#katara and sokka sibling time is always fun
biconickyoshi · 4 months
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Been wanting to do some updated character model sheet thingies for my ongoing longfic The Avatar and the Fire Prince, so here they are! :) Up until now I'd only drawn Zuko and Aang, but I thought it was about time I added Iroh and the Water Tribe siblings to the lineup as well. Right now all I've done this for is Books 1 & 2, but I really want to get started on the Books 3 & 4 versions so I can add Toph and Suki (and possibly Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee) to the lineup!
As usual, for anyone who has not read my fic but is curious about the premise: this is an AU in which Zuko and Iroh discover Aang in the iceberg just 3 months after Zuko is burned and banished at age 13 in 96 AG, 4 years prior to the return of Sozin's Comet. It is also an enemies to best friends to lovers slowburn in which Zukaang is endgame (since Aang was released from the iceberg 3 years early in this AU, he is only one year younger than Zuko). This fic is heavily based in canon, so I try my hardest to ensure that everything is canon-compliant at least when it comes to lore and character behavior despite the different circumstances.
Book 1: Air's premise: after finding and capturing Aang, Zuko and Iroh are forced to escape with him on Appa when Zhao interferes with their plans to return to the Fire Nation. This Book focuses on Aang desperately searching the Air Temples for any remnants of his people he can find, dragging Zuko and Iroh along in the process. Eventually, Zuko starts to question everything he was raised to believe, while Iroh is forced to face the mistakes of his past.
Book 2: Water begins with Aang, Zuko, and Iroh traveling to the South Pole after Aang starts to have recurring nightmares about an impending attack on Wolf Cove (Sokka and Katara's village), and eventually follows my adaptations of several storylines from canon Book 1 before ending with the Siege of the North in Agna Qel'a. During this Book, Zuko begins to realize his feelings for Aang are more than friendship, while Aang remains oblivious (lol).
Book 3: Earth is the Book I am currently working on (the most recent chapter was my adaptation of "Avatar Day") and so far follows Aang, Zuko, Iroh, Katara, and Sokka as they search for an earthbending teacher for Aang - so far, it has followed the general canon plot of Book 2, though of course, as always, there are differences due to this being an AU. No spoilers, but I have some really interesting things planned for this Book, particularly as we get closer to the Ba Sing Se arc. I also have a lot of fun stuff planned for the Zukaang romance in this Book.
Book 4: Fire will be the last Book of the fic, and will of course revolve around the Gaang in the Fire Nation. This is all I will say for now since I don't want to spoil the plans I have for the previous Book (which will heavily influence what happens in Book 4, obv).
When I finally finish this fic (I'm about halfway through at 33/65 chapters), I plan to start writing a direct sequel that adapts the events of the comics, as well as a Korrasami-focused Legend of Korra rewrite fic that is set in the same AU as TAatFP.
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rifari2037 · 1 month
What’s . , your Opinion On Katara. And Aang relationship, with each other.?
Short answer :
In my opinion, Katara and Aang's relationship would more beautiful and healthy as very good friends, because they support each other way better in friendship-relationship.
Long answer :
Kat/ang as couple wasn't build up with a good storyline even from the start. Their relationship felt and looked like siblings, Katara even acted motherly to him - many proof for that and the writers said so.
So, there's no reason for me to see them as lovers in the future but just supportive good friends with a crush. But a crush - even in real life - isn't a deep feeling and it's very easy to fade away. A strong feeling needs bond, chemistry, sometimes needs twist and turns to understand each other better and strengthen the foundation of their relationship.
Katara and Aang didn't have much chemistry, just physical contact (kisses on the cheek and hugs) and blushing. But for me, chemistry is not just about physical contact, chemistry and bond is about relationship development - it's Maiko problem as well.
Actually, the writers had so many opportunities to make Katara and Aang's relationship well-written - especially since the writers worship this ship - but instead they built up the conflicts between Aang and Katara in the last few episodes.
Well, at least, Aang and Katara's conflicts was resolved in season 1, but I can say that they were forced to end up together, even though their conflict wasn't resolved in season 3.
Conflict 1 : Aang kissed Katara without consent, then Katara acted like nothing happened in the next episode.
Conflict 2 : Aang yelled at Katara, even though she wasn't mocking him like the others, and she just wanted to help him, then they separated and there wasn't even a single conversation at all until they kissed in the end of the story.
Yes, the kiss was canon, but only because the writers forced it, not because Aang and Katara - both of them - deserved it.
The writers tried hard to keep Kat/ang as the winners in post ATLA. But, the more the writers fix Kat/ang the more the writers failed to make them better in their relationship, in fact the writers even ruined some of the characters - especially my lovely Katara, whose role was increasingly decreasing.
That would happen if two characters are forced to become lovers without being built with a good storyline and the writers don't care about female characters.
I don't read the comic and I don't want to read it. But I read quite a lot of criticism about it, especially how Katara's role was nothing more than just the Avatar's girlfriend.
Also, writing them calling each other 'sweetie' all the time is so cringe. I mean, look at Suki and Sokka, most people said they were the best canon pairing, I said the same. They never called each other 'sweetie', they called each other by name and they were still romantic.
Do you know what I felt when I saw this?
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Katara sat alone in the corner, looked sad watching her boyfriend having fun with his fans. I could almost feel what Katara was feeling. Katara was angry, of course, but Aang couldn't understand her feelings. In the end, Katara was the one who understood Aang and let it go. Why is it always Katara who understands Aang? She deserved an apology!
Once again, the writers tried hard to keep Kat/ang as the winners in TLOK by writing them as a married couple with three children. Avatar's girlfriend changed to avatar's wife, but the writers still failed to convince people that Kat/ang was a healthy and happy couple.
Instead, Aang was written as a bad father who only favours his air bending child, while Katara had no role, no statue to honour her, and even her grandchildren didn't recognise her.
Actually, even though I am Zutara shipper, but sometimes I'm glad that they weren't canon. I mean, the writers worship Kat/ang but they failed to convince a lot of fans how good this pair - except the shipper only.
I can't imagine Zutara was canon while the writers hated it, the would ruin Zutara badly!
And since the writers are on board in The Avatar: The Last Airbender Movie next year, I'm guessing they'll try to win Kat/ang over (again) and I wouldn't be surprised if it fails (again).
That's why I'm not waiting for the movie.
Katara and Aang don't need to be lovers to be great characters, they can have a sweet relationship as friends and family. All the crush scenes between them could be removed and it wouldn't change the storyline one bit - maybe just annoy the shippers.
NATLA proved that. Aang and Katara had a family-relationship and it was very very sweet. NATLA removed all the scenes of Aang having a crush on Katara, even the Cave of the Two Lovers scene was replaced with Sokka and Katara. Did the main storyline changed? Not at all.
I once read an opinion from a Zutara shipper. The point is, when Aang and Katara are together, Katara has to stay away from Zuko (because their chemistry is stronger). It happened in TLOK, when Katara didn't show up to her granddaughter's coronation because Zuko was there.
Meanwhile, if Zuko and Katara are together, while Aang mature enough to accept his destiny, they will be forever great friends. He also will be a very very very sweet uncle and steam babies' favourite person. It happened in Zutara fanfics and fanart.
I agree 1000000%!!
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eponastory · 5 months
I know you most likely already realized this, but I was just thinking about Aang as a father in LOK, and realized something. If Katara ended up with Zuko and eventually had children together, Zuko would likely end up being a better father than Aang. Aang never even met his parents, and only had instructors as parental figures. They're like parents but mostly just in the way that a school teacher would be. But Zuko understands what good parents and what bad parents look like because he knows what his own parents are like. His memories of Ursa and Iroh would be his guide to what you SHOULD do for a child, and Ozai is an example of what you should NOT do. Zuko doesn't have the pressure of repopulating firebenders because firebenders aren't virtually extinct, so there wouldn't be as much (if any) pressure to pay unfairly extra attention to one child over the other. Zuko knows what it's like to be neglected by a parent that's supposed to love because of something you can't control. Aang clearly doesn't, hence why he neglected Bumi and Kya II in the first place. Zuko also has experience with Azula, and would know to recognize any bad signs of sibling jealousy and/or hatred, and put an end to it because he knows what bad sibling dynamics look like.
I feel like he would also be a better husband to Katara. He's not as naive as Aang when it comes to marriage; Zuko has the experience of growing up with two married parents, and would know what not to do. Katara would relax better because the distribution over who watches the kids would be more fair, as Zuko would give them ALL attention. While Aang made Katara jealous from always being around the Air Acolytes (in the comics), I feel like Zuko would not give polite attention to women who are rude to Katara/flirting with him because in the show, Zuko knows exactly how hurtful it feels for a romantic partner to flirt with/give polite attention to people who are obviously pursuers. Imagine being in an alternate dimension where Zutara was the main endgame couple, and we get to see their parental dynamics in LoK. There would probably be a flashback of Katara getting worked up about one of their children, and Zuko would ease her into calming down because he sees a solution that she didn't.
