#justin herbert x yn
delayed-affection · 7 months
Are you taking request ? If so, can I request one with Justin Herbert where you surprise him with a dog. Thank you 🥰
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Justin Herbert x reader
Word count: 0.8k
Justin always talked about wanting a dog but he could never bring himself to get one because of football.
So with his season sadly coming to an end due to injury, you thought it would be a great idea to not only fulfill his wants of a dog but to uplift his spirits.
And today was the day you were going to go to the shelter to see the dogs and bring one home.
Justin was going to be out all day today to help and support his team during their game against buffalo.
So when he left for the day so did you.
When you get to the shelter you look for a dog whose personality would best fit his. You want to find the perfect dog that will complement his lifestyle and personality.
You walk around the shelter with one of the workers and spend time with each of the dogs, getting a sense of their energy levels, behaviors, and temperaments.
You’re looking for one who is friendly, energetic, and fun-loving but also calm enough to be around the house and won't be too hyperactive for her boyfriend.
After looking around for a while, you finally finds a dog that fits what you’re looking for. It's a 4 year old rottweiler, who’s house trained.
They explain to you that he was brought in a month ago after his previous owner wasn’t able to move with him.
They let you go into his cage with him and he immediately brightens up. Even though his tail is docked you can tell that trying to wag his little nub.
You immediately feel a connection with the dog and know that it would be a perfect fit for her boyfriend. And the cherry on top is that his name is Brisket.
After spending some time with him you have come to definitive conclusion that this is the dog that would be great for Justin.
You proceed to file all the necessary papers and pay the fees in order to take Brisket home.
They help you load him into the car, giving you a leash and a collar to use for now.
Before going home, you stop at PetCo and bring Brisket inside with you so that he can get some toys that he likes.
As you let him sniff around and choose, you notice that he's pretty picky and likes to analyze each toy before deciding if it's worth taking home with him.
It honestly reminds you of Justin when he’s looking for equipment and woods for his smoker.
Letting him pick and chew a few things it’s time to get actual supplies and necessities for him.
You grab a harness, bed, grooming supplies, food, bowls, and make some new tags for his collar.
Before leaving you schedule a date for him to get chipped.
For the rest of the day you make sure that Brisket is comfortable in his new home.
As it closer to the end of the game you text Justin saying that you have a surprise for him. You know that he won’t see it until after the game because of the no phones on the sideline rule but it’s fine.
When Justin texts you that he’s on his way home, you can’t help but sit in anticipation for his arrival.
Hearing him pull up makes both you and Brisket perk up. You stand in the living room with him sitting next to you as you watch the front door.
Your stomach is filled with butterflies as you waits for him to come through the door. You’re eager to see his reaction to the surprise, and you feel nervous but excited about how it will all turn out.
When he walks through the door you happily shout, “Suprise!”
He tilts his head in slight confusion as he shuts the door, his eyes going from you to Brisket.
He drops his bag and walks over to you asking, “Who’s this?”
You kneel down and pet the dog, “This is Brisket, isn’t he cute?”
He lets out a little chuckle, “Cute… but whose is he?”
He puts his hand out to him to sniff and a small smile plays at his lips.
“Yours… mine… ours.” You say dropping your hands from Brisket.
He looks at you like you’ve grown two heads but in somewhat of a good way, “What? Really?”
Nodding you smile, “Yeah, really.”
Brisket nudges his hand allowing him to pet him.
Justin’s face lights up, “Well hello there Brisket.”
He squats down and uses both hands to pet Briskets face, “You got quite the name.”
You watch as they happily interact, “So, you like him?”
“Is that even a question?” He replies leaning over giving you a kiss.
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delayed-affection · 10 months
Hi, I loved slumber party. Can u write about somehow convincing Justin to let u cut his hair or him asking u to cut his hair but it’s ends up really bad in your opinion but he likes it but the internet have a field day and u get upset and he defends u on social media
Uh oh
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Justin Herbert x reader
Warnings: referred to as girlfriend once and her twice
Word count: 1.0k
His kind words and reassurance help to alleviate some of your guilt and embarrassment. Justin asked you to cut his hair for him you thought he had gone crazy. With his hair being a big part him and his image so it was weird that he was putting his trust in you.
And you were doing fine or at least you thought you were for a moment.
You were very careful with scissors, following his instructions to the best of your abilities but you’re honestly a visual learner and his instructions weren’t really of any help.
You tried your best to be careful, but each cut felt like a mistake and you felt increasingly frustrated.
By the time you had finished, you were tired and stressed out. Begging him to not look in the mirror.
You pull at his arm trying to get him to stop walking, “Please don’t look, I’ll get you a hat or a beanie that you could wear until it grows out.”
