#kaname has no mercy
atamascolily · 7 months
I keep seeing people saying variations on "Gosh, I can't wait to see Madoka fight Homura in Walpurgis no Kaiten!" and while far be it from me to rain on anybody's parade (the id wants what it wants), I can't help doing a double-take every time this comes up, because it's so dramatically different from my own viewing experience and perception of the characters.
Apart from the inherent assumption that violence is the only possible method of conflict resolution, you're telling me that Madoka Kaname, who wants all magical girls to be friends and team up together to fight witches, who repeatedly throws herself in between angry combatants who could break her like a twig, who tosses her best friend's soul off a bridge to break up a fight, who faces down a witch on the faint hope of getting said friend back, who sacrifices herself so magical girls don't have to suffer anymore, and whose reaction to finding that her best friend has become a big scary monster in Rebellion is to rush over and hold her hand--is going to fight Homura, of all people?!
Let's just say I'll believe it when I see it.
It's not that Madoka isn't capable of violence--she made that abundantly clear when she shot Mami at point-blank range to save Homura--but to say it's not her preferred solution is a vast understatement. Being forced to kill both Mami and Sayaka in quick succession devastates her--and if Homura hadn't been present, there was a very real chance of Madoka becoming a witch herself in that moment. When we do see Madoka fight, she tends to win in a single shot, as in later timelines against Walpurgisnacht. Maybe Devil!Homura is the only one strong enough to stand against her--but that assumes that Madoka would ever choose to fight her in the first place, no matter how angry/hurt/betrayed she feels, and no matter what Homura has done.
Madoka is not only the show's title character, she is its moral center, and the literal heart (there's even one on her magical girl outfit to drive the point home); the goddess she becomes, while still bearing death, is guided by compassion and mercy, not aggression and cruelty. Even if she were to fight Homura, it would be very much a "I'll kick your ass to bring you back to reality" kind of fight rather than one to kill.
Homua might well see herself as Madoka's enemy, but I don't think Madoka sees Homura as hers. Their conflict is real and deserves to finally be addressed, but ultimately it be can only be resolved by honest communication with each other. You know, that one thing Homura simultaneously craves and shies away from in equal measures, so it isn't like this is going to be easy! True emotional openness and vulnerability requires far more courage than blowing stuff up and always has.
It's tempting to see Homura and Madoka's reification as two opposite and opposing forces to be the primary conflict moving forward, but I think that will ultimately prove to be a false dichotomy. If the two are truly on the same level, the yin to the other's yang, neither can win against the other in the end; the only true ending involves them united as equals.
Instead, I see Homura vs. herself to be the ultimate conflict, with "self" taking a wide variety of externally manifesting forms thanks to previously established worldbuilding. The key visual for Walpurgis no Kaiten appears to support this premise, with Homura facing off against another Homura, while Madoka hovers in the background. It's not that I think Madoka isn't important, but the framing here certainly does not suggest that a violent struggle between her and Homua will be a large part of the plot.
And sure, trailers and promotional materials can be misleading--but like Kyubey, they generally do so by putting the truth in plain sight and trusting the audience to mislead themselves.
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goldyluna · 1 year
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I was gone, but I'm back again! Now with the last girl in my Madoka Goddess AU - Madoka Kaname.
Other girls:
Kyoko Sakura
Sayaka Miki
Mami Tomoe
Homura Akemi
Spoilers below~ (aka my rant about design and character)
I had a real problem with Madoka, because of few things. She already became a Goddess and had a new design and I couldn't think of her title for my series.
She already is a Goddess, I could take her outfit from the end of the anime, but 1. Where is the fun in this? and 2. It doesn't really... suit her. I mean, I understand the white and more mature look of her clothes, she now has a really difficult role with lots of responsibilities. But. It doesn't really feel like her. All of them had their costumes based on their own ideas and wants. All my designs before were based on their oryginal clothes as Magical Girls, so why I should do differently for Madoka? I still took some element of her ultimate form, but you can still look at it and say it is her. What she would wanted to wear. Still cute and pink, but suited to her role.
Madoka is naive, childish, but also so very optimistic and kind. I had problem to look for a patronage that would suit her. The one that she was in anime were weird for me. Mercy, redemption, and death. They gave her everything. And I guess, mercy suit her, but it doesn't suit my concept of Goddesses. But I finally realized that she always sacrificed her wish for others. That in every timeline we were shown, she became a Magical Girl not for herself but for others. To save friends or cat or people she doesn't even know. It is kinda stupid of her, I am sure there were more timelines where she irracionaly used her wish, where others wouldn't have. But it is so her. She always sees the best in others, never in herself. So it is only natural she would become a Goddess of Sacrifices.
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poisonousroxstar · 1 year
Platonic Yandere Madoka Kaname
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Plot Summery: Platonic headcanons for Madoka Kaname from Madoka Magia This Contains: ❣️ MAJOR SPOILERS FOR MADOKA MAGICA ❣️ Angst (character death), unhealthy themes & depictions of relationships (yandere stuff), not proofread. Note(s): so....I love Madoka and needed to pump this out. Thank you for your time!
Madoka is, without a doubt, one of the best yanderes to have out there, especially for a platonic darling. She's absolutely doting and caring, but also very clingy. And very delusional.
You're her world, the most amazing person she's ever met. She wants to always be around you, and never be apart. You just need to exist in the same space together, and she'll be content. Happy. And she wants you to be happy too.
She goes out of her way to do everything and anything she can for you. If you're hungry, she'll give you her lunch -- heck, she might even make extra just for you. If you're cold, she'll hold you close. If you're sad, she's determined to make you happy! Madoka is very self-sacrificial, to a dangerous degree. She throws herself into anything and everything for you, even if it'll hurt her in the end. As long as you're happy and safe, she's happy too.
Everyone can tell that you're special to Madoka. Her family and friends especially. I think some of them might get jealous, such as Sayaka, but seeing Madoka so joyful and happy around someone makes them all shut up about it. I think her family easily welcome you. Her mom thinks you're adorable, and her dad thinks the same. Tatsuya (her little brother) may end up adopting a similar clinginess to his sister, always wanting to be around you and thinking you're the coolest person ever. They think you're a good influence on Madoka, so they turn a blind eye to her abnormal behavior.
If you're a magical person yourself, then Madoka is even more protective, even if she isn't a magical girl yet. She wants to save everyone, but if left with an ultimatum, she'll always pick you above everyone else. You're her only real friend, above everyone else. As such, you'll always be her top priority. If Madoka is a magical girl, you definitely create a signature move together, it's a must!
She wants to see what you can do, and what you two can do together! If she's a magical girl, you both fight and work as an unstoppable duo, defeating witches and saving the innocent! Madoka lives in this sort of fairytale afterwards, where you and her fight for the greater good and defeat the foes of evil. Having you by her side makes her content and feel safe and strong. With you by her side, she feels like she can do anything.
If you ever died or become a witch, the grief and despair would be too much for Madoka to handle. If you've died, Madoka is staring silently at first. Then, she cradles your lifeless body and tries to wake you up, crying your name with increasing volume. She can't stop the years, and she can't stop her heart from breaking. And she can't accept this reality. If she hasn't made her wish yet, then she'll definitely use it to bring you back to live.
If not, the despair she feels makes her witch out, becoming Kriemhild Gretchen. As she feels the waves of regret and pain flow through her, Gretchen decides to destroy the world of any similar grievances. There is only brief happiness as she consumes the world for all its misfortune.
If you're becoming a witch, though still holding on. Madoka panics and does everything she can to try and safe you. Begging any of the girls something, anything to save you! If you asked her to mercy kill you before you become a witch, she outright refuses... at first. But the more you beg, the more you tell her just how much pain you're in and how you don't want to become a monster, she relents. As she shatters your Soul Gem, she does so through tears. And, again. She witches out, unable to bear the guilt.
Madoka also has a very high chance at dying by your own hand as you become a witch. It's not that she can't defeat you, it's that she doesn't want to. She can't, it's too much for her. She welcomes her doom as you kill her... maybe, when the other defeat you... you can both be reunited.
When Madoka does make her wish and becomes Madokami, she promises you that she'll always look out for you. She'll always be there for you, and whenever you feel alone, know that you never truly -- because she's there with you. If you're a witch, she takes away your Grief and replaces it with hope. And then, she takes you with her, joining you in her Law of Cycles.
Even when you forget who she is, Madokami never forgets you, her love for you too strong. Even as she becomes but a concept in the end, she holds true to her word, never letting you go.
In the end, she loves you too much for her own good. But as long as you live a long, fulfilling life, then Madokami can live all of existence knowing that you are and were happy. Even if she couldn't be in it anymore.
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sucantslay · 6 months
I can understand why he has this design but, he's living in my nightmare today (13/4/2024) for sure.
