ibrahimdphotography · 2 years
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Street Art from Korinthos, Greece. (Photo taken in September 2020) . The artist is @stathis_apopsych . . . . . . . . . . . . #Greece #Τέχνητουδρόμου #Ελλάδα #Mural #Urban #UrbanArt #StreetArtist #CommunityArt #StreetArt #graffiti_of_our_world #kafao #super_graffiti_channel #Kórinthos #streetartandgraffiti #Corinth #StreetArtEverywhere #InstaGraff #GraffitiArt #InstaGraffiti #SprayPaint #SprayArt #StreetPhotography #ArtIsEverywhere #streetartgeeks (at Korinthos) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoCaFZBDiyj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hotpotrandomfics · 1 year
PJO Hecate Ritual Headcanon: Trials of Hecate
Facts of the trials origins:
Originally, referred to as the "Eight Moons and Nights of Hecate" (Októ fengária kai nýchtes tis Ekátis) was a secret ritual of the children of Hecate who would follow the guidance of the priest and priestess that followed Hecate in her cult.
Children of Hecate would travel to the Underworld on a pilgrimage to Hecate's palace within her region of influence in the domain of Hades.
The purpose of the trials was for the influence of Hecate to remain prominent in the mortal realm and to gift the strongest and most cunning of her children greater influence in her domains.
The last child of Hecate to conduct the trials was at the end of the Trojan War, Athanasios of Kórinthos (Corinth), who was slain in a battle against a horde of Spartoi who were sent to destroy Corinth. Defeating the horde, Athanasios would fall to his wounds in an unmarked cave where he would find his mother that wept and mourned the death of her son. Hecate pledged that no child of hers shall take the trials as they ultimately suffer a gruesome death.
Trial Phases:
1. Néa Selíni (New Moon): A trial of wit with no use of magic or weapons, a child of Hecate shouldn't rely solely on their physical abilities but their capacity for deductive reasoning in the pursuit of their own path.
2. Imisélinos me kerí (Waxing Cresent): Deciphering an ancient riddle, the riddle serves as a second test of wit but is not something that can be overthought of, and if one is willing the riddle answer will reveal itself though not every answer is the same.
3. Próto tétarto (First Quarter): Revisiting a past traumatic event, while the trauma may seem clear and tangible the child of Hecate must not let themselves be consumed by the temptation and fear of past horrors.
4. Apotríchosi varýs (Waxing Gibbous): Accepting one's flaw, this part is for the child to acknowledge that despite all their success that there will be a lingering darkness from their doubts.
5. Pansélinos (Full Moon): As the moon is full, a child must define themselves by looking inward, the light within that shines the brightest, and creating their own set of torches.
6. Adynatisménos varýs (Waning Gibbous): One will follow the echoes to their salvation but must ward off their own inner demons while their torches fade away.
7. Tríto tétarto (Third Quarter): As the moon reaches further into darkness, the child must fight with only their torches to find their paths in a maze of many.
8. Imisélinos pou exafanízetai (Waning Crescent): Once the last light fades, the rebirth of the child begins but is to occur with a proper acceptance of the path they will walk for the rest of their life.
Benefits and Burdens of the Trial
Greater endurance both physically, magically, and mentally
Knowledge of all past Trial victors and failures
Access to a specific weapon molded through the Trials
Access to many lost magics of Hecate
Forever blessed by Hecate and her child's descendants
Greater chance of monsters catching the child's scent
Increased possibility of falling into madness
Known Children of Hecate and Champions of the Trials
Athanasios of Kórinthos
Ciel Ambrose Silverstein
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corinthbayrpg · 4 years
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NAME. Lykaon Ambrosios AGE & BIRTH DATE. 2,514 & August 15th, 495 BC GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/Him SPECIES. Incubus OCCUPATION. Owner of Corinth Bay Library FACE CLAIM. Kit Harington
( tw: slavery mention, war, death, suicide ) Unlike many of the supernatural that have found themselves drawn to Corinth Bay over the years, to Lykaon, the city has always been and always will be his true home. Back in the days when it bore the name Kórinthos, Lykaon was the son of a powerful Corinthian naval captain and a hetaira. She had been given to the Temple of Aphrodite at Acrocorinth as a slave in her youth, only to win over the attention of his father, who was so entranced by her beauty and charm, he bought her freedom from the temple and took her back to his estate to reside with his lawful wife and children. It was from their union that Lykaon was born. As his father’s first and only son, he was raised alongside his legitimate half-sisters in the same household, where he received education and training well above his station as a nothos, a bastard.
