#kai greene net worth
somethinginfo · 1 year
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musclyfit · 2 years
The $6 Million Dollar Man: Lazar Angelov Net Worth revealed!
In this article, I am going to reveal: The $6 Million Dollar Man: Lazar Angelov Net Worth revealed!.
In this article, I am going to reveal: The $6 Million Dollar Man: Lazar Angelov Net Worth revealed!. I have always been interested in fitness and bodybuilding, but I never really knew how to get started. I was always intimidated by the thought of going to the gym and lifting weights. One day, I stumbled across a video of Lazar Angelov online. He is a world-renowned bodybuilder who has a net…
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tinderbuzz · 3 years
Kai Greene Net Worth, Age, Birthday, Bio -2021
Kai Greene is a Bodybuilder Find Kai Greene net worth in 2021. Visit Flickthinkers for Kai Greene Age, Birthday , Biography and More.Kai Greene is a Bodybuilder Find Kai Greene net worth in 2021. Visit Flickthinkers for Kai Greene Age, Birthday , Biography and More.
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𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 - 𝐢.
requested: yes / no 
plot: being internet-friends is a little bit hard, mainly with tom, but let’s try it <3 this is the first part, i’m gonna make the second part fast i promise u uwu 
(+in this imagine tom is not famous)
-tom holland is the biggest support through the screen too 
-you two met on the net accidentally, but you and tom connect in no time 
-tom is always online
-ready to comment your outfit (only if you ask him) or help you with the homework 
-you two have twitter, messenger, snapchat, every app what u can imagine (badoo and tinder ofc not you nasty uwu)
-so you always send him a snap when you get ready for school, or when you have night-out with your friends 
-if you have a boyfriend (as a simple friend ehehe), tom would be a little bit jealous, he finds it really helpful that you can’t hear or see him through the screen 
-when you post something on instagram, he always likes your pictures and responds on your storys. after a little time, you begin to tag him on those pictures
-your friends would ask you that who is tom, and everytime you just shrug your shoulder and say “just my internet friend”
-and boi 
-your friends would ship you two internally
-on the other hand, harrison and tom’s brothers would go crazy too that tom “finally has a real girlfriend” 
-”seriously dude, how much you pay that girl?”
-”shut up, harrison”
-tom’s mom knows that he found someone really worth-it because during dinner, breakfast or the night-time tv-session, she notices that tom looks at his phone with a big smile
-because tom admires you, always replies and look through your pictures (needless to say, he save everything what you send him) 
-and of course when she asks that who are you, tom look up from his phone and answers with a serious face “nobody” 
-but with time, you told tom that you would like to facetiming with him 
-you two actually were hella nervous, his brothers notice that 
-like “ohmygosh do you need some inhaler?” “your face is green, is everything okay bro?” 
-he just nods and when they stay for too long time in his room, he just yells in annoyance like “CAN YOU PLEASE JUST GO THE FUCK OUT–”
-the first videochat is a little bit risky, but when tessa accidentally rushes the room, he picks him up and tries to continue the meeting with tomato-like face 
-he thinks that ‘i am the biggest loser that’s so awkward’ but you get excited 
-”that’s your dog? so adorable!” 
-tom just smiles and kisses tessa, murmuring her a little thanks 
-you two talk for 3 hours, with loud laughs and funny or interesting stories 
-suddenly tom’s dad shouts that the dinner is ready
-”that’s my dad, i gotta go, so sorry” “no problem, we can do this again if you want to” you reply shyly, tom finds you so utterly adorable 
-at first, he thought that you use filter to be that beautiful on the pictures, but after the call he scolds himself because of it, your face is so angelic and cute, and he wants to touch your glowing hair 
-after the facetime he jumps on the bed and thinks that he’s the most luckiest guy 
-and with that, you two became closer and closer, helping each other in the hard phases, making each other laugh, bitching to each other about everything
-once you slept in through the call, he just stayed quiet and heard your cute breathing, he closed his eyes too, and hugged a pillow. tom just tried to imagine that you are with him in his bed while snuggling, his heart hurt so much because there is a fucking big distance between you two 
-tom began to thinking about one real meeting, just you and him, in one coffee shop or one walk in the park in the near 
-once you were awfully upset because of school, you didn’t wanted to answer the video call, you gave him one or two word as an answer 
-’please baby do it, i can help, please’ he said to himself again and again, he was so nervous and irritated because he just wanted to run to you and hug you tightly 
-suddenly, you initiated a video call, tom picked up immediately
-your camera shakes as your hands, tom runs his hand through his hair 
-”baby please tell me what’s wrong, please” 
-you try to normalize your breaths, but you are in too much panic to find a way out 
-”i-i… messed up… me-messed up everything, oh-h my god” you stutter
-he try to calm you down, gives you advices
-”okay y/n, try to breathe. i know that’s hard, but try for me, okay? i’m here, i’m here and sure as hell that i’m not going anywhere” 
-you imagine that tom really at your side, hugging you and whispers to you like this, and you finally take your nerves down a little 
-”now you can tell me what’s wrong, i’m gonna help you, ‘kay?” 
-he listens while you explain him that you tried to fix your math grades from the second term, but got an E and your grades are low again (i know how hard is it honey, i tried too one time and i almost tried suicide) 
-tom helps you to make you one plan, gives you tips. it lasts two hours, but he makes sure that you don’t feel yourself uncomfortable. you decor the plan with tapes and post-its
-”and if you fix your grades, we can meet baby” he slips out that accidentally, but you hear that and blush 
-”i would like it too tommy” you answer, he adores your rose cheeks and eyes full of glimmer and happiness; even happier that he made you happy by himself and thinks that take your shit now, osterfield 
-”wait, wha- okay, then hurry up, honey” he cheers you, and ends the call
-while you two speak, paddy accidentally walks by before tom’s door and hear your chuckles. his eyes bright up, runs down into the living room to sam and harry like “guys guys, tom are dating somebody, some girl!” and then they all like “OH MY GOD” but they shush each other and pretend like nothing’s changed 
𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝, 𝚕𝚎𝚝 𝚖𝚎 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚢𝚋𝚘𝚘 <𝟹 𝚋𝚢𝚎 ��𝚢𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚋𝚎𝚣~ 
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Part 6 of the Dragon of the Yuyan
Read on AO3 | Series Masterpost
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Zuko crouches on the thick tree limb, bow poised and arrow nocked, and silently watches the small herd of fox-deer grazing down below. One of the animals shifts, and between one breath and the next, Zuko aims, pulls, and looses, downing a medium-sized buck. A split second later, Private Shun of Haili Squad looses and brings down a second buck. He catches his eye across the clearing and grins at him, feeling his facepaint crinkle a bit. Shun nods back, cracking a tiny smile of approval, his own Yuyan “mask” smooth and flawless.
The fox-deer have run off, spooked by two of their own dropping dead from flying sticks, and Zuko and Shun clean and dress the kills before lugging them back to camp.
Kai is mending a net and sulking a few feet away from the campfire as Zuko and Shun approach, and he turns to pout at them pathetically.
Zuko, Jiyoti won't let me help make dinner! He signs, puffing out his cheeks like a child, although his eyes twinkle behind his own facepaint mask.
Because we don't all want to die of food poisoning, dumbass, Jiyoti replies, rolling her eyes and sticking out her tongue. On a bamboo mat in front of her is a pile of chopped tomato-chokes and a kitchen knife, while a pot full of boiling water and noodles hangs over the campfire.
Captain Hiroki is sitting nearby with the Captain of Haili Squad, Satomi, pouring over maps of the local terrain. He watches the conversation with a smirk, and signs, I have orders from Commander Toshiaki himself not to let you cook anything, Private Kai.
Kai groans silently and flops backward onto the ground. Why is everyone so mean to me?
Zuko places the fox-deer carcass on a bamboo mat that Mika spreads out, and gently kicks at Kai's hip. Cheer up, if you really want to help out, you can do the dishes after!
Somebody kill me please, Kai signs limply, wrinkling his nose.
Captain Satomi rolls her eyes. You'll have to wait until the mission's over, Private. We've got a job to do here.
Zuko butchers the two fox-deer, separating some of the meat out to be cooked fresh, and using his firebending to dry the rest into jerky. Jiyoti takes the fresh meat and spears it on thin sticks to roast over the fire, and once Zuko is done with the jerky, he takes over control of the fire while Mika and Haili Squad's sergeant, Ai, divvy the jerky up between the two squads' supplies.
After dinner, Captain Satomi orders the two squads to gather for a briefing.
We're a day out from Huzhen, where the Third Infantry Corps is waiting to take the last Earth Kingdom outpost west of the West Lake, she signs. The 63rd and 59th Divisions will reinforce the Third, while we keep watch on the rear and make sure the Earth Kingdom forces don't attempt to surprise our own. When we move out tomorrow, Haili Squad will take point and Chihese Squad will cover until we reach the Third's encampment.
Zuko isn't thrilled about having to trail behind two whole divisions of infantry all marching across the Earth Kingdom for a whole day, but at least he'll get to practice his tree-running.
The two squads and the divisions they're accompanying break camp the next morning and are formed up and marching as Agni rises before them. Zuko spends the morning leaping from tree limb to tree limb, racing Kai until the moron misses a step and gets a tree branch in the gut for his trouble, then following the cart Kai is assigned to "protect" and making stupid faces at him. The small force marches all day, eating on the go and only stopping for a few minutes at a time to refill waterskins as needed.