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Like, this is just some silly thought in the middle of the night but, knowing Happy Ele, they don't take design easily.
The fact that each character have their own face structure ( not many but you can understand what I'm trying to say ) and even different in eyes design really tell us that this game don't play: "Haha, let make an ugly character because we want to"
We talking about EYES here, just the EYES and they already getting in to such detail
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Some are made to look good on their own song, where they shine the most.
You can see it as clear as day light in Knights and Fine song:
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And can use character that had big eyes like Subaru and the expression might be different but it didn't change much:
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now compare it to Tatsumi
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It harder to see if he even try to or just decide to not follow choirs.
For clothes design, they're all very detail and lots of work and effort are putting into small patterns:
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Those are like, insane-
Back to the MC/producer things.
MC can wear clothes that make them easy to spot, but I'm not sure, because there is advice that the MC or the one who leads the show shouldn't wear clothes that make the main character of the show sink down.
Maybe this is just a foreshadowing of his personal or his style of dress. But since most characters don't follow that rule much, so I don't know.
One thing to be sure, Happy ele want us to give that guy and the new Unit?/ team attention. AND THEY DID, THEY SUCCEEDED. We all care about the group and curiosity grow like tree on crack not just because of the new group but also that "ugly looking guy"
Maybe someone saw that guy and went "What? Why? I never seen him before? This is real??? The. sreach it up and bam! They're excited about some new Unit.
Good marketing I guess.
I'm not into capitalization stuff so maybe this is all just a weird theory I made at middle night because I'm insane after the reveal.
( My friend thought that could be Kaname in the team and now I'm high on tears. I can't take it, pls...don't hurt me HE, have mercy on this small being )
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bleach-smashorpass · 6 months
Stats for characters J through L!
Fourth round of stats! There are 29 characters in the J - L group. Shinigami make up the majority this time with 14, Quincy with 6, Arrancar with 4, Soul with 3, and Human with 2.
👍 Most Smashable Characters.
SHINIGAMI: Jūshirō Ukitake with an 83% smash rate across 965 votes (801 Smashed / 164 Passed)
QUINCY: Jugram Haschwalth with a 65.2% smash rate across 287 votes (187 Smashed / 100 Passed)
ARRANCAR: Luders Friegen with a 37.1% smash rate across 197 votes (73 Smashed / 124 Passed) — technically an overall Pass.
SOUL: Kūkaku Shiba with an 87.6% smash rate across 266 votes (234 Smashed / 32 Passed) — the Overall Winner of this group.
HUMAN: Jackie Tristan with a 68.1% smash rate across 229 votes (156 Smashed / 73 Passed)
👎 Least Smashable Characters.
SHINIGAMI: Jirōbō Ikkanzaka with a 97.4% pass rate across 233 votes (7 Smashed / 226 Passed)
QUINCY: Jerome Guizbatt with a 96.8% pass rate across 240 votes (7 Smashed / 211 Passed)
ARRANCAR: Lumina and Verona with a 98% pass rate across 204 votes (4 Smashed / 200 Passed) — the Overall Loser of this group.
SOUL: Koganehiko and Shiroganehiko with a 90.1% pass rate across 223 votes (22 Smashed / 201 Passed)
HUMAN: Kūgo Ginjō with a 48.1% pass rate across 343 votes (178 Smashed / 165 Passed) — technically an overall Smash.
This is another round with bonus polls!
We already know Kūgo Ginjō placed in the least smashable characters whilst having an overall smash rate (51.9%) for our Human type, but he's also the least "least smashable" — his second form has the lowest pass of this group — 53.7% across 311 votes (143 Smashed / 168 Passed)
Kaname Tōsen had two polls this round, with his regular form securing an overall smash rate of 63.1% across 317 votes (200 Smashed / 117 Passed) and his hollow form doing significantly worse with an overall pass rate of 75.9% across 278 votes (67 Smashed / 211 Passed) — on this, the monster fucker website?
Should bonus rounds be included in part of the overall stats, or are they fine like this as fun extra info? Asking in anticipation of the seven Aizen polls on the horizon. (Lord have mercy.)
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Chapter Twenty: Final Straws
For Mature Audiences
CW: Mention of pregnancy and miscarriage, Aizen being crazy toxic and controlling. Choking.
The Visored joined the battle. Chisei stood there, staring in awe at the rag-tag group of Soul Reapers. A smile almost crept across her face until Shinji’s brown eyes glanced over to lock with hers for a brief moment.
”So my hunch was right… Sosuke poisoned you against me.” Shinji hummed, sighing. “Well, nobody said this was going to be a comfortable battle. Let’s get to work.”
Chisei almost said something, her mouth opened but Aizen spoke before she could. “Chisei, come here.” He offered his hand, staring down at her. The woman turned to him, swallowing dryly, but obeying.. For now. Her Hirenkyaku and high vertical jump helped her reach him, but taking his arm so that she could stay in the air with him. She didn’t dare look at Shinji or the others while in this position, wanting to keep herself as cool and collected as possible.
”You were busy in my stead.” Aizen questioned her, combing his fingers through her hair. “Helping the fracciones and keeping tabs on the Espada… Why is that?”
”They see me as their Queen. Unlike you, I’m merciful.” The woman said, watching the Visored began to make quick work of the Menos Grande. “The relationship I have with your army is very different from yours.”
”Oh? There was some resentment in there, my dear… Don’t tell me you’ve lost faith in me when we’re this close to our goal.” He held her hand tighter, but she knew this was a warning more than anything. “Perhaps it has something to do with the conversation you had with the Head Captain?”
”I’d hardly call that a conversation.” Chisei sighed, her pulse picked up. “It was more of a distraction waiting for you. The opportunity presented itself, and I utilized it in a way that worked.”
”In a way that worked for me, or a way that worked for you?” Aizen leaned in, his other hand rested on her shoulder. “Your spiritual pressure during that time wavered, like a newfound resolve…”
”You mean like I hardened my resolution? I handled it and came out unscathed, which is the only order you’d given me.” She didn’t look at him still, his hand began to move closer and closer to her face, landing on her throat when he gave her a jerk to stare at him.
”You’ve become a better liar, Chisei… Better, but not enough to fool me.” He stared down at her, those eyes that normally looked at her with warmth were now cold, calculated, and the grip on her throat tightening threatening her air supply. “Don’t do anything you’ll regret, my-“
Out of the corner of her eye, Chisei saw a flash of orange and a blade coming down near Aizen’s head. Shinji attempted to cut him down, rage painted on his face, before Kaname slashed at him in time to drive him back. Aizen’s hand on her throat loosened, and the woman turned her head in shock to watch Shinji. Blood gushed from above his eye, making her gasp.
”Shinji..!” Chisei stayed still, attempting to calm herself. Her heart was racing, she was afraid to move too far with her pulse still under his fingers.
”You got a lot of nerve putting your hands on her, you know…” Shinji grunted, “All she’s given up for you wasn’t enough?”
”Is it because she gave more to me than she did to you?” Aizen questioned, smirking. “I am simply reminding my wife of where we are at this point in time.”
”Wife? You’re kidding…” The blonde grit his teeth, gaze turning back to Chisei who was stuck clinging to the man to avoid falling.
Before she could speak, Captain Komamura joined the fray. He exchanged a small glance with the girl, then turned to Shinji. “I will help you in the fight. We are battling a common enemy.” He said, drawing his sword against Kaname.
”About time… Whatever gets this over with sooner.” Shinji began to huff. “Leave Sosuke to me.”
”I don’t think that will be happening today~” Gin. He swung at Shinji, forcing him further back and separating him from Captain Komamura.
Chisei watched carefully as the Visored began to help the captains with the Espada, starting to get worried. Aizen only accounted for the Captains, or at least that was what he told her. The Visored’s power added to it, they might actually…
”Perhaps bringing you here was not the best course of action.” Aizen said, removing his hand from her. “Your resolve for me is not as strong as I first believed…”
”What do you mean?” She looked up to him, shocked.
”Are you really an asset for my cause? Or should I have you step aside to ensure your safety?”
”Sosuke why are you asking this now??”
”I think you know exactly why I am, Chisei.” He stared down at her. “You wouldn’t be able to deal the finishing blow if required of you.”
The brunette froze at this, only holding onto him for her own safety at this point. She felt her entire plan was over, and she was sunk, but a roar of anger caught her attention. A large axe was thrown in their direction, but failed to connect with Aizen…
”Barragan…” Chisei said under her breath, watching the skeletal creature crumbling away before their eyes. “He was…”
There was silence from Aizen. Not a hint of emotion on his face, or deep in his eyes.The man didn’t seem to care that the second Espada had fallen… Something finally clicked for Chisei, and she released the man’s arm to let herself fall. Her husband didn’t stop her, only turning to watch her free fall back towards the rubble of the fake town. The structural damage in the town was starting to get bad, it was hard for her to find high enough spots to reach the other battles. Blut Vena rescued her from the brutal fall into the destroyed buildings, a loud thud from her impact alerting others.
