#kaspbrak -uris oc
zapalimesvet · 8 months
I decided to drop here some of the Jane Uris lore because I changed her AGAIN.
Here is Jane beating up Henry some weeks before school ends:
1989 June. Derry, maine
She was going down the school stairs. Her shoes were cracking on the shinny floor that was usually covered with mud but today it’s gonna be dirty with Henry Bowers’ blood. Jane went through big green opening doors, went to to right and here she sees him, he was leaning his back on a locker along his dogs that were everywhere with him. She stopped right next to him, nobody was paying attention to her, but they loved to ignore her and act as she didn’t existed.
“Listen, stop doing things to Stanley or it won’t end good for you” she spook calmly but Henry was not in mood for kindness
“What? Stop putting yourself in my business”
He laughed her off loud. What the hell she thinks she can speak with him like that? With a boy who’s younger than her but whole school is scared of him? What the fuck she thinks about herself? That dirty girl?!?
“He’s my brother, leave him be” this was the last warning Jane could give him without punching him down on ground.
“Go away slut” Patrick yawned and smiled, more likely smile full of disgust. For Jane, Patrick always need to have last words. She gave him last look before paying again attention to Henry who’s stepping closer to her making her take steps back
“What will you do about it? Huh? I would break you with only one punch.” He rolled his eyes and again laughed. Kids slowly stopped making their way to classes and looked at Jane and Henry, they knew it’ll be big fight. They wouldn’t peel their eyes off of them until they’ll know what’s doing on. Richie was pushing kids out of his way along Bill and Eddie, Stanley. They saw how Jane threw her black Vans Backpack and jumped on Henry. Richie made little „ouch” when he saw how Jane hit Henry against metal lockers, he groaned in pain and rolled down next to Patrick who took steps away along with Belch and Victor. Henry felt backstabbed by them and will give them their own medicine later. With back pain he had chance to grab Jane by leg and made her slip down, hitting her back and head. He punched her into her nose. He didn’t cared she was a girl, she deserves it, she’s disgusting slut how Patrick says. Jane started to feel stronger, the pain went slowly away, she didn’t felt biggest pain when Henry punched her into stomach and he was stronger than her. She would say that god stands by her side.
“You go Jane!” Richie screamed, Patrick heard it and his face expression made Richie shiver and shut down. Now he knows that not only Henry bowers will get beaten up today. Jane grabbed his blond hair he had cutted into mullet and pulled it so hard some of his hair left on her sweaty hand. She smashed his head against shinny cold floor. Not only Henry’s head was bleeding but also his nose, he looked wasted.
Tears were flowing down Jane’s cheeks when she was standing up, her body was aching. The last kick between Henry’s legs finished him.
“Don’t you dare to land a hand on my brother ever again..and learn how to walk in heeled boots.” She scoffed in pain, grabbed her bag. Kids were still standing there, without words. Did just a girl put down Henry Bowers? She looked at so many kids that were looking at her, but something was off. A big shadow was standing totally in the back behind the kids, a person in Clown clothing, he was smiling and waving at her. Jane shook from goosebumps that formed on her back «it’s probably not real, I got badly hit in the head» she told herself and left to the green doors from the exit of school. In half of her way Patrick laughed, it was enough to tease her and made her turn to him. Jane groaned as she saw him smiling like he had won something. «Why is he always smiling?» she asked herself as she was walking back to him. She saw how Belch and Victor helped Henry to stand up on his aching legs.
„you want to?!?” Jane hissed on him
„god chill..” he scoffed
„Shut up playboy” Jane rolled eyes, she came back to him for nothing, just to be laughed off.
„Aw! You think I’m hot enough to be in playboy?”
„hot enough to burn in hell Hockstetter” she showed him middle finger before walking out the school, smashing doors closed.
I hope it’s good. I have so many scenarios written with pen in my notebook and I decided to start typing it into my phone very late so… this is all I have in my phone lol. Enjoy!
Art: @misszura
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bitch-in-crutches · 1 month
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[ derry summer faire . ]
Goose spends the entire day in the crowded weekend-long attraction. The metallic clinking of her crutches against the ground being drowned by the screaming and laughing of kids of all ages.
She was wearing her usual short sleeved brown t-shirt with long flannel pants and a big sturded belt, not forgetting a pair of combat boots.
She spends the major enteriety of the evening roaming around the eerie hallways of the haunted house, she loves a good spook! And may the scare actors (and Patrick-) beware of the hits her crutches can deliver if anyone is to touch her shoulder!
The fun house is also another great alternative, even while using crutches (which makes it a bit more of a bigger deal for her) she spends nearly half an hour trapped inside the colorful walls with her friends, the Bowers Gang. All of them groaning and booing at Henry for getting them lost inside that blindingly colourful labyrinth.
The corn maze doesn't go any different, except this time everyone is to blame since each member has ended up in a different corner of the place. Splitting up was never a good idea, right? Another half an hour wasted in trying to recompose the group once again.
Good help whoever had the bad luck of bumping into any separated members of the group while lost, at least the yelled curses would guide the rest!
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countrycrackheads · 2 months
Alright gang I am bored asf
Send me your OC ship requests for the Bowers Gang (or Losers Club)‼️‼️
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daydreamer999 · 2 months
Masterlist, Cast
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Eremophobia: a specific phobia, or morbid fear, of being alone, isolated, abandoned, or ignored
Prologue: October 1988
“The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained.” — Author Unknown
James sat beside his daughter at their dinner table, helping when she asked, while his eyes strayed towards his wife's as she stirred her famous homemade chicken noodle soup. Both shared a smirk, their eyes lighting up with mirth, before the two turned towards their Little Lottie whose tongue was poked out as she carefully glued on the extra hearts to decorate the care package.
The package itself was just a spare parcel that Evelyn had laying around, and extra brown rapping paper from their christmas holidays. In crayon, in loopy (messy) handwriting that Lottie thought was very pretty, was written, 'To Billy, from Lottie.'
It wasn't the message itself that made it clear to both parents that Lottie's crush was growing, but the excessive amount of hearts that she had drawn, as well as crafted onto it. She used buttons of different shapes, colors, and sizes to make hearts, she used stickers; she even used other colored paper to cut out and make a pop-out heart. It was a bit much, and both parents thought it was endearing that Bill was so patient with Charlotte and her ever growing feelings for him. So, when Lottie got off the phone with her best friend Georgie, announcing her Billy was sick and they needed to make a care package, James and Evelyn agreed and helped put together things they knew Bill would like.
James' smile softened as he watched his little girl's face twist into frustration. Chuckling lowly he asked, "What is it Lottie?"
"Something's missing. It doesn't quite feel like its for Billy," Lottie admitted distractedly, her blue eyes scanning each side of her parcel for any flaws. James scrubbed his beard, to hide a laugh as he commented, "Well, Bill likes baseball. Why don't you draw something related to that?"
Evelyn giggled softly as she watched the two, specifically her daughter, whose eyes grew in her excitement as she grinned up at her father, "Thanks Daddy!"
"No problem sweetheart," came his chuckled response. Once again the two parents shared a fond look before Evelyn began to ladle the soup into a stout thermos. James, who was watching his wife, began to gather the medicine to go in the care package, most of it being cherry flavored cough drops, and tissues (courtesy or Lottie). Although he made sure to grab Buckley's Cough Syrup and some cold medicine just in case.
"There, all done," Lottie announced with a proud nod, causing both parents to give her a smile as they inspected the box. Where there was space. Lottie had drawn Bill as best as she could, in his baseball uniform hitting a home run. Above it she wrote, 'Get well soon!'
Lottie bit her lip nervously as her eyes flitted between her parents, "Do you think he'll like it?"
James' lips quirked into a lopsided smile as he brought his arm around his little girl to pull her close, "Yes. I think he will." Lottie didn't say anything as she continued to bite her lip nervously, unconvinced despite her father's kind words. He studied her for a moment, his brows furrowing as he observed, "Lottie, you aren't usually shy about your feelings for Bill."
"I know," Charlotte muttered with a huff, as her blue irises flitted down towards her hands that fumbled together in her lap. Her cheeks were beginning to stain red through her frustration causing James to shift closer as he asked, "So what's wrong?" James and Evelyn were both surprised when their little girl finally brought her pretty eyes up towards them, only to see them shining with tears. Her face pulled into a pout as her breathing became more ragged, "What if he sees this and thinks I can't take care of him when we're older? What if he thinks I won't make a good wife?"
Both Bardot parents felt their jaws drop to the floor, before they had to hide behind their hands as to not let their girl know they were in fact laughing in disbelief. James all but had to look downward, his shaggy blonde hair covering his face as his shoulders shook in silent laughter. When Evelyn took in the sight of her husband, she steeled herself before walking over and sitting on the other side of Lottie. The girl looked back and forth at her parents before her gaze settled on her Mom who said, "Honey... You two are still so young, you have years before you even need to think like that. Besides, your feelings may change later in life. Shoot, I'd even go so far as to say you two may not even get married."
Despite the delicate and loving tone her mother spoke with her, Charlotte's face began to harden into a glare as she shot back, "Momma, I am going to marry Billy. I just know it. I won't settle for less."
James' head shot up as he mock scolded his wife, "You heard our girl. She's gonna marry that fine young man."
Evelyn smacked her husband playfully in the chest as she chuckled in disbelief and whispered over her daughter's head, "Love, don't encourage her."
