#keith and shiro are brothers thank you and they love each other so much ok
mothmanavenue · 1 year
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i don’t know why all the trees change in the fall /// now i know why all the trees change in the fall
but i know you’re not scared of anything at all /// i know you were on my side, even when i was wrong
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kidge-planet · 1 year
KIDGE headcanons 13:
At the end of the war, the paladin's came back to the garrison, their hearts still torn after Allura's death.
however, the garrison had made a celebration for the end of the war and obviously, The paladin's didn't want to celebrate but they still came to the celebration, only because they were the paladins, of course.
Pidge felt a little off and decided to get some fresh air.
She was on the roof, on her own. The dress that her mother had forced her to wear was floating in the wind along with her hair.
She sighed, closing her eyes and listening to the sound of people celebrating at the garrison or even in town. She was so concentrated on the sound of the people laughing and singing together that she didn't hear Keith arriving from behind.
"Hey." Keith said as he came next to her. Pidge, when she heard him, opened her eyes widely and jumped on the side.
"WHA- Keith!? You scared me..." She sighed.
"Sorry, do you want me to leave?"
She looked up at him. "No, you can stay..."
They stayed silent for a moment, just looking towards the desert. It wasn't awkward, just a confortable silence.
After a moment, Keith spoke up again: "You're shivering."
"Yeah, It's kinda cold out here... But it's ok."
He turned toward her and placed his jacket on her shoulders.
She blushed, "Keith, no it's ok, really!.. You are going to get cold..."
"It's ok, im not that cold and I don't want you to get sick."
"Are you sure?.."
She sighed and smiled, touched by the gesture. "Well, thanks..."
They became silent again but Keith quickly broke that silence.
"So, what are your plans now that war is over?"
"Well, my mother wants me to study but Iverson talked to me earlier, he told me that I was no longer banned from the Garrison and he offered me to work here now that im major. I don't think I need to go to college, I don't think I'll learn a lot so maybe Iverson's proposition is my best option? I mean, I wanted to work at the Garrison like my father and brother since I was a little girl, so... I just hope that I'll get to do great things. I'd love to creat something that will change the universe. And I hope they'll let me have my own lab!" As she said all that, you could see the passion in her eyes. Keith smiled.
"You definitely should accept Iverson's proposition. You'll be perfect at this. And you've already changed the universe once, It's not hard to believe that you can do it twice. Im sure that you'll do great things, like always."
She blushed, a smile forming on her face. " Heh, I hope so... and, huh, what about you? What are your future plans?.."
"I was planing to go back to the blade. Earth is amazing but, It never really felt like home since my father died... But space felt different."
"Ho. So... We'll have to say goodbye again?.."
"Im sorry."
"It's ok, Im glad that you are going... I mean, im glad for you! But I will miss you, honestly..."
"I'll miss you too... But I'll visit you as much as I can!"
"Yeah! And you know, war is over, You can call me anytime and I'll of course call."
She noded. "I still hope that you'll find a reason to stay on earth one day. It is selfish, but I mean it."
He smiled at her, knowing that for her, he'd stay... But she might not feel the same way, unfortunately...
"You know what, I hope so too."
They stared in each other's eyes and, it was as if the time had stopped. They were not cold anymore, the wind had completely disappeared and the noices around had vanished. It was just them, in their own little world, in a moment that seemed to last forever...
Then Lance-That had followed them with Hunk and Shiro- shouted from behind: "JUST KISS ALREADY!"
Pidge kept his jacket.
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rosesnvines · 4 years
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Hi @niazelki!! I’m your Secret Santa!! I did not do this lovely piece of art, I commissioned it from the ever so talented @Nyastyle from DeviantArt, and wrote this short story to go with it. I did post it on DeviantArt as well. Hope you enjoy!! @idyllchatter-plance-and-kallura
Pidge let out a sigh. Beezer came rushing to her and a worried expression appeared on his screen. The two were in Pidge’s room and Pidge was curled up on her bed. 
“Hey Beezer, I’m . . .” She paused. Should she say exactly what was going through her mind or lie? She sighed, Beezer was a robot, but it would be nice to talk to someone. “Beezer, are you recording?” 
Beezer shook his head. 
“Ok, do not record this, I just want to get it off my chest.” Beezer watched her as she took a moment to gather her thoughts. “Lance . . . I like Lance, a lot. I think, I think maybe even love him.” 
Beezer let out an understanding beep. 
“Wait, you knew?” 
Beezer nodded. 
“Really? I didn't think I ever showed an interest in Lance.” She smiled. “But you do know me pretty well. Then you'll understand that I, I wanted . . . I wanted to . . .”. Tears began filling in her eyes. “I wanted to be the girl Lance asked out, not Allura!” The tears fell. “I-I mean, Allura’s great, don't get me wrong, and, everyone should like her, but, but I wanted it to be me!” She placed her head in her lap and sobbed. “I wanted it to be me! But I should have known, I really should have, Lance only notices the pretty girls. I'm just not that pretty.” She chuckled as the tears continued to fall. “I mean, he didn't even know I was a girl until I told him! He can be so dense!” She paused as the tears slowed. She wiped her eyes, sniffled, and then wiped her nose. “Yeah, yeah, he can be really dense, and an idiot, and a show off, but, but he's fun to be around. He’s nice, and caring, a great listener. And he is cute.” She giggled as she blushed. “Those blue eyes of his . . . I always feel like I'm flying, or swimming. I just, I just feel so free when I look into them.” She picked up a mermaid plushie and fiddled with the arms. She looked up at a picture of a sunset. “I just wish he would look at me the way he looks at her.” 
Beezer let out a sad beep. 
Pidge patted his head. “It’s Ok, this is only a relationship. Hey, he could still look at me that way, I just . . . I just need to give him time.” She rubbed her chin. “Hey Beezer, could you go take a picture of them on their date? 
Beezer gave her a surprised beep. 
She chuckled. “I know, I know, I just poured out my whole heart to you, that I want to be the girl going with him to his special place, but, I also want him to be happy. I want them both to be happy. And, I want them to commemorate it. Will you do that for me, please?” 
Beezer gave an affirmative beep as he saluted her. 
“Thank you.” Pidge watched him go before turning back to the picture of the sunset. “Sure, technology’s no sunset, but it has its purpose. It can capture that sunset and give you something to remember it by.” 
It had been a few years since they had defeated Honerva, since Voltron was last needed to defeat a great evil, since Lance and Allura broke up. They had spent a good deal of that time trying to bring peace back to the galaxy and help rebuild what had been previously destroyed. Pidge was surprised to see more and more of Lance during that time, but didn’t think much about it outside of enjoying his company. She did note that Hunk and Shay went around doing stuff, so were Keith and Allura, and Shiro was going around with that guy whose name she couldn’t remember. Romelle was helping Coran with the Alteans, the three former generals of Lotor were working with the Galra, and her own brother Matt was off traveling with Rolo and Nyma. Pidge enjoyed every minute that they spent together, but didn’t want to push her luck. Besides, there were other things on her mind. So when Lance suggested a return to Earth for a quick vacation, she jumped at it. A vacation sounded like a good idea. 
After going through the usual check-ins, check-ups, and catch-ups, Lance pulled her to the side. 
“Hey, I, I was wondering if you could come with me somewhere?” 
“Uh, sure, I guess,” Pidge replied with a shrug. 
“Tonight, meet me at Red.” 
Pidge raised an eyebrow. “Uh, Ok . . .” 
“Great!! See you tonight!” He gave her a quick hug before dashing away. She watched him leave, blinking in confusion. Where exactly did he want to go? She shrugged and went about other things before getting ready to go. 
Later that night, Green landed near Red. Lance was lounging against his lion, watching the sun set. He was wearing his old blue and white t-shirt and a pair of jeans, but the way the lighting was, Pidge thought he was the most handsome she had ever seen him. She blushed as butterflies filled her stomach, but quickly got rid of the feeling by the time she exited her lion to meet up with him. 
He smiled at her, and the butterflies returned. “Great, you made it!” 
Pidge scoffed. “I told you I would come.” 
Lance ran his fingers through his hair as he chuckled. “Yeah, you did. Now, um, do you want to follow me, or just come with me in Red?” 
Pidge’s eyebrow went up as she blinked. “Uh, does it matter?” 
Lance shrugged. “No, not really, but, I would prefer it if we just took one Lion, doesn’t make sense to have both.” 
Pidge shrugged. “I mean, you have a point, if anything were to go wrong, we can get back here pretty quick, and I can call on Green.” 
It was Lance’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “Is there really anything wrong going on at the moment?” 
Pidge chuckled. “True, but you never know.” 
He laughed. “Good point. So, what shall it be . . .” 
Pidge blinked at the cutting off mid sentence, but when he didn’t say anything else, she shrugged again. “I guess we can go in Red.” 
He grinned. “Great, come on!” He grabbed her hand and the two dashed into the Lion’s mouth. Lance sat down at the controls and they took off. Pidge let out a soft giggle. Sure, they had done things together while no one else was around before, but this felt different, and she was liking it. 
“So, where are we going?” she asked. 
He smirked. “You’ll see. Just wait.” 
“What? Why can’t you tell me now?” 
“Because it’s a surprise,” was his reply. She pestered him some more, but couldn’t get any more than that out of him. The more she got more grumpy, the more excited he seemed to get. 
Finally, they landed, though it had only been a couple of minutes away from the garrison. Lance grabbed Pidge’s hand and walked like he was on cloud nine. 
“Ok, seriously, where are we going?” asked Pidge with a laugh as she allowed herself to be led around a park. 
He glanced back long enough to shoot her a grin. “You’ll see, just wait!” They walked through a grove of trees before lance came to a stop at the base of the largest one. Pidge raised her eyebrow. This tree looked rather familiar. Where had she seen it before? Lance let out a sigh and pulled out a picture. Then it hit Pidge, this was the same place Lance took Allura out on their first date! The picture was of that moment, Lance and Allura standing in front of the tree. Pidge’s heart went into her throat. Lance sighed. “Yeah, I miss her, and I really wanted her to be the one, but . . . well, as you could tell it didn’t work out.” He looked at Pidge, a sad smile on his face. “I’m really happy for them.” 
