidal campaign to the world while living through it in real-time. Israel has killed more than 32,000 Palestinians as we watch on," the journalists said. The death toll in Gaza now exceeds 33,000—mostly women and children—with at least 75,550 other Palestinians wounded since October 7.
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The appeal continues:
In Gaza, journalism is synonymous with putting our lives on the line as Israel methodically targets us in its desperate bid to silence our voices and obscure the grim reality of its genocidal actions and its project of ethnic cleansing in Palestine. For Palestinian journalists in Gaza, the blue press vest does not offer us protection, but rather functions as a red target. The Biden administration's ongoing support for Israel's genocidal policies implicates it directly in the relentless targeting and massacring of journalists in Gaza, including hundreds of our colleagues and their families.
"Western media has played an integral role in manufacturing consent for Israel's ongoing violence against the Palestinian people, while obfuscating U.S. complicity," the journalists continued. "Over the past six months, the mainstream press has become the mouthpiece of the homicidal Israeli regime, promoting dehumanizing anti-Palestinian propaganda and platforming genocide apologists and perpetrators, while simultaneously ignoring, downplaying, and underreporting Israel's war crimes against Palestinians."
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"The White House Correspondents' dinner is an embodiment of media manipulation, trading journalistic ethics for access," the appeal argues. "For journalists to fraternize at an event with President [Joe] Biden and Vice President [Kamala] Harris would be to normalize, sanitize, and whitewash the administration's role in genocide."
"As journalists reporting from the belly of the beast, you have a unique responsibility to speak truth to power and uphold journalistic integrity," the Palestinians implored U.S. journalists. "It is unacceptable to stay silent out of fear or professional concern while journalists in Gaza continue to be detained, tortured, and killed for doing our jobs."
The appeal's authors noted that American media professionals have demanded justice for journalists like Palestinian American Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Akleh—who numerous probes found was intentionally killed by Israeli forces in 2022—and Jamal Khashoggi, the Saudi Washington Post columnist gruesomely murdered in 2018 by Saudi Arabian operatives in Turkey.
"It is past time journalists take action for journalists in Gaza," the Palestinians asserted. "We call on all journalists of conscience to stand with us and uplift our call to boycott the White House Correspondents' dinner."
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dualdeixis · 10 months
i haven't told anyone this. i read your poem and it really hit me. i'm also in the process of converting to judaism. i've been going to temple since i was a teenager. i live in a small community in the bible belt of the US, so my synagogue is the only one for miles and miles around. i've been trying to convert for years - the only thing in the way has been money for classes. my rabbi, i discovered, is a zionist, and i can't bear to be anywhere near her after hearing what she's said about palestinians. i feel so angry. i feel so very angry. she's the only thing standing in the way between me and finally becoming jewish, even though i've been trying to live a very jewish life for years. i've been trying for so long. she's supposed to be an authority, but turns her back on those suffering for the sake of blind nationalism. i feel so estranged from the community i grew up in. i don't think at this rate i'll be able to convert, even though i'm so, so close to finishing up. i just can't bear to give her my money. i don't know what to do. i don't know where i was going with this. just that i hope you know you're not alone.
💙 thank you for trusting me with your experience. you are not alone either beloved. a dear friend of mine told me "i think you are embodying a lot of jewish values by choosing to stand against this and wait indefinitely. it will just be that much sweeter when you get there with your head held high." hearing that was really comforting and i hope that it comforts you too. we will build the world to come with our own hands and it will be one in which palestine is free and there is no more compromise between religion and nationalism's atrocities. insha2all_h and b"h you and i will sit next to each other in service and share a meal together in that world. shabbat shalom.
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blueepink07 · 9 months
Posting this fic here too! But you can also read here.
Summary: Yuno notices a pair of crimson eyes staring at her match of chess with Mahiru. Scared that her older friend might remember the latest event in which she was attacked by the same pair of eyes, she swiftly leads her to Shidou's cell with the excuse that Mahiru needs to take her medications. However, when Yuno comes back, the same prisoner that disrupted their game demands another match with her.
"No fair… You are too good at this, Yuno! You really have to teach me, too!!"
"And… Checkmate!"
"Sure!! Let's put the pieces back together and I will teach you some tricks!~"
"Right! But… Where was the queen placed…?"
"Mahiru…" Yuno couldn't help but laugh, noticing her friend mistaking the queen’s place for the king's.
It's been a while since they stayed like this, relaxed and cheerful, despite the circumstances… Kotoko's attacks prevented Mahiru from moving much, forcing her to spend the days in her cell, without an occupation. Although Yuno was frequently checking on her, she grew worried, noticing that with every passing minute, her mental state was deteriorating, so the requested wheelchair felt like a rescue from this monotonous routine.
Exactly, when the two friends were finishing to set up the table, Yuno spotted a pair of crimson eyes staring in their direction. The same pair started to approach them, the high school girl's heartbeat slowly increasing with each step. She wasn't scared for her… She was worried for Mahiru, who hadn't still felt the presence of the other person. How would she react seeing the prisoner who hurt her just a while ago? What's Kotoko trying to do? She can't beat up anyone during the trial, but what if…
No, Yuno, these are just assumptions! The best thing you can do is to avert Mahiru from noticing the taller prisoner and get her to leave the chess table.
"Mahiru… I think it's the time to get your medications. Let's first go to Shidou and then we will continue, ok?"
"Ah… but I had thought there was still some time left until my next medication…"
"I understand why! We had such a fun time together, so it's only natural. Here, let me help you!"
Yuno's flinch didn't get unnoticed by Mahiru, who, with an apologetic smile continued:
"I don't want to be a bother… You spent so much time with me… With this wheelchair I can move by myself… So, really, Yuno, I will be fine…"
"It's still annoying to move with that, isn’t it? You still haven't got used to… This. Don't worry, for me it's not a bother! I have nothing better to do, so let's go!"
Yuno didn't even wait for Mahiru's response, helping her instead to move as fast as possible, directing the wheelchair at an angle from where she wouldn't be able to see Kotoko. Her heartbeat started to slow down as she was approaching Shidou's cell, knocking on the door.
"I think I will retreat for now!! Don't forget about the match!"
"Ah.. Yuno?!"
"Sorry Mahiru… I should go back to see if everything is clear now…"
Yuno felt more confident when she came back, if not she became curious of what Kotoko wanted from them. She wasn't even surprised to see her sitting in Mahiru's place, staring at the chess table.
"Kotoko… Do you want to play chess too? Although I don't think that's why you came, right?"
"Actually, that’s why I'm here. I've noticed that you are quite skilled at it, so I thought it would be good practice."
"She hadn't even hidden the fact that she watched us for a while. But I guess she had no reason to, considering that she now thinks she is Es's partner."
"I'm surprised! I wouldn’t have guessed that you would be the type to play chess for fun!"
"I play once in a while… It’s relaxing actually, it also trains my mind and helps me keep myself more… composed."
How much Yuno would want to throw the chess table to a corner and leave. Keeps her relaxed, huh? What a lie, Kotoko's hesitation tells everything. The way her voice, usually powerful, has been slightly trembling at the last word.
She is after something, that’s for sure… Yuno heard before that the strategy you use when playing chess can tell a lot about one's personality. Is this Kotoko's attempt at trying to learn more about her, while making herself vulnerable? After all, this game of accumulating information can be played by two.
"I will begin first, if it's alright…"
"Sure, go on!"
Making the first move… Usually the one who begins has a slight advantage. Is Kotoko not that confident about her skills…? However, the first two moves are usually the same regardless of who you play with. As expected, Kotoko moved the pawn that guarded the king. The muscle memory worked in, and Yuno, too, placed her own pawn with two slots.
The objective, in the beginning part of the game, was to make an opening for as many pieces as possible in a short time. Kotoko seemed to know this too as she started to move more pawns to make room for the pieces that were worth more points.