James' laughed as he held his hand up in surrender, "Alright, alright." Taking a breath he sobered up as he ran one and through Lottie's blonde locks, "Lottie, in all seriousness, as pure as your intentions are, and as great of a person as Bill is... You cannot put all of your hopes and dreams into this. He may change, he could potentially hurt you..." Charlotte frowned up at her Dad, unsure why he even would suggest that about Bill. And she had a feeling he knew as well that what he said was ridiculous as his face twinged and he visibly winced. Steeling her nerves, she glared at each of her parents as she exclaimed, "But you always said that no dream is out of your reach if you work hard for it."
James' nervously ran a hand through his hair, "Well-"
"Well I know what I want, what my dream is. I am going to marry Bill," Charlotte declared with all of her conviction, leaving her parents momentarily speechless. With a huff James finally relented, "Well you better hurry and get your rain coat and boots on. Or else you may not have the future you want if you dally too long." Charlotte's eyes widened as she looked at the clock on the wall before making a mad dash to her room. The Bardot parents let out twin exhausted sighs before Evelyn frowned, her eyes wandering to where her child disappeared to, "At first I thought this was cute... But now I'm worried about this crush or hers."
James grunted with a nod, his eyes turning steely as he packed up the items in the care box, "We'll have to phone Zack and Sharon, ask 'em to keep an eye on her and Bill. Make sure they don't spend too much time alone together." His eyes found his wife's shocked expression so he quickly added, "Not that I think Bill would do anything to her, but.. come on. She won't be nine forever. They'll grow up, and even though Bill may not feel anything for her now, his feelings may change." His eyes fell on the warm thermos in his hands, his face pulled taunt as he mumbled, "It's best not to poke the bear."
Evelyn shifted in her seat, fingers tapping an erratic beat as she quickly nodded before her eyes flicked towards James, "You'd think she'd have a crush on Georgie. They are practically attached at the hip."
James leaned over and kissed his wife before pulling away enough to jest, "Well, she seems to get get that from her mother, wanting the older brother of her best friend." He admired her pretty blush before delving back in for another kiss. It was sweet, and simple yet passionate. And the two could feel it getting more heated but they quickly pulled away when they heard their little Lottie's footsteps bounding towards them.
"Come on! We need to hurry!" Charlotte pressed as she stared at her parents in disbelief. Her lavender purple raincoat and matching boots were already on, her blonde soft curls a slight mess, but she had made sure to dress in her pretty new raincoat to impress Billy. The elder Bardot's had a feeling that was why, but didn't press her, instead they exchanged a look before Evelyn mumbled to her husband, "I'll talk to Sharon when I drop her off. I think she'll understand." James hummed in reply before they all stood up, Evelyn grabbing her own beige raincoat and black boots, while James helped Lottie close the box and finish taping the last bit of wrapping on top. James tying it off with twine before walking his girls to the door. Opening up the door the family looked at the rain coming down in droves and James joked, "It's raining cats and dogs out there," turning to his wife, he leaned in to give her a sweet peck, "Drive safely darling."
"I will," she answered with another peck to the lips, pulling away she smiled as she looked at the rain before saying to James, "This is perfect writing weather for you love. Make sure to get some work done while we're out."
"I will Darling. Love you, stay safe," James waved to his wife as the two Bardot women made their way to their gold Ford Station wagon. James stayed on the porch and watched his girls leave, until they disappeared down the street. With a determined sigh, he finally turned towards the door, and made his way towards his office where he could focus writing his next book.
Lottie looked at the door in anticipation, rolling on the balls of her feet, she couldn't help the nerves that rolled through her like the thunder outside. Evelyn looked down at her daughter and sighed inaudibly, wondering if this really was a good idea now to have made a care package for Bill.
When the door finally opened, Sharon Denbrough smiled at the two Bardot women, her auburn hair pinned out of her face, "Evelyn, Charlotte! It's so nice to see you again!"
Charlotte tried not to grumble or stomp her foot, she could barely hide her pout as she glared up at the two mothers who were exchanging pleasantries. Her blue eyes skimmed past Mrs. Denbrough's figure and honed in on the stares where she knew her Billy was up in his room resting from a deathly cough. Looking back at her mother she couldn't help but think, "He could be dead right now, and they don't even care."
Shaking those devastating thoughts out of her head, she interrupted as politely as she could, "Excuse me Mrs. Denbrough?" The women both stopped and turned down to Lottie in surprise as the little girl pressed, "Can I please bring these up to Billy?" She held out her package for Sharon to see.
"Oh," was her only response as she inspected the simple paper that was overflowing with hearts. Sharon's eyes flickered to Evelyn who shifted uncomfortably but gave her a smile, "Georgie told her that Bill wasn't feeling good, and she wanted to make him a care package, hoping he'd feel better." Sharon smiled down at Lottie and complimented, "How thoughtful, I'm sure he'll love it. He's up in his room, Georgie's with him now. Please make sure to take off your boots before going up though."
Lottie nodded and did as instructed before hugging her package close to her chest and going up the stairs with care. The two moms watched her with matching frowns, before Sharon turned to her close friend and asked, "What's that all about?"
Evelyn's figure crumbled as she pinched her nose and closed her eyes, "Honestly, that's what I want to talk to you about. Lottie has got it in her head that she's going to marry your son."
"Georgie?" Sharon asked.
Shifting, Evelyn's gaze went to her boots as she admitted nervously, "No, Bill."
Sharon's jaw dropped before she laughed and squeezed Evelyn's arm, "That's funny, that's a good joke." When Evelyn didn't laugh with her, Sharon looked at her in shock, "What? Are you serious?"
"I wish I was joking," Evelyn groaned as she rubbed her face. Sharon ushered her friend inside, "Come in, come in. It looks like you could use a drink."
Upstairs, Lottie stood outside of Bill's door, her nerves tying her stomach in knots. Taking a deep breath, she knocked and felt her cheeks flush when she heard, "C-c-come in."
Slowly pushing the door open, Charlotte's eyes quickly scanned Bill's room before they landed on the two brothers, who were already looking at her. Georgie's gaze was set on the parcel in her hands as he asked excitedly, "You brought presents?"
Charlotte blushed but pulled away the package from Georgie's reach when he made to grab it. Bill stayed seated at his desk with a smile on his face as he watched his little brother's feisty friend scold him, "It's not for you Georgie! Don't grab at it." Georgie stopped his movements to grab the package, confusion settling on his face, "Then whose it for?"
The blonde girl felt her heart thump crazily, but she silently walked over to Bill, ignoring Georgie's question. Charlotte flicked her eyes upwards to connect to Bill's, whose own smile slipped slightly in his confusion as to why she was approaching him. Quietly, she set the parcel in his hands. The twelve year old blinked down at the simple parcel that was decorated in hearts before he inquired as he looked up, "Is th-this f-f-for me?" Charlotte nodded her head as she explained and played with her fingers, "Georgie said you weren't feeling well, so I made you a care package."
Bill studied the blushing girl for a moment longer before he smiled at her sweetly, "Thank y-y-you Lottie-e." Bill's brows rose when she practically beamed at him before she nodded towards the box and instructed, "Go ahead, open it."
Georgie huffed causing Bill to look over at his baby brother who was pouting at the two but his gaze quickly went back to the parcel in his hands. Shooting Lottie one more smile, he inspected the package closer to see that she had drawn him hitting a home run, and other random baseballs sprinkled throughout the hearts where there was space. He huffed out a quiet laugh before opening it with care. Bill could feel Georgie make his way back to his side, gazing over his shoulder to get a look, so he made sure to pick up each item and inspect it slowly so his jealous little brother wouldn't be too mad.
The first thing he grabbed was a thermos, and both brothers turned to Lottie as she explained, "I told Momma to make her famous Chicken Noodle Soup. I know you love it. Plus I'm pretty sure Momma puts something magical in there cuz it always makes me feel better." Bill smiled at the thoughtful gift before setting it on his desk and moving on to the other things inside. Bill's smile stayed on his face as he saw cough drops, medicine, and tissues. Putting the package down, he turned towards Lottie and pulled her into a hug as he said, "Th-thank you L-lottie." He heard her take in a sharp breath before she pulled away only enough for Bill to see her determined face.
He thought she looked like a cute angry cat, as her brows her furrowed and her cheeks puffed out in her scowl. But any thoughts he had, quickly dashed out the window as she declared, "Please get better Billy. You need to get better." The gravity of her voice shocked him enough that he only nodded dumbly, stuttering out a promise in response. Once she was satisfied, she leaned forward and planted a big kiss on his cheek, causing the twelve year old to flounder even further and become flustered. Bill wasn't quite sure what to do now, not sure how to act in front of his little brother's best friend.
Thankfully he never got the chance to respond, as his mother called the two nine year old's downstairs so that he could rest.
"Bye Billy," Lottie waved with a shy smile and a blush consuming her cheeks. She made a dash down the stairs, so he didn't miss Georgie's annoyed huff of breath. Bill frowned and asked, "W-what's wrong?"
Georgie pouted at him before he grumbled, "I knew her first. Find your own best friend."
Bill frowned as he tried to soothe his brother, "Georgie, I promise I'm not gonna take her away from you."
Georgie didn't respond to that statement, only grabbed his little paper boat and turned towards the door as he called out, "See you later."
