#katsushika shibamata
柴又帝釈天 瑞龍の松 日栄上人 ご神木
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Shibamata Teishakuten and Zuiryu no Matsu 
Pine Tree of the Dragon
【Türkçesi aşağıdadır.】
Shibamata Teishakuten in Shibamata, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo, is a place where visitors can feel the history and culture that has continued since the Edo period. The Zuiryu no Matsu (Pine Tree of the Dragon), which rises in the precincts of the temple, boasts a powerful and beautiful form, just like a dragon soaring through the sky, as its name suggests.
Age: more than 300 years old. Size: 5 metres high, with branches reaching 10 metres in width.
The Zuiryu no Matsu is said to have been planted by Nichiei Shonin, a famous monk of the Edo period. Nichiei Shonin rebuilt Shibamata Teishakuten and was revered by many followers. The pine tree he planted was named Zuiryu no Matsu (Pine Tree of the Dragon) because of the way its branches spread out as if it were a dragon soaring through the sky. This pine tree is a symbol of Teishakuten and deeply impresses visitors.
The Japanese film Otoko wa Tsuraiyo (Otoko wa Tsuraiyo) is set in Shibamata.
Speaking of Shibamata, one cannot forget the classic Japanese film Otoko wa Tsuraiyo. The film series ran for 26 years, from 1969 to 1995, with a total of 48 films produced. The character of the main character, Torajiro Kuruma, a.k.a. Tora-san, played by Kiyoshi Atsumi, is a much-loved national character.
Film set: Shibamata, where the film takes place, is known as the location of Tora-san's birthplace, Toraya, where many scenes from the film were shot. The scenery of Shibamata Teishakuten and the surrounding area continues to transmit its charm throughout the country through the film.
Sightseeing spots in Shibamata:
Shibamata Teishakuten Temple: the symbol of the film, with its Zuiryu pine tree and beautiful garden.
Teishakuten approach: lined with souvenir shops and eateries, this area offers a retro atmosphere reminiscent of a film set.
Tora-san Memorial Museum: a must-see for fans of the film, with exhibits on the history of the film and scenes from the filming.
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Tora-san's appeal:
Loving character: Tora-san is portrayed as a good-natured and humane character who has won the hearts of many people. His clumsy and sincere way of life resonated with many viewers.
Storylines with laughter and tears: the stories of romance with a different heroine each time and warm interactions with family and friends, with both laughter and tears, have been loved by many people.
It's a bit long, but I also love his thoughts on love. Below are three of his best lines about love that he talks about.
"Love is not something that burns you up, it's something that gradually warms you up." This quote expresses Tora-san's view on love. This quote expresses Tora-san's view on love, which teaches that love is not a temporary passion, but a warm feeling that slowly seeps into the heart.
"To love someone is to make that person's happiness your happiness." This line strikes at the essence of love. Tora-san says that wishing for the other person's happiness is the essence of love, and that this leads to true happiness.
"Love, you know, it's important to be considerate of the other person. It's not enough to be happy only for yourself." These words condense Tora-san's philosophy on love. He explains that love should not be self-centred, but that it is important to be considerate of the other person and to feel happy for each other.
These words of wisdom evoke Tora-san's warm and deep love for humanity and still resonate with many people today. Whenever you feel lost or troubled in your love life, remember Tora-san's words and you may gain some new insights and positive feelings.
Shibamata Teishakuten and the Zuiryu no Matsu pine tree that rises within the precincts of the temple are landmarks that symbolise history and culture.
And the film series Otoko wa Tsuraiyo, set in Shibamata, is deeply etched in the hearts of the Japanese people. By visiting this place, you can feel the world of the film and at the same time get in touch with Japanese traditions and humanity. Why not visit Shibamata? You will experience the beauty of Zuiryu no Matsu and the warmth of Tora-san's hometown.
The Zuiryu pine tree is an integral part of the landscape with the front of Teishakudo and is also important as a famous and giant tree that tells the story of the founding of Teishakudo Taikyoji Temple.