Having grown up in the time of the Greco-Persian Wars, with a hunger for glory and desire to emulate his father, and his mother dead years before from childbirth gone wrong, when Lykaon was a boy of sixteen he joined his father’s ship in the Battle of Artemisium. It was his first real taste of war, three brutal days of storms and fighting, with both sides stuck in a deadlock until news came that their allies on the land had lost the front line. Forced to retreat to Salamis, all their effort seemingly wasted, Lykaon witnessed the truth of war first hand. Unlike the romanticized stories he’d been regaled with in his childhood, it wasn’t glorious; it was violent, and merciless, and severe. But even so, he found that he thrived. There was never a time he felt more comfortable than with a sword in hand, adrenaline spiking in his veins.
Though the Corinthians and their Allies won the ensuing battle at Salamis with a decisive victory, it was not without loss, one of them being Lykaon’s father. The captain had taken a blow meant for his son, and died aboard the deck of the ship he’d given most of his life to. Unable to process his grief in the midst of battle, rather than deal with his emotions, Lykaon shoved them deep beneath the surface and focused his energy on the war. Leaving his father’s warship behind, the taste of the sea offering too many connotations, he joined the fight with the land infantry instead. As long as he was fighting, he did not have to deal with the fact that he was now without both his parents. The next year he spent working with the war effort, attacking on the front lines until the Battle of Plataea. With the Greeks emerging victorious, and the threat of the Persian invasion greatly diminished, Lykaon took his leave from official soldier life. But he didn’t put down his sword.
Instead, he took up the life of a misthios, a mercenary. Rather than returning to his father’s home, or officially joining ranks with the Corinthian army, he decided to set out upon the Greek world. He still participated in the war effort here and there, as it dragged on, but only to fatten his coffers and build a reputation. It gave him new life, while still putting his skills to use, and as long as Lykaon kept moving his stunted grief could not catch up with him. For nearly a decade and a half, he made a name for himself among the Greek city-states, and made good coin too, the only times he returned to Corinth being to give worship and offerings at Aphrodite’s altar. It was during such a visit, just outside the doors of the goddess’s temple, he was beset upon by a band of hired thugs. There had been a bounty placed on his head, it seemed. He had grown too well known, had crossed the wrong person on a job, and someone wanted him dead.
Though an excellent swordsman, Lykaon found himself outnumbered ten to one, and the wounds he took were grievous. When the fight was done, his attackers laid dead on the ground around him, but he wasn’t long left in the mortal world either. Stumbling back inside, he made it to the foot of Aphrodite’s altar, and prayed to the Goddess for salvation — for his body or his soul, he couldn’t say, only that he was dying and he was afraid, like a child crying out for their mother. And she came to him. Only half alive and delirious from blood loss, he didn’t think her real at first, but then she offered him a choice; that she could take him, change him, and he would have an immortal life on earth as a servant of her bidding. She could save him now, and he would go on and live, but at the end of his normal life he would become her creature. At the time, it didn’t seem like much of a decision to make at all. When faced with his own morality, Lykaon readily signed his soul away, even if he wasn’t quite sure what he was agreeing to at the time.
So he lived. The Goddess kept her word and healed him of his wounds, and Lykaon was given a second chance at life, one he was determined not to waste. Realizing just how much of a solitary life he had subjected himself to, to have almost died alone with no one to care left him with a hollow feeling. Putting his lust for glory aside, Lykaon instead took a wife, settled down on his new bride’s family estate, and started a family of his own. He still took jobs over the years, just to keep the coin flowing and their household comfortable, but never too far from Aphrodite’s temple in case she ever had need of him. It was a good life, a happy life; but he never lost his taste for battle.
It was the beginning of the Peloponnesian War, though no one knew it at the time. Corinth had declared war on Corcyra over dominion of city of Epidamnos, and although Lykaon was past the prime of his fighting years, he still felt the call to war; a foolish decision that in the end, proved to be his undoing. For several years he fought for his city-state, until he found himself caught in the Battle of Potidaea. In a way all to similar to his father’s death, he took a hit meant for another soldier, and was struck down on the field. And that was his end, or so he thought. Much to his surprise, he found himself awoke at night, still in that field of the dead, but no longer the same man he was. His body was young again, and his soul felt… changed. Darker. And yet, he was alive, when he shouldn’t have been. All at once he remembered Aphrodite’s deal. Sneaking past the blockade that had befallen the city, he returned to his home in Corinth, stopping to pray at Aphrodite’s temple and to thank the goddess for her gift.