Bill could only scoff in indignation as he watched Georgie close his door roughly but he couldn't exactly blame his little brother. Bill's eyes strayed to the parcel as he frowned and thought, "I'd be mad too if my best friend had a crush on my brother." Shaking the thoughts away, he pushed the items to the side before grabbing his walkie and standing by the window waiting to see both Georgie and Lottie leave the house. When he saw yellow and purple raincoat, did he pull it towards his mouth and say, "Be careful."
The two best friends were finally outside, watching the boat that Bill had made sail down the street, giggling slightly before Lottie raced towards it and grabbed it before it could go too far and bringing it back to Georgie. The two best friends made no conversation for a while, just chasing the boat and watching it float away for a couple times.
Lottie giggled and pushed her dripping blonde locks away from her face as she brought the boat back to Georgie, and made to turn to her spot where she could grab it. But she froze mid turn when she noticed that Georgie had been quiet for too long. Seeing a frown on her best friends face Lottie asked, "What's wrong?"
"Why do you wanna marry my brother?" Georgie asked in response catching Lottie off guard. Walking towards her friend, she thought for a moment before answering, "Billy is the best person I know. And just think, once we get married, you and I will actually be brother and sister." Georgie's lips turn upward at the thought as he conceded, "That would be better than what our Mom's think will happen."
"Yeah, I mean, I love you Georgie, but I could never marry you. You really are like my brother, it would be too weird," Lottie spoke and both kids' face twisted in disgust at the thought. Georgie adding, "Yeah, and you're like my sister. Plus girls are disgusting!"
"So are boys!"
"But you wanna marry my brother?"
"Billy's different," Lottie defended with a fierce blush overtaking her cheeks. The two giggled at one another once again, before Georgie frowned, "What if you never marry Bill? He's older than us, and he kissed that one girl."
"Beverly Marsh? But that was for a play, it didn't mean anything," Lottie argued.
Georgie shrugged, "I dunno, Richie says that Bill has had a huge crush on her since that kiss."
Charlotte's eyes blotted with tears as she crossed her arms, "Why are you telling me this?"
"I don't wanna pick between my brother and best friend Lottie," Georgie tried to explain but the young girl wasn't having any of it as she spat, "Well it seems like you just did."
She turned and walked on the opposite side of the street, heading out of the neighborhood, "No! You play by yourself Georgie Denbrough!" The young boy watched her run away in the rain with a pout, before putting his boat down in the water glumly. He wasn't really in the mood to play anymore, but he didn't want to go back inside yet, too upset with the dumb fight he got into with his best friend.
Looking up, he realized his boat was farther away than he anticipated. He began to run after it, dodging the Road block barrier, but he was so focused on his boat that he was getting close too, he didn't see the second one. He groaned as his head made contact, knocking him on his butt and causing his world to spin momentarily. Sitting up slowly, he looked further down the road to see that his boat was heading down another street. Jumping to his feet he raced towards his paper boat, only for his heart to skip a beat as he saw it go in the storm drain. Falling to his knees he called out, "No! No! Oh. Bill's gonna kill me."
His eyes scanned the darkness within the storm drain, an eerie feeling washing over him like the rain hitting his back. It was silent for only a moment before he let out a gasp and jumped back when glowing green eyes stared at him.
Stepping into the light, a clown was illuminated with a menacing smile painted on his face as he looked up at the boy whose heart was racing with fear. Putting on a friendly façade he said, "Hiya Georgie." Georgie said nothing in return, so the clown held up the SS Georgie as he said, "What a nice boat, Want it back?"
"Um, yes, please." Georgie answered warily.
"What a nice boy, I bet you have lots of friends," Pennywise said pleasantly.
Georgie frowned as he inspected the clown but divulged, "Only three, but Lottie and my brother and my best friends."
"Oh? And where are they?" the clown asked as his eyes scanned on either side of the boy trying to see if anyone was with him. Georgie relaxed minutely, as he answered glumly, "My best friend got mad and ran off, and my brother's in bed. He's sick."
Drool dripped down the clown's chin, his eyes slightly crazed as he said, "I bet I could cheer them up, starting with your brother. I'll give him a balloon." Pennywise watched as Georgie shifted his gaze over his shoulder before turning back to the clown, "Do you want a balloon too Georgie?"
"I'm not supposed to take stuff from strangers," Georgie repeated the rule his brother and parents instilled in him. Unfortunately, the clown had a rebuttal for this rule, "Oh... Well I'm Pennywise the Dancing Clown. 'Pennywise?' 'Yes.' 'Meet Georgie.' 'Georgie, meet Pennywise.'"
Georgie chuckled lightly causing more drool to drip from the clown's mouth as he said, "Now we aren't strangers, are we?"
"What are you doing down in the sewers?" Georgie asked.
"The storm blew me away," Pennywise chuckled, "It blew the whole circus away. Can you smell the circus Georgie?" When the young boy only stared Pennywise continued, "There's peanuts, cotton candy, hot dogs, and..."
Georgie thought for a moment before saying, "Popcorn?"
"Yes Georgie, popcorn!" Pennywise congratulated. The weary feeling didn't dissipate within the nine year old, so he didn't celebrate with the funny yet creepy clown. So Pennywise tried again, "Do you want you boat Georgie? Here take it, like you said... Bill's gonna kill you. So take it." He ended menacingly, "Take it Georgie."
Fear gripped Georgie, but the creepy clown had a point, so, despite his fear, he reached out to grab it, only to frown when the clown pulled it away from his reach. Pennywise's smile grew, not making the young boy feel any calmer in this situation. But he steeled his nerves anyways, and leaned closer towards the drain, and consequently, the clown.
When the boat was just a fingertip away, he felt the clown's grip his outstretched arm before sharp teeth penetrated into his skin. He let out a pained scream and tore himself away, falling onto the ground once more. Crying, he didn't realize right away that his arm was missing until his warm blood dripped onto his arm as he tried to crawl away calling out, "Help!" in between his cries of pain. Panic seized his heart as something gripped his booted ankle, and he could feel himself being dragged backwards towards the sewers.
Georgie tried to kick back, but he could feel himself getting weaker, and in his panic, he cried out for the one person he knew would come running to save him.
His last words were, "Billy!"
Lottie sat hiding behind some bushes brushing away her tears as she hugged her knees. Sniffling, her let out a sigh as the hurt in her heart throbbed still rather painfully. She was mad at Georgie still, but she knew she shouldn't be. Her real anger wasn't in her best friend, but the fact that so many have told her not to hold onto hope for her dreams.
She let out another long-suffering sigh, before he blue eyes scanned ahead of her, her mind trying to think of a way to say sorry to her best friend. It wasn't his fault after all for making sure that the two people he cared about didn't end up hurting the other.
Sirens wailed in the distance, causing her to perk up, and to peek around the bushes, the blue and red lights making their way towards her. She frowned, wondering what was going on, only to feel uneasy when she saw the patrol cars turn into Georgie's neighborhood. She waited until they all passed before standing up and repeating like a mantra, "Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay."
When the cars turned on Georgie's street, her fear spiked and without a second thought she made a mad dash towards the Denbrough's home.
As she pumped her legs as fast as they could go, tripping once or twice, her head filled with the worst kind of scenarios. The Denbrough's being attacked, her mother hurt, Billy having gotten worse.... Georgie being hurt. With her thoughts on Georgie, she felt her tears trickle down her face as she prayed that she was wrong, that her mom was safe, that the Denbrough's were safe. But all hope vanished when she finally made it to the Denbrough's and found the police cars parked out front.
She saw both mother's in a state, Billy standing behind them safe from the rain looking numb, and her uncle Sheriff Bowers looking at them grimly.
"Momma!" Charlotte called out, all turned to see the small girl running up to them. Bill seemed to have relaxed slightly, but she could tell the family was still tense.
Evelyn though, ran and met her daughter halfway, falling to her knees as she cried, "Lottie! Sweetie! Thank god your safe!"
Sharon made a step towards the reunited mother and daughter, her distress clear on her face when she asked, "Charlotte, where's Georgie? Is he with you?"
The blonde girl stiffened in her mother's arms as she frowned and shook her head, "No.... Why are they here?" She questioned as she made eye contact with a couple officers. At the same time, Mrs. Denbrough seemed to have lost all airs and decorum as she crumbled to her knees and wailed, calling out Georgie's name. Bill watched her silently, his own tears escaping his eyes causing Lottie to ask her Mom, "Momma, what's going on?"
Evelyn fought back the lump in her throat as she announced after a minute, "Honey... a neighbor called them in... she saw Georgie one minute and the next..... They found blood going down the storm drain." Lottie and Bill made eye contact before she turned back to her Mom when she said, "Lottie... Georgie's missing."
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mrs-eddie-k · 2 years
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Eddie Kaspbrak You what? (OneShot)
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adalynn · 2 years
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word count: 5.9k+
warnings: swearing, bullying, the use of the word “slut” used, and that’s about it
enjoy chapter 1!
