#kato larsen
owlart18 · 2 years
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Some old oc wips! (ranging from 2018-2021)
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thebluekingdomstory · 5 years
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Kato Larsen (he/him)
Traits: Serious, fair, exasperated, prone to stress and worry
Birthday: September 2nd 980 

Race: Nekojin (tiger) 

Family: ?, Ancestors: Nora Lightfall
Occupation: Alpha of the Pinewood pack
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appliedvillainy · 2 years
084. I feel so stupid now.
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(Nico Larsen is just outside of town. It’s a clear night, and she’s brought her binoculars for a little stargazing. She stares up at the sky for a long time, but is brought back to earth when she hears a familiar voice.)
Kato: I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to see you here.
Nico (putting her binoculars down): Oh, hey.
Kato (holding his own set of binoculars): Hey.
Nico: You out here for the same reason as me?
Kato: I guess.
Nico: If you’re out to see the comet, it’s a no-go. Too much light pollution out here.
Kato: Oh.
(There’s an awkward silence. Nico pats the ground next to her.)
Kato: No, I should go. My sister, uh--
Nico: You don’t look like you’re starting to weaken yet.
(He frowns. He sits down next to her, not very close.)
Nico: It’s been ages since we’ve sat together like this.
Kato: Yeah. I imagine you’re super busy, working for the man and all.
Nico: Oh, you know it. Making the mad bucks working for an underfunded agency. Definitely beats robbing banks.
Kato: Then why the hell’re you doing it?!
Nico: Beats jail.
Kato: Jail--? You got arrested?
Nico: Yeah. Ages ago. You didn’t know?
Kato: N--no? I thought--I mean--I didn’t--
Nico: Dude, where did you think I went?
Kato: I don’t know. I just thought you, well.
Nico: You thought I just bailed without a word?
Kato: It isn’t like you called or anything!
Nico: I didn’t want to lead them to you! It’s not like you have a secret identity or anything. If they tracked the phone number and saw you they’re not going to think “oh look, an innocent guy she’s dating”, they’re going to say “hey, that’s that guy who robbed the bank last week”.
Kato: Oh.
Nico: Yeah.
Kato: You didn’t try running or anything? You always told me you’d rather give up your normal life than your life as a villain. I can’t believe you just--
Nico: I tried.
Kato: You should’ve kept trying.
Nico: That’s easy for you to say.
(Nico puts a hand on the headpiece covering her ear, and carefully removes it. Under the earpiece, her ear and the skin around it is burned and deformed. Kato’s eyes widen. Carefully, he puts a hand on her head and turns her a little, so he can look.)
Kato: What happened.
Nico: I tried to rig something up using the light fixture in my cell. Turns out they skimped on their materials. It blew up on me. The concussive force put me out for a month. Took me a while to recover fully. By then they’d already found all my stuff and my records and everything. Was kinda hard to work up the will to run after that.
Kato: I--I didn’t know. Oh my god.
(Nico puts her earpiece back on. She shrugs.)
Nico: It’s ancient history. I was in jail a while. Then Doctor Milburn heard about what I’d been working on before I got arrested and he made a deal to get me to work for him.
Kato: What you’d been… what, the superpower cure?
Nico: Yeah.
Kato: You’re still working on it?
Nico: Obviously!
Kato: Is it ready yet? Does it work?
Nico: Hold your horses. I’m legit now. I have to follow laws and regulations and all that.
Kato: Is that a no?
Nico: It’s a, we haven’t been approved for human testing. We have to use it on rats for a while.
Kato: The hell’s that prove? Rats don’t have superpowers.
Nico: It’s to prove whether it causes health problems, stupid. Once we’re sure it doesn’t, then we can test it on someone with powers and see if it does anything.
Kato: Can I sign up to be the first?
Nico: I don’t know. You don’t exactly have a secret identity. Walking into an Agency lab might be a bad idea.
Kato: Goddammit.
Nico: It’s okay. Once we have enough that I can sneak some out, I’ll give it to you.
Kato: I don’t know if I can wait that long.
Nico: Katya hasn’t gotten any easier to deal with, huh?
Kato: I’m so sick of this. I don’t even want to villain anymore. I’m so tired.
(She puts a hand on his back.)
Nico: Maybe… I dunno, maybe we can use you as a test. I mean, giving up your powers would be a pretty good way to show the law you’re quitting villaining.
Kato: Thanks.
Nico: I’ll see what I can do, anyway.
Kato: I appreciate it.
(They sit silently for a moment.)
Kato: I really… I really thought you’d just left me. I feel so stupid now. I was so upset about it.
Nico: I would’ve contacted you, but they had all my secure phones and everything.
Kato: Katya kept telling me how you didn’t really care about me and…. Fuck, why did I even listen to her?
Nico: I don’t know. Maybe because you’re stuck with her 24/7 and it’s hard to ignore something you hear constantly?
Kato: What happened, anyway? Did you get caught during a heist or something?
Nico: No. Honestly I don’t know what happened, the cops just showed up at my door one day. 
Kato: Just out of the blue?
Nico: Yeah. I’d just gotten out of the shower. I didn’t even have weapons on me because I was in a towel.
Kato: God.
Nico: It’s all right. I miss the life, but my new life isn’t bad. I keep busy. I got a couple degrees. I don’t live in Iowa.
(Kato snorts.)
Kato: Yeah. That is one improvement.
Nico: You gonna stay in town long?
