#keep yer coins. i dont even want them.
bleuberrygliscor · 1 year
me, selecting "greedier" mode, not even thinking about what that would mean:
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oh-for-fic-sake · 5 years
It All Worked Out In The End
When the parents are away the kids will play... or fight one of the two.
I am genuinely have a too much fun with these imagines.
Warninngs: Swearing ,Mentions of fighting ,Hinting at Drugging and Rape (nothing explicit)
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Jaskier stood befor you in your rented room dunking the bloodied rag into a jug of cool water before wringing it out then lightly dabbing your eye brow and angry claw marks on your face. Ciri stood off to the side apprehensive watching the bard tend to the wound.
"Got her good tho didnt i?" He smirked at that trying so hard to be disappointed in you but he really couldnt. 
"Yes I even won a bit of coin, lets just hope the other two dont come back until this has gone down we can explain the black eye and cut but not the scratches."
"Yeah ... I still have all my teeth tho!" Cheerful in your victory utterly pleased with yourself Ciri shook her head at this then spoke up in disbelief.
"Where did that even come from?" You grinned wincing again as it hurt the bruises that were forming on your cheek and jaw.
"Well my sweet Cirilla a few years of pent up anger can do wonders for your right hook or in my case bitch slap" She snorted relaxing as she saw that you were to all intents and purposes unharmed. She wandered over to the bags on the chair by the bed.
"Wait Jask did you say coin? You put coin down?" Jaskier shrugged in response to your question dipping the rag in to the water again.
"Hey they started taking bets at the bar, I wasnt gonna join in but then looked at you , there was no way you werent gonna put her down ,your face looked a lot like Geralts growley face"  He swiped over your face one last time there was a pregnant pause.
"So you gonna split the coin?"
"Nope" He said popping the p dropping the now pink cloth with a wet slap on the table. Your younger sister from another mister walked back over to you with a small vial. Poppy milk or better known to you as morphine.
"Yennefer left us some poppy milk for emergencies, you should take some now before you really start feeling it.How are we going to keep this from them?" Waving a hand motioning to your damaged face as Jaskier prepaird the medicine. If you were honest you didnt think that far ahead at the time you just needed to ko that Bitch -which you did thank you very much- but you knew what Ciri was getting at Geralt and Yennefer were a couple of mother hens... allbeit slightly more intimidating... and dangerous... and volatile. 
"Not sure we can" You replied nodding greatfully at Jaskier who offered cup of water that held a dose of the pain killer. Knocking it back before pulling faces at the bitter taste.
"Oh god! Ugh no" you shook your head befor quickly eating a cube of cheese from the small platter in front of you. The singer shrugged ignoring your outbust looking between the both of you.
"All i do know is that your going to be in trouble when they do find out" He said in a sing song voice you slumped back in the chair grunting.
"Oh yer how'd you figure its just me in shit Jask" Sputtering he glared at you
"Maybe because your the one who decided to turn savage and attack a whore! You even bit her bit" You tapped a pointing finger on the table
"Ok fisrt things first she hit me first got a strict rule never throw the fisrt punch but allways throw the last and second yeah fair enough i bit her but she was fighting dirty. And you could have pulled me off her, you also placed a bet on me which was encouraging it.If im going down your coming with me." He gaped at you in disbelief.
"What about her she didn't intervene either?" 
"She also didn't bet on me."
"I don't think Geralt himself could have dragged y/n off her" Ciri quipped from the side lines you nodded at her continuing.
"Not only that im pretty sure they left you in charge bard so really when you think about it its all your fault" He pailed as you and Ciri high fived.
"I need to lie down" Wobbling to the bed flopping on it face first.You and Ciri shared a look after a few beats of silence befor being asked the enevitable question 
"So how did it start anyway?" 
"Thats what id like to know" Came from the bed as Jaskier sat up.
"Not really sure she was just running her mouth i geuss" You lied patting her head befor freighning tirednes making your way to the other bed deciding that she never has to know the real reason to you cat fighting with a whore. A few days later after the scratches and swelling had faded the others returned they hastily made their way up to the room. Geralt started speaking as he stormed through the door.
"Can some one explain to me why iv just had to pay for a whores loss of earnings And medical costs?" You balked
"Loss of earnings I knocked out her teeth surely shes making double on blowies" Jaskier snorted into his mug
"What the fuck happened?" Geralt growled out not finding your comment amusing in the slightest as he saw the clawed bruised cheek, blackened eye and cut on your brow he quickly gave Ciri and Jaskier the once over fearing youd all been attacked, relife flooded him when he saw they were ok . Yennefer gasped striding past the seething witcher stopping in front of you placing a soothing hand on you uninjured cheek.
"Who did this?" She whispered you beamed at her nuzzling into her palm.
"Dont worry I dealt with it. Besides I got off lightly you should see my opponent" Ciri nodded in agreement befor breifly explaining.
"Y/n had a fight with a whore, beat her into the ground actually then knocked her out with a single back hander. Was quite immpressive to watch"
"Made a satisfying sound to" Jaskier added Geralt looked between the three of you.