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Aang's issues are more than he doesn't know. He is selfish by nature. Selfish parents aren't good parents. I know this for a fact. It's an endless cycle of 'It's your fault' or 'what about how I feel' every time you try to say something. It's not fun, and it's damaging. I can totally see Aang using this behavior as a way to get what he wants. As far as him being naive... yes. He is very naive and doesn't take anything seriously.
Like the war, for instance. He was only there for the last year of it. He wasn't born into the war like Zuko, Katara, Sokka, Toph, and Suki. They aren't naive. They know what war is like. Toph is the same age as Aang, and she is much more mature than he is. He's got this idea that killing anyone is bad, but he is responsible for a lot of deaths. Honestly, he has a kill count from the Fire Nation attack on the NWT, and a lot of people overlook that for some reason. Actually, the show overlooks it because Aang is the Hero, and it's okay if he killed people. So, when all is said and done, all of the things that he does afterward is overlooked too. It's a huge writing flaw with the show. So how does this translate to him as a parent?
It makes him a hypocrite.
Plain and simple.
He's so focused on reviving the Air Nomads that he has little knowledge on what they actually believed. What we are given is a few Taoist, Hindu, and Buddhist proverbs to go off of. Then, it's completely disregarded (disrespected as well) for 'Love'. This 'Love' is actually deep infatuation fueled by jealousy and possessive behavior. Which is actually frowned upon by the three religions mentioned above. It is a 'poison' to the spirit. And disconnects you from being enlightened (I think that is what the proverbs/scriptures are eluding too, if I'm wrong, please do not hesitate to explain, I'm super interested in cultures and eastern religions) or granted a place in Heaven (or their version of it). Letting go of all earthly possessions is common place in most religions. Aang does not do this. But I digress.
So, while there is the Nature vs Nurture aspect of parenting... where Katara does most of the Nurturing because that is how her character is written post-war and LoK. Notice how is said Written. Written by two misogynistic men who stripped her of a lot of her characteristics from the original run of the show. This is the problem. And it's the same with Aang. I can't take him seriously because he doesn't take any of it seriously. Especially with his children. He's not a serious character. He acts like he's serious, but he never really left the 12 year old boy behind to mature. Probably because in his fictional relationship with Katara, she enables him to keep doing what he always does. Which is to not grow. Relationships grow sour when the two people in them do not grow. It's not really about who grew up with parents at that point because it's the current parents that are the ones that should be to blame.
Now on to Headcanon space...
Zutara is a Headcanon ship. Did it almost happen? Oh yes I believe it did because the writing supports it heavily and Bryke's actions post show also scream 'lairs'. Sorry, but I have a pretty good Bullshit metor and Bryke set it off big time by their immature behavior.
But I digress.
Zuko grew up with a Narcissistic Sociopath as a Father and a Mother who was caught in the middle of a choice she was essentially forced to make. Ursa was also forced to forget her own parents never existed after she married Ozai. This is all canon, by the way. Her life before her marriage was great, but then it was taken away so she had nothing left but her morals and beliefs. However, while she loved both of her children, her influence on Zuko is essentially what made him who he is. Ursa didn't get to influence Azula like she did Zuko. Why? Because of Ozai.
Ozai pit his children against each other. This was apparently a Fire Nation Royal Family tradition because it sounds like Azulon did this with Iroh and Ozai as well. This kind of parenting style is abusive to its core. What Ozai did to Zuko isn't neglect... it's straightforward abuse and control. How do you make a child do what you want? You hurt them, or you take something away from them. Ozai both hurt Zuko and took away his home by banishing him. If Zuko wants to go back home, he has to find and capture the Avatar. It's that simple, but at the same time, it's also near impossible.
Flash forward to Canon Zuko and we see he has one child and he is a very loving father. Actually, he's the best father in the show. His experiences with growing up as the not so favorite child has made his choice to have one child easy. Probably because he and his spouse had a less than perfect relationship. This also may have influenced him to be protective of Izumi (as we can see he's still protective over her even at 90 years old) because of the loveless relationship his parents had. It was enough to damage him deeply when it came to relationships. This is likely also why he had trouble with Mai as well.
Headcanon space now...
Zuko loving Katara is what makes the difference here. Love is giving your partner the freedom to make their own choices and support them. As long as there is good communication, trust, and honesty. Something Maiko does not have, by the way. So it stands to reason that even with Nature Vs Nurture in the way of parenting, both win here. I'll tell you why Zuko's relationship with his parents here have no effect on why he would choose to have more children with Katara.
Because if written well, it's a very good relationship between them. We already know they work well as a team. The show gives us this. We know that Zuko absolutely cares about Katara. The show also gives us that. We also know they become lifelong friends. So why do they make great parents?
Because they rely on each other.
It has nothing to do with how they were raised individually, but everything to do with how they support each other narritively. They trust each other to make good decisions together. They rely on being honest with each other. They also communicate with each other. This by itself is the building blocks for a healthy and stable relationship. With that in mind, parenting is easier. There is no need to be afraid of becoming a bad parent because they hold each other accountable. It's a deep relationship. Having multiple children is easier because it is a loving relationship. There's no conflict besides the silly little arguments over simple things that happen all the time. It's just an overall healthy dynamic.
And that is what appeals to Zutarians.
While it was almost canon, I'm glad it isn't because Bryke would definitely not get it right. They tried to make Korra and Mako happen out of spite because they believe Zutara is toxic. It's not. Their children would turn out absolutely fine because Zuko would not change a thing about Katara. It's in the show. He doesn't try to change her because that's not his job. His job in TSR is to let her find closure. He offers it to her because he cares about her. Bottom line.
Anyway, I probably forgot what you said at this point because I just tend to go on and on, but I tried my best to stay on topic... ADHD is both a blessing and a curse.
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stardust948 · 5 months
Counting Stars
Expanded Guardian Lu Ten AU
Lu Ten is called into the guidance office and informed his uncle has been sent to jail for fraud and his cousins need a new guardian. He’s the only available option since Iroh is deployed and Ursa’s missing and deemed dead at this point. The counselor stresses he won’t be able to return to school because the position will be given to someone else. Lu Ten insists he has to do this or his cousins would be separated and sent to foster care.
He thinks it will be like babysitting the siblings again until he gets to the FN. Zuko’s face bandaged up and Azula’s hair is chopped up. Both look worse for wear. Lu Ten is deeply concerned but tries to lighten the mood. It doesn’t go over well, and he starts to think he’s in over his head.
Lu Ten take the siblings to Republic City. He tries to bond with them but they aren’t 6 and 4 anymore and there’s a huge disconnect. Azula’s silent and withdrawn. Zuko keeps getting into fights at school. Both keep asking to see Ozai. Lu Ten suspects Ozai abused them, so he keeps denying their request. He holds out that Iroh will return home from his military duties soon.
Lu Ten tries to act like the cool cousin and burns through his funds saved for military school. They downsize to a smaller apartment. Their neighbor, Kanna, offers to help out but Lu Ten brushes her off saying he’s an adult and can handle it.
But everything takes a downhill turn. Lu Ten’s new office job is stressful, the bills are stacking up, and he can’t stop Zuko and Azula’s constant fights and self-harming. The breaking point is finding out Iroh died on duty. After the funeral the cousins get into a big fight. Afterwards, Lu Ten cries in apartment stairwell. Kanna finds and comforts him. She tells him it’s okay to not know what to do and he doesn’t have to be alone. Lu Ten’s ready to accept help.
He stops trying to act like the substitute dad and just be himself with the siblings. Stays up with Azula who’s scared to go to sleep at night. Cuts his own hair in solidary with Zuko who has to keep it short while his wound heals. Kanna drops by with homemade meals and brings her grandchildren over who befriend Zuko and Azula. There are still mental health issues and Lu Ten is saving up for therapy for the kids (and himself as Kanna suggested) but it’s slowly getting better. Eventually the group becomes a closer family and start having fun again.
A few years later, right before Azula starts high school, Ozai is released early due to some strings pulled and demands kids back. Lu Ten fights to keep them but is denied. He promises to always be there for them and to call anytime. After a tearful goodbye, Lu Ten goes back to empty apartment. He’s beside himself with worry as are Kanna, Katara, Sokka, and the rest of their school friends.
A few weeks later the siblings are back. They ran away and made it all the way back to Republic City by themselves. Lu Ten’s overjoyed to be reunited with them but it also confirms his suspicion of Ozai’s abuse. Especially as time pass and there has been no missing report filed or cops at the door.
Lu Ten leaves to confront Ozai. He goes ahead and sign the paperwork making Lu Ten their legal guardian. Ozai doesn’t want the kids back because Lu Ten made them "useless like their mother”. Lu Ten punches Ozai. He’s then thrown into a holding cell for a couple of days for assault.
After Lu Ten’s released, he immediately heads home. Kanna’s been looking after the siblings during that time. They cry when Lu Ten returned, thinking he abandoned them also. Lu Ten promised he would never and tells them he’s officially their guardian. They never have to go back to Ozai ever again.
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Avatar: The Last Airbender Live Action Thoughts!