He chuckles as he unintentionally drags you to the bathroom with him, “It can’t be that bad.”
When you get to the bathroom you see his smile falter for a split second and that’s when you know it’s bad.
“You hate it.” You groan backing up into the wall.
He shakes his head and pulls you back over to him, “No… I don’t hate it, it’s just a little shorter than I expected.”
You look down at your hands, “It’s also choppy and one half of your head looks fuller than the other.”
"It's just a haircut, it's not a big deal." He tries to reassure you, but you’re still feeling a bit insecure.
“It’s YOUR hair and I messed it up, it is a big deal.” You argue.
He puts your face in his hands, making you look at him, “You did great and I like it. No correction I love it and I love you, okay?”
You nod, “I love you too but I still think it’s bad.”
He gives you a quick kiss, “Why are you being so difficult?”
“Why did you let me cut your hair?” You quip.
A couple days go by and everyone has seen his hair, the media team even posted a tik tok asking the players what they thought about his new cut.
And let’s just say they didn’t hold back on there roasts, letting the world and you know that they all hated it.
Sitting on the couch you read through the comments and they were just as cruel as everyone else.
The embarrassment starts to set in and you can't believe you made such a terrible mistake with his hair.
You try to console yourself with the thought that it wasn't such a big deal and that his hair will grow out soon, he can wear a hat when he’s not wearing a helmet. But you can't shake the feeling that you completely fumbled something this big.
You continue to read through the comments, trying to find something encouraging or sympathetic, but there is none to be found.
Now, more than ever, you are completely regretful of your actions.
When Justin comes back home you’re quick to apologize over the haircut once more. He’s barely through the door when you come rushing over, phone still in hand.
“I’m so sorry, Justin, i should’ve listened to your instructions better. I should’ve just said no when you asked me.” You tell him but you were talking quite fast, “I knew it wasn’t good, I knew-“
He shuts the door and drops his bags, “Baby, baby, slow down. What are you talking about?”
“Your hair.” You stress, “Everyone is talking about it and how bad it is.”
He gives you a look screams what the hell are you talking about, “What? Who’s everyone?”
“The social team, the guys… every nfl fan ever.”
His face stays the same and he doesn’t respond, he really needs to look at his socials every now and then.
You had him your phone, “Look.”
You stand there as he watches the video, listening to jokes and comments his teammates made about his hair.
He turns off the phone and pulls you into a hug, "You know, it's really not that bad. My hair will grow back. In the meantime, I'm happy you tried to do something nice for me. I'm not upset, so don't worry about it, okay?"
His kind words and reassurance help to alleviate some of your guilt and embarrassment.
He can tell that the comments are still getting to you a bit.
He sighs and slips your phone into his pocket, “No more phone for you.”
You try to move around him to grab it but he avoids every advance you make.
"It's for your own good." He adds with a smile, "Look how about we do something else?”
He pauses to think for a moment, “We could do that paint and sip thing you’re always talking about?”
Justin stands at the charger podium after practice, answering the questions being thrown at him by the press.
It’s nearing the end of the conference and no one has asked about his hair, Justin thought that he had lucked out.
Until a reporter asked, “What happened to your hair? Did you upset your barber?”
Though it was intended as a joke he knew how it would effect you.
He shrugs off the question, “Well my girlfriend did it and she already feels bad about it so please keep your comments to yourselves.”
Another reporter is called on to ask a question, “Can I ask was it her first time or…”
He gives them a short nod, “It was and I will admit I didn’t give the best instructions so it’s not her fault. And just as I told her, it’s just hair it’ll grow back. If people don’t like it, then they shouldn’t look at me.”
He knows he was a little rude with his last comment but if it means standing up for you, he’s fine with it. Plus he was getting quite fed up with everyone.
Now he can only hope that the unnecessary insults and hate calm down.
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delayed-affection · 2 years
Slumber Party
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Justin Herbert x reader
Warnings: Awkward Justin at the end
Word count: 2.1k
You walk through Justin’s front door, hands full with bags, “It’s slumber party time!”
He quickly makes his way over to you, “It’s not a slumber party.” He chuckles, “You’re just spending the night.”
You huff as he grabs a bag from you, “That’s technically a slumber party.”
He looks into the bag he took, “You know I have food, right? There’s no need for a bag full snacks.”
You follow him as he walks to the kitchen, “Well I thought all you would have are protein bars and pre workout.”
He puts down the bag and grabs your shoulders, “Y/n. I’m still a human, I have to eat in order to survive. If you get hungry we could get chipotle or I could make you something.”
You drop your bags and grab his forearm, “I hate to break this to you, Herby, but I don’t actually like Chipotle.”
