#kakasaku community is amazing
mayskalih · 1 year
Referring to your last post, I want you to know how lucky we are an artist like you shares its art with us, and keep on doing it no matter the amount of hate you must receive. I, of course love all of your drawings, but I'm just super grateful you are active in the kakasaku community and love seeing your pieces showing up in the feed.
Thank you so much! Don't worry about me, I'm more amazed (in a sad way) with people rather than upset in situations like this.
If you like kksk, then you should looks forward to (au)gust kksk week! I have already 2.5 days done and have clear ideas for two more days.
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twofortea · 8 months
Your Kakasaku dead doves are just phenomenally good that I am always in awe. Thanks for such awesome delicious works!!!!!
Gahhhhh thank you so much 😭 I'm so happy to hear this. I feel so lucky to be a part of such an amazing dark fic community 💖
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mrssakurahatake · 5 years
You’re the kind of wonderful person that makes life so worth it 💖
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Awe Bouncy you are a saint and I adore you too
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I woke up today to the loveliest set of emails I think I’ve ever had the privilege of receiving
Strangely enough, they were notifications from tumblr? I’ve been pretty absent since the major life changes I explained in this post, and therefore had little reason to anticipate them. But the thing is, they became the deciding factor in a battle I’ve been having with myself over the past few weeks
You see... now that I’ve started my classes now that my work schedule has stabilized now that I’ve realized I’m not too old to slay the dragon that is college algebra now that I’ve know I’m better at time management than I thought
I think... maybe?... I can do all this and finish THE FIC
(if you’ve followed me at all for the past year and a half, you know exactly what the fic is. obviously, it’s the angsty, smutty, kakasaku post-shippuuden AU that i used as a vehicle to bear my soul to the world)
So, yes, I’m going to continuing working on my current kakasaku fics, even though updates will be painfully slow
But, no, I will not be making a full-scale return to fandom. I don’t have it in me at this time to start any new stories, or join any fests/community activities. I’m not even sure I’ll have time to respond to reviews in anything resembling a timely manner - though, as always, I welcome the feedback!
With all that being said, I am proud to announce that home is no longer adopted and is officially off hiatus! antihistamine may also get updates, as inspiration strikes
If this announcement brings you joy, know that you have @ksficrec to thank. Their series of posts about my self-indulgent mess of a fic - two of which I was tagged in - tipped the scales in favor of my kind-of-return to writing
And last, but certainly not least, thank you so much @faerietell​ for being willing to step in when I thought I couldn’t finish. While I’m so happy to be able to finish this story myself, I know you would’ve done an amazing job!
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bouncyirwin · 3 years
Hi, Bouncy! Congrats on you 5000 followers milestone, it’s a huge accomplishment! I'm happy to see this kind of recognition among our kakasaku community! Thank you very much for your amazing work! 🥰
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Hi misschih! Thank you so much 🥰
[Psst…i’m doing a giveaway 👀]
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justjstuff · 3 years
19 for the Salty ask pls? Im ready for dead sea levels of salt
Hiya, Anon-san!! I really hope you're from the KakaSaku fandom because that's what I'm going with here haha Thanks for the ask! <3
Before I answer I want to start by saying that I hope everyone can keep in mind that: These are all my personal opinions and you shouldn't base your worth as a writer/fan on them. What I think has no impact whatsoever in your life and this is just a personal rant about what I think it's right. Also, the fun of fandom is that you get to play with the characters so don't be too hung up on what the fandom is currently thinking Character A should act like. This fandom has been alive for over a decade and opinions changed drastically so stop thinking about what everyone thinks and you do you. In the end, there's always going to be someone who REALLY agrees with you and is glad you said something or wrote said fic and others that will never want to see your name again. That's life.
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
r: :x I kinda want to say a lot of things here. I'll start with Weak Sakura. It feels insane to say this when I know we all love her but I see so so sO MANY fics that never take Sakura to her full potential and that makes me a bit mad. Sometimes she's a chunin who still didn't make it to jounin even after she's turned 18, sometimes it's post-war and Sakura is just suddenly very content staying in the hospital while her teammates go out on missions (it seems like everyone forgot that Sakura NEVER had a dream of being a medic? That was actually Tenten's dream to be like Tsunade. Sakura wanted to PROTECT. She wanted to be able to stand alongside her teammates, she didn't want to be a liability... all of that means that she would want to be by their side no? As in... not working as a civilian medic inside the hospital), sometimes it's Sakura being a liability during missions (re: she's a bad liar! she's not strong enough! she can't be trusted with this and that bc she's too emotional!).
Okay, this about characterisation for Sakura. About the fandom as a whole I think we have a very big problem with how... I dunno how to say this in english but like. Oh man, I think we all idolise the old og fics a bit too much. Don't get me wrong, some of them are really really good and I like how back then people weren't scared to go down some routes that aren't safe and sound and everyone's over 21 folks! like there seems to be a trend nowadays. That being said... I think we've got some amazing fics these past five years that don't get nearly enough recognition because people keep focusing on the old works...? I'm not saying we shouldn't hype the og works but instead that we should ALSO hype up the ones being written now, y'know? We've all seen a HUGE decrease in engagement in fic in general so I really hope we can start giving more attention to our community now. Also, I don't like that there are people that only from the fact that I'm criticising this will be annoyed with me or whatever. About the og works, again, I absolutely love that people weren't so clean cut as rn, but I can criticise some of the things written a while ago without having people believe I'm shitting on the og authors or that I don't think they wrote very complex and interesting stories. Y'all, this may shock you but you can make criticism and not "cancel" whatever it is you're criticising.