𝘫𝘶𝘯𝘦 13𝘵𝘩, 1989
6:45 𝘢.𝘮.
stephanie palmer stepped out of the door of the gray, two-story house on kansas street and sniffed the air. it was warm and fresh with a bit of coolness and spice to it. to the pre-teen girl, it felt like it had a special significance: it marked, in her own mind, the official start of summer. if it hadn’t been for the fact that the school year wasn’t over just yet, she would have honestly thought that the summer season was really here. but, unfortunately for her, it wouldn’t end for another seven hours and forty-five minutes. at least the last day of school was today, even if it seemed so far away.
nevertheless, steph thought about how she felt her summer break might go. she felt that same mixture of eagerness, excitement, and slight dread that most teenagers that lived in derry, maine felt about the season.
she was a very pretty girl of twelve years (although she would be turning thirteen the next month), slim and angular with messy, blonde hair falling without fanfare right to her shoulders. there were a lot of crazy hairstyles in the 80s, but steph just thought it was a trend; she had tried herself but it was a fucking pain in the ass for her to keep up with. she wasn’t like those colorful girls at derry middle school, and she wasn’t the most beautiful young lady — at least, in her mind — so she honestly never understood the mess. in her opinion, there were more interesting things to do in life, like reading, than spending all that time washing, blow-drying, teasing, or just doing whatever to your hair that would just ruin it.
steph’s life as a pre-teen was more simple and boring than all that stuff and that was just fine with her.
she was dressed in simple school attire, although she was wearing clothing that was slightly warm for the hot weather on the horizon: a print skirt, leggings underneath that, tennis shoes, and boy’s shirt under a jean jacket. loaded down with a heavy backpack, she appeared to be round-shouldered and flat-chested, but that didn’t worry her at all. today was a school day and there was no way you could look glamorous when you went. so you do the best you can and if your friends tease you about how you dress, you grin and deal with it.
she was slightly surprised to see several children around her age already rushing out their doors and riding their bikes to school. even though she was a very proud loser, she sometimes couldn’t help but feel as if she didn’t belong in this shitty town, but she always ignored that feeling. she was quite happy with her friends.
and she always would be.
her unusually dark blue eyes crossed over two young girls with their mother as the woman put them in the car. they had bright smiles on their faces, and steph knew that they were happy that summer would be arriving by the end of the day. she herself knew that neither of the girls was amber o’connor, one of the children she often babysat from time to time; that young girl lived down the street, not right across from her.
ah, babysitting: the number one boring job in derry. to every single teenager, with the exception of steph herself, babysitting was a fucking chore to get through! but the pre-teen really didn’t mind watching over her two hosts that she would be in charge of every now and then, from once a week to every two weeks: justin and amber o’connor. and that was exactly what she was going to be doing tonight, just like she always did. but she at least never got bored of it, unlike the other teenagers that had the same job as her.
teenagers always used babysitting as an excuse to get money, and sure, steph needed some money for whenever she needed to get groceries for her and her mother, but she never begged for it like the others did. she genuinely cared about justin and amber; in fact, she could even call the children her friends. and, because of this, she would happily be spending another evening supervising justin’s strange addiction to horror movies (although she was the same way), reading amber 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘺 for the millionth time before putting her to sleep, and satisfying their craving (and hers) for popcorn and soda.
“stephanie, stephanie,” she said under her breath, shaking her head as she chuckled, “at this rate, you’ll end up being like laurie strode. oh, how far you’ve fallen!”
“what’re you daydreaming about, sweetie?” came a voice from behind her and steph whipped her head around. she grinned when she saw who it was.
jamie palmer, a woman of forty-three and who was steph’s mother, was standing on the front porch with the door open a little. she was a beautiful middle-aged woman who had wavy and messy brown hair that complemented her sea green eyes perfectly. while steph’s eyes were often compared to an arctic glacier, jamie’s were like a clear lake in a dark forest; if you looked closer at that lake you could see a round shallow crevice filled with completely transparent water. they were the prettiest part of her kind face that looked a lot like her daughter’s.
“oh, you know,” steph replied merrily, “the usual: going to parties and acting stupid with my friends.” she knew that her mother wouldn’t take her seriously.
and she didn’t.
“oh, thank goodness!” jamie exclaimed, sighing with fake relief. “i thought you were thinking about getting a good education and actually studying in school. phew!” she pretended to wipe perspiration off of her forehead and the two both laughed.
“oh, don’t worry about me,” she retorted playfully. “my mother raised me to be a good girl. just like the awesome person she is!”
the two stood on the porch for a moment, just appreciating how dazzling the still rising sun was. its rays filled the sky with shades of pink, amber, and orange; the sunrise signaled a brand new day, another opportunity to live (possibly the billionth chance). The light shone upon their faces so impeccably that they didn’t even notice that it was glittering in the orbs of their eyes.
“well, i don’t want you to be late for school,” said jamie, patting her only child on the back. “don’t forget, you have to be home a little earlier today so you can be at the o’connor’s by 4:00.”
“i know,” replied steph, tugging her backpack straps closer to her.
“okay, you have a good day at school, sweetie.”
steph nodded with a smile, leaning forward to give her mother a goodbye kiss on the cheek and a warm hug. it was so simple and she did this every day, but it was always the best part about leaving her home when she showed her mother affection; it was more important to the young girl than jamie thought, especially considering what the woman was going through currently.
steph set out down kansas street after grabbing her light blue bicycle, pulling it along with her since she couldn’t ride it. on her back, her bag was slung over it, weighing down her body like it was the planet earth itself. she suddenly found herself thinking about the fact that this was her last day of middle school; after today, she would never have to step foot into that horrid place ever again. she hated it there, so she was glad that it was ending for her and she would go on to high school. rumors had it that derry high was a much more pleasant place, and she couldn’t wait to be a freshman.
but she also thought of the nice teachers that she would be leaving behind — for example, mrs. douglass — and it kind of made her sulk a little. those people helped her get by when times were tough at school with the bowers gang running around and all. despite this, her tiny sliver of sadness at the thought couldn’t overpower her excitement to sprint out of the school as fast as possible when the bell rang, to catch up with her friends (the losers club) in the hallway and talk to them about summer plans.
and that was when a slight feeling of misery crept into her emotions, and she inwardly winced.
it had been eight months since georgie denbrough had vanished into thin air, and she was still deeply saddened by the news, but not as much as she had been when she had learned it on that fateful october day. she had sat in her room for days on end, not saying a word, just thinking about the fun times she and the little boy had since she was best friends with his older brother, bill denbrough.
she began to think about bill, and a wave of sympathy washed through her soul at the thought of the boy. she had been trying her best to help him through the tragedy, trying to make him smile and laugh like he used to; it mostly worked, but she understood how he felt when it didn’t. she couldn’t even imagine losing a friend or a family member like that, even if georgie was ‘missing.’
yeah, steph honestly thought that the boy had long since died after his disappearance. she didn’t dare say this to bill’s face, not wanting to break the boy’s heart even more, knowing that it would break hers as well. she thought about the look on his face if she ever told him that and it was horrifying to her, which made her shake her head, breaking herself away from the thought. it was unspeakable, unthinkable!
𝘫𝘦𝘴𝘶𝘴, 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘱𝘩… 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘢 𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘱 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧, she thought in her mind.
“hey, steph!”
rarely had she been so relieved to be pulled out of a fantasy. she sighed with genuine relief, unlike her mother earlier, and she turned to her right, a happier grin forming on her face as she saw a small boy jogging towards her. a part of her was confused as to why he hadn’t waited for her to get him so she could walk him to school. 𝘰𝘩, 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭, she thought. it was just last-day-of-school shenanigans.
the boy that ran up to her was justin o’connor, the boy that she often babysat along with his little sister, amber. he was a bright-looking nine year old with tousled brown hair and bright blue eyes, and he had two or three books in his left arm, which made steph giggle a bit. this boy was just like her sometimes; it usually amused her, but she would be curious at other given times. she was feeling the former today as he reached her.
“hi, justin,” she replied brightly, ruffling his hair; this was something she always did, and it used to annoy the boy greatly. he was used to it now, although he faked irritation.
as they walked side by side for several paces, he looked up at her. “you’re coming over tonight, right?” he inquired. steph nodded instantly.
“like i always do,” she answered modestly, slowing down her walking pace a little so he could keep up with her. justin o’connor was not a very fast walker, she learned very quickly, since he had a lazy step to him. this never bothered the both of them, especially steph (she was normally a very patient person unless you made her mad).
justin smiled even more, satisfied with this answer. “are we gonna do the things we always do?” he asked. steph sighed inwardly; this was the exact same question he asked every time she came over to watch over him and amber for a few hours. nevertheless, she nodded, the grin never leaving her face. she then, once again, reached out her right hand to mess up his hair, and he chuckled.
amber o’connor was being taken to school by her father, since her parents didn’t trust her enough to start walking the few miles to school yet. steph had definitely understood this when justin had mentioned it to her a year before, but she couldn’t wait until the little girl could start walking with them to school as well.
steph and justin continued walking, joking around and laughing like they did every day. the pre-teen, if she were honest, loved the young boy and considered a friend, not just a boy that she looked after on a weekly basis. she hoped that he never lost his innocence, although she knew that it would eventually happen, which made her sulk slightly on the inside. if he didn’t lose his innocence, he would forever be a good person that was kind and would help others. but if he did, he could use that to a good advantage and still be a nice person, but he wouldn’t be an angel like he was right now.
she ignored that thought, scolding herself for even thinking such a thing. she wanted to smack herself in the face, but she restrained herself from doing so, not wanting to do something stupid. steph decided to be wise and keep the happy look planted on her face, and justin wasn’t able to see through it, much to her relief.
after twenty minutes, the two kids finally arrived at derry elementary school, which was justin’s stop for today. steph was a little bummed that she wouldn’t be able to talk to him more, but she knew he had to deal with the last day of the school year. and she had to do the same.