Chisei huffed and used Hirenkyaku to start making distance between her and Aizen. No matter where she went, his eyes were on her, and she knew this. Stepping higher and higher, bringing herself as close to eye level with the rest of them when she perched herself on a high up building. Staying far away from Gin’s fight with Shinji as she knew she couldn’t help much against the snakelike blade.
”Hey, Chisei!!” Oh crap. Hiyori’s voice caught her attention. “The hell are ya doing with Aizen!? What happened to you!?”
”You know these people, Lady Chisei?” Hallibel asked, uncertain.
”Well… Yes. It’s a long story.” Chisei tried to keep her composure before sighing. “Hiyori, would you calm down?? I can explain…”
”Oh yeah, love to hear how you broke up with that lazy idiot then we find you here with him of all people? What lame ass excuse do you have for that!?! You knew what Aizen did and still went with him!” The short blonde was as fiery as ever, and her nature was throwing the supposed Queen back into wanting to retort.
”For gods’ sake, Hiyori can you cool it!?” Chisei huffed and growled under her breath. “He lied to me! He made me think all of his betrayal and what happened to you guys was a lie! As soon as I left Shinji, Sosuke moved things forward fast!”
”Lady Chisei?”
”Hah! You’re such a dumbass, I can’t believe you let him trick you that bad! You had all these warnings and yet here you are! You may as well have ‘I slept with Aizen’ tattooed on your forehead!!”
”It’s more than that.”
The sudden change made Hiyori freeze, Lisa started to listen more as did Hitsugaya.
”Chisei, you’re joking… Right..? He didn’t…”
The brunette nodded, as she was about to speak she overheard Aizen calling out: “That’s enough.”
”Lord Aizen…?” Now Hallibel focused on Aizen, who approached her slowly, before he drew his sword and slashed her across the torso.
”Hallibel-!?” Chisei gasped. “Sosuke, what are you—!?”
”You’re not strong enough to fight for me.” He said, letting her begin to fall. Hallibel grit her teeth and charged upward, though Chisei didn’t see a thing… All she could see was Aizen dodging calmly and stabbing her through the back, making the Queen choke on her breath. The Espada began to fall while Aizen flicked the blood off his blade, about to sheath it when another set of movement caught his attention.
Chisei stepped away, grabbing Hallibel carefully before bringing her back down to the ground. The tanned woman was out of it, but she did manage to ask. “My Lady, what are you…?”
”A true leader doesn’t turn on their own soldiers.” She said, letting the woman down gently. “And he doesn’t turn on them after they’ve laid down their lives for him..!”
”Lady Chisei… You…”
”Your fracciones are safe, I got them away from here…” Chisei slowly stood, starting to unzip her jacket. “I wasn’t going to let them die while I could do something. When you feel okay to move, Hallibel, take them and get out of here… Take care of yourselves.”
The woman took off her jacket quickly, draping it over the woman. Chisei was left in a black tube top she had requested, and as she turned her back to Hallibel there was a small white pouch sticking out from the green sash. She scaled the buildings to meet on the same level with Aizen again, keeping a stern look while squaring her shoulders.
”Why are you rewarding weakness, Chisei?” He asked, “The Arrancar simply were not strong enough to carry on the fight. Look around you. Three of the strongest have fallen. Including Coyote Starrk.”
Chisei glanced in the direction of where Coyote’s fight was, gritting her teeth, but she refused to take her eyes off Aizen. “If they lost the battle, they lost the battle. You don’t get to cut down your own men because they aren’t fighting at your level.” She shouted.
“At my level? That’s a statement.” He chuckled. “Do you think you can reach my level, then? In spite of your condition?”
”What-“ The brunette paused for a second, she was crunching numbers in her head, until she growled and shouted louder, “You bastard, you were keeping track weren’t you!?”
”Chisei, what is he talking about?” Hiyori snapped, and from the corner of her eye the woman saw Shinji shunpo over to hear the commotion.
”Chisei, you didn’t let him… Did you?” Shinji questioned, before the gravity of the situation began to hit. Anger began to bubble up inside of him, not wanting to believe it. “Sosuke, what did you do to her!?”
”It’s quite simple to keep track of a woman’s cycle to know when she is most likely to conceive. Our first night was one such time.” Aizen spoke calmly, watching Chisei for her reactions. With every statement, her expression hardened. “Though not anticipated, so was that one night more recently. When you know what to look for, certain mood changes, it’s easy to recognize when a woman falls pregnant.”
Chisei could hear the two behind her stiffen, her hands shaking. After a few seconds, she grit her teeth and summoned her bow. “…That doesn’t matter right now. What matters now is righting the wrongs. And the biggest mistake I made was choosing to trust you, Sosuke.” She spat. “I just have one more question… My family. What was your plan with them? You promised to keep them safe. Was that a lie?”
”It was not the full truth, as I knew that would set you off. Even if I did tell you when you became my wife.” He smiled, the calm warmth of the smile seeming grotesque with what came from his mouth next. “I promised to keep them safe… And in their case, the safest they can be is to not exist. They are a hindrance to your evolution, and are a detriment to their own survival.”
Silence came over the group, with Chisei holding the bow… She slowed her breathing, steeling her resolve, then began to chuckle.
”Chisei, what are ya…?” Shinji sounded concerned, but he didn’t approach her. “Take it easy…”
The chuckles rose to laughter, and Chisei flipped her hair back to stare down Aizen with a smile. “At least I know I don’t need to feel any remorse in fighting you. You treated my care as another experiment. It makes me glad that I never showed you everything I was working on!”
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irresistiibles · 2 years
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was that minatozaki sana? Oh no no, that was just madoka kaname, a canon character from puella magi madoka magica. They are twenty two years old, use she/her, and are aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
a solid five days or so
what is your character’s job
she’s a full time student part time cafe employee
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
shortly after sayaka becomes a witch. madoka is still a normal human girl but knows all details about how magical girls work and is pretty upset about it
has any magic affected your character
any other info!
okay so i’m gonna give a little summary about madoka, spoilers for most of the show, and i’ll mark when i get into spoiler free personality/plot idea territory 
so normal high school girl madoka hears a voice in her head asking for help. it’s kyubey, a cute little guy that i hate, who’s being hunted by homura
turns out kyubey can grant a wish in return for making girls magical girls, and they have to fight witches in return
madoka wants to become a magical girl but homura keeps trying to stop her. she doesn’t understand why
ultimately her best friend sayaka winds up becoming a magical girl to help this boy that she likes, but things quickly get bad for sayaka.
she discovers her soul is no longer a part of her body, and that all magical girls have their souls put into soul gems to keep them safe. they get mad at kyubey for not telling them but he doesn’t understand why
things just keep going downhill with the worst revelation that madoka has learned being that magical girls eventually turn into witches, and that they all eventually become the things they’re trying to protect people from
bigger spoilers now (yes it gets bigger)
madoka, without knowing it has been the center of a time loop homura is running to try and save madoka’s life. when they first met madoka was already a magical girl, using her wish to save the life of a cat, and homura ultimately made her wish to go back in time and try to save madoka
it hasn’t worked and as a result madoka has a pile of potential power as a maigcal girl 
this does end in madoka becoming a god and essentially destroying herself to save all the other magical girls, but madoka does not know that currently, nor does she know about the time loop at all.
listen i play nice characters but this is someone who used her kindness to rewrite the entire universe to be a kinder and more gentle place. i am not fucking around here
okay less spoilerly more just personality territory!
a genuinely nice and good person! madoka can be a bit shy, and hesitant, but she wants to be good and genuinely works towards that
time and time again madoka looks at a world that is cruel and uncaring but says that it doesn’t matter because she knows mercy and hope and love 
listen for all that the show is sad it’s also inherently hopeful and i think a lot of that is in madoka
she doesn’t have a lot of particular strengths like she’s fine academically but nothing special which kinda leads to this selfless need to help people which sometimes is good and sometimes is far too self sacrificing
she’s in college but doesn’t know what to major in and gets kinda discouraged struggling with her purpose
knows that magic and stuff is real and being in a city where it feels like everything is magical but her is gonna be rough
Stressed given the fact that the last time she aw her best friend she turned into a witch and she wants to go home
give her some friends!! she deserves them
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kamidol · 3 years
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judiicium · 5 years
tag dump !!