-First of all, ya'll need to leave those child actors alone, they are babies and they didn't write the show, nor was it their idea to do it. I have seen way too many people body shaming children; leave them alone they all did well!
-I think Gordon makes Aang just as cute and small and powerful as I always saw him as!! He manages to joke around and be fun even when the storyline is a lot darker and more serious.
-I really wish Sokka was able to be more of his goofy and silly self. I understand why he isn't, and his humor is more sarcasm and dark jokes, but I saw glimpses of him in there! His excitement when he was with the Mechanist, engineering and getting to do something other than be in charge. Also when he has any older brother convo with Katara or Aang. I'm hopeful with time he'll be able to loosen up!
-(Speaking of the Mechanist, my boy Danny Pudi was SO GOOD, I love him, him and his little son).
-I wish Aang would practice waterbending with Katara :( those scenes of them practicing together were always some of my favorites in the series. Just beautiful kataang moments. I'm glad they addressed it but I missed those moments.
-I don't understand how you guys can't be having fun watching this, I get so excited waiting for little moments of lore, or when Jet and Katara were fighting in the forest I was sitting in front of the TV like "WHERE'S SMELLERBEE AND LONGSHOT. OH MY GOD NO IT'S PIPSQUEAK!" It's just so much fun! The colors are beautiful, the effects are gorgeous, and the plot and characters are entertaining. Think about the piece as it's own thing and enjoy it!
-Adaptations are just that; adaptations, and things will be changed! I think so far I haven't minded their changes, I understand why they've been made. There are things to criticize, but I think this is pretty well done.
-Zuko is fantastic; I think all the child actors are fairly good but Dallas' pissy attitude and the faces he makes are so so fun! I feel for Zuko and I'm scared of him when he shows up, and he's just as annoying and bratty as ponytail Zuko should be. His physical motions are fantastic!
-TEO WAS SO LITTLE?? Oh my god, like as a kid I thought the cartoon version of him was kinda hot so when they wheeled that tiny baby in I was HORRIFIED.
-Idk why YOU ALL weren't scared of Lizzy Yu's Azula, but her little smile in her intro scene gave me a lil chill. Maybe it's because I was away when the show first came out so I saw post after post about how bad she was, but I just.... Thought she'd be worse?? She did really well! Ya'll better be careful though or Gaten Matarazzo will come for you, that's his girl.
-So far the mushing of plots has made sense to me. Yes, I miss the silly filler episodes and the traveling the Gaang did, but it allows us to sit in a scene longer, and to colorize the world better, when we're in one place and one plot for longer. I think that's important for this type of medium and this amount of episodes. They might be able to justify more next season if this show does well enough.
-I am OBSESSED with Zuko and the 41st division oh my god, what a fantastic and well thought out addition. The reveal, and they're bowing for him when he comes back was DEVASTATING.
-They we're GIVING us Sokka and Katara best sibling moments, I loved all of them. They are so cute, they just mean so much to me.
-I don't feel Appa or Momo as characters like I did in the cartoon. I'm hoping this can change, because rn they surprise me every time they get on screen. I'm like "WHAT- oh it's Momo, he's here." How are we going to feel Appa's loss as much as we did in the cartoon if they continue to like barely be in it.
-Ken Leung SLAYED as Admiral Zhao, I watched him go literally insane as the episodes went on.
-Aang's imposter syndrome and feeling of failure being focused on I will always enjoy, even if I hope he can be silly next season too. His entire character arc this season just made me want to cry.
-Bro the coloring during the the Siege of the North was A M A Z I N G. The way the color faded in and out with fireballs and the monster koi passing nearby, just so pretty. It looked awesome.
-Making Yue a waterbender? The best. Her freezing Sokka in place so he can't stop her? Heartbreaking.
-Iroh and Zuko paddling off looking for bestie Lt. Jee?? Okay.
-They really grew this show up for us adults that watched it in 2005 and focused in on the really painful moments, themes, and details.
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lazyveran · 6 months
Hi you said you have
I am in love with this au god toxic Yuri is so fun to go feral about
ty for indulging me!! so without plot spoilers here r some more
azula is very secretive, intentionally or not, and it drives katara up the wall. she still hears about important things that azula just doesnt tell her and promptly picks days long fights over it
azutara constantly have arguments that spiral out of control due to katara's short temper and empathy and azulas.. everything. particularly bad ones have katara storming from the palace to one of their other homes to cool off. the entire palace staff are terribly entertained by this. there's a betting pool, a secret 'leadership' board in the kitchens, and a very secure gossip train dedicated soley to them
while sokka and gran-gran get along disturbingly well with azula (after everything) hakoda does NOT. he refuses her every chance he gets and it always gets a rise out of her. they've had screaming matches before, azula doesnt try to impress him at all
katara uses azula as a personal human heater whenever they go south but she never does in the FN due to its climate. azula acts like a pouty child about it constantly
katara is also terribly suspicious of ty lee. her being apocalyptically jealous and ty lee being a fiend for pranks and teasing is quite literally the worst combo ever. ty lee is always latching herself to azula and dealing out innuendos that go straight over azula's head to get a rise out of katara. and it works. every time. azula unfortunately takes the brunt of these katara tirades
mai and katara become close friends, united in fire sibling suffering and theraptutic bitching about their significant other
when they're older azula starts wearing reading glasses. katara likes them. A LOT
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sokkie · 8 months
CW: mentions of abuse
Aang loves his hugs and has spent whole days clinging to the other just because it’s so much fun! It’s warm and friendly and it makes him feel a bit like a little brother, something he didn’t get to have.
Toph didn’t really at first, but as she learnt to hold onto Sonja’s hand when in the air or on water, she began to trust him more. Touch is a sensitive thing to her, it tells her so much and she doesn’t like to focus it on the wrong thing. But, when I’m the air there’s not much to feel in a way of seeing, so she eventually starts to lean against the older boy more. Just like Aang, she always wanted a sibling, and Sokka isn’t too bad at the job.
Katara is so used to it half the time she doesn’t even notice her brother leaning on her or linking their arms, it’s just how her life is. It will always bring her comfort and calm her down, especially when she’s scared and is tired of being brave and calm and just wants the embrace of someone she loves.
Zuko hates it. The hugs themselves, the leaning on shoulders and somewhat mocking headboard aren’t in itself a bad thing, but what it reminds him of is. It reminds him of how close he and his sister used to be, how his mother had a heat to her touch that felt like peace to his child self. The crushing hugs of Iroh never truely left, but the other stopped doing it so often when he saw his nephew flinch. The worst part of Sokka’s touch is how alien it is. It’s been years since he was touched so casually, but it’s the first time he’s had physical contact with one a man that wasn’t either to train him or to harm him. It was a reminder of what his father never gave him and it burned as bad as the birth of his scar. Being as observant as he is to his friends, Sokka backs off with his affection which just makes Zuko hurt and long more. It hurts in a new way, like seeing the perfect future and never being able to meet it.
Fortunately and unfortunately for him, Toph is getting sick of the lack of communication and is going to do it for them.
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timur-pannonicus · 2 years
Zuko and Azula had no reference for what a normal or healthy sibling relationship is like
To address the always present argument about whether their relationship was abusive and who abused who. People point out that being mean and competitive, sometimes to the point of being hurtful, is not unusual for siblings.
I agree. But my point here is that Zuko and Azula don't know that.
Neither is either of them in their early to mid adulthood where the majority of people who had siblings they never got along with start understanding and forgiving.
Azula and Zuko most likely think that their rivalry is NOT a common thing. They lack examples from others in their lives.
I know bringing up the comics is justifiably frowned upon but in the Search, Zuko is absolutely bewildered by Sokka's and Katara's behavior towards each other, which was nothing more than fun bickering. But let's look what can be concluded or assumed from the show.
Iroh and Ozai were both well into adulthood when Zuko and Azula were born and they sadly did not reconcile their differences. They most likely behaved very icy to one another but the demands of court probably required them to act in a very civil and respectful seeming way. In Zuko Alone we can conclude Ozai didn't say anything nice, warm or funny about Iroh to Azula as seen by her attitude to her uncle and Iroh likely didn't tell any fun anecdotes either due to either being away at war or because he didn't want to risk a fight with his brother.
Ursa might have had siblings and cousins but nothing in the show confirms that and the comics clearly say she did not.
Mai didn't get a brother until she was 14.
Ty Lee has six sisters but it's quite possible that each of them had a "pair" in their matched set and Ty Lee was the only one left out, made worse by the fact that her parents seemed to barely acknowledge her. It's possible that only her friendship with Azula made her stand out at all, which likely contributed to her desire for uniqueness and independence too. In any case she likely didn't have much interaction with her biological sisters.
There seems to have been no other kids in the palace with whom Azula and Zuko could interact, limiting their scope of experience and insight.
Zuko not realizing that little siblings tend to be annoying and mean and do pranks has been discussed in detail by others and I don't think I have to add anything.
But, AZULA did not realize some things about older siblings either. They can be entitled, patronizing, attention hogging, dismissive, rude and even cold. Countless older siblings have told the younger ones that they were adopted or found in the trash or said and done even worse things.
