#katori batsu'unsai
uraharasandals · 2 years
Oh forgive me! I couldn't open your rules on Tumblr so I went to chrome to open them. So this is sfw headcanon about them (OG gotei 13) having a crush on their childhood friend..
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That’s absolutely fine, no worries!! My rules should’ve been in the post I’ve pinned to the top of my feed though, did it not appear? :)
Again, a disclaimer that however these characters appear in the content I make is purely how I perceive them, and not how Kubo wrote them. There’s not enough information canonically to fully flesh them out, but hopefully this is good enough!
Also I omitted Kumoi and Zenjou because I honestly got completely stumped when it came to those two, so apologies for that. If you want theirs to be written out, feel free to send in another request!
(And yes, this ended up being wayyyy too long)
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Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni
Yamamoto is a man of strong and unwavering intentions -- if he has a crush on his childhood friend, it’s likely that such feelings came from a deep place within his heart, and that these feelings are solidified after a long period of contemplation. Whether he acts upon them is another matter, but when he admits those feelings even to himself, know that they come from a place of long and detailed contemplation.
It depends which period of his life he’s currently living. If Yamamoto was living in a (relatively) peaceful time, before the war where he was teaching in the academy he set up, certainly he would be encouraged to act upon those feelings. However, if it was during wartime or immediately post-war, Yamamoto would push them aside. It’s not that he wants to wait for the right timing or feels that you don’t deserve such an important announcement in the wake of such destruction, but rather his mind is occupied by other matters. When it comes to killing the Quincy and manifesting a romantic relationship, the choice is simple. 
Nonetheless, I think he would definitely sit you down and tell you about them over a cup of tea. Yamamoto doesn’t pressure you to giving him an answer, nor into a relationship - but he definitely wants to maintain your friendship. Rather, he would walk into that confession having faith in your friendship, because he ultimately values the strength of your bond and the connection you share over any potential romantic love between you two.
Shihouin Chika
With this man, you’ll need to wrestle an answer out of him before he tells you upfront what exactly he wants to tell you. Spending so much time in proximity with Chika means that you can tell any irregularities in his behaviour, even if he acts like nothing is wrong, so you’ll need to wheedle him because he doesn’t and won’t tell you first. 
But when confronted with it, Chika won’t dance around the topic. He’ll just tell you upfront about his feelings, just like that. Though he acts like he doesn’t care, Chika definitely does. He cares a lot about your response, about your feelings, and your friendship. Childhood friendships are precious to him, especially if you’re someone he actually gets along well with because in nobility circles, true friends are hard to come across. 
A romantic relationship with Chika would hardly deviate from your friendship with him, largely because I don’t think an intimate relationship would change much regardless, except there would be more romantic physical intimacy. In the period of time after you gave him your response, you would probably be very confused because Chika doesn’t seem to be much affected by your acceptance/rejection. It’ll come clearer afterwards - if you accepted his feelings, he would start becoming more physically affectionate (e.g. brushing your cheek with a kiss, which is something he doesn’t do as friends). If you rejected him, you’d realise him withdrawing for a while before resuming the sense of closeness from before. Chika’s not very good with putting his feelings in words (he rehearsed before confessing to you, but even then it was very blunt), so he shows his emotions through actions and behaviour. 
Izuhara Kinroku
I don’t think this man would particularly be interested in keeping up relationships with his childhood friends, so if you managed to arouse interest in him, then you should be proud of yourself, because that’s no small feat. I imagine you would’ve been lingering in the back of his mind for a while, perhaps a memory from the distant past that floats up occasionally. Maybe he catches sight of something and is reminded of you, and a sense of fondness spreads within his chest. 
At any rate, when you’re united -- highly likely after the war, I’d imagine -- he doesn’t say anything. Not that Kinroku was ever a man of much words, but unspoken understanding has always been your chosen language. He treats you with a sense of tenderness - not afraid that you’re easily broken, exactly, but as children, relationships are tinged with a sense of gentleness that is now a stranger to him, whose life was forged on sentiments of harshness and the principle of ‘life or death’ -- and it’s clear that the reunion is rather awkward. 
Is it a crush or is it merely affection for you in a world where he feels apathy for everyone else? Hard to say. Kinroku certainly spends more time with you, talking to you more than he ever has (or at least, any of the other Captains had ever seen), taking walks, all the mundane moments he can steal away from his Division. Even if he realises he has romantic feelings for you, I don’t think he’d admit or make them into a reality. Largely because he doesn’t view them as a necessity to his life, nor does he want to infuse major lifechanging change into his routine. Also probably because he has never experienced romantic feelings for anyone before, or at least to the extent that it’s strong enough for him to act upon them. So he shows his affection by spending more time with you - that, I think, speaks more than enough.
