#kat: since second escape?
the-faultofdaedalus · 11 months
some very funny things i’ve realized about kat and people’s perception of her is that a) for a While everyone just thinks that she got her powers because her parents were doing unethical human experimentation on her before their death because tony over-related and his arguments were convincing enough and because no one has mentioned this in front of kat she can’t ever correct them and b) it’s very possible that it takes a LONG time for anyone to even realize that i) she has two different powersets from two different sources ii) what one of those powers even IS (her sight, because she just. doesn’t talk about things. again. and the things she notices that no one should notice could just be really good hearing or smell or smth?) and honestly the longer no one realizes any of these things the funnier it is
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lilacgaby · 6 days
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watching a scary movie with katsuki but he gets more scared than you.
he brings the idea up to you in your room, challenging you since you were laughing about how he hates jump scares.
he bet you'd scream and hold him, he'd comfort you of course since he was such a good boyfriend.
he put on the movie. it was 'X', the sequel to pearl, so you honestly weren't that scared throughout the whole thing. it took a while for any real horror to start, so katsuki was scoffing at the scenes, saying "this is barely horror." at the second half, you were enjoying all the deaths but were upset at your favorite girls dying. not really scared much at all as you made small comments like "don't go in there man.. ah and now he's dead."
but katsuki? he was clinging on the the bowl of popcorn for dear life. old hags scared him and this bitch was crazy. he'd slightly flinch at the imagery, audibly sucking his teeth when the guy stepped on a nail.
"you okay kats'? we can stop."
"this is nothing, im not even scared."
you ignored the gasp that escaped his mouth when the guy put his eye up to the whole of the barn door,
it went through his head in a second, the old woman who held the weapon suddenly full screen.
you couldn't ignore the cute shriek that escaped his lips, popcorn spilled over your bed as he let it out of his hands on reflex.
who would've imaged that he'd cling on to you with sweaty hands and wide eyes as you paused the movie, his hand moved to shut down the screen as the old girl was looking into the camera.
"let's just watch the all might movie again." you offered, clicking out of the movie, already starting to find a site to torrent it.
he let out a shaky breath. "yeah, yeah that's fine."
as you watched the documentary for the 20th(?) time, he asked you to keep the light on as you two slept in together.
begrudgingly, he admitted you were right, he is a scaredy cat. but at least he was your scaredy cat.
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ddostoyevskyy · 5 days
rainy szn, gn!reader, reader has a cold body temperature, timeskip!Katsuki, nsfw.
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“You okay?” You heard him whisper on the skin of your neck, nuzzling his nose through your jaw as he heaves a sigh deep from his chest — like he’s been holding his breath back. It’s been a few moments after he shifted you awake with feathered kisses while the warmth of his large hands roamed around your body. The sluggishness from being unconscious makes your eyes heavy-lidded. But that doesn’t stop you from staring at him on top of you as he indulged himself with your warmth, pushing his cock deep and basking into the heat of the moment, while the weather opposes.
You hear the pitter-patters from the outside as you realized; it’s raining. The warm feeling of being naked in the sheets makes you almost not realize the sudden weather change. And it doesn’t help the fact that despite the feeling of being full of Katsuki and the oh, so warm palms roaming through your chest, hips and the small of your back — your body temperature dropped cold.
And it doesn’t help the fact that everytime it rains, Katsuki’s heart aches and your body cannot physically stay warm throughout this weather.
Katsuki could hear his heart echoes through his ears, reminding him that he’s alive, yet at the same time, it stings, it aches, it hurts, like he’s being stabbed. He felt awful waking you up like this, although he can’t help but to stare at your form; all disheveled and panting while the sweat from his palms glistened through your body. He subconsciously licks his lips as you reach out for him, your palm aiming on his chest where an explosion-shaped scar located and his breath hitches, a shiver run on his spine when the cold travels through his skin.
His cock twitches inside you, a breathy moan escapes his lips and you watch with awe. The ache between your legs seems to respond, could feel your insides throbbing with sensation when he spread your thighs so he could lean down closer to you.
“Mhm, fine. ‘S fine, Katsuki...” You mumbled, tracing his jaw with your fingertips. Katsuki’s sensitive when it rains, and much more sensitive with the cold temperature of yours. It felt surreal the first actualization. It dawned you. And you were hesitant to touch him ever since. And he knew.
His hips moves, a bit sensual and forceful every push, hitting that spot sporadically as though he knew your body well like the back of his hand. His mouth were on yours, near your ear seconds later when he focuses on fucking you with precision. His arm hooked around your hips, the other holding yours close where the scar on his chest are. His pace were getting intense as he grits and hiss through his teeth.
“Kats —!”
“Fuck, damn fucking — baby, I can’t hear you over the rain. C'mon, you should be louder than that, yeah?”
A choked sob strangles over your throat, the tears in your eyes making your head dizzy with pleasure. He can’t stop, not when the sound of the rain were subsiding on his ears and he can only hear you — you, you and you. This is what he needs when it rains; your warmth, this kind of sex where he could only hear you and never minds the rain while your cold fingers graze over the scar on his chest, or the expanse of his shoulder blades, or down on his back as you pin your nails, breaking the skin and marking his neck with your mouth.
“Yeah, yeah — just like that... Feels good? You with me?”
“Yes — ! Ah! D-Does it still hurts? This makes it feel better?”
Katsuki’s hips didn’t falters, yet his flushed face softened more with the question. His heart rhythmically throttles over his chest. It still aches, but it is tender, your hands cold yet it feels just right and he wondered if he just loves you so much his heart aches. The volume of your voice increases when he lost control, fully pounding into you with vigor to chase that high he’d been wanting since the rain started a while ago. His grip tightens, lips scattering marks all over your neck and chest and when you come down, he followed soon enough, filling you full but never leaving you empty.
“It does,” He answers, muffled as he buried his face in your neck. You were still panting, shredded with an intense afterglow and your attention drags through the window.
“It already stopped raining, huh?” You mumbled, hands playing with his hair that tickles through your skin and he hummed.
“You still feels cold.”
You blame the rain for that.
“As long as it doesn‘t hurt anymore, I’ll be alright, Katsuki.”
I love the rain. You wanted to say out loud, but you knew Katsuki will throw a fit if you do — because he hates it. He hates the rain as much as he loves the cold radiates through your body. He hates the rain because he can’t hear your voice within the patters of droplets of water through the roof as much as he loves making love with you when it rains.
You love the rain because as much as it hurts him, you can hear his thoughts echoes when the rain stopped and silence follows through.
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𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄... It's rainy szn here in my country and I badly want this, like rn:( gimme Katsuki, pls
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
All Rights Reserved 2024 © ddostoyevskyy. Do not repost without permission or plagiarized.
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a-blog-for-kat · 17 days
IE; Ace (1), Arei (2), Arturo (3), ect.
1 - Ace is the first name alphabetically in the DRDT cast first name wise because "Ace" means number one, or to be the best at something. Ace is also the first “normal” person on the cast list website, as Teruko is first (protagonist) Xander is second (Support) Charles is third (Antagonist) but Ace is fourth without being extremely tied into the story at this point. It also can signify confidence, something Ace shows in chapter one a little but eventually it got overtaken by just anger and fear.
2 - Arei is number two in the cast, she's the ch2 victim, second person to have her sobbing session before dying (Xander didn’t cry a shocker), or maybe she'll always be second place compared to her sisters, which she has two of? If my memory serves me right (Future Kat here, it does), she’s also the second shortest of the cast after Eden, according to the new biometrics.
3 - In more religious settings, the number three can represent perfection and completeness, which for Arturo is ironic since he doesn’t even have a complete design shown, as we haven’t seen the whole him, only most of him physically (in the sense of we don’t know what his whole face looks like, only the upper part.) Three also represents problem solvers and people who are optimistic in nature and can also be childish. Not like Arturo, but maybe Felicity as she’s three to four years younger than Arturo?
4 - Funnily the first thing that popped up was “earth, wind, water, and fire” so CHARLES IS AN ELEMENT BENDER /j. On a serious note the number four can signify stability and strong foundations. Knowing a little bit into Charles’ backstory (his family spoiled him, he was quite sheltered, he doesn’t remember anything about his brother) he probably had a “stable” homelife until Elliot died, ruining that stability and basically crumbling his foundations, even leading him to gain hemophobia (the fear of blood) and necrophobia (the fear of dead bodies/corpses).
4 cont. - Another meaning to the number four is hard work, which Charles is constantly shown doing. He doesn’t half-ass anything, hell he works as hard as he can to reach his goals. He is the reason the students haven’t absolutely gotten their asses killed yet this trial since he called out Teruko’s wrong.
4 cont part 2. The number four is also a bad omen in East Asia, commonly associated with death. Now, Charles might be Latino, but someone else he's heavily associated with, Whit, is Chinese. Even in the LGI MV, Whit has tetraphobia as a word assigned to him, which is the fear of the number four, possibly hinting to either Charles' or Whits death in the near future.
5 - The number five can symbolize freedom, curiosity, and change. Let's start in order with these three examples, David doesn’t have freedom over his branding and basically his entire public persona. It’s been crafted by his manager to show to the world, the only reason he even was able to escape it was because his secret of being a “manipulator” got revealed and he just had to drop it. There's no point in keeping it up, after all. Curiosity is a bit tricky, but it could mean that he’s curious as to why people do the things they do? Why don't all of them don’t even try to understand Xander’s true intentions with why he stabbed Teruko. Change, well, his entire ideology is “people can’t change.” He believes you’re born either a good person or bad person, and that’s how you’ll stay. If you “changed” you were always a good or bad person to begin with.
5 cont. - One more thing, David’s association with stars, which have 5 points. But all stars burn out eventually, so maybe this symbolizes how David was so burnt out from keeping his public persona that it “died” and the real him is out.
6 - The number six can represent trustworthiness, lovingness, and sympathy. Eden is very trusting, that's actually her entire theme, being very trusting towards others and trying to show Teruko that trust is good. Eden is a very loving person in general, she loves others quite a lot and her secret revolves around kissing a girl, most likely with feelings involved in that. And sympathy. She's a sympathetic person in general. She's basically the glue that holds the cast together.
7 - The number seven usually signifies luck in many modern cultures. It can also signify indecisiveness, which is shown when Hu defends Nico in the class trial but is extremely condescending towards Arturo, even though they have extremely similar situations. (I am not defending either Arturo or Nico, they were both in the wrong for their situations.) It can also be associated with moodiness, which is very much shown in the last two episodes with Hu snapping multiple times.
8 - The number eight can signify being straight-talking and blunt, which we see in J quite a lot. If he doesn’t like something, he’ll state it. When Arturo’s being a creep towards him, he’s justifiably mad and has said multiple times that he wants to be left alone. When he tried to use the remote on MonoTV in episode 4 of Chapter One, he stated that, at the very least, he wanted it to die. He’s also pretty confident, I mean, look at the remote scene. He’s very clearly confident in what he can do.
9 - The number nine can signify humanitarianism and compassion, both things Levi can lack. He’s, at the end of episode 12, revealed to be a remorseless murderer who holds no guilt for his past actions. He is also shown to not know how to feel emotions like grief in situations and even consults Eden about it.
