#katrijn !
flying-postcards · 7 months
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Received from NETHERLANDS on 16th of February 2024
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dangerous-realms · 7 months
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"What's an Evolinaa got to do to get a decent warrior around here?"
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endoftheworldhere · 1 year
If you have the time, what is inej's dynamic with the other dregs like in nwaaco? I really liked the little nugget we got in the latest chapter, and it made me curious as to how it is different than the original series.
Also great chapter btw
Inej is pretty friendly with “Kaz’s Dregs”, as she calls them (Rotty, Roeder, Pim, and Katrijn) like she is in the books thanks to them all being rebels, though she doesn’t know Anika as well since she hasn’t spent a lot of time in 6, and she’s very good friends with Specht. Unlike in the books, though, she’s not an official member of the Dregs so she doesn’t know their non-rebel members very well, if at all
Thanks for the question and I’m glad you enjoyed the chapter!
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uiltjesklas · 5 months
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Donderdagochtend was het even wissel. Het eerste leerjaar kwam bij ons en wij gingen naar het eerste leerjaar. Daar maakte we ons voorblad voor onze huiswerkenmap van volgend jaar. Ondertussen maakte het eerste leerjaar vlagjes en fruitsate’s voor het feestje. In de namiddag deden we nog spelletjes met het eerste leerjaar en daarna was het tijd om samen de fruitsate’s op te eten. Wat hebben wij genoten van deze leuke dag. Dankjewel eerste leerjaar en vooral dankjewel juf Katrijn om ons zo goed te helpen. Wij kijken alvast uit naar volgend jaar!🙈
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ellencami · 7 months
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Zaklamp maken met juf Katrijn
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ladyghita · 2 years
margot robbie . cis-female . she/her . wasn’t that ilyana ghita walking the palace grounds ? it’s nice to see the lady of wenchika/healer out and about on such a fine day as this. i’ve heard from the court spies that they’re notoriously secretive, whilst also managing to be quite perceptive. the twenty-nine year old is eager to find out who exactly is behind the killings from what’s being said at court. i heard that they themselves are vrajiit ( abjuration + chronokinesis ). it’s funny, whenever i think of them, i think of midnight strikes and a raven soars, an enigma in a hooded cloak, life is a chess board but we are no pawn. great to see the high-priestess around, isn’t it ?
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FULL NAME: Lady Ilyana Katrijn Ghita.
AGE: Twenty-nine.
BIRTHDAY: 01 January 121 a.d.
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis-female (she/her).
VRAJIT: Yes, Abjuration and Chronokinesis.
RELIGION: Curious about the Old Gods.
KINGDOM: Wenchinka, Walochnia.
THREE POSITIVE TRAITS: Perceptive, Ambitious, Clever
THREE NEGATIVE TRAITS: Secretive, Selfish, Calculating
CHARACTER INSPIRATIONS: Leliana (Dragon Age: Inquisition), Cirilla of Cintra (The Witcher), Tissaia de Vries (The Witcher), Prudence Night (Sabrina), Jean Grey (X-Men), Yennefer of Vengerberg (The Witcher), Elizabeth Bennet (Pride and Prejudice), Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Caribbean), Addison Montgomery (Greys Anatomy).
EIGHT TV TROPES: Defrosting Ice Queen, Disproportionate Retribution, Terror Hero, Mystical White Hair, Byronic Hero, The Baroness, Badass Cape, Guile Heroine
HEIGHT: 5′5″
HAIR COLOUR + STYLE: White-blonde, typically in a braid or thrown back over her shoulder, long-ish.
CLOTHING STYLE: Typical style features a cloak (she has several in different colours) over a gown. Though she typically wears the house colours, she has been known to wear both white and black.
tw death, loss, sickness.
- abjuration was discovered by her birth mother before ilyana would ever know. the family were weather-worn and poverty stricken, a number amongst many of wenchinka's hungry. their waning bodies a glint in a vulture's eye. no ointment could curb the edge, nor could it heal the lesions which bore holes into the flesh. but still, they held their daughter, weeping on their knees at the rot which had formed within this kingdom. as they pleaded with the gods of old, their babe curled within their hold, the wounds began to heal and a steady glow illuminated from the blue eyes of ilyana. out of fear for what could happen, ilyana's mother fled to the castle and begged for their protection. they took her child in exchange from a coin-filled purse, granting the child nobility and her birth mother peace of mind.
- abjuration (the ability to make physical or magical barriers, banishment, regeneration, healing, augmentation) is also the only power she is privy to as of yet. whilst ilyana also possesses chronokinesis (the ability to manipulate time, including time travel at more advanced levels), this remains undiscovered and has the potential to be unearthed during something monumental (future plot perhaps???).
