#justice for allura
glwostonegoon · 1 month
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COUGH rewatching vld was definitely a choice??
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autisticlancemcclain · 9 months
“Pass me the — thing.”
“The thing.”
“Yes. The one.”
Hunk’s amusement is evident. “Here’s the thing about capital-T Things, Pidge Podge.”
She makes a face. Ugh, not him too. The annoying nicknames Lance comes up with always seem to end up in other people’s vocabularies. It’s the worst. (They don’t even make sense, either. Her name comes from Pascha, her Hebrew name, because she was tiny even when she was a baby. And Matt is ridiculous. But Lance’s names come from nowhere!)
(…She supposes she’ll allow it, though. Occasionally. Because she’s the best ever, basically, and endlessly benevolent.)
“Things in concept are referential,” Hunk continues, snickering to himself as he dodged her blind kick. “Ergo, you need to reference them. Specifically. Outside of your own brain.”
She makes a noise of frustration, tilting her head in the direction of the scrap pile on Hunk’s work table. “The thing! Shiny! With the— blegh!” She is Focused right now, alright. There are Processes happening in her brain. Words are secondary.
“I’m just going to ignore you now.”
“No! The thing! The thing that looks like a dreidel!”
“There we go,” he says emphatically. She scowls at him. He grins brightly. She holds her glare for a whopping three seconds, which is frankly record-breaking, so. Point to her. “That’s a referential Thing.”
He scoops up the piece and tosses it at her. She catches it without looking (which is wicked cool and something she will subtly mention next time she watches Allura drop something) and sets it on the table top beside her, finishing up a tricky solder. Leaning back to admire her handiwork, which is, indeed, quite handy, her gaze keeps getting pulled to the little part.
“You know, it really does look like a dreidel.” She picks it up by the stem, flicking the little acorn-shaped object and watching it spin. It works like one, too.
Hunk hums. After a few moments, curious at the air newly lacking the sounds of her tinkering, he looks over at her. He purses his lips thoughtfully.
“…What day is it on Earth, do you think?”
Pidge shrugs. “We left in late May. Been a few months, at least.”
“Lance has a watch.”
“Course he does. ‘Cause he’s a big ol’ nerd geek loser.”
Hunk snorts. “Indeed.”
At the same time, without either of them having to say a word, they scramble to their feet, abandoning their projects and rushing out the workroom door.
“Pool?” Hunk asks.
“Nah, training room. He was in the pool this morning.”
Neither of them is particularly fast, but after months of Shiro’s training they can handle their own. They don’t, sprint, per se, because that would be embarrassing and Lance would be all dorky and pleased about it (can’t have that), but they…hustle. Hustle would be the right word. There’s some hastiness about, some purpose to their step.
As they run past the kitchen and finally turn down the corridor to get to the training room, a door opens on the left and someone walks out. Hunk grabs the back of Pidge’s sweater (totally not Keith’s grey hoodie that she stole) to keep her from crashing straight into them.
“Hey, Lance,” Hunk says, smiling brightly. “We were just looking for you!”
Lance, predictably, gets all dorky and pleased about it.
“Well, Lancey-Lance is at your service,” he preens, brushing fake dust off his shoulders. “Of course I am happy to offer my services to such —”
“Why’d you come outta Keith’s room?” Pidge interrupts, squinting.
She’s pretty sure that’s Keith’s room, anyway. The door on the left has a dent on it from when Lance tripped and brained himself on it in their first week of space.
Curiously — oh so curiously — Lance turns a violent shade of red and cringes with his whole entire body.
“Whaaat,” he says, voice cracking so many times she actually winces in reflective sympathy. He laughs nervously. “That’s not — I’m not — Keith isn’t —”
He opens his mouth, then closes it, then coughs, then doesn’t bother. Pidge can actually feel the heat pouring off of him, which is so humiliating that she almost decides to be merciful.
“Is Keith also in there?” she says instead, because fuck that.
Lance looks at the floor like he’s considering swan diving onto it. “What did you guys need me for again?” he asks, loudly.
Hunk, too soft from years of close proximity to Lance, takes pity. “We need your watch, dude. What day is it on Earth?”