He looks at you in disbelief, “You had it like two weeks ago though.”
“I didn’t want you to eat alone. You invited me out and I would’ve felt bad if I just sat there watching you.” You inform
He lets his hands drop from your shoulders, “If I knew that I wouldn’t have gone there.”
“It’s fine, Herbert.” You assure with a small smile.
You pick up the bags on the floor and back up, “Look, I’m going to put these away and when I’m done we can get this slumber party started. Oh and What time is your game tomorrow?”
“It starts at ten but I have to be there before eight. And again, this is not a slumber party.” he says
He puts away all the snacks you brought while you put away your night bag and little things you brought for later.
“Are you sure you don’t want to play.” He asks loading up his game.
You nod, “Yeah, I’d much rather watch you play than me spend a round not knowing what was going on.”
He grabs his controller and sits down, “I’m not going to let you sit there and watch me.”
“You’re not.” You argue, “If its that big of a deal, I’ll play something on my laptop.”
He rolls his eyes, “Play what? Solitaire?”
You get up off the couch and walk to get your laptop, “Sims 4, actually.”
“Sims 4?” he whispers to himself.
You don’t spend too much time playing Sims not wanting to get wrapped into it and not being able to stop.
 You watch him play a few rounds of C.O.D, he wins a couple before calling it quits after a quick loss.
He gets up and puts his controller away, “Are you hungry?”
“For chipotle?” You tease
“Ha ha.” He says, “I’m being serious.”
He looks down at his watch, “Its six thirty, do you wanna stay here and make something? Or we could order something?”
You stand up, “I’m already ahead of you.”
You bring him to the kitchen, “If you actually looked at the things I brought you would’ve noticed that they’re for cajun chicken pasta.”
“I was wondering why you chicken in the bag.” He confesses
You pat his cheek, “I think you’ve taken one too many hits to the head.”
The two of you now sit in his living, your legs lay on top of his lap while his feet are propped up on the coffee table.
He mindlessly rubs his thumb on your calf.
His eyes are trained in the tv, watching an episode of NCIS.
Your eyes however are on him, watching how his face slightly scrunches at the sight of the body. How the flashes of the screen light up his face.
You pick up your phone and see that it’s nine o’clock, already having ate dinner you know it’s only a matter of time til he’s off to bed for his early morning.
Putting your phone down you sit up straight and pick yourself up off the couch.
He looks up at you with wonder and slight concern, “Where are you going? It was just getting to the good part.”
You make your way to the guest room, “I’m just going to go grab something’s and change. You should change too. Oh, and wash your face while you’re in there.”
You leave him in the living room, hoping that he’ll go change for bed. Changing into an old shirt and some shorts, you wash your face and brush your teeth.
You grab one of the bags you brought, bring it with you out to the living room. Justin sits on the couch in different clothes.
He hears you coming and looks up from his phone, “What’s in the bag that required me to change and wash my face?”
Sitting down next to him you start pulling things out of the bag: face masks, serum, face rollers, eye cream, lip scrubs, chapstick, and moisturizer.
He looks at all the stuff laid out on the table, “What is this?”
You smile at him, “Stuff for your face, stuff that will make it look and feel nice.”
He raises an eyebrow at you, “Does my face not look nice?”
You shake your head, not wanting it to sound like that, “Your face is very nice, Herby. You’re like the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen.”
He blushes and smiles at your words, unable to reply.
You meant what you said, he was very pretty and his bashfulness wasn’t helping.
You pull a box out from the bag, “Would you like some tea before we start? I brought your favorite, well I hope it’s your favorite.”
He looks at the box and nods, “Yeah, yeah… tea would be nice and it is my favorite, thank you.”
You go to make the tea as he looks through all the things you brought.
You carefully bring the two cups back, not wanting to spill any of the hot liquid on yourself. You set them down along with some napkins.
You sit down with your entire body facing him, “Are you ready?”
He laughs softly, “Do I have a choice?”
“Well yes but no, because if you say no I’m just going to beg until you say yes.” You tell him, “Okay, now, is it okay if I get up close and personal?”
He looks at you for a second but nods.
You pick up the two lip scrubs you brought, “Do you want cherry or strawberry?”
“Umm… Cherry, I guess.” He answers comes out more as a question.
“These are lip scrubs, I probably should have started with that, but do you want to apply it or do you want me to? Or do you want to watch me do it first and then you try?”
“I’ll… I’ll watch you first.”
You hand him the cherry one and unscrew the strawberry one, “Okay, so you’re going to take a little on your finger and apply to your lips.”
He watches as you apply small layer to your lips.