- as a child, ilyana befriended the son of a family beyond the confines of the castle - a boy of no noble birth but a heart far greater. though he was believed to be vrajit, he was often found wielding a sword within the far corner of the marketplace; sinking the blade into a makeshift dummy. she shadowed him always, sneaking out at the first sight of dawn to play and fight in unison. he taught her the importance of wielding swords and shooting arrows - how to survive well beyond the power she harboured. as they grew, their roles switched and he shadowed her in return; watching in awe as she threw an ale back quicker, shot an arrow swifter and rode a horse faster just to best him. when the battlefield called, they remained inseparable and only ever parted ways when sent to differing posts. but this decision, to send the two to opposing lines, was ultimately costly. she believes she felt it before she knew; the final blow which sent her friend to his knees, a sword striking straight through his sternum. by the time she had reached him, he had long since passed, curled atop soil in a state far more childlike than the man he had since grown into. in return, ilyana had now discovered the harsh truth of her ability: it could not wake the dead.
- a well-known trait of ilyana's is the selfishness she possesses, though it is not as textbook as it may originally seem. she cares deeply for the people of wenchinka, a circumstance which could one day be her downfall, and she will insist on doing whatever she can to better the lives of those within the nation. whether it be ensuring her acts of service to walochnia are not so freely gifted, opting to gather useful intel or manipulating the tactical decisions made by those from neighbouring nations, ilyana will prioritise wenchinka above all else.
- when dusk falls and the night sets in, ilyana is typically found on horseback, adorned in her cloak, pursuing towards nearby infirmaries. she is frequently considered a raven of sorts, as she tends to be ushered towards those who are near their end - her power some holy miracle that forces death to be patient. though this is an act which remains unspoken amongst her family, there are few who have knowledge of lady ghita's choice - whether it be a patient or those she works alongside. for her safety and the safety of those within walochnia, they ensure it remains a secret.
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rotterdamvanalles · 5 months
Kinderen kijken naar een poppenkast op de Binnenweg, 4 juli 1956. Op de achtergrond een winkel van Esders Kleding.
Poppenkast was een manier om verhalen te vertellen, veelal was het grootste deel van de bevolking analfabeet. Boeken waren voor hen onbereikbaar, en de artiesten die vaak wel hadden leren lezen en schrijven, brachten de boodschappen op deze manier over aan het grote publiek.
In de middeleeuwen bestond al een soort 'poppenkast' dat doeckenspiel werd genoemd. In heel Europa werd poppenkast op jaarmarkten en kermissen heel populair. Dit was het theater van de straat. En natuurlijk alleen voor volwassenen. In de Nederlandse poppenkast verscheen in de Gouden Eeuw Jan Klaassen (of Jan Claesz) in de Amsterdamse poppenkast samen met zijn vrouw Katrijn (of Catharina).
Toen op het einde van de 19e eeuw poppenkast in de kinderhoek terechtkwam, werd dit een flauwe weergave van wat eerst geweest moest zijn. De hoofdpersonen waren gewoonlijk Jan Klaassen en zijn vrouw Katrijn. De twee beleefden allerlei nogal stereotiepe avonturen, waarbij de domheid van Jan Klaassen een grote rol speelde. Vaak werd het publiek, bestaande uit jonge kinderen, bij het verhaal betrokken. Ze moesten Jan bijvoorbeeld roepen als iemand een kistje of iets vergelijkbaars wilde stelen.
De fotograaf is Cock Tholens en de foto komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt van Wikipedia.
Bericht van 2024
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jufnele2 · 8 months
Wafeltjes bakken samen met juf Els en juf Katrijn.
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mirror-404 · 1 year
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l-scherman · 2 years
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Katrijn Oelbrandt https://katrijnoelbrandt.com/
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linguistlist-blog · 2 years
TOC: Language in Society Vol. 51, No. 3 (2022)
ICYMI: Managing narratives, managing identities: Language and credibility in legal consultations with asylum seekers Marie Jacobs, Katrijn Maryns 375-402 When simple self-reference is too simple: Managing the categorical relevance of speaker self-presentation Kevin Whitehead, Gene Lerner 403-426 Embedding in Shawi narrations: A quantitative analysis of embedding in a post-colonial Amazonian indigenous society Luis Rojas-Berscia, Tomas Lehecka, Simon Claassen, A. Peute, Moisés Escobedo, Segun http://dlvr.it/SZx5K4
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twafordizzy · 2 years
De bevende Jeroen Brouwers
De bevende Jeroen Brouwers
fragment uit foto van Katrijn van Giel; bron beeld: katrijn.com Iemand vraagt of ik wel eens beef (van ontroering of iets dergelijks) bij het lezen van eigen teksten? Neen, nooit. Ik verafschuw mijn eigen teksten en lees ze derhalve nooit voor mijn lol. Wat zou ik die teksten lezen, ik heb ze toch zelf geschreven! Wat een mal idee, je eigen boeken te gaan zitten lezen… Toch heb ik tussen half…
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garadinervi · 3 years
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The Invisible Worm that Flies in the Night in the Howling Storm, With work(s) by Bart Lescrève, Nina van Denbempt, and Juan Pablo Plazas, Curated by Lotte Beckwé, Pilar Brussels, May 2 – June 6, 2021. Designed by Corbin Mahieu, Lennart Van den Bossche, and Katrijn Oelbrandt. Typeface DESS by Karl Nawrot
(on the way of INTL)
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
Home - Sneak Peek #1
So, I finally figured out the plot of this (it had simply been simply domestic fluff before), and now it’s simply domestic fluff with some plot so I’m going to count this as the first sneak peek. Don’t worry, the previous ones that I’ve shared are still going to be included, but they might be slightly different or changed up a little.