10 - The number ten can mean someone who’s ready to take a new phase in life, this could mean Min was ready to die for Teruko to take a new phase in her life, aka becoming much more untrusting and throwing her into that negative arc. It can also signify order and law, something Min might’ve studied. Also the number ten is a Pythagorean symbol, perfection. Something Min aims to become. Perfect.
11 - The number eleven can symbolize spiritual journeys which….. Unless Nico is going to have some form of spiritual journey, I don’t think this could pertain to them. But it could also be just a journey revolving around their character, becoming someone who’s not afraid to speak their word.
12 - The number twelve is associated with the heavens but can also be cosmic order and perfection, something you strive for as an artist. Being perfect. Which is also a good representative of Rose’s memory, it’s perfect, she won’t forget a detail. But that’s also her downfall, if she sees something awful it won’t leave her memory.
13 - (Has spoken about 13 in the past. Read here.)
14 - The number fourteen can signify new beginnings, a fresh start, and harmony. The last one being ironic as she usually only brings chaos and destruction. New beginnings could mean her using her talent as a new beginning or new outlet instead of hurting herself (if that really is her secret) and a fresh start could mean her starting anew in this killing game? Or even her getting a character arc in the future, though I doubt it.
15 - The number fifteen tends to be associated very sensitive and caring individuals who prioritize the well-being of others over their own. Which can be applied to Whit in a sense, he puts others feelings over others in situations, like trying to make Teruko smile by sacrificing Charles’ dignity. He’s also just a very caring person in general, as it’s shown how he comforted Charles in Chapter One (Sibling Core) or Eden in Chapter Two. Another thing could be how all luxury is in life, Whit seemed to live a relatively normal life before his mother passed, but still tries to make the best of life and make it a luxury.
16 - The number sixteen is a number associated with karma, what goes around comes around. Xander, stabbing Teruko, has done a bad thing, therefore paying with his life. It could also signify pushing others to their life purposes, Xander, after stabbing Teruko, pushed her to her “purpose” of being a cold protagonist. It can also mean a smart mind but Xander isn’t that smart to be honest-
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Coming Home
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Part 6
Kid Salvatore reader x Stefan Salvatore x Damon Salvatore
Warnings: mentions of torture, swearing
They then headed back to the boarding house to where Damon and Katherie are.
When you guys got inside the house, the first thing everyone hears is Katherine and Damon fighting about a functional way to find you.
"Guys shut up your going to wake y/n up!" Caroline said, getting the twos attention.
Damon was the first to speak up, "Where did you find her?"
"She found Jeremy in school and went over to him" Elena explained.
From all the talking you started to squirm, waking up. You lifted your head up and looked around, when you turned your arm rubbed harshly against Stefan's jacket emitting a whimper from you. It scraped right against the first place where Klaus touched you with vervain.
Speaking of Klaus when he woke up, as soon as he got dressed he went downstairs only to see that you weren't there anymore and escaped during the night. He started throwing furniture around, angry. Eventually he went down to the basement and un-daggered Elijah and Rebekah since there's no point having them daggered anymore cause your gone.
"What happened to you?" Damon asked and came up to you, inspecting all the burns but being really gentle about it.
"Mean 'erson hurt me" you mumbled back.
You then noticed Katherine standing behind Damon and your eyes lit up. "Kafrine" you reached out grabby hands for her.
She came over and gently took you into her arms from Stefan's. Damon looked offended, it was really hard for everyone not to start laughing at him. "I am offended she chose Kitty Kat right there over me. Her own brother" Damon said, playfully glaring at you.
You adorably smiled at him then started to play with Katherine's curls. "You are lucky your cute" Damon said and went to pour himself a drink.
He turned to all the girls; Bonnie, Elena, Caroline. "Don't even think about it you three and you two don't even start" he pointed to Jeremy and Tyler who were about to say something.
"Hung'y" you whispered into Katherine's ear while Damon was telling off everyone.
"Okay y/n/n do you want a blood bag or my blood?" Katherine whispered back, making you smile.
"You, p'ease" you answered.
Katherine moved her hair out of the way for you to drink from her neck. You slowly sank your tiny, cute fangs into her and started to drink from her.
"I'm going to kill Klaus" Damon raged, starting to head for the door.
"Don't even think about it" Stefan said before Damon could take another step. He thought about it for a second then started to walk again before Katherine started to talk.
"Damon if you take one more step to that fucking door I will kick your ass so hard you won't be able to sit for a week" Katherine threatened him from where she was now sitting with you on her lap still drinking her blood, slowly.
"Damon c'mon" Stefan said, knowing Katherine will actually follow through with that action.
Damon walked towards the couch and sat down, glaring at everyone in the room who was also now sitting. "So what your telling me is that son of a bitch can kidnap our sister and I can't do anything about it? No revenge?! because trust me he deserves it" Damon exclaimed, furious.
"How about we wait until we know y/n is okay before planning some psychotic revenge plan your probably thinking of right now" Bonnie said, who was sitting next to him.
"Fine Bon Bon, but I'm holding you to that" he said.
You stopped drinking Katherine's blood and by now most of the burn marks are gone except for a couple still on your arms but they'll heal soon enough. You were staring at the drink in Damon's hand that he got just now. It's obviously bourbon but you can't exactly tell the difference of alcohol or not.
Damon noticed where you were looking. "Do you want some?" He asked you.
You slightly nodded and climbed down from Katherine's lap, going over to him. "Damon no, she's four" Elena said but Damon to no avail didn't listen and brought the glass up to your slightly parted lips.
Everyone didn't stop him because they all knew what the outcome of this was most likely to be and it was you spitting it out. Damon poured some into your mouth and sat the glass down onto the coffee table. As soon as you tasted it you spat it all out right onto Damon's lap, making a disgusted face.
"Sowwy Damy, don' wike dat" you apologized and pointed at the substance in the glass he put down.
"Umm, it's okay y/n/n. I'll be back I'm going to go put on pants that aren't stained with alcohol" Damon said and went upstairs to his room.
You turned to where Bonnie's sitting and started to play around with her fingers. After a bit she lifted you onto her lap so you didn't have to keep reaching up to her hands.
When Damon came back down Stefan was already checking your arms and face where there are still a bit of traces from where Klaus hurt you. You whimpered when he touched a certain place where you were burned with vervain on your upper arm close to your shoulder. But other than that everything looked fine and should heal soon.
"Okay everything looks good but watch out for this burn mark just in case. I put a plaster on it but still be careful about it" Stefan said standing up again.
"So she's alright nothing serious right?" Damon asked sort of getting eager to everyone's dismay, knowing of what's going to come from him.
"Yeah......why?" Stefan asked his brother in return.
Damon didn't answer and just turned over to where Tyler and Jeremy were arm wrestling at the arm of the couch they were at.
"Hey you two idiots over there" he said getting both of their attention.
"Yeah?" They both asked at the same time.
"How would you guys like to go and hunt a certain hybrid with me?" Damon smirked at them.
"Sure why not?" Tyler said and Jeremy responded with; "awesome, I'm in."
"No to both of you" Alaric said walking in the room and making the two boys sit down again.
"Wait school isn't over yet" Caroline pointed out.
"I excused myself saying it was a family emergency. The whole reason I left though was because of Damon and his teenage girl hormones when this stuff happens" Alaric said, making all of them laugh at your oldest brother.
"Oh come on he DESERVES it" Damon exclaimed.
"Yes he does but let's wait a bit first" He told his best friend and drinking buddy.
Damon just rolled his eyes and sat back down next to Bonnie again. "Okay you guys might want to stop speaking about k-i-l-l-i-n-g people in front of her" Bonnie informed, nodding down to where you were now leaning back against her dozing off.
"Seriously? You think she doesn't know how to spell" Tyler pointed out at how Bonnie spelled out the word 'killing'.
"Okay then. y/n what was the word I spelt out the last time I talked" Bonnie asked, looking down at where you were looking up at her.
"I don' know. Candy?!" You said expectantly but Bonnie shook her head and you leaned back, saddened now.
Eventually though you did fall asleep ending with the top half of your thumb in your mouth. Bonnie tried to pull your thumb out but stopped after you started to wake up again.
“So what exactly did Klaus do to her?” Alaric asked after Bonnie came back downstairs from laying you down in your bed. 
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shdo-xplosion · 1 year
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01 <-☼-> 03
warnings: 2.4k; captivity, telepathy, restraints, non-con, forced orgasm, fingering, squirting, toys? (more like tools), speculum, ben-wa balls (sort of), insertion, medical play? in the name of research, we call bakugou ‘kat’ for now! (this chapter is hard to tag)
notes: hahahaha um hi. this is gross. and it’s only going to get worse, so prepare yourselves. (˵ᵕ̴᷄ ˶̫ ˶ᵕ̴᷅˵)
tags: @ssplague @makepastanotwar13 @kaidabakugou @kiarathace @kllrkitty @itachiwho @siempre-entre-dos-opciones-blog
let me know if you would (or would not) like to be tagged, but you must have your age somewhere visible on your blog!
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You recognize the blond alien immediately. It paces into the room without giving you so much as a glance, just walks straight to the control panel behind you that you’ve yet to get a glimpse of.
“What are you doing?” you ask now that you know they can all understand you. When it still doesn’t acknowledge you, you try again. “Hey!”
This time, with your neck craned uncomfortably, you’re met with an intimidating scarlet gaze.
Your eyebrows raise at the sound of his voice. His mouth didn’t move at all which leads you to believe… “You’re telepathic.” Something that scientists on earth have just barely begun to figure out.
The alien grunts and nods.
Does that mean you can hear me too? you think and are met with another throaty noise of confirmation.
For a few seconds, you’re in awe, fascinated by how advanced they are. Then the implication sets in, and you shut your eyes.
So, you’ll always know what I’m thinking then.
Just another leg up that these terrifying creatures have over you and your crew mates. There’s no way out of this. Any plan you may come up with, any plot to escape, they’ll know from the beginning.
Closing your eyes, you look back to the high ceiling as the alien fiddles with the panel. All you hear are little clicks, but then the table beneath you begins to move, the extensions that your legs are bound to spreading apart. On your chest, the tiny massage balls become firmer as they roll over your tits, and when you begin to squirm the straps around your wrists pull tighter.
Fuck. Fuck fuck. What is about to happen to you? What is—
Relax. I’m only here to do research.
“What kind of research?” you ask frantically, your voice too loud as it rings through the room.
I have to see what your body is capable of.
My… ?
Your cunt, it says explicitly, sending shivers down your spine.
You’re so used to tears flooding your waterline that you barely even notice it now.
You whisper between heavy breaths, “are… am I going to…”
This isn’t the impregnation phase, no.
Phase. So there’s a phase. The fact that this is not it brings you minimal relief as the promise of it still hangs over your head.
The creature walks around to the end of the table and waves a tray of some sort over. Telepathy and telekinesis? Or is it something else?
It sits down on a chair you had no idea was even there, then lifts the thin covering off of your legs so that you’re exposed to it.
Wait, wait, you stall, trying to give yourself just a little more time to get mentally prepared. What’s your name?
You wouldn’t be able to say it.