Pidge chuckled nervously. “Right. Who knew a TV show caught on that they were best for each other?” 
Lance chuckled. “Yeah, I really should have paid more attention . . . to a lot of things.” His hand went through his hair. Pidge followed it with her eyes, wishing that could have been her hand. “And well, now I realize that she wasn’t the one for me, because there’s this girl who is.” 
Pidge’s heart just about stopped. Who was this girl? “Y-yeah? What’s she like?” 
Lance glanced up at the tree, a soft smile on his face. “She’s really smart, kind, and is very passionate about her work. She puts the needs of others first, and, well, she’s just awesome! And pretty too. I should have noticed before, but I think I let my starry eyed crush get the best of me instead of allowing myself to actually fall in love. Though, in a way, I did fall in love while I had that crush on the Princess, without knowing it.” 
Pidge turned her head to hide her tears. “Then why didn’t you invite her here?” 
“But I did.” Pidge’s head snapped back to Lance, eyes widening. She barely dared to hope, but he was looking at her earnestly. “That’s why I asked you here, Pidge, I, uh, I wanted to ask you out. I mean, sure, this isn’t the same way that I asked Allura out, but, this just felt right, because you’re the right one for me.” He looked back down at the picture. “And, well, to let you know that I have finally let go of Allura.” He stuffed the picture back in his pocket and scratched his head. “Ok, that didn’t quite come out the way I wanted it to, but it also wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.” He grinned sheepishly. “That must have sounded stupid.” 
Pidge laughed as the tears came down. “That’s because you are stupid.” 
Pidge ran into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. “But you’re my idiot, and I love you!” 
“I don't know if I should be happy or insulted,” said Lance. 
“Don't be insulted, you just try too hard. You're really not that stupid.” 
Lance scoffed. “Oh, good to know.” But then he chuckled and returned the hug. “But right now, I’m the happiest man alive!” He kissed her.
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Blood Red Heat prt 39
Lance was wild. How someone could operate semi-humanly while hacking his lungs up was going to be his omega’s new defining moment. Mornings had never been Lance’s best friend, nor Keith’s, but it seemed to be time they both woke up with the need to touch each other... Then, as Lance had improved, they’d done less touching and more “Lance dragging him from Red to go for a morning walk with Kosmo, despite the chill in the air leaving the omega coughing”. They had the same problem at night. Lance would want to sit up with the pack, but the cold air aggravated his lungs.
The pack had been really good with him. When Pidge started tinkering with her comms, she actually took the time to explain what she was doing to Lance. When Hunk needed to collect herbs, he invited Lance along, given their walks were never as far as Lance insisted on going in the mornings. Their first walk had been to Black, the closest of the five lions to Red. Lance could now make to Green before needing to rest, then Yellow. Yellow was the limit, the first time he’d had to support Lance back, because his omega didn’t want to be carried. Allura let Lance play with her hair, then Romelle asked him to do her hair too... Krolia was still a challenge, his mother trying to talk to Lance had ended up with Lance kind of squeaking, and apologising for being ill. When his mother hugged Lance, Lance turned red as he held his breath, Keith choosing not to save him immediately because with Lance being a permanent addition to their family, he had to learn to cope with Krolia sooner rather than later.
Shiro took a little longer to warm back up to. Lance wanted to be close to him, but sometimes he couldn’t find the right words, so would move closer to Keith for comfort. His brother seriously fearing Lance didn’t like him anymore, until Lance finally found the words to explain he sometimes got a bit overwhelmed and confused as he wasn’t used to having his omega talking to him. Keith getting jealous when their little sign for this would be Lance holding onto Shiro’s hand or leg. When they were alone, Lance could articulate most of what he wanted to say, but there were clear signs he’d forget or get muddled when he really tried to concentrate on anything for longer than a few minutes. Coran seemed to think it was all exhaustion and would work its self out slowly as Lance began being able to stay awake longer and longer.
Then Lance went and surprised him. Krolia had started teasing him over how lazy he’d become. When Keith had sent his boyfriend a pleading look, Lance had waved him off to train with his mother and Kosmo. His mother was mercilessly. Training felt good after being so stagnant, but every muscle throbbed as he dragged himself into Black to shower and change. Black laughing at his exhaustion, always his biggest supporter right there. Unintentionally he’d kind of fallen asleep on his bed, his bed so inviting after being made to run laps around all 5 lions... the lions were massive... and life wasn’t fair.
Panicking hard over falling asleep, he’d rushed outside to find the sun had set. Jogging into camp to find Lance and apologise his arse off for not being there for him, Hunk tricked him. Playing up that Lance needed alone time, he sent him running off to find Lance who’d “wandered away from camp and refused to come back”. Their friends were wankers. Lance had wandered away from camp, to set up a picnic for the pair of them. Sitting on the blanket with Kosmo, the space was lit with two emergency lights. Keith not knowing he was walking into a picnic until he’d come to the edge of the blanket
Staring up at the night sky, Lance shifted his gaze to him, smiling up in a way that went straight to Keith’s heart
“Hey, you”
“Hey, yourself. Been here long?”
“A little while. Come sit down next to me”
Sitting beside Lance, Lance moved the blankets he had around his shoulders to cover both their shoulders, Kosmo whining disinterestedly at his arrival. Lance didn’t seem overly sad. There was nothing in his scent that pointed to him being upset
“Hunk said you’d wandered off wanting to be alone”
“That’s because I asked him to. I’m sorry, you would have worried, but I wanted to do something nice for you. It’s not much in the way of dinner, and it’s cold now, I thought a picnic under the stars would be nice”
Keith couldn’t quite believe it
“You... organised something for me?”
“Yeah. The others helped, before you tell me off for pushing myself. I know caring for a person is hard and I wanted to show that I appreciate you”
Smiling at him so sincerely, Lance was the prettiest omega he’d ever met
“You didn’t have to”
“I wanted to. Hunk helped me cook. And I had a nap earlier while you were sleeping so I’d be awake enough to do this tonight”
“Babe... I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to crash out”
“You needed it. I saw how hard Krolia pushed you today”
His mother’s hard training now made sense
“Why am I now getting the feeling she was in on this?”
“Because she was. No big surprise, but it’s soup again. And some herbs that are meant to resemble a salad”
“No meat?”
Lance elbowed him softly in the side
“No. If there were chickens I could have cut and gutted one, but there wasn’t”
Keith was instantly in awe. Living on space whale he’d had to learn how to catch and kill animals to break the monotony of plant based dinners, Krolia had to teach him more than he’d ever wanted to know
“You know how to do that?”
“I come from a farming family. How do you think I knew how to milk a cow?”
“That’s... fair. You didn’t have to do anything special for me”
“I did and I do. Sick Lance is kind of an arsehole”
“Nah, not an arsehole. I will give you that you’re stubborn”
Lance sighed a sigh that Keith couldn’t quite place. Despite being happy, there was something there that tugged at him
“Sorry. I was thinking about home before you came. You didn’t... okay, my home was always super super busy. Even if you were sick, you still helped out. If your hands were free, you’d fill them. That kind of thing”
Oh. He didn’t know what to say to that. Lance had a loving family from the sounds of everything he’d said
“That sounds...”
“Hard? Yeah. It was. There was a time I was really mad at my parents, but I’m over that. Anyway, you should eat”
“What about you?”
“Don’t worry, I’m going to eat too. Hunk made me eat earlier, then Pidge let me nap against her...”
“Yeah. Romelle is totally becoming a bad arse too. Shiro was helping her and Allura train. Coran kept throwing in suggestions but they didn’t go well”
It sounded like Lance had had a good day without him. Keith feeling kind of lonely to have missed it, not that he’d say so. Lance needed his pack and they’d all finally stopped reapologising to each other
“So why under the stars?”
“I used to love watching the stars when I was a kid. My siblings and I would make up dumb stories, then my Mami would come yell at us all for being outside”
“Why do I feel like she had a lot to deal with?”
“She did. There was never a moment of peace at home in Cuba. Cousins and siblings and chores... and a son that didn’t confirm to the standards of being an omega”
“That’s not on you. That’s no more your fault than... well, anything”
Lance chuckled as he snuggled close
“You’ve gotten better with your words, but it’s reassuring that you’re still you under all that rugged and grizzled appearance”
“I didn’t ask to grow up”
“I know. I know that it would have been hard, even with a mission to preoccupy yourself with. We’ll throw it on the therapy pile how insecure I am about my looks when my alpha is smoking hot”
“Says you”
“Dude, literally, have you seen yourself in a mirror? Omegas and betas are going to be queuing up just to catch a glance of Voltron’s sexy leader”
“Leaders, babe”
Lance hummed his disagreement, Keith kissing his boyfriend’s hair, using Lance’s words against him
“You really do have shockingly little faith in yourself”
“I look like a walking skeleton”
“Because you nearly died. I don’t care if you never have curves or whatever it is omegas think they need. As long as you’re healthy”
“Can I take a pass on going there right now? I don’t want to start wallowing over myself again when I want to spend the night out here with you”
“Fine, but only because it’s you”
“Thanks, babe. Anyway, let’s eat”
The soup really was cold. The salad a game of picking the herbs that didn’t taste awful on their own. Kosmo trying something that he obviously hated the taste of, his wolf taking off back towards the main camp as if he’d been betrayed. Pushing the remains of their dinner down the other end of the blanket, the pair of them laid next to each other under the stars, hand in hand
“Babe, how many stars do you think we’ve actually seen up close?”
“Me or you?”
“Either, either”
That was hard. They’d seen a lot of space, and yet they’d seen so very little of it
“No where near all of them?”
Lance’s snort told him he’d gotten the answer right. This was actually kind of nice, like way back when space hadn’t been all of this. When there were still mysteries out there that were mysteries and not an alarming gap in their intel
“Yeah... yeah, that’s true. Keith... do you wonder if maybe we’re still in the game?”
Rolling to his side, Keith leaned in to kiss Lance softly
“No. I did for a bit, but not anymore”
“I’ve been wondering why I’m taking all of this so calmly. We all apologised again, and I think I’m okay with that, but after so long... this kind of feels like a dream”
Keith bit back pointing out Lance hadn’t been all that calm when he’d been sicker
“We’ve got our second dynamics back, and I don’t know about your omega, but my alpha has been pretty nonstop”
“I don’t... my head feels busy. It feels weird...”