Zuiryu no Matsu (Ejderhanın Çam Ağacı) ÇAM
Shibamata, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo'da bulunan Shibamata Teishakuten, ziyaretçilerin Edo döneminden bu yana devam eden tarihi ve kültürü hissedebilecekleri bir yerdir. Tapınak bölgesinde yükselen Zuiryu no Matsu (Ejderhanın Çam Ağacı), adından da anlaşılacağı üzere tıpkı gökyüzünde süzülen bir ejderha gibi güçlü ve güzel bir forma sahiptir.
Yaşı: 300 yıldan daha yaşlı. Boyut: 5 metre yüksekliğinde, 10 metre genişliğe ulaşan dalları vardır.
Zuiryu no Matsu'nun Edo döneminin ünlü keşişlerinden Nichiei Shonin tarafından dikildiği söylenmektedir. Nichiei Shonin, Shibamata Teishakuten'i yeniden inşa etmiş ve birçok takipçisi tarafından saygı görmüştür. Diktiği çam ağacına, dallarının gökyüzünde süzülen bir ejderha gibi yayılmasından dolayı Zuiryu no Matsu (Ejderhanın Çam Ağacı) adı verilmiştir. Bu çam ağacı Teishakuten'in bir sembolüdür ve ziyaretçileri derinden etkilemektedir.
Japon filmi Otoko wa Tsuraiyo (Otoko wa Tsuraiyo) Shibamata'da geçmektedir.
Shibamata'dan bahsetmişken, klasik Japon filmi Otoko wa Tsuraiyo'yu unutmak mümkün değil. Film serisi 1969'dan 1995'e kadar 26 yıl boyunca devam etti ve toplam 48 film üretildi. Kiyoshi Atsumi tarafından canlandırılan ana karakter Torajiro Kuruma, nam-ı diğer Tora-san, çok sevilen ulusal bir karakterdir.
Film seti: Filmin geçtiği Shibamata, Tora-san'ın doğum yeri olan Toraya'nın bulunduğu yer olarak biliniyor ve filmden birçok sahne burada çekildi. Shibamata Teishakuten ve çevresindeki bölgenin manzarası, film aracılığıyla cazibesini tüm ülkeye aktarmaya devam ediyor.
Tora-san'ın çekiciliği:
Sevgi dolu karakter: Tora-san, birçok insanın kalbini kazanan iyi huylu ve insancıl bir karakter olarak tasvir ediliyor. Sakar ve samimi yaşam tarzı birçok izleyicide yankı uyandırdı.
Kahkaha ve gözyaşlarıyla dolu hikayeler: Her seferinde farklı bir kadın kahramanla yaşanan aşk hikayeleri ve hem kahkaha hem de gözyaşlarıyla aile ve arkadaşlarla kurulan sıcak etkileşimler birçok kişi tarafından sevildi.
Biraz uzun ama aşk hakkındaki düşüncelerini de çok seviyorum. Aşağıda aşk hakkında bahsettiği en iyi üç satırını bulabilirsiniz.
"Aşk sizi yakan bir şey değildir, sizi yavaş yavaş ısıtan bir şeydir." Bu alıntı Tora-san'ın aşk hakkındaki görüşünü ifade ediyor. Bu alıntı, aşkın geçici bir tutku değil, yavaş yavaş kalbe sızan sıcak bir duygu olduğunu öğreten Tora-san'ın aşk hakkındaki görüşünü ifade eder.
"Birini sevmek, o kişinin mutluluğunu kendi mutluluğunuz haline getirmektir." Bu cümle aşkın özünü vurur. Tora-san, diğer kişinin mutluluğunu dilemenin sevginin özü olduğunu ve bunun gerçek mutluluğa yol açtığını söylüyor.
"Sevgi, bilirsiniz, karşınızdaki kişiyi düşünmek önemlidir. Sadece kendin için mutlu olmak yeterli değildir." Bu sözler Tora-san'ın sevgi üzerine felsefesini özetliyor. Sevginin benmerkezci olmaması gerektiğini, ancak diğer kişiyi düşünmenin ve birbirimiz için mutlu olmanın önemli olduğunu açıklıyor.