“well, this is where you stop,” she announced jokingly. “try not to let those idiots put you down.” as she said this, she softly punched his shoulder, making him laugh.
“you don’t have to worry about that,” justin responded with a proud smirk. “i can take care of myself.”
steph nodded. “you’re a smart boy, justin. because of that, i believe you. now, go on and enjoy your last day.” she gave him a friendly hug, like she did every time they arrived here.
“okay. you too. i’ll see you tonight,” justin said, breaking away and running towards the school’s open doors.
“see you.”
after she had continued walking, steph paused on the corner, feeling odd, as if someone’s eyes were boring into the back of her skull. she turned and gazed back at the school and her eyebrows knit in confusion. was she crazy or was there a shape standing behind a tree, staring at her?
she rubbed her eyes and looked again; there was nobody there. good. her imagination was just working overtime again. so, ignoring her increasingly worrying thoughts, she turned back around and continued her stride to school, pulling her bike alongside her like she did every single day.
god, she was looking forward to a good day.
2:27 p.m.
“i hope you all have a wonderful summer,” mrs. douglass said in a rather chipper voice as she stood in front of the classroom. there was a true grin on her face while she went over to the blackboard. “now, there are a few things i would like to remind you all before the bell rings.” as she said this, she took the side of a piece of chalk and began writing on the blackboard in large bold letters. she started making a list for all of the children so they would know what to do over the summer. there were only four bullets, so it really didn’t look like much to the young teenagers.
steph had not been paying much attention for most of the class, although she acted like she was; and, if you ever examined the blonde-haired girl from time to time, you would’ve thought she was a great actress. and she was. if she was zoned-out, she pretended that she was actually focused on whatever you were saying, although she never truly understood the words. for the time being, she was just sitting at her desk in the back of the classroom, glancing between the clock and her notebook sitting in front of her.
there were now two and a half minutes left of class and, in turn, the school year as a whole. and, although she was beyond happy to see it end for good, she was a little too focused on what she was doodling in her notebook: her own sketch of the poster for the movie, 𝘢 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘦𝘭𝘮 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘵. it was her favorite horror film, despite the fact that she never let the kids watch it whenever she babysat them. steph was afraid that it would spook them a little too much, and who could blame her? nobody that young should watch something like that.
the young girl eventually realized that she had been doodling for too long and that she was doing it so absently, and this made her finally sit up attentively when she noticed the bulleted list that mrs. douglass had made:
- 𝗴𝗼 𝗼𝘂𝘁𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗮 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗲.
- 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗮 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸.
- 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀.
- 𝗗𝗢 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗯𝗲 𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝟳:𝟬𝟬 𝗽.𝗺. 𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗳𝗲𝘄!
steph sighed to herself as she read that last one; in her mind, the curfew never seemed to stop all of those children from going missing. they were still dropping like flies and there was nothing that the police could do about it, much to her dismay. it caused her to look away from the blackboard and back down to her notebook, quietly drawing her breath in sharply. she finished her final touches on the sketch until she was satisfied enough. after this, she began writing something in giant letters.
𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬. 𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬. 𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬.
steph glanced back up at the clock.
one minute left.
she turned back to her notebook.
she ignored the stares she was getting from some of her classmates that loved to pick on her; she was used to it by now and she didn’t give a flying fuck about them. she was just sucked into her own little world and she was just waiting for that loud bell of freedom to blare through the room. for god’s sake, she was even glancing out of the window because of how bored she was, and she smiled at the several kids who had already gotten out of class and who were dumping their school supplies into the garbage bins that sat beside the bike rack.
𝘪 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, steph thought to herself. 𝘪 𝘤𝘢𝘯’𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥… 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭, 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘰 𝘪 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦𝘴.
she turned her head ever so slightly.
the pronunciation of her name came like a thunderclap, and she jumped as if a bolt had struck her seat. “yes, ma’am?” she replied in a shaky voice, hearing the snickering of several students.
“what are you doing for summer vacation?” asked mrs. douglass as she stared at the blonde girl expectantly.
steph was aware of the eyes drilling holes into her. 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦, she silently thought. but, instead, a small but fake smile formed on her face. “i don’t know as of yet, mrs. douglass,” she replied smoothly.
her teacher nodded and turned to the rest of the class. “now, i just want you all to be safe and i hope you have a great four years at derry high…”
steph zoned out once again, turning back to her notebook to finish writing the words she had intended to print. after she was done, she started tapping her pencil against the desk, although she did so very silently. her midnight blue eyes were set on the classroom’s old clock that was hanging on the wall. time mocked her as it went by super slowly, 𝘸𝘢𝘺 too slow for her liking. she tried to be patient, but this was one of the rare occurrences where she couldn’t be when she wasn’t mad. she wasn’t even angry, but she was growing a little impatient to get out of this hellhole as fast as possible.
the summer was calling her name, and she wanted to follow that voice so badly.
steph glanced back down and read the giant words that she had written in her notebook:
and, the bell finally rang, blaring throughout the building with shrill finality, and many students bounded out of the classroom with joy and relief. steph was one of those kids, although she wasn’t as hyper as the rest. somehow, she was able to get her mixtape in her walkman and she put the headphones over her ears as she kept walking down the hallway, trying to get to her locker. she pressed Play on the walkman, and heard the blissful lyrics of alice cooper’s 𝘚𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭’𝘴 𝘖𝘶𝘵 fill her ears.
𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘴𝘶𝘪𝘵 𝘺𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵’𝘴 𝘢 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘨
𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭’𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳
𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭’𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳
𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭’𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘴
steph rounded the corner of the hallway and froze instantly as she still heard the voices of her peers booming in her ears, bouncing off of the lockers in a rough manner. a tiny bit of fear flooded her for a second, but she managed not to show it, proving how great she was at hiding her true emotions. she locked eyes with henry bowers, and chills ran down her spine when her gaze caught his. the silent exchange only lasted for three seconds before she spun around and decided to take the long way to her locker.
luckily for her, it seemed as though bowers had decided to not go after her, and she sighed to herself, feeling immense relief. she couldn’t get the way he had smirked at her out of her mind and it made her sick to her stomach when she pictured it. she had used to be terrified of him and his gang, but after some advice from jamie, she learned to ignore those assholes and only stand up for herself and others when absolutely necessary.
jamie palmer was a very smart woman. she had learned a lot of things that she eventually taught steph. i guess that’s what happens when you’ve been a widow for thirteen years.
𝘯𝘰 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘭𝘴, 𝘯𝘰 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴
𝘯𝘰 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘳’𝘴 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘴
𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳
𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭
steph stopped at her locker after the little encounter with the bowers gang; her excitement overpowered the slight worry she had felt for those few seconds as she barreled through the chattering students to get to her locker. she conquered her combination in next to no time, grabbing her backpack and slamming the locker door shut. she would never see it again after this, and she didn’t care. all she cared about was getting to her destination: the girls’ bathroom.
she just wanted a small break from the loud-mouthed students for just a few minutes before she left the school and caught up with her friends outside. surely, they must have been joking around or discussing summer plans without her, and she was perfectly fine with that.
𝘸𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭
𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭’𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳
𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭’𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳
𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭’𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘧𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳
𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘭’𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺
after what seemed like forever, steph finally entered the girls’ bathroom, putting a hand to her chest; she was so happy to be rid of the swarm of students that were annoying her like a fly normally would when it buzzed around your head. she leaned the back of her head against the cool brick wall for just a second before pushing herself off of it as if it were a stool. she then made a beeline for the second stall in the room, the smell of cigarette smoke filling her nose; she resisted the urge to cough, since she hated the smell. she gently shut the door behind her and sat on the toilet, turning to the metallic wall beside her as she did.
she gently raised her hand and rapped on the wall three times. “bev?” she called out. “it’s me.”
“how’s it going, little loser?” came a musical voice in response. steph giggled slightly, trying to stifle her laughter as best as she could. beverly marsh 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 made her laugh, whether it was her very nonchalant manner, or how she liked to crack jokes every once in a while. the blonde-haired girl loved her best friend and hung out with her more than she did with her other friends.
“oh, you know, just glad this damn school year’s over,” she replied jokingly, and both girls laughed at this remark. “you okay in there?” she added, her amusement switching to slight concern. she couldn’t see if beverly nodded her head or not, but she heard a reply seconds later just as she heard new voices enter the bathroom.
“yeah,” replied beverly. “just excused myself to smoke for a minute.”
𝘰𝘧 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦, steph thought humorously.
out of nowhere, the girl heard a loud groan of anger before someone’s door furiously made contact with the door of the stall next to her. steph jumped so suddenly that her head smacked against the wall out of shock; she held a hand against her forehead, begging for the pain to go away just as quickly as it had arrived.
“are you in there by yourself, 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘳-𝘭𝘺?!” shouted a female voice that contained a lot of sass in it. “or do you have half the guys in the school with you, huh, slut?!”
steph’s blood boiled, but she didn’t dare move, knowing she would regret it if she did. she winced despite this, wishing she could comfort her friend, even if beverly marsh was beyond used to the bullying at this point; the girl had to deal with it every day, just like steph had to. even if the girls felt like it was everyday life now, that still didn’t take away from the fact that they hated it with a burning passion. and that was something that would always resonate with them.
