#kaido and his calamities
kobb4ni2 · 9 months
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Just imagine. Sea Serpent! Reader who is EXTREMELY HUGE/TALL. Like this is one piece man everyone is tall a$$ fvck bro, but like in Google it says that a sea serpent is 60.96 metres or 200 feet in my research so uh.. IMAGINE Sea Serpent! Reader who just woke up from a hibernation and already started going attention from the World Government, they try their best to recruit you so they sent the admirals but ohhh boy.
Since Akainu, Kizaru and Kuzan were the first person you've met after a very long time, you picked them up on their coats like how a mother cat picks up their kittens and how they tried their best to get out of your grasp but when you put them on your hands near your BIG BWEEBIES (I LOVE BEWBIES :3 I'm a fucking lesbo) . They really tried their best not to look on your chest (Kizaru is trying his best.) Akainu being the more professional one he tried his best to follow his orders while Kizaru and Kuzan were just basically using the devil fruits around you.
Kizaru could just be in your palms and in a second next to your shoulders, while Aokiji was secretly using the highest temperature he could do so he can see your reaction (kinda kinky ngl). Akainu is out here trying his best not to melt those two. You really tried your best to listen to Akainu's proposal yet you can't when you're out here squishing each of the Admirals cheeks:3
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Let's say you agreed to be in the marines cuz why not? It's been a long time since you felt the thrill of an adventure! And somehow you were already high ranked because of your brutal strength, plus your fishmen karate you could practically control tides. The world government tried their best to not let your presence be known in public cuz bro. YOU ARE BASICALLY A WALKING HISTORY BOOK FOR HOW OLD YOU ARE.
You were immediately given a high ranks as a Vice Admiral, the world government then gave you a house...or beach?...Body of water? I DUNNO but a big place with water that's your home :3. You only spend most of your days, there only being visited by higher ups and the forced isolation were already yandere tendencies to the Admirals + Platonic Yanderes such as Sengoku and Garp.
Corazon and Coby (Sea Serpant! Reader was found way before) were only exeptions to see you, and they were immediately HEAD OVER HEELS. Corazon could not think straight or THINK whenever you're mention in a conversation, he would just immediately day dream. Size difference? I mean yea the only smallest form you can turn is like 20 feet or something BUT IT CAN WORK IT WILL WORK (take that as you can 😈) Sengoku is Corazon number 1 hype man🔥 While Garp is Koby's hype man lol :3
Now if you were lucky enough to even have some kind of freedom but if some kind of MIRACLE you were placed as a Vice Admiral picking up the Warlords when it comes to a serious meeting it would be an interesting sight, let's just say that they went to the meeting not because they were interested in the shit show of a meeting but they do want to see the 200 feet tall Sea Serpent again...
AND QIQBAIA8 And since you were found long before, let's imagine that you were a Rocks Pirate. (I HAVEN'T READ THE MANGA YET SO SORRY IF MY INFORMATIOM OF THE ROCKS PIRATES SUCKS). You were the eye candy of the Rocks Pirate. Big Mom, Kaido, and Newgate would always be 24/7 ON YOUR SIDE, they will one make you join their family one day !!
After many years they are still doing so, Kaido making you marry one of his calamities. The Tobi Ropo even tried some flirty moves on you, but Yamato. Dear lord. Even with or without his father's consent YAMATO. WILL. MARRY. YOU. END. OF. STORY.
You and King got really close after you tell some brief mentions of the Lunarian race back on your days, and that's what bonded you guys, yet everytime he was near you and you started talking about his race, he can only day dream of you with a traditional Lunarian ring (or any courting object), on your hands with....children around you with brown skin, black wings with fire, some has some long tails that suspectedly looks similar to yours...Wait. IS HE THINKING THAT YOU AND HIM CAN RE POPULATE THE WHOLE LUNARIAN RACE WITH A MIX OF YOURS! END HIM NOW!!
While Yamato is out here telling you that you are his Toki to his Oden, (corny, but its Yamato I forgive him :3) and since he's Oden, he must create a family with you! He would thunder bagua anyone's ass if they tried to even break his dream! No more of that!!
And you know the drill YEAA BIG MOM, RAGGH. Big Mom out here making you marry any of her children especially her Sweet Generals, the best for you ♡
You and Katakuri connect when it comes to your sharp teeths, plus Katakuri never felt so small in someone eyes until he met you, the very first time he layed his head on your cheek or your long tail as you sweetly careless him telling him to let go of his stress, he never felt this way..he felt so well treated, he now just Katakuri, the Katakuri that didn't need to hide his sharp teeth, instead loved from you. He never felt this way of submission...
Cracker and Smoothie too felt the same, their mother is a bad one indeed so when they are on your presence they could just relax and be caresses by you while they lay on your chest ♡ (Cracker isn't looking, he swear he isn't 👀)
Whitebeard is the same as those two but more cunning perhaps (in his own way). Both Kaido and Linlin are evil yes. But Whitebeard might be a pirate but he is far from evil, he is an honorable pirate the clashed with the greatest Pirate of all time, he has that (DAWG IN HIM) sense of respect, his opinion and decisions are always noble ones too, so what ever he says must be true and reasonable...right?
Do you like Marco, his first division a healer who would take absolute care about you, or Ace his second division, you would never get bored with him while he is around! Izo? The Samurai who was a follower of the Great Kozuki Oden! He dances so elegant from his homeland! Choose my dear, he just wants you to be apart of his family so badly!!
I can yap about this all day but I got school yall plus I don't really think any of you will like this idea. Also whoever tries to even have sex with Sea Serpent! Reader, their ass would NOT be walking the next day💀👆🔥
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Hide yall ladies/manz Sea Serpent! Reader is in town😞‼️
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veryace-ficrecs · 10 days
Big Mom fics? She's my favorite One Piece villian and I haven't been able to find many good fanfics about her.
Of course!!
Big Mom Fic Recs
an alternate take by sanjitea - Rated T
In which Big Mom is a person of her words, and Luffy vs. Sanji fight never happened. During a fateful wedding day, the fight exploded into Straw Hats vs. Big Mom vs. Vinsmokes factions. An alternate take in Whole Cake Island where Sanji gave up and agreed to marry, Straw Hats tried to take their cook back, and everyone was racing against time.
Anti-Hero by Cherreymoon - Not Rated
He quickly pulled his feet out of the water and lowered his head with wide eyes to look at his reflection below. He was a boy in his early teens (though he was tall, over 300 centimeters in height) with a hooked nose and a large, full-lipped mouth. He had a pair of massive white-gray pointed horns protruding from his sides, curving slightly forward. His hair was black, reaching his shoulders, and he wore a scarf. He stared into his sharp yellow-eyed gaze and could see his intense fear there. Oh God, he’s Kaido, the Oni, and the King of Beasts.
Very similar but also very different. Read about Kaido, the beastly pirate who struggles with drinking problems but is also Kaido, the reckless friend and brother who cannot resist his instinct to adopt every child he sees on the street.
All That Glitters Is Gold by pomorama - Rated T
The Dark Age of Piracy. The Herald of Calamity. The Age of Change. These were the golden years of upstart pirates who would shake the world to its very core, who’s legacies would live far beyond what they ever could’ve imagined. Of marines who would shape the very nature of the organization for decades to come. It was an age of backstabbing and deceit. A bloodthirsty, selfish era of those testing the limits of what power could be achieved. There were also a damn lot of kids running around. Or: Big Mom raises a literal army, Whitebeard collects teenagers, and the author realizes Roger is Fucking Old™ and throws in another kid just to see what would happen.
Caramel by shallowsusceptibility - Not Rated
“Mother Carmel.” She hears Big Mama sometimes whisper to her quietly in the middle of the night, like she was made only to be told of things no one must ever hear. “This is you, right? You look just like her.”
As a Charlotte Child by SiZodiac (fakescorpion) - Rated M
Charlotte Linlin wasn’t always an Emperor, and it was not so easy growing up or surviving as children of a neglectful pirate mother. This was the beginning before Big Mom Pirates fame.
Cookies and caramels by Rigvende - Rated G
While Big Mom is eager to conquer the seas, her eldest children are learning life themselves - as far as their young understanding is enough.
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pumpkinspice-tanuki · 3 months
Bushi updated
"Kiri din't you said bushi won't be a canon oc ?"
I changed my mind . I get attached to the little baby fish so(I still gonna use the old design this one is a post wano)
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Name: bushi
Gender: male
Age: 5 year-old (born a February 10)
Species: fishman(ice fish)
Personality: bushi is a fishchild. He's curious and tend to ask many things to people . Either it irritated them or they don't mind . Bushi is also kind . Maybe too much. At point to give his food to other kids in wano even if they tend to treat him like a monster and push him on ground. Bushi tend to being intimidated when he see other person of his father's knowledge. Bushi is also empathy despite his young age. He can be a brat sometimes
Sasaki: father
Unnamed fishwoman: biologic mother(estranged)
Kiri: adopted/step mother
Denki: uncle figure/friend
Denjiro/kyoshiro: godfather(somehow complicatedafter event of wano)
Maguro and namazu: paternal grandparents
Mino mekakiji and oritsu: maguro side uncle and aunt
Ikkaku take and ohyo: namazu side aunt and uncles
Nazu: cousin
Other tobiroppo:
Who's who black maria and ulti: afraid of(he think they're scary)
Page one: good company(page one doesn't really likes to watch him but still prefer his company over his sister)
X drake: unknown(bushi doesn't really know him)
Queen and jack: afraid of
King/alber: good company(oddly bushi isn't scared of Alber and is even curious about him)
Other beast pirates:
Bao huang: friend/aunt figure
Kaido: afraid of
Orochi: unknown
Bushi's favorite food is rice ball and dango
Bushi's least favorite food are asparagus
Bushi's hobby is playing and drawing generally with denki and bao huang
Just like kiri Bushi has habit to sleep on sasaki's belly. Because to them "it's more comfy than the pillow"
Orochi and kaido already offer devil fruit to bushi but sasaki never allowed this. Everytime he sees orochi near of bushi sasaki gets mad and don't hesitate to beat orochi . He doesn't want his son to lose his ability to swim like him
Sasaki doesn't over protect bushi unlike somes think. He does give him somes liberties like when bushi go outside onigashima he always let Someone to come with him as he can't be always here . He noticed later that bushi sharing but other treat him bad
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bottlepiecemuses · 2 years
Terrible Writing Advice On Smart Characters: One Piece
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How nice this episode of Terrible Writing Advice drops while we are on Egghead Island because it brings up how not to do a smart type of character. And I realized how in many ways that the Strawhats has many types of smart characters. Not one is an expert in everything and is disciplined in a certain field. For the strawhats who are disciplines here is the list: Chopper-medicine; Nami- navigation/weather; Franky-machinery/shipwright; Robin- archeologist; tinkering- Ussop. A lot of their skills have been used for exposition and for combat as well. Look at how Ussop makes weapons for many people, Franky as well. Chopper made the rubble balls and Nami again uses the climatact and her knowledge of weather science and later weather sorcery to help her fight. Again their fields help them achieve their goals and serve as a theme of how each one brings something to the table to make their crew succeed. It shows how being the smart guy can be versatile. 
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As for the mad scientist part, we have tons of mad scientists in One Piece which includes the likes of Caesar Clown, Judge, Queen, and Hogback. One interesting thing is that many have expertise in a field or two. For instance, Judge is focused on cloning, genetic engineering, and super weapons, Queen has focus on bio-weapons, cybernetics, and machinery, Caesar Clown on chemistry and biogenetics,  and Hogback is on medicine. Of course, as shown here the mad scientist part is because of how unethical they can be but it is shown again these people have a focus on a field and know how to really use it and usually stick to their field of knowledge when you see how they work. And again all these people seem to be skilled in a certain discipline instead of instantly being an expert in all fields unlike other scientists in other media. 
Another thing noticed is that again cut Luthor a check is averted because they do sell their skills to others. With Caesar Clown being the most prominent, since he’s part of the Smile’s operation and sells his bioweapons. While Judge doesn’t sell his stuff, he does use his expertise to sell his services as assassins. Queen and Hogback don’t do that type of stuff but just serve their masters. With Hogback, he already made money off from being a doctor and was just obsessed with mastering death to bring back the woman he lusted over. Queen himself is less focused on profit since he was a Calamity under Kaido, but also the fact he’s a sadist who wants to put new ways to do warfare. So, in a way, he doesn’t need money to really enrich himself
I do notice that of them all Caesar Clown tends to be the one who is both a hack when he tries to imitate Vegapunk but an expert when it comes to what his field is. I do think the reason why he’s second rate is because stuff like the artificial devil fruit are out of his field since Vegapunk is a rather versatile scientist who is beyond regulars. So Caesar set himself up for failure by trying to imitate Vegapunk’s mastery and it’s actually kind of a deconstruction of how a scientist can fail hard if they don’t know the mastery or expertise behind recreating another’s scientists work if they don’t have the skill. 
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And of course, we get to Vegapunk a character who until recently has finally revealed after being played up for many years. Of course, as we see he’s the embodiment of the archetype of the brainy scientist and is acknowledged as being ahead of his time so much that he’s said to be 500 years ahead. He does seem to be one of the few depicted omnicdisiplinary scientist which is a scientist who is presented as being able to do any science. And in a way, it also makes him a dangerous asset because he can create so much that it can become more and more a threat to the government’s standing. Another thing I notice from here that even though he’s multidisciplinary there are stuff he can’t know or do because of the difficulties replicating results. And another thing mentioned why he can’t sell his ideas is because of lack of funds and because it would be difficult for common people to replicate what he’s created. And again it’s a good look into what being a multidisciplinary scientist can be. It’s an aspect of a scientist I notice not utilized much for his archetype but it’s very interesting that Oda noted. 