Bu bilgece sözler Tora-san'ın insanlığa duyduğu sıcak ve derin sevgiyi çağrıştırıyor ve bugün hala birçok insanda yankı buluyor. Aşk hayatınızda kendinizi kaybolmuş veya sıkıntılı hissettiğinizde, Tora-san'ın sözlerini hatırlayın ve yeni içgörüler ve olumlu duygular kazanabilirsiniz.
Shibamata'da gezilecek yerler:
Shibamata Teishakuten Tapınağı: Zuiryu çam ağacı ve güzel bahçesiyle filmin sembolü.
Teishakuten yaklaşımı: hediyelik eşya dükkanları ve lokantalarla kaplı bu bölge, bir film setini andıran retro bir atmosfer sunmaktadır.
Tora-san Anıt Müzesi: filmin tarihi ve çekimlerden sahnelerle ilgili sergileriyle filmin hayranları için mutlaka görülmesi gereken bir yer.
Shibamata Teishakuten ve tapınağın sınırları içinde yükselen Zuiryu no Matsu çam ağacı, tarih ve kültürü simgeleyen simgelerdir. Shibamata'da geçen Otoko wa Tsuraiyo film serisi de Japon halkının kalbinde derin izler bırakmıştır. Burayı ziyaret ederek filmin dünyasını hissedebilir ve aynı zamanda Japon gelenekleri ve insanlığı ile temasa geçebilirsiniz. Neden Shibamata'yı ziyaret etmiyorsunuz? Zuiryu no Matsu'nun güzelliğini ve Tora-san'ın memleketinin sıcaklığını deneyimleyeceksiniz. Zuiryu çam ağacı, Teishakudo'nun ön cephesiyle manzaranın ayrılmaz bir parçasıdır ve Teishakudo Taikyoji Tapınağı'nın kuruluş hikayesini anlatan ünlü ve dev bir ağaç olarak da önemlidir.
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koholint · 9 months
songs used:
HimeHina - Kagurahime
Ken Ishii - Hidden Heat
Toriena - Ruby
Nakibembe Embaire Group - 140 (feat. Gabber Modus Operandi & Wahono)
Kakuriyogatari - Kaidan Mairi
Kanano Senritsu - Fire Paan
Korone Inugami - Wonky Monkey
TQD - On the Ground (feat. PVC)
Reol - Kirakira
NewJeans - Cool With You
Gemi - Wifey Dub
Dempagumi.inc - One Nation Under the Dempa
Neko Hacker - Endless Error Loop (feat. Nanahira)
Rita - Reisende
BoC’z - Hat on Your Head!
Masumi Tazawa - Excellent Condition
Nookie & Ruth Royall - Hero
EPROM - Untitled Emotional Acid
Hiromi’s Sonicwonder - Sonicwonderland
DIALOGUE+ - Yabakyun <3 Schubert
Nagi Nemoto - I Lovin’ You No Future!
Erik Hall - Sections 91-94
Haretokidoki - Misty Love (Hyper Euro Mix)
3R2 - Conformation
Choopsie - Midnight
Lyra Valenza - Gameshow
Nanahira - Todo
Nene Momosuzu - Ring-A-Linger
Yukopi - Kyoufuu All Back
Kikuo - Kaeru no Odori
P Money x Whiney - Sorry I’m Not Sorry
Passepied - Sentakushi
Machita Chima - Kasei Ruriiro Mayonaka
Andrea - Remote Working
Yuka Nagase - Chikakute, Tokute
Cornelius - Shinkirou
Yukari Tamura - Sunny Spot
cero - Fdf
George Clanton - Justify Your Life
Maara - Nothing Sacred
Minori Suzuki - Wadachi no Hana
Katsushika Trio - Shibamata Twilight
thanks for listening!