Just a few moves in the game, and Yuno could already tell Kotoko's style of playing. After quickly disposing of the pawns that kept the other pieces in place, the raven haired girl started to consider every move an opportunity to attack. Aggressive, but precise, fearless, no matter the consequences. If Yuno would take into consideration the latest events, she would think that this is how Kotoko usually plays. But… Something feels off. Kotoko analyses before she acts. Her moves right now are too reckless, the difference in points being quite large, Yuno having a considerable advantage.
Has Kotoko figured it out already…? That the way Yuno plays during their match is different from her usual style? The highschool girl likes to trick her opponents at every given chance, while also putting herself in a position that might mislead the opponent, creating a false sense of stability that would cause them to advance in the danger, becoming a victim of her tactics. However, with the possibility of Kotoko wanting to learn more about her, it forced Yuno to take a different approach. Instead of using tricks, she decided to play safe, maybe too calm and boring for her liking. Not attacking much, but having a good defense, while slightly predicting the opponent's moves.
Is Kotoko trying to push Yuno to her limits? Yuno is not a fan of long matches, and considering that Kotoko plays in offense, while she plays in defense, it will take some time until one of them wins.
To succumb to boredom and let Kotoko's strategy actually work, or continue this charade…
It will be easier if she would just stand up and leave… After all, Kotoko is not someone she would like to spend time with and she should really check on Mahiru.
"Hey, Yuno. You seem deep in thought, are you actually paying attention to the game?"
"Hm~? Chess is about strategy, so it would be natural to be deep in thought. Or is this your way of acknowledging that you let me win?"
"Hmph, let you win. What nonsense. I think you are the one who treats me lightly. From what I've seen, from your other matches, you could have already won by now."
Since when did Kotoko start to spy on their games? It's scary how easily she can make herself unnoticed and claim so much information.
"How sweet! An admirer!"
Surprisingly, Kotoko didn't comment about her reply, instead her face turning into a frown.
"Your skills at chess are really impressive, my only objective was to have fun with you."
"... Really? After everything that happened, what made you think that I will forgive or forget. I don't think I have to spell it out for you, why does no one want to sit next to you though."
"Then, why did you accept my request? I know that you aren't afraid of me. Were you scared that I might have hurt Mahiru? Do not think that your action didn't go unnoticed."
Why did Yuno accept the request… To gain information about the prisoner in front of her… Who was now watching her with the same crimson eyes that a few minutes ago, caused her heartbeat to be increased. Would it be a smart move to answer honestly? No, her intentions should be hidden for now. Who knows? Maybe if she will do this more times, she could figure out better what is the deal with Kotoko. And the next time, she would make sure that no one would be injured by her anymore. To predict Kotoko's next moves. Like in chess.
"Hm… I wonder! You are the only one with whom I haven't still played with, so I suppose I was curious about your skills! Especially, since you said that chess is relaxing…"
"Ah… The small competition you had last week. You won, didn't you?"
"Haha… Yes, but I'm wondering if Shidou actually let me win. His skills are truly impressive."
Kotoko's face showed little to no emotion, but Yuno could tell that she didn't believe her lie at all.
"Still, you should have played fair with me. Anyway, I'm done here. Next time, promise me to give me a great match, okay? I want to see more of the real Kashiki Yuno."
With Kotoko's departure, Yuno was left alone with her thoughts. "Next time… huh?" Her motive is still… unclear. It's not like Kotoko likes her very much, the feeling is mutual, so what does the raven haired woman want to achieve?
"See, I've told you that I can manage on my own!"
"Did Kotoko leave, because she noticed Mahiru approaching…? Would she be really so considerate of Mahiru's feelings, or is it pure coincidence?"
"Ah… Are you okay…? You seem spaced out…"
"Oh, yes! No worries! Let's play, shall we? I can't wait to show you some cool moves!"
"And maybe I would not be the first one eliminated, next time, from the competition!"
"That’s the spirit!"
All Yuno's worries about Kotoko's motivations dispersed as soon as the new match started. With a small, soft smile, she began explaining to her friend some of the easier tactics, as Mahiru was pretty much a beginner. Yuno couldn't help, but laugh seeing the eyes that were watching her with anticipation and curiosity. It is the first time, since Mahiru was injured, when her older friend displayed genuine happiness, her beautiful eyes seeming to regain their sparkle that she adored so much.
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Dual Correspondence, Chapter 01
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Pairing: HotchReid
Summary: Sequel to Correspondence, picking up where we left off. Spencer has moved in with Aaron and Jack, and everything is perfect. Until it’s not. But then it is again. And up and down they go, on a rollercoaster filled with every twist and turn that life can throw at them. Navigating such obstacles isn’t easy, or fair, with difficult foes and situations that test everything they are and dream to be together. But the thing about trying to be with someone you love through it all, is that sooner or later you realize the hard times don’t have to be conquered alone.
Rating: Mature/Explicit (eventually)
Chapter CW/notes: So fluffy you could cry. List of resources at the end for mathematical web pages, thesis paper proposals, as well as links to letters and photos and sources mentioned at the end that I will not spoil. Subscript is littered throughout because of this (if the formatting works on tumblr and ao3). Mentions of drinking and playful teasing among friends, and (also near the end) mentions of historical prejudice against the queer community. You might cry, I did, but it’ll be happy tears (this time) I promise. Self beta’d, all mistakes and inconsistencies are my bad, thank you so much for supporting me and my writing. Enjoy <3 
Word Count: 8082
Masterpost Link
Ao3 Link
Chapter 01
Late July 2012
Dual Correspondence 
The dual space as defined above is defined for all vector spaces, and to avoid ambiguity may also be called the algebraic dual space. 
When defined for a topological vector space, there is a subspace of the dual space, corresponding to continuous linear functionals, called the continuous dual space.
Dual vector spaces find application in many branches of mathematics that use vector spaces, such as in tensor analysis with finite-dimensional vector spaces. When applied to vector spaces of functions (which are typically infinite-dimensional), dual spaces are used to describe measures, distributions, and Hilbert spaces. Consequently, the dual space is an important concept in functional analysis. ⁰¹
“Yes, yes okay we get it, you’re a genius.”
Spencer is cut off mid-sentence by his table companions, and no matter how many times he’d held his own in the face of those who aren’t from his typical studious academic community – it still stops him dead in his tracks. The difference now, in comparison to the incidents in the past where this would happen at conferences and board of director’s meetings, is the company. 
And the intention behind the tone.
“Certifiable genius,” Penelope adds to Emily’s drolling, playful jab. Toasting the young genius with her second (or possibly third) Tom Yum Siam. “Capable of extraordinary, far reaching mathematical equations us feeble minded mortals couldn’t possibly comprehend.”
“It’s not that far reaching,” Spencer murmurs, but the warmth of their gentle teasing soothes the cold shock of embarrassment that almost took over his every nerve ending. The group is crowded together at a terra-cotta table on the patio of the local Ma and Pop Thai restaurant Hotch always insists is the best one in the area. Spencer can now verify its 100% authenticity and wonderfully traditional cuisine. No new age fusions here. The late D.C. evening is hot and darkening as slowly as possible despite the hour, and Spencer does his best to keep up with the team in the way of companionable exchange, as he discreetly checks the door over his shoulder every few minutes. Normally he would have Jack with him for such an occasion, to give him a sense of grounding, but the boy was currently with JJ and Will’s boys having a sleepover under the ex-detective’s watchful eye. Leaving Spencer to fend for himself. Two months of living in the city and he still felt a flutter of nerves every time he saw the team all in person. Especially alone.
JJ knocks shoulders with him, jostling him back to life and out of his thoughts, shaking her head at his choice of dinner conversation. Like she hadn’t known him over half his life. 
“Spence, I didn’t understand most of what you just said.”
“If you’d stayed awake during advanced calculus instead of speed cramming the night before, you might,” Spencer tells her in reprimand. After all, he’d been the one teaching her class when she was an undergrad all those years ago. He’d only had one doctorate back then instead of six. “Or copying off your neighbors.” 
