#kawata twins headcanons
goth-ch3rri-headspace · 3 months
Random Tr headcannons
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✦ A dog barked at Mikey and Baji and they barked back 
✦ Draken will purposefully drop Mikey while carrying him if feeling annoyed
✦ Mikey stole smileys food. That day smiley showed his eyes and Mikey was found taped to the ceiling 
✦ all the TR girls have an outing once a month
✦ Hinata and Takamitchey help Emma get Draken
✦Baji punched Chifuyu for being rude to his mom once 
✦Kazutora smiley and izana are all secretly afraid of dogs
✦Darken can cook like a chef but leaves no evidence and is always quiet so u have to catch him in the act
✦Mikey and baji can surf 🏄 🤙
✦Emma sometimes doesnt feel as connected to everyone else cus she's not fully Japanese 
✦Angry was one of those paranoid kids who was worried of ppl being upset him or how he'll die
✦Baji hates ur mom jokes
✦Smiley makes ur mom jokes
✦There was a fight between baji and smiley 
✦Hakkai has severe anxiety 
✦The twins have smoked weed before 🍃(there momma beat there ass)
✦Smiley is one of those ppl who like pushes u to ur crush (he's done it to angry)
✦Takemitchy hosted a game night and now no one besides the Mizo middle is allowed at his house
✦Mikey listens to childish gambino 
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missyandthemisfits · 7 months
Souya & Nahoya Accidentally Fattening Up Their Wife (Separately Ofc)
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I can’t stop thinking about how Nahoya and Souya would both unintentionally cause their beautiful newly wed wife to gain weight because the food is just THAT good. In Nahoya’s case, he knows he’s a damn great cook and he’s showing off to get his ego stroked along with something else a little later ;) Souya genuinely just adores spoiling you but also has quite a few things he wants you to try before he even considers adding it to the restaurant menu, your opinion is EVERYTHING. Nahoya’s gonna tease you a little because you did marry a bully and at the same time he can’t keep his hands off your ass because WOW it’s lookin really nice lately. Souya notices it surely but only chuckles lovingly as you complain about your favorite dress being tight, assuring you that you’re gorgeous no matter what size you are. Honestly, neither of them realizes they’re more attracted to chubbier girls until the next time they see you naked which is, without a doubt, the single most beautiful sight either has ever seen. 
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frozenmoonshine · 4 months
TR boys' unexpected/random red flags headcanon:
Just some crack and slander for the humor purposes. As always, don't take it too seriously, and have fun with it at least half as much as I did writing it!
Since I obviously need to spell this out for some of you, even though it's literally in the title of the post - these are the red flags you wouldn't normally expect from them! That's the whole point of them being unexpected. So don't go telling me how I missed the mark with some characters, or how their red flags are something else. Yeah, we all know the obvious ones, but why would I state the obvious?!
TW: F!reader; implied mysogyny; mentions of DV, cheating, and general toxic behavior.
🚩Mikey - proposes on the second date.
🚩Draken - never talks about himself whatsoever. Even when you directly ask him to open up about what's troubling him, he's still difficult and avoids conversation.
🚩Baji - mama's boy. At first, it looks sweet, how he cares about and respects his mother, but soon you realize that he is dependant on her, and cannot make any decisions bigger than what to eat on his own, without "consulting with his mom". Silver lining is that Ryouko is an amazing, lovely woman, but you don't exactly want to date both the mother and the son at the same time, do you?
🚩Chifuyu - overromanticizes everything, then gets mad at you if things don't turn out irl the same they were in his imagination.
🚩Mitsuya - really damn cheap. Like, ok, I know you grew up poor, but going out once a month won't bankrupt you! (You're not even asking him to pay for you or anything like that, but he just refuses to step even one milimeter out of his frugal ways!)
🚩Hakkai - aside from the obvious red flag (you get a package deal of Yuzuha and Mitsuya as well, if you are dating Hakkai), he can also be incredibly self-absorbed and condescending sometimes, thinking he's so much better than you, etc.
🚩Pah-chin & 🚩Peh-yan - putting them together cause they have the same red flag - if you date one of them, the other one will third wheel all of your dates, no exeptions. Might as well just go poly and date them both at this point!
🚩Smiley - refers to women as "females".
🚩Angry - doesn't let you do anything on your own/overprotective. Look, Souya, it's nice that you're being a gentleman, but do you really think I'm incapable of getting a glass of water for myself?! His behaviour can be incredibly stifling and suffocating.
🚩Mucho - won't ever let you pick a date spot cause he's convinced he knows the best. You always end up doing what he wants for dates, or you don't go on a date at all.
🚩Haruchiyo - yeah, sure, he's got more red flags than China, but the not so expected one is that he's incredibly fussy and naggy about the smallest of things. "That's not how you put the trash bag in the can!" "You folded the laundry wrong! Look how I do it!" "Wipe the counter with this, not that!" "Don't leave your hair everywhere! I don't wanna live with a cat!" And so on and so forth, it feels like you are living with your parent(s) all over again!
🚩Hanma - another one with enough red flags to call it a carnival, sure, but the one that catches you off guard is just how jealous and possessive he is. "Where are you going?" "Why is your dress so short?" "You can't go out with male company wearing your tits out!" "Why are you hiding your phone?" "Who's that?" and so on and so forth, you get the idea.
🚩Kazutora - yet another walking red flag in a row (at least his unhealed self), but even as an adult (healed) he still retains that aggression from his teens and gets into random street/bar fights semi-regularly. Him coming back home bloody and bruised is not a rare occurrence at all.
🚩Kisaki - cheats. No idea how he manages to, provided that he looks like... well, that, but he still does.
🚩Taiju - a religious freak prone to domestic violence... what more red flags can you even ask for? None, indeed. But what you don't expect on top of all that is his complete lack of manners and just how loud and embarrassing he can be in public.
🚩Inupi - rude to the waitstaff.
🚩Koko - never got over his ex, stuck on her forever, and cannot ever be fully present in his current relationship. Compares you to his ex all the time, every other person he dated after her was just an unsuccessful rebound.
🚩Izana - does he even have any green ones? Likely not. But what you wouldn't exactly expect from him right away, given all the other red flags that come into front upon the first contact - is that he's a bad mansplainer. "You probably don't know how the betta fish do this thing where..." - Izana, I'm literally a marine biologist.
🚩Kakuchou - breaks up with you over the smallest things. He missed your call cause he didn't hear his phone ring while in the traffic? - He's not good enough for you and you two should break up. He was late 5 minutes to your date because Izana needed his help with something? - He's lowkey ready to commit seppuku, and of course, dramatically breaks up with you. It's tiring, honestly.
🚩Ran - gaslighter and manipulator par exellence! Undiagnozed NPD, but the symptoms are everywhere.