Try me, you insist, chest heaving as you panic.
As expected, the alien makes a noise void of any softness. Ktsk, like someone being strangled.
Okay, you chew on your lip as you think of what to call it. Kat. Kat works. Less like a choke, more like a scream.
You feel hands on your knees, travel higher and higher, and again, you stop him. “Hold on!”
He actually sighs in what sounds like exasperation. What?
Are you male or female?
There’s more than just male and female here, he corrects, which makes sense. I am male, though.
You can stop calling him ‘it’ now. It doesn’t humanize him since he isn’t human at all, but it somehow makes him slightly less of a monster, a beast that lives in your closet rather than under your bed.
Without any more questions—any that can be answered anyway—you lay your head back and inhale deeply. There’s nothing you can do to stop him from touching you, so you need to do your best to make peace with it.
He doesn’t trace patterns up your thighs or waste time with gentle touches, just leans between your legs for a closer look. You wince when you feel fingers spread your lips, not because it hurts but because it’s cold.
Body tensing, your hole clenches in front of him, prompting Kat to run the tip of his finger over it. It feels curious, as if he truly has no idea what he’s looking at. Do the female aliens not have anatomy like you?
Kat prods around in a way that would be amusing in any other situation, but no giggles escape you, only shallow breaths.
When he tries to push past your entrance you let out a high-pitched sound of discomfort, ow ow ow, and it makes Kat stop immediately.
What is it?
You can’t just… push something in there dry, you explain. You need some kind of lubricant otherwise it hurts. You’re teaching him for your benefit, keep him from tearing anything.
He switches gears, hesitant and possibly confused. If he’s anything like earth men, he’s too embarrassed to ask for any extra information on the matter.
Feather light touches dance around your hole now, spreading your folds apart again. The first nudge of your clit makes your body jolt in shock, almost impressed that he found it so quickly. You think you can feel him staring at your face, but you refuse to look at him. Your thoughts are already giving too much away.
A pleasure point?
Yeah. No reason to deny it.
Kat touches the bundle of nerves again, like a button at first, but when all it does is make you scrunch up your nose, he begins to flick it instead. Back and forth, back and forth. You feel it begin to swell, becoming more firm, more obvious, the longer he toys with it.
A different kind of pulse between your legs proves that his actions are affecting you, a subtle throb deep in your pussy that makes slick coat your walls.
Lubricant? he thinks.
You hate yourself as you nod. It’s a biological response, your voice of reason reminds you. You don’t like it, but this is natural.
Kat doesn’t say anything else, just dips a fingertip into your hole to gather your arousal, dragging wetness over your folds and slicking your clit with it. His touches become smoother, which makes it feel better, which makes you hate yourself even more. This is sick. Even with your logic you can’t help but believe something is wrong with you if your body is enjoying this.
He is an alien. An alien who almost killed you. Who put a parasite inside of your captain and plans to do the same to you.
I didn’t do anything to your captain, you hear, and you’re about to argue, but before you can think of a comeback, Kat slides a thick finger into your pussy. He presses in slowly, but it only gets deeper and deeper. You hadn’t actually realized how big his hands were.
You can’t place the noise he makes, but you think it might sound… satisfied?
He twists his hand a bit, wiggling the digits inside of you. You understand what he meant by research now. It all seems so clinical. You sort of expect him to pull out a notebook.
Without asking, Kat begins to move, pushing his finger in and out of your body. You bite your lip hard and squeeze your eyes shut. The bindings on you feel so much tighter all of a sudden. You can’t close your legs at all, can’t use your hands to hide yourself. All you can do is let him touch you.
As he fingers you, he brings his other hand up to touch your clit again.
Is that good or bad?
You don’t want to tell him. Don’t want him to know that it does, in fact, feel good. But you can’t deny it. He can hear your thoughts. Even though you don’t confirm it, he knows.
Faster. In and out, the pad of a finger rubbing over your clit. He pushes another inside of you, your hole stretching at the intrusion. A slight burn accompanies it, but at the first downward twitch of your mouth, Kat speeds up on your clit.
The tip of one of his fingers is dragging over your g-spot, and it feels wonderful. Makes a certain pressure build in your pelvis, in your bladder, and as more hot tears fill your eyes, even hotter squirt begins to dribble down your folds.
If Kat is confused by it, he doesn’t make a show of it, just continues the same motions as your legs start to shake. You wonder if he’ll understand the concept of overstimulation. What will happen if he doesn’t?
Helpless, you remember. You’re helpless.
The third finger makes you groan out loud, back arching, and the movement brings to attention the device locked into your chest. Your tits are tender now, nipples hard enough to peek through the see-through tubing. You’re embarrassed at how your body is reacting to him. You can’t remember the last time you were this wet, the last time slick dripped from your cunt in thick strings.
What is he thinking? Has he ever seen something like this before?
No. Your body is different from our females.
He removes his fingers and you swear you almost whimper at the loss.
Smaller. Tighter, he says, and then, softer.
You blink up at the ceiling, not sure how to respond. If humans are smaller, surely you can’t tolerate being pregnant. Probably can’t even tolerate taking one of these alien cocks. It’s a vulgar thought, but it’s still there, and it’s still troubling.
Is that all? Are you finished? you ask. You don’t even care that you haven’t actually cum.
You see the strange, blond spikes of his hair move when he looks up your body to lock eyes.
No. I still some more tests.
A test that involves some kind of speculum, stretching you open open open until you’re breathing through your teeth. He uses something to swipe at your gummy walls, reminds you of getting swabbed at your old physician’s office, only you doubt Kat is screening for cancer or STDs.
Then, still stretched to your limit, he begins touching your clit again. All of your muscles tense, but you can’t actually clench like you’re used to, the tool wedged inside of you preventing any type of contraction despite your body’s want to do just that.
And something about that, that feeling of being pulled so thin, wide open and vulnerable, it makes your eyes roll back. Kat is swiping multiple fingers over your swollen clit, drops of squirt streaming down the tool, the curve of your ass, and the table beneath you. Your spine curves as much as the restraints allow it too, and with a shuddering breath, you hit your climax.
Oh my god, my god, fuck fuck fuck. Normally your cunt would pulse and spasm with every wave of your orgasm, but it can’t, your body trying to force the barrier out of you without success.
When it finally stops, after it feels like it never will, you tremble and gasp and try to ignore the way your vision is dancing with little white dots.
“Okay, that’s… that’s it, right? You got what you wanted?”
Kat slowly slides the speculum from you and places it on the tray next to him, not looking at you as he answers, no.
He examines you again, no tools, just his red eyes and thick fingers. Your pussy is swollen with blood flow, coated with enough slick to dull some sensation, but every tap to your clit makes you whine. This time when he makes you cum, he’s able to see the way your cunt clenches, hole tightening then loosening.
He holds you open, swirling the tip of his finger around your sloppy entrance so that you squirm.
Final test, he thinks, moving to retrieve something else. When he holds three shiny spheres in your line of vision, you shake your head. They have to be two inches in diameter. There’s no way…
I just need to see how much you can handle, he tells you as if that answers all your questions.
Resituating himself between your legs, Kat presses one of the balls against you, slicking it up with your juices before lining it up with your entrance and slowly pushing it inside of you.
The stretch actually isn’t bad, not after so much prep. Your muscles are spent and relaxed, covered in viscous arousal.
Using his fingers, Kat pushes the ball as far as he can, hitting the wall of your cervix so that you jerk and cough.
There’s one.
The second is much the same, your pussy greedily sucking in whatever it’s given. With two inside, you feel the weight, how they crowd your insides. Three will be too many. You know that for sure.
But Kat still tries, slipping the last smooth ball inside of you, making the others shift where they’ve settled in your guts. As soon as he moves his finger, that final ball slips right back out, the sensation disturbingly pleasurable.
Kat grunts in disapproval and pushes it back in, trying to get it in a little farther this time.
It’s not gonna… they’re too big.
You hear a little huff when the ball breeches your hole again, rolling onto the table.
Fine. We’ll just try again soon.
Nothing’s gonna change, you tell him. It’s not like my vagina is just gonna grow another couple sizes.
Kat stands up and looks at you, eyebrow cocked, one side of his mouth just barely pulled up.
Don’t worry. I’m sure I can figure out some ways to stretch you out better.
He disposes of his tools then gives the straps around your wrists a little slack. As he starts toward the door you call out loud, “wait! Aren’t you gonna get these things out of me?”
Kat turns then slowly paces over to you. Your eyes go wide when he leans down close enough for you to feel chilled breath on your face.
No. He puts a thumb on your chin, pulling down until your bottom lip reveals your teeth. You watch as his split tongue darts out of his mouth, quick as a flash as he catches one of your tears on it. I wanna see if you can do it by yourself.
I told you already. I need to see what this cunt can do.
Needs to see how much you can take, if you’re strong enough to birth his race.
You already know that you’re not.
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2023©️shdo-xplosion. please do not plagiarize or repost my work to any other platforms.
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rosinbae · 1 year
kitty kat ⋆ shen ricky
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◜✧◞ SYNOPSIS ─ in which ricky realizes he might be in love with his best friend after all.
◜✧◞ PAIRING ─ shen ricky x male!reader
◜✧◞ GENRE ─ fluff.
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"y/n my eye itches".
"stop moving or i'll accidentally poke you".
ricky scrunches his nose as y/n completely focuses on doing his eyeliner, ignoring his complaints which come up every two seconds.
"ricky i swear to god" y/n grits his teeth, biting his bottom lip. "i need you to stay still before you end up having ink in your eye".
"when you agreed to help me i didn't think you meant threaten me" ricky comments, and y/n rolls his eyes.
"your lucky" he states. "you have pretty eyes".
ricky resists the urge to blink, he can't because then y/n will kill him. "what does that have to do with anything?"
"they're perfectly shaped for this kind of thing".
"that's a pretty weird compliment.."
"take it or leave it kat".
that was the nickname y/n had given him when they were younger, stating that ricky was pretty much identical to a cat. no one really got the nickname, since ricky only allowed y/n to call him that, it was like their little thing.
ricky would never admit that he liked seeing y/n up close much more than he realized, with y/n's focus on doing his eyeliner, he could simply stare right at him and it wouldn't be weird.
"what if my mom thinks i look bad?" ricky decides to ask randomly. y/n narrows his eyes, but simply hums as a small laugh escapes his lips.
"you never look bad" he responds honestly, finally moving away from ricky as he finishes. "there, you're done" he says, but ricky still doesn't blink, afraid.
"you can blink kat, it's okay".
ricky immediately blinks, resisting the urge to rub his eyes because he knows it'll possibly mess up what y/n just spend thirty minutes doing. "see? you look pretty, told you".
ricky feels his face heat up, which is weird because y/n compliments him all the time. he just feels.. different towards all the nice words y/n keeps saying.
am i going insane? why is my temperature rising? and my heart beating faster? he just called you pretty ricky what are you going on about—
"hello? earth to ricky?" y/n snaps his fingers, handing ricky a cup of strawberry milk. "what are you thinking about? the event?" he inquires, not knowing that he was the one running through ricky's mind as he takes a sip of his iced coffee.