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goji-pilled · 2 years
MK-S: Had another thought about the Homura let’s it slip in a sleep-deprived hazed and Oktavia choosing to tell the Kanames on the same day; depending on how you (or anyone else) would want, I can think of a few ways to tweak the ratio of comedy to seriousness;
More comedic: Homura spills the beans, falls asleep, and Madoka has to awkwardly explain everything, and she can’t tell a convincing lie to save her life (Sidenote, I think it’d be funny if she ironically had the best poker face of the Quintet, but only when actually playing poker.) She tells her Mom about magical girls, witches, and then Oktavia. Junko doesn’t believe her, tells her to not lie, knock on the door, Junko sees Oktavia, and Junko apologizes to Madoka, who in turn says she understands. Junko has the 3-5 girls go and spend the night in the guest room, saying “If you’re still real in the morning, I’ll brew a pot of coffee, Tomohisa can make a large batch of eggs, and we can talk about all the magic sci-fi madness then.” Oktavia and co are relieved at this, as it may help them ease into interacting with the Kanames, almost like a nostalgic sleep over.
Middle of the road: Homura spills the beans and passes out. This time the knock on the door occurs before Madoka has been able to run out of poor excuses for why Homura said Sayaka was alive, and why Madoka said “No, no, of course Oktavia passed away.” “…who’s Oktavia? Do you really think we’ll believe you forgot the name of your best friend?” “…would you? Please?” Stuff like that. Then the knock on the door for Oktavia’s arrival. Junko answers and the 3-5 girls are present. Junko invited them in and (after hugging Oktavia and getting over how she’s alive, however long that takes,) she asks if the girls want any coffee; Mami says something like “Oh, you don’t have to do that for us.” But Junko clarifies that she’s making a batch because she needs one, she’s just asking who wants some of it; Either way, a fresh pot is going to be made. For more comedy, Homura could occasionally partially wake up, speak partially correct and partially nonsensical things, and then pass back out again.
More Serious: The knock occurs right as Homura lets it slip about Oktavia being alive. Oktavia and co are let in, and Junko says how Homura just mentioned something about that; Oktavia gets mad at Homura (who’s still awake, exhausted, and not thinking straight) accusing her of deliberately letting her secret slip, or of not being able to keep things secret. This causes something within Homura’s barely functional brain to snap, and could lead to her first reveal of the loops, or just the dark things such as times where the witch Oktavia killed Madoka and Kyoko, how Mami died by Worm or would try to blow their brains out, of how she had tried to warn Sayaka over and over, but she never listened, and of having to mercy kill Madoka. At this point Homura could finally collapse from exhaustion, with Oktavia realizing that Yuma’s not the only one in desperate need of therapy.
(I can also see Homura talking about her loops in the morning in the two non-heavy serious interpretations.) This way it’s still Oktavia’s choice, and also opens some doors on how hard it can be to keep secrets. These were just meant it get ideas rolling and to entertain, so I hope everyone enjoyed them. Have a good day, to one and all!
My personal favourite has to be the middle road, definitely.
(Also on a different note: I previously mentioned it before but Homura mentions the timelooping first when Kyoko shows up at Mami's doorstep with Oktavia, and then first properly spills when they got right of Walpurgis ((whether thats theough domestication or death doesnt matter)), which over the years she talks more and more about, even the bad bad stuff.)
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I had some words about my last question to offer you in return, so you might wanna take a look at my acc(just a suggestion ❤️), but I’m happy to play along.
(I know you have a very big Plan™️, but ignore that for a second) if you could change any one event that has happened between you and any character, what event and why?
This one is simple. I should have let Kaname kill Urahara Kisuke when he offered. It was, unfortunately, in the end, a mercy I could not afford.
And I have paid the price for it ever since.
To continue our previous conversation, I will say that I, too, suspect there must be an upper limit to the amount of spiritual pressure that Ruri'iro Kujaku can absorb. I wonder what limits it, however? Can Ayasegawa only take in an amount equal to his own reiatsu? In the mechanics of zanpakuto that might make sense, since Ruri'iro Kujaku is only a shikai release. Do you have any theories on what kind of bankai Ayasegawa can look forward to?
Or, do you suspect that given his relationship with his zanpakuto, he will never achieve bankai?
I will say that it is often difficult to judge someone's actual relationship with their zanpakuto. We should observe, after all, that Ruri'iro Kujaku has given Ayasegawa a 'fake out' release. That's a serious concession. Perhaps the two of them are in agreement that Ruri'iro Kujaku's power is the sort that is likely to turn people off.
Which makes me wonder why they agreed to hide? It's possible it's simply an issue of wanting to be beautiful, but...
I have long wondered if Ayasegawa's partner spent time in the Maggot's Nest. The rumor mill told me that Madarame reacted quite strongly when Kurosaki Ichigo mentioned that Urahara was his teacher. I highly doubt that a bruiser from the Eleventh would be so terrified of the head of research and development at the Twelfth... but Urahara did have a long stint as the warden of the Maggot's Nest. He was, from all accounts, quite terrifying in that position.
If so, how did he get out? I was never led to believe that people moved in and out of the Maggot's Nest with any kind of ease... mmmm. Something to ponder.
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magical-girl-coral · 3 years
Aizen for the ask meme?
Headcanon A:  realistic - Aizen has over a hundred pack-up plans in case of something in his strategy going amiss like a true cold-blooded tactician. When he says something is all according to plan, he's not pulling it out of his ass, he just never says which plan he's following.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious - Aizen practices his facial expression in the mirror like some old animator so his acting would be Perfect™. He always makes sure Gin isn't around during it.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends - There is being delusional with your cause, and then there is fucking Aizen. He literally could not see any wrong in his actions; betraying Shinji and replacing him means bringing Soul Society a much better captain, stabbing Momo was mercy in his eyes since he ruined her too much for recovery and even letting Kaname stay locked in a suicidal mindset was good because it means he'll stay on the path of True Justice. The weight of his actions was only brought later with his sentence to the Muken, and it was too late by then to change anything,
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own. - Aizen fully called out all of Shunsui's and Soul Society's mistakes to everyone's faces to explain why he chose to betray it. Shunsui understood his points and let him stay in the Royal Palace for one hour to see what Aizen would do.
Surprisingly for Shunsui, the first thing Aizen did was make sure that no soul would end in Soul Society after going through the purifying ritual, skipping that step and going straight to reincarnation, thus solving the overpopulation problem and sending less innocent souls to the Hollow slaughterhouse. Allowing Aizen to continue changing the afterlife for the better became the new Big Dark Secret, which, if you ask me, is ten times better than letting the entire universe hang my a thread of a corpse of a god.
Send me an ask meme!
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I've been reading your posts on characters and they made me think: are there any characters you like that are good/great people? ('Great' not in olivander sense, more 'aspirational' and not morally corrupt)
I’m going to assume you don’t mean solely from the world of Harry Potter, because Harry Potter is such a garbage pit that I can really only list a few characters and the best I can offer is “from what we see of them” and even then the one I strongly stand by I’ll admit I made up pretty much all the evidence I’d use (we just don’t see enough of them otherwise).
I think like truly evil villainous characters, truly noble and good characters are few and far between. You get a lot who are presented as such, but they rarely manage to prove it. More, there are other characters I would consider good, but have to take very difficult and questionable paths in life for a variety of reasons.
These are the best of the best. Those who are so blinding in their innate nobility that you go “MY EYES, I’M BLIND” when you stare at them. People who are so profoundly good, that even the other characters have no idea what to make of them.
So, with that, my list:
Shuzo Matsutani from “Now and Then, Here and There”
This is one of my favorite animes of all time but I will warn that it is some dark shit. It’s thirteen episodes and it is fast and furious on the emotional sledgehammer it throws down upon you. Anything I say would essentially be a spoiler but I will say that Shu proves the nobility of his spirit by not only enduring unimaginable circumstances but holding true to his beliefs in pacifism and friendship in spite of them.
Utena Tenjou from “The Revolutionary Girl Utena”
Utena is young and does have some flaws, in the beginning she is noble for the sake of being noble (she likes the idea of herself representing this archetype). Similarly, she sometimes projects the way she feels people should be onto them. But despite that she is deeply loyal, going above and beyond for her friends and even her enemies, and just has this glow of pure goodness about her.
Oscar Francois de Jarjayes from “The Rose of Versailles”
Oscar is at times hot-headed but always approaches her actions with an inherent nobility and goodness to her that her enemies can find no reproach with. She bears the discrimination against her often silently, despite her struggles in the world, and stands by her beliefs for the good of the people no matter the internal crisis it causes both her and her world.
Madoka Kaname from “Puella Magi Madoka Magica”
Madoka, while a relatively ordinary girl, is inherently kind to everyone around her and ends up sacrificing not only her life but her entire existence for a world that everyone can believe in and is capable of miracles.
Duck from “Princess Tutu”
Duck struggles with her sense of self, what she herself wants from life and the world, and so on but always does the right thing and more does it with such an ease you’d think it was the only choice she could ever have in the world even though you know it’s tearing her to peaces.
