#kaeya has his thing as khaenriahn
drfirefly08 · 10 months
look at me and tell me im mentally okay, i dare you
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(this is from my carrd for discord,,, haha im okay prommy, at least rn ^^)
((also also,,, the tags is just me rambling, apologies))
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kaeyachi · 2 years
Ok here it goes-
Kaeya hopping onto a caravan to get to Sumeru as a kid is simultaneously the funniest and saddest thing ever.
Could you all imagine the chaos once the Ragnvindrs realized child Kaeya is missing? I could just imagine Diluc crying loudly about losing Kaeya while Crepus panics and half yells at his staff and the knights about looking for him.
And the moment Crepus sees Kaeya again, he pulls him by the ear!! Because how dare this child give him the heart attack of the century! The nerve of this child to give him gray hairs!! Absolutely comedic!
But the fact that Kaeya did it because he wants to learn more about his heritage hurts. He barely knows anything (and even if he does know a lot, he feels as if he is missing large amounts of context anyway). No wonder he hid that one piece of paper about information on their clan. He's clinging to what is left over for him.
I don't fully trust the idea that his father left him in Mondstat just to live a better life at all. As sweet as it may be, I actually think that's just Kaeya's hopeful thinking. That's why he "thinks he made a clean break with his past". His mind tells him that he probably has nothing that Khaenri'ah or the abyss order might want. A reasonable conclusion because they haven't contacted him- in fact, he was the one doing the interrogating.
That makes me nervous for him though...
Even if it is to free him from his history who tf leaves a child in one of the strongest storms (where he almost dies in), tells him that he will be a spy for Khaenri'ah, and gives him the pressure of being their "only hope"?! Damn dude, if you really want to give him a better life maybe don't give him a last minute multiple trauma gift.
Dain probably crumpled a bit of Kaeya's said hope by straight up mentioning that Kaeya is a descendant of the Abyss Order's founders (I knew the Alberich last name had a damn purpose! Being the birthright successor to the Abyss Order is a big deal and literally a power move! Names have power!!!)
(((Random thought but I wonder if Kaeya could start his own faction- an alternate Abyss Order where he leads as the birthright heir where they go against the Abyss twin near the end? It would be a major decision to lead the order after all, he would have to leave Mond for it, and I'm sure that Dain would prefer to side with him on this one if it is a faction made to counteract the Abyss twin's actions)))
His heritage being such a big deal that they had to mention it in an Archon quest is very iconic for his 4-star starter character ass. They had to make sure everyone knows about it and now Kaeya's lore is gonna get more speculations and scrutiny. Good. I'd still argue that he has one of the best lore in the game- easily in the top 5.
Final thoughts for now, but Dainkae having that enemies to friends to lovers energy is very funny to me. Kaeya asking Dain to go drinking with him someday is *chefs kiss*. Dain is right to be wary of Kaeya though. The fact that Kaeya felt him watching is definitely telling of how perceptive Kaeya is (reminds me of the cutscene where Diluc is introduced, and when Diluc attacked from behind him, Kaeya didn't even flinch). Dain probably realized that Kaeya also purposely avoided him in Mondstat as well since Kaeya knew of him ( I don't think Dain would avoid someone who is blatantly using "Alberich" as a lastname).
Oh wait! One more thing! But is Kaeya actually immortal? (where they stop aging once they reach a certain age) or is he only half-Khaenriahn? (if so, why wasnt he turned into a hilichurl? Do they get a free pass?...but so far, he is the only regularly aging Khaenri'ahn we've met...)
I knew that the more lore drop he gets the more questions will be added. damn.
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cefalodankovsky · 1 year
Kaeya and pierro shared design leitmotifs and possible in game connection
Spoilers until Caribert, no Fontaine exclusive content is discussed.
Before anything I must make clear that I’m comparing Kaeya ´s standard outfit and the Pierro design from a winter night´s lazzo, I won’t use direct images from leaks but i have compared Pierro ´s skin color to the other Harbingers using leaked character explorations and beta designs.
There is something that has bugged me since winter´s night lazzo; and that thing is the shared leitmotifs between pierro and Kaeya, While the fandom has discussed at length if Pierro could be Kaeya ´s father or other family member, I too want to analyze the similarities between the designs, how that could connect them in game, exploring popular ideas and even proposing some of my own on the way.
From top to bottom I will point out and explain in more depth all the similarities I found, using these two images as reference and to make everything more clear.
- Differently colored hair strand matching each other’s hair color. This is quite interesting because all other Khaeniahns we’ve met so far have blonde or a light hair color, making Kaeya the exception, But the fact that Pierro also has a blue strand in his other wise standard hair means that either Pierro ´s hair was originally blue and turned white due to aging, making them both exceptions to the known Khaenriahn genetic traits and possibly connecting them as family. That white hair is a result of abyssal corruption, which would make sense as Pierro has had most likely more abyssal exposure than Kaeya, which would explain Kaeya ´s strands. Or we could reverse this and propose blue or darkened hair is a result of abyss influence, while this might sound outlandish at first, abyssal influence in game has been mostly shown by darkened colors like blue or purple, the only issue would be why Kaeya has had more abyssal exposure than Pierro. This could also be just a way to connect them visually.
- Half of their face covered, seems to be an homage to king irmin the masked king. The three Khaenriahn characters that share this trait have some connection to royalty (Royal knight, Royal advisor, Descendant to The regents that usurped King irmins ´s throne)
-Fluffy scarf? (I don’t know what to call it) in contrasting colors. I must note Kaeya ´s design is prominently asymmetrical, both as a way to create interest and to contrast his conflicted and divided thoughts. (In fact one side seems to represent the abyss with the strand, eyepatch, and the fluffy covering similar to an abyss mage, and the other his loyalty to Mondstand, with the Favonius matching cape and what seems to be a lovelock, a hairstyle used to show their loyalty to someone or something)
-Diamond shaped space in their outfit near their chest, possibly just a way to invoke the diamond shape in their designs , the shared motif of Khaenriah.
-Similar Lapels in their coat with the same shape that reach their torso, a central piece on both of their designs. Can’t really llly tell if Pierro ´s is just one lapel or two lapels and the upper one is hidden in the fluff (Like Kaeya ´s lapels on his left side)
-Star in the middle of their torso
- Shared color scheme but reversed in key places
-Comparatively darker skin to other Characters, Clear in Kaeya ´s case, harder to see in Pierro. Comparing Pierro ´s skintone to other harbingers its clear he’s at the very least visibly darker, even in some leaked design exploration where he sports a coat more similar to Dainsleif´s and a lighter skintone that first thought. The date of the designs are unknown and neither is if they are final but even then the skintone is darker (second image, pierro is the first circle, dottore the second and Columbina de third ) I also must note that while Kaeya is darker skinned, its also known he is partially tanned (alluded trio in a Traveler character story where they wonder if kaeya has a tanning mark behind his eyepatch.
What does all of this mean?, I’m going to note some of the most popular theories and some wild thought as an extra.
-Possibility 1, its all just a coincidence: While some similarities can be explained with shared Khaenriah leitmotifs and pure chance, the fact that a not insignificant part of the fandom thought they were related just by seeing their designs must mean a significant amount of the design must reflect the other.
Possibility 2, Kaeya and Pierro are related most likely his strangled father or an uncle. Would explain the skin and hair color as well as while intentional similarities in their designs. The kaeya ´s father idea was the most common theory, but with pierro being a royal advisor rather than a royal as well as the past voice of kaeya ´s father in the 3.1 event seeming different to Pierro's, it has lost popularity.
