#kaeyahiya requests
kaeyahiya · 2 years
Hello! I've got a quite angsty request bc- ALL I HAVE IN MIND IN ANGST IM SORRY
with Kaeya where f!reader (preferably, but idm gn!reader if you feel like writing that more) loses her/their vision after an injury in a fight? I'd love some fluff at the end if you want to ^^
I hope this wasnt requested before aaaa I might have overseen it maybe? and also pls don't write this if it doesnt inspire you or anything waaah ;v; (dang I write a lot I'm sorry urksjfll)
Listen with the new patch coming out and my coming out of retirement; I'd be happy to oblige bc I love me some good angst.
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"A Vision Does(n't) Make A Person"
Pairing: Kaeya X Vision holder (Knight) Reader (GN)
Warning: Angst (with a happy ending), mentions of violence, use of strong language, mentions of injuries, light fluff, and implied relationship with the reader
Word count: 1107
Authors note: This turned out WAYYY longer than I thought it was gonna be. I also didn't intend for this to be GN but no use of pronouns came up?? I hope the minimum amount of fluff was okay too! Please enjoy and remember my requests are open; I'm back baby 🤠
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 The fight was rough. That's the only word you could conjure in your mind to describe it as you lay bloody bruised on the ground. You were walking back from Dragonspine in the late evening, when a group of at least a dozen treasure hoarders ambushed you leaving you completely blindsiding you. 
  You lay almost lifeless on the floor for a few seconds more, mustering the strength to stand. Once you finally do; you go to retrieve your weapon, which managed to completely break during the battle, and you pat your side to check your vision. Your blood runs ice cold and a sense of dread falls over you... Your vision wasn't where you had it normally. You know you had it during the fight but?? Did it get dislodged in the scuffle??
 You drop to your hands and knees moving around the dirt and grass looking for any sign of your gleaming vision. Sensing nothing you become more frantic tearing through surrounding bushes until it finally dawns on you. 
The fucking treasure hoarders took it. 
Your pride and joy, something the Archons blessed you with someone else wrongfully ripped from your possession. Tears fill your eyes. "A vision doesn't make a person" is what Jean told you long ago when you first received yours but after having it for so long it felt like a piece of you. Right now you felt like your vision did make you a person. 
Before being gifted your vision, you were lost, directionless in the world. You didn't know what you wanted to do with your life and you hit a low you don't care to ever relive. 
After the Archons bestowed you with it in your lowest moments; your life rapidly improved... You joined the Knights, trained under some of the best, met the love of your life, and on top of all that helped the traveler save fucking Mondstat. 
You hit the ground with your first, sobbing so loud you're sure all of Teyvet can hear you. You bury your face in the ground not caring about anything at this point. 
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You're not sure how long you lay there crying on the side of the road but eventually you hear footsteps approaching rapidly. " (Y/N)??? Are you okay???" A familiar voice bounds towards you. "Hey look at me please?" Fuck, you forgot Kaeya was overseeing nighttime patrol.
 You raise your head from the fetal position you had tucked yourself into, you know you probably looked awful covered in dirt and blood. The look on Kaeya's face didn't make matters any better, full of genuine concern. "Got ambushed..." You state flatly, your voice sounded foreign to you. His face contorts into a grimace. "It was the treasure hoarders Jean was worried about huh?" You nod dumbly and bury your head back into your chest. 
"Not to sound like an asshole but you look like hell, how long have you been out here? We really need to take you to the church to get your wounds checked." Keaya was trying to lighten the mood, sensing you were obviously upset. "They took my vision Kae.." You can't help but to break out into sobs again. "They took my fucking vision, my fucking weapon is broken, why am I knight? I can't even defend myself from a bunch of stupid treasure hoarders! I'm fucking worthless!" You can't tell if it's from you yelling or the injuries you sustained but your head was pounding. 
Keaya plops on the ground next to you and wraps his arms around you, gently of course so as to not hurt you. He hushes you softly as you cry into his chest. "We'll get it back, luckily Jean has a good idea where the hideout is, due to some recent intel we got this afternoon."
"Also..." He pauses for a moment. " For the record, you're not worthless. I never once thought that, from the first moment I saw you there was this fire surrounding you. A will to succeed." 
 You look up at him meekly." That's because in training I had a vision when some of the others didn't.. Not that makes those without it aren't strong I just... it made me stronger." He shakes his head. " No, before that too. You were just as strong. I know you've had a rough past, but you didn't give up. The Archons only give visions to those who need an extra shove, a wake up call... " His eyes glaze over for a moment before continuing. " Your stronger than you know, especially since you put up with me and my unruly habits." He chuckles. 
You sniffle softly, finally cracking a smile. "Archons, I was worried I'd never see that smile of yours again." Kaeya sighs dramatically, but also lets a small smile of his own out. "I'd kiss you right now if you weren't covered in blood." He drawls as you roll your eyes. 
"Can you stand? I know your adrenaline has probably died down at this point so the pain for your injuries will begin catching up to you." You give him a small nod however he assists you standing up regardless. "Let's get you cleaned up and to the church okay?After that I'll gather some of the knights and we'll get that vision back to you okay? I promise I'll take care of it personally." He says in the sickly sweet tone, for a moment you pity those thieves for what they're about to endure... Almost of course. 
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It wasn't until the next morning Kaeya returned. 
For a brief moment you were even worried about him, Rosaria was no help in quelling those worries but Barbara definitely made you look on the bright side of things. 
You sustained some pretty nasty injuries including broken bones and fractured in some places so Kaeya insisted you stay at the church until he returned. Thanks to Barbara you weren't in any pain and most if not all of your external injuries were healed. 
Seeing Kaeya walk through the door however sent you over the moon. With his signature smirk plastered on his face and instead of flipping a coin he was holding something much more valuable, your vision. 
"I believe this belongs to you?" He smirked, leaning in to place your vision in your hands. "Kea..." Your eyes brim with tears. "I cannot thank you enough, I'm eternally in debt to you." He smiles and leans in to leave a peck on your forehead. "I think buying me a couple rounds will do just fine." 
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kaeyahiya · 3 years
🖤 Requests are open! 🖤
You can send your request via my ask box or DMs if that's more comfortable for you!
Request I can take are:
Scenarios and prompts
Common kinks
Female and male Genshin characters are both welcome
Things I won't do :
Anything involving human waste, feet (sorry), seggual violence, and nonconsensual
Any characters who are portrayed as children
Any characters non-Genshin related
Please make sure to specify if you want the reader to be male, female, or gender neutral! If not gender is specified it will automatically be written as gender neutral.
Updated: 02/28/2023
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