#kate filmore
jenchwuq · 2 years
Well kate’s enemies with the institute and only the institute 🎉
the key seems to be
don’t talk to captain kells when tactical thinking starts
don’t talk to allie filmore when mass fusion starts
and i believe everyone stays alive! or at least has so far
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ulkaralakbarova · 3 months
Cube 2: Hypercube
Eight strangers awaken with no memory, in a puzzling cube-shaped room where the laws of physics do not always apply. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Kate Filmore: Kari Matchett Simon Grady: Geraint Wyn Davies Sasha: Grace Lynn Kung Max Reisler: Matthew Ferguson Jerry Whitehall: Neil Crone Mrs. Paley: Barbara Gordon Julia: Lindsey Connell Becky Young: Greer Kent Colonel Maguire: Bruce Gray The…
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Epic Movie (Re)Watch #222 - Ghostbusters (2016)
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Spoilers Below
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: Yes.
Was it a movie I saw since August 22nd, 2009: Yes, #437.
Format: Blu-ray
Disclaimer: In a perfect world I would not have to write this, but the world is not perfect so here it goes. If anyone replies or adds a comment to this post (via reblog) that is hateful or misogynistic, you are getting blocked and reported. There’s a difference between NEGATIVE opinions (ie: “This movie isn’t funny.”) and HATEFUL opinions: (ie: “Women aren’t funny.”). Also, no racist comments about Leslie Jones either. Now that we’ve established that...
1) The prologue at Aldridge Mansion.
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I have mixed feeling about the prologue. It is not the BEST representation of the film’s humor so in that aspect it is not the best foot forward to start on. However, it does establish the film’s spooky tone well. There is a genuine sense of macabre-ness to when the ghost-stuff starts happening, which is where the film excels. I think this movie is very funny, but just not in this scene.
2) Kristen Wiig as Erin Gilbert
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I think Erin is the main character of this film. She’s the protagonist. Yes, the team of four Ghostbusters is great, but it is Erin who goes on a wonderful journal throughout the film. She starts out trying to keep an aspect of herself - the ghost focused aspect - down, but when her beliefs are confirmed later in the film she is just ecstatic. Erin as developed as a character as the film goes on and on, with important character details revealed throughout. Erin is also the character who strives most for recognition out of the team. Abby is more concerned about being able to do the work but it is Erin who is fighting for the recognition she and her team deserve.
Wiig is incredibly charming in the part. She makes Erin wonderfully dorky and plays the insecurity well against growing self worth. Each of the four Ghostbusters in this film are master comedians who blend acting chops with humor beautifully and Wiig is no exception.
3) I’m a guy. I benefit from male privilege. Having said that I like the number of scenes in this film which (as I interpret them) take shots at the bullshit sexism that plagues western society.
Harold Filmore: “Oh, and about your clothes?”
Erin: “Yes?”
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Erin: “Too sexy for academia?”
4) Even though Harold Ramis died before filming (even getting a dedication in the end credits), he still makes a cameo. Sort of.
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5) I’m Benny.
Abby: “Erin.”
Erin: “Abby.”
Benny: “Benny.”
6) Melissa McCarthy as Abby Yates.
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What makes Abby so interesting is that her character (and the way McCarthy performs her means she) is dripping with conflict. And I mean that as a good thing, because conflict is interesting. She’s not going to take shit from anyone. She sticks to her guns and is proud of her work, even when others seek to shame her because of it. Clearly dedicated to her science, McCarthy is great in the role. Able to give a multifaceted performance through Abby’s brashness, passion, eagerness, and relationship with Erin. The fact she calls a ghost, “beautiful,” is incredibly telling of her character. McCarthy (and I’m going to start sounding like a broken record by the time this post is over) MAKES the character. Watching her rekindle an old friendship with Erin is incredibly fun to watch because they ARE working past their differences. It even leads to the film’s climax, but more on that later.
7) Kate McKinnon as Holtzmann.