“Good weird or bad weird?”
“Both. Sometimes I feel ok and others I feel so on edge that it feels like everything will break”
“Depression and anxiety will do that to you. Plus, you need to cut yourself a break. You presented really late”
“I know. Maybe that’s why I keep wondering if this is all a dream?”
“I promise you it’s all very real. We’re here together”
Nosing into Lance’s cheek, his omega’s scent filled him with warmth. Reminding Keith he had another question to ask
“I know this is a bit late, but do you mind when I call you “omega”?”
“At first it kind of... didn’t feel right, but I can hardly deny it after spending your rut and my heat together”
“I’m sorry it was such a huge burden on your body”
“It’s okay. And... honestly, it did get better. You’re a kind alpha”
“I’m not so sure about that. I did get... rather... passionate”
Lance snorted again, tilting his head to kiss Keith’s cheek just short of his lips
“I am. You... were very good to me”
Keith sighed as he forced himself to roll back. Lance was very very tempting, more so than Pike
“You’re going to wake my alpha up again if we keep talking about sex”
“Maybe I want to...”
This time Lance rolled to face him, his omega walking his fingers up Keith’s chest and bopping him lightly on the tip of his nose
“You... me... under the stars”
Keith wasn’t not interested, but he did wonder with all Lance’s questioning if this was a dream
“I thought you were recovering”
“I am. I also had a talk with Coran today too. He didn’t say rush into sex, but he did say that if I wanted to be intimate with you, that was my choice and it’s my body. He also went on and on about honour, and how you were a very honourable man... and how you reacted at the idea of me being knotted to save my life”
Keith had been furious and sick to his stomach at the thought that could be the only way
“I didn’t want to... not without your consent. You sound like you had a very busy day”
“I know. And kind of, but not really at the same time... I just... being in love with Allura was tiring. I couldn’t blame her for not loving me back, and I didn’t understand how... How I couldn’t be enough. On the other hand, you... These last few however long it’s been... it’s made me feel... infinity better. It’s... easy with you. I feel like... I’m waiting for your every word and to see what comes next for us. That makes me sound pretty pathetic”
Lifting their hands, Keith kissed the back of Lance’s
“I don’t think it does. I just honestly don’t want you to feel rushed or that I won’t be interested because we don’t have a super intense sex life. I want to do this right”
“I know you do... I hate the term “making love”... but I can’t think of how else to word it. I want to make love to you under all these stars before everything gets hectic again. I want to try to work harder on concentrate on making these small happy moments with you”
“I don’t want to aggravate your lungs...”
“Babe, my lungs will be a mess for a long time. Coran didn’t say it, but it could take months for everything to heal properly, if they ever do... If you treat me like glass every time I cough, I don’t think I can take it”
“I just... don’t want to lose you”
“Trust me, apparently I’m stubborn”
Keith kissed the back of Lance’s hand twice more
“You are very stubborn... I think I can be in the mood for a little romance”
“Mmm... why don’t you show me what you’ve got, samurai”
Laying Lance out under the stars, Keith wanted to do this right. Lance was a hopeless romantic. Absolutely hopeless and well known for his romantic heart. Lance smelt intoxicating, his natural musk mixing with his aroused hues. Kissing Lance’s inner thighs, the way the muscles jumped was adorable
“You okay, babe?”
“Yeah... just... very exposed”
Keith had stripped him down slowly, Lance’s shirt hadn’t made it easy, both of them smacking their foreheads against each other as the clumsily made their way through things. Kissing had lead to wandering hands, Lance making the sweetest little mews as Keith had slowly started to open him, as he hid his face against Keith’s shoulder
“I’m just as exposed, you know”
Covering his face, Lance mumbled into his hands. The emergency lights had been laid down to cut the amount of light, yet Keith knew if he could have seen it, Lance would be blushing
“But you’re so hot it’s not fair”
Smirking down at Lance, Keith teased him gently
“Oh, babe. You’ve got it bad for me, don’t you”
“Shut up”
Too cute. Lance was too cute. Did all alphas turn into such idiots when they found their omega?
The sex was slow, Keith tracing his hands over Lance soft skin, keeping his thrusts slow almost to the point of lazy, Lance’s scent grew sweeter and sweeter. It was nothing like sex with Pike, or the hard dirty sex they’d had when both their instincts were screaming to breed. Having marked Lance’s neck with plenty of possessive hickeys, his boyfriend smacked him when he started teasing his nipples. The tiny brow buds just the right size. Lance had fallen apart beneath him, the back of his hand against his mouth, though it didn’t stop the little moans and mews that Lance would give. Everything was so overwhelmingly intoxicating. The warm wetness of his boyfriend’s heat. The wet squelching noises each time be buried himself. The way Lance was so open and pliant for him. And the fact that other than him, and Darkstorm, no one else had laid hands on their beautiful omega. Lance’s ganglyness might turn other alphas away, but Keith knew how much work Lance put it into training. He knew he worked himself far more than anyone else, except for maybe him.
Moving his hand from his mouth to Keith’s shoulder, Lance whined softly
Keith stopping his thrust to leave himself buried deeply in his omega, so close to coming but wanting Lance to come first
“You want up?”
“I wanna cuddle”
“Okay, little omega”
Seating Lance in his lap, his omega cried out as he sank back down on Keith’s erection, Keith massaging Lance’s arse as he gave him a moment to adjust. With his arms wrapped around him, it was like they were only two beneath the blanket of stars above
“You okay, babe?”
“Mmm... I want it hard and fast”
So bossy...
Taking Lance by the hips, Keith let his control slip, moving Lance to meet each desperate thrust as his knot started forming
“Do you want my knot?”
“Please... alpha... I’m going crazy”
His pride swelled, his omega pleasured to the point of wanting his knot. Lance might not fall pregnant any time soon, but practicing was fun. Rolling his hips, they both moaned, Lance’s lips finding his, kisses clumsy as Keith thrust up over and over, knot flaring as Lance came with a heavy groan, his full weight driving Keith’s knot as deep as it’d go as his own orgasm painted his lovers insides with his seed. Biting on Lance’s shoulder, he’d very nearly bitten Lance’s neck, the amount of pleasure and joy he felt nearly forcing him to bond with his omega too soon.
Boneless and breathless, Lance nuzzled into his hair. Body shaking as Keith kept rutting through each slow burst of cum. Had Lance been able to fall pregnant, Keith was sure he’d pumped enough into knock him up. He’d never experienced anything like it a rut. Sure, he’d come a lot, but this was like a fucking volcanic eruption in comparison... and the way Lance rippled and squeezed... his body already trying for a pup of their own. Pups weren’t everything, and if the day came where Lance wanted a pup, Keith would do absolutely everything he could to make that dream happen.
With Lance firmly knotted, Keith hushed him as his knot jostled, the alpha reaching for a blanket to cover his loves cooling body. It’d do no good for Lance to catch a cold when he still had so far to go recovering. Kissing his hair, his omega hummed softly, a “thank you for the blanket” that he couldn’t find the words for
“Babe, are you okay?”
“My knot should go down soon... I’m sorry it puts so much strain on you”
His crotch was soaked from cum and slick, he’d probably regret it later, but that was for later Keith to deal with
“Mmm... ‘s ‘kay”
“You did so good, babe. So good for me”
“‘nly you”
“Yeah, babe. Only me”
They’d all apologised to each other, yet Keith still felt a burst of anger that their pack could think Lance would be sleeping around on diplomatic missions. It was the same kind of useless anger that he’d felt about leaving the team with Kuron. An anger he couldn’t do anything about, and an anger that would take a while to fade. Before they’d even been... close? Keith hadn’t thought Lance the type to sleep with just anyone, despite the “Nyma incident” and his omega’s chronic flirting. Lance was so damn faithful. He’d never do anything to risk negotiations or put their pack in danger. If Keith let himself think too much on it, he’d only grow angry at everything all over again.
Whining softly, Keith caught the hues of anger starting to bleed into his scent, upsetting Lance
“Shhh... it’s okay. My alphas just getting worked up at the idea of anyone daring to think they could hurt you”
Things were different for him. Lance had forgiven their pack, one by one, and as “Pike”. Yet his boyfriend had admitted he did feel moments of hurt and unsureness sometimes when he’d catch one of their pack out the corner of his eye. To Keith it was understandable. He wouldn’t have been mad with Lance if Lance hadn’t been able to accept the apology of their pack yet, yet Lance was so damn kind
“You won’t let ‘em”
“Nah, babe. They have to get through me first”
“Mmm... so damn dependable”
Tickling Lance’s side, the omega laughed tiredly, hissing when he tugged on Keith’s knot before settling his weight back against Keith
“Nooo... no tickling”
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it”
“I know... You’ve got a case of “Roman Hands” and “Russian Fingers””
The reference went straight over Keith’s head
“If you say so”
“I do...”
Lance sighed at him, Keith kissing his hair. He knew he had a lot to learn, but being this open only felt right because Lance had shown him he’d be there for him. Right now Lance just needed a little propping up, but soon the omega would be back to being his right hand man and his stability. What started as mess of jealousy and mutual lashing out, had grown slowly, piece by piece, and now it’d morphed into something completely new and breath taking. Far more breath taking than the stars above.
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vcepsis · 5 years
I+9 with Klance, pleeeasse?
Thanks so much for the request! Sorry it took so long!
Taken from this ask meme (fever + camping). Since I’ve done one similar to this, I hope you forgive me for doing something a little different this time. Shout out as always to @feverflushed​ for the lovely beta work
Lance groaned softly, his face buried in his pillow as he tried in vain to pull the blanket around himself tighter. He was absolutely freezing, even though he knew it was the fever talking. Another shiver ran through him, making his bones almost ache. He was tired and cold and completely miserable.
But most of all, he was lonely. God, he was so lonely. Growing up with all his siblings and cousins living practically on top of each other had its downsides, for sure, like never fully understanding the definition of privacy. But after living with them for so long, it just meant he was never alone.