Lance’s dark eyes go a bit sad, like they always do when someone mentions the E-word. But it’s gone before Pidge can so much as register it, really, and then he’s glancing down at his dork ass bright blue Moana watch and saying, “One twenty-six on December 7th.”
Pidge cheers. Hunk grins.
“Clear your schedule!” Pidge shouts, pumping her fists. “Hanukkah starts in a few hours!”
“Yeah!” Pidge says enthusiastically. Allura leans forward, intrigued — she loves stories from Earth. Anything from Earth fascinates her, really. “Thousands of years ago, Jews — my people culturally and religiously — had just freed themselves from the cruel rule of a kingdom that resided over them. They wanted to purify the Temple — that’s where practicing Jews go to pray — so they were burning holy oil. But there was only one bottle of sacred oil, which was upsetting, since that would only burn for one night. But miraculously, the oil kept burning for eight nights!”
Allura gasps. “But how?”
Pidge shrugs. “Religious Jews believe it was a miracle from God, who is our holy deity. Whether or not you’re religious though, Hanukkah is celebrated at the end of every year to commemorate Jewish resilience and hope. The oil is our physical way of celebrating, ‘cause it burned for eight days exactly — as long as it takes to make more oil.”
“And so we get to celebrate by eating delicious fried food,” Lance adds, fist-pumping. He grins at Pidge’s raised eyebrows. “My sister-in-law is Jewish, so my neice and nephew are too. We celebrate Hanukkah every year and it rocks.”
Pidge can feel her smile lighting up her body. There are bigger celebrations, and more religiously important ones, but Hanukkah is so much fun. She hasn’t celebrated in too long — it came and went last year before she even noticed, too wrapped up in finding her brother. And the year before that, her and Mom couldn’t…not without Dad and Matt. They couldn’t celebrate with just the two of them, they spent most evenings in their own rooms.
Shiro’s steady hand comes to rest on her shoulder, squeezing gently. She glances up to find him smiling sadly at her, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of her head.
“We’ll light a candle for each of them,” he murmurs into her hair. “Colleen, too.”
“Is that what’s done?” Coran inquires softly. “Candles lit, in remembrance?”
Pidge hums, leaning back into Shiro. He holds steady, hand staying fast on her shoulder. Keith flashes her one of his quick smiles, small and comforting.
“Yeah. Eight candles, in something called a menorah. One for each night, one for each intention.” She meets Coran’s eyes first, then Allura’s, her own expression determined. “We’ll light a candle for Altea, too.”
“I would like that,” whispers Allura, swallowing.
“I can make the menorah,” Hunk offers, “if you and Lance want to help. Lance has a good eye for design.”
Pidge takes a couple more moments in Shiro’s embrace, soaking up some of his strength. No one interrupts her. Once she feels like she can stand straight again, like her family is tucked neatly where they usually are in the centre of her heart rather than spilling out all over the place, she stands, patting Shiro’s hand as it falls away, and steps towards her friends.
“Yes, let’s do. We’ll need a few things, actually, to get ready. Keith, you think you can paint the right symbols on the dreidel if I describe them to you?”
He nods. “Yep. I’ll draw ‘em out first, it shouldn’t take long. I think I’ve seen them before, anyway.”
“Cool. Allura, Coran, you wanna put up some decorations? Lance can help you out.”
All three enthusiastically agree, rushing off to make do.
“Shiro —” She falters. “Uh, dude, maybe steer clear of the kitchen. Wanna help with the menorah since Lance is on decorations? Then Hunk’ll have more time to cook.”
Shiro pouts, as he always does when he’s teased about his cursed kitchen tendencies, but the twitch of his smile gives him away.
“I guess,” he laments. “I’m sure I could fry latkes without burning the castle down.”
Keith, Pidge, and Hunk shudder in unison.
“Yeah, right,” Keith says. “You remember when you set a pot of water on fire, Hazard Boy? Because I do.”
For people who have no idea what they’re doing, the decorations end up looking really nice.