Shijima Chigiri
Chigiri is an enigma both inside and outside. He acts indifferent most of the time, and it's hard to really tell what he's thinking. That said, if you spend enough time with him, you can notice the little hints he let slip. A hint of a smile on his lips when he’s looking at you, handing over a tissue when you’re sniffling, buying the tea leaves you’ve been eyeing for a long time. Small gestures build up to his intentions.
He won’t tell you how he feels. That’s not how Chigiri works, and it’s unlikely you’ll ever realise unless you pay attention. But as his childhood friend, you’ve seen the side of him that was more…open, before he decided to subdue his emotions. There are telltale signs of his feelings, and you also have ways of drawing them out if you want to — he acts more relaxed around you, and the trust from the past starts to resurface. For a few moments, he lets his guard down and actually shows how much he likes you.
For some reason, I imagine him as a nature guy?? As in he’s the type to pick flowers and gift them to you? Insane, I know. Chigiri buried that part of him when he becomes an assassin, and he doesn’t really see it as necessary after he becomes part of the Gotei 13, but with you, that vulnerable side comes out again. Any Squad member or fellow Captain of the Gotei 13 would raise an eyebrow at the 4th Captain carrying flowers of all things, so he has someone leave it at your desk or doorstep. He won’t admit to sending it, but the calligraphy is clearly his, and the message on the piece of paper is enough to give you a small smile.
Obana Danjirou 
Ah, we finally have an honest and straightforward guy. Danjirou doesn’t see the point of dancing around the point of anything — he prefers to be upfront about his feelings about everything, and that’s no exception…except when it comes to romantic feelings.
He doesn’t splutter or lose his composure, exactly. Danjirou just feels a little…embarrassed, I guess? It’s definitely not his first venture with love, but somehow confessing to his childhood crush feels a little strange. You’re one of the few people who knew him before he started killing people for a living, and all his embarrassing stories when he’s a kid and all that, so he knows he can’t put up a front when it comes to you, because you can just see right through it.
He invites you out to a dinner — a nice Japanese restaurant with the food prepared with fine ingredients. Not too expensive, because he doesn’t want it to be too formal (and that’s not how he does things, anyways), and he tells you what has been hanging on the tip of his tongue for the past few weeks. Again, not overtly serious, but genuine enough that you know that he’s not joking around. Danjirou walks you back home afterwards and everything - he doesn’t wait around for an answer and doesn’t demand one, but secretly he hopes you’d say yes. 
Saitou Furoufushi 
Furoufushi’s first priority in life is not romance, and it’ll never be. I don’t think she’d recognise the feelings as romance anyways -- if she has an affection scale, the highest is probably best friend. I don’t think she’s aromantic necessarily -- I believe she’s capable of falling in love if and when that happens, but for now having a close intimate friend is enough for her.
There won’t be much difference in how you’ll be treated physically and even verbally. Maybe you’ll get called your nickname, but that’s how you were referred to all the time anyways, since you were childhood friends. To the external onlooker, you two tumble around like puppies, playfighting and wrestling, all the schtick.
Honestly, I don’t think Furoufushi’s attitude towards you would change much. Again, since she’s not the character who’s too overtly into romantic love, I imagine it’ll just be the same. I don’t think even you would notice. Maybe she wants to spend more time with you, but that’s about the most obvious change you’ll notice. 
Shigyou Nobutsuna 
Nobutsuna...is a hard man to read. His live revolves around few things -- eating, sleeping, killing, etc. Inter-personal relationships with others aren’t on the top of his priority list either, but he does make time for those he cherishes. 
And that includes you, of course. As his childhood friend, you’re already closer to him than most people are, largely because outside of his Gotei 13 duties and everything else he has to do, Nobutsuna doesn’t really have the patience nor energy to ‘get to know’ other people or be close to them. You’re already ahead in the intimacy game, and you know it.
I imagine the only significant change that occurs is again, spending more time together. And maybe physical intimacy. He doesn’t seem like the type who is too eager on that front (not that many people would dare to approach him either, with his appearance), so if he initiates that, you know you’re special. But not anything too much, or obvious. Maybe catching your wrist when you stumble, or leaning against you when he’s tired. He’ll even come to you for small favours. Like bandaging his wounds or something. 
Katori Batsu’unsai 
One would assume that Batsu’unsai is the type to wear her heart on her sleeve. And maybe we’re right - who knows? I certainly imagine her to be that way - a small smile for everyone, a little flustered at times but completely ruthless on the battlefield. 
She doesn’t start out that way, though. Kindness has to be learnt in the chaotic mess of a world that Soul Society was, and you’ve seen the side of her that she tries to keep buried. When you start showing up, she lets her guard down, just a little, around you. 
Batsu’unsai would be the type of woman to be upfront about her feelings, contrary to how her appearance would suggest. She doesn’t shy away from having romantic feelings for a special someone, and she doesn’t dance around the topic. Doesn’t mean she’d be blunt about it, but that she’ll just be more straightforward about it. You can tell the shift in her mood when it happens - and unlike many others, she won’t be excessively afraid of turning a long friendship into a romantic relationship, because she has enough trust in the bond you two share. 