For someone like Lance, being surrounded by people he loved was the best thing he could have asked for. And when he would get sick, his baby cousins would pile his bed with their favourite stuffed animals and blankets. His mom would make him soup that would clear his head and warm him up from his inside. His father would move their portable heater from the living room into his bedroom. It never failed to lift his spirits, no matter what awful plague he’d contract.
Now, living who knows how many lightyears away from them, Lance had never felt so alone.
He’d come down with this whatever-it-was alien virus a few days before, and at first, he was scared. Scratch that: he’d been terrified. It was the first time any of them had fallen ill since their impromptu recruitment into a ten thousand year space war, and Lance had been sure he’d picked up some deadly alien sickness that would kill him. But as the days passed, it mostly resembled an Earth-like flu.
Lance sniffled pathetically, burrowing as deep as he could get into the soft Altean blankets on his bed. Shiro and Coran had swiftly sequestered him in his room once they confirmed he wasn’t in any real danger, and since the pods weren’t designed to deal with illness, he was left to tough it out the old fashioned way. And while the others were around to get him whatever he needed, they mostly left him alone to wallow in his misery.
Maybe he was supposed to be more appreciative. Coran had thrown around words like quarantine and isolation until Shiro had convinced him that having Lance in his room would be equally effective. But still, Lance couldn’t help the immense wave of sadness being alone caused. Especially being alone and sick. He’d do anything for his brother’s stuffed alpaca, or the smell of his mother’s cooking. He missed them all so much…
Just as the tears started building, there was a soft, tentative knock on his door.
The noise jolted Lance out of his downward spiral, and he turned on his side to wait for whoever it was to come in. There was a beat of silence before they knocked again, a little louder this time.
“Yeah?” Lance called, clearing his throat when the sound came out rough and scratchy.
“Um…” The voice on the other side was hesitant. “It’s Keith.”
Lance’s eyes widened in surprise. What the hell did Keith want?
Slowly, Lance sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He pulled the blanket with him as he stood, wrapping it securely around his shoulders and stumbling his way to the door. It opened with a swoosh.
Keith was standing on the other side, dressed in his usual attire, but without the jacket. He frowned as he looked Lance over. “Hey, uh…are you ok?”
Lance blinked, and belatedly realized there were still tears stuck to his eyelashes. He wiped them away quickly, flushing from embarrassment. This was just great. It was bad enough that Keith saw him looking like a mess, but he had to see him cry too…?
But Keith didn’t comment on it any further. “How are you feeling?” he asked instead. “You’ve been pretty quiet.”
Rolling his eyes, Lance scoffed, only to turn away and muffle the subsequent coughing fit into the blanket still around his shoulders. His chest burned in the aftermath.
“Ah, sorry,” Keith said quickly. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
Lance looked back over to see Keith fidgeting with the end of his shirt. It was a small thing, but it was something so distinctly un-Keith that Lance couldn’t help but notice.
Was he…..nervous?
He sighed, looking back up at Lance. “Look, I….I know you’re probably feeling like shit, and tired, but I wanted to do….something.”
Lance raised an eyebrow. “Something?” he repeated hoarsely, his voice cracking halfway through the single word.
“Yeah….something.” Keith sighed, frustrated. “Look, I don’t want it to be weird or anything, but I don’t know how to describe it without showing you.”
“I hate to break it to you, buddy,” Lance rasped, “but it’s already weird.”
Keith shoved his hands into his pocket. “I know, I know,” he sighed again, defeated. “Are you up for coming with me to the rec room? It’ll be easier to show you.”
Lance frowned. What the hell was Keith up to? Lance’s first instinct was suspicion, but he was so desperate for some kind of contact, so he nodded. Keith slumped in relief.
“I’m keeping the blanket, though,” Lance said as he stepped out of his room, the door closing automatically behind him. Keith shrugged in acceptance.
It was quiet in the castle as they made their way to the rec room. “Where is everyone?” Lance asked, absently rubbing his aching throat.
“We stopped outside a planet yesterday. Distress call, pretty standard.” Keith had slowed his pace to match Lance’s, who was wobbling slightly as he walked. Staying upright was harder than he expected. “Apparently they’re just wrapping things up now. Getting supplies and medicine.”
“Medicine?” Lance repeated dumbly.
Keith frowned. “Well….yeah? You’re sick. They’re hoping the people on the planet can help, since we helped them.”
Lance couldn’t help the way his breath hitched at Keith’s words, stopping suddenly. The others wanted to help. He might be a burden on the team, but they wanted to help. The tears from earlier suddenly returned, the fever making his emotions run wild, and he had to blink quickly to keep them at bay.
“Hey….” Keith had stopped when Lance did, and he put a gentle hand on his arm. “Lance? What’s wrong? Do you need to sit down or something?”
“I….” The hand on his arm was so warm, and Lance felt the ice inside him thaw a bit. “I thought….I mean, everyone left me alone….and Coran wanted to quarantine me…I thought…”
“What?” Keith’s tone was genuinely confused. “We left you alone because we didn’t want to bother you. Shiro had to keep telling Hunk and Pidge to let you sleep.” 
“Oh….” Lance pulled the blanket around himself tighter, shivering from emotion and the freezing ice that was still in his veins. 
Keith sighed, but it didn’t sound annoyed. “Let’s just…keep going, alright? We’re almost there, and then you can rest again.”
Lance nodded silently, trailing after Keith, trying to make sense of what he was feeling.
Before he knew it, though, they had made their way to the rec room.
Or at least, what Lance thought was the rec room.
The room had been transformed into a giant, ridiculously elaborate blanket fort.
Lance gasped as he took it all in, and the memory of building blanket forts with his siblings flashed through his mind. They would steal all the pillows and blankets from all around the house to make a giant enclosure that would get more and more complicated every time they built it. Then they would all sit with the lights off, using flashlights to play cards or board games and telling dumb, scary stories.
And now he was staring at a blanket fort easily three times the size of anything they’d ever managed to make, yet it still had a cozy, inviting feel to it. The number of pillows and blankets here must have been easily five times the amount they’d ever used back home. The blankets were strung up along the walls and just below the ceiling, with more pillows than Lance could count lining the floors. The blankets in the center drooped slightly, and that slight imperfection made it feel like home.
Keith cleared his throat softly next to him. Lance turned to him, still in shock.
“Coran helped me build it,” he said slowly, trying to gauge Lance’s reaction. “Pidge and Hunk mentioned doing this with their families…..and I know you have a big family at home, so….”
There was a distinctly red flush across Keith’s cheeks, and he refused to meet Lance’s eyes. “Did you…did you do this for me?” Lance asked softly.
The flush deepened, and Keith crossed his arms tightly. “Um….I mean…I know you’re probably not feeling very good, so if you don’t like it or you wanna go back to your room, just tell me, it’s fine.”
The tears made another return, except this time one or two escaped and trailed down Lance’s cheeks. 
Finally looking up, Keith’s eyes widened when he saw the tears. Lance shook his head quickly, smiling softly. 
“Keith….” How could he even begin to describe how he felt? How the loneliness had been eating him from the inside, how he desperately yearned for something from home? And somehow, Keith had known. 
So he settled for smiling at Keith, emotions still running wild. “Thank you.”
The flush was back, and Keith ducked his head. “Y-yeah….don’t worry about it.”
Lance grinned. The obvious embarrassment on Keith’s face was almost cute.
Shuffling over to the fort, he eased himself down onto one of the many mounds of pillows strewn inside it, groaning in relief as he rested his aching joints. Seeming to shake himself out of his trance, Keith joined him, sitting stiff and cross-legged on his own mountain of pillows.
“The others will be here when they’re done,” Keith said, pulling out even more blankets that were buried somewhere in the sea of pillows, making sure they were within reach. “Hopefully they’ll have something for your fever, too.”
“Does Allura know about this?” Lance asked.
“Uh,” Keith said hesitantly, “she will when she gets back.”
Lance barked a laugh, happiness surging through him even though it made him cough. “You gonna convince Shiro to get in on the fun too?”
Keith grinned. “Absolutely. Hunk will make us soup. Pidge will probably have some games we can play. It’ll be great.”
“Like a sleepover,” Lance remarked, nestling into the pillows.
Keith shrugged. “I guess?”
“Have you never had a sleepover before?” Lance asked, incredulous.
Shaking his head, Keith looked away. “Never really had the chance.”
“Well then,” Lance said, tossing one of the blankets toward Keith. “That’s something we’ll have to fix, huh?”
Keith took the blanket and wrapped it around himself. He looked up, giving Lance a soft smile. Lance returned it without thinking.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 5 years
See you in my sweater - Klancemas Day 1 & 2
So taking inspiration from seeing @kaokki​ klancetober from @monthlyklance​ I decided to combined days together seeing how I’ve got late rehersals and no motivation to write once I get home. I hope I can actually get through this, which now makes me glad I’m only doing 2 secret santas. So hopefully you enjoy this! First snow/Sweaters
It was stupid, even though his friends said it wasn’t, it was actually really sweet, but it felt so stupid. It was just a sweater, it wasn’t like Lance hadn’t stolen other items of clothing from him, why did a sweater matter?
Well because for someone who didn’t give much thought to if he’d ever be in a relationship, there was one fantasy he wanted to live out with his significant other. It might of stemmed from watching his mom steal his dad’s favourite coat even if it was for a simple trip to the store, but he remembered the look on his dad’s face. Not one of possession but just the feeling when your significant other wears something that says, ‘I’m theirs’.
He had this overly large sweater made  for him, his last name and the marking of his mom’s motorcycle gang, The Mamora Blades on the back since he was a teenager. He kept it clean and safe, opting the hand wash it then risk it shrinking in the washing machine. He loved how cosy he felt in it, but more than anything, he wanted his significant other to steal it and parade around wearing it.
It was so stupid but he wanted it more than anything.
Of course, now it helped that he had a significant other, Lance. Cousin to his brother’s boyfriend and also majoring in astrophysics, with a minor in marine biology (Keith had no clue what Lance was planning on doing with a major like that, but he wouldn’t judge), he and Lance hadn’t gotten off on the best foot at first. Lance got annoyed with how much Keith would beat him on grades for their shared classes and Keith thought he was a pompous frat boy who had no hope of graduating on time. It was thanks to Shiro and Adam they saw differently. Lance had gotten a mild concussion slipping down the stairs to their school’s local pub. If it hadn’t been for him almost passing out at their table, Lance would of pretended he was fine. While Adam took care of paperwork and such, Shiro left him in charge of making sure Lance didn’t pass out again.