Carlisle Cullen from “Twilight”
Carlisle Cullen is a pacifist the likes of which the Twilight world has never seen nor heard of. The entire world thinks he’s crazy, even his own coven never quite gets him or his ideals, and he has such a deep respect for life in general that he has chosen to suffer for centuries rather than consume human blood despite everyone giving him a moral go ahead to do so.
Lily Evans from “Harry Potter”
To be fair, this is the one I’ve mostly made up. We really don’t see enough of Lily from canon to be able to tell. BUT GODDAMMIT I’M GOING WITH IT. We do know that Lily is often viewed as this Madonna style figure and one who sacrificed her own life to save her son. I choose to extrapolate that to put her in the ranks of these fine people.
Akane Tsunemori from “Psycho-Pass”
Akane’s belief in the law and optimism in mankind is such that within the show and the many horrifying trials she goes through she is incorruptable. As it is, SYBIL becomes so impressed with her that it both desires to assimilate her as well as treat her as an outside human consultant. Something that previously was unthinkable for the entity.
Dr. Elizabeth Shaw from “Prometheus”
Elizabeth is one of those characters who’s so unnervingly good that she convinces people that aliens actually exist, can be found, and inspires an expedition to find them. More, despite the many horrifying things that happen to her, she takes an action of exceeding forgiveness and mercy and embarks on a journey based solely on faith and optimism in mankind. 
Obi-Wan Kenobi from “Star Wars”
I know, you say, this guy? The truth from a certain point of view guy? Yes, well, I stand by it. Obi-Wan has a very difficult life but he chooses to defy everything he’s ever known in order to take Anakin as a padawan. This is when he knew Anakin was to be his own replacement, that Qui-Gon was all but ready to throw him out, and when he had no experience as anything other than a Jedi Padawan himself.
His and Anakin’s relationship is strained and complicated, but I believe Obi-Wan truly does love him and tries to do the best he can by him. Which, in the strangest of ways, makes Obi-Wan one of the most Jedi of all Jedi.
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unohanadaydreams · 4 years
Thirst ask 👅 Who do you think will agree to cock warming,if their s/o suggests it ? Or who will use it as punishment? Thank you in advance😆
I think a lot of the more patient and/or loving characters would absolutely give it a try.
Features: SMUT, 18+ content, cock warming, I think the first time I’ve written for Ryuken and Tosen in anyway tbh.
Featured characters: Ryuken Ishida, Kaname Tosen, Lisa Yadomaru, Akon.
Think Uryu, Ryuken, Chad, Nemu, Lisa, Love, Jushiro, Akon, Isane, Byakuya, Tosen, and Orihime. Ichigo and others might try it but he wouldn’t be able to handle it—he’d have to start moving.
Literally none of the Arrancar have the needed chill. I don’t think any of the Sternritter do either OR they would scoff at the idea. There might be some exceptions but they don’t have range like the listed do.
As far as punishment? RYUKEN. Daddy Ishida is going to make you sit still on his boner while he looks over files and reads over new research and if you squirm, it’s a firm smack to your ass and another fifteen minutes added to your sentence. He has a stop watch. And little mercy to speak of. Will never end in sex. At most, he’ll allow you to finish him off with your hands or mouth before demanding you away for the night.
Tosen would too. Justice demands penance, after all. He loves you and thinks you good so he’s not going to torture you in the way shinigami often do. But sentencing you the denial of pleasure while also punishing himself for daring to punish you, to cause any form of hurt to the one he loves ? Ah, the pleasures of self-flagellation, Tosen loves thee well. Never ends in sex, because he’s too ashamed to allow himself that.
Lisa does it when she’s bored. If you haven’t done something wrong, she’s glad to make something up! She likes to really torture you by lifting her shirt and playing with her boobs, stroking her clit, squeezing you in her hold. Yeah, eventually she’s going to pin you down and fuck you, but it’s no fun unless you’re convinced she’s has no intention to.
Akon would because his brain is wired to love the experiment of it all. If he does this or that, does it make you more or less likely to fail? He doesn’t make it a secret that he’s fascinated by your fluctuating success at keeping still both externally and internally. So, he’s sort of forced to make it a punishment, because you refuse to let him make you his test subject during his free time. He’s usually going to end his “punishments” with sex but sometimes he doesn’t. Just to troll you.
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owletstarlet · 4 years
owlet’s fics masterpost
(My natsume yuujinchou fics. Tumblr seems allergic to external links but if you prefer ao3, my username is twelvenervouscats. 
patron saint of the lost causes. gen, shibata and tanuma.  “You can stop looking at him like that.” Taki’s voice is frank, but not unkind. Katsumi could not be less in the mood for whatever the hell kind of conversation this is about to be. “Like what,” he replies anyhow. “Like you broke his best friend."
Request: the “I-almost-lost-you” kiss. tanunatsu. Please wake up.
Request: the first kiss. tanunatsu. Honestly. You’re both being morons and martyrs for no reason at all.
Request: families of choice. genfic. Shigeru doesn’t need to know the specifics, it’s in the way Takashi carries himself; in the very set of his shoulders.  
Gift fic: final fantasy xv AU. tanunatsu. They don’t know the half of ‘blasphemy’ where you’re concerned.
Request: a shy kiss. tanunatsu. Is that a new shirt?
Request: hurt/comfort, pining. tanunatsu. Thought you were meant to be getting more bandages, brat.
Request: futurefic, fashion statements. tanunatsu. He thinks he’s staring. He should probably stop staring.
put them back in poetry (if i only knew how). tanunatsu. Kitamoto just shrugs. “I mean, you do keep staring. And from the look on your face I can’t tell if you’re happy or if you’re having indigestion.” (Or, In Which Tanuma Kaname Is Terrible At Flirting.)
water, sunlight (tender mercy). “You’re full,” the spirit insists, eyes round and steady. “This will help.” (also known as, an ill-advised spin on hanahaki.) tanunatsu. 
the grand deeds of great men, the smallest of gestures. My hero. (or, in which tanuma has cause to use those childhood karate lessons for the first time in his life.) background tanunatsu. 
Never Felt Like Any Blessing. Natsume meets his eyes, then, and the smile he gives him is faint and vaguely nauseated. “You’ve got to stop jumping into weird gusts of wind for my sake, okay?” tanunatsu. current work in progress--
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
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stellarcanopy · 4 years
Magia Record - Doppel encyclopedia translations (OG series & spinoffs)
Since my original witch encyclopedia post has become very long, I’ve decided to split up the Doppels into their own dedicated posts. This is the post for the OG series cast, as well as the casts of spinoffs and franchise crossovers.
-Doppels for Arc 1 main cast -Doppels for the majority of the supporting cast -Doppels for characters related to Arc 2 -Enemy encyclopedia for Arc 2
KRIEMHILD GRETCHEN (Master: Madoka Kaname)
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The Doppel of mercy. Its form is salvation. The master of this emotion attempts to save all things in creation. This Doppel resembles a giant, floating Soul Gem. When it appears, everything around it is pulled into the interior of the substance it produces, and is thereby rendered helpless. Thereafter, the Doppel surfaces dramatically, shines, and embraces all of its surroundings in arrows of light. Throughout all this, the emotion's master sleeps continuously within the giant Soul Gem.
KRIEMHILD GRETCHEN (Master: Madoka Kaname (formal wear ver.))
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The Doppel of mercy. Its form is a New Year's congratulation. Within the Doppel's interior, the master of this emotion turns her thoughts toward the new year that's about to begin. This Doppel concentrates all the wishes made over the past year into this one moment, and bestows them upon its target as a merciful blessing. The sheer scale of the wishes dreamed of by this Doppel, a being alive for just a fraction of a moment, are sure to equally crush every creature on Earth, a planet that has prospered over many billions of years.
KRIEMHILD GRETCHEN (Master: Madoka-senpai)
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The Doppel of mercy. Its form is expulsion. The master of this emotion is identified as a foreign substance by her Doppel, and is mercilessly ejected from it. Having been separated from the representation of her emotions, only memories linger in its former master's mind. But as she relishes those memories, they exude a new wave of emotion-- and its charmingly quirky voice will surely mow down every enemy that she can see down below.
KRIEMHILD GRETCHEN (Master: Madoka Kaname (swimsuit ver.))
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The Doppel of mercy. Its form is salvation. The master of this emotion is en route to a summer resort, her heart aflutter at the thought of all the rare experiences that one can only enjoy during this brief window. This has affected her Doppel's appearance as well, but because its master struggles to visualize what the resort will actually be like, the Doppel's body has transformed into a serving of special fruit ice cream. Everything in the vicinity that this Doppel absorbs will be bathed fairly and evenly in cold syrup and fruit. Though they experience freezing cold as a result, it's said that enduring the cold will lead to both salvation, and the ability to exalt the glories of any summer one could have. Throughout this, the emotion's master dreams of eating delicious fruit ice cream as she sleeps.
HOMULILLY (Master: Homura Akemi (glasses ver.))