It is still possible they are related and Pierro was just far from being the throne heir, also giving him a possible vendetta against the Alberichs and in the case of an uncle might serve as a future Hamlet reference, as well as being a popular trope in general .
-Possibility 3, the motifs are meant to show Kaeya.'s connection to the fatui rather than to Pierro himself. Some of the motifs are shared both in Pierro´s design, the harbinger coats and Kaeya's design. Often also mixed with the second possibility. Could also be a foreshadowing to a possible betrayal by Kaeya. Personally I don’t really see this possibility if not mixed with second one because the most definite proof is specific to Pierro. A counter argument is the shared motifs between Kaeya and Childe. Like Kaeya. ´s never ending performance constellation having the same name as Childe. ´s boss theme, especifically before using foul legacy, also the shared eye motif between kaeya and the fatui.
-Possibility 4, Kaeya is somehow a Clone of Pierro. (Either biologically or just his creation imitating someone else. I’ve seen this theory proposed but I haven’t thought much about. It honestly, this is usually mixed with the father theory.
Extra!: Possibility 5 (Originally thought by a friend of mine but i think its pretty interesting and tried to fill in the gaps), also the least likely but still fun to explore. Kaeya and Pierro are the same person. In Genshin the idea of rewriting the past has is present, mostly seen with Wanderer, his quest also shows changing the past via the Irminsul will end up in essentially the same result. (Wanderer changed the past erasing himself, but the ones that had to die still died), Also seen with Nahida and Rukka. With the cyclical nature of time in Genshin and the journey of the twins, It is possible our twin had a similar journey as us just for everything to be reseted (The cutscene of the abyss sibling shows Mondstadt being destroyed). kaeya could have tried to change things in Khaenriah via the Irminsul but eventually failed ending up in the destruction of Khaenriah. This would explain why Pierro knows about fate´s plans and why he had advice to try and avoid the destruction.This would explain the shared motifs in the fatui and Kaeya´s uniform, as well as physical similarities between the two. Personally I don’t think they share a vibe, and the explanation is quite convoluted and makes several assumptions, It’s still a fun idea, and i quite like it though. I believe we still lack key information to make a clear and definite decision, but the similarities are still. There and we can still try to approximate ourselves to the truth.
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lawluenvy · 1 year
what if...
kaeya's interest in people's reactions to dangerous situations (it is canon he loves fucking shit up/putting people into tough situations just to see what people will do) comes from what happened with diluc that fateful night...
WHAT IF IT'S LITERALLY BORN FROM HIM WONDERING AND ASKING HIMSELF "why would Diluc do that? why would he respond that way? why would he hurt me?"
is this me trying to come up with some kind of excuse for kaeya's sadistic behaviour whom i love dearly and wanna trust and believe in????
100 fucking percent and im rolling with it now
kaeya is not a bad person at heart
he has a darkness but it is not a source it is a shield
he is just broken
and we already know he seems to have a fucked up way of dealing with things that upset him lmao so this could very well check out
would him just being a sadist make me hate him as a character? no. i'd still love him as a villain (him being a sadist would cause me to view him in a villain or anti-hero light) -- cuz he's such a great character
but i WANT to love him as a protagonist. a hero (even if "teetering" on anti-hero) and ultimately when it comes down to it at the very end --- as an ally
if he's genuinely a sadist then i cant and wont trust him and thus would not consider him an ally and by extension would see him as a villain (even if not the traveler's direct antagonist)
some people will disagree with me cuz some people eat that part of him up - they want/like him being a villain or anti-hero and that's fine of course i low key get it
but i am a firm believer in the "kaeya is biding his time to see how things unfold but he does love mondstadt he does love diluc and he would never turn on them even for his khaenriahn heritage" theory sooooo
yeah this is my headcanon now and i might even need to write an angsty as fuck fic about it
(but rest assured i never write angst without a happy ending and fluff tho --- i am reading/writing fanfic to make me happy and not miserable lmao if i wanted to wallow in my depression i would read/write poetry instead and i do that still but yeah different outlets for different things)
(and if anyone takes me not trusting sadists personally- cant believe i actually have to put this disclaimer but anyways- why in the hell would i trust a person that derives pleasure from causing people pain? they would turn on me in a second like lmao i know sexual sadism is a bit different but also im ace and so i do not vibe with that at all but it is a sadistic variation that i can shrug at and just ignore like you do you so long as there's consent cuz consent is consent even if i dont understand it)
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dumbcoffeebee · 2 years
drops hcs and runs
Ice burn scars on chest & forearms from the fight when Kae got his vision
Lots of scars. Lots. Blades, bludgeoning dmg, various elements from the Fatui hunt or otherwise
Slight permanent tinge of blue/purple at fingertips from being unacclimated to the Snezhnayan weather the first few months of the Fatui hunt (no pyro vision during that time)
More red to his hair, bit of an orange tinge to the ends (make it look more like fire, basically)
By extension he gets grey hairs every once in a while and nobody really comments on them bc yk its Diluc mans is stressed all the time but he dyes them out/plucks them every time he notices them bc it reminds him of his dad when he started using his delusion too much & it makes him sad :(
Thick eyelashes— not super long but really thick
Freckles!! Lots of them!! Resident pretty boy fr
Calloused hands from claymore
Fire burn scars from not knowing how to infuse weapon w/ fire at first
Hawk talon scars on forearm
Has the second of Kae’s earrings hanging next to his vision on his belt (sobbing)
Bro used to have sharp teeth but he grinds tf outta them so he should wear a grind plate thing but he doesn’t bc he’s stubborn
Every time he goes like a madlad, which is all the time but yk, he just,, forgets to shave & so it’s not uncommon to see him with like a family of six worth’s of luggage under his eyes & red stubble (little bit of grey in there?)
Oh my god this man’s eye bags. It’s so hot but oh my god the dark circles too?? Holy shit
Used to wear black pencil liner on his waterline (jk he still does esp when he’s doin the whole darknight hero thing OH MY GOD HE TAKES THE MASK OFF AND HE.. OH MY GOD DRAW THAT DRAW THAT NOW JESUS SHIT)
As much as he runs himself ragged he actually has really high personal maintenance esp hygiene-wise like bfr he’s the no.1 most sought after bachelor in Mondstadt for a reason (and it’s not just bc of his money) & that’s also just bc he was raised by Crepus who I feel like believed that no matter who you were or where you came from, everyone is deserving of respect regardless of anything & first impressions are highly important for people like them (direct descendants of the Ragnvindr clan)
So then Diluc has like an eight step skincare routine that he speedruns & I feel like he takes care of his nails really well for some reason??
Circular reddish scarring on left hand from repeated delusion use, both in Snezhnaya & out of it— it looks like a matrix-style computer virus but in his veins
Lets start w/ the obvious. He says there's nothing wrong with his right eye but I beg to differ there’s a long vertical scar in the middle of his eyelid from Diluc’s weapon grazing it in their fight.
As a result its not that sensitive since it was years ago, almost a decade from my math
One eye is blue like we see yes but i hc that the other is like yellow with the star pupil bc mm khaenriah
Once again freckles
Long ass fingers
Ice burn scars on chest from receiving vision & the shield it created, blasting Diluc away from being able to go in for the strike to his chest he was planning.