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kanpaijapon · 1 year
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Shibamata - Le quartier traditionnel de Tora-san à l'est de Tokyo Shibamata est le quartier historique et touristique de Katsushika, l'arrondissement situé à l'extrémité nord-est de Tokyo au Japon. Depuis la gare, les visiteurs retrouvent une atmosphère d'antan au sein de la rue marchande aux devantures traditionnelles qui mène jusqu'au temple Taishakuten. Le long de la rivière Edo-gawa, on prend le temps d'observer le pa… Lire la suite sur Kanpai.fr https://www.kanpai.fr/tokyo/shibamata
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aishiteru-kenshin · 2 years
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Katsushika Fireworks Festival
Early October
A fireworks event (officially called Katsushika Noryo Hanabi Taikai) along the Edogawa River which sees over 13,000 fireworks launched. From the early afternoon you will see many yukata-adorned couples filtering out of the ticket gates of Shibamata Station and taking in the many sights of the area before making the short walk towards the river banks.
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rtanaka1ro · 2 years
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2022.10.26 🍛ポークビンダルー 🅿︎ハウス食品/mokuromi spice curry ハウス食品が販売する、mokuromi spice curryのポークビンダルーでランチ。 ポークビンダルーファンとしては、レトルトとはいえ手軽に味わえるのが嬉しい。 見た目は地味だが、独特の酸っぱ辛さが美味しい😋 正直言えばパンチ不足は否めない、もっとビネガーが利かせて欲しかった😉 実店舗は未訪問なので、是非本物を味わいたい。 #mokuromispicecurry #カレー #curry #レトルト (Shibamata, Katsushika-ku) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkK9xxKyNwA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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phaisan · 2 years
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จามรอยโทระ ดังโงะ พิมพ์ถูกป่าวไม่รู้เหมือนกัน #การเดินทางคือการเรียนรู้ #TSPJ #ผู้ชายปากหมาหน้าตาดี (at Shibamata, Katsushika-ku) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj1oEx9vRqM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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63rocksun · 2 years
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crazyfox-archives · 3 years
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The front gate of Shibamata Taishakuten Temple (柴又帝釈天) in Katsushika, Tokyo during the summer
Photograph by Kamikobe Atsushi (上河邊敦)
Image from the photo essay “江戸の夢、東京の幻” [Dreams of Edo, Visions of Tokyo] in the magazine Chūō Kōron (中央公論 “Central Review”), September 2003, page 21
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kayoquito · 3 years
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葛飾柴又の山本亭。 米国の雑誌 "The Journal of Japanese Gardening" 選出の日本庭園ランキングで4位になっている庭園を眺めながらのカフェタイム。 カップがかわいかったのでコーヒーとロールケーキのセットを頼んだ。 Hora de té apreciando icónico jardín japonés. Yamamoto-tei o la residencia de la familia Yamamoto, que está localizada en Shibamata, distrito de Katsushika, cada año ocupa el 3er o el 4to puesto del ranking de los mejores jardines elegido por la revista norteamericana, "The Journal of Japanese Gardening". Pedí un café por la hermosa tasa, junto con un tajada de pionono. #yamamototei #shibamata #katsushika #tokyo #tokio #jardinjapones #jardin #japanesegarden #teatime #pionono #horadete #カフェタイム #東京散歩 #東京カフェ巡り #ロールケーキ#日本庭園 #庭園カフェ #山本亭 #柴又 #東京 #visitjapan #visitjapanes #guiadeturismo #通訳ガイド #tourguide (山本亭) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYCA8p1vLAi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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a2cg · 4 years
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#たなかや は木造でレトロな外観が目を引く鰻・天ぷらのお店です。 #東京 #葛飾区 #柴又 #建築 #建物 #建物探訪 #木造 #木造建築 #レトロ #レトロ建築 #ノスタルジー #昭和 #tokyo #katsushika #shibamata #architecture #retro #oldarchitecture #wooden #woodenbuilding #showa (たなかや) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLz8JBqASW5/?igshid=q8d9bvxn83j4
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yujitozawa · 5 years
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#20190414 #shibamata #katsushika #tokyo #gr3 #ws #calotypephotoworks #blackandwhitephotography #streetsnap 赤城先生とおまけ戸澤裕司が行く東京四季散歩写真柴又鎌倉編、ここもまた変貌を遂げる最中でした。 変わる柴又、変わらない鎌倉。GR3のハードモノクロで。 https://www.instagram.com/p/BwR8BGRAsDI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gg0tlo0leatx
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kanpaijapon · 2 years
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Katsushika - L'arrondissement à l'extrémité nord-est de Tokyo
Katsushika est un arrondissement résidentiel de Tokyo situé à la limite nord-est de la capitale nippone, voisin des préfectures de Saitama et Chiba. Il appartient à l'ancienne ville basse d'Edo dite Shitamachi, entouré par les rivières et au paysage urbain plutôt plat. Le quartier rétro et traditionnel de Shibamata est sa principale destination touristique.