🚩Rindou - loves the gym more than you. Obsessed with working out and body building, won't eat normal food, spends all time in front of the mirror flexing and "checking his gains". Will either try to "get you into fitness" (force you to act the same way he does) or constantly tell you that you "don't understand" just how important it is to him. Is your 10th workout this week really more important than our anniversary, tho, Rindou?
🚩Mocchi - manspreads all the time, and manspreads badly. He's also that type that won't move away from the sidewalk if a woman is coming the opposite way.
🚩Madarame - probably not unexpected, but he's the biggest, worst incel of all. Lives in the manosphere and inhales the alpha bro bullshit podcasts.
🚩South - judges and publicly makes fun of your music taste. It doesn't matter what you listen to, unless it's 101% exactly the same as his taste, he'll be a real bitch about it. Of course, don't even dream about getting a hold of the aux cord!
🚩Shinichiro - doesn't shower regularly. Idk Shin, maybe your lack of personal hygiene was the reason for all those rejections so far? Just some food for thought...
🚩Takeomi - yet another one that's redder than the red army, but what you don't expect is how much he infantilizes you, especially if you are younger than him! Even if it's just one year age difference between you, he'll act all patronizing and constantly emphasise his "rich life experience" and tell you how "you don't understand some things because you are (too) young".
🚩Wakasa - secretly insecure about his height and gets super jealous if he sees you talking to a tall guy. Doesn't even matter if it's your blood relative or a random stranger asking directions in the street - Waka isn't having any of that. He'll sulk and jab at you for the whole day, never saying what the actual problem is.
🚩Benkei - Cannot find/keep a proper job to save his life! Got into some kind of beef with every single potential employer, so he's doomed to working at the gym for the rest of his days.
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buccini555 · 1 year
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𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬 - 𝐊𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐚 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬
𖧷 Headcanons of what it would be like to kiss them for the first time
𖧷 H e a d c a n o n s!
𖧷 𝐹𝑡. Nahoya Kawata and Souya Kawata
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𝐍𝐚𝐡𝐨𝐲𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐚
Smiley would gently hold your face, making all your attention focused on him, looking you straight in the eyes and appreciating his face.
He would definitely be eager to kiss you, but he would respect your time, if you really wanted to, Smiley would definitely not waste time.
"Come here, come baby?" He would approach you, giving you a patient and desire-filled kiss, holding your waist with one hand and lightly pulling your hair with the other.
After the kiss, he would give you a few insistent kisses and hug you right after.
He would be gentle and calm during the kiss, but if you allowed him, he would certainly not fail to hold you with more strength and desire and kiss you intensely.
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𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐲𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐚
Souya would be shy and a little apprehensive, insecure in believing that you wouldn't like the kiss, but he certainly wouldn't stop kissing you.
"Your mouth is so beautiful." He would say, approaching you and putting you against the wall, being as affectionate and gentle as possible.
"C-can I?" Angry would ask permission to touch your lips with his and as soon as you allowed it, he would kiss you immediately and at a somewhat fast pace, at first he wouldn't touch your hands, but as the kiss intensified, he would grabbing your waist vigorously, intensifying the speed of the kiss even more.
After the kiss he would still be a little shy, so his cheeks would be red.
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alfredo0724 · 3 months
Final Timeline Headcanons pt 3
Another continuation for my headcanons for the final timeline
Manga spoilers below -
Part one Part two
Mikey is NOT allowed to babysit anyone's kids. The last time he did, nap time was longer than it should have been, all the snacks were gone and the place was a mess. Besides Shinichiro, the best babysitters are Kakucho, Yuzuha and Mitsuya.
Whenever there is a celebration (like a birthday), everyone gather's at the Kawata twin's ramen shop or Taiju's restaurant. The afterparty is at the Haitani's club for anyone that's interested in going.
There have been a few times where Ran has fallen asleep at Mitsuya's house. Luna and Mana take advantage of the situation and put makeup on his face. However when he wakes up, he's going about and flaunting how good he looks.
Taiju has also gotten makeup done by Luna and Mana. He tries to keep it from everyone, but he was too late because Yuzuha, Hakkai and Mitsuya have plenty of pictures on their phone.
Takemichi always stayed close with Mizo Mid. He always encouraged them to follow their dreams and find happiness in their own lives
Akkun has styled everyone's hair a few times before. He did Hina and Emma's hair during their weddings. Sometimes Senju gets her hair done at his salon and promotes it on her social media.
Mizo mid love's taking care of Takemichis kids if he were to have any. Yamagishi and Makoto love to entertain them, like reading books or playing video games. Akkun takes them out places like amusement parks or to the movies. Takuya likes to make them food and did things like nap time when his kids were infants.
Chifuyu and Senju become good friends. They bond over reading manga, despite them liking different genres. She takes Chifuyu to amusement parks instead because Takemichi was too scared the first time.
Izana doesn't always finish his food because he has a small appetite. If he doesn't finish his food, he gives the rest to Mikey because he knows he's always hungry.
Izana carries some flags around too because he knows his little brother likes it. But he will complain every time.
Hakkai walks away from fights unscathed because of Taiju. Word gets around how Taiju is protective of Hakkai. He got hurt one time in a battle and Taiju went ballistic. Enemies always make sure to avoid encountering Hakkai, unless they want their ass kicked.
Hanma ran into Draken at the bathhouse one time and saw him with the shower cap. Draken had to bribe Hanma with money to keep his mouth shut, but he told everyone anyways.
Wakasa likes spending time with Mikey and Emma when they were much younger. However he always said "hell no" when Shin asked him to babysit
Benkei actually likes babysitting and always said yes when Shinichiro asked him to. He's good and bonding and taking care of children too. He gave them piggyback rides, took them to get sweets and played games with them. However, he had trouble getting their shoes on when they were little, so there were times Shinichiro had to show him how to do it. ben
Sanzu and Senju talked about getting matching tattoos but neither of them could decide what.
When Sanzu came home after getting his ear piercings, Senju wanted to match him. He had to stop Senju from getting a needle when she tried to do it herself and told her he'd take her to get matching ear piercings with him.
Emma makes Draken do couples tiktok trends with her. He didn't want to at first, but he had a hard time telling her no and gave in. All his friends teased him about it but he was willing to put up with it for Emma.
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cannellee · 7 months
I'm always giggling and kicking my feet when you post....
How would souya and nahoya[and any other character you want!] Would react to their omega, who always has a RBF[resting bitch face]? But only smiles at them but quickly changes back to their rbf when someone else comes around?
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alpha! tokyo revengers x omega! reader (pairing: kazutora, smiley, angry, shinichiro)
— their reactions to an omega with a resting bitch face
my masterlist: ☆
(hope you'll like it!!)