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Kate McKinnon is the ULTIMATE scene stealer of this movie. She plays Holtzmann in an exaggerated way, with a wonderful amount of sheer bizarreness and energy. Also an element I call Kate-McKinnon-ness, which is basically a not so fancy way to say only McKinnon could play the part this way. Especially because she doesn’t make Holtzmann a joke herself. Sure, she’s funny and leads to most of the best humor in the film, BUT you understand she’s as intelligent as any of her contemporaries. She’s just able to be freaking hysterical too (much like Bill Murray in the original film).
8) This film has some early pacing problems early on. It takes a little while to get going, but once it does it REALLY gets going. It’s just…did we need TWO training sequences to show off the technology? Especially when the first one is so brief and the second one is SO funny?
9) There are few characters I have so immediately related to other than Jillian Holtzmann. This line is why:
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10) The encounter with the Aldridge Ghost.
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It is from this point moving forward that the film gets a handle on most of its pacing problems. This is the threshold. The rules are established to a degree: ghosts are real! The scene is incredibly interesting to watch not only because the spookiness of the ghost is handled well, but the way each Ghostbuster reacts/is fascinated by her brings in the audience’s interest. It’s a brief but powerful moment of both tension and fun.
11) In reference to the disclaimer above about misogynistic comments, this is what counts as a misogynistic comment.
Erin [reading a YouTube comment on their video]: “Ain’t no bitches gonna hunt no ghosts.”
12) Leslie Jones as Patty.
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Patty is way stronger as a character than she could have been, something I greatly appreciate. Upon our first meeting with her the audience understands she’s not the cliché “I hate my job worker” while getting a early sense of her curiosity. Because that curiosity is defining for the character of Patty. She’s the history buff, meaning that she is in many ways equally intelligent as the other three Ghostbusters. Her intelligence just isn’t in science, so she brings a unique skill set to the team.
Patty: “You guys know a lot about this science stuff, but I know New York.”
I know New York could’ve easily equalled some cliche street smarts, but Patty is more than that. She’s more than a cliche and Leslie Jones plays her as such. The actress freaking shines in the part, being able to make Patty unique of all her performances INCLUDING her work on SNL. She’s still doing what she does strong with occasional big humor, but she’s able to play Patty as a character and not a sketch. That’s not a skill all comedians are able to master, but Leslie Jones proves that there is not a weak leak in this quartet of heroes.
13) Rowan.
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Ugh, a whiny fuckboi who thinks he’s better than everyone else because he got shit as a kid. What a perfectly hatable villain. They even observe later in the film that the four heroes, “get shit on pretty much all the time.” So yeah, it’s easy to root against that guy.
14) I like that the film puts the team in a Chinese restaurant instead of the firehouse right away.
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The struggle these character have in getting recognized is much more important than the first film. Yes it was there, but the guys were more easily bale to shrug it off than these women can. The first team didn’t really care about being respected or treated well, they just did their shit. With this team it is a greater struggle because they know they DESERVE the recognition and won’t just get it handed to them for doing a good job. They have to fight for it. My personal interpretation of that its almost representative of how guys just get recognized because of male privilege but women have to fight for what they deserve more (but again, privileged white dude, I could just be mansplaining here).
15) Chris Hemsworth as Kevin.
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Kevin is in this film for two reasons: to be in danger and to look pretty. You know, like most women throughout the history of big blockbuster movies. But the difference is the film KNOWS that. They’re making that joke on purpose, which means they’re able to make Kevin completely freaking hysterical. They juice him for every bit of humor he has and Chris Hemsworth absolutely DESTROYS it in terms of comedy. He’s in a film with four modern comedy heavyweights and is able to hold his own. And everyone’s surprised he’s so funny in the new Thor movie? Thor ain’t got nothing on Kevin.
16) It’s funny because it’s true.
Patty [after a ghost ends up on the subway]: “He’s going to be the third scariest thing on that train.”
17) Erin’s ghost story.
This is the freaking beating heart of the movie. Right here. Its pulse can be found int his one scene. Everything that motivates Erin’s character, that speaks to her study of ghosts, can be found in this heartbreaking childhood story. It is an intense human element which helps elevate the story above cash grab reboot, especially when all of Erin’s current friends reassure her that they believe her.