Constantly cold. Not really appearance but just general temp he’s always cold
Blisters/callouses on fingertips- partly from the ice, partly from training so vigorously with Diluc in swordsmanship.
Very small star tattoo from Khaenriah on inner left forearm like- the crook of it
Dark blue hair like it’s sapphire dark Albedo describes it as flowing jewels with a streak of starlight through it (the lighter streak in his bangs)
Much darker complexion than is shown in game like i hc that he’s half Khaenriahn (well, all Khaenriahn but yk) and half Sumerian on his mother’s side
Lots of scars like his brother. Not to Diluc’s magnitude, but still a lot nonetheless.
Lots of little scars from different elements w/ close calls from abyss mages, ruin guards, etc.
Yet another thing he picked up from Diluc as a child, has a really good hair care routine
Consistently dry skin & eyes from the ice n shit
Muscle spasms & slight numbness in hands from the cold
His smile is the same as it was when he was a kid— when it’s real, that is
Little bit of a tooth gap in his front middle teeth
There’s a theory bopping around that the Alberich clan messed with Kae’s eye, being able to see through it & considering the symbolism with Khaenriah and eyes it makes a lot of sense, as well as his turning his back on his clan and nation in favor of Mondstadt would make the eyepatch much more of a useful thing beyond appearances, refusing to let whatever higher Abyssal powers get intel on Mondstadt by his doing.
Traveler Lumine-
Constantly getting new scars & bruises (she has a knack for worrying Paimon)
Lets her hair grow out- it reminds her of Aether. (she ends up cutting it short again save for her bangs in an episode, and she says it’s better for fighting that way anyway.)
Lightning scars from anti-raiden shogun training (she still slightly distrusts Yae Miko for that), as well as getting struck down constantly in Inazuma- they’re all over her spine, shoulder blades, neck, hands, legs, everything. She jumps every time lightning cracks in a storm, whipping around as if to lunge at the next thing that moves
Various elemental-caused scarring from mastering different elements- that’s why she prefers Anemo, it does the least long-term damage to her body and it’s easiest for her to control because she’s had it the longest
Oh my god her hands are filled with callouses, they’re so rough yet her touch is so soft girlie is pretty <33
Her hair is consistently knotty and dirty- what can I say, the girl doesn’t get to thoroughly shower much, especially before getting the teapot
Literally every item of clothing she owns is stained. Noelle is her saviour every time she comes back to Mondstadt for insisting on getting the stains out and patching her clothes up for her/redoing Lumi’s shoddy patch jobs— sewing was always Aether’s thing.
This isn’t new for me but she and Aether have matching earrings— his is still black in the Abyss but he never takes it out, the only time he tried he got a gut punch of regret and feeling like he was viscerally betraying some unspoken binding law, and Lumi has never even tried taking it out, always cherishing how it connects her to her brother no matter where he is, changing colors with each nation closer she gets to finding him and bringing him home to her.
May the Seven help the monster that rips it out as she’s fighting. You think you’ve seen Lumine seething with unbridled rage until you saw what happened to every monster in a 700 m radius of her that night. It makes her grinding teeth and piercing stares that could kill look like child’s play in comparison. Tears rivered down her cheeks and sobs wracked her body as she staggered towards the nearest teleport waypoint, seeking out the one statue she finds the most comfort in. Under the tree of Windrise, she places the earring back into the slit where it once hung as Barbatos’s statue seals her wounds and encloses her earring back into place, housing her safely for the night high in the tree, the wind god watching over his warrior.
She handles her injuries well, both physical and mental. It’s only in the teapot, secluded in her room with Paimon and a German shepard from Mondstadt as her only comfort, that she lets her cries rock her to sleep.
Although a nuisance while swimming, she’s always thankful for the white and grey armor she had gotten custom-made after her initiation as honorary knight at the start of her travels.
Every region she’s traveled through, she’s made sure to acquire a signature accessory, displaying them on her dresser in the teapot and wearing them when she misses those in other nations.
Makes it a habit that every first new flower she picks up gets pressed in her adventure journal. Her favorite has always been the windwheel asters.
Lumine is always the one to protect Paimon, so the first time her floating companion throws herself in between her and the enemy, she makes a vow to herself to never let harm come to the best travel guide in all of Teyvat, even if it costs her everything.
Lumi is often off put by quiet things, preferring to let every noise filter through her. As a result, she ends up seeming very aloof and reserved, but she’s really just studying everything she can get her eyes on. She often forgets to even speak, despite being active in conversations with others mentally, and the link between her and Paimon forged after their many travels has allowed for Paimon to be able to speak up for Lumine in most situations, with well-enough accuracy. Paimon uses this to great degree when she can sense Lumine becoming overwhelmed and nonverbal, subbing in for her, as well as for phrases and words Lumine had not yet learnt in the common language of Teyvat at the start of her adventures. While the language barrier is much less of a problem now, Paimon still often speaks up for Lumine when the ladder starts feeling overwhelmed and anxious, something she greatly appreciates.
When Lumine finds it difficult to sleep, she often ends up taking walks around wherever she’s staying, most often the teapot or whatever hotel she can find. She finds the moon and stars calming, knowing every time she lays eyes on Celestia that she and Aether will one day return to those gates and conquer the one who had separated them 500 years ago. She finds comfort in knowing she and her brother can and will be reunited.
Despite “The Traveler” being a well-known enigma across Teyvat, most end up not being able to recognize her on the streets until she eventually ends up saving their country. She wonders what it would be like to be able to live in anonymity for eternity, not having to put everything on the line in trade for simple recognition?
Despite the familiarity of her armor and dress, she often wonders what the fashion of different nations would be like to wear. That is, until she sees the price tag, resolving to save her Mora for better equipment instead.
God I have so many brain melt heartache traveler ideas
Lumine is always gentle with animals out of compassion, but it never occurs to people why she is so ruthlessly efficient with what she dismantles or kills— ever since the incident with Dain in the Chasm, she has vowed to make whatever suffering of Abyss creatures brief, viewing her extermination of camps as early releases from the curse of the Abyss. She couldn’t handle thinking about it any other way. She couldn’t let herself view them as anything more than things to be put out of their misery after learning the truth of their existence.
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thoughts on how the Liyue Archon quest went [8]
so Lumi and Paimon go to inspect the Sigil stuff, while Kaeya meets up w/ Zhongli and essentially just chats w/ him while they wait for Lumi, right? i feel like Zhongli, at this point, totally sees this as an opportunity to learn more abt them, since Kaeya's a primary source. definitely feels like he'd make a comment about Kaeya's pupil being a unique shape—but i also feel like this would put Kaeya on edge, b/c i feel like Kaeya,,, knows? like he probably knows the Archons destroyed Khaenri'ah, and since Zhongli's very clearly the Geo Archon (and also once a War God), it probably puts him on edge a bit? Very much like 'ur not gonna kill me if u find out i'm Khaenriahn, riiiiight?'
and then when Zhongli notices him dodging the question, he probably just pivots to asking abt traveling w/ Lumine and Paimon b/c he recognizes that yeah, Kaeya probably knows. idk, i think abt this conversation a lot, b/c it's essentially just the unspoken acknowledgement between both of them that Kaeya knows who Zhongli is, and Zhongli knows who Kaeya is. it's just interesting to me.
