#kahl’s garrison
dad-of-demons · 2 years
Kahl’s Garrison and the Syndicates
I just had a thought the other day, how would Kahl and his camp react to the various Syndicates, and my brain churned this out. If you think your favorite group has been unfairly represented, feel free to say how you think it would go. ‘Cuz heavens knows my own preferences leaked through.
Arbiters of Hexis: They try coming to the camp, willing to show new ways of fighting and discipline for Kahl and his small group. He and his brothers have no such interest. It’s not that they don’t appreciate the effort, or the new shiny weapons (even if some of them look a bit fancy). It’s that their way didn’t win the war. It didn’t keep Veils off of their faces. The traditional way doesn’t work.
Cephalon Suda: Kahl isn’t sure what to make of the people in the purple jumpsuits, or the glowing cube it puts him in communication with. They talk a lot, like the flying robot that follows the Tenno. They ask after his Veilbreaker. He tries to explain it to them, how it was made. If more people can break veils, that’s good news to him.
The Perrin Sequence: Kahl doesn’t like the Corpus who show up. They give dirty looks to his brothers, both his fellow Grineer and the non-Corpus alike. He can Chipper mutter about how “the self-righteous bankers” have arrived. They talk to Olvar, trying to get him to join their faction. Olvar looks around the camp, before settling back onto his crates. “No thanks, but I think I’m where I need to be.” No one says anything when Horrek serves him an extra portion that night.
New Loka: When they arrive, they start telling the camp they need to pack up and leave. “You are defiling the sacred ground of Terra! Leave and find somewhere else to sully!” The clicking chorus of guns being cocked make the visitors decide to leave.
Red Veil: Kahl notices evidence of them before he actually sees them. Broken branches not made by a brother. Slashes in tree trunks. When he goes out to scout one day, a hand wraps around his neck, a dagger appearing over his face. “You are fascinating. There is much we could learn from you.” Slowly, he reaches for his belt, and primes a grenade. “Kahl has died once. Only made Kahl upset. You think you can make death stick?” The arm releases him, and as he spins, he sees nothing. Merely a voice from the shadows. “We shall meet again.”
Steel Meridian: Kahl hears the collective hush over the camp before he sees her. Of course he recognizes her. Cressa Tal is infamous amongst Grineer ranks, the traitor who fought against the Queens. She doesn’t make threats. Doesn’t even try to recruit them. She merely hands him a communicator, with instructions. “You ever need our help? Somebody trying to hit you, or you about to hit back? Let us know. We’re always ready for a fight.” Kahl smirks at her words, and the two grasp arms. Nothing else needs be said.
Considering how I would write interactions from the various open world factions (Ostron, Entrati, etc.). If that would be of interest, feel free to let me know!
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soshinysochrome · 4 days
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Had capacity remaining at drifter's camp and felt bad that Kahl and Co. were living entirely outside, so I made them a hut. (The roof is long enough that it covers the porch.)
(also for some reason my remaining capacity wasn't a multiple of 5, even if I took away the little eidolon wisp in the corner, and I have no idea what was causing it)
(also also I decided while taking screencaps that I preferred to put Gral's Thumper floof on the shelf rather than the Duviri flask, which is why the 3rd pic is different)
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tenno-aster · 2 years
Finished up the barracks for Kahl’s garrison! Hope they find it comfy!
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alteredsilicone · 9 months
viri went crazy delulu in duviri where she made puppet-clones of all her loved ones
and the thing is
she never wanted to return the zariman like the idea just made her sick to her stomach
but it turns out that her friends, iris pavel and ania, had manifested there similarly to the holdfasts
so in the end viri got some closure
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cephalonserotonin · 2 years
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Mekba-866 has seen some shit
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necra-loid · 6 months
having feelings for chipper god help me
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fennecfiree · 4 months
Headcanon dump from things I've said in my discorddd idk
Kyle is a picky eater
Gerald also used to play basketball when he was a kid
Sheila posted naked pictures of Kyle when he was a baby on Facebook 😭
Kenny wears way to much clothes to sleep (he gets cold rlly easily)
Kyles one of those ppl to use emojis like " 😂 🤣 🤬 🥺 😊🤩😫😳🫥" unironicly
Cartman is a furry but he still makes fun of curry's in comment sections (he's closeted
kyles mom tried to replicate krabby patties for kyles 10th vbirtgday (inpried by my mom she made the fnaf cupcakes for my 8th birtbhay)
Stan and Kyle are both good cooks, Kyle is good at baking since his mom taught him.