17.1) Wait…could the scene where Erin tells her friends about how no one believed her when a creepy person came into her room every night but her friends do now be representative of sexual harassment stories? Maybe it’s because of all the allegations coming forward now but, I wonder…
18) I try not to compare this film to the original Ghostbusters too much, but then you have the cover of the theme song by Fallout Boy & Missy Elliott. While the cover HAS grown on me, it doesn’t touch the original.
19) The Stonehurst Theater scene.
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First of all, Patty is again awesome. I cannot tell you how long I waited for a character in a scary movie to just be like, “Yeah, no,” and walk away. But I digress.
There is a nice sense of tension throughout this scene (although it could benefit to slow down from the scene), upping the spooky factor greatly. The following concert scene is also crazy fun and perhaps has the greatest concentration of awesome Patty moments in the film. But it is this victory, this triumph where the Ghostbusters actually catches a ghost, is the moment when I fall in love with this team. I was rooting for them before, but now I’m REALLY rooting for them.
20) Bill Murray’s cameo.
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Most of the cameos in this film are ones I like (except Dan Aykroyd’s, more on that later though), but Bill Murray is more than just a crammed in cameo. He is a new character. He’s a problem the team has to face. The representation of everyone who doubts them and wants to keep them “in their place”. He is INCREDIBLY different from Murray’s previous character Peter Venkmann, which in the end just makes everything better because we know this isn’t some version of Venkmann. This is a new character for a new film. Also, this fucking line.
Bill Murray (yes, I’m calling him Bill Murray): “Well I guess the graciousness has ran out.”
YOU BARGE IN ON THEIR PLACE OF WORK, CONSTANTLY CRITICIZE AND BELITTLE THEM, AND EXPECT GRATITUDE! This is the equivalent of, “People would like you more if you smiled, sweetheart.”
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21) The Mayor’s Office.
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I see The Mayor in this film as basically the system looking to discredit and keep the women down in this film. He says the Ghostbusters should step aside because, “These gentlemen are on it,” when they are very clearly NOT on it, before noting that they are, “drawing a lot of attention to yourselves,” just by telling the truth (again: sexual harassment metaphor?). Then later they call the Ghostbusters just doing the right thing and being competent a, “desperate attempt at fame.” It’s handled well but very purposefully irritates the audience.
22) Once ley lines come into play the film transcends fun comedy with spooky elements into much higher fantasy elements. The stakes rise considerably, adding a whole new dimension to the movie.
23) Hey, it’s Annie Potts!
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Moving on.
24) The scene where Abby gets possessed is really great. There’s a nice tension and build up to it while McCarthy is able to play evil Abby as wonderfully creepy. It’s the most REAL danger the characters have had. It’s not ghosts, it’s their friend choking them out and bashing on shit. THAT is why it works.
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25) I think casting Chris Hemsworth as Kevin was so he could fulfill two roles: cute dumbass and fun villain. When Rowan posses Kevin, Hemsworth acts as the film’s final act antagonist. And he does it REALLY well. Kinda charismatic actually, while still being an excellently punchable douche bag.
26) I love this line.
The Mayor: “Never compare me to the Jaws mayor. NEVER!”
27) Ugh, Dan Aykroyd’s cameo in this film is so forced in. Bill Murray, Annie Potts, Ernie Hudson, and Sigourney Weaver all fill natural roles either the story demands or the characters have. Dan Aykroyd? No. He’s just there. Ugh.
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28) Obligatory Slimer cameo.
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While it is fun and appreciated, this Slimer appearance, I kinda wish he was a practical effect and not CGI. Granted, that’s a note I have for this film in general. I’d appreciate a little less CGI.
29) I like the brief Stay Puft Marshmallow Man cameo in this film because it’s not exactly what you would expect. You wouldn’t think, “Parade Balloon,” cameo but it works.
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30) The big ghost fight scene.
Let me address the little things I don’t love about this scene: the CGI is a little much.
That’s it, now let me talk about what’s good here!