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The Doppel of closed circuits. Its form is the near shore. The master of this emotion leaps through time, cycling through countless bouts of trial and error. As she continually accumulates karma, she and her Doppel have almost entirely fused together. Her skin becomes glass, her expression is frozen like a doll's, and she stoically continues attacking until her target falls silent. Even compared to other Puella Magi, it's far too witch-like of a sight. In addition to manipulating time sand, this Doppel can extract information of low importance from the alien creature sitting on its hat, and solidify time sand into a replica of any weapon that exists on Earth.
HOMULILLY (Master: Homura Akemi (swimsuit ver.))
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The Doppel of closed circuits. Its form is the near shore. In the midst of her trial-and-error journey through time, the master of this emotion made her way to this beach. Perhaps because she's hopped up on the warm summer sun, her Doppel's form is far more vacation-esque. With the mysterious techniques accessed from the alien creature secured on her sunhat, she can generate a palm tree that fires volleys of coconuts. Being struck with supersonic coconuts would devastate any witch to begin with, but since the game mechanics mean her Doppel's attacks are guaranteed to hit, anyone who finds themself in her crosshairs should pretty much just give up. For some reason, the palm tree also boasts a very high accuracy rate, and to be frank, it allows her to target a single enemy much more carefully and stubbornly than usual. Please think of this as a positive change.
HOMULILLY (Master: Homura Akemi)
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The Doppel of karma. Its form is the near shore. The master of this emotion traverses many worlds in search of an exit, weaving together vast threads of fate in the process. Almost her entire body has turned to glass, and serving behind her are 14 incomplete bodies born from her emotions. These 14 bodies eliminate obstacles in a businesslike manner to help their master achieve her goals. They diligently knit together more and more threads of fate regardless of their master's will, and this intricately-tangled fate will likely drive their master into a labyrinth that is even more difficult to escape. These emotions do not yet have names to describe them.
HOMULILLY (Master: Homura Akemi (formal wear ver.))
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The Doppel of karma. Its form is a treasure ship. The master of this emotion turns her thoughts towards the lost, shining light that she left behind in the previous year. The 7 bodies carried by the treasure ship are residue born from the emotions that their master attempted to sever upon departing for the new year. Their expressions, however, have been painted over by their master's regret, rendering the original emotions impossible to discern. This Doppel struggles to bear the weight of its master's regret, and crushes its enemies by flinging it away, ship and all. The brighter she perceives the new year's sunrise to be, the heavier her regret becomes, so the 7 bodies wear glasses to avoid being blinded by the morning glow.
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The Doppel of romantic yearning. Its form is a mermaid. The master of this emotion was anguished by love, as many her age are, and chose a fate too cruel to fully bear on one's own. Her Doppel, too, dreams of love as it swims freely through the air, producing sound from its hollow body for its master's sake. It can even attack by using its sound waves to fling and manipulate countless swords, but as long as its master continues to use this Doppel, she may well be unable to escape the discontent that she feels deep in her chest.
OKTAVIA VON SECKENDORFF (Master: Sayaka Miki (formal wear ver.))
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The Doppel of romantic yearning. Its form is a mermaid. Though the master of this emotion has been anguished by love all the way to the year's end, she's positively delighted by this opportunity to don her favorite formal wear. Even so, the unease borne out of her unchanging love still lurks within her heart, quietly tormenting its master. Her Doppel has been just as lovesick, but when clad in these auspicious symbols, its confidence soars. Its glow practically seems to bestow good fortune and ward off disaster, and it fearlessly charges forward no matter what obstacles may lay in its path. Those crushed by its sheer force will witness the sun and Mount Fuji in their final moments, and will surely be able to put the sight into a masterful piece of brushwork.
OKTAVIA VON SECKENDORFF (Master: Sayaka Miki (surfing ver.))
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The Doppel of romantic yearning. Its form is a mermaid. The master of this emotion averts her eyes from the fundamental truth that "unannounced feelings cannot reach their recipient," and continues to wait for a coincidental opportunity-- her "big wave of summer"-- to arrive. As such, this Doppel has an overabundance of free time, and begins swimming around exuberantly as soon as it's set free. Its offensive techniques are a pure combination of kinetic and potential energy, utilizing the accelerating passion of summer and the overwhelming mass of a lovesick heart to crush its enemies into dust. After the relief that accompanies this momentary expulsion of emotion, the Doppel's master will most likely continue trying to convince herself that "her ideal opportunity still hasn't arrived".
CANDELORO (Master: Mami Tomoe)
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The Doppel of invitation. Its form is fancy dress. The master of this emotion does not trust her Doppel, and continues fighting as per usual. This Doppel is extremely small compared to others. Combined with the fact that it's situated on its master's head, this means its master hardly ever takes notice of its presence. It's even doubtful as to whether they can communicate with each other, and so the master simply fights as normal. Nevertheless, her Doppel cheers her on. This Doppel usually seems small and unreliable, but its vines wield more than enough destructive force to pierce its enemies.
CANDELORO (Master: Holy Mami)
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The Doppel of worship. Its form is a halo. The master of this emotion clung to the salvation that was offered to her after her darkest night of despair, and obtained a new miracle with which to overcome the fear and anxiety she would have otherwise found unbearable. Thanks to this change in its master's mentality, this frail Doppel's form has been altered from what it once was, and it wishes to save its master as she saves others in kind. Its "Tiro Saint-Doppelion" is a cannon salute that announces new hope to heartbroken girls. *(Also, she named it Florence.)
CANDELORO (Master: Mami Tomoe (swimsuit ver.))
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The Doppel of everlasting summer. Its form is sunny cheer. The master of this emotion is in joyously high spirits after gaining allies who she can fight alongside with. She's trying to maintain her usual degree of composure out of the desire to be a model mentor, but perhaps as an inverse reaction to this, her Doppel is unable to hide its passionate and tropical appearance. By maintaining a dangerous balance between the Doppel's unrestrained explosive power and the master's calm control over its aim, they wield unparalleled combat capabilities as a result.
OPHELIA (Master: Kyouko Sakura)
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The Doppel of self-abandonment. Its form is a warrior actress. The master of this emotion doesn't trust her Doppel's enigmatic power, and borrows its weapon in order to bear arms by herself. Judging by this Doppel's abilities-- manipulating mist, producing illusions, using suspicious hypnosis magic-- one may imagine that its master only sees it as a loathsome reminder of her past. Nevertheless, her Doppel holds the past regrets that she stowed away in the depths of her emotions, and despite being suspicious of it, she allows it to assist her somewhat in attacking once it's been summoned. Also, the candle holder that runs around while carrying the master appears to be a separate individual from the fluttering robe; the latter is the Doppel's main body.
(*This Doppel's JP description was initially different. According to Inu Curry, it was an in-progress draft version. "The master of this emotion doesn't trust her Doppel's suspicious power, and borrows its weapon to attack instead. Even without its weapon, however, this Doppel is adorned with a variety of craftwork, which it uses to support its master by projecting mist from its sleeves, hypnotizing enemies with the pattern on its inner lining, and so forth. The candle holder upon which its master stands is adorned with not just horse legs, but also the head of the master's younger sister. Though listless, it stands ever upright and protects its master. Should the master ever decide to exhaust everything she has, both she and her Doppel will become the flame atop the candle holder, and her sister will likely vanish along with them.")
OPHELIA (Master: Kyouko Sakura (swimsuit ver.))
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The Doppel of self-abandonment. Its form is a warrior actress. The master of this emotion doesn't trust her Doppel's enigmatic power, but since she's temporarily become able to swim, she's actually on cloud nine. And though she normally views her Doppel as nothing but loathsome, it can use its hypnosis magic to project a vision of swimming freely through the sea, which transforms it into a source of elation for its master. This is also reflected in its method of attack: the Doppel has fused with a large mirror, with which its master can collect the sunlight beaming down behind her and concentrate it into a ferocious heat ray. If there is nothing left to attack, they ride away on the candle holder (now a sea turtle) and swim along with the fish.
CHARLOTTE (Master: Nagisa Momoe)
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The Doppel of tenacity. Its form is sweets. The master of this emotion becomes thoroughly attached to any person or thing that tugs at her heartstrings even once. Her actions may seem wretched at times, but a deep love runs through their foundation. This Doppel isn't a fusion type, but it does take the form of a mask that emerges from its host's nose and wraps around her entire face. While using this Doppel, its master sits in place without moving a muscle, as if staring fixedly at the target of her tenacious attachment.
CHARLOTTE (Master: Nagisa Momoe (Valentine’s ver.))
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The Doppel of tenacity. Its form is melted chocolate. The master of this emotion always misidentifies the target of her tenacious attachment. Upon seeing a chocolate cake, she'll surrender to its luscious brown temptation and try to swallow it whole, but will find her stomach filled with milk-white no-bake cheesecake instead. This Doppel sometimes responds to its master's desire by deliberately going for the cheesecake in the first place, but on these occasions alone, it finds its stomach filled with actual baked cheesecake.