Kato: I guess. Katya seems fixated on usurping the villains here, although she hasn’t really made much of an effort.
Nico: Sounds like her, yes.
Kato: Can, uh. Can I see you sometimes?
Nico: It’d have to be situations like this. I’m monitored really closely.
Kato: It’s fine. I can just come out here and if you’re not here, then I just get some quiet time away from my sister.
Nico: Speaking of monitoring, I should probably get back before someone comes looking for me.
Kato: All right.
(Nico stands up, dusting herself off.)
Nico: I am sorry about disappearing on you.
Kato: I’m sorry I assumed the worst.
Nico: So we’re both losers here!
(She pats him on the head)
Nico: I’ll see you around, baby.
Kato: Yeah. See you.
(Nico leaves.)
(Elsewhere, at the Agency science lab, Katya’s taken this time away from her brother to sneak in and do some snooping. She has no idea what the hell she’s looking for, really. She sneaks into Ernest’s lab and pokes around.)
Katya: What the hell does he even want me to find here… guy’s obviously just some government stiff…
(She goes through the shelf. Pill bottles, mostly for sleep and headache meds. Bits of machine parts, normal for a scientist. Papers, mostly about their anti-superpower experiments. Boring. She goes through the closet and the desk, but there’s nothing unexpected there either. Frustrated, she kicks the potted plant. It falls over, and something comes skidding out.)
(She picks it up, and smiles.)
(She rights the potted plant, taking care to put the camera back in place. She steps out of its sight. She gets out her phone. She has an app left over from another errand Asmodeus sent her on. She fiddles with it, and in no time her phone’s showing her the video feed from the camera.)
(This should be enough. She’ll just watch this for a while and tell the mobster what she sees. Easy.)
(She puts her phone back in her pocket, and strolls away.)
--End: Episode eighty-four.
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livingdanishly · 6 years
Hi! If it's not too much trouble, could you recommend some danish-language songs or music groups?
I’ve found some songs from the different artists too, because some of them also make English songs too :)
Music groups:
Magtens Korridorer - “Pandora” | “Lorteparforhold” | “Kom Og Mærk”Johnny Deluxe - “Drenge Som Mig” | “Drømmer Jeg”Bamses venner - “I En Lille Båd Der Gynger” | “Vimmersvej”De Nattergale - “Uha Da Da” | “Det Går Slet Æt” | “Han Ska’ Bare Lige Ha’ Det Regnet Ud”Gasolin’ - “Rabalderstræde” | “Kvinde Min” | “Refrainet Er Frit” | “Sjagge”Nik og Jay - “Lækker” | “Boing” | “Hot”Venter På Far - “Der Er Garanteret Ikke Nogen Der Gider Høre Denne Sang”Gnags - “De Vilde Kaniner” | “Slingrer Ned Ad Vestergade” | “Mr. Swing King”Danser med Drenge - “Hvor længe vil du ydmyge dig?”Tøsedrengene - “Indianer” | “Sig Du Ka Li’ Mig”Halberg Larsen - “Magi i Luften”Brixx - “Video Video”Rollo & King - “Ved Du Hvad Hun Sagde” | “Der Står Et Billede Af Dig På Mit Bord”Brødrene Olsen - “Smuk Som Et Stjerneskud” (English Version)Laban - “Hvor skal Vi Sove I Nat?”Tv-2 - “De Første Kærester På Månen”Nephew - “Hjertestarter” | “Gå Med Dig”Shu Bi Dua - “Danmark” | “Sexchikane” | “Den Røde Tråd” | “Hvalen Hvalborg”Tørfisk - “Æ Hund Uden Bagben” | “VLTJ” | “Lugter Lidt Af Fisk”Djämes Braun -“Farlig Tiger” | “Kom Og Giv Mig Alle Dine Penge” | “Traktor” | “Fugle”Tommy Seebach - “Hip Hurra Det’ Min Fødselsdag“ | “Disco Tango”
Medina - “Vi To”Topgunn - “Tilbud” | “Dejlig” | “Længe Siden” | “Ingen Andre” | “Veninder”Rasmus Seebach - “Olivia” | “Der’ Noget I December” | “Millionær” | “Lidt I Fem”Thomas Holm - “Nitten”Natasja - “Gi’ Mig Danmark Tilbage“Celina Ree - “Når Du Rør Ved Mig”Cisilia - “Vi To Datid Nu”Joey Moe - “Million” | “Smukkest På En Søndag”Anne Linnet - “Barndommens Gade” | “Tusind Stykker” | “Forårsdag”Thomas Helmig - “Malaga” | “Det Er Mig Der Står Herude Og Banker På”Trine dyrholm - “Danse I Måneskin”Lars Lilholt - “Kald Det Kærlighed”Anna David - “Fuck dig”Sarah - “Okay” | “Når Du Rør Mig”Teddy Edelmann - “Himmelhunden”Niarn - “Bare Sig Til” | “Antihelt“KATO - “Dumt På Dig” | “Hey Shorty”Pharfar - “La´ Mig Rulle Dig”Wafande - “Gi’ Mig Et Smil” | “Uartig”Shaka Loveless - “Tomgang” | “Ikke Mere Tid“ | “2 Mod Verden”
If you’d like some Danish satire and campagne songs - here you go!