An incredible amount of humor
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The action flows well between the four main Ghostbusters
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31) I really love this film, but I will say I hate this line.
Abby [insulting Rowan]: “Come and get your virginity out of the lost and found!”
Dude, you were doing so well. What’s wrong with being a virgin?
32) The giant CGI Rowan ghost is actually really interesting take on the film’s logo come to life. Not to mention the way he composed is interesting. His skin is very fabricy/baggy which is an interesting decision. I dig it.
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This is why I love their friendship. It’s so deep, so defining of both the characters and the film. It’s not even a question of IF Erin will go in after Abby it’s a question of HOW Erin will go in after Abby. And then you have the music and the…the…“I wasn’t going to leave you twice.”
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Holtz [after Erin & Abby come out of the portal]: “It’s 2040, our president is a plant.”
A plant would be preferable at this point.
35) A friend of mine observed that - when Erin and Abby have their hair dyed - the hair colors of the four Ghostbusters kinda match the colors of the “Ghostbusters” cartoon from the 80s.
36) Holtz’s toast about family is surprisingly sweet and I love it.
(Quality of the video isn’t great here but still)
37) See, Ernie Hudson and Sigourney Weaver have REALLY nice cameos in this movie. I like it!
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38) And the film ends in the most perfect way possible: the Ghostbusters get the recognition they deserve!
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39) I. Want. A SEQUEL!
I freaking love the 2016 version of Ghostbusters. While the original is a classic, I am greatly appreciative of this film’s massive human heart and its story about recognition. The four women who lead this film are incredible on their own and together, with Chris Hemsworth being pretty damn funny too. It’s just wildly enjoyable and I get such a massive kick out of it. There are people who hate it, but I’m not one of them.
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walksanfrancisco · 4 years
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Walking San Francisco & Thinking Out Loud July 26, Post 1 - Michelle - Masks For All California . I asked Michelle and her team to try to use their eyes and body language to communicate when wearing masks at our 3 photoshoots. They did a great job! Michelle actually posed like she just left a job modeling for Vogue so she could start a non-profit and finish high school. I believe it! 🤔🤩 . Pics 1 & 2 were taken behind Piers 1 to 5 on the waterfront about 40 minutes after sunrise. Pics 3 and 4 were at Kate Tova's incredible mural at 347 Filmore Street. Kate's painting is of transgender actress Laverne Cox and the rainbow colors on purple background make it a great stop on a walk through Lower Haight for some dramatic photos. I thought my close-up in pic 4 captured the attention to detail in Michelle's eye makeup which was beautifully done!👏👏👏👏👏 . It is more important NOW than ever that everyone wear masks in public. If you know of anyone who needs masks in San Francisco you can find out about Masks For All CA mask drives or you can reach out to Michelle and her team at www.masksforallca.org (Modeling credit: Michelle Song) . Take care of yourself & it will help you and everyone around you!🙏 #YourActionsSaveLives #SlowTheSpread Thanks for the likes, follows and COMMENTS 🙏 "The Tour Guide With A Camera" [email protected] WhatsApp 1-415-980-0593 . . . . #travelanddestinations #traveltip #wonderful_places #ilovetravelling #pinktrotters #reiselystmagasinet #reiselyst #travelgram #wanderlust #travelstoke #goexplore #huffpostgram #traveling #travelbug #travelholic #travelinggram #travelphotography #darlingescapes #kcbs #nbcbayarea #abc7bayarea #goexplore #lovetotravel #walksanfrancisco #sanfranciscowalks (at Lower Haight) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDIa1hMBumH/?igshid=nxmy2qnwm36o
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kzk101ntwrk · 5 years
First Country: New Music From Little Big Town, Filmore, Carly Pearce, Lee Brice and More
First Country: New Music From Little Big Town, Filmore, Carly Pearce, Lee Brice and More
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First Country is a compilation of the best new country songs, videos and albums that dropped this week.
Little Big Town returns with “Sugar Coat,” a poignant story song that tugs on the heartstrings. The equally moving music video stars Kate Bosworth (The Long Road Home, 21, Superman Returns) who portrays a woman who struggles while watching her marriage fall apart.