Outokawa Furuoki
Furuoki has a constant stream of admirers from everywhere, and he knows this. Hence why he’s less enthusiastic about starting a relationship, less so with someone he hardly knows. Luckily for you, you two have been friends since a young age. 
In my previous headcanons, I imagine him as a ronin of sorts -- fallen nobility who had to fight to defend himself from outsiders. If you two are childhood friends, it’s likely you two came from the same background, which makes it better because you have a better understanding of the turmoil he’d been through. There’s hardly anyone in his life left that he really whole-heartedly trusts, but if there’s one person, it’d be you.
You two spend a lot of time alone regardless of whether he was actually harbouring romantic feelings for you - having tea together, taking hikes in nature if you’re an outdoor person, or just taking casual walks together in Seireitei if you’re not. The level of intimacy you share is so obvious and so taken for granted (i.e. it’s natural for you to be together) anyways that when the relationship turns romantic, it doesn’t come as a surprise for either of you two. 
Unohana Yachiru
Another one that I imagine you two to be reunited after the war instead of having spent time together from childhood to adulthood. This can be for various reasons - maybe you were scared and distanced yourself from your friend-turned-murderess. Maybe she ran away from where you grew up to take up the art of the sword. Whatever the reason, when you two finally found each other after the war, there’s an obvious sense of familiarity but awkwardness at the same time - it feels like coming to a home that you no longer recognise.
It takes time to reforge and rekindle your relationship. Contrary to your expectations and the rumours, Yachiru doesn’t act as bloodthirsty as you’d thought (or at least, in front of you). And to her, you’re no longer the naive individual from that many years ago.
And it takes even longer for her to admit she has a crush on you. She’ll probably never tell you, due to whatever reasons she tells herself. You’ll have to figure it out yourself, but even then, you’ll never get an answer. Perhaps you two automatically gravitate towards one another, and end up sharing an intimate relationship that way. Who knows? 
Sakahone Shizou
I imagine y’all would’ve been married already. Like come on, this man looks like he’s on the verge of death. If y’all are still going on with the slow-burn game, you don’t have much time. If he hasn’t gotten a grip and confessed, you’re probably already married to someone else. 
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Gotei 13 First Generation And Gotei 13 New Generation
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owarinaki · 5 months
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1st generation of Gotei 13 [ ED Non-Credit][Bleach Blur-ray Disc]
BR recap 1 // 2 // 3
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I've been seeing a lot of OG gotei 13 stories lately on Tumblr, so I'm here to ask! can you make a headcanon about them (Chika, Obana, Furuoki, Chikiri, Katori, and Unohana) with S/O reader??
The Original 13 Headcanons + S/O
Chika Shihōin
Chika is a horrible flirt
Being from a noble family, he was given an arranged married at an early age. But there is no love between them
He has several male & female lovers he goes to outside of his wife
S/O is just one of his many play things. But he always makes them feel special
Danjirō Obana
Unlike his above teammate, Danjiro is extremely loyal
His first priority is his S/O. When not on duty he is constantly with them, and takes an interest in their day-to-day life
A bit possessive as he doesn’t want them to loose interest in or leave him.
His main reason for joining the Gotei 13 was to keep them safe.
Furuoki Ōtogawa
Also from a noble house, but less ‘bucking against convention’ like Chika.
He chooses to honor his wife but is not that affectionate. This is also of just a general rule.
His method of companionship is more distant than most would like, as he has issues with physical touch.
Furuoki does speak very highly of his S/O when asked. Finding their consistent presence and routine comforting.
Chigiri Shijima
Not use to being affectionate with people as his appearance & poor attitude has often left him an outsider.
It still boggles his mind that S/O would want to spend time with him. Much less be his lover.
Abysmal at showing affection. Which often leads to miscommunication or ‘I heard you liked fried squid. I brought you this live one to make for dinner. It wriggles.’
Any slight or remark on their character is met harshly. Mostly with a blade.
Batsu'unsai Katori
Though confident in battle, Katori is painfully shy with people.
Her S/O would have to be patient with her as she often gets flustered, or cold feet after they make plans.
Like her future glasses wearing, Shinigami counterparts, Katori is also an avid reader of literature erotica.
It’s hard for her to find someone she can match with, as they never meet the expectation of her books, but tries to overlook it.
Retsu Unohana
They would have to be with her since the beginning. Since her roaming bandit days.
Unohana, as she is in the past, doesn’t trust anyone to get close. That’s how they get a knife to your back.
She is hopelessly romantic. In her own way.
Like commenting on how beautiful they look bathed in moonlight & blood. Or how their blade looks like dancing when they cut down for sport.