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he feels immensely privileged. yes, please keep smiling at him only, make that adorable expression of yours only when he's here.
it feels surreal, you might not even realise it, but knowing you only greet him warmly gives him a surge of confidence and pride.
he's the one who can make you smile, he's the one you shamelessly smile at when all the others are met with a frown.
he loves to play with it, teasing you for it. he'll call you, watching you whip your head into his direction, and suddenly your eyes are big and bright, a shy blush across your cheeks and a merry scent enveloping you.
he's desperate for that sort of special affection. he's particularly content that he's sure your usual scowl will drive other alphas away, usually preferring to turn to more accessible looking omegas. little do they know you're the sweetest, but lucky for him, kazutora is the only one who is able to see past your shut face.
                                     · · ୨୧ · ·
he has a hard time getting accustomed to that expression of yours. always worrying if you're feeling alright, if someone did something wrong which would've caused that death stare you always seem to have.
he'll cautiously ask you if everything is alright, his eyes widening at how fast your face changed.
you didn't do it on purpose, you knew people's first impression of you was bad. they thought you were mean, unapproachable. but really, none of that was true. and angry, as kind as he is, was one of the few who dared befriend you.
he was always so soft and gentle, you soon found yourself chasing his warmth more than you can think.
discovering you was amusing. seeing how he was the one to who could elicit such rare and genuine expressions from you felt great, he felt proud, a sense of exclusivity growing on him.
he would try then to bring them up as much as possible, wishing for him to always be the one to spark such positive reactions from you.
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when smiley first met you, he was intrigued as to why you hide behind such an indifferent facade. he might even have seen it as a challenge, to carefully peel the layers of your personality.
omegas were usually so friendly, welcoming and cheerful. you were a curious one, he couldn't help but want to know more about you.
after spending more time together, per smileys insistence, he noticed you felt more comfortable with him, and that he was the one who knew better what could bring you joy.
the first time it happened was after school. you were waiting for him, as usual, when a group of people started talking to you, seemingly trying to appease their curiosity about your proximity with smiley.
you however, stayed neutral, people misinterpreting your lack of expression as disinterest.
smiley joined you, and soon after, you flashed him a huge smile, big doe eyes looking up at him from where you were sitting. he loved it. he didn't think a smile could make him swoon the way yours did, especially after seeing it so much. but the exclusivity you granted him felt too great for him not to feel anything.
he'll tease you about it obviously, but he'll always remind you how much he likes that sense of connection with you, cherishing every moment with you.
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stop or you'll make this man cry.
you never talked about it out loud, but your smiles are clearly reserved for you alpha, and he couldn't feel more blessed.
this fact alone would pressure him even more into being a good alpha for you. you rely on him so much, and seeing that you trust him enough that you're willing to break your facade is a huge thing in shinichiro's mind.
he finds it amusing how quick you are to change your face whenever someone comes in. shinichiro feels like it's a gift you're only sharing with him.
your smiles are precious and he feels a rush of affection whenever you offer him his favourite happy face. he values those moments together and cherishes the opportunity he has to see you with your guard down.
he doesn't see your behaviour as a barrier, but others do. that's why you reciprocally feel so thankful for the attention and love he gives you.
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Autistic (at least ND) Kawata twins:
Smiley can't make eye contact while Angry stares into your soul
smile to mask - resting bitch face (not on purpose)
same thing with their voice (don't control intonation+volume very well)
^ lead to struggle with socialization
low to no empathy - hypersensitive
(drawn by violence, no sense of danger? - dislikes violence; only here to make sure his brother's safe and keeping him in check)
canonically likes plastic models and mangas but hides it to be popular (*cough* hiding your SpIns from others? *cough* being ashamed of them ? *cough* relatable *cough*) (also adds to struggle with socialization)
naturally knows how to make perfect ramen
both have a hyposensitivity to pain (OR - they don't know how to properly express it)
the several moments Smiley sit 'oddly'
cries when overwhelmed and lashes out (in their flashback/when they were young at least), perhaps meltdown
ramen is their comfort food btw. Wakui told me
(not but seriously, they swap expression when they eat ramen, that's so precious)
blunt, very straightforward
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vixensbrainrotts · 9 months
Hi anonymous here! Can congrats on your milestone🍾🎊🎉 i was wondering if you could do a smiley or if you don’t do smiley baji with a sukeban (female delinquent) reader with the her beating them in a fight
Rock your world - Nahoya Katawa
Content: ask- based
Warnings: a fight scene (obviously)
Summary: Oh how wrong Nahoya was when he thought that you were a weak opponent...
Vixen's two cents: Omg yes theres way too little Katawa content out there it pains me! Also sorry for responding to this so late I just really couldn't decide on how to frame this one ughhh. fight scenes are hard to write comprehensively... Anyway thank you so much for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
Smiley thought that this would have been a quick little situation.
He'd thought that he could play and tease you a little too much and then get away with it: as he always does. Why wouldn't he? You caught his eye and he was in a good mood. What would stop him? But when you challenged him to a fight, his smile faltered a little. You kept up with him and his sarcastic jabs, even dishing out your own without batting an eyelash.
He denied the fight at first, thinking of the moral that Mikey had set up and was fiercely loyal to. If he were to go against his leader's words, it was sure to warrant repercussions. You noticed his reluctance and pointed it out, calling out to both his division and your friends who were standing beside, watching.
Elicited by your silver-tongued taunts and encouraging hollers from the by-standing audience, he rid himself of his jacket and took off his rings. Then it began. He wasn't all too serious at first, giving you some leeway as he weaved your advances, staying defensive. He had to hand it to you: despite being a girl, you were among the best opponents he's had so far, judging by your sharp, controlled movements, and your almost perfect form.
"Come on, you're not scared of me, are ya?" You started teasing him when you noticed how passive he had been throughout the fight. Bouncing on your heels a little you spurred him on, taking an upper had in the dynamic present.
"Listen, I don't hit girls." Smiley's voice was, whilst still teasing, a bit sharper, a bit deeper, loyal to the codex that Mikey had set up which he had devoted himself to (for the most part).
"Neither do I." you answered, without missing a beat.
That's when the codex flew out the window and Smiley decided he had to lock in. The signature smile widened and he rolled his shoulders back and stretched his fingers out before clutching them into tight fists again.
"Alright. Your choice." he said under his breath, just about loud enough for you to hear.
He moved towards you quick, fists aiming straight for your head, forcing you to take a more defensive stance. Miraculously you dodged and weaved all of his punches, and the only time he managed to snag you was a weak roundhouse punch that you blocked with your forearm.
Smiley was growing frustrated with you and your snake-like agility, the way you seemed to be falling into his patterns all too easily. He had to break out of his usual style to throw you off, somehow. He feinted a left jab and pulled through with the right fist, shifting his body to throw his weight into the punch, a sure strike, but nothing hit.
In a split second, you stood next to him on his open side, having dodged his hit. Nahoya's smile dropped as there was a brief moment of eye contact between you two, his hair being tousled by all the action, no longer shrouding his sight.