One way to simplify the rivalry between Zuko and Azula is to say each was jealous of the attention the other was receiving from a parent.
However, sadly for them their parent's relationship was strained either from the start or after a while, to put it lightly.
Add the fact that they were sheltered and secluded royalty and what they learned about what siblings should be like most likely comes from official ceremonies and rituals, state approved stories and plays, idealized versions that don't correspond with reality.
Plus due to the Fire Nation being a blend of East Asian cultures it's likely they have some form of Confucian ethics. According to those the younger sibling owes obedience to the older and the older is bound to protect the younger. I think it's not too much of a stretch to believe both Zuko and Azula felt wronged in that regard by the other but both were too stubborn to give.
I can't blame Zuko too much for not realizing Azula was trying to help him a few times. Boy was brought up to believe that little sisters SHOULD be very kind, nice and demure. Even if he had acknowledged her efforts he'd still be inwardly pushed to believe she was doing it wrong.
So yeah, both could use a very long life changing field trip with Katara and Sokka, who were both allowed to develop their relationship naturally.
I think I've said enough for now. This is how I see things AT THE TIME OF WRITING.
I tried, really tried to be as fair to Zuko as possible and not harp the poor Azula harp. But if anyone wants to scream at me and be rude over my obviously wrong opinion on either fire sibling, don't expect a response from me.
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survivalove · 11 months
hello! hope you have a good day! I love reading your meta.
as a fan of Katara, can you please share your opinion about the TSR episode? I love Katara very much, but this episode has always caused me discomfort, as if Katara's grief was used to hastily close this hole "zuko has redeemed himself and now they are friends." it seems to me that Katara and her grief (as well as Sokka's grief!) deserved a better attitude than to become a bargaining chip "we will write a hasty episode to redeem Zuko and will not return to this topic anymore." Yes, I understand that this episode is firstly dedicated to Katara, but it always seemed to me that it was written without due respect for her.
so I wasn’t gonna answer this because you mentioned voldemort but then like a hypocrite I broke my own rule and replied to an idiot so here it is:
while I think the premise of TSR is egregious I don’t think the episode as a whole is ruined because of it. I actually think it’s the climax of Katara’s entire arc as it builds off from multiple moments not just about her mother, but her as a bender, her power and always remaining in control of said power. not to mention all this time, she’s confronted and helped persons that have been oppressed throughout the war and now seeing someone who oppressed people for most of his life, of course inflicting unparalleled pain on her, but not letting him own that power and reducing him to (figurative not literal!!) shreds. very good stuff.
so yes, i enjoy it voldemort aside, however comma: the premise is indeed quite horrible.
i agree, the writers definitely used katara and sokka’s trauma as a means for this very middling redemption arc after 3, just as bad if not worse, episodes of the same stuff IN A ROW.
katara getting yelled at for not being so forgiving like everyone else, and then sokka’s trauma being used as a means of information for a trip he wasn’t invited on???
(can we be real for a second and admit that sokka and katara should have been the two persons on that trip in the first place?)
next up, my favorite line:
forgiveness is the same as doing nothing!
coming from the person that literally begged for forgiveness from every other person in the conversation, including katara hhhhhhhh
and then the racist comments to boot like 😭😭 may i remind you once again the premise is based on him needing to earn a genocide survivor’s forgiveness so of course he (the writers) couldn’t help himself and had to make fun of the other genocide survivor! he makes it so easy for me to be a hater.
(can we also talk about how some people like to frame this as him defending katara as if 1, katara can’t defend herself?? which she did and 2, didn’t need to be racist to do it???)
and then you have the sokka discourse which pisses me off because most people that harp over that line don’t even like him like that, and trying to pick and choose which sibling is correct when talking about their mother’s death?? both of their opinions were valid and it’s a reflection of their core personalities: sokka is pragmatic, rational and logical. he didn’t agree with aang because he suddenly adopted pacifism, he agreed with aang because yon rha no longer posed a threat to him and his loved ones and to him, confronting him wouldn’t be worth the effort or ease the pain of kya’s death. meanwhile, katara as we see throughout the show, dives headfirst into doing whatever she thinks is right (imprisoned, painted lady, waterbending scroll) she wasn’t concerned about the logistics, she was concerned about the principle and of course, having to essentially replace her mother’s role made her feel more tied to her death at large. one mean comment throughout sixty one episodes does not define her relationship with sokka. pretending otherwise is just annoying.
after that, i find the episode pretty enjoyable i can’t lie to you. getting kya’s story told and witnessing the satisfying climax to katara’s arc (which is far superior to anyone else’s in my opinion) makes the rest.. almost worth it.
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bard-llama · 5 months
WiP Wednesday: Spirits Made Them Do It
So, not this coming weekend, but next (May 11-12), @zukaangserver-nsfw is doing a Prompt Weekend Event and my fill has already turned into a trilogy lmao So I figured I'd share some of it for WiP Wednesday. Enjoy!
This is an aged up season 1 fic set before The Blue Spirit.
Getting chased by Zuko was starting to become a regular weekly activity that Aang could honestly do without. This time, he, Sokka, and Katara had been camping in a forest when a bush next to them abruptly caught on fire. Zuko followed soon after, and it only made sense to scatter.
Unfortunately, Aang hadn’t really thought about how only he seemed to be Zuko’s target. Zuko didn’t even glance after the Water Tribe siblings, instead completely focused on Aang.
Aang gulped, running and dodging. When he broke through a hedge wall, he could feel the difference in the air in the chill that sent shudders down his spine. He froze in place, trying to figure out what was going on.
The problem was, Zuko wasn’t terribly far behind him, as the Prince announced by setting the hedge wall on fire.
The sudden sense of dread that washed through him was overwhelming and Aang staggered to the side, woozy. 
Zuko opened his mouth to make some demand, but he was cut off by a menacing whisper that seemed to come from all around them at once.
You dare tread on sacred ground?
Aang gulped. “Please, we didn’t mean to–”
Behind him, the burning hedge was close enough to a tree that it caught – and Aang could feel the way the temperature around them dropped several degrees.
You will pay, the whisper on the wind promised and Aang was suddenly very, very scared. He didn’t know much at all about spirits – but getting on the bad side of one seemed like a pretty terrible thing to do.
Zuko apparently agreed, because the fires abruptly went out. “What’s your price?” he asked, gaze scanning the grove around them. 
I could just kill you both and be done with it, the spirit threatened.
“You could,” Zuko acknowledged, and Aang’s heart jumped into his throat. “But do you really want to make an enemy of the Avatar?”
Not expecting that, Aang sputtered. 
But the spirit seemed to consider the words. Recompense must be paid. That is the balance.
“Perhaps there is another way we could pay it,” Zuko offered.
The grove around them hummed in a low voice that seemed to come from everywhere all at once and it made Aang jump. 
You have taken life from this grove. You must pay it back. 
“Sure–” Aang found himself saying, “surely there is a way to bring life without killing anyone.”
Human males are capable of creating life energy emissions, the wind whispered ominously.
“What does that mean?” Zuko demanded.
Your seed will bring growth to this forest, the voice declared.
Zuko’s face scrunched up in confusion.
“Oh,” Aang said, sudden understanding hitting him upside the head. “Oh.”
“What!?” Zuko barked.
Aang hesitated. “I – I think they mean that we need to – um.” He bit his lip, uncertain of how to say it. Or rather, uncertain of how Zuko would react to it. The Fire Nation had always been a little bit… prudish, and Zuko seemed to exemplify that.  
“What?” Zuko growled.
Clearing his throat, Aang tried for a casual shrug. “I’m pretty sure the spirit is saying that we have to ejaculate.”
It took a moment for the words to process, but when they did, Zuko turned bright red, sputtering wildly. “What!?”
“It’s better than dying,” Aang reminded him, actually starting to feel slightly amused. Seeing Zuko so off balance was fun and honestly, as potential spirit backlash went, this was not bad at all. A little awkward, sure, but not too bad.
“You – it – what!?”
“You’re the one who set the sacred grove on fire,” Aang pointed out. “So like, really, you’re the one who needs to pay.”
“I’m not doing that!” Zuko shrieked, scandalized. He was blushing so hard that steam was literally rising from his head and Aang had to bite his lip against the ridiculous urge to smile.
“Would you rather the spirit kill you?”
Zuko’s face made it clear that he really wanted to say yes, but that he also realized that the spirit might then take him up on it and he didn’t actually want to die.
“Well?” Aang gestured further into the grove. 
Zuko let out a high pitched sound that very much conveyed how not okay with this he was. Aang just shrugged. He didn’t see another option here and it was Zuko’s fault.
“I’ll do it too, if you want,” he offered, because maybe that would help Zuko feel less on-the-spot.
Zuko choked, staring at him with wide eyes. “What?”
“I mean, it’s really not that big of a deal?” Aang shrugged. “Haven’t you ever had a group masturbation session before?”
“No!” Zuko shrieked.
“Oh. Well, the point is, it’s really not a big thing. And we’re not getting out of here without it, so…”
“...isn’t there any other way?” Zuko asked, somewhat desperate.
