#justice for rue
theblacktigrr · 11 months
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Watching the hunger games with my friends who haven't read the books, and desperately trying to convey the horror of the mutts to them. They are not just big dogs! They are the other tributes, they look like them! They have human eyes!
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Katniss stared into Rue's eyes as she died! Now those eyes are in a blood thirsty beast who is trying to kill her!
Maybe my imagination is just too good, but those things terrify the shit out of me, and they did not do them justice in the movie.
Still love the movie tho!
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moon-mirage · 7 months
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Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
And when again they open, the sun will rise.
Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.
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hondacivicbrain · 9 months
I’ve been seeing a lot of discussion about Clarisse’s casting in the PJO show that basically boils down to “anyone can be ugly if they have a mean personality.” And like yes, that’s true, but "ugly" people also exist (by ugly, I mean not conventionally attractive). let ugly people be ugly (so long as their ugliness is not a reflection of wider prejudice - ie, if only the evil characters are fat, that’s bad).
This bothers me especially because there is no representation for tall, broad, fat, “ugly” preteen and teenage girls, at least not any that isn’t centered around them becoming beautiful. I don’t think ugliness is a bad word on its own. making a character who rejects femininity and is described as ugly both pretty and feminine isn’t making some kind of statement about how pretty people can be mean too, especially because Clarisse is ultimately redeemed.
For her character to be ugly and mean at the start of the story and end still "ugly" (by conventional standards of femininity) and nice means that her character growth is about her personality - and that her looks were never a reflection of her morality.
It's true that you can be pretty while rejecting femininity, but the way Clarisse is styled in the show (in my opinion) is too feminine. Her appearance is too put together, too subtly feminine, for how she's described in the books. This is no shade to Dior! I actually think she does a great job as Clarisse and I look forward to seeing more of her. But tv and movies have a long history of casting attractive women only to call their characters unattractive, thus reinforcing harmful stereotypes about what is and isn’t beautiful, instead of casting actually *average* looking women.
THAT is the representation my middle school self is aching for. I want a middle schooler who’s taller than all her friends, who’s got a belly, who looks awkward in dresses because of her build, who’s wider than her male friends, who's going through puberty faster than her friends, who has acne and doesn’t wear makeup and doesn’t understand what femininity is and dresses like a Tom boy. These traits aren't ugly. They're normal. They're just not aesthetically attractive, so they are invariably erased from media.
Where is my preteen girl in basketball shorts because the shorts available to girls are too revealing for someone of her size? Where is my teenager who has been told, explicitly or otherwise, that she doesn't conform to beauty standards, so she refuses to wear dresses or skirts? Where is the girl who knows she's "ugly" and doesn't care? Where is the one who never cared until someone told her, and suddenly she wishes to be skinny and slender and not broad-shoulder and not tall and to look like her mom instead of being told she looks like her dad?
I'm all for diversity in casting because people are diverse. But body type - and not just visually appealing or acceptable body types - is part of diversity to. Annabeth’s appearance has virtually no impact on her character, and Leah carries her perfectly. For Clarisse and others like Piper, their appearance is INCREDIBLY relevant to their characters.
Let “ugly” girls be ugly. Combatting fatphobia - which also includes normal sized women and broad shoulders, because the fashion industry has labelled all non-models as fat - in media is not just about showing non-skinny people as attractive. It’s about showing non-skinny people as EXISTING. and being valid for that alone, outside of their moral or aesthetic value.
I can only think of one actress who’s roughly my build. I can think of zero times I watched media aimed for kids and saw a kid my size. Diversity is not just an aesthetic designed to be palatable. Casting characters with ugly personalities as beautiful people when the character in question will go through a redemption isn't the slay some people think because it's still reinforcing the idea that looks have moral value. I rarely see characters without aesthetic attractiveness nowadays, not ones who are on the hero's side; when it comes to children, when I say attractiveness I mean the way a child in a clothing ad looks cute and cheerful, not romantic/sexual attractiveness. For children especially, body positivity is far less important than body neutrality - the idea that their bodies don't have morality or attractive value attached.
What's most important to me is that "ugly" and unfeminine preteen and teenage girls see themselves represented neutrally, in a way I can't recall ever seeing myself.
I don't mean to hate on Dior. I really do think she's excellent as Clarisse. This is just my perspective, as an "ugly," tall, broad-shouldered, chubby former middle school girl who would've loved to see someone who looked like me.