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redhatmeg · 11 months
And now we have episode 1046, aptly titled Taking a Chance! The Two Arms Go into Battle!
Zoro finally regains strength and joins the battle that Sanji had to fight on his own with King and Queen.
Both Straw Hat boys start with a little bit of bickering as usual, and Sanji even says that he's gonna kick Zoro's ass, and what is it that Zoro says? "It's not mine ass you want to kick." He probably noticed that Queen keeps on talking about Judge, Germa etc. which annoys Sanji to no end (I will come back to this).
Then as they are preparing to take the to Lead Performers, we have this exchange:
Zoro: Hey, Twirly Eyebrows. If we win this battle...
Sanji: Yeah, it'll give us a glimse of Luffy becoming the King of Pirates!
Once again, they may bicker with each other, but they do care about Luffy and at this point in the story they want for their captain to become the Pirate King. And during the fight they usually take the stronger henchmen of the bad guy, so Luffy would be able to focus on fighting whoever he needs to fight. In this case Zoro and Sanji are taking King and Queen that describe themselves as Calamities that guard Kaido. It's only natural that Zoro and Sanji are fighting them, while their captain set himself a goal to take down Kaido.
But there is a moment when something goes wrong. Sanji's fighting is off and it seems that he got hit with something. Zoro even asks what's wrong and Sanji replies that ever since he took off his Germa suit for the third time his body felt odd. At first Zoro thinks that Sanji just isn't feeling well, but the cook replies: "I'm not saying I don't feel well. It's just that I felt strange."
Remember that Sanji at first didn't want to wear the Germa 66 suit becuase of the things it represents to him, but he decided to use it for the sake of the mission. He quickly realized there are some useful and interesting things he could do while wearing it, and he put it on two more times (one even in the bathhouse to use the invisiblity function). It can be that by now Sanji got used to his Germa suit and it's various functions and that's why it feels strange to him to not have it on. Maybe even some part of him wants to wear it constantly instead of relying only on his usual kicks and acrobatics.
And this thought scares him to some extend. Because he doesn't want to be like his family and doesn't want to rely on their technology. He maybe even worries that it will change him somehow. And Queen mentions that everybody in Germa is a cyborg and it's not humanly possible to light a foot on fire just like Sanji does it.
(Meanwhile Boss Hyogoro of the Flowers notices resemblance between Zoro and late daimyo of Ringo. So we have a juxtaposition of Sanji's roots and possibly Zoro's roots with Shimotsuki clan.)
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ikkaku-of-heart · 11 months
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@draconxs asked: (From Draconxs to Tomasu for a spooky drink) - While there was no way Kaido was going to beat out the old man's moonshine, he decided to fix the smuggler a flavorful drink suited to revive numbed tastebuds and all for a Halloween celebration. His drink would be delivered directly to the lighthouse first by flying all the way over to the foggy island in his snaking, serpentine dragon form. He was quick to shift forms so that the geezer didn't think he was an old one coming to sink the island for good and carried his batch of Dark and Stormy by hand. The glasses were a bit larger than normal so that he could handle it with ease, but he knew Tomasu was no slouch and can toss some back even with the likes of himself and so quantity of liquor was a non-issue. "Worororo! Still living I see? Good, means my trip wasn't a waste of time."
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Tomasu had known the Yonko was coming even before he saw the winding shadow among the dark clouds. Years of honing his Observation Haki and watching the skies and seas for trouble had given him a good sense for incoming danger. It was necessary both for his old smuggling career and his current job as a lighthouse keeper.
But while Kaido naturally brought with him an air of calamity and violence, it was much less pronounced as the dragon landed on the cliffside by the lighthouse. The drinks in his shifting claws further indicated that the man did, indeed, come in peace. A rare thing, and not an occasion Tomasu would snark at. Regardless of his mixed and often bittersweet feelings about Joras, he had a duty to protect it and its people. Provoking Kaido would be the opposite of that.
Besides, at his age, seeing a familiar face brought a pleasant sense of nostalgia, regardless of what their relationship had been.
"Heh. Don't go spreading that fact around," he chuckled, accepting the drink. The pleasant scent of whiskey, honey, and blackberries tickled his nose. Not his usual drink but far from unwelcome. Sweet stuff was hard to find on Joras. "Most from our days think I'm dead or forget I even existed, an' I like it that way. But I guess if it gets me a drink, I don't mind a few folks like yourself knowing I'm alive." At least, so long as it didn't cause harm to his island or his precious pirate granddaughter.
Taking a sip of the cocktail, the Ghostlight nodded in approval. "Good stuff. Not sure I was worth makin' the trip for, but since ya came all this way, figure ya ought t' stay for dinner. I'll send my grandsons into town t' fetch some supplies while we drink."
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
Hii! So, let me introduce you to not ye properly named crew (i call it the Pirate's Princess Crew but eh).
Ookami D. Mariss. 24 y/o (also her "present" is before the 2 years time skip) She is under heavy redoing rn, so i dont have her pic or i dunno if her surname will stay. But she was born as Kersley D. Mariss, to a Pirate Princess - which is basically a.. well smt like "Pirate King" in The Pirates of Carribean franchise. She has the power to lead all 4 of the Yonkos, and even tho is "born" with the title, the 4 Emperors needs to acknowledge her and swear her loyalty before she is "official". She was 15 when she got appointed as such, only 3 Emperors were present (which is minimum.) Kaido missing. And two out of three voted yes, Big Mom being the only against out of the three. She is cursed by a wolf god-like creature - tho by accident. So she can shapeshift into wolf. She wields the power of Voice (goes w/ being Pirate Princess). Also has dragon Zeyra and best wolf friend, Kasumi.
Her fav pastime is meditating.
2)Firstmate; Navigator
Then there is Ren, pic also in redoing. He is 29, nicknamed "The Knight" and wields buster sword. He honestly should get raise for all the bullshit he has to deal with in daily basis. Childhood friend of Mariss, but didnt see each other between 6 - well teen years.
He is the artist of the crew and his fav pastime is tattoing.
3)Chef, occasional healer
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(Vinsmoke) Trixie. Okay she is second ever made OP OC, and i made her like.. ages ago.. before the Vinsmoke ordeal was shown but holy shit she fits right in! She doesnt uses her surname. And she is older sister to Sanji (now i say she is twin to Reiju). She is 21 y/o but was born 24 years ago. TLDR: born, got experimented on, no result - Judges accidentally "kills her" and let her drifts on sea, so it would seem like horrible accident. She then gets find by The Great Calamity - chinese dragon-like sea spirit, known to feast on souls. And spents 3 irl lives in vacuum, her soul too weak to return to her body, but cant be consumed by the spirit due to Germa testing. Here finds here Mariss, driftinh in a sea and asks the Wolf god-like thing to save her. Which happens, cursing Mariss with shapeshifting powers in the process.
Trixie wields the cursed water powers and is skilled in close comba and bo-jutsu. Beside the whole soul eating problem, the only way the Germa's experiment can be seen is cuz she usually lacks empathy towards enemies and is very prone to anger. She is nicknamed "The Water Empress".
Also cant hold her liquor. Its bad. No tolerance at all. And she loses all of her sense when drunk, it got so bad that Mariss banned her from drinking, unless there is Ren or Mariss to take care of her.
Her fav pastime is bubblegum blowing, while thinking of new recepies. Loves ice cream. And similarly to liquor, she cant handle coffee. She gets even crazier after a cup, and gets migraines.
Oh and despite her being the less stable one out of the crew, everone ways expect Rita to be the psycho of the crew. Its not. Its Trixie.
4)Gunner/Sharp Shooter
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Akane Rita, 21 y/o ex-thief/killer-on-hire. Wields the power of God of Fire (based on Kagutsuchi mythology) and is skilled in firearms (Ekan still thinks its horrible idea to have the emodiment of fire dragon handle gunpowder 😂). Rita's fire actually has no shape, but to provoke Trixie she usually makes fire dragons. She has pair of pistols (Kagu and Chi) on her all the time, but also has rifle named Star, but can use huge variety of fire arms. Also has twin daggers named Sun and Moon from her thief days.
Due to her powers and Trixie powers.. the fight a lot. Usually just with snarky remarks, but sometime also with powers. Ren is on babysitting duty all the time.
Her fav pastime is cleaning guns and yes, she csn handle the spice (and is addicted to coffee)
5) Doctor
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Zaviria, 18 y/o - the youngest member and only DF user. She is quiet, but touch her plants and you are dead. Her parents are surgeon and chemic with aunt as herbalist, and she got smt from all of them. Cant find notes on her DF, but basically she could manipulate plants and flowers. She is the one who supplies Alix with poison. She prefers to breed her plants into using it as sleep/poison powders, so she wouldnt have to do the dirty work. Also, can throw needles with scaring precision and for some reason is WAY too good with alcohol. Likes horror and unsolved murders podcasts.
6) Scout/Assasin/Ninja-like
Alix. Boyfriend of Ren. 24 y/o. He is pretty new so i dont know much. Is stealthy, can kill variety of weapons and is skilled in posion usage etc. Has a hawk he can ride on. No pic yet. Only that he looks lanky and boyish, kinda like Luffy...but is older. Bestie with Zaviria and thinks of her as her younger sister. They listens to unsolved murders together. Also has immpecable sense of stability. Like man can SIT while standing on pole/string.
7) Shipwright and Helmsman
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Ekan, 20 y/o. They're 1/4 fishman. Grew up in grandfather's martial arts dojo and mum's shipwright company. Trained in fishman karate, can breath underwater and has weapon, but not sure what yet.
P.s. Rita/Trixie/Mariss are cold the "The Cursed Sisters". Rita has the most epiteph out of all: ^ that; "The Fire Empress" due to her powers and "The Red Death" when she briefly worked as bounty hunter when the crew was disbanded for a year.
((👉👈🥺 thats VERY brief introduction to my chaotic crew.. yet i still it might have been a bit too much. Pls dont bother to react if you would feel overloaded or smt. Have lovely dad!)) ((Also if you want to gush about your MCs, go on!)) ((Maybe.. can they handle alcohol? Are they like Trixie and absolitely not, or suprisingly well like Zaviria?))
Sorry this took so long to respond!! I wanted to wait when I got off!!
But they all sound amazing!! I think Roese and Zaviria could be friends!! Roese is a green witch so she makes medicines and talks to plants, she can also manipulate them at will, but isn't that strong yet haha!! So I think being doctors and plant lovers they would get along 💜💜💜
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luazasvogel · 1 year
"you're lucky you're cute." (black maria)
" is that what is lucky about me, now? "
King's voice was a low murmur. The Calamity wasn't often relaxed, or vulnerable, even now he wasn't. Mask still pressed over his face--his hair--yet he was a bit more relaxed around Black Maria as opposed to the rest of the Tobi Roppo. Part of it, perhaps, came from how close she seemed to easily be around Kaido. However occasional and rare those interactions may be.
Though he could not help but to be entertained by the idea he was 'cute.' What a foolish thing to say, and so far from reality, wasn't it? Perhaps when he was Alber he was something like that. He was sure Black Maria hadn't even seen his face...He may simply be thinking too much on the matter.
Even so, as his black wings settled behind him, partially splayed on the floor while he sits, he turned to look Black Maria in the eyes.
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" and why would you say that, hm? "
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Imagine roasting the shit out of Kaido, the all-stars', and tobiroppo
Game night
Kaido: (y/n), we've broken off into teams here's the line up list *hands you the list*
King: *downs a huge bottle of Vodka* I can't believe I let you talk me into this.
You: you didn't give your teams names
Kaido: no one ever names their team
You: can I name them?
Everyone: go for it
Ulti: *clinging to Page One* we're not playing your shitty game, fuck off
You: alright, remember you gave me permission for this
Queen: yeah yeah, scoot yer boot, we have a show to prepare for.
At the night's introduction
Apoo: AAAALLLLRIGHT! It's show time! Introducing our first team of the night, we have young master Yamato and the ever so stunning Black Maria on team...*mumbles to you* is this right?
You: yep, they let me pick all the team names
The crowd: *can hear both of you*
Apoo: oh God this is going to end poorly, but imma do it anyway. *Lifts the mic back up* team "Daddy issues!”
Yamato and Maria: *laughing at the team name and waving at the crowd*
Apoo: next up is Sasaki and Kyoshiro! On *trying not to laugh* team "Bingus and Cringus" my only question is who is Bingus and who is Cringus?
Kyoshiro: he's Cringus *points his thumb at Sasaki*
Sasaki: Ayoo!
Apoo: now we have Kaido the Calamity and Queen the plague, making team team "male spinsters"!
Queen: *loving the attention so much he doesn't notice the team name*
Kaido: *gives zero fucks but does think it's funny*
Apoo: next up is King the Wildfire! AAnnndd X DDDrAaAke! On team "big tiddy goth bf"!
King: *glaring in your direction*
Apoo: now give a warm welcome to team "this is my ass kicking outfit bitch"! Featuring Jack the Drought, and Who's-Who!
Jack: *tiredly waving at the crowd wanting this to be over so he can go to back to drinking his beer*
Who's-who: what sort of team name is that
King: *tosses an empty bottle of scotch aside* since you're stupid, on top of having poor taste, I'll explain it to you. They're ridiculing the way you dress
Who's-who: fuck both of you
Apoo: and finally we have team, "we're not playing your shitty game, fuck off" with Page One and Ulti
Ulti: I'll kill you!