You can die, the spirit said, and Zuko jumped at the reminder that they weren’t alone. 
“This wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t chasing me with fire,” Aang had to point out.
Zuko scowled at him.
“So, um. Is there somewhere in particular we should–?” he made a vague hand motion that had Zuko’s blush brightening by three shades. It was kind of adorable, honestly.
Anywhere in this grove, the spirit responded, and Aang nodded, looking around for a comfortable spot. If he was doing this, he may as well do it right.
“What are you doing!?” Zuko hissed when Aang took off his shirt.
“Getting comfortable,” Aang said, ditching his trousers and flopping down to lounge against a tree. “Why, are you planning on standing the whole time?”
Zuko sputtered.
“I don’t suppose you have any oil?” he asked the spirit politely, prompting Zuko to let out a shrill sound.
Something viscous appeared on a large leaf next to Aang and he poked at it inquisitively, sniffing it. He didn’t know what it was, but it appeared harmless.
“Are you insane!?” Zuko demanded as he wrapped a slick hand around his cock. He wasn’t aroused yet, but he was sure he could work up to it.
“What?” he asked, looking up at the red-faced prince. It wasn’t a bad view, honestly.
Zuko just sputtered in response, so clearly off balance that it made Aang want to smile. He took pity on the prince, waving his free hand to offer the seat next to him. 
“Seriously, it’s not a big deal,” he said. “Just get it over with.”
“Why are you so casual about this!?” Zuko’s voice was unusually high pitched, but Aang decided against pointing it out.
Instead, he just shrugged, moving his free hand up to caress his neck. He wasn’t picturing that the touch was coming from anyone in particular – but Zuko’s gaze felt like a physical thing as it followed the journey of Aang’s hand down his chest and over his stomach. 
“Air Nomads believe in free expression in all things,” he explained after a moment, mostly to test if Zuko’s focus would shift. 
It did not, and something about that made Aang’s mouth water, a shiver trailing down his spine. His cock was almost fully hard by now and he couldn’t help but let out a soft sound of pleasure, tilting his head back against the tree. 
Through slitted eyes, he observed the way Zuko’s chest rose and fell rapidly, eyes wholly fixed on Aang.
Aang kind of liked that. He’d always enjoyed attention, and the intensity of Zuko’s stare was thrilling, making his own breath quicken. He dragged his fingers back up his abdomen to brush over the spot on his shoulder that begged for someone’s teeth.
It had never before occurred to Aang to long for Zuko to be that someone, but it was, quite suddenly, all he could think about. What would it feel like to have Zuko’s bulk resting over him?
For as much as Zuko could look kind of scrawny, he was all lithe strength, and the solidness of his form was appealing. 
Aang’s tongue darted out to wet dry lips, and he could see the way Zuko’s gaze followed the movement. Zuko’s adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard, and the way he shifted his weight drew Aang’s eye down his body.
It was hard to tell with Zuko’s armor in the way, but Aang was pretty sure that Zuko was being affected by this.
It made him want to smile, though he fought down the urge, aware that with how skittish Zuko was, it could scare him off.
So Aang refrained from saying anything, letting the tension build between them. His fingers moved to pinch his left nipple and he couldn’t help his moan, stroking himself faster. 
Zuko watched him intently, and it took a while, but eventually, the way he twitched in response to Aang’s noises turned into full on squirming and Aang knew that he had to want out of his armor as badly as Aang wanted him out of it.
So Aang raised his head to meet Zuko’s eye directly and prompted, “well?”
Zuko shifted on his feet, but didn’t move to undress. 
“C’mon, Zuko,” Aang encouraged. “You don’t really want to do this in your armor, do you?”
“I don’t want to do this at all,” Zuko said, definitely lying. His gaze had trailed back down Aang’s body, lips parting as he watched the way Aang touched himself.
Aang squeezed his fingers to indicate that he was wholly aware of where Zuko’s focus was. Zuko flushed, swallowing hard – but still not undressing.
Aang’s eyes narrowed. “Take off your armor, Zuko,” he ordered.
Zuko’s eye widened as his body automatically jumped to attention in response to Aang’s tone. Interesting. 
The hesitation before Zuko moved was palpable – but after a long minute during which their gazes remained locked, Zuko licked his lips and raised shaky hands to his shoulder straps. 
Now it was Aang’s turn to watch attentively, absorbed in the show before him. Zuko took each piece of armor off slowly, and the excitement in Aang’s belly rose with every deliberate move Zuko made. 
He licked dry lips, watching the way Zuko’s ass moved as he bent down to set the last piece of armor aside. The trousers Zuko wore underneath were tight – tight enough to let Aang admire his ass, but also tight enough to show quite clearly how interested Zuko was in what was happening.
Zuko’s fingers faltered on the hem of his undertunic, and Aang was intentional this time in imbuing as much authority as he could into voice. “Take off your clothes, Zuko.”
Zuko shuddered slightly, face a deep red. But he did grasp the hem and pull it up, exposing his abdomen.
Aang’s mouth watered, tracing the contours of Zuko’s muscles with his eyes. He wanted to do it with his tongue.
Maybe he’d actually have the chance at some point.
Shifting his weight, Zuko took his shirt the rest of the way off and reached for the tie on his trouser. There was relief in his exhale as his cock was freed of the constrictive fabric, and Aang became aware of the way his own breathing was suddenly heavy, fingers stroking his cock faster.
Zuko stepped out of his pants, standing bare in front of Aang, and Aang couldn’t help the moan that rumbled in his exhale.
“Come here,” Aang ordered, and Zuko moved almost instantly.
Quite abruptly, Aang had the Fire Prince in his lap, and Zuko’s weight over him was even better than he’d imagined. The way their cocks brushed against each other when Zuko rolled his hips against Aang’s made Aang cry out, clutching at the other man. 
“Zuko,” he moaned, and he could feel the shiver that trailed down Zuko’s spine in response. Aang’s lips quirked upwards, eyes lidded and fixed on Zuko’s flushed face. “Kiss me,” he found himself murmuring, gaze caught on Zuko’s mouth.
Zuko’s adam’s apple bobbed and then he was moving closer, close enough that Aang could feel hot breaths fluttering over his face. It made him shudder, and then Zuko’s lips brushed over his, and quite suddenly, his free hand was cupping Zuko’s face, holding him in place so that Aang could kiss him properly.
The sound Zuko let out was intoxicating, and Zuko’s own hands stroked over Aang’s shoulders and down his chest, caress gentle in a way that Aang was honestly a little surprised Zuko was capable of. It was at odds with the furious way their hips rolled against each other, and Aang shifted, wrapping his fingers as far as he could around both their cocks, stroking them together.
Zuko moaned into his mouth, and it made Aang feel powerful that he could draw these responses from the Prince. 
“Zuko,” he gasped, head falling back against the treetrunk as Zuko’s lips trailed down the underside of his chin. It felt marvelous and Aang wanted more, so he slid his hand from Zuko’s cheek around to the back of his head and directed him where Aang wanted him to go.
Zuko obligingly sucked kisses down Aang’s neck, and when his teeth dug into Aang’s shoulder, it was clear he’d paid attention to the places where Aang had touched himself. His aim was precise and perfect, and Aang couldn’t help the way his body spasmed, hand abruptly relocating from Zuko’s head to his ass. The plush give under his fingers combined with the way Zuko shivered, pushing back into his touch, made anticipation build in Aang’s belly, and he dared to push further, deliberately brushing his fingers down Zuko’s crack.
The rhythm of Zuko’s breath against Aang’s skin was shaky, but Zuko didn’t stop sucking marks across his shoulder, and he decided that was permission enough.
He shifted until his middle finger was pressing against Zuko’s hole, pushing in just enough to be felt. Zuko’s whole body twitched and the moan that was trapped in his chest came out as more of a low growl. 
Aang liked it.
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pinkrabit · 7 months
ATLA LA Episode 4 Into the Dark
The glowing rock candy 🤤🤤
Iroh and Aang bonding in prison.
"I'm really starting to see what kind of person his is." "I doubt that."
Sokka yelling at Sai like you yell at your father's mistakes
Love how active the fantasy racism is.
Sokka is still so proud of Hakoda. He's so proud to be his son, "My father would never do what you did."
Zuko sneaking in??? We've seen numerous times in the OG his stealth capabilities when he tries. So, I'm excited.
BABY BUMI ! BABY (hes still a baby) AANG !
"I like the parts of Omashu that aren't so depressing :D"
Great touch to openly address labor camps and POWs with the real world terms
"It's time to stop fighting. It's time to fight."
The Flopsy statue needs more recognition.
Even Aang looks at Bumi like he's insane
Bumi, I know he's your friend, but you shouldn't out Aang like that
"Throw him.... a feast!" Aang looking terrified as if his old friend would EVER hurt him because the world has changed so much since he was last in it breaks me.
"Not everyone out there is the enemy"
"If you stand against us, you are."