+  Furōfushi Saitō
Saito is a lesbian. She has no interest or use for men. (She honestly finds most of the men of the 13 useless).
Her preferred type is soft, delicate women. If Katori wasn’t so prickly, Saito would snap her up in a heartbeat.
As it is Saito picked S/O at a bar one night and they have been inseparable ever since. For now.
Her passions tend to run wild & hot before she gets bored and dumps them.
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maddmuses · 1 year
Batsu'unsai “The Scalpel” Katori
“A captain is someone who leads, no? Well, you can’t expect me to be such a leader, but if others see what I do, and choose to follow me, I suppose that might not be so bad.”
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Age: 600 (circa 2,100 years ago) Date of Birth: February 29th Place of Birth: Rukongai District 1; Junrinan (潤林安, Lush Forest Peace) Species: Born Soul
Appearance Batsu'unsai is a thin woman with a large chest, and glasses to match. Though her body has significant curve at the hip and chest, it seems that the rest of her struggles to build or maintain much muscle. Clearly the type to spend a lot of time inside, her skin is very pale, making others believe her to be a scholar.
In most cases where she appears publicly, she’s known to wear a modified shihakusho that fits to her middle and legs, to offset some of her natural clumsiness by minimizing her ability to get caught up in her own clothing. Additionally, she does not tie the legs, consistent with the style at the time, and the original 8th Division Captain’s Hayori.
Her zanpakuto, when released, appears as a nagitana, with a gold-colored haft and tassels, and a violet-colored, wickedly-curved, blade. While sealed, it appears as a standard katana, with black wrappings around a hilt the same color as the haft, with a slightly violet-tinged blade, and a crossguard shaped like an asterisk.
Many often assume her to be a gentle and kind soul upon first seeing her...
Personality Something of a misanthrope, Katori holds humanity and society in little regard. Though not overtly cruel about it, she simply sees many such things as uninteresting, preferring instead to study and investigate things which can hold her interest, even if they are somewhat humane. This is accompanied by a deep love for discovery and learning which was catalyzed by an early discovery giving her a powerful hunger for these things.
This ranges in a number of fields and disciplines, though it often seems to have something of a medical bent, with Batsu'unsai (Batsu those who are close to her can say) having made the majority of the seireitei’s most prolific and early advancements in the field external to simple kido use. Her precision and methodology to research and invention was such, along with her even hand, that Batsu was given the moniker “Scalpel” to match with the shape of her shikai, as well as to be indicative of this quality of her person.
Like any other founding captain of the Gotei 13, people frequently characterize Batsu as a cold-blooded killer, but this isn’t strictly the case for her. Her killing is hardly without emotion, or possessed of cruelty. Simply, killing people is a means through which she can easily acquire new cadavers for her purposes, the victims of her blade and actions are simply not lucky enough to have avoided her path. She takes immense care for these bodies once they are dead, and beneath her blade, however. Treating them much like how one might treat family, or an old friend, her misanthropy becomes distinctly warped into that of a doting mother for these corpses. Occasionally she is known to narrate halves of a conversation on their behalf, based on personalities that they displayed when they were alive, or on ones which she designed for them herself.
Biography Born to the relative safety and privilege of the first district outside of the seireitei Katori Batsu'unsai was not noble by any degree on her own, but was the daughter of a pair of mortals who had passed on, an early Yaoyoi (mixed Korean and Jōmon heritage) woman and an immigrant man from mainland China. Her parents being intelligent and industrious were able to develop some degree of economic power and mobility, allowing their daughter to be able to survive, despite having what was largely referred to as “the dull-eyed disease” which had limited her prospects as a contributor to her parent’s business, and inhibited her ability to protect herself if an opponent were to attack from far away.
Much of Batsu’s childhood was spent indoors, pouring over books and images that she was actually able to see, learning and studying, taking in manuals and manuscripts that were brought around by various souls who returned to soul society with them. 
One day she would stumble upon a piece of polished glass, through which the young woman observed warped the image in a way that allowed her to read things from far away. It was thanks to this observation that the soul would begin to purchase as much glass as she could afford, and cut then polish the pieces. Over the course of two years this experimentation would result in her first invention: Spectacles. After spending another year perfecting it, Batsu’unsai would become known as a natural heiress to her parent’s business, devising a new product that had fair demand in society, and was growing with each passing year.
This innovation would not make Batsu’unsai into a content merchant, however. No, it only fed into her hunger and will to grow and learn, as she used these spectacles to study and research further, learn whatever she could get her hands on, purchase more and more obscure scrolls. But her inquisitiveness could not be satisfied with vague and inconclusive charts and graphs. Though she found intrigue in mathematics and other sciences, which were fascinating, Batsu really wanted to understand the cause of her original malady, and those like it that had what seemed to have no event of origin. Her hunger for knowledge would eventually turn Batsu to taking these things into her own hands.
