#kaka clan
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BBDW 5⭐ Grimoire = One-Eyed Warrior
Don't look down on this one as an ordinary house cat. He might look cute, But his skill will behind devastated lands, Skies split in two, And enemies cut down. What you see before you is "The Strongest Being On Earth"
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pikabysss · 19 days
Doodly concept art sheet! Another Xblaze AU but this one less of a joke? Ripper, how I imagine him if he was born in the Blazblue c-series world: he's some kind of Demi-human Kaka clan abomination.
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The text in the bubble says: Why don't I get a mask!?
He got his mask right after.
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senseikinder · 2 months
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I never played blazblue but i liked taokaka's design a lot....
i made an oc based on the kaka clan, her name is Mirakaka
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mystech-master · 11 months
Kaka Clan/Cat Beastkin Morgana
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Morgana/Mona from Persona 5 as a Cat Beastkin or Male Kaka Clan member from Blazblue, similar to Jubei.
Call him Monakaka
Chose his real-world cat head to match Jubei more
alt. Velvet Blue color scheme
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Himawari's byakugan in action!
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imkakashisexual · 2 years
His sight like sight his owner.🥷🏻
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lazyenemygladiator · 2 years
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Class photo!
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ambrosiagourmet · 5 months
Okay, I'm trying to firm up some thoughts about heteronormativity for the world of dunmeshi. We don't see any explicit homophobia (afaik???), and it's a little hard to separate real life heteronormativity from the potential in-universe kind, BUT there are a lot of the markers of gender roles and prejudices that often come with this stuff, and I want to dissect some of them.
DISCLAIMER I am painting with a broad brush here just to summarize what I've observed/what we know. Obviously all these races/cultures are going to have a variety of different subcultures within them and opinions/norms/laws/etc can vary a lot. No group is a monolith etc etc but this is a high level look at stuff.
Also I'd prefer people only reblog this if they are participating in the convo/adding something. This is for my reference and I'd rather it not spread much, at the moment. Thanks for understanding!
So... Laios and Falin had arranged marriages to a girl and boy, respectively, along with there being a slew of other prejudices they grew up around, so that's a glimpse into the tall-men culture in the northern continent.
There are a lot of different cultures in the archipelago but at very least the Nakamoto clan currently works in what looks like a patriarchal structure, though all of Shuro's siblings are male so I guess we don't technically know if women can inherit? Hien kind of assumes that she and Shuro might end up romantically involved in a sort of "well that's how it works" way which is fairly heteronormative so I think its fair to say that on a baseline level that assumption is present there.
Since Otta is judged more for dating short-life races than for dating women, it seems like maybe elven culture is more flexible. HOWEVER they are such a Power Structure TM and the noble houses care so fucking much about lineage and status that I have trouble believing that it's completely free of problems. Probably at least the nobility is expected to fit in heterosexual molds? Idk. They do look more androgenous and overall feminine than the other races, so that could also contribute to more fluidity. Of note here also is that in addition to a canon lesbian in Otta, Lycion also is Extremely Transgender. Though also of note: these people are the criminals in the group. So.
I don't know that there's as much info to work off of for the gnomes, dwarves, and half-foot cultures.
Dwarves have very strong family ties, which COULD lean towards heteronormativity but doesn't necessarily have to. Some dwarven women in dwarven cultures let their facial hair grow out - it's not necessarily super common, but it's much more likely to happen there than in a place like the Island. I lean towards thinking that they are more flexible, and maybe it varies from family to family how much there is an expectation of heterosexuality. Like the elves, they are more androgynous than most of the other races, AND one of our other major mostly canon queer characters (beloved bi Namari) is dwarven.
No idea about gnomes. The most prominent gnomes we see are the married Flokes and Holm. Holm's sister seems to have a bit of a thing for Kabru, so that's a couple of points towards Heterosexual Gnomes, but hardly anything definitive. They also live alongside dwarves so I imagine that if the dwarves are flexible they probably aren't significantly more strict about stuff. Also!! Kiki is the last of what I'd label the Mostly Canon queer characters, and she and Kaka were raised by gnomes! So that does seem to fit the "more overtly queer characters have ties to less heteronormative seeming cultures".