"um.." ricky pauses, not knowing if he should tell him the truth or lie. he chose lie. "just— a lot".
"no need to worry, kat" y/n says, smiling at ricky but staring for a specifically long time. "you don't even have to do much, your mom's doing all the talking anyway".
"i know i'm just.. thinking".
"maybe you should think a little less" y/n states, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "focus on me, i have to take you out after the event anyway".
holy mother of god—
ricky felt like he was gonna combust. how could y/n just say that so casually not knowing how much of an affect such words had on ricky? he felt like he should've exploded by any minute now.
"fine, since you want my attention so bad" ricky mutters, not knowing why he felt so embarrassed.
"i don't want it i need it" y/n says with sarcasm in his voice once again, before ricky can even respond to such words, y/n took his wrist and dragged him out of the room.
"uh, y/n? where are we going?"
"i'm gonna take you to the event silly! i'm the only one of us that can drive!"
as ricky stares at y/n, doing the simplest of things, he can't help but just.. admire him, he looks so endearing even though he's doing something as simple as finding his car keys.
ricky's eyes go wide as he realizes.
oh shit, i'm in love with him.
now it all makes sense.
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
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Dandelions | CanonAU One-Shot
☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x gn!Reader
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ friends to lovers, first date, love confessions, just pure unadulterated FLUFF
☾ A/N ➼ I'm gonna have to start a separate thing for my song fics I s2g. The amount of songs I have written down to write fics about is insane. Anyways, this is actually a little fic I wrote for @humanitys-strongest-bamf because she said she really wanted a flower date written for her. I kinda took that idea as well as the inspiration from Ruth B's song Dandelions (attached below) AND I forgot Kat had also sent me a prompt request awhile back so this also fulfills that lmao. I hope y'all enjoy!! I've listened to this song for days on repeat so I hope I have captured it well.
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☾ Word Count ➼ ~2k
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It had only taken a couple months for the pure titans to be disposed of, thanks to the efforts of the scouts. This eradication is the reason why you find yourself sneaking off for another lone ride before dusk falls. The hard part wasn’t getting your horse or permission to go outside the walls, it was trying to get out without too many questions from your fellow cadets. You didn’t know how to tell them this was your way of escaping from them and everything else that came crashing since the battle of Shiganshina.
“Oi oi oi! Where do you think you’re going?” A deep voice rings out behind you as you’re saddling up. You feel your heart jump with your body. You take a deep breath to steady yourself before turning around to face a stern Captain Levi.
“Just a little ride before dinner tonight, Levi. I already got the okay.” He eyes you wearily.
“By yourself?” He crosses his arms.
“Yes, by myself. It’s not like we have any threats out there anymore.” You roll your eyes, smile now fading, before turning back around to tighten straps.
“People can be just as dangerous.” He gripes back. You feel his eyes burning holes in your head.
“Sounds like someone is worried about me.”
“Of course, I’m worried. Who knows what trouble you’ll get yourself into.”
“You don’t trust me?”
“Tch, I trust you.” His words make you grin, but you quickly wipe it off your face before turning back around once you’re satisfied with your gear. You stare at him for a moment, his eyes meeting yours a second later.
“I’ll be back. I promise.” You say softly as you grip your reins tightly ready to lead your horse out of the stables.
“Just be careful.” He mutters, stepping aside to give you space to leave. His words make your heart jump again. Your eyes linger on each other as you walk past, a quick nod shared between the two of you as a goodbye.
On today's ride, you decide to aim for a bundle of trees sitting at the base of a small mountain to the west of the southern gate that you had noticed a while back. A couple hours pass before your destination comes into view. By your estimate, you had about an hour before being forced to head back lest you be surrounded by darkness.
You stare into the thick trees as you hand feed a treat to your tied off horse, an abrupt nip at your fingers alerting you to your now treat-less palm. A small laugh escapes your lips as you pat her nose reassuringly.
"I'll be back, okay? Don't go anywhere." You whisper up at her wide eyes. She bids you goodbye with another nip.
As you make your way through the overgrown shrubbery and gangly trees, you can't help but feel excitement for what might be on the other side. Looking up, you use a hand to half cover your eyes from the late afternoon sun filtering in between the leafy branches. Bird song weaves through the now thickening trees and into your ears. You softly whistle the song back as your fingers fumble with the latches on your waist. After a moment, the sketchbook you currently use as a guidebook is free from its confines. As always with every expedition you've ever been on, you are ready to document anything you see and hear.
It takes several more minutes before you finally stumble into a clearing. Whatever you had expected to find, it was leagues under from your current display. A meadow, far grander than anything you've ever seen, expands in an oval in front of you. Trees surround the whole area tall and strong, like knights in a line of defense. A small stream cuts through diagonally, telling stories with its gentle babble. You step deeper into it all with your eyes as wide as can be, soaking in this picture-perfect moment.
Looking down as you walk, your eyes become overwhelmed with the multitude of colors peppering your vision. Flowers of various sizes and lengths shift in the breeze as you walk by and something in you warms. Your eyes catch something that makes you stop abruptly.
“Oh wow.” You whisper as you slide down to your hands and knees so that you are eye level with a particular looking plant that didn’t very much look like a flower at all. The stem is brown, an odd color, you think, but it looked like a normal stem at least. The top however, where the petals would be, was soft and… furry? You reach out and lightly touch it. Much to your surprise, some of the fuzzy bits detach and fly off into the wind. A burst of laughter escapes from your chest and a memory stirs within you at the sight.
Armin had talked to you about these plants - dandelions. According to him, if you blow on the white bits to make them scatter and make a wish at the same time, it will come true. It was so silly, you think, but really what could it hurt? People wish on shooting stars all the time - this would be no different.
It takes you a moment, but you find a dandelion perfect for the wish you had in mind. You decide to plop yourself into the plush grass next to the creek, flower in hand. You feel a rush of heat sear your cheeks at not only what you were about to do but also what you were about to wish for. After making sure you were alone with a quick survey around, you sit forward and stare hard at the white fuzz. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath.
“I wish for Levi to be mine.” Then blow.
Levi calls your name from behind, snapping you out of your anxious thoughts for a moment. You pull back on your reins until Levi can fall into step with you. When you glance over, he arches an eyebrow at you with a silent question of, "Where are we going?" He must have noticed your change in course, now heading west instead of straight south. To be honest, you wouldn’t have even noticed that you had shifted directions if Levi hadn’t said anything. This ride has become second nature to you. After your initial discovery, the meadow quickly became your fortress of solitude and you found yourself coming back again and again without thinking about it.
After weeks of patiently waiting, an opportunity to team up with Levi to check out the port construction progression finally came. Whether that came from luck or your constant pestering to Commander Hange, you didn't know. Regardless, you were both nervous and excited to finally share your most prized secret with Levi no less. All you give him in return for his silent question is a simple, "Trust me." before squeezing your thighs together then galloping off, leaving your captain in the dust.
The sun bares straight down by the time you and Levi make it to your makeshift hitching post just outside your favored path. On the ground next to it sits a half bucket of water and you give yourself a mental reminder to fill it the next time you’re here. Levi doesn't say anything as he ties off his horse, mirroring your movements with deft fingers. Nor does he say anything as you pull off the basket you had tied onto your saddle so long ago hidden with goodies you packed the night before. He still doesn't say anything as he follows you on the beaten path you’ve made from your many visits. Levi's silence was normal, and yet…
"Aren't you going to ask where I'm taking you? I could be leading you to your death, you know." You glance back at Levi, eyes locking on each other. His expression might be unreadable to most, but to you there was a subtle bliss written all over his face. You shoot him a smile while you wait for his answer.
"You asked me to trust you. So I'm trusting you. Besides, you can't take me on your own. You got a death wish?" He grumbles back to you.
"Who said I was alone?" You quip as you twist back around to watch where you were going, swinging the basket in your hands as you walk. Levi scoffs behind you. A comfortable silence blankets the both of you yet again.
It takes a bit but finally the clearing comes into view and those anxious thoughts start clouding your mind again. What if he thinks this is a waste of time? What if he thinks you're ridiculous for this? What if he doesn't share the same feelings for you as you do for him? Levi calls your name again to get your attention. God, you loved how he said your name.
Your eyes focus just as you step through with Levi in tandem. There's a gentle wind today; it blows through the multi-colored meadow in a way that makes the flowers look like they're dancing. The breeze is even soft enough that your favored dandelions stay intact, not a single seed threatens to blow away.
"Is this where you’ve been escaping to?"
"You notice?" You glance his way nervously. As usual, he has no significant emotion on his face, but to say he was emotionless would be a lie. His eyes shift from the babbling creek to the colorful field and then onto your face, eyes soft. The way he looks at you, it makes a part of you feel so alive and free.
"Sometimes." His comment makes you look away, a flush of heat already nipping at your cheeks.
"I-uh, I wanna show you something." You set off deeper into the meadow without checking to see if he’s following.
A moment later, you come upon the spot you had surveyed a couple days in advance, perfect for what you had in mind. In a swift motion, you pull out a blanket from the basket hanging from your arm and splay it on the ground. Once settled, you plop yourself down on the cloth to keep it from flying away. When you look up, Levi’s staring at you incredulously.
“Is this a date?” he asks dryly.
“Do you want it to be?” You ask, patting the empty spot next to you as you do. He hesitantly sits down next to you, unsure of what to do with his body but eventually settles on sitting crisscross like you. He stares over at you, a little bit of shock cracking through his still features. “Levi, I’m kidding. It doesn’t have to be. I just wanted to show you my favorite spot.” You mutter over to him, rolling your eyes. You swallow down your nerves. Maybe he isn’t as interested in you as you had hoped. As you start to unpack the basket of the lunch rations you had stowed away, he speaks up softly.
“I wouldn’t mind. It being a date, I mean.” His voice stays monotone, but his words make you double-take at him. Levi is flushed pink, starting from his neck then ending at the tips of his ears. A wide grin breaks out on your face as you finally comprehend what he just said.
“Really? Because this would have been so embarrassing if you didn’t feel the same way. I mean, I would have had to run away and start a new life somewhere else. When I talked to Mikasa about this, she was all ‘love like this only happens once in a lifetime.’ and it made me think that you might actually be the love of mi-“ You’re cut off by Levi’s nimble fingers pulling your chin in his direction, his face a lot closer than you remembered it being. He whispers your name again.
“Shut up.” And then his lips are on yours, soft and tender. You don’t remember much after that, but you do know that whatever they said about wishing on dandelions had to be true. And you couldn’t wait to wish upon many more in the meadow now shared between you and Levi.
taglist: @humanitys-strongest-bamf @averysmolbear @youre-ackermine @notgoodforlife @roseofdarknessblog @missamity @levis-squishy-cheeks @icansmellsouls @Dkbktk420 (idk why it won't let me tag you properly) If you'd like to join my taglist, please go here! Your information will never be shared. <3
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Amnesia!Dabi & AtLA Todorokis
My tablet has decided to be finicky, so submitting this all in a big chunk-
1) AtLa Todorokis
(Assuming CC!Canon)
Toya just looking at Princess “I Must Please My Dad And Be The Best!” Azula, and going “oh, you’re in for a bad time.” Somehow, he and Azula end up sparring, and then screaming and sobbing all over each other. 