“Cindy Erikson copied off of me!” 
“And you copied off of Steven Knight.” Spencer gives her another side-eyed look. “I was short, not blind.”
“I can not imagine you short,” Emily snickers.
“I didn’t hit my final growth spurt until I was sixteen.” 
“And you were teaching – no, never mind, forget I asked.” Morgan shakes his head and calls the waitress over for another round as they await the last person to arrive. The emptiness of the seat to Spencer’s other side was colder than the balmy summer air surrounding them, and he tried not to check the door again. Or his phone. 
“So… stray away from theoretical physics,” Spencer concluded, stirring his drink just to have something to do with his hands. 
“You can’t tell me you’ve never been out to drinks with colleagues or your doctoral students,” Morgan admonishes. 
“Of course I have,” Spencer scoffs. “I wasn’t a hermit.”
“Well, what were your discussion topics?” 
“Theoretical physics.” Spencer says pointedly, tilting his head and narrowing his gaze in accusation. It just made the jovial man laugh at him again, good naturedly – Spencer may never get used to that. “And advanced math proposals. It was an academic social scene, so everyone always had their thesis and experiments on their minds.” 
“Old habits are hard to break,” Morgan says in sympathy. But he nudges the young professor under the table with his foot and tries to shake him out of his stupor. “You can talk about whatever you want, pretty boy. It just might be hard to follow for some of us.”
“I followed it fine,” Penelope boasts, sipping the remains of her drink through a bright red curly straw. “I also went to UCLA, remember?” 
“That’s right, two geniuses at the table,” Morgan grins, bowing in a flourishing fashion. “We should only consider ourselves so lucky.”
“And don't you forget it.”
“You talk like we’re all simpletons,” Emily says in mock offense. “We discuss psychology and psycho-pathology all day, and I’m currently up to my eyeballs in statistical reports at work and if I even see a string of numbers again tonight I will lose my shit.”
“Is that your way of saying you aren’t paying for your bill?” Morgan grins. 
“Oh, you’re buying? How sweet of you, Derek Morgan!”
“No, no no – the one with the six figure royalties is Rossi. He’s buying dinner.”
“I offered no such thing,” Mr. Rossi says from the wrought iron fencing where he was smoking a cigar and nursing some kind of dark liquid in a rocks glass with a single ice cube the size of a baseball inside it. “And what makes you think it’s only six figures?”
“Oh, you’re definitely buying dinner.” 
“Another round!” Penelope shouted to the poor waitress who giggled at their antics and murmured something under her breath she probably thought no one at the table would understand. 
“And a round of water, please,” Spencer told her in Thai, with a correct Bangkok-esque dialect that had her blinking in surprise and smiling at him. “Thank you.” 
Morgan gives him a teasing push to his shoulder that pairs well with his laugh. "What was that? You can talk with the waitress but not us? That didn't look like it was about theoretical physics." Spencer rolls his eyes in answer. "See, you can be personable."
“Well, I’m not the greatest with bourgeois small talk.”
“You and Hotch had two years worth of nothing but small talk.” Emily raises an eyebrow at him over her own drink and then a mischievous glint catches in the dark depths of her eyes. “What did you two even talk about all that time?” 
“Our unruly subordinates, mostly,” Spencer smirks, ducking to the side to escape another mischievous reach of admonishment from Morgan. 
“But no, really?” Emily encourages, and her question gives him pause.
“Everything,” Spencer says with a smile. Near wistful in his remembrance. He ducks his head to hide the expression from his audience of seasoned profilers. “Too much to list.” 
“That’s saying something for you,” JJ teases him.
The memories take him then. Of late nights, an abandoned online chess game and thousands of lines of text on a screen that go on for hours and hours. Talking about everything, and nothing, and filled with joy and companionship in between. Of calls that would go on so long they would fall asleep and still be connected long after, ticking away the seconds into the morning. Of emails and video calls, longing glances and whispered promises, aching dreams of someday and soon until finally they were… here. In the same place, for the very first time; in the same time zone, the same state and town and then living in the same house. Sleeping in the same bed. Where the nothing-yet-everything talks continued in that intimately small space between them as they lay side by side; still longing glances, still whispered promises, but no more soon. No more someday. Only now. Tomorrow. In the morning. After work. On the weekend. Promises kept and fulfilled and built upon. New memories made outside the text box on a computer screen. Spoken into existence and echoing in their ears, reminders of the oceans of time and distance they both have crossed to be…
“Yeah,” Spencer sighs, again – unknowingly repeating himself, and the whole table reacts in a wave of fond eye rolling and quiet not-so-tipsy laughter. 
“You two are gross,” Emily concludes. 
“Sweet,” Penelope corrects her.
“Disgustingly sweet,” Emily insists, then gestures to the group at large.” – and Hotch isn’t even here!”
Spencer was only too aware of that fact, but before he could feel his wistfulness darken and drag his mood down to sit heavily  in his chest, a deep voice spoke from behind him.
 “Yes, I am.” 
 Warm arms encircle his chest and shoulders, the familiar presence so welcoming and sudden the mere touch burns hot, and when Spencer turns to make sure his vivid memory recall isn’t playing tricks on his senses – he’s met with a kiss, warm and firm and so solidly there it takes his breath away. Still sends his heart racing. Because Aaron is there, sliding into the seat next to him, dark eyes only on him when he speaks. “I’m sorry I kept you waiting.” 
“Don’t worry, we entertained ourselves just fine,” Emily responds, earning a half-hearted glare from her boss. 
“I wasn’t talking to you.”
“Rude,” she scoffs, boldly. “We kept Spencer entertained, too!” 
“I could hear you interrogating him from the parking lot,” Aaron scolds her, the two bantering more like siblings than superior and subordinate, making the rest of the team have to stifle their laughter. And Spencer – 
Well, he’s grinning so wide it could split his face, but he ducks his head to hide it, entirely focused on how Aaron’s hand takes his under the table, fingers interlocked, resting on Spencer’s thigh and the heavy weight of it grounds him in a way he’s still so unused to. Could drown in the sensation. It leaves him lost for words; not because he can’t find them, but because too many are running through his head at blinding speed. Adjectives in dozens of languages, lines of poetry and prose from about six different centuries worth of literature, chemical compositions and psychological terms and definitions that barely scratch the surface of what he feels when Aaron’s hand is holding on to his so solidly. Yet so easily. As if the grip makes them extensions of themselves. The coexistence more natural than breathing, how he – they – are supposed to be. Connected, together, without making their independent persons disappear. Spencer feels more himself next to Aaron, and Aaron looks so… happy. 
It still floors Spencer that he could do that for another person. Make them happy.
And just like that, the night dissolves into an harmonious gathering. Not just between Spencer and Aaron, but the rest of the team as well. It’s taken some time, but Spencer has slowly begun to understand what a large, interworking family is supposed to feel like. Chaotic and uplifting and wonderful. There’s an expectation not to fade into the background, to be present, and sometimes that is still hard for him to hold onto – but the fact this group of people wants to know what he has to say, that want to help or spend time with him instead of seeing him do everything on his own (just because he’s qualified to do so) is an experience wholly novel in its entirety. 
Spencer spent the entire afternoon setting up his lab and classroom, knowing full-well that it would be difficult to get everything in order without a T.A. to assist him. The school year wouldn’t start for another few weeks, and he was still reviewing applications for his assistants. But he hadn’t had to do it alone. Jack was with him most of the morning, and around lunch Will and Henry had arrived to help. The boys would be with Will most of the night so Jess could work her late shift and the team could do this outing –  a 'moral function’, Aaron had told him. A team-building dinner. Or that’s what would go in the expense report, at least. Yet Spencer sat here with them, still just a consultant according to the FBI staff files – but a part of the team, according to everyone else. 
Somewhere he belongs that doesn’t hold any obligation other than to be there, holding Aaron’s hand, and what could be better than that?