Nik & Ras - “Fugt I Fundamentet”Talbot, Clemens og Nøhr - “Stjerner & Hvidt Lys”CO3 feat. Josefine Frida Pettersen - “POLEN SMELTER”Nederen Forældre - “Filips far”Rasmus Bjerg Sangen (Fraværskampagnen) - “Klokken Var Lidt I 10″Sofie Linde & Martin Brygma - “Du smadrede min telefon”Linda P og Anna David synger duetVelgørenhedssangen “Afrika”
Here’s some old classics from older Danish movies!
“Knalde Kalde”“Jeg Har Så Mange, Mange”“Når En Sailor Går I land”“Susanne, Birgitte Og Hanne”“Piger”“Er Du Dus Med Himlens Fugle?”“Buster”“Krummes Sang”“Tryllesangen”“Blops Godnatsang”“Julebal I Nisseland”“1-2-3-4″
I hope you can use this!
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a2zseals · 6 years
ATLAS COPCO Spare Parts – Hydraulic Cylinder Seal Kit, Seals, Oil Seals, HUB Seals, Cassette Seals, Shaft...
ATLAS COPCO Spare Parts – Hydraulic Cylinder Seal Kit, Seals, Oil Seals, HUB Seals, Cassette Seals, Shaft... ATLAS COPCO Spare Parts – Hydraulic Cylinder Seal Kit, Seals, Oil Seals, HUB Seals, Cassette Seals, Shaft Seals, Bath Seals, Orings & Kits
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We M/s. A2Z SEALS provide components which are directly interchangeable with the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) components. We M/s. A2Z SEALS do not imply that the components are the product of any Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs). All manufacturers’ names, numbers, part numbers, trademarks, symbols, descriptions, model, illustration and/or whatsoever mentioned herein are for reference only and belong to their respective owners.
We M/s. A2Z SEALS are one of the leading Suppliers of replacement spare parts of ATLAS COPCO Seals and ATLAS COPCO Seal Kits, ATLAS COPCO Hydraulic Cylinder Seal Kits, ATLAS COPCO Hydraulic Seals, ATLAS COPCO Piston Seals, ATLAS COPCO Rod seals, ATLAS COPCO Wiper Seals, ATLAS COPCO Wear Rings, ATLAS COPCO Dust Seals, ATLAS COPCO Hydraulic Cylinder Seal Kits, ATLAS COPCO O Rings, ATLAS COPCO Back Up Rings, ATLAS COPCO O ring Kit, Other Seal Kits - ATLAS COPCO Arm, ATLAS COPCO Boom, ATLAS COPCO Bucket, ATLAS COPCO Blade, ATLAS COPCO Centre Joint Kit, ATLAS COPCO Control Valve Kit, ATLAS COPCO Dipper Kit, ATLAS COPCO Dump Kit, ATLAS COPCO Hoist Kit, ATLAS COPCO Hydraulic & ATLAS COPCO Pneumatic Seals, ATLAS COPCO Lift, ATLAS COPCO O V Kit, ATLAS COPCO Oil Seals, ATLAS COPCO Piston, ATLAS COPCO Pump Kit, ATLAS COPCO Rings, ATLAS COPCO Rod Seals, ATLAS COPCO Rotary Shaft Seals, ATLAS COPCO Sealing Washers, ATLAS COPCO Shovel, ATLAS COPCO Slew, ATLAS COPCO Stabilizer, ATLAS COPCO Steering ATLAS COPCO 2 Wd & ATLAS COPCO 4 Wd, ATLAS COPCO Steering, ATLAS COPCO Stick, ATLAS COPCO Swing, ATLAS COPCO Tilt, ATLAS COPCO Track Adjuster, ATLAS COPCO O ring Kits and more including customised as per customers choice and for other heavy earth-moving, mining and construction machinery i.e. ATLAS COPCO Backhoe, Excavators, Loaders, Dumpers, Dozers, Wheel Loaders, Forklifts, underground truck, Cranes etc. Heavy Earth moving Machineries.
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owlart18 · 3 years
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Some random (really) old oc art that I don't think I've ever posted- from about 2017-2018, Part 2
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owlart18 · 5 years
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Some of my ocs as warrior cats!
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owlart18 · 5 years
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The pinewood line of alphas
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thebluekingdomstory · 5 years
Adara’s story part thirty eight
“What do you mean your remaining neutral?!”
“Adara, I’m sorry but...” Kato tried to explain.
“But nothing! They tried to kill an eight year old boy, they tried to kill me, they tried to kill you!”
“I understand why you’re angry, but I’ve spoken to the other alphas and they’ve both sided with the Blue Kingdom and it’s only caused more defections. I can’t risk that happening to my pack”
I huffed out a breath, not sure how to argue that. It had already been a month since the masquerade ball and Kato had finally given the Kingdom his answer on who he and his pack would be supporting. Which apparently was no one. The size of Azure’s forces was largely unknown, but she had for sure convinced the mountain pack of Nekojin as well as many Wolfskin and Kitsune from in and around the Kingdom. I had heard from Luna that King Cobalt was refusing to give up control so we would likely be at war come the end of the season.
“Ok. I guess that’s fair…” I forced myself to be reasonable and to remember who I was talking to. Kato was only doing what he thought was best for all of us, but I couldn’t help but feel a bit betrayed. His face relaxed into a relieved smile. He leaned back in his office chair before speaking again.
“How are things going with Luna?”
“I don’t know what you mean” I responded, knowing full well what he meant.