"So Y/n had a cat fight with a whore?" You all nodded
"And did enough damage to not only knock out teeth but keep her out of work for a few days?" The three of you shared a look and nodded the hunter sighed a deep breath crossing him arms.
"Do i want to know what started it?" 
"Probably not" was you offered choosing once again to keep the fact it was for Ciri's sake to yourself, trying to trick you in to selling yourself for a night was one thing but planning to drug and sell Ciri was a completely different ball game. She was family.No one was getting away with that not on your watch its lucky you caught on to the hushed conversation. You dont want to think about what could have happend if you hadnt been paying attention. Geralt threw his hand up looking towards Yennefer when it was clear none of you were going to elaborate any more then that. Aproaching he droped his swords and bag taking Yenns place tilting your face to inspect your wounds.
"Well they didnt do much damage or manage to fracture anything ,even your nose which is good." He leaned in kissing your forhead chasetly. As yenn preceeded to pull you over to where her bag was on the bed with a healing balm in hand stippling it over the cut on your face.
"Fighting a whore honestly, can't leave you alone for a few days with out you getting into trouble. I hope you know your in trouble missy" She muttered as she flitted threw her bag then began fussing over your split knuckles applying a different ointment.
"And the money we had to give her for this whole incident is comming out of your allowance starting today" Geralt grunted from the table Jaskier and Ciri watched in peels of laughter as you tried squirming away from the sorceress pleading with the unimpressed white haired male you continued protesting at Geralt's decision until he pinned you with a stern look that shut you up. Yeah he wasnt a happy camper.
"And your grounded from singing bard" Jaskier stopped laughing 
"you were told to take care of them and it doesnt take an idiot to guess why this is considerably heavier you dont make this much from singing alone" he growled out lifting up jaskiers bulging coin pouch .All in all the couple took it better than any of you thought they would, you were relieved they didnt push the issue as if they knew what had kicked it off they probaly would have burnt that whore house to the ground, whores and all... Jaskier did share his winnings tho so it all worked out in the end,Jaskier made a weeks worth of coin in a night, you saved Ciri ,let out some pent up aggression and Geralt didnt have kill anyone.
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darbiebot · 5 years
October Writing Challenge: Day 8
October Writing Challenge
Day 8 Prompt: Closet, Memory  Character: Darlain
She had been cleaning up for the night, the Bar had a lot of unruly customers, the kind that pinched and prodded, and got handsy with the dancers. She’d hated what had become of such a joyful place. Mother had said the dancers were needed, thatthe only way they were getting out of debt was to cut corners, and that it wouldn’t be acceptable to just be a barmaid any longer. 
It had worried her, but her mother liked to talk, she loved the sound of her own voice, and she’d found someone unwilling to fight back in her own daughter. Father would have never let this-
The door slammed open, her mother was already shouting, but... not at her.
“I aint pushin back on this any more, Dunro, you gonna counter my offer or nae? It’s a perfectly good deal, and you’re getting a lot o’ life outta it. And ya kinnae tell me ya dont want one nice and young?”  She pulled the closet door shut, listening through a crack.  “Yer family name dont mean much anymore, Miss “Proudmug” “ the man practically spat out the name, “At least not in Bronzebeard territory. My lad is looking fer opportunity, and a family, what makes ya thing she’s worth the dowry?”
She held her hand to her mouth to keep herself from gasping, Her marriage, is that what they were arguing over?
“What’s there nae tae like, Dunro, i’ve seen yourself eyein her over when she’s serving. She’s young, got a good body fer making a family, And she dinnae talk back. A perfect wife fer yer boy, and all i’m asking fer is investment, i’m already turning the place around, and you’ll get a cut goin forward. Your family gets what they want, I fix the mess my ‘usband left me with. Yer nae gonna get some Senator’s waif, lad. You don’t live in the mountain.” They argued a good ten minutes before she saw them shake on it. Dunro’s boy, she remembered how he’d pulled her hair, the time he pinned a hog’s tail to her dress, the times he laughed when she’d broken out with pimples. She hated Denny, she.. she couldn’t.. a family... with him? When they left, she didn’t even risk going back home. She went straight to the aerie, and saddled up Patience. She would fly south, with what little coin she had, she stayed at the inn at Kharanos, and got advice for making the journey to the Human Kingdom. She didn’t look back once.
@turning-through-the-never@kharrisdawndancer@iestyn-crowe@belillinafireseeker / @lianellie-quinne@saltsparkle / @gloamingdawn @lylianwyatte@selysona-wra@darbiebot@andijelly @cupcakes-blood @twosidedsana@eliceynbirch@deadlypursuits@luminashdawnwing @raxwel-blythe / @amorthonblackwood@hmratking @thornbolts@brillraven@ wynter-b@lovingthewildlife@veleanthe @theconstructsworld@waroftwowolves @taliandrahflamesurge / @gam3rj3nn@embraelle @kjblynx@escapism-velocity@rayne-storm @stonestridernerd@centoridellanir@valarin-sunstorm @cyrolar-riverblade@sylrin-featherblade@altherei @trisandrah@riverblade
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