For the first time, he got a proper look at you up close and realized that next to being one of the strongest opponents he's ever had, you've got to be the prettiest of them all. The way your eyelashes curled, the small specks of color in your iris, the blush that spears across your cheeks from the activity... Nahoya felt his head spin just a little, and he lost focus.
You saw the opportunity and took it. The proximity and the height difference between you two allowed you to reel up for an uppercut, fist coming flying up towards his chin, aiming to deck him upside the jaw for a potential knockout, but Smiley snapped out of his daze faster than you anticipated, flipping his guarding arm down to block your punch.
You falter for a moment, stunned at his reaction time, but manage to regain your fever as you grab his blocking arm and hook your other hand underneath his armpit. Your hand comes to circle his back, digging into his shoulder blade as you step forth, pushing your body to his and shifting your feet to face parallel to your shoulders.
You exhale hard and yank his hand you're holding down, pushing his back, bending him over almost entirely, and with a quick hoist upwards, and support through your legs, you spun him inside down mid-air, pushing onto his chest and smashing him into the floor.
Nahoya can't move, or breathe, or do much of anything right now. He's splayed across the floor like a limp doll, eyes squeezed shut in pain, heaving gasps trying to regain the oxygen he was robbed.
what the fuck was that
He remembers looking at you, and then the next moment the world spinning, which was followed by pain. Never, ever had he engaged in a dual this short, and never, ever had he lost. Nahoya tries hard to move any muscle, but he lies there as if his body isn't his his own.
The small crowd around you two erupts into precarious cheers and whoops, and you indulge the attention. Victoriously, almost provocatively you swing one leg over his body and look down at him, your teeth glinting pretty as you speak. "What happened Devil-boy? I thought you were one of the best? Guess Toman ain't all that, huh?" There was a playful lilt in your voice that made his head spin even harder than it already was.
Nahoya cracks an eye open to look up at you and feels his breath get stuck in his throat again. His friends wolf-whistle as you begin to lower yourself, bending forward to come closer to his face.
"And here I thought we were gonna have some real fun... what a shame..." you sounded almost disappointed as you straightened up and stepped away from him, turning to face your friends again and walking in their direction as they cheered for your victory.
Nahoya's eyes fall shut again and he curses himself for not being able to do anything as he hears one of his squad-members rush next to him.
You spare a last glance over your shoulder, looking at his form once more before turning to leave again. "Come fight me again when you think you can take me properly... I think you were a little out of it today, no?"
Your words echoed in his head, as you left him defeated, pissed, and determined to take you on again. You might have K.O.'ed him today with that batshit move he's never seen before, but he'll get you back. Right then and there he decided that next time, he'll give you his all and fight, and then maybe take you out on a date afterward too?
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whoskvothe · 3 months
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they’re so silly
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missyandthemisfits · 6 months
Tokyo Rev X Apathetic!GNReader
Part II And I Already Know What To DOOO-
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Souya Kawata
He more than anyone understands that looks can be very much be deceiving, but he absolutely doesn’t judge a book by its cover, he’s not that type of guy. You guys are desk mates and greet each other everyday - or everyday he can get away from his brother long enough to attend class. You don’t speak to one another much but you guys enjoy the quiet company the other provides. No one at school dares bother either of you honestly, one of the perks of having a near constant unapproachable look. Takes a few weeks after the semester starts for you guys to have an actual conversation, though it did come about only after you managed to trip and fall face first in gym class.
“Are you okay?!” He looks to be scowling but you know better. Unsurprisingly, most of the other students keep their distance, some snickering. But surprisingly, Souya is at your side in a matter of seconds. Sitting up slowly, you blink.
“I think so.” By the time you respond he’s already pulled out band aids, cute ones no less, placing them tentatively over your scrapped knees. It’s hard not to blush at the thoughtfulness. Suddenly, you feel a warm liquid dripping from your nose. He looks up and immediately starts freaking out.
“Your nose!” 
Apparently there was quite a bit of blood, so much so that the next thing you knew, you’re waking up in the nurse’s office, dazed and pretty confused. You blink twice, peering over to see Souya twiddling with his fingers anxiously. He looks over, relieved to see you awake. You try to sit up and he motions for you to take it easy.
“How long was I out?” You finally ask after a few moments of silence.
“About 30 minutes..,” he verifies with a glance at his watch, brows knitting together, “How are you feeling?”
“Well that depends; did we miss gym?” He raises a brow.
“Um… yes?”
“Then I feel fantastic.” He snorts and shakes his head. There’s another few moments of silence before he speaks again, nervous somehow.
“I um…I could take you home on my bike, if you’d like. O-or actually it might be better to take the train in your condition-“ You shoot up so fast you make yourself dizzy again, startling him.
“Your bike? As in…your motorcycle?” You’ve got stars in your eyes at the thought, leaning in close and warranting a blush. 
“Yea. Is that okay?” It’s your turn to snort.
“Okay? It’s more than okay - clearly I need to break my nose more often-,”
You guys are very fast friends after that day, though it doesn’t take long for certain other feelings to start developing. It was awkward, it was sweet, it was first love hidden under the familiar guise of friendship. But, it would be a while longer before either of you would confess.
Nahoya Kawata
It was strange how well you meshed together. 
You with your deadpan expression and monotone voice, him with his wicked and untamed grin, neither of you ever as serious as you needed to be, with anything. It’s was like life was a game to you guys, all of it meant as entertainment at best. 
“Hey (Name), look it! Doesn’t this dude’s face look fuckin’ hilarious?” He gestured to 1 of 3 plebs who attempted to jump him not 5 minutes ago, said perpetrator’s face bruised and bloodied mercilessly. He might’ve gone just slightly more easy on these losers had one of them not grabbed your arm roughly with a disgusting smirk. That really set him off, big time. You crouched next to him, blinking briefly before nodding.
“Yea, you really beat the breaks off him. You angry about something?” His smile wavered slightly, though seemingly unnoticed. Your face would never tell, nonchalant as ever, but it was like but you were an expert at reading people - even more so once you were close to them. He smiled 90% of the time but after being acquainted for a few weeks, you knew exactly what he was feeling - the straining of his smile translating anywhere from awkwardness to anger, the smaller grins anywhere inbetween. It was pure insanity, he thought. It ticked him off too, at first. Still it was nice to have someone, besides his brother of course,  just… understand him without having to spell it out. He wasn’t one for words. Fists were another story. 
“Eh, m’alright.” He moved to stand upright, subtly glancing down at your wrist to make sure it hadn’t bruised before placing his hands in his pockets. “Hey, you wanna hit the arcade before we head to your place?”
You were relieved to see his true smile back in its place, granting him a small one of your own with a light shrug.
“Fine with me, but don’t you have homework?” It was his turn to shrug.