Plus, standout videos from Ca…
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justastormie · 7 years
For the DC me 5,43&46
5. Favorite character?John Constantine or Bruce Wayne, depends on my mood at any given time. John is more relatable and closer to who I am, Bruce is more who I aspire to be. But they’re my Big Two. Which I’m sure comes as a surprise to absolutely noone who watches this blog. So in the interest of giving people new information, how about some characters I love that I don’t get to talk about a lot, because there’s not a lot of content for them out there; 
Cassandra Cain
Mad Hatter, seriously under-rated villain. So creepy in Secret Six
Vigilante, all three incarnations in the comics. 
Guy Gardner
Kyle Rayner
Maps and Olive from Gotham Academy
Filmore/Madder Red from Bedlam (...wait is he DC or indie...uuuuh)
Harvey Dent
Duke Thomas
Carrie Kelley
Manchester Black
Oliver from Constantine: the Hellblazer
Brendan from Hellblazer
43. Kate Kane and Renee Montoya or Apollo and Midnighter?Kane/Montoya
I love me some gay murdery crime-fighters, don’t get me wrong. But the women are more interesting on the character level. But then it’s hard to beat Greg Rucka going HEY WATCH THIS and slam-dunking Kate Kate in  one of the best comic runs in all of history. Plus, Question: Pipeline is one of the most fun tpb’s in the entire universe, and I would personally take a bullet for Renee Montoya. Which yes, is another Rucka-run. The real question would be asking me to choose between Rucka and Azzarello. 
46. Kord Industrues, Wayne Tech or Lex Corp?GET OUT. How can you make me choose???
Okay Ted I love you dearly, but if this was a FMK you’d be getting cliffed. 
On the one hand, My Bat Boy, but on the other hand he isn’t really involved in Wayne Tech that much beyond going ‘i want some shinies’ and ‘i want to employ all the people since they won’t let me adopt full grown adults’. On the other hand, Wayne Tech is Tim Drake’s baby, and I fucking love Tim ‘I’ll Fight You’ Drake. The weakness is that Tim’s relationship/style of running Wayne Tech never really gets explored. Which is a fucking crime. 
Then we have Lex Corp, which is My Main Bald Man’s baby. And we get to see a lot of iterations of Lex’s relationship with it. We’ve got the early versions where Lex Corp is a means to an end, namely power and money. We have like in Red Son where it’s an extension of his ambitions to change the world radically for the better. We have stuff that’s a mix of them. There’s versions that it’s where Lex feels most comfortable, inventing and messing with things (one of my favs), where it’s a place for him to meet and recruit other great minds in the (occasionally foolhardy) chase for Great Cosmic Knowledge. We’ve seen Lex been Wayne-level protective and possessive of his employees, we’ve seen versions where he tosses them indiscriminately off buildings. We’ve seen him not even learn their names to being sincerely interested in every single aspect of his corporation. 
I think the victory has to go to Lex Corp, just becasue we’ve seen so many permutations and facets of it. We’ve even seen Lex Corp without Lex! Though I still want more Talia running Lex Corp, that was some good shit. 
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melanie143 · 7 years
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Filmore by leslieakay featuring a cami crop top ❤ liked on Polyvore
Cami crop top, $21 / Chicwish long green skirt / The Volon pink cross body purse / Kate Spade gold filled earrings, $41 / Astley Clarke rose gold band ring, $1,295 / Sunday Somewhere clear round glasses, $125
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glitzygrace92 · 7 years
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Filmore by leslieakay featuring a blue cami top ❤ liked on Polyvore
Blue cami top, $21 / Chicwish pastel blue skirt / The Volon handbags shoulder bag / Kate Spade 14 karat gold jewelry, $39 / Astley Clarke pink gold ring, $1,285 / Sunday Somewhere mirrored lens sunglasses, $250
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hannahbrown92 · 7 years
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Filmore by leslieakay featuring a long green maxi skirt ❤ liked on Polyvore
Blue cami top, £16 / Chicwish long green maxi skirt, £29 / The Volon summer shoulder bag, £875 / Kate Spade 14k gold filled jewelry, £31 / Astley Clarke rose gold sapphire ring / Sunday Somewhere rounded sunglasses
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tune-collective · 8 years
Midnight Oil Plot 'Great Circle' 2017 World Tour
Midnight Oil Plot 'Great Circle' 2017 World Tour
Midnight Oil will grind the diesel and the dust on their first world tour in more than two decades.