Though the modern understanding of anatomic research, and the practice of doing so in the open, wouldn’t develop much further in the realm of humanity for centuries yet (the earliest being in the 3rd century B.C.), Batsu’s practice would make her a serial killer by our standard, and a monster by the then-present one. In a lawful district such as Junrinan getting away with such a crime can’t be done overtly, and Batsu, despite having an ability to express Kido, did not bother initially with traveling to a more dangerous district. Instead, she relied on her means and sneakiness to acquire subjects. The very first of her subjects was a young man who had the same disease that she did. On some level, it broke her heart to cut someone who was so fundamentally like her. But at the same time, the insights which Denjiro’s body gave her were significant in how to conduct her dissections, and how the shape of one’s eyes influence their vision.
Anatomy, Kido, Mathematics, Physics, Botany, Mechanics, Chemistry, Sculpting, Sketching, these were all disciplines which she spent the better part of several centuries studying and perfecting. A polymath, Batsu’unsai became seen as something of a scientific marvel in Soul Society, someone whose mind was regarded as peerless. But only those tuned into certain circles were aware of the true darkness. Of the woman who occasionally stole other Rukongai citizens away from privileged districts, as well as wandering to more lawless ones and killing for herself, or purchasing bodies and parts from who knew where. For the time, it was determined that the advancements she was making were a net positive for the seireitei, particularly since residents of the region were given aggressive discounts and priority, while her advancements largely only improved the quality of life in the wealthier districts.
But when the time came to form the Gotei 13, Shigekuni Yamamoto would approach this woman. She was powerful in kido, without any affiliation with the Kido Corps., while also being an inquisitive and powerful mind that could have its purposes as both a doctor, but also a tactician.
However, the woman had no interest in joining a military force. War seemed a dull thing, even if she would be a founder, Batsu had no interest in leading others. So, for the position of 3rd Division leader, she said no. Such boring things, with such uninteresting figures as Shigekuni Yamamoto and Chika Shihoin, were not enticing to the woman. No, for several years after this, she continued her research, but in a more private and quiet capacity, knowing that if she’d caught the attention of the Onmitsukido, then it was only a matter of time before more overt law enforcement would be on her tail.
After several years of boredom and uneventful research, she would be approached again, this time for the 8th Captain position. A combination of this, and the more interesting parties who’d joined the Gotei 13 since then, prompted  Katori Batsu'unsai to accept the offer. Particularly intriguing to her was Furoufushi Saitou.
Her time with the Gotei 13 was significant to say the least, serving from its inception (at least from the time that she joined) until several hundred years after the war with the quincy, Batsu’unsai, like her contemporaries, proved to be a deadly killer of human and hollow alike, with little regard for their lives and rights. Nay, killing Quincy seemed to especially come easy to her, aside from slaying those in the Rukongai who provoked activity and uprisings, as this provided a pretense for her to acquire research supplies. The manner, rhyme, and reason with which she used these corpses was ill-understood by her allies, but the results of numerous advancements in medicine and medical technology within Soul Society which would eventually form the foundation for the 4th division’s healing corps.
Over time, one of her great loves, Kido, would prove her undoing. When attempting to develop the time halting kido to such a degree that it would “slow time to the point of regression” resulted in a massive explosion of temporal energy which left Batsu’unsai Katori as little more than scant traces of ash. This practice is, in part, why such kido was banned. Numerous bans of practices of her kind, which were not directly and immediately applicable in a useful was to the Gotei 13 at the moment, were also forbidden.
Abilities and Skills Captain-Level Shinigami: As the Captain of 8th Division, in fact the first one, Batsu’unsai is part of a generation of shinigami broadly considered to be peerless, and the strongest. This is attributed more to a killing instinct and willingness to win no matter what, than any individual expression of ability. However, as a part of the generation which set the system for captains and others who can achieve Bankai being the only shinigami who truly matter in terms of military might, Batsu is still on a level unlike the majority of shinigami in existence. -Zanjutsu Master: Capable of achieving Bankai, she is able to fight and control her zanpakuto peerlessly without thought, able to fight with raw might unlike any other. --Naginatajutsu Master: Despite her zanpakuto functioning independently of the actual laws and rules regarding swordplay, regardless of the shape it might take, this was not always the case, and she has often preferred wielding polearms since before using such weapons. A deadly user of the naginata she has been able to cut down many with little effort. -Immense Spiritual Power: Despite making her best efforts to hide her activities, and lack of formal training, Batsu’unsai was among the first souls in Soul Society approached for the position of Captain. This indicates that the raw power of her soul was impressive enough to cast aside such shortcomings, despite her degree of mastery also being significant thanks to her understanding of Kido. -Kido Master: A student of the art from before her recruitment, she can cast up to Grade 99, while also enhancing them. Some of the Kido which she has developed in her own spare time have since been forbidden. -Hakuda Practitioner -Shunpo Expert
Polymath: A student of numerous disciplines and studies, she seems to have a nutty degree of knowledge in all manner of things. -Medicine and Anatomy: Possibly her most in-depth studies, numerous discoveries regarding shinigami anatomy have become common-knowledge as a result of her research. She is also able to craft lenses for glasses, and taught the practice to a number of other souls during her time as captain.