Stan can bbq ( autism be damned the boy can work a grill) he makes borgers for kahl
Sheila only thrift shops
Kyles favorite drink is strawberry milk or chocolate milk
Jimmy rlly likes sonic
stan writes songs about kyle but doesnt make it too obvious that its about him and shows them to kyle
Kyle has an online girlfriend on club penguin (she's a pretty pink penguin with a tutu he likes the sweet ones) 😭
Kyle is like 99% straight and just gay for stan (I just have this cuz I don't rlly see him as liking boys,,, but I love style)
Sheila forces Kyle to dress good, if she didn't Kyle would wear a Minecraft shirt
This one's kinda commen, but Red, Stan, and Craig are all cousins
Kyle loves farming games, his favorite think to do in Minecraft is farm
Mr garrison has autism and DID
Garrison likes craftingna lot, that's how he made mr hat when he was a kid .
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feneku · 3 months
Under a Million Blazing Stars - WIP
Warnings: None
Tags: Slight F!drifter/ordis if you tilt your head and squint, fluff, comfort, Post-Jade Shadows
Notes: I headcanon the Operator and Drifter merging into one being during TNW so the Drifter is generally referred to as the Operator in my fics. Set prior to Rescue Operation.
~800 words
The Operator stretched her arms over her head as she walked up the ramp out of the Orbiter. She breathed in the cool night air and looked up at the sky. It was a beautiful night, quiet and peaceful. She turned back toward the Orbiter for a moment, and thought she’d never get used to it being stashed away in a cave. Hell she didn’t think Ordis would be fine with it considering it was leaking water in multiple places. She smiled and hoped the small army of domestik drones she bought helped, if nothing else, it was funny watching them follow Ordis around when he wandered the ship in his drone body.
She looked up at the stars again and sighed, she didn’t come out here to stargaze or worry about the state of the Orbiter. She had something far more pressing to worry about.
As she moved through the camp she kept an eye out for her target. He wasn’t by the campfire, she poked around Kahl’s garrison, not there either. She frowned and hoped he hadn’t wandered off too far into the forest. She's sure he’d be fine, but still she worried. The Operator moved past Kahl’s garrison and walked down the small path further into the forest. It wasn’t until she had wandered into the small cave with an overlook that she spotted him.
“Ah!” She paused. Now that she had found him she was at a loss at how to handle this. She took a deep breath and recalled what he’d let slip out that afternoon.
"I am, as always, your- Ordan- Ordis." He’d called himself by his original name. One he’d tried so hard to hide from her. She knew she shouldn’t’ve pried, searched for his scattered memories, but after Granum’s ranting it was more or less out in the open now.
She slowly approached him. It seemed he was doing some stargazing of his own.
“Ordis?” She called out to him as she made her way over to him.
He jerked in shock, like she'd interrupted him deep in thought, “Operator! What are you doing- skulking around- walking around so late?”
The Operator looked past him at the moon slowly making its way across the sky. It wasn’t really that late.
“Looking for you, actually.” She said as she settled in next to him. “Mind if I join you?”
“Certainly! Ordis did not know the Operator enjoyed stargazing as well! It is a lovely night, isn't it?” He started babbling excitedly about the stars, the nighttime wildlife, and occasionally stopping to ask her thoughts. He always seemed to want to know what she was thinking.
After a short time had passed she decided it was now or never, and interrupted him, “Ordis? Can I give you a hug?”