Keith wasn’t sure how his lips got so loose from a mild concussion, but Lance spilled how he couldn’t choose between space and sea, how his parents were so worried that he’d drop out of college due to the stress of the two, how he felt like Adam was constantly worried over him, how much he couldn’t stand his room mate but he couldn’t be rude, because his best friend had a crush on his room mate’s sister. He also talked about how he felt like he was gonna be alone forever because his relationships never worked out because they didn’t like him, how he had a feeling no one really liked him and they were just putting up with him, how scared he was he was going to prove everyone right by failing to graduate. He had never realised that someone who always had that infuriating smirk on his face held all this negative feeling in him.
So Keith told him about how he his relationship with his mom was strained after his dad’s death and how the state tried to say she wasn’t a fit mother because of her motorcycle gang. How he let the anger get the best of him when people would bully him or tease him. How it was easier to not even try hard and fail, giving in to what people expected of him then sit there and listen to them accuse him of cheating. Of how he felt like he was a burden on Shiro. How he would run away from situations instead of just talking to the people he cared about because he was scared about what would be said.
After all their hidden things were aired, somehow it was easier to talk to each other. Not that Lance still couldn’t find a way to get on his nerves. Maybe it had been that moment where they depended on each other or maybe all the time they spent together after, but Keith could tell he was gaining feelings. Part of him wanted to run and hide like he always did, but Lance could tell when he was hiding something and he wouldn’t leave him alone till he confessed what it was.
“What, did you think I was gonna leave you because you have a crush on me? Too bad, I don’t know why my mind goes to you when I just wanna hang out with someone or just talk to about anything, but it does, so what does that say about me?”
It said he had a crush on him too when only during a movie a few weeks later, Lance who’d been using Keith a pillow, pushed himself up and kissed him suddenly.
“It’s all I’ve been thinking about for the past 2 weeks.”
That was that after. They had their moments where they’d fall back into the life long game of ‘who can get annoyed the fastest?’ but it suited them. Then that stupid fantasy came back to mind. With the weather getting colder, Lance had shown off the many sweaters his mother and grandmother made for him.
“But you live in Miami?” Keith had questioned.
“Excuse you, but when the cold front hits and it’s 70, that’s freezing to us.” was all Lance replied with.
it’s not like Lance could complain. The slightest amount of wind and Keith would go pulling out his face mask. Point was, Lance would always look so cosy in his sweaters and he wanted to see Lance in his sweater. His one special sweater. He had offered many opportunists for Lance to take it, but he’d get really shy and quite and Keith would just drop it.
“Well of course he does.” Adam had explained when Keith complained to him, “You have to be the first good relationship he’s ever had. He acts like he knows what he’s doing, but he doesn’t. He wants to steal you sweater, but he keeps saying how he doesn’t want you to get cold, seeing how you keep pulling out a face mask at the slightest chill.”
Ok fine, so his habits were putting a stall on his main mission, but he wasn’t going to give up. he’d see Lance in sweater no matter what. Well, except telling him about his fantasy. There was no way they were gonna pull that from him.
Keith woke up to the sound of buzzing. He slowly blinked his eyes open to see Lance’s brown hair blocking his vision. He pulled Lance closer, squeezing his fingers as he tried to make sense of what he was hearing. The fairy lights in Lance’s room was the only light he should have been seeing, but there was another. A cell phone.
Now Keith had a predicament. One hand was laced with Lance’s across his waist and his other was under a pillow with Lance’s head on top of it. He was kinda stuck. And the phone just wouldn’t stop buzzing. Then Lance’s own started up, the buzz as loud as it’s owner.
“Hmmm,” Lance whined, pulling his free arm out from under the pillow and rubbing at his eyes. “What is that?”
“Our phones. they’re going off.”
Lance untangled his fingers from Keith’s and pushed himself up to reach his cell phone. He blinked bleary at the screen, dimed to save his eyes. They brighten by whatever he saw. Keith watched confused as Lance threw the covers back and rushed to the window, pulling up the blinds.
“It’s snowing!”
“What?” Keith said, getting up to follow Lance to the window.
Small flakes of snow fell to the ground, already sticking to the ground.
“I’ve never seen snow before!” Lance said.
Keith wanted to question it but he remembered Lance was from Miami. Closest thing he’d probably ever seen to snow was sand falling down or the fake snow at theme parks.
“Wanna go out and see it?”
“Yeah! Grab me a coat, I’m gonna put my shoes on.”
Keith pulled on his coat he’d been wearing the day before and went to grab Lance’s jacket when he saw his sweater, close to falling off the bed. He glanced over at Lance who was focused on digging out his warmer shoes. He grabbed his sweater and headed for the door, shoving his feet into the shoes he left there.
“Yeah!” Lance said, taking the sweater from Keith and pulling it on, mind fully focused on getting out of the dorm as quickly as possible.
Keith followed, holding the door open for people heading out behind him before he joined Lance, who stood at the top of the steps, staring at the sky. The sun shined off the snow and the flakes stayed in form in Lance’s hair. Lance looked amazing, even with the obvious signs of just waking up. He looked amazing wearing Keith’s sweater.
“It’s this amazing?” Lance asked, facing Keith, the melted snowflakes on his face leaving wet spots.
Keith wiped away the water for Lance. “Yeah, you are.”
Lance turned red, smacking Keith on the chest. “That’s not – I didn’t – ugg, just shut up!”
“And you look even more amazing in my sweater.”
Lance seemed to then realise what he was wearing. He struggled to see the back of it, Keith only seeing the last three letters of his name being pulled over Lance’s shoulder before Lance went red again and shoved at him, hiding his face in his neck, making him laugh.
“I hate you. Why the heck are you so insistent on seeing me in this?”
“No reason.” Keith said, wrapping his arms around Lance’s waist. “I just thought it would look good on you.”
Lance pulled away enough to stare at his boyfriend. “I hope you know you’re never getting this back then.”
Keith shrugged, struggling to push down the smile that was growing on his face. “Worth it.”
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kallura-icedcoffee · 6 years
Do you take prompts? If you do how about Veronica thanking Shiro for taking care of Lance and then they start arguing over which of their respective little brother/figures is the one Allura likes. I head canon them as being classmates. Bonus add Matt with plance into the discussion. Please and thank you :-)
“No way.”
“Yes way.”
“But I thought she liked Lance. She told him to come backsafe and her voice was all sweet and fluttery.”
“That’s how she talks. She’s a walking Disney princess. Deerwould eat out of her hand if they could.”
“Oh, ok that makes sense now that you mention it because shetold me to have a lovely day once and then she smiled and it kind of made mefeel…you know” Veronica said.
“Oh I know. She’s charming as all hell” Shiro stated beforesnapping off a carrot stick in his mouth.
“And how are her eyes so damn sparkly?” She pounded a fistlightly on the table.
“I’m telling you, Disney princess.”
“What are we talking about?” Matt slid onto the bench andplaced his cafeteria tray on the table.
“The fact that Allura likes Lance.”
“She likes Keith” Shiro corrected.
“I’m telling you, I saw a blush.” Veronica’s voice was more insistent.
“I don’t care if her cheeks literally burst into flames. Iknow what I know.” Shiro shrugged.
“And what do you know?” Matt leaned in, happy to arrive justin time for gossip.
“I know Allura was a cranky, longing, heartbroken mess whenKeith left for The Blade. Didn’t come out of her room the rest of the day afterhe left, cares a little too much whenever he goes off someplace and there mayor may not be a certain red jacket in her possession that she swears up anddown she hasn’t seen whenever Keith goes looking for it. He thinks it blew upin the castle, but…” He trailed off in order to gobble down a large spoonful ofmashed potatoes.
“No way!” Matt’s mouth fell open.
Shiro gave him a look and that’s all Matt needed forconfirmation.
Veronica sighed and crossed her arms.
“Well does he like her back?”
Shiro nearly burst into laughter.
“Don’t even get me started. He’s a damn mess.”
Veronica pursed her lips.
“Lance is gonna be crushed” she said after a long pause,slumping her shoulders.
“I think he’ll fine. He’s already got other options.” Mattsmirked knowingly.
“The alien fangirls he loves to brag about are not options.”
“I don’t mean them, I mean Pidge.”
Shiro and Veronica snapped their heads in the rebel’sdirection.
“Hey don’t say that like it’s so hard to believe. You knowhow they are Shiro.”
Shiro stroked his chin and thought about it.
“He is really protective of her…and down to get intowhatever crazy adventure she is…and they spend hours together playing thatvideogame until they end up falling asleep in bed together.”
Matt nearly choked on his green beans.
“Wait they fall asleep in bed togeth-”
“But does Pidge feel the same?” Veronica cut him off. Thisnew prospect had her greatly intrigued.
“She does get super annoyed when Lance gushes over othergirls and damn near threw a parade when Allura got wrapped up with Lotor beforehe, you know.”
“How long have they been sharing a bed for?!” Matt’s voicepractically squeaked.
“Not now Holt,” Veronica waved him away with her hand, “soAllura and Keith like each other and Lance and Pidge like each other, but noone is fessing up?”
“Exactly” Shiro answered.
“Wow, this is like some angsty YA novel.” Veronica tappedher fork to her lips. “So how do we get them together?”
“Get who together?” Lance was suddenly standing by the tablewith his food tray in hand. Pidge, Keith and Allura flanked either side of him lookingto sit as well.
The older siblings flinched and looked at the quartet beforetheir eyes darted among themselves nervously.
“Nothing! Nobody!” Veronica cleared her throat loudly. “Justchatting about uh…”
“Quantum physics” Shiro blurted out.
Everyone turned and stared him down incredulously.
“Quantum physics?!” Matt hissed under his breath.
“I panicked!” Shiro whispered back.
“Anyway,” Veronica announced a little too loudly, “we shouldget going. You all can have our spot.”
The other two quickly hopped up and snatched their trays anddrinks and hurried away, huddling together in some sort of secret discussion asthey left the room.
“What was that about?” Lance asked as he popped the top of asoda can.