“It’s alright if you don’t want to talk about it. You two just seemed to be having fun at the party before… you know”
“You’re right, I don’t want to talk about this. I have to go” I said as I left the room. As I walked down the stairs my thoughts drifted to that night, dancing with Luna. It was… I don’t know what it was. But I knew I certainly didn’t hate her any more. I exited the alpha house and ran right into someone trying to knock on the door I had just opened.
“Adara!” Luna exclaimed in surprise.
“Oh hey” Just my luck… “Um Kato’s upstairs if you’re looking for him”
“I was actually looking for you” she admitted. “It seems like you’ve been avoiding me the past few weeks”
“I’ve just been busy” I lied. I had been avoiding her. I didn’t know what to say to her after our dance.
“Haven’t we all…” she sighed, a trouble look crossing her face for a moment. “Anyways, I’ve heard that Lady Azure might be looking for more reinforcements from the northern mountains. If she convinces the Terragens of the Coldflame Kingdom to join her then we’re in big trouble”
The Coldflame Kingdom. A kingdom of dragon beings deep in the mountains. Them joining with Azure would certainly be an issue. But I wasn’t sure what Luna wanted me to do about it. I stayed silent, letting Luna continue to her point.
“I want to check on the Oakleaf pack and see if they’ve seen or heard anything. If Lady Azure really has gone north, then the most direct route would be through their territory. And I’d like you to come with me”
“Me? What, none of your soldiers want to go with you?” I said, half joking.
“I didn’t ask”
“I will, if you don’t want to accompany me…” she trailed off.
“I didn’t say that.” Did I want to go with her? Did I want to spend a whole day at her side after dodging her for weeks? It was probably a bad idea, but… “Sure, why not. When do we leave?” I didn’t know how I felt about Luna anymore, but I’d never figure it out if I kept avoiding her.
“Tomorrow. Meet me at the castle at dawn” she smiled and I felt my heart skip a beat. Definitely a bad idea.
0 notes
thebluekingdomstory · 5 years
Adara’s story part twenty nine
I had managed to get Laila to fall asleep by myself last night, no need to run to Kato again. I laid on my bed beside her, watching her sleep. The first rays of sunlight came through my windows making her hair glow in the pale light. She was just so cute, so perfect. I was interrupted from my thoughts as I heard a violent knocking on my front door. Who could that possibly be at this time? I wasn’t supposed to meet with Sable today and she didn’t knock anything like that anyways. I jumped out of bed and rushed over, hoping to answer it before the sound woke up Laila. I swung open the door and exclaimed,
“What?” I sucked in a breath as I saw who it was. Luna stood on my doorstep with her arms crossed angrily. 
“I know what you’ve been doing” she retorted. 
“How do you even know where I live?” I asked, ignoring her angry tone. 
“That hardly matters. You’ve been training Sable to be an assassin! How could you do that, she’s 15!” Luna barked out. I feel her fury radiating off her.
“Pfft and I was 8” I didn’t miss the shock in her eyes as her anger faded for a second, “anyways you can’t prove that” 
“Oh please, it’s obvious in the way she’s been fighting alone. Not to mention her sudden tiredness in the mornings and all the sneaking around! You had no right Adara, she’s my apprentice” 
“Oh please yourself. You think I recruited her? She came to me, practically begged me to teach her. It’s not my fault that she’s not satisfied with your methods” I hissed out. I gave up trying to keep my cool, it was impossible to stay calm around Luna. 
“You’re lying! Sable wants to be a knight, not a murderer! She is nothing like you!” Luna snarled, getting too close for comfort. 
“We’re both killers Luna, at least I’m honest about it! And keep your damn voice down” I said remembering Laila was still asleep. 
“What, am I embarrassing you? Good, you deserve far worse!”
“Mama?” a tiny voice squeaked out behind me and my heart skipped a beat. I turned around to see Laila clutching my old stuffed cat, a nervous look on her beautiful little face. I couldn’t believe the first words I would ever hear her utter was her worrying about her mom arguing with a stranger. Looking at her standing there, all my anger melted away. I gestured her over and lifted her off the ground. She dropped her toy as she clutched me tightly. She stared at Luna with wide grey eyes. 
“I’m sorry Laila, we didn’t mean to wake up. Everything’s fine, me and my… my friend were just talking” I told her gently. Calling Luna my friend made my stomach turn but I would’ve said anything in that moment to get that scared look off Laila’s face. To my surprise, Luna nodded and picked up the doll.
“Here” she said as she held it to Laila. She took it from Luna cautiously. Laila looked a bit less nervous but still shy. She held the stuffed cat close and buried her face in my neck. 
“I didn’t know you had a daughter” Luna said, an unreadable expression on her face.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me” I stated. After a moment of awkward silence, I continued, “Look Luna, I’m not going to send Sable off to ki… to hurt anyone. I’m just teaching her what I know, and I was only going to send her some low-level missions, like messenger stuff. You’re right, she’s not like me and the last thing I’d want for her is for her to end up like me” 
“I suppose that’s fine then…” Luna responded, not meeting my gaze. “I have to get back to the castle”
I watched her walk down my steps and start down the path. I was about to go inside when she called out to me. 
“Adara. I’m sorry” she apologized quickly before continuing away. I froze on my doorstep, my face heating up in surprise. I stood there like an idiot watching Luna disappear into the woods until Laila started to shiver in my arms. I shook myself before bringing her inside to warm up. 