“Of course, Operator.” The drone’s little head tilted quizzically. “Is something wrong?” His voice was tinged with concern for her. She smiled softly, he was still fussing over her after what had happened with the Stalker.
“Not exactly…” Not with me, at least. She thought as she wrapped her arms around him. “How have you been feeling lately, Ordis?”
“Ordis has been… Fine.” He said, a little too carefully.
“I'm sorry, I know this is sudden but…Can we talk a little about what you said earlier?” She said as she braced herself for his response.
She felt his drone body jolt and he made to fly away, but it wasn’t an earnest attempt. She grimaced. She didn’t like trapping him like this, but one of them had to start this conversation at some point. Truthfully, if he really wanted to avoid it he could just disconnect from his drone body, she really didn't want to have to carry it back to the Orbiter though, it was heavier than it looked.
“That man is dead. Ordis is Ordis.”
She frowned and fought back some choice words about how that was absolute kavatshit. He's so insistent, so damn stubborn. It felt like the more he denied who he was the worse his “glitches” became. She worried for him.
“I understand.” She sighed, “I just want you to know I'm here for you, no matter what. Okay?” She felt him relax in her arms and wondered for a moment if he was going to disconnect and leave her here. There was a long silence before he responded.
“Thank you… Operator.” His response was quiet, soft. She held him just a little tighter. The drone body didn't have many sensors, but the gesture was appreciated nonetheless.
She watched the shattered moon slowly make its way across the sky. “The moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it?”
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calystathebear · 8 months
How do you feel about the Entrati family?
Assuming you mean what's left of them on Deimos? My feelings are mixed. I feel for them, I do, however they're very... Orokin, and it shows.
I have a particular fondness for Kaelli, seeing her growing attachment to Kahl and the Garrison tells me she has potential for growth as a person. Though, I have a hard time believing all of her prejudice just evaporated. It's never that clean or simple. I don't dislike Grandmother, or Dagath, either. Her care for her family, the Vent Kids, and disdain for Anyo go a long way. It makes her more distinctly... Human, than Orokin. Her family can stand to learn from her, particularly Gomaitru even if through marriage, who I have nothing but disdain for. Kermerros is dangerous. While his curiosity and care for the wildlife of Deimos is admirable, he is still impulsive. He is the kind of scientist that would open Pandora's Box to see what happens. Vilcor... I feel bad for him, pure and simple. He deserved, and deserves better. I'm happy he at least seems amicable with his children now, but his wife? Gomaitru is everything wrong with the Orokin in one woman. I've spoken enough about Gomaitru. The hag could drop dead for all I care.
And, then we move on to Albrecht. It's hard for me to draw a solid conclusion, as I only know so much about him. There is a very mixed bag from everything I've unearthed so far. Though, he reminds me of Icarus. Just instead of the sun... We have that asshole in the walls.
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fucksurass · 8 months
DEAD? Park!
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Stan: Kenny...? You um-
Stan: Yesterday you were all... Weird? Now youre um.... Not..
Kyle: What hes trying to say is, What the hell happened after school yesterday because you actually look... Okay.
Stan: Yeah you dont look like a mess like after Pocket got here. You left insane and came back chillin. What happened?
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Kenny: You mean apart from fucking Cartmans mom?
Kenny: Im kidding! I read porn and imagined fucking her!
Kenny: And I said to myself, Im going crazy! No one died! Im just a little messed up right now because of stress! So I whipped out my weiner and started jacking it.
Cartman: Dear god, can Kenny please fall off his chair and bust his ass.
Kyle: Awe Kenny come on!!
Stan: Not what I wanted to hear today.
Kenny: What? At least im not acting crazy anymore. Id say this is normal.
Stan: ....
Cartman: ....
Kyle: ....
Kyle Cartman and Stan: Yeah hes got a point. Id believe it. Regular Kenny.
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Kenny: Oh and those books arent gonna help you at all Stany boi. I suggest giving it up.
Stan: Come on dude... Let a man dream...
Kenny: Wendys probably a lesbian dude.
Kyle: Yeah she probably totally definitely is.