Lire la suite sur Kanpai.fr
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moryen · 4 years
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A ninth century seated Taishakuten at Tō-ji in Kyoto.
“Perhaps one of the more endearing qualities of Buddhism is its ability to syncretize with seemingly opposed ideologies. We see this in the Japanese concept of honji suijaku, where Indian (read: Buddhist) deities were given the forms of native Shintō kami to ease the conversion of the Japanese people. The transition was so effective that Japanese culture is now arguably inseparable from its Buddhist practices.
When Buddhism was still in its early development, many deities were adapted into its pantheon from Vedic and Hindu sources. These included Brahma (Jpn: Bonten), Kubera (also Vaisravana; Jpn: Bishamonten or Tamonten), and the various manifestations of Shiva (for example, Mahesvara). They were all grouped into the classification of celestial being (Skt: deva; Jpn: tenbu) as attendants to and protectors of the buddhas (Jpn: butsu) and bodhisattvas (Jpn: bosatsu) who dwell on the slopes and peak of Mount Sumeru (Jpn: Shumisen), the center of the Buddhist cosmos.
Shakra, abbreviated from “Shakra, king of the devas” (Skt: Sakro devanam indrah), originates from the Vedas as the king of the gods of the atmosphere. His name is an epithet of Indra, or the great Hindu god of war, storms, and rain, who was incorporated into the Buddhist pantheon as a guardian of the Law. As a powerful protector deity, Shakra dwells in the Palace of Correct Views (Skt: Vaijayanta; Jpn: Zenkenjō) at the center of his royal city Sudarsana, which lies on the slopes of Sumeru within the sensuous realm (Skt: kamadhatu; Jpn: yokukai).
According to the Flower Garland Sutra (Skt: Avatamsakasutra; Jpn: Kegonkyō), and especially in the teachings of the Chinese Huayan school, a gemmed net appears above Shakra’s palace. Called the Indrajala or Indra’s Net, this infinitely vast tool consists of an infinite number of knots, each of which contains a jewel with an infinite number of facets. Each facet reflects back the infinite other jewels and their reflecting facets. It serves as a metaphor for the interconnectedness and intercausality of the Buddhist universe.
But perhaps Indra’s most pervasive contribution to Buddhist iconography is that of his diamond mace (Skt: vajra; Jpn: kongō), an indestructible and irresistible weapon of clarity and power. Indra, as god of the storms and likely derivative of the Greco-Roman Jupiter/Zeus, wields the lightning bolt. And as the lightning bolt falls from the celestial realm, the friction reduces it to a material not unlike the diamond. This diamond was then forged into a physical implement to be held by Shakra, his emanations, including Vajrapani (Jpn: Shūkongōshin), and numerous other deities.
In Buddhist art throughout East Asia, Shakra is subservient to the historical Buddha, Shakyamuni (Jpn: Shakamuni); he, with Brahma (Jpn: Bonten), guided the practice of Shakyamuni’s earlier incarnations and ministered to him in his final life before achieving buddhahood. In fact, the pair administered his first bath when he was a child. Especially in Indian Buddhist iconography, Shakra sometimes holds an umbrella over the historical Buddha to shield him from the Sun, or may also carry his alms bowl.