“I dunno but I don’t trust it. It’s like they’re plottingsomething.” Pidge eyed them suspiciously.
“What on earth would they be planning?” Allura chuckled asshe neatly organized her utensils on the table.
“Whatever it is I’m sure it’s harmless,” Keith mumbled, “Imean, what could they possibly do?”
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b-kitsune · 5 years
Many ways to say I love you: Day Twelve.
Kidge-a-palooza 2019 Prompt: Sneaky. Pairing: Kidge (VLD) Universe: Garrison! AU Status: Part 2/4
Keith sighed with regret as he patiently kept the distance to perform the perfect acrobatics in sync with his peers around him, dictating orders at the necessary moment when one of his companions maneuvered in the wrong direction. It was a simple exhibition, to show the public the speed and precision of the latest aircraft made in Garrison in association with the altean technology. While Iverson commanded from the main cabin, the function was turning out just as they had rehearsed during the last five weeks.
As the main driver, and part of the promotion among the best pilots of his generation, Keith was forced to show the skill and discipline that the Garrison expected from his cadets. And he was in charge of directing the function for people who were interested in applying for the academy's program the next semester. Even if he had initially wished to reject it, Shiro had convinced him that thanks to that he could be considered for the space exploration program in conjunction with Daibazaal, one of the planets allied with the earth and the place where he was born. So it would be an insured position if he did that favor to Iverson.
Krolia had been proud as soon as she heard that he was considered to be an aircraft and that it was the perfect opportunity for Keith to show to others how skilled he was as a pilot. Keith didn't doubt that his mother was surely among the crowd with his uncle Kolivan to witness the spectacle.
In the end, he reluctantly accepted, Keith usually didn't like to command, but at that moment he felt good guiding his companions when they finished the last flight to expel the chemical vapor and paint the sky with colorful stelae. The people gathered from different parts of the galaxy shouted excited about the presentation.
Everything had gone well. The lieutenants congratulated them when they ordered them to descend to the established track.
At last, Keith could go down and do what he had been waiting for since he woke up that day. They were placed in position while the high commands awaited them in the hangar, congratulating them and giving them the chance to enjoy the event, as long as they behaved correctly today. All responded affirmatively.
Before Keith managed to escape, he was taken by Lance, seeing him with a cheeky smile that never led to anything good.
''No no no. Surely you will go to the training room. We are going to take advantage of the day like good comrades.'' Keith grunted in response by taking the arm from his neck.
''I don't have time for your nonsense, Lance.''
''But he's right.'' Shiro approached them when he heard Lance's words, looking at Keith with inquisition. ''Surely you will go to the training simulation while they don't see you. Don't you think it's a good opportunity to socialize with others? You gave an amazing presentation today, you should take advantage of it to get closer to your classmates.''
''Actually, Shiro, today I had something planned.'' He answered nervously, giving a quick glance to Lance, who didn't seem to believe him at all. ''I promised Pidge that I would show her the hangar of the aerospace zone, which is open to the public today.''
''Pidge? Who is? Your girlfriend?'' Lance joked, bothering Keith a bit, but before answering, James intervened.
''You're not talking about Katie, Major Holt's daughter, are you, Kogane?''
''It's none your business, Griffin.''
''Stop there.'' Shiro snapped before they started a discussion. ''If that is the case, then go ahead. I think I saw her with Matt at the Garrison kitchen.''
''Thanks, Shiro.''
He smiled before leaving the hangar and heard Griffin's irritation in the distance, dismissing the matter. Although his relationship with him had been transformed into something more neutral and respectful over the years as co-pilots, there was still some friction between them. Especially since Griffin discovered that he and Pidge started dating a few months ago.
When he had told Pidge about it, she let him know that Griffin was her father's assistant and that from time to time he had found her rummaging through the research rooms. He was kind to her most of the time as long as she didn't get into trouble, and he acted like an overprotective big brother, seeing her as too fragile for her own good, even if Griffin knew that she was completely capable of defending herself.
Keith had listened attentively that day, but he didn't believe in Griffin's good intentions. Besides, he surely thought that he was not good enough for her and that he would hurt her as soon as he got bored just like Lance used to do with his girlfriends. What was completely separated from reality.
Keith liked Pidge, a lot. Things had changed between them since the time he found her in the rain last winter. And both Shiro and her family were calm and happy that they both spent time together, had been positively influenced and didn't overstep the limits when things started to become more intimate with each other. They had kissed many times while nobody saw them, thinking that they were being sneaky enough so that no one would notice.
Maybe nobody had proof about them, nor were they officially dating, but there was something between them that could be palpable. Even Colleen had bothered them once when they would formally begin dating, to Sam's dismay. Alluding that her daughter was still too young to think about such things, but he had never denied her exits with Keith, even if they sometimes ended late into the night.
Matt, however, was more invasive and renegade at the idea that Pidge had a boyfriend. Reaching self-invite himself to many of their outputs so that none will make some strange movement. Keith thanked the heavens that when Shiro knows about what Matt was doing, he started inviting him to spend time with him every time Keith and Pidge went somewhere.
Keith smiled as he remembered that until he realized he was being followed by Lance and Hunk on the way from the kitchen. He watched them with a raised eyebrow when he stopped.
''What are they doing?''
''I'm going to the kitchen, I'm hungry after that show.'' Hunk replied as if it were something obvious.
''I want to know what the nerd looks like.''
''Don't tell her like that, Lance, I warn you.'' Keith growled loudly. So Lance raised his arms in surrender when he realized that he had pressed his buttons unintentionally.
''Ok, dude. Don't get mad at something like this ...'' Lance lowered his hands when he saw him sigh and continue on his way, so they began to accompany him closely. ''It's just that I'm intrigued that you're so interested in Commander Holt's daughter.'' Lance said, in a more complacent tone. ''I wonder if he's going to be a brainy girl with big glasses and everything like Matt.''
''How do you know she wears glasses?'' Keith asked intrigued, Lance buzzed with a grimace.
''Then it's definitely that girl is away from my league, don't worry about me mullet, I'll say hello and Hunk and I will be satisfied, is not that right, big man?''
''What? But I really go to the kitchen to eat something! I'm not interested in how Major Holt's daughter looks.'' Hunk crossed his arms to emphasize his point. ''Besides, it's a girl Keith, how many years did she have? thirteen years? I'm surprised that even Shiro agrees with you to go behind her.''
''She's fifteen, and I'm not going after her. She's my friend!'' He answered uncomfortably. But Lance and Hunk hummed without believing anything.
''Keep lying mullet, but don't worry. While she doesn't report you, you don't do anything wrong.''
Keith ended up hitting Lance in the head at that statement that brought more than a disturbing look at the Garrison's visitors. Besides, it's not like he's lying, they were friends.
That from time to time they would end up holding each other while kissing and caressing in places that brushed the imminent danger, was another business.
They entered in the kitchen room without much difficulty, although there were enough people around the corridors, the biggest attractions were in the courtyard, so very few people had decided to go in search of food. When Keith began looking for Pidge by the seats, he heard her scream his name when she approached wearing a charming green dress that he had seen him wear before in formal celebrations. Keith smiled unconsciously when he was hugged tightly by Pidge, she looked charmingly cute at that moment.
So much so, that perhaps Lance's cry had come a little later than he expected.
''No way! She's too cute to be a complete nerd!'' Before Keith answered, a hand hit Lance's head hard enough to get him out of the stupor. ''And why was it?''
''To shut your mouth in front of my sister.'' Hunk greeted Matt as he stood next to Pidge. ''She is Katie, the next semester she will apply to the pilot program. So surely you will see it frequently in a few months.''
''Hunk, it's a pleasure.'' Hunk offered his hand with kindness, to which Pidge responded in the same way. ''And the jerk next to me is Lance, I suggest you don't take it too seriously.''
''Hey! I can be a great influence when I propose it.''
''Were not you the guy who hit the Kerberos flight simulation?'' Lance blushed notoriously at the mention of the accident.
''What Keith told you is completely exaggerated. Even if it doesn't look like it, I'm an excellent main pilot.''
''It was not Keith; it was my dad. You burned the data processor by overheating it because of the terrible decisions you made.'' All tried to uselessly contain the laughter about what happened that day. It was a stain on Lance's record and one of the accidents most remembered by the Garrison.
''You know? I begin to realize why you two get along so well.''
''Oh sorry, I didn't mean to bother you.'' Pidge replied, extending her hand towards Lance. ''You are one of the most interesting people that Shiro and Keith have known, they talk to me a lot about you. I hope we get along when I get into the program the next semester.''
Lance looked at her skeptically, but at the mention of Shiro, he was able to relax again, making him happy that someone like him recognized him outside the Garrison. The girl was somewhat aggressive, but he could say she was kind, it was something that Lance felt he could handle. So, he decided to accept her hand.
''Pidge, we'd better hurry if you still want to enter the hangar.''
''Oh, yeah, sure''
''Wait, what hangar are you supposed to be going to?'' Inquired Matt with inquisition when he saws them slightly nervous.
''The one in the aerospace flight area is open and Pidge wanted to know the models of the hunting ships that Garrison was using.'' Keith answered simply; Pidge nodded for emphasis.
''And you're not invited! So don't ever follow us.'' Pidge added, but Matt looked quite satisfied with Keith's response.
''Yeah, of course, you can go without problems, it is a public area and there will be many people around.''
They both left the kitchen before Matt decided to change his mind for some reason, saying goodbye to Hunk and Lance in the passage. They began to walk through the corridors of the Garrison, taking several completely opposite paths to the exit they had decided to use as bait, mocking one or another lieutenant who was doing that day as a precaution.
They stopped in an elevator in the area of ​​scientific advance that gave access to a restricted area, but Pidge got the key to his father as he had said to Keith yesterday.
''Are you ready?'' Pidge looked at Keith with determination, if anyone found out what they were trying to do, surely, they would be expelled from the Garrison for life. Keith nodded, swallowing heavily, but with the same emotion in Pidge's eyes.
When they entered, the elevator began to descend for long minutes. So, Pidge, in a moment of boredom and excitement at the danger that surrounded them if they were discovered, began to annoy Keith. First hitting him with the body playfully, earning a slight laugh from him. Then she began to tighten it over the clothes, ending in a battle to see which of the two could stand up to the other's touches.