Page one: *holding Ulti back* sis, please stop
Apoo: don't shoot the messenger
The crowd: *roaring with laughter*
Apoo: I think tonight's gonna *sings* be awesome
Kaido: get (y/n) a mic
Apoo: oh am I getting a co-host?
Kaido: at least for tonight
Apoo: alright you heard the man
You: *is handed a mic*
King: *who is kind of drunk and had refused to accept a mic, yanks X Drake and his mic up to his mouth* big tiddy goth bf? Really (y/n)? What would make you think that I have "big tiddies"?
You: I was going to give you two the male spinsters one, but I couldn't think of anything for Kaido and Queen, and I had more to work with with you two.
King: that doesn't answer my last question, what makes you think I have "big tiddies". You have no way of knowing.
You: King, sweetie, look at yourself. You're built like a brick shit house made out of smaller brick shit houses.
Kaido: wohororororo! I suppose to you he does seem like it to you.
You: good point, I am also tiny compared to you. So no matter what, whether I can see them or not, your tits will be big to me
King: ... *Can't think of a rebuttal* that's true, I guess
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kaizokuwritings · 3 years
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( 🪐 ) — unsuspected eαse. | king the wildfire + fem ! reαder (1.9K)
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+ summary you are part of the Beasts pirates but you did not choose this situation. no person, no activity finds grace in your eyes in your life. except one, who happens to be your superior.
+ note this writing has been in my drafts long enough and i wanted to share it here. i know how lame it is but i'd rather post it here than delete it. also, i wrote it long before his face was revealed to us <3
+ t.w | c.w possessive behavior, a bit toxic (that's just King)
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IT WAS AS YOU ENTERED THE ROOM that your muscles finally relaxed. Yet lightning was still present in your eyes, leaving no doubt as to your mood. You tried to catch your breath, which had quickened when you saw the debacle outside. But it was difficult when you could still hear the loud laughter and heavy voices of your crew.
You didn't want to be here. You shouldn't be here. Your very presence on this island made no sense. And yet you had to endure it, because you had no choice. You were forced by force, by fear. And it disgusted you. You had lost part of your crew, your captain, whom you loved so much because of Kaido. And to top it all off, you had been dragged by force to Onigashima to practice your first profession, medicine.
You usually loved it. Treating your patients was so satisfying. It lightened your heart, made you feel lighter. So when you added that to your thirst for adventure, you became the happiest woman on the seas. You used your knowledge of science to take care of your crew, your surrogate family. But Kaido's crew was far from being a family. Each member is wild, yearning only for strength. It can't even be called a pack, since individuality took precedence over the group, the unity.
Now you are forced to care for people, if you can call them that, who are repulsive to you. You didn't even want to care for them, to help them at all. No. You wanted to make their pain worse, to have them beg you for a little help. Because they took everything from you, everything. Hatred gnawed at you day after day, each time more when you were in contact with the most infamous characters of your new crew. The latter were starving the country in which they had settled, and to see them stuffing themselves on such a beautiful evening made you want to vomit.
If that wasn't enough, the Tobi Roppo showed up while you were talking with Kaido. At first, it seemed more annoying than anything else, but you had almost forgotten how inappropriate some of them were. Who's Who was the most disturbing. He was definitely the person you hated the most. It was because of this man that your crew had perished, because of him that you were left without family. And then that carnivorous look terrified you.
Even though he hid the upper half of his face with a red helmet, you knew very well when he looked at you, and especially how he looked at you. You could feel it, you could feel how his gaze burned your back as he followed your every move, you could feel his gaze burning your skin, like a white-hot iron. And above all, you hated it when he licked his lips, as if he was about to taste his favorite food. Every time you met him, your throat burned, you wanted to rush him and finish him off, no matter what might happen to you next. But you didn't, because the sight of him disgusted you to the point of pushing you away from him.
The only one who could make you feel safe in the same room as Who's Who was the first mate, King. For the good reason that he hated the Tobi Roppo and, like you, his attitude disgusted him. In his presence, Who's Who turned his attention from you to his superior. You were happy that King was hogging the pirate and you felt safe because you knew very well that at any moment the Calamity could destroy Who's Who. And most of all, King mysteriously had the ability to calm you down, even to make you smile, while he was dangerously cold and you knew his sadistic side. But anything was better than Who's Who.
You shook your head, trying for a moment to rid yourself of negative thoughts, to put your brain on pose and engage the autopilot, as you knew so well how to do since a few years. You got rid of your jacket, leaving only a simple tank top on your shoulders, as a heavy and hot atmosphere weighed on the island. Your hands, your arms moved automatically to tidy up your premises. All the people who helped you in your daily work as a doctor had gone to get drunk with the rest of the crew and that was the only good news of the day. You put away all your equipment, ready for the next day.
As your mind finally calmed down with the silence and solitude, the familiar sound of a door opening cut you off from your satiation. You turned around, already tired of having to talk to other human beings. But your eyes fell on familiar clothes and you had to look up to meet King's fiery eyes. You were tall for a human, but you still had to unscrew your head to look him in the eye. His fiery eyes had the effect they always have on you, and you felt your throat knot and your heart race.
King distracted you from your introspection by speaking up.
“We need to talk, (Name).”
His deep, serious voice sent a shiver down your spine. Strangely, it wasn't disturbing, but rather pleasant. With a sigh, you nodded. You thought you had already guessed why he was here. You sat down directly on a table to be more at King's level and stared at him, waiting rather patiently for him to start. For a moment he seemed to hesitate about his choice of words, but you couldn't be sure, since his face was unfortunately inaccessible to you.
“You don't take your role here seriously enough. I know you are usually calm and serious, but your behavior earlier with Kaido-san was completely out of place. You're lucky that he's in a good mood today, otherwise you'd be six feet under by now, and that would be a disservice to you. For everyone's sake, you should pull yourself together, and quickly, no matter how you feel.”
Of course, he was referring to the way you had addressed Kaido, and the way you acted in general with the rest of the crew. With Kaido, you were snippy and disrespectful. Usually, you would control yourself in front of him. He was so impressive and his strength could not help but command your respect, but the build-up of your tension and the arrival of the Tobi Roppo — and thus Who's Who — had fueled your anger and it fell on your captain. Fortunately for you, he was in a good mood and just rolled his eyes while dismissing you, as if nothing had happened.
But King's words pierced you. You had become used to having normal discussions with him, he spoke to you much more respectfully than the other men on this island and seemed to take your opinion into account. A kind of trust had been established between you, an unsuspected ease, giving you the impression to find some humanity in this bunch of beasts. His presence soothed you and he was one of the few, that is him and Queen, who made you smile. He made you feel human.
But the words they had just thrown in your face were cold, as if he were talking to a random member of the crew, as if you were nothing to him. He was mocking what you were feeling, mocking the reasons for your anger that he knew perfectly well. The rage you were trying to bury under indifference suddenly reappeared, feeding your body with an unusual energy. You didn't even bother to try to calm yourself down, it would have been useless.
“For the sake of everyone? But this isn't even a real crew! There is no such thing as everyone, only selfish brutes like you who only want power and violence. I don't owe you anything, you took everything from me! But yes, no matter how I feel, I'm just fresh meat to most of the men here. If I wasn't a doctor, we all know what I would have become. Don't talk to me about inappropriate behavior, I'm not the one being sadistic.”
You knew you shouldn't have said that. You were talking to your superior, a man known for his sadism and for his monstrous strength. But the rage was flowing through your veins, and to have been able to say out loud what you were thinking down deep felt great, no matter what was ahead of you now.
Unsurprisingly, you noticed that King's fire had increased in intensity and his eyes had become harder than usual, evidence that he too was getting angry. In just one step, he was on top of you, towering over you by a good head. Before you could even think of escaping, he grabbed your hair, holding you in place as he leaned over you, bringing his masked head closer to yours, allowing your nose to catch his scent. A mixture of ash and cedar, as if you were standing next to a burnt tree.
“You've been getting too comfortable with me, I'm your superior, so don't you dare talk to me like that again if you care about your pretty face. You need to get a grip. Your life before is over. Dwelling on the past does you no good, it only hurts you and fills you with rage. Your future is here, and you must do your job. You're good at what you do, and this is where you can get some peace. You will never have to prove and maintain your rank in the crew as others must do, for the simple reason that I chose it. Be grateful for that and don't you dare speak to me that way again.”
His voice was slow, giving a semblance of calm, but it was scathing, every word nailing you to the spot. His presence was so powerful you could feel it in your bones, and his hand tugging at your hair managed to wring a scream from you.
“Is that understood?”
You nodded, unable for the moment to open your mouth. His grip loosened until it disappeared, but his hand drifted to your neck, preventing you from pulling away from him. But even if you wanted to, you couldn't make a move.
“As for Who's Who, I personally made sure that he never had an inappropriate attitude towards you again. He will never come near you again.”
His voice had softened, regaining its calm, low tone. You frowned, however. You hadn't mentioned the name of the Tobi Roppo once, so how could he know?
“How could you know that...”
“I'm a keen observer, you know. I don't miss anything. And certainly not his disrespect towards you, and therefore towards me.”
His tone was amused now and almost comforting. As you tried to understand the meaning of his last sentence, his eyes fell on your lips and your heart went dangerously wild as one of his fingers traced the outline of your upper lip. The gesture was slow, burning, intimate.
Before you could question him, he had already stomped away from you and walked out with one last amused look on your completely disconcerted face. But a smile appeared on your lips still impregnated with his touch. A smile so sincere that it was reflected in your eyes as King's scent embraced you completely.
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TAGLIST : @angeltani + @gwedosuns + @lolli-ace
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© 𝐊𝐀𝐈𝐙𝐎𝐊𝐔𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. — all rights reserved. do not repost on any platform.
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rabbit-farts · 3 years
Teaching to share NSFW
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Forgive me but I had to...
Pairing: King x fem reader x Katakuri.
Words: 1,889.
Warnings: NSFW. Threesome, unprotected sex, spanking, choking, rough sex (what did you expect with these two?) and I think that's all. If you don't feel comfortable, please don't read it.
Lemon under the cut.
AN: Katakuri didn't go to Wano with Big Mom, but let's pretend that happens.
Here, reader's height is 4'50 meters (14' 9.2" ft).
She finally reached Wano. (Y / n) was going to meet Kaido and Big Mom, the two newly allied Yonko's. They had both wanted her on their side for a while, but she couldn't make up her mind, so this alliance just made things easier for her. It is better to have two Yonko on your side than to have the support of one and the other against you.
As soon as she arrived, two men were waiting for her. She recognized them immediately. King and Katakuri, commanders of Kaido and Big Mom respectively. They both escorted her to the great banquet that would take place that same night to celebrate their union with the alliance.
Before introducing herself to the two Yonko's, (y / n) __ was taken to change. Some women dressed her in a black silk kimono with patterned dragons.
When she left, she saw how the two men, who had been waiting for her outside all this time, looked her up and down.
(Y / n) pov
I clear my throat when I see the way their eyes roam my cleavage and the curves that the kimono reveals. As soon as they hear me, they both look anywhere but me and start walking with me following them.
When we finally arrive, they separate and go to sit with their respective crew at a different side of the large table. I take a seat in the middle of both sides.
Kaido and Big Mom welcome me and tell me how happy they are that I finally decided to join them.
The banquet progresses and I eat without paying attention to anything in particular. From time to time, my ear picks up something or other but I don't give it importance. Or so I was trying until I hear King and Queen arguing over all the conversations that take place in different parts of the table. Apparently Queen has thrown something.
—I'm not gonna blame you now—King tells him.—You've always been brainless. You are just a burden.
—You are trash.
—Shut up, you perverted sadist.— Queen replies calmly.
The conversation is over and everyone returns to their own business. I look back to the other end of the table and meet Katakuri's gaze. As soon as he sees that I've caught him watching me, he turns his head to one of his brothers.
I focus on my food again and think of Queen's words. What motives will he have for calling King a sadist pervert? Or better yet, why was katakuri staring at me?
Suddenly I feel two glances on me. King and Katakuri. I look at them and they are not looking at me anymore, they are looking at each other angrily. You don't have to be smart enough to see that they don't get along very well.
As the hours pass, the table empties until only me, Kaido's three calamities, and Big Mom's three sweet commanders remain.
Everything was going well until King and Katakuri put their hands on the same sake bottle, leading to a fight.
—Stop it once— I yell at them angrily causing them to stop punching each other.— Can't you behave like the grown men that you are supposed to be ?!— I ask them, shouting at these two idiots. King and Katakuri look into each other's eyes and seem to have thought of the same thing.
—(Y / n) __ is right, Katakuri. Should we teach her how well we behave?— He asks Katakuri without breaking eye contact with me.
I glance at Katakuri, who nods and slowly approaches me without ever breaking eye contact. I look up, but it doesn't last long. I scream when I feel that he grabs me by my waist and throws me over his shoulder to start walking, leading me to who knows where with King following him. He stops a few feet from a door and King passes him to open it, revealing a room. King's room.
As Katakuri walks into the room, King closes the door.
Katakuri throws me onto the bed and is soon on top of me. In that same instant, I understand what Queen said about King. He's a perverted sadist. I find myself entitled to say so as soon as I see him pull out some chains, which he uses to tie my wrists and ankles to the mattress. Once he has me tied down to his liking, he pulls out a small knife. Katakuri gets up and sits on the bed next to me, watching my facial expressions while King uses the knife to rip my clothes off.