“i know you’re in there, you little shit, i smell you,” the girl continued. “no wonder you don’t have any friends.”
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵’𝘴 𝘢 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘪𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘵, 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘢, steph thought angrily.
it was that curly-haired 𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩, greta keene; she was the mean girl of the school that always took the chance to bully anyone that came across her path. sure, she wasn’t as bad as henry bowers or patrick hockstetter, but she was bad enough for the girls to deal with. every time she saw them, she wouldn’t hesitate to call them horrible names that they themselves never had the courage to say, and that always infuriated steph, although she barely said a word to her.
as she heard the taunting go on and on, steph began to hear one of the sinks running water, and she tilted her head in curiosity. but, at the same time, she was hoping that nothing bad would take place, even if she had the slight feeling that it would. she stayed still, frozen to where she sat, not moving a muscle; she began to panic slightly when she heard beverly speak up.
“which is it, greta?” she sighed, tired of hearing the insults over and over again. “am i a 𝘴𝘭𝘶𝘵 or a 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘵? make up your mind.”
now, greta wasn’t the only person in the school that was spreading rumors about the infamous beverly marsh. pretty much 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯 in the school, with the exception of steph and her friends, thought that the girl had slept with nearly every boy around their age. this was not true in the slightest since, according to the girl herself, she had only been kissed by one boy, even if it was on the cheek. so the rumors were complete and utter bullshit.
“you’re trash,” greta replied, now genuinely angry with the girl. “we just wanted to remind you.”
just as steph stood up, ready to open the stall door to defend her best friend once again, it suddenly swung open, much to her surprise. she saw sally mueller, a girl just a little older than her with dirty blonde hair, holding a garbage bag that seemed to be filled with lots of trash. her eyes widened to the size of saucers, especially when sally met her gaze.
“what are 𝘺𝘰𝘶 doing in here, you loser?!” shouted sally, briefly letting go of the trash bag to grab steph. she jerked the blonde out of the stall and the poor girl ran into the wall, grunting when she made contact with it.
“oh… well, well, well,” came greta’s voice from behind her. “if it isn’t the little brace-faced 𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩.”
steph bravely turned around and glared at greta with such intensity that she wouldn’t be surprised if it scared the female bully. “get the fuck out of here and leave bev alone,” she growled, gritting her teeth in anger. “she doesn’t deserve that.” the girl in front of her didn’t back down; instead, it seemed as if she had gotten even more furious.
“what are 𝘺𝘰𝘶 gonna do about it, palmer?” sneered greta. “you standing up for your trashy friend here? why 𝘢𝘳𝘦 you her friend anyway? you deserve far better than that filth!” as she said this, she pointed to the stall door that beverly was residing behind.
the blonde girl sighed, her face twisting into an expression of emotional agony. “just please leave her alone,” she pleaded.
“such a loser,” sally taunted as she lifted up the garbage bag while standing on the toilet of the second stall. she tilted it over and steph saw disgusting trash raining down into beverly’s stall, and she gasped quietly to herself in appallment. she turned to greta and shoved her harshly.
“get the fuck out of here!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, jutting her finger to the hallway. greta chuckled, ignoring how angry steph was as she tilted her head, motioning for the other girls to leave.
“let’s go, girls,” she told them before sending a kick to the back of steph’s right leg when the blonde turned around. “have a nice summer, 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘳-𝘭𝘺. same goes to you, 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘦-𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦.”
“just because i have braces doesn’t give you the right to tease me about it!” steph shouted after her. she didn’t even care if greta replied to her retort as she turned to the bathroom stall. she tentatively placed her hand on it, knowing it was locked. “you okay in there, bev?” she asked in a softer voice.
the door opened almost immediately after she had spoken, and her best friend came into view from behind it.
beverly marsh, in steph’s honest opinion, was one of the prettiest girls she had ever seen. she was pretty tall for an average teenage girl, and she had a slim form that went well with her long, fiery red hair that reached her waist as well as her blue-green eyes. she had a body that even made the most beautiful of girls jealous, although the redhead didn’t know this. sure, steph’s closest friend may have been poor with barely any money to get by, but she didn’t judge her at all; she saw her for who she was as a person, and it made beverly grateful.
“it’s nothing new,” she replied with a small smile. “don’t worry about me.” at that moment, steph realized that only beverly’s fingers were slightly covered with filth. nothing else was, besides her backpack, which was drenched in sink water and had several pieces of trash on it. it made the blonde grimace slightly, but she barely showed it.
“well… she shouldn’t do that to you, anyway,” said steph with a huff. “i gotta go and get home early. babysitting and all.”
beverly nodded. “of course,” she responded, giving steph a one-armed hug. “see you tomorrow, little loser.”
steph chuckled. “you too, bev.”
after they parted ways, steph walked back into the hallway. her flower-designed skirt fluttered against her slightly bony legs, her hair blew behind her and thudded against her neck, and her blue eyes were focused on the front doors of the school as she took each step forward. and, as she opened them, a feeling of happiness and relief settled in her mind; knowing that she was leaving school for at least three months was relaxing to her. she took a deep breath and smiled, walking down the steps of derry middle school.
a few seconds later, she spotted her friends and jogged over to them, a novel clutched in her right arm. as she approached them, she ignored the conversation the other kids were currently having about whatever. she didn’t really pay attention to them as she finally approached the four boys.
“hey, guys!” she greeted cheerfully. “wait… what’s wrong? you seem like you just went through trouble.” a mildly concerned look formed on her face as she said the last sentence.
her four best friends were standing in front of her: bill denbrough, eddie kaspbrak, richie tozier, and stanley uris. and they all either looked pissed off or overwhelmed. this worried her even more, since she was now wondering if something bad had happened to them.
“bowers and his asshole gang,” richie answered her quite easily as he adjusted his glasses and steph rolled her eyes.
“of course,” she sighed heavily, rubbing her temple in annoyance. “you guys okay?”
all of the boys nodded and she smiled in relief. “now, who’s excited that the summer is finally upon us on this glorious day?” she said more dramatically, making all of the boys laugh, especially bill. after she was done, she giggled a little as well, finding her terrible acting kind of hilarious.
“all i want is to just go play 𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘵 𝘍𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳 and not have to deal with you losers this summer,” richie said sarcastically, still chuckling slightly.
“beep beep, scumbag!” steph yelled at him playfully in a warning manner.
“sorry, m’lady!”
“seriously, richie! shut up!” eddie said, a little irritated by the bespectacled boy’s behavior. and richie fell quiet, much to their relief.
“d-d-duh-did you have a g-g-good day, steph?” bill asked. the blonde girl grinned at him because of the polite question.
bill denbrough was a tall and kind boy of thirteen, and he had a lanky build that nobody judged him for. he also had cropped brown hair and sky blue-green eyes that always brightened whenever steph was around, although she didn’t know this. he looked like your regular teenage boy in everyday society. if it hadn’t been for his stutter, that would have been considered so.
“yeah, i did,” she replied genuinely. “thanks, bill.”
“nuh-no problem,” he said.
after this, all five of them grabbed their bikes and rode away from the school. steph looked around them to make sure that they were not being followed by the bowers gang and, much to her elation, they didn’t seem to be anywhere in sight. ever since the day she befriended the boys, she grew a motherly and protective nature over them, but it wasn’t overbearing. instead, she truly did care for her boys and didn’t want them hurt, even if it was by any bullies.
she ignored the thought for now, just appreciating the bliss she was feeling as she and her best friends rode towards home on their bikes, grins planted on their faces.