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thaliasthunder · 2 years
i really hope they dont make ares a misogynist crap to clarisse in the series when in the myths ares literally is the only decent father in the entire olympus. i dont want cabin 5 girls thinking their father would not love them bc of their gender
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visable shaking like a wet chiwawa when Ares says that he hates kid, even his own, knowing Clarisse back at camp half blood wants nothing more than her father to love her, shes always wanting his approval and he doesn't care that she even exists. im heartbroken.
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loganlostitall · 4 months
Me right now explaining every single un-narrated thought happening in Katniss’ head binging The Hunger Games with @celtic-crossbow because l've read the books and she hasn't and there's a lot of small and important details that go unmentioned in the films
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I haven’t shut up for five hours
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stanley-theman-uris · 7 months
Alice just spoke up about her experience with Wilbur soot and all I have to say is, That man is the devil.
⚠️TW: SH, SA, EA, DA⚠️
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Alice, and Shelby, Rue, Niki, I’m so sorry by dears.
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incompleteth0ts · 8 months
Thinking about the parallels of Annabeth watching Percy get his ass handed to him by Clarisse while invisible and her watching Percy get his ass handed to him a second time by Luke while also being invisible 🤔
And both times she could have easily jumped in to save him but chose not to because...
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lizzyhowards · 6 months
Hope. It's the only thing stronger than fear
thats right president yellow snow, now please revive finnick finnicks parents rue mags sejanus and cinna idfc how just do it
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haltraveler · 9 months
Still wish they’d cast a brawnier actress and didn’t give her long hair or makeup but acting and writing wise I’m liking Clarisse a lot
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francoise-larouge · 2 years
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philoursmars · 5 months
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Marseille. Je redescends de Vauban vers le Palais de Justice, par la rue Breteuil. Ici, une superbe porte Art Déco et la Synagogue.
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gemsofthegalaxy · 2 years
SOMEONE needs to take one for the team and draw Rue in a hooters shirt.
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cosmik-homo · 2 years
I think one of the things, in my, like, reading and thinking about Femme identity and particularly recognizing and empowering streaks of thinking about the Femme identifier outside the context of relationships and attractiveness, I think a main thing that comes down from the very historical roots of butch and femme and really gives meaning to statements like "Intentional gender preformence and reclamation" or ''Emotional care-taking and strength" or whatever is, like, the idea of Femmeness as a kind of Treason, or Rooting For An Enemy. like, the economical basis of 50s butch-femme culture, where openly butch women couldnt integrate in society financially as much, pushed out for their disobedience, and representing the active pushing against it, and part of the complamentary contribution was of femmes using this mobility of feminine camoflage, seemingly fitting in, gave em to procure resources and bring them bck to their butches and back to their queer communities, and by saying femme femininity is still to me kind of this Camouflage, i don't mean that it isn't genuine, cuz like. ideology settles on top of personality. first u like glitter than you do Femme. but it signifies, in my opinion, what 'preformence' and 'visibility' and stuff are really about: a femme is in on the joke theyre playing on society by using femininity for the benfit of queerness- ones own queerness, or partnership, or friends and community, or queering systems and politics, its all about a kind of, campy trickery- stealing a certain placement and gear and using it- sometimes publicly and campily, sometimes just inside ones own brain- for your own agenda and prosperity.
the "can you give me femininity?" "for gender role?" "...yes (actually having queer fun and destroying your values and bloodlines like a boss)" of identitities.
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Hull, QC. 1908.
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I get the feeling from books and now show that the Ares kids don't have any good parental memories, human or God. They emphasize how Ares Godly family don't like being around him because he causes feelings of anger and violence, and then repeatedly bring up how Ares' children do the same thing.
Ares's children incite anger and violence in other people, demigods and human alike.
All I can think is those poor little kids with no control over their powers, powers they don't even know they have, getting upset and projecting their feelings and how that effects the human family they have. I bet a lot of them did not have good home lives, which might be part of why they seem to mostly be year round campers starting young.
^^ frfr
In the second book theres this moment where clarisse is talking to ares and he gets angry and lifts his hands up and she flinches badly - he doesn't hit her, i think he's not even there its like a holograph/apperition, which means either he's personally hit her (which i dont think is true bc he's not really in the kids lives) or she was a victim at some point of violence.
She's 13 (if she's the same age as percy, i assume so bc i don't remember it stating her as any older or younger) at this point which means it happened before she appeared during the series, so under tweleve :(. it's awful to think about, yet she's kind of an antigonist in the main series, not really but still for the first few books.
She's also described so meanly :( my poor bby girl.
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