Moving on to Kakashi. LOL. I know the point of the question was that second paragraph but I genuinely think our fandom is awesome and that's the only thing that kinda makes me go meh. So I'm gonna talk characterisation instead.
So. Kakashi. Listen, I'm all for some fluff from time to time. BUT. Kakashi is Kakashi because of his trauma. I get that some people want to give him a soft and happy ending but I really don't like reading a Kakashi that isn't impacted by his trauma. As in, canon Kakashi that is really sweet and a total dork and suddenly wants a big happy family and a perfectly happy ending. Nah, I can't read it. (which isn't to say that people can't write it, pls note the difference). I think Kakashi has many many facets to his personality, in the end, and it gets on my nerves when I only get to see one. Like, I know deep down what Kakashi wants or needs is to form deep connections but I don't want to see him just like that. I know that he can be a dork and playful, but I don't want to see him like that all the time bc he's also very diligent and serious. I know he must have been terrifying to thrive in ANBU for a decade but I don't want to see him being like that for a whole fic. Ya feel me? I want him to be like a real person and have faults and make mistakes and change his mind and all that.
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olliya · 4 years
Thank you for all your comments and sorry for not responding to them sooner, but I felt they needed a separate post with graphs (which required some free time in front of the laptop for me)
So, first let me quote your remarks:
I can't resist this . Talking about demographics! Nerd in me is excited. First off, I'm for all the hate you received. They can bugger off. It was amazing. Okay, back to the demographics. I have been noticing differences for some time now, in terms of community and fanfic quality. Ao3 is superior in both obviously. I have a few theories why. This is a deduction based on my own experience and rationale, not based on any actual facts. Not trying to offend anyone.
1. Starting point. FF.net, I believe, is the starting point for most young writers and readers. In general, comments seem to be more rude and less mature. Stories more generic and lower quality. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good stories on FF.net, but there's a lot of low quality starter ones too. In general, the community in FF.net seem to be much younger. Also, personal experience, Ao3 can be quite... Intimidating for young people. The NSFW tags....Yikes.
2. The community There is a stronger community in Ao3 thanks to their comment system. Readers and Authors interact more during the stories. You get a better idea of how the author writes and thinks. Thus, you get more attached to the story and author (in a non creepy way). The stories morph into artworks you witness being made. In contrast, in FF.net, it's rather one sided. No bond. Readers move from fic to fic alone. More rushed, less bonding, less appreciation.
Sorry for the babble. The nerd in me exploded when you mentioned demographics.
So, first of all - thanks for your insight!!! I love discussing such matters!!!!! But, I have to at least partially disagree with your points. I have experience of ff.net since mid-2017 and on AO3 since very end of 2018. And for the vast, vaaaast majority of my time on the platforms my experience on ff.net was in every aspect superior. Only at the very end of TLOS (i.e. autumn 2020) I am able to agree with your impression of AO3 being better.
It can very well be that ff.net is a starting point for younger writers (and maybe it should be, as at least in theory explicit content is not allowed there) and of course, being very much adult myself, I would feel better within older demographics. Especially when it comes to the reception of my ideas - my ideas would for sure fit better to tastes of older people.
But, demographics aside, AO3 has been notoriously silent place. And this *is* discouraging for the writers. Tbh, if I have to chose between maybe not particularly mature comments (though my experience of ff.net is not limited to those!) and radio-silence the choice is obvious... It was my personal, very disappointing experience with AO3 until very recently (mid 2020, fic-wise mid-publishing of TLOS). And even with the positive change happening, I still got more comments for TLOS on ff.net than on AO3.
Also - but it is a matter of very personal taste - I prefer the private review responses that ff.net offers to that open-to-public answers to comments on AO3. Idk - maybe the fact that all answers to reviews are private on ff.net gave you the impression that writers are not answering there? They are, believe me! Just that you cannot really see it if you’re not the direct recipient.
But those are all very personal experiences... And, since the nerd in me was curious about the difference between the platforms (you wouldn’t believe how big is the nerd in *me*!!!), I also checked that in terms of stats. And AO3 is/was indeed very silent...
To back my words a bit up: in March 2020 I made an analysis of readers behaviour on AO3 while in February 2020 I made a smaller, Sakura-ships-limited analysis of reader’s behaviour on ff.net. 
Here are the SasuSaku, Kakasaku and NaruSaku reviews/comments stats on AO3 (first row, separate graphs) and on ff.net (lower, cumulative graph). Sorry, for non-consistent presentation, I would have to redo the graphs...
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I also made a general comparison of readers’ engagement on ff.net and AO3 (and here the bins and presentation is consistent because it was one analysis).
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So, as you see the difference is pretty staggering.
But. There is a big ‘but’. Naruto fandom was on ff.net since 2003, on AO3 technically since 2010, but it was very, very weakly represented for the first couple of years there. And here comes the ‘but’. In 2018 Naruto fandom on AO3 started to gain momentum and in early 2019 AO3 publishing rate took over the ff.net’s one. Analysis is here and here. So, it might be that now (very end of 2020) there is indeed much more action going on on AO3.
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So maybe, maybe AO3 has woken up recently? In 2020 there was again huge growth of Naruto fandom, and I do see more comments popping up on other people’s fics as well...
That kind of inspires me to make an analysis comparing readers’ behaviours between couple of last years on AO3... File it under ‘analysis to do’ in that ever-growing list... Ech... Once I have time... maybe in the next life...
