beringelista · 2 years
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merotwst · 2 years
pov you visit ur boyfriend during basketball practice
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catawonkus · 2 years
King Arthur legend of the sword said “forget the idea of Arthur as a kind, patient king” and gave us an Arthur filled with rage, who is ambitious and driven, crude but friendly, protective of his loved ones, calculating, willing to forgive and forget and make allies. Willing to die to save the life of the prostitutes who raised him. He makes the best of every situation he’s in. He lost everything, gained prestige in the gutter, and lost everything again. I love him. The Mage says “you are resisting the sword. It is not resisting you” because he became a leader, a fucking king, while being raised as a bastard nobody far from his throne
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dailydragon08 · 1 month
Dragon's Arthur: Legend of the Sword Masterlist
** = smut * = no smut, but suggestive themes
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Arthur x Reader
One Shots & Drabbles
Show Me -> Arthur can always count on you when he needs solace.
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umi-klouh · 3 months
Chapters: 6/13 Fandom: King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Arthur (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword)/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Arthur (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword), Wet Stick | Tristan, Back Lack, Goosefat Bill, Bedivere (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword), Vortigern (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword), The Mage (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword), Lou (OC) Additional Tags: OC insert, almost canon compliant, no beta we die like kathy mcgrath's character, super quickly and after 46 seconds of screen time Summary:
What if there was another character in this story? What if Arthur was not the only child to escape Camelot? I followed the main events of the movie to write this fic, but I inserted an OC. I changed as little as I could (dialogues, etc...) but I don't have it in me to write anyone's death - or at least, no one I like... So some stuff did change...
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krytus · 15 days
i am by no means arguing for censorship but i do think getting only (1) One alloted curse word does wonders for a narrative. makes you really Consider when to best use it. anyways this is about jude law's delivery of "mercia, just do your fucking job" in kalots
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I know I'm a bit late but I was really enjoying Thunder Junction as a drafting experience, even if I found it a bit muddled from a lore perspective. But I wanted to ask the question if your oc had there own Mount what would it be?
Ceral, while having the ability to fly, would probably use Raz as a mount. She's getting a little to big to ride him like a scaly backpack nowadays so they've been flying parallel, but once she's a bit more into her full dragon size, it shouldn't be an issue
Laan would probably, if needed, use his geomancy to summon a more earthen form of that 4RR Horse, Calamity.
Except is a shapeshifter and doesn't really need a mount, she could become a mount. Or just a centaur-esque being
Y'lona would like to be able to fly more, so she'd try to get a larger bird of some kind, but if it has to follow the quadruped rule then a griffon/hippogriff
Zoya I could see using either a lizard type mount or something more armored like an armadillo or pangolin, provided it has a level of heat resistance
Atlan, given how much time he spends transversing mounts, would need a ram as a mount.
Sturn, I hesitate to give a mount given his lichlike nature and his ship. He doesn't really need one.
Samuel is in a similar situation to both Ceral and Sturn. He can fly and he's a vampire. He doesn't have need for a mount and honestly, he believes it to be a bit beneath him to rely on something he can do on his own.
Kitai would use a Pegasus. Its the mount closest to an angel as far as she's concerned.
Aseri can summon her own mounts from her tattoos, which allows for a variety of applications based on the area she's in. But the general type is monster or dinosaur
Cas, in standard cowboy fashion, gets a horse. This follows the rule of Roach from the Witcher of course, it looks the same everytime and he calls it the same name, but you're pretty sure you've seen is horse die at least twice.
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maulthots · 1 year
Staff dragging on the ground yah yah yah. Yah.
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batfall-a · 1 year
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𝖔𝖓 𝖊𝖎𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖎𝖉𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖗𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝖑𝖎𝖊 𝖑𝖔𝖓𝖌 𝖋𝖎𝖊𝖑𝖉𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖇𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖊𝖞 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖗𝖞𝖊, 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖈𝖑𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖜𝖔𝖑𝖉 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒌𝒚; 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒐' 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒆𝒍𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒐𝒂𝒅 𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒔 . . . you will find him.
MORE INFO BELOW | FANTASY VERSE v . / fantasty verse.
this particular verse is highly influenced+inspired by king arthur + LOTR , with bruce being the second of two sons. arthur the eldest son long ago hidden for his own good as their father sat on the throne. their father driven mad by his own greed , and by an advisor who had bewitched their father's mind. bruce survives because he is the spare and isn't seen as a threat seeing as the second son enters priesthood or joins the commands of an army. bruce has chosen the latter and chosen wisely as he's trusted by all in his fathers kingdom.
in this , he travels throughout his father's kingdom preaching peace and bringing together those who wish to do his house ill. it is during his 31st year when his father is struck by a sickness and dies upon the throne. going back to his fathers kingdom it is THEN when he is told about his eldest brother - finally getting it out of his father's advisor who speaks of another heir. the advisor is then banished as bruce goes to find his brother and put him in his rightful place as king ; there is also a legend that says the heir to the throne can also extract excailbur ... bruce has already tried to wrench the sword from the stone with little to no avail.
seeing that there is only one rightful heir and that is arthur and so he sets out to find his brother and instill him as king. along this journey he finds friends and allies who work with him , and it is due to his peaceful and benign ways that people trust bruce. he has ridden with many people who inhabit the nearby countrysides and lands , instructed them in battles as he built up his good name.
in this verse bruce is a drop in his brother's storyline - truly not wanting more than to help his brother lead in council - a knight of the round table and to keep the peace. he is a man of the people , and that is his greatest asset.
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swiftstigmata · 1 year
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beringelista · 2 years
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tobacconist · 1 year
courtesy of Edward, 2nd Duke of York (1373 – 1415)
(yᵉ liste in fulle)
Here begynnyth the names of all maner of houndis after the a.b.c. Firste to begynne with .a. for houndis names
Argente Aldirman Archere Archebawde Absolon  Awgere (Braches names) Argentyne Armonye Amyable  Amatiste (Tereris names) Arguere Argument Awfyne (Houndis names) Beawmonde Bowman Balfrymownde Bangore Burgoyne Bliot Beawyew Blamer Bragger  Braynesike Bobagh Brigawnte Beggerre Burgenon  Boleyne Bonyoure Blewet Bowreman Beste-of-all Bokette Baldre Blawmbere Besaunte Bailemownd  Bendebowe Bonyfaunte Beawchefe Breydan Blodeman  Boynarde Beawchere Berdeles Birdismowthe Bultyngebrake  Bresawde Boye Blawncharde Bonere Brakette  Bawderese Bawdewyn (Braches names) Blawnche Burnette  Burmay Blabbe Beele Bellore Bleise  Belamy Bwnne Besoyne Belotte Blawmbele  Blawndese Beawte Besye (Tereris nam‹e›s) Beawfronte  Berde Burlette Bemoll Bekere Beawfise  Beawkane Brawlere (Houndis names) Cleremownde Cantor  Colle Careaway Chauntir Cloider Colier  Colman Crampette Clibawde Crochette Chawnte  Chefteyne Chider Chawndose Chamfray Chawmpir-n‹o›wne  Clikette Clymber Caluyrleye Cryere Coydur  Clynker Chapeleyne Chawnseler Chepman Chopper  Croyle Crapawde Carbonette Cutte Curteyne  Curtawnde Cunnynge Curteise Ca‹mi›ot Cannone  Cradokke Charlemayne Creseyte Comforte Clowdisleye  Chastelyn Cosynette Cheueteyne Capteyne Compaynowne  Chol‹s›ey Curlewe Clanygere Chambirleyne Cofenette  Cademan Clowder (Braches names) Claris Cowntese  Clere Coose Clare Chawnteres Colynette  Chowne Cowntirfette Chalenge Chawngeabull Chawnteclere  Clarense Crowde Clowde Cherefull Chamelette  