#kaiju no. 8 narumi
ouiouimochi · 14 days
pairing: gen narumi x reader
genre: slice of life, romance(?), teen narumi
wc: 3k+
warning/s: profanities, manga spoilers for non-readers, no beta we die like (redacted), wonky format yey
note/s: takes place before narumi got recruited into the JAKDF. no mention of kaiju in this part. inspired by something I apparently experienced that I was unaware of until my friend hilariously told me (a better ending ig?)
Gen Narumi was left on his own once more as his highschool peers chattered amongst themselves in their own groups. He paid them no mind, walking through the bustling hallways and up the stairs leading to the rooftop while absorbed into his handheld console. The male reached for the door handle and turned it, slightly wincing at the amount of light that greeted his face upon opening the entrance to the top of the school.
He strides over to his usual spot only to find it was occupied by a girl that he figured was his senior as indicated by the colored stripe on her uwabaki. She was staring intently at the familiar checkered playing board and its signature pieces
You didn't hear the rooftop door opening, nor did you notice someone walk up to your spot. Very immersed in the game of chess you were playing…
with yourself
Gen was curious as to why this senior of his was playing a game meant for two on her own. He would've thought you were quite the sad sight but he spectated you silently, watching as you moved the chessmen of both sides in turn. He eventually gets engaged as well, impressed at how you move the pieces as if you were placing two chess experts against each other— without having a bias as to which side to win either.
You thought hard about the next move, in a predicament. It was taking you quite a while to decide until a hand smoothly took a piece and carried the ivory knight to a specific coordinate.
You processed the whole setup, in agreement that the action was the best one at the moment. You were delighted, only noticing the person that joined you on the rooftop had crouched on the ground to impose themself in your game.
You allowed your eyes to trail from the unknown person's green-striped uwabaki before settling on the person’s face. He doesn't seem familiar to you, heck you think you'd never be familiar with anyone even in your year level. However, you can't help but think he was pleasant to look at.
“Make your move,” his voice rumbled, snapping you out of your thoughts.
You blink a few times before placing your attention back to the chessboard. You scanned the pieces before making a bold move of threatening the ivory queen. The unnamed boy comfortably settled himself on the side where the white pieces were positioned.
You look up at him as his red eyes surveyed the board. It was intriguing for you to see how focused he seemed to be in the spontaneous game. You may as well be delighted that another person has joined you in your lonely session, he seemed to be good at it too.
You snap your attention back to the board before using the ebony bishop to take his pawn. The male raises an eyebrow at the move, making you unknowingly grin.
He scoffs and confidently moves his rook, challenging to take your knight. You lick your lips, excited to have a thrilling chess game with an actual opponent. You moved a pawn, confusing the other player immensely. You two continued to play the game silently, not even a word of introduction to each other.
Narumi stares blankly at the chessboard, gobsmacked at the turn of events. He had realized a few turns in that your actions all had a purpose— the unsuspecting pawn from earlier had upgraded itself into replacing the ebony queen he took from you. The gears in his head going into overdrive, he realizes that no matter what he moves, you'd be able to counter and corner him closer and closer to checkmate. His pride didn't allow him to lose, no it wasn't in his dictionary to lose.
You surprisedly blinked at his decision to move his remaining bishop. You furrowed your eyebrows, staring intensely at the board as if with intent to bore a hole into it.
The boy became impatient, “Move,” he had crossed his arms to tap on his bicep.
“I can't,” your soft-spoken voice echoed, making him realize this was the first time you talked. “It's gonna end in a stalemate no matter which piece I'd touch.”
Narumi gazed at your delicate face before evaluating the game, figuring out that you were right. A dulcet laugh pierced through the silence, sounding like the pleasant tinkling of bells to his ears.
The two-toned haired boy stared at the hand outstretched to him. You introduced yourself.
“Gen Narumi,” he huffed out, tone having no hint of respect meant for someone older than him. You cracked a small smile, not liking the stiff dynamics of this school hierarchy anyways.
The bell rings, signaling the end of your lunch break. You were slightly disappointed, wanting to play an actual match against Narumi. You started neatly fixing up the chessboard.
“Rematch tomorrow, got that?” you gaped at the male’s suggestion, secretly ecstatic that you found yourself a player to go against without judgment or underestimation. He helped you pick up the other pieces to place inside the board.
You nod.
“No fucking way, I lost again!” Narumi cursed, not believing that someone as great as himself was capable of experiencing losses back-to-back. Although he won a few rounds and got a lot more of stalemates, his pride didn't allow him to have such a bad W/L ratio.
You giggled and sat up proudly, finding it amusing to defeat your…
‘Can we be considered as friends?’
You shook your head at the thought. Poking your tongue out when he accuses you of cheating. You ruffled his already messy two-toned hair, making him glare at you like an angry cat.
“A million years too early to beat me,” you hummed.
“We're the same age, you just skipped a grade,” he argued back, not liking how you were treating him like a kid.
“Fuck this game, I challenge you to a different one!” he exclaimed, tired of losing. He wanted to rub in your face that chess would be the only thing you can have over his head.
He takes out his Nimtemdo Sweetch, positioning the screen to be propped up on a stand. He gave you the blue controller, taking the red for himself. You tilted your head curiously, although video games were not a foreign concept to you, you were not well acquainted with them.
“Don't fucking tell me you've never played any other games,” he raised an eyebrow.
You look at him, a bit offended, “I have, actually! Go, Scrabble, Game of the Generals, and so much more.” You crossed your arms and harrumphed.
“All of which you play alone,” he rebuked, making you blow a raspberry.
“Hey! I play with people sometimes, like the nice elderly at the park…and…” you trail off, unable to keep up the confidence when he continues to stare at you expectantly. You scrunch your eyebrows and pout.
Narumi rolls his red eyes, “Not video games then, fine I'll teach you. It's not satisfying to win against someone who knows little of the game,” he flippantly said. Despite his brash comments, you knew he meant no harm at all. If anything, you found it cute that he was willing to patiently teach you how to play.
“OI, Why aren't you doing the combo I taught you?? It'd defeat the boss so easily too!” Narumi continued to smash his controller’s buttons as he angrily barked out orders to you. You get irked, focusing on the boss you two decided to fight in co-op.
The male cursed as his character died due to being unable to dodge the monster’s specialized attack, leaving everything up to you.
“Go, go, go! Use your items for fuck’s sake!” he commented, scooching himself close into your space.
“Can you please stop backseating?” you exasperatedly responded, still focused on surviving and ending the fight.
“I wouldn't have to if you had stuck to the plan!”
“Oh my god, my skills were on cooldown to do the combo! The boss was also transitioning to its next phase, stop hounding me!”
Silent falls over as the screen showcases the ending cutscene, indicating a successful boss raid. You smugly look over at him, making him irritated.
“If you just stop being a metaslave, you would've responded easier to unexpected situations.” You tutted at him as though he wasn't the expert in video games among you two.
He growls(I can't AHSHDH I CAN IMAGINE HIM AS A GROWLING CAT), but otherwise stays quiet since you made a point. You made it clear to him during the gaming sessions that you were quite quick on the uptake, soaking in game mechanics like a sponge.
He feels miffed, as your mentor, when he can't help but notice how you were better in certain aspects of gaming than him. Another jab at his pride. However, he couldn't ignore how he's enjoying your presence and skills in different gaming mediums.
“Congrats on winning the judo tournament, by the way,” you caught his attention as he raised his eyebrow in question. You then dangled a small keychain, a trophy with the ‘#1’ engraved on it, in front of his face, urging him to accept it.
Narumi does not know how to react, he had already grown accustomed to not receiving praise or even acknowledgements for his feats. This was quite new, you even gave him a token of congratulations.
His ears burn pink as he accepts the gift. He does not allow himself to be caught lacking so instead of straight out thanking you, he hits you with a
“It's only expected for me to win the tournament,” he smugly huffed out, raising his chin arrogantly while straightening his back to look taller.
You jokingly rolled your eyes, “Confident? Play chess against me, then.” You challenged him.
You were pleasantly surprised when Gen progressively improved in playing against you, slowly and surely bridging the skill gap between the two of you. He steadily gained more wins over losses recently too.
You furrowed your eyebrows, admittedly having a bit of a hard time. You zoned out for a while but noticed Gen’s lips moving from your peripherals.
Your eyes then lit up, before taking your bishop to check his king. You looked up at the two-toned haired male for his reaction only to be greeted with an intent stare from his carmine orbs. Confused, you tilted your head to one side as he pushed a hand on his forehead to mess up his locks. He muttered something too incomprehensible to reach your ears.
You didn’t dwell too much on it and took a bite out of the school cafeteria’s lunch sandwich he bought for you. It was quite delicious, actually — you could've sworn you've seen the limited promotion for this specific menu item. You shook your head and focused back on the board as he made his move. You smiled, a sign of guaranteed victory.
It was too cold to chill at your usual spot on the rooftop. You two didn't want to go anywhere filled with busybodies either, so you and your friend agreed to stay at the stairs before the entrance to the roof.
Despite being indoors, you still shivered, covering your arms for a little morsel of warmth. You closed your eyes before you felt a cozy weight drape itself across your back and shoulders. When you opened your eyes, Gen was already settling himself back to his spot. He didn't have his outer coat on anymore, finding that it was what he placed on you.
“Won't you be cold, then?” you asked, concerned for him.
“The cold’s nothing, you're just overreacting.” he rolled his eyes as he leaned backwards, his arms supporting him.
You can't help but smile, wanting to rebuke but decided against it.
“Thank you,” you gratefully said instead, knowing the male doesn't like to outwardly express his true emotions and intentions.
He wasn't making eye contact, instead bringing out the familiar gaming device and setting it up for you to play together.
You remember something and turn to your bag, rummaging through it, pulling out a small bag. You then extended it towards the two-toned haired male for him to take as he looked at you a bit weirdly.
“And what the fuck’s this for?” he suspiciously asked, eyeing the bag cautiously like a cat.
You rolled your eyes, “Just take it!” you urged. Excitedly anticipating his reaction.
He opens the bag to take out its contents as his eyes widen in surprise before turning to you in disbelief.
“Happy early holidays! Consider it as an early birthday gift as well,” you gave a thumbs up, but he shifted his body away to hide his facial expression.
It might just be from the cold but you can't help but notice how his ears were tinged a little red.
Spring has arrived with the cherry blossoms blooming and scattering its petals into the wind. The front of the school was filled with a solemn atmosphere of tearful goodbyes among friends and the good memories made on campus. There were also students hounding other students to confess their dearest adoration for their crush and ask for their uniform button. You could've seen people confessing under the romantic blossoms if you squinted.
You sighed at your spot on the rooftop overlooking the front yard on your lonesome. Yet again, you didn’t notice someone sneaking up on you until they plopped themself beside you on the railings. You immediately recognized the messy black and gray mop of hair belonging to your only friend in this school.
“Shouldn't you be down there?” His question pierced the silence.
“I don't want to, to be honest.” you hummed out as he turned his head to look up at you, still resting on his crossed arms on top of the railings. You continued to watch the other students below hugging each other.
You heard a deep sigh before some rustling of clothes as Gen shifted his position to stand. He gets something from his pocket, catching your attention.
“Your hand,” he commanded as you placed your hand palm side up, awaiting what he'd give you. He unceremoniously drops a little accessory on it.
You inspected it, bringing it closer to your eyes. It was a very pretty keychain of an ivory queen chess piece made out of a crystalline material. It glinted beautifully in the sun as some refracted stray lights managed to hit the surface of your face. Gen might as well have had his breath stolen away right there and then, but refused to surrender.
You looked at him and gave him a smile wider than any he'd seen from you. You were quite giddy, more than happy that there was at least one person who was there to make memories with— to make your last year in this school more enjoyable than the previous years.
“Gen,” you called out his name so softly, the boy might have as well allowed his knees to give up on him.
“Thank you so much.”
“Why'd you need to thank me for a small, shitty gift?”
You shook your head.
“No… I mean to thank you for all the memorable lunch breaks of playing chess, of teaching me new games— of just hanging out with my lonely ass…” You spoke, perhaps his vocabulary may have rubbed off on you at some point.
Gen ran his hand through his hair, pushing it upwards as he looked away. He failed to muster up the words he wanted to respond with, being really bad with people for a long time. He didn't want to speak like he usually did, lest you'd burst into tears at his harsh tone even when you spoke with such sincerity.
Your phone rang, interrupting the moment. After picking the device up to your ear, Gen noticed how displeased you were getting each second that passed even if the call only had lasted for around 30 seconds at best. You clicked your tongue in distaste after the call got dropped.
“That's my signal to go,” you turned to your only friend, a bit hesitant. “See you around, I hope?”
He nods his head, waving goodbye when you start to leave. His carmine eyes can only watch as you disappear through the rooftop door.
You arrive at the front where the crowd has significantly dwindled already, only a few stragglers left behind. The sleek black car awaited you beyond the gates of the highschool. You continued making your way towards the vehicle but got stopped when you heard your name being called from behind you.
You rotated to be met with Gen standing tall with his hand on his chest. “Your hand.”
You follow as he placed the small item in your hand, it was a button— more specifically a button from his uniform dress shirt. You look up at him to ask but get interrupted by a beeping horn, reminding you to get in already.
You hesitate again, but end up having to go and leave the two-toned haired male. You get in the car, the vehicle immediately driving off as the damned highschool grew farther and farther from your visuals.
You open your palm and inspect the button. More questions forming rather than answers. It was more of a common tradition for the graduating students to give away their shirt buttons to either friends and admirers in order to symbolize leaving a piece of themselves with these people. However, you cannot forget the crucial detail you noticed when Gen removed his hand from his chest.
The second button, symbolizing the piece closest to the heart, was absent from its spot on his uniform— and it was right there sitting in your hands.
i was supposed to be working on something else lmao-
will post part 2 someday when brain juice comes back
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bokutizer · 2 years
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summary : Narumi Gen's life has its highs and its lows, but he's glad that he does not have to deal with the latter ones on his own (he would never admit that though). tags : exes to lovers (?), fem!reader, fluff, angst, something between comfort and reverse comfort?, mentions of blood, spoilers for chapters 53/54 a/n : I can't believe how much fun I had writing for him. He's such a versatile character AND A GODDAMN BABY <;33
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It was not an unusual occurrence to find the commander of the first division of the Defense Force huddled up in his messy and dump-like bedroom. Yet the palpable melancholy in the light deprived room was rare. It was nothing new, considering that his job brought many sacrifices and losses with it, but still. It was rare.
Narumi was lying on his bed, hands clasped behind his head, changed into a white shirt with a faded Gundom imprint on it and his usual black sweatpants. Besides the few scratches along his jaw, nothing would have made you guess that this man had been on the battle field and had lost his mentor a few hours prior.
Yet here he was, barely acknowledging your presence as you finally closed the door behind you and, with slow and quiet steps, strode over to his bed. Between the various cushions and blankets on his bed, you could also spot the controller of his BS5 which lay beside his limp hand, even though the TV was clearly turned off, its screen pitch black. You wondered if he had really been able to muster some strength to game or if the abandoned controller was just another sign of defeat. Defeat because he had neither physical nor mental strength left to distract himself.
"What are you doing here?" despite the low volume of his raspy voice, his words managed to resonate through the quiet room, his face still facing the ceiling, his eyes covered by his multicoloured bangs.
"I've heard what happened to Mr. Isao." you spoke quietly, carefully choosing your words because you knew Narumi all too well. If it were for him, he would think that your presence was a mere sign of pity, a sign of his defeat, of his failure.
That's why the next time he spoke, his words were louder, harsher even. The tension in his body was clearly visible, tendons along his throat straining and jaw clenching. "Why. Are you here?"
You remained quiet and instead of snapping back, simply decided to take a seat on the edge of his bed. It was not noticeable to the naked eye, but Narumi relaxed, even if it was for only a tiniest bit. Somehow the air around him seemed less suffocating, now.
But as your hand slowly inched closer to his forehead, not being able to fight against your desire to just touch him even if it was for a short moment, one of his arms flew up, his hand grasping your wrist in a tight grip. "Narumi, I brought eye drops. Doctor said you overused them quite a bit." you said matter-of-factly, no softness coating your words, your expression emotionless as your eyes finally locked with his. They were bloodshot, red veins weaving themselves over his sclera, while the blueish rings beneath them seemed to have taken on an even darker shade than usual.
The hold on your wrist loosened, a wordless invitation for you to do whatever you had intended to do. Because, yeah, you knew Narumi but the same went the other way around. And if he knew one thing about you, then it was that you were stubborn as hell.
You motioned him do lie back down and soon after that his head hit the softness of his pillow, black and silver strands of hair sprawled over its pillowcase. How long has it been since the last time he had felt the tenderness of your hands? Three? Four months? It has definitely been long enough for him to feel like a terminally ill man who finally seemed to get his salvation.
The gentless with which your fingers combed his bangs out of his face, how they delicately rested along his eyes, not putting too much pressure around the irritated area as you pressed the prescribed amount of droplets out of the little tube. Narumi swore it was not the medication that soothed the uncomfortable itch in his eyes but rather just the simple sight of you.
However, he was aware that letting himself get used to this, to you, would be a fatal mistake.
"That’s enough." he muttered, slapping your hands away as if they could burn him. "Don’t need a damn nurse."
You sighed as you watched him turn on his side, his back facing you. This could have been your cue to simply leave him alone, let him shoulder this burden on his own, but you could not. And you knew that it was selfish because you were obviously not only staying because of Narumi. You were staying because the thought of him being alone right now would hurt you incredibly hard.
"How are you feeling?"
"'M fine. I've also been fine before. The bleeding's stopped. Now go."
"You know that’s not what I meant."
You flinched at the sight of his upper body swiftly shooting up, his bangs falling back into their place and hiding the frown etched on his face. "Why do you care? Huh? I couldn't do anything. Couldn’t save him. So why do you-"
"Because I care about you, Gen. You, not the first division commander." you cut him off, your own composure slowly crumbling as you felt your eyes sting. "Because I know that you liked Isao a lot."
Narumi's chest heaved heavily and he wondered if, in midst of the silence that reigned in the room, you could hear the rapid pounding of his heart, a result of all the anger, sorrow and relief that he felt currently. Anger towards himself, sorrow because that was simply something you felt when you lost someone, and relief because- because of you? He was not sure but that seemed to be the only plausible explanation.
The breathy chuckle vibrating in his chest seemed rather anguished as he flopped back down on his back, the heels of his palms pressed against his eyes. "You've missed me that badly, huh?" he derided, yet proceeded to scooch over a tiniest bit. Another silent invitation for you.
"You wish." the string of tension hanging between you two seemed to diminish, especially once your head lay beside his, two pairs of eyes now hyperfixating the grey ceiling as if it was the most engrossing thing you've ever witnessed.
"How did the evacuation go?" Narumi asked reluctantly after a beat of slience but received only a light jerk of your shoulders, one of them brushing against his. "That many deaths?"
He had already been looking at you as you turned your head to look into an ocean of red, your own eyes glazing over at the images of all the bodies your troop and you had recovered today from beneath all the ruins and debris that had remained after the destruction of so many buildings. "Way too many."
The reason Narumi's body felt rigid now was not tension, but rather hesitancy. It was just a small gesture of comfort, right? It would not hurt? Maybe a bit ironic since you were the one who had appeared in his room to comfort him, but who was he to give a shit? Warmth creeped through the skin of your palm as you felt him wrap his hand around yours until his fingers weaved themselves through the crevices of your own cold ones.
"Missed me that badly, huh?" you repeated his words, the light crack in your voice, however, drowning the lightheartedness in your words. The fake overly exaggerated laugh emanating from him nearly pulled a smile at your lips, the knot in your chest loosening a tad bit.
"You're insufferable." Narumi muttered defeatedly, the light squeeze you felt around your hand feeling like anything but annoyance or loathing.
"Right. That's why you broke up with me, remember?"
His eyes widened momentarily at your statement. The reason he had broken up with you? Many things annoyed Narumi Gen. Headlines of Ashiro Mina in the news, Hasegawa when he dragged him to unnecessary meetings, people who were only talks without any real actions and strength behind their words- You had never been part of any of these things.
The only thing that had scared him away from you was he himself. He feared all the things that you made him feel; the love that you made him feel for you. He feared becoming too attached and the possibility that your death would not leave him indifferent. For God's sake, neither of you had simple nine to five jobs. Every single day you left your cabins in your suits, you instantly signed a contract that granted you a meeting with Death himself.
But as Narumi noticed your breaths becoming deeper and steadier, his free hand brushing a single strand of your soft hair behind your ear, he realized that life without you was one of the many things that annoyed him. He realized that not having you at all was worse than the constant risk of loosing you, and for once, he was glad that many people had a rather bad image of him. Because he also realized that being selfish had never felt better than now.
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werewolf1903s · 3 months
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Someone help him 😭
I'm hysterical about this 😂
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qweaenr · 3 months
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KAIJU #8 - ex
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iizuumi · 4 months
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forgot how to draw my kn8 blorbos help
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akagi0021 · 2 months
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somebody pls get these mfs to a hair salon or sumn cause these haircuts are diabolical💀
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maruflix · 1 month
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FEATURING: Narumi Gen x f!reader x Hoshina Soshiro
SYNOPSIS: Everyone knows by now that Captain Narumi Gen has the hots for you, no matter how hard he tries to hide it. Unluckily for him, a certain Vice-Captain of the Third Division finds the whole situation very amusing.
CONTENT: [2,6k words] female reader, reader is a platoon leader in the first division, hoshina is a menace, pining narumi, manga version so hoshina has red eyes, sparring with hoshina and narumi, basically a collection of narumi and hoshina fighting over you, no beta we die like men
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You wish Narumi would just drop the act. 
Does he really think he’s being slick? He, the First Division’s resident lazy bum, who for some reason always asks you to spar with him out of all the platoon leaders? Maybe if he doesn’t act so weird about it, you’d be none the wiser — but who is he fooling when he continues to compliment your abilities and patch up your injuries, all the while flaming someone else for being a weakling?
Yeah, everyone caught on pretty fast that there’s something going on between you two.
This morning, he once again orbits around you with the excuse of “I’m also going this way!”, only to instantly be caught in his own lie when Vice-Captain Hasegawa drags him off to the opposite direction, scolding him for playing around instead of getting to the meeting room. 
Good God. All you wanted in life is a cool, steady job in the Defense Force. How the hell did you manage to catch the eye of your dashingly handsome superior?
Director General Shinomiya drones on in the background as you squirm uncomfortably in your seat. Narumi is sitting diagonally from you, his gaze burning into you as he mindlessly taps the desk with his long fingers. Out of the corner of your eye you see Hasegawa elbowing his arm for the third time that day. His head drops and he turns to glare at the man irritably before straightening his position — but before long, his eyes drift over to you once more.
In front of you, Vice-Captain Hoshina is smiling. 
Shit. Your gaze drops to your lap as you feel your cheeks warming up. In the middle of trying to steal glances at your Captain, you accidentally made the mistake of looking at the Third Division’s Vice-Captain while he’s looking at you.
Wait. He’s looking at you…? Surely not. His eyes are always narrowed into slits, it makes it hard to tell where he’s actually looking. You raise your head in uncertainty, only to see that Hoshina is now resting his chin on top of his intertwined fingers, his grin wide and his eyes still very much staring at you.  
Your heart jumps and you immediately avert your gaze elsewhere — as luck would have it, back to Captain Narumi, who seems to notice that you’re distracted.
He turns his head to follow your earlier line of sight, leaning forward in his seat to see who you were staring at. Shockingly, Vice-Captain Hoshina does the same. You watch in horror as the two men turn their heads in perfect sync and lock eyes, two sharp red orbs clashing into each other.
Narumi doesn’t even bother to hide the fact that he is fuming while Hoshina’s grin only spreads wider.
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Narumi is grumbling when he walks out of the conference room. He hates big meetings. He doesn’t need Shinomiya to talk his ear off to know that there has been a kaiju uprising in the recent months. He’s the one who’s fighting in the frontlines, god damn it.
“What are you doing?” As he leans against the wall, Hasegawa spots him and eyes at him incredulously.
Narumi shrugs, trying to act indifferent. “Nothing.”
Hasegawa shakes his head and leaves.
After having a few people salute him, Narumi finally spots you emerging from the room. He smiles and pushes himself off the wall. He’s about to make his way to you when he sees you turn your head abruptly. He pauses, watching as your figure retreat, obstructed slightly by the opened door. When you re-emerge, you’re no longer alone.
Hoshina Soshiro is folding his hands behind his back as he saunters out, walking next to you a little bit too close for comfort while smiling that creepy smile of his.
It’s cliche, but at that moment, Narumi Gen sees red. Watching you and Hoshina disappear into the corner, he stuffs his hands into his pockets and follows suit.
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Vice-Captain Hoshina is a very skilled combatant. You’ve heard the rumors, but still...
It’s amazing how you manage to narrowly dodge a slash before pivoting out the way from a kick he directs at your sides. You take a swing at him with your blade, but he’s much more skillful with weapons than you are — he deflects it with his own twin swords before bringing the hilt to your knuckles, hitting it in the hopes of disarming you.
You grit your teeth and clench your blade, jerking it his way so hard that it knocks both his left sword and your own weapon. Both fall to the ground, clattering away out of your reach. 
Hoshina smiles, throwing away his other sword and gesturing for you to come to him. You accept the invitation. Closing the distance, you bring your knee up to kick him in the stomach. It feels like you hit a brick wall as you connect with his body — but still, a hit is a hit, and landing a hit on the Hoshina Soshiro is an impressive feat.
You learn your lesson not to get distracted in a fight when he suddenly grabs your knee with his hands and pulls on it so hard that you lose your footing. The whole world spins before your eyes — (you have a sudden sinking feeling that he took that hit on purpose) — as you crash to the ground. Grimacing, you let out a shaky breath. God damn, that hurt.
Hoshina’s face appears shortly after. “Ya’ alright? Quite a tumble you took there.”
You relax against the floor, trying to catch your breath. “Uh-huh. That was…” Letting Hoshina pull you up, you almost fall forward at the sheer exhaustion but manage to stop yourself from colliding into his chest. “... that was very enlightening. Thank you, Vice-Captain Hoshina.”
“You’re welcome, Platoon Leader. It’s refreshing to fight with you.”
Receiving a praise from the Defense Force's strongest close-quarters combatant makes you blush. You force your gaze downwards, trying to avoid Hoshina’s eyes. Suddenly you realize that he is still holding your hand, causing you yelp in surprise and immediately jerk your hand away.
Hoshina merely laughs, running his now-free hand through his hair. “Say, Platoon Leader, ya’ wanna grab a bite after this?”
Before you can answer, a tornado sweeps his way into the room.
“Hoshinaaaa!!” You snap your head to the door, surprised to see Captain Narumi marching towards you, his expression twisted in anger, “Who the hell gave you permission to spar with my platoon leader?!”
“My, if it isn’t Captain Narumi.” Hoshina is unbothered even as Narumi glares at him like he’s a pesky bug, “I don’t see how I need your permission to spar against someone. It’s not against the rules or anythin’~”
Hoshina’s breezy tone only makes Narumi seethe more. “You— you— I— !” He struggles to make a comeback, finally settling his gaze on you. “You! You’re coming with me!”
With that, he’s dragging you away, leaving behind a thoroughly amused Hoshina who’s waving at you goodbye with a grin on his face.
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Eating is supposed to be a relaxing activity.
Instead, you’re squished between Captain Narumi of the First Division and Vice-Captain Hoshina of the Third Division, with everyone from different divisions gawking at your star-studded table.
There’s a blazing inferno on your left (Narumi stabbing his potatoes with his fork, fuming) and an icy chill on your right (Hoshina gulping down the remains of his green tea, unbothered by the whole thing).
Truth be told, your captain is intimidating as hell when he’s in a bad mood, so you decide to turn your attention to the lesser evil. Hoshina seems to be finished with his food as he opens his phone to play a game.
“Oh, Vice-Captain Hoshina, you play Kaiju Impact too?”
Narumi snaps his neck so instantaneously, he almost got whiplash from it.
“Ye~p! It’s fun, I just got the newest five star character.”
“Huuhh?! No way! You’re so lucky! I lost my 50/50...”
“We should play together sometime. Let me add you.”
“S-sure! I’m still new at this, though...”
Without warning, Narumi leans sideways to join the conversation, causing you to lean back in alarm.
“What level are you?” He questions, narrowing his eyes to look at Hoshina’s phone before chortling obnoxiously. “Ha! Still at Level 30?! I’m already at Level 60!” He turns his head to look at you, “You sure you want to play with this noob?! Play with me instead!”
Hoshina sighs exaggeratedly. “Your enemies are too hard for her, dumbass. She’s just gonna get 1-hit-KO’ed. Platoon Leader, you’re better off playing with me.”
Narumi sputters. “Huh?! I can carry you, you don’t need to do anything!”
“Then why play at all? You’re probably just looking for an opportunity to brag, right?”
“What?! Y-You’d rather play with me, right?! Right?!”
You massage your temples in exhaustion. Forget it. You’d rather just exterminate kaiju in real life instead.
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You liked having a new sparring partner. Hoshina doesn’t go easy on you, but he’s always careful with his movements. It makes you feel both acknowledged and taken care of.
Narumi, on the other hand...
You yelp as the full force of Narumi’s power pushes you to the ground, knocking both your weapon and your breath away. Panting to catch your breath, you can’t even bring yourself to move because everything hurts.
“Are you alright?!” Narumi is kneeling down as he studies you frantically. “You usually defeat kaiju like a pro, what’s wrong with you today?”
“Between a kaiju and you, Captain Narumi...” You cough before panting again, “You’re definitely the bigger threat.”
To your surprise, Narumi laughs. He’s delighted at your indirect praise — sure, he knows that he’s the strongest in the Defense Force, but hearing his crush say it to his face is something else.
He gently pulls you up, steadying you by holding your waist. When you look up to thank him, he has a calm face on, but his heart is actually beating 120 bpm per minute. “Careful.” He rasps out, bangs falling down to cover his eyes.
Your heart skip a beat. Narumi’s hands still rests on your waist as he gazes right at you. It’s like there is a magnetic pull between the two of you because the distance between your faces grow closer.
You have to admit that you find him attractive — who doesn’t? — and the special treatment he gives you is very endearing. Now that you really look at him, he’s very handsome. If you move forward just a little bit more, your lips will surely touch—
“Ya—hoo! Whoops, am I interruptin’ something?”
Narumi groans in frustration as Hoshina casually walks over while you jump, taken aback by his sudden appearance. You instantly break free from Narumi’s grasp, much to his dismay. “V-Vice Captain Hoshina!”
A phone comes sliding into your vision. “Gimme your ID, won’t you?”
Flustered, you reach out to take his phone and proceed to type your Kaiju Impact player ID.
Narumi glares at his rival. “Must you really stomp all over my territory, Hoshina?” His tone is hostile as he points a finger at the violet-haired man.
Hoshina only responds with a chuckle before ignoring him completely, opting to taking his phone from your hand. “There we go. Now let’s go and play, I wanna kill time before dinner~”
You can only nod as he takes you by the arm. The two of you don’t get far because you suddenly feel a hand on your other arm.
“Captain Narumi?!”
Hoshina turns back, grinning from ear to ear when he sees Narumi clutching your arm like his life depended on it. “What’s this?”
“We’re not done with training!” Narumi reasons, loosening his grip on you but not quite letting go.
“R-Respectfully, I don’t think I can go another round...” You pipe up in a small voice.
Hoshina clicks his tongue in disapproval. “You’re such a mean boss, y’know?”
“Anyway, I’m not letting you go with him!”
“Who are you, her big bro or something?”
“Know your place, you’re not even in the same division!”
“What does that have to do with anything? I enjoy her company, that’s all~”
“Well I enjoy her company more!”
“Why are you so intent on one-upping me...? Are you a child?”
Neither of your superior relents, holding your arm like a tug of war. In the middle of them, you can already feel your soul slipping away.
“I’m sorry, Captain Narumi, but I did make a promise...”
Narumi looks at you like he’s been kicked. Meanwhile, Hoshina rejoices, pumping his fist victoriously.
“I’ll wait for you at the library!”
When Hoshina disappears, you glance anxiously at Narumi. There’s an indiscernible expression on his face as he hangs his head, sulking. ‘Is it okay to leave him like this...?’
You don’t know what possessed you to do it, but you lean forward and peck him on the lips. It’s a quick kiss that makes you feel like you’re a lovesick schoolgirl. When you pull away, Narumi has his eyes wide open as he stares at you in shock.
Getting the urge to kiss him again, you decide to run before you actually do it. Luckily, he doesn’t run after you — or else he’ll see what a blushing mess you’ve become.
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After morning practice, it is finally time for Hoshina to return to his own base at Nishi-Tokyo. Upon his request, you’ve come to see him off.
It’s surprising, but you’ve grown closer to the man in the span of just one day and a half, even playing games together as you chat about life and trivial things. You’re going to miss his presence.
The same can not be said for Narumi.
“Hurry up and leave already, dammit.”
“If you’re busy you can leave. It’s not like I asked you to come see me off.”
“Then why did you get my platoon leader to accompany you, huh?!”
“What’s it to you? Why’re you so intent on hogging her all to yourself? Got a crush on her or somethin’?”
“Y-You’re one to talk, you little—!”
Not this again.
Once more, Hoshina flat-out ignores Narumi. “Well, take care~ Let’s go somewhere on your day off.”
There’s a tight smile on your face as Hoshina pats your head, making Narumi seethe in anger next to you. “That would be my pleasure, but... Vice-Captain Hoshina, it’s not good to tease me so much...”
For the first time, Hoshina’s playful smile disappears. “Who says I’m just teasing you?” The mischievous glint on his eyes are absent as he peers at you, “Next time, I’ll show you just how serious I am.”
You’re pretty sure you have the dumbest expression on your face as you freeze on your spot, blushing to the tips of your ears even as Hoshina’s figure disappears into the distance. For a while, you and Narumi stand in front of the gates, engulfed in silence.
Narumi’s annoyed sigh interrupts your train of thoughts as you’re snapped back to reality. Turning your head, you see him giving you a look you’ve never seen before.
“Platoon Leader, come see me after the day ends. I need to talk to you.”
“W-What about?”
Narrowing his eyes at your feigned ignorance, Narumi bites back the urge to hoist you over his shoulders and lock you in a room away from prying eyes. “I think you know what about,” He whispers above your ear, his voice husky, “Did you really think I’ll let you steal a kiss from me and not take responsibility for it?”
Narumi leans back, grinning in satisfaction when he sees you turning red and stuttering his name. Now that a formidable challenger has appeared, he’ll need to up his game.
Let’s see who will be the one to seize victory.
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END NOTES: I give in. The Kn8 brainrot is chronic. Also, Narumi and Hoshina’s rivalry will never not be funny! Writing this is so much fun, should I make this a series?
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eizaamkc · 4 months
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Did a little character study, yes I love them
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gojosatoruwifey · 3 months
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narumi gen is so pathetic for his crush.
there he is, sitting comfortably in the rubble as he waits for the rest of the mission to come to an end. his weapon laid down beside him, phone in his hand to get his daily log-in rewards.
“this is l/n from the operation room.” 
you ignored the knowing glances of the officers inside the room. it wouldn’t have been bothering. as one expects to be a committed anti-kaiju defense force officer assigned in the first division, important figures have taken notice of your existence that brought a great contribution to subjugation missions. you maintained the facial muscles to not contort anything near to what you feel right now.
the young man on the large screen immediately perks up at the sound of your voice right next to his ears. narumi stood up and brushed off the dust in his suit. when he was certain, there was no untidiness left in his body — narumi’s hand ran through his hair to push them back.
as if his antics weren't bad enough already, he had to go and give a serious look to the hovering camera.
yet no officers in the operation room are blind. they could clearly see the corner of his lips curl up!
show off!
it wouldn’t have been a bother if captain narumi did not obviously have a crush on you. your superior is seriously making it difficult for you to get stuff done.
“oh, is that l/n i hear?” narumi mused. “i thought you were in the 2nd division. i didn’t know you were back.” he grabs the camera and moves it to his best angle, flashing a smile. “welcome home.”
“i appreciate the gesture but captain…” the blinking red circle moves, your gaze remains fixed upon it.
“yes, do you have something to say to me?”
“…sir, there’s three kaiju estimated to be honju-classified currently on the move in your direction.”
the officers seem more concerned with playing the audience to a budding romance than actually wrapping up the mission.
"what's with the tone? i have a report to submit right after this, captain. take care."
"oh—" narumi realizes, "oh!"
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kedsss · 3 months
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Captains and a Kaiju ✨
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saetoshis · 4 months
꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ ON DUTY | kaiju no. 8 headcanons
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⋆୨୧˚ WITH: ichikawa reno ; hoshina soshiro ; gen narumi
⋆୨୧˚ SUMMARY: where and how they like to fuck you on-base!
fem reader, exhibitionism, suit play [?], oral f. receiving, creampie, pet names [baby, pretty girl], MDNI.
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one thing about reno is his ability to be sly when he needs to. thinking outside the box, considering enemy moves one step ahead - he can truly be sneaky. that might be why he so easily came up with a plan to sneak out after lights-out just to meet up with you. he found an empty office, making sure patrols or cameras were nowhere to be found.
"shh, little quieter, okay?" reno mutters under his breath as he presses his palm over your mouth gently, his other hand having two fingers buried inside your needy pussy. you're so close together, having only a cramped space to do this; your legs wrap around his waist as you sit on the desk, chest pressed up against his. "just moan into my hand, yeah, like that."
"h-hard to be quiet when you're- mm- going so hard," you whimper out airily into his hand, your head reeling back when he fucks his fingers into you a certain way. your thighs shudder around him, and you can feel his cock growing harder each second he's pressed up against you. your arms wrap around his neck, fingers flitting through his hair erratically.
"gonna put it in now, 'kay?" reno pants out in need as he replaces his fingers with his cock, sliding in languidly and savoring each and every desperate enclosure of your cunt around him. he moans out a small 'fuck' when he starts to rut his hips, letting them merge into a quick rhythm that has you clinging onto him and whimpering against his big shoulder. "f-fuck, baby... feels so good. want you to cum on my dick, yeah."
the two of you are so lost in ecstasy that you don't realize the rhythmic bump of the desk against the wall, desperately attempting to muffle each other's moans and mews as you get closer and closer. with a heavy final rut and a shuddered moan out loud, you both are sent reeling in pleasure as you make a mess of each other. reno tries to catch his breath, coming to with a small gasp, "fuck, do you think anybody heard? i should find a better place next time..."
hoshina isn't one for breaking the rules necessarily, or even one to slack off while on the clock - but tonight was different. it was unbelievably late, the whole third division command center was essentially empty, and all kaiju within a ten mile radius were silent on the radar. maybe he could get away with it...
he doesn't even bother slipping out of his anti-kaiju suit before he's lifting you onto the control panel counter, lips pressing messy, open-mouthed kisses along the crook of your neck. all he can think about is how dirty it feels to fuck you where anybody could walk in at any moment. "wanna try somethin' new i've been thinkin' about."
"huh?" you query between heavy panted breaths, slipping your thighs further apart on either side of his hips to accommodate him. you both watch closely as his fingers slowly remove your suit, wandering your waist, then your hips, then your panties. all hoshina mutters along the shell of your ear is a rasped, "i'll show you what."
you finally start to put two and two together when he unzips his own tight-fitted suit, yet keeps it on his body as he presses the head of his cock against the wet spot on your panties. he languidly slips the fabric to the side, letting out a low grunt as he presses his forehead against yours when he ruts forwards. "fuck- wanna see how much you can take with the suit on. you can handle it, can't ya?"
you nod eagerly, already letting out little whines in time with each heavy rock of his hips. it already feels more intense than usual, and he hasn't even put much force into it. you shudder when he picks up the pace, his muscles tautening each time he ruts harder in succession. it's when his hands grip at your thighs and he fucks a bit rougher that you're whimpering out behind your hand in an attempt to stay quiet. "shh- that's it, take it. think you can lemme work up to 50% tonight?"
narumi doesn't have a problem playing it a little risky, especially when it comes to work. he'd rather laze around as long as possible before he has to get suited up - but backwardly, he also has no problem taking his time fucking you on a time crunch, either.
"narumi, aren't you supposed to start patrol in like, 5 minutes?" you pant out between strained whimpers, trying so hard not to get sucked into his explorative touches and tantalizing kisses. you hold back a shudder when his hand drags up your shirt, circling your nipple and watching it eagerly harden under his fingers. "can't be doing this right now..."
"don't care," he sneers and flashes you an obstinate, yet enigmatic look in his eyes as he slips your shirt upwards. he has you lay on your back as he dips his head down your chest, leaving flicks of his tongue and panted kisses on your tits. it's when his fingers start rubbing between your thighs that you start to cave, feeling a pressure building in your body. narumi looks back up at you, a mischievous glint in his gaze. "wan' you to cum all over my face before i leave. not gonna suit up 'til you do, pretty girl."
"that's so irresponsible-" you start, cut off by a shivered gasp when he slips your shorts and panties off and buries his face between your legs. his tongue swipes along your clit as his fingers dig into the plushness of your hips, little groans leaving his mouth as he tastes and tastes until he's satisfied. knowing him, it'll take a while before he is. "p-please, narumi, they're gonna yell at you."
"don't care. think they're gonna fire me? their strongest captain? nahh," narumi sneers before returning his tongue back to your clit, sucking and rolling his tongue against it over and over again. he knows you're close, he knows how your body works. it's when he uses his fingers to curl against that spot in your walls that he's moaning out, 'cum for me, cum for me, yeah', and watching you shudder as you release all the pent-up stress from your week. a voice sounds over his receiver, barking orders for him to hurry to command center. he sighs, "i know, i know. i'm on the way now."
he turns off the mic again, his little grin coming back to his face. "see? got it done in five minutes, didn't i? better wait for when i get back, yeah? not done with you just yet."
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2024 SAETOSHIS. do not copy/repost.
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ouiouimochi · 2 months
oh he bloomed into a legitimate flower alright
(Kaiju No. 8 Manga Chapter 88)
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imsosorry i came across this on tiktok(am I even allowed to type that out here) and then currently reading this manga chapter
i just had to stop, screenshot, and make a post yaknow—
narumi would canonically tweak at this and hunt me down (⁠(⁠・⁠▽⁠・⁠)⁠)
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chowpan · 20 days
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been into kaiju no 8 lately, specifically Narumi
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killergee · 3 months
Wrote this on my phone so sorry if the formatting is wonky. First fanfic since I was a teenager, so pls be kind and enjoy!
Soshiro x reader fanfic where you're cold towards him so he thought you hated him but you actually like him.
Summary: Hoshina thinks you're only out for his position but turns out you might not hate him as much as he thinks.
P1 P2 P3
"I am grateful and honoured to be recommended for the position of Vice Captain for the second division. However, I wish to be only Captain Ashiro's Vice Captain. Until then, I am happy to remain a platoon leader."
Those were the first words Hoshina heard you say. The first time he met you was at the higher up conference. It was decided that you would be promoted based on your performance in the latest Kaiju attack. But in all honesty, he was barely paying attention as he stood in his position behind Ashiro at the round table. It was one of those monthly meetings that seemed to drag on and on, and he couldn't help but try to stiffle a yawn. It wasn't like he had a say in the decision anyway, so what's the point of listening.
His interest peaked slightly when you walked in. He had seen you around the base a couple of times and had heard your name every once in a while. But his mind was always on training himself, the rookies, and keeping them alive.
He would be lying if he said you weren't a sight for sore eyes. Your gaze was strong, and you held your head high as you presented yourself to the higherups. One of those ice princesses, he guesses, as he shifts his gaze to look at the clock.
Who would've thought you'd be so interesting.
"HAHAHA! It's great to have aspirations," one of the higher ups laughed at your rejection, "too bad Hoshina has already got you beat. You want us to replace Hoshina with you?" A series of giggles erupted around the room.
"Not at all," you said, and Hoshina swears he saw a small smirk break your cold facade. "Hoshina is a fine Vice Captain and one that Captain Mina personally appointed. Simply put, when the time comes and Captain Ashiro needs someone else, I just want to be ready for the call," you replied with what he thinks is a bit of mirth in your eyes. He also could've sworn your gaze shifted to him at the end.
Your statement was strong, ambitious, and slightly threatening even. You've practically announced that you were out for his position and if he is ever deemed unfit, you'll be the one who'll snag it from him.
He swears that was the moment he was hooked on you.
Yet, it seems it wouldn't be easy to see that break in your facade again. Well, at least not easy for him. Somehow it wasn't until this point that he noticed how popular you were. According to everyone else, you were cool, fun, and kind. So why is it that you're always so cold towards him? He's heard your platoon absolutely gush about you to everyone they've met. He's seen you crack an unwilling smile to some of the younger cadets on the training field from a distance. Hell, he's even eaves dropped on you joking with his own squad.
"Hibino-kun, I heard you wanted to stand beside the Captain," you said slyly as you sat infront of Kafka in the study room. You were resting your head on your hand and eyeing at Kafka in a way that makes even Hoshina gulp. Though, probably in a different way from Kafka. Kafka flushed and tried to look at anywhere but you, "y-yeah I'm gonna try my best to do so... I also heard that you, um, were also aiming for Vice Captain?" He scratched his head a bit embarrassed but you only looked even more amused as your gaze sized him up as if evaluating him and his ambitions.
"That's right" you said with a mischievous smile.
"So I guess that makes us enemies for now, haha"
"No. Not necessarily," you sighed crossing your arms on the table and leaning forward as if to tell Kafka a secret. "You know the saying, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. So you and I are friends."
"And who's the enemy?"
"Hoshina, of course."
Well, isn't that something Hoshina thought. At least Kafka was enjoying himself.
"I guess he is," he said shoulders slumping, finally loosening up and laughing.
"Once he's out of the picture then we'll be enemies and I'm warning you, you don't want to be my enemy," Hoshina heard you joke back.
"Is that so?"
"Vice Captain!" Kafka shouted as he stood up to salute him as Hoshina entered the room. You on the other hand, seemed to be taking your sweet time getting up to salute him.
"Sir," you said flatly, all the humour you once had vanishing. Your eyes bored into his as if you were looking at an ant beneath your boot.
Right. Not easy. Definitely not easy at all.
"Do ya really see me that way y/n-kun?" Hoshina said as he walked to stand infront of you. "Why, you're hurting my lil' ol' feelings."
He knew he was standing closer to you than you'd like. With how your cheek slightly twitched, he can't say he wasn't enjoying this.
"I apologize, sir," you mumbled as if it pained you to say. "If it pains you so much why don't you go on leave? Take as much time as you need to recover."
"Oh? And let you take over my position?" He responded with a growing smile that showed off his fang.
"Or Hibino-kun can," you responded bringing back Hibino into the conversation.
"Um!" Hibino squeaked and both you and Hoshino snap your heads to look at him. "I-I uh... Nevermind."
"That's 5 laps for you, Hibino"
"What? Why I didn-"
"You want to do 10?" Hoshina threatened as a sliver of his eyes opens.
"No, sir!" Hibino salutes before hurrying himself out of the situation—scared he'll upset his vice captain even more.
With only the two of you left in the room, your slight step backwards doesn't go unnoticed by Hoshina.
"And how many laps do you want me to run, sir?" You asked in a way that Hoshina knows that if he were to discipline you, you'd pull your rank and find a way to refuse. Or perhaps you'll do it anyways and exaggerate his cruelty as a Vice Captain. So instead, why not take this opportunity to interrogate you?
"None. Just wanna talk"
"But Hibino-"
"Hibino-kun this Hibino-kun that. Do ya like the guy that much?" Hoshina cuts in, irked in a way he doesn't really understand.
"Negative. Just thought you'd be more fair," you responded flippantly, your eyes sharp and questioning.
"And who says you'll go unpunished?" Your eyes widened at that—but just as quickly as it did—your face returned to its calm and collected facade. Enjoying seeing the briefest crack in your composure, Hoshina started to wonder what else makes you tick and what other expressions can you make.
With a smirk he leaned back and forth on the balls of his feet, his hands clasped behind his back. "Say how long have you been in the force?"
The twitch of your eyebrow tells him you're thinking, what does that have to do with being punished. But you still responded, "six years, sir."
"Ahh so a little bit after me. No wonder. I would've remembered a face like yours in my cadet days." He said with a teasing smile. You seem to freeze a bit at his flirtation and it might be wishful thinking but did he see a small blush? Before he could think about it any further you responded, "yes, how very unfortunate we couldn't have entered the force together. Perhaps things could've been different if I had," insinuating something else.
"You're really out for my blood aren't you y/n-kun?" He chuckled lightly.
"Nope. Not really," you said nonchalantly seemingly finding his shoulder more interesting to look at. Hoshina leaned down to cut your line of sight. Face tilted at an angle, he leaned close to your face to force your eyes on him.
"Hmmm this is no good y/n-kun. We're supposed to be comrades, but where's the comraderie? How can we fight kaiju while bickering?"
"We'll survive," you said exasperated.
"Say, ya know what? I think I've thought of the perfect punishment for ya!" Hoshina exclaimed with an almost boyish excitement. He leaned back against the table and crossed his arms. "Since ya wanna be Vice Captain so bad, for your punishment ya have to follow me 'round and help me out with my duties."
"Like a servant?" You responded bewildered with his idea.
"Servant, slave, Vice Vice Captain. Call it whatever ya want. This way we can form a better relationship, which, hey, will set a great example for the kids," he joked only to be responded with your incredulous face that couldn't even bother to hide your grimace. "If anything, it'll benefit you too since you get to see what I do," he continued, shrugging slightly. "Maybe you can even find all my weaknesses and make a huge list to use against me to get my position," Hoshina chuckled at the thought.
After a beat of silence, Hoshina was moments away from taking it all back when you said, "okay, send me your schedule." This time, it was Hoshina whose eyes widened. He fully expected you to reject it. Hell, he suggested it in the first place because he wanted to see your reaction and how'd you go about rejecting him. Well, things are about to get fun.
His mouth curled into a grin. "Meet me at my office by 7am tomorrow," Hoshina said as he headed out of the room. "Get some rest, you'll need it."
"Whatever you say, your highness, bowlcut motherfucker," he heard you mumble under your breath as the door clicks close behind him.
Oh yea. This will be fun.
It's been three weeks since you've been tasked to follow him around. Three weeks of teasing and getting to know each other. Three weeks of little change in your attitude towards him, Hoshina thinks sadly. He thought that he would've been able to win you over with this extra time together. Yet, it seems that he was the only one being won over.
He couldn't stop himself even if he tried. Your quick and witty comebacks. Your cold phrasing and comments that are unintentionally funny (or perhaps they are intentional and it's just your humour?). Your earnest efforts in completing the ridiculous tasks he's assigned you. The glimmer in your eyes and your attempts to stop a smile when you're trying to pretend he isn't funny. He couldn't help but be drawn towards you—basking in the light that you emit, the light you try to hide behind your cold facade.
He wonders if you could tell. If you noticed the glances he threw your way. If you saw how he lit up when you entered the room. If you could see how distracted he became when you sat and worked beside him. Shoulders only a hair's breath apart. So close that he could only smell your sweet perfume and watch your fingers fiddle with the edge of paper. He always had to stop himself from leaning closer until his nose rested in the crook of your neck—until he could breath you in deeper. Oh how he longed to close his hand over yours so that you could hold onto something more stable than paper. How he wished to distract you the way you distracted him.
Hoshina huffs out a sigh as he walks out of the captains meeting with the other divisions. Ashiro couldn't attend so he went in her stead—much to Captain Narumi's displeasure. He did take you with him hoping that after this maybe he could convince you to get ice cream with him or something on the way back home to base. He can already imagine how bored you were waiting for him and how that might higher your chances of saying yes. He remembers you were talking with some other recruit from the 1st division when he left you in the break room.
The sound of your voice makes him halt a couple of steps infront of the break room.
"Eh? No way you think Captain Narumi is cooler than Captain Ashiro," he hears you argue.
"I'm sorry are your eyes broken or something? He's so hot. You can't compare him to her like that. They're two different kinds of hot" the girl he assumes he saw earlier responds passionately.
"Sure I'll concede to that but not to him being cooler." That's not something Hoshina wanted to hear right after his hours long meeting. Leaning back against the wall beside the slightly opened door, he can't help but feel irked. He couldn't believe he's getting jealous of Ashiro.
"Ugh that's just cuz you haven't seen him up close yet, " the other girl responds. "But hey, at least there's one thing we can agree on."
"And what's that?" You ask and Hoshina can tell your interests has been peaked.
"That Vice Captain Hoshina is the worst of the bunch." Hoshina's eyebrow twitches and he has half a mind go in there and make the recruit do 200 push-ups or try to find Narumi and beat him into a pulp. He doesn't because he was more curious about your response.
"I saw you rolling your eyes at him before the meeting. It must be tough working for him," the recruit continues.
You let out a tired laugh, "oh yeah, he's the worst. He's got me running around like a servant!" You say with a sigh and you lean your head onto your crossed arm on top of the table.
"Really! That's crazy. I just can't get over his bowlcut."
"RIGHT! His stupid bowlcut. His stupid fangs. His stupid cocky attitude..." Alright, well. Hoshina couldn't handle anymore of this. He pushed himself off the wall ready to open the door.
"God, I want him so bad." Huh? Hoshina froze in his steps, eyes wide open. Did he mishear you? He must have misheard you.
"HUH?" The recruit repeats a second later. "But you were just calling his hair stup-"
"It is stupid. He should not look that hot with that hair cut," you ramble on seriously as if in a world of your own.
"Stupid little fangs. I hate the way he uses them to nibble on his lips when he concentrates. Why the fuck does he have fangs?! Is he a vampire? God, it's so distracting." Although you're saying all of this like a rant, Hoshina can't help but overheat in his uniform. Covering half his face with his hand he already knows he's red.
"What? Are we looking at the same person?!" The recruit exclaims exasperated with you.
"I think I'm losing my mind," you say running your hand through your hair trying to soothe yourself. "He's so annoying. Always teasing me and sticking so close to me. God I feel like I'm always a second away from tearing at my hair or tearing that stupid compression shirt off. Any tighter and he won't be able to breath. It's like he's doing it on purpose to show off his abs." Hoshina chokes on his own spit.
"You know what? M-maybe it's cuz you haven't gone on a date in a while. Maybe you just need to get laid." The recruit says with a touch of worry—genuinely trying to find any rhyme or reason to your attraction.
"Ughhhh," you say sliding down your chair. "Maybe you're right, I should get laid." There's a pause before you're suddenly sitting back up straight. You lean towards the recruit across the table, "maybe I'll ask Captain Narumi out."
NO "NO!! He's off limits don't you fucking dare!" The recruit screams standing up abruptedly and slamming her hands onto the table.
By the sounds of your maniacal laughter, Hoshina hopes you're only joking.
"Don't worry," you wheeze out, wiping a tear from your eye. "Your precious Captain is all yours." Hoshina hears the humour and mischief in your voice and he can't help but smile too. From the sound of your voice, he knows you're not done teasing the recruit.
"PLUS-" Ah, there she goes " Vice Captain Hoshina is much much MUCH cooler than Captain Snorumi anyways."
The scandalous gasp does well to hide his own snicker.
"That's just the truth, hun. We all know it," you say matter of factly as you lean back into your seat crossing your arms.
"You can't even compare someone who's only a Vice Captain to a Captain! Captain Narumi climbed the r-"
"Oh is being Captain all it takes to be cool? Well Narumi must've been a drag before he became Captain." You argue back defiantly and cheekily, clearly enjoying this.
"Well swords are powerless against a gun! He can't-"
"And yet he was able to be promoted to Vice Captain with his swords while some of us can't even become a platoon leader with their guns." Both the recruit and Hoshina gasp at that and Hoshina decides to interrupt before the situation escalates further. If only he was a little less responsible. He would've loved to see how far you'd go for him. Oh well, he has all the time in the world to corner you about it.
"Yoohoo! The meetings over y/n-kun- Ah, sorry, was I interrupting something?" He says with a grin as both your heads snap towards him scandalized. Well, the recruit appears to be scandalized. You seem to be mortified.
Your jaw dropped open and the red that was flushing your skin from the tip of your ears all the way down to your neck was so pleasing. To think that you yourself would be the downfall of your cool and collected image amuses Hoshina greatly. He can only stare and admire the mess you've become. Too cute. Way too cute for his heart.
"C-captain!" Your voice cracks. Oh, even cuter. "I uh- I, we were- you didn't interrupt anything at all" you say clearing your throat and trying to regain your composure.
"What's got ya all worked up l/n?" He asks with false innocence as he tilts his head, "were you talking about something you shouldn't be?" He teases with a slight lilt in his voice.
"Of course not!" Growing a shade brighter you add "Sir!" to try to save yourself.
"Well alright then, come on let's go, I'm over this place," Hoshina says nodding his head goodbye at the recruit and exiting the room. He hears you whisper shout your own goodbyes before running to catch up with him. You stop and walk slightly behind him and he can't help but revel in your embarassment. He wonders if he should let you off easy or see how far he can push you...
"So you think my hair is stupid?"
He swears he can hear you internally scream.
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ladybyakuya · 3 months
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+cw. —f!reader, smut headcanon + scenarios format, sort of exs to lovers, mature content, angst and hurt, comfort, alcohol consumption, established relationship
+syn.— making amends after the fight. who apologizes first? does it always end up with sex? or is he sleeping on the couch tonight?
+wc. —1.5k
+notes. — wanted it to be super smutty but ended up with angst instead. enjoy and scream in tags if you like it| redirect to blog navigation.
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reno would stare at the screen of his mobile phone opening your message box yet not send a single text to you. he is a little stubborn. in the spur of the moment, he said, “maybe we had nothing, to begin with in the first place.” those were some heavy words. he won't disagree. even liquor isn't enough to drown his feelings about you. why do people drink to forget their love anyway? it's stupid. it's so stupid. he locks his phone and then buries his head in his hands murmuring, “god why can't I just call her?" the rusty fizzy flavor is threatening his throat again. his phone starts to vibrate and rings a little later making him jump a bit but his reflexes were quick enough not to get you a first full ring. “hello? babe? is that you?”
“just call her man.” Iharu drawls from the other side and disconnects the call even though he sits opposite him. Reno looks at him ungodly pissed until the prior speaks up, “don’t waste your anger on me, dude.” Reno’s phone rings again.
“you’re doing this on purpose, aren't you picking on me?” Reno tartly responds holding his phone towards him so sure about that Iharu is doing it again but that dimwit is so drunk that he has to lean forward, squint his eyes at the screen.
“no dudee. It's your girl—” Reno picks up the phone but he doesn't speak.
“are you at a bar right now? i just finished my work.”
“yes, I’m. can I go pick you up?”
“of’course you can but I got a cab. bye. text me the address.”
When you reach at the bar you could easily spot him. He is sitting at the corner in a secluded area. Ofcourse he is. Then, there is Iharu practically drooling on the table.
“why are you here?”
“what do you mean why I'm here? You texted the address.”
“yes but aren't you angry? At me?”
“yes but I know better than to take you seriously when you are that angry. ” he looks away from your face. “we can talk about it if you are still upset.” he shoots you a lazy smile and gets up.
“what about him?”
“what about who?” reno asks with pinched eyebrows.
Iharu’s snores are quite loud by now. You look at Reno holding your hand out. He doesn't protest. He gives you his phone and says his passcode. He gets you. His words are not drawly but rather slower than usual. At first, you intend to call Kafka but both of them being a pain in the ass you texted his vice-captain.
The can ride from bar to home was silent. Reno was laying his head down on your shoulder, eyes closed but a little fidgeting was there every now and then. As soon as you reach your apartment complex he got out, even leant against the wall while being on the elevator. He's sulking. It's adorable sometimes. When you reach your shared apartment he doesn't come in stands outside until you ask him to.
“i’m sorry.” reno says loud enough to kick out the drowsiness out of his body. “i'm sorry, babe.”
“well, it was partly my fault too but —” you grab his collar and pull him towards yourself. his defense system is useless against you. “but I'm going to make it memorable.” you say unbuckling his pants. As soon as his trousers hit the floor Reno closes the door with a kick while you go to your knees. “perhaps we should fight more,”
With his member in your hand you look up at him and then blink. once. twice. thrice. And then get up and walk inside your room. A few seconds of silence and then Reno is walking on your trail left by you apologizing for a few more times until you just shut him up with the most sloppiest toe curling blow job.
“do not walk away from me. I'm not done talking yet.” Narumi's voice is perfectly flat devoid any splotch of anger or even frustration. he is leaning against the door as you move from kitchen counter to the dinning table carrying the dishes, then cooked meals and a water bottle. his eyes are going back and forth waiting for you to say something, anything or just yell at him. he can handle your blood and tears, not this silent treatment.
“well, don't treat me like I'm one of your missions and we are good.” you exclaim with a low voice while waving a hand as if you were talking to yourself but actually you just wanted to beckon him for dinner.
“i don't us to be just good. I want us to be better, to be comfortable in each other's presence, even in thoughts. . .” and now he is going to lecture you, like one of his subordinates. there is an agonizingly awful silence filling the room as you wait for him to continue but he is just there, standing, still silent.
you turn your chair to spare a look at him. his stance is still the same, lazy and nonchalant. he isn't mocking you or your love for him. he genuinely cares for you.
“i mean it.” he starts walking towards you in faster pace than usual. “and you know that.” he stands in front of you looking like a kicked puppy. the moment you leave your seat he is going to pounce on you like a wounded animal. this has happened before and last time it hurt a lot. so you don't get up instead just turn around to eat.
He grabs your wrist before you can even touch the food. “I said we’re not done talking.” he almost yells. seeing you flinch he sighs deeply before he gets on his knees and rests his head on your lap. “we submit are phones after turning it off. that's why I didn't know— that you were coming early from work. we work in different departments so we have different rules too. you can ask around. they'll tell you.”
“why didn't you say that earlier? was the whole fight really necessary?” you said with utter frustration laced underneath your voice.
“shouldn’t i at least get the benefit of doubt?” he looks at you placing his chin on your thighs.
you stroke his hair and he closes his eyes. “yes but — umm— never mind.” you say running your thumb over his lips. he graces a glance at you before running his hands on your back tracing up to your shoulders, he is crouching now and then pull away your top. now you're naked and sitting on a chair as he is standing. he throws the top away and sits on his knees again. hooking his arms around your calf muscles he licks in between your legs. “this is payback.” he whispers. your panty is still on and all Narumi is doing is licking slowly over the cloth, sometimes barely touching but if this is the payback you don't mind it at all, unlike last time.
Hoshina is the one who gives you the silent treatment even if he is at fault. He doesn't want his anger to harm you in any way, be it due to you or due to himself. He is not much of an angry person to begin with but somehow he just loses it for you. Maybe that's his protective instinct for you or the fear of melting the cocoon he created for his own protection. Either way, it's frustrating. It's frustrating enough that he keeps telling you how you should not put yourself in danger to protect him in a field mission yet you keep disobeying him at every mission. Either you are mocking him or trying to take his position which by the way both are wrong given the fact that you are his subordinate. He sat on one of the benches in the training room. he is too frustrated to concentrate on training.
“you know, you can let your anger out right? on me?”
Hoshina looks at you, pupils ever so still like a moonlight pond on a windless night. That's exactly what he doesn't want. don't you get that? you're wearing your night dress not your suit, which means you were either waiting for him or going to bed.
“i'm not mad at you.” he sighs. “not even myself. just at the situation in general. i know it's your instinct to protect people but sometimes . . .” he trails off looking at his fisted hand. he unfists his hand again.
“i can take it all, you know?. be it your love or anger. . .” Hoshina looks at you keeping his bottle aside. he swallows before leaving his place and dragging you inside the training room, the door still not closed.
“are you sure about that my love?” he graces his hands in between your thighs while whispering. you give him a nod. “let's see how long you last.” as his hand rubs against your entrance his mouth starts to suckle over your nipples as his other hand pins both of your hands above your head. the night suddenly feels long and breezy.
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mangostarjam · 2 months
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double trouble 💥⚔️
commission done by @nessieartss who knocked it out of the park!!! i reaaaaally wanted to see these guys in this style and it lived up to my dreams and more
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