and then Lumi shows up and they're both kinda relieved b/c MAN was it getting a lil bit awkward haha—and then Zhongli hears abt the Sigils getting reproduced by the Fatui (this is like the ONLY thing i remember from the Sigil bit ngl) so he's like 'mmm be on your guard around them.' i personally think this is when he kinda starts developing a desire to protect these people, which is,,, incredibly precious.
it only gets better when Lumi has to sing to the Glaze Lilies??? b/c listen, guys, LISTEN ok, i feel like Lumi is a decent singer. like she's not Pro(tm) but she's definitely a lil above average yk??? anyway i like to imagine Lumi singing to the Whopperflowers and for like the brief moment of her doing it, both Kaeya and Zhongli are like 'oh,,,,,' b/c who doesn't love a pretty song????
anyway the whopperflowers are assholes and interrupt the very cute moment, and then Ganyu shows up as a one-two whammy :( but it's fine b/c Glaze Lilies and also Zhongli warns Lumi and Kaeya abt the wear and tear of working. i love it a lot b/c Zhongli's whole thing is trying to relax, and it just feels like he already sees these scars growing on these two and he wants them to not earn any more.
unfortunately, upon their return and everything coming to a head, Lumine's like 'well we can't just stand by and do nothing'. i really love how Zhongli warns her to think this through and to be careful. i just think it's so bbgrl of him guys please.
pretty sure that from here, it's just the Golden House fight. that fight actually does leave scars on Lumi's leg and Kaeya's arms (b/c he blocked a nasty sword slash at some point), but generally the fight is over and done w/ pretty quickly (b/c Lumi a tough bbgrl and Kaeya's got her back <3)
They barely have time to like, bandage their wounds before they have to go and help the Qixing, and then they have to deal with THAT WHOLE DEBAUCLE. genuinely, that entire thing was just Lumi being a badass ok. i literally would do anything for her (and so would Kaeya b/c he was also incredibly awe-inspired by how much bad bitch energy she exuded in helping w/ the fight).
and then her being a mediator??? and then her being so wise and smart??? guys please let me gush abt her more i love her so fuckin much GUYSSSSSSS
which is why it sucks that Lumi and Kaeya have to see Signora again after Signora kinda traumatized Lumi a lil bit (yknow, attacking Venti outta the blue, sending Paimon flying away, knocking Lumi out, etc). personally feel like Lumi and Kaeya are a little wounded to see Zhongli just,,, willingly offering his Gnosis up to her??? when he explains it, it kinda makes sense, but also Lumi just,,, very much feels Danger from being around Signora, so she's still tense and wary.
it doesn't help that Zhongli couldn't tell her what the Tsaritsa promised him in return for his Gnosis. b/c that kinda just left a sour taste in Lumi's mouth for a bit.
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strwberri-milk · 2 years
pov you just finished the archon question for 3.5 and you have THOUGHTS
first of all before i even start the spoiler thing i have a love hate relationship w the lengths of the quest. i kinda do wish they were a little longer but also?? a bitch was held hostage in game and i gotta go to sleep so good thing i managed to finish
kaeya my sweet youre so <3333
i am Considering combing through the wiki to piece together lore and derive my theories/thoughts but im kinda busy but also,,,my entire degree has prepped me for this kinda work so maybe?? oneday,,,anyway feel free to go under the keep reading and just see what happens in my brain blurb when im not writing/editing/caring about whats up LMAO
anyway ?? i rmr seeing this theory video on tiktok (i think their user is like?? minsly or smth?? they do theory caps on tiktok) talkking about how sumeru is close to khaenri'ah and how kaeya could be half sumerian which if thats the case explains why hes not a white man despite every other khaenri'ahn we've met being one (albedo definiely helps w this since?? i assume he was created after Generic Khaenriahn so i assume if he looks like that fair skin/fair hair is indeed the standard)
not only that but someone said?? that the voice sounded like kaeya w a filter and i dont fully agree w that - i dont konw, i dont think it sounds like him but i do think they have a similar cadence/diction?? sounds like an emo kaeya's words but isn't really in his voice. i might listen to it a few more times to see if i still agree?? but i do think the cadence felt similar
anyway?? kaeya?? descending DIRECTLY from the abyss founder?? thats wild - i knew he was regent but? idk im just a little confused how these two both play together and im understanding it as he cold be!! having two titles then - also, not him playing innocent i think hes aware of his bloodline but maybe?? not the full implications
definitely interesting how it seems hillichurls/khaenri'ahns can die?? i wonder how that gets acheived and how that plays w kaeya. if its estabished only pure blooded khaenri'ahsn were given immortality and the other mixed ones turned to churls then?? kaeya cant be half sumeran or anything else unless he's got smth else tht makes him immune. someone did point out that his diamond is a lot smaller which again?? maybe bc hes mixed but idk bc again it contradicts the other thing
omg also?? i fucking hated how he revealed his roots - it felt rushed and he was like "oh lmao yea im from this nation" and as far as im concerned nobody other than diluc andnow the traveller know but?? it was just,,,so lacklustre but whatever im guessing this was meant to open up his character and we'll see what happens
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welcometoteyvat · 11 months
k after looking through most (?) of the skirk redesigns: the in game model doesn't really hit for me (5/10, but her outfit is like 1/10 lol), but neither do a lot of the redesigns ahahaha
not an artist so like don't mind my critiques lol y'all do you! also these are all personal preferences haha don't take things too serious
imo some redesigns look too much like dainsleif, w blonde hair and a cape very similar to the one dain wears, w black/blue colors dominating the design. its valid if you want to make them similar to show their khaenriahn nationality, but i think there are more interesting ways to show that connection, esp since everyone can still tell kaeya's a khaenriahn too, even though his design is very different from dain's.
the other half of the redesigns don't retain the "girl" part of her canon description. understandably, if u ignore that and make a buff old woman bc you're sick of lack of character model diversity/want to retcon canon, kudos and respect. it's just kinda meh to me bc of personal taste, nothing deeper
the other thing is that 99% of the time, these skirk redesigns still give her light colored hair !! where is the pitch black, inky abyss void colored hair representation? if we're gonna corrupt her arms and make them blackened w the taint of the abyss, why not her hair?? if it needs to be less boring just add like light tips or a violet dyed streak or smth. I think I'm just sick of all the light haired bitches in game i need a character with actually black hair asap
my ideal design would probably be a tall female model, but she has to have the energy of navia—like u can still tell she's a "young lady" who just happens to use the tall model. preferably taller than childe (impossible in game but i can dream). would also love her to wear a hood/hooded cloak, maybe decorated w those spiky fishbone-like motifs from her concept arts. this is purely bc we do not have a single hood wearing character besides treasure hoarders, and i think it helps convey the "elusive fighter wandering the abyss" vibe. other than that, a purple black galaxy patterned cloak (like how the insides of guizhong's sleeves were drawn) with those fishbone spikes from her concept art, ankle boots, and maybe a flowy, loose shirt and tight pants... kinda like this but w the over the top accessories customary to genshin characters
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if you really must give her some light elements to her design, make her eyes just blindingly bright voids. the look of a person who severed all ties to the mortal world and has no care for mundane lives
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mintory-jar · 2 years
that cutscene at the end of ballads and brews
I have Thoughts™ that I have to get out of my system
under the cut for spoilers and this is a long post
kaeya......... uuuuhuuuuu
we finally know how "you are our only hope" was said to him... it seemed to me like it was said very fondly and with great reluctance (in the eng dub at least)
which means kaeya was loved by his father...