Chalawndir Clybbe Chyȝemyne Chamberere Cere-ȝyne  (Tereris names) Crabbe Crykette Crakestone Creper  (Houndis names) Druggeman Denebawde Derby Downdyuale Dygre Dere-ybowȝt Dolfyn Dudman Ducheman  Dene Dowell Dawngere Dewdenere Dollynge  Dawnmerse Dyademe Drewxȝ Dewyn Dornykke  Dawnsere ‹Dyamound› Dredefull Draynewhey (Braches names)  Duchesse Daliawnce Dyane Dowble Downe  Dowse-amye Dowse Dyuerse Damysene Damysell  Dytayne (Tereris names) Dasyberde Dedde Dygger  Dybenman Dyamawnde Dappir Doore Dyngill  (Houndis names) Elemente Emerawde Ewgeny Elfyn  Elewyn Errawnte Eferose Ewyn (Br[a]ches names) Elebre Emelyn Emelotte Esperawnse (Tereris names) Ergo Ermyne Enmye Ernyste Envye  Eggetene (Howndis names) Forboise Forster Flynger  Fynder Fredom Freman Frebodye Fynore  Fryse Fynke Florentyne Frankeleyne Foy  Flaterere Fleire Forgere Fyndewell Frowmwnde  (Braches names) Flowre Flore Fonne Freresse  Foliette Flame Fynche Florense Foyse  Felise Felette (Tereris names) Felowe Foxe  Fill Figge Feete Filthe Frigun  (Houndis names) Greynder Gowere Gormownde Galeise  Gybon Gaale Gaylarde German Gilbarde  Goodynowȝe Gyon Gwette Gyamownde Gebage  Gwndir (Braches names) Genypre Gelofre Gwnne  Gille Gilmote Gawntelette Gwnnore (Tereris names) Goyon Garlik (Houndis names) Herawde Hawtemownde  Hawdyfer Huwet Hilder Harbeger Hurlebucke  Halymote Heuealowe Halydaye Halibred Haywarde  Hernye Hwdell Halibutte (Braches names) Honysoke  Hewlette Honydewe Hosewife (Tereris names) Hurnette  Hardye Hygon Hakette Howchyn (Houndis names)  Juffo Juvynell Jakeman Jangelor Judde  Justyne Jurdan Jayberde Jolye Jeester  Joskyn Jolybronde Jongkade (Braches names) Joyou[s]  Junosse Jakemyn (Tereris names) Jacke Juell  Jakette Joliboye Jogeler Izawde Justyne  Jentill (Houndis names) Knave Knewliche Kenewale  Kynnysman Kowghan Kendale (Braches names) Kolette  Kote (Tereris names) Knotte Knyvet Kalot  (Houndis names) Louell Labour Lyuette Lurke  Lynke Lorell Ludman Lymnore Lyuyrmore  Lyncolne Lutere Lotomere Liberall Labell  Lodisman Ludmer Litillwitte Lowrere Leyne  Loyere (Braches names) Lyawnse Lynore Lawreall Liberte Lewte Loreyne Letewse Lewde  Loyre Louette (Tereris names) Litilman Lapeyse  Lepar Lwfkyn Litilboye (Houndis names) Moraunt  Moreman Mo‹r›gan Merymowthe Mordaunt Meryuale  Mownamy Millefoile Malifawnte Misavisid Mervaile  Mafoy Martynet Makamete Musike Marrok  Mackowe Muntayne Mercurye Marynere Meruaylus  Merboise Mownferaunt Mailarde (Braches names) Mabbe  Madir Misago Maniye Murre Morles  Mery Muriell Mynerue Merawde Mellore  Merable Malagun (Tereris names) Malaperte Meryman  Mynor Mustarde Mistirman Mynstrell (Houndis names) Nosewise Newgurte Nikole Nason Nero  Nedy Norman (Braches names) Nyȝtyngale Notemye  Nurture (Tereris names) Notemyge Nise Nody  (Houndis names) Organ Oravante Orgaile Orpyn  Oliferne Ogan Orebien Overte Orenge  Ordynall Orlage (Braches names) Orage Oribull  Olife Ordynawnse (Tereris names) Oriell Okirre  (Houndis names) Pyarde Pyoll Polaynere Perrye  Pagente Plwmstede Pykemownde Profite Petipase  Pipar Pwffyne Plentivous Parfite Poleyne  Poynter Picarde Plodder Pawlyn Parkere  Prowte Poraile Penawnte Pilate (Braches names) Plesaunce Peritory Philomene Perwynke Plubele  Pyany (Tereris names) Pretyman Pretiboy Perkyn  Pursyvawnte Pastey Perte Petite Pratte  Perle Proppe Paris (Houndis names) Quester  Querister Quynteyne (Braches names) Quonyam Quyppe  Queyntaunse (Tereris names) Quarell Quylette (Houndis names) Ryngedale Richemownde Reynere Rabelle R‹e›lefe  Rugemownde Ribawde Ryngeborne Ruskyn Ryngere  Rowdale Rypette Rybschawe Robette Rokell  Richere Roweberde Remownde Rowterre Rowtynge  Radissche Riderre Rowte-owte Rossyngdale Rangere  Reuerence Regende Rude-ynowgh Reporte Ryngewode  Rage (Braches names) Riall Reynes Riches  Rude Reise Ramet Rainell Russette Roose Ribibe Rasyne Reuerse Ri‹s›chawde  (Tereris names) Redy Robynette Redyman Rube  Roset (Houndis names) Soylarde Seyntamownde Stalkere  Somnor Syngerre Seymore Sowdiowre Schakeschaw  Sergeaunt Scheparde Symbale Sykamore Staunchere  Salmon Sibbisman Sowdan Stileman Screveyne  Surisbye Stacynere Staynesmore Sel‹w›de Synfull  Sojorne Seuerawnse Sexteyne Scathelok (Braches names) Solace Symfonye Spowse Strawnge Sufferawnse  Solible Soyowruaunte Seruysable (Tereris names) Sturdy  Sable Safere Symple {Sloote} {Syte}  (Houndis names) Tawndur Talbot Tremayne Turbeise  Tigale Trailer Tegon Traileboise Taileboise  Towkere Turke Traueile Troile Tabaryn  Trentaile Talkerre Tidan Thrifti Turkeise  Trauers Torkoplere Trusty Torve Tryare  (Braches names) Tamaret Trefoile Truwde Trewe  Trebille Tawne Tedewale (Tereris names) Tidore  Terry Toppe Terpyn Talewise Trifill  Tarde (Houndis names) Vagrawnte Valamownte Vailaunt  Veleyne Vapuruawnt Vertwe Volantyne Wakedale  Walker Wodelefe Wisedome Wodewarde Wyender  Wodewale Woderofe Wodeman Watirman Wynbawde  Wrawe Wynbucke Wyseman Warnere Wellyfedde  Warrokke (Braches names) Vyoll Vyolette Valis  Visemente Valeise (Tereris names) Vrry Wappis  Wilmot Wellytawȝt Wastepayne Christall Christabell  Yolante Yockyn Yeman Yolman Yolyn  Zachelle Zedewale Zepryne Etwyn Etkyn  Contackte Converse (Greyhoundis names) Arture Achilles  Andymay Albertyne Ampoyne Athym Ameaws  Abbotte Annore Arsyte Alberte Amys  Armetrewe Amelon Averus Asgudde Annewell  Awntrus Baby Boteler Bribur Bragger  Blackberde Brym Barefote Blankette Blameles  Badde Brente Brecheles Brewte Brynge-yne  Bryngehome Bere-awey Boste Boster Bowchere  Balle Ballarde Bordere Berdere Brayneles  Brayne Braselette Bryan Care Coke  Careles Colyn Colyer Childe Cayface  Cayme Cachefaste Curteise Charlis Clubbe  Cacche Cachepoll Cacchecurse Cormerawnte Compere  Conquerour Chorle Champyn Crakeboste Cruell  Calis Corage Chekke Cuffe Cappe  Dragon Dowȝty Derlynge Drawlacche Derdo  Daschelake Doglas {Drynkall} Ector Eglamowre  Elmys Ercules Engeste Frere Fawkon  Filbagge Fole Foly Farewell Fretherike  Fliȝt Feris {Filpott} {Foremoste} Gal‹aw›nte  Gaweyne Galias Gripe Gye Gowere Goby Grimbolde Go-bifore Go-byhynde Gentile  Gentilcors Go-byȝende Garter Hurle Holdefaste  Hardeware Holy Harlet Hentele Hawkyn Harde-ynowgh Honyball Hiefaste Hasilwayte Havegoodday Happy Holdere Horne Hardeyberde Hotome  Helpeles Harmeles Holande Harper {Hancaster}  Jewe Japer J[e]rownde Jetter Igo  Iwoll Javell Itogo Jolyvette Ido  Keuse Keules Kempe Kilbucke Kailewey  Liȝtfote Lamprey Lurdeyne Lyon Lybarde Lyarde Larwn Laweles Leper Lanchefaste  Luske Lumpe Loby Leydon Liȝt  Luste Lusty Lubike Makeles Mullynge  Muskette Merlyon Meyntenawnse Makeboste Mediller Marchawnt Moleyne Molyneux Makehitgood Marmyn Mouse Monke Menele Myne Mirthe  Mychere Nobull Nameles Nigarde Nymhiswed Noforse Nowthow Newget Neymys Nede  Negir Nowell Nosuche Nowthus Olyuere  Ouyrthwart Orpidde Okle Offa Ofterige  Olyfawnte Otewell Pander Plente Pereles  Panter Pusse Partener Plunket Persyvale  Plucke Parre Penyboy Palmere Pardonere  Pengowȝe Pawle Prymsawnte Prentise Purveyowre  Parte Priowre Pensefe Pultere Purchase  Pleyare Pompeye Quycke Quyte Queynte  Quysedon Ragge Russe Ruffyn Rumbilowe Recheles Rowlande Ruffe Romayne Ragor  Regarde Raggeman Rusteler Romwlus Rakette  Riȝt Rowte Rumbolde Reuell Rechemenere  Rifeler Rabbissche Redeles Souerayne Swepestake  Stancheboste Stewarde Sawmpere Sprynge Sparenot  Slugge Selde-ysey Soneforgete Sclaueyne Sloveyne Sirisson Saresyn Swifte Snacke Smylfeste  Spilparke Snappe Sigood Synewle Stopfawte Soleyne Stepfaste Stedefaste Strecche Sage  Swetynge Sterte