Once naked, both men pounce on my body and run their hands up and down me. The two look into each other's eyes again. King seems to look at him defiantly. At this, Katakuri takes out his scarf. As he looks at me, a victorious smile adorns his face at having seen my big blush. How could I not blush to see his face so sexy and manly? Without taking his gaze from mine, he crouches at my chest to proceed to bring it to his mouth. As soon as his tongue makes contact with my skin, I moan as my head rolls back.
As that obscene sound leaves my lips, Katakuri looks at King challengingly.
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King stares at him and raises his hands to his helmet. He takes it off and looks at me. Seeing that my blush has increased to see how handsome he is, he looks at Katakuri proudly, he bends over me and gives me a big and passionate kiss that makes my whole body tremble.
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As soon as we part our lips, we look at each other for a few seconds and King starts tracing kisses from my jaw to my chest. When he arrives, he licks my entire breast from top to bottom and ends up biting my nipple a bit.
I try to compose myself so I can speak.
—Aren't you wearing too many clothes?— I ask, tired of being the only one naked as I sit on the bed.
—Yes. Is that a problem for you?— King asks me with a lopsided grin.
—No — his smile grows — Unless you want to fuck me — as soon as I say that, his smile disappears. Behind me I hear Katakuri's laugh.
—I think I can help you with your problem—Katakuri tells me. As soon as I hear his voice, I turn to give him my full attention as I look at him with a smile.
—Really? Well, all help is welcome — and then I wink at him.
Katakuri smiles at me, gets up and takes off his vest to throw it somewhere in the room. He unbuckles his belt, takes it off, and under my watchful eye pulls down his pants. Like his vest, the rest of his clothing ends up somewhere unimportant. Now he only has those black boxers left that let me see a big tent.
When he finally tries to take them off, I lick my lips to see what he hides under that annoying cloth.
Before Katakuri gets to do anything, King grabs my arm and turns me to him, angered by my inattention. He gets up and takes off his clothes under my disinterested gaze. Soon, my attention shifts back to Katakuri, who sits next to me and starts kissing my neck.
While he kisses me he leaves a few bites. I for my part direct my hand towards his crotch, I put aside his underwear and grab his member, which I begin to masturbate. Katakuri growls against my neck and starts sucking leaving me with a hickey. crotch, I put aside his underwear and grab his member, which I begin to masturbate. Katakuri growls against my neck and starts sucking leaving me with a hickey.
King huffs and just undresses. As soon as he's ready, he gets on the bed, grabs me by the neck, and knocks me down without letting go. Katakuri takes advantage of this to remove his underwear.
—Happy?— King asks me in a low whisper.
Instead of answering him I look at his lips. He seems to understand the message and gives me another one of those kisses that leaves me asking for more. As soon as we parted due to lack of air, I turn my head and kiss Katakuri until we are out of breath again.
Suddenly King unties me from the chains but it did not last long being free as he puts handcuffs on my wrists, puts me on my knees and sits leaning on the back of the bed. He grabs me by the hip, places me on top of him, and begins to play with my femininity.
Katakuri doesn't stay still and kneels behind me while squeezing my breasts with his strong hands. In a few seconds I become a mess of moans for the pleasure I am feeling.
—Sharing time?—Asks King hoarsely.
—Time to share— Katakuri states as his chest rises and falls.
King grabs his member and thrusts it inside me in one thrust. I let out a scream and Katakuri covers my mouth with one hand while inserting his member with the other in my ass. The cry that this time I let out of my lips is muffled by the hand that covers my mouth.
Little do both men wait to begin a swing of powerful thrusts.
I try to balance myself by passing my handcuffed hands behind King's head, who brings one of his hands to my throat and begins to choke me. Katakuri releases my mouth and grabs my hair in a handful as he brings his other hand to my hip so he can put me on more tightly.
They dress me mercilessly, using me as if I were a simple rag doll created to satisfy their most basic needs.
King stops choking me, leans me forward and takes one of my breasts to his mouth while he carelessly massages the other.
I feel like both of them, like me, are on the verge of orgasm and it doesn't take more than a few thrusts to reach it.
As soon as they come inside me, they growl in such a sensual way that it makes me come at that very moment releasing a great moan.
They come out of me and exchange places. Katakuri sits in front of me with his member in hand. He grabs me by the hair and guides me to him, shoving it into my mouth. King takes advantage of the fact that I am in four and penetrates me, starting again with his powerful thrusts.
I focus on all the sensations that run through my body when I feel how King's hand makes contact with one of my buttocks, giving me a strong spanking that makes me scream, silenced by the member in my mouth. The vibration makes Katakuri moan.
King doesn't stop and keeps hitting my buttocks until the slightest touch makes me shiver. I try to make him stop by grabbing his wrist but this only makes him penetrate me harder.
Katakuri grabs me by the hair to keep me still and thus penetrate my mouth with great force until he cums. I swallow his cum and soon after King and I cum.
I fall exhausted on the bed and they both lie down next to me, tired of everything that just happened.
I try to regulate my breathing when a pair of arms push me towards Katakuri. Seconds later, another pair of arms pulls me towards King and away from Katakuri. Instead of stopping, they repeat this a couple more times.
—For the love of God! I thought that all this sharing had already been clear to both of you!
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vaadalt · 2 years
Black Maria& Mihawk : S/o having bad time. [Male reader]
Oi oi,
Sorry about those headcanons, they're going to be hard for some people to read. I need to excorcise some dark thoughts.
Tw : Poor self estime, heavy alcohol , anger, cigaretts. Blood too.
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You've been in Kaido's crew for quite a while. You are part of his people, who are there but without making waves. Dodging the three Calamity and the six Tobiroppo as best you can. You feel that if you cross paths with them too often, you'll get into trouble and rise in rank. A thing you don’t want to be honest.
There is one that you have trouble to avoid, it's Black Maria. Because of his shamisen and his almost hypnotic voice. The sweet ones guide you to the pleasure district each time, sitting in a corner. As your gaze lands on the blue-eyed blonde.
Maria has often met your gaze, smiling at you. Even if you think she's giving you a look, to flirt. As she would for anyone. She always beckoned you over, to talk to you. Since it's your superior, you approach thinking it's an order.
'' Ara ara ~ You're a funny-one, Dove... I never see you , but when i play... you run like a prey in a spider web.... Be careful i might devour you ~ ''
That she lets out of her thin glowing lips, with that smirk. All in finesse, while a gray trail of smoke comes to be blown towards you.
You raise an eyebrow, you grin at the words of your superior.
'' Oi Ma'am... not my fault... ''
You stated. Grabbing a cigarette, lighting it. Taking a deep puff, pushing the smoke out your nose like a bull.
“You play divinely well. Then... it would be a shame not to come, just to observe your beauty. ''
1 – 1 everywhere. That's when Maria started to have some interest in you. She pulls the string to make you work by her side in the pleasure district. You end up doing security.
The relationship is developing quite well, friendly but flirty. Each time, you two add a layer to the flirt. 
One day when she was playing, she was trying to catch your eye. Looking for you through the crowd, not finding you. Something was wrong. She finished the song, before looking for you, worried. Fast walking cross Onigashima. 
She asked some subordinate if they hadn't seen you. After some information gathered. She walked towards the small house where he lives. She knocks on the door but... no answer. Just a kind of hoarse growl.
Maria enters, to discover a dark spectacle.A man surrounded by bottles, the ashtray filled to the rim with cigarette butts.
"Oi Maria...Watcha doing here huh?" ''
His voice is intoxicated by alcohol. Maria approaches slowly, watching him. Without a word, the sad look to see him like that.
'' Dove...Dove, what's wrong ? ''
'' Huh...A loooooot of thing Maria... Don't want to bother you with this. ''
He comes to take a swig of his glass, lighting a cigarette on the way. But seeing Maria's hard gaze, you feel like you don't really have a choice to speak or… She will make you. One thing is sure… She is stubborn and sadistic. 
'' Hmpf... I.... You know... I don't feel very well. I... I feel useless. Bleh... You see, a chair is more usefull than me. I got nothing for me. I don't know why, i'm on the crew. I got no power, i got no devils fruits... I'm a piece of trash basically... ''
She approaches the spider-queen, to come and hug you gently. With... a sweetness you haven't known for a long time. She comes to whisper, softly as her hand comes to get lost in your hair to caress it.
'' It's okay Dove... I'm here now.... ''
Your hands come to grab the fabric that makes up her kimono, burying your head to let go of hot tears, suffocating a few cries.
Because... crying, sometimes, is good.
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Accessing the heart of Mihawk is not easy. Mihawk is a born loner, he has spent a good part of his life alone. Then the fact that he remains impassive, it makes the thing complicated. It took you a long time to figure out how to get past that.
You knew you had climbed a few places in his esteem, when you caught a glimpse of him making a little smirk at one of your sentences. The day he laughed in your presence, you thought you will faint with happiness so much, because you were happy.
It was he who took the first step. He invited you to his island, Kuraigana. You arrived at night... At least... You think? The landscape fits well with Mihawk. Dark, mysterious, vampire... Yes, Mihawk gives that vibes.
That evening he made you super really good dinner, which would have made Zeff pale. He uncorked his best bottle of wine... At the end of dinner, he clearly confessed his feelings. Wondering if you wanted to share his life, which you accepted.
Your life has changed drastically, you went to live with him to be able to spend more time with him. 
It is another facet of him that you have discovered. Someone, caring and sweet.
But what impresses you the most is Mihawk's workouts. He's not the greatest swordsman in the world for nothing. You wonder how he survives his own training. Wanting to do well, you serve him as sparing partner.
Bad idea, very bad idea. You don't really have time to take the saber, to make an attack,you are unarmed and Mihawk's saber under your throat. You start again as many times as necessary, you’re more a brawler than a swordman. 
From this was born a frustration, followed by an underlying anger. Not being able to help him, to maintain himself, to become better than he is.
One day, you pretended you were tired to go take a nap.  Really, you just went out to let off steam on some trees. Even if you forgot an important component of Kuraigana, the humandrills, that damn baboon. You started fighting with them.
A few hours later, Mihawk decides to go see you... Thinking you're in bed. And seeing the absence of your presence in the bed, he raises an eyebrow. ''Where is my darling...''
His gaze turns instinctively outside, looks at the night that had come forward. His observation haki told him one, go into the woods, two, hurry. He took  the black blade and his hat. Setting out, he quickly found a presence... the trail of unconscious baboons, with swollen faces put him on the right track.
He walks up the track, amazed... he knew you had significant brute strength, a good mastery of hakis, but he didn't want you to venture there for fear that something bad would happen to you... For the moment, you give them a bad time.
By dint of following the baboons, he finds you, facing the king of the baboons. Its blade against your fists. Both eyebrows raised, which is a feat for Mihawk. You had just parried the baboon king's blade, with your forearms covered in the fluid of  hardening.
The baboons sense Mihawk's presence, run away. As you point at them, the distorted face because of anger.
“Come back here, weaklings! Come back ! I'm not done with you all! I'll stuff you with straw and expose you all in the freakin’ castle ! ''
A long cry of anger, unable to contain it. You just start hitting an tree, your knuckles starting to bleed more and more with each hit.
Mihawk watches, looking dismayed. He didn't know,why you were enraged. Seeing you snaps was all the more surprising, since you are calm person in general.
He comes out of the bushes, moving quickly towards you, stopping your fist by grabbing you by the wrist. Saying "Enough. ''
Hearing your lover's voice brings you back to reality. You start shaking, not afraid... Just the nerves giving way.
''Dear...my love...Why? Why hurting you like that...why put yourself in so much danger? What wrong? You know, you can tell me anything. ''
See Mihawk, also worried... You realize your mistake.
''I...I'm sorry Honey...I....I....''
"Shhh...it's okay. ''
He comes to replace a strand of hair behind your ear, before placing a kiss on your forehead.
''Come Darling, we will talk in the castle. I need to treat this nasty wounds. ''
You leave, realizing that... It's much better to talk about your own frustrations, than to letting them explode in a violent way.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
Hello sun!
I saw ur last post and i thought the "Beast Pirates Costumes" with female reader and Killer would match just Perfect *cheff kiss*
I'm in love with ur work. You're doing amazing job! (Kinda late but happy new year!)
Thank u!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Hi sweetie!! Here I am with your Killer fic! I hope you enjoy my take on him! I see him as a sweet guy who really needs some love and affection too! So please have fun with this little scenario! Thank u SO much for your sweet words! Thank u for your support! 💖🌸 ~
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~ 🌸 Cherry Blossoms Over Wano Event 🌸 ~
Sfw~ Killer x F! Reader ~ Beast Pirates' Costume
tw: pretty fluffy. mentions of Killer's SMILE incident.
a/n: Had to look for the specific way he laughs, "FAFAFA" that's apparently one of Oda's take on someone laughing hahaha. I love this man.
wc: 1.8K
Like this event? masterlist 🌸~
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There he is, walking through Kinemon’s magic arc. Leather straps now cross his body after a pink cloud dissipates. The entrance at Onigashima looks like a fashion show, and while your captain blushes at Luffy’s commentary, Killer, your crush simply laughs.
Everything seems fun for now, and you all allow yourselves to be a little happy before the real battle starts. Once you pass that door, you will have to fight Kaido, and that’s a suicide mission. But you are with him, fairly sure he will be able to cut anybody who dares to come closer to you, and for that you are grateful… you just wish he could notice you as more than a friend.
“Come on, (Name)” the blonde calls you from the other side, waiting for you to cross the arc. You, a little embarrassed watching the way Luffy’s female nakamas wear the costume, take a deep breath of air and cross with your eyes closed.