Again, no real idea about half-foot stuff. Chilchuck got married young and was a teen dad. Two of his kids seem very Interested In Men, the third gives big lesbian vibes. All of these things seem like they could be as much just orientation as anything socially enforced. I do think it's notable though that, while Flertem and Puckpatti are explicitly and loudly Into Men, Meijack is just quiet and gives off Vibes.
Ummmm yeah orcs (at least the ones we see) also have hierarchies based around polygyny so that's them.
YEAH that's most of what I can pull together currently? I'd love to hear other people's thoughts on interpreting all this, and if there are any lore details I missed!
Generally speaking I'm inclined to believe that heteronormativity exists as a baseline undercurrent in a lot of regions and cultures, and is more enforced in places that are either A) dominated by hierarchies (eg elven noble families) or B) insular and xenophobic in a variety of ways (eg Laios and Falin's hometown).
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nkn0va · 7 months
Hey, chef anon here. I was rereading the househusband ask and got an idea from Kokonoe purring. What are some other catlike behaviors Kokonoe exhibits? Maybe going "pspspsps" gets her attention. Maybe she enjoys petting or getting her hair brushed or maybe even that thing people do where they just slap their cats.
God damn it, chef, I have other asks I need to do and then you drop this shit in my inbox now I have to do it.
Kokonoe A. Mercury
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-As much as Kokonoe vehemently denies it (and she'd probably kill anyone if they ever find out), she has her fair share of catlike tendencies despite being only half-beastkin
-For one, the ever encompassing pspspsps is a good way to get Kokonoe's attention. Her cat ears stand up and her head immediately snaps over to the source, only to see you quietly laughing to yourself. She grumbles in annoyance and goes back to her work. Give it another 20 minutes and it'll work again. Much like the Kaka Clan also hailing from Jubei, she has quite the short attention span despite her genius intellect.
-Brushing her hair is one the easiest ways to get her to relax, especially when you're trying to get her to sleep for a damn change. Whether with an actual brush or just running your fingers through her hair it makes it harder for her to think before she eventually stops and gives in.
-Bonus points if you start scratching behind her ears too. She instantly goes red in the face as she starts involuntarily purring. If you dare do that in public you're getting your hand slapped away immediately and a scolding remark from her. She still has an image to maintain.
-Only makes it all the more satisfying when you're in private with her again and she puts her head under your hand like an animal does when they want attention and demands you scratch her ears.
-Silvervine has very little effect on Kokonoe anymore, having it basically in her body at all times. Other forms of catnip though is a different story. Swap out her silvervine candy for another kind as a prank and watch chaos unfold.
-She won't get full on hallucinations since she's only half-beastkin but she'll basically be drugged out. Hyperactivity only surpassed by the likes of Taokaka herself and unable to focus on any work she's doing. If there is a tall thing standing on a table or desk, that shit is getting knocked over with no thoughts, even if it was extremely important, a dramatically increased appetite, and if you happen to be in the vicinity, she will give in to her animalistic urges and pounce on you. She won't actually hurt you but you're not getting up for a pretty long while as she nuzzles her head against your chest furiously and purrs like an engine.
-When the catnip wears off and she wakes up Kokonoe realizes what happens and you're getting the verbal beatdown of your life. She'll probably threaten to scratch your eyes out or something and it would be scary if you weren't her husband, you know she wouldn't do that. You just seem to disarm her in a way no one else does, it simultaneously gives the professor that warm, lovey feeling and frustrates her to no end.
-It's not to as big of an extent as normal cats, but Kokonoe also hates cucumbers. Of course you're not so cruel as to sneak one into her food, but when she's not looking you'll sneak one on a table behind her so she'll jump back when she turns around and catches the unpleasant scent. She does have a more sensitive sense of smell than a normal person.
-If you're around she'll shoot a sharp insult your way. If not, she'll mutter angrily under her breath as moves to throw it away.