Fuyumi and Rei being “dismissed” is less “Woman” and more that the Fire Nation is a very militaristic and power centred society, so the demure housewives get ignored. Jokes on them, by the end of the first week Rei has blackmail on every member of Ozai’s cabinet, and Fuyumi has the undying loyalty of most of his staff.
Natsuo is less “God, how primitive” and more “Ok, I get that you don’t have access to the same technology, but here’s how to make a very simple freezer so these medicines last longer”. Also “ok, I’m like … 80% sure that this plant is the same one where I’m from, in which case you should stop using it, and use this one instead, it’s less addictive”. Or, alternately, “Oh, so this plant does all this cool stuff, isn’t addictive, and grows like mad? Neat, how many seeds can I buy?”
Shoto takes one look at Zuko, decides “Ah, yes. This must be another version of me from an alternate reality.” Zuko … doesn’t really know what to do with that, but the kid seems alright, all things considered. Shoto also kind of … smacks Zuko in the face (metaphorically) cause part of the problem is that Zuko is surrounded by politicians and manipulative power-mongers. Everybody keeps talking around problems, or making Zuko second-guess himself, meanwhile Shoto “What Is A Filter?” Todoroki is like, “I get where you’re coming from, but that was a dick move.”
Enji is gritting his teeth the entire time, cause like. They’re in a strange place, they have to play by the rules until they figure out how to get home. But the more time he spends with Ozai, the more he wants to punt this smug bastard into the sun, and he has to keep reminding himself why that might be a bad idea.
Finally, Ozai decides to have Enji assassinated, cause the Fire Spirit and his family are causing all kinds of political problems. Only, of course, it fails pretty spectacularly, and since it involved using Azula as bait, she’s firmly against him now. Somehow, it ends with Zuko, Azula, Ty Lee, Mai, Shoto, Toya, Fuyumi, and Natsuo going on the run, while Enji and Rei team up with an escaping Iroh to wreck havoc and cover their retreat. The group run into the Gaang, and Zuko has to be like “So, firstly, Sorry for all the times I tried to kill you, secondly-”
At some point, Aang uses his “Spirit Medium” powers to try and connect with someone from the MHA world, ends up contacting Fumikage. 
2) Amnesia!Dabi
I think I sent this ask already, but I am becoming increasingly attached to the idea that Amnesia!Dabi as an AU is one where, for whatever reason, escaping AfO is actually not that hard. Like, in order:
Dabi - literally walked out of the sketchy clinic he woke up in. He was coming out of a coma, covered in half-healed burns, and still fighting off some lingering sedation. Took 15 hours before anyone found out he dipped. He proceeded to “evade” AfO for the next 3 years, to the point the guy thought he was dead, and only knew otherwise when Dabi walked into the bar to join the LoV. Finds out Dabi was basically two streets over the whole time.
Himiko (and Dabi again) - during the smack down involved with Katsuki’s Great Escape, AfO somehow misses Dabi covering Kats’ retreat, and then fleeing with an injured Himiko. When they don’t show up again, everyone assumes they got caught or went to ground, and only manage to piece together any kind of idea what happened when a news story breaks about the Togas suing UA over Himiko. Then the news Dabi=Toya, and his memory loss. Given the publicity involved on both Himiko and Dabi, unless AfO wants to really blow the fact that him being in prison doesn’t mean much, he “decides” they aren’t worth it.
Magne - left shortly before the Toya=Dabi story broke, but after the Himiko court case got announced. Just … left. Decided this clearly wasn’t the kind of group she thought it was, told everyone goodbye, good luck, and left. Jin, Compress and Spinner still have her number. AfO is unaware she left at all until sometime after the League joins up with Overhaul.
Jin - managed to escape a facility that was SUPPOSED to be secure, while severely injured from a procedure that stole his Quirk. Managed to escape, get help, and lead a bunch of heroes to said facility, forcing AfO to abandon it. Is now under the protection of both Enji, and U.A., and when the HPSC try to get at him, Nezu “reveals” Jin’s the pioneer patient for a new program about “rehabbing” villains or something. Hero support skyrockets. HPSC support continues to down-swerve.
Compress - Undermines a fairly important operation to nab a powerful Quirk user, saves several heroes and adjacent from losing their Quirks, and even rescue the current holder of OfA. The resulting de-aging, turning Compress from 32 to 16, somehow ends up with “Mr. Compress” being “dead”, as teen him doesn’t remember being an adult! (I mean, my idea is he … kind of does? Like, general impressions, or big moments, he does remember. He knows he WAS an adult, and why he did what he did. But Eri’s Quirk went a little haywire, so for all intents and purposes, Compress is, indeed, 16 now.) Somehow, ends up adopted by Aizawa & Mic, cause Eri sees him as a big brother figure.
Kurogiri - K, so like. Originally, he got nabbed during some big operation, right? However, so much is different here, that AfO is just trying to get these guys to lay low. So, instead - bear with me - Kurogiri gets sighted during an outing for groceries, and during a scuffle, suffers a head injury that abruptly causes him to remember his time as Oboro, and forget/muddle much of his time as Kurogiri. Disoriented, he accidentally portals himself into Aizawa and Mic’s living room. Shenanigans ensue. Tomura and Spinner figure he got caught. However, they decide to tell AfO he straight up died. AfO, for some reason, decides “yeah, that checks out”.
Tomura & Spinner - so, my general idea for this is. AfO has decided that “if you want something done right, do it yourself”, and has used a combination of Overhauls’ Quirk plus some others to reconstruct his own body, and then with Jin’s Quirk, is going to make an army of himself. He also decides he’s going to yoink Tomura’s Quirk, cause Decay is pretty powerful, and then he’ll kill Tomura on live TV, telling the whole story about Nana & Yagi, and OfA, really hammer in the message that he’s awesome and all is lost. While this mostly goes to plan, he also ends up broadcasting Spinner decking him in the face, grabbing the de-Quirked Tenko, and escaping while calling him a “bitchass knock-off Palpatine wannabe motherfucker” on the way out. The boys get an unexpected assist from a nearby Hawks & Miruko, proceed to tell everyone everything they know about AfO’s plans.
Much later, after everything is settled, if this ends the way CC will, it takes a few weeks for Yoichi and AfO to have a proper conversation, because Yoichi just. Can’t stop laughing.
Everyone easily leaving AfO is fucking great.
Also yes let Rei get blackmail!!!
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bresasha · 2 years
Life with TDBKDK (morning routine).
Warning - (this is my first time writing this.. so please don’t judge me ha ha..) ⚠️Polygamous Relationship, Language, Aged up (17 - 20) Second Person POV.⚠️ •
This going to be Sfw, since I had never written Nfsw before. And really don’t know how to write those kind of stories…
• ( it’s going to be an morning routine. Soo let’s see how you and the boys get ready for the day.)
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Morning Routine
(Wait.. did i ever tell y’all that you going to get “Yagami Yato”. Vibes 😏) Y/n was called Puppy (by Deku), Teddy Bear (by Katsuki), and Baby or Snowflake (by Shoto).
• •
“RING RING RING” said the alarm while trying to wake you four. It’s was 6:00 A.M straight, Izuku was the first one awaken. During his first few minutes of being awake, He first try to wake up You, Katsuki and Shoto.
"Kacchan, Shoto, Puppy..., it's time up to wake up.."
Deku says gently while shaking you three. Deku doesn't yell while he trying to wake ya'll up. But he sometimes goes an little louder when he don't succeed of waking.
*moans* "Good Morning Izu" You said while slowly awaking.(not the nfsw way the sfw way remember O__O).
You was the second one awaken well sometimes. You was sometimes lazy of getting up. But.. mostly you was awake after izuku.
"Good morning puppy" Izuku saids calmly, Kiss you in the cheek. "We must have an really long day yesterday huh..?"
"Yup, and all that hero patrolling mustn't knock kat and sho way out". you says while getting of the bed.
"Yea... since it's an day off, we can just let them sleep an little longer. i think deserved it." Deku said giggling an little.
Five minutes later.....
Since deku woke up first, deku decided to make breakfast. Soo he making pancakes (YUM!) you hope that he not going to brunt the food but you still support him.
You went to the bathroom. doing an everyday thing. You had decided to take an shower. Soo you put your cloths off and turn on hot water, then hop to the shower. 5 - 10 minutes right after you finish, you start brushing your teeth, Washing your face.
"Morning Teddy Bear"
"AHHHHH KATSUKI GET OUT!!" you shouted covering your body with the tower tightly.
"Serious dumbass, we all in the relationship. don't need to be embarrass.... Well sometimes" Katsuki said while flirting with you.
"No no not now kat" You say while trying not to get flustered. "Okay okay. maybe later".
"Good. i'm would be out of your way.. you going to take an shower right..?" "Yes obliviously, why? you like the view..?" Katsuki is taking his shirt off.'
You say nothing but walking out the bathroom
Right after he shouted٫ You and Katsuki rushed into the kitchen where izuku was at.
WHAT IS IT DAMN DEKU?!??! Katsuki said getting closer to izuku
one of the pancakes got burnt..... Izuku said while showing you and Katsuki the burnt pancake.
--__-- . --___--
Serious izu... That's all. You said while just standin there.
yea puppy! I was working hard on this pancake. but I cook it to long.. here it is. 😔
*Tsk* It just an pancake dumbass. worry about the wrong fricking thing. Katsuki throw away the burnt pancake.
Yeaaa I guess you right kacchan. but hey! the rest are looking good.! I got bacon and eggs ready! Izu was getting ready to prepare the plates.
Let me help you preparing the plates. Teddy bear٫ get Icyhot over here. Boy is still asleep... Katsuki and Izuku is getting the plates from through cabinets.
oh yea sho is still a sleep٫ okay than brb! You started walking to y'all shared bedroom. You walk to bed٫ You found Shoto still in bed laying down.
oooh sho... its time wake up. breakfast is ready. You sat on the bed right next to shoto.. without being notice.. Shoto grabbed your waist and tuck you next him. Like giving you an hug but laying in the bed.
S-SHO.... You trying to escape from his grasp while blushing. ///_///
hmmm.. good morning baby.. sho was right behind you. whisper at your ear.
*shoto kisses your ear softly*
“ahh sho! you can't kiss my ear.! it's way too early for this” You said while covering your red face
Oo Snowflake.. I can do whenever and whatever I want with you~ (Writers note - just an little smut won’t hurt-)
*Shoto kiss your ear and travels down to the curve of your neck*
*He starts kissing sensitive spot in your neck* *then he licking and sucking your spot in your neck*
Shooo… you seriously want to skip breakfast* you moaned softly*
“no but…” Shoto but his fingers under your chin. Then forced you to look towards him.
“But for breakfast I can eat your-“
AHHH HAAA!! Katsuki kicked the door open, caught Todoroki trying to claim you as his..
Damn kacchan… can you used the door knob… Deku said while checking if the door is broken.
And Good morning to you too Broccoli Boy and Kacchan~ Shoto is still holding you. Hey! How many times I told you not to called me “Kacchan”..! Only Deku and Teddy Bear can call me that!