The pink smoke and some sparkle surrounds you and your kimono suddenly turns into a leathery mini skirt, horns and a top that barely covers your breasts. You look at yourself with widened eyes and your cheeks turn red like the blood on your veins.
“FAFAFA” Killer laughs, yet not because something was funny about you, but because of that damn SMILE. He instantly looks down to the ground, and you aren’t sure where his eyes are since he is wearing his helmet that both covers and muffles his laughter.
Kid has already started running inside, of course competing with Luffy, and your crew is ready to follow them. But you, honestly, still wonder how you are going to fight with such indecent and uncomfortable clothing.
“Are you ok?” Killer asks you, coming closer. “I… uhm… yes” you mumble, crossing your arms over your breasts, because you are not sure if that could give him a bad impression. “Here, have this” he says, carefully taking his feathery cape off. “Try not to damage it, you know it will disappear instantly if you do” he tells you and puts the black coat over your shoulders.
His huge hands tie the cape around your neck properly and it’s big enough to cover at least half of your body. Once again, Killer has protected you… and you, you are on cloud nine. “Thanks…” you stutter, not able to say anything else since Heat is already pushing you to walk further.
While you run you are amazed how quickly the cape has impregnated itself in his perfume and you begin to suspect Kin’s power is more than simply turning clothes in others, maybe his ability uses properties from the person wearing those clothes… maybe it manifests what you really would like to wear…
“Did I want to show myself like that before him?”
Inside, the party has already started and you blend perfectly in between the enemy. Kid has already asked where his objective is and the music and alcohol abounds inside. Such a repulsive show off of despotism.
Several hands reach for your body, drunk men, and women desperate for human interaction, some with animals attached to their bodies. Calamities, gifters and waiters, all so excited and you, absolutely disgusted.
The funny little horns in Killer’s head pull you out the situation for at least a little. “How cute” you giggle, looking at him running in front of you and sometimes turning back to check if you are ok. Each time he does, you nod with a dumb smile drawn in your face… you are so happy he is ok after all he has been through. Your eyes are actually still a little sore after crying for many days when you found out about the defective SMILE fruit. How sick and twisted you could be to force someone to eat that. And how noble he is for risking his own life to protect his best friend. Not once, but more than twice.
That’s Killer, an extraordinary friend, a protector, a fighter… the man you admire from afar, the man who treats you like a little sister.
The man who is about to get attacked by a bastard with a sword…
“KILLER!” you shout, unsheathing your katana to protect his back. But it’s too late, and instead of him you end up hurt because the attacker got scared by your sudden attitude and his drunk state didn’t allow him to properly attack.
Killer’s golden locks is the last time your eyes see as you pass out by the pain the cut on your chest produces.
You fall over his arms, but he is on fire and asks Wire to hold you for a second. His blades drink the blood they were asking for, as he cuts the damn drunk bastard in a sudden and precise cut. “Never, ever touch her… FAFAFA!” he shouts, as he crushes your attacker with the soles of his brown boots.
“I’ll take care of her” he informs his nakamas and takes you in his arms. Luckily, you haven’t been severely wounded, but still your chest bleeds. He runs outside and hides behind a little pagoda with many burning candles inside.
The blue mask is off, and the flames of the candles reflect on his turquoise eyes. You aren’t used to his face, for some reason he keeps it hidden even on a daily basis at the Victoria Punk. No more than two or perhaps three times you were able to peek at his beauty, but you don’t really care, you love him even without knowing his face… you love his heart.
Slowly you open your eyes, as a cold sensation invades a place on your body where until now there was only pain. Delicately, Killer spreads a grey ointment over your wound from a marine shell. “They said toad oil could cure any cut…” he hums, still unaware you are conscious. And you can’t help but smile, even being dizzy, cause Killer could be so innocent sometimes.
“It sure helps…” you mumble. The blonde gets scared by your sudden speaking and turns around to face you. He flashes his sweet but masculine facade, a face you aren’t used to seeing so close to yours. “Uh, (Name)! I… I didn’t- Are you ok?” he stutters, immediately looking to the other side. For some reason he keeps hiding his face from you.
“I am, Killer… Thank you. And sorry for delaying you, Kid will be mad at me” you sigh, worried. “Kid won’t say anything, he knows you are my-” he says, but stops himself and begins to laugh uncontrollably. Everybody says he hates his laughter, but you love it… even if now it comes from the defective artificial fruit side effects.
You graze his burnt arm, softly, up and down, loving the feeling of the bumpy skin, of the “imperfections.” You can see him fighting against the need to take his arm off from you, but he instead allows you to do so… “wonder if you ever needed this” you think.
A huge explosion could be heard from inside the dome, and you are 99% sure that it came from Kid. And as well as you, Killer does too. He stands up, quickly, looking at the entrance and panics. “THIS MOTHERFUCKER!!” he shouts and starts running.
You, who are still lying on the ground unable to move completely on your own, look at him go, not mad but a little sad… “Kid will ever be first.”
Killer takes three steps but he stops. “Oh” he says and comes back to you. “Listen, I should take you somewhere safe… come on” he says, and all of a sudden, he lifts you up in arms. When he needs to protect you or his brother, he forgets he is not even wearing the mask.
“Killer… your helmet!” you tell him as he has now started running towards your ship to put you safely. “SHIT!” he shouts and blushes in a chaotic sequence of happenings. “Don’t…” you stop him from covering his face, you are delighted by his beauty… so many times you wished to see his countenance from so close.
The blonde accepts and allows you to hold his helmet while he runs towards the ship with you in arms. Being so close, feeling his chest go up and down over yours, you even dare to play with one of his golden locks that fall over his shoulder. “Is this a dream? Am I dead already?” you wonder…
He jumps over the deck of the Victoria Punk, peeking at Onigashima skull many times to check if indeed his brother hasn’t already sunken the island himself.
Killer puts you down on one of the sofas you have under the big dinosaur head that crowns the ship’s bow. Well, at least he tries, because when he is about to stand up, he simply can’t. “What…” he mumbles, unable to break away from you.
“(Name)... don’t move. We… we are stuck, our beast pirates’ costumes have tangled” he informs you, with his lilac lips really close to yours. To your surprise he is right, the metallic ring and the crossing leather straps have managed to tangle with each other. In a normal case you would say pulling from them would be enough, but you just couldn’t… if it breaks, your disguise will disappear.
You begin to laugh, loudly. This day couldn’t be any more chaotic, you are literally stuck with your crush. Mouths centimetres from each other’s, killer’s cheeks red like tomatoes, both hearts beating so fast.
Of course, your laughter seems contagious because Killer bites his lips to avoid laughing too. This time not because of the devil fruit, but because he kind of finds this hilarious too.
Both end over the couch braying with your foreheads pressed. “What the fuck is happening?” you say in between the tears on the corner of your eyes and keep laughing. “I don’t know, but I can’t stop” he chuckles.
You and him, in a little bubble of happiness, ignoring outside the start of a war is taking place. Killer free from any masks, sincere laughing, his face uncovered. You smiling in glee.
“I would understand if you wanted to keep hiding your face from now on, but at least allow me to take a last look at it now” you tell him, caressing his cheek with the palm of your hand. “What if I only show it to you whenever you want?” he whispers, closing his eyes in total embarrassment.
You are in love with his innocence and softness, and the way it contrasts perfectly with his strong muscular frame. A few words were able to show you he is head over heels for you, just like you are for him. Your lips approach his and plant a sweet peck over them. “I’ll accept that offer, then… I mean, after all I’ll be the only one who will kiss you, right?” “FAFAFA! Yes, please!” he laughs, nervously but so happy, this time kissing you.
“Oh, actually… darling… Do you think you can take me to the dormitory? This sofa smells fancy… just like Kid, you know?”
Ps: Who knows how you and Killer got rid of the tangling situation of the beast pirates’ costumes...🤭😏
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myonepiece · 4 years
Hello 😳 so I saw your post about Kyoshiro and Bartolomeo with a clingy short fem!S/O who's also a scary cat, and let me tell you, that post AWAKENED something inside of me 🤤💞 so I would like to request a King, Sanji, and Mihawk with clingy short fem!S/O who's also a scary cat if your request are still opened that is 😚👉👈 thank you in advance, and you can ignore this request if you want. I hope you have a good day or night luv 😚💗
King, Sanji with a clingy short fem!S/O who’s a scaredy cat
King x Reader,   Sanji x Reader
Description: King & Sanji (seperate) with a short fem!S/O who is clingy and gets scared easily + oneshot/drabble with her getting scared and hiding behind character
Warnings: very mild implied sexual harrassment (in King’s oneshot), mild cursing
A/N: I’m so glad you liked it, it was so fun to write! 💐 (I love how you used so many emojis in your request) and I hope it’s okay I only did sanji and king, it’s just that this situation ends up fairly long 💕
*for King let’s say you’re around his height, the top of your head is a little above his waist 
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King is definitely not the most affectionate person, he’s not a fan of PDA other than having you sit on his lap. if you get too physically affectionate (which is very) then King will warn you in a stern voice to stop, and if you don’t then he’ll move you away or simply place you on the ground and push you away
in private he’s more okay with you being clingy, still not the fondest though
he has nothing against your height, he (secretly) finds it adorable and he likes to watch you walk around the Beast Pirates crew because he finds it amusing to see the height differences between you and everyone else, your height is another reason he prefers having you stay on his lap often or at least have you right next to him- he’s worried someone (Kaido) will step on you
he also likes the way your hand looks on him, whether it’s resting on his arm, his chest, or his own hand, he always stares at the interaction and admires how precious and sweet you look
he sometimes finds your cowardness irritating, but even as he scolds you or strictly teases you for being scared so easily, he’s happy that you come to him to feel safe- honestly he never thought someone would feel safe with him nor did he want someone to until he met you
and after he scolds you he always pushes you away or behind him so he can handle whoever messed with his angel (usually it’s Queen, he likes messing with King and one of the most effective ways to do that is to mess with you) he also uses his wings as somewhat of a shield for you, providing cover usually 
+ oneshot
You tentatively walked through the dimly lit hall in the Beast Pirates base, the cold stone chilling the air around you and creating a slight echo of the patter of your shoes.
keeping your eyes trained on the ground while a few lesser crew members passed you, you followed the little cracks in the stone, branching out and creating intricate patterns- your eyes fell upon a pair of shoes and you froze midstep, looking up and perceiving Queen staring down at you, an unsettling smirk contorting his face
you smiled slightly up at him, trying to step around him and continue only to be stopped by his hand reaching out and tilting your head to look at him, the touch seding shivers down your spine, the bad kind of shivers
it wasn’t unusual for Queen to mess with you, enjoying your disturbed and fearful reactions as the sadistic man he is, and the reaction he gets from King is pure gold to him- he enjoys making King get protective so he can tease him for being so smitten
“______, how bout you come with me! some of the crew are going to sumo wrestle! come see their heads pop off!”
Queen laughed at your unsettled expression before leaning down a bit and blowing smoke out into your face,
“or maybe I should snap the collar on you an’ throw you into the ring”
you gasped, causing Queen to chortle in amusement- you took the moment of his distraction to move away from his touch and scurry off down the hall, hearing Queen call after you in a mocking tone and follow in pursuit
you hurried through the halls and spotted King at the end in the large room at the end, he stood at the table conversing with Jack, though clearly uninterested with the subject
you picked up your pace and your heels clicked against the ground alerting King, who knew you are the only one who wears shoes that make that sound. he turned to the entrance happy to have something to do other than play with Jack, but he didn’t like the worried expression on your face- nor Queen rounding the corner after you having all too familar mischievous expression on his lips. 
scurrying into the room, you ran over to King and hid behind his large wings. his glare never left Queen as the large man entered the room and moved towards where you stood huddled against King’s wings, stopping in front of the armored man and taking a long drag on his cigar. 
“what are you doing you moron”
Queen laughed at King’s protectiveness already showing, finding amusement in his crewmember’s smittenesque.
“I was inviting her to play a game you jackass!”
he laughed heartily at King’s insulted and angry expression. your boyfriend took a step forward, now only a few feet away from Queen- the atmosphere in the room grew tense and Jack was watching with wary eyes matching yours as you watched the two calamities square up, both ready to strike if it came to it. but King is observant, he saw that Queen had no intention of hurting him, he simply wanted to scare you and get a rise out of him.
he scoffed and turned begrudgingly back to you, moving to take a seat at the table and lifting you onto his lap with ease. you settled against his steel covered chest, still slightly shaking from Queen’s scare- King’s eyes narrowed at Queen when he chuckled again and sat in the chair between King and Jack, throwing a wink in your direction. King visibly flinched and his behind left the chair momentarily before returning, remembering that’s what Queen wanted- and you were safe on his lap. 
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Sanji is super clingy himself, he has no problem at all with your affection and neediness. he’s always more than happy to hug you or cuddle you or kiss you, it’s one of his favorite things to do- he’s constantly asking himself how he got so lucky to have a girl like you
one of the things Sanji finds most adorable about you is your height, no matter what you do Sanji thinks you’re the cutest thing ever, he’s always offering to carry you, he always pulls you onto his lap- back hugs are another one of his favorite things because your body is so much smaller than his own and he thinks it’s adorable how perfectly you fit in his embrace, and don’t even get him started on how cute your hands look holding onto his hand
your slight cowardness gives him an excuse to hold you even more, he offers his hand or arm for you to hold, and whenever you grab onto him he has to fight back the squeals and focus on the problem at hand, making sure you feel safe and are completely out of harm’s way
+ oneshot 
the island you docked at had a quaint little town, small but bustling with life- you had gone to look at a store for some new clothes. unfortunately you couldn’t find anything and you had to head back to the ship empty handed. to make things even worse, while you were watching the ground you bumped into someone, who happened to be much bigger than you and piss drunk. 