“No clue what you’re talkin’ about, (Name)!”
He totally did. 
What we’re you gonna do with him?
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frozenmoonshine · 4 months
Hands Headcanon 👐
Just thinking about TR boys' hands (because I am unwell and terminally touch starved 😭). Anyway, in no particular order, here:
Disclaimer and TW: as always, this is written for humor alone. I don't think there's anything particularly triggering in there, but who am I to judge? So if anything in it offends you or triggers you for any reason, just skip, DNI, block, or whatever.
MIKEY - squishy, small, plump, childlike. Coarse skin. Usually greasy from some snack he was munching on until just a moment ago. Just looking at his hands you'd never, ever, guess what kind of violence he's capable of committing with those cute little fists!
CHIFUYU - average looking male hands, nothing that stands out too much, aside from the numerous cat scratches and bites. But then again, that's perfectly normal for an average cat owner, so yeah...
TAKEOMI - ohh, unfortunately, this bitch has sexy hands! Veiny, long and bony fingers, pronounced knuckles, and (somehow) a strong grip. However, the skin on his fingers is yellowed from excessive smoking, so they're not that perfect.
DRAKEN - big guy - big hands. Callused palms from working out and some scars here and there from fights and stuff. As an adult/in good timeline, there's sometimes some oil stains that can't be washed off easily. After all, he is a mechanic, and if you've ever seen their hands, you know what I mean. Also, he's one of those people whose hands are always warm.
KISAKI - sweaty palms; dead fish grip when shaking hands with someone.
KAZUTORA - dainty and thin, with long fingers. Judging from his hands alone, you'd almost think he's an upper class lady and/or a piano player. In final timeline, he's got callused fingertips on his left hand (because, well, playing guitar will that do that to you).
BAJI - rough and literally covered in small injuries! Scratches from feral cats and wild animals he tried to pet, cuts from god knows where, bruises from fights, mostly, burns (obvious reasons), calluses from bike riding and working out, broken cuticles, scarred knuckles... his hands basically look like a war zone! As an adult/in the final timeline, he's not quite that bad but still full of scars from his wild youth, and of couse, always scratched up by cats.
SMILEY & ANGRY - they're twins, so obviously their hands are almost identical in shape and size. They are that type that has the ring finger visibly longer than the index finger. But what didn't need to be identical, yet they both picked up the bad habit from each other - is bitten nails. As adults/restaurant owners, they are aware of the fact that they need to look presentable and clean when working with food and people, so they fix that.
SANZU - well, sexy hands run in the Akashi family. Wide bone structure, super pronounced joints and knuckles ('cause he's borderline anorexic), popping veins, even the smallest ones, and long fingers. However, his hands are always cold.
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buccini555 · 1 year
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𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬: 𝐑𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝐆𝐚𝐧𝐠
≡ They eventually found out that you were having a secret relationship with a rival gang member
⌕ H e a d c a n o n s!
↻ 𝑭𝒕. Draken, Smiley, Angry, Takemichi and Mitsuya
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Draken would be extremely disappointed, but not that you've been dating someone from a rival gang for some time, but that you've kept something important from him, as your friend, he believed you could talk about anything between you and you had trust in each other, so Draken felt cheated and completely lost trust in you.
He would also be worried, because the person you are dating belongs to a rival gang, he would fear that the person was just "using" you, Draken didn't care if the gang was at risk for that fact, he was just distressed to think that you could be in danger.
After he found out, it would take a while for him to accept such a thing from you, he considered it a betrayal and didn't have the ability to even look at you for a while, however, he definitely didn't want to keep a bad mood between you, since despite everything, Draken still regarded you in the same way as before, even though he was hurt.
"I found out that you are dating someone from the rival gang, I hoped even if it wasn't true, since you hid it from me, I'm sorry but, I can't trust you anymore." He would tell you, before, he would go talk to the person you are in a relationship with and let the person know that despite everything, he would continue to take care of you.
Even if he still cared for you, he preferred to do it from afar, Draken preferred to move away and break your friendship, the trust he placed in you was really very important to him, but he would continue to like you and consider you , although he would remove it for the good of both parties.
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Surely discovering that you were dating someone from a rival gang for some time would cause a great revolt in Smiley's head, he would not accept that fair behavior from you, which he considered as a friendship based on trust.
He wouldn't forgive you, even if you wanted to, precisely for taking the life of a delinquent very seriously despite seeming like a person who has no commitment to anything, Smiley considered that act as a great betrayal and lack of consideration, both for him, which was your best friend and the gang.
"I thought I could trust you, but I see it's the other way around." As soon as he found out, he would tell you, you would see his smile disappear from his face, he would really be disappointed and hurt in a way, even if it seemed like an exaggeration, it was hard to accept that someone he trusted so much hid this secret for so long.
When he calmed down, he wanted to apologize to you, but he ended up not being able to put his pride aside, despite that, for fear that something bad might happen, he went to threaten the person you date so that that same person would never hurt you.
He returned to talk to you after a while, despite that, a bond of trust had been abruptly severed, for that reason, he could no longer trust you the same way he used to.
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The moment he found out about your secret relationship, Angry first feared that the person you were related to would do you harm for being from a rival gang, then he felt hurt that you kept that important fact from him.
"Not having the reason you didn't tell me, we're friends!" He would tell you, disappointed with your attitude, even so, Angry would at least try to understand the motivation of such secrecy.
After you explained yourself, he would want to talk to the person you are in a relationship with to say that this person better take good care of you and not get you into trouble.
He wouldn't walk away from you or anything like that, even though he was disappointed and had lost some confidence in you, he still thought of you a lot.
From that moment on, nothing would change between you, Angry would not accept that situation so easily, despite that, he did not want to break the bonds of your friendship.
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Takemichi wouldn't be able to understand why you would hide something so important from him, if you told him you were having a relationship with someone from a rival gang, he would trust you enough to know that you would take care of yourself.
As soon as he found out, he didn't want to believe it, Takemichi felt betrayed in a way, since he thought there were no secrets between you and him.
He was apprehensive, afraid that you would hide other things from him, despite that, he chose to talk to you and try to resolve all that confusion.
"I'm disappointed in you, I can't hide it, despite that, we're still friends!" He would talk, even if hurt, he wouldn't want to cut ties.
Takemichi would advise you to be careful, he would definitely not trust the person you are in a relationship with because they are from another rival gang, despite this, Takemichi would continue to be friends with you.
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Mitsuya believed that trust was the basis of every relationship, be it love or a simple friendship, he trusted you completely and faithfully believed that you would have no reason to hide any situation from before his eyes.
When he realized the discovery, Mitsuya felt an extreme feeling of disappointment, at the same time, an enormous concern took over him.