The Aussie rock legends set pulses racing with an announcement last year of a comeback and the promise of “some gigs in Australia and overseas during 2017.” That original statement, it turns out, was wildly underplaying their true plans. 
The ARIA Hall of Famers on Friday unveiled their 50-date-plus Great Circle 2017 world tour, and announced three box sets including a collection called The Overflow Tank which is stuffed with more than 14 hours of previously unreleased and rare works.
The classic line-up of Peter Garrett (vocals), Rob Hirst (drums), Martin Rotsey (guitar), Jim Moginie (guitar, keys), and Bones Hillman (bass) will circle the globe over six months, starting and ending where it all began with gigs in Sydney (a secret pub show will launch the trek).
Through the warmer months, the expedition will stop for multiple dates in the Americas and Europe, playing iconic venues such as Sao Paulo’s Espaço das Americas and the Wiltern in L.A., London’s Hammersmith Apollo and the Olympia in Paris. The voyage will climax with an 18-date homecoming run in October and November, and including shows in several regional centers; Michael Gudinski’s Frontier Touring will produce the Australia leg. 
Midnight Oil The Great Circle 2017 World Tour   https://t.co/xHPooHCIys #Oils2017 pic.twitter.com/j1QYasfax4
— Midnight Oil (@midnightoilband) February 16, 2017
These will be the Oils’ only shows since they disbanded in 2002, save for a pair of stadium benefit concerts, “Waveaid” at the Sydney Cricket Ground in 2005 and “Sound Relief” at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in 2009 (and their respective small warmup gigs). They’ve not embarked on a major outing since the early 1990s. 
A reunion became a fantasy when Peter Garrett walked from the band 15 years ago to embark on a career in federal politics. Though he never quite shut the door on rock ‘n’ roll. When he announced his retirement prior to the general elections of 2013, the Oils’ door swung wide open. 
“I went off and did something else for 10 years,” Garrett quipped during a press conference Friday on Sydney Harbour. The band, he added, has “never felt better, fresher, nastier, sweeter and more energetic.”
After forming in 1972, Midnight Oil went on to become one of Australia’s most popular bands – and certainly its most politically-charged. Through song, the group pushed for indigenous rights, and they took an anti-war stance. The 1987 set Diesel and Dust came in at No. 1 in the 100 Best Australian Albums, a compendium of homegrown recordings published in 2010. The group was inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame in 2006.
The fire of activism still burns in the group, and the shaky political climate should only add fuel. “We’re part of the pushback and we are not alone,” drummer Rob Hirst said at the media gathering to announce the tour. “There’s a whole bunch of people here, and throughout Europe and other places that we’re touring, who feel the same way.”
Details on Midnight Oil’s boxsets and a first ever complete vinyl collection can be found at midnightoil.com/store. Click here for full international dates.