Everything does, actually. By the time Lance’s watch hits six — the time they have all collectively decided will be sundown based on absolutely nothing — everything is prepped and ready to go. Keith got the characters down after a couple tries, and the dreidel looks like any other one Pidge has used before. Lance had, from what Pidge picked up from Allura’s grumbling, channeled his inner festivity dictator to ensure all decorations were as lovely as possible with their limited materials. Of course the menorah Hunk and Pidge created looks beautifully intricate, one of the more gorgeous things Pidge has ever seen even with all the wonky mismatched candles.
“Okay,” Hunk says, clapping his hands together. “If you guys want to set up the table, Lance and I will be finished plating the food shortly. I dunno about you guys, but I’ve been smelling fried food for a couple hours now, and I need to eat.”
“Please,” Pidge groans, because she’s been smelling it too and boy is Hunk ever a head chef.
Everyone rushes to get the table set as quickly as possible. Pidge makes sure to put Lance’s favourite cup (that he has a hissy fit if anyone else so much as looks at, even though it is practically identical to ever other cup except one tiny chip one the bottom that he loves for some reason) next to the chair closest to the door, where Keith always sits, because she has not forgotten the Earlier Incident. If all goes well then something embarrassing will happen for her to witness, which is all she can ask for, really.
“Can someone who is not Allura come help me bring food over?” Hunk calls from the kitchen as Pidge places the last fork. “No offense, Princess, but I watched you and Lance walk into the same door this morning and I’d rather our hard work not end up splatted and inedible on the floor.”
“Offense taken,” says Allura darkly, and Lance’ whining echoes all the way to where they’re standing.
Keith meets Pidge’s eye and snickers.
“I got it, Hunk,” he calls, jogging over to them.
“Absolutely not!” Lance screeches. “There is no way I will allow Mullet to be entrusted with something I am not allowed to —”
He cuts himself off with a loud shriek. Whether Keith finally pinched him quiet or Lance is just shrieking for drama’s sake Pidge will never know, but moments later the red paladin is striding out of the kitchen, heaping bowl in one hand, batting Lance away with the other.
“If you drop that I’ll kill you both,” Hunk promises, setting the heaping plate he’s holding down on the table.
Thankfully, nothing gets dropped (although does it ever come close). Everyone is accounted for and seated and nothing has gone to waste, and Pidge’s stomach is growling.
“Got a little bit of everything,” Hunk says. “Classic latkes, kugel, and sufganiyot. And you mentioned the zippoli and arancini your Nonna used to make, Pidge, so I made some of that too. And Lance made lots of masitas and plátanos.”
“Hope that’s okay,” Lance says, face kind of scrunched. “I know it’s not traditional, but we had it on Hanukkah, and I thought —”
Pidge grins at him. “Looks great, man.”
Everyone takes turns passing food around and loading up their plate. Pidge takes four zippoli. She regrets nothing. She has had none in several years and this looks perfect.
Before anyone starts, all eyes turn to Pidge, so she squeezes her eyes shut and remembers her mother’s blessing: “Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha’olam shehakol niyah bidvaro.” She opens her eyes again. “Dig in, everybody.”
No one needs to be told twice. For a while the castle is even shockingly silent, everyone too busy shoving their faces. Keith chokes on latke. Shiro laughs at him until the red on his face is from more than a lack of oxygen.
“I love human food,” gushes Allura, inhaling more plátanos. “You guys got to eat like this every day?”
“Unless you lived with someone who regular fucks up ramen noodles,” Keith says pointedly, dodging Shiro’s under-the-table-kick.
“I think Numbers Two and Three might just be talented in the kitchen,” Coran responds. Both Hunk and Lance beam at the praise.
After dinner — and lordy it does not take long to polish it off — they clear the plates away, tidying up the table, as Pidge sets out the menorah. She carefully sets out the candles they have gathered, arranging and re-arranging the order. When she’s satisfied, she picks up the smallest candle, thin green stripes running up its sides, and places it in the space at the far right. She picks up the shamash — choosing the thickest and tallest one — and accepts the lighter Keith offers her. Once it is flaming, she holds it outwards, and begins to softly recite the blessings she memorized so long ago:
“Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tsivanu l’hadlik ner shel Hanukkah. Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, she-asah nisim laavoteinu v’imoteinu bayamim hahaeim baz’man hazeh. Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, shehecheyanu v'kiy'manu v'higiyanu laz'man hazeh.”