Stan: What...?
Kyle: Yeah... You should go for someone el-
Cartman: Faggot.
Kyle: Shut the fuck up Cartman!
Stan: Yeah! Wendys not a faggot! Im sure she'll come back. She always does...
Cartman: That went over your whole head, Stan.
Stan: What went over my head?
Kyle and Cartman: *face palm*
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Mr. Garrison: Okay class.... Sadly and Unfortunately for me... Theres another.. New student-
Kenny: WAH thud! OW!!
Ze Mole: Fuck god!
Kenny: Stop laug- ....Mole..?
Garrison: You know him?
Stan: All four of us do! Hey man!
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Garrison: Thats cool. Anyway say hello to Christofeet- Chris- Christophne something or other or- Just call him Ze Mole.
Ze Mole: I have returned on behalf of Gregory. I wanted to ask if La Resistance lived on after I- er left... For.. War?
Pip: Hello Mole!
Ze Mole: Ah... You are here..
Cartman: Yeah we all hate Pip too dont worry.
Ze Mole: Sure.
Stan: Kenny? Oh not again... I swear..
Kyle: What- Oh...
Mr. Garrison: Can we please sit down? Im still teaching. Who else in here is gay?
Ze Mole: ...Why are you looking at me like zat Kenny? Stop.
Pip: In a matter of seconds, dear Mole, Kenny well have assumed your death.
Ze Mole: How-
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Kenny: Okay I am seriously fucking positive we WATCHED that guy die!
Stan: Come on Kenny! You were doing great!
Kyle: You almost had it then you blew it!
Kenny: We watched it happen guys! Cartman didnt turn off the alarm and he got attacked by guard dogs-
Ze Mole: I hate guard dogs... What a terrible way to die! Do not wish zat on me!!
Cartman: Haha! Sick!
Stan: Oh my god! Ze Mole killed Kenny!
Kyle: You french bastard!
Mr. Garrison: Please be careful with that thi-
Ze Mole: Was my mozer careful when she shot me in my leg while I vas still in ze womb?!
Mr. Garrison: ...I guess not.
Craig: Dude sit down! You killed Kenny!
Red: Whos Kenny-
Ze Mole: Do not worry.
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Ze Mole: Though he dies, La Resistance lives on.
Cartman: Nobody gives a crap about Las resilience! Lets all just wait for the rats to consume Kennys body so we can continue naming all the fags in the classroom.
Mr. Garrison: Lets all listen to the fat kid.
Clyde: Guys im not a faggot...
Pt. 2
Pt. 4
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warmshotamilk · 1 month
LMAO now that you posted that clip it makes me think a slightly more modern version of the episode would be eric being a vitriolic anti calling kyles show problematic and getting his discord server of bored teenagers to try and cancel that shit, not because he sincerely cares or anything but just it'd really piss kahl off
Nah, Cartman makes a TikTok just to try to cancel Kyle on TikTok because "he's problematic and likes Terrance and Phillip" (shh, Cartman won't mention he ALSO likes Terrance and Phillip)
Actually as I am writing this post I am reminded of Kyle's anti phase in which he bombed Canada (or got Mr. Garrison to do it) because of Terrance and Phillip or something (it's been a while since I've seen those episodes)
Anyways, he's over that now LMAO
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dad-of-demons · 2 years
Kahl’s Garrison and the Factions
When I wrote for the Syndicates, people seemed to enjoy it, so I figured I’d make an unofficial part 2! Now if only I knew how to link them to each other…
Anyway, minor spoilers for the Angels of the Zariman quest line, so you’ve been warned? Hope you enjoy!
Ostron: When Konzu takes a day off to inspect the Garrison, he isn’t sure what to expect. Sure, he knows a rare few Grineer will turn traitor against the Queens. But their kind has spent so long trying to destroy Cetus, he’s still a bit iffy. Konzu is surprised by the general lack of guards as he walks through the camp, until he realizes that they have gathered for a meal. As he sees Horrek serving the various people, chatting amicably with them, his heart is set at ease. And a few moments, he gets an early lunch.
Solaris United/ Vox Solaris: Chipper has been sending back regular reports. Eudico, the Biz, and Little Duck all know about Kahl’s setup, what he’s trying to do. They offered him extraction. Chipper turned it down. Told them he was doing good work there. He regularly sends supplies back and forth through their rail agents. Eudico has a small smile whenever they receive a request for some “Void Polish”. And hopes the headaches from the “mission accomplished” is worth it the next day, the crazy muckers.
Vent Kids: Kahl knew what children were. The information dumped in his head while still in a tube included basic details. How they weren’t a real threat. Saw a few from a distance back when he still patrolled the Plains. This small bunch were a ragtag group though. Strange clothing, and even stranger words. He knew he didn’t know many words, but even Chipper seemed confused by them. One came up to him. “So, you the tubey that nabbed a Drive from one of those muckin’ factories, yeah?” He looked at Chipper, who merely shrugged. Looking back at the kid, he nodded. “Yes. Kahl think.” The kid seemed happy with that. “Right-o. Glad to see one of you tubeys acting logical. You keep ruinin’ them glinty masks, eh?” Kahl understood that. He gave a fierce grin in response.
Entrati: After the disastrous first attempt at having Grineer arrive on Deimos, Daughter has tried to be quieter about her affiliation. But the family can tell. Son acts more annoyed, his sister seeming to get away with her actions while his are so harshly persecuted (secretly he’s proud of her rebellion). Mother just ignores her child, as she does most days, only caring for the day to day running of the Necralisk. Grandmother simply watches from afar, too amused to do much else. Father, though? Daughter begins to find surreptitiously placed supplies and armaments. Notes on weapon plans, outfitted for ground troops. She knows exactly who they came from. She doesn’t bring it up. But internally, there’s a strange feeling that has been absent for ages. Gratitude.
Quills: Kahl noticed someone watching in the distance. Remembering the strange man and the dagger, he put the camp on alert. By the time the sun was setting, the person was gone. He didn’t think about it until a few days later, and the person was back. Kahl borrowed a vulkar from Jarka to get a better look at them. They seemed to be in a fancy outfit, but kind of same to Horrek. A mask covered their face. As he handed the rifle back, the person disappeared. They continued to arrive every few days, never coming closer. Kahl put it out of his mind. As long as they didn’t shoot, or wear a Veil, he guess it didn’t matter.
Holdfasts: Quinn heard various stories from the kids who came back (They were just children, subjected to terrors beyond reason, and the Golden Lords made them into soldiers). Apparently, Executor Ballas had managed to take control of the Sentients, and even began to control the entire system. Until the Zariman children put a stop to him. Now the children (with eyes more haunted than even theirs) told him about a Grineer who had begun to free others. Quinn considered that for a moment. As far as he knew, Grineer were only ever good for labor or bloodshed. That’s it. But… Here he was, a void manifestation of a dead man. So, maybe a Grineer who developed a taste for rebellion and freedom was not too outlandish. He hoped they succeeded.
Again, let me know what you think! If I had to make a third part, it’d probably be of my own idea regarding Kahl actually meeting the Tenno, but we’ll see.
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soshinysochrome · 1 month
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I wanna show y'all something special, since it seems people really liked my orbiter; if you take a slightly obscured path to the right of Kahl's Garrison, there's a trail that takes you down to an area with a cave and waterfall and some open space. That was where I decided to build my Drifter a cabin!
On an unrelated note, I'm really goddamned tired of Zariman missions.
(Some objects might be harder to recognize since, to improve performance while my PC is getting fixed, I turned off features like Enhanced Decals to improve game performance)
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tenno-aster · 2 years
Jarka is a gentle soul, who needs a hug.
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alteredsilicone · 2 years
people who still hope that DE's writing team will remember old content are braver than any US marine
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nek-ros · 2 years
id guess darvo and clem were out fucking around during the new war but i hope someday we can put them in kahl's garrison and Maybe rework darvo deals/clem missions
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