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beans-shadow · 5 years
looking for the truth (pt 8)
Fandom: Naruto
Relationship: Kakasaku
Characters: Hatake Kakashi, Haruno Sakura
read on ao3: here
part one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve / thirteen
This time Kakashi got a significant portion of the message decoded.
More flowers needed for Leaf shipment, increase total by two tons ---
“Hmm,” Sakura read Kakashi’s decoded scroll. “Nothing that sinister yet, but considering it was encrypted I wonder what the rest of the scroll says. It must be something interesting.”
“I’d want to keep working on this, but unfortunately if we do not leave soon we’ll be late for the group picnic,” Kakashi sighed, leaving his post at the table. “And now I need to change, since Futoshi undoubtedly is expecting a different assortment of clothing from my breakfast attire.”
Sakura laughed. “True, true. Just throw on a nice pair of clothes and you’ll be fine, don’t worry. You look good in anything.”
“I do?” Kakashi asked, but Sakura either did or chose to ignore him as she went to look for picnic clothes as well. He couldn’t help the smile that appeared under his mask. Then an idea struck him.
“Hey, Sakura?” He walked into the bedroom, finding her sifting through a pile of clothes. The whole scene felt very domestic to him, and his heart felt funny when she turned around with a smile on her face.
“Yes, Kakashi?”
“I’m going to try and find Futoshi before this whole event, so I’m going to change quickly and I’ll meet you there. Is that okay?”
Sakura appeared a bit taken aback at the suggestion, but could not find a reason to say no. “Yeah, that sounds fine. Just, somehow let me know where you end up then.”
Kakashi nodded, and after he switched clothes, swiftly departed. A quick navigation through the small village found Kakashi at park on the edge of the main town square where Futoshi was organizing the group picnic.
With a tap on the shoulder Futoshi spun around and greeted Kakashi.
“How nice to see you! It has been so long,” he admonished, giving Kakashi a hug.
With a dismissive pat on the back, Kakashi agreed. “Yes, so long. If it is alright with you, I have somewhat of an unusual request…”
Futoshi was more than happy to accommodate, and soon Kakashi found himself on a secluded part of the hill under a small line of trees with his own basket and blanket. The young Lord had assured Kakashi he would find someone to direct Sakura his way, and when a pierce of pink in the distance peeked over the mound, Kakashi knew Futoshi had not disappointed.
The young woman looked very adorably confused, looking all ways around her before spotting Kakashi. Her body stretched out as she waved in his direction, increasing to a brisk trot to reach his location.
As she drew closer, Kakashi got a better look at her. She dressed herself in a summer dress, a soft blue with white swirls knitted in for detail. It blew in the delicate wind, bellowing around her and lifting her hair, creating what looked like a painting in Kakashi’s mind.
He rose from the blanket to welcome Sakura. “You look wonderful,” he said, taking her hand to balance one another as they sat down.
Sakura blushed. “Thanks. What is this all about? Where is everyone else?”
Opening the picnic basket, Kakashi explained, “You mentioned you were done socializing for the day, and I couldn’t agree more… so I asked Futoshi for our own picnic.” Emptying the basket, Kakashi found grapes, cheese, some sake (he was NOT going to be drinking any of that), and some chocolate. There was also a small set of dishes, which Kakashi laid on the blanket and set up a display of food with. He prepared a separate plate and handed it to Sakura, who had a dumb smile on her face as she accepted the offering.
“What?” Kakashi asked, patting his face. “Is there something on me?”
“No, no,” Sakura shook her head, still smiling. “This is just very sweet of you.”
“Oh, well,” as he looked down, Kakashi found he did not know what to say. He usually knew exactly what do say. Why couldn’t he think of anything to say? “Futoshi really planned everything,” he settled on. That sounded dumb. Why was he acting like this?
“Well, thank you, Futoshi,” Sakura said, smiling as she ripped off a grape.
“Yes. Thank you, Futoshi.” Kakashi made his own cheese plate and leaned back on his elbows. He admired the landscape around them, for some reason finding it hard to keep eye contact with Sakura for more than a few seconds.
But out of eyeshot, conversation became easy again. They chatted about the food, Sakura once again giving Kakashi his space when he lowered his mask to pop a piece of cheese into his mouth. All the produce really was delicious, an attribute to the Daimyo’s claim from before about their fertile ground. Topic to topic drifted in and out, including the friendliness of the village and the contents of the scroll. After a while, they ambled into silence, but this time it was companionable. They were comfortable around one another, and neither was attempting to distance themselves from the other. It was pleasant, and Kakashi found he had never quite enjoyed spending so much time alone with one person before in such a vulnerable state.
When Sakura became brave enough to open the sake bottle, she tensed up. Kakashi felt it, but did not pry. He kept one eye on her, the other closed from habit. She kept her gaze away from Kakashi this time as she cleared her throat.
“You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said the first day we arrived here. And you were right. I don’t have the natural potential that Sasuke and Naruto were gifted.”
That conversation did not stir good memories for Kakashi. Trying to avoid the topic, Kakashi sat up on the blanket and said, “Sakura, I didn’t mean—”
The ninja cut him off. “No, it’s okay. I will never be on their level, not truly, without their bloodlines or special abilities. But I want to be remembered too. Not as a Hokage or a covert ninja, but for something.”
Kakashi twisted in place to fully face her. “You’re the best medic nin Konoha has ever seen,” he reminded her.
With a scrunch of her face, Sakura said, “People may say that, but Tsunade will always hold that title. I think I need my own jutsu.” She looked at her small hands, so dainty and precise. “I know you trained Naruto to develop his, and Sasuke developed his technique based off your chidori.” She clenched her hands into fists. "I need my own.”