Katsuki try to take you from Todoroki’s gasp. Awh awh awh kacchan.. This Little Girl is mine~ TCH. NO! She mine. MINE TEDDY BEAR.!!
You started blushing,.. but hey you been through this multiple times 😏
No Guys. Puppy’s Mine~ Izuku saids with an domestic voice. *Izuku kisses your lips passionately*
You was like O///O
*Katsuki kisses your temples* (Upper part of your forehead).
*Shoto giggles & kisses your neck*
IM ALL OF YOURS!! NOW CAN WE ALL EAT BREAKFAST PLEASE!! You yell but moan an little after.
O-O O-O O-O . . . . . . fine but we well ____ tonight. Alright snowflake~ Shoto did one last small kiss in your lips. Yea better get ready Teddy Bear.. Don’t really puppy I well bring protection this time! Deku said like his was making promise. O//O
• Four of y’all walked into the dinner table. Everything taste good. Soo Everyone proud of Izuku, well… until the after taste outcomes. Cause of that, Katsuki chase Izuku around the house an couple of minutes. Then them get ready and go to IHOP
(THANKS FOR READING!! I hope y’all like it, and welcome to my tumblr~✨💛✨, Please send out suggestions and ideas on what I should do. It cannot be Smut or Nfsw. But Can be wholesome relationship scenarios. AUs can be Villain Fantasy and more!! Byeee have an nice day/night! 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
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thesinglesjukebox · 20 days
And single of ours...
Julian Axelrod: You never know when you'll hear the song that changes your life. It could come from a DJ, or an algorithm, or a girl group lifer who you could have sworn was the third most famous member of Fifth Harmony but was actually the first or second most notable member of Little Mix, depending on who you ask. I had no idea what Jade Thirlwall's debut single would sound like before I first pressed play, but even if you gave me 1000 guesses, I never would have landed on "Rina Sawayama doing Uffie over a Eurovision sample that curdles into the nastiest dubstep drop since the Obama administration." This isn't the first time an X Factor alum has stuffed a solo single with a million disparate elements to keep things interesting; it's not even the first time it's happened this year. But the magic of "Angel of My Dreams" is the way it extends that first-listen feeling to listens 2-500. Even though I know the song by heart, each individual section is so strong that I never expect the drop, or the rap verse, or the intro melody reprise at the end. (I didn't even notice the camera flash sound effects at the 2:07 mark until my third listen!) This could be the start of an all-time pop run, or it could be a fleeting moment of glory. I couldn't care less: When I'm listening to "Angel of My Dreams," I just want to live in each moment until it ends, then immediately live them all again. [10]
Harlan Talib Ockey: Girls Aloud doing nightcore “Bohemian Rhapsody”, except also emotionally brutal. We will watch your solo career with great interest. [7]
Dave Moore: How do you even write a pop melody like this these days? Nothing borrowed yet nothing new -- dozens of refreshes of WhoSampled yields nothing to alleviate my nagging sense that surely I've heard it before; my brain refuses to play a rousing game of earworm hunt like with Chappell Roan. It's a bit of a shame that the whole thing devolves into a K-pop-ish party-by-numbers muddle, but in the end she wins, is not in the bin, etc. [8]
Kat Stevens: If I don't win, I'm in the bin. Specifically, the bin on Deptford High Street opposite Perfect Fried Chicken. [8]
Iain Mew: Some of the joy "Angel of My Dreams" has brought is that it's 80% of the way to being a maximalist Rina Sawayama song, and yet is also a persistent enough UK hit to have re-entered the top ten in its fourth week. The range of possibilities looks newly widened. Jade brings some specific things to make it her own triumph too. It's not just leading off with something so ambitious and inventive, but that she is able to wear it so lightly and naturally, Harry Styles-style. It's even more impressive to do so with a song that appears to dig into bitter personal experience, centred around repetitions of IT'S NOT FAIR so resonant as to move from sulk to deep truth.  [9]
Nortey Dowuona: Jade Thirlwall apparently sees the chance to etch her name into stone, rather than make a safe, easy pitch that might simply be forgotten or regarded as nice. But there are many songs about the cruel and unusual punishment of daring to use one's talent and love to make random weirdos who wear unflattering V-necks a lot of money. Thus Mike Sabath, creator of the world-conquering "Escapism" (and, in a fun little twist, another Jade and Mike Joint as well as the second best Liam Payne song) starts us off with a wilting cry of desperation that has to be walloped by the heavy swing of the chorus, glittery synths sitting atop. The song zips into raspy bass and flimsy and flimsier kick/snare patterns from then on, slowly flattening you until you are nearly crushed. The heavy-handed swing of the first chorus sweeps back in to save you and bind you to it as it disappears, Jade's firm, fluttery soprano left hanging out on the ledge. It's almost as if JADE, unlike RAYE, is not begging to be set free -- she's begging to be let in. [6]
Jonathan Bradley: Cycling through three different song concepts in the first 35 seconds suggests not so much a desire to "do something crazy" as a struggle to hit on anything melodically memorable. It turns out that the slowed-down bass-heavy breakdown works, as does the twinkling fairy dance augmenting the chorus, but a lot of this mistakes attitude for tune -- the sort of B-grade effort that made Little Mix only intermittently worthwhile. See, for instance, Jade stretching out  "feels li-yi-yi-yi-yi-ke" and "spoli-yi-yi-yi-yi-ight" for no real purpose beyond filling time before the next switch up. [4]
Taylor Alatorre: The lack of concern for the cleanliness of the transitions make this feel like a promising storyboard in search of a director, or least someone to step in and say that a desire to be seen as daring and boundary-pushing does not equate to such, and can in fact expose the whole gambit. Most listeners should walk away with a favored segment to return to -- mine is the chrome-polished, push-to-start recitation of the title phrase -- but a quarterlife retrospective like this should feel more internally cohesive than a sitcom clip show. [5]
Ian Mathers: The classic "pick your battles. pick… pick fewer battles than that. put some battles back. that’s too many" tumblr post, now in song form! [7]
Mark Sinker: The idea was like a will o’the wisp or Capt.Fawcett’s Lost City of Z, a gleam, a flicker, a dangerous promise glimpsed across a clearing and through the trees -- and it was something like this (it was always hard to explain clearly). A manufactured alt-pop girlie gang, perfectly designed to win reality TV competitions because also able to fashion the drama of their rise -- and their internal ebbs and flows -- into quilted chart-prog rap-adjacent concept EPs and singles-length mini-musicals, like the Hamilton of the Sugababes. It’s there, always beckoning, just out of reach -- and the acts that pass through the glamour of it are always great, of course, very great, but they also always dissipate too fast, before they really land on the absolute thing itself. Perhaps that's the point; perhaps that's my doom.  [9]
Katherine St. Asaph: I am banned from time machines now because I abused my time-travel privileges to do frivolous shit, like posting this song to the Popjustice forums in 2007 and measuring the blast radius of Xenomaniac rapture. [9]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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blackkatmagic · 1 year
Kat, I hope you know I read Obi/Bane and just???? Short circuited??? How delightful.
That arc is amazing. Everyone is running on Space Coke and Spite. 12/10 and I cannot wait for the FIC. 😈
The door at the top of the stairs is locked down tight, and Cad needs both of his codes to even undo the lock. He has to shove the whole thing open manually, and it’s almost too heavy for a Duros, takes all his body strength in way that’s deeply unpleasant, but he manages to get it to swing, then steps in. Behind a barrier, there's a pale blue glow that lights up the space, a containment field that hums with energy and sets Cad’s teeth on edge with how strong it is. Overkill, Cad thinks, amused, and tips his hat, then opens the barrier and steps in—
Stops dead, breath locked up in his chest as something cold slithers through his veins.
Slumped in the restraints, bruised and bloody, is Obi-Wan Kenobi. But—
Not just Obi-Wan Kenobi. Not the neatly-pressed Jedi Master who’s picked fights with Cad before. Kenobi's dressed in the same uniform Hardeen was just a few weeks ago, much more battered now, and the same red tattoos curl up the side of his face, across his eye, down his cheek. Hardeen’s tattoos, Cad thinks, and the next breath he takes is difficult, sharp as knives in his throat.
There's red hair growing in across Hardeen’s scalp, a beard that’s shaggy and untrimmed but familiar all the same. Like he’s looking at Hardeen’s face with Kenobi's superimposed over it, and Cad thinks of all the ways unscrupulous bastards can change how they look and feels like ice.
“Hardeen,” he rasps, and there's a stir, a reaction. Kenobi opens his eyes, one Hardeen’s pale blue, the other the deeper blue-green Cad remembers, but they don’t focus. He looks in a bad way, and Cad curls his fingers tight around the hilt of his blaster and wonders if Dooku will believe him if he says he shot the bastard while Kenobi was trying to escape.
Not Hardeen. Never Hardeen. It was just a trick, Cad thinks, and wonders if he cares enough about running from Dooku for the rest of his life to hold off on making the kill.
Odds are leaning towards no right now.
“Bane,” Kenobi says after a long second, and closes his eyes again. “You got away.”
“I should shoot you right now,” Cad says, doesn’t even bother to try keeping the edges out of it. “Do wonders for my reputation, too.”
“Shooting a man in a containment field? That does sound like you.” Kenobi still isn't looking at him, isn't even trying, and Cad knows better than to get close to a containment field, particularly one holding a Jedi, but he still wants viciously to stalk closer, grab Kenobi by the hair, and jerk his head up. It feels like there’s a pounding drumbeat in his skull, too loud to let anything else in, and all he can think of is Hardeen—Kenobi—looking up from the end of his grapple, meeting his eyes, the look there that had hit something Cad had long since thought dead and gone.
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brxttydevil · 1 year
I have a (hopefully) cool request! I was hoping if you can write bakugo x fem!reader, swap bodies (or swap genders). How do you think he would react? What would he do? Anyways, enough questions! You don't have to write this if you don't want to or you don't have time. I hope you have a great night/day! Love you!
:0 I LOVE THAT REQUEST. Ima do both! LOVE YA TOOO!!! 💕 We should Like totally be friends after this 👀
Swapping Bodies And Gender
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From: MHA Male Masterlist
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader
Summary: How He would React and what he would say or do.
A/N: No use of Y/N or Reader, A bunch of pet names is used
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Katsuki would immediately notice this due to him waking up and seeing the position he is in. Since he would always have you on top of him, you would be spooning him or him spooning you.
Since he is already suspicious, it would only make him even more shocked when he looked in the mirror and saw your face and not his. He would take a look at your body for a while and think it wouldn’t be that so bad.
He would be consoling you as well saying that y’all would figure it out together. It would be him trying to figure out your body since he is used to his own limits and things his body can handle.
He would most likely say, “Its okay Mi Amor, we would get through this together.”
If you on your period before the body swapping, he would be suffering and saying every curse word under the sun with the cramps. Lucky for you no more cramps. But you gonna have to spend money on him for him while he is going through it.
He would try his hardest to do what he usually does but immediately fails. While you are trying to get used to his body as well. He would have to teach you somethings as well as you to him.
“Kats, what do you even have to do to your hair?”
“Nothing, it’s like that.” He is trying to do your hair if your hair ain’t straight.