Now that Laila was up, I guess I had time to make her breakfast instead of leaving it to Kato and Hari. I poured her a small bowl of cereal and set it down on the coffee table. She was turning out to be a bit of a picky eater, not unlike myself. I sat on the floor next to her, making sure she ate enough. My ears pricked at the sound of voices outside. I sighed to myself, what was it now? I left Laila eating for a moment to go to the closest window. My neighbours were all grouped together, talking amongst themselves and casting suspicious looks forward. I couldn’t see what had gotten everyone up at this hour nor could I make out enough words to fill in the blanks. A thought dawned on me. What if Elda and her pack were back? I rushed to my front door, glancing at Laila on my way over to make sure she was still fine. I grabbed my cloak and slipped on my black boots before heading out into the chilly air. I forced myself through the crowd just in time to see a strangely familiar woman launch herself at Kato, who had just exited his house likely to see what the commotion was. My hand flew to my waist in search of my dagger. I cursed myself as I realized I had left it inside. But what I thought was an attack turned out to be a shockingly passionate kiss. I couldn’t stop my jaw from dropping. My surprise was nothing compared to Hari’s though, who was standing in Kato’s doorway just behind the two. Pain and jealousy waged war in his eyes and he grabbed the nearest wall tightly, as if to restrain himself from jumping forward. With Hari’s reaction, the last piece of the puzzle slide into place and I realized with a jolt who the Nekojin was that was still clinging to a very red-faced Kato. She finally pulled away, a smug grin on her face for flustering Kato. He managed to stutter out three words. 
“Lily, you’re back”
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thebluekingdomstory · 5 years
Adara’s story part twenty eight
That night not matter what I tried, Laila would not go to sleep. I rocked her and fed her and hummed to her, but nothing would quiet her down. I ended up sitting on my bedroom floor with her squirming on my bed in tears. Why the hell did I think I could do this? I was 18 and single and I thought I could raise a child? This was a mistake. A knock on door shook me from my downward spiral. I gathered myself and went to answer it, pulling my robe tightly around my shoulders against the cold.
“Hey Adara. I heard Laila crying…” he started.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, she won’t go to sleep no matter what I do” I apologized. Tears began to prick at my eyes. I was too tired to hide how I was feeling.
“No, it’s no trouble. I just wanted to ask if you needed a hand”
“Please” I agreed quickly.
“Okay, let’s go to my place. I told Hari I’d be right back”
“He’s still crashing with you?” My eyebrows went up at that.
“Whenever he’s not with you” he shrugged, trying a bit too hard to look casual about it. I wasn’t sure what to say to that, so I went back to my room and scooped up Laila. I bundled us up in my warmest cloak and ran through the cold to Kato’s house. I handed Laila to Kato when we were inside. I stood awkwardly for a moment, unsure of what to do with myself.
“Hari’s upstairs, feel free to join him” Kato nodded to the stairs.
“Are you sure?” I asked him.
“Positive. Just get some sleep Adara, you look exhausted” he responded, a sympathetic look in his amber eyes. I nodded in response before heading up stairs, leaving a still crying Laila with Kato. I had never been on Kato’s second floor. When I stayed with him, I had stuck to the ground level. I wandered down the hall looking for a guest bedroom or something. I found a bathroom and a study before coming to the end of the hall. Confusion knitted my brow. I slowly pushed open the door. Behind it was Kato’s bedroom. It was much larger than mine and much fuller. The walls were lined with shelves, full of books and trinkets of all sorts. But my eyes were most drawn to the large bed in the center of the room. Among the sunset coloured blankets, was Hari sprawled out half naked.
“Hari? Are you awake?” I asked as I approached the bed.
“Oh, hey Adara, come to join the party?” he asked drowsily. I guess I shouldn’t have been too surprised to find Hari in Kato’s bed. He never was one to sleep alone. What did surprise me was that Kato actually let him sleep here, shirtless at that.
“Shove over”
He sleepily rolled over. I removed my cloak and crawled under the covers. I knew Hari and Kato had some sorta thing going on between them. I couldn’t tell what exactly it was though, neither of them ever talked about it. I suppose it was none on my business, but I was kind of curious.
“So, what’s up between you and Kato?” I asked him, my tiredness lowering my inhibitions.
“What do you mean?” Hari asked, turning towards me. I gestured to his bare chest and the bed in general in response.
“Oh, that. Kato and I just get the occasional courtesan when he’s stressed” he shrugged.
“Oh is that all” I responded sarcastically. That was just like Hari, but Kato? My tired mind was having trouble believing it.
“Come on it’s not a big deal, it’s fun and meaningless. You should try it sometime”
“Kato just doesn’t seem the type” I said ignoring his jibe. As far as I could tell, Kato was a lot more like me than Hari, at least in this respect. He didn’t seem like one to enjoy meaningless pleasure.
“That’s what I thought too at first. But let me tell you, that man is full of surprises” Hari purred.
“Okay ew. I’m going to sleep now” I rolled over and closed my eyes. I could hear Hari quietly laughing next to me. It was then I realized that was the only sound I could hear.
“She’s finally stopped crying” I sighed, “Being a mom is hard.” The word still felt strange on my tongue. A comforting hand landed on my shoulder.
“You’re not alone in this Adara. You know me and Kato are here for you if you ever need anything, right?” Hari said, suddenly serious.
“I know. I just wish… I wish things had turned out different” I could feel myself drifting into sleep, the last thing I felt was Hari’s hand dropping from my arm.
I was stirred from my sleep as a small weight settled beside me. I peeked open one eye to see Laila’s sleeping form. Kato laid down carefully on her other side. I managed to mumble out a thank you before succumbing to the darkness again.