I think kaeya saw it as "ruthless abandonment" for a while. but when he remembers what his father said to him, we see that he doesn't look bitter or upset, but instead, smiles. means his view has changed since we first met him, or maybe even before that (because he was sent to dawn winery as a child). kaeya is now an adult, he's definitely had lots of time to ruminate over what's happened in his life as he matures.
I think this enhances Kaeya's dilemma with loyalty as both his khaenriahn? biological father and his father figure (good ol' master crepus) from mondstadt both love/loved (in master crepus' case, rip). whichever side he picks, he betrays the love from the other. when the time comes for him to face khaenriah again, I wonder how he'll react.
other things I loved in this event:
- hoyo revisiting older characters and their lore + what varka's been doing
- razor lore! i didn't expect to enjoy it so much
- Adeline. bless her. thanks to her we get shy kaeya. and he stays for dinner. because he can't say no to Adelinde. she is the MVP of the dawn winery.
- amber and eula coming to the KoF stall together and eula buying her squad and amber food. made me go "awww"
- albedo donated the money he gets from copyrights... he's a good boy
- ragbros reconciliation. my god. they're trying, and it does show. please hoyo let make them hug or pat each other's heads or something
- kaeya smile. razor remembers him as 'grown-up with fake smile' (I believe?) but here he is genuinely smiling. this is his real smile. his real smile is very sweet. hoyoverse I'm begging you can we please have more opportunities to see Kaeya's real smile. I want my boy to be happy (⁠´⁠;⁠ω⁠;⁠`⁠)
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JP: ここに残れ
also! out of curiosity I looked at the Chinese and Japanese for what Kaeya's father said. the meaning of the words are about the same, but the way it is said sounds different from each other (to me) so it could imply different emotion. (from here on out it's me being a nerd. don't take it as fact because it's a highly unprofessional analysis.)
the JP transcript I had to do it by ear so it could be wrong. cn transcript I went on bilibili and found a video of the cutscene.
TL: (I'll) leave you here. you are our hope. don't feel upset about this, kaeya...
JP dub sounds so reluctant to leave kaeya... :')
cn: 留在这里吧
TL: (I'll) leave you here, then. you are our hope. don't be upset, kaeya...
aiya the 不要怪我 feels weird for me cos literally it's "don't blame me" but if I translate it as that and read it, it feels incomplete like "don't blame me? for what?"
the 怪 is like kaeya was wronged and could blame his dad for ruining his life, which means directing hatred toward him. same with the 悪く思うなよ in JP (no hard feelings/don't think poorly of this) where the act of leaving kaeya behind is a wrong done to kaeya that he can be mad about
so I interpret this as his dad is asking kaeya not to be mad at him for leaving behind his own son to fend for himself in a foreign land. there is a mission that must be completed but it puts kaeya at risk, so I think it's his dad's way of apologising for having kaeya do it. I think if I were to lengthen it a bit the whole thing would be "stay at this place. you are our people and homeland's only hope. for this reason, please don't be upset at me for leaving you here."
eh but I'm not trained in translation or linguistics I could be wrong
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latinokaeya-moving · 2 years
most awful worst case scenario for the archon quest is they have kaeya Only appear in the first part of it when introducing the new Thing We Will Investigate and his interactions with dainsleif are essentially just a reworked zhongli/venti lantern rite interaction from this update where they just play pretend to not know anything abt each other haha n we learn Nothing substantial or new. also kaeya doesn’t get a single appearance or reference in windblume. i will personally explode hoyoverse hq with my mind if this is the case
best (semi realistic? … let me be) case scenario the kaeya/dainsleif meeting is the spiciest juiciest confrontation between two characters in this game so far where dain is fr like what the Fuck how are you Alive while kaeya tries to desperately navigate this disaster situation, finally CANONICALLY reveals to the traveller that he’s khaenriahn, maybe opens up a Little bit abt what his life was like Before, and. maybe. Maybe. he gets to come along with dain n traveller….? BUT IF THATS NOT POSSIBLE then. then i’ll take maybe us returning at the end of the quest to update him on what was found n getting some kind of significant emotional reaction or revelation from him / btwn him and dainsleif. maybe dain even has a little breakdown while still in disbelief over kaeya just standing in front of him Like Just There.
and Maybeeee kaeya still manages to get a small little cameo in windblume where he has the chance to talk to collei. truly i am not asking for anything crazy wild hoyoverse like please these r not huge requests 😭😭😭
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twohundredpower · 7 months
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❱❱  : ( SEND 💭 + A TOPIC ) – ACCEPTING
@khaenriahn said:  ↪                            💭 your ideals
"What I think about my own ideals.. huh?"
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"Well, I mean.. what else am I supposed to say other than I believe in 'em? Heheh. You always ask such weird questions, y'know," but Lloyd still seemed to be taking Kaeya seriously, knowing that this was his own way to try and understand Lloyd a little better. "I don't think they're that complicated. I hate the word 'justice'. I think everyone who's born has the right to live. And I think.. living is one of the most powerful things people can do. I've changed a lot over the last few years-- my way of thinking probably has too, with how much I kinda lose my way every now and then. But I don't think those parts of me will ever change."
"I always wanted to see my home be at peace, but rather than just the planet.. I wanted to make sure all of my friends were, too. 'm lucky that I got to. Nothing will ever make me change my mind about that."
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arlecchno · 2 years
that . dream sounds disturbing :D for some reason nowadays ive started to get more disturbing dreams as well ? they cant be described as nightmares because well i wasnt exactly scared ?? by them but they were ,,,, yk . disturbing . idk maybe im too desensitized to things my brain just either emotionally damages me or is like HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT [ throws random disturbing thing / content ] in my “nightmares” sometimes -
NOT THE LONELINESS 😭😭 i relate except im may or may not be legitimately lonely lmfao . a lot of those frickin popular uquiz quizzes call me out for it and im like “🤠⁉️”
lmao haitham is picking up cynos humor ?? not clickbait real ???? memes aside thanks for more portrayal validation i love rping alhaitham ( esp with kavehs ) theyre so fun - oh yeah i also have this
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ngl since i have an alhaitham pfp on discord , i was kinda reading my messages in his voice cuz i was slandering language LMAO ( imagine alhaitham pronouncing “balogna” the way its spelled . made me giggle ngl )
im pretty sure aster has been my oc for almost a year now ( I DID NOT REALIZE IT WAS THAT LONG BEFORE GODDAMN - ) so they have . an unholy amount of lore at the moment . i rlly need to modify the lore though because me and my friend ( we both made genshin ocs and theyre like partner ocs ) made our ocs before the release of sumeru where we got more information about irminsul and the leylines — which was vvvvvv important for my friends ocs lore — so now a lot of our stuff is either minorly outdated or some of our lore would just make a lot more sense done a different way 😭😭
even tho asters forever home ( well , as long as dilucs around ig ) is dawn winery , they travel teyvat a lot , which ties into their original name :D they wander the world too lmao ( its totally not an excuse to make them friends with all the character i like wdym hahahahahahahhaha ) . NGL THEY PROBABLY ALL MET AT THE TAVERN - whenever asters in mond ( a lot of the time bc obviously their house is there ) they work at angels share and like aster would walk into the tavern for the first time for like . a drink . dunno what kind of drink but then they just SEE this random ass kid from THEIR FALLEN ASS NATION and go “WTF” and promptly find out he is a fucking dumdum stoopid head and then regret ever coming to this place /j at the beginning kaeya and aster probably did argue at the bar a lot , these two khaenriahns WILL cause diluc to lose his sanity but its okay because then they can all cuddle by the fireplace when theyve all agreed that theyre okay with eachother ( they love eachother /p theyre just all in denial . ) . overall ragbros + aster relationship is just pure chaotic fluff and angst - sometimes they go out to murk all the fatui outside in mondstadt ! fun !! and oh god i typed WAY TOO MUCH ON THIS LMFAO
THE VOID BRICK WALL LMAO ah yes such a beauty is the unknown of the brick wall , it contains all the vastness of the universe in one block and you may observe every galaxy in its grain . also NOT THE TREE CRASH 😨
WHEKJDKDND YEAH I NEED A THOMA ROOMIE IF I EVER DECIDE ITD BE OKAY TO MOVE OUT IN THE FAR FUTURE BECAUSE I DONT THINK ID HAVE THE MENTAL ENERGY TO CLEAN THE PLACE ONCE A WEEK - and if i didnt id probably go crazy because i cant stand the feeling of dirt or sand on floors ….. bleh .