She says the words slowly, carefully, allowing herself to feel the shape of them on her tongue. They are familiar. They are heavy. They get caught in her throat, tangled, and stay there until tears begin to trickle down her cheeks, softening the way out. Her voice shakes, but she feels her own strength spreading through her like the heat of the shamesh candle.
“Make it home to me, Matt,” she whispers, as she lights the first candle.
“Okay, there is no fucking way.”
Pidge cackles at Keith’s indignant protest, accepting Lance’s sharp high-five and dragging in the entire pot of tokens again.
The two of them are absolutely fucking killing it. Their token piles are high. Keith has had to begrudgingly ask Lance for a loan no less than six times. Everyone else is dangerously low, except for Coran, who’s doing alright.
Pidge thinks this is righteous. As the two youngest, she and Lance should be winning by birthright, basically.
“Suck it, Kogane,” she says gleefully. She flicks a token at him. “Take some charity.”
Keith scowls at her, but takes the token because he is too broke not to. It is greatly amusing.
Ha! Loser.
The game shouldn’t last as long as it does, but somehow it keeps going for hours. Pidge suspects Shiro has several dozen tokens up his sleeve and is cheating. Allura may also be using alchemy to make more tokens appear. Either way, Pidge and Lance’s hordes are steadily increasing, and the menorah has long since been blown out, and the food has settled in everyone’s stomach, and Pidge’s head keeps drooping.
“Think it’s just you and me, Pidge-Podge,” Lance says softly. Someone tucks her hair behind her ear, she’s not sure who. Her eyes might be closed. “What say you we call it a tie, huh?”
“There’s no tie in dreidel,” she argues. “We gotta finish.”
“I’m thinking we play again tomorrow,” Coran suggests. “I’m sure when you’re fully awake you can destroy Number Four much more efficiently.”
“Hey,” says Number Four in question, indignantly.
Pidge manages a smile. Keith sticks his tongue out back at her, and the next thing she knows there are arms around her waist and she’s airborne. She buries her face in a strong shoulder and pretends, secretly, it’s her father, even though she knows it’s not.
“Say goodnight, dork,” whispers Shiro. He pauses, adjusting slightly. “Oof.”
“You’re getting old,” says Keith gleefully.
“Respect your elders,” hisses Lance, accompanied by a swift punch to Keith’s shoulder.
“Ow!” Keith complains, but interestingly he only pouts at Lance instead of maiming him. “It’s Shiro! He’s not even an elder, he’s six! You —”
“Goodnight, Pidge,” say Hunk and Allura, loudly.
Pidge smiles. Her voice is half-buried in Shiro’s shirt. “Night.”
She doesn’t remember the walk to her room, but she feels it when she’s laid down, when blankets are fluffed over her and a kiss is pressed to her forehead.
“Sleep well, Katie,” whispers a voice, and the cool metal of the fingers brushing her hair are soothing. “Love you, kiddo. Happy Hanukkah.”
She falls asleep the the click of her door closing and a warmth burning hot in her heart.
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Cartoon Romances + Tearful Kiss
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peachi-blossom · 3 months
Non-Hazbin Hotel characters that are better than Charlie Morningstar (Princess Edition)
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Regardless of their screen time, development, importance, they are 100x better than Charlie Morningstar. Or should I say, Charlotte Morningstar.
Next, I will find characters that are better than Angel Dust.