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thebluekingdomstory · 5 years
Adara’s story, part twenty two
My mind was swirling with thoughts after my first day at the castle. It was only just hitting me now that Aegean was the first person I had told about Laila. Hari also knew that I had been pregnant of course, but I hadn’t really told him and I certainly didn’t give him any details. Today was the first time I had said her name to anyone. It felt right somehow, that Aegean should know. He was one of the only people to have seen me and... to see us back then. The shook the thoughts from my head as I entered the village. A large snowy leopard bounded over to me, spaying snow in his wake. He transformed as he got close, brushing the snow from his pale hair. I suppressed a sigh, Noriko I believe his name was? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Kato let him join the Pinewood pack. He was to kind for his own good.
“Good evening, Adara” Noriko greeted me politely. I forced a small smile in response and kept walking towards my house. I flattened my ears in annoyance as I heard footsteps following me. I stopped just before my steps and turned.
“Is there a particular reason you are following me?”
“Perhaps I just wanted to chat. Would that be so wrong?”
“As much as I’d love to stay for... that, not everyone has the fur for this weather” I was itching to end this conversation as quickly as possible, outsiders bring nothing but trouble as far as I’m concerned and I’ve got plenty of that already.
“Oh, I suppose that makes sense, that young cheetah did not seem to mind though”
“Sable? Is she still here?” I had nearly forgotten about her request this morning to become my apprentice or whatever.
“I am not sure, we could look together, if you do not mind the company”
“Actually I do very much mind”
“You wound me Adara” he put his hand to his chest in mock pain. At least I thought he was just joking, but I swear I saw a flash of real hurt in his eyes, just for a moment.
“It’s been a long day, maybe another time” I back peddled a bit, I wasn’t about to apologize but it wouldn’t kill me to be a little nicer. A little. He smiled at that.
“I look forward to it”
I longed to forget about Sable and just curl up in bed, but if she really had stuck around all day in the freezing air then maybe she was serious about this whole apprenticeship thing. I at least owed her an answer.
I was about to give up my search scouring the village when I caught sight of a flash of bright red hair from a nearby window. My chest flooded with panic as I looked through that window, as close as I was willing to get. Which was not very close at all. The living room was candle lit just like it was that night. I watched Sable and Chi chat inside of that house. They must have invited her in to get her out of the cold for a bit. Because of course they did. As much as I wanted to give Sable an answer, I was unwilling to go anywhere near that door, let alone knock on it. Considering my options for a moment, I was hit with sudden inspiration. I crouched low to the ground and grabbed a couple handfuls of snow from the forest floor. I rolled it in my hand forming a ball, regretting not wearing gloves today. Satisfied with my work, I launched the snowball at the window. It splattered on impact, bits of white sticking to my target. Inside, Chi and Sables heads snapped up, looking for the source of the sound. I gave to two a small wave. A smile spread across Chi’s face as they saw me. Sable tried to smile as well but she didn’t quite manage it. Chi gestured with their hand for me to come inside. I shook my head stubbornly, leaving no room for argument. They visibly sighed before turning back to Sable. After a moment she nodded and headed to the door. I waited for her in the tree line. As she approached, I could feel waves of nervous energy coming off of her.
“Hey Adara” she said simply.
“So, did you think over what I asked you?”
“I did”
She waited patiently for me to continue. I looked away as I considered my answer. Is it a mistake to say yes? If I had had a choice all those years ago, would I have wanted to live this life? Would it be wrong to bring another young girl, practically a child, into my world? Even if I had no qualms in training her, would I even be able to? What do I know about teaching? But if I say no, will she just go to Hari instead, or worse, Hawkwood? Luna’s words flash into my mind, you’re on a dark path, Adara. What does she know anyways. We’re not all like my former master. These skills can be used for good too. I let my thoughts settle and took a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding.
“I’ll do it. I’ll train you to be an assassin”
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thebluekingdomstory · 5 years
Adara’s story, part eighteen
I hardly even noticed the bitter cold as I returned to my village, my heart still pounding. I replayed my conversation with Queen Celeste over and over, still not believing that I had been chosen. The look on Luna’s face when the Queen announced my victory. I smiled smugly at the memory. I was about to enter my house when my ears picked up an unfamiliar voice. I turned around and scanned the clearing. Outside of the alpha house was Kato and an unfamiliar figure. I approached them warily. Kato noticed me walking over and gestured for me to join them.
“This is Adara” Kato introduced me to the newcomer. He wore a light winter jacket with a furry collar and had a head of soft white hair. Definitely not from around here, I gathered from his fluffy snow leopard ears and tail.
 “Hey, I’m Noriko” he offered his hand to me. I stared at it until he dropped it.
 “Noriko is from up north and is interested in joining our pack” Kato explained.
 ���Is that so” I narrowed my eyes in suspicion at the intruder, there was something about him that put me on edge.
 “Sorry, she can be a bit prickly” Kato apologized for me, casting me a look of mild disappointment.
 “No worries” Noriko assured.
 “Oh Adara, before I forget, Hari was looking for you”
 I suppressed a sigh, right, the recon. I left without another word, I had more important things to worry about right now than some stranger.
I found Hari hanging around outside the common building where my father used to teach.
 “Hey, there you are, how’d it go today? Learn anything helpful?” he called to me, waving me over. Quick as lightning, I bounded over to him and shoved him to the wall.