“oi! what the fuck do you think you’re doing?!”
you swallowed the lump in your throat, stuttering out an apology that only seemed to make the man madder. 
“you need to fucking watch where you’re... you’re going”
he swayed on his feet and leaned down so that he was face level with you, pointing an accusing finger in your face and once again his alcohol filled breath invaded your senses.
“you-you have no idea who you’re dealing with”
his words slurred together and his unbalance caused him to lean forward slightly and you took a step back- all of a sudden you heard a familiar voice over the crowd’s chatter.
you looked to the side and spotted the relieving blond hair bouncing through the crowd while your boyfriend quickly weaved his way through the crowd towards you. stopping beside you and throwing his hands wielding shopping bags into the air.
“I got you gifts my beautiful  _____-swan!” 
this is when he noticed the man far too close for his liking, his face fell with his arms, turning to one of suspicion and confusion, then to one of disgust and slight anger. he handed you the bags gently and stepped in front of the man, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“why are you bothering my little _____-swan?”
his voice was tight and you could tell he was mad, but the strager didn’t seem to pick up on the danger in his drunkness. you reached up and clutched the bottom of Sanji’s jacket in your hand, he felt the action rigth away and his anger dissipated and his face broke into a huge grin. he spun on his heel and threw his arms around your waist, picking you up and smushing his cheek against yours while he rambled about how adorable you are- his perfect moment ruined by the stranger’s words.
“she ran into me you bastard, make her *hiccup* apologize before I do”
“oi, don’t ignore me!”
Sanji’s smile faltered slightly and he lifted his foot, spinning quickly and kicking the man with such force that it sent him flying away through the wall of the shop behind. 
“I’m trying to hug my angel! don’t interupt you idiot!”
“_____-swan I’m so sorry you had to see that~!”
you giggled at Sanji’s foolishness, leaning you head down to peck his nose- making his cheeks turn an even brighter red and he squealed. 
“ooh we need to get back to the ship so you can try on the clothes I got for you my dear!”
he placed his arm under you, switching to holding you in a bridal style, and he pranced off down the street towards the awaiting ship- his face still dangerously flushed and his eyes closed in joy.
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way2dumb2live · 2 years
Usopp x Ulti Part 1
All right, time to make something that I just can't get out of my head. I feel like these two make for a great couple, and I hope more people follow suit on this. To be fair, I don't blame anyone who doesn't like this ship since this is an extremely odd pairing, but the more you think about it the more it just works.
Also, this is on both my FF.net account and my AO3 account. If you want more of this, by all means, Here you go!
The battle is over. The Mink-Samurai-Pirate alliance has beaten both the Beast pirates and the Big Mom pirates. Now, at the Flower Capital, everyone is celebrating. Brook is playing music so good that you literally couldn't not dance to, Luffy is eating enough meat to make people start calling him a protein shake, Zoro is out drinking all the samurai, Nami is winning all the bets from Zoro drinking, Chopper and Carrot are going crazy from all the ninja that are at the party, Franky is currently rebuilding the Franky Shogun and giving it some seastone weapons, Robin is learning all of of the history of Wano and Oden from both the Wano historians and Yamato, Sanji is as always falling in love with every woman in the radius of his Observation Haki, and Jinbei is just enjoying the company of his new nakama.
All of the Strawhats were there, except one.
"God" Usopp was out training in the forest side of Kuri. He couldn't help himself. All of his nakama did something huge during the raid, whether it be taking down a tobi roppo, taking down a calamity, or killing Kaido. They all did something amazing like that. 'All I did was play baby sitter with Nami' He thought back to how Nami turned Zeus, one of Big Mom's biggest allies, against her, and to how Tama single handedly gave the alliance about 4000 more troops. Meanwhile, Usopp was just their bodyguard, 'and a terrible one at that' he thought as he remembered Ulti nearly killing Tama at the 1st floor balcony, and how he watched helplessly as she nearly killed him. Not only that, but they both managed to secure allies in the raid. Nami got Zeus, Tama got the gifters, and Usopp got nothing.
"Wow Nami! You and Tama are great at gathering allies!"
Usopp knew that he wasn't useless, he learned from his mistakes at Water 7. But he just couldn't help but think what he could've done better. After he got back from the Boin Archipelago, he thought he was strong. He actually thought he was telling Nami the truth when he said that he was no longer part of the weakling trio. Turns out he was wrong.
Which is why he's training right now. He's trying to reach Okobore town from the Kuri jungle with his Observation haki. That's about 10000 kilometres. Obviously something that won't happen, but that's the point. He's going to give himself an impossibly huge objective, inevitably fail, and see how far he actually got. Wash, rince, repeat. It's a simple cycle, but he feels like he's up for the challenge. Anything to help his nakama.
So, he reached out his Observation haki again for what felt like the hundredth time and tried to reach out to Okobore. Again, only about 5000 kilometres. Not bad by any means, but if he is going to be a sniper, then he's going to need Observation Haki that is much stronger than that.
And so, Usopp reached out his Observation haki once again. He was about to bring it back when he felt a presence at the beach of Kuri. 'Probably a civilian' he thought to himself, until he remembered how crowded the Flower Capital was. No way there would be a civilian out in deep Kuri while everyone else was out partying like it was the end of the world. So, he ran towards the beach a bit and activated his Observation Haki again. From what he could tell, it was a woman that was in her early twenties, and she had long hair and something on top of her head. From what Usopp could feel, the girl was unconscious.
Usopp pondered for a moment on what to do, before deciding to help her. As he got closer to the beach, he started to recognize that thing on her head. And when he got to the beach, he was surprised. Ulti of the Tobi Roppo, lying down unconscious and looking like shit. Not surprising, considering how she was not only beaten like a dog by Big Mom but also shocked by Nami. But still, when she wakes up, she'll probably want to kill the Strawhats and the samurai considering how she was as big of a Kaido fan as Yamato was of Oden as Usopp had come to learn over the last few days. So, Usopp had to do something about her. Thankfully, Usopp brought his satchel with him and grinned.
Ulti woke up to the sound of rain and fire. She tries to get up, but realizes she is wrapped in rope and can't feel her wrists. She then looks around to see that she was tied up in a cave with a man. "Oi! You! Get me out of here right now and I'll only bash your skull so much that you'll still live!" However, she got no response from him.
"Hey! I'm talking to you!" No response
"Oi!" Nothing
"Why you- I'm gonna kill you!" but right before she tried to go into her hybrid form, she got a response from him.
"I doubt you can do anything in that state right now. And don't try changing forms, I gave you seastone handcuffs." The man said to Ulti's annoyance.
"I don't need my devil fruit to kill you! My headbutts are still strong with haki!" Ulti yelled at him
"And yet you can't even reach me from here," the man said as he got up and took his cap off, "Now, bow in the presence of your god!"
"Aren't you that guy I beat earlier?" Ulti asks in a tone that was completely different from the one she used less than a minute ago.
When she said that, Usopp fell backwards in a comedic fall, "N-no I'm not! I'm a completely different Usopp than the one you headbutted in the back earlier!" Usopp said as he got back up and waved his hands constantly.
"How did you know I hit your back?"
"Of course I know, I'm still feeling it right now!"
A few seconds go by as he realizes his mistake. 'Dammit' he thinks as he puts his palm up to his face. Meanwhile, Ulti has to stifle her laughter before she fails and just chuckles at the liar's failings.
"So, 'god', would you mind telling me why I'm like this?"
"What ain't it obvious?" was Usopp's reply before Ulti shook her head. "Okay, fine. I found you out on Kuri's beach, tied you up, I was going to go to the Flower Capital and send you to jail before it started raining like hell. So, I figured to hunker down here until the rain stops." Usopp explains.
"What I meant was, why are you here and not in prison or dead with your crew?" Ulti clarifies, not believing for a second that the invincible Kaido could be defeated let alone killed.
'This is gonna be either awesome or terrifying' Usopp thought as he prepared himself for the inevitable outrage that's about to take place. 'Here goes'
"Kaido's dead"
That was all that was heard in the cave as the rain dropping onto the jungle beside them and the fire crackling in front of them all but ceased to exist as Ulti seemingly couldn't comprehend what Usopp had just said for a minute until suddenly two words came from her mouth in a whisper, each striking Usopp like a haki infused sword cuts through an overconfident logia; "You're wrong"
"Look, I-"
"You're wrong" Ulti repeated, "You're wrong. You're wrong! YOU'RE WRONG!" She yelled out as she tried to wiggle out of her rope but to no avail.
'Welp, I guess I'm terrified' Usopp thought as he tried to calm her down but to no avail. So, he figured to just let her be mad and wait it out.
During her whole charade about how Kaido is/was "The greatest captain ever!" and how he "Would never lose to a squirt like Strawhat!" And then she said the saying "if it's a 1v1, ALWAYS bet on Kaido-sama" Usopp understood what Ulti was going through. When he lost his mother, all he could do was cry. And cry he did. So, Usopp gives Ulti time to herself and looks out the cave to watch the rain.
It's been an hour since Ulti had her meltdown, and Usopp finally built up the courage to talk to her again. "Hey." he says trying to get a response from her to no avail, "Look, I know you hate me because I helped kill Kaido, but can we at least talk?"
"He's not dead" was all he got from her.
'Figures I'd get that response from her.' Usopp thinks as he takes out his watch to check the time, it reading 10:30 pm. 'Has it really been an entire day since the raid started? Wait, when was the last time I slept?' Usopp thinks to himself as he decides it's time for dinner. He then took a pop green out of his bag and threw it on the ground, startling Ulti.
"What the hell are you doing you idiot?" Ulti asks as the pop green grows into a large flower with what seems to be meat coming out of the center. Usopp then moves to pick the meat out of the flower and digs into it.
"Eig" Usopp says in a muffled voice as he was currently munching down on the meat in his hand. Then he takes out another pop green and throws it her way. It erupts into another flower with the same piece of meat in the center. "Go on, you should eat it."
"Not like I can" Ulti says with venom in her tone as she gestures to her tied up body and cuffed hands.
Usopp sighs, "one sec," and searches his bag for something. After a bit, he finally finds what he's looking for, and throws the pop green out to her feet.
After a second, it starts to burst into smoke and Ulti fails to notice Usopp putting on a gas mask until it's too late, and she slips into unconsciousness after saying a few words in a low whisper, "You... bastard..."
Ulti woke up to find herself tied up but this time her hands were in front of her instead of behind her. Then she noticed Usopp looking out the cave entrance while eating his meat. 'I wonder if I can get the jump on him?' she thought as she moved slowly toward him.
"Wait you're up? I thought you'd at least be knocked out for twenty minutes. Turns out it was just ten." Usopp says as he looks back at Ulti, who was actually shocked that he sensed her.
'Does this shrimp know haki?' Ulti thought before shaking her head, 'No way, he would have used armament on his plants when we fought.' She then noticed the new flower with meat, 'Is this for me?'
"Don't worry, it's yours." Usopp says as he takes another bite out of his meat, "It's not poisoned or anything, Chopper would kill me if I poison anyone."
"Why?" was all Ulti could muster as she watched Usopp eat his meat in peace.
"Why what?"
"Why are you feeding your enemy?" Ulti asked him genuinely.
"Well, put simply," Ulti didn't know what to expect when he added in a few pauses, "My chef would kill me if I let a lady go starving."
It was at that moment that Ulti realized that Usopp was being honest. That she was safe.
"Say," Usopp starts as he realizes he needs something to pass the time until it stops raining, "do you want to hear the tale of how we killed god?"
'Yeah right' Ulti thought as she bit into her meat, 'As if god even exists.'
"-and then, just as he was about to strike Nami down, Sanji got up and laughed! 'Sorry, but I was just about to ask you for a light'" Usopp exclaimed with his right hand in a pose where it mimicked Sanji's pose, "and you know what Enel said? 'You dare say that to a god?'" Usopp said in an over the top Enel impersonation.
"There's no way he actually did that!" Ulti said in between fits of laughter, "He couldn't actually have believed he was god!" Ulti tried to regain her composure, but failed miserably, once again turning into a laughing mess, "If he- if h-," Ulti paused herself for a bit, "if he actually came down to the New World, he would've died in his first week!" And again, Ulti started to laugh. Usopp then laughs with her, each of them comforting each other as they drink and eat as the night goes by.
Maybe this won't be as bad as she thought.
"And so, Hody Jones challenged us to a great battle in the middle of the plaza. And there, we slowly but surely marched towards the troops that ranged within that of 100,000,000,000!" Usopp exclaims with his arms stretched as far as they could go to simulate the wideness of the army much to Ulti's active imagination already giving herself a nice depiction of it. "However, Luffy then stepped up, and used his conqueror's haki to wipe out 25,000,000,000 of them!" Usopp dramatically exclaimed with his arms stretched out again as Utli was beginning to suspect that was his thing. "Of course, I took out another 25,000,000,000 of them with my conqueror's haki." He slyly said.
"Yeah right. As if you have conqueror's." Ulti snarkily says. "He probably did everything himself."
"Well, I may have helped him out a little bit." Usopp sneakily says.
"Sure you did." Ulti deadpans. Soon enough though, she laughs as Usopp continues the story of Fishman Island.
Usopp checked his watch. It says 1:19. As Usopp looks out to the still raining outdoors, he makes a decision. "Let's sleep here."
"Hm? Why?" Ulti asks as she bit into her third meat stick of the night, "Here I thought you were going to send me to prison. Is it really just some pathetic rain you're scared of?"