“Then you just rub your lips together.” You do just as said and grab a napkin, “Then you wipe them off or you can lick them but personally I think that’s gross.”
Wiping your lips off you nod at him, “Your turn.”
He does exactly what you did and takes the napkin from you wiping his lips, “What now?”
You pull two headbands out from the bag, “Would you like a cow or a bow?” You give him no time to respond, “Doesn’t matter you’re getting the cow.”
You slip the headband over and, on your head, handing him his. He looks at the headband and then to you before hesitantly putting it on.
Picking up the face masks you tear one open, “This is a sheet mask, it’s going to be cold but it helps. I must ask, can I touch your face?”
He rolls his eyes, “Yes, Y/n, you can touch my face.”
You scoot closer to him and take out the mask, “close your eyes please.”
When his eyes close you start to put on the mask. He flinches when you smooth it down by his eye making you jump.
You go to apologize thinking you got some of the mask in his eye or that you poked him but stop yourself when you hear him trying not to laugh.
You lightly flick his forehead and mumble, “asshole.”
Once it’s fully smoothed down on his face you scoot back, “You can open your eyes now, you’re going to let it sit on your face for ten minutes.”
You tear open the other and put it on, he watches as you do it with such ease.
He waits til your done to ask his long but short awaited questions, “What is this supposed to help with? Also can I drink with this on?”
“These ones are to brighten your skin but there are a bunch of different ones that do different things and yes you can drink with it on. I like to think that why the hole is there.”
He picks up his mug and the two of you watch a little more of the show before you have to take them off.
Throwing away the masks you move onto the next item, making sure you washed your hands first.
“Okay so this is a Hyaluronic Acid serum and just because it says acid doesn’t mean it’s going to burn your face. It’s going to help with the dry spots on your face.” You inform knowing the questions he’s going to ask.
“Okay so I’m going to put some onto my hands and then rub it on your face. Sound good?” You ask picking up the bottle.
He nods, “Can I put it on you?”
You let out a soft chuckle, “Sure, are your hands clean?”
He nods again and you give him the okay.
You put some into your hands, rubbing them together you move them to his face, “Close your eyes please.”
He closes his eyes and lets you rub your hands around his face. When you’re done he opens them and holds his hands out.
Dropping some into his hands, he rubs his hands together and slowly moves closer to your face.
He looks at you, taking in your face; he smiles to himself as you close your eyes. He lightly moves his hands around your face, afraid that he’ll hurt you somehow.
His hands stop moving at your cheeks but you keep your eyes closed waiting for him to do something. Except his hands don’t move and he doesn’t say anything.
You open your eyes, “We have two things left, you ready?”
He drops his hands and sighs, “Yeah, what’s left?”
You pick up two containers, eye cream and moisturizer, “The blue container is the eye cream which surprisingly goes under your eyes and the pink container is the moisturizer and that goes all over your face. Simple.”
You take off your headband, “We also won’t be needing these anymore.”
He follows your lead taking off his headband.
You clap your hands together when you’re done, “And just like that, we’re finished. Now all we have to do is go to sleep and the slumber party will be, sadly, over.”
He laughs, “I’d call this more of a spa day than a slumber party.”
“What are you talking about? We hung out, cooked dinner, played cod; well you played, all I did was watch. But we started to binge NCIS and had a self care night. I’d say that’s a slumber party.” You argue
“Where’s the party? Aren’t parties supposed to be fun?”
You roll your eyes getting up, “I thought we were having fun, jackass.”
He laughs and gets up, “I was joking, this was very much so a party.” He puts his hands on your shoulders, “A slumber party, some would say.”
You give him a slight stern look, “You’re just saying that to be nice.”
He smiles and moves his hand to your face, “I’m always nice.”
You softly laugh, “Yeah, but you can be an ass sometimes.”
“Yeah?” He asks
Your eyes flicker to his lips, “Yeah.”
 “I know.” He whispers, his face slowly moving closer to yours. Long silent seconds pass.
His hands bringing your face closer, closing what little space was left. His lips met yours.
Its sweet and gentle, the type of kiss that could sweep you off your feet. Short little pecks follow as the two of you pull away.
He looks at you with love in his eyes, “Sleep with me?”
Your face fills with confusion, “Huh?”
He quickly shakes his head, letting his hands drop from your face, “I mean, go to bed with me- No that still sounds weird. Ummm... Would you like to lay down and go to sleep with me?”
You try your best not to laugh at his awkwardness, “Let’s get you to bed, J.” You take his hand, “And I’ll even sleep with you.”
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delayed-affection · 2 years
Football Oneshots
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Justin Herbert
Slumber party
No good
Uh Oh
Joe Burrow
Adding a bracelet
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