Without reason, Kakashi enveloped her hands in his own. Heat raced through his arms, but Kakashi tried to ignore it. “You need only to ask, Sakura; I’ll help you once we return to our village.”
Now Sakura smiled, eyes playful. “Oh, I’m already passed the creation stage. I’m just perfecting it now.”
“Oh?” Kakashi was surprised. “And what is it?”
“It’s my turn for secrets, Hatake.” Sakura winked at him, lifting her hands from his in a manner that made Kakashi wonder if she too felt the electricity running down his fingers. Without looking away, she popped another grape in her mouth, forcing Kakashi to fight from watching her lips move tantalizingly.
“I never thought you would be so bold,” Kakashi settled on saying, leaning back fully onto the blanket.
A puff of pink filtered in his peripheral vision as Sakura lay down next to him. Her pinky finger brushed his as she said, “And I never thought I would find myself having a picnic with the legendary Copy Nin, but here we are.”
Looking up at the clouds filtering the dusk light, Kakashi replied, “Yes. Here we are.”
They ended up hanging out on the hill for a few more hours, choosing to enjoy the view of the sunset over the village from the perch. Kakashi found it hard to choose between watching how the colors of the sunset projected over the buildings or how the light made Sakura’s hair turn a golden rose. Good thing she was too captivated by the scenery in front of her to notice Kakashi’s wavering eyes.
Before the night became too dark for them to return to their rooms in relative safety, Sakura and Kakashi cleaned up their picnic to head back. Sakura passionately talked about her current work under Tsunade’s supervision involving innovative surgical techniques, and Kakashi was happy to silently listen, nodding in appreciation and smiling with his eyes to communicate he enjoyed the conversation. It truly was amazing what Sakura was doing, despite the fact Kakashi could not understand all the technical vocabulary. Medicine was not his specialty.
When they reached their inn, Sakura was describing some case that was beyond Kakashi.
“And you couldn’t believe it – what I felt with my chakra was unlike anything I had ever seen before. The complexity of the cist was more advanced than any common ones, and simply with my chakra I was able to pinpoint the solution.”
Rummaging through his bag, Kakashi said, “I am very impressed, Sakura. And not only because I couldn’t follow most of that.”
Warm laughter came from Sakura’s side of the room. “It’s nice to hear that there are some things even you don’t know, Kakashi.”
When Sakura left to change in the bathroom, Kakashi tore off his overshirt, leaving his mask on, and changed his pants.
He settled into bed, lying on his back, before Sakura returned, taking care to stay as close to the edge of the mattress as possible. Her hand, so close to his at the picnic, was on his mind. Even if they were getting closer with their friendship restored, Kakashi felt as though there was a line being more defined he could not step over. A line he would never have considered before this trip. A line, whose train of thought was too dangerous to follow.
Just as he was nodding to sleep, Kakashi felt the bed sink with Sakura’s weight. She shimmied until the perfect position was achieved, and the room filled with a deep sigh. From his periphery, he could feel Sakura’s eyes flutter on him every once in a while.
Sakura studied him, but Kakashi flipped around to face the wall. Pulling his mask up, he tried to return to his comfortable state and fall into deep slumber. But all he could feel was the kunoichi's gaze like feathers on his back.
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thatpinkshinobi · 5 years
Hey guys!!! I don’t know how to say this!!! But thank you!!! I have discovered a wonderful community where I can express myself without being judged and it feels amazing!!!!
I love sharing my work (writing and illustration) with you! I feel soooo free to share my little obsession with Naruto (cof cof Kakasaku) without feeling like a weird!
Thank u so much!!! 💕💕💕
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kendochick-moor · 5 years
Commissions Coming Soon!
1 - ItaSakuShisui (Naruto, 5K, M/NC-17)**to be posted this evening
2 - Wrath/Beth (Brotherhood by JR Ward, 10K, M/NC-17)
3 - FugaSaku (Naruto, 9-10K, M/NC-17)
4 - TobiSaku/KakaSaku (Naruto, 4K, NC-17)
Closer to Sept 1, 2019: As soon as we hit $800 confirmed on the GoFundMe:
5 - Orbit (4-5K, NC-17, to be posted to a closed DW community due to graphic mature content; details to follow)
You’re doing amazing!!
If anyone is interested in Avatar (esp Zutara) fic, please let me know! I am accepting A:TLA fanfic commissions, too. :) 
If we hit $1,500, I’ll get the last chapter of “Merits” out to you in September.
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What’s with all the hate?
Alright so full disclosure this is my little rant of what I’ve been seeing around this fandom. This is just my opinion. 
I’ve been seeing lots of anti- (fill in the blank) from all sides of the fandom spewing hate at each other and it really bothers me. I know this isn’t new, and there have been antis since the dawn of this fandom but come on guys; why why do people feel the need to defend their ship or the otp to the point of putting others down for their own opinion. For the record I am a NaruHina and SasuSaku shipper all the way. But that doesn’t mean I disrespect other ships. I will read a well written SNS or KakaSaku fic any day. I love seeing fanart of other ships.   There are ships I don’t agree with or understand (MadaSaku?? Please someone explain that reasoning to me...I really want to see the reasoning in that) BUT who am I to judge and criticize someone else’s opinion let alone attack them for it.
 I follow a few blogs that are ‘pro-this, anti-that’ and it boggles my mind when I see some of the content they post. Any ‘Pro-something’ will be absolutely glorious, but the ‘anti-something’ is usually filled with name calling and profanities; it really hurts my heart to see that.    