Sutomaru (須戸丸; Derived bastardization of すとん, read as an anachronism for “surgeon” or “cutting man”): Sutomaru was originally a nondescript katana that was hard to make distinct from an asauchi, as she was able to achieve shikai in a short time, however, Sutomaru took to its more permanent form in a constant state of release. This is not a remark on any amount of spiritual pressure, but is simply a remaining function of an early protoype of zanpakuto and how they initially functioned. Instead of changing shape into its release, what one considers to be its “Release Command” is what allows her to channel its abilities. Sutomaru’s command is “Operate”. Shikai Special Ability: Sutomaru allows Batsu the ability to manipulate wind, though she more precisely remarks on it as the ability to manipulate “air” as it seems that it doesn’t so much manipulate the force, but permits her to still generate windforce. Through this she is able to extend her will by moving her naginata's blade, as moving the weapon directly allows her to more forcefully and quickly move said air. This makes Sutomaru an especially dangerous zanpakuto when used in tandem with airborne poisons and toxins. The precision with which she can control this air is such that she can slice and cut as accurately as she might with a weapon she is carrying in her hand, making her functional combat range roughly 100 feet away from her person.
Bankai: Sutomaru: Shirabyōshi (須戸丸白拍子; Cutting Man: White Tempo): Sutomaru is not functionally changed in appearance when taking on its bankai. Instead, it simply seems to be an advancement of the weapon’s previous state. Bankai Ability: Not only can Batsu control air with her weapon at this stage, she is able to do so to such a degree and precision that she can isolate specific molecules (she refers to them as “parts”) in non-air states of matter, so long as the molecule is gaseous within certain conditions. These conditions tend to be “within a state that I can tolerate”. So if it would be a gas in a temperature range that she can tolerate? Then it doesn’t matter if it’s liquid in the moment, she can control it. Broadly, and in its most blunt application, she uses this to manipulate oxygen molecules, allowing her to pull it out of the blood of her victims, preventing clotting, and even causing them to pass out or suffocate due to insufficient oxygen IN their blood. It’s through this that she is able to engage in her favorite method of killing, one which minimizes damage to the organs which Batsu’unsai wishes to study.
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bleach-smashorpass · 7 days
Seireitei Smashability Showdown: (Loser's) Round 4, Match 228
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shuubaehisagi · 2 years
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鹿取 抜雲斎
Here's a quick low-cost cosplay of one of the original Gotei 13, Katori Batsu'unsai.
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vani-pie · 2 years
Batsu'unsai Katori
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ao3feed-izch · 23 days
The Hollow Hunter
by Thelord0fmemes
Ichigo Kurosaki had done the impossible that no one could believe would happen: he managed to put an end to the Quincy God, Yhwach.
However, two weeks after his victory over the Father of All Quincy, the Internal Affairs see an increase of people possessing powers of the supernatural. And this was a result of an experiment that the former captain of the Fifth Division had done, Sōsuke Aizen.
However, this experiment of his had also allowed two people bring out a child that had the same level of powers and potential as Ichigo Kurosaki.
This child was Izuku Midoriya, the boy who would be known as the Soul Reaper vigilante that would be called the Hollow Hunter.