SOUTH AMERICA April 25 — Pepsi on Stage, Porto Alegre April 27 — Live, Curtiba April 29 — Espaço das Americas, São Paolo  April 30 — Vivo Rio, Rio De Janeiro  April 2 — NET Live, Brasilia    
NORTH AMERICA May 6 — Center Stage, Atlanta, GA     May 9 — The Filmore, Silver Spring, MD May 11 — House of Blues, Boston, MA May 13 — Webster Hall, New York City, NY May 16 — Keswick Theatre, Glenside, PA May 18 — The Vic, Chicago, IL     May 20 — Danforth Theatre, Toronto, Canada May 23 — Paramount Theatre, Denver, CO     May 25 — The Wiltern, Los Angeles, CA May 27 — Fox Theatre, Oakland, CA May 29 — Revolution Hall, Portland, OR May 31 — Moore Theatre, Seattle, WA June 2 — The Commodore, Vancouver, Canada
EUROPE + UK June 21 — E-Werk, Cologne, Germany June 23 — Paradiso, Amsterdam, Holland June 25 — Huxleys Neue Welt, Berlin, Germany June 27 — Amager Bio, Copenhagen, Denmark June 29 — Rockafeller Music Hall, Oslo, Norway July 1 — Furuviksparken, Gävle, Sweden July 4 — Hammersmith Apollo, London, UK July 6 — Olympia, Paris, France July 7 — Festival de Beauregard, Hérouville-Saint-Claire, France  July 9 — Les Deferlantes Festival, Argeles-sur-Mer, France July 12 — Volkshaus, Zurich, Switzerland     July 14 — Musilac, Aix Les Bains, France     July 16 — Les Vieilles Charrues, Carhaix, France July 18 — Batschkapp, Frankfurt, Germany July 21 — Colours of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic
NEW ZEALAND Sept. 9 — Vector Arena, Auckland, NZ     Sept. 11 — Horncastle Arena, Christchurch, NZ    
AUSTRALIA Oct. 2 — ANZAC Oval, Alice Springs, NT (w/ Dan Sultan & Apakatjah) Oct. 4 — Darwin Amphitheatre, Darwin, NT (w/ Dan Sultan & Irrunytju Band) Oct. 7 — Kuranda Amphitheatre, Cairns, QLD (w/ Urthboy) Oct. 10 — Townsville Ent. Centre, Townsville, QLD (w/ Urthboy) Oct. 12 — Great Western Hotel, Rockhampton, QLD (w/ Urthboy) Oct. 14 — Big Pineapple Fields, Sunshine Coast, QLD (w/ The Living End & Jebediah) Oct. 15 — Riverstage, Brisbane, QLD (w/ The Jezabels) Oct. 19 — Hockey Fields, Coffs Harbour, NSW (w/ Jebediah & Jack River) Oct. 21 — Hope Estate, Hunter Valley, NSW (w/ Birds of Tokyo & Ash Grunwald) Oct. 24 — AIS Arena, Canberra, ACT (w/ Something For Kate) Oct. 26 — The Village Green Adelaide Oval, Adelaide, SA (w/ Spiderbait & Bad//Dreems) Oct. 28 — Perth Arena, Perth, WA (w/ Spiderbait) Oct. 1 — Derwent Entertainment Centre, Hobart, TAS (w/ The Jezabels) Oct. 3 — Gateway Lakes, Wodonga, VIC (w/ The Living End) Oct. 4 — Hanging Rock, Mt Macedon, VIC (w/ John Butler Trio, Something for Kate, Frank Yamma & David Bridie) Oct. 6 — Sidney Myer Music Bowl, Melbourne, VIC (w/ The Jezabels & Adalita) Oct. 8 — WIN Entertainment Centre, Wollongong, NSW (w/ Abbe May) Oct. 11 — The Domain, Sydney, NSW (w/ John Butler Trio & A.B.Original)
Source: Billboard
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soundrenaissance · 8 years
Midnight Oil Announce 2017 World Tour
by Dillon Price on February 17, 2017
80’s new-wavers Midnight Oil have been hinting at a 2017 tour. Now they have revealed a world tour schedule with shows in South America, North America, Europe, UK, New Zealand and Australia. The band formed in 1976 and released 11 studio albums before disbanding in 2002. Their last album Capricornia was released in 2002. The band played some reunion shows in 2009, but have officially reunited last year. Stream some tracks by Midnight Oil and see their full tour schedule below:  