Despite the disappointment caused, Mitsuya was still worried about the fact that he didn't know exactly who you were messing with, the fact that he knew that this person was from a rival gang made him anxious, Mitsuya just wanted to advise you to be careful with the guy of the person you were relating to.
Mitsuya would treat you with silence until he accepted the truth he had discovered, once he was calmer, he would talk to you.
"Trust is something very important to me, and you simply ignored it..." He preferred to walk away, for the good of both of you, Mitsuya would still consider you for the years you were friends, but he would no longer be able to see you with the same eyes.
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alfredo0724 · 3 months
Final Timeline Headcanons pt 2
Here's a continuation of my headcanons for the final timeline 💕
Manga spoilers below -
Part one Part three
The Haitani brothers and the Kawata twins have a love-hate friendship. Nahoya bickers with them while Souya is more relaxed. They spend time with each other outside of Toman meetings at restaurants. The Haitanis invite them to parties sometimes.
Yumi and Pah have a very wholesome and soft relationship. They didn't put a label on their relationship in the beginning, people already assumed they were a couple. It was like that until Pah was asked about it by his close friends. He formally asked Yumi to be his girlfriend after that.
Yasuda is the one that asks out Peh-Yan. Mitsuya knew they liked each other all along and both of them confided in him before they started a relationship. Yasuda becomes protective of Peh in a 'tsudnere' way. Peh-yan doesn't admit it all the time, but he likes doing cliche relationship things with her.
If Takemichi and Hina were to ever have kids, they would all look exactly like Takemichi. Hina often teases him that he cries more than their kids when they were babies, which is true.
The Sano house became a popular spot for sleepovers when everyone was really young. Shinichiro made sure to have enough sleeping bags for Mikey, Takemichi, Sanzu, Baji, Izana and Kakucho. Senju and Emma would have their own sleepover and often had to kick Mikey out when he came to steal their snacks.
Since Ryusei is canon to the story, I think he would come by Peke J land a lot in the future. Mostly to annoy Chifuyu on purpose.
When Draken and Emma have their kid, all the ex-toman members become very protective of them. Mitsuya personally makes clothes for their child that aren't in his brand. The baby refers to Mitsuya as an uncle sometimes. Hina also becomes very close with their baby too. She volunteers to take care of them when Draken and Emma go on dates. Their baby refers to her as an aunt sometimes too.
I think Emma may have confessed to Draken first. She was getting anxious about how he felt about her, so Takemichi and Hina convinced her it would all work out just fine.
When Draken and Emma started dating, her brothers all reacted differently. Mikey was finally relieved the secret was out, Shinichiro was very happy Emma was with someone he knew would be good for her, and Izana became a bit protective of her and kind of threatened Draken if he were to hurt her, which he obviously never would.
Thousand Winters still forms after Toman disbands. Their reactions are all pretty much the same. They've got a photo album with pictures they all took in the t-shirts. However, it took a lot of convincing for Inui to be in the pictures.
Sanzu and Senju often wear clothing that closely matches with one another. They have their own sense of style, but sometimes it blends together and they wear similar things.
Luna and Mana are still very close with Taiju. He picks them up from school a lot and takes them to amusement parks and stuff. However, he doesn't like to admit he enjoys it even though everyone else knows he does. Yuzuha and Hakkai have dozens of photos where he's dressed in costumes or wearing cosmetics when Luna and Mana ask him too. When they're older, they sometimes still call him 'Tai' (the nickname they used in the birthday illustration).
Taiju is good at cooking, but he sucks at baking like the epilogue mentioned. He does thinks like burn chocolate, doesn't use enough flower or even squeezes piping bags too hard, causing them to explode.
Yuzuha is an older sister figure to Luna and Mana. She takes them shopping for clothes, teaches them how to put on makeup when they're older and watches over them while they grow up.
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cannellee · 8 months
HI-HI! I've been really enjoying your alpha! tokyo revengers fics and I was wondering if you were taking requests?
If so, could you do yandere! alpha! Kawata twins fighting over omega! reader before deciding to just share the reader? Like, the reader now has to deal with two yandere alphas who are working together.
You don't have to do it if you're too busy!! I just thought it would be a fun idea to explore and read.
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yandere! alpha! kawata twins x omega! reader
tw : assault, rape attempt, curse words, possessive behaviour, isolation, sequestration, soft yanderes (sorry I made it extremely angsty for some reasons??)
my masterlist : ☆
(I feel like I didn't exactly answered your request, I still hope you'll enjoy reading it!
btw I'm trying a new format, different from my usual headcanons, I tried to make it as less boring as possible and not write anything unnecessary but I'm not sure... I would love to hear your thoughts !)
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as far as you remember, it's always been the three of you. since you were little, your joyous friend group did everything together.
school hours were spent with you trying to appease their arguments, playing with them and going back home hands in hands.
as a kid, you were less aware of your surroundings and what was happening around you. you had a dynamic you were very much pleased with, smiley taking the role of your alpha, angry following meekly his brother, and you, you were their omega. they looked after you, with clumsy attempts at impressing you, growling to other kids when they were being mean.
to them it was clear since age 5, you are their omega. you never gave it too much though, at the time you simply went along with it, you growing instincts beckoning you to follow what your two alpha friends told you.
you noticed growing up that they became very dependent on you. the both of them seem to always know where you were, trying to be the first to help you carry your bags after you went grocery shopping, helping you with homework and asking questions about who hung out with today.
you liked this routine, and accepted gladly their presence. you were so close, it was only natural for them to stay close to you.
however, the older you became, the more they acted out of line. you could forgive them once or twice, but it soon became too much to bare.
their once innocent bickering, turned into a full war to see who was better suited for you. you surely hadn't expected this turn of event, angry having always went along with his brother's every words, seeing his in such a confrontation surprised you.
high school was tough. being in separated classes gave you a few hours break, but considered the interrogation which followed right after, you didn't know which was worse.
lunch period was spent in a secluded area where you gave to each their lunchbox. this was something they requested and eagerly waited every day. being able to taste their omega's cooking was a privilege they didn't take lightly!
careful though to prepare them identical, otherwise, - if one was to notice how you accidentally gave the other a bigger portion, or how you placed the sauce in a heart shape while the other couldn't witness that same attention in his- you would be met with a fight.
at first, they would verbally fight each other, cursing the other. however they recently started throwing hands, probably coming to the conclusion that it was the most effective method to assert dominance over the other.
sadly, none of these ever came to a decent end. they either would both tire the other out without any real "winner", or you would successfully stop them.
the situations really stressed you out, you didn't like them baring their teeth at each other. they're your precious friends and it makes you feel so sad to see them so hostile. whenever they went too far, unable to talk them out of their nonsense, your sent turned sour, incredibly painful to the nose, their behaviour even forcing a few whines out of you.
this would pull them of any trans they found themselves in seconds ago, stopping in their tracks to cradle you in their arms. your teary eyes and trembling lips did their job right, they hated that sight of you. how could they be the ones provoking such awful reactions out of you ? them who swore to protect and care for you.