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spaceagebachelormann · 6 months
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𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
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-> state the character, romantic or platonic, the format of the request, and a plot
-> do you have any specifics for the reader? blonde, poc, male, neurodivergent, etc? (please keep in mind i will write poc readers but i’m white so they may be a little difficult for me)
-> requests are preferred to be sent through inbox, but i can make dms work if needed
-> platonic
-> romantic
-> familial
-> any gender x any gender
-> headcanons
-> long fics
-> multi character
-> blurbs
-> poly relationships
-> x reader
-> i will only write cheating if it’s a character comforting r after being cheated on, not a character cheating on r
-> smut (i’m 15)
-> yandere
-> most aus, ask about the specific au before requesting an au
-> incest
-> age gaps
-> canonical gay/lesbian character x a man (if lesbian) or a woman (if gay)
-> song fics
-> things about ocs
-> ships
-> sunshine x grumpy tropes, i’m horrible at this trope
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character list
keeper of the lost cities
sophie foster, dex dizznee, fitz vacker, keefe sencen, biana vacker, marella redek, maruca chebota, tam song, linh song, wylie endal, jensi babblos, stina heks, elwin hesledge
chronicles of narnia
peter pevensie, edmund pevensie, susan pevensie, lucy pevensie, caspian
percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, jason grace, piper mclean, leo valdez, hazel levesque, frank zhang, nico di angelo, will solace, reyna arellano, rachel dare, travis stoll, connor stoll, thalia grace, magnus chase, alex fierro, carter kane, sadie kane
harry potter
harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, neville longbottom, luna lovegood, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, sirius black, james potter, remus lupin, mary macdonald, marlene mckinnon, lily evans, dorcas meadows, regulus black, barty crouch jr, narcissa black, andromeda black, bellatrix lestrange
ride the cyclone
ocean o’connell rosenberg, noel gruber, mischa bachinski, ricky potts, jane doe/penny lamb, constance blackwood
shadow and bone
alina starkov, malyen oretsev, genya safin, zoya nazyalensky, david kostyk, tamaar & tolya, nikolai lantsov
six of crows
kaz brekker, inej ghafa, jesper fahey, nina zenik, wylan van eck, matthias helvar
the outsiders
ponyboy curtis, johnny cade, sodapop curtis, darry curtis, steve randall, twobit matthews, dallas winston, cherry valance
the hunger games
katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, finnick odair, johanna mason, cinna, effie trinket
it (2017)
bill denbrough, eddie kaspbrak, richie tozier, stan uris, beverly marsh, ben hanscom, mike hanlon
the school for good and evil
agatha, sophie, tedros, hort, hester, anadil, dot, nicola, rhian mistral, rafal mistral, clarissa dovey, leonora lesso
the land of stories
connor bailey, alex bailey, red riding hood, jack, goldilocks
scooby doo
shaggy rogers, fred jones, daphne blake, velma dinkley, thorn, dusk, luna
little women
jo march, amy march, beth march, meg march, laurie
dracula, lucy westenra, arthur holmwood, john seward, mina harker, abraham van helsing, renfield, quincey morris, jonathan harker, the brides
victor frankenstein, elizabeth lavenza, henry clerval, adam frankenstein, justine mortiz, ernest frankenstein, the bride
dr jekyll and mr hyde
henry jekyll, edward hyde, richard enfield, gabriel utterson, hastie lanyon, lucy harris
phantom of the opera
christine daaé, erik destler, raoul de chagney, meg giry, carlotta giudicelli
a good girls guide to murder
pippa fitz-amobi, ravi singh, naomi ward, cara ward, connor reynolds, jamie reynolds, nat da silva
the mighty ducks
charlie conway, adam banks, lester averman, guy germaine, connie moreau, fulton reed, dean portman, julie gaffney, ken wu, luis mendoza, dwayne robertson
monster high
frankie stein, draculaura, clawdeen wolf, cleo de nile, abbey bominable, ghoulia yelps, operetta, rochelle goyle, spectra vondergeist, elissabat, clawd wolf, deuce gorgon, heath burns, jackson jekyll, holt hyde, kieran valentine
the powerpuff girls
blossom utonium, bubbles utonium, buttercup utonium, brick jojo, boomer jojo, butch jojo
david bowie
david bowie, ziggy stardust, jareth, thomas jerome newton, celliers
sweeney todd
sweeney todd, anthony hope, mrs lovett, johanna todd
the rosewood chronicles
lottie pumpkin, ellie wolf, jamie volk, ollie moreno, raphael wilcox, anastacia alcroft leblanc, saskia san martin, lola tomkins, mickey tomkins, binah fae
corny collins, link larkin, amber von tussle, tracey turnblad, penny pingleton, seaweed j. stubbs
attack on titan
eren yeager, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, jean kirstein, sasha braus, connie springer, annie leonhardt, bertholdt hoover, reiner braun, hange zoe, levi ackerman, erwin smith, colt grice, niccolo, yelena, onyakopon, zeke yeager
daisy jones and the six
daisy jones, billy dunne, graham dunne, karen sirko, warren rhodes, pete loving/roundtree, eddie loving/roundtree, camila dunne, simone jackson
doctor who bbc
ninth doctor, tenth doctor, rose tyler, jack harkness, mickey smith, donna noble, martha jones, clara oswald, river song, simm! master
miss peregrines home for peculiar children
jacob portman, emma bloom, millard nulling, enoch o’connor, olive elephanta, alma peregrine
miscellaneous characters
sarah williams, bernard the elf, rodrick heffley, varian, lisa frankenstein, the creature (lisa frankenstein)
UPCOMING FANDOMS : les miserables, what we do in the shadows
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teary-eyed-tiaras · 2 months
Eddsworld Stephen King's IT AU
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Bing as Pennywise
Tom as Bill Denbrough
Jon as Georgie Denbrough
Humanized Bowling ball and Pineapple as Bill and Georgie's Parents
Humanized Tree From Tom's Tales of Crazy as Bill's Future Wife, Audra
Tord as Richie Tozier
My Oc's as Richie's Parents
Edd as Ben Hanscom
Ell as Ben's Mother
Laurel as Beverly Marsh
The Creepy Park Guy From Beaster Bunny as Beverly's Father
Beach Bully #1 as Beverly's Future Husband, Tom
Matt as Eddie Kaspbrak
Matt's Mother From Fundead as Eddie's Mother
The Girl From Date Night as Eddie's Future Wife, Myra
Eduardo as Mike Hanlon
My Oc's as Mike's family
Doguardo as Mike's Dog
Mark as Stanley Uris
WTfuture Waitress as Stan's future wife, Patty
Blonzie as Stan's Father
General McCoy as Henry Bowers
Sargeant Hillary as Henry's Father
Hellucard as Henry's Cousin, Connor
Patryk as Patrick Hockstetter
Paul as Belch Huggins
Larry as Vic Criss
Anna as Greta Keene
Bird's And The Bees Scientist as Mr. Keene
Zanta as The Headless Boy
Eduardo's Grandma as The Old Lady
Crazy Homeless Guy From The End as The Leper
Kim as Don Haggerty
Katya as Adrian Mellon
Yuu as Eddie Cochran
Dani as Betti Ripson
The Rest Of The Beach Bullies as The Homophobic Attackers
And everyone else is just an oc
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softfem-dom · 2 months
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𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒍𝒔𝒐𝒏
pronuns : she / her.
birthday : 15th april.
role in school : local sweetheart. a girls' girl.
popularity : not high, not low. average student.
friend group : unpresented in the movies. close friends with connor. best friends with gard jagermeyer.
character trait : is very sensitive (aka where her nickname came from). is very prone to get hurt (hits, cuts, scratches, falls, bumps, etc, etc..).
obsession / hyperfixation : she is completely obsessed over the war (first ww, second ww, and the vietnam war) due to intense trauma. Also completely obsessed over criminals and psychology, probably cuz shes a bit paranoid and wants to know how deranged minds work.
physical illness(es) : not any permament. prone to bruises, cuts, scratches and other minimal injuries.
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beverly marsh : acquaintances. share class. ben hasscom : they don't know each other. she just knows he's the new kid. richie tozier : acquaintances. she has saved him twice from bower's claws. stan uris : casual friends. they used to play togheter when they were kids. eddie kaspbrak : casual friends. their usual hang out spot is the nurse's office, they're always sick/hurt. mike hanlon : they don't know each other, but visually know each other. ,,
patrick hockstetter : creepy molester. bullies her (in a more light way idk). they just gravitate towards each other. fights with moose over her. henry bowers : friends (through connor n gard). neighbours. he mocks her constantly. prohibited the gang from bullying her hardcore since she is his baby cousin's and minion's friend. belch huggins : bullies her (by honking his car at her and scaring her). has actually been tutored by her. victor criss : coexists with her. they're not friends, not acquaintances, neither he bullies her.
gard jagermeyer : best friends. possible romantic interest. neighbours. peter gordon : neutral friends. they know each other n stand each other. just not that emotionally close. moose sandler : aggressive molester. kinda just stalker-ish behaviour. he displays sexual interest in her. kind of a bully too. ,, connor bowers : very close friends. constantly seen hanging out together. ppl believe them to be a couple (which is obv not true).
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itfandom · 3 months
The person who reblogged this is now the casting director for an IT remake. Send them a number for a fan cast!
1. Alvin Marsh
2. Andrea Uris
3. Any IT ocs
4. Arlene Hanscom
5. Audra Philips
6. Belch Huggins
7. Ben Hanscom (old)
8. Ben Hanscom (young)
9. Beverly Marsh (old)
10. Beverly Marsh (young)
11. Bill Denbrough (old)
12. Bill Denbrough (young)
13. Donald Uris
14. Eddie Kaspbrak (old)
15. Eddie Kaspbrak (young)
16. Elfrida Marsh
17. Frank Kaspbrak
18. Georgie Denbrough
19. Greta Bowie (old)
20. Greta Bowie (young)
21. Henry Bowers (old)
22. Henry Bowers (young)
23. Jessica Hanlon
24. Kay McCall
25. Maggie Tozier
26. Mike Hanlon (old)
27. Mike Hanlon (young)
28. Myra Kaspbrak
29. Patrick Hockstetter
30. Patty Uris
31. Pennywise
32. Richie Tozier (old)
33. Richie Tozier (young)
34. Sharon Denbrough
35. Sonia Kaspbrak
36. Stanley Uris (old)
38. Stanley Uris (young)
39. Victor Criss
40. Wentworth Tozier
41. Will Hanlon
42. Zack Denbrough
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bagerfluff · 1 year
I'm bagerfluff.
I'm a trans bisexual bager man who loves to write. I'm a male and non-binary reader blog and I only write for male reader and non-binary. If you like what you see here then you might like my Ao3. I'm multifandom with changing interests.
I hope you have a good day, night, or afternoon and don't forget to drink water :)
Banners made by @cafekitsune
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Harry Potter
Stranger Things
It (2017)
Teen Wolf
Legend Of Zelda
A Date With Death
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Requests Are Closed
I write one-shots, headcanons, and drabbles for male and nonbinary readers, no females or fem aligned readers, so fem DNI.