“So, when is the Smithsonian Gala this weekend?” JJ asks him not long after the dinner plates are cleared and the group is happily finishing their drinks at leisurely paces. “I went last year with the State Department, it’s a massive event.”
“Tomorrow night,” Spencer says, with a little less enthusiasm. Professor Blake and the dean at Georgetown had been showing the great Dr. Spencer Reid at every available occasion they could. Earning him invites to parties and meetings and even a trip to the White House to meet the President and the Secretaries of a few departments pertaining to his various doctoral degrees. Department of Energy, Department of Commerce, Department of Education and some of the senior White House Leadership as well. Spencer is sure all of them would be at the Smithsonian Gala tomorrow, too, and he thanked his lucky stars for his eidetic memory or else he’d worry about remembering the names of everyone he had met over the past few months. “I’m just glad I’m not going alone,” he murmurs with a smile towards Aaron, who had moved to wrapping an arm around Spencer’s lower back and tugging him so close their thighs brushed and their chairs were pressed together. 
“Oh! You got an invitation, too?” JJ asks in surprise. “I thought only the FBI directors were invited?”
“I’m Spencer’s plus one,” Aaron says with a smile.
“Arm candy for the evening. You’re moving up in the world, Aaron,” Mr. Rossi smirked, delighting in the rude hand gesture Aaron sent his way discreetly. 
“I’m sure it’ll be a night to remember.” Penelope has a smile that is purely vivacious from clear across the table, even without her bright coral pink lipstick outlining it. If Spencer didn’t know any better, he’d have thought that Aaron had sent a small glare her way at her comment. But he doesn’t mention it as their checks arrive, and Rossi does indeed swipe the combined bill out of Emily’s waiting hand. The night falling back into more lively chatter and banter than Spencer knew what to do with. All while Aaron’s hand staying within his reach, to hold whenever he pleases.
It has been nearly three months since Spencer left CalTech and California behind; since he’d moved in with Aaron and Jack, since they had turned one of Morgan’s refurbishing projects into a home that is filled to the brim with what used to be their separate lives. Spencer’s books that could stock a library, Aaron’s law collection circa 1997, Spencer’s paintings bought from artists on campuses across the country, Aaron’s running shoes and Jack’s soccer equipment (including a child sized goal in their small fenced in backyard). Spencer’s desk taken from his mother’s home in Las Vegas, Aaron’s desk that he’d gotten at a garage sale in college (and looked like Spencer’s desk could eat it for breakfast). Spencer’s vests, Aaron’s ties, Spencer’s sweaters, Aaron’s college sweatshirts. Books on every available surface, next to tiny toy action figures and cars Jack always forgets to put away and Aaron’s budget reports lost beneath elementary school field trip forms and Spencer’s patent proposals. It’s cluttered, it’s filled to the brim, Spencer organizes whatever he can, Aaron vacuums nearly every day and is always doing dishes, Jack can never find a pair of matching shoes, and it’s… 
It feels like a home. 
There’s nothing Aaron likes more when he walks through the door than Jack hugging him, Spencer being there to accept a kiss pressed against the kitchen counter. He relishes in rolling up his dress shirt sleeves to tackle the dishes in the sink, to take over making dinner so Spencer can help Jack with homework and remind him of all the school activities Aaron can never remember to put into his calendar. 
He loves looking up and seeing Spencer there. Catching his eye, making him smile or flush from just a look. It’s been an adjustment, not having his phone in his hand nearly every minute of the day, and sometimes they forget to speak when they share space together. But it’s a comfortable silence, and with each passing week it’s taking less and less urging to get Spencer to speak his mind. To not hold back little facts and statistics from papers he’s read or whatever just crosses his mind as his thoughts constantly churn a million miles a minute. He is the smartest man Aaron has ever met; and – he’s not afraid to admit – he’s been doing a lot more reading and research, himself, just so he can keep up. So they can lobby back and forth during a conversation, as they always have, no matter the situation or circumstance. 
Living together has changed them, continues to change them, for the better Aaron hopes – and he knows that he’s still starstruck by the younger man. Every time he sees Spencer, hugs him, laces their fingers together, it feels novel and new despite the muscle memory ingrained in them, now. Dave says they are still in their ‘honeymoon’ phase, which gets Aaron’s pulse up in ways that make his head spin – implications and plans he hasn’t put into motion yet – but the nerves still haven’t settled. The amazement and vibrancy hasn’t faded. Would it always be like this? Could his heart even take it? 
“Do you need help with those?” 
Aaron looks up from where he’d been attempting to get his cufflinks secured around his wrists. They were an older pair, passed down to him from his grandfather, and normally he’d have no issues whatsoever putting on a suit – even one such as this, a few degrees more sophisticated than his usual work attire. But his mind was still swimming with distractions that he really didn’t want Spencer to take notice of, so he swallowed his pride and gave his boyfriend a sheepish smile. “These are practically antiques, with my luck I’ll break them. Would you mind?” Spencer grins back, and he’s still only half-dressed as well, allowing Aaron to soak in the sight as he sidles up to the older man and takes the polished silver pieces in his hands. Aristocratic hands, long and thin and most comfortable flipping through pages faster than most could blink. He easily fastens the cufflinks and Aaron can’t help the mirth warming his chest and making him laugh low and soft. “You make it look so easy.”
“So I’ve been told,” Spencer murmurs, a similar mirth reflected in his tilted smile. 
“My hands are too big, my fingers keep slipping.” He was rambling, but Spencer looking at him this close, his own dress shirt barely hanging on his shoulders, fingertips dancing along the pulse in Aaron’s wrist – the light-headed sensation making him giddy, teasing, warm and seeking as he leans in so close he could nudge Spencer’s nose with his own. 
“I like your hands just the way they are,” Spencer murmurs back, nearly a whisper and oh – 
Oh, they were going to be so late to this Gala. 
Aaron can’t resist sliding his hands out of Spencer’s reach, slipping beneath that silk dress shirt to slide along his sides, around to his back, pulling him flush against him and kissing him. Heady and slow, the younger man melting against him in the best of ways, their bodies now well acquainted with where they fit together perfectly. Like matching puzzle pieces, dips and edges lining up until there isn’t a breath between them. Any protests Spencer tries to speak are swallowed up by Aaron, twin racing heartbeats and wandering hands that could so easily slip clothing off and reveal inch by inch of flushed skin and –
A harsh knock to the door has them freezing and breaking the kiss, if not the embrace, panting for air and remembering where they were. What they were supposed to be doing.
“Are you decent?!” Jessica shouts through the door.
“No!” Aaron answers back, just as loud, Spencer biting his lip and hiding his face in Aaron’s shoulder.
“Well your limo is here, so you better get decent. You’re going to be late!” Her footsteps retreat, but Aaron is sure he hears her grumbling something about ‘men’ and ‘like teenagers’ and ‘honestly’ but it fades away too quickly. Not to mention that small make out has Aaron’s tinnitus ringing a little too harshly in his bad ear to accuse her of such (justifiable) insults. 
“That’s what I was trying to say,” Spencer scolds him, and Aaron shuts him up with another searing kiss. Because he can. 
“It’s not our Gala, and we’re paying the limo driver. He can wait.” 
“Aaron!” Spencer exclaims, but Aaron kisses him again. All-encompassing, so easy to fall into, but he doesn’t give in. He’s quite proud of his self-restraint, actually,  as he begins to button up Spencer’s shirt for him. Helping him back into his clothes all while kissing him breathless, quite literally when he tucks the dress shirt into Spencer’s black slacks and lets his broad hands grope him quite shamelessly in the effort to smooth down the material along his thighs and backside. “You’re a menace,” Spencer manages, heady and lost on a breath, and Aaron can live with that title just fine.
“You love it.”
“I do,” he admits, another brush of lips, and a smile that Aaron gets to taste and savor. He finishes by fastening Spencer’s tie for him… as well as his cufflinks. Those gorgeous honey eyes narrow in accusation, when it hits him. “You didn’t need help at all.” Not a question, an observation turned to pure fact. 