"You're fighting because of hate. Just like the Fire Benders"
I love how awful a liar Zuko is in every universe. LEARN TO FIB MY BOY
Aang at the table, like, "did my bsf friend forget I'm a vegetarian???"
Bumi being passively aggressive toward Aang, and Aang serving back "It was a tragedy!"
"Don't you care?" Aang, Bumi has a point when he yells at you. I like this Bumi a lot. His anger feels genuine. However irrational it may be.
Sokka slowly vibing is OOC but still appreciated.
"We're doing what we're doing." They're all high. They gotta be.
Are Oma and Shu...? The gay??
I love how women are often portrayed as ending a war or unintentionally starting it, and then there's Azula.
Thanks for the backstory hippie man, wish you had a map though.
Two lovers, forbidden from one another~
"They're doomed 🤠"
Prisoner cruelty!! I know Uncle War Crimes but what about the Geneva Convention?
"The direct path is not always the best path." Paralleled with Aang wanting to find a way to end the war without killing Ozai.
I hate how they took out Kataang in the LA (i understand it'd be weird to allude to making aang's actor kiss kataras, though), but I like "love" in the tunnels being familial instead of romantic. And I like Sokka using his brain to figure stuff out.
"He was 19.. Was it worth it?" "We were at war.. I was a soldier." Such is the awful reality of war. When it comes to soldiers, it's not personal. It's a job, its dehumanizing to yourself and the rest of the world. It's a politcal game. "You (Iroh) know nothing of loss." And then showing his grief.
Iroh didn't want his son to die a war hero, he wanted Lu Ten to be his son.
!!! This was such an important conversation to put into the show. !!!
Zuko having something from Lu Ten 🥺🥺
I want a separate series with just Lu Ten
Leave from the Vine playing 🥺🥺
Bumi ragging on Aang for wanting to be a kid, AS A TWELVE YEAR OLD, makes me so mad.
Yes, he thinks about fun and games. A boy shouldn't be as bitter as an old man.
Zuko showing up to kick ass for his Uncle because that's HIS FUCKING UNCLE. He's still strong enough to break metal WITHOUT BENDING. SHOWING HIS COMPENTENCY.
"We've all seen enough death."
Zuko showing concern for Iroh's Injury to demonstrate his "true" nature of being sensitive and compassionate. Which is why he was banished in the first place.
The WT Siblings just hold each other before their perceived death feels so important to me.
And I feel like we can and should read into the badgermole/ "Love is brightest in the dark" scene.
"Great, how do you think they respond to verbal commands." Sokka can you be Sappy for like 5 minutes please.
"Some of us have to fight, even if we don't want to. That's what it means to he in a WAR!" This show is delivering so many lines and comments about war and its complexities for everybody involved. Just like the original. Y'all wanna sleep on it because of minor character changes????
I have yet to see a character, Suki has come the closest, that has been so awfully OOC that I've had to stop.
Aang asking for help, "one that requires you to make impossible choices" Bumi is a little misguided here but he means well in sharing his knowledge of leading to his friend.
"Learn what it means to be the Avatar!" "No!" Aang will never give up who he is based on others expectations. And the idea that he doesn't have to do things on his own, "like a child" is going to be what wins the war.
Aangs refusal to kill or hurt isn't bad, he's going to make a difference. He's going to save people. He's going to be the Avatar, but he will be an airbender first!
Iroh left to be with his nephew 🥺🥺
He won't let this boy be without a father
"Everything I need is on this boat"
This episode felt a little rushed, and felt like it lacked a little in terms of the Gaang. But in terms of Zuko, it served. Zuko's story felt stronger here. Especially, after seeing Appa fly away, but he chose instead to prioritize his Uncle.
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broadwaybalogna · 5 months
[Zutara] oneshot based on the story told in Travelin’ Soldier by the chicks
May 2, the Southern Air Temple
Thank you for allowing me to write you during these times. We didn’t get to talk much aside from that day at the lake. Your kindness will not be taken for granted. Being able to write to someone during these times— the other men say it will keep me alive. Although we have yet to become close, I place my wholehearted trust in them.
It’s been a week since we’ve established camp. The General has been rough on all us soldiers, but it makes us stronger. At least, that’s what he says. It feels weird wrong fighting against my own element, I can’t help but think about the boys whom I grew up with, knowing they are fighting in support of the deaths they will bring to thousands if not millions.
I am aware that the other soldiers are weary of me, being from the fire nation would harbor such feelings toward me. It is my goal to prove my loyalty to them. And to you, too. Sokka speaks fondly of you, he says your smile itself would be enough to cease fighting on all sides of the war. The hour we spent at sunset on the pier brings no doubt to my mind about his words. I sense he’s still on edge about me writing to you. I will be sure to prove myself worthy of this, I swear. Sokka says to expect a letter from him in a day or two.
June 29, Omashu
I sincerely thank you for writing back. I will be honest, I did not expect much in return for my letter. Sokka bragged that you wrote more to him than I, we have grown closer during this past month. He never says a bad word about you. Though perhaps he would’ve preferred to leave out the weekly yelling matches you two have. “Sibling rivalry” he says, “all in good fun”. He muttered about always buying you hot chocolate after. He never shies away from embarrassing you, however. I’ll spare you my knowledge but you should know that I find it, if anything, cute that you keep all your childhood stuffed animals close.
I cannot help but thinking more fondly of you the more I learn.
Our last few exchanges have sent warmth to my heart.
One of the soldiers here said he was an artist before being drafted. He offered to draw a portrait of you for Sokka based on his description. Sokka jumped at the opportunity of a portrait. I never knew how poetic he could be when describing a person. He would say things like your hair having waves like the sea. I simplified his words. He truly loves you beyond what I believe you know.
Not many other men have warmed up to me (pun not intended). They are all quite avoidant of me. I wish they would trust me as much as I do them. Sokka has not suffered at all being friends with me. He’ll sometimes talk me up to the other soldiers. He’s a true extrovert. His mindset is almost perfect for a soldier, our General said.
We lost our first two men not long ago just outside the Southern Air Temple. One of them I believe you may know, Hahn. He was brave until the end, and he will forever live in our memories.
Sokka keeps your portrait in his bag for safe keeping. I’ll steal a glance whenever I can. Every time I look, you’re more extravagant than the last.
Your friend,
September 13, Natsuo Island
My dearest Katara,
The war has had few good effects on the soldiers. Sokka attempts to maintain his optimism but as fall begins and the cold winds reach us, it is hard to live up to his past. He doesn’t speak as much of you, it must be hard on his heart. Mao died to a gunshot wound not less than two days ago. I’ve spoken of him a few times in our previous exchanges. He had a daughter and wife whom he wrote as often as we do you. In his last letter, he promised to come home and raise their child with the utmost love.
Sokka cried when he died.
He says he made a similar promise to you; coming home. I wish I could’ve told him to raise his hopes.
Mao was a man who had my utmost respect. And I would say no different about Sokka. We all know the possibilities of this war.
I pray to the spirits with Sokka for opportunity and blessings each night. I never used to do that before, pray. I find it gives me peace of mind. Sokka speaks of the water tribe spirits and the legends behind them. I have learned much about Tui and La.
Every time I think solemnly, I look back to the sunset we spent at the pier. I try to remember each moment before sleeping each night. The way the wind blowed in your hair, the way your eyes glistened the colors of the sunset, your perfect smile. It brings me hope.
You bring me hope.
I don’t know what to call it. Sokka says “love” and I look away.
I fear if I call it that, I will have to face these emotions in full.
Do you find yourself wondering the same?
Best regards,
December 20, Fire Fountain City
My dearest, Katara,
Do you ever wonder what would have come of our lives had the war never begun? Would I have found you at the café near the train? Would you have taken me to the pier overlooking the nearby lake? Would your eyes had sparkled as bright as that day?
Sokka smudged the portrait Jan made for him of you the first few weeks we set out. He silently cried to himself that night. I couldn’t hear him, but I knew he did.
Every time we face a hardship, I close my eyes and see your face looking back at me. It is hard to imagine a world without you.
It is also hard to imagine a world without war.
Sokka has a scar on his shoulder from a gunshot that grazed him. A few other scars I’ve seen are similar on his legs and arms, but his shoulder is most prominent. I know he hasn’t written to you about this because he desperately wants you to believe he is the strong older brother you look up to him to be. But I fear his mortality is fading.
I’m sure he’s told you about my own scar.
It is hard to see or hear out of my left eye and ear. Sokka says you love me no matter my appearance. I trust him. I also trust you. I’m sure our love will never come to an end. Sokka says we share the adoration of a newlywed couple. It’s impossible to believe we’ve only seen each other once. I feel like I’ve seen you each day of my life.
My heart burns to see you again, glistening in the sunset. I fantasize about seeing you again each night. I wish you perfect prosperity.
Don’t worry, but I won’t be able to write for a while.
With love,
January 1, Crescent Island
My sister,
You do not understand the life you have given me with death surrounds my every move. You have been the light that shines at the end of the tunnel for many people in my unit. I tell stories of our adventures when I can, when it doesn’t hurt to think about, which is not often anymore.