Streccheforthe Stele-awey Sterte-awey  Stowte Strikelawnde Syre Suget Schakbagge Stykefaste Tullymully Triaunte Troye Trwnket  Tukke Tiraunte Turnetripe Tresowre Tancarde  Trinket Tynker Tarynot Trewante Tredefaste  Tumbelere Treserere Truste Takehym Tuleras Towche Thought Thrifte Tartir Turnebukke  Tripe Tripper Tredeweye Troilus Thlewe  Volante Vngayne Vengeabull Wype Wellyfownde  Welcome Wilby Wastell Whiteberde Wellawnde  Wantone Wynde-aweye Wo‹n›ell Wynfelde Wynall  Wolfe Wynlonde Wyse Wise-ynowȝe Wilde  Whanne Yevan Yowthe Yorke Yonkir (Greybicches names) Antigo Belle Chapelet Chiche  Chise Clenche Cusse Dawnse Eglentyne Fluse Frowe Galentyne Galyette Gente  Gentillot Gygge Gigelot Gil Hille Kerchefe Kyra Lamprwn Lemman Letego Matebrewne Mirrygo Mose Nonne Pynche Pynchere Polasene Prynkow Prynkelet Rollere Sare Sysotte Snekar Snygge Spynne  Swalow Teysarre Totte Trille Trise Truse Tapister Trippe Wenche Whirre Wrecche
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illithiddreams · 10 months
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motherofthecorvids · 11 months
Figured as my first post I should show off my currently existing OCs, so here’s the Dragon Ball ones. I have a lot of old OCs that I don’t use (my art isn’t great I’m sorry 🙏)
First up: Yamoshi
You might know him, he’s a canon character, but with 0 actual content besides filler explaining he’s THE legendary Super Saiyan, and a little info in BoG that implies?? I think, that he’s the original SSG but like…. no. Anyways I made him the Legendary Super Saiyan, capital L, cause it was interesting and it would fit more in line with the whole “A Super Saiyan only emerges once every 1000 years” thing which is still stupid anyways
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Next up: Cassa
Technically my first truly 100% original OC. I say technically because I had a few before but they don’t matter and are rotting in the ground. The name is not 100% original though I have met like 3 other people that have used it
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Next-er up: Kalot
I don’t have an image cause the only ones are old designs, but he’s got hair tied up and back, if you play Xenoverse 2 there’s a hair that’s like exactly like it, 12 for MSaiyans/Humans iirc
Even Next-er up: Kiln
He’s evil. And gay. What more could you want honestly
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Finally: Genesis
She’s a bio-android Majin. Probably my most creative idea, which is kind of sad
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Ok finally for realsies: Vega
Her hair is different when she gets older which j need to draw, but I haven’t yet
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Bonus! Ruta/Rutarot
I don’t make anything of her (and her fusion with Goku), but she has a special place in my heart because she easily has the best art I’ve ever made be of her (note: Her SSJ4 is not godly at all, it’s just purple)
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fullwets · 2 years
17 beloved
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
god. is it cheating to say Lando? he's just always been so so so so easy for me for some reason. he's just There in my head like red worms in a kitchen compost bin. as a bonus, I love talking Lando with u he's just FUN. (and getting to write him from other people's pov especially is just. !!!!!!! oh my god). he's a bitch he's a recluse he's an eight year old boy he's my girlfriend he's the prince of his empire he's EVERYTHIGN 2 me
if we go fictional characters then >:) writing arthur for the guy ritchie king arthur legend of the sword movie was sooo :mlems:. everyone stream kalots it's on netflix (I think)
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