Aaron just hums in non-commitment, straightening the last bits of Spencer’s suit for him. “Stunning.”
“You look gorgeous,” Aaron continues, a softer kiss to those already well-loved lips, oversensitive from his earlier ministrations. Flushed pink and full and how much Aaron wants to run his thumb along them…
“What are you planning?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” If Aaron wanted to sound unbothered and even-toned, that was a skill he had in spades and he was not afraid to use it on Spencer. Tonight of all nights. The young professor is as keenly observant as any of his team and had picked up far too many tricks from the profilers for his comfort. Aaron blamed Prentiss and Morgan, entirely. When the three were together for any stretch of time chaos usually ensued. 
With a narrowed gaze, Spencer doesn’t even blink as he shrugs on his overcoat. “I’m watching you.”
“I’d certainly hope so,” Aaron quips, Spencer pretending not to be amused was one of his favorite entertainments in their loving banter. “We’re late.”
“And whose fault is that?” 
Aaron checks his watch, just to ruffle Spencer’s feathers. “Getting later.” 
A groan from Spencer has the man spinning around and going down the stairs in a huff. Which gives Aaron just enough time to duck towards his dresser and pull out a small parcel he’s had hidden in the top drawer for weeks. It silently slips into his own overcoat pocket, where it will be less noticeable to the keen eyes of the man he loves. 
But as much as he tries to not smile in the slightest, he knows that there is a good chance the mirth is still reflected in his eyes. 
The Gala is overwhelming.
The crowd is massive, dressed in suits and gowns full of rich colors and delicate jewels, nearly every hand holding a glass of some kind, and conversations are scattered about in various strengths of sound and intensity. Everywhere he turns there is someone trying to get Spencer’s attention. Be it Dr. Blake attempting to get him to make more contacts, Dr. Erikson (the dean of Georgetown) who just loves to show him off to people of the highest prestige and authority, or numerous other persons he’s already met through events such as this. Which have been many, lately, and Spencer yearns for the day that he is no longer a novelty on the D.C. academic circuit. In fact, the only person who doesn’t demand his attention, but has faithfully never left his side, is Aaron.
And God, Spencer doesn’t know what he would have done without him. 
Aaron has this effortless way of commanding a conversation, words precise and to the point without too much excess – part of his time as a lawyer, Spencer is sure. Even though he hadn’t personally been invited to the gala, he blends in with the crowd far better than Spencer ever dreamed, and is able to uphold a professional demeanor with every person they are introduced to. It wasn't until they could catch a breath near a refreshment table later in the evening that he finally caught the older man’s eyes, and Aaron gave him a smile that was just for him. Not the crisp, proficiently practiced ones he graces the party-goers with, but a small grin that is easy and fluid and looks like it doesn’t hurt to hold. Spencer wishes he could just spend the entire Gala wrapped up in Aaron Hotchner, but this isn’t actually an event meant for entertainment. As far as Dr. Erikson was concerned, and Dr. Blake to a degree, this was work. 
And work beckoned to him once again, not a moment later.
“I’m sorry, I’m afraid you lost me.” 
Spencer sighs, and Aaron’s hand subtly pressing to his lower back is the only thing that keeps him from sagging into his chair. They had managed to find a white linen table that was relatively empty to rest and escape the crowds. Which lasted all of five minutes, and now even Aaron seemed to be looking around as if in search of an exit to make a quick escape.
“Is it too abstract for a project proposal?”  Spencer asks, having just relayed his Dual Correspondence theory to a couple of the mathematics professors of American University, another local campus in NorthWest D.C. that he was acquainted with from his years at MIT. 
“I didn’t think so.”
“What part of that was even leading to a question?”
“The part about how I use the dual correspondence. So what I want to do is prove that the critical behavior of the classical system corresponds to a relative stability of the corresponding CSS state to bit-flip and phase-flip noise–”⁰²
“Yeah, you lost me again.”
A puff of air turns his frown into a pout, and Spencer can feel the last dregs of his ability to socialize circling the drain. Under the table, he grabs tightly onto Aaron’s hand – which was indeed larger than his own, strong and broad and still so, so gentle when he squeezes back in reassurance. 
“If you’ll excuse us,” Aaron tells the professors before another tangent can be launched in the conversation. He tugs Spencer to his feet and leads him through the crowd with purpose, as if seeing someone that they needed to catch. But there’s no one in the corridor that leads to a dark, roped off hallway out of bounds to the Gala attendees. Aaron pulls Spencer towards him as they hover by the red velvet ropes on shining brass stands, and suddenly they are face to face with the dull hum of the Gala to Spencer’s back. It’s the first time he feels he can take more than a shallow breath, and Aaron’s hands on his waist center him as he collects himself. He was overstimulated, half-crazed with the need for a place of quiet, and Aaron smiles softly at him and presses a feather-light kiss to his cheek. 
“Want to get out of here?”
Spencer shakes his head, they can’t yet and he knows it. “Our limo won’t be back for another hour and forty three minutes. And I can’t just leave the party, I still have to at least make an appearance with the scientific consults for the interior and —” 
“I think you’ve met your quota for the evening,” Aaron murmurs, and is so close he can rest his forehead against Spencer’s own. His low, rumbling tone a soothing balm to the high chitter chatter he’d endured the past couple hours. “And we don’t have to leave the building.” There’s something mischievous in the ever so subtle upturn of his mouth, miniscule and easily missed by anyone else around. But Spencer knows that microexpression, knows it backwards and forwards and – in a way – hungers for it. His heart, which had been starting to beat heavy and dripping in anxiety not moments ago, starts to thump in an entirely new tempo. 
He knew Aaron was up to something, earlier, but this hadn’t been in his estimations. 
Before he can ask what the older man meant, Aaron steps back just far enough to step over the velvet ropes, taking Spencer’s hands and helping him over without tripping over his shoes. (Which were not his usual converses, and Spencer curses the oxfords he wears as he almost stumbles headfirst into Aaron’s chest). But without a single whispered word, quiet as if he was in the field searching a house for a suspect, Aaron pulls Spencer down the dark hallway and around a corner before a security guard can see them heading towards the restricted areas. Instantly the hallway goes quiet without the Gala echoing behind them, and it feels so quiet and safe that Spencer forgets to speak until they are a couple hallways away from the event. Following turns and stairs as if… as if Aaron knows exactly where to go.
“Where are we going?” Spencer finally manages when they reach the landing of a darkened, marble staircase. If he’d had his wits more about him, he’d be teasing Aaron endlessly about breaking rules and regulations of the Smithsonian while every single one of his superiors was in the same building. 
“A little bird told me about an exhibit that will open next month, and I thought we could catch a glimpse,” Aaron answers, dark eyes dancing even in the shadowed corridor. “Just for a minute.”
Spencer smiles, then, and it feels so light and easy on his face he flushes a little. “A little colorful bird that happens to answer to Penelope?”
“I’ll take the fifth on that,” Aaron says evenly. “And so does my source.” 
The warmth spreading through his heart is near to bursting, knowing Aaron had planned a refuge for them during the Gala in advance. Knowing Spencer might need it, without pressing it on him if he ended up fine the whole evening. A consideration that not many would have taken. If it hadn’t been for those damn NASA executives and the White House Senior Staff that wanted to be his very best friend, Spencer might have indeed been fine that evening… 
But it didn’t diminish the fact that Aaron had planned an escape for him, leading him by the hand and taking care of him without an imposition. It leaves Spencer giddy and his steps lighter as they venture further into the lower levels of the Smithsonian. 
He had been invited to a number of events since moving in with Aaron and Jack at the end of May. The summer months had flown by faster than they ever had in all his life; filled with setting up their home, establishing his office, helping with consultations at the BAU and other agencies setting up interviews to begin doing the same. And the events. The lunch-ins, the dinners, the small house gatherings and large conference mixers and the Galas and Estates and Country Clubs of faculty lounges that made CalTech’s look like an elementary school cafeteria. New England was filled with prestige and history and old money that so easily got invested in education when the market was good. It showed in the stone masonry and marble statues, rich colored fabrics adoring furniture and carpets, historical pieces placed sporadically about that should really belong in a museum with a plaque describing their importance and not some senior vice president’s coffee table. 