To say that you have given hope to the people who have had the honor of knowing you is an understatement. You have given life to people who believed they had nothing to live for.
Katara, on December 25th, Zuko was caught in crossfire between our and fire nation units not far from Fire Fountain City. He was shot and killed on impact.
The war has caused the deaths of many men, but never would I believe Zuko would be one of those men.
It was foolish of me to believe there would be a world that favored love over war.
He loved you more than himself.
He couldn’t tell you this, but each time he read your letters, I would watch his face flush and a smile inch at the corner of his lips. He would speak of you with pure adoration.
He will be missed by the thousands of lives he has directly and indirectly saved through his work. He will be missed by the units that benefited from his fire during the cold. He will be missed by me.
But I know that he will be missed by you the most.
I do not know when the war will end. And I know less of when I will return to you. But I know it will happen.
Katara, this soldier will come home to you.
I promise.
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highfantasy-soul · 7 months
NATLA - Episode 4: Into the Dark (3/3)
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
An explanation of what I'm doing here and my history with ATLA.
Of course, full spoilers ahead.
Sokka's instincts make an appearance in this episode too as they're navigating the cave - love that Sokka is smart and figures out the stones light up in the dark - and even though his plan goes awry, just like in the animated show, sometimes his instincts are right, sometimes they're wrong - he's delving more into using his brains to help the group rather than just his battle prowess. Here is where the character beats between him and Katara in animated episodes like 'Jet' come to fruition alongside their interactions last episode.
In the animated version, they have a lot of time (ie beginning of every episode, so 20 times) to have the characters poking fun and mocking each other, but in only 8 episodes, that can feel like tonal whiplash if the characters swing from mocking to learning the lesson then back to mocking then learning the lesson then back to mocking then learning the lesson all in one episode - structurally, it just wouldn't work. Merging Katara's frustrations with Sokka always needing to be in charge and 'he knows best' into these two episodes really let that dynamic breathe, deepen, and be resolved in a satisfying way. They have a really sweet sibling moment reminiscing about home, and Sokka urges them to continue on, doing his best to be a good leader.
They both get to explain why they fell in with the people they did, how Sai helped Sokka and Jet helped Katara. The idea that we don't get through life alone, we need friends and mentors to help us along the way, is a huge part of 1) this episode with Aang and Bumi and 2) the entire series. I like how Katara reminded Sokka that when he was thrust into a leadership position, he didn't have anyone to help him through it - he was just given command and left to his own devices. It's a concept that comes up in the animated show too and I'm glad they're giving it time to breathe this season. Again, we're setting the foundation for character's core traits through the series, Sokka's being: a leader, strategist, inventor, and warrior.
I like that it's sibling love that saves the day in the caverns - I mean, first off, the power of MUSIC is what somehow got the badgermoles to guide them through the tunnels the first time, it makes sense that they'd be a bit more intellectually advanced and be able to sense emotions and follow verbal commands. And second, love the switcharoo with it not being the crystals but rather an emotional through-line. The OG was a bit eehhh for me because honestly, teasing that a KISS would light the way out (and some in the fandom STILL believing that's what got them to safety) is just….eewww to me. Very unnecessary especially since Katara and Aang are literal children. I'm more for them developing a strong platonic bond while they're this age because it really didn't feel organic to me for Aang and Katara to get together after Aang's whole crush that started from the first moment he saw her. It was a little too 'ok, you saved the world, now here's your reward: a woman' in the og for me. Not to say they can't fix that ship, but cutting it for now I think is a good move.
I do think this episode had some of the best moments and some of the most 'eh' storylines for me, so a mixed bag. I loved everything except the Bumi storyline, but again, I get what they were going for with it, I just think the execution could have been better - and by that I mean fully nix the 'crazy king' aspect of Bumi (which would have made the internet even madder than it already is) and just fully reshape his character to fit the tone of the live-action. Characters like Bumi are just SO over-the-top it's really hard to get that balance right in live-action.
But as far as criticisms go, it's pretty mild compared to a lot of plotlines I forgive in other favorite shows, so - eh *shrug* I'll live.
These past two episodes were quite annoying to analyze beside the OG because I'm rewatching the animated version to make sure I get specifics right and these episodes covered are all so late in the season! Omashu happens, then I had to go through storylines that show up later in the live-action but happen earlier in the animated. But, rewatching the OG is always good for me and I stand by the assessment that nothing got messed up plot-wise moving those later storylines up to here, rather I think it built an even stronger foundation for the heavier stuff to come like the Spirit World and the Blue Spirit storylines.
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fireheartwraith · 6 months
Someone accused me of being a hater and that pissed me off so here are all of my thoughts on the Netflix Avatar The Last Airbender live action series. What I liked, didn't like, what I'm worried about or hoping going foward, etc, in no particular order because I was just hate typing. I tried to separate my rambling into topics, but I did that after I had already typed everything. Enjoy
Zuko and Zhao:
I liked most of the fire nation characters. Zhao took some getting used to, but it was a fun new take on the character. I loved Zuko's crew and Azula's scenes. I really hate what they did with the agni kai and Zhao's death though, it really feels like they missed what those scene's meant for Zuko's character. Everyone already said all there is to say about why having Zuko fight back is a stupid idea so I won't comment on it, but having Iroh kill Zhao also pissed me off. He's supposed to die because of his own arrogance and greed and Zuko is supposed to try and help him because he's the type of person who would offer a helping hand to an enemy, despite his father's attempts at beating the kindness out of him.
I like what they are doing to Ozai, it could be interesting and add depth to the character, I just think it would be less ooc it those moments of doubt and "weakness" were in private? Like, in public, he is always this perfect façade but in private, the mask starts to slip away. But I think they’re going for that, so that's okay. It also adds dimension to his relationship with Azula since she also dons a mask of perfection, and this shows that she learned that with him.
Speaking of Azula, I'm a bit worried because since we already sympathize with her, she could not be as menacing and intimidating a villain, but I hope it will work out.
I'm really 50/50 on Iroh. I like his interactions with Zuko, but why was he out there spewing fire nation propaganda and justifying his war crimes. My dude, what the hell.
I really hate what they did to Katara and Suki. Let me punch someone. I won’t say much because everyone else has already exhausted this point, but yeah. Katara is so much more than a bender and a little sister. Her mother's death didn't just affect her bending, it changed everything in her life. She had to become her mother and take care of her brother when she was so young, she’s kind, caring, and a little overbearing at times. But she’s also prideful, jealous, stubborn, and has a bit a temper. She's not a perfect girl who smiles softly at the world around her. She's angry at what happened to her, she’s resourceful, she's funny, she's dedicated. This show's Katara is a bender, and that's it. And she's a prodigy at it, became a master all by herself because she don't need no man, no sir. Because #feminism is when your female protagonist is relegated to side character with no flaws apparently.
And Suki, oh Suki... what did they do to you? Ah yes, cartoon Sokka is sexist, so instead of having him go through character growth spurred on by getting his ass beat by a girl, we'll just make that girl instantly fall in love with him and have an ungodly amount of sexual tension just so she and the audience can ogle at this shirtless man for a good thirty seconds. Yes, that's much better and not sexist at all!!
I like how they are focusing on Sokka's intelligence and other ways to be a hero since I've always loved that detail of his character (i seriously love when in modern aus he's studying engineering, bonus if he has a minor in arts and literature), but considering he *does* become a skilled warrior I fear this plot thread may not payoff. Like "you don't need to be a warrior to be a hero!! But here's some swordbending lessons just in case" is weird. Similar to that is what happened in the cave of two lovers: changing the answer to the riddle was stupid. It makes no sense in the lore AND makes Sokka look dumb. Couldn't he at least be the one to figure it out? The sibling moment was cute though.
Katara and Aang:
What bothers me most (after what they did to my poor girls) is that the gaang don't feel like friends, much less a found family. Katara isn't Aang's earthly attachment. If they wanted to start the romance when they look closer in age that's fine, but they could still be friends? I mean, they tell us they're friends and very important to each other, but are they? They went on a trip together and talked a couple of times. Katara should have broken him out of the iceberg on purpose because it not only shows how she disregards her own safety to help those in need, it is the inciting incident of the show and should be more than an accident. Again, she’s supposed to be a protagonist, the story is supposed to be told through HER. She's the one who should do the intro!! Not Kyoshi, Gyatso and Gran Gran.
She should teach Aang waterbending. This is Book 1: Water, why isn't that boy waterbending. That would further both the plot and their relationship. Which is supposed to be a cornerstone of the show, mind you. And I'm not saying "relationship" as in a romantic one. They should be friends, confide in one another, Katara should calm him down when he enters the Avatar state because this shows how important they are to one another. Gyatso's memory being what calms him down is cute, but if it impacts what is, again, a main plot point of the show (Katara is Aang's earthlyattachment), they shouldn’t do it. Also, Aang should have tried to firebend and accidently burned Katara. This way, Katara learns she can heal (which again is super important. Anyone remember the season 2 finale?) it also causes Aang to block out his firebending out of fear of hurting others again. WHICH IS ALSO A MAJOR PLOT POINT. Give me back Kataang, the show literally isn't the same without them.