omg you can NEVER mention dragonspine / winter patches around me im . IMPOSTER ALBEDO AND FELLFLOWER . they make me insane . i fucking USHXISJDIEIHDHSHAHAAAAAAAAA albedo / rhinedottir lore . alchemy in genshin impact lore . i am so . i will go feral the next time dorian / rubedo ( impostorbedo ) appears in story , wether it be event or not im . im insane thats what i am ………… hahaha …… 🤠
sometimes i forget people farm friendship exp .. im a super duper lazy player who absolutely despises grinding with my entire soul ( im the definition of “lore player” /hj ) i almost never switch out my team unless for fighting elemental bosses or enemies lmao -
DUDE MY CLASSES HAVE BEEN ACTUALLY SCREWING ME OVER WITH PROJECTS RN IM LOSING MY SANITY /nsrs im suffering so much . im losing so much precious sleep …… starts sobbing uncontrollably
i really like milk and white choccy too lmao - probs bc i just cant rlly handle bitter things but OH WELL ! my absolute favorite kind of chocolate is like any kind with strawberries / strawberry flavor in them , recently one of my friends shared some valentines chocolates she got from her boyfriend with our friend group and i gotta say that strawberry chocolate they had in there was ABSOLUTELY SCRUMPDIDDILYUMPTIOUS . it had pieces of dried strawberry too it was just . MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
DUDE where i live we have these things called mochi donuts and theyre so good ( ngl you can probably guess where im from just from googling mochi donuts lmao - ) regular donuts r yumyum good but mochi donuts are so satisfying to consume LMAO - but man i havent had a cinnoroll in AGES .. i think im just a pastry enjoyer in general lmao , strawberry , apple , and guava pastries are my life .
tbh i dont think any reply would ever be too long for me to read , like you could probably write me a 3 page essay as a reply and id sure as hell read it LMAO i ramble a lot too so that just makes the both of us 😋
HEIDJEKJD favorite song questions are so hard , right now id have to say either undercover martyn - two door cinema club if you just wanted my music taste im gonna list a bunch of artists now because i am a free advertising machine when i like things : owl city , the neighbourhood , chase petra , lovejoy , everybodys worried about owen , and uhhh everything from the epic: the musical sagas
ZE QUESTION ! whats your favorite like ambient sound ( city noises , water , leaves , etc etc ) and why :0
- jellyfish ( or alex idk lol )
oh my god HI AGAIN ALEX i'm sorry that i wasn't able to reply to this sooner 💔💔 my inbox has been wonky for some reason and it finally worked today (thank god), i hope this won't happen again 😔🤞 i miss talking with you so here's a really long reply hehe hope you don't mind!
i've had my fair share of disturbing dreams lmao, and i've also heard that if you get those kinds of dreams then it means you're dying early??? i don't really believe in superstitions though so i'm not exactly worried about it LOL
your alhaitham rps are hella funny LMFAO i always think of alhaitham of someone who'd slander a lot of things especially when it comes to languages (since he canonically speaks 20 languages), i also see him as someone who'd mispronounce words or pronounce words as exactly what they're written (like you said) and say it with such a straight face 😭 i feel like if you ever tried explaining it to him he'd be like "what do you mean this is pronounced as baloney? why is it even spelled as bologna if you're going to pronounce it so wrongly? what has this system become?" and i'm just going to be in the corner laughing my ass off at how blunt and unintentionally funny this man is
aster lore is back again!!!!! seeing you mention that aster was created before sumeru and how it's already been a year since their existence made me realize how long sumeru has been out for,, sooner or later we'll be getting fontaine in no time 😵 but back to aster! it always interests me how you have this whole background story of aster which is HELLA cool and stuff and how you keep up with the genshin lore too! i think it's such a nice touch for them to be related with the ragbros too— i can just see their silly little arguments and silly little moments they have together. i'm also sure as hell the moment aster sees the khaenriah eyes (well,, eye... to be specific) in kaeya they'd be like "oh hell no." too SJDJKJS it's just so funny thinking of the many scenarios of their first encounter could play out
oh trust me, i hate cleaning my room. if i ever have a roommate one day, i am praying to the lord that they're the most strictest person on earth so that they can make me move my ass around 😔 i'm just not the person who has the energy to do all that often
don't get me started. the oculis in mondstadt are actual hell. like i'm literally not kidding. how can they call it the nation of freedom when i have no freedom trying to get all those oculis when i was in such a low ar? /j
jokes aside the locations of those oculis in mondstadt were so... brutal. i remember using those oculi compass things and the locations they showed at stormterror's lair were so????? some of them were up at the sky and my low ar ass was so confused on how to get up there,, i also remember there was this one that was hidden in like a pillar and i actually had to get my ass up the highest hill there to fly down into that pillar because somehow they won't let me climb the pillar up... those were truly my darkest times lmfao
WINTER PATCHES!!!!! i really miss them haha i was so excited during the snowman event back then and i made a bunch of cute snowmans and taking pics of them with kazuha. hope hyv bring back the winter patches ASAP ‼️‼️ WE NEED MORE ALBEDO LORE ‼️‼️ also idk if you have done the windblume story event but just in case i'm still adding a spoiler alert;;
i'm guessing we got some rhinedottir lore? well it was only mentioned that she's apart of the hexenzirkel and she called herself a mother to albedo (despite the many things she's done that would say otherwise lmao). but fetus bedo in the cutscene is so cute hsjdjdjjs and it basically implied that his hair wasn't tied like that but instead he was created with that hair style 😭 bros really just magnificent without even trying
i'm so very interested with rhinedottir/albedo/durin/dorian lore like i just know that there's more to what we know currently.... but we probably won't be getting much anytime soon considering how deep rhinedottir's lore is sobs
LMAO i get what you're saying with being a lazy player,, i myself have been detaching myself off from genshin impact recently and it's quite relaxing‼️ i don't panic that i missed out on daily's anymore and i hope it continues that way 😭 i log in once in a while to do the events and disappear again for the next week
ahhhh the thought of school projects and assignments makes me squirm kwdjdjdj my break basically ended and i start school on monday so hahaha.... i'm back to hell again </3 so not ready for the heavy workload . hope you're getting enough rest!!! school is always so hectic hhhhh hope you're managing well
dried strawberries in strawberry chocolates????? SIGN ME TF UP(!!!!!!!! i love anything related with strawberries they're literally the best. thing. to ever. EXIST! mochi donuts sound so good looking at the pictures on google made me want to just . chomp them following the shapes one by one. donuts are absolutely scrumptious.
guava pastries?? :0 never heard of them but i'd definitely try them if i could ever get my hands on them, any pastry MUST be tried out by me‼️‼️‼️‼️ *evil laughing intensifies*
glad that i have someone to ramble stuff with!!! at least i won't suffer by keeping all this excitement to myself while rambling stuff on this blog ☝️
just listened to undercover martyn!!! i think it's kinda stuck in me now LMAO the sick beats are getting to me,,, and the beats lowkey remind me of remember when by wallows which is one of my favourite songs by the band!!!