Some events or meetings were with people in places that even Aaron has never been invited to before, and that surprises Spencer – knowing how long he’s worked for the justice system in the city. First for the District Attorney’s office, then with the FBI. He’d climbed the ladder not through social events, but through hard work, and Spencer hoped he would be able to do the same. 
But despite all the time he’d had to invest in getting set up in D.C., Spencer is happy to say that he’d still had time for the things he’d been wishing for over the past few years. 
Aaron and Spencer got their dates at the Moon Gate Garden, the Folger Shakespeare library, Aaron’s little Thai restaurant on the Southside of the city that they now frequented so often Spencer had begun a rapport with the owners. His Thai was improving every time they visited, and he loved to chat with the old woman running the seating area in her native tongue. She, in turn, loved to tease him about Aaron being ‘quite a catch’, always paired with a congratulatory wink. He hadn’t disclosed that information to Aaron yet. 
Even the BAU’s cases have been good, for now. The team only had to be out of town once in July, and none at all in June. It was a relatively quiet summer full of research and interviews instead of break-neck cases, and both Spencer and Aaron were well aware that wouldn't last forever. So they soaked up every minute as much as they could. And it’s this thought that keeps Spencer’s head out of the cloud of memory and back into the present. 
He observes the route they take, looking around as they reach some of the laboratories where the exhibits are planned and laid out in whatever fashion the cases will be designed. They slip into a room, and Spencer only has a moment to wonder why in the world the labs are unlocked, before the darkness and what lies within distract him fully. He can’t see what is in front of him, but his keenly perceptive eyes can see glints of light from the open door. Slight differentials in depth perception, as if the room is filled with glass at varying distances.
Spencer doesn’t get to even open his mouth to ask where they are before Aaron is flipping the lights on, and his hypothesis is proven correct. 
The room is filled with vertical panes of glass. So unlike the typical display cases that one is used to in the museums, these are suspended walls of clear plexiglass. They are built in a way that creates a maze-like structure, which can be found in many museum exhibits that wish to lead the viewers along a linear path. Such as wartime exhibits or historical movements, mostly featured in time periods where the passing of each year is of the utmost importance. But this is a new way of displaying the pieces that Spencer hadn’t seen before, because all the pieces are in a collage. Each is small, square or rectangular, yellowed with age and covered in various cursive scrawls. It is an extraordinary visual effect, so simple yet so elegant, how it takes a moment to realize that pressed between the panes of glass – at just the right height of someone’s gaze – are letters. Postcards. Photographs. Memories with faded postmarks that scatter along the wall in an overwhelming display of correspondence. 
A floating epistolary.
“What is this?” he finally asks, moving along the wall and taking in every name, every photo, and the theme awakens within the pieces as Aaron comes up behind him. Arms around his waist, a kiss to the back of his neck, low rumbled words Spencer can feel through his suit jacket as Aaron presses in close. 
“They are love letters,” he murmurs. 
But they aren’t just that. 
They are love letters from men to other men, women to other women, of people undetermined to their loves who could not otherwise profess such profound feelings in a public space. Some of these letters, from these particular time periods and areas ravaged by war and society alike, were dangerous to even put in the post. But here they are, decades and even centuries later, safely preserved and beautifully displayed so that their love story – hidden when it lived – can be read now, recognized for what it was.
Spencer is awestruck. His eyes move faster than most can blink, taking in every line of cursive prose and every beautiful smile in the faded vintage photos, moving slowly along, with Aaron never breaking contact – holding his hand, his waist, not saying a word as Spencer just… takes it all in. He reads so many beautiful, heartbreaking stories so fast he doesn’t even realize he’s tearing up until Aaron is holding him. Gently rocking him in place. 
Because more than that, he finds himself in those pages. He finds himself and Aaron, not just because of what they are, but because of the journey they had been through over the past two years – waiting so long to be within reach.
He licks his lips slowly, ignores how they threaten to tremble, and begins to read aloud.
“Wednesday January 24th, 1939. 
My darling, 
... I lie awake all night waiting for the postman in the early morning, and then when he does not bring anything from you I just exist, a mass of nerves...
All my love forever, 
G.” ⁰³
Aaron holds him tighter, and Spencer reads another. And another. And the words of people who may have held each other just like this continue to fill Spencer’s mind, and the most astounding part is they are all stories he’s never heard before. These weren’t famous people, authors or poets such as Emily Dickinson or Oscar Wilde, Virginia Wolfe and Gertrude Stein. Which he had read extensively in his youth. These were lovers of the everyday kind, living their lives and finding love in the quiet places in between. However, embossed at the highest part of the glass panes, in curving opaque script, was a translation of Sappho that thrummed through his heart. Spencer had read the original text before, still knew every word, but it hit hard to read the fragment here: 
"someone will remember us, I say, even in another time"
The exhibit is beyond anything Aaron could have expected, and its enormity really leaves an impact. A whole wall of floating letters, pictures, postcards and lives lived despite every pressing circumstance surrounding them. There was longing, and a level of patient impatience that Aaron wouldn’t have been able to grasp. He’d lasted two years, somehow, despite all odds – but he was still able to speak to Spencer every day they waited. Every moment. But to have to send a letter and then wait, for weeks or months, to hear from the man he loves? What an incredible feat, and he pulls Spencer back against him tighter at the mere thought. 
He’d had a speech prepared. 
Not really a speech, he’d written and scrapped quite a few in his office usually after the team left for the day, but he’d thought about what he would say here, for a very long time. The past few months, in particular, it had been settling over his every thought. Every time he looked over and saw Spencer there beside him, it made itself known. Reminded him of what he had to do, how he would go about it. What he would say. But all of it seemed inadequate, now, with the thousands of lines of beautiful prose hanging before them. So much love, expanded across time. 
Who knew so much love could fit between the lines of mere words?
…Aaron did. He and Spencer did. He’d fallen in love before he’d ever seen Spencer’s face. Spencer had admitted to him, in the quiet of their bedroom in their house one night a few weeks ago, that he’d known he was in love long before even that. They had done that through words. Through open minds and open hearts and late night talks and the ability to instantaneously be there for each other across thousands of miles. Technology may have given them the ability, but the work – the words – were all theirs.
“I had so much I wanted to say,” Aaron murmurs, turning his head and gently nosing at the unruly curls that couldn’t be tamed even for a Gala. An auburn color that catches the light, smelling softly of sandalwood, old books, and a warmth that was so distinctive to Spencer he had to just breathe it in. Spencer turns to him in his arms, their noses brush, his next words are close enough Spencer must feel them against his cheek. “I had a plan, a speech –”
“No, let me get this out,” he insists, and breaks away only to take Spencer by the hands and turn him so they face each other. But as soon as he does, all he can see is the way the dim lights reflect in the younger man’s eyes. Honey brown full of goldens and hazels and Aaron knows he can drown in those eyes, in that gaze that watches him like he holds everything worthwhile in the world in his hands. Adoration, and a fearful kind of hope that starts to reverberate into Aaron’s own racing heart. The words fail him, again, and he has to take a deep breath to try and say anything at all – 
Then Spencer smiles at him, small and beautiful, and it forces something akin to a laugh from Aaron’s too tight lungs. “Everything I thought I would say doesn’t seem enough, now.” His thumb rubs along the ridges of Spencer’s knuckles, cradling them with all the emotion that wants to burst out of him. “This, the exhibit, turned out more perfect than I planned.”
“Congratulations,” Spencer says with a small smirk.