"it's okay omega, we're so sorry"
"we didn't mean to scare you, it's over now please don't cry"
it seemed to be the only moment when they stopped to argue and instead focused on your wellbeing, their scent mixing with the other and completely showering you with their comforting pheromones.
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to assume their aggressiveness doesn't go beyond their fraternal relationship would be wrong. you can't even count the number of time they teamed up to get rid of one of your poor classmates. they got too close to you, they said. you didn't like that one bit, nonetheless, you had little to no control over your entourage.
if angry or smiley considered someone to be too shady, threatening or unworthy of your time, they were quick to scare them off, no matter the irony behind their actions.
the same goes to anybody, really. they don't have to be associated with weird business to not being allowed to approach you. a male ? a friend with too much influence? someone who dares speak up about the twins' strange possessive behaviour with you ? or worst, an alpha ? all of them are nowhere near you the moment they surprise you talking to them.
a few broken ribs, a beaten up face and threats will keep them at bay from their precious omega.
by the end of the first month, everyone's heard of the rumour concerning you. and even though it's hard to confirm them, nobody's crazy enough to attempt finding out. and with the way you always smell of the two alphas' pheromones, it seems plausible.
you don't miss the worried glance thrown your way, or the hurried and panicked apologies whenever someone accidentally bumps into you.
having no one else to turn to, you spend all of your days either alone or with angry and smiley. they love it, love how you now rely on them. of course they'll give you all of their time !
they coax you into coming at their place more often, not caring if you miss a few classes. their bickering lessened, you note. but you can feel the tension in the air, whenever smiley's hand caresses you too close to your breast, angry is quick to yank it away. but they say nothing, your cries from last time being a lesson they'll never forget.
you spend a few nights there, watching movies while cuddling. you're able to find comfort in their arms, surrounded by their familiar scents.
despite how they tend to go overboard when it comes to you, you've never once felt threatened or in danger by their side.
actually, that's when you feel the safest. late night walks are no longer a foolish desire, they'll walk with you, each one on one side of you, watchful and alert. whether it's their reputation or the strong aura they emit, you've never been bothered when you're with them. you can't say the same when you go out alone, even during daytime. that's why you like the protection they provide.
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they take you wherever you want. they always try to loose the other, angry making you walk faster when smiley has his back turned.
it never seems to work though, and at the end it's always the three of you.
they're always observant, especially in crowded areas. you really wanted to go to an amusement park, and upon seeing your hopeful eyes, they reluctantly agreed, already dreading how you'll be exposed to the eyes of countless of strangers.
"don't wander away y/n, we don't want to loose you, okay?"
you happily nod, too focused on what you could do next.
angry is tightly holding your hand while his brother is buying you a treat. the queue is long and you suggest that you go and try your luck at another stall.
you watch angry doing his best to earn that big plushy you had your eyes on earlier. you stay on the sidelines, softly cheering on him. while letting him focus on shooting the balloons, your eyes wander over the next stall. the prizes are even better and you tell him you're going to check the prices. you don't wait to check if he heard you and get going immediately, eyes glued to the huge teddy bear.
you slalom between the people, until you're able to see more clearly. this one is the same price, might as well try it too you thought.
you went to join back angry when a strong smell prevented you from doing so. a massive hand grips your arm before you can even do anything and you're dragged in the forest near the stalls.
the music is slowly fading away as you trash around. you're scared, unable to free yourself from this man.
he pins you against a tree, the darkness around you making it harder for you to make out his face. all you know is that his voice is low and frightening.
"what's a pretty omega like you doing here all alone, hm?"
he pulls your chin up, grabbing your ass. you froze instantly, eyes shutting on their own.
"come on, you can't tell me you went there without expecting something like that to happen"
time seems stuck, you can't help yourself from shaking and each of his movements send you into an even more distressed state.
his scent reeks, it's all over you. pleas leave your mouth one after another and you so desperately want angry or smiley to find you. surely they're looking for you now ? angry has noticed you weren't there anymore and alerted his brother, you hope.
"fuck, omegas like you always make me so fucking hard", he laughs, his hands undressing you despite your attempts at taking them off of you.
you successfully kick his nose, taking advantage of the moment of surprise to make a run for it. you almost instantly regret your act as soon as you feel him tackle you to the ground, having no problem getting to you, this alpha being obviously faster than an omega.
"you fucking bitch! quit trashing around and take it"
a slap is all it takes to stop all movements from you. the silence is excruciating, a ringing sound in your ears and his excited breaths as he unbuckles his belt are the only thing you seem to hear. your tears cascade over your cheeks. you don't dare move.
"there you go, now that's more like it. discipline always works with your dumb brains, fucking omegas.."
you shut your eyes, not wanting to see anything more, when you're suddenly freed from the painful weight over you. still, you don't move a muscle.
you hear your name being shouted and gentle arms making you sit.
"y/n ? y/n please are you okay ?"
you recognize smiley's voice and pheromones. you lean into him, accepting wholeheartedly the comfort he's providing.
you open your eyes to an extremely pissed off smiley. he's caressing your face, pushing a few strands of hair behind your ears.
"everything's fine now, angry is taking care of that bastard"
at the mention of his brother, when you turn your head to the side, you're hit by a bloody vision, one you never saw, before smiley tear you from it.
"don't look y/n. listen, we'll just go home okay? don't worry about anything, you're safe now. we're so sorry we couldn't get there sooner"
you can only nod, still very sensitive and vulnerable from what you just experienced. the sounds of angry beating up the alpha to death doesn't appease you one bit. with frantic pupils and distressed whimpers coming from you, angry does everything to keep his composure. the sight of his panic omega is atrocious and he can't believe it happened while you were with them.
he carries you in his arms, still making sure you can't see angry, "angry stop, you're scaring her"
it takes a moment, but you eventually stop hearing punches and bones being broken. then you're given a tender squeeze, your clothes dampened by blood.
you look up and see angry, his usual warm smile gone and instead looking at you with ferocious eyes. you cuddle closer to smiley's neck, nose buried in his scent gland. he's purring, hoping that'll ease you up.
the way back home is silent. you're covered with their jackets, to keep you from the cold and hide your naked shoulders after your clothes were torn apart.
you see them exchange a few glances, silently communicating, but you don't say anything, too occupied by the plushies angry gave you.
the walk is long, and the breathing of smiley lulls you to sleep soon enough, way too comfortable to do anything else.
"hey, we're home baby"
you feel yourself being put on a soft bed, you don't answer, too tired to do anything else. still, you wait for angry to say something too, which never happened. his silence is unusual and you can't help but worry.
"I'm really sorry for what happened, I shouldn't have left your side..."