Pidge lost. Being knocked down with Keith's hands on her waist and a languid kiss that accompanied her when she fell to the ground.
They looked at each other for a few seconds without needing to separate, in moments like those, they enjoyed completely stealing some of another kiss to fulfill their daily goal of happiness.
''You look so cute with that dress.''
''Thank you.'' Pidge replied, somewhat embarrassed at the compliment so direct. ''I like your jacket; it looks good on you.''
''Surely it will also look good on you when you are forced to use it every day.''
Keith smiled playfully as he aimed one of his hands towards her face. That it was clear thanks to the strands taken from her hair in a simple ornament on the back of her head.
But before continuing their moment of confidence, they saw through the elevator what they had been investigating throughout the year, leaving them so impressed that they were barely able to speak. What the Garrison and alchemists of Altea were hiding from the universe during all these years. What Pidge and Keith had been trying to discover in fraganti when they heard a strange conversation between Shiro and Sam.
There, under Garrison, they were building giant robotic lions.
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altean-plance-au · 6 years
The Wedding
In celebration of breaking 1000 followers, we decided to treat you all to a glimpse of the future. As AdminRue said we are in awe and humbled so many of you want to keep up with this AU. We hope you continue to enjoy following us and look forward to continuing to grow this AU.
The Wedding
Various shuttles arrived at the lake in the forest. A platform was floating in the lake but connected to the shore. On the platform was seating as well as the altar.
Guests from all backgrounds stepped out of the shuttles and were lead to their seats.
King Alfor and Coran went to greet the rulers of Daibazaal and their son.
“Zarkon, Honerva, Lotor,” King Alfor greeted. “Thank you so much for coming.”
“We are pleased to be invited,” Zarkon replied. “Though I am surprised the wedding would be here and not at the capital.”
“That was at the request of the bride and groom,” Alfor replied. “They wanted it held here so two of their close friends could be present. Speaking of which here comes one now.”
A large creature rose out of the lake.
“What is that?” Zarkon demanded.
“That is the Gombash,” Coran explained. “Don’t worry, he’s a peaceful creature. Unless of course he senses you having malicious intent in which case he will kill you where you stand.”
Zarkon looked at the Gombash with fear and uncertainty until Honerva gave him a reassuring pat on the arm.
“It’s fine dear.”
The three went to their seats. Lotor suddenly felt a light tugging on his hair. As he turned he saw a small Altean girl.
“Hi I’m Nadia,” The girl said brightly.
“Prince Lotor, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Lotor replied.
“You have really nice hair.”
“Thank you.”
“Can I braid it for you?”
Lotor was thankfully spared having to give an answer when the Nadia was called back by her mother.
“Nadia! Get back here!”
“Ok, bye Prince Lotor.”
As the girl left Honerva commented. “I think you’d look good with a braid.”
Lotor could only give his mother a half-hearted glare.
Keith and Krolia sat nearby seat watching the everything going on.
“Thank you for bringing me along,” Krolia said to her son.
“The invitation allowed for a plus one,” Keith answered. “There’s no one else I’d want to bring.”
“True,” Krolia developed a sly grin. “Though you know, it might have been a good opportunity to bring a date.”
“Just saying.”
As Alfor was at the Altar going over the notes of the ceremony Blaytz approached and gave the king a hearty pat on the back.
“Today’s the big day, and to think you’re now well on your way to having grandkids.”
“Blaytz, it’s my niece, not my daughter, getting married today.”
“Oh,” Blaytz replied. He then gave Alfor another hard pat on the back. “Well that means you’re well on your way to having grand nephews and nieces.”
In a nearby tent Lance was putting the final touches to his outfit. It was a suit of armour but far more impressive than his normal attire. Not only was it more intricately made and bore his family crest and the metal was gleaming. He attached his clock and gave himself a final look over as Hunk let out a whistle of approval.
“Not gonna lie buddy,” He said. “You’ve never looked better.”
“Come on Hunk, you know I look good in anything.”
“Really? How about that time you lost that bet and had to wear that Snargle herder outfit?”
“Alright,” Lance conceded. “I look good in most things.”
“Though Hunk’s not wrong little brother,” Luis said. “You’ve never looked better.”
Lance smiled as the men present nodded in agreement. It was no surprise that Hunk was chosen to be best man. Filling out the ranks of Groomsmen were his two brothers Luis and Marco as well as Matt.
“Alright you’re ready,” Hunk declare. “Now before go out there I want you to remember three things. I love you, I’m proud of you and if you screw this up I’ll never forgive.”
“Love you too,” Lance replied as they gave each other a hug.
“I hope I’m not interrupting.” Everyone turned and saw Shiro enter the tent. “Just wanted to make sure you were almost ready. We’re starting soon.”
“Shiro!” Lance exclaimed. “How do I look?”
“Really good. Though there is one thing missing.”
“Really? What?”
“This.” Shiro pulled out a small box. He opened it to reveal a medal.
“Is that…?”
“Lance McClain, You have served Altea and the Crown diligently and nobly. You have upheld the principles this world is found on and are an example for others to aspire to. As your Captain I could not be prouder. In recognition of your continued service and valor, It is my honour to present you with the Star of Mefral.”
Lance was dumbfounded as Shiro pinned the medal on to the breastplate of his armour.
“There will be a formal ceremony for it later on but I thought it would only be right that you get to wear it on your wedding day.”
“Wow, Shiro this is amazing, thank you,” Lance stated. “Though is it wrong to say this is only the second best thing to be happening to me today.”
Shiro smirked as he gave Lance a pat on the shoulder. “There’d be something wrong with you if that wasn’t your response. Now all of you finish up. The last thing we want is to make this man late for his own wedding.
Once they all were prepared they stepped out and headed to the altar. As Lance walked up aisle he got various hugs and handshakes (in the case of Blaytz a high five) from the people he walked passed. He lingered with his parents, hugging them tightly as they told him how proud they were.
As he made it to the Altar, he turned his attention towards the Gombash.
“Gommy! I’m glad you could make it.”
Gommy trilled happily as he leaned in to briefly nuzzle Lance.
“Alright then,” Lance declared. “Razzle Dazzle Time!”
The under the shade of the Father Tree, the female party was set up in a tent doing the final preparations.
“There, finished,” Veronica stated as she put down the makeup brush. “Take a look.”
Pidge stood and looked at herself in the mirror. She wore an elegant flowing emerald dress. Atop her head was a tiara more detailed than her usual one.
“You look amazing,” Allura commented.
“She had better,” Veronica stated. “Lance would never let me hear the end of it if I got the makeup wrong.”
For the bridal party Allura was Maid of honour with the positions of bridesmaids going her cousin Mia as well as Lances sisters Veronica and Rachel. Pidge’s mother and father entered the tent.
“Pidge you look amazing,” Samuel stated.
“Thanks Dad.” Pidge replied.
“How do you feel?” Colleen asked.
“Good,” Pidge replied, when Colleen raised a skeptical eyebrow Pidge amended. “Absolutely terrified but I love Lance and want to be with him.”
Colleen smiled as she gave her daughter a hug.
Finally the bridal party was all prepared but before they left Pidge asked for a moment to do one last thing.
She walked up to Father Tree and placed a hand on the trunk. Her markings glowed as she connected with the ancient tree.  
“So what do you think old timer, am I doing the right thing?”
In reply there was a low rumble and the sensation of the ground shifting beneath her. Suddenly two roots shot out from either side of Pidge. The roots then ran along ground, creating a path that was clearly heading towards the lake. The flowers then burst out of the roots to decorate the path.
“Well,” Pidge commented. “I can’t argue with that.”
There were more than a few gasps of surprise as two roots grew out from the forest. The roots ran up the either side of the aisle, stopping just short of the altar before beautiful flowers burst out of the roots.
“You think this is Pidge’s handiwork?” Hunk asked.
“Actually I think it might be an old timer giving his blessing,” He bent down to give one the roots a pat. “Thanks Pappy.”
The root wrapped around Lances hand and squeezed lightly before releasing it. Lance stood back up and got into position as the music started. Everyone in the audience got their feet as the bridal party entered from forest.
Pidge lead the way, her flowing green dressing glowing with golden symbols. Allura carried the train as they exited the forest but released it as they got to the platform. The audience looked on in awe as Pidge walked up the aisle. Lance looked on in unbridled joyed.
The bride arrived at the altar and as she clasped hands with the groom the two became lost in each others eyes.
Hunk meanwhile had become misty-eyed and muttering to himself to “keep it together”.
Coran on the other hand was bawling his eyes out.
King Alfor allowed the couple a brief moment before he began the ceremony.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Lance and Katie in holy matrimony. which is an honorable estate. This is not an institution that they have decided to enter lightly but out of their love and devotion for each other.Ifany one can show just cause why they may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”
At that moment the Gombash raised himself to his full height and glared down at the audience.
“Although you may have to answer to him,” King Alfor added dryly.
This earned a chuckle from the audience, some more nervous than the rest. When it was clear no one was going to object, the Gombash settled back down.
“The union two souls is a moment great joy and celebration. It is with great pleasure that I now ask you two take these vows.”
“Lance, do you take Katie as your wife? To love and cherish for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.”
“Katie, do you take Lance as your husband? To love and cherish for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.”
“Then it is my honour, as ruler of Altea, to now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
As Lance and Pidge kissed, the audience erupted in applause.
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thesmollostbean3 · 6 years
Never walking away (Shadam reunion)
They are home
The lions slowly descended around the Garrison headquarters, creating a crowd of instructors and students running outside to see what on Earth is going on. The sky was slowly turning into bright yellows and oranges, as the evening was beginning. They don’t even know how many days have passed since they’ve been here, but it has to have been at least a year.
The plan is that they all land their lions at the garrison. Once they have spread the news of what has happened and the incoming galra ships, the paladins with homes to go to will be able to reunite with their families via car or lion, depending on how far it is. But for now, not one person was thinking about the plan,  because seeing earth, their home is what really mattered.