CHARLOTTE (Master: Nagisa Momoe (swimsuit ver.))
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The Doppel of tenacity. Its form is soda. The master of this emotion doesn't want to go back home, and is trying to create one last, great summer memory. Her Doppel resonates with its master, and wants to soak everything around it in a young, verdant summer hue. It sucks the carbonated juice that surrounds it into its mouth, then sprays it and lets it pop absolutely everywhere. Everything the juice touches practically bursts with fun: people bursting into motion, personalities bursting with joy, hairstyles bursting with individuality, et cetera. No matter what scene results from the Doppel's influence, everyone gets high on the carbonated scent, and there's nary a scream of terror or pain to be heard. Incidentally, the Doppel seems to dislike sparkler fireworks, as they seem to declare the end of summer.
SOTRIA (Master: Oriko Mikuni)
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The Doppel of anguish. Its form is a ballroom dance. The master of this emotion has made it her mission to change the future that she foresaw. Wind blows, flowers scatter away, and their petals wander astray into another world. As heavy mist envelops all of one's surroundings, the time comes at last. The mist blends together with the wafting petals, the curtain rises on the banquet, and this Doppel begins its dance. When the steps of its dance have reached their highest peak, all enemies vanish like a flower in a storm, and a sacrifice is offered on the ballroom floor.
SOTRIA (Master: Oriko Mikuni (ver. Final))
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The Doppel of anguish. Its form is a ballroom dance. The master of this emotion has made it her mission to change the future that she foresaw. Its violet rose petals are portents that carve apart any enemy set to play a role in events yet to come. As the wind blows and begins to dance, this Doppel's ball begins. The bats accompanying it are not servants, but rather partners that perform alongside the Doppel's master. When the master and her Doppel generate countless giant needles with which to skewer their target, the bats likewise slice apart the target in concert with them. Their constant rhythm produces a frenzied harmony, and as the dance floor's heat reaches its highest peak, they spur the Doppel on to dance until its roses have been scorched black.
LATRIA (Master: Kirika Kure)
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The Doppel of enticement. Its form is needles. The master of this emotion swears absolute loyalty to the benefactor who saved her. This Doppel's needles are hardly limited to piercing through the enemies that it confronts. They even pierce through its master's fate, sewing it into place. This represents its master's all-sacrificing loyalty to her benefactor, to whom she entrusts even her life, as well as symbolizing the peril of how its master can only maintain herself by depending on others. The sharper the needles are, the more stitches they create, and the more difficult it becomes to remove them. However, this represents nothing less than the master's dearest desire.
PISTIS (Master: Yuma Chitose)
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The Doppel of guidance. Its form is droplets. In opposition to her own feelings, the master of this emotion has been evaluated as "not useful." A dilemma: despite wanting to guide events in a good direction, nobody expects any such thing of her. This Doppel was born from that very dilemma. This Doppel's form is built from and maintained by intricately-intertwined emotions that she holds despite her young age... or rather, emotions that fermented because of her young age. There's a gulf between the place where her imagined, ideal self stands, and the place where she stands right now. But there's no doubt about the fact that both those places have her feet firmly planted on them.
CAROLA (Master: Kazumi)
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The Doppel of hunger. Its form is a black chef. The master of this emotion is very particular about food, many times moreso than other people. It doesn't matter whether its targets are Puella Magi, witches, or whatever else. It will cook anything it can get its hands on, and stuff it into its body. It's a chef born of pure appetite; a Doppel of gluttony that devours everything in its path and returns it all to nothingness. Its table is always set with countless plates. If you're seated next to it in battle, you'd better hope you don't end up on the menu yourself...
CAROLA (Master: Kazumi Subaru)
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The Doppel of hunger. Its form is a gourmet. The master of this emotion has become more relaxed and forward-looking, thanks to her existence being affirmed. This Doppel has become more relaxed along with her: no longer driven by pure greed towards food, it can sit back, chew that which it puts in its mouth, and enjoy the flavors fostered by the food's ingredients. That being said, it'll still cook anything it can get its hands on-- Puella Magi, witches, or whatever else-- and stuff the result into its body. But it's become more refined than it was before, and no longer sprays bits of food in the vicinity. Its table is only set with one single plate for itself.
CATERINA (Master: Umika Misaki)
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The Doppel of last writing. Its form is a bookworm. The master of this emotion harbors a strong desire toward linguistic self-expression and the completion of stories. Fictional tales aren't the only stories to exist. Everything in this world, across the entire expanse of creation, contains a story. And as long as those things continue to exist, their stories continue to be written. But by erasing the very existence of whatever being wove a particular tale, this Doppel brings that being's story to an end. The pen is brought to a forcible halt, and none will appear to write a continuation.
ANTONIO (Master: Kaoru Maki)
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The Doppel of hot-bloodedness. Its form is a minotaur. The master of this emotion bears a strong sense of responsibility, putting care of others before care for herself. Her Doppel sees defeating an opponent in battle as its own personal "goal", and until it crosses that goal line, it'll relentlessly charge forth like a fighting bull. It focuses purely and completely on its goal, without giving anything else a single glance. No matter how many blows it receives along the way, it'll never show its back to its enemy, and the blood that gushes forth from its wounds boils hot like magma. Once it passes by, a scorching trail like the mark of a branding iron will surely be left in its wake.
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The Doppel of sacred fire. Its form is that of national salvation. The master of this emotion has a pure and good heart, free from any immorality. The countless crosses that the Doppel beckons down from the sky are no mere crosses; they're inverted crosses that symbolize the denial of divinity. All those who feel their presence shall ceaselessly disgorge their sins, be wrapped in purifying flames before one's eyes, and finally be burned away to ashes. No matter who or what stands before this Doppel, it shall find sin within them and expose it before the light of day. In short, one has no choice but to accept the full brunt of its absurd purity.
OBSCURITE (Master: Liz Hawkwood)
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The Doppel of obsession. Its form is a silhouette. The master of this emotion feels deeply for others, even when she herself is faced with a grave predicament. It can be said to be a law of Providence that where there is light, there is always shadow. However, it is another law of Providence that as long as something stands in the shadows, it cannot accept any light unto itself. This Doppel is a shadow, always found close by the side of a hero favored by bright light. It is like darkness itself, never allowing anyone to grasp its true nature. It is precisely because of this shadow, however, that the light's presence stands out all the more. The two of them are linked together by Providence's inseparable bond.
LA HIRE LA HIRE (Master: Melissa de Vignolles)
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The Doppel of disintegration. Its form is fury. The master of this emotion has a gentle disposition, and makes a good impression on everyone around her. When a force or action acts on another entity, it's pushed back by an equal and opposite "reaction". This Doppel is the very definition of an inverse reaction to its master's personality, with its fundamental nature symbolizing fury. It will beat down anything that opposes it until said opposition has disintegrated, and the more torment its master's peace-desiring heart endures, the more fiercely its power surges forth. It's completely vulnerable to continuous attack, but that's no reason to take it lightly.
EIN ROTER DRACHE (Master: Elisa Celjska)
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The Doppel of pride. Its form is a raging dragon. The master of this emotion holds fierce pride in the Order of the Dragon, of which she is a member. This Doppel is likewise a manifestation of that fierce pride, and represents the primal nature that burns within her like a flame. It also connotes both the sense of responsibility with which she performs her duty in the Order, and the heavy pressure that accompanies it. When this dragon reveals itself, it will surely trample and devour the battlefield, showing unparalleled strength with its tyrannical might.
CAPRICIEUX (Master: Minou)
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The Doppel of cruelty. Its form is a mischievious cat. The master of this emotion sets the stage of the battlefield like a conductor waving her baton. It may take the form of a cat, but the depths of its mischevious grin are unimaginably dark, and a fearsome, insanity-laden instinct hides within its furthest reaches. Its ninefold waving tails are each equipped with an implement of torture. Every time it waves its tails, the tails hunt and harm those who oppose it, and continue to do so until its victims can no longer move-- much like how a cat simply plays with its prey, rather than hunting it.
PLAISIR (Master: Corbeau)
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The Doppel of masochism. Its form is a moon-cawing crow. The master of this emotion rushes about in a wild, mad frenzy, and loses her mind with joy... As the physical manifestation of such unbecoming tastes, this Doppel takes the form of a crow that caws in enjoyment of the moonlit night. An aberrantly-shaped being that strikes dread in the hearts of all who see it, born from the final throes of manic revelry. Those who confront this Doppel are sure to feel terror from the very bottom of their hearts. But this is no ordinary fear-- as the sort of fear that can be engendered only by those who live their lives on Death's door, those who taste it will have their sense of self destroyed, and eventually be led to insanity.