“Shush, I’m not done,” he scolds, but the intention was well rewarded. The laugh, the smile, settled his nerves enough that Aaron could school his own expression and look into Spencer’s face, into his eyes, without losing himself in the moment. “We know what it’s like to wait endless days to be together, to send messages and speak words that we hope were enough to last us until that day came. Until days like this, where I’ve discovered that… you were the best thing I’ve ever waited for.”
He hadn’t actually meant to make the younger man this emotional this soon, but Spencer’s eyes – which Aaron couldn’t look away from for anything – were starting to gain a wet sheen that threatened to spill past his long lashes. 
“I fell in love with you, all of you, before we ever had a chance to hold hands. You were the reason I started to smile again, after everything. The physical distance between us didn’t matter, because we were able to be together in ways… I didn’t know were possible. I was still with you, even through words on a screen, and you were always there for me. My favorite notification, to this day,” Aaron adds lightly, and then leans forward, a gentle kiss to Spencer’s nose that makes him blink and smile – keeping him distracted long enough for Aaron to detangle their hands. 
To reach into his pocket, and pull out a small, velvet box.
To lower himself to one knee, and look up into Spencer’s shocked face. 
He’d done this once before, as a teenager a lifetime ago, and he was no less nervous this time than the first time. His voice is the only sound in the room as Spencer basically stops breathing, watching Aaron with the widest gaze.
“I want us to keep going,” he murmurs. “I want us to see what else we can build together, what we can be. We did something I never thought possible, and I know we can do even more now that we’re here. Together. I want to live the rest of my life with you, if you’ll have me.” Aaron swallows hard, and Spencer lets out a small sound like he wanted to answer right away and it was taking everything in him to let Aaron finish. 
But Aaron knows he and Spencer are both tired of waiting another day for anything that keeps them from living their life how they always dreamed.
So he opens the box, a golden ring inside, and says as clearly as his voice will allow, “Dr. Spencer Reid, will you marry me?” 
Spencer lets out the breath that he’d been holding onto with all his might. It sounds wet and high and filled with relief – his eyes burn and his heart hurts it’s beating so hard. He wants to shout his answer until it echoes around the room, but his throat feels clamped shut and his tongue won’t cooperate and all he can do is nod enthusiastically. Until that grand, dazzling smile spreads wide across Aaron’s handsome face, and like a damn breaking Spencer can finally speak.
“Yes,” he says, rushed and suddenly it all comes pouring out of him. “Yes of course I will and of course I will have you and I want to spend the rest of your life and my life and –” Aaron is on his feet in the midst of his rambling, hands on either side of Spencer’s cheeks that he didn’t even realize were wet with tears, pulling him in and kissing him breathless. Ceasing the endless stream of useless words that Spencer could barely articulate in the first place. He throws his arms around Aaron’s neck, melts into the kiss, and feels so warm and full and buoyant with every single nerve ending crackling with adrenaline and joy. “I love you,” he says between kisses, and repeats it again and again. “I love you so much.”
“And I love you,” Aaron answers, his words a deep sound that Spencer can feel in his own chest, in his aching ribs that somehow still hold in his racing heart. “With everything I am.” 
“Stop talking, I can’t take any more,” Spencer whispers and sweeps in for another kiss. A longer kiss, one that’s searing with a passion that breathes promises of the future. That has them falling into each other, right there literally to the floor of the Smithsonian labs, where they forget all about the Gala or where they are or they aren’t alone in that museum at all. 
And they couldn’t care in the slightest.
After all, who would dare to interrupt them here. Surrounded by so much love. 
With so much more to come.
Resources for the Dual Correspondence
Sub01 - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual_space 
Sub02 - https://arxiv.org/abs/1710.01902 
News article links to LGBTQA+ photos and letters that have been celebrated for the true love they express, and remind us of those that loved in silence for centuries.
Sub03 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-38932955
Sappho fragment 147; from If not, Winter: Fragments of Sappho, translation by Anne Carson (2003). Original script published in Ancient Greek, January 1st, 551 A.D.
The Smithsonian Exhibit is entirely of my own imagining, and does not actually exist in any way, shape or form. But God I wish it did.
Next Chapter➡ (coming May 01, 2023)
Tagged list so far:  @spencehotchner @ssa-sarahsunshine @gothamapologist @reidology @marsjareau @dragon-snaps-fandom @emmyraebird @just-an-emo-rat @aaron-hotchner187 @dk18077 @more-heid-pls @fakin-it-til-i-make-it @merpancake  @derekluvbot  @transpenelope  @thaddeusly @whyareusernamessohardtomakeup @stilin-ski​ 
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in-sightjournal · 2 months
Ask A Genius 1072: Obama Citizenship Denial
Scott Douglas Jacobsen: Obama citizenship denial. What the fuck is that? Rick Rosner: That was Trump’s racism and other racists. Ever since Obama left office in 2017 and the election that the Democrats lost in 2016, it’s been a solid racist backlash. Even before that, it was a racist backlash. That we would dare to have a guy with a Black dad become president. I think Trump started his birther…
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jmunneytumbler · 5 months
Entertainment To-Do List: Week of 4/26/24
Daaaaaa Bates (CREDIT: PBS/Screenshot) Every week, I list all the upcoming (or recently released) movies, TV shows, albums, podcasts, etc. that I believe are worth checking out. Movies –Boy Kills World (Theaters) –Challengers (Theaters) – I’ve enjoyed “S&M” in the trailer. TV -White House Correspondents’ Dinner (April 27 on C-SPAN) – Colin Jost hosts. –The Real Story of Mr. Bates vs. the Post…
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catdotjpeg · 9 months
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Incredible. Palestinians gathered today in Nelson Mandela Square, Ramallah, in the West Bank, playing the South African anthem to pay tribute to South Africa for taking apartheid Israel to the ICJ over its violations of the Genocide Convention. It is us, as Africans, who say thank you to Palestine for being an inspiration for a just and humane world, and for being our constant ally in the struggle for liberation. This heartfelt and beautiful gesture from Palestinians comes at great personal risk, with the Israeli Occupation Forces committing constant atrocities against Palestinians in the West Bank. We salute Palestinians and stand by their side to demand an immediate ceasefire and an end to Israeli apartheid, settler colonialism and occupation. The bond between Africa and Palestine is unbreakable. It is our shared humanity — our heartfelt solidarity — that will bring an end to hateful violence. Palestine will be free!
-- African Artists Against Apartheid, photos by Alaa Daraghme, 10 Jan 2024
As the International Court of Justice prepares to consider whether Israel is committing genocidal acts in its war on Gaza, Palestinians in Ramallah have gathered for a rally celebrating South Africa, the country that first submitted the case against Israel and a nation with longstanding ties to the Palestinian cause. “This rally is actually under the banner of ‘Thank you South Africa'” Al Jazeera correspondent Hoda Abdel-Hamid reported near a crowd gathered around a statue of Nelson Mandela in Ramallah. South African flags could be seen waving in the background. “This rally started with words from the mayor of Ramallah, who said South Africa represented a ‘beacon of hope’ for the Palestinians, reminding them that deep-rooted relations between South Africa and the Palestinians go back to the days of Nelson Mandela.”
-- "Palestinians celebrate South Africa in Ramallah rally" by Linah Alsaafin and Brian Osgood, 10 Jan 2024 16:30 GMT
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garadinervi · 5 months
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My Name is Rachel Corrie, taken from the writings of Rachel Corrie, edited by Alan Rickman and Katharine Viner, with the permission of the Corrie family, in collaboration with the Royal Court Theatre International Department, Theatre Communications Group, New York, NY, 2006, p. 28 (Rachel Corrie's emails here)
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cilawarncke · 11 months
On Writing Towards Progress
The upcoming release of Lee, Kate Winslet’s film about photographer Lee Miller, got me thinking about how much has changed for women in the past century. And how little. Lee Miller was one of four women photojournalists accredited by the United States armed forces in World War II. Among the many striking images she created, Miller photographed the liberation of Buchenwald and Dachau: indelible…
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historyforfuture · 2 months
Journalists and correspondents .