OMG OWL CITY?? HAHA this is truly ironic because i used to love his wreck it ralph song when the movie came out!! this gave me so much nostalgia and kinda made me want to watch the movie again LOL 😭😭 overall your music taste is so>>>> you made me discover new artists like chase petra and lovejoy!!! i'm currently in love with beabadobee shdjdh some of my favourite songs from her currently are you lie all the time and dance with me 😋🤞
oh this question is interesting— i pretty much love oceans the most, if anything. the sound of waves and the chilly wind gives me so much comfort for some reason, and somehow the smell of saltwater never bothered me,, despite my dislike towards salt in general LMAO.
other than that, i think this might sound weird . but i kind of like the sound of the hustle and bustle of flea markets too. they can be kind of overwhelming sometimes because of screaming children and whatnot- but for some reason i enjoy listening to people talking with each other whilst buying stuff sjsklk very odd but it's interesting to see what other people are up to. it's so very fascinating to see the human life evolve and for me that's comforting somehow 😵‍💫
a question for you!!!! what's your favourite season and why :D
i better not get ahead of myself with my rambling and end this off here. hopefully my inbox won't shut down again like last time!! i was so upset that i couldn't reply to your ask and ended up replying this really late 💔 thrilled to see your reply soon!!! have a nice day alex 🪐🪐🪐🪐 (YES SATURN EMOJIS WOO!!!)
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guiltycorp · 2 years
One of the many things I like about Kaeya as a character is that his inner conflict is so nuanced.  Like, there are different shades to his loyalties! When it comes to Mondstadt vs Khaenri’ah — Kaeya has abandonment issues from his dad leaving him and then also from Crepus's death and from Diluc, but when it comes to his own duties he is similarly flaky. If you think about it, Kaeya is abandoning his own people in a similar manner without showing much remorse ('sinners' line and his attitude towards the Abyss Order). When he did go against the Abyss Order by gathering info on them, he passed it over to the neutral party (the Traveler) instead of reporting it to the Knights and we can assume that he does the same when collaborating with Diluc, pointing him in the direction of the Abyss Order activity without attacking them himself directly. Neither declaring them his personal enemies, neither joining their cause.  He was irritable about Diluc selling Crepus's manor and wasting father's 'legacy', and yet he himself claims that Khaenri'ah's legacy is long gone. He’s an actual descendant of the regent family, but chooses not to follow their goals of reviving their homeland. Their legacy is there, but he avoids it. And then gets mad at the Ragnvindr heir for doing something as innocuous as getting rid of a small part of his father’s inheritance only because it feels more personal to him due to their relationship (plus he was maybe drunk I guess). And yet! He was apparently forbidden from celebrating his ancestry (the burnt note about Alberichs, keeping 'the truth' about himself hidden), but he still puts Khaenriahn symbology on his outfit and incorporates its design elements into his attacks...  Kaeya is always bringing up his ‘pirate’-grandfather who’s probably going to turn out to be a very real person, although maybe not an actual pirate. He doesn’t keep his surname hidden, either, and likes jokes that hit a little bit too close to home (’that must make me a descendant of the last royal family too’). So, when it comes to his more personal familial issues — He's surrounded by people who are in some type of broken-family situation. Jean is a child of a divorce, separated from her sister by their parents' decision, Rosaria was stolen away from her family and then also had to kill her new father figure, Klee's mom left her in Mondstadt for years. His only real example of what a normal family should be like were the Ragnvindrs, but even then 1) mom’s gone, 2) Crepus apparently lied to his son about important matters and then unceremoniously died (mercy-killed by Diluc). And when Kaeya also revealed that he was lying about himself, Diluc rejected him. That, and being abandoned by his bio dad, is why Kaeya feels so strongly about broken relationships and being separated from family. However! Despite his strong need to belong somewhere, he is routinely messing with his subordinates (providing sadistic challenges for them, wasting their time with Darknight Hero stuff, openly mocking them at times) and he clearly prefers to work alone. His only real emotional connection to the Knights is his relationship with Jean, but it’s still more of a working relationship (just compare how Jean acts with him and how she acts with Lisa.. and remember how Kaeya shied away from admitting that he organized her birthday).  Despite wanting to belong, he makes the conscious choice to pull away. Despite being loved by half the city, his only real attempts at a deeper connection are focused solely on Diluc. Really, he could choose anyone in Teyvat to carefully reveal the truth about himself once again and then forge a real relationship with them. But he is stuck trying to get through to a man who already rejected him once, because it is a safer alternative to risking heartbreak once more.  
Idk I just love how even though Mona says that Kaeya ‘believes he has made a clean break with his past’, he is still clearly undecided about much of anything. He strives to have strong convictions like Crepus&Diluc, but he has an extremely shaky ideological foundation which leads him to an unfulfilled life. But trying to fully commit to a cause or a person would be too risky! And his life is overall still pretty happy, so he has no real need to do that, which means... he’s stuck like this.
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slothcapsule · 2 years
Kaeya's design
as a kaeya enthusiast and lover, i spend an ungodly (haha) amount of time looking at him so here are some things about his design that others and i have noticed! its gonna be a long post so sorry about that
starting off by saying that kaeya's design mostly consists of "two sides" in a way, his mondstat side and his khaenri'ah side.
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his mondstat side includes his vision, the full side of his cape in the back, the earring he wears. the khaenri'ah side includes his eyepatch, the wisp of lighter hair in his bang, a clipped cape ("wing") and the majority of the fur coating. all across his design there a bunch of those stars we see associated with khaenri'ah, one being in his pupil which was a confirmed trait to khaenri'ahn people ever since we saw dainsleif.
(i need it to be noted to kaeya's eyepatch is stressed on a lot in game, its constantly referred back to most of the time when kaeya is brought up, he has a voiceline about it, traveler has a voiceline about it, its mentioned right when we start the quest with dainsleif, and its related back to fischl so. do with that what you will, he's also the only one from the eyepatched characters that wears it on the right side other than signora but fatui and khaenri'ah is an entirely different topic, but we do know khaenriah loves the entire one eye thing)
kaeya shares a lot of overall similarities with cryo abyss mages, mostly in playstyle but appearance as well, most notably the fur coat he keeps thrown over his shoulder, the "bunny ears" in his hair (ahoge?) and his boots. (in playstyle he's similar in the sense that he teleports on his fifth attack, his ult is similar to the icicles they produce after their shield is broken, he produces his own shield at c4 etc etc)
i saw someone point this out on reddit but i cant find because it was a while ago but regardless, they brought up his boob window in his design and how it can be perfectly covered up by the symbol abyss heralds and khaenri'ahn soldiers have on their chests.