      Midnight Oil 2017 World Tour   SOUTH AMERICA Tue 25 Apr Pepsi on Stage | Porto Alegre Thu 27 Apr Live | Curtiba SAT 29 APR ESPAÇO DAS AMERICAS | SÃO PAOLO Sun 30 Apr Vivo Rio | Rio De Janeiro Tue 2 May NET Live | Brasilia   USA / CANADA Sat 6 May Center Stage | Atlanta, GA (All ages) Tue 9 May The Filmore | Silver Spring, MD (All ages) Thu 11 May House of Blues | Boston, MA (All ages) Sat 13 May Webster Hall | New York City, NY (18+) Tue 16 May Keswick Theatre | Glenside, PA (All ages) Thu 18 May The Vic | Chicago, IL (18+) Sat 20 May Danforth Music Hall | Toronto, Canada (19+) Tue 23 May Paramount Theatre | Denver, CO (All ages) Thu 25 May The Wiltern | Los Angeles, CA (All ages) Sat 27 May Fox Theatre | Oakland, CA (All ages) Mon 29 May Revolution Hall | Portland, OR (21+) Wed 31 May Moore Theatre | Seattle, WA (All ages) Fri 2 June The Commodore Ballroom | Vancouver, Canada (19+)
EUROPE + UK Wed 21 June E-Werk | Cologne, Germany Fri 23 June Paradiso | Amsterdam, Holland Sun 25 June Huxleys Neue Welt | Berlin, Germany Tue 27 June Amager Bio | Copenhagen, Denmark Thu 29 June Rockafeller Music Hall | Oslo, Norway Sat 1 July Furuviksparken | Gävle, Sweden Tue 4 July Hammersmith Apollo | London, UK Thu 6 July Olympia | Paris, France Fri 7 July Festival de Beauregard | HÉROUVILLE-Saint-Claire, France Sun 9 July Les Deferlantes Festival | Argeles-sur-Mer, France Wed 12 July Volkshaus | Zurich, Switzerland Fri 14 July Musilac | Aix Les Bains, France Sun 16 July Les Vieilles Charrues | Carhaix, France Tue 18 July Batschkapp | Frankfurt, Germany Fri 21 July Colours of Ostrava | Ostrava, Czech Republic
NEW ZEALAND Sat 9 Sep Vector Arena | Auckland, NZ (All Ages) Mon 11 Sep Horncastle Arena | Christchurch, NZ (All Ages)
AUSTRALIA Mon 2 Oct ANZAC Oval | Alice Springs, NT (18+*) Wed 4 Oct Darwin Amphitheatre | Darwin, NT (18+*) Sat 7 Oct Kuranda Amphitheatre | Cairns, QLD (18+*) w/ Urthboy Tue 10 Oct Townsville Ent. Centre | Townsville, QLD (All Ages) w/ Urthboy Thu 12 Oct Great Western Hotel | Rockhampton, QLD (18+*) w/ Urthboy Sat 14 Oct Big Pineapple Fields | Sunshine Coast, QLD (18+*) w/ The Living End & Jebediah Sun 15 Oct Riverstage | Brisbane, QLD (All Ages) w/ The Jezabels Thu 19 Oct Hockey Fields | Coffs Harbour, NSW (18+*) w/ Jebediah & Jack River Sat 21 Oct Hope Estate | Hunter Valley, NSW (18+*) w/ Birds of Tokyo & Ash Grunwald Tue 24 Oct AIS Arena | Canberra, ACT (All Ages) w/ Something For Kate Thu 26 Oct The Village Green Adelaide Oval | Adelaide, SA (All Ages) w/ Spiderbait & Bad//Dreems Sat 28 Oct Perth Arena | Perth, WA (All Ages) w/ Spiderbait Wed 1 Nov Derwent Entertainment Centre | Hobart, TAS (All Ages) w/ The Jezabels Fri 3 Nov Gateway Lakes | Wodonga, VIC (18+*) w/ The Living End Sat 4 Nov Hanging Rock | Mt Macedon, VIC (18+*) w/ John Butler Trio, Something for Kate, Frank Yamma & David Bridie Mon 6 Nov Sidney Myer Music Bowl | Melbourne, VIC (All Ages) w/ The Jezabels & Adalita Wed 8 Nov WIN Entertainment Centre | Wollongong, NSW (All Ages) w/ Abbe May Sat 11 Nov The Domain | Sydney, NSW (18+*) w/ John Butler Trio & A.B.Original
Midnight Oil Announce 2017 World Tour was originally published on Sound Renaissance
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