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ririchanva · 4 months
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Am I impatiently pumping out spoiler stuff for my story
...yes, yes I am >.> Team Hero Force can be read on AO3 or Tumblr :3
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leniisreallycool · 4 months
I have a type and it's whatever the fuck you'd call this
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melanthiosthescreamer · 2 months
Gods i could talk about how they were all done dirty for HOURSS like you couldn't even be bothered to give Hunk some backstory content??
genuinely how did dreamworks get away with giving us ZILCH when it came to Hunk? no backstory, no character arc, and the briefest hints of a half-assed personality. literally all we had on him for a majority of the seasons was "he cooks haha *insert unnecessary and offensive fat joke*"
at least with Lance we saw some of his struggles with self esteem, but at the same time they introduced all these problems with how Lance thought of himself and then did... nothing about it??? you can't just tell us he thinks he's worthless and then wave more of Keith's problems in front of our faces hello ?? 😭 i feel as though it's also important to talk about the racism that plays into how his character was displayed as well. they had one Cuban character and they made him both extremely flirty AND a farmer? they're not even trying to hide how stereotyped he is and its gross
Allura definitely had a bit of a character arc, but it was extremely weak at BEST, and not only that but several times we saw her character developing fucking backwards for an episode or two which was even more frustrating. and then they just – kill her off by the end of it? her death just didn't feel half as impactful as it could've and it barely touched on the bittersweet feeling i believe they were aiming for
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aboutzatanna · 7 months
Greeting my friend!
I'm looking for instances of Zatanna using another forms of magic other than her backward magic.
I know She using plenty of magic artifacts, items or even her weaponized stage Magician crafts like cards, smoke pellets, top hat.
But do we have examples of Zatanna using other forms of magic. A ritual, using hands gestures, pact with other being or other magic skills unrelated to her backward speech?
-Swamp Thing (2016); a mini series of dubious continuity where she casts a spell using the Hand of Fatima to restore Swamp Thing's human form:
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-Justice League of America Vol 1 #161: technically a spoiler but a curse prevented her from using her backwards magic so she starts casting them by speaking them forward instead:
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-Wonder Woman Vol 2 #175: where she says speaks forward just to show off to Magenta. Also Phil Jimenez flexing his comic book knowledge:
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-The 90's Zatanna mini by Lee Mars and Esteben Maroto where she leaves behind her Dad's magic to embrace her mother's Atlantean sorcery which involves magical eye beams, necklace and magic staff:
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-The Batman and Robin Adventures Annual #2: I should get around to posting this. At first it looked like a trick but later on we learn it wasn't. If you consider the DCAU tie in comics canon then this is the first time we see her do real magic in the DCAU:
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starlooove · 6 months
Not the stop clogging the Duke tag page getting ppl mad
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xochitai · 2 years
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Sapphic Lotura has been on my mind recently so have a doodle
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d1n0m1te · 1 year
Don’t you just hate it when you love a character but like, its the fanon version that you’ve created in your head and not the actual canon version cause the actual character is done so shitty by its creators and you’re stuck there like “Look at how they massacred my boy”
this aint talking about any character/s in particular buuuuuuuut
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alluraaaa · 1 year
klunkllura (but they're all girls) + horror ^_^
allura loves horror. keith likes it. lance is neutral towards it. hunk hates it. allura wants to spend one of their weekly movie nights watching a horror movie and hunk is immediately like “nope can’t do that! i wanna be able to sleep tonight” and since keith and lance can’t not 1) pick sides and 2) disagree with each other (it’s flirting. somehow) they are immediately staring an argument. keith is with allura, lance is with hunk.
while keith and lance are getting way more passionate about it than you’d think they would, allura shuts them up and turns to hunk with her big brown eyes like “i won’t make you but if you do get scared we can cuddle you and run our hands through your hair until you feel better ^_^” which does work on hunk. and keith and lance are obviously down for that because duh.
but hunk still can’t and won’t watch anything scarier than like. jennifer’s body. they all find a happy middle ground by watching classic earth kid’s horror. allura loves coraline as much as you’d expect her to. keith is genuinely creeped out by what happens to wybie but is so so chill about it. lance notices keith’s full body shiver and laughs but only a little bit before demanding to sit in keith’s lap and hold him close. and of course even if it isn’t that scary they all watch out for hunk during and afterwards because anxiety/paranoia are the worst. (hunk contemplates watching a super scary movie to get attention because his girlfriends are really really sweet to him)
(send a ship + a word for a headcanon)
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Cartoon Romances + Staying By Your Bedside
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toulousewayne · 2 years
Zatanna: Mistress of Madness
This is a concept for a live Action Zatanna movie. This film will take place in the freshly rebooted DCU.