I hope you enjoy it as I try to keep my own sanity!
Epilogue to Unattainable and Safe
With his legs dangling over the edge of the wall, not far from where he and the boys always came on Saturdays for skating, music pounded in his ears, loud and heavy beats. It wasn’t the typical David Bowie that encompassed the majority of the past year, the past five-hundred thousand plus minutes, but it was one of Robbe’s favorite artist’s new albums. His legs swung back and forth, his backpack resting against his side, his phone clenched between his hands, but his eyes were focused across the riverbank on an empty wall. 
The mural had lasted longer than any of them expected. 
But, Sander had completed the mural on the wall of some company’s private property so they had painted over it after three months. 
It wasn’t truly gone, as Sander said, simply painted over, lying beneath the paint that they had put on. And, the mural, the one of Robbe’s face inside of an explosion of a heart, was captured in other ways. It was the background of Robbe’s laptop. It was framed in his apartment, and in Sander’s apartment. His own mother, who had squealed of Sander’s talent, had a copy as well and, even though Katrijn Driesen gave her son a stern warning never to vandalize private property, she had a copy of the photo as well. 
So, in other ways, the mural lived on. 
Despite the months since then, the weeks, the minutes, it still felt weird to not see the declaration of Sander’s love painted so clearly on the brick wall, a shout to the skatepark, to Antwerp, to the world, about his feelings and how loved Robbe was. But, if Robbe stared long enough, he could almost make out the vague outline of his own face on the brick. 
His phone buzzed in his hand, bringing him back to the present. 
Camille: Don’t want to freak you out, but I’m right behind you.
Robbe turned around, spotting Camille walking to him. She had a thick jacket wrapped around her, a beanie pulled over her head with the tips of her hair shining in a deep red. Beneath her jacket, Robbe could spot the ends of a burgundy sweater and the skirt of her black dress. She was wearing a pair of fleece leggings and a pair of Doc Martens that had to have been one of Sander’s old ones. She had a pair of black gloves and had a paper tray of coffees in her hand. 
Once he pushed his headphones off his ears, exposing his ears the chill of the winter month, she spoke, her breath showing as a cloud, “Here you go.” She handed him a cup of coffee and Robbe took it from here. “It is just the way you like it. I made sure that Simon made it just right.”
“Thanks, Cam,” Robbe whispered. He reached out, taking the tray from her hands so she could push herself on the barrier beside him. Once Camille was settled, she took her own coffee and took a sip. Robbe glanced at the hidden mural before returning his gaze to Camille. “How are things with Simon, by the way?” he tried to ask, nonchalantly.  
The brunette glanced to him, a light blush ghosting across her cheeks that wasn’t from the cold.
Ever since Robbe and Camille found out they went to the same school, they always tried to meet for coffee at least once a week. Simon, a tall black-haired engineering major, was a barista at the campus coffee shop that they regularly met at. Robbe had teased her for her crush on him, but he didn’t find out they had gone out on a date until Simon had mentioned it, eyeing Robbe suspiciously. When Robbe realized that he thought they were together, he couldn’t contain his laughter (and the warmth in his chest) as Camille waved her hands around, beat red, and practically shouted in the cafe, “No, no, nonononono, he’s my brother!” 
Later that night, at their weekly family dinner with their moms and Camille, Sander had found out and tried to get Robbe to spill about where he knew Camille’s boyfriend. But, no matter how much he denied Robbe need to kiss him, the brunet didn’t budge. Robbe only complained about it. He had promised Camille, who wanted to introduce Simon when she wanted to, and Sander understood.
Camille eyed him suspiciously. “Robbe, I am not going to talk about to the man sleeping with my brother about my relationship.”
“I just want to make sure you’re happy.”
“I am,” Camille spoke, taking a sip of the coffee. “Don’t worry. If I was unhappy, I promise that I would tell you or Sander or my friends. You know, the people I’m supposed to talk to about things like that.” Robbe grinned, nodding his head before taking a sip of his coffee. The liquid had cooled, no longer the scalding hot it had been as soon as it was put in the cup, but it still warmed Robbe in the chill air of the nearly empty skate park. Camille let out a cough, earning Robbe’s attention. He could tell that she was trying not to grin before questioning, “So, have you asked him yet?”
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