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which is sort of interesting because we know abyss creatures we fight are cursed khaenriahn people, but also, kaeya is seemingly unaffected by the curse. for those who dont know when khaenri'ah was destroyed in the cataclysm its citizens were cursed to immortality and went through various transformations, yet kaeya seems unaffected because he continued to age "normally" (as normal as someone born supposedly 500 years ago can age)
in the chasm quest dainsleif mentions the existing of a device that apparently keeps him from transforming into something else, (i can find a screenshot of the voice line if someone asks) but doesn't help with the immortality issue. there's a lot we don't know regarding that entire situation but i hope to get crumbs in 2.8 since we're getting mona + diluc content
speaking of dainsleif, today there was a certain story teaser that was dropped and id be a fool not to mention the clear connection between pierro, the first fatui harbinger known as the jester and our beloved kaeya. this is him for reference
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pierro shares a few attributes with kaeya that are most certainly worth mentioning. the way that the lightning portrays pierro here sort of covers the right side of his fur cape and only leaves one fully showing, similar to kaeya's one-shoulder fur cape. upon a closer look there is a star pupil in his eyes which as we know is a khaenri'ahn thing, the reason i mentioned dainsleif was because his mask vaguely resembles his. one of his eyes is covered like kaeya's, he has an opening in his shirt on his chest in a heart shape that's come to a close at the top by some type of crystal similar to the ones kaeya has littered all over his outfit.
they both share a blue crystal earring and eye shape, pierro has the long star littered over his design as well, and there is a tuft of blue/dark hair in pierro's just like kaeya has a strand of silver. they also share a similar jacket design, which is more of a fatui thing in general but still should be mentioned.
and regarding the silver hair in kaeya, i find it worthy to note that in his splash art and in the manga, he's missing the strand of hair over his left ear. it might be just because they simply forgot to add it because it is rather small, or the silver in his hair is expanding to other places.
(drawing attention to one of his voice lines,, when we asked about his eyepatch kaeya says he inherited it from his grandfather, similarly to how kids inherit hairstyles from parents.. do with that what you will)
one thing i want to note though is his cape, the full one. if you look at it you might think it looks vaguely familiar, wanna know why?
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(a lot of people theorize the log in screen is celestia, and that the nails in dragonspine and now the chasm are fallen pillars from there) for someone from a godless nation its sort of weird that he seems to have that connection to something seemingly celestial huh? and you might think but his cape only has three of those wings, the nails and statues have 6!!! well wrong! kaeyas cape is double sided so he does, in fact, have 6.
(someone in reblogs reminded me its also on the statues of the seven after you upgrade which is right and where i actually first noticed it LMAO but you get the gist, celestial design)
i think its also worth to note that paimon shares that in her design, as well as the star. im going to leave the theories about this for later
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this is all i can come up with at the moment, im sure there's more than im missing but this is solely for his physical design, theories will come later because im always thinking about him (im personally a supporter of the prince kaeya theory even though i think like abyss herald or mage is more realistic LMAO but a person can dream)
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this is the back of kaeya's vision, the only notable things are the lack of a third wing probably signifying he's sort of out of place, and the swirl? wave? whatever you wanna call it is on the wrong side. every other character with a double sided vision has the swirl on the other side like jean, diluc, mona, eula, lisa (etc..? i havent seen anyone else with a double sided vision which is also interesting, at least from mond)
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here's diluc's vision for comparison (also backside)
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probably-haven · 3 years
spoilers for kaeya’s backstory... also dainslef is mentioned
wow, no that im letting myself talk about hyperfixations im so much more active 
i like it
anyway back with more kind of angst, not really, its kinda funny in my mind so not sure, might be crack for all i know
anyway,, so yall know the whole thing with time being different in khaenriah and the whole thing with kaeya’s abyss trauma and the 500 year thing. anyway what I’m saying is that when kaeya was first abandoned right? i like to imagine that his fucking immune system was totally different then most people outside khaenriah and he was one of those kids known for constantly getting sick as his body adjusted to all the unfamiliar illnesses and stuff. but like- he probs still had time lag back then or something so he adjusted quickly and hes basically normal immune wise (tho he’s probs immune to a few mondstadt illnesses)
but every so often still he’ll get an odd disease that makes barbara lose her shit because she’s never seen this before, is kaeya dying??? and kaeya’s just like “oh wow must just be a hangover my bad,” or some other cheeky blatant “slacker” based excuse. before sneaking of to find either probably like Lisa(because sketchy librarian probably knows all kinds of things she shouldn’t) or Albedo(who’s probably the most likely to have any medical based knowledge on Khaenriahn diseases other than maybe Dainslef(but that wont work for obvious reasons) but this only works if he’s in town, cuz DRAGONSPINE GO BRRRR BUT MAKE IT TO THE DEATH RSIUDHFJKG).
And in worst case scenario he just holes up in his room until diluc finds out and barbara ends up finding some vague note anonymous note with information based on how they learned to deal with said unfamiliar illness when they were younger from first hand experience.
I don’t know, i just like making characters suffer but also it has fluff potential at the same time.
also excuse my spelling
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thoughts on how the Liyue Archon quest went [7]
the quest for the Cocogoat is 10/10, can i just say.
like it's literally just Qiqi: Cocogoat please Zhongli, who has never ever heard of a Cocogoat in his entire existence in Liyue: checks out, let's go.
when they fix up the Guizhong Ballista, the more Zhongli yaps the more Kaeya's like "oh, maybe i was wrong", but it's with the "we should focus on Qiqi's contract" that makes Kaeya go "oh, no, i was wrong. he IS the Geo Archon. whack."
also Lumi being a total Mom and having to sit w/ Qiqi and explain that coconut milk comes from coconuts and not a Cocogoat adepti beast??? 10/10. i love her sm, please
also??? Zhongli treating????
Zhongli: i've decided to treat you to a meal. Lumi: Zhongli. Treating. Kaeya: like paying for food. for us. and not the other way around. Zhongli: i won't forget the Mora this time.
i feel like at this point, Zhongli is kind of curious abt the Traveler Trio b/c he's a lil more focused. especially b/c, like, y'know, one of them is a Khaenriahn and the other two definitely aren't human.
obviously tho, he can't glean too much b/c, y'know, they're there to relax and then Ganyu shows up and askes the Trio to head to the Jade Chamber, and Zhongli's like "oh okay."
also speaking of the Jade Chamber, favorite bit has to be how Ganyu just,,, forgor to tell them how to get there. also, b/c of Keqing's spiel about the time of the Adepti passing, i kinda feel like Lumi and Kaeya kinda figure out like "oh, is that why he's stepping down?" and them being confused why he didn't just,,, step down.
current h/c for the Jade Chamber thing tho is Kaeya kind of nudging Paimon towards a very specific antique box from the Jeweler's b/c he's like 'I doubt the snacks will do shit, but this antique might be a different story'. also he and Lumi are incredibly impressed by Ningguang's reach in Liyue; very much a moment of "wowwwww, lotsa power u got there" meanwhile Paimon's freaking out b/c "OH U CAN JUST,,, KNOW THINGS"
and speaking of knowing things, Lumi and Kaeya figured that, w/ all of Paimon's yapping, Childe has already moved to betray them. i mean, this happened in Kaeya's quest for a reason, so they're not unaware, yk?
anyway, after the whole thing in the Jade Chamber and getting steered towards the Sigil stuff, i feel like Lumi sends Kaeya to meet up w/ Zhongli and essentially buy her and Paimon some time before they meet up to complete the Rite.
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