Also, much time did the three of them spend together as a crew? Not that much, I feel like. Where's my found family?
There are some things that I deeply miss, like Sokka's argument with Jet about the old man. The cartoon is very anti violence, it is definitely its thesis. We can discuss wether they are right or not forever, but the show is arguing that even though the fire nation citizens in the earth kingdom are living in a settler colony that serves the imperialist agenda, they are still citizens and killing them is wrong. This confrontation is so important for both Sokka and Jet's characters, and turning Jet into a terrorist feels like a betrayal of his character. And no, armed resistance like what the freedom fighters do isn't terrorism, regardless of whether or not it's morally right.
Missed theme:
The other thing I miss is Teo, his dad, and the other refugees being in an air temple. It adds a lovely grey area to the whole thing. Aang is pissed off that a sacred ancestral home of his people has been invaded and partially destroyed by machines (which also serves as commentary on industrialization and how historical sites are torn down to build skyscrapers and factories irl. We come back to the industrialization theme that the fire nation brings to the table multiple times, but a really obvious exemple is the painted lady episode in the third season), but also the people doing it are refugees running from an imperialist and genocidal army.
I think they saw the obvious parallels between the cartoon themes and real-world shit happening right now and decided to sanitize it lest they piss someone off with politics. Which ended up pissing me off.
The bending:
The visual effects where fine. Sometimes the humans ragdoll a bit too much, but that always happens. The bending looks good, but the firebenders attacking the monks in the beginning look just as powerful as eveyone else when they should be op because of the comet. The comet doesn't look thag much of a threat right now. Also in the cartoon is implied that Gyatso suffocated like twenty firebenders and himself as his final act, which is much more badass than what we got.
The creatures:
The creature design is very good, specially the ones supposed to look scary, because even the ones supposed to look cute look kind of scary here. Can you imagine anh child buying a live action Appa plushie? Because I can't. I also wish we got to see more of Appa and Aang's relationship. I understand it's probably expensive as fuck to animate, but we need them to be buddies. Remember, we have the lost Appa acr next season.
The acting is... fine. I just laughed when Aang turned to the camera and started to monologue about his personality, but that’s more on the script than on the actor. Speaking of which: oh god, please stop explaining every lore detail three times in expository dialogue. Sometimes, it's okay to tell not show (pacing, establishing worldbuilding, etc. It's why the cartoon intro exists!) but must you do it every time? And then repeat it??
The score is obviously great, and the set design is good. Costume, makeup, and hair sometimes are iffy, but that’s because some things will never look good in live action. Yue will always look more like cosplay instead of a real person, I guess (I still think they could have just tried a very light blond wig or gotten an albino actress or something, but whatever). Wish Zuko's scar was looked more like a burn scar and less like a black eye. The clothes looked good, just a bit too "new" looking. Show me some dirt! They always look more conving when they get dirty and bloody.
They have points to improve upon, but overall, it's fun enough to watch on a weekend. But alas, the original is always better (not perfect, just better)
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aanglican · 8 months
I actually find the relationship between Aang and his children super interesting and complex, in ways the fandom rarely explore, it usually just falls into the "LOK is BAD because they made Aang a bad father" when that is not at all what was intended with that. Aang was a complicated person struggling with balance and what rubs me wrong is people dont read into his children either, they just focus on Aang. For example Kya, who now older and on her own, seems to crave a sense of spirituality and connection to the world, yet rejected it in when she was young as she herself admits, is she trying to connect to her father's beliefs now that he isnt around due to feelings of loss or loneliness, guilt, etc? does she feel separated from the others? or how Bumi chose a life of adventure and "heroics" due to feeling inadequate next to the legacy of his father and still year after his father's passing, doesnt really know if his father noticed this or even approved.. Aang clearly loves his children and they love him but there is so much here that lays in subtle readings. It feels very real, like this is how families actually behave, with so many unclear and complicated feelings.
i love your suggestions for each child’s behavior. kya with her waterbending could have shunned her air nomad half in response to (or to cope with?) her not being an airbender like tenzin & bumi could have used sokka or suki or any other prominent nonbender in his childhood as idols due to having neither ability of his parents and siblings. there’s a lot of expectations and insecurities in this family that couldn’t be solved even if aang was present 100% of the time.
as for aang alone, i never got the impression he was a bad father either— if he were then we would hear of it from katara but she never says anything bad about him. instead she’s understanding and knows exactly what it’s like to have one’s culture ripped from you: the air nomads were wiped out but so were southern waterbenders. that is their most tragic link together. kya and bumi clearly felt alienated from aang and tenzin as they were not airbenders, which may have also resulted in a conscious choice to step back from embracing their air nomad heritage. clearly aang had too much duties for one man— he is the avatar and the only airbending master both— so he could not devote equal amount of time and attention to all his children.
tenzin has gone on trips with his father alone but the fact that he conflates these memories with those he’s spent with his siblings means aang included kya and bumi in trips as well. it’s not like kya and bumi were dead to aang the second tenzin came out looking like an air nomad. i even think those fun memories tenzin has with aang were rewards after aang had dragged him to boring events and diplomatic trainings & whatnot. i can totally picture aang taking a tour of kyoshi island after introducing tenzin to the fire nation court or something. “before we get home to your mom, why don’t we let loose for a bit at XYZ?” et cetera.
i love aang’s relationship with his kids as well as toph’s. sometimes i wish we knew about zuko and izumi more, even. i love it when our child heroes aren’t always the most squeaky clean adults. it happens, the circumstances make the outcome realistic, and it makes their dynamics interesting. no one growing up with child soldiers-turned-world leaders for parents are going to have perfect outlooks on themselves nor their ancestors.
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sanrielle · 11 months
⭐️ - for the directors cut ask <3 hope you’re doing okay!!
I'm doing pretty well, thanks :D Hope you are too! Thanks for the ask :)
So this goes back a bit, but it's related to my smut fic, 'As Long As You Need Me', which was left kind of open-ended (mostly to avoid angst). I had ideas for a non-canon sequel--basically an AU--that would take place 20-25 years later. Rather than letting their issues/jobs get in the way of happiness, Toph and Sokka would end up with some accidental kids over the years and figure things out together.
I never wrote this fic, but I did write a scene. It's formatted as a diary entry from the POV of Suyin, the youngest of five. She has a twin brother named Koda, who is deaf and blind. Her other siblings are Kya (Sokka totally stole the name before Katara could use it lol), Ilia, and Lin. Suyin is meant to be ten in the fic, but she tells a story from when she was a couple years younger.
Anyway, I've dug that scene out of my dusty chest-o-abandoned-WIPs :D
Two years ago, we went to the Lantern Festival and Mom punched a guy in the face!! It was AWESOME.
(Since she started the police force back before Kya was born, she’s good friends with the Chief so she got off with a warning.)
But anyway, here’s what happened:
“We’re going to go find our friends,” Ilia said when we got there. She and Kya always went off on their own.
“Can I go with them??” Lin begged. 
“No way! We’re not here to babysit!”
“It’s not babysitting! I’m not a little kid!”
I just kept quiet while they argued, knowing me and Koda would be staying with Mom and Dad whatever happened.
“Mom, c’mon,” Lin said. “At least let me go find my friends.”
Mom probably would’ve let her go, but Dad interrupted.
“C’mon, Lin. It’ll be fun! Remember last year, how we snuck into the parade?”
“Ugh, that was so embarrassing!”
“Oh, give it a rest,” Mom said. “You loved it.”
I couldn’t help but laugh a little. Mom was right— She and Lin had ‘borrowed’ a dragon costume and run up and down the parade with it. Me and Koda stayed with Dad and climbed onto one of the floats. It was a lot of fun because I got to climb up to the top and wave at people like I was a princess or something.
Anyway, by the time Lin gave up arguing and agreed to come with us, Kya and Ilia were gone. I wished they’d come with us and we could’ve all gone together, but I guess they’re just too grown up to hang out with their parents and siblings :(
We walked around for a little while and played some games, then went to where there were a bunch of food carts by the park and got a little bit of everything. We sat in the grass and pigged out while listening to a band.
Koda was really happy that day. I guess he could feel the beat of the music or something because he got up and started dancing, making excited, happy noises.
He’s never said any words—how would he know them?—so the noises he makes sound a little funny, I guess. He makes different sounds if he’s sad or happy or scared or mad, but I think only people in our family can tell the difference.
Another family walked past and they had a boy about my age. I saw him point at Koda and say something to his dad. I couldn’t hear them but Mom has SUPER hearing and she must’ve heard what the dad said because she got up and stomped over to him all angry. Even though I tried SO hard to listen, I don’t know what she said, but at least I got to see her punch him right in the nose!
It was HILARIOUS! The guy fell right on his BUTT and his face was all bloody! Dad got up real quick and went over there. The guy was yelling and his wife was yelling. Koda was still dancing and making noises, not caring about anything else in the world, so I got up and danced with him. When Mom was done yelling, she and Dad came back and we all danced together—even Lin!
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