Ismael Alghol 💔
He was always tired , hurrying to convey the truth and help saving his people wherever the war crimes of zionists are , so they targeted him and his friend Rami Alreefy ( the cameraman ) with a missile
Sleeping standing😢
Now he is resting in peace
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tomiawka · 1 year
thinking about twenty one twenty one genuinely made me want to cry at times lmfao i'm sorry in advance for what i'm about to write
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thisisnotthenerd · 5 months
the rat grinders timeline
after this last episode i feel like i need to clarify all of this so i can get an idea of what the scheme actually is. anyway:
pre-high school:
porter is a scion of the house of cliffbreaker, formerly the house of sunstone, who sought to take the name of ankarna and shift her divine domain from dawn and justice to war and conquest. the house expressed frustration with ankarna for not being willing to strike ruvina or cassandra and after the sundering of the cliffs of calcoth, went into hiding as the cliffbreakers.
porter is nominally a paladin of ankarna, but wishes to take her place as a deity of war and conquest, to be able to strike down cassandra and ruvina.
freshman year:
the high 5 heroes form on the first day of school: kipperlilly copperkettle, lucy frostblade, oisin hakinvar, ivy embra, ruben hopclap, mary ann skuttle.
that same day, the bad kids get detention and face down the corn cuties in the cafeteria. kristen and gorgug die and get brought back by aguefort. jace and porter are the first teachers on the scene; they are established as a duo. may have been attempting to install the rage crystals in kristen and gorgug.
kipperlilly notably doesn't like riz, and feels that the bad kids are getting special treatment. all of the rat grinders have animosity towards the mad kids in some manner.
the high 5 heroes take easy quests that they know they will succeed at.
kalina enters the spy's tongue curse with jace and porter, and is only able to talk about ragh because he was tangential
prompocalypse: kalvaxus falls. yes! is borne in the gym. crown of the nightmare king is stolen. ragh sees arianwen with kalina, then jace and porter and gets kalina transferred into his body via a lay on hands from porter.
sophomore year:
at some point, the high 5 heroes are brought in by jace and porter and start facing high level monsters after they are defeated by porter/jace, thus grinding them for xp.
name change from high 5 heroes to rat grinders--ivy, oisin, ruben, and mary ann for, kipperlilly and lucy against.
lucy is given an mcat for paladin classes so that she might become the champion of ankarna (old)
porter kills "lydia barkrock", likely seeking to release and/or destroy bakur
kalina splits off to raise the nightmare king again, with assistance from angwyn and arianwen abernant. she is defeated and thus unable to work with jace and porter for a time. the nightmare king is apparently integral to the raising of porter as a fetal deity; perhaps as an associated deity, the nightmare king would guide his ascension.
nightmare king is reconstituted as cassandra, championed by kristen applebees.
the rat grinders go on their own spring break quest to the mountains of chaos, presumably to visit the temple of the fallen sun. they are accompanied by jace stardiamond. they do not find the name of ankarna, but likely start establishing the teleportation circle.
after the quest, they are all implanted with the rage crystals and start manifesting more power and anger. this is presumably because they died. and were resurrected.
lucy goes back on the agreement and reaffirms her commitment to ruvina. she withdraws her change of deity paperwork. the rat grinders + porter kill her and bury her in the far haven woods.
porter has correspondence with bobby dawn about collaboration and the potential uses of devil's honey.
mazey phaedra is elected student body president and is given a faculty request to remove the inaugural period of following student body president from the bylaws
summer of the night yorb:
night yorb is released; the bad kids spend the summer chasing down the cult of the night yorb and building the solar lasso. they are out of elmville and generally focused on the red waste
church of sol/helioic church loses followers due to the long night
kipperlilly prepares to run for student body president
the rat grinders request buddy dawn as their replacement cleric
kipperlilly tracks down eugenia shadow and threatens to dig up her grave, after waiting until the first moment of her junior year
ruben writes “in space no one can hear you scream” and it becomes the song of the summer, outcompeting fig and the cig figs. he later writes "get mad!" with porter's advice
the loam family faces embezzlement charges wrt frosty fair and the location of frosty fair (the festival of frost) moves to the thistlespring tree
thistlespring tree is established as a root warden for elmville
the soil is laced with rage crystals
kvx bank changes from red to blue, signaling the presence of oisin's ancestor as their backer
junior year:
aguefort goes on holiday with ayda to the dawn of time (time quangle). gilear goes on holiday with hallariel. this leaves the school in the hands of grix, who was intended to eliminate threats to the school, and jace stardiamond as vice principal. the existing magical protections on the school are still present--they cannot kill mazey and elmville cannot be plane shifted while the AAA is in session.
kipperlilly begins campaigning only to be faced with the ineffable kristen applebees and her campaign manager, the ball
porter refuses gorgug's initial mcat request, hoping to incite rage in him
porter starts taking ambrosia to prepare his body for ascension, using rage to contain himself and not proceed to the afterlife.
the loam family is murdered and their case is dropped
cassandra comes to the astral plane and is trapped and killed. she remains in stasis, surrounding and protecting ankarna
fabian hosts the first party of the year: oisin starts setting his ping-pong ball traps and steals adaine's mephits in order to alter the cloud rider engine. ivy sees fig, transformed as lucy. the bad kids interact with buddy. ankarna pushes yes! through to kristen. gertie, who has been supplying the devil's honey, becomes nemeses with fabian
fig multiclasses as a paladin and is taught by porter--she is encouraged to rage, and pushed away from being a paladin of cassandra.
buddy is also encouraged to become a paladin and gets mcat paperwork
ruben performs at frosty faire and starts the ritual at the thistlespring tree--grix shows up to stop him and is defeated by the bad kids
yolanda badgood follows up with jace about lucy's death--she is brought to the far haven woods and killed. the bad kids find the bodies
the bad kids go to fallinel and find the name of ankarna on the ancient menhirs, and are faced with divine intervention from cassandra and galicaea, unbeknownst to the rat grinders.
they eliminate the curse of the armor of pride and remove bakur from lydia barkrock
fig writes dawn of justice and takes dominion of ankarna's original domain
bobby dawn fails kristen and sends the bad kids to the last stand
kristen catches kipperlilly killing buddy dawn during the last stand
buddy is raised by porter using a rage crystal
rat grinders go to ground, and prepare to go back to the temple of the fallen sun. constant nondetection from ruben, oisin, and possibly ivy
adaine catches jace stardiamond with a scrying into his office
bad kids do teacher evaluations: fig does porter & zara as one instead of two--this gives them the sacred scroll with the name of the intended deity written by the previous deity's champion. zara tells fig one was never submitted for her.
fig writes righteous rebel, makes her oath to ankarna, and releases both songs as singles that rocket up the charts
ruben sees wanda childa die
bad kids go to the temple of the fallen sun and investigate. fig is vindicated about porter.
fig gives the false name (bacharath) to porter and he stuns her in the hall
riz gets into his office and figures out the ascension scheme
the bad kids go to ruben's house and go through the rat grinders' plans
election night: the storm is triggered, the plans for seacaster manor are triggered; cloud rider engine is set and the enchanted ping-pong balls go off. they plan to have oisin's ancestor strike down the bad kids as they make ready to transport elmville during graduation.
the ritual
the ritual is centered on aguefort adventuring academy and requires certain things:
the location where a god was borne (the gym)
the ascending deity (porter), who is a champion of the new domain and has a body prepared for ascension
mortal followers seeking to change the domain/raise ankarna (the rat grinders + jace)
divine attributes of the deity (hammer, armor, etc.)
the writing of the name of the fetal deity on sacred scrolls by the champion of the old deity (fig)
the physical divine domain (elmville, suffused with rage crystals and transported to the astral realm), which requires the removal of the protections on the town that were cast by aguefort
the metaphorical divine domain (ruben's song get mad)
the nightmare king, as an associated deity and the one who would nurture the new deity
and the name of the old deity (ankarna) that they might sunder it and in her image make a new god
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