“Sweetie, let me help you.”
Afterwards he is gonna take note of that which would include more things he probably gonna buy you more hair product if you needed
If this is UA Katsuki, he would have trouble with your powers. He would most definitely have fun trying to be you infront of your friends.
Even if you are shorter or taller than him he would still give you kisses and attention. He doesn’t care who is watching you two. Some people would be shocked if that isn’t like you.
When he gets use to your powers he would have fun using them. His anger issues would still be there don’t worry. If he is sparing with someone else he would trash talk them either way even if he isn’t in his own body.
He would get a little annoyed at the skirts. But he would like that he has more moving access to stretch.
“I hate your fucking skirt.”
“Too bad deal with it.”
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Gender Swapping
If you two swapped genders I can see him being like as the gif. Looking confused for a second.
His friends would probably think that ain’t him for a second.
If you are taller than him he would pull you down by your tie to kiss you. And would pretend to blast you if you tease him.
If you are shorter than him, have fun he gonna tease.
He would no matter what be very possevive over you.
“You are mines.”
“Yes I am Kats.”
He would really feel himself.
Still have to deal with the period. No escaping for him.
Nothing really wouldn’t chnage except his voice and the way he acts due to you changing as well.
He still isn’t soft on you btw. He would still treat you the same but he is soft on the inside but don’t tell him that.
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ejzah · 7 months
Loved your fic We Swear it’s Not Real. Would you consider making it a multi-chapter? Would love to see an expansion from the beginning of their fake dating.
Hi anon! Sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for so long. As always, time escapes me very easily. I’m not sure if I can commit to an entire multi-chapter fic since I already have so many other long fics in progress. However, I’ll try write a few ficlets highlighting key moments. As with the original story, this is set in season 7 when Kat’s wedding was originally mentioned.
A Not So Indecent Proposal
Kensi rubbed her hands over her thighs. She could do this, it would be easy. All she had to do was ask Deeks to be her fake boyfriend. No big deal.
She took a hesitant step towards the bullpen, her eyes zeroing in on Deeks’ bent head. She studied his blonde mass of curls, her stomach squeezing sickeningly with nerves, and she nearly turned back around, stopping herself at the last second.
This exact process had gone on the past three days. Each morning, Kensi came in early, waited for Deeks to arrive, and then engineered a few moments when she could talk to him in private. And each day she’d chickened out before ever saying a word.
Squaring her shoulder, Kensi reminded herself that this was Deeks. She trusted him more than just about anyone, he owed her a favor, and more importantly, she was quickly running out of time.
“Morning Deeks,” she greeted him, making a show like she’d just come in.
“Morning Kensalina.” He stopped working long enough to flash her a short, yet genuine smile, then resumed writing what Kensi recognized as an LAPD form, even from a distance.
“You got a minute?”
“For my partner? Anytime,” Deeks replied, tucking his pen behind his ear, and turning to give Kensi his full attention as she took Sam’s chair.
Folding her hands together over her crossed knees, Kensi drew in a long, calming breath.
“Ok. So, you know my friend Kat is getting married—”
“You mean Kat of the much talked about show ponies and teal decor?”
“Yes. Anyway, um, so there’s been a couple questions about my plus one, or lack of one,” Kensi continued, chuckling nervously. “So, I was wondering if you would, um, consider taking on that role for me.”
Deeks’ face had slowly morphed from intrigued to confused as she spoke. Screwing up one side of his face, he slowly asked,
“Let me get this straight. You want me to be your date to a close friend’s wedding?”
“Shhh!” Waving her hands in a hushing motion, Kensi looked over her shoulder, anticipating one of the team standing within in hearing distance. No one was there, but she lowered her voice all the same.
“No, I’m asking you to pretend to be my plus one,” she corrected.
“Oh, my mistake, big difference,” Deeks teased. Crossing his arms, he leaned back in his chair, mouth spreading in a delighted grin. “So, what exactly made you pick me? My dazzling social skills, my expertise on the dance floor?” He snapped his fingers. “Ooh, I’ve got it. You know how amazing I look in a tux.”
“You know what, if you’re just going to make fun of this, forget it.” Kensi raised her hands, and pushed away from the desk. Before she could get up, Deeks tugged her back down.
“Woah, woah, woah, I’m just messing with you, Kens. I’m sorry.”
Considering him a for a moment, Kensi decided that he seemed genuinely contrite, and rolled her chair back in place.
“I guess I’m a little on edge,” she admitted. “All this wedding planning is more stressful than I anticipated. And as much as I love her, Kat is a total bridezilla.” Deeks chuckled sympathetically as Kensi groaned, pressing her fingertips to her temples. “The woman seems to think that her wedding is the event of the century and needs to outdo Katherine and William’s.”
“Good thing she comes from money and her fiancé is rich,” Deeks commented. He tapped her knee with the back of his hand. “What exactly would my duties be as your prospective plus-one?”
“Accompanying me to any major wedding events,” Kensi told him. “Kat’s calling it her wedding season, so there’s sure to be more than your typical number of events.” She tilted her head slyly. “And of course, you’d expertly play the part of the doting boyfriend so I don’t have to deal with annoying questions, pitying looks, or, most importantly, getting set up with any of Kat’s numerous cousins or single friends.”
“That sounds pretty easy.” Rubbing his bottom lip, Deeks considered her, any teasing absent from his expression. It made Kensi feel more uncomfortable than asking him to be her plus one. “Just one more question. Why me?”
Kensi dipped her head; that was a question she’d dreaded. Not because she thought Deeks would hold the information over her, but rather because it felt like it would be giving too much away. He deserved to know though, so she answered honestly.
“I trust you.” She focused on slightly uneven spot on her jeans. “I trust you to pull me out of laser filled room, have my back when my a bunch of goons with guns are firing at us, and,” she paused. “I trust you with this.”
What she left unsaid was that she trusted Deeks to guard her dignity and play his part without crossing any lines.
“Ok. I’ll do it,” Deeks agreed.
“What—you will?” Kensi blurted out in surprise.
“Yeah. Anything for my partner.”
Thanks for the prompt!
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cuteniaarts · 2 months
Here *throws random and actually much more important than I realised at first OC redesign at you after two and a half years since the OG*
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Meifeng, Ming-Hua’s cousin! I just randomly remembered that she exists while putting together my OC family tree and since the only art I have of her is… nearly 3 years old and mediocre at best, and Kat and I have recently spent so much time focusing on Red Lotus siblings, I thought “Hey, why not redraw her? Just because she’s a cousin and not a sister doesn’t make her any less special than Lien-Hua, Summiya, Aiza or Haya!” (On that note… Nia give someone a brother challenge. The only one that counts is Aiza and she’s only a brother half the time)
Some headcanons about her, both new and old (the old copy-pasted over and slightly edited to save everyone the second hand embarrassment of going to look at my old art), which will go under the cut because this has gotten LONG:
Older than Ming-Hua by around 10 years
Her dad is the older half-brother of Ming-Hua's mom who’s… not the most fond of their side of the family
Has never left her home in the Foggy Swamp Water Tribe
Master healer, specialises in children. Can't have any of her own because of the high pollution levels in the swamp which is why she puts all those motherly instincts into teaching and caring for kids
Got a scar on her leg while saving Ming-Hua from some wild swamp creature when the latter was a child who was absolutely convinced she could handle everything herself and never listened to anyone. Ming-Hua still insists she had everything under control that day
She tried to understand Ming-Hua's perspective on things, she really did, but ultimately tribe mentality and fear for her cousin’s safety, believing her not to be nearly as capable as she claims to be, won over
Attempted to stop Ming-Hua from running away but was, obviously, unsuccessful
Was the one consoling Nuying after Ming-Hua left
Helped Suiren learn waterbending and held genuine affection for the girl, although she ultimately refused when Suiren begged for the chance for her and Midori to escape from Haya and live with the tribe. She thought that while Suiren would most likely adjust well, Midori was simply too Gaoling to survive in a place as dark, damp and isolated as the Swamp. She regrets that decision every day since she found out Suiren became an assassin
Mourned Ming-Hua more than anyone else in the tribe when informed of her death
Was the one who babysat Ming-Hua a lot when Nuying was going through one of her depressive episodes after Cadeo left, and Ming-Hua actually enjoyed spending time with her because she was a lot less overbearing and protective than her mother. Was the first person to start calling her Ming. Sometimes Ming-Ming, but Ming-Hua had a tendency to deliver a very hard kick to the shins every time she tried that
Never left Nuying’s side when she got sick in the years following Ming-Hua’s disappearance, no matter how much everyone, including her own father, told her to stay away, there’s nothing she can do to help her. In her final moments, Nuying was delirious with fever and called out for Ming-Hua. Meifeng didn’t have the heart to remind her that her daughter left so instead let her hair down, covered her own hand in water and told Nuying that she was “right here, mom. I’m right here” and stayed like that until Nuying passed
When Ming-Hua returned, Meifeng was the one to break the news to her. Later, when Ming-Hua asked how and when it happened, she couldn’t quite stop herself from snapping at her because she should have been there, Meifeng shouldn’t have had to pretend to be her so her mother could die without worrying about where her daughter was. Their relationship never really fully recovered after that fight
Still, she had met Suiren when she was little on the rare occasions when the Red Lotus passed through the Swamp and Ming-Hua chose to take her daughter to visit the tribe. She never met Midori, but she did see Ming-Hua pregnant with her once
Didn’t know about Ming-Hua’s imprisonment until an 11-year-old Suiren told her because world news don’t reach into the heart of the Swamp. She just thought they had decided to stop visiting. The news crushed her but… a part of her couldn’t help but go “you should have fucking listened to me when I told you to stay, then this wouldn’t have happened”
Her teaching Suiren waterbending involved mostly the basics of combat (she herself doesn’t know much of it since she’s a healer), plantbending and healing. Suiren reached her level of mastery and proficiency as well as figured out icebending on her own through sheer determination and spite (she’s so much like her mama 🥹🥹🥹)
Is the only one from the tribe Suiren had ever confessed to about being an assassin. That knowledge broke her heart and she spent all those years absolutely terrified that Suiren would meet Ming-Hua’s fate. When Suiren stopped visiting at one point (when she left for her mission to kill Kuvira, got injured, recovered at ATI, reunited with her parents, broke Kuvira out and started living with her, etc etc) she had assumed that it really did happen, until Suiren randomly showed up one day with Kuvira in tow (Meifeng did not approve bc of the whole spirit vine thing 😅)
Absolutely reunited with Ming-Hua at some point and it was an extremely emotional moment
Ripped Cadeo a new one when he suddenly appeared looking for his daughter after 45+ years after it became common knowledge that the RL are all alive and no longer wanted by the law
All in all… quite an interesting character that I really should do something with at some point, bc how come Ming-Hua’s family is the only one to get 0 attention in our discussions?? #justiceformeifeng2024
#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#original character#seeds of the red lotus#sotrl meifeng#she doesn’t actually appear in any of my works. let alone sotrl. but she exists in that verse#and it’s the verse in which she plays the most major role so… that’s what her tag is now#anyway#it doesn’t seem that way but she really is a very emotionally conflicting character for me#because she was in the position to get Suiren and Midori away from Haya only four years after they were left with her#which would have left them with 75% less trauma#but she didn’t. coming up with quite a bullshit excuse#yes Midori would have missed the sun and everything but the swamp is still miles better than Haya#meifeng must have seen his skittish Suiren is. how skinny. how bruised#and yet she did nothing. yet another adult whose inaction led to tragedy#ugh. imagine a UtOS-style au where she does take them in and while the biggest obstacle is the trauma#Midori does have an insanely hard time adjusting#she’d probably spend most of her time by the giant tree because the sun gets through there#and maybe one day.. she’d run into one cranky old earthbender#who takes her up as a protege for old times’ sake#(and later hooks her up with her granddaughter– WHO SAID THAT??)#and Suiren would grow up to be a swamp warrior who decides to go after Kuvira when she harvests the spirit vines#I’m a fucking genius#Kat if you’re reading this. look at what fun new branch of the multiverse my brain just spat out!! come yell about it with me!!!#but okay. that is currently besides the point. back to meifeng#you know…#‘oh my art has really stagnated I feel like I haven’t improved in years’#BITCH THIS YOU?? look at the OG version and look at this and TELL ME you haven’t improved#my self hatred may be intense but even I can admit that I’ve gotten much better at drawing. in the character design department at least
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skloomdumpster · 1 year
If you were the writer for Fate S3, what would you do with it? (I'm super intrigued)
You know Brian, you're not the first ask I get about this and I'll be real that I've tried sitting down and working on it many times, but I inevitably grow bored, because I already wrote various different fics covering the points I'd want addressed.