Usopp turned to her, "It's not just the rain, it's also that it's 1 in the night. So," Usopp says as he stops the fire in the cave they were in, "I'm going to sleep. Feel free to sleep too."
And like that, the only person that's been around Ulti for the past 2 hours had fallen asleep, leaving Ulti completely alone with her thoughts.
Ulti knew she couldn't get out of this rope. The seastone cuffs on her hands aside, this rope is unnaturally tough to break through. Whenever she moved it tightened and she felt like it was moving around her like it was alive.
Not only that, but she doesn't know if she can kill this guy. Sure, he's an enemy and is going to take her to prison, but he also entertained her for the past two hours. He fed her too, something you don't normally do to prisoners. 'Killing him is up in the air, but I'm definitely killing that Straw Hat brat! How dare he say he'll be King of the Pirates! Besides, why am I thinking of sparing Usopp? If Straw Hat's his captain, then he deserves to die too.'
Even if she's thinking it, Ulti can't say she 100% believes those words. After he was so nice to her, after he fed her, can she really go with killing him? Ulti just can't decide what to do with him.
So, she thought about her current predicament. Currently, Ulti's in a cave with an enemy(?) who has her tied up and claims that the assassination attempt on her captain and father figure was succesful. 'Yeah right,' Ulti scoffed at the thought, 'as if the man who survived falling 100000 feet down the sky could die.'
Still, Ulti couldn't help but wonder why none of the Beast Pirates at least attempted to find her. Why wouldn't they? Because she might be dead and it's not a bother looking for her? Well Pay-Pay has her vivre card, so he should've found her by now. 'Unless...' She began to think.
'No way! My Pay-Pay would never die to some no name rookies who had trouble with Mingo of all people!' Ulti thought as she shakes her head repeatedly before her mood shifts into that of anger, 'He's probably just dozing off! And when his sister is missing! Why that little- I'll kill him!' she thinks before her mood changes back to her cheery self, 'Oh, he's probably sleeping because he spent all day looking for me!' she thinks before yet again changing into what the pleasures and waiters refer to as anger mode, 'If he's been looking for me all day, then why did that shrimp find me before you did Pay-Pay?' Ulti asks as if Page One was right in front of her. She then went back and forth between emotions thinking about what happened to Page One.
However, one thought still lingered on Ulti, 'Why hasn't anyone found me yet?'
With the exception of her brother, Ulti didn't expect any of the Tobi Roppo to look for her. She couldn't see any of the All Stars coming for her either. Not like any of them cared for her, and she couldn't give less of a shit about them.
Yet none of that was true when it came to Kaido. He cared for her and Page One. He took them in after their dad died. He raised her like the daughter he always wanted. So, why is Kaido not looking for her? Because she's expendable? No way. He may think that way about waiters, pleasures, and even some gifters, but no way in hell would Kaido think a member of the Tobi Roppo is expendable. Especially not his surrogate daughter.
So, again, Ulti asks herself the same question before she drifts off to sleep, 'Why hasn't anyone found me yet?'
Usopp woke up to see the rising sun, although just a small fragment of it, considering how the jungle and cave is covering him and his prisoner from the sun. Usopp checks his watch and sees it read 5:40. He decides now’s a good time to make breakfast. He actually talked to Sanji when they reunited after two years asking for him to infuse some of his meals into his pop greens. When asked why, Usopp just said “In case we’re on an island and Luffy suddenly wants food.” Honestly, how could Sanji not say no? And so, Usopp takes out one of his food pop greens and gets ready to eat.
It was the sound of the pop green that interrupted Ulti’s beauty sleep. Well, that and the smell of bacon and eggs. ‘Wait, you can make bacon with those things?’ Ulti thinks as she starts to get up, ‘I have to get my hands on those someday.’
“Well look who’s awake.” Usopp says as he notices Ulti with what she now definitely knows is his observation haki, “One sec, lemme get you some of that as well” Usopp says as he rumages through his bag looking for another kind of the pop green. After a bit, he finds it and throws it on the ground a few feet in front of Ulti. “Dig in.” He says as he goes to town on his breakfast.
Ulti was hesitant at first, but her rumbling stomach got the better of her and she proceeded to eat. It tasted amazing. Like the god of cooking had graced her mouth. She was silent the entire time she and Usopp ate together.
It was 6:57 when Usopp decided to lighten the mood and tell one of his stories as he and Ulti were walking through the Kuri jungle. He was telling her about Thriller Bark and how he, Nami, and Chopper went in solo and survived.
“And just as we got to the gate, a three headed dog came out viciously against us!” Usopp says in an exaggerated tone as he did his trademark move where he stretched out his arms. Ulti, meanwhile, wasn’t believing him for a second.
“Yeah right. What’s next, the dog has a personality for each head and they finish each other's sentences?”
“Well, you’re half right. Turns out, they all were different dogs that were stitched together for some dumb experiment.” Usopp explains noticing that Ulti isn’t buying any of it for a second, so he decides to say other things from Thriller Bark that he knew Ulti wouldn’t buy, “And don’t even get me started on the zombies!” Again, only a deadpan from his prisoner.
“Yeah, and pigs fly.”
Usopp then smirked, “Actually, the same guy who made the zombies and three headed dog actually made a flying pig.” Then Ulti realized that Usopp was being completely serious.
THAT got a reaction from Ulti, “Wait zombies are real?!?” she asked as the rope around her tightened from her sudden excitement, “That’s amazing! I’ve always wanted to meet one! Do they really eat brains? Are they really dumb? What’s their weakness? Are they the same person as before or are they completely different?” Ulti rampantly and excitedly asked.
“No, they don’t really eat anything. They are actually revived with the Kage-Kage no mi. They need a shadow from another person to come to life, and they can only be as strong as they were if they had an equally strong shadow. They’re about as smart as their stolen shadow, so I guess some were dumb and some were smart. They just have to swallow salt and their shadows leave their bodies. And no, zombies take the personalities of their shadows. Actually, Zoro fought Ryuma because he had Brook’s shadow.”
“Wait, THE Ryuma? Like, Holder of Shusui Ryuma? Protector of Wano Ryuma?” Ulti incredulously asks, “a guy with only a 100 million berry bounty beat the Sword God?”
“Well, not necessarily the Sword God himself. Remember, zombies can only be as strong as their shadow. Since Moria stole Brook’s shadow, Ryuma was a lot weaker than he should’ve been. Not only that, but Brook was more of a fencer than a samurai. So, Ryuma couldn’t fight to his full potential and he was using a sword style that didn’t match up with Shusui.” Usopp said as he remembered Zoro secretly telling Brook about his fight with Ryuma.
“Anyways, that’s not even the best part!” Usopp says as he hypes up his big moment.
“Oh? And what could that be?” Ulti asks with stars in her eyes as she looks towards Usopp, anticipating what’s going to come next.
“How about how I stopped the ghosts that made others depressed by being depressed myself!” Usopp dramatically exclaims as he does his signature move.
“Okay, the zombies I believe, but there’s no way you beat the ghosts because you were too depressed.” Ulti deadpans in the mood shift that Usopp had come to expect by this point.
‘Yeah, I guess me beating anyone sounds pretty dumb.’ Usopp thinks as he comes up with a lie.
“Okay, okay, you got me. The person who actually beat her was Franky!” Usopp then proceeds to lie about how Franky built a staircase to get to Perona’s room and punch her when he got there.
It was 7:28 when they got out of the jungle and into the desert. After a bit of walking, they make a pit stop at Okobore Town. Or at least, what’s left of it. “Wait,” Ulti says as she thinks about why she remembers this town. ‘THAT’S IT!’ She realizes, “This was the home of that brat who made the dangos!” Ulti says in anger, not realizing that she’s speaking out loud, “Looks like she got what was coming to her!”
It was only after the glare from Usopp that Ulti realized she said that out loud. “You’re lucky I’m respecting Sanji’s rules on never leaving a lady hungry.” Was all he said before he pulled out two pop greens and threw them right next to the two, “Now eat” he said with enough venom in his breath that could make Wano rivers look clean by comparison. 
They were silent the whole time they ate, Usopp never taking his piercing eyes off Ulti.
It was 30 minutes after they left Okobore Town when Usopp went to the washroom that Ulti realized that this was probably her only chance to make a run for it. No way was she going to let Usopp just take her to jail. So, she made a break for it.
When Usopp noticed his new invention tugging at him, and two figures his observation haki picked up, he looked over the rock to see Ulti running away. ‘Does she really think it’s that easy?’ he thinks as he tugs the rope tied to his left arm. Immediately, the rope came reeling back towards Usopp with Ulti screaming as she suddenly got pulled back to the rock.
“Like my new invention? I modified this rope with a mix of pop greens that make it reach to lengths around 120 meters long! Not only that, but if I feed it enough pop greens, it can reach lengths that are at least 10 times that. Not too shabby if I do say so myself.” Usopp gloats as Ulti couldn’t move because the rope kept tightening around her. “Now, time to get back to the Flower Capital. Can’t hold you here forever.”
“When Pay-Pay finds me, you’re going to wish you let me go.” Ulti angrily replied as she tried and failed to break free from the rope.
“Pretty sure he’s in jail too.” Usopp casually replies.
Ulti huffs, “As if any petty jail cell can down my Pay-Pay! When we get to the Flower Capital, it’ll probably be burned to the ground!”
“Really? Cause last time I checked, the Capital was full of people drinking and partying. Hell, I think they’re still going!” Usopp smugly says. It was at that moment that Ulti felt a presence rising in the distance of her observation haki. She figured Usopp must’ve felt it too, because he suddenly tensed up.
‘Dammit. I hoped it wasn’t coming this way.’ Usopp thought as he tied Ulti down to a nearby boulder. As he pulled Kuro Kabuto out from his hip, he couldn’t stop his hands from shaking as he extended Kabuto’s length and loaded some Green Stars into the pouch.
As the beast came out of the horizon, Usopp could see that it was a wanizame, a crocodile shark. It was approaching fast, and Usopp could feel the bloodlust coming towards him. From the looks of things, it was coming for food. And Usopp knew who its prey was.
‘Just calm down Usopp.’ He thinks as he aims his shots at the approaching beast, ‘You are brave. You are strong. You’ve been strong since you got back from that hell.’ He remembers his nights in the Boin Archipelago. How he had to climb from mountain to mountain to find different pop greens. How he had to keep his eyes open at all times to dodge Devil plants. How he had to train like hell for two years straight to finally be strong for his nakama.
He aims Kuro Kabuto right in front of where the beast will be with the help from his observation haki. He takes a deep breath, breathes out, and fires.
“Green Star: Devil Garden!”
And six venus flytraps spring up around the wanizame as it tries to bite through them. Big mistake, as that just angers the now massive and hungry venus flytrap. Soon enough, it begins to return the favor with the help of it’s brothers.
“IT WORKED! IT ACTUALLY WORKED! YES! I KNEW I WAS STRONG!” Usopp yelled out in satisfaction as his Devils go to town on the recently-turned-prey predator. As that was happening, Usopp was too distracted to notice Ulti turning her back to him and placing her foot on the boulder she’s currently tied to.
Ulti knew she had to get free. She doesn’t believe Usopp is telling her the truth that Kaido’s dead and that all of the Beast pirates are captured or dead. There were probably some stragglers like her out in Wano. She just needed a way to get out of these handcuffs, and she’ll just turn into her full form to get out of this stupid rope. Fortunately, the opportunity to run has just presented itself to her.
Believe it or not, Ulti is actually pretty smart. The entire reason why she and Page One rose through the ranks of the Beast pirates was because she was smart enough to steal two ancient zoans from the treasure room. She knew their rules. Survival of the Fittest. So, if they each got two devil fruits from one of the strongest categories, they’ll be able to live. Ulti also has strong armament haki. In fact, when it comes to pure power, Ulti’s armament haki is the strongest out of all the Tobi Roppo. Ulti is also really resourceful, being able to use whatever is around her to her advantage. Case in point, Usopp, a boulder, and her armament haki.
As Usopp was busy celebrating his victory, Ulti was currently using her foot to charge the boulder in front of her with armament haki. Then, she raises her wrists up, and smashes them on the stone.
Usopp turns around, and sees a now seastone free Ulti transforming into her hybrid form, breaking free from the rope. “AHHH!” Usopp panics as he looks into his bag frantically searching for his pop greens. ‘WhereisitWhereisitWhereisit’ he frantically thought.
“YOU” Ulti says in an angry tone as she charges her head with enough haki to hurt Usopp.
‘Found it!’ Usopp thinks as he finds his pop green stash. Just then, Ulti charges at him aiming for a headbutt. At the same time, Usopp takes out a specific pop green.
“Ulti Mortar!” she aims for his chest
“Green Star: Trampoline!”
Just as Ulti’s head nearly meets Usopp’s hand, a flower blooms out of his hand and an elastic-like substance meets Ulti’s head, bouncing her back to the ground. ‘What the hell? How did it stop my armament haki?’ she thinks before she gets off the ground, before noticing Usopp has his slingshot loaded behind a bamboo.
‘So this is going to be a standoff?’ Ulti thinks as she remembers how she would’ve lost to Usopp if it wasn’t for Page One tearing the venus flytrap off of her back on Onigashima. ‘All he has to do is shoot me before I get to him, and I win.’ Easier said than done, considering how fast Usopp can shoot his pop greens. ‘And to make things worse, his armament might be as strong as mine.’ She thinks as she looks at the flower in front of her. ‘Is his haki stronger than mine? Maybe I’m just overthinking things and that flower just got the jump on me?’