I sometimes feel like people in this fandom forget that these are FICTIONAL characters. There are a lot of folks out there that will site manga panels or quotes from the anime to “justify” why their favorite character is better than so-and-so, or even worse, use it to put down other characters. I personally think it’s useless to quote the manga or anime to justify a character pro or anti because at the end of the day they aren’t real. These characters that we love, or love to hate, are the creation from someone else’s imagination. They have no control over their own actions. The author/mangaka/animator has the control to portray these characters to their own desire. I agree that there are quite a few characters that are poorly written, under developed, and used more for convenient plot devices...but that’s why we have fanfiction. That’s why we have fan art. That’s why we create amazing communities to fill the void of what we each found lacking in the original cannon or to enhance and celebrate what the creators have already made. 
I’m getting long winded but Geez people! Yes, you have the right to like who and what you want; and you have the right to not like something. But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can we just remember to be KIND to one another and RESPECT our differences in opinion?  Can’t we just enjoy this fandom without the hate?  Can we promote the positive? 
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mrssakurahatake · 5 years
You’re so so so so SO wonderful. And talented. And awesome. And supportive and sweet and absolutely adorable. I hope you know that. 💓💖💞💝💕💗
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Awe thank you Bouncy! You are so amazing and I just adore you too.
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notimeliketoday · 7 years
More responses (I'm doing this a lot today) || Reasons
Well, I’m not sure if any of the arguments stated are the ‘old’ ones you mentioned (I haven’t had an argument in a long time, I tend to avoid them), although they are rather common amongst us who don’t ship SS.
My main issue with SS isn’t the fact that Sasuke is away. Far from it. I think that could’ve been worked in his favour. My issue is the lack of communication, which I realise is a common argument. It isn’t necessarily the ships fault though, I acknowledge this as bad writing.
Sasuke didn’t know  what Sarada looked like when he first saw her. He didn’t recognise her. This is such a dick move on Kishi’s part because I’m utterly unconvinced a man of Sasuke’s power and status is unable of communicating with his family because its ‘unsafe’.
He’s the one with the power to travel through space and yet he doesn’t show up even once in 10 years to see his child. 
Surely you can acknowledge how messed up this is? 
And for my personal reasons; well, I believe the key to a successful relationship is communication and familiarity, and I don’t believe the build up towards their marriage was done well or correctly. 
Sasuke left on his trip to redemption right after the war, and somehow decided he could just return, marry, procreate and then leave? Isn’t that selfish? If he believed he didn’t deserve happiness like you put it, then why? Why did he do this to Sakura? I don’t think it makes her happy to be a single mother whose husband is never able to be home for a reason or another. And what about Sarada? I would think he out of everyone would understand what its like to grow up without a father, and yet he’s never there to train her or impart traditional uchiha secrets on her.
This is all keeping in mind it was his choice to have her before finishing his journey. 
Old me that used to ship them hated this so much, she couldn’t stomach it and moved on to more fulfilling ships.
And gods, I was so bitter! For a while I hated them so much just seeing art of them made me cringe and would ruin my day. I’m doing better now though, I’ve learned to stomach the fanon version again through reading the amazing fic A Twist in Time by the lovely wolf08. 
So I reiterate; my problem is canon and kishi, not the people. Not the fandoms. Fanon SS is brilliant, well written, well plotted, well delivered. 
Canon? It’s trash. Bad writing. How I wish Kishi left the ending at 699. That there was never a sequel. He’s ruined his own work and I don’t say this because I dislike the ships but because he ruined so many other things.
I don’t care that Sasuke has to be away, or that this was as much his choice as it was hers, all I know is this is their story and it’s sad, unfulfilling and makes me more miserable than happy. I can’t ship this, and I can’t for one second imagine Sakura could be happy with this. 
And if you’ve read this, and you feel like I’m still irrational? I’m sorry, but this is just how I feel. You said you didn’t ship KakaSaku and I don’t even require reasons to understand that it’s perfectly okay for you to dislike them. I know what set of problems accompanies my ship and how some people tend to view it and I accept its not everyone’s cup of tea. I do stress one fact though, because people assume this all the time, I DONT ship underage KS, I don’t support it, I can’t stomach it, all the obvious reasons. So if you shall state your opinion like I stated mine, please avoid the common misplaced accusation of pedophilia. Because then I’d be inclined to disregard everything else you’ve said.
Good day.
Submitted by @bouncyirwin
My main issue with SS isn’t the fact that Sasuke is away. Far from it. I think that could’ve been worked in his favour. My issue is the lack of communication, which I realise is a common argument. It isn’t necessarily the ships fault though, I acknowledge this as bad writing. 
I have to make it clear that although we are shown in Gaiden that they did not communicate because Sarada believes it is so, it doesn’t mean that they really did not communicate at all. Gaiden is written in Sarada’s perspective as the protagonist of that story. Obviously, we are only shown what she believes to be true.
I can’t blame people for reaching the conclusion that they did that Sasuke and Sakura didn’t communicate at all but I wished that they wouldn’t have just jump straight into believing things without considering what we did get in canon (unless you’re delusional antis).
Now we know that Sasuke at least communicated with Naruto as part of reporting his findings to the Hokage. But what people didn’t consider is that just because only Naruto is stated to be the one he keeps in contact with doesn’t mean that Sakura herself is out of the loop like Sarada does. If you pay attention to the first chapters of Gaiden, Sakura is acting secretively and her answers are vague as if she’s hiding something. Many people believe it has something to do with the truth regarding Sasuke during his stint as a missing-nin but I believe it overlooks another obvious reason stated by Sasuke himself.
When Sasuke volunteered to search for entities like Kaguya, he wanted no one who was not present during the Kage meeting to know what he was doing. Sakura is very much present in this meeting so she is not part of those who are excluded from knowing Sasuke’s mission.
That is why it is more probable to say that while Naruto is the one to keep correspondence with him, the former will update Sakura of his latest movement. With Naruto as the medium, they can easily write to each other. She in turn will try to satisfy her daughter’s curiosity for as long as she could without spilling the whole truth.
Sasuke didn’t know  what Sarada looked like when he first saw her. He didn’t recognise her. This is such a dick move on Kishi’s part because I’m utterly unconvinced a man of Sasuke’s power and status is unable of communicating with his family because its ‘unsafe’. 
Sasuke is obviously not away for 12 years. Let me just say this first. At the very least, he was still present when Sarada was 4-5 years old (a bit before the flashback scene of her asking her mother where her father was). However, you fail to consider that as Sarada grows older, she no longer looks the same as she once did. There are actual cases where children don’t look anything like how they used to back when they were still very young. So it’s also very much safe to assume that he didn’t recognize her at first because she wasn’t how he remember her to be. I very much believe this is the case, since he also didn’t know who Boruto was the first time he saw him. Knowing Naruto, he can’t not show his child to his most precious people, therefore Sasuke had seen Boruto as a young child, regardless if Boruto remembered their encounter or not.
Aside from that, he also expects Sarada to be inside the village and not wandering around. Couple that with the threat of the Shins, Sasuke is on high alert for possible clones. Sarada unfortunately gets caught in the crossfire.
Now why didn’t they send pictures to him?
That is what made it unsafe. It should be obvious right?
He’s the one with the power to travel through space and yet he doesn’t show up even once in 10 years to see his child.
Surely you can acknowledge how messed up this is?
You fail to grasp the gravity of Sasuke’s mission. You are only looking at how it affected his relationship with his family but you did not look at the bigger picture.
Kaguya’s presence threatened the existence of the entire humanity. It did not only involve shinobi, it involve all beings with chakra. Imagine finding the possibility of an even more dangerous entity than the one who already managed to put the entire world to near extinction. He simply cannot afford to slack and getting distracted when the fate of the entire world, as well as that of his own family, is at stake.
By focusing his mission above anything else, Sasuke did nothing wrong especially since it is directly stated in the Shinobi Rule #4: A shinobi must always put the mission first.
Sakura understands this. Didn’t she recite the shinobi rules while crying over Sasuke’s injured form during the battle with Zabuza and Haku? Then it stands to reason why Sasuke never visited even once and she no doubt don’t resent him for it when she saw firsthand how dangerous Kaguya was and how crucial it is for him to focus on his mission above his need to see his family, as well as her own experience. You’re acting as if Sakura is not a ninja and unfamiliar of how they work.
This is not messed up. This is Sasuke putting the safety of his family and the world above his desires to be with them. After all, it is worth sacrificing all he had just to ensure their safety. He can easily make up for the lost years bonding with them after the mission right?
The only drawback is he didn’t count how Sarada would be affected by his decision to hide things from her. That is why he didn’t allow Sakura to apologize for her behavior because he knows that he is more to blame than her.
And for my personal reasons; well, I believe the key to a successful relationship is communication and familiarity, and I don’t believe the build up towards their marriage was done well or correctly.
Now this is one of the reasons I hate antis. You only place things in realistic standards only when it concerns Sasusaku. Stop with the double standards please. Naruto was never a realistic show with its themes and concepts. You should not apply your own standards to it. Not only that but they showed understanding, familiarity and successful communication be it only with their body language, eye contact (eye smex) or words as far back as part one and continued in their marriage. Sasuke’s departure for the mission did not hinder their relationship as husband and wife at all. There was no problem with their bond. Only Sarada’s doubts made people believe otherwise.
Sasuke left on his trip to redemption right after the war, and somehow decided he could just return, marry, procreate and then leave? Isn’t that selfish? If he believed he didn’t deserve happiness like you put it, then why? Why did he do this to Sakura? I don’t think it makes her happy to be a single mother whose husband is never able to be home for a reason or another. And what about Sarada? I would think he out of everyone would understand what its like to grow up without a father, and yet he’s never there to train her or impart traditional uchiha secrets on her. 
And do you think it would be ideal to their relationship if Sasuke just up and proceed to enter in a relationship with Sakura while carrying heavy emotional baggage? I don’t think you paid attention to details but the reason Sasuke could not fully give in to the feelings of love he already harbored for her and fall for her completely prior to his defection was because his revenge and emotional turmoil was hindering them. He could not enjoy life at all not until he fully avenged the clan and fulfilled his goal. Instead, he went to believe that bonds made him weak.
Now once again he was saved from this but instead, is now atoning for his sins. If he just ignored the impulse to go on a journey of atonement, he would be unable to reciprocate her feelings in full once again. That would be detrimental, and something anti sasusaku fans wants to happen right? He would be almost like how you people see him: an uncaring husband and father who can’t stay for no reason at all other than his own conflicting feelings, except that he does care about them but doesn’t have the heart to stay out of guilt.
Kishi made the right decision to make Sasuke go on that journey and later implied that they traveled together afterwards and build their relationship even further. That way, their relationship is much healthier as we actually do see in Gaiden.
Once again, you trivialize Sasuke’s mission as something to be dismissed in the guise of him as a husband “ who is never able to be home for a reason or another” when he was away not because he wanted to but because he had to. There is a difference.
Sasuke doesn’t care about clan traditions, not when he already vowed during the final battle in VoTE that he will destroy and rebuild everything as well as cast off the past. I don’t see him changing that soon when he still fulfills his idea of “ruling in the shadows” to an extent.
This is all keeping in mind it was his choice to have her before finishing his journey. 
Sakura wanted to go with him during his first ever journey but he told her “you are not part of my sins” and poked her forehead instead as a promise. He did not make any move without her consent. When he did get back, they travel together and get married in the process and gave birth to Sarada in Orochimaru’s hideout.
Now take note: Sasuke haven’t yet discovered the existence of the other Ootsutsuki headaches out there when they went on this journey together as they traveled prior to Naruto’s inauguration as Hokage. It can be sure that the situation is far different that is why they can afford to get married and have a child at that point in time.
Old me that used to ship them hated this so much, she couldn’t stomach it and moved on to more fulfilling ships.
And gods, I was so bitter! For a while I hated them so much just seeing art of them made me cringe and would ruin my day. I’m doing better now though, I’ve learned to stomach the fanon version again through reading the amazing fic A Twist in Time by the lovely wolf08.
Yeah, because if you actually took the time to think more critically, you would have seen what we loyal Sasusaku fans still see until this day. And if you actually did look at Kakasaku more critically starting their genin days and not because Kakashi actually supported Sakura’s feelings for Sasuke (SS ship captain right there), you would’ve seen that Kakasaku is actually worse in comparison.
But that is a discussion I will put on a separate post.
So I reiterate; my problem is canon and kishi, not the people. Not the fandoms. Fanon SS is brilliant, well written, well plotted, well delivered.
Canon? It’s trash. Bad writing. How I wish Kishi left the ending at 699. That there was never a sequel. He’s ruined his own work and I don’t say this because I dislike the ships but because he ruined so many other things.
To some extent I acknowledge bad writing. But give Kishi credit. After all, the reason why Sasusaku is so popular is the complexity of their relationship. You can literally fit Sasusaku in all genre and still make it in character. You can even easily find many songs, poems, and scenes that will bring you back to them.
That is how well-done their love story is.
I don’t care that Sasuke has to be away, or that this was as much his choice as it was hers, all I know is this is their story and it’s sad, unfulfilling and makes me more miserable than happy. I can’t ship this, and I can’t for one second imagine Sakura could be happy with this. 
It’s funny, because Sakura didn’t show she is actually unhappy in Gaiden. Sure, she misses her husband but she was able to smile and assure her daughter of their bond. I’m not sad at all, for while Sasuke did went back to his mission once again, he was finally back for real. The Boruto movie and novel went so far as to imply that they had sex when he got back for real and Sarada teased her mother about it in a subtle way.
What’s there to be sad about?
And if you’ve read this, and you feel like I’m still irrational? I’m sorry, but this is just how I feel. You said you didn’t ship KakaSaku and I don’t even require reasons to understand that it’s perfectly okay for you to dislike them. I know what set of problems accompanies my ship and how some people tend to view it and I accept its not everyone’s cup of tea. I do stress one fact though, because people assume this all the time, I DONT ship underage KS, I don’t support it, I can’t stomach it, all the obvious reasons. So if you shall state your opinion like I stated mine, please avoid the common misplaced accusation of pedophilia. Because then I’d be inclined to disregard everything else you’ve said.
Why yes. With how your line of reasoning fared against mine, it’s unfortunate but sorry YOU. ARE. IRRATIONAL. I don’t care much about the age gap Kakashi and Sakura are supposed to have when you ship it or whatever realistic standards it broke. All I care is how their relationship was shown in the series from start to finish. I’m sorry to tell you because I found them lacking no matter how aesthetically pleasing the two of them are.
I’m even disgusted why this ship gets a pass just because Kakashi supported Sakura’s feelings. But did he actually cared about her as a person and not just a former member of his squad? That is the question
Other crack pairings are forgivable because they’re crack and already impossible to begin with. (not counting the mess that is SK)
You will know my point why I never considered Kakasaku at all. But that’s for later.
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naruto-smut-monday · 3 years
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Our prompts for September were Fated / Dirty Little Secret, and our participants delivered some amazing works! If you enjoyed these submissions even a little bit, please make sure to visit the blogs below and send our creators some love and feedback!
@spellcasterlight - Under the Light of the Fireflies (Fanfic, ShinoTen)
@spellcasterlight  - Want What’s Mine (Fanfic, ShikaHina)
@spellcasterlight - Silent Marks (Fanfic, ShikaHina)
@myaekingheart - Body Electric (Fanfic, Kakashi x OC)
@mysecretx - Your secret, my secret (Fanfic, KakaIru)
@shyyynobi - Because of You (Fanfic, KakaSaku)
@historicfailure - Communication is Key (Fanfic, Kakashi x Reader)
@fictionalquacker - Our Secret Intimacy (Fanfic, TsunaShizu)
@awintersrose - Paradigm Shift (Fanfic, KabuSaso)
AO3 post by Maiika - Twelve Months of Sexy Ninjas (Fanfic, KakaSakuYama)
@persephones-darkness - One More Night (Fanfic, Indra x Reader)
@kinksandkurlsss - Lawless (Fanfic, Obito x Reader)
@mysteria-x - Silent Bond (Fanfic, ZabuSasu)
@33-001​ - Cage a Bird (Fanfic, SasoDei)
Our heartfelt thanks to all our creators! You make this event amazing every month! We hope to see you again on October 25th ^_^
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bouncyirwin · 5 years
Content Creators Month Week 4
This is it folks, the final week of creators month. Let’s go out with a bang eh? I propose we aggressively support those lovelies! 
For those of you who have no idea what this is, check out this post right here.
For December, every weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) will feature the work of the chosen content creators. Please consider supporting those creators and showing them appreciation and love, after all this is the whole point of this event!
Meet Week 4′s Creators!
The awesome @littlegreenstrawberry
I’m pretty bad at putting out content but I do support any fellow author or artist for the content by constantly reblogging because they deserve that exposure!
Relevant Profiles: Ko-Fi 
The wonderful @mrssakurahatake!
Hello! I am a lifelong avid reader of fanfics, and after finding the amazing and supportive Kakasaku community, a writer. I love all things Kakashi but Kakasaku will always be my OTP. I also really enjoy writing Genma and ship him with everyone. 
Relevant Profiles: AO3 | FFnet 
The fantastic @riseoftheblossom-ff!
Bio: I’ve been writing fanfiction for around seven years now for multiple fandoms and I now accept commissions!
Relevant Profiles: FFnet | Ko-Fi
And last but not least…
The Sweet @the-real-kakashisgf1!
English M.A. from the Midwest, U.S., who is an avid KakaSaku fan and multi-Saku and MadaTobi shipper, with a weakness for Sesskag (among many others). Outside of fandom, fluffy Spitz-type dogs will make me squeal like a little girl, and my cherry-red, tricked-out Dodge Challenger might just make me happier than my husband does ;)
Relevant Profiles: Deviant | FFnet | AO3 
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bluefurcape · 4 years
I love your writing so much, its so vivid and realistic that I never notice the time passing as I read. when did you start writing? and do you have any tips for improving? thank you so much for the work you've shared and I hope to become an amazing writer like you !!
Ah!! You are too kind! I started writing (badly) in high school for bad Inuyasha and Rurouni Kenshin fanfics. Never finished a thing, my chapters were BARELY 200 words long, and many were just rewrites of existing movies with the anime characters in them haha. CRINGE. Some original stuff but about the same in terms of quality. I didn’t identify as a writer then even if I was spending a lot of my time dreaming up stories and filling up notebooks with my terrible dragon stuff haha.
I got into it more seriously around my 3rd year of college when I was following some debuting authors publishing traditionally and realized that it was a real process, not some magical thing. This was around the time Sarah J Maas was seeking publication and I was REALLY interested in her journey because even if I was a tiny fish compared to her, we were both on fictionpress around the same time and she made it seem attainable.
Started trying to write a real book (a ripoff of Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell). Got about 40k words in one summer and I was at it everyday. Tinkered with that for a year but gave it up. Tried again with a new book and gave up on that too. Graduated, went to law school and didn’t write again until my final year when I was reading over some of my old favorite kakasaku fics and lamenting that there wasn’t more to read by that author.
Started writing Heavy Reading, super haphazardly. Not too much thought went into it when I started. Got some other ideas and met some other people in the community. Tried to get better with my descriptions so that it wasn’t just pages of dialogue. Got the idea for Another Life and started that as a more ‘serious’ attempt at a multichapter work. Whether that was done successfully, I’m not sure? It’s still not done.
Looking back I do see the progress I have made and I’m proud of it. Most of it was because I wanted to pad out the chapters and as a naturally SPARSE writer, I had to make a great effort at it. I was weeping looking at these 300k word fics and wanting the same. Obviously, my fics never got so long lol.
My tips for improving:
Huge caveat, as someone who spends a lot of time looking for writing advice, I’ve come to the conclusion that most writing advice is....not great. It’s trying to make this really abstract process and put it into words and I just can’t get it. For me, the technical knowledge is lost on me and I only learn by doing. I looked for advice to try and get the secret of what would make this easier and the answer was that nothing will make this easier. Anyway!
Keep writing! The inner editor, or at least mine, is so much stronger than the muse. I joke that my muse is puny and my inner editor lifts and does leg day. Anyway, ignore her the best you can and just do it. You have to get through a lot of work before you can see visible improvement.
Learn how you write. Whether that is outlining or pantsing, or something in between, I think it’s really crucial to learn your own process. I’m still learning mine. I’ve hit my head against walls trying to create beautiful outlines and planning characters, but I thrive with the chaos and my best moments and plot twists were made right then and there. The Sasuke twist in Another Life came from that haha. My plans or ideas always go out the window. ALWAYS. It sucks, actually, because imagine if I could plan everything? I guess I don’t live my life that way either and my ADHD ass cannot.
But don’t discount outlining just because I said so! That might be what works for you. I’m just saying as someone who’s tried it and failed for 10 years that it didn’t work for me lol.
Learn from the stories that you like. See what made you like them. Find what you enjoy and lean into it.
Okay now for some actual, technical advice, if you got this far...
Stories are set up and pay off. I once heard it put very simply as, “Cat goes up tree, tree is set on fire (why?), cat gets down tree.” So a beginning, middle and end. Or even like, you see a gun in a scene, that means someones going to get shot. This is why stories essentially being a circle can be so satisfying. While this might not sound realistic, writing is not supposed to be realism. I think that’s where a lot of writers go wrong. Or they don’t fulfill the promise set up in the beginning to ‘subvert expectations’. (I’m looking at you Game of Thrones.)
Thank you again for reading my work. It means so much to me!!!
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