 “Woah Adara! What’s wrong?” he asked in confusion. I glared into his golden eyes, my arm pressed hard against his chest.
 “You’re going to drop this mission Hari” I commanded quietly.
 “What? No way! This is the biggest job I’ve had in ages!”
 “I don’t care how much you’re getting paid. He’s just a kid Hari!”
 “So? What happened to you Adara? You used to be the best of the best, now you can’t even help me complete one mission?”
 I unsheathed my dagger in fury and pressed it to his throat. His eyes widened in surprise.
 “If you won’t drop it because it’s wrong, then drop it because you owe me” I snapped.
 “Owe you? For what?”
 “You ruined my life Hari”
 “What are you talking about?”
 “That target Hawkwood had you take out for me? He was the father of my child” The look of confusion on his face changed to one of horror. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes and my legs gave out from under me. Hari caught me before I fell to the ground and held me close.
 “Adara, I am so sorry. I had no idea. If I had known, I never would have… I’ll tell Master Hawkwood that I don’t want this job anymore. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry…”
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thebluekingdomstory · 5 years
Adara’s story, part twelve
I walked over to my childhood home, keys in hand. I was a bit nervous; I hadn’t been there since I was eight years old. I unlocked the door and took a deep breath before entering. It looked exactly as I had left it, all be it dustier. I removed my cloak and boots and cautiously started to look around. I walked down the hall to my old bedroom. I collapsed on my tiny bed. Hugging my blue pillow close to my chest. Being back here was like looking into the past. My toys made by my father still scattered on the floor. I looked up at the wall to where a painting hung. It was of me and my parents. Everything was so much simpler back then. I closed my eyes and let myself pretend that I was back there.
“Adara, I thought I told you to tidy up your room!” my mother exclaimed for the doorway, hands on her hips.
“Sorry” I mumbled back. My mother sighed and smiled at me.
“That’s alright sweetheart, just make sure it gets done before bedtime, okay?”
“Okay mom”
“That’s my girl.” My mom went back to painting and I hopped out of bed. I ignored the toys on my floor and left my room.
“I’m going out for a bit!” I called as I pulled on my shoes.
 “Alright, have fun!” My mom called back. I opened the front door and went out outside. I looked up at the grey skies. Looks like it’ll rain tonight, I thought as I smiled to myself. I love the rain, I can’t wait to splash in puddles tomorrow.
 “What’s got you smiling?”
I reluctantly took my eyes off the sky to glare at Hari.
“None of your business” I shot back. I looked past him to see Kato and Lily playing together. Just as I thought. Hari was always bothering me when Kato was busy hanging out with Lily.
“Wanna play something?” He asked me, ignoring my hostility.
“Alright! I get it, you don’t think you could beat in a tree climbing contest” he shrugged, turning away.
“What! No I could totally beat you!”
“Prove it” he challenged, his gold eyes shining mischievously. We both shifted into our cat forms and dashed towards the closest tree. It was a huge pine tree, towering over my house. Hari made it to the tree first, like I knew he would, but I had the jump advantage. I leapt over his head and on to the lowest branch. I clambered my way easily to the top.
“Told you” I bragged as Hari dragged himself up.
“Yeah yeah, it’s only cause you’re so small”
“Am not!”
“Ugh” We sat on a high branch and watched the pack milling around below. Hari snorted in disgust before saying,
“What’s Lily got that I don’t have anyways?”
“What’s your problem with her?”
“I don’t know, I just don’t like how she’s always mooning over Kato” he shrugged, “at least I can count on you to hang out with me” he shoved me playfully.
I flinched out of my day dream as I felt a hand come down on my arm. I sprang up into panther form and let out a threatening hiss.
“Hey it’s just me!”
I forced my fur to lay flat and shifted forms as I saw who it was.
“Dammit Hari, don’t do that!” I snapped as I tried to relax.
“Sorry, I saw the lights on, and the door was unlocked so…”
I stood up and pushed past him. I could hear him following me down the hall, to the living room.
“Where did you go? When did you get back? Why didn’t you tell me? Did you leave because of something I did?”
That last question stopped me in my tracks. I felt Hari bump into my back. I didn’t answer any of his questions, I just turned around and carefully put my arms around him. His arms came up on my back and held me tightly, his head coming down to rest on my shoulder. I could feel his body shaking and his tears on my shoulder.
“I really missed you Adara”
“I… I missed you too”
 Hari spent the rest of the evening with me, helping me clean the place up and turn my parents’ old room into mine. Hari did most of the talking, as usual, updating me on everything I had missed. He had left the estate shortly after I did and had been couch surfing since then. After a few hours of work, the house was finally in order.
 “It’s getting late, I guess I should probably get going” Hari said with reluctance, hope glittering in his eyes.
 “You can stay” I rolled my eyes and punched him on the arm. His face broke into a grin.
 “I knew I could count on you” he joked as we headed to my new bedroom. We flopped onto the bed, exhausted.
“Is it just me or is it weird being in here?” Hari whispered, turning to face me.
 “It’s not just you, but it’s better than the alternative”
“True, your kid bed is tiny”
I closed my eyes and began to drift off. That is until Hari put a hand on my waist, jolting me awake.
“Sorry” Hari said as he started to take back his hand.
“No, it’s okay, it’s just been awhile”
Hari smiled softly and put his hand back on my waist. I changed position, trying to get more comfortable, causing my shirt to ride up.