Words: 2576, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Bleach (Anime & Manga), BURN THE WITCH (Manga), RWBY, 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku/Yaoyorozu Momo, Asui Tsuyu/Midoriya Izuku, Jirou Kyouka/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shoko (Female Shoto), Midoriya Izuku/Melissa Shield, Hatsume Mei/Midoriya Izuku, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Takeyama Yuu | Mount Lady, Midoriya Izuku/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Midoriya Izuku/Shimura Nana, Midoriya Izuku/Tsutsumi Kaina | Lady Nagant, Ippan Josei | Fox Girl/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Ruby Rose (RWBY), Midoriya Izuku/Yang Xiao Long, Midoriya Izuku/Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna/Midoriya Izuku, Glynda Goodwitch/Midoriya Izuku, Kanroji Mitsuri/Midoriya Izuku, Kochou Shinobu/Midoriya Izuku, Kamado Nezuko/Midoriya Izuku, Matsumoto Rangiku/Midoriya Izuku, Kotetsu Isane/Midoriya Izuku, Yadoumaru Lisa/Midoriya Izuku, Kuna Mashiro/Midoriya Izuku, Unohana Retsu/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Nanao Ise, Midoriya Izuku/Shihouin Yoruichi, Shiba Kuukaku/Midoriya Izuku, Kurotsuchi Nemu/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Penny Polendina, Katori Batsu'unsai/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Sui-Feng | Soifon, Dokugamine Riruka/Midoriya Izuku, Jackie Tristan/Midoriya Izuku, Unagiya Ikumi/Midoriya Izuku, Niihashi Noel/Midoriya Izuku, Ninny Spangcole/Midoriya Izuku, Tia Harribel/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Nelliel Tu Oderschvank, Shutara Senjumaru/Midoriya Izuku, Hikifune Kirio/Midoriya Izuku, Bambietta Basterbine/Midoriya Izuku, Candice Catnipp/Midoriya Izuku, Meninas McAllon/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Winter Schnee, Midoriya Izuku/Willow Schnee, Raven Branwen/Midoriya Izuku, Kali Belladonna/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Summer Rose (RWBY)
source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58689538
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love-the-purple-cat · 5 months
*cracks knuckles* Aight, let's get started *deep inhale*
Ryo Kunieda
Shukuro Tsukishima
Hidetomo Kajumaro
Toshiro Hitsugaya
Batsu'unsai Katori
Ginrei Kuchiki
Genshiro Okikiba
Tier Harribel
Ggio Vega
Ryuken Ishida
Jugram Haschwalth
Meninas McAllon
Mask de Masculine
Oh, wow
I feel like it would have been easier to just write "every character that has ever made an appearance" because it feels like you just named ⅓ or ¼ of the cast
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uraharasandals · 2 years
Continued brainrot about an anxious S/O sending the OG captains off to the Quincy battle! Part 1 here | My own OC here
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--  Decaying nobility, morbid paleness spreading a miasma of unease 
The thump of a sword hitting the wooden floor wouldn’t have normally startled you, but news of the Quincy invasion has provided new challenges for your nerves. You can feel the weight of Nobutsuna’s gaze on you as you jump, but you quickly steady yourself. Weakness is definitely not a desirable trait, especially not in the Shigyou household.
“I will execute all of our enemies and deliver justice onto those who invades Soul Society,” Nobutsuna states bluntly and clearly, hands folded on top of the hilt of his sword. You raise an eyebrow at this - rarely does he voice his thoughts on his principles and beliefs, but apparently this is an occasion that calls for it.
“I rest my faith in you, Nobutsuna-sama.” 
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-- Innocence at first glance, a swift butchering delivered without mercy 
Batsu’unsai’s aura of innocence makes many let down their guard due to their initial assessment of her as someone who has accidentally wandered onto the battlefield, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. Little do they know her proficiency with her weapon - rarely do her enemies realise it was her blade that slices them into clean pieces that fall onto the floor like slabs of meat.
And it’s with this faith in her abilities that you linger at the doorway as she turns around, a small smile on her face, as if she was heading out for a walk. “________, I’ll be off then, okay?” 
“See you, Batsu-chan,” You reply in the same tone, giving her a small wave. The smile widens in return of your affection, but her expression shifts as the sunlight catches on her glasses - when the light obscures her eyes, something sinister flickers on her features. “Stay safe, alright?”
“Oh, don’t worry, I will.”
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-- A tall and imposing sentry, unmoving and threatening like jagged rock 
“You do understand that there’s no reason for me to get rid of the bloodstains when you’ll just stain it with the blood of your enemies again, right, Entetsu?” Slightly annoyed, you hand his newly bequeathed white haori to him, a piece of clothing that came with his new title. The man merely opens his mouth slightly at you - the golden teeth fastened on his lips serve as a perpetual and unnerving grin. Despite your complaints, he knows you don’t really mind - it’s proof of his ability on the battlefield, and the bloodstained legacy he bears. 
Shrugging it on, Entetsu picks up his sword - already in shikai form, and you swallow at the sight of it. Despite the number of times you’ve seen it in its released form, the fact that it resembles a club still unnerves you. Then again, his whole appearance serves to do the same.
“I’ll try to spare you the chore tonight, __________.” And that’s the end of it - no loving words, no reassurances, a comment so common and casual that it would’ve been part of your regular conversations. Entetsu promptly turns and leaves, also bringing the threat of death with himself. 
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-- Unwavering stature of nobleness, sternness maintained even in face of death
Furuoki has never really been a man of many words, preferring to replace them with his music - something you’ve always found ironic, him dressing himself as a man of art rather than of blade - and he refuses to make an exception even as he may be marching to his death.
“Don’t tell me you’re bringing your hat to the battlefield as well, Furuoki.” The comment, clearly made in sarcasm, manages to make the corner of his lips tug up slightly, almost as if he’s restraining himself, stopping himself from laughing - but otherwise, he maintains his stern expression. You let out a small exhale, wanting to make the mood more light-hearted, but of course, not to be. 
“Are you going to say anything, or will you go without any last words?” You raise an eyebrow. Normally, acting like this would hardly make him happy - in fact, acting out like this usually makes him irritated, but in the face of an enemy invasion, you could hardly care about his preference for righteousness and proper conduct when this may very well be the last time you see him.