Usopp then moves out of the flower and aims at Ulti, ‘Here goes nothing’
“Green Star: Devil!”
The pop green lands right where Ulti was before she was dashing towards Usopp, head charged with haki. Little did he know, she thought this would be enough to hurt him but not kill him. As payment for helping her.
“Ulti Mortar!”
Usopp braces himself for the incoming hit. His skull still hasn’t healed since Ulti smashed her head into it in Onigashima, so he’ll probably die from this. ‘Guess I’m not strong.’
Usopp remembered his entire life. How his mom died when he was young, how he met Kaya and told her stories he made up, how he met his crew and how they protected his home from Kuro, how he joined the Strawhat pirates and his life changed for good, how they entered the Grand Line and met Laboon, how he met Dorry and Broggy, how he left the crew because of what happened to Merry, how he burned the World Government’s flag at Enies Lobby, how he got separated from his nakama when Kuma came to Sabaody, how he trained like hell in the Boin Archipelago, how he and his nakama entered the New World, how he became a god to the Tontatta tribe, and how he and his nakama raided Onigashima.
‘I regret nothing’
‘Why am I not dead?’
Once Usopp opened his eyes, he could see that Ulti was trapped by a pair of green teeth. ‘Devil!’ he thought as he looked down to see the rest of the root coming out of the ground.
Usopp began laughing like a maniac. He thought he was dead! He actually did. ‘I’M THE LUCKIEST MAN ALIVE!’ he thought as he knew that no one could be as lucky as he is.
Meanwhile, on Elbaf, a certain red nosed pirate was talking to a certain red haired pirate when suddenly the red nosed one sneezed, cursing out anyone who was thinking of him.
“Now,” Usopp says looking to Ulti, “time to re-tie you.”
“Keep praying! Once I break free again, I’m going to offer your head to Kaido-sama!” Ulti bluffed, “But that’s before I kill your nakama!”
And with that, Usopp finally had enough and snapped, “When will you accept that Kaido is dead!” Usopp says with a raised voice at Ulti. “He was beaten up by Luffy, and dragged and dropped down to Mt Fujiyama where he was burned alive in a volcano! HE. IS. DEAD!”
And with that, Ulti was silent for the first time in a while.
The sun was setting as Usopp prepared some things to use for a makeshift bed. Meanwhile, Ulti was just sitting at the corner, new seastone cuffs on her wrists, even tighter rope tied to her, looking down.
Ulti knew she should’ve died. She really should be dead. Usopp could’ve left her in that plant’s mouth and just ran away and no one would’ve been the wiser. And yet he saved her. He already saved her when she was left for dead on the beach of Kuri, hell he even fed her and kept her entertained with some stories of his adventures. So, when she was going to headbutt him, she was going to make sure to weaken her haki to make sure he lives. It’s the least she could do.
But Ulti got caught by Usopp’s plants. She knew this was going to be the end. She made her attack look like she was going to kill him to get him to back off. Turns out, he won’t need to.
And yet, Ulti is alive. Usopp chose to let her live. Even after he went on his little tirade about how Kaido’s dead. As she was offered some meat from a pop green, she was just left with one question in her head.
“Why?” She mumbled, Usopp only barely hearing her.
“Why what?” Usopp said, getting the sense of Deja Vu.
“Why are you feeding me?” Ulti asked with tears in her eyes.
“I already told you, my chef wouldn’t let a woman go hungry, and neither will I.” Usopp said with confidence in his voice.
“But after all I did to you!” Ulti said in a half pleading, half questioning tone, “After I nearly killed you and that red haired girl back on Onigashima, after breaking your head, after trying to run from you twice today, and after I tried to knock you out a few hours ago!” Ulti said as Usopp perked up at the last bit, “Why are you letting me live?”
“Wait, what was that last one?” Usopp asked Ulti as he gave her his full undivided attention.
“Do you mean how I was going to knock you out?” Ulti asks, “What? Do you think I was actually going to kill you after how you treated me? You fed me, kept me company, hell you even patched me up. Not killing you is the least I could do.”
“What are you talking about? I thought I was dead back there. You easily would have killed me if my Devil didn’t save me.” Usopp sincerely says.
“But you could’ve just used your armament haki against the attack! I gave you plenty of time to react.” Ulti points out.
“Why do you think I have Armament haki?” Usopp asks Ulti as she realizes something important. For whatever reason, Usopp can’t use armament haki.
“Why do you not know haki? Your captain is Yonko level and he never thought about teaching you haki?” Ulti asks Usopp with a look of genuine confusion, “You’d think he would at least unlock it for you.”
Usopp prepared to argue with her, until he realized that Ulti was actually right. ‘Why hasn’t Luffy at least unlocked our haki?’
Ulti notices Usopp thinking over her question. Then she remembers back to the night before, how he made her laugh even when she was grieving, how he fed her even though she’s his enemy, and how he patched up her wounds when he didn’t need to.
Ulti sighs, ‘I can’t kill him.’ she admits, ‘I just can’t bring myself to do it.’ Ulti then looks to Usopp, and comes up with an idea, ‘but I can thank him.’
“Usopp,” Ulti starts, “I want to thank you for letting me live.”
“Where are you going with this?” Usopp asks, not knowing where this is going in the slightest.
“I’m going to teach you armament haki.” Ulti says with firmness in her voice.
It took Usopp a second to understand what she said. Him? Armament? It sounds too good to be true!
“What’s the catch?”
Ulti then sighs, “I want you to release me from this rope and shackles and release Pay-Pay from jail, and,” Ulti readies herself, “And let me visit Kaido-sama’s grave.”
Usopp thinks for a moment, before accepting, “Alright, I can get you to Mt Fujiyama, but I don’t know if Page One is alive. Knowing Wano, he’s probably alive just so they can execute him later.” Usopp explains.
“That’s fine, Pay-Pay is alive.” Ulti says like it’s a fact before thinking, ‘He has to be’
Usopp then loosens the rope around Ulti, untying her and taking off her seastone handcuffs. He then reaches his hand out in front of her, “Partners?”
“More like student and teacher.” Ulti says as she takes his hand and gets up. “Now come on, we’ll start tomorrow morning.”
8 notes · View notes
robinchan-hananomi · 3 years
One Piece 1023
I have a lot of thoughts here about the new chapter. There is a lot of things to unpack here!
So first, things I loved! I absolutely loved Zoro and Sanji’s dynamic in this chapter. Yes, the two were bickering a bit but honestly it felt like their comments were more to reassure each other than anything. Zoro immediately noticed that something was wrong with Sanji and Sanji responded honestly, that his body has felt funny ever since using the raid suit a second time. Zoro probes to see just how deep the concern is, asking if Sanji is going to slow him down, and Sanji’s answer seems to reassure him enough that he almost jokes, teasing Sanji about his eyebrows. One the flip side Sanji knows better than almost anyone just what kind of shape Zoro is in right now. They both look out for each other and they tease each other during the start of this fight, but it is mostly them being more like ‘look asshole, I know you’re trying to see what the extent of the damage is but I swear I am fine enough to knock this son of a bitch out’.
And make no mistake, Zoro and Sanji are probably going to have a lot of physical issues after this chapter. Sanji mentions that his body is feeling weird. This could be anything from the raid suit being intentionally designed to hurt Sanji to his body just not being able to cope with the strain the new technology is putting on him. The mink doctor also just reminded Chopper that while Zoro is up now, he won’t be for long and that he doesn't even want to imagine what kind of shape Zoro is going to be at the end of the fight. No matter how Wano shakes out, Zoro and Sanji are going to be hurting and will require some serious rest and TLC.
After Sanji and Zoro face off against King and Queen, we also get a small moment for the opponents to communicate. On Queen and Sanji’s side, Queen talks about how Judge experimented on his children and questions the validity of Sanji’s claim of being completely human since he can light his body on fire. Sanji admits he’s probably just that dramatic. On the other side Zoro notes King’s unorthodox fighting and when King points out there is no need to follow technique and method in combat, Zoro agrees and reminds King there really isn’t anything preventing Zoro from ripping out King’s throat with his teeth.
Now Zoro and Sanji are only able to fight King and Queen in peace due to Hyogoro and Kawamatsu’s efforts. Kawamatsu prevented a Beast Pirate from taking a shot at Zoro and Hyogoro explains that anyone who tries to help either side at this point would just be in the four combatants way. While they watch the fight, they comment about Zoro.
The thing is, Zoro has been connected to the Shimotsuki Clan from the start. Zoro’s hometown is Shimotsuki Village. In the SBS corner, Oda explained that the village was founded about 55 years ago by Shimotsuki Kozaburo, the man who forged Wado Ichimonji and Enma. Kozaburo’s son Koshiro ran the Isshin Dojo, which used the Shimotsuki Clan crest as it’s symbol and Zoro had worn that crest his entire childhood. Koshiro’s daughter Kuina was Zoro’s best friend and rival. Then Zoro met and fought Shimotsuki Ryuma, whose family name was again confirmed in the SBS corner. More on Ryuma in a minute. Ever since Zoro has entered Wano, he has been even more connected to the Shimotsuki Clan. The Clan had two Daimyo’s that we know of, Ushimaru and Yasuie. Zoro has spent a lot of time in Ringo, Ushimaru’s territory, and even combated with Ushimaru’s retainer Onimaru a few times now for Ryuma’s sword Shusui. On the other side Zoro befriended Yasuie and his daughter Toko. While all the strawhats were seen to be fond of Toko and quite a few met Yasuie, Zoro spent the majority of time with him.
Now as for Ryuma. Ever since the Monsters oneshot was tied to the One Piece Manga, fans had noticed the similarities between Zoro and Ryuma. The two look very alike in appearance and they had many similar mannerisms. They also have the connection of sharing a sword, Shusui, and both decapitated a dragon in the air. And now, apparently, Ryuma had lost an eye in his adventures and was known as a one eyed swordsman...which I mean his zombie did have a scar on his face that would have gone over his right eye along with bandages covering his right eye so it’s not really a surprise.
The two citizens of Wano comment that Ushimaru is a direct descendant of Ryuma and note that Zoro has a similar appearance and style of fighting to Ushimaru and by extension Ryuma. Now if this is because Zoro is somehow part of the Shimotsuki Clan (which I actually kind of hope not), or if it is just a coincidence about appearance and the other similarities are because Zoro trained at a dojo from the Shimotsuki Clan is still up in the air. Either way, I really do like the idea of developing Zoro more and I have been waiting for someone, anyone, in the manga to finally notice just how much Zoro seems to be connected to this family.
Anyway, back to the chapter! While Zoro and Sanji keep two of the three calamities busy, we see there is a LOT of other things going on. I’m not going to go in order of the rest of the chapter because I want to organize my thoughts a little.
So first, which is actually the last thing to happen, is Momo is now 28 years old. He has Shinobu turn him into an adult because he can only do so much as an eight year old. It is a fantastic way to follow the panels of the battle that came before it, because we see the samurai are willing to die to bring about an age where Kaido’s reign has ended and Momo’s time can start. They believe that Momo will bring Oden’s will and bring Wano to a wonderful future, they believe it so much that they are willing to die for it. Momo answers that belief by giving up twenty years of his life. Understand while twenty years have passed for everyone else, it hasn’t for Momo. Momo just had Shinobu mature his body by twenty years in order to get stronger, bigger, and be able to take a stand against Kaido. There is going to be a lot of issues in the future with having an eight year old in a twenty eight year old man’s body, but just like Zoro and quite possibly Sanji’s physical health; this is a bridge to cross when we get to it. After all everyone has to survive the battle and win before they can worry about what is next. So now as a much bigger and stronger dragon, Momo and Luffy can go face Kaido together.
On a side note with everyone talking about being ghosts and all, it’s kinda fitting that it is implied that Momo looks like Oden. Now we really will have people think they’re seeing ghosts.
We also have Inu and Neko fighting Jack and Big Mom’s son. These fights are not just about defeating Kaido either. There is an element of revenge to them both. As Inu sends Jack through a wall, he expresses recalls all the pain Jack brought to the people of Zou. Just like Neko talks about Pedro while fighting. And yet the two talk about how everything they lost, all that they suffered through, was all part of the road to get there, now, to bring Kaido and his Beast Pirates to an end. And the two are using their badass Sulong Form.
The last big note for this chapter is Marco’s memory of his discussion with Whitebeard. It is implied that King’s race are the Lunarian, and that King is the last one. They lived up on the Red Line in a long ago past. Marco recalls Whitebeard talking about how it was ‘God’s Land’ which is honestly giving me super Skypeia vibes. What exactly is this God’s Land?
Because we hadn’t talked too much of the Red Line, I for whatever reason, always imagined other people living up there. We knew the Celestial Dragons lived on the Red Line, but because it is like a long continent of linked together islands I just naturally assumed other races and beings lived up there. That doesn't appear to be the case. Which to be fair I am a fool for even thinking that because now that it’s put that way I realize a group so pompous and self important as the Celestial Dragons would never allow anyone so lowly as normal people to live so high in the world as they do. So they enjoy their life in the clouds while driving any peoples and race either off the Red Line or to extinction.
Marco brings up the old conversation to Izo, after the latter saves him for drifting off in a battle, and Izo says Marco sounds like Whitebeard when he was drunk. Whitebeard was part of the Rocks Pirates, the Pirate crew that shook the world to it’s core almost a whole generation before Roger even appeared. Whitebeard has seen some real shit. I wonder just what all Whitebeard knew about the world, and I wonder just how much he tried to impart on his children only for them to think he was drunkenly rambling?
Anyway, it was a fantastic chapter and I am so freaking excited to see where we go next!!!
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