I don't write for OC's. - I will now write smut - no fem readers
For smut. I only do top dom male readers x characters. Every character I write for will be over 18, the one thing I won't do is under age.
I count a drabble as a fic that is below 500 words. If you have a different opinion, that is fine, but this one is mine, so please don't be rude about it or rude to anyone else opinion. :)
And apology in advance if I don't do them for a while I can sometimes forget stuff.
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IT - Eddie Kaspbrak, Bill Denbrough, Stanley Uris, Richie Tozier, Beverly Marsh,
STRANGER THINGS - Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Nancy Wheeler, Max Mayfield,
HARRY POTTER - Anyone in Harry's era and Marauders era, but no adults. So, no adult versions of Remus, James, Regulus, etc
RIORDANVERSE - Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Nico di Angelo, Leo Valdez,
POKEMON - Gladion, Goh, Hop,
DIGIMON - Takeru Takaishi, Koushiro Izumi, Kouji Minamoto,
A DATE WITH DEATH - Casper x Reader, Casper x OC
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xanasaurusrex · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ who i write for!
hello! so if you look back on my blog a little bit (not very far because i haven't been very active on this account in years basically), you can see that i've already posted a few fics with it (2017) characters as the love interests. i'm not going to take those down because i'm actually pretty proud of them, but there are lots of other characters i want to write for now. so, here's a list!
percy jackson and the olympians/heroes of olympus
percy jackson
annabeth chase
grover underwood
clarisse larue
luke castellan
jason grace
piper mclean
leo valdez
hazel levesque
frank zhang
it (2017)
richie tozier
beverly marsh
stanley uris
eddie kaspbrak
bill denbrough
mike hanlon
marvel cinematic universe
peter parker
tony stark
steven strange
steve rogers
thor odinson
loki laufeyson
wanda maximoff
natasha romanoff
clint barton
bucky barnes
bruce banner
peter quill
harry potter
theodore nott
blaise zabini
mattheo riddle
lorenzo berkshire
pansy parkinson
draco malfoy
neville longbottom
cedric diggory
fred weasley
george weasley
oliver wood
harry potter
ron weasley
hermione granger
i will also probably be dabbling in a few oc fics, because i have quite a lot of original characters and want to write for them as well!
so, those are all the characters i can think of right now, but if i were you i would expect this list to be updated, not necessarily often but also not never? there are lots of shows that i would like to write for, but at the moment this is just the shows and movies that i could think of off the top of my head. if there's a particular character you want me to write for, you can send it in and i'll let you know if i know that character!
ALSO! i will only be writing for fem!reader and not male reader or gender neutral reader, because i am neither of those and, although i want everything i write to be as inclusive as possible, i don't want to accidentally misrepresent those people, so i'll be sticking to fem!reader because i am a female person and that's all i know!
thanks so much for reading! my first thing will probably be some headcanons because i have some ideas, so expect that soon!
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aceditwrites · 1 year
The Master List (hi)
Master List:
Hi, i’m ace. I got really bored and i need an excuse to procrastinate on my personal writing projects so i decided to start an account dedicated to just writing. So like, you can request almost anything (limits below) like if you want like a platonic fic just ask! If you want the reader to be the kid or sibling of the character, i’ll do it! You can be as specific or as vague as you want, eventually i’ll get some prompts for help but for now, you gotta wing it. Also I’ll write for like any fandom even if i dont know it, i’ll try my hardest but i’d prefer if you stuck to the list below. Anyways yeah.  (also pfp is nyurei on picrew)
So basic rules, 
If youre an nsfw account dni, also i will not write smut regardless of age given i’m a minor
No incest 
I’m currently only doing x readers, that might change in the future but for now no ocs or ships
I’d prefer if you didn’t request x reader with an actual person, (ex. Instead of asking for a Maya Hawke x reader, ask for a Robin Buckley x reader)
If you know a character’s sexuality and you dont fit, dont ask (ex. Nico is gay, I will not write Nico x fem! reader)
Please specify pronouns when requesting 
Please keep in mind i’m not a professional writer 
Please use common sense and dont do something that makes me have to update the rules
Anyways, so fandoms i’ll write for
It 2017/2019: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Stanley Uris, Bill Denbrough, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon (specify if you want 2017 or 2019)
Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Grover Underwood, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Connor Stoll, Travis Stoll, Nico Di Angelo, Will Solace
Supernatural: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Gabriel, Kevin Tran, Crowley, Charlie Bradbury, Rowena (does girly have a last name 💀), Jack Kline (platonic only)
South park (platonic only for everyone, they’re children): Kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh, Eric Cartman, Kenny McCormick, Butters Scotch, Tolkien Black (or is it Token? I swear its always spelled different), Timmy, Craig Tucker, Tweek Tweak, Jimmy Valmer, Wendy Testaburger 
Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous/Chaos Theory: Darius Bowman (i’d prefer if we kept it platonic with him but romance is ok i guess), Kenji Kon, Brooklyn, Yasmina Fadoula, Sammy Guiterrez, Ben Pincus, 
Marvel: Tony Stark (platonic only, so sorry) Steve Rodger, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Peter, Ned Leeds, M.J, Harley Keener, Thor Odinson, Loki Odinson, Shuri, T'Challa, Okoye
The Owl House: Luz Noceda, Willow Park, Amity Blight, Edric Blight, Emira Blight, Gus Porter, Eda Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorn, Hooty (platonic preferred, but if you freaky like that go ahead and ask for romance, see what happens), Raine Whispers
The Umbrella Academy: Luther, Diego, Alison, Klaus, Five (would he date a kid or an adult cause-), Ben (he can be alive or yall could be ghosts), Vanya 
Dear Evan Hansen: Connor Murphy (my beloved), Evan Hansen, Jared Kleinman, Zoe Murphy, Alana Beck
Heather: Heather Chandler, Heather McNamara, Heather Duke, Veronica Sawyer, Jason Dean, Martha Dunnstock
Invincible: Mark Grayson, Debbie Grayson, Eve Wilkins, Rex Splode, Amber Bennet, William Clockwell
Idk how any of this works but uh have fun
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daydreamer999 · 2 months
Meet the Bardots
Eremophobia: a specific phobia, or morbid fear, of being alone, isolated, abandoned, or ignored
Pronouned: Bar-doe
Elle Fanning as: little Charlotte Bardot or "Lottie"
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"It's my fault. I should have been with Georgie, maybe he'd still be here if I hadn't left him alone."
Jennifer Connelly as: Evelyn Bardot
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"Sometimes, bad things happen to great people, and it doesn't make a whole lotta sense. Many would have you believe that you should give up, and that it justifies hurting others for the hurt you feel. But I believe these moments are intended to help you grow..."
Nicolaj Coster-Waldau as: James Bardot
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"Bill, my daughter talks about marrying you everyday. I think we're way past formalities don't you think?"
The rest of the It Cast will be themselves, I will update the casting if I add more OC's (that are important to the story anyway).
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reddie-ao3feed · 3 months
let's see how far we've come
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Wkw3roN by welcometothiscatastrophy title taken from "How Far We've Come" by Matchbox Twenty An AU in which Richie became a teacher instead of a comedian and has a teenaged kid. When Mike calls, saying he has to go back to Derry, Richie really doesn't want to but knows he must. With his kid tagging along (like the stubborn gremlin they are), can Richie and the Losers finally put an end to Pennywise? (Nathaniel also just wants his Dad to get his mans. Is that too much to ask for?) Words: 1364, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: IT (Movies - Muschietti) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, M/M, Other Characters: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Beverly Marsh, Stanley Uris, Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon, Bill Denbrough, Pennywise (IT), Patricia Blum Uris, Audra Phillips Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh, Patricia Blum Uris/Stanley Uris, Bill Denbrough/Mike Hanlon Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Everybody Lives, Stanley Uris Lives, Teacher!Richie, dad!richie, bisexual richie, Gay Eddie Kaspbrak, Characters may be OOC but like. that's okay bc I'm trying, Trans Male Character, Trans Richie Tozier, Trans OC character, there's also going to be chatfic parts too so like. yippee!!, Richie is a history/theater teacher, Slow Burn Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Wkw3roN
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roleplayfinder · 4 months
Hey hello! I’ve been brainrotting with roleplay wants!
So I’m 17 turning 18 this winter! Anyway my literacy varies but usually can do 3 - 5 lines!! Short paragraphs? Not sure.
Also 16+ and over!!! 🎧👊🏽 let gooo
Our current roster of fandoms are:
- It 2017
- Stranger Things
- Spider-Man: Multiverse
- Fortnite Chapter 5: Underground; Myths and Mortals; Wrecked.
- Overwatch 2
- Identity V
And looking for male +/x male! As for characters I’m looking for!!
- It 2017
— Richie Tozier, Stanley Uris, Eddie Kaspbrak
Playing as Bill Denbrough
- Stranger Things
— Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, ?
Playing as Will Byers or Mike Wheeler!
- Spider-Man: Multiverse
— Miles, Spiderverse Characters/OCs
Playing as OCs!
- Fortnite Chapter 5: Underground; Myths and Mortals; Wrecked.
— ???
Playing as ???
- Overwatch 2
— ???
Playing as ???
- Identity V
— ???
Playing as ???
Would prefer if it’s on tumblr!!! But free to do discord afterwards
Interact or send me a message!!
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