The sun is low behind them when they finally reach the Third Infantry Corps' encampment. The commanding officer of the Third, a Lieutenant General Hanzou, greets the arrivals and relieves the two Yuyan squads of their escort duty. Captains Satomi and Hiroki are to report to a strategy meeting in the morning with the rest of the Third's command staff, otherwise the squads are to stand down for the time being.
Zuko sleepily helps Kai pitch the tent, starts the campfire with an exhausted wave of his hand, and collapses into his bedroll with a silent sigh. It’s been a long week, and he has a split second to enjoy the idea of not having any real duties tomorrow before he's fast asleep.
As always, he rises with the sun, and joins the Third's firebenders in their morning meditation and drills before returning to his squad for breakfast. After a quick meal of fox-deer jerky and noodles, the captains go off to their meeting, while the sergeants drill the half-dozen privates for morning PT. After PT ends and the captains haven't returned, Zuko decides to spend his downtime exploring the Third's camp. He shimmies up a tall tree to get a good look at the lay of the land.
The Third Infantry Corps is camped on top of a bluff overlooking the village of Huzhen, which is a ramshackle cluster of buildings hugging the shore of the massive West Lake of the Earth Kingdom. Between the Third's camp and the village is a good half mile of open ground, which Zuko figures is where the battle with the Earth Kingdom forces camped just outside the village will take place. He peers at the haphazard collection of green tents huddled in a tight square less than a hundred feet from the edge of the lake, and his stomach sinks as he compares it to the sprawling complex of the Third's encampment on the bluff. He can't imagine such a small force, barely a company's worth, being so much trouble that a whole corps, made up of five divisions of Fire Nation Army Infantry, is needed to ensure victory. It feels a bit like treason, but he can't help but think that the Fire Nation Army's response to this situation is a little excessive.
But if there's anything his burning and abandonment has taught him, it's that nobody with any real power cares what he thinks.
Zuko leans back against the trunk of the tree and breathes. He can distantly hear the sounds of military life coming from the Third’s camp, and he lazily scans the neat assemblage of red tents until his eye falls on a dark, squat, rectangular box about the size of a mess tent. It’s a mobile prison, meant to contain earthbenders captured in battle, and Zuko is immediately on fire with curiosity. He’s never seen an earthbender before, and this could be his chance to get close without having to worry about them burying him alive or grinding him to a bloody paste between a pair of boulders. No one can bend metal, after all.
Zuko makes his way to the mobile prison, grinning and waving at the soldiers who called out friendly greetings, and ducking away from the ones who leer or swipe out at him.
The squat iron building seems much bigger now that Zuko is standing beside it than it had when Zuko had seen it from afar, but he shakes off his sudden nerves and circles around it. It’s made up of multiple panels of iron bolted together, with a single door and one long narrow window at the top of each panel for air. It can be put together in a matter of hours, and taken apart just as quickly.
“Who’s there?” A powerful male voice rings out from within. Zuko startles, then takes a running jump and lands lightly on the prison roof. Each panel of the roof has a large square barred window for light and air, and he approaches the closest one and peers down.
Narrowed green eyes glare murderously back. “Well?” Demands the hugely muscled man they, and the voice, belong to. “Who in Koh’s name are you? What do you want? If you’re just here to gawk, then you can go right on your merry way and leave us alone.”
Another man, with less muscles but an impressive brown beard, stomps over to join his fellow in glaring up at Zuko. “Something the matter, Corporal?”
“Got another visitor, Sergeant,” the corporal replies. “Not very chatty this time around.”
The sergeant’s face goes slack as he stares up at Zuko. “Oma and Shu, that’s one of those Yuyan demons!”
Demons? Zuko’s pretty sure no one in his Troop is a demon, except maybe Lan during that time of the month.
“For real, sir? A Yuyan?” The corporal asks, hostility melting slightly into curiosity.
The sergeant sneers. “Yeah, you can tell by the face markings and the uniform. They don’t talk, though, so good luck getting anything out of it.” The sergeant claps the corporal on the shoulder and ambles away to sit against the wall with some of the other earthbenders. The corporal stays where he is, fist propped on one hip and the other hand rubbing his stubbly chin, stance wide and firmly rooted as he stares up at Zuko. He almost looks… thoughtful, if Zuko is reading his face right.
“Hey up there,” he calls, far more curiosity than suspicion in his tone this time. “You understand Common?”
Zuko rolls his eyes, but obligingly taps out yes.
The corporal blinks, and his mouth works a bit without sound. Zuko wonders if the man actually expected a response.
“Does… does that mean yes?” The man asks, voice slow and careful, as though Zuko is a mongoose lizard about to spit poison.
Zuko taps out yes again.
A broad grin spreads across the corporal’s face. “Wow, okay, what’s “no”, then?”
Zuko taps out no, then again when the corporal asks. Then, seemingly emboldened by their interaction so far, the corporal asks, "Are you actually a demon?"
Zuko wants to bang his head against the metal, but settles for a simple no.
The corporal smiles sheepishly. "Sorry, had to ask. Nobody's ever gotten close enough to one of you to find out for sure. My name's Hwan. Do you have a name?"
Of course Zuko has a name. But he can't teach this Earth Kingdom corporal the signal language, Captain Hiroki would throw a fit, and Commander Toshiaki would never let Zuko out of the Stronghold again. So he can't actually tell Corporal Hwan his name.
And why would he even want to? He wonders to himself. These are earthbenders. They're savages who refuse to submit to Fire Nation superiority. Earthbenders killed Lu Ten, and broke Uncle Iroh's spirit. Why is he even thinking about trying to communicate with them?
But how superior can the Fire Nation be when they sacrifice their own for a meaningless victory? When the response to a tired, bedraggled force on the verge of surrender is overwhelming numbers?
Yes, Zuko taps out.
"Huh, I don't know a lot of Fire Nation names… is it Lee?"
Honestly, that would've been a really good guess––Lee is a popular name in the Fire Nation. Zuko shrugs, and taps out yes.
Hwan lights up like a Solstice firework. "Awesome, first guess! Is it true that the Yuyan Archers are non-benders?"
"Wow, that's amazing. I'm an earthbender, I can't imagine not being able to bend," Hwan says, then looks around himself and bares his teeth in a sheepish grimace. "Of course, that was before I was put in here."
Now that is a question Zuko would love answered. What in Agni's name is Hwan and his unit doing here? Why are they being held prisoner on the front lines? Most prisoners of war captured in battle are immediately sent back to holding facilities within Fire Nation territory, either to be ransomed for their Fire Nation equivalents (not that there are many, given that any Fire Nation soldier would rather fight to the death than be taken captive) or to be conscripted into labor for mines and factories that supply the war effort. Depending on how long ago Hwan's unit had been taken, they should've been sent on their way long before Zuko and the Archers had arrived.
Hwan asks more questions, and Zuko marvels as everything he was ever taught about Earth Kingdom people is systematically proven wrong. Hwan is friendly, inquisitive, and intelligent, and honestly makes Zuko wish he could talk without having a panic attack because he has so many questions. The other men in Hwan's unit scowl and glower and mutter darkly, but Hwan happily chatters at Zuko without regard for their status as enemy combatants, and it blows Zuko's mind.
A gong sounds, signaling evening mess. Zuko has to go back to the Yuyan camp, or Captain Hiroki will send someone to retrieve him.
"Do you have to go?" Hwan asks.
Yes, Zuko taps out, reluctantly.
The Earth Kingdom soldier bites his lip, looking conflicted. "Will you… come back? When you can?"
Zuko blinks. While their interaction has been pleasant, and for Zuko, rather eye-opening, he hadn't expected Hwan to want to continue talking to him.
Yes, Zuko replies, resolving to steal some writing supplies to use on his next visit.
"Bye then! See you next time!" Hwan calls, waving. Zuko waves back, leaps off the mobile prison, and books it back to the camp, mind whirling.
Normally Zuko wolfs his food down at meals, partially a holdover from his six months of surviving in the wilderness where every second he lingered over food was one more second something stronger and fiercer than he was could steal it from him, and partially so that he could use his hands to sign with his squad and his other friends. Tonight he eats slowly, thoughtfully, turning over his odd conversation with Corporal Hwan of the Earth Kingdom Army in his mind. Kai has to snap his fingers five times to get Zuko's attention, but before his best friend can even position his hands to sign, Captain Satomi is already doing so.
Squads, fall in for briefing, she orders. Zuko puts aside his noodles and does his best to focus.
The Third Infantry Corps will move out at dawn tomorrow morning, she says, and then pauses to draw a diagram in the dirt. The 63rd and 59th Divisions will flank the Third on either side, surrounding the enemy. Chihese and Haili Squads will be stationed along the bluff to protect the Third's rear. We'll move out before dawn to select perches. Everyone needs to do a weapons check and get a good night's sleep tonight.
Zuko suppresses a sigh and goes to his bedroll. With sure, practiced fingers, he checks over his arrows and his bow, waxes his extra bowstrings, and sharpens his dao and throwing knives. Looks like he won't be visiting his new friend any time soon.
Getting up before dawn is easy for a firebender who meditates with the rising sun, but getting his non-bender best friend up is a process as long and tedious as filing expense reports with the rice counters back in Caldera. Zuko finally resorts to kicking Kai in the ass, hard, which does the trick but results in Kai shooting him baleful looks all through the hurried breakfast of cold onigiri. Zuko ignores him. This is his first real military action, and he is not going to let Kai's determination to sleep in ruin it for him.
The squads split up, with Chihese going northwest and Haili going northeast. The bluff is lined with scraggly tree-bushes, and every couple dozen feet, a squad member sets up a nest. Zuko is positioned between Jiyoti on his right and Mika on his left. He sets down his swords (he would only need them if things went completely to Koh's lair in a handbasket), resettles his quiver on his back, and strings his bow. Sunrise is moments away.
The sky lightens as the Earth Kingdom forces array themselves before the village. Zuko digs out his spyglass from his pack and raises it to his eye. His initial estimate of the enemy's numbers was pretty accurate: there's barely two hundred Earth Kingdom soldiers on the field.
As dawn breaks, the Third Infantry Corps marches out onto the field. Lieutenant General Hanzou and two of his close subordinates ride out on mongoose lizards to meet the Earth Kingdom commander, but the meeting is only a few minutes and both parties return to their respective forces.
A horn sounds, and the Earth Kingdom soldiers roar in response.
A small group of Fire Nation soldiers move forward to meet them, but something is wrong. They're shuffling awkwardly, not marching, and it seems like… they're being prodded along… at spearpoint?
Zuko raises his spyglass, frowning.
The uniforms on these soldiers are ill-fitting… too tight across backs and shoulders, and bunching too much at joints. There's also… shackles?... around the soldiers' wrists and ankles…
Zuko's insides twist.
One of the soldiers turns around, and Zuko's heart stops. Hwan.
The huge earthbender's eyes are wide and his face is pallid in the frame of the Fire Nation helmet on his head.
The disguised Earth Kingdom soldiers shout in terror as their comrades on the other side of the field charge.
Rocks whistle as they fly.
The air fills with screams.
Zuko feels numb. He feels like throwing up. But he can't look away.
The Earth Kingdom soldiers are merciless. If they realize that they are fighting their own brethren, they don't show it. The disguised captives try to scramble backwards, but they're chained hand and foot to each other. They're stuck, and the Earth Kingdom soldiers are relentless.
The captives are slaughtered, one and all.
In the echoing silence after the last boulder falls, all Zuko can hear is his heart thundering in his ears. A quintet of Earth Kingdom soldiers creep out of their trench and approach the dead. Wails rise up as they realize what has happened.
Then an arrow flies, trailing a crimson ribbon. The Third roars in unison and attacks.
In minutes that feel like days, the Earth Kingdom soldiers are all but wiped out. The 59th and 63rd Divisions move in less because they are needed, and more because they want to join in the fun. The Earth Kingdom company is torn to shreds like a fox-deer under the claws of a tigerdillo.
Zuko drops his bow, sweeps his dao out of the way, and vomits.
Then he curls forward with his forehead pressing into the dirt and sobs.
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dustedmagazine · 4 years
Michael Rosenstein 2020: Seeking Sojourn
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What was I doing in 2010? What was I listening to? Honestly, without doing some digging, nothing springs immediately to mind. I’m guessing that ten years from now, thinking back on 2020, that won’t be the case. In mid-March, my wife and I took off on our annual winter/early spring sojourn to Provincetown, Cape Cod. When we headed out, the state of the world was tenuous. But over the course of four days, we split our time between idyllic, cold walks on the Outer Cape beaches and tracking the pandemic slide into lockdown and mayhem. We came back home to an entirely different world which has continued to spiral and swirl. This was a year where I spent far more time walking in a woods near my house, searching out a pair of barred owls and their four fledglings than I did listening to music. Focus for listening has waxed and waned and online video streams just haven’t resonated with me. But still, music has brought me some sense of solace over the course of the last year.
AMPLIFY 2020: quarantine
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Without a doubt, most of my listening over the year was spent following the AMPLIFY 2020: quarantine festival. Organized by Jon Abbey, who runs the Erstwhile record label along with musicians Vanessa Rossetto and Matthew Revert, the online festival kicked off on March 20 and ran through September 20, presenting 240 newly-recorded pieces and 80 hours of music by musicians from across the globe. Most were solo contributions, with seven “blind overdubs” where two musicians with established working relationships chose track lengths in advance and submitted their recordings which were superimposed with some light mixing by Taku Unami. While the pieces are all available as free downloads on Bandcamp, that only reveals part of the story. Over the course of six months, the Facebook group grew to 3000 members, acting as a virtual gathering place for online conversations and musings with countless posts a day. Additionally, Abbey tirelessly posted an ongoing playlist which he dubbed “atmosphere” with cuts that ran the gamut from Albert Ayler to Funkadelic to Keith Hudson to Al Green with an extra-heavy helping of DJ Screw. Just tuning in to those choices and jumping on conversations was enough to save some days.
While anyone following the Erstwhile label caught some memorable submissions by expected participants, the organizers and some guest curators had more in mind than that and sub-threads developed early on. Yan Jun recruited fantastic submissions from little-known musicians from China while also contributing two pieces of his own. In addition to delivering three strong pieces, Revert brought in an Australian contingent. Rossetto delivered a festival highlight with her piece “perhaps at some time you have acted in a play, even if it was when you were a child” while also inviting a wide network of sound explorers constructing intimate sonic investigations. Abbey himself cast a wide net, probing for both established and little known musicians who had caught his attention over the years. (I’ve known Jon for a long time and was honored to be amongst those invited, contributing a piece assembled from field recordings from my Cape Cod trip.)
A number of musicians who hadn’t put out solo recordings in years, some who hadn’t had any recent releases at all, were lured back, with highlights by Greg Kelley, David Kirby, Joe Panzner, Annette Krebs and Sean Meehan. There was also a somber thread of homages to musicians who died over the last year, starting with a dedication of the entire festival to Australian percussionist Sean Baxter as well as a stirring tribute to bassist Simon H. Fell by Rhodri Davies, a dedication to Keith Tippett by Mark Wastell, and pieces commemorating Cor Fuhler by Dale Gorfinkel, Marcus Schmickler, Jim Denley, Nick Ashwood (recorded with Fuhler shortly before his death), Clare Cooper and Reinier van Houdt (whose six monthly missives delivered throughout the duration of the festival are all well worth spending time with.)
I find myself still catching up on the overwhelming array of contributions but here are a small sampling that caught my ear, though if I were to assemble this list a week from now, the choices would certainly be different.
Zhao Cong – “Homework”
homework by Zhao Cong
Yan Jun’s choice of musicians from China was uniformly superb and all are worth checking out. But Beijing-based Zhao Cong’s entry, in particular, has continued to hang with me. Her piece, constructed from two bass guitars and objects with its scrabbled detail of electronic hum, grit and glitch shot through with ringing bass strings popped out on first listen and continues to deliver.
Rie Nakajima – “carpet”
carpet by Rie Nakajima
Nakajima’s approach to sound-making, utilizing motors, mechanical devices and found objects proved the perfect tonic for pandemic listening. Her piece for AMPLIFY was recorded in her home in London “with all familiar objects I have been using at home.” The percussive piece is shot through with timbral depth, clattering along with a barely-contained momentum. Her release Karu Karu for Café Oto’s digital Takuroku lockdown series is also well worth checking out. And while I tended not to connect with online video over the course of the year, I found myself returning to Nakajima’s seven days bird songs which unfolded over the course of a week, multiple times.
Ivan Palacký – “Sanctuary”
Sanctuary by Ivan Palacký
Czech-based Ivan Palacký’s “Sanctuary” hit early on in the fest and remained a favorite. Palacký spent the first day of quarantine exploring his flat with an electromagnetic sensor, capturing the buzzes and tremors of everyday electronic devices. A few weeks later, he pulled out three knitting machines which he contact mic’d and used to improvise with the electromagnetic recordings. Palacký deftly interleaved percussive patter with wafts of static, grit and crackles, creaks and sputters and resonant thrums into an immersive piece.
Martin Kay – “Bath Time (2nd Edit)
Bath Time (2nd Edit) by Martin Kay
Through the festival, a thread developed of the pieces constructed as sonic response to the physical surroundings of isolation. Moniek Darge's gutting “Quarantine Child,” assembled from interior recordings and the desperate wail of a child, Mark Vernon's “The Dominion of Din,” woven together from field recordings from outside his Glasgow flat, cataloging exterior sounds that have annoyed him over the years and Kate Carr’s haunting “on every stair another stairway is set in negative” recorded using an old reel to reel tape and instrument recordings captured in her bathroom are three. Martin Kay’s four-part “Bath Time” delves in to that personal, interior realm, composed from recordings made in and around his bathroom during the routine that developed with his daughter’s nightly bath. The use of shifting focus, natural resonances of the room, the tub and underwater recordings transform the private, domestic activity into an increasingly abstracted aural study.
Distant Duos
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The Distant Duos project that Mary Staubitz and Russ Waterhouse embarked on was also instigated by a sense of lost community. But here, the strategies employed were markedly different. The two are immersed in the DIY noise/improv New England community, spearheading shows in basements, bars, galleries and ad hoc venues and collaborating with musicians from New Haven to Portland, Maine, with all stops in between. They’ve also been instrumental in developing a network of like-minded musicians and bringing travelers through, some who have become frequent visitors. Unlike the duos in AMPLIFY, Staubitz and Waterhouse curated the 78 sessions, inviting pairs of musicians with a simple strategy. “Two remote artists record five minutes of sound while thinking about the other artist, unable to hear each other. The two tracks are combined into one.”
Released in sets of five on Bandcamp, the first on April 30 and the last on December 9, these bursts served as vital postcards. For those of us based in New England, these were both bittersweet reminders of the pre-COVID world we frequented and exultant celebrations. As someone who organized shows with the two and often played on the same bills, these really connected. (I was asked to participate, paired with Worcester-based Abdul Sherzai.) Some of the duos were longstanding partnerships (Greg Kelley and Vic Rawlings have been working together for over a decade). Some were pairings of musicians who knew each other but had likely never played together. Some participants were drawn from the deep field of regional musicians while others were recruited from across the US and Europe. With only five minutes at play, these served as sketches, vignettes or rough drafts. But keen curation and Waterhouse’s astute mixing and mastering made these hold together. Like AMPLIFY, these periodic missives kept me going through the last year.
Flip through any of the contributions and you’ll find plenty to encourage further listening. This batch, culled from the October 28th releases, provides a glimpse into the broad crew of musicians pulled in and the diverse strategies they came up with.
Adam Kohl and Mickey O’Hara
Adam Kohl and Mickey O'Hara by Distant Duos
Western Massachusetts-based Kohl (better known musically as Arkm Foam) and Worcester-based O’Hara have been performing together for a while now, and experiencing their mix of low-fi cassette manipulation and laptop generated deconstructed clatter and glitch inhabit a performance space is enthralling. This brief snapshot serves as a succinct snapshot of one of their sets.
J​.​P​.​A. Falzone and Hali Palombo
J.P.A. Falzone and Hali Palombo by Distant Duos
This mashup between J​.​P​.​A. Falzone (part of the ensemble Ordinary Affects) and composer and visual artist Hali Palombo comes across as quavering pulsations dialed in from some ethereal transmission. Listening feels like one is tuning in to an hours-long broadcast of hovering tones and fluttering waves which fuse together into shuddering oscillations.
Henry Birdsey and Mary Staubitz
Henry Birdsey and Mary Staubitz by Distant Duos
Birdsey has been developing his micro-tonal musings as part of the duo Tongue Depressor as well as his solo releases under his own name and as S.T.L.A. while Staubitz jumps from the solo sonic onslaughts of Donna Parker to a wide-ranging array of ongoing and one-off collaborations. Here field recordings of rippling water and electric pops and crackles mix with shuddering overtones of bowed metal for an engulfing sonic snapshot.
Lexie Mountain and Angela Sawyer
Lexie Mountain and Angela Sawyer by Distant Duos
Baltimore’s Lexie Mountain and Boston’s Angela Sawyer have known each other for years, so it’s no surprise that their distant connection of broken electronics and found objects clicks so well. Here, everyday detritus is elevated to a compact improvisation imbued with skittering percussive tumult, whirrs and clatter.
New Releases
When I did carve out time to listen, here’s a few that stuck with me through the year.
Toshiya Tsunoda & Taku Unami – Wovenland 2 (Erstwhile)
Wovenland 2 by Toshiya Tsunoda/Taku Unami
Working from basic field recordings, Tsunoda and Unami use the studio as an alchemical laboratory, delving into mixing and mastering tools to explore, process and transform environmental sound. In their hands, the digital artifacts of that process are as intrinsic to the results as the source material they have deconstructed. They sum it up succinctly. “Our goal is to focus on acoustic experiments. No more and no less.”
Here are some more that stuck with me in no particular order:
Rhodri Davies – Telyn Rawn (Amgen Records)
Judith Wegmann – Le Souffle Du Temps II - Reflexion (ezz-thetics)
Clara de Asís & Mara Winter – Repetition of the same dream (Another Timbre)
Takuji Naka/Tim Olive – Minouragatake (Notice Recordings)
Magnus Granberg – Come Down to Earth Where Sorrow Dwelleth –Revised version for sho, koto, prepared piano and electronics (Ftarri)
Tasting Menu – Mueller Tunnel (Full Spectrum Records)
Simon H. Fell & Mark Wastell – Virtual Company (Confront)
Xavier Charles & Bertrand Gauguet – Spectre (akousis)
Pierre-Antoine Badaroux, Seymour Wright, Jean-Luc Guionnet – Solos (Remote Resonator)
Archival Releases and Reissues
Reissues continued to pour out from record labels. Some applied studio wizardry to revive and restore previously issued material and others dug out material from the vaults that rightfully deserves to be heard. But with touring opportunities gone, the ability to collaborate in person evaporated and the monthly boon of Bandcamp Fridays, many artists also took the opportunity to dig in to their personal vaults.
Gentle Fire – Explorations (1970-1973) (Paradigm Discs)
Explorations (1970 - 1973) by Gentle Fire
This one just hit in December but quickly shot to the top of my listening pile. Working in London in the early 70s, this little-known quintet of electro-acoustic pioneers worked at the edges of composition and improvisation, putting out a single, now impossible-to-find, LP performing graphic scores of by John Cage, Earle Brown and Christian Wolff (which, in itself deserves a reissue.) If they hit listeners’ radar at all, it was due to the fact that Hugh Davies was part of the group. This 3-CD box of previously unissued material is comprised of one disc of works by Wolff, Stockhausen, Brown, Cage and Ichiyanagi, another of their own compositions and a final disc capturing an extended improvisation. Five decades later, this stuff is still essential listening.
Rhodri Davies – Archif Series (self-released)
Archif #13: BMIC 17/09/1997 by IST
Currently at number 28 and counting, Davies dug in to his archives and unearthed a passel of gems, documenting live performances and studio experiments from 1995 through 2000. From solos to various group sessions, this is all music well worth spending time with. Particularly welcome are two releases by IST (Davies, Mark Wastell, and Simon H. Fell) and one by Assumed Possibilities (Davies, Wastell, Chris Burn and Phil Durrant). One hopes there is more to be unearthed.
Cor Fuhler Conundrom label
SLEE by Cor Fuhler
The sudden passing of Cor Fuhler was a tough one in a tough year. Whether as a pianist, instrument inventor or ensemble leader, Fuhler was always bristling with ideas. As part of a group effort, the discography of his Conundrom label is now available on Bandcamp with proceeds going to his estate.
Here are some others of note in no particular order:
Albert Ayler reissue series (ezz-thetics)
Phillip Wachsmann – Writing In Water (Corbett vs. Dempsey)
Charles Mingus – @ Bremen 1964 & 1975 (Sunnyside)
Voice Crack – Glasgow 20/11/1999 (scatter)
John Butcher – On Being Observed (Weight of Wax)
Derek Bailey and Mototeru Takagi – Live at FarOut, Atsugi 1987 (NoBusiness Records)
Cecil Taylor and Tony Oxley – Birdland, Neuburg 2011 (Fundacja Słuchaj)
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pseudofaux · 5 years
if you're still taking requests, if you're up for it, if i could request something spicy or spicy-ish with darling Nobuyuki and MC and 'claim'? I feel nervous giving prompts, but maybe during a big celebration of some sort (or later after the celebration) with Shingen and other retainers pushing this tenderest of demon's buttons in regards to HIS wife, though his angel-face certainly doesn't reveal it. Bonus suggestions: MC preferring Nobuyuki to keep her close around samurai and spicy marking?
FINALLY, I FLING MYSELF DOWN IN MY HAPPIEST PLACE (Nobuyuki writing) FACE FIRST. Thank you so much for this! I know you love him and I love talking about him with you. I’m so glad you asked for this as part of my follower celebration and I hope you will enjoy it! [Kae asked if I’d mind writing MC to be thick thighed and. I do not. EVER. Mind doing that.]
So strong, so determined to learn the most proper way to sit and eat and demure. So shy beside him. So much a treasure.
There was something he had discovered as a child: it was pleasurable to blink slowly at the things he liked. He could savor the gentle darkness overtaking his view, appreciate and miss whatever had held his focus, and then enjoy it being revealed to him again by his own body, as though he truly were the master of all before him.
He did it now, looking at her. Her layers were peach and pink and green, somehow spring lovely and autumn stately. The maids had applied some cosmetics and he would think later on how much he liked it even though it hid part of her from him, which he knew he detested in principle. Seeing her elevated in this way, presented as his wife and looking more classically beautiful than he had been prepared for… she made his soul feel smooth as he admired her.
“Ah…” she said softly, the sound she made when she was trying to think of a delicate way to phrase her answer. Sweetest heart. He could not reach for her, the way they were seated in the hall of Tsutsujigasaki, but he could wait for her eyes to ask for help. When they did, like quick, dark birds, he slipped himself into her conversation with a boisterous Takeda retainer.
“Please excuse my wife,” Nobuyuki said. “Her journey here was arduous.”
It had been his– their– joy to make it so. From her family home to Kai, he had pushed her every night, cradling her face as he sank himself, cock and fingers and teeth and soul, into her flesh. Murmuring his affection and committing to memory the increasingly sure declarations and requests she graced him with.
There was the tiniest wariness in her look, and it made his heart sing in the same moment it pricked him like a needle, so he shook his head to reassure her. He knew what she was thinking, but their intimacy was a private thing he would never share with outsiders. Few things existed in the world that he would protect as zealously.
The retainer laughed, raucous but not disrespectful. When he shuffled away, they were a little bit alone while the feast went on around them.
“Never fear,” he said, because she was so new to her place and so dear to his heart. “You are doing well. Your practice shows.” She inclined her head and it set her new bira bira tinkling, which set him grinning. He’d given the kanzashi to her with a promise to make it chime an afternoon’s worth of songs when she wore it, and before they made their way into the hall she had looked at him deliberately, beautifully boldly, and slid it into her hair. She touched the ends of the chimes to make them call to him. He did not think she understood how much he liked that.
He wondered if the swell of her thighs felt constrained by her clothes. There was a firework of kisses and nip marks on her left leg, handiwork he loved to think over and considered never allowing to fade. Last night he had truly thought to content himself with leaving one new mark in the perfect middle between her hip and her knee and then holding her as they slept, but she, with her kitchen-sure fingers, had laced his hair around her knuckles and pressed her leg up against his mouth. He played (too well?) at having an empty head sometimes, but was no fool, really, so he gave her his teeth and his tongue and he took every one of her twitches and all her muffled gasps, and then he had spilled himself inside her after all. And then held her while they slept.
Love, and the match he had found in her— these were curious blessings. Nobuyuki wore doubt like his own skin, but for her he found himself permissive of a bareness something in his heart had clearly hungered for, if the satisfaction was anything to judge by. And as he considered her satisfaction paramount, his own, woven into hers like a golden net, was worth respecting. Before her, he had denied himself so often.
A man did not have to deny himself thoughts of his wife. He certainly hoped she was not denying herself thoughts of him, and the way one of her hands was so stiff over her lap told him she was trying very hard not to think of something… Underneath her hand the fabric was indeed taut, light blessing the peach silk with a luster he wanted to touch. A swirl of leaves was painted on the fabric, each one curved so sensuously he felt like the painter must have shared his appreciation. Nobuyuki selfishly hoped the artisan shared his torment in some form as well.
He thought of his wife without any robes at all, in a bed of autumn glory, fall maple leaves and wind revealing her skin for his worship. Would she enjoy the feel of pliant red leaves slipping along her calves, or prefer the scratch of dry brown points drawing lines from her elbows to her wrists to make her shudder? If she liked it, would she try the same for him?
“Autumn suits you,” he told her without hiding the affection in his voice.
“And you,” she said back smoothly. She reached for his hand but remembered herself and put her own back in her lap. It made his heart swell and he swore to himself he would bring it up when they were alone and praise her as she deserved.
“Soon,” he promised her. “Not soon enough, but soon.”
“Soon will have to be enough for us both,” she murmured. He wanted to kiss her, but she was right. In the meantime, he was more proactive in deflecting every well-meaning retainer Shingen sent to greet them, and meeting every one of the Lord of Kai’s knowing grins with a face he made placid but allowed to be pleased.
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emma1125 · 5 years
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solesurvivorkat · 4 years
Get to Know Me!/About Me/The Self Care Tag Game
Tagged by @the-dubstep-strawberry and @ja-crispea, thank you guys!  <3  :-)
(This is long, so I put it under a tag)
Who were you named after?: My maternal aunt (Kathy), middle name from my other maternal aunt.
Last time you cried?: (snorts) ...Okay... there’s this book that my toddler son has, called ‘Love You Forever’ - and the damn thing always makes me cry and I HATE it, lol. It’s basically a mom that watches her son grow up from a baby to an adult, and she rocks him to sleep his whole life saying, “ "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living My baby you'll be." “. ...IT’S A MENACE. He asked me to read it to him the other day & I couldn’t say no, so my husband was kind of sympathetically laughing at me (not in a mean way) b/c I was definitely crying by the end. IT’S EVIL. 
Do you like your handwriting? Ehhh.... sometimes? When I CONCENTRATE on it, it’s fine. When I scribble something out in a hurry, I don’t love it so much (though it’s still a million more times legible than my husband’s ‘chicken-scratch’ handwriting, LOL).
What is your favorite lunch meat?: Roast beef. I don’t buy it often b/c it’s usually expensive, but a good roast beef deli meet? Oof.
Longest relationship?: The one I’m in w/ my husband. We’ve been together since 2008, married in 2011 (for those who hate math like me {lol}, that’s together for 12 years in August, married for 9 years in December).
Do you still have your tonsils? Yes.
What is your favorite kind of cereal?: Don’t really have a favorite, but I like Lucky Charms (I know, I’m a stereotype, LOL), Captain Crunch, one of the Post ones w/ cranberries in it (forget what it’s called), Honey Nut Cheerios, Frosted Flakes, Peanut Butter Crunch, and a bunch of others.
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?: Right now my sneakers are the slip-on kind (though I really need to buy new ones sometime), but I have to untie my boots when I wear them b/c they have roller skate laces in them and they stay put (don’t move around a lot, which is what they’re supposed to do), so if I didn’t untie them I’d never be able to get them on/off, lol.
Do you think you’re strong willed?: Oh my GOD, yes. ...Almost to a fault, lol.  *XD
Favorite Ice Cream?: Don’t really have a favorite, but I tend to go for either Oreo, Cookie Dough, or chocolate & peanut butter.
What is the first thing you notice about a person?: Usually their eyes. I think I mention eyes a lot in my writing (again, almost to a fault, lol), but it’s b/c eyes are so expressive. ‘Eyes are the window to the soul’, as they say.
Football or baseball?: Neither - I’m really not a sports person. But if I HAD to choose one, I’d say baseball (Red Sox!).
Favorite donut?: Chocolate frosted donut with sprinkles (...yes, I like the sprinkles on it, I ‘donut’ know why. HA!!! .....I’ll show myself out. LOL)
Last thing you ate?: Chocolate-frosted Pop-Tarts, & currently, gradually drinking water flavored w/ store-brand caffeinated fruity drink mix (need this at work to keep me going b/c I don’t like coffee).
What are you listening to?: Nothing right now - quiet at work (I love when it’s peaceful at work... I don’t really get peace at home often, lol)
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: Cerulean. ...Shut up, I like that color. (lol)
What is your favorite smell?: Don’t have one favorite... I love the smell of cookies/brownies baking, woodsmoke, cedar, Old Spice (my husband wears it, and yes - my grandfather actually DID wear it, lol!), freshly mowed lawn, mulch (I know that might sound weird, but it smells nice to me - earthy!), that smell that happens before it’s about to start raining (...I’m weird, I know lol)
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?: Probably my husband... (thinks) ...well technically it was my boss, actually. He calls us every morning when we go in to work just to check-in (not in a condescending way, just to make sure we’re doing okay & to let us know if anything’s new).
Hair color?: Medium/honey blonde. (I’m not allowed to color it b/c of work, but I would love to try a funky color again, like pink or purple... or maybe rainbow! <3 )
Eye color?: Blue on the outside/edge, brownish-green on the inside/around the pupil (I have ‘central heterochromia’ - look it up, I’ve mentioned it on my blog before, lol) 
Favorite food to eat?: Don’t have one favorite, but I tend to go for pizza, Italian, or American food 
Scary movies or happy ending?: Happy ending. I know it’s lame of me, but if a movie doesn’t end happy it bother me.  
Last movie you watched in a theater?: I... honestly don’t remember, lol. I think it was ‘Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker’.
What color shirt are you wearing?: It’s a purple-y, mulberry kind of color.
Favorite holiday?: Christmas, hands down. Halloween is a close second. 
Beer or wine?: Neither (don’t like the taste - you’ll usually find me drinking Diet Pepsi, lol. I know, I’m a dork.)
Night owl or morning person?: Used to be a morning person when I was younger, but now I’m kind of a mid-day/twilight kind of person (I usually veg at night, lol).
Favorite day of the week?: Probably Friday or Saturday
Favorite animal?: LOVE Red Pandas, they’re so cute! I would totally get one for a pet if I could. I would also love a Husky/Shiba Inu/Klee Kai (dog), but I don’t have the time to devote to one right now, unfortunately.  :-(
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Rules: answer 17 questions and tag 17 people you’d like to know better!
Nickname: Kat, Sprocket, Kit-Kat
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 5′5″ (technically a hair under, but it’s 1/4″ or less so I round it up lol)
House: Hmm... either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, I think
Last thing I Googled: (thinks) Ugh, I just did something this morning, too... I totally forget what, though.  x__x*
Song in my head: Nothing, for now.
Followers and following: Currently followed by 259 awesome people, for which I am VERY grateful.  <3  Following 80 people.  (...I am NOT trying to insult people if I don’t follow you - I swear it’s nothing personal, I just don’t have time to catch up on the people that I’m following now.)
Amount of sleep: Usually anywhere between 6-8 hours
Lucky number: 4, 7, 13 (yup lol)
Dream job: Hmm... honestly not sure. As long as I get a paycheck & don’t hate/dislike my job, I’m usually pretty happy, lol.
Wearing: Slide-on sneakers, socks, black capri leggings, short-sleeved shirt, hair braided & clipped up
Fave songs: Don’t have a lot, though I always like ‘The Sound of Silence’ covered by Disturbed. I know there’s a bunch more that I like, but none are hugely standing out to me right now.
Instruments: Played the clarinet for a year in 5th grade, played the acoustic guitar in the 12th grade, don’t currently play any.
Random fact: One of my ancestors signed the Declaration of Independence, and there’s a town in NH named after him that I’ve never gotten to visit (heard that one before? Well I only have so many facts about me, lol)
Favorite Authors: Don’t really have one
Fave animal sounds: My chinchilla makes some cute noises, lol. I like hearing cats meow too, even if I’m more of a dog person. Ever hear a Husky ‘talk’? Hilarious. I love hearing guinea pigs ‘purr’ too, so cute!
Aesthetic: Woods, rustic, ‘comfy’
Favorite comfort food: Chocolate (shocker, I know), particularly Lindt brand
Favorite drink: Diet Pepsi
Favorite relaxing activity: Relaxing on my couch, surfing the ‘net
Favorite fluffy/feel good fic: 
Favorite calming scent: fresh laundry, the ocean, woodsmoke, mulch (I know, I know, mentioned above)
Favorite white noise: Maybe the sound of ocean waves or birds chirping in the woods
Favorite relaxing (or uplifting) song: ...Can’t think of one off the top of my head.
Favorite book to get lost in: Reading friends fanfics
Favorite TV show to chill-out: Don’t usually watch a lot of TV (usually put something on to entertain my toddler)... maybe Kitchen Nightmares, or anything w/ Gordon Ramsey - not that I really like cooking shows, I just find him fun to watch, lol. (Or Bar Rescue - John Taffer is fun to watch too lol)
The best advice you’ve ever had: Hmm... I guess just variations on being true to yourself. The people that matter the most will love you no matter what and will always be in your corner, even when you’re having a bad day. Don’t try to impress people that aren’t worth your time/don’t truly care about you - it’s not worth your time and energy. Find and be with people that make you happy, that accept you for who you truly are. Be the best person you can be, but also remember that everyone has ‘off’/bad days. You’re not perfect, you’re not meant to be perfect. Do what makes YOU happy (...assuming it doesn’t hurt anyone else, obviously, lol).
Tagging whoever would like to be tagged in!
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saskiagl · 5 years
𝖍𝖎  𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘  ,  i’m  super  late  &  i’m  apologizing  for  my  𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡  behavior . my  name  is  hailey  ,  from  the east  coast  &  prefer  to  go  by  𝐬𝐡𝐞  /  𝐡𝐞𝐫 pronouns  .  𝖋𝖚𝖓  𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖙  ,    i'm  obsessed   with  game  of  thrones .  however  , i’m  super  excited  to  be  here  & i  can’t  wait  to  plot  with  you  all  !  i'm   in  awe  with  everyone’s  intros  -  i  hope  you  guys  enjoy  my  #𝟏  pain  in  the  ass  ,   𝖘𝖆𝖘𝖐𝖎𝖆  𝖒𝖎𝖏𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖘  !   🖤
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*  it  would  seem  one  can’t  hear  cash  shit  by  megan  thee  stallion  without  raising  murmurs  of  a  frequent  patron  of  public  adoration  &  obsession  ,  the  ever -rising  starlet   saskia  mijares   —  the   fiery cisfemale   with  a  strikingly  uncanny  resemblance  to  alexa  demie  .  increasingly  so  ,  it  seems  she is  being  caught  up  in  hushed  talks  of  that  glitterati  nonsense    .  oh  , haven’t  you  heard  ?  should  rumors  be  trusted  , it’s  been  said  that  they  made  it  into  the  glitterati  because of  retiring  from  porn  after  getting  death  threats  —  but  surely  you’ve  brushed  off  such  accusations  as  mindless  chatter  by  now . widely  recognized  as  a  bisexual  virgo   ,  they  say  papa  legba  honed  in  on  your  undeviating   vexed   &  wanton  tendencies  , surely  to  be  exploited  if  he  can  strip  you  of  your  otherwise  redemptive  trailblazing   &    candid   conventions  , much  to  his  supposed  chagrin  . people  muse  that  since  that  fateful  encounter  , you’ve  ascended  to  rank d    thanks  to  his  less  than  savory  interventions  ,  despite  your  interaction  being  out  of   desperation  .  truly  …   how  else  would  an   twenty  three    year  old   singer — songwriter  &  fashion  designer   reach  a  net  worth  of  $35M   with  such  unprecedented  ease  ? what  truth  is  there  to  these  rumors  ,  kia  ?  what  are  you  willing  to  sacrifice  to  keep  what  you’ve  become ?
𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥    𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞    :  saskia    letizia    mijares   .
𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬    : kia   ,    kai cash   .
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞  𝐨𝐟  𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡    : august   23rd   , 1996    .
𝐳𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜    :   virgo    sun    ,    scorpio    moon    ,  pisces    rising  .
 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬   :    sirenic   ,   captivating  ,  idealist   ,  amorous  ,    candid   ,   poised  , emotional  ,   irascible   ,   careless  ,   jealous  ,  avaricious   &   insecure  .         
 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫    𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨    :    maddy perez  ,  mia   khalifa  ,  buffy  summers   ,  brooke  davis  ,  moira  o'hara  ,  rachel  green  ,  samantha jones  &  ilana  wexler  .
𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞    :  soho    ,    manhattan    ,    new  york    .
𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲    :    mexican  .
pronouns    &    gender    :    goes   by   she    /   her    ,   identifies    with    cisfemale    gender   .
𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥  𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧    :    bisexual .
𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐜    𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧    :    biromantic   .
𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧    :     retired  pornstar  ,  musician   &   fashion  desginer    .
𝐧𝐞𝐭    𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡    : $35  million    ,    most  of   saskia  money  is   from  her  music  career   (  kali uchis discography )  &  her  successful  fashion  line (   which includes  puma x fenty  &  savage x fenty  )
aesthetics :  naturally  thick  babydoll  lashes  ,  crying  over  movies  &  say you didn’t  ,  tight  leather  dresses  mixed  with  six  inch  heels  ,  silk  lingerie  ,  nude  selfies  in  the  mirror  ,  horror  novels  ,  unfinished  songs  ,  thigh high boots  ,  cozying  up  with  a  stranger  in  a  dimmed  club  ,  favorite  chanel  perfume  sprayed  on  her  body  ,  lounging  around  in  long  silk  nightgown  with  a  glass of  wine  in  hand  ,  perfectly  shaped  brows  ,  journals  ,  soft  moans  in  the  back  of  her  car  ,    stamped  passports  ,   leaves  men  at  the  bar  once  she  gets  her  free  drinks  ,  the taste  of  a  passionate  kiss  ,  googling  why  my  relationships  keep  failing ?  ,  searching  through  a  bag  for  a  lighter  ,  practicing  her  good  angles  ,  a  dazzling smile  that’s  hard  to  ignore   ,  sex  &  the  city  playing  in  the  background  ,  blood  shot  eyes  ,  supporting  her  friends  at  events  ,  extreme  baby  fever ,  acrylic nails  ,    her  name  scribbled  on  a  lipstick  stained  napkin  ,  yacht  rides  ,  losing one shoe after a night of partying  ,  singing  in  karaoke  bars ,  attending  self  defense  classes  every  week  ,  pouring  vodka  into  a water  bottle  &  watching  basketball  on  the  flat  screen  .
her  mother  ,  letizia  almazan  ,  was   an   upcoming   supermodel   &  makeup   artist   in  new  york  city   who   seemed   to   never  stay  out  of  trouble  after   she   met   the   love   of  her   life   -  diesel  mijares  .   he   still   holds   the   crown  across   the   six  boroughs  of  new  york  as  one  of  the  most  dangerous  &   scariest  mobster  to   interact   with  ,  so  think  twice  before  crossing  him  because  you’ll  be  swimming  with  the  fishes .  the  pair  tied  the  knot  in  a  secret  ceremony   &   had  four  children  together  before  moving  into  an elegant  mansion  in  upstate  ,  new york  .   saskia  &  her  siblings  didn't  make  many  friends  so  they  always  stayed  among  themselves  due  to  their father’s  dangerous  lifestyle . but , still  managed  to  have  a  career  outside  of  their  family  name  . her older  siblings  took  the  role  of  their  father &  learning  the  business while  saskia  chose  a different  path .
her  reputation  made  people  wanted  to  sleep  her  or  hate  her  .  she was  asked  to  do porn  when  she  was  nineteen  years  old  which  skyrocket  her  career  because  she  was known  as  the  most  viewed  person  on  the  website . her  family  found  out  just  like  the rest  of  the  world  did  &  received  a  lot  of  backlash . her  parents  was  ashamed of  her & cut all ties with her .  saskia  knew  she  wasn’t  protected  anymore ,  she  feared  for  her  life  after  she  was getting  death  threats  & decided  to  go  into  hiding  .  papa  legba  approached  her  and  offer  her  a  deal  that  she  couldn't  refuse . of course ,  she  was  desperate  &  wanted  the  hate  to  stop ,  but  didn't  realize  what  she  was  getting  herself  into . it  seems  like  all  her problems  went  away  because  no  one  blinked  an  eye  nor  asked  questions  about  her past career anymore . she  took  the  time  to  reinvent  herself  by  becoming  a  successful musician  and  fashion  designer . but  , she  knows  that  everything  comes  with  a  price  and  she's  worried  that  it's  going  to  be  someone  that  she  cares  about .
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angioponder · 5 years
ultimately walking
Fandom: VIXX OT6 (Platonic/Friendship) Genre/Warnings: humor, crack, fluff  Word count: 1556w
author’s note:  also on AO3 (@angioponder) hb to my cuppycake.<3 hope this brought a smile to your lovely face. being your best friend and roommate over the years made me so happy. thanks for letting me love you with gifts like this. i miss you lots!
list of the songs referenced are at the end. enjoy~
Hakyeon awoke due to someone beating harshly on the door of his brand new apartment. He feigned sleep in hopes that whoever was outside would leave, thinking the flat to be empty. But after a pause of silence, the banging only came back louder and harder. 
A barely open, one-eyed peek at the phone he dragged out from under his pillow told him it was ten in the morning—quite a bit later than he usually got up due to all the unpacking he had to do the night before.
Wondering who it could be, he begrudgingly left the comfort of his warm bed, lugging the sheets over and around his body as he tried very hard to send messages from his brain to his foot to move in front of the other, and vice versa. At some point, it didn't really matter how he got to the door, as long as he could keep himself upright and moving forward to open the damn thing and send whoever interrupted his sleep far, far away.
When Hakyeon reached his destination, he leaned—more like ungracefully banged his forehead due to sleep deprivation—against the door to peer through the peephole. As soon as his eyes adjusted to see past the lens properly, he threw his sheets off to the side and practically ripped open the door to reveal his bandmates standing out in the hallway. Now fully awake, he was about to hug them all happily for following through with visiting him in his new home, but that died when he saw how visibly apprehensive they were.
“What? What what is it? What?” Hakyeon did a sweep across all of them really quickly.
Taekwoon was sporting coffee stains on his white sweater, Jaehwan was holding Special K under one arm and a bowl of milk in the other, Hongbin was wearing that god-awful green scarf that made him look like your gossipy neighborhood auntie, Wonshik was sleep-standing until he woke himself up with a snore, and Sanghyuk was, well, he was big. So, really nothing out of the ordinary.
Hakyeon relaxed a smidgen, crossing off the possibility of them being physically harmed in some fashion. Something was still off, but he couldn’t figure it out at the moment. He pointedly looked at Taekwoon, who was chewing on his pale fingers.
“I take it you you're not here to visit your most favorite hyung just because you realized your undying love for him and miss him very, very much ever since he moved out.”
“Oh, honestly!” Hakyeon mocked a shocked gasp, “Humor me a little bit more than that. I'm hurt.”
“Yes! I mean yes! Definitely all that—yes, yes but also,” Taekwoon glanced to his side at the other four who have a mixed array of emotions on their faces, all their lips held tight in a line. “I don’t really know what happened but,” he seemed like he was trying to come up with an explanation but settled with, “something’s wrong with them.”
“O-kay?” Hakyeon tilted his head. “Something’s always wrong with them, but I have a really bad feeling that’s not it.”
Taekwoon clapped his palm over Jaehwan's general face without missing a beat. Unsurprisingly, Wonshik did the same to Hongbin and Sanghyuk, reducing whatever retort all of them were making into muffles. When it looked like their protests directed to Hakyeon were over, Taekwoon and Wonshik retracted their hands.
“It’s not the usual thing this time just—” Taekwoon shoved them all forward towards the doorway, “we might want to be indoors for this.”
Everyone shuffled inside towards the bare living room, past the stacks of empty boxes that have been tetris-arranged inside of each other. It was a good thing too, Hakyeon thought as he watched them try to fit themselves on his couch in vain, limbs spilling over the armrests and all over the carpet on the livingroom floor of his one bedroom apartment.
“So, what’s this about?”
Nobody replied. Taekwoon nudged Hongbin with his elbow and pointed his chin towards Hakyeon. Hongbin sighed deeply then opened his mouth.
“I'm singin' in the rain,” he sang with heavy dread, “Just singin' in the rain. What a glorious feeling,” he drawled in disdain, “I'm happy again.” The whole room watched Hongbin continue his song as he dragged his body listlessly around, with a few half-hearted heel clicks here and there. By the end of his… performance of sorts, Hongbin was clenching his whole body in what one could only describe as mortifying agony. Jaehwan and Sanghyuk was, laughing at him, as is expected.
“That was… a great rendition,” Hakyeon clapped slowly, hesitantly. “So… what I got from that was Hongbin’s been practicing for a musical he got casted in, and he wants my feedback? Well, I’d say you need to fix your face a little. You look incredibly sour for someone who’s supposed to be happy after a great date with your lover.”
“No, no, you don’t get it,” Taekwoon tried, “he’s—”
“—running for his life, from Shia LaBeouf!” Wonshik launched himself off the couch and burst into song. “He’s brandishing a knife, it's Shia LaBeouf! Lurking in the shadows,” he bellowed, “Hollywood superstar Shia LaBeouf!”
“ …What? Is going on?” Hakyeon shivered as Wonshik, wide eyed and distressed, climbed on top of the coffee table and proceeded to bust out some very dramatic, interpretive dance moves. “What’s happeni—Wonshik are you biting my thigh!?”
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out! Ever since you left, it comes out like this whenever they try and speak as if—”
“If you were gay,” Jaehwan chimed in harmoniously, “that'd be okay. I mean 'cause, hey!” he pranced on over to Taekwoon, “I'd like you a-ny-way. Because you see,” he locked arms with him, “If it were me! I would feel free to say that I was gay, but I'm not gay!”
Taekwoon pried himself out of Jaehwan’s tight grasp and tried to cling on to Hakyeon while confetti and glitter magically rained down on them—wait what?
“They won’t respond in anything but singing and dancing,” Taekwoon said, “I even looked up their symptoms on the interne—”
“The internet is for porn!” Sanghyuk sang enthusiastically. “The internet is for porn! Why do you think the net was born? Porn! Porn! Porn!”
“You're joking, right?” Hakyeon said as Sanghyuk continued screaming porn repeatedly while holding his hands in a recitation handclasp and bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet to the melody in his head. “Taekwoon, come on. This can't be serious.”
Then out of nowhere, Jaehwan, Wonshik and Hongbin—almost escalatory and frantically so—resumed singing and dancing their own respective songs on top of each other in a jumbled mess, all at the same time.
Hakyeon was starting to feel slightly delirious.
“I seriously think they're cursed or something, Hakyeon.” Taekwoon said as chaos ensued right before their eyes. “Wonshik wouldn’t be doing all of this out of his own volition, especially not Hongbin,” he commented as they watched all the self-loathing radiate from Hongbin’s body. “Though I'm not sure I can say the same for Jaehwan and Sanghyuk.”
While that seemed to be true, Hakyeon couldn't ignore the red tiredness under their swollen eyes. Maybe something actually happened, then.
“So, what now?”
“Come home,” Taekwoon said, trying not to make too much eye contact, “with us?”
With us. Hakyeon paused. Come home.
His eyes drifted next to Taekwoon, where a group photo from the night of their debut five years ago was hanging—the only decorative item on display in the whole apartment aside from his favorite family portrait.
“You think it might ‘break the curse’ they're under?”
Taekwoon looked at him with those eyes and shrugged. “Worth a try.”
Truth is, watching them take up what was once a large amount of space in his one bedroom flat made him feel almost suffocated, that is, if it he didn't adore them all so, so much. But it was a familiar, loving type of suffocating, where it was difficult to not feel loved when it surrounded him from corner to corner. Moving out was such a bittersweet thing. Hakyeon may not necessarily enjoy every single moment of living together, but he does miss them—all the time.
Real curse or not, he’d do anything for them at the end of the day. Unfortunately for him, he wouldn’t be able to leave them die in a ditch, even if he tried. And they’d do the same for him, probably.
“Fine,” Hakyeon groaned. “I'll pack enough for the weekend and go.” He stomped into his unmade bedroom, pretending to be irritated. “I must be cursed to be bonded with you all forever.”
On Sunday night, the main door of their dorm finally shut after saying goodbye for roughly an hour, leaving the living room a little colder and quieter than it was. Jaehwan, Wonshik, Hongbin and Sanghyuk turned to Taekwoon.
“Should we play pretend again so hyung will come back and stay over next weekend?”
“Or, or maybe play it up a little more so we can extend it to weekdays too?”
“No, no we might make it too obvious!”
“Hyung can be dense as a humidifier, what are you talking about?”
“Yeah, I miss him too.” Taekwoon shook his head and laughed to himself. “Now go research more musicals for next week.”
author’s note:
a wee bit late but we realized it was april fool's yesterday right before posting this ahahahaha so fitting!
Singing in the Rain by Gene Kelly Shia LaBeouf by Rob Cantor If You Were Gay by Avenue Q The Internet is for Porn by Avenue Q
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glucophage5mg · 3 years
Kai Greene Net Worth 2021: Age, Height, Weight, Girlfriend, Dating, Bio-Wiki
Kai Greene Net Worth 2021: Age, Height, Weight, Girlfriend, Dating, Bio-Wiki
Kai Greene Celebrated Name: Kai Greene Real Name/Full Name: Leslie Kai Greene Gender: Male Age: 46 years old Birth Date: 12 July 1975 Birth Place: Brooklyn, New York, United States Nationality: American Height: 1.73 m Weight: 129 kg Sexual Orientation: Straight Marital Status: In a Relationship Wife/Spouse (Name): N/A Children: No Dating/Girlfriend (Name): Yes (Dayana…
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abtc · 3 years
Dan Ahdoot Net Worth, Height, Nationality, Movies, Age, Ethnicity
Dan Ahdoot Net Worth, Height, Nationality, Movies, Age, Ethnicity
Dan Ahdoot is an American actor, producer, comedian and writer who featured in the television comedy-drama series titled “Cobra Kai.” Apart from acting, Dan Ahdoot has developed a number of television shows for the likes of CBS, Hulu, Freeform, and others. Dan Ahdoot is an alumnus of Johns Hopkins University and he also served as host of the food podcast titled “Green Eggs and Dan.” Dan…
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esquicios · 5 years
7 years in divorce: Schwarzenegger is still married
Despite the known risks, his business partner Lester Clark pleads for the lucrative order. Breslin can then be "kidnapped" and stunned. When a fellow prisoner is killed on the transport, the admission to prison The grave does not take place as expected and the emergency code word does not work, Breslin senses a trap. It turns out that Willard Hobbs, the director of the new facility, is teaming up with Clark who wants to get rid of his partner. Tom Hanks is considered one of the strongest character actors in all of Hollywood and has twice won the Oscar in the category "Best Actor" (1994 for "Philadelphia"; 1995 for "Forrest Gump"). He became internationally known through the film character Madea, the character is a tough older black woman, whom he played several times. The all-rounder received the Chairman's Award and the NAACP Image Award and was nominated for numerous awards. (c) Denis Makarenko / Bigstock.com $ 500 million in assets of US movie star George Clooney. Eight presidents died in office. Half of them (Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy) died from murder with a firearm, other causes of death died from William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Warren G. Harding and Franklin D. Roosevelt. Barack Obama has been the ninth president in a row since Lyndon B. Johnson to succeed incumbent Kennedy, who died in 1963. "The Green Mile" (1999), "Catch Me If You Can" (2002) and "The Da Vinci Code - Sakrileg" (2006) are just a few more examples in this illustrious series. The governor was born in Austria but lives the American Dream with an estimated net worth of $ 300 million. The oldest governor at present is the Alabam head of state Kay Ivey at the age of 75, Ron DeSantis from Florida at the age of 40 is the youngest incumbent of a governorship in the United States. The youngest governor ever was Stevens Mason, who was elected governor of Michigan in 1835 at the age of 24. 14 presidents were previously vice presidents. Eight (Tyler, Fillmore, A. Johnson, Arthur, T. Roosevelt, Coolidge, Truman, L. Johnson) took office following the death of the President, one (Ford) for the President resigning during the term.
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The prison director wants to get information about a criminal named Mannheim, whom he believes Rottmayer has worked for him, and have a peek at this website Rottmayer is torturing again and again. Breslin discovers that one could possibly get outside via a shaft in the isolation cells.
"Friendly Agreement"
Century, while all four promoters in the 19th century were not re-elected. After the area of ​​what is now the state of California, an area of ​​around 423,000 square kilometers, fell to the United States as a result of the Mexican-American War from 1846 to 1848, it was initially administered by the federal government in Washington. The US president had to appoint a military governor, which was the first time in December 1849.
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naijawapaz1 · 5 years
Laneya Grace Earned Thousands Through Modeling; Her Net Worth
Laneya Grace Earned Thousands Through Modeling; Her Net Worth
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Born Name Laneya Grace Birth Place California Height 5 feet 5 inches Eye Color Green Zodiac Sign Cancer Nationality American Ethnicity White Profession Model Net Worth $500 thousand Weight 40 kg Age 15 years old Sibling Kay Stevenson Parents Thomas Stevenson
Last Updated on September 12, 2019
Isn’t it amazing to come into the limelight through hard work despite being…
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monkeyjeff4 · 5 years
National Cheat Sheet: Amazon makes HQ2 split official, SoftBank invests $3B in WeWork… & more
Clockwise from top left: Amazon announces plans to divide its HQ2 between Long Island City and Crystal City, WeWork secures a $3B investment from SoftBank, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices plans to open up new offices abroad, and the MTA will shell out $35M for Grand Central Terminal.
Amazon announces plans to split its HQ2 between Long Island City and Crystal City After months of speculation and unconfirmed reports, Amazon finally made its long-awaited HQ2 announcement Tuesday. The Seattle-based company said that it would divide its second headquarters between Crystal City in Virginia and Long Island City in New York. The e-commerce behemoth also plans to open a “regional hub” in Nashville for its retail operations division’s tech and management functions. New York State has said it plans to dole out $1.7 billion in tax credits and grants to Amazon for choosing Long Island City, while Virginia has promised to provide the company $574 million in incentives and rebrand Crystal City as “National Landing.” [TRD]
WeWork secures $3B investment from SoftBank, reaching $45B valuation SoftBank is investing $3 billion in WeWork, giving the rapidly expanding co-working giant a valuation of $45 billion, according to various news reports. The investment will land WeWork in second place on the list of the country’s most valuable startups, surpassed only by Uber and one place ahead of Airbnb. The infusion won’t be SoftBank’s first investment in WeWork. The Japanese conglomerate’s Saudi Arabia-backed Vision Fund invested $4.4 billion in the startup last year and another $1 billion in August through a convertible note. WeWork reported a revenue of $1.2 billion in the first three quarters of 2018, and the investment comes as the company continues to grow. [TRD]
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices to open up new offices abroad Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices (BHHS) has global aspirations. The residential brokerage plans to expand to Dubai, Milan, and Vienna, and will partner with Kay & Co. to open up to 10 new offices within the next decade, according to Bloomberg. The company is also eyeing Hong Kong, Madrid, Mexico City, Paris, and Tokyo as it looks to expand. “We’ve got a number of markets already teed up,” Gino Blefari, CEO of HSF Affiliates, which oversees BHHS, told the outlet. “Eventually we’ll be in all the major metropolitan markets.” BHHS, the second-largest real estate brokerage in the country, recently expanded in Boston and last year bought Westchester County-based brokerage Houlihan Lawrence and the Long & Foster Cos. [TRD]
$1B public offering will allow Boston Properties to invest in more green projects Boston Properties hopes to raise $1 billion in a public offering and put the expected $988.1 million in proceeds toward green projects across the country. The company already owns and manages 20 million square feet of LEED Gold and LEED Platinum-certified projects, including the Salesforce Tower in San Francisco, which it co-owns with Hines. Boston Properties has pledged to cut its greenhouse gas emissions and its water and energy use by 2025. If the public offering is a success, the company will also repay debt and invest in a short-term securities purchase. The public offering is expected to close at the end of the month. [TRD]
The MTA will pay $35M for Grand Central Terminal instead of continuing to lease New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority has been leasing Grand Central Terminal, but now it plans to buy it. The MTA said this week that it would purchase the famous transit hub, along with the Hudson Line from Grand Central to Poughkeepsie and the Harlem Line to Dover Plains, for $35 million. MTA Chief Development Officer Janno Lieber said in a statement that it was cheaper for the MTA to buy the terminal than to continue renting it until 2274, when its lease is up, given current interest rates. “Financially, it makes sense; operationally it makes sense,” MTA board member Carl Weisbrod told the Wall Street Journal. [TRD]
Real estate firm fires agent who mocked Andrew Gillum supporters A South Florida company axed one of its real estate agents after a video showed her mocking supporters of gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, the Daily Business Review reported. Gillum, a Democrat, conceded to former Rep. Ron DeSantis on election night, but withdrew his concession amid a recount. Over the weekend, United Realty Group agent Liliana Albarino-Olinick took part in various chants, saying that Gillum’s supporters only wanted him to be mayor “because is black” and calling them “racists,” according to the outlet. Olinick later apologized, saying the incident wasn’t indicative of “the person that I am.” [TRD]
Morningstar founder Joe Mansueto drops more than $100M on Chicago building Morningstar founder and billionaire Joe Mansueto has paid more than $100 million for the iconic Belden-Stratford apartments in Chicago. PGIM is selling the Beaux Arts building to Mansueto, who recently purchased the Wrigley Building for around $255 million. Belden-Stratford houses 297 units and is on the National Register of Historic Places. Mansueto, who is now the executive chairman of Morningstar, has an estimated net worth of $3.6 billion. Earlier this year, he bought a 49 percent stake in the Chicago Fire, a Major League Soccer franchise. As for Belden-Stratford, it is nearly fully occupied. [TRD]
Netflix leasing more Hollywood office space as it continues to invest in programming Netflix is leasing 355,000 square feet of office space in Hollywood. The streaming giant’s lease at Kilroy Realty’s Academy on Vine project, which is still under construction, will start in 2020. Last month, the company announced that it would lease the 13-story Epic office development that’s under construction on Sunset Boulevard, in addition to extending its leases at the Icon building and the Cue building on the Sunset Bronson Studios lot. Netflix’s real estate expansion mirrors its investments in its programming. A Goldman Sachs projection indicated that the company would spend around $13 billion on content this year. [TRD]
Compass buys DC-based brokerage for an undisclosed sum SoftBank-backed Compass has snapped up Washington D.C.-based Wydler Brothers Real Estate as it continues to expand across the country, Inman reported. The deal means that Compass, which broke into the D.C. market approximately four years ago, will now have more than 500 agents in the area, according to the outlet. Earlier this year, Compass bought West Coast brokerage Pacific Union International Realty and San Francisco-based Paragon. BHHS PenFed Realty, Century 21 New Millennium, and Keller Williams Capital Properties are among Compass’ primary D.C. competitors. Compass currently has more than 7,000 agents across the country. [TRD]
Hawaii has most expensive single-family home sale ever on Kauai A waterfront estate on Kauai has sold for $46.1 million in the most expensive single-family home sale Hawaii has ever seen, the Wall Street Journal reported. A trust created by William Strong, the former head of Morgan Stanley’s Asia Pacific operations, and his wife listed the property for $70 million in May 2017, so the home known as Hale ‘Ae Kai did take a price chop. The 15-acre estate has six bedrooms, exterior decks, pools and media and exercise rooms, as well as a farm where coconut trees, exotic palms and other plants grow. Before this, the highest single-family home sale in Hawaii was a Maui home that sold for $41.8 million in 2015. [TRD]
Source: https://therealdeal.com/2018/11/16/national-cheat-sheet-amazon-makes-hq2-split-official-softbank-invests-3b-in-wework-more/
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