Shiro breathed in deeply. He was back, after all this time. After everything he had been through, he had changed so much, while it seems like the planet hadn’t changed that much at all. Memories of his and the others adventures in space filled his head, the good and the bad. How many times had he nearly died? He didn’t even know, but before he left for Kerberos he was sure by now he would have already passed away. He had gotten used to the idea, he had to after all. And now living with the fact that he had the rest of his life before him, was so surreal.
But first, they had a war to win. And Shiro had the rest of team voltron to take care of.
He walked over to Keith’s sleeping form, smiling at who he considered his little brother. Keith’s made Shiro swear to wake him up when they were about an hour away, but honestly Keith hadn’t slept properly for awhile, and Shiro didn’t have it in him to wake him up then. Plus, an actual extra hour of being able to pilot Black was something that Shiro desperately wanted, he was still a pilot at heart after all.
“Hey Keith, we’re here bud” And with that Keith shot up like he usually did, Shiro swore that boy was the lightest sleeper known to man. “I told you to wake me up an hour ago! What the hell Shiro?!” “Hey! Language” “I’m an adult, I can say what I want” “Not around me you can’t, now come on, we gotta get out of here”
Keith rolled his eye and smiled, walking ahead while shiro turned back to the front of the lion. “Thanks black, I owe you more than anything” He turned around and followed Keith out, scanning the crowd for any familiar faces.
That’s when he saw him. Adam.
The look on everyone’s face was a mixture between shock and awe, but Shiro found himself only being able to look at the man who he had been thinking about since he left for Kerberos. Adam had obviously changed. His hair had gotten a little bit longer and he seemed to have a scar right on his chin. His expression was filled with confusion but it still held so much warmth and relief, Shiro didn’t even notice himself running. Running to the thing that he had missed the most. He was there, Shiro was running to him like his life depended on it, like nothing else mattered.
As he reached Adam, Shiro felt like his surroundings had disappeared. He felt elated, but the memories of their final conversation still plagued him.
“Adam, I’ve been cleared to go, and... I’m going to, we leave in two days.” Adam turned to face him at that comment, sharply taking a breathe. “Fine, you’ve made your decision and I’ve told you what that means…is that it?” Shiro furrowed his eyebrows, he had expected a cold reaction, but it still caused him a painful aching in his chest. “Listen, I don’t want us to end on a bad note…I-“ Adam winced, obviously trying to not show the amount of pain this was causing him. Desperately clutching onto the uncaring façade he was showing. Pretend that it doesn’t hurt and therefore at least some of the pain doesn’t right? But they were in love. They were… “Is that it Takashi?” Shiro shook his head slightly. Wow, he was really going to do this huh? Act like everything didn’t matter in the end. Like they weren’t goddamn engaged. “No, no that isn’t it. Adam I love you, ok? I really do, and I never wanted to hurt you… I don’t know how to fix this…” The last sentence came out as a sob, and Shiro grabbed Adam’s arm, trying to blink away the heavy tears that were forming in his eyes. Adam closing his eyes, bracing himself for what he was about to say. “Don’t leave. That’s how you fix it just please don’t- don’t…” He took a shaky breath and took a slow step back to properly face Shiro. “I don’t want to lose a year of being with you…to find out you died in the middle of space, not being able to be there…to at least say a proper goodbye. I couldn’t…I can’t deal with this Shiro. I can’t ok? So don’t leave.” Adam was now shaking, trying to swallow his heavy sobs. “I…I’m so sorry Adam I have to. I only have a few years left I…I’m so sorry I have to. I have to go, because if I don’t I know that I would regret it for the rest of my life. I love you, I do, and when I get back we can-“ “No Takashi…just…no ok? I can’t do this. I told you that if you leave, this is over. And it is. It’s over. Now, Officer Shirogane, please leave my office.” Shiro stepped back, hurt as the words Adam had spouted seemed to cut through him like a knife. So that was it then. “Fine, I’ll go.” Turning around was the hardest thing shiro had ever done, and walking to the door was even harder. Before he left he looked back, and locked eyes with his, now ex fiancé. In those eyes he saw all those years spent together. The laughter, the tears. Nervous confessions mixed in with flirty jokes. All the intimate moments they had shared, and all the breathless declarations of love. Shiro turned away, and walked out of that door, forcing himself to leave it all behind.
He didn’t know what to say to him…he didn’t know what to do. After they broke up…so much had changed. Yet somehow it was all just as painful. “Takashi…I’m so sorry.” With that Adam embraced Shiro in his arms, and Shiro felt his head swirl. He had missed this…all of it so much. “I shouldn’t have broken things off, I should’ve been there. I left you when you needed it most and that was horrible of me I’m so so sorry I-“ Shiro interrupted the muffled words with a shush, and rubbed Adam’s back gently. They stood there, in each others arms for what seemed like an eternity, yet when they finally broke it felt like it wasn’t long enough. “Why are you sorry? I should be sorry, I was stupid and selfish and not considering the consequences. It was fool-“ Adam shook his head frantically. “No…Takashi I was the one being selfish. I didn’t even try to come up with an alternative solution I w-“ “Let’s just say we were both at fault?” Adam smiled, and nodded gently. It was a strange relief, but they obviously would need to talk more about this…about everything really, but for a moment, neither of them said a word.
“If it’s any consolation, you were right about the dangers of going to Kerberos…” They slowly made their way to the lions, Shiro still hadn’t really talked to the rest of team voltron, since he did kind of immediately run to Adam after all.   Adam playfully elbowed him and chuckled quietly. Shiro hadn’t heard it in years, and frankly it made him feel almost giddy. Like he was a pining kid again. “Yeah I know about that, did you think I WOULDN’T get every last detail when Sam came back?” “Ah, so you basically grilled him, classic Adam style.” “More like new and improved since I was still freaking out that you were alive after all this time. I mean, the hair and arm is a surprise but still.” Yeah…Shiro wouldn’t mention the fact that he had died and been reincarnated with his clone for a little while…
As they finally regrouped inside the black lion, and the others seemed to not be able to contain themselves with meeting Shiro’s ex fiancé…or maybe even just fiancé? They still needed to talk about that…
“So this is the guy hey? Hmmm…but are you good enough for our Shiro” Hunk walked up to Adam and leaned in close, seemingly inspecting him. “I think he is Hunk, they were engaged remember?” “Keith! Oh my god your so tall now, and you have a…IS THAT A SCAR JESUS!” Adam ran over to Keith, completely panicked as Keith looked absolutely like he had come out of a warzone. Which was completely correct, and frankly the rest of them did too. “You guys have helmets so why on EARTH do you have a scar on your face. What happened to you out there, actually don’t answer. I don’t want to know right now…” Keith laughed a little, “It’s good to see you again Adam.” Adam smiled and ruffled Keith’s hair, a thing that was obviously a habit before Shiro left. “Wait hold on here, so Shiro, Adam, let me get this straight.” Shiro had gradually walked over to Keith and Adam, and at Lance’s comment he gently elbowed Adam. They were engaged before all of this, they had to have some way to communicate internal gay jokes.
“You guys basically have the most iconic love story of all time, Jock meets nerd and become friends. You guys grow up together and end up being the best pilots in the Garrison, slowly falling in love while doing so. And shiro, for some reason, you only RECENTLY TOLD US THIS???” Adam looked over and raised an eyebrow, while Shiro sheepishly scratched the back of his neck.
“Well things were a bit…complicated. And I don’t really think we had a lot of time before to actually talk about it.” Shiro felt Adam shift slightly with the word ‘complicated’. Shiro was right of course, they had broken up and it was extremely painful for both of them.
“Well it is lovely to meet you Adam! My names Allura, and I am from the planet Altea.” Shiro would that her later for changing the subject. Adam stepped back. Sam gave him a quick run down on who the paladins were when he met up with Adam, so he fully well knew who Adam was facing an actual alien, alien royalty at that…and understandably he was freaking out a bit. “Oh uh yes…it’s an honour to meet you Allura. And all of you guys.”
That was the start of everyone’s brief introductions, and frankly, it was obvious who Adam bonded with the most.
“I don’t know how you dealt with him…he’s constantly getting himself in danger I don’t know how he does it!” “I barely know myself…I swear it’s like there could be a big glowing sign that said “don’t do this alarmingly reckless thing” and he’d probably do it in spite of the SIGN!” To be fare, Keith did obviously get it from his mother, so the entire conversation was painfully ironic to listen to. And Shiro was awkwardly hoping to not get blamed for Keith’s recklessness from Adam.
“Ok, I think that’s everyone, guys let’s continue with the plan. I’m going to go and find Commander Iverson to tell him what’s going on, if you all have any friends that you want to reunite with here, do it now. Krolia, Allura, Romelle, Coran, stay in black for now like you guys have been doing. There is a bunch of press and a big enough crowd to last a lifetime, and you guys would certainly be more safe in here than out there.”
Big robotic lions were enough, actual aliens on Earth right now would make everyone lose their minds.
“Let’s go guys!” Adam smiled fondly at Shiro. He really had become a great leader huh? He always was, but seeing how much everyone respected and cared for him…it made Adam proud. “I’m going with you, Iverson is too much of an asshole to deal with alone.” Pidge snorted in response, and with that, everyone got on the move.
Shiro and Adam left the lion, and before they could actually enter the giant crowd Adam pulled shiro to the side of Black and behind the head of yellow, somewhat hiding them from the giant swarm of people who were now swarming Lance, Pidge and Hunk with questions.
“Look, I know things are hectic right now and we just reunited only an hour ago, and it’s fine if you can’t answer right now but I want to ask you..” “Just tell me Adam” “After this has ended, when the war has finished…can we try this again. We still have to properly talk of course…but I’m not going to give up on this, us, again.” There was a brief moment of silence, back then, shiro had thought it was the end. And the break up was one of the worst things he had gone through in his entire life. Leaving Adam for Kerberos was agonising enough, and when he was kidnapped by the Galra…convinced he was leaving him, Keith and the rest of his family for good…it was torture. But he was here, with Adam. And Shiro was completely willing to rebuild that life that they had. It meant the world to him.
He hugged Adam once again, whispering “of course” gently into his ear. They both separated for a quick moment, and then gently kissed. Neither of them would be able to describe how it felt, but if they had to choose one word, they would both immediately say ‘home’.
“Well…we should probably..” “Yