#kakuriyo no yadomeshi volume 6 chapter 10
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Volume 6 Chapter 10 - A New Uproar Begins + Author's Afterword
Yep, enjoy the double-upload guys.
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Alright here you all go....
P300 "Well then, hang in there, Kasuga!" "Bye-bye Kasuga, be well!" "Improve yourself! Don't break your body!" The Ayakashi in Tenjin-ya all called out to Kasuga who was already in an airship and has collected all of her things.
I gave Kasuga a present, "Tummy-captivating Recipes" cookbook, food that are both easy to make and delicious.
"Kasuga, with this, slowly but surely you can capture the heart of your childhood friend whom you're getting married to."
"Waaah, thanks Aoi-chan. This is so helpful, because I just suck at cooking."**
Kasuga with her smiling face. That face that lights up the sky like the blinding sun, thinking about the fact that I won't be seeing that smile anymore made me feel so lonely. Without realizing it, my tears started flowing.
While at it, I pushed the box filled with assortments of "Hell-juu" and Black Sugar Manjuu to her.
"Here, take this with you. Its flavors will bring you nostalgia."
"Hey, Aoi-chan, stop crying."
Kasuga being Kasuga, she made Chiaki-san hold her belongings and went over to me, wiping my tears away with her sleeves.**
T/N:  I found my opportunity to plug this in lol *sings* You suck at cooking yeah you totally suck. *end of song* I'm sorry guys, that's my jam sometimes, I'm not calling you bad cooks, the song just rolls off the tongue. Plus the videos are really good too, kewl effects lol not sponsored btw
Also, kimonos have long-@@$ sleeves so Kasuga can do that lol
"Home's not that far away, we'll meet again for sure."
"What's that?"
"Both of us will soon get married to a Hachiyo. Somehow, that's the threads of fate that binds us together."
The threads of fate, that binds us together.
Wait just a minute. I'm not there yet...
We both looked down on our hands, they were shaking.
"Bye-bye! Bye-bye, Tenjin-ya! Goodbye, everyone! My Tenjin-ya!"
This bright young girl's voice echoed everywhere, and the airship starts lifting up high, high into the bright blue sky.
Up until the end I was sobbing, but O-ryo, standing beside me, wasn't even crying at all.
She just looked indifferent all throughout the whole thing. And then a victorious smile popped in her face.
And after that she looked more at ease.
It seemed that somehow, she seemed more determined about something, and wore that in her demeanor.
That's strange. That bottle opener made out of ice that she always has with her, could it have gotten lost?
That sleeping water from the farthest north, it's crystal-clear sound, Kasuga was scattering it from above the airship that she's in.
And when I just realized it, Kasuga's image has disappeared into the sky above, and I can't see it anymore.
Far, far away, where the clear, blue sky has taken them in, way up high.
And, as if looking over everyone in Kakuriyo, the seasons have changed.
Goodbye, Kasuga.
I'm looking forward to seeing that again, the day when I see that shining and vibrant smile again.
Afterwards, about a month has passed.
Just as Ginji-san have planned, shortly after the Autumn Festival, "Hell-juu" was marketed  commercially.
Tenjiya's as well as Gintengai's souvenir shops have started selling this steamed manjuu, and thanks to being autumn as well as the increasing number of tourists to Kimon, it got record-breaking sales all throughout.
Whether or not it's going to be a long-time best selling product, what matters right now is that it's a huge success.
More than anything, hats off to everyone at the Tenjinya basement workshop, on how quickly the planning and manufacturing of this souvenir product was made.
Everyday the iron mice at Tenjin-ya's basement are working hard to catch up with the huge production volume, without getting fluttered or disorganized while doing their job.
Even more surprising, is that the manjuu with cream cheese spread and no bean paste sells better than the "egg variant" one which has bean paste in it and was labelled as "proper manjuu". I wonder if it's because little by little, in Kakuriyo
the demand for cheese has been increasing, as well as the fact that it's just gaining popularity, and that is its appeal, a report worthy of being sent to the emperor.
It might be first of its kind, and difficult, but it was a huge success.
Its sales was a hit, and Byakuya-san said that pretty soon huge confection companies as well as local ones and even ordinary folk would start putting in "cheese" flavored souvenir products  and other similar items in their own shelves.
It delights me to think that while it was borne out of me, the fruits of my labors are finally showing up.
Along with a huge sense of accomplishment, it also feels very exciting.
But not by any means was I able to do this on my own, as I relied on many others too.
Kasuga's christening it with "Hell-juu" was surprisingly simple and easy to understand, and the fact that it permeated easily into the people's psyche was also an important factor to its success. And marking the manjuu's outer crust with the deformed version of the hellish flower, "red spider-lily"** helped make it even cuter and more adorable.
Aside from that, there were many wise sages in Tenjin-ya who gave such good advice, feedback, experiences, and other help that greatly helped in Hell-juu's product development, properly executing its mass production and moving onto sales.
But there was one thing though, a mishap that Ginji-san and I made. I'm going to tell you that right now.
We tried making other limited edition variants of "Hell-juu" for Autumn, and some of them didn't sell so well or sales were very slow.
Those were the "sweet potato" and the "apple" flavors. Diced sweet potato were kneaded into the dough to make it into that flavor, just like how we normally do it, and we wrapped the dough all around the apple jam for the "apple" flavor, but I just couldn't understand why, at a level being so perplexing, that from the very first day these two didn't sell so well, and likely the only thing would be due to them being very unfamiliar.
T/N: You've probably have seen this flower a lot, in graveyards in anime. It's very prominent in Hell Girl. The plant is actually planted in graves so animals won't dig up corpses, like a deterrent.
But why did the "cheese" sell so well?
As handmade sweets from stores, the other flavors were well-received...
When these came out in the shop's show window, despite the packaging that was supposed to make or break a confection's sale, the product itself looks different from what it was supposed to be.
It was for that reason that the "apple" flavor was to be pulled off from the shelves only after a week, and when that day was finally decided on, after work hours Ginji-san brought some mountain apple liquor to drink.
It was an awful time, and the thing about drinking mountain apple wine was that it helped in forgetting things...
Even though this was an exceptional failure, this information is going to be very important for our next success. Those are the words that Ginji-san shared to me.
Why did this failure came to be I have no idea, and overnight I got so depressed that I needed someone to ponder this with, along with some gentle consoling.
There is also one more thing I just realized.
Odanna-sama, as of now, hasn't returned from his business trip to Youto, and he has been absent from Tenjin-ya.
Also, beforehand, Odanna-sama and I had a quick chat.
We got our hands on some rumors, that apparently there will be a meeting of all the Hachiyos at the end of the year holidays, it was going to be the very first "overnight meeting", and the Ayakashi King has summoned me to attend.
"Say, Ginji-san? Odanna-sama hasn't come back yet? It's already been a week, is he alright? I heard from Ritsuko-san before that the Imperial Court is a scary place."
"Yes, it seems that he hasn't returned as of late... But no need to worry, the O-niwaban's Saizou-san is with him. Also I am receiving messages from Odanna-sama everyday."
"I wonder.. is Odanna-sama alright?"
"Yes, for sure."
I see. Since the beginning he was always out on a business trip, I think...
One week goes by, then two weeks, Odanna-sama's absence in Tenjin-ya is still going on... as the days go on, I have stopped getting any updates or messages.
The upper brass of Tenjin-ya started to get flustered.
A messenger was dispatched to Youto, and despite having hopeful news, it turns out that the Ayakashi King ordered Odanna-sama that he cannot go back to Tenjin-ya, and to only wait for further information to be announced by a messenger from the Imperial Court.
"What does that mean?"
"For sure, while he was doing major work in the Imperial Court, Odanna-sama ran into an accident."
The management grew even more worried and started panicking. Of course, that includes me.
I don't get how this happened...
The Odanna-sama that I talked to in Yugao back then, I wonder... there's no way that wasn't a premonition.
There were also other matters concerning the Imperial Court, there were things and plans happening behind the scenes that nobody knows about, things that we were not cautious of and can't do anything about, here in Tenjin-ya. Byakuya-san mentioned something about an unforeseen threat that is about to arrive.
During the first ten days of December, there came a huge shake-up.
That envoy from the Imperial Court paid a visit to Tenjin-ya.
And that envoy, somehow, as far as I'm concerned and made aware of... Is that.. Raijuu.
"Tenjin-ya, isn't this frightening, confusing, utterly incomprehensible and non-sensical?"
We caught wind of a disturbance, and a bit before opening hours, Ginji-san and I saw something over by the front desk lobby, Raijuu with his hateful and horrible smile was being surrounded by the management, all the while speaking while bearing a calm demeanor.
"In the end, with your Odanna gone, you're all just lowly businesspeople. I hold strong political powers over the Imperial Court, and you all cannot do anything about it.
"Ehhh shut up. If you have some use for Tenjin-ya, first of all, if that's the case, stop pushing us around like you always do!"
Akatsuki's earnest yet fierce-looking face wasn't complying, and yet, while laughing so loudly, Raijuu started climbed up Tenjin-ya's grand staircase.
The golden decorations attached all throughout his body, these made striking, echoing sounds as he climbed up the stairs.
In that moment, when he took a glimpse of me briefly, with that disgusting tongue of his, Raijuu started licking his lips.
As I unfortunately started recalling all sorts of traumatic memories, Ginji-san stood in front of me in silence.
"Haven't you comprehended it yet? The Ayakashi King himself sent me to go here, under his command."
"Excuse me?"
"That's what I said, That is what the Ayakashi King said. That is what the important announcement to all of you is about."
Abruptly, coming from the upper stairs where he just walked up to, he turned around and faced everyone, leisurely looking down on all of us as he smugly smiled a wide-toothed smile.
"From now on, by any means, I am now Tenjin-ya's "Odanna-sama"** and not that ogre god anymore!"
Anybody could've been astonished by those words, we couldn't believe our ears.
Odanna-sama... That guy cannot become Tenjin-ya's Odanna-sama...
It can't be, what the heck is this Raijuu talking about... I don't understand what it means.
"S--stop saying such nonsense! Who the hell gave you the right to say such things?"
"But. That's. Why. I already told you, MY words ARE as good as the Ayakashi King's, Ginji-kun. Well, whatever,
T/N: Odanna-sama is not Odanna-sama's actual name, it's a position, like how he is the big boss of Tenjin-ya. So the term "Odanna-sama" can be used by anybody. It's just that Odanna-sama, here and in the anime, his name isn't revealed yet. (I know what his name is, but that's gonna be revealed in a future volume lololol)
at any rate, to us, we have formally conveyed it to you. That ogre god, Kakuriyo was so shocked to know that he has been holding onto some very important secret. Better than that, I conclude that I have no choice but to take care of that Hachiyo's position now."
"An important....secret?"
All of us grew even more and more disturbed.
In this place where Odanna-sama isn't around, something important is decidedly and conveniently being exposed.
This strange circumstance being told about, just about everything is getting chaotic.
"Those speechless-looking faces are the most amusing, don't they? It's such an elevated sight worth seeing, now I wanted to eat some liquor with some side dishes. Say... You over there, why are you trying to scurry and hide away from me, Skilled Cook Aoi-chan?"
My name was called out, and it made me tremble.
I clenched my fists and pulled them closer to my chest, as I glared angrily at Raijuu.
"Hee-hee. Do I.. scare you?"
"What you're calling scary.. it is rather creepy."
"Bwahahaha! Well, that's fine, I don't mind that kind of reaction. Buuuu~t I think THIS thing here will scare you even more. No.. More likely that, as far as YOU'RE concerned, what this means for you is deliverance, possibly."
Raijuu's face looks somewhat amused, and gleefully takes out something from his breastpocket, he pulled out a box.
"Ta-dah~! What is this~?"
I remember that box. That... That is...
"Hee-hee, a while ago I snooped around Odanna's room, and I found a rea~lly awesome item. It's connects Tsubaki Shirou and Odanna, it's the debt contract~"
I see. When I first came to Tenjin-ya, that was shown to me, I fell in despair...
In grampa's own handwriting, a debt contract, in which he gave away his granddaughter for payment!
"Hee-hee. Since that Odanna is no longer here, this doesn't mean anything anymore, does it?"
Raijuu pulled it out of the box, and brandished it up high.
Without realizing it, I yelled "Stop!" and tried to reach it with my hand.
But, after that bastard heard my voice, he tore the piece of paper in half, and his loud laugh drowned out the sounds of the paper being ripped apart.
"Bwahahahaha! Yep, there you go. Aoi-chan, now you're no longer Odanna's fiancee, it's now nothing. Now that I have set you free, it's fine if you express your gratitude to me~"
After that he scattered all the tiny pieces.
The tiny pieces of paper fluttered down, down, down the staircase. Even though to me, that thing was something that forcibly tied me down, in that moment I felt attacked and I had a sense of loss, and even I couldn't believe it myself, it was a very important thing.
I was light-headed and unable to think, and without a moment's delay, Ginji-san came to help me stay upright.
But with the status quo, nobody dared to nor even had the gall to say anything. It was everyone's at everyone's pace. While wearing his smug, victorious smile, I was shocked as I looked at Raijuu who tore up, shredded into pieces and threw away the debt contract.
"Go die, you moron."
We thought we heard this lethargic noise from behind Raijuu...
Raijuu suddenly fell off the stairs and rolled down indignantly.
From where Raijuu's body used to stand, there he was, with a hard, cold stare, Byakuya-san.
Somehow, this guy seemed to have violently kicked Raijuu off the stairs. Underneath the stairs, Raijuu has suffered a minor injury and was licking his own blood off.
Tenjin-ya's hot water chimney has finally erupted with so much killing intent.
"Gaaah. Well, sure enough, Byakuya the white demon has came out. You're intending to kill me!"
"What are you talking about, I really do wanted to kill you, so much."
Byakuya suddenly closed his fan that was usually spread across his mouth, and started making a stabbing motion with it.
Along with that smooth, slicing sound, that reflexively makes every Tenjin-ya employee straighten their backs,
Byakuya looked over, and with increasingly cold eyes stared down at Raijuu.
"You bastard, how dare you stand in front of my face here in our Tenjin-ya? Why, I never recalled ever inviting you in. Go to the ravine outside and keep hurling yourself in there for a million times until you die!"
"But I already fell down just now, didn't I?"
Lightly scathed by Raijuu's words, Byakuya-san took one step down the stairs, and picked up all the scattered pieces of the debt contract. While laughing scornfully, he held these tightly.
"Regarding the circumstances of our Odanna-sama here at Tenjin-ya, it is rather unexpected, and even if whatever happened over at the Imperial Court was indeed true, knowing you, you have once again completely showed how utterly stupid you really are. So stop laughing."
"This debt contract is fake. The real thing is hidden somewhere, where you'll never be able to find it."
Nobody reacted more strongly, than I did.
When Byakuya-san saw my reaction, he responded with a "Oh?", looked into my eyes slightly surprised at my face, and started giggling.
"Oh, Aoi, I feel assured by your courageousness."
"Wait, wait, wait that's not it, it's not like that!"
Finally, my usual reactions have come out at last.
Ginji-san too, at some point smoothed down his own chest with a sigh of relief.
But over here, Raijuu's face instantly became disagreeable.
"Huh? Byakuya, I always thought that I was superior, was I wrong? From now on, you'll be my underling. That's because I have now become the master of Tenjin-ya."
"You dumbass. I don't care how many times the Ayakashi King keeps putting out decrees, whatever the hell you're saying, know that it is worthless."
Byakuya-san pulled out something from inside his sleeves.
What the heck... That looks like an impressive silk pouch. He opened it confidently, and pulled out a shining, golden yellow cube.
"Wait.. is that... The Golden Badge!"
"Golden Badge?"
"Indeed. It is the Hachiyo's verification badge used here in Tenjin-ya. Whenever there is a very important decision to make, this is an indispensable item. Within Tenjin-ya, Odanna-sama and Byakuya-san are the only ones who handle it."
Ginji-san, who was nearby, explained about it.
It was unexpected that something like that actually exists, but I could understand by everyone's reactions that there was nothing to worry about.
"When it comes to a Hachiyo's appointment as well as their resignation, other than the Ayakashi King's decree, twice a year it is required to attend the so-called "Hachiyo Overnight Conference", and along with the recognition of all the Hachiyos, that is to say, all of the Golden Badges need to be gathered. The next overnight conference would be at the end of the year, otherwise it would be at the beginning of the next year, Up until that point, whatever you do, Odanna-sama is still Tenjin-ya's Odanna-sama."
"Hee-hee. Eventually, that's gonna be a problem.. is it not? The Hachiyos cannot go against the decree of the Imperial Capitol."
Immediately after that, Raijuu stood up, sucked up the blood on the side of his lips, and while behaving calmly and relieved,
shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't mind. Right now, all of you here in Tenjin-ya are not put under my custody, yet. So eventually, in the next Overnight Conference, you have no other choice, I own all of you. So I don't mind if you all go against me. Nobody else will be interested in taking charge and managing the inn, and after that everything will get filled with chaos, isn't that an amusing story that you just wanted to see?"
"But, there is still one more I am certain of. That Odanna...  is now forbidden to come back here."
Furthermore, if that guy even tries something like flapping the bedsheets and putting them on, he'll get taken out like fireworks running off and fizzling out. Instantly, he'll be grabbed quickly like a flash of lightning.
What the.. What on earth, why did that even happen?
The whole place got still, like a graveyard, everyone was confused, it was quite a huge shock.
"What are you whispering about? Upper management's aid is required for business operations. Everyone in the top management, assemble at the Great Conference Hall."
In that place, Byakuya-san was the only one who was able to keep his head together. With a deep resolve, he was the only one who tried summoning all of the executives together.
"Aoi-san, are you alright? You look pale."
"No, this isn't unjustifiable, ok? It has turned into something outrageous. But first of all, Odanna-sama's safety must be quickly confirmed, and all of us here at Tenjin-ya, we have no choice but to make sure that we take care of everything by all means necessary..."
I felt like something got stuck in my throat, I couldn't breathe with all the anxiety, and everyone else was feeling it too. But Ginji-san was already having a stern gaze as he stood up. And amidst the silence he ordered the employees, and in a strong voice alerted Akatsuki and Chiaki-san who got flustered, and before anyone else did, he went to Byakuya-san to confirm what happened.
Time in Tenjin-ya stopped, before everyone started to move about hurriedly.
But, only my uneasiness, it never stopped. Odanna-sama's behavior that wasn't ogre-like, and his smile.
He was usually reasonable and calm everyday, but the haziness of that person has not vanished, and I had a really unnerving hunch.
In my bosom, the pendant's chain where the key is hidden, I held it closer in my kimono.
Tenjin-ya's master, Odanna-sama.
Odanna-sama's whereabouts...
Odanna-sama's... secret.
Where is the thing, that I must protect?
Afterword P315 Thank you very much for your support. This is Yuuma Midori. I am grateful that Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi series has reached volume 6. To tell you the truth, since Yuuma's** debut all of the five volumes had been the longest, and now Yuuma has reached the sixth! The season is autumn. For this volume, it picks up everyone in Tenjin-ya's everyday affairs, and the next volume is going to be about the new strife and issues. Kasuga has quit Tenjin-ya, the male army's pointless bath scene, you can easily find Odanna-sama on the cover**. There are so many things and spoilers I wanna tell, but this time, the afterword is just one page, and I can only say one thing about the lively momiji-gathering illustration.. Oh my, on the cover Aoi and Odanna-sama has drawn in closer together.. could it be that something has already started....? On the cover these two bit by bit has gotten a bit more closer**, and somehow Yuuma is filled with so much heavy emotions.
I hope that we can all meet again in volume 7.
Yuuma Midori
End of Afterword, Volume 6.
T/N: Yeah I know it's the afterword but wth this is an additional lesson OK? So.. rather than saying "I" or "me", it's even humbler to refer to one's self by the given name, or surname. Yuuma-sensei does this for all of her afterwords so yeah.. Maybe it's a thing IDK rly but yeah, politeness is deemed important in Japanese culture so it's a thing. Yeah here's the cover and I'mma gonna point stuff out lol
So yeah if you look at the covers of the first 5 volumes and the 6th, this is by far the closest that Aoi and Odanna-sama got illustrated, and that shows somehow a progress of their whatever it is.
Also, holy crap the previous chapter guysssss..... T__T I mean can you believe that, I mean, I had to read and reread that part before I started translating it because it made me cry so much, like holy sh** I wasn't expecting that T_T anyways... We did it guys, we finished volume 6. I hope you all enjoyed.
Hopefully, if I still have enough strength to finish it all (let's just say that I have other stuff to worry in the real life and doing the whole 7-10 volumes may take a while) I could improve more so I could deliver the next 4 volumes as soon as I could, like seriously I could only see juicy things from here on end. Once I feel like I can (if my strength allows) see you all in volume 7...?
End of Volume 6. Previous - Chapter 9
Wonderful site for the youkai references
Other stuff I used to do this: Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (you can buy here, I’m not sponsored btw). I was about to buy the older edition but then the newer one came out 2013 so I bought that instead. Worth buying since I was able to find nearly all of the words I needed just by stroke pattern alone.
Merriam-Webster's Japanese-English Dictionary (the red-covered 1996 version is apparently out of print right now). This is what I have been using for a very long time, I bought it when I was still a fetus (yes I am old so what lol), and after so many years, when compared to newer editions, I still prefer this one since its entirety is Japanese-English, the English to Japanese gloss are just 16 pages tops, so you get more Japanese words for your buck. But that’s just my opinion, maybe other people prefer the Jap-En x En-Jap IDEK.
Basic online dictionary, Jisho. Knowledge of verb conjugations  and other words are necessary since not all have entries.
If you can read Japanese, you can buy the whole set in Amazon Japan, they’re shipping worldwide now, I think.
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Guess who's back lol
Hi you all, guess who's back?
First of all, thank you so very much for keeping my page alive, I was really gone for a very, very long time, and if it weren't for your notes, my page would've gotten axed. So thank you so much everyone in here.
OK I am still alive but my pc died back when I was translating the last 2 chapters so...
It took me a while to come back from wherever the heck I got myself into.
Anyway, I hope you are all doing well and great, things are starting to get back to somewhat normal (but not really because the whole world got effed up and crap). But still, I wish you all well and good.
At the very least, I got a few pages translated before the inevitable death of the pc I was using, and now i got to finish the last two chapters which have been grinding in my head since the last time I got to do these.
For all the time I was gone from tumblr and elsewhere (the pc was my only decent way to interact with the world) I am happy that these translations have made other people happy, they had something to look forward to, and some even kept them sane. Even though I had to stop for two whole years, thank you for your appreciation of my efforts. Heck looking at how much is here (as well as the work of my predecessors and their team) that took a lot of effort. And also since so much stuff happened to me the past 2 years I feel like I'm looking at a different person and I dunno who the heck that was anymore.
I feel like we are all like that, in some way, so I guess I am glad that we were able to come out of this whole C-thing alive, shaken and stirred, but albeit alive. To live for another day.
Anyway that's too much talking let's get back to the good stuff, and I hope that you guys enjoy the double upload that caps up volume 6 of our ogre god and bride from hell saga that is Yuuma Midori-sensei's Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi,
And if I still have enough energies to do the rest of the volumes 7-10 then yeah please look forward to that too. I'll post updates, just to let you all know that I'm still alive lol
But for now, cheers to everyone who waited for 2 years to find out what happened. No other spoilers beyond the stuff here XD
love and hugs, until next time, indefinitely? IDEK
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Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Volume 6 Intermission 3 - Kasuga and O-ryo
T/N: Yep, it’s a double premiere guys, I hope you all enjoy. =)
As always, if you like this translation, you can heart it, share the link, reblog, I just respectfully ask that DO NOT REPOST ELSEWHERE. This is my contribution to the scant English content of this fandom, and I worked really hard to finish this thing, it’s not like I just copy-pasted everything. I even had to build the kanji in Jisho one by one. Try it and you’ll see what I mean.You can rave about this, rant about this, reply, etc. but if possible please link back to this page. If you’re unsure how to do that, just copy the web address of this page. If you’re on a blogsite just insert the web address as a hyperlink as a link back to here. Honestly if this light novel was officially-published in English, I wouldn’t even be doing this right now... And if it did, I’d take this offline to support the publishers and Yuuma-sensei. Creators support creators, is what I believe in. I’ll prolly do 1-5 once 6-10 has been done, or however long I can manage to translate the raw texts, it can take a toll at times.  As previously-mentioned in earlier chapters, if you stumbled upon this one, the two seasons of the anime covered volumes 1-5, so other than the extra details, you didn’t miss much stuff.
No spoilers lol
P261 "Hmph. You're the newly-hired kid? Really, you're named Kasuga? Aren't you a stumpy little tanuki-girl? I am O-ryo, the future Wakaokami. I'll train you under me, and I'll be sure to drill the job of being a waitress into your head."
I remember well, the day that I first met O-ryo sama. I am Kasuga, a Bunmon Tanuki, while still a child was chased off from my home by my Hachiyo Baba-sama to experience the outside world, and along with my uncle Chiaki who also has nowhere else to go, we inquired in, and started working in Tenjin-ya. It was that first day. That person who called me stumpy, has hair and skin as white as snow, it was the conspicuously beautiful snow lady. Her personality is of someone who hates losing. She was a selfish Sempai, but has an indomitable and strong willpower to rise to the top, and I thought that surprisingly, I have come to like this person. As such, in order to gain her dream position of Wakaokami, she exerted herself no matter what it took. P262 A woman who fights her battles to win. I came to her side and I recorded her heroic battles, and I wrote about it in my diary.
"Hey.... Hey, why are you asking something while falling asleep, Kasuga-kun, HEY!" "Whaaaa~" In the middle of talking about something regarding a Hachiyo's marriage at great length, sitting on my heels I was nodding off to sleep. Since early morning I have been with Aoi-chan, and I have been going about here and there. I was feeling confident. I was dozing off in front of Byakuya-sama. Is Byakuya-sama angry or is he surprised? "Good grief. You're a reliable and shrewd girl girl, and I think that it's beyond expectations that you're going to get married to a Hachiyo... yet I am worried that they'll find faults on you. That is a position that has many enemies, do you understand? "Yeah, I get it. I have watched Aoi-chan for a long time. But Aoi-chan is awesome... Even though she's in a disadvantage, she was aware of her own strengths. Furthermore, in Tenjin-ya, when Aoi-chan gets married to Odanna-sama, isn't there anyone who grumbles about it?" "Hmmm. in that case, isn't that a problem? Because nobody's complaining, probably there's a group that's P263 thinking about rubbing her out of existence." "That point, I am fine with that. I plan to not make enemies with my demeanor, an incomptetent person making a blunder. Well, at any rate, from the very start I have been incompetent." "..." Byakuya-sama narrowed his eyes, and with a snap hit the corner of his mouth with his fan. I thought that he was going to say something but, he just scolded me and released me after saying "You can go now" . Wahh, after standing up from sitting on my feet, they fell asleep and started tingling painfully... Holding the Maneki-neko** coin bank, I planned to go back to Yugao. Along the way, the waitresses looked over here, and started gossiping and whispering to each other. Up until now the friends that were calling me in carefree voices, and the sempai that used to fiddle with and pushed me around, now they pass sideways, and bow their heads subserviently, and flees anywhere. Oh well, I could understand why they became like that but... I come in contact with the management staff that were like Shizuna-chan and they are normally composed, but I'm a normal girl, aren't I? I feel like I'm a sore thumb sicking out. "Kasuga, Kasuga" "...Chiaki" From the other side of the hallway, peeping over here looking worried, it was my uncle, the tanuki. T/N: Maneki-neko, the beckoning cat, famously known for bringing in luck. It's said that it was originally named after a cat that waved to a monk to go inside a shrine and the monk almost got struck by lightning or something, so it was a lucky omen. P264 He approached while calling for me. "What is it, from now onwards I'm helping out at Yugao." "It's not that, you were called for by Byakuya-sama, and I got worried somewhat." "It's nothing. It's just that I'm developing a souvenir product with Aoi-chan." "Why you, aren't you scowling at me?" "Why, my relative shouldn't speak about me flippantly." He isn't necessarily overprotective and he wasn't saying anything like that, but ever since the old days Chiaki has been worrying about me. He's just a nice and charming person who took care of me, and he always looks after those that are just like me. Though I'm already fine, even at this age he still worries about me... "Chiaki aren't you staying behind here in Tenjin-ya?" "Yep. I'll continue working here. Even though I was thinking of coming along with you." "It's fine, it's nothing. I've always been taken care of by uncle, I cannot function properly being a Hachiyo's wife." "...Kasuga" His eyes gloomily welling up, holding down the corner of his eyes, Chiaki went "That tiny Kasuga has grown to be praise-worthy" "Ahhh stop it already, don't be gloomy.. Get over it." Shh... Uncle you're annoying. P265 While being paid extra care, I could feel myself fading away. Our relationship, even though we are family, here we cannot become too overly-familiar. The love that tanuki give to each other are the strongest among Ayakashi, as such they aren't entrusted to to other people, which makes tanuki unaware about so many things such as getting close to and connecting with strangers. Those people, now matter how much we studied them, we couldn't find them... With regards to those, I thought I learned those in Tenjin-ya.
"Oh.." In front of the passageway that connects the door to Yugao, there is someone who is sneakily peeping in. Isn't that... "O-ryo sama, what are you doing over that place?" "Kyaaa!" O-ryo sama jumped up suprised. With a sluggish expression, she slowly looked back. Opening her mouth as if about to talk, hesitatingly, she made a weird face by sticking her lower lip out. "H-hmph." In the end, O-ryo sama took her leave without saying anything. P266 I slightly tugged on O-ryo sama's sleeves. "What now?" O-ryo sama icily stared down at me with that severe gaze. Oh well, I've been used to that gaze. "Uhm, I believe so, that O-ryo sama will likely aim to be Wakaokami again." ".... what?" "Within Tenjin-ya, there's something that only O-ryo sama can surely do." Pulling my hands immediately from the hem, I madly dashed towards the inner garden where Yugao was. The O-ryo sama who was aiming to be Wakaokami. And the one who made her dream come true, the O-ryo sama that became Wakaokami. To me, O-ryo sama is dazzling, despite the many enemies she makes, being hated by her colleagues, being gutsy and only wants to rise up into the world. The one I adored. After doing so many different things, O-ryo sama eventually became demoted from Wakaokami, and yet... When O-ryo sama becomes Wakaokami once again. Truly, I support that from the sidelines..
End of Intermission 3, Volume 6. Previous - Chapter 8 Next - Chapter 9
Wonderful site for the youkai references
Other stuff I used to do this: Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (you can buy here, I’m not sponsored btw). I was about to buy the older edition but then the newer one came out 2013 so I bought that instead. Worth buying since I was able to find nearly all of the words I needed just by stroke pattern alone.
Merriam-Webster's Japanese-English Dictionary (the red-covered 1996 version is apparently out of print right now). This is what I have been using for a very long time, I bought it when I was still a fetus (yes I am old so what lol), and after so many years, when compared to newer editions, I still prefer this one since its entirety is Japanese-English, the English to Japanese gloss are just 16 pages tops, so you get more Japanese words for your buck. But that’s just my opinion, maybe other people prefer the Jap-En x En-Jap IDEK.
Basic online dictionary, Jisho. Knowledge of verb conjugations  and other words are necessary since not all have entries.
If you can read Japanese, you can buy the whole set in Amazon Japan, they’re shipping worldwide now, I think.
64 notes · View notes
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Volume 6 Chapter 6 - An Uncle and Pampas Grass and Moon Viewing Sake
T/N: Hi y’all, I’m back with chapter 6, how are you doing? I thought tumblr didn’t want me to post, kept getting error logs but here we are now. I got a bit unwell so I didn’t get to post this as soon as I wanted to, but I hope you still like it somehow.
As always, if you like this translation, you can heart it, share the link, reblog, I just respectfully ask that DO NOT REPOST ELSEWHERE. This is my contribution to the scant English content of this fandom, and I worked really hard to finish this thing, it’s not like I just copy-pasted everything. I even had to build the kanji in Jisho one by one. Try it and you’ll see what I mean.
You can rave about this, rant about this, reply, etc. but if possible please link back to this page. If you’re unsure how to do that, just copy the web address of this page. If you’re on a blogsite just insert the web address as a hyperlink as a link back to here. Honestly if this light novel was officially-published in English, I wouldn’t even be doing this right now... And if it did, I’d take this offline to support the publishers and Yuuma-sensei. Creators support creators, is what I believe in. I’ll prolly do 1-5 once 6-10 has been done, or however long I can manage to translate the raw texts, it can take a toll at times.  As previously-mentioned in earlier chapters, if you stumbled upon this one, the two seasons of the anime covered volumes 1-5, so other than the extra details, you didn’t miss much stuff. OK, here we go, this chapter’s a racket lol
P186 Kasuga's resignation from Tenjin-ya has been announced. Aside from that, the guests were also a bit dreary that day. Many people came to ask if there's any beef stew or hamburger steak but there's none left already, and there were still a lot of the chestnut okowa** for the Autumn set meals... "It took a lot of pains to steam these in a bamboo steamer, the sweet and piping chestnut okowa though..." It's a waste, what will I do? I wonder if everyone from Tenjin-ya's going to come and eat... "Kasuga... would she be coming? There's so many terrible stuff tonight, she's probably not going here." I remembered Kasuga again, and I got even more gloomy. Today's no good. She's probably thinking about a lot of things due to her leaving. It can't be helped but be sad. As more time passes by, my heart feels more depressed and more bemoaning. When I came to Kakuriyo, Kasuga played a lot of tricks on me and some of the other Ayakashi that I got involved with. Then after that, when she came to my place a lot, she eventually became a very dear friend. T/N: okowa=steamed sticky rice with stuff like beans, nuts, etc. replaces plain white rice in some meals. P187 I wonder what I could do for Kasuga when she leaves...
When I went outside the shop curtain to wear my geta sandals, the lovely waxing gibbous moon floating in the sky lept out in front of my eyes. "Wahhhh" The moon is almost at its fullest. The autumn air that goes with it, it's heartrending. When I walked underneath the rustling willow tree, it was already twilight in the quiet inner garden. "Is there something wrong, Aoi Ojou-san?" In that moment, a young man was leaning over the wooden bridge and chewing on a blade of grass. Having a slender body, with his brown hair covering his eyes, and what seems to be a charming smile showing on his face... It was the Gesokubanchou, Chiaki-san. "Chiaki-san... This is unusual. For what reasons have you come here?" "Oh, Aoi-san, I have a little favor, to ask of you." "A favor?" It was different from Chiaki-san's usual sloppy presence, somehow his manner was solemn as he came here. He was Kasuga's uncle. Could he be talking about something regarding Kasuga? P188 "Errrr... Can Aoi-san expertly stir fry these?" "Say what? What are these.. Ah, ginko nuts!" Chiaki-san nodded eagerly and handed me a thin, drawstring bag that looked like it was filled to the brim, these were ginko nuts." "Today, Odanna-sama and Byakuya-sama, also Dr. Saraku who rarely leaves the underground facility, the three of them went to the mountain behind Tenjin-ya to watch the moon while drinking sake**. This time around, Tenjin-ya was troubled with the Bunmon Tanuki situation, so I decided to pick up some ginko nuts in the inner garden to stir-fry them and bring them to you, but I'm not good at stir-frying." "Oh, I get it now. It's OK, Yugao's already closed and we can go inside. Speaking of Odanna-sama, they went moon-viewing? Because it's nearly the full moon?" "Ayakashi like to drink sake while moon-viewing. Aside from that, those were the three seniors of Tenjin-ya. They probably had something important that they needed to talk about this time." "...oh, I see." If it wasn't the marriage of an employee, then it's likely something else. Likewise, the Northern Land's Hachiyo has been replaced, and Kasuga is going to get married to him, and this brings yet another huge issue and problems in the entirety of Kakuriyo. Previously, Odanna-sama announced his engagement to me while in Youto, and that caused a huge commotion. We entered Yugao, and sitting in his favorite seat, Chiaki-san immediately propped his chin with his hands on the counter.
T/N: Yep, it’s a thing, people drinking rice wine while moon-staring. When spring has the cherry-blossom viewing thing, autumn has moon-viewing activities. They say that when the moon reflects on your sake cup, spirits come out. Well, whatever lol I rather moon-stare sober P189 With that mannerism, somehow he resembles Kasuga during the day. But looking at them in their appearances, they don't look alike. Kasuga is springy and bouncy, and this guy is reasonably quick-paced. "Oh, Chiaki-san, are you hungry?" "Me? I'm good, I've finally had a meal." "You always have your dinner late, don't you?" "Oh, right. Gesokuban have so many minute and detailed jobs, and I also have to take care of the ogre kiddies. I have to put them to bed, and have dinner after that... Ah! Could it be, that you made something for me?!" He was already in a Japanese restaurant, and based on his reactions he only remembered about that now. Even though he explicitly came bringing some ginko nuts, with regards to me he's rather the uninformed type. "Hee hee. I only have chestnut okowa left, it that OK for you to eat? I still haven't had dinner yet." "Did you say... Chestnut okowa?!" Somewhat, Chiaki-san was taken aback. With such a strong reaction, I got anxious. "Is it likely, that you're not fond of chestnuts?" "No! It's not that, it's just that Tanuki love chestnuts and persimmons!" "Really? Thank goodness-- But that's the first time I heard it. That Tanuki love chestnuts" P190 "Yes. There's a huge chestnut tree in Bunmon's University Library, when autumn comes everyone goes out and gathers them." "Ehh?" A library that has a chestnut tree. That's somehow cool. "What side dishes would you like? There's some saury, how about salted and grilled saury? There's also miso soup, try it out, it's a reddish miso soup, it's a suitable accompaniment to the chestnut okowa." "What is that, isn't that the best autumn menu?" Hearing what the menu was, his empty stomach was remembered and it growled. While rubbing the back of his head, Chiaki-san's eagerness shone across his face. "That was embarassing. I uhm, haven't eaten anything since lunch." "Is that so? When Kasuga says that she's hungry, you should have come with her, it's OK." "It's fine, Odanna-sama and I had to go back and talk about other things too. In addition to that, it was necessary for Kasuga that time, to be with Aoi-san who is her friend. Since yesterday, we have been completely surrounded by esteemed Ayakashi." "..." While Chiaki-san wore a strained smile, he secretly let out a sigh. I didn't fail to see that, so I turned on the fire on the grill, and started preparing the salting and grilling of the saury. P191 And then, Chiaki-san weirdly seemed to become fidgety, and suddenly he stood up and took a broom in his hand, and started sweeping inside Yugao. "What are you doing, Chiaki-san?" "Oh, it's nothing, if I don't move I couldn't calm down. You seem to be in the middle of cleaning and tidying up Yugao, is it fine if I sweep here?" "Uhm, thank you, I'm grateful for that..." He might be a manager, but by nature he is humble and feels much obliged. "Ah--  It's Tanu-tanu-shaaan's voice-" For some reason, Chibi who was sleeping in the back room woke up, and that time when he heard Chiaki-san's voice he went out. He held the acorn he picked up during the day on his flank, and with a heave-ho climbed up Chiaki-san's counter seat. "Heyyy isn't that Chibi? Have you slept? Your beak is smeared all over." After saying that, Chiaki-san wiped Chibi's beak with his hand. Apart from being humble and obliging, he also gives off the vibe that he's used to taking care of children... "I'm a baby Kappaaaa. Baby Kappa are the cutesssht newbornssssh in the worrrrld." I have been taking care of him, but for some reason Chibi has returned to being a baby and shows how he's suckling on his thumb zealously. "So to speak, you know of Chibi, Chiaki-san?" P192 "Yes, I do, we went picking up some ginko nuts during the day." "Yesh we diiid. When I wasssh about to get eaten by Shoft-shelled turtle-shan in the garden'sss shmall pond, Tanu-tanu-shaaan saved mee. And for that, this Kappa returnsssh the favor." Chibi went "I presshent you my gift", and he brought out the acorn that he was holding on his flank for Chiaki-san. Even though he seemed to have no need for the acorn, Chiaki-san replied with a smile, "Thank you, Chibi", as Chibi acted morosely. Chibi...Isn't he spoiled by Tenjin-ya's male army? Now then, back to Chiaki-san's saury. To this extent, for anybody with a high-class taste there's probably no other food that is more famous than this one during autumn. Long and thin, rounded and fatty, the luster of the fresh saury, it has been caught off the coast of the Eastern Lands. I salted both sides of the fish. This removes the fishy stench, and improves the elasticity of the flesh. I lightly rinsed this in running water, and again lightly sprinkled salt over the dazzling flesh again, before cutting this into smaller pieces. After that I turned on the charcoal grill and slowly grilled this, steadily holding it over the fire. "Chiaki-san, is Kasuga's uncle, aren't you?" "Yes. Kasuga's father and mother in Youto have been estranged for a long time, I have practically took measures to look after her." "Really? You have been her father's replacement?" "Ahaha. Saying that I'm her father is too much. Well, I'm like a big brother who's older by some years, it's something to that extent. I think it's sensible that way. Kasuga P193 is the youngest daughter, and compared to her other siblings she hates studying... she's a naughty and troublesome child." While Chiaki-san was suppressing a laugh as he recalled some memories, he was sipping some warm sencha tea that I poured for him. That atmosphere, it was a bit different from the light impression that I have of Chiaki-san, he was somehow polished and elegant. "Ah... The fragrance of the grilled saury is good, right?" "Tee hee. When this saury is grilled at just the right amount of time, the skin and the fat just makes it more mouth-watering for anybody and you can't get enough of it's scent." While the saury was being grilled and the appetizing smell was wafting out, I placed the hot and piping chestnut okowa in a rice bowl, and checked out the taste of the reddish miso soup I was using. In a small bowl, I added vinegared miso with squid and scallion. I placed all of these in a four-legged tray, and when the saury was about to be grilled enough I grated daikon over a long and narrow plate, and beside this I placed the grilled fish. Wah, the fat is dripping, and the skin has been grilled to become crunchy, this saury is both delicious and really smells great. It's filled with all the tastes of autumn, and I served this like it was made at home. "Alright! This is Yugao's 'Nothing but Autumn' set meal. These directly echoes the tastes of a hungry stomach during autumn. Ah, kabosu, kabosu!** I'll cut half of a kabosu and if you squeeze that all over, the citrusy fragrance makes it even more appetizing." I sliced a kabosu in half and plopped it beside the saury. "Ahaha. How you smiled, that meant that it's really delicious." Chiaki-san put his hands together and said "let's eat", and as expected took a mouthful of the chestnut okowa. T/N: kabosu=香母酢=some type of citrus fruit, well to be honest anything citrusy goes well with fried or grilled fish, or just fish in general. gwah P194 Rounded and scattered, there's so much of the lovely yellow chestnuts. The steamed sticky rice I used for the okowa, it mildly envelops the chestnuts with sweetness, tenderly and endearingly, it was enjoyably warm and fluffly, and the springy texture have its finishing touches. "These rounded chestnuts, they're surely delicious. Chestnuts in plain rice** is good,  and so is chestnut okowa." "Try eating that with the saury. It's also the best." That being said, Chiaki-san squeezed the kabosu juice over the saury's crunchy skin, and with the chopsticks neatly scattered this to soften the meat, and picked up the jiggly flesh. He ate it as it was, and closed his eyes as he chewed on it. "Oh.. This is good, this is good. This IS autumn. There is so much of this saury's fatty umami, even more so when it was salted and grilled and the skin got crunchy. The refreshing kabosu and the grated daikon over it, no other fish suits this the best. Also, the reddish miso soup really goes well with with everything, it worked the best." This time he tried the saury with the chestnut okowa. Occasionally letting out a sigh of relief and closing his eyes as he eats, it was charming and adorable. Kasuga was also like that, a Tanuki with a distinct gentle air about them, and I love how she's like that. "Kasuga said that when she's eating Aoi-san's delicious food, she goes to work cheerfully everyday." "Kasuga?" T/N: OK, so to make it a bit clearer since not all rice are equal, some rice when boiled or steamed have a texture that makes the grains scattered, and then there are some rice varieties that become sticky/glutinous when cooked, like your usual sushi rice, and then there are some super-mushy ones that need a lot of water-regulating skills to prevent it from becoming rice porridge. The okowa is somewhere in between the excessive watery stuff and the sushi rice consistency. P195 "Yes, she does. That girl, she seemed to have loved working in Tenjin-ya. Way back, she hated working in here." "...is that so? But that's curious. Kasuga's an Ojou-sama, isn't she? Why was she working as a waitress in Tenjin-ya?" "Uhm, that..." Chiaki-san's gaze lowered for a bit, and asked me "How much do you know of... the person Kasuga is engaged to?" I took out the newspaper that Juujirou-ojisan left behind sometime ago, and placed it in front of Chiaki-san. "This child on the photo, I heard that he was the next Hachiyo of the Northern Lands. Isn't he the one that Kasuga previously said that she'll get married to?" "Yes, that's correct. It's Kiyo-sama...He's grown to be very handsome." Chiaki-san looked at the youth on the newspaper, and somehow he seemed calm, he smiled as he drew his eyebrows together. "You know of him?" "Of course. When that child was quite young, he used to stay in the Land of Bunmon a lot. He was sickly, and he gets medical treatment in our University Hospital..." Starting to eat a bit again, Chiaki-san went "Shall I tell you a story from long ago?" and started to talk once again. "The Northern Land's new Hachiyo, Kiyo-sama spent so much time with Kasuga when they were children. Kasuga hated studying, and always hid in the hospital and the library and caused troubles to the adults.” P196 "Kasuga right now is a real hard-worker, I couldn't imagine she was like that. But then again, that was probably because she was still young." "That girl's pranks, as a kid she made those very ingenious and cunning. During that time,  it was hard for me to even handle Kasuga at all." "Tee hee hee" Imagining Chiaki-san following around Kasuga in that situation, somehow I could only smile at that. "During that time when Kasuga has been fleeing a lot and entered a hospital's private room, she met Kiyo-sama. Kasuga and Kiyo-sama were almost the same ages, and they immediately got on good terms. Kiyo-sama read a lot of books, and Kasuga became influenced to read books, as well as growing a bit in working hard in studying. Kiyo-sama was especially interested in the culture and history of Utsushiyo, and those were the topics and books that those two talked about and read about, they had so much fun imagining things." Chiaki-san's expression gradually changed. He was just talking about Kasuga's childhood, but he was smiling a lot as he seemed to remember the past while I was listening, I wonder if there's nothing else other than that. "Kasuga started to have growing feelings for Kiyo-sama. But Kiyo-sama seemed to imagine that he wasn't going to live long, as his body was prone to sickness. Then one day, Kasuga and Kiyo-sama broke out of the hospital room, and the two of them decided to go to Utsushiyo together." P197 "Wahhh? Is that even possible?" "Because it is necessary to go to Utsushiyo, a Hachiyo is issued a travelling pass. Kasuga used her cunning skills to steal the travelling pass from my mother, the Institutional Director. It was preposterous, that wicked brat. But Kasuga, it was because she really wanted to take Kiyo-sama to Utsushiyo so badly..." What I heard happened after those events, was that Kasuga and Kiyo-sama wandered in Utsushiyo together, and after about three days they were discovered by the Bunmon Tanuki who went out on a manhunt, and they were taken to be returned. Because Kiyo-sama has a frail body, his condition deteriorated and took the turn for the worse. Kasuga received severe reprimands, and she was forbidden to meet him again. After that, Kasuga was punished by her Institutional Director grandma to work in Tenjin-ya, so that she would learn the harshness of the outside world. Work really, really hard. That was why everybody always asked Kasuga to do a lot of errands here and there, she was told off to do things for others a lot... But nobody knew that Kasuga was in that circumstance. When everybody learned that Kasuga was an Ojou-sama, it was impossible not to get shocked. It seemed that none of the management staff in Tenjin-ya knew Kasuga's personal history. "However, when Kasuga started to work a lot in Tenjin-ya, it became obvious that she has become changed. Her movements P198 have grown to be more responsible, when total strangers scold her as she was earning hard for her money by working, it was because she hasn't had much experiences. It was altogether different when she met O-ryo-san. She raised Kasuga with eagerness and zeal, the Kasuga who doesn't know anything. This was because it was before O-ryo-san became the Wakaokami." "Really now. So that is why, until now 'O-ryo-sama' is still how Kasuga calls O-ryo." "Yes, that's right. Well, since O-ryo-san is always acting with so much insolence, being with her eventually turned Kasuga into a grown-up." "Well, that's for sure..." O-ryo may have raised Kasuga, in a way O-ryo's bad example probably made Kasuga grow... I could remember when I first came to Kakuriyo. When she got demoted from being the Wakaokami, when O-ryo got a fever, Kasuga brought her here. That time it was somehow unimaginable, but Kasuga, even though she has her own issues to deal with didn't forsake O-ryo. "Kasuga was here, due to the things that she did during her childhood. After that, even though Kasuga can't see Kiyo-sama again... it can be said that it was their fate, wasn't it? When Kiyo-sama became the North's Hachiyo, Kasuga decided to get married to him. Even though they were separated once, this time because they were pushed to a marriage against their own will, it can be said that they have grown into mature beings. Although they may be childhood friends, aren't they having such a complicated idea?" P199 "..." Kasuga, with what she meant with her expressions and her words, I could only realize what her explanations were. She may be smiling because she was going to get married to her first love, but to that end there were still some unfinished issues not taken care of. I was worried. Because Kasuga is my friend. When I came here, I prayed for everybody in Tenjin-ya happiness, likewise I allowed to myself to go through anybody's sadness that they hold, and I couldn't imagine that in my dreams. "Kasuga, she's surely leaving, isn't she?" "Yes, that's right. I daresay that the engagement talks, it's going to progress from now. Aside from that, the Northern Land is not in the road towards stability, but it seems that Kasuga is fully aware of her position. But isn't getting married troublesome? Aoi-san, when you came here, didn't you have a lot of problems?" I peeked at Chiaki-san's face, and he asked. Surely, it was also that same reason why I came here... "But.. I'm not going to get married to Odanna-sama yet!" "Ahaha. While Kasuga was talking about it, she seems to constantly retort that, right?" "Wah, don't laugh at me--" Chiaki-san kept hitting his hand faintly while laughing. Anybody who's facing their worries and affections would eventually show their true feelings, in the end. P200 "Aoi-san. Kasuga has concerned friends such as Aoi-san, who saves her. If that's the case, from here on end... If I could ask for Aoi-san's permission as the need arises, please help us. I want you to help us..." "..." "Aoi-san and Kasuga, will eventually grow to have similar positions in the future, won't they? Being a Hachiyo's wife... Behind the political stage, becoming one is a huge role to carry on one's shoulder. It's because in Kakuriyo, that is the wife of a great Youkai." With an earnest expression he was making his request, but I can't say my routine answer of "No I am not yet married to Odanna-sama". Instead... "Awww... Ish Aoi-shaan crying..?" Chibi who was playing with the acorn lying around, suddenly stopped and pointed at me. He placed his flipper on my hand. "It's, it's not like that! The ashes from the charcoal grill got into my eye!"** "Eh?! Aoi-san... I'm so sorry, I was being weird..." "No, it's not that..." But why do the tears keep on coming... My eyes hurt from the stinging pain, I thought that it was because of the ashes that flew out of the charcoal grill, but at the same time T/N: Yeah right, sure Aoi, keep telling yourself that bwahahaha we all know what's happening here **Lenny face** P201 I was attacked by the merciless thoughts that words cannot describe. Kasuga may have already braced herself with her decision, but I barely have any awareness, that in Kakuriyo I allowed myself to be dragged here to Kakuriyo selfishly. Kasuga is going to leave Tenjin-ya with a smile, I wonder if I can have that... When she's going to be the Northern Land's Hachiyo's wife, meanwhile me here, I don't know... "Ah, uhm, Aoi-san please stop crying..." "Aoi-shaan. Aoi-shaan if you keep crying you'll get uglyyy--" "What the, I already told you I wasn't crying!" Chiaki-san was all consoling-mode, and while at it Chibi was consoling while saying so many things. It's perplexing, it makes no sense that I was crying and sobbing. Chiaki-san was explicitly, one way or another saying a lot himself, and was in a panic. He stooped down and as he pulled out his hand towel, he was saying "I'm sorry, are you alright? I'm so sorry.." In the corner of my mind, as I was wiping my eyes I thought about what O-ryo said before, that this amiable, good-natured young man takes others into consideration so much, no wonder he's absolutely popular. But a while ago, he was wiping off Chibi's drool... "Aoi-san, thank you for your hard work..." Ginji-san unfortunately saw that scenario, just as he came to Yugao. P202 "..." While Ginji-san was still wearing his smile, he quickly went over to Chiaki-san. "Hey Chiaki. What is this? Why did you make Aoi-san cry?" It was scary, Ginji-san grabbed Chiaki-san's collar by the neck, and a shadow fell across his eyes. "The mild-mannered Wakadanna-sama got so scary!" said Chiaki-san as he went pale, and in that moment he turned into a cute, brown Tanuki. Turning into a surprised and scared Tanuki, he's definitely like Kasuga right there. Thankfully, my tears had stopped flowing. "I'm alright, Ginji-san. It's just because some of the ashes went into my eyes. Chiaki-san was just worried for me." "Is.. is that so? I'm sorry, everybody. I may have misunderstood a bit..." Somehow due to that misunderstanding, for some reason Ginji-san's cheeks twinged, and his ears drooped. "Oh! The ginko nuts!" "Ah!" In that moment, Chiaki-san and I remembered what we were supposed to be doing. While I was serving Chiaki-san food, it went over our heads and we forgot about it. "Oh, could that be for Odanna-sama and everyone else, in the back of the mountain? I was about to go there too. P203 I wanted to bring sake and a large towel, and I dispatched an Ogre-fire so fast." "Sake and towel...?" "Because it's rare, let's bring the charcoal grill, and let's all go to the mountain behind Tenjin-ya, together. We'll roast the ginko nuts in there, we're going to have an elegant feast. It's surely going to be a really good appetizer** for moon-viewing sake." "Wah, that's wonderful!" Ginji-san's plan made me feel ecstatic. Just a while ago I was sobbing because of that, but now it's because we're going to cook.
There is a mountain behind Tenjin-ya, and it's a facility where hotspring-boiled eggs are made, has an open-air hotspring, a foot bath, a famous summer place where rice can be cooked in open air, among others, it was a facility with a lot of various uses and has complete furnishings. Odanna-sama was with Tenjin-ya's founding members Byakuya-san and Dr. Saraku, I wonder what were they discussing about... "Hey, this is different from the usual path..." Normally we would be walking through the path in the bamboo grove, but this time we climbed up. I thought that the pipe cats would come out squirming as we passed through the bamboo grove, but this time we turned through a narrow path in front of us, it was lined up with old Jizou statues** and hanging lanterns, and we walked on a small, unpaved path. T/N: Yeah I know it sounds absurd but if you've tried drinking liquor while eating nuts or even some salty junk food, it actually tastes good together. Broke college days cheap beer and cheap junk food lol Jizou=地蔵=patrons of children, you probably saw at least one when you watched J-dramas or anime, the people usually put on scarves and/or hats on them whenever it snows. P204 "This time the bamboo grove is not passable. Other than Tenjin-ya's facilities, since long ago it has been called the secret base of Tenjin-ya's management staff." "Really, a secret base?" "Be that as it may, I didn't say that others are forbidden to enter it. It gives off the feel of children's secret base, that's why it was called as such." If that's the case. my expectations have increased. It has tickled my childish mind. "This season's surely great. Don't you think so, Ginji-san?" "Yes... I thought that Aoi-san would like too. Saying that somehow... You're twinkling." "Twinkling?" While Chiaki-san and Ginji-san were talking, as we left the little road lined up with Jizou statues, there was... "Wahhhh! Amazing! It's pampas grass!" It was a wide field where the pale silver ears of the pampas grass were swaying. Under the clear, night sky where the the moon floats up above, it mystically rules this place and its scenery. Occasionally I've seen the pampas grass growing in the inner garden, but in this wide field there was pampas grass everywhere I looked, like autumn has begun. The ears of the pampas grass in Kakuriyo were specially fluffy, it seems to be enveloped by the fleeting light. Not only does the light dance in the sky but there was also a light breeze, and with the floating full moon above, the light seems P205 to soak it all up... it was an emotionally-moving spectacle. "The children in Kakuriyo play in the pampas grass fields and turn them into their secret bases, you know. Even back in my hometown I used to do that a lot." "Odanna-sama and everyone else, I think that they're in an old shrine after that pampas grass field. There is a hotspring over there that gushes forth with high levels of pure spiritual energies, and since long ago there were facilities that were used to boil things like hell..." We followed Ginji-san who lead the way, and from somewhere we heard the sounds of laughter. That laughing voice, it seems to be from the Thousand-Year Mole** Ayakashi, Dr. Saraku. We left the soft pampas grass field, and there was billowy steam popping out... Is that a hotspring? "..." Somewhat wearing nothing, soaking in that natural hotspring, were the three senior management staff members. Suddenly without warning, with that scene that leaves out the imagination, I got utterly speechless. "Ahhh.. for sure, the moon and the hotspring and the sake, this is the best! I haven't gone above ground after so long... Full moon banzai!" What the, a sake bottle jutted out of a rock, and soaking in the hot spring while holding the small sake drinking bowl, was Dr. Saraku. "Good grief. You've gotten so drunk Saraku. Drinking sake while on a bathtub is bad for the health. You keep saying that you're always hiding and cooping up underground, well now you only want to go above ground whenever you want." Then someone's face appeared to be extremely cautious, with the towel wrapped around his head in the style of someone who's already finished T/N: yeah this mole is a hoax, it's just an old badger with skinny legs lol link to that is here P206 soaking in the hotspring, it was Byakuya-san. "Come now, Byakuya. It has been a long while since we've opened up together like this.** Let's just talk about the really important stuff. Alrighty, let's toast to tonight's full moo---- what the, AOI!!!!!" Odanna-sama wasn't even thoroughly finished when he realized that I was standing out near the edges of the pampas grass field, and he madly dashed back to the hotspring with a splash. Incidentally, Dr. Saraku screamed in a hoarse voice "Gyaaaaaaah" while Byakuya-san quietly and furiously looked at me with his eyes as if saying "It's shameless to peep". "No, no, it's not like I went here on purpose! I was just coming out of the lovely fields of pampas grass here in the mountain, and I didn't realize that I was entering the men's bath!" "Ah, Aoi... Could it be that you.. Wanted to take a bath with me too?" "And how can that happen, how can that even happen, Odanna-sama?" Odanna-sama in his sluggishness did all that he can to make an admirable retort. "Oh, uhm... excuse me but, please use this fresh towels that I have!" In the most critical moment, Ginji-san drew them in to leave the hotspring and wear the towels. "It was because I was in the pampas grass field too." I wasn't really embarassed or blushing like a girlfriend, so I just stayed on the opposite side of the men. "Y-you unfortunately saw a bunch of indecent men, Aoi-san--" T/N: OK fam this part is actually nsfw-ish, as they were all naked together in an open-air hotspring, Odanna-sama's line in the original text was "it's been a while since we've all been naked together" but that just sounds so nsfw so I made a euphemism of some sort. I may be a potty mouth but I also have limits, of infinity lol also srsly I just tried my best to make the following scenes clean, srsly the original japanese text has so many uhm...word play that I deem nsfw srsly I did not expect this, jfc P207 With a forced smile, Chiaki-san followed us here. It was awesome that Chiaki-san somehow said that the bosses being naked was indecent. "It's fine. I have been used to washing Grandpa's back thoroughly." "...what" "Why that speechless expressio....n?" Behind the startled Chiaki-san, I discovered what seems to be an inconspicuous square gazebo. "What's that over there?" We went closer to where it was. There was something that looks like a cauldron, and from its rounded wooden lid steam was coming out. I wonder what they're boiling in there... "Ah, that's is Hell's Cauldron. In here, it's almost never used..." "He-- Hell's Cauldron?" “That cauldron is used to steam ingredients using the hot vapors from the hotsprings. Since the hotsprings also have hot vapors, when these are used to steam food, why, passing them through open fires make them even more delicious. Other than that, here is another thing I can say. When steam that comes out from Tenjin-ya's basements are used to steam ingredients, the steam's composition seems to make them less prone to spoilage." "Really... Isn't that interesting?" Finally, when Ginji-san said that "Alright Aoi-san, it's OK now", I went in front of everybody. P208 A while ago I could only side-glance and go past the three men who were soaking in the open-air hotsprings, but now I followed them for a bit in climbing a small shrine. "Well, Aoi, it's nice that you came." And as if it was nothing, I found Odanna-sama who was sitting in his usual overly-magnanimous pose. There also was Dr. Saraku who was wearing his round, black spectacles  while smiling so brightly as he was holding a bottle of sake, and Byakuya-san who was tapping his fan to the corners of his mouth. But these three management staff members, even though they were comfily wearing large towels after taking a dip in the hotspring, they seemed to be delving into heavy matters. "What were you doing in such a place as this? Did the three of you came to bathe in the hotsprings?" "N-no. In the beginning we were talking about the matter concerning Kasuga. When we eventually thought of going into the hotsprings... Dr. Saraku here, in his drunkeness started pushing Byakuya powerfully into the hotsprings, it was a messy situation." "Byakuya-san wanted to get pushed into the hotsprings" At that point in time I have stopped trembling, and after Byakuya-san cleared his throat, Odanna-sama changed the topic of the conversation. "Kasuga's resignation this month from Tenjin-ya was caused by a lot of issues. That is the path that Kasuga personally chose. As for Tenjin-ya, as Kasuga's marriage is very fortunate, we can't just only give her support from the sides." "..." "...have you gotten lonely, Aoi?" P209 Odanna-sama read my changed expression, and pulling the corners of my eyes together, I smiled. I nodded deeply as I showed my true emotions. "However, there's this sole problem of Hachiyos that hasn't gone away. As Ougondouji-sama predicted, the faction of the Minister of the Left has been calling out the abolition of the Centralized Authoritarian Rulership along with the Hachiyo's Ruling System, hasn't it gotten a lot quieter, Byakuya?" "Hmph. Ougondouji-sama is backed up by the Minister of the Right, but Raijuu is backed up by the Minister of the Left. That guy's evolution doesn't appear to be good, but somehow he's probably making his flashy moves..." Raijuu, isn't it? Odanna-sama and Byakuya-san, they were talking about the movement of Kasuga's marriage, along with the politics of Kakuriyo, and I have no idea what they're talking about right there but... Raijuu making his moves, those words, I couldn't help but not hold on to that without worrying. As the charcoal grill was roasting and toasting the ginko nuts and other tastes of autumn at the shrine's entryway, I remembered the first time that I received Raijuu's maltreatment, and got anguished. "Are you alright, Aoi-san? Is the smoke getting over there?" "Hm? Oh, no.. That's not it, really. The ginko nuts look delicious, don't they?" Ginji-san was fanning the smoke outwards with all his might. Crackle, crackle, the husks of the ginko nuts splitting open were echoing all around. Ah, I could see that these have gotten transluscent, the ginko nut's lovely green color has appeared. When the ginko nuts were gathered they stank, but when they're cooked and ready to eat they seem so appetizing. Those differences were very fascinating. P210 Polishing them brightly, it's not an exaggeration to say that they're the jewels of autumn. Wahh, I wanna eat some... "Kasuga... She works cleverly and is a hardworking person, it's within her core. It's really unfortunate and regretable to lose her as our waitress. It also seems that as a granddaughter leaving by herself, it's so lonely..." Says Odanna-sama. He said it entirely as if he's Kasuga's grandpa. While Odanna-sama was restraining himself from the back, Kasuga's foster-dad Chiaki-san just started crying and sobbing at Odanna-sama's words. Odanna-sama just started patting Chiaki-san's knees, it mysteriously consoled him. "Hey, you know what, Kasuga Ojou-chan always runs so many errands for the basement team, I always give her the unsold manjuu to take home." Oh, so that's why Kasuga always brings in a lot of Tenjin-ya's unsold manjuu, those were given to her by Dr. Saraku. "But from now on, Kasuga's position has changed. Tenjin-ya will be protecting her from behind, and we'll make a lot of souvenirs and other things for her to bring when we send her off. Let's not talk about bad things, Tenjin-ya has its members marrying a Hachiyo one after another.” Byakuya-san opened his fan and while fanning his face, from the corners of his mouth he was somewhat stiffling a laugh. I wonder what souvenirs could those be... "Ah, that's right, Yomego-chan**! Speaking of souvenirs, our souvenirs, OUR souvenirs! Before, Tenjin-ya inquired about the hotspring manjuu, how are those coming along?" T/N: Yomego-chan=嫁御ちゃん=Dr. Saraku calls Aoi as Daughter-in-Law-chan. I've done enough speed runs to know why, so I'll just leave it like this. Don't worry fam, it's cute once that goes up, idk when though T_T dang it, my Nihongo learning skills couldn't keep up T_T P211 "Come again?" While talking about it, Dr. Saraku remembered the matter about the souvenirs, and he abruptly changed it. Everyone stared at me. "Ah, uhm... We're in the middle of our test trials, Dr. Saraku. It will get finished by the time we hold the Autumn Festival." "We don't want an expensive souvenir Aoi-kun." "Well now, Byakuya-san. My basic menu costs minimally. But one more step isn't enough... The usual manjuu as a newly-released product doesn't have enough impact, we have to change it into a striking product so people won't lose interest in it. When the Autumn Festival starts, we'll have it ready." While in the middle of talking about the souvenirs, I instantly had an idea. That's it. The new souvenir from Tenjin-ya...I should also consult Kasuga about it. Kasuga has eaten a lot of Tenjin-ya's manjuu, it seems that she'll have a lot of opinions on what kinds of suitable manjuu can Tenjin-ya make. More than anything, I want Kasuga to taste the new manjuu we'll make before she leaves. It's settled then. I immediately brought a bowl of roasted ginko nuts to Odanna-sama, and he oh-ed when he took one kernel, peeled it of its charred color, and ate the green seed. "Mmmm, this ginko nut tastes good" "It's because it was roasted on a charcoal grill. Roasting the seeds with their husks keeps in the fragrance, and the bitter after taste of the crumbly seeds get more tolerable, which are P212 uniquely the ginko nut's trait. Would you want to try adding coarse salt?" This is too easy to be called cooking, the flavors of autumn, enjoying these as they are, it's the best. Particularly the ginko nuts, just serving them with a bit of salt is exquisite. "Everyone, there's also grilled matsutake mushrooms, and some dried mackerel too. Please have these with the sake." Ginji-san grilled all of these on the charcoal grill, served them in a large platter, and placed them in the center where the management staff were seated. Seeing the flavors of autumn arranged together, my mouth started watering again. "Please take a seat too, Wakadanna-dono" Byakuya-san offered Ginji-san some sake. He only has been waiting to be called for and his expression became so bright, he brought his sake cup and entered the circle of drinkers. It seemed that he somehow, wanted to drink some sake. "Aoi, you come here too. I'm sorry that you have to work here even after Yugao's business hours." "Hm?" "...even your hand, it's full of cracks. She may be of a marriagable age, yet we're helped by such a hard-worker." Matching his concerned words, Odanna-sama faced me, and casually took my hands. Just a while ago the conversations were flowing, and that reminds me... After that Orchard Park date, after a long while we faced each other upfront, for one reason or another I felt embarassed. I flagrantly moved away my face, and the hand he was holding, I pulled it away. "Th-that is, because I work in a Japanese restaurant. Lately it has gotten cold, and my hands have gotten all worn out. P213 But today there weren't many customers, I thought that I needed my body to move some more." "Ahaha, Aoi is definitely a hard-worker, right?" Odanna-sama has always been extremely understanding.** I only realized, it seems that he's only weird with me. "Oh, right. Would you like to drink some of the sweet sake that I got hold of? It has no additives, and no alcohol." "What's that? I wanna drink that." Just a while ago I was all aloof and cold, now I just heard the phrase "There's sweet sake" and my bearing changed 180 degrees. Chiaki-san seemed to have realized my interest, and from the shrine's altar where a lot of the bottles were arranged, he took one and brought it for me. The package gives off a vibe of it being undeniably a high-class product, and my excitement was at its peak. Using the sake cup from the grilled foods plate, Odanna-sama triumphantly poured the sweet sake for me. The sweet sake's particularl trait, I peeked on it and its color is a bit like undisturbed milk, and on the clear top layer some malted rice were floating on it, I saw these as they were shining. "Tenjin-ya has always been in the care of OROCHI's work - The Ebitsu Liquor Products. They made these using only the newly-harvested rice for this year, this product isn’t released in stores to be sold." While Odanna-sama was talking about the product, I took a sip. Ah... Somehow the flavor gave me a sigh of relief. It wasn't too sweet, there wasn't any odor, this sweet sake is easy to drink. There were some grainy lumps left behind, T/N: this phrase is vague-ish, the transliterated version means that he's always glugging the liquor heartily but again, gah this chapter is just full of word plays, really P214 It was really delicious, the sweet sake is like home-brewed and hand-made. I like this grainy stuff too. I could understand why it's really enjoyable, it was hand-made and isn't sold to the public. "This is amazing... I always had the impression that sweet sake has a stench, but this one changed my mind." "It's not altogether a waste using this product, the sweetness of the malted rice helps the flavor to stick to it. That is probably why despite that there aren't so many people who like the sweet sake's unique odor, I like this sweet and mild taste, and every year, when the time comes they make this sweet sake, with a personalized note. I heard that it's also good for your body." "Really now.. Odanna-sama likes this sweet sake. And yet you hate the sweet pumpkin?" "Oh, aren’t the sweet sake and the pumpkin entirely different? A pumpkin is hollow, when it's boiled it gets stuck in the throat. It's soft and sticky, and that is why I find it difficult to eat it." Odanna-sama said those things while sourly turning his eyes away to the side. "That's why I thought somehow, that you were sneakily placing those in my bowl, Odanna-sama" "Byakuya! Don't reveal something that nasty to Aoi!" Odanna-sama was pnaicking and wailing a lot, but I have previously heard that from Ginji-san... On the other hand, Ginji-san has sunk into a drunken stupor. While Byakuya-san poured some sake for him, Ginji-san's nine tails would incidentally move a lot, and he has been extremely exhausted from drinking. It was like eating wanko soba.** "I also want to drink some sweet sake" "Ah, well then I shall pour for you" T/N: wanko soba=わんこそば= this has always weirded me out, it's like they put a bite-size portion in a tiny bowl and they'll keep giving this to you until you get full, like an endless stream of soba/buckwheat noodles. Personally just give the whole thing to me and I'll eat it lol P215 This time, I poured Odanna-sama some of the sweet sake. Looking at that scene with a laidback yet careful attitude, Dr. Saraku suggestively went "Hey, heeeey" while his face broke into a grin. "Yomego-chan pouring sake like that for Odanna-sama, somehow you look like a real husband and wife. After Kasuga Ojou-chan, it's also a good idea to write your marriage registration here too." "What?" "Hmmm... You have a point there. Following Kasuga's lead, pretty soon Aoi-kun will brace herself too." Even Byakuya-san. I could feel that the two higher management members have severely put me under so much pressure, I'm just thoroughly shrivelled. Well, isn't this vibe like what happens all over the country, when a girl reaches a marriagable age the parents just pushes her to get married? "Hey now, both of you stop that. I don't want to force Aoi against her will." "What's that?" "Until Aoi likely decides to have me for her husband, I'll... be waiting forever." "..." What the, this Odanna-sama is being meek. While sipping the sweet sake bit by bit, his face is just full of dejection. Even though before, he said that he had no intention of waiting forever... P216 I can't understand what Odanna-sama's intentions were, but if it's useless to push him, should I pull back? Might it be that, Odanna-sama already, vehemently, doesn't want to marry me anymore? I felt emotionally-struck a thousand times, I don't understand why there is this puzzling feeling of impending fears. Lately I have been... such an emotional wreck.
End of Chapter 6, Volume 6. Previous - Chapter 5    Next - Chapter 7
Wonderful site for the youkai references
Other stuff I used to do this: Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (you can buy here, I’m not sponsored btw). I was about to buy the older edition but then the newer one came out 2013 so I bought that instead. Worth buying since I was able to find nearly all of the words I needed just by stroke pattern alone.
Merriam-Webster's Japanese-English Dictionary (the red-covered 1996 version is apparently out of print right now). This is what I have been using for a very long time, I bought it when I was still a fetus (yes I am old so what lol), and after so many years, when compared to newer editions, I still prefer this one since its entirety is Japanese-English, the English to Japanese gloss are just 16 pages tops, so you get more Japanese words for your buck. But that’s just my opinion, maybe other people prefer the Jap-En x En-Jap IDEK.
Basic online dictionary, Jisho. Knowledge of verb conjugations  and other words are necessary since not all have entries.
If you can read Japanese, you can buy the whole set in Amazon Japan, they’re shipping worldwide now, I think.
57 notes · View notes
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Volume 6 Chapter 7 - Tenjin-ya's Hotspring Manjuu Part 1
T/N: I all, how are you all doing? Thank you for waiting, I did my best but I’m not at my best so if there’s typos.. Sorry, I did minimal beta.. I am doing my best to get to Part 2 over the weekend, please look forward to that...
As always, if you like this translation, you can heart it, share the link, reblog, I just respectfully ask that DO NOT REPOST ELSEWHERE. This is my contribution to the scant English content of this fandom, and I worked really hard to finish this thing, it’s not like I just copy-pasted everything. I even had to build the kanji in Jisho one by one. Try it and you’ll see what I mean.You can rave about this, rant about this, reply, etc. but if possible please link back to this page. If you’re unsure how to do that, just copy the web address of this page. If you’re on a blogsite just insert the web address as a hyperlink as a link back to here. Honestly if this light novel was officially-published in English, I wouldn’t even be doing this right now... And if it did, I’d take this offline to support the publishers and Yuuma-sensei. Creators support creators, is what I believe in. I’ll prolly do 1-5 once 6-10 has been done, or however long I can manage to translate the raw texts, it can take a toll at times.  As previously-mentioned in earlier chapters, if you stumbled upon this one, the two seasons of the anime covered volumes 1-5, so other than the extra details, you didn’t miss much stuff.  There's more recipes in this chapter, but again, if you're planning to try these, I cannot guarantee your success. The methods aren't exactly precise in the book, and based on my experiences in dealing with desserts, precision measurements are the key to success. So as always, try at your own risk, I am not liable for any losses O_O  Alright here’s chapter 7 now...
P217 "Say, Aoi-chan, is there anything I can do?" "Oh, Kasuga?" After the full moon and so many days, Kasuga came to Yugao. It was before working hours, and while sitting on the counters, Kasuga was wearing a depressed face. "Everyone doesn't want to give me anything to do. They say that since I am the Minister of the Right's daughter, I should just take a break. The Okami-sama just couldn't put so much pain onto me. Gah, I just have too much free time." "Oh, so that's how it is." "Yeah-- Even though until today they were always sending me out to do all sorts of errands. And I had a fight with O-ryo-sama too." "With O-ryo? Why??!" "O-ryo sama, she somehow changed, somewhat. She started wailing and complaining when I decided to get married into the Northern Lands, as well as resigning. Even though I told her that it was out of my hands, she just pouted and ignored me when I was talking to her. I wonder if she's resentful because I was getting married before she did." "..." P218 In O-ryo's case, she's just lonely... But at the end of this month Kasuga's already resigning, it's probably sad if she doesn't get to do some work. "That's it then. If that's the case, how about working here in Yugao? Just about now, we're short of helping hands." "But I'm already here, Aoi-sama--" "Ahaha, Ai-chan hasn't had her public appearance yet." The kitchen trainee-helper Ai-chan who has helped me so much, peeked with a bouncy face. With the original appearance that she made for me, I still don't ask her to serve the customers because she still easily gets sleepy. If Kasuga's going to lend a hand, that's going to be a great help... "But Kasuga, I wonder if you wanted to be a waitress until the end..." "Hmmmm.. I won't say it's what I feel but, right now I have nowhere else to go. I get it now, I'll work at Aoi-chan's place." "That's great! If that's the case, then Kasuga is our new-hire! That being said, you can't leave us now just yet, Kasuga." "What the, don't you make things so serious, Aoi-chan! Even though I said that I'd quit Tenjin-ya, I'll probably come back here again if I failed." "...Is that even possible?" P219 "If that happens, that's a problem. But if anything happens, I don't know." "..." I wonder if Kasuga is worried about something. While propping her chin on her hands, she seems to be only thinking of one thing. "Oh, that's right! Kasuga, won't you come make some Tenjin-ya's hotspring manjuu with me?" "Hotspring manjuu? That squirmy brown sugar-flavored hotspring manjuu?" "No, the new hotspring manjuu by Tenjin-ya that was requested of me. That's why I'm in the middle of its test trials. Come here for a bit. Oh, and the apron's over there." I allowed Kasuga to wear the spare apron, and immediately she went inside the kitchen. We have just finished gathering the ingredients for the manjuu that we were going to make. Home-made rice flour from newly-harvested rice, some sake, and Kimon's specialty product Cassowary eggs. Hand-made red bean paste were made into balls and arranged. There's also products delivered from the Northern Lands such as milk and cream cheese. "Aoi-chan, what are you planning to make with these?" "I wonder if I can call them steamed flour manjuu? We have a pan that's good enough to be used for steaming. It looks like Kasuga's cheeks, it's fluffy and springy and soft." "What, you're saying that I'm a round-faced Tanuki right now?" "No, I didn't say that you reminded me of that..." But it won't be a problem to make it into an authentic Tanuki face... P220 Kasuga puffed her cheeks more than ever. "Aoi-san, good morning. What is the daily special** for today.. hey, it's Kasuga-san?" Ginji came to Yugao to check what meals were going to be served today. Kasuga has been here since morning, and he seemed to be shocked. "Oh, Ginji-san. Uhm, you see, starting today Kasuga is now our newly-hired employee. I explained the circumstances as such and such to Ginji-san. "Oh, I see now. The other waitresses had reservations on Kasuga and probably didn't want to impose. It's important to take care of your body before getting married." "I'm sturdily built, I can do multitasking too..." "I understand, Kasuga-san. Well then, I'll tell them that your days of being a waitress in Tenjin-ya has ended and you'll be our all-around help here. Up to now, with you having worked as a waitress in Tenjin-ya, you've also have a job here in Yugao as a hired help, so don't talk about weird things." "..." Kasuga eagerly nodded her head. Definintely, she wants to work as a waitress until the very end... With regards to O-ryo, she truly had to support Kasuga during those times, and yet why on earth is she sulking? If I meet O-ryo, I really had to ask her about it. T/N: Teishoku=定食=can be the regular set meals or the daily special. A lot of times, Japanese restaurants adjust their menu according to the ingredients available for the day, the week, or even the season. So oftentimes the menu can change up to a daily basis. P221 "Alright then! In anyhow and in anycase, today is hotspring manjuu! Hotspring manjuu!" With a plop I put my hands together, and briskly propped up my kimono sleeves. "Say, Ginji-san, the hell's cauldron in the "secret base", can we use that, I wonder?" "The hell's cauldron, you say? Yes you may, it's not fixed there you know." Alright, as I closed my fists triumphantly. Since we already had permission, we first had to do some preliminary preparations. Food preparation is easy. The steamed manjuu that we're making would be of two flavors: "Egg" and "Cheese". The "Egg", well, it's plain flavored. I'll add the Cassowary eggs, milk, oils and other ingredients, and mix them all until smooth, and to replace baking powder I'll use rice flour, and add some liquor to that. Once the flour bits have disappeared, these will be sufficiently mixed altogether. For the "Cheese", we'll use the cream cheese delivered from the Northern Lands. Once it has softened we'll mix in on a mixing bowl that looks like a goldfish bowl, and mix the dough which was also used for the "Egg" flavor. For those two flavors, I halved the dough with my hands. Because the dough has a high moisture content, it's necessary to put them in the steamer individually. But because there's no cups here like those in Utsushiyo, for the meantime as these steam we'll just use the small bowls as replacement, and only the "Egg" with the red bean paste balls were loaded in. "Aoi-chan, are we not going to put bean paste in the 'Cheese' ones?" P222 "This manjuu has no bean paste, the cream cheese mixed in this dough is going to give out the flavor." The manjuu filled with bean paste is delicious, but what I plan to do today, apart from that it should be a product with an enjoyable taste and texture... "After this we will.. Steam it in hell.. heeheehee" "Aoi-chan's face looks like a demon from hell" "She's a cooking demon, Aoi-san." As expected from a bride from hell, says Kasuga and Ginji-san. No, I didn't hear anything, I didn't hear anything. Now then. With the three of us, holding the hotspring manjuu inside the small bowls, we went towards the secret base in the mountain out back. In front of the pampas grass field, Kasuga who was feeling down and depressed suddenly had her moods lifted up. "Amazing! There's a place like this in this mountain behind Tenjin-ya?!" "Even I only learned about this a few days ago." The pampas grass and Kasuga, together, it surely looks like a painting. It reflects the autumn. As expected of a Tanuki. In the middle of the pampas grass field, an open area that has the open-air hotspring pops out like a hole, and beyond that there is a small shrine. Yesterday above that shrine I drank sweet sake, today it's different. In the nearby gazebo with the hell's cauldron, we're going to make hotspring manjuu. P223 "Uwah, it's hoooot." "Be careful, Aoi-san. The temperature of the steam that spouts out is above a hundred degrees**. We arranged the small bowls that we were using on a large bamboo strainer, and we carefully placed those inside the hell's cauldron. After that we closed it with the wooden lid, and waited for the steam to rise. "The steaming takes about 30 minutes. Let's go pick some pampas grass. We'll use those to decorate Yugao with, to make it more autumn-y." Somehow, while we were waiting we started gathering pampas grass. Kasuga's wild instincts awakened, and with a poof turned into a Tanuki, and started running around the pampas grass field. From where I thought she was hiding in-between the pampas she would pop out and appear, and then vanish and pop out her face somewhere, in another place. That cute little Tanuki, how is she already leaving to get married... "..." "While we're at it, is Ginji-san going to run around as a fox too?" "Ehhhh. I'm fine, you know--" Without knowing why, Ginji-san glowed. And I thought I was going to see a Tanuki and a fox playing together in the pampas grass field... "Ohhh, that, Steamed-juu, Steamed-juu**" While leisurely watching Kasuga run around the pampas grass field, with that so good a mood, we have forgotten about it. T/N: This is in Celsius guys, OK? So for Fahrenheit users, that's 100 x 9 divided by 5 plus 32 because 0 degrees Celsius=32 Fahrenheit so that makes it.. 212 Fahrenheit. Yes, even though I don't have to do this, I like doing something like this from time to time lol FOR SCIENCE!
This was shortened from “steamed manjuu” but steam-man sounds weird so I adjusted the translation to make it more appealing lol but hey, I translate the nouns however I see fit lol P224 This is likely a winner. When the lid of the hell's cauldron was taken off, a sweet smell along with the airy and billowy steam came out, and the lovely, fluffy, yellow steamed manjuu came to view. It seemed that it flowed out of the small bowl that it was steamed in, and it has thickly swelled into a round ball. This is somewhat steamed well, the carbs look delicious... "It looks delicious, Aoi-chan let's eat it right away" With a poof, Kasuga returned to her human form, and demanded it so as she pulled my sleeve. If there were aluminum cups or paper cups or any disposable cup that we could use, it's easy to do these... Using the small cups to have these steamed, while taking care of the emitted vapors I cut it into a cross-section and pulled it out using a narrow knife. I divided this into three portions for three people, and while it was still piping hot we took a bite. At any rate, this is the "Egg". "Uwah-- it's fluffy and bouncy!" Spontaneously, anyone could notice that. The fluffy and springy texture, it almost certainly had an impact on the memory. "It's because we used rice flour. Bread as well as steamed manjuu that uses rice flour, that gives off a prominent, bouncy feel.** The Ayakashi living in Kakuriyo love rice, and comparing this to those made with wheat flour, using rice flour a lot better. And particularly, these are made with rice flour made out of Kimon's rice brand, 'Onihonoka', doesn't that give off the vibe of being a souvenir product?"
T/N: Honestly any bread-ish product that uses rice flour is fluffy and springy. I love rice cakes too, they’re kinda like these. T_T P225 "Oh, that's a very important thing you know. Made locally, consumed locally. Isn't that great, the egg's fragrance is also left behind. It goes without saying that the Cassowary egg is this land's specialty product. Its ingredients and the process are but simple, and the basement workshop can make the process of hell steaming easier. It's unreal that souvenir products get mass-produced, it's because it's difficult to figure out how much the cost of production would be." Because Ginji-san has already experienced failures on such in the past, his face got agonized. "Say Aoi-chan, this cheese type that we also steamed, can we try eating it too?" "Yes of course. Well.. Here's what I was planning to do.." I could predict that the popularity of the "Egg" was going to be great. But if it's just that, I worry that its impact as a newly-released product would wane quickly. Aside from that, as cheese it not yet a major product while it's gradually being introduced and spread out, I put my focus on it. A dessert made especially with cream cheese. It was good that there's also some here in Kakuriyo. "I have realized that lately, I have been eating a lot of cheese, but in Kakuriyo aren't there any foods served that are called as such? But here, we're near the Northern Lands where their dairy industry is booming, and I think that I want the Ayakashi living in Kakuriyo to know about the flavors of cheese. Cheese-flavored steamed bread. I used to make a lot of those in Utsushiyo." I was a regular buyer of those convenience store breads. These were desserts similar to cheese souffle. P226 I wonder if Ayakashi can be allowed to receive them? "Uwah... I thought it was going to taste something like before, but this is entirely different. It is rich, and has a bit of sourness, doesn't it?" "It differs from the "Egg" as its taste is mildly more apparent, but the cream cheese's unique flavor has fully dissolved into the dough, didn't it? This tastes good. For sure, this is going to be Tenjin-ya's unique and finest souvenir item. And in spite of becoming like that, that is what makes this thing important." Kasuga and Ginji-san seem to have their enjoyment in eating got stolen. Those two, seemed to be taking in things well. "Nonetheless, this is a big gamble. We're going to divert the attention away from the cheese flavor, so I think it's a good idea to turn it into a limited-edition item." "If you say it like that, it's like an expansion. The dough used for 'Egg' can be the base, and we can serve the flavors of each season. There's plain dough, dough with bean paste, and we can change the flavorings. I think it's possible for that dessert. Indeed, it can be promising. I think we should go for it!!" Somehow Ginji-san seems to feel it in his gut, a while ago he was worried about calculating the production costs and the production methods. Kasuga reached out for the steaming basket with her hands, and started gouging out the freshly-steamed manjuu by herself, picking it out and taking a bite, tearing a part out and taking a bite, she seemed so happy as her mouth was chewing. It seems that she has taken a liking to the cream cheese. "This hell-juu** is delicious, right?" T/N: Hell-juu=hell manjuu= the original was jigoku-man, from jigoku-manjuu, but that doesn't ring a bell, or at least, not in my case. Well, whatever, I translate so I heck this on my own accord lololol P227 "Hell-juu? That somehow sounds like a disturbing name, isn't it?" Manjuu steamed using hell's cauldron, abbreviated into hell-juu. But Ginji-san just nonchalantly acted as if he didn't hear what were being said. "I think that's great! It's catchy, and it sounds uniquely Kimon-y. It also makes it easy to design the packaging for the souvenir's box!" "Y-you think so?" For sure it's easy to roll off the tongue, but I wanted to give off the impression of a cute, sweet little baby chick, I was perplexed at how the naming was ostentatious. But Kasuga making a name for the souvenir product by herself, I just found her so adorable. Kasuga seems glad, and I guess that's good somehow... "Say, Aoi-chan. What shape will you sell this with? For sure we can't sell these still being inside a bowl, won't we?" She bluntly asked the question, which is just as important, I pointed my finger out to think. "That is our number 1 question. We can make them right now using bowls as they steam, but essentially we need to make them using tools such as aluminum containers, thin paper cups and other sorts of shape holders. I think it's hard to get hold of them in Kakuriyo." "..if you're just thinking of one shape, won't the inn be able to make the tools?" P228 "Really? Ginji-san, that can be done?" With a face brimming with confidence, Ginji-san declared "Yes, that's right". "Here at Tenjin-ya, we have a large-scale workshop underground. If it's something that is like an item from Utsushiyo, Dr. Saraku would research about it quickly, and the Iron-mice can make them for you overnight." "Wow, the underground workshop people are amazing! If we're going there now, let's ask them." My plan was impulsive, and as such Ginji-san doesn't have any time to spare anymore. "Even if I was to go with you, from here onwards I can't go to any other department to do my work. Hmmm, but if I let Aoi-san go by herself, I will get worried. You might get lost." What's that? Ginji-san perceived that I easily get lost... "Then in that case I'll take her to Tenjin-basement, Wakadanna-sama. I've gone there a lot due to errands." "Ah, if Kasuga-san is there, then I'll be relieved of worry! Yes, please do take care of Aoi-san." Ginji-san had me under Kasuga's care, and with a quick bow of the head, quickly left the place and left us. "Say, Kasuga, what place is Tenjin-basement?" "Uhm, you see, Aoi-chan, the underground workshop is where everyone here at Tenjin-ya, trespasses into." "Oh, it's that kind of place." Originally, before going to Tenjin-basement, we were going to discuss with and ask Dr. Saraku about the production of the new hotspring manjuu. P229 And for that reason, we were going to give Dr. Saraku some Hell-juu to taste-test.
"Uhm, excuse me, Dr. Saraku!" "Hmmm... Oh, who's there~?" "Uhm, it's Aoi.. From Yugao!" In Tenjin-ya's underground workshop, managing the trespassed Tenjin-basement, the "Development Department Chief" Dr. Saraku, was just coming out of a nap when we came in. Previously when we went to the research room, he was in the corner wrapped in a blanket and looking dead asleep, and we shook him awake. "Hmm. It's nice that you came by, Yomego-cha~n. Oh, Kasuga-ojouchan is also here!" While wearing his black glasses, Dr. Saraku looked at both Kasuga and I to confirm that it was us. Waking up and wearing his lab coat, he gave out a huge yawn. "Could it be that, you have finished making the new hotspring manjuu?" "Yes. But we still have a small problem, we heard from Ginji-san that Dr. Saraku can resolve it, and we thought to give some to you for taste testing as we consult about it." Kasuga opened the cloth covering the steaming basket, and with a "Here you go" took out the small bowls used for steaming P230 the two types of steamed manjuu. "Hmmm. This looks like a Kakuriyo-style cupcake?" "N-no... We didn't have any equipment that's why we used the small bowls for steaming.. And that's our problem." Right away, we explained the choice of ingredients to Dr. Saraku, and we gave him each type for sampling. "Mmm! Mmm! Isn't this very good? This is the exact opposite of the old-fashioned and unpopular brown sugar manjuu! It's light and soft and fluffy. There's so much moisture so an appropriate container is needed, eh? The cheese added to this makes it feel so fashionable as well." "For me, I also reasonably like today's old-fashioned manjuu." "Kasuga-ojouchan, you probably have an attachment to that." While humming, as Dr. Saraku tore from the manjuu and repeatedly ate it, he was thinking on what shape it should be made into. "If we made each of the plain manjuu into a small bite-sized piece, we can fit a lot of it inside a box. Since the chewy dough of the plain manjuu is relatively elastic, it is better to make them small so that they are easier to eat." "Certainly... like chewy bread and doughnuts, it's easy to tear apart, and we probably can make a lot of them when small." "In addition to that, right now its size easily fills in the stomach and it's good that we sell it this way. If the manjuu was bigger, P231 it would be a problem when half gets left uneaten." "Ah, yeah, that's right, that's right." We nodded enthusiastically, Kasuga and I. For sure, with a smaller size it's easier to adjust the amounts anyone would want to eat. "Also, the colors for 'Egg' and 'Cheese' doesn't seem distinct from one another, and I'd like for them to be distinguishable solely by looking at them. It't probably a good idea to change the color of the steaming cups." With a rustling sound, Dr. Saraku fished something out of his research desk. What the, it looks like something sold in Utsushiyo, a paper cup used for steamed bread and cupcakes. "The item that Yomego-chan wanted, is something like this?" "Yes, yes, this is it. But what's with this one?" "This is an item that we developed. It's an item delivered from Utsushiyo. We took it for future use." According to Dr. Saraku, they were producing a paper cup capable of withstanding the steaming process, and that seems to be easy here in Kakuriyo. It's very easy to tear off as well as edible, the inner part is waxed, the outside feels like it was made to look like soft washi paper. The colors were white and red. Right away, it was red and white, the favorite of Ayakashi. Immediately Dr. Saraku started drawing a blueprint. And then... "Uhhhh.. Workshop Manager No. 3, Workshop Manager No. 3, this is urge~nt, go to Saraku's place" "Yes-chu" The Iron Mouse Workshop Manager who was called for heard the broadcast opened the door, and immediately appeared. While wearing work clothes and scurrying P232 it went to us. "Workshop Manager No. 3, can you not make me a prototype of this blueprint of a receptacle? White and red. First of all, it's made out of paper, the inside has a powerful waxy coating. It should have the feel of withstanding the steaming in Tenjin-ya's hotsprings-- that is the most important detail of all. You understand?" "I understand-chu. I'll make it right away-chu." The Iron Mouse Workshop manager received the instructions without any hesitation, and left the research room scurrying out. I thought the assignment's instructions were sloppy but, right now it's somewhat amazing that it was comprehensible. "By the way Yomego-chan, we have to talk about the unavoidable aspect of this souvenir product, do we use preservatives or something, and how? What about the expiry date? Is the shelf-like short, is it long, we have to adjust how many we will sell as well as the flavors, you know." "So about hat, we were planning to ask Shizuna-chan about that. Because we will be using Tenjin-ya's hotspring vapors to do hell-steaming, we heard that it can help the food less prone to spoilage." "Oh... that kind of talk. Surely it's because it's about hell-steaming, for that type of hotspring it's OK to use 10 minutes of time. Shizuna-ojouchan is just below, certainly she is at the 5th level underground research room. It's Tenjin-ya's deep subterranean area where the aggregated steam is used, many researches are done there." After hearing that, we briefly went to where Shizuna-chan was. P233 Tenjin-basement 5th floor. That is where all researches of the collected steam underground were done, and has testing sites for hotspring types for use by the bath house managers. It was a bit dark, and the steam was hot. All around it, it seemed like an excavation site. The researchers wearing a lab coat were surrounding a hotspring that glows a dull, eerie,red-colored light, they were pouring something, churning, collecting, and arranging. Ah, that's creepy. What are they even doing... Shizuna-chan was wearing an earnest face while giving out instructions. "Well now, Aoi-san, Kasuga, what brings you here?" Peeking out and realizing that we were there, she went away from her place, and came to us with a smile. Shizuna-chan in a lab coat looks cute. "Shizuna-chan, are you in the middle of an experiment? We have something that we want to consult with you for a bit." "It's because we're... making Tenjin-ya's new hotspring manjuu." After telling her about it, Shizuna-chan clasped her hands together and went "Wow, new hotspring manjuu?". Somehow she seemed to be interested in it. "Since we're already here, please walk this way." And after that, she showed us around the personal laboratory she was using. "I apologize, it's dirty..." P234 "..." Uh, hm. For sure, it's fairly messy. Dr. Saraku's lab may be staying within the limits, but comparing this place, this looks like it hasn't been tidied up yet, and there were so many stuff in it. The room is also cramped, it seems. Surprisingly, this looks like a girl that couldn't sweep the room entirely by herself. "Oh" On top of Shizuna-chan's research table, placed astutely was a picture of Tokihiko-san. Tokihiko-san was Shizuna-chan's master, and is currently Orio-ya's Chief Bath Manager. Somehow it looked like it was torn out of a magazine, from Orio-ya's special feature edition. It seems that beside him was Hatori-san's face, up to two-thirds of the whole has been torn off... "Well then, what's the consultation about?" Shizuna-chan served some tea for us. From there, while sipping tea, we talked with Shizuna-chan about the situation with the production of the new manjuu, and we gave her some Hell-juu for taste-testing. "Wow, this is delicious...! This, surely this has been steamed in our hotsprings, isn't it?' "You knew?" "Yes, through its flavor and aroma. I know it very well, it is this the hotspring's flavor." P235 As expected of the bath manager. And such and such, we continued our conversations. "So this manjuu, you want to preserve it through hell-steaming, yes? For sure, the hotspring drawn from Tenjin-ya's subterranean areas have sulphur as its component, and it has a germicidal action. The preservation itself is connected to this so.. Aoi-san, how many days would you like the shelf-life to be?" "Oh, that, at least about 20 days, I think it's good enough for a takeaway souvenir product." "If it's for 20 days, using Tenjin-ya's steam, I think it's possible using only the hotspring resources maintained here, that would be effective. It's a natural preservative, and doesn't give the body negative side effects." Based on what Shizuna-chan said, the antibacterial effects of the hotsprings are being used to develop medicine, and it's very much the work of bath managers. "It's not difficult to boost the antibacterial effects of the available hotsprings, Even the employees at the bath management research area also know the possibilities. Indeed, please allow the bath management research team to cooperate with the creation of the Hell-juu as well!" "Wah, thank you Shizuna-chan!" "It's Aoi-san's suggestion, and it's a souvenir item that Kasuga christened. I want this souvenir item to be loved by so many people for a very long time..." Shizuna-chan the nure-onna's smile, the twinkle was starting to crumble. Covering the corners of her eyes with her lab coat, with a frail voice she utters "So sad..." "I don't want to imagine Kasuga eventually leaving Tenjin-ya. Because I wont have a roomate T/N: So basically, they're using steam to sterilize the manjuu. Wow, so science-y.. WAh, this brings back old memories... I miss I old job x_x lol it depends gahahaha P236 anymore, and I'll be alone... It's lonely~..." With those words, even Kasuga's eyes started welling up in spite of herself. I see now. These two girls are more than two roomates sharing the same room. "I, truly understand Kasuga very well. I asked Odanna-sama about it. That is why, I asked how can I help Kasuga with my own hands, even though that's the only way that I can do to help~. Even our room, Kasuga always cleans it for me~" "Shizuna-chan..." Kasuga looks like she's about to cry while smiling, and she gently hugged Shizuna-chan. “Shizuna-chan is such a cry-baby. Even though you're part of the management staff somehow you still roomed with me, and I've thought about that for a long time, because it is what it is, right? Me, I'll still go to Tenjin-ya again. This time as a guest, and enter the baths under Shizuna-chan's management. Surely, I'll be diligently tidying up the room, you know." After a moment, Shizuna-chan eventually recovered and calmed down from her sobbing. Waveringly, she slapped her cheeks impressively. I didn't know, Kasuga has so many strong and long bonds... "Kasuga, I'll give this to you. It's important to take a rest, OK?" Shizuna-chan fished out something from her research desk, and pulled something out. P237 It was a brown, ordinary medicine jar with a red label stuck on it. When it was opened... "Wah, it's the 'SUPER - Sea of Blood Ointment'!" "Really? What is that gooey red thing?!" Kasuga seemed really happy... And I was disgusted by what I saw, it was something, like a blood-colored slime. "Heehee, Aoi-san this is medicine that you apply on your skin. It was developed and made by Tenjin-ya's Hotspring Research, and it's a really effective ointment. 'SUPER' is not for sale, please have one, Aoi-san. Before washing, when the seasons have become harsh, be sure to use it for cracked and fissured skin. Even I apply it every night on my feet and hands." "Eh, that's so helpful! Thanks Shizuna-chan!" Lately, the water used for washing dishes have been cold and stinging, and only Odanna-sama told me that my hands were cracked and worn. This looks grotesque on the eyes, but with this I'm pleased. I'm grateful to be given something that I can use.
Having finished our consultations, as well as receiving the mysterious medicine SUPER - Sea of Blood Ointment, as Shizuna-chan went "Bye-bye" we left the Tenjin-basement and went back up. "Ah, you're just in time, Yomego-chan, Kasuga Ojou-chan!" P238 "Dr. Saraku" In front of the Development Department research room, Dr. Saraku and the Iron Mouse Workshop Manager were waiting for us. "Look, look, it's finished. A container to use in steaming!" "What, that's fast!" Somehow only one hour has passed, and a sample container for steaming Hell-juu has already been finished. This was some technical prowess. Tenjin-basement's Workshop Iron Mice are magical. And triumphantly with a smug face saying "It's before breakfast-chu", the Workshop manager looks cute somehow. .. "Here, you can try checking the strength of this while steaming Hell-juu. Our workshop has a hell's cauldron that you can use. Also, we have to show the finished product to Byakuya-san. Ochouban-chou will set the price point, and in turn will also do the commercializations." ".. what? Price? Isn't that done here already?" "What are you talking about? The earlier you do that, the better. It's important to be the leader. In some respects, if someone tells you to do it, it's like getting told off twice."** "..." Kasuga and I looked at each other's faces. We were only going to provide taste-testing, but now were thinking how to react. Somehow, isn't the progression fast...?
T/N: Sorry guys, I had no idea how to translate this part so I just did my best.. I mean, it does happen that some words couldn't get any hits in Jisho so.. yeah. Maybe 1% total... But then again, it's Dr. Saraku so... Meh.
End of Chapter 7, Volume 6. Previous - Chapter 6   Next - Chapter 8
Wonderful site for the youkai references
Other stuff I used to do this: Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (you can buy here, I’m not sponsored btw). I was about to buy the older edition but then the newer one came out 2013 so I bought that instead. Worth buying since I was able to find nearly all of the words I needed just by stroke pattern alone.
Merriam-Webster's Japanese-English Dictionary (the red-covered 1996 version is apparently out of print right now). This is what I have been using for a very long time, I bought it when I was still a fetus (yes I am old so what lol), and after so many years, when compared to newer editions, I still prefer this one since its entirety is Japanese-English, the English to Japanese gloss are just 16 pages tops, so you get more Japanese words for your buck. But that’s just my opinion, maybe other people prefer the Jap-En x En-Jap IDEK.
Basic online dictionary, Jisho. Knowledge of verb conjugations  and other words are necessary since not all have entries.
If you can read Japanese, you can buy the whole set in Amazon Japan, they’re shipping worldwide now, I think.
36 notes · View notes
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Volume 6 Chapter 5 - The Tanuki's Marriage
T/N: Hey y'all, here's Chapter 5. I didn't notice at first that the sentences in the original text were separated into paragraphs and stuff so I am putting that stuff here today lol Oh well, hope you all still enjoy. Also you can try the recipes but at your own risk, I am not liable for any mishaps for following these recipes lol
Also if you like this translation, you can heart it, share the link, reblog, I just respectfully ask that DO NOT REPOST ELSEWHERE. This is my contribution to the scant English content of this fandom, and I worked really hard to finish this thing, it’s not like I just copy-pasted everything. I even had to build the kanji in Jisho one by one. Try it and you’ll see what I mean.
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P162 That is, the morning of the inn being closed for the day. Today in Yugao, is the debut appearance of the Kiseki beef shank made into beef stew. Since yesterday the meat has been soaked in red wine, and the ingredients for making Demi-glace sauce has been prepared. Because I have some ketchup and Worcestershire sauce that I prepared myself, I could successfully make Demi-glace sauce. Alas, Ginji-san handed over to me, with so much regret, his treasured but also very important red wine... "When we were given Kiseki beef, I decided that I wanted to make beef stew." Orio-ya is so generous, they gifted us so much with all cuts of the Kiseki beef. We couldn't eat all of these in one gulp so for sure it's all going to get refrigerated but, I was thinking that the beef shank is absolutely going to be made into beef stew.** I immediately pulled out the shanks soaked in red wine, and sauted them in the frying pan. After searing both sides, I added the red wine marinade with bay leaves and boiled them down. Ah, it's been a long while since Kakuriyo has been this peaceful, the fruity fragrance of the red wine... T/N: Yeah the tastiest part of any meat is the one that gets the most exercise and the nearest to the bones, but seriously, give it a chance to soften and it just has so much flavor. Just like the limbs of fowl, or pigs, the limbs just have so much flavor and collagen lol dang it no I can't be hungry now T_T Also marinating in red wine with bay leaf is a legit way to add flavor to red meat, if you're a meat eater you can try this. or if you want to kick it up a notch, use balsamic vinegar, either way it helps soften the tough meat parts. Of course, I can't guarantee if you'll like it, but I tried this once, it mellowed the beef taste and the annoying stench of the meat. But hey that's just my two cents lol try at your own risk P163 While the meat was boiling down in the red wine, I started cutting the vegetables that I'll add in the stew. White onions, garlic, and I added a lot of the seasonally-apt shimeji mushrooms. I sauted all of these in a pot, and added the boiled-down meat with the red wine and bay leaf marinade, and added more water before simmering these in a low fire. Slowly but surely, slowly but surely. It seems that it will be done boiling after an hour or so. "After this, hamburger. I will make a sauce for the hamburger." Not only beef stew, but I'm also deciding on cozying up today's menu with hamburger. I want to use the Kiseki beef in succession, and with the especially-made Demi-glace sauce I was also thinking that I want to serve Western-style hamburger here in Yugao. I promptly made a sauce for the ground Kiseki beef hamburger patty. A beef-only burger patty** without onions. Binders would be panko and cow's milk, sprinkled with salt and pepper and then mixed altogether, shaped into small flattened circles, and I have made the hamburger's shape. Yeah, this is 100% branded beef, a beef-only hamburger is somehow extravagant... With the ingredients that I normally have, the supply is always made affordable, and I want to serve a lot of Western-style food for the Ayakashi. "Aoi! This is terrible, terrible!" This time, it was O-ryo who flew inside Yugao. Normally it was Kasuga who does this. Why O-ryo? T/N: So historically, Japanese people didn't normally eat meat since it's an expensive product, and beef is the most expensive of all. Their burgers are normally beef and pork, or pork and chicken, mostly mixed meat so it won't be too expensive. I actually tried curry-flavored beef and pork deep-fried burger patty, it was actually good and crunchy. hwah... P164 I think she may be hungry, but it doesn't seem to be the case. O-ryo's face has gotten pale. "Kasuga, Kasuga is going to quit Tenjin-ya!" If she was extremely panicking, it's because of the sudden announcement. I couldn't understand where it all began, and I just blinked my eyes a lot. The simmering noise of the boiling pot echoes all around... "Wh.. What do you mean by that?" "That's the point! Really, Kasuga is going to quit? She’s gonna quit being a waitress, she's gonna leave?" "Wh..." Why? Before the inn's closing break, we ate amberjack shabu-shabu in our girls' night-out, we had fun while putting things together in the pot as we were chatting. "Kasuga.. Kasuga, she has decided to get married!" "Marriage, Kasuga, that Kasuga, who's she going to get married to?" "That girl, until now she hasn't told her personal history, but in reality she's unbelievably, an Ojou-sama!**" Speaking of the Ojou-sama that I met in Orio-ya, I remembered Yodoko Ojou-sama, I wonder if she's also an Ojou-sama from a rich family? T/N: Ojou-sama=お嬢様=a young girl or a daughter of a noble or a pampered upbringing. Yeah, I know right, even I was shocked. Oh well, we need a plot twist here lol And you think she's just a follower, but apparently Kasuga's got nobility in her blood. Ma, ma, maiya gwahahaha oh well who would’ve thought right? P165 "Kasuga, Kasuga is... The Emperial Court's Minister of the Right**, The Great Tanuki, Lord Ieyasu's youngest daughter!" "Whaaaat?!" Ehrm... My reaction was surprise, but it seemed that it was lacking as I had no idea what it meant. Simply put, she was the daughter of an esteemed person in Kakuriyo? O-ryo went "Ahhhhh come here right now!" and dragged me towards the main building. "A- Ai-chan! The pot is cooking, look after it! Mix it if it looks like it's about to get scorched!" "OK Aoi-sama!" Instantly, from inside the pendant Aoi-chan who already has her black-haired ogre-girl look jumped out. Wearing her personal apron, she tended to my precious pot. Immediately we went to the main building, and the excitement of every employee with the topic in question has pumped up. "That girl was somehow, unexpectedly, the Minister of the Right's daughter, wasn't she?" "Why is she a waitress here in Tenjin-ya?" I could only hear the hushed and surprised voices of the Ayakashi. "Oh well, anybody would be surprised. It's no match, the Minister of the Right's position is like a Hachiyo, an esteemed person. I had no idea and I pushed around and scolded Kasuga. I might get punished after this..." It wasn't only O-ryo who was worring about this. Even Akatsuki in the front desk, he also remembered, and for sure couldn't calm himself down as cold sweat T/N: It's like a left and right wing something, like two opposing factions in the government. Heh, too much political stuff, I don't even wanna touch that. Major spoiler alert: Our old pal Raijuu is a leftist. Ouch. P166 flows down his face. "Oh, I see." I was thinking of asking Kasuga's relative the Gesokuban Chiaki-san, but he wasn't in the lobby. The Gesokuban were in charge of the straw slippers and geta sandals of the guests, and their work is like bellboys that bring the luggage into the rooms, I often catch a sight of them before business hours. I have seen him call in a row the ogre kids who do a lot of different kinds of chores, and make a roll-call on them... "Say, Akatsuki, where's Chiaki-san?" "Ah.... Chiaki-san is with Kasuga in Odanna-sama's office. In relation to that, Chiaki-san is the Minister of the Right's younger brother.. If he was esteemed, I should have been more respectful to him..." Mortified at being too late now, Akatsuki had a distant look. Confirming about Kasuga and Chiaki-san's positions, they were from the North-west's Hachiyo, the Bunmon Tanuki. Kakuriyo's biggest and most difficult school to get into, "Bunmon Imperial University" is where the Hachiyo, who is also the University Director resides, and it seems that Chiaki-san is the son, and in turn Kasuga is the granddaughter. Incidentally, Chiaki-san's brother is Kasuga's father, which O-ryo and Akatsuki previously-mentioned has the position of the Minister of the Right in Kakuriyo. Talking about the North-western Lands, it is a college town, they have a prestigious university and large hospital institution, a research facility and a huge library, they have talented scholars and doctors, they have a lot of graduates that become government officials, it didn't engage in trade and commerce but the Hachiyo has great political powers, P167 it's a particularly unique place. But if that's the case, why were Chiaki-san and Kasuga working at Tenjin-ya? Also, why did she decide to quit working in Tenjin-ya now? "I'm.. Going to Odanna-sama's place." "Wait, Aoi, I'll go too!" O-ryo and I hurriedly left the front desk and climbed up the central staircase. "Hey, you two! Don't you dare disturb Odanna-sama... Oh well, I guess I'll go too" In the end, Akatsuki came with us too. The three of us went to the topmost floor where Odanna-sama's office was.
"Oh..." Outside the room, Ginji-san the Wakadanna-sama was standing with his arms crossed. When he saw us, he looked like he's saying "So, you've come?". "It's useless, guys, it's not work-related." "But... Ginji-san..." "I understand how you feel but... Hey!" I wasn't listening to anything that Ginji-san was saying, and we all placed our ears in the gap between the sliding doors, and eavesdropped P168 on the conversations inside. "Truly, your mind cannot be changed, Kasuga?" "... yes. I will quit Tenjin-ya, and I intend to marry into, the head of Hyourijou Castle in the Northern Lands." In such situations Odanna-sama's voice had always been calm and collected, even now when Kasuga has already reached a point where her mind cannot be entirely changed. "Chiaki, do you think that it's a good idea?" "...yes, Odanna-sama. With the marriage of the two, the instability of the Northern Lands, our North-western Lands can prove it and help hold the issues at bay. In addition to that, the chaotic Northern Lands can find a bit of stability." "...oh, I see." I wanted to hear more of Chiaki-san and Odanna-sama's conversations, but O-ryo suddenly raised her voice hysterically and shouted "Did she say Hyourijou Castle?!" "Hey O-ryo, shut up!" "But.. it's the head of the Hyourijou Castle of the Northern Lands!" "O-ryo be quiet!" Me and Akatsuki and O-ryo were suppressing our voices, when suddenly the sliding door opened with a rattle, and the three of us, like dangos, fell inside the room. "You lot..." P169 "O, Odanna-sama" Odanna-sama stared down at us with his astonished, red eyes. We tried to dodge it in any way, and the three of us just ended up wearing lop-sided smiles. "Aoi-chan, O-ryo sama, Bantou-sama" "Haha... So everyone eventually came, didn't they?" Even at Kasuga and Chiaki-san, the three of us smiled crooked smiles at them. "Say Kasuga, is it true that you're getting married to the head of Hyourijou Castle?" "O-ryo sama... Yep, that's the plan." "Even so! That head's an extremely old and senile, bedridden old man! You, are you going to get married to a senile old man who's about to die?!" O-ryo was very well-informed. Well, she did came from the Northern Lands. That's why her face was full of bewilderment. "It's not like that, O-ryo. The Hachiyo of the Northern Lands has finally been replaced." "...really?" "In the Northern Lands, the Great Old Sage who has been the Hachiyo for a very long time has retired. The next Hachiyo who took the position was the Old Sage's youngest grandchild, the Young Master of the Hyoujin** Tribe. Kasuga's marriage, is to that Young Master, Lord Kiyo." "..."
T/N: Hyoujin Clan- directly translates to Ice people Clan. Something. I did say previously in my earlier translations that direct translations will be minimized. Also if you’re interested on what Kiyo looks like, I’ll prolly post a photo here, he’s depicted in vol 8′s cover. Oh gawd, that’s a long way off but don’t worry fams we’ll get there somehow P170 It's impossible for me to know who that is, O-ryo who's acquainted with the dealings in the Northern Lands just looked puzzled, and Akatsuki just went blank. Behind us, was Ginji-san who, one way or another was the only one who looked like he had a full grasp of the situation. "Uhm, I...." Suddenly, Kasuga stood up, and only went to the entryway where the three of us were still lying down, and went in front of us. When I looked at her face she seemed like an adult, and in an instant, the cheerful and innocent Kasuga that I knew had gone off elsewhere, and I felt a painful sense of loss. Could it be that Kasuga, with regards to her engagement, in her heart she truly doesn't despise it? But from my point of view, I have no choice but to accept it. "When I saw these people's faces, somehow I felt hungry. Odanna-sama, what is good to eat on mornings like these?" "...Kasuga" Were we worrying that much, to that extent? Everyone understood that, and while we were in the middle of not saying anything, Odanna-sama wordlessly stared at me. I easily understood him without him saying anything. "Ka...Kasuga! If you want, let's go to Yugao. I'll give you something I made. For today, I made something called beef stew. I really want you to try it!" P171 "Beef stew?" "Yeah! I'll also give you hamburger steak that I cooked with it. It's like when Kasuga was in her Tanuki form, it's brown-colored cooked food. It's delicious--!" "..." Amidst the confusion they only got perplexed, and didn't even seem to hear that it was delicious. Everyone's faces only spelled "What is she even saying?". But the beef stew, it's definitely delicious!
I dragged Kasuga to Yugao. Before business hours, everyone else went back to their work posts, and it seems that I'll be taking care of her hunger. When we got to Yugao, Ai-chan has diligently looked after the pot for me. "Thank you, Ai-chan, you did a great job--" "OK--- I wanna eat something swee--t!" "As your reward, I'll give you some test-trial manjuu. Ah, that manjuu's a secret. We haven't given that to anyone yet." P172 "Yaaay!" Ai-chan with her manjuu, and her cup of milk, immediately sat on a chair and took her break. Now then. The time for the beef stew's ingredients to boil down has been sufficient. To this I'll put in some parboiled potatoes, and add more Demi-glace sauce, and add some seasonings while I mix it from time to time. Kasuga sat on the counter, and lazily propped her chin with her hands. "Kasuga, just wait for a little bit. The beef stew still needs to be boiled down some more. While it's doing that, I'll make you a little something to eat, OK? Have you eaten an avocado?" "...Avocado? I've seen one in an illustrated encyclopedia, but I haven't eaten one." "Hee hee. It's something like the ones in Utsushiyo, but in Kakuriyo, the Southern Lands where there's plently of heat they have started to grow it and other similar vegetables too. You might be surprised when you first try it, but once you get used to eating it you'll get hooked. It's because avocado is called 'the butter of the fields'." Butter isn't really something special in Kakuriyo, so she might not understand anything. But Kasuga's interest seemed to be deep, and her eyes got round with wonder. While the stew was boiling down, I went ahead to make something. Avocado and persimmon, the sweetness is entirely Japanese. P173 Firstly, the in-season persimmon's skin was peeled off, and the flesh cut into cubes. The avocado was also cut from the sides, the two halves were rotated on the round seed's axis, and between the half with no seed and the half that has the seed attached to it, the one without the seed was used. Doing that was quite fun. The lovely light green flesh of the fruit appeared. I quickly scraped the flesh off, and also cut those into cubes. Along with the persimmon cubes I cut a while ago, I served all of these in a glass bowl, and in true Japanese fashion mixed these altogether with a citrus dressing. Alright, it's nicely done. I served this with a spoon and placed it in front of Kasuga. "OK Kasuga, this is Japanese-style avocado and persimmon. Please try it." "Wah, it's pretty. Green and orange. I really love persimmon too, so I'm going to eat it now--" Instantly, Kasuga's face naturally fell into a smile. Holding a spoon, she took a huge bite, and tried the avocado that she was deeply interested in. "Wow, this is amazing. Feeling the avocado's texture for the first time, it's a fun and soft food, isn't it?" After this, she bit into the avocado and the persimmon at the same time. "Its seasoning, the persimmon's sweetness, its taste is really like a side-dish for rice." "Is that so? The persimmon's sweetness and the avocado's mellow texture and taste suit it well, and if it's just the persimmon it's going to be too sweet. The citrus fruit juice, along with toasted sesame seeds and soy sauce dressing give it a Japanese flavor and taste." P174 While Kasuga was eating a lot of the side dish, I took out the hamburger patties that I made that morning, and I pan-fried those in a shallow pot. When the surface looked brown enough, I poured in about two to three ladles of the beef stew, and simmered this for five minutes. And again, in a smaller frying pan I made a runny sunny side-up egg... "Kasuga, between white rice and bread, which one would you like? Beef stew goes well with either one..." "Hmmm.. Definitely it's rice." "OK, I get it. Even I too, like Western food with white rice, it's good enough." Along with the hamburger patty, I have asked Ai-chan to heat and cook some simple stir-fried foods and serve them in dishes, such as this beef stew. Par-boiled broccoli were also added as a fluffy touch. I added some cream and swirled it around with a spoon, and lastly I topped the hamburger with the runny sunny side-up egg. The white rice was also shaped into a sphere, and plopped it over a plate, like Western style. I placed all of those on a festive four-legged tray, and brought it to Kasuga's seat. "Alright. Tea house style, moon-viewing beef stew hamburger steak is served--" "Wooow. That really smells good. A while ago, the wafting smell made my stomach growl. There's also a fried egg on it-- And tonight's also a full moon, isn't it? It really looks like the Full Moon's spherical form." "Hee hee. Since it's already autumn, in Utsushiyo it's a time where anything with fried egg is "something for full moon viewing" and it's always added in a set meal." P175 In the food industry, a hamburger steak with a fried egg is called a moon-viewing burger, among others. When adding a runny fried egg, it always make it seem even more delicious, it's a mysterious and puzzling force. "And it's really a tanuki-colored cuisine, it is." "It's a fact that tanuki-colored cuisine is the model of deliciousness. If I could, I'll eat it for lunch.” If it was me, I would eat the beef stew with left-over toasted bread crusts on the side. Yep, it's enough to fill the stomach. I pried apart the meat with a spoon, and it crumbled off. I took a bite of that beef stew. Oooohh, the meat! The meat!! It's soft and moist, there's no stench, the thick and rich Demi-glace sauce really ties everything together. This is really over-the top extravagance! "Wow, wooow! What is this, this is soooo good Aoi-chan! The runny egg yolk, the hamburger and the stew eaten altogether, it's already the best. So many flavors all packed in one bite" Having one bite of the whole thing, the corners of Kasuga's mouth stretched wide, and her Tanuki ears went plip-plopping a lot. This time she bit into everything, including the large carrot chunks and  the shimeji mushrooms. "Hmm... crumbly---" P176 Cooking food with Kakuriyo's state of the art Youkai-fire platter and spiritually-powered pot allows the fire to pass through the vegetables' core, the sweetness and deliciousness of the vegetables get trapped inside, and is suitable for cooking stews. "Aoi-chan you've already given me hamburgers before, but this is the first time that I've eaten beef stew. For me, I really enjoy foods like these. It's because foods like these have a rich taste and depth. I have read about these in a book, but I couldn't imagine how these would have tasted like." "Kasuga, you've read something about beef stew from a book?" "Yep, the library in the Land of Bunmon had so many books. There's also a book on the history of Utsushiyo's culture. It was a book that was about Western cuisines, when we. Were. Young. We had so much fun having wild imaginative ideas. Since I was a child, I was raised surrounded by so many books.” "..." We? Kasuga ate some more hamburger, and slurped in some more beef stew. After this she ate more white rice, and took in some beef stew again. All of the flavors blend well together in one bite, "Ah, it tastes good--", it makes the body weak. Seeing Kasuga's satisfied and fluffy face, I was delighted. While I was eating nearby, I initiated by saying that "The stew also tastes good with bread", and started eating as such. P177 In my case the umami envelops the bread, there's a resounding crunch, this has become a devilish food. Together, the bread crust that's always looked over, it has become an illusionary steak. "Phew, my stomach's all full!" After all that, our luxurious lunch has ended. Who would have thought that before business hours, we're already full and satiated? But for sure, without a doubt our strengths came back because of the food. "I'm glad that my stomach's gotten full. When you said that you were hungry, it was a surprise. Everyone was shocked. Back there when Kasuga said it out loud, it was of a large extent." "Ahaha. Well it was an important conversation with Odanna-sama, and I was already hungry for a while, it was because of Aoi-chan." "What are you saying? When I saw you, you didn't particularly appear to be hungry when you were talking with Odanna-sama." Uhm, yeah, that was a lie. "After that, just when it was about to get really serious, Odanna-sama pushed me to appear as "The I-wanted-to-help" person. "Really, Odanna-sama somehow made you do that? He's always dignified and composed, he doesn't give me that impression. In front of Aoi-chan, he's expected to be different." "Ah, when you see him that way, his movements are considerably mysterious." "Odanna-sama, he's really wrapped in mystery, isn't he?" P178 Kasuga and I, when talking about Odanna-sama, I realized that the meanings of "mysterious", were quite different. I recalled what my situation was, but after learning about Kasuga's circumstance the clarity has slowly gotten dimmer. "Say, Aoi-chan, are you going to get married to Odanna-sama?" She deliberately asked that question. I normally handle such questions lightly, but with Kasuga this time, it's a heavy-handed question. Her situation and mine's, they're a bit similar. "I'm not going to get married. I still have Yugao to tend to right now." Saying that, somewhat I couldn't understand why my body, in my chest, I felt so much discomfort. What the heck is this. "But Aoi-chan, you don't dislike Odanna-sama anymore?" "Well, uhm, hearing you say "dislike', it's not the answer anymore but.." "If that's the case, you like him now?" "Uhm, that is..." My eyes started swimming. Kasuga was determined to get into my head, and she looked at me quietly. "It sure doesn't seem to be that way. But I, do not know anything about Odanna-sama." That was more or less my refusal. Not really, I do know something about Odanna-sama. Contrary to what he looks like, he's a mischievous prankster, P179 and he's unsophisticatedly kind, when I see him make his moves, his strong drive leaves me wondering why... he has supported me in very important times, he's also become trustworthy, I've learned a lot being with him. And yet, I still don't know a lot about him. Odanna-sama's inner self that he holds dearly inside, I mostly don't know about it. I don't know anything about that, and he doesn't easily say anything about what he likes. Like myself for example, if I told someone that I knew nothing about "I like you", I still think that despite doing that, I still know nothing about them. "That is why, I would want to get to know more about Odanna-sama... But he's not telling me anything." "...Hmph" While Kasuga was grinning at me, I was drenched in cold sweat. What the heck, I feel like I wanted to run away... "Hee hee, that's good, Aoi-chan. It's very unnatural of you, but with time, as expected, you bestowed a great deal to Odanna-sama." ".. Kasuga?" Kasuga looked up at Yugao's celiing. Those eyes, they seem hollow somehow. "Kasuga, Kasuga getting married, you really don't dislike it?" I placed my hands on Kasuga's shoulders, and asked her earnestly. P180 It seemed that Kasuga has already been resolute of her marriage, and I wanted to ask what her true intent was. "Marriage to the Hachiyo of the Northern Lands. That is not a politically-motivated marriage." Kasuga continued to stare up at the ceiling, I only saw her flit her gaze to me once. Between those brown-colored bangs I could only see her eyes, she doesn't appear to be a mere waitress at all. Over there, she's already sharing the burden with the North-western's Hachiyo, being the daughter of Kakuriyo's Minister of the Right. A holder of many positions and degrees and ranks, but nevertheless a single Tanuki girl. "A politically-motivated marriage cannot be helped. If I do it by myself, so many risks and significances can arise. Bunmon Tanuki, are scheming creatures. Because Tanuki are extremely weak, it's the only way to live this long." Kasuga pointed to her head and suppressed a laugh. "The Hachiyo of the 'Land of Bunmon' is the Institutional Director Baba-sama**, and in each land the Tanuki under her command are sent out to gather and collect information and intel. Wherever you go and whichever way how, the Land of Bunmon will never be at a disadvantage. For example, my dad. He steadily accumulated power and influence in the Imperial Court, and eventually became the Minister of the Right. And then there's Tenjin-ya's Chiaki. That is my father's younger brother, he may be my uncle but when he was employed back there, he was an outstanding investigator. Odanna-sama likely knows the Tanuki's circumstances, and he must have deliberately hired Chiaki, I think." "... uhm.. Tanuki's circumstances?" "And now, I am going towards the Northern Lands. How I'll do that, I only have my T/N: Baba-sama, basically Kasuga's granny is the Hachiyo as well as the Institutional Director aka the President of the Imperial University in Bunmon. I am still wrapping my head around this. Honestly I am still confused and doubtful as to why I am even translating this sh** when I'm still actually learning Nihongo honestly I hope my translation even make sense to you all srsly I have no idea what I'm doing lol but rly send help pls T_T P181 intent to do so and nothing else. With that, gradually, bit by bit, leaping into the innermost parts of each land, the steadily increasing influence of us Bunmon Tanuki have been exposed. .. And that, is the way of the Bunmon Tanuki.** "..." That was an incredible story. Also, it's a really frightening tale. But with that reasoning and explanation of the circumstances, I am just as clueless as before. I wonder if Kasuga is fine with that. "Kasuga, have you fully grasped what marriage is? It seems that your fate was to be born under a Hachiyo's household but selecting your marriage partner, can you be honest with that?" "...Aoi-chan?" "I am, in a way worried and troubled about Kasuga and what could happen. Is it possible, that, if Kasuga is being forced to get married, then I..." For me, that has always been the case. But Kasuga hid her face in her sleeve and stiffled a laugh. "Aoi-chan. Everyone's like Aoi-chan, but I'm a girl who does not go against my destiny." ".. what?" Kasuga's speech, her explanations allowed her thoughts to pass through, and in some way she sounds like an earnest adult. With that gaze, and voice, and words. T/N: LOL I wanted to translate this part as "And that, is how the Bunmon Tanuki do." Srsly it's the direct transliteration of the original text lol if you understood the reference, Hi-five y'all P182 "I think Aoi-chan guessed that wrong. I didn't say that I was reluctant to get married. Rather, I was only anticipating it. Kiyo, is not someone that I didn't know." Kiyo. For sure, that's the name of the new Hachiyo of the Northern Lands. "Kasuga, you know the person you're going to get married to?" "Yep, I know him well. Because he's my childhood friend." "Childhood friend?!" "The last time that we met, I was still a small Tanuki. That being said, he's my first love." "Whaaaat?" Kasuga placed her index finger onto her lips and said "It's a secret". That was a shocking revelation. Surely, she did say something about her first love when we had the girls' night-out. "That's amazing, Kasuga. You're going to get married to your first love." ".. hee hee. Well, somehow he might not like me..." Kasuga's foolish demeanor, is a bit self-deprecating. But soon after that, a shadow fell over her facial expression. "I did have worries, it was a painful thought...That I didn't not want to get married**. When I leave Tenjin-ya, I'll be very very sad." Until now her calm voice has been OK, but her voice has started to shake a bit. With a face that's almost into tears, Kasuga broke into a smile. Her expression, it's easy to see that she's trying to hide her flurry of emotions, T/N: I told you guys, there's inception raised to the nth power with the double triple quadruple negatives srsly I can't even rn O_o P183 but I was emotionally welling up with what I truly feel inside. I see. Kasuga wasn't against her marriage at all. She's surely marrying the Hachiyo of the North. And therefore... she won't be staying at Tenjin-ya any longer. "Thank you, Aoi-chan. You gave me delicious food to eat. Aoi-chan's cooking, not only strengthens the weak body, but also fills an Ayakashi from the inside." "Ka, Kasuga..." "Aoi-chan, you're awesome. You came from an overwhelmingly unfavorable condition, and now this is where you've come. It's by your own strength." "..." "As for me, what will I do? My only plan is getting married to a Hachiyo, I only have myself." Eventually, Kasuga went back to Odanna-sama's office, she has to return and continue their talk. It's Kasuga's courageous attitude. As for me, I couldn't comprehend the entirety of her complicated heart, I could only fill up her hungry stomach and nothing else.
It was in the middle of Yugao's business hours. "What's wrong, Aoi-chan? Your face seems out of it, and you only keep sighing." "Are you sighing because there's not many customers?" P184 "It's not that. But yeah, that too." It was our frequent customers Juujirou-ojisan and Tsubame-obasan, the Ayakashi couple who lives in Gintengai, and for today had their feast of the beef stew topped with fried egg. The two were locals who didn't stay at Tenjin-ya, but goes into the baths and later to Yugao to have their meals, once a week. "Yet I was surprised. It seems that the Hachiyo of the North has been changed. It's in the newspaper extra delivered to Gintengai. The Hachiyo looks extremely young, it's the hot topic among everyone." Juujirou-ojisan slowly pulled the newspaper out, and opened it in front of me. "Ah! Can I look at that for a bit?" "Oops" I hurriedly borrowed and opened Juujirou-ojisan's newspaper that he was reading, and I eagerly looked at the newspaper publication's colored photo. On the picture, wrapped in a pure white kimono, and holding a Buddhist ringed staff made of ice, was an ephemeral-looking young man. "This boy..." As expected, he was still young. With regards to Ayakashi he's probably older than me, but based on what they look like, he looks about 15 years old. It's probably because Ayakashi live very long lives, when one is said to be very young, then the Hachiyo is probably very young indeed. That boy was Kasuga's first love. P185 Also, he is Kasuga's prospective husband. He's.. He's a handsome youth... "Would it be alright if that boy becomes the Hachiyo? Kiyo-sama is sickly, it's said that he's practically always in the University Hospital in the Land of Bunmon." "It can't be helped. There aren't any other successors among the clan of Hyoujin, you know." Snow lady, snow man, icicle lady and other generic names were used for the members of the Hyoujin clan's Ayakashi. Among the entire group, O-ryo surely fits in well. But O-ryo looks like an adult, remarkably... The ties of that one clan is so strong, it's peculiar that when one becomes the Northern Land's Hachiyo, they have to come from the pedigree line of the Hyoujin Clan's head, but they couldn't gain the support of the entire populace. "The previous generations of the north were majestic, but the successors were raised to be lazy and always sick and bedridden. It's a good thing that a strife between the foolish heirs erupted, other than the youngest grandson Kiyo-sama, they should all just die." "You're believing those rumors again! I'm sorry Aoi-chan, there has been unsettling stories among our people." Tsubame-obasan slapped the drunk Juujirou-ojisan's behind, and after a bit has left the restaurant. I sent off these regular customers, and finally Yugao's business hours has ended. The newspaper that they left as it was, I worried about it from time to time.
End of Chapter 5, Volume 6. Previous - Intermission 2 Next - Chapter 6
Wonderful site for the youkai references
Other stuff I used to do this: Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Dictionary (you can buy here, I’m not sponsored btw). I was about to buy the older edition but then the newer one came out 2013 so I bought that instead. Worth buying since I was able to find nearly all of the words I needed just by stroke pattern alone.
Merriam-Webster's Japanese-English Dictionary (the red-covered 1996 version is apparently out of print right now). This is what I have been using for a very long time, I bought it when I was still a fetus (yes I am old so what lol), and after so many years, when compared to newer editions, I still prefer this one since its entirety is Japanese-English, the English to Japanese gloss are just 16 pages tops, so you get more Japanese words for your buck. But that’s just my opinion, maybe other people prefer the Jap-En x En-Jap IDEK.
Basic online dictionary, Jisho. Knowledge of verb conjugations  and other words are necessary since not all have entries.
If you can read Japanese, you can buy the whole set in Amazon Japan, they’re shipping worldwide now, I think.
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Some announcements, some light novel spoilers -  Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
Hi guys, what’s up. OK, so I just posted the translation for chapter 5 of volume 1 yesterday. I also did a speed run of volumes 1-5, with roughly 50-60% comprehension, and I gauged that the two seasons of Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi anime are from volumes 1-5, so at the moment, it’s like half of the entire series, as the entirety is 10 volumes. So if you feel like you missed a lot, don’t worry, when you watch the anime that’s the half of the whole storyline. So decided that instead of translating volumes 1-5, since the anime already has that covered, I will just start with volume 6 instead, since everything from there isn’t animated, so far as I know. I am still debating whether or not I will translate the chapters fully, or just make it chunky, like drama synopses and stuff, but the commentaries and translator’s notes will definitely remain. I will probably focus on the intermissions and afterwords since those are shorter and simpler. I will sporadically appear here for updates, also I don’t know how frequent the uploads will be, as they do take a long time, plus I’m not always online so I couldn’t cross check anything or work mostly with web tools. Anyway, that is all. Will be back soon, probably. Cheers.
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