“Are those… stretch marks?” Hari asked in confusion. My blood ran cold as I jumped away from him. I grabbed my pillow and used it to shield my stomach. He sat up slowly, concern etched on his face.
“Adara, were you” he paused before continuing, “were you pregnant? Is that why you left?”
 I could only nod in response as I burst into tears. Hari pulled me into a hug as I sobbed.
“You don’t have to tell me about it if you don’t want to, just know I’m here for you”
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thebluekingdomstory · 5 years
Adara’s story, part eleven
The sky was darkening overhead as I approached Kato’s front steps. I reached the door and lifted my fist, preparing to knock. I pulled my hand back just before it hit the door, my nerves getting the better of me. What was I thinking? Kato had enough on his plate, I shouldn’t burden him with my problems. I shoved my hands into my pockets and turned away from the door. Before I even made it down the steps, the door swung open.
“Adara!?” I turned to see Kato holding open the door, gaping at me.
“Hey” I responded nervously. The next thing I knew, Kato had rushed over and threw his arms around me.
 “I’ve been worried sick! Where have you been?” He demanded as he released me.
 “Well you’re back now, that’s what matters” he sighed as he took my hand and pulled me inside. Kato, being the alpha, had the largest house in the village, aside from Master Hawkwood of course. He sat me down on his pale orange couch.
 “Could I stay here tonight? I don’t want to face anyone else right now” I asked quietly, refusing to meet his searching gaze.
 “Of course Adara, you can stay as long as you need”
I stayed at Kato’s for the next few days, avoiding the world. I sat up from my nest on his couch. I sighed as I looked up at the clock. 1:30 it read. I used to wake up at the crack of dawn every day. I forced myself out of bed. Enough moping Adara, it’s over, I told myself as I shook my head. I headed to the bathroom on the second floor. I winced as I took in my appearance in the mirror. Dark circles under my eyes, my hair a wild mess, Kato’s shirt hanging off my shoulder. I splashed some cold water on my face and did my bed to comb through my hair with my fingers. My ears pricked as I heard the front door open downstairs. I quickly pulled on my clothes and headed back down.
“Good morning, it’s good to see you up and about” Kato said warmly.
“Morning, sorry I’ve been such a burden these past few days”
 “Nonsense! I’m just glad you’re back”
I stood in awkwardly, unsure of what to say. Thankfully Kato broke the silence.  
 “Look, Adara, I’ve gathered that you don’t really want to want to live at Hawkwood’s estate anymore, but I have the keys to your parents old place if you’re interested”
I considered his offer for a few moments. I certainly wasn’t going back to the estate and I couldn’t stay with Kato forever.
“Yes, I’d like that”
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thebluekingdomstory · 5 years
Adara’s story, part ten
I held my hood low, protecting my face from the harsh winds the best I could.  My other arm was wrapped protectively wrapped around my swollen belly. I sat in a dark ally way of the blue kingdom. The same ally way where I first met, him. It had been months since I left my pack. I couldn’t have stayed. I was too furious at Master Hawkwood. And too afraid of what would happen if the pack found out of my unborn child’s mixed blood. I remembered hearing a story of Alpha Jonas throwing out a young mother for having a child with a Wolfskin from the neighboring pack. I didn’t think Kato was like that, but I wasn’t willing to risk it. A sharp pain in my abdomen shook me from my thoughts. Panic flared through me. No, no, no, this can’t be happening. It’s too soon. I grunted in effort as I pulled myself to my feet. One hand on a wall to stabilize myself, I walked down the ally way, looking desperately for some kind of shelter. I came to a boarded up door. I used my knife to wrench the boards off. I buckled over as I was hit with another contraction. I opened the door and stumbled into the abandoned building. I slammed the door shut and took in my surroundings. It was dimly lit and very dusty. Not a piece of furniture in sight. No one had lived here in a long time. I chose the cleanest looking part of the floor and laid down. I closed my eyes and held my bracelet tightly in my hands. You can do this Adara, I told myself, just breath.
I would’ve given anything to have Jes by my side right then. While I breathed deeply I couldn’t help but imagine how different everything could have gone. Moving in with Jes. Quitting being an assassin after my growing belly got in the way. Waking up every morning to Jes holding me close. Sitting on the counter watching him work his magic in the kitchen. Turning his guest room into a nursery and arguing about what colour to paint it. Visiting the farm to meet his family and to see where he grew up. Kissing him every chance I got. Raising this child together. I don’t know long I lay there, dreaming of everything I could’ve had. The contractions were increasing in frequency as well growing more intense. I sensed it wouldn’t be much longer now. The pain was unbearable, but I tried to hold back my screams as to not be discovered. I shoved my wrist in my mouth and bit down hard as I began to push.
Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, I reminded myself as I kept pushing. After far too long, I propped myself up and held my cloak in my hands. After the final push I caught the child, grabbing my knife to cut the cord. I carefully wrapped her in my cloak. I leaned heavily against the wall, exhausted. I couldn’t stop staring at the crying bundle in my arms. Her fair skin, her hair, pale and soft, her tiny golden leopard ears. She stopped crying as she managed to open her teary grey eyes. She watched me as carefully as I did her. Panic rose in my chest. How could I raise this child who was his spitting image?
I stood outside the orphanage at dawn. I held the sleeping child close, still wrapped in my cloak. I placed her carefully on the front steps, tucking a note under her. Even if I couldn’t keep her, I still wanted to give her a name, and an apology. I kissed her forehead and whispered softly,
“Good bye, Laila.”
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