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The Doppel of sadism. Its form is a weeping hare. The master of this emotion holds feelings of utter brutality in her heart. It may appear to be an adorable rabbit, but one must take absolute care not to lower their guard near it. In reality, it's the exact opposite of the impression its appearance may give off. Should one be captured by it, they will be overwhelmed as if caught in the fangs of a wild beast, then innocently, playfully, and most cruelly tormented. Accompanied all the while by its pure and terrifying laughter, which resounds far and wide... If one meets this fate, the only option left is to accept the fact that your luck has run out.
ISABEAU (Master: Isabeau de Bavière)
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The Doppel of dominion. Its form is La Reine's Twilight. The master of this emotion seeks dominion and influence ad infinitum, for as long as she exists. The curses scattered by this Doppel are themselves a death-bringing darkness to all other humans, and if bathed in these curses, those without a resistance to them will instantly vanish from existence. The joy its master derives from this sight is synonymous with purification to her. The more her surroundings are stained with despair and darkness, the brighter her Soul Gem's rhapsodic light shines.
HERMES TRISMEGISTUS (Master: Perenelle Flamel)
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The Doppel of alchemy. Its form is a unified god. The master of this emotion divides, refines, and synthesizes purely in accordance with her curiosity. This Doppel embodies a unified divinity born from a heart that strives to reach mysticism's highest peak, and bears the role of a messenger who links the mortal realm with realms beyond. As such, it can request intervention from higher dimensions to aid its master in times of crisis. But because its master believes that all things in nature are part of a closed Cycle, she interprets this dimensional rift as proof that the world still holds mysteries that her wisdom cannot describe. This deepens her curiosity ever further, and she often forgets to avoid the danger as a result.
CLOTHETTE (Master: Suzune Amano)
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The Doppel of promises. Its form is a kagerou. The master of this emotion keeps a fire within her. Its flames both burn with her desire for revenge, and symbolize the bond between her and her benefactor. But as they rage with the desire to exterminate her sworn enemy, witches, they likewise scorch their host, who is burdened with a harsh fate. The shimmering mayfly formed by these flames may well represent that very thread of its master's life. Perhaps because of this, the echoing chime of its many linked bells reaches deep into the souls of any who listen to it. Whatever it sees in the scenery wavering beyond the flames is a mystery to all but its master.
ELISE (Master: Matsuri Hinata)
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The Doppel of dreaming. Its form is a curtain. The master of this emotion desires a peaceful world. If one gazes at reality, they find it overflowing with things from which they'd rather avert their eyes. But if they put themselves in the hands of this Doppel, it'll pull them far away from the tragic real world. It envelopes them as if shutting out the world outside, and will eventually entice them to sleep, but the only thing that awaits them is a dream bedecked with terror. The panorama that stretches out before them will intensely disturb and destroy their mind. Nobody ever said dreams are always enjoyable... This too is reality, in the end.
RENARD (Master: Arisa Narumi)
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The Doppel of cowardice. Its form is arms of iron. The master of this emotion fears solitude. After being one-sidedly beaten down by those around her, she was left in a world of helpless isolation. There was nothing to do but sit there in a state of melancholy. The only way to escape was to take the opposing position-- to obtain enough strength to hit back anything the world could throw at her. This Doppel is undoubtedly a manifestation of that strength, but atop its hands sits its master's deeply-held fear of reverting to her previous solitude.
SPICA (Master: Chisato Shion)
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The Doppel of justice. Its form is a loudspeaker. The master of this emotion imposes upon herself the need to be right and correct. Her Doppel, which believes in the justice its master advocates, attempts to broadcast its master's voice to all the people around her via its microphone, but the magnified voice that echoes out from its various speakers is far too loud to serve as anything other than noise. Even if its master were to hypothetically order it to stop, the Doppel can't hear her over the sound of its own noise, and will not cease until all people act as they should.
ODETTE (Master: Haruka Kanade)
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The Doppel of exhibition. Its form is a gazing eye. The master of this emotion persistently clings to the achievement of perfection, in order to wipe clean the irreparable sin that she committed out of a fleeting whim. This Doppel searches for its master in order to bestow punishment upon her, but since its large eye cannot catch sight of the master directly below it, it is eternally unable to find the sinner it seeks. In the absence of anything else to do, it fulfills its raison-d'être by searching its vicinity for those who unconsciously bear sin of their own, and exhibiting said sin to them.
CARMEN (Master: Tsubaki Mikoto)
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The Doppel of avengement. Its form is a shrine gate. The master of this emotion is haunted by memories of her revenge in the form of nightmares to this day. This Doppel loathes the sworn enemy that drove its master's fate off course and stole her loved ones from her, to an even greater extent than its master herself does. Thus, it repeatedly shows past memories to her, pushing her to re-enact her revenge. Each time she enacts revenge, however, her enemy's form is obscured by clouds and fades away, thereafter tormenting her as a mere nightmare and burning further feelings of loathing into her.
(This space reserved for Kagari Hinata.)
刀 牛 (Master: Hitagi Senjougahara) *Like Tsubasa's Doppel, its name is a nonexistent kanji. In this case, it's the top-right part of 蟹, which is... even harder to write in Tumblr formatting than Tsubasa's. Oh well??
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The Doppel of tsundra. Its form is a weight crab. The master of this emotion cannot clearly distinguish the subject of her feelings, conducting herself in an awkard, thorny manner. This Doppel expresses its emotions in a similarly severe way: it takes the many stationery supplies that its master carries to compensate for her fading sense of presence, and turns them into weapons by increasing their weight by several hundred kilograms. In contrast to its master, this Doppel can only vaguely distinguish its original form as an Oddity. Even if the subject of its master's dormant feelings happened to be surprisingly close by, the Doppel would probably use their weight as nothing more than a simple paperweight to hold its own identity together.
咼 (“Yugamu”?) (Master: Mayoi Hachikuji)
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The Doppel of wandering astray. Its form is a lost cow. The master of this emotion wishes only to return to her mother's house. This Doppel, on the other hand, believes itself to be its master's true mother, and in order to protect its master from the cruel fate that awaits her, it creates many spatial vortexes in front of her to prevent her from returning home. Those unlucky enough to be caught in the vortexes will be trampled and killed by the Doppel, and will be destined to wander eternally between the realms of life and death.
袁 (“En”/“On”?) (Master: Suruga Kanbaru)
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The Doppel of violence. Its form is a monkey's paw. In contrast to her good-natured disposition, the master of this emotion keeps pitch-black feelings deep in the bottom of her heart. The negative emotions hidden behind its master's openly-expressed desires are taken into account by this Doppel, and it attempts to grant those wishes through violent means. This Doppel emerges by way of its master's soul temporarily yielding to her subconscious negativity; however, it is constantly attempting to catch her off guard in order to take control of her mind and body permanently. Should its master ever grow weary of this competition and be defeated by her negative emotions, she will most likely be reduced to one single devil, forever unable to return to human form.
它 (“Hebi”?) (Master: Nadeko Sengoku)
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The Doppel of spellbinding. Its form is a snake-cut rope. The master of this emotion wants to keep dreaming of happiness, with her unrequited feelings hidden away in her chest. This Doppel takes the form of a massive snake god, created from the long forelocks that its master grew out to prevent her heart from being known. It will fatally curse those who try to intrude upon its master's heart, by turning their own curses back upon them. It attacks by twisting its scale-covered body together like countless ropes to bind its foes. This savage method of offense is also an inverted reflection of its master's desire to tie down and possess the object of her affection.
犭苛 (Master: Tsubasa Hanekawa) *This Doppel's name is a made-up kanji, combining the radicals 犭 (from 猫 / “cat”) and 苛 (from 苛虎 / “harsh tiger”). If the kanji had an actual pronunciation, it’d be... “Ka,” maybe?
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The Doppel of heartache. Its form is two shadows. The master of this emotion channeled her enormous suffering into a two-bodied Doppel that serves as her own shadow. One shadow, the hindering cat, sucks away the strength of those it touches, while the other, the harsh tiger, burns everything to ash with its flames of jealousy. The two shadows are manifestations of its master's negative emotions, which she cut off in her attempt to live a perfectly correct and upright life, and are here because its master needs them. Each time she summons the two shadows, she loses another two of her precious feelings, but she is unlikely to feel any regret over that.
鬼 (“Ki”/“Oni”?) (Master: Shinobu Oshino)
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The Doppel of immortality. Its form is an Oddity-slayer. The master of this emotion loathes her eternal life, and desires nothing but her own death. This Doppel is the direct manifestation of the legends told about its master as the iron-blooded, hot-blooded, cold-blooded vampire, the slayer of Oddities and the master of Oddities, “Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade”. In response to its master's drive for death, this Doppel uses the demon sword “Kokorowatari” to obliterate any and all Oddities, yet the blade will never be pointed at its own master.
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