To say his wife was surprised would be an understatement, but after Lykaon explained what he believed to have happened, they both accepted it as a blessing from Aphrodite. Unfortunately, Lykaon did not realize the truth of his new nature until it was too late, and his poor wife had fallen victim. Unknowingly have sucked out her soul, she became depressed and lethargic, and ended up throwing herself off the cliff side that backed to their estate. It was only then that he began to understand that while having contact with others made him feel better, it would be their ruin. Uncertain about the full extent of his ability and afraid for the safety of his children, if even a single touch of the hand could bring them harm, he left them in the care of guardians he trusted and left Corinth behind, never to return in the span of their lifetimes.
The adjustment to becoming an incubus was a rocky one at first, with great experimentation as to what seemed to effect others and what didn’t. And perhaps he relished in it a bit, in a twisted, crooked way that made his broken heart feel better. But the life of an immortal is a long one, and as the years passed by with the world ever-changing but Lykaon always stuck the same, he mellowed out a bit. He did Aphrodite’s biding as she required, but was left to his own devices when she had no need of his talents; eventually feeding just became feeding, and his existence was simply that — just existing. Which is the state he lives in currently, traveling around the world, never staying in one place for too long. But he always returns to Corinth Bay, when enough time has passed that mortals no longer remember his face.
+ wise, unassuming, valorous - apathetic, cynical, restless
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becauseimolivia · 5 years
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𝙎𝙬𝙞𝙥𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙥𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙤 → ☆ So I decided to not make posts of my travels everyday on here as that would basically just turn my Insta into a travel page which is not what it is (though maybe I will someday create one 🤷‍♀️). Plus I would also just have way too many pictures to post. Plus I just don’t have the time or energy to after the long days here that we have been having. I may still post occasional Greece photo updates these next couple of weeks, but for the most part if anyone wants to stay updated I will continue making updates on my Insta story and then after I leave Greece I will post all of the pictures to my Facebook business page @becauseimolivia . . . . . . @becauseimolivia #edit_mania #best_expression_edit #editingtutorial #super_edit_channel #stars_edit #asi_es_edits #be_one_edits #total_editpics #thehub_edit #love_editpics #edit_perfection #stars_edit #edit_grams #edit_perfection #edits_of_our_world #editgrammer #editphoto #edits_oftheworld #edit_lovers_united #edit_fever #movingphotos #quitthechaos #streetsingreece #travelgirlsgo #girlborntotravel #plotaverse (at Arkhaía Kórinthos, Korinthia, Greece) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxaazN8AvDh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=uxegu8a8mf50
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hotelshot-rus · 7 years
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Central Apartment near Beach, Kórinthos (Греция) http://www.hotelshot.ru/2017/10/central-apartment-near-beach-korinthos.html
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lutnistas · 7 years
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 Ancient Corinth ( Kórinthos )
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metalaviator · 8 years
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Friday night amusement: Repeated Exposure to...- #1000mods ....The third full length album of Greek psychedelic #stoner #rock band from Kórinthos, Greece. P+C:2016 by Ouga Booga and the mighty Oug recordings....#nowspinning #recordcollection #recordcollector #vinyloftheday #vinylcollection #vinylcollector #vinylrecord #vinylrecords #vinyljunkie #vinylclub #vinylporn #vinyllove #vinylgram #vinyligclub #vinyl #vinyls #instavinyl #33rpm #onmyturntable
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hotelshot-rus · 7 years
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Vila Anastasia, Kórinthos (Греция) http://www.hotelshot.ru/2017/09/vila-anastasia-korinthos.html
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lenkasweetdreams · 8 years
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#threadcakes #threadless #cupcakes #mini #chocolate #cakes #edibleart #lenkasweetdreams #cake #decor #design #tshirt #decorating #baking #funny #cute #amongfriends #little #friends #instacake #instasweet #instacute #instafriends #instapic #instaart #instafood #instafun (v místě Arkhaía Kórinthos, Korinthia, Greece)
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lenkasweetdreams · 8 years
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#threadcakes #threadcakes2016 #threadless #amongfriends #cupcakes #mini #chocolate #cakes #lenkasweetdreams #fondant #chocolatecake #sugar #bake #decorate #cakedecorating #design #tshirt #instacake #instasweet #instacute #instafriends #instafun #instaphoto #instaart #instafood #instapic #instahappy #instagood (v místě Arkhaía Kórinthos, Korinthia, Greece)
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lenkasweetdreams · 8 years
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#threadcakes #threadcakes2016 #threadless #among #friends #mini #cakes #cupcakes #chocolate #lenkasweetdreams #cactus #sweet #flowers #fondant #cake #instasweet #instafriends #cute #instalove #instacute #instacake #instafood #instapic #instafun (v místě Arkhaía Kórinthos, Korinthia, Greece)
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