Synopsis: Zatanna is one of the most powerful magicians and magic users in the world. But Zatanna now faces a dark side of magic that she must hurry to stop being it’s to late.
Runtime: 2 Hour, 25 Minutes
Release: March 23, 2029
Zatanna Zatara………….Sofia Carson
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Zachary Zatara…………Gavin Casalegno
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Allura……………….Nathalie Kelley
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John Constantine…………Andrew Garfield
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Giovanni “John” Zatara…………Mark Consuelos
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Madame Xanadu………..Natalie Portman
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Zatanna is performing at her show in East Boston. The audience is on the fence until she performs a “magic trick” and causing them to be won over. She returns to her dressing room and looks at a old photo of her and her father.
We learn he’s been missing for two years and she hasn’t had any luck finding him. He went off for a mission and never returned.
Zatanna begins packing to leave for her next show when a old book falls off the end table. The book opens and engulfs the room in a gold light. A message from her father plays and tells her that he had to sneak this message to her and that she’s in danger. She needs to stop looking for him. She chants a spell and the spirit vanished,and it’s place reveals where her father created this spell.
She grabs her essentials and puts them into her bags and makes a portal. She arrives in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. She wanders through the streets until she finds a magic shop in the French Quarter. Upon entering it we meet her younger cousin Zachary who’s working at the magic store.
She asks Zach why he’s here and he tells her he got sick of being in the spotlight and wanted to lay low. Which she knows isn’t the truth at all. He asks her why she’s here and she tells him she’s looking for her father. And tells her that his uncle and the shop owner were friends and he stopped by there one afternoon while Zach helped with customers, and he didn’t know that would be the last time he would see his uncle.
Zach closes the shop and they go upstairs into the apartment above where the shop owner stays, but he’s been out for three weeks.
Zatanna and Zach form a circle of salt and take down the veil and protection Siegel surround the place. They see visions of Giovanni and his friend who turns out to be a mysterious woman in a glamour. Zatanna stops the visions and tells Zach she has to find Constantine.
Zach asks her that if this is the same guy he’s read about then he could be dangerous. Zee tells him he’s harmless. Mostly.
Zach tells her he wants to come with her. And Zee asks as he even been practicing his spells and he tells her they can worry about that later.
The two venture out the shop and Zach asks where can they find him. Zee smirks and snaps her fingers to open a portal from the puddle nearby. They enter it.
Meanwhile, Giovanni is chained in a cell. His shackles are glowing violet and are burning him. He’s bloody and scarred too. A woman appears from the shadows with her Iris glowing violet too. She demands he gives up and tells her where Zatanna is. He chuckles darkly and tells her he’s rather return to hell.
She causes his pain to worsen and she smirks and tells him she’s been doing this 24/7 for the last six months and she will kill him.Allura tells Gio that she will have Zatanna and will harvest her powers too.
She turns her attention to a magic mirror that reveals Zatanna and her cousin. She tells Gio that she’ll have them both soon.
The two cousins arrive in East London outside of a Pub. Before entering a man is thrown out into the alleyway for being overly intoxicated. Zee goes to him and kicks his shoulder, she tells John it’s been a while. He flirts with her and she tells him he’s still the same drunk asshole she’s known him to be.
Allura chuckles to herself watching them from her mirror and snaps her fingers.
John and Zee have a chat and Zach is wanders away and a demon attacks him. Zee and John arrive and Zee strikes the demon, Zach gets free and uses a spell that traps the demon in the alleyway. Constantine commands it to tell him why it attacked Zach. And the demon tells him becauses there’s a bounty for Zatanna and Zach.
John sends the demon back to hell and tells them they need to go. Zee demands how demons are able to just appear and attack her and Zach. Constantine tells her he’ll explain but they most go before more appear. He draws a symbol on the pubs brick wall and tells them to enter the door that newly appeared. The enter and walk into a studio appear in Liverpool. Zach is drawn to a book about Occults and begins to snoop through it.
John tells Zee that wasn’t just any demon. It was a succubus. And she was sent after Zach by someone powerful. The two are talking as John lights a cigarette.
Zee tells him she needs to find her dad and hands John the book from earlier and he chants over it with her and the only thing that happens is it opens and flips to a page that reveals another message from her father that gives them a riddle.
Zee and Constantine go investigating and Zach is told to stay back, and break the enchantment on Giovanni’s location. Using a Demonic Cube.Zee tells him that she’s counting on him.
The pair arrive back in Louisiana and enter a run down bar which is a facade to a black magic nightclub. John and Zee enter to find an old friend of John’s.
Madame Xanadu ushers them into her private lounge and asks John why he’s here. Zee explains there looking for her father and Madame agrees to help Zatanna. The three join hands in a he center as Madame uses a ritual to reveal the secrets of Giovanni’s disappearance and a name is revealed forged from the embers and flames of the fire into the ground. Allura.
Giovanni is lashing and hissing to get free from his chains. Allura appears in front of his chain and tells him that she loves when the struggle it makes the kill that much more satisfying. Her amulet glows pink and she smirks. “There almost her.”
Madame warns them about the witch and gives Zatanna golden mirror. She tells her that Allura’s powers make her to be near invincible,but she can be in prisoned like she once was. She tells them that she cannot find her location as her trail as been cold for sometime. Zach appears in a flash of light with the cube which is now solved. John makes a comment that he’s got potential and Zatanna warns him that he’s not gonna be his apprentice.
Madame takes the cube and tells them she can send them to where her father is but that cannot leave the dimension until they stop Allura. They agree and Madame sends them into to Allura via the cube which can transcend space time and all dimensions.
The arrive outside of a palace and are taught by Allura voice. She uses her powers and make John and Zach disappear.
Zatanna breaks into the palace using a wind spell. And is meant with Dark Enchanted knights. She battles through them.
John wakes up hanging from demonic chains that burn a demon or anyone with demon-like abilities. He’s over hanging from being sent into a portal that Allura warns there’s no escape from. One way in and one way out. Magic will be usual in the other dimension. His chains burn him if he thinks to use magic and are also slowing lowering him closer to the portal.
Zach violently wakes up in a dark room with only the voices of his parents dying over and over again. Allura taughts him in his head and tells him it’s his fault he killed his parents and he’s a pathetic little boy who can’t use his powers without causing chaos.
Zee takes down the last knight and rushes up the grand staircase and ventures farther into the castle. She goes through a door and is locked into a room with several other doors. She must find the key and right door to escape. She finds the key is hidden inside of one snake painting of the several animal paintings. She finds the correct door and finds herself in a long hallway of mirrors. She sees herself,John, her father, Zach and all her friends being tormented. She goes to the one of her and tells Allura she’s stronger than she thinks. And shatters it.
Allura screams at her. Zee smashes all the mirrors except Zach’s she looks at it and uses her powers one it. Zach is pulled out the mirror and he’s hysterical. She calms him down and tells him he’s okay. He tells her that he is to blame for his parents death and he’s a failure. She talks to him and proves to him why that’s not true, and they wouldn’t have gotten this far without him. Together they stand up and go farther into the castle.
John meanwhile, is nearly in the portal and has to act fast. He plucks his lighter from his pocket and throws it up towards his chains. It breaks the chains and he quickly causing time to stop him from falling. He mumbles something before he’s transported out of the tunnel and flies upward and out into the courtyard of the castle.
Zee and Zach rush out one end and fine him. Allura closes the doors and tells them this will be there last moments alive.
A large monstrous creature appears and the three must use there powers, quick thinking and quick thinking to defeat it.
Once the beast is destroyed John lights a cigarette which Zee tells him will kill him wuickier than the monster. He tells her he’s stressed out and isn’t hurting her in anyway. The break down the door to the opposite side of the castle and this part of the estate is brighter and warmer.
They enter the grand room where Allura is waiting for them. Zee tells Constantine to find her dad while they handle Allura.
Constantine rushes past the room and up the flight stairs nearby.
Zatanna and Zach battle Allura with spells, hexes and blast of pure magic.
Constantine enter Allura’s chambers and finds Giovanni and begins to use his powers on the lock of his cage.
Zach is flung into a pillar and groans. Zee begins in enraged and charts the woman who only taunts her farther.
John breaks the lock and helps Giovanni to his feet. He jokily asks him how’s the party with Wicked Witch of the West to which Giovanni responses scrappily back.
Zee and Allura are in a power dial and Zach is able to crawl towards Zee’s bag and take the mirror. Scared Allura tries to strike Zach and he deflects it with the mirror which in turn knocks Allura to the ground. Zee gradually arrives back on the ground and the two cousins join together to chant the spell to imprison her.
John and Giovanni arrive and join them which unleashed a white light and magical chains bursts from the mirror and take Allura into the mirror.
Zee hugs her father and he tells her how proud he is. And he ruffles his nephews hair and tells him he’s a fine young man for going along with his cousin. John fake coughs which earns him a sly smile from Gio who thanks him too.
Zee tells them it’s time to leave and resists a spell that engulfs them in a bright purple light.
We cut to the last scene set a few days later. Zach is about preform his first show and Zee, Gio are watching from the wings. Gio tells her how truly proud he is and quickly goes on stage to assist his nephew with his act.
Zee turns to find Constantine lingering in backstage and thanks him for his help. The two banter playful back and forth until he tells her why he’s here. He needs her assistance. She looks back at her family and he tells her it doesn’t have to be tonight. She asks what’s the problem. And he slyly tells her it’s a “bloody mess, you sure you up for it Luv?”
She laughs and tells him she’s not afraid. And together he opens a orange portal and they enter together.
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Starry Ocean | Leakira AU Explanation
Leonardo/ Lance (Appearance): Hair: Brown-White hair (Longish, below shoulders to mid back) Eyes: Ocean Blue eyes Skin: Mocha brown smooth Height: 5'5 Age: 17 Male Family: Allura (Sister) Boyfriend: Akira/ Keith Friends: Pidge, Hunk, Shiro, Coran and Lotor. - Bottom
Akira/ Keith (Appearance): Hair: Dark black a little faded to gray Eyes: Indigo purple Skin: Pale Height: 5'10 Age: 18 Male Family: Shiro (Brother) Boyfriend: Leonardo/ Lance Friends: Pidge, Hunk, Lotor and Coran. - Top
Leonardo and Akira are two Meta-Humans born with different powers and lived separate lives until one day that Leo decided to try and sneakily steal from Akira, a Meta-Human with able body powers of hot heat and a high body temperature didn't know that the boy was a little Thief until their worlds collided into one. Friendships and On the run does a lot of things including on making one hell of an adventure all the same.
Leo is a Thief and part time Clubber since he's ran away from home when he was younger leading to him being trafficked by Meta-Human snatchers that he just refers to them "The Snatchers" Usually his type of clothing is a light bluish crop-top, tight skinny jeans, a necklace from someone he never really mentions, gray eye shadow a little bit highlighting his Ocean blue eyes, and a furred jacket for when he goes clubbing. His usual attire is a green long jacket that reaches his waist, a turtle neck shirt that opens at his shoulders and elbows and connects to his middle finger, a hidden gun, tight jean pants (Dark), and white tennis shoes, and of course his necklace.
Keith is an Ex League of Shadows member so he's highly trained but after an incident he left the League of Shadows and is on the run from "The Snatchers" as he usually scowls upon the name when he runs into Lance, a Thief who tried to snag some cash from him one night at a club and ultimately a relationship formed between them.
Wattpad Username: @SeraphimFawn-fallen
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www-justiceleague · 1 year
Elseworlds Headcanon (Super Sons Edition):
Jon & Damien use motherbox to save Allura Zor-El from destruction of Argo City
Jon then brings her to Fortress of Solitude where she then meets the artificial embodiment of her late brother-in-law Jor-El
Upon realizing what he just told her, Allura discovers that Jon is her great-nephew
After this, Jon tells her all about his dad and his adventures on Earth
In exchange, Allura helps Jon connect with his Kryptonian heritage: from language to robotics, etc.
Jon exceeds in school thanks to her
He even gets a job working for his Aunt Karen Starr at her company
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