-Of course there's everyone's favorite, the laser pointer. You at least have the decency to not pull it out in the lab and risk her destroying important work stuff but at home there is no mercy. Pull it out when she's not looking and those urges will surface. She'll run around trying to stomp on the dot, if it goes to the wall she'll scratch at it like mad, so if you're a fan of the couches or the TV, don't put the dot there.
-It'll take her a while to notice what's going on, at least until your laughter gives it away. She'll hear it and snap out of it, angrily cussing you out as she storms off to your shared bedroom.
-She acts mad in the moment, and probably is, at least until it's time for bed and you get in with her as she's sulking. She threatens to scratch you if you get close to her until you spoon her small body and start running your fingers through her hair and she reluctantly and begrudgingly relaxes into it.
-If there's one thing you've learned about Kokonoe in your relationship together, even before you married, it's that she's the queen of mixed signals. Appropriate, given her heritage. No matter how mad she acts, for whatever reason she just can't find it in herself to stay mad at you.
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annon-guy2 · 11 months
BlazBlue Cross Tag Heroes - BlazBlue Cast Alternate Costumes
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Ragna The Bloodedge [Dark War Bloodedge]
Jin Kisaragi [NOL Formal Wear]
Noel Vermillion [NOL Lieutenant Dress]
Taokaka [School Outfit]
Bang Shishigami [Ikaruga Ninja Uniform]
Litchi Faye-Ling [Oriental Dress]
Tsubaki Yayoi [NOL Lieutenant Dress]
Makoto Nanaya [NOL Lieutenant Dress]
Valkenhayn R. Hellsing [Gentlemen's Coat]
Relius Clover [Immortal Breaker]
Bullet [Classic Mercenary Uniform]
Kagura Mutsuki [Standard NOL Uniform]
Kokonoe [Kaka Clan Jacket]
Celica A. Mercury [Casual Wear]
Naoto Kurogane [Casual Wear]
Es [Azure Maiden]
Mai Natsume [White Outfit]
Jubei [Dark War Armor]
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smellpelt · 2 months
Since you want one so bad,what's your opinion on Taokaka's cooking? Can she cook? You could reference the anime if necessary.
I think she's okay at cooking, seeing that Ragna seemed to enjoy what she fed him in alter memory, assuming that was cooked by her. She would probably know how to use whatever ingredients are available, I wonder maybe if Jubei ever did cooking with the Kaka Clan. Tao might want someone else to cook for her being the hungry creature she is but if she's cooking for the kittens or such she might be able to scrape together enough concentration for them.
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Remix Heart, Volume 3, Chapter 18 + 19
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pikabysss · 7 days
Random Doodle of Kaka Ripper! (No hood)
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broken-clover · 1 year
6- Play
Got a bit backed up, but considering tomorrow's the weekend and I'm already about 85% of the way through the next prompt, I'm not gonna worry about it too much. Just trying to enjoy the process!
Today I'm going to Blazblue, because when I think lighthearted silly comfort, Taokaka is one of the first characters to pop up. She's great. And I'd gladly take this as an excuse for some goofy bonding time with cousin Ragna, because if this is a series stuffed full of fluff and a bunch of fictional characters I love, then I'm absolutely dragging in headcanons too. This is my circus now.
Did Kakas follow any kind of logical system? That was a riddle for the ages, and Ragna had no intention of providing an answer. His regular life already pushed him to the very edges of his sanity. He had no intention in trying to scientifically dissect the rationale of what was basically chaos incarnate. Sure, Terumi was a loose cannon, but from a purely measured analysis, the Kaka clan steamrolled him to the point of making the god look like a persnickety rule-follower.
They were, at least, funny about it. Ragna had been laying low in their village for a little while, which gave him many opportunities to be face-to-face with their personal brand of ‘what-the-hell-are-you-doing.’ Some things, if he thought about it, were sort of normal cat behavior. Falling asleep at random was normalized, he’d seen many of them pause mid-activity or halfway through a conversation to sleep in wherever was convenient. There were no table manners to speak of whatsoever- then again, he himself wasn’t the neatest, either. Most Kakas spent their days the way children did; they ate, they slept, they frolicked, all without any real thought going on behind their eyes.
A few Kakas were able to string more than a few sentences along without breaking for a nap or rambling about finding something to eat. If he had any serious questions, he tended to go to them. Then again, ‘smarter’ and ‘smart’ were two different things. Maybe it was silly to be surprised. He tended to stick around Tao, anyway, she was the one he knew best, so he felt more comfortable.
…It still did not mean he understood her behaviors, though. After getting separated, he’d found her swatting some kind of rubber ball between her paws. The thing was visibly battered, riddled with teeth marks and unknown dark stains, but Tao was messing with it like it was the hottest new thing this year. Several of the town’s kittens tried to smack at it, but she danced just out of reach whenever they got close.
“Tao?” He asked, putting a hand on his hip. “The heck are you doing?”
She continued playing while she turned to face him, somehow still keeping the toy out of the kittens’ grasp. “Meow! Tao’s playing Kaka-ball, Good Guy! Wanna play?”
“‘Kaka-ball?’ I’ve never seen you play that before, so...I’m pretty sure you made it up just now. And where did you even get-”
Before he could object further, the kittens became more interested in him than in the ball. They swarmed him, mewling in delight and rubbing against his legs.
“Play! Play! Good Guy’s gotta play with us!”
“Let’s play, Good Guy!”
“I wanna play Kaka-ball with Good Guy!”
“I guess it’s settled then, meow!” Tao chirped. “Good Guy can be the boss of one team, and Tao can be boss of the other!”
“But I don’t- oh, fine…” Ragna sighed. He’d been through much worse. He could play some goofy little game for a few minutes.
He watched the cats circle him. Several clustered around Tao, while the rest made a wobbly line nearby him. “Let’s play Kaka-ball, meow!” The girl announced. “Try to keep the ball away from Good Guy, meow! He’s super strong, but Tao is super fast!”
Tao tossed the ball in the air, and it landed in the middle of their little group. She crouched to the ground on all fours, tail swishing back and forth. As he looked on, Ragna noticed the others doing the same.
He blinked in quiet confusion. “Uh…so do we just-”
“Mrr!” He was cut off by Tao’s yowling.“Cheater! Cheater! You can’t be all tall like that, it’s not fair! You gotta get down and run around on the grass like everyone else, it’s no fun if you can just catch the ball!”
The kittens murmured in agreement. He looked at them all with dismay. “Tao, I’m not a cat, you can’t just expect me to-”
He groaned. Screw it, screw the whole thing. He’d never had much dignity to begin with.
As soon as he awkwardly crouched down, the Kakas purred with approval. “Okay, now we can start! Ready? Tao says one-two-three GO!”
Several cats dove for the ball immediately. Even if he wasn’t weirdly off-balanced, Ragna would have stayed back and stayed out of trouble. He’d already lost track of who was on what team. Why had he thought this was a good idea?
“Good Guy! Catch!”
The ball flew in his direction. He reached out to catch it, only remembering last-second about Tao’s complaints. It hit his palms, but he let it bounce and hit the dirt. More kittens immediately turned in his direction, eyes expectant.
“Uh…” Ragna looked back and forth. “Catch?”
He pawed the ball with the back of his hand, nudging it toward one of the kittens off to the side, and it was like he’d given the cats the best news of their life. Tao started cheering, even as she began chasing the next kitten who had caught the ball.
“C'mon! Run, Good Guy! Gotta keep up!”
It wasn’t exactly comfortable, but there was something hilarious about how goddamn bizarre it all was, to the point where he cracked a smile. He hobbled after the pack on all fours, swatting at the grass to try and grab the ball again.
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erajmcouts · 11 months
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Waiting Between Worlds: Sakura (full image on AO3)
Waiting Between Worlds
“The war was over but there was no sudden happiness. Their problems didn’t disappear, their trauma didn’t disappear, and the political landmine of the post-war relations didn’t suddenly solve itself. In a perverse, twisted way, the post-war was harder than the war itself.
Anbu offered an exit. A broken, temporary solution. A way to erase the emotional pain.
Ten years later, they’re deeply entwined in the reality of life politics and the hard choices of a grey world.
But Sakura has a goal, Hinata has a plan, Ino has a mission.And they’re done waiting.”
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/FF/MGenM/MMulti
Fandom: Naruto
Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Yamanaka Ino, Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Hyuuga Neji/Nara Shikamaru
Characters: Haruno Sakura, Yamanaka Ino, Hyuuga Hinata, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Nara Shikamaru, Hyuuga Neji, Hatake Kakashi, Shiranui Genma
Additional Tags: Post-Fourth Shinobi War, ANBU, Konoha politics, Hyuuga Clan Politics, Fighting the system, Mostly Canon Compliant until Manga #698, Drama, Angst, friendships, SNS in denial, Friends to Lovers, idiots to lovers, A lot of emotional damage from the war, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Casual Sex, ONS Naru/Saku, FWB Ino/Tema, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Fake Engagement Sasu/Hina, Hyuuga Hinata & Uchiha Sasuke Friendship, Depression, Canon-Typical Violence, Explicit Sexual Content, Happy Ending, Kaka/Genma, injuries, Blood
Read it on AO3
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newagekryptid · 2 months
⋆。˚☽˚🦇。⋆.NewAgeKryptid.⋆🦇。⋆ ☽˚。⋆
A little about me —
29 l She/Her l Lover of writing, drawing and gaming l huge traveler l Tiny l Texan l Wiccan l Autistic and eccentric 4/1/20 💙🧡
Proud momma of six fur babies!! 🐾
Projects — Eleven WIPs and a handful of one shots
Dancing With Fire; The Fusae Clan – 7 chapters in of 20, ongoing
Madara Uchiha x Oc (Chiaki Fusae)
Under My Supervision – 6 chapters in of 10, ongoing
Shisui Uchiha x Oc (Hanako Moegi)
Konoha’s Favorite Enigma – 5 chapters in of 20, ongoing
Gaara x Oc (Kiyoshi Megumi) *Undergoing Slight Rewrite!
Blooming Blossom – 6 chapters in of 30, ongoing
Sakura x Ino Endgame
A Raven’s Whirlpool – 1 chapters in of 15, ongoing
Itachi Uchiha x Oc (Hanako Moegi)
Ninken Academy – 2 chapters in of 15, ongoing
Kakashi x Oc (Yūko Torii)
Adoption Day – 1 chapters in of 8, ongoing
Kakashi x Oc (Yūko Torii) – + Kaka’s Ninken
Cop Cutie – 2 chapters in of 10, ongoing
Shisui x Oc (Hanako Moegi)
In The Night – 1 chapters in of 5, ongoing
Madara x Reader (Civilian)
Sleepyhead Ranch: A Simple Life – chapters 1 of 5, ongoing
Gustafa x Reader
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life/Another Wonderful life
My eleventh WIP is in a separate fandom, and one I would like to remain disclosed due to personal reasons. :/ Maybe one day I’ll be able to share it on this blog with everyone! 🥲💙
All WIPs are slower to be updated to preserve quality, prevent from burnout and so I can stockpile so I’m not writing and posting practically same day. Sorry for the inconvenience, I promise it’ll be worth the wait!
Future Projects – Coming In Fall 🍁🍂
Campfire Lores
Warring States/Founding Fathers Era
Ghost stories told from varying Warring States characters (and reader!)
Fright Night: Mini Slasher Series
Seven random slasher villains for a Halloween event I’ll be doing!
Coming In Winter ❄️☃️
Gotta Catch ‘Em All: Starters
Original 150 Pokémon, cute trainer/starter chapters
Xmas Event (Kinktober in December!)
Two straight weeks of kinky works!
Oneshots In Progress
(X2) Madara x reader (porn with and without plot)
Kakashi x reader (porn with plot)
Dad’s of Konoha (various DILF oneshots)
Naruto x reader (fluff/friendship)
Hashirama x Kakuzu (enemies/angst/fighting)
Tobirama x Reader (fluff/Senju traditions)
Shikamaru x Reader (fluff/friendship)
Indra x Reader (slice of life/romance)
Minors DNI with any NSFW content on this blog, you will be blocked!
Please enjoy a collage of my taste in music! Feel free to skip anything you don’t like! There truly is a mix of different genres on this playlist! :)
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