But even more than an attendant, Shakra serves as a vicious and immutable protector. He is occasionally depicted at the center of the Four Guardian Kings, both as their chief (Vaisravana leads them in Shakra’s absence) and as their superior to whom they report the activities of those in the lower realms of humans, asuras, animals, hungry ghosts, and hellish beings.
Buddhist practitioners in Japan probably first acknowledged Shakra in the late seventh or early eighth century. There he was named Taishakuten and, though he was never the focus of an independent cult, he may appear with Bonten as attendants to a main icon in a triad. The most famous example of this is in the Never Empty Lasso Avalokiteshvara (Jpn: Fukūkenjaku Kannon) set in the Sangatsudō of Tōdai-ji; Taishakuten stands on Kannon’s left side. The triad dates to the Nara period (710–94). Taishakuten also appears as the principal image (Jpn: honzon) of the Shibamata Taishakuten, a temple in Katsushika, Tokyo. The temple was founded in 1629; it is likely this representation of Taishakuten was created specifically for this temple and has remained there to this day.
The sculptural depiction of Taishakuten in the Tō-ji temple is considered a Heian period (794–1185) masterpiece. The deity appears as a martial figure seated on an elephant with a single-pronged kongō in his right hand. The elephant, though more often associated in Japan with the bodhisattva Fugen (Skt: Samantabhadra), is an atavism to Erawan, the 33-headed elephant that served as Indra’s animal vehicle in earlier Indian art.
Taishakuten also appears among the jūniten, guardian deities adapted from Hinduism to protect the myriad buddhas and bodhisattvas in esoteric Buddhist practice, primarily in Japanese mandara (Skt: mandala) paintings.”
By Michael Van Hartingsveldt
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kayabuki · 5 years
Japanese old style house interior design / 和室(わしつ)の内装(ないそう) by TANAKA Juuyoh (田中十洋) Via Flickr: Yamamoto-tei, Shibamata Katsushika-ku Tokyo, Japan 葛飾・柴又 山本亭
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rtanaka1ro · 2 years
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2022.08.25 🍛チキンビリヤニセット 🅿︎マハラザビリヤニ&カレー (葛飾区柴又) 2ヶ月ほど前、柴又駅裏手にオープンしたほぼビリヤニ専門店。 注文後に一つずつ鉄釜で炊き上げる(15分ほどかかる)ビリヤニがウリ。 4種類のビリヤニ単品に加え、セットにするとカレーとライタ、薬味が付く。 チキンビリヤニセットを食べたが、鉄釜なのでお焦げが楽しめるのが面白い。 でも、バスマティライスのパラパラ感が足りず味付けも少々しょっぱいのが残念。 ネパール人オーナーなので、インド・パキスタン料理とは味付けが違うのかも。 #マハラザビリヤニ&カレー #MaharajaBiriyaniAndCurry #カレー #curry #インド料理 #ビリヤニ (Shibamata, Katsushika-ku) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chr48tQv_fY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jamfromwkym · 2 years
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“ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴛᴏᴜɢʜ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴀ ᴍᴀɴ” #otokowatsuraiyo #itstoughbeingaman #kiyoshiatsumi #atsumikiyoshi #yojiyamada #japanesemovie #moviestar #torasan #torajiro #movie #starwars #supreme #louisvuitton #virgilabloh #kaws #gucci #prada #driesvannoten #nike #moncler #trèsbien #iphonephotography #popeyemagazine #hypebeast #highsnobiety #torasanmemorialhall #katsushika #shibamata #unprecedent sidelinetokyo #jamfromwkym “ᴏᴛᴏᴋᴏ ᴡᴀ ᴛꜱᴜʀᴀɪ ʏᴏ” (寅さん記念館) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd2DnW8hQXz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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