“Stop being ridiculous - you’re overthinking.” Those are the only words he leaves you with, before he promptly walks off. A thin smile spreads your lips - typical, as always. Even in face of death.
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-- A spider lily from the depths of the underworld, death blooming in her wake 
Yachiru is so beautiful when she’s stationary, standing like this and staring at you with those soulless eyes of hers - arguably more beautiful than when she’s on the battlefield, killing foes and allies alike mercilessly with the quick flash of her blade. She stares at you, and any words that you want to say die on the tip of your tongue, because really, what could you say (and honestly, what right do you even have to say anything) to the woman who’s known as the most merciless killer in the entirety of Soul Society? 
Small wonder she has yet to murder you. You suspect the only thing keeping you around is your wits, and the fact that she has yet to be bored in your presence. 
Picking up her blade - polished and without blood, fruit of your efforts - and sliding it carefully into her scabbard, she steadies the weapon strapped to her waist. There was a period of silence between you two, where unspoken words were exchanged through glances that were perfected throughout the years, before you step forward tentatively. Yachiru lets you, her eyes never leaving your actions, watching you attentively like predator stalking her prey. 
Except, you have no overt intentions aside from picking up her hand. Years of battle has honed her instincts, and she reacts reflexively, but you wait - and Yachiru lets you clasp her hand in yours eventually, before raising it to your lips, and brushing the skin almost heart-breakingly tenderly with a kiss. 
Then the moment fades, and she’s gone like the wind, the only evidence of your goodbye gift a tingling on your lips from the sheer amount of reiatsu she exudes. 
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-- Overdressed corpulence, visual aposematism accentuating venom
The moment Zenjouji had been given news of his current appointment, he had jeered at the irony of the entire situation - a sentiment that had not passed you by either, to be frank. “Yamamoto Genryusai gathering a band of murderers to defend Seireitei? Even the punchline of a well-written joke wouldn’t have been as funny!” 
And it was with that same sense of sentiment as you watch him applying the paint to his face - a mask of sorts, but also resembling war paint, strangely; a routine of sorts - before he heads to the battlefield. “You’re not going with this seriously, are you?” 
Zenjouji looks at you like you’re being ridiculous - which you suppose you are, having known the man for such a long time. “Are ya kiddin’ me? ‘Course I ain’t! I’ll go and smash some heads together and call it a day!” 
As expected, really.  
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-- A wandering corpse of shaken bones, rattling death in graves borne in his wake
“I don’t understand why Genryusai-dono asked you, Saizou-dono,” You state flatly, standing in front of his katana, which was propped on the shelf behind your back. “You may have been formidable in your prime, but you’re well past that now.”
He grins toothily at you - meant to be menacing, you’re sure, but not now, and especially not in this context. “Regardless of what you think, _________, Yamamoto has asked me. And so I’ll answer.”
“Whatever for?” You retort. You aren’t afraid of losing him to battle - Sakahone Saizou was more than capable of holding his ground. Or at least, that was what you told yourself. Secretly, you worry - given his current state and age, you aren’t so sure anymore. “Pride?” 
Before you were aware of the fact, Saizou had already retrieved his weapon that you thought you had barred him from. “Merely for igniting these old bones of mine, __________.” 
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Battle Captain Gotei 13!!
Captain New Generation vs Captain First Generation
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Captain Gotei 13 First Generation or Captain Gotei 13 New Generation
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Hi can you write bleach otogawa furuoki x reader Where the reader deputy band and Like Kocho kanae from demon slayer.
By the way, I find your posts really amazing and interesting. Thank you for these posts ❤️
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**I’m assuming ‘deputy’ meant ‘vice captain’**
Definitely the ‘spirit’ of the 10th and probably the first vice-captain to have a positive effect on their division.
The other original vice-captains were all hardened warriors. Chosen for their combat skills and ability to kill hollows.
Though powerful, VC/10 really took the role into more of the moral, administrative, daily management position it is today.
They also picked the flower for the insignia of the 10th. Finding the daffodil’s meaning or rebirth & new beginnings something they should all try for with this new goal of a Gotei 13 they were trying.
Because of their positive attitude, the 10th was the first to recruit new members into a full division.
Furuoki didn’t like it, as he was never a fan of people and barely considered the other original 13 comrades. He had to weed out the applicants in ‘trial-by-fire’ for his own sanity.
Still, he never stopped them from actively recruiting and continuing with their charitable work around the Soul Society.
They are friends with Batsu'unsai Katori, though she thinks they’re naïve.
Furuoki tries to keep Chika Shihōin away from him as he finds their naivety appealing, for nefarious reasons, and Furoki thinks he’s a snake.
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bleach-smashorpass · 2 months
Seireitei Smashability Showdown: (Loser's) Round 2, Match 127
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