"no of course not, it's not your fault, nobody's mad at you, just go to sleep okay, we'll talk tomorrow"
you only listen to him, an alpha knows better, you should've stayed close and listen for once, you feel really bad and disgusted at your behaviour.
you let them dress you up with their own clothes, a sweater from smiley and angry's sweatpants. you know that's also their way of reassuring you, and themselves.
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"can't you see? the world is a scary and dangerous place. if you stay here, you'll be safe"
"angry and me will take care of you, together like you said we should, we won't argue anymore okay? so just let us love you baby"
head still fuzzy from waking up a few minutes ago, you're sitting at their table, eating the breakfast angry cooked.
you don't say anything at their words, events from last night preventing you from even finding a decent protest.
you can't help but feel like locking you up is wrong, but what can you say to them ? they're always there for you, and always will. you know they want the best for you.
"that's why we're doing this baby, I hope you understand, it's for you, only you"
"but, always staying inside still is a bit..."
"a bit what? what do you think would've happened yesterday night if we weren't there huh? are we wrong for our way of dealing with this? we're going to protect you, provide for you, isn't that enough?"
his voice scared you, he sounded mad, you didn't like that one bit. he unknowingly let out a more domineering presence, your omega not even able to protest. it forced your eyes on the floor, not daring to look up, in fear of upsetting the pink haired alpha more.
this was in those moments you got reminded of the painfully obvious difference between the three of you. angry and smiley were alphas, no matter how hard you would try to act as friends on a same level, the power imbalance between your two genders would always make it impossible for you to win an argument.
"it's just... I'm worried about your safety. we will protect you from everything, just rely on us for once"
you choose to stay quiet. you head was pounding and no matter what you replied, they would always find a way to prove you wrong.
you finished eating, letting them guide you back to their shared room. they dropped you on the floor, a small and tidy corner. you questioned them, wondering why smiley didn't carry you back to the bed you were on earlier.
when angry came in too, he held a few hoodies, blankets and pillows. he gave it to you, immediately understanding what he meant.
building a nest was a permanent thing, only done in places you consider home. it's very intimate and only the alpha's omega was allowed to come near it. to make you build such a precious space, inside their room ; you knew you weren't getting out of here any time soon. they were deeply serious about you.
smiley scented the first blanket, handing it to angry so he could do as well. they then gave it to you, softly urging you to start your nest.
you were hesitant, but eventually gave in. carefully placing each items, the two alphas practically purring from satisfaction with the way their omega was obediently going along with their request, trusting them enough to let them help her with her process.
"good omega, so docile for her alphas"
he takes you in his arms once it's all over, pushing your head against his neck, while laying down inside the soft nest you made.
you were quite proud of the outcome, having put much efforts to accomplish a well made nest.
"right, you're so pretty, we were so lucky to find someone like you. a sweet little omega, letting her alphas cuddle her like that, you're such a good girl"
you were ashamed to say their praises worked like a charm, and soon appeased your worries and constant questions. you wanted to trust them wholeheartedly. it felt too right, they sounded so right. praising flowing towards you, you felt loved and appreciated.
they both gave you soft, gentle kisses, a boy on each side, heat of their chest engulfing you entirely. you wish you could stay like this forever, in the warm embrace of your alphas.
their love for you would only grow from now, knowing that they now had full responsibility over you, their adoration having no limits. they'll work twice as hard to become he alphas you're deserving of.
and you'll stay in the safety of your home, patiently waiting for them every day to come back. you won't leave. you're now bound for life, especially after the claim they put on your neck.
a sign of the ownership and affection they so preciously hold over you.
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macsimagines · 1 year
Okay, so I've never requested one like this, but can you do the Kawata Twins with their shared girlfriend?
She's the only one who can read their faces past the one anyone else is limited to seeing.
They take her to a party and some guy talks her up and she keeps talking to him to be polite, but she sees the twins and knows to leave with them right away.
They aren't mad at her, but jealous and feel the need to be sure she knows she belongs to them.
NSFW please❤
Poly Smiley and Angry
They've always shared everything with each other as kids. Snacks, toys and now even you. But that was only for them. You were only for them.
Angry has his hands on your hips in a bruising grip while he holds you from behind. Absolutely seething at the memory of watching you smile at some nobody.
And Smiley? He's basically suffocating you with a kiss holding your wrists in his grip and not letting go.
You finally get a second to breath and wince in pain. "S-sou! You're hurting me!"
He takes his hands off you like he's been burned, he never wants to hurt you! Smiley, on the other hand, lets go of your wrists and grabs you by the throat.
"Cheaters don't have the right to complain~," he coos, "I thought Angry was gonna cry when he saw you. Make it up to him, ya?"
Smiley reaches a hand down and flips your skirt up for his baby brother. He can be nice too.
Souya only hesitates for a second, drinking in the pretty pastel of your panties before he's pushing them to the side to have some real fun with you.
Nahoya waits his turn and his kissing you with new fervor, his hand never leaving your throat, while Souya is fucking you from behind kissing your neck gently.
When Angry is done, Smiley doesn't even give you a chance to breath before he takes his turn too.
They're both pretty rough with you too. Niether bothering with a condom just wanting to mark and fill you as their own.
Souya carries a passed out you home, And Nahoya just keeps saying its your own fault, and that you should know better.
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
Hey babe had like the random of thoughts today. Remember that trend where you text your boyfriend or spouse like they were the outside guy/girl. "He/she is gone you can come by now" just to get their reactions.
Now imagine the chaos if it was Tokyo revengers boyfriends....
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you :: [he’s gone, you can come over now 😙] mikey :: [the fuck?] you :: [oh.. hey!] mikey :: [open the door.] you :: [what?? you had a meeting?] mikey :: [not anymore]
you :: [he’s gone, you can come over now 😙] draken :: [who?] you :: [oh.. a friend.] draken :: [you sure about that?] you :: [yeah! 🤨) draken :: [not impressed. I’ll deal with you later.]
you :: [he’s gone, you can come over now 😙] baji: [huh?] you :: [oh uh] baji :: [who the hell was supposed to come over?] you :: [just a friend] baji :: [who the fuck was supposed to come over.] you :: [a friend!] baji :: […] baji :: [no.]
you :: [he’s gone, you can come over now 😙] hanma :: [oh fr? lemme slide in] you :: [whatt??] hanma :: [the fuck am I supposed to say?] you :: [uh… get mad?] hanma :: [you wouldn’t dare to cheat] hanma :: [I made sure of that] you :: [… what? 😀]
you :: [he’s gone, you can come over now 😙] souya :: [baby?] you :: [yes?] souya :: [...care to explain?] you :: […explain what?] nahoya :: [if you don’t tell me why souya is tearing up, I will fucking come to your house and will get it that way] you :: [he’s crying??!] you :: [NO MY BABY] you :: [I’ll be there in 5 minutes 🥹]
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