A couple things I'd for sure want would be the expansion of the world. I think we end s2 with most of the characters in a pretty bad place, but also with their own plot.
(Btw, a lot of the ideas here are a product of me and Mo spiraling, so credit where credit is due, this is as much hers as is mine @gossipqueen2000 )
So my ideal season 3 isn't in Alfea.
Secondly I wrote all of how I'd see Bloom in the Realm of Darkness in the HEX fic (A Merry Fucking Life), but that fic is heavy in the introspection, which I know wouldn't be that interesting to be watched, so I'd add more threats inside the Realm of Darkness and mysteries too. Not only Bloom's memory is slowly slipping between her fingers and she has to come to terms with the fact that Marion is not her friend and that she already has parents, but she also has to realize that she killed herself at the end of the season 2 and deal with the monsters that are out to get in the Realm of Darkness.
One idea I toyed with when writing AMFL was that the tower would be a safe haven in a hellscape. So the first time Bloom attempts to escape it, she's chased by this sand-shadow creatures, which are manifestations of hers and Marion's fears. The only safe place is the tower, but that in turn has Marion inside it, a glimpse into the future of what she's going to become if she doesn't leave fast: a relic locked in a tower, with no memories of her loved ones or herself.
Bloom aside, the second thing I'd be *dead set* on wanting in season 3 is Burned Ones. They were my favorite thing in s1 and I think it simply makes sense they'd be attracted back now that the Dragon Flame is gone. We can imply they were searching for her for years, thousands of years in the Otherworld, then baby Bloom was unlocked from stasis and taken to the First World, so they stopped attacking people, since they could sense she was no longer in this world. Then she comes back to the Otherworld in s1ep1 and they come back. Season 2 we don't see them as much because they are regrouping after Bloom demolished them in the finale of s1, also Rosalind's specialists are just fucking better.
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"But Jo, she's no longer in the Otheworld, so if they're attracted by Bloom, by this logic they shouldn't be in season 3!"
YES BUT- The Dragon Flame and the Shadow Guy are essentially the same thing.
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The presence of the Shadow Guy who escapes at the finale of s2 is enough to bring forward the Burned Ones. To them, they're essentially the same thing. Same power.
Anyway and anyhow, now we have B.Os again, hurrah. Then, I'd have the characters divided. I'd put Sky, Saul, Dane, Kat, Riven and Musa in the same package [The Specialists] and have them deal with the Burned Ones.
Sky is a wreck, he's reckless and no one wants to be his partner. Riven is the only one putting up with him, but that's going to cost him too. Dane and Musa actually build a friendship. Musa refuses to use her powers, she's deadset she wants to be a specialist. This has to cost her too.
I've written it before, but I think Musa should get attacked by a B.O, an attack she could've prevented, if she had used her magic. Musa's refusal to grow and avoidance is one of the things about her character that bothers me the most, so if she won't learn via love... Then she'll learn via pain. You don't get to avoid a scar going across your face, sorry. I also just really like scars. + mini arc where she gets to go home and we see more of her father and her mom, or the space she left with her death.
(for the sake of makeup department the scar would eventually fade to a red line on the side of her face, but FIRST we need this big thing that is a testament of how much she's failing herself by avoiding half of her nature).
Riven needs a plot of his own and I guess is a little too late to tackle the gigantic glaring "Internalized homophobia" thing he's got going on. That was a season 2 issue that they did a fucking shitty job on. Time to tackle his self esteem and what future he sees for himself. If Sky already decided he'll die by the end of the season, Riven is the one who realized he'll have to live and now, for the first time, is being forced to make all this mature decisions and pick a future he's not even sure he's ready for. + the weight his own family is putting on him. Let's finally give a face to those gigantic daddy issues we all have sensed since s1.
Talking about gigantic daddy issues... Saul would be headmaster, but he's way in over his head. Not only he had trauma to get past from jail, but he's got a suicidal angry son in his hands, B.Os on the loose that he needs to send his own students to hunt and he has to deal with the loneliness he finds himself on. All of his relationships have been severed, be it by choice (Ben, Sebastian), be it by death (Farah, even Andreas). This man is incredibly tired and alone... Then we give him the new headmistress for the fairies, after ep 2 or 3. Saul cannot lead the fairies, it's obvious the Queen would appoint someone to the position, but he's not ready to allow this stranger into his school, near the kids he's meant to protect, especially not after going through Rosalind all over again. Saul vs Griselda showdown.
That's the "Alfea" people, but they're hardly at Alfea most of the time. They're in the surrounding area, Blackbridge and region to hunt the B.Os.
Meanwhile, Terra and Flora pack their bags to go get Sam and Ben back from Malacoy Academy. Malacoy has been their "enemy" school since always, but there's a difference between petty rivalry and whatever is happening there now.
Beatrix crawled out of her grave once the Shadow Guy loomed over it ominously at the finale and she went in search of her two sisters, Darcy and Isobel, only to find that they were in Malacoy. Naturally, she enrolls and tries, once again, to pull the same thing she did in season 1. Except this Beatrix is not the same from before, now she opened up to Stella, now she had the taste of doing something because she believed it was good... She craves having these two sisters, but she cannot turn a blind eye on how horrifyingly weird they are.
Because turns out that while little Bea was rescued from the Aster Dell bloodwitches (who were extremists) and raised like a fairy, she's not an actual fairy. She, just like her sisters, are the product of what Rosalind says in season 1: Sacrificing fairies to put their powers inside of Blood Witches (#fuck the season 2 B.W lore).
Beatrix was raised believing she's a fairy, but she only has the air powers. Unlike other fairies, her powers can be great but they'll not ever turn into the other elements. This she realizes in Malacoy Academy.
Meanwhile Isobel and Darcy had escaped the blast by fate and they were raised by the B.W who escaped. The extremist ones. They do believe in the ancient practices of sacrificing fairies for their powers and they've done this. Their next victim is Sam Harvey and Beatrix doesn't even like the guy, but she knows him and now she has this horrible thing called a moral compass and ugh... Fine, fuck, she'll save his life- And now Terra's and Flora's too, she guesses? Why can't these people just stay in their own castle.
Talking of the extremist Blood Witches, well... They didn't just get nuked in Aster Dell. A good number of them escaped, enough of them to indoctrinate even more Blood Witches in the future. They were living in the shadows, but Luna's declaration of war in season 2 pushes them forward. They need to take on the fairies, they need to do this in an organized manner. This means they need a leader.
They turn to Sebastian's people- Except Sebastian is no longer there. Grey is. Grey who has a moral compass and people he likes (even loves maybe?) in the fairy side, but suddenly has an entire group of people asking him to lead them. He doesn't budge easily, he's been in contact with Aisha, they're hopeful that they can get the Andros people and other mini realms to see what Luna is failing to see: the blood witches need protection from Burned Ones just as much as the fairies, not all of them are evil.
This can be done in a civilized manner.
This is why Aisha leaves Alfea alongside Stella. Stella needs to be introduced to her court, her training needs to be harder, Luna wants her there. Meanwhile Aisha believes, just like Grey, that they can build a case and being in court, talking to politically relevant people is instrumental for this.
What Aisha doesn't realize is that by going to the Solaria castle she's not just building a political network against the queen and this counts as a coup attempt, one that could put Stella's head on a platter, but also that she is, physically, in Luna's grounds. She's a hostage just as much as Stella is.
Suddenly Grey is out of moves, the things he thought he could do in a civilized manner are no longer feasible. There's a Shadow Guy going around bringing the dead back and attracting Burned Ones, there are Burned Ones attacking his people. He can't afford to let them die just because Aisha is scared for her parents or for Stella. He has to put his people's interests first.
Stella, in the other hand, knows that it was her letter that got Bloom in stasis. She was instrumental in the decline of Bloom's mental health at the last two episodes and this guilt is eating her up. Beatrix's death? Also on her. So many things are directly her fault and she needs to clean it up, she needs Bloom back- But Beatrix is back? How? The Shadow Guy.
Well what if... What if they could catch the Shadow Guy. It came through the same portal Bloom vanished, didn't it? It's the same magic.
Stella believes, furiously, that she can bring Bloom back if she catches the Shadow Guy. Beatrix's resurrection aids this belief.
Sky is angry at the whole lot of them for not making an effort on bringing Bloom back, he's angry at himself for not going with her, he's angry at Silva and Riven for wanting him to live the future that is knocking at his door - He'll do whatever Stella asks. Including lying to Riven and the others about the "burned ones" they're tracking, which is not a Burned One at all.
If only Musa wasn't wearing the cuffs and in denial about her magic, then she could sense Sky is lying to them and weaponizing Silva's and Riven's sympathies.
Beatrix wants to save the Harveys from her own sisters and this is how she gets roped into the Blood Witches fight, this is how she gets to know about the stealing magic ritual, the bidding ritual for the Shadow Guy, she has people of her own that she wants back from the dead... This is how she ends up in Grey's power, her life in his hands.
Griselda, for all that Saul hates her and wants to undermine her, used to work in Malacoy Academy. She knows the students suddenly being amazing at magic tests and tournaments isn't normal, she just needs to find out what is going on. If only Silva would let her get closer to the students, stop shielding them from her prodding, then she could get the full picture of what is happening at Malacoy, with the blood witches right under their nose.
And then they could trace it back to Grey and Aisha and Stella and the fact that Stella isn't seeing that in her insanity to save Bloom, she's falling into the same trap that Sebastian fell in. The same power from darkness that is whispering in her ear that if she sacrifices enough people, they'll be able to bring back her loved ones (in this case just one), she just has to open that portal back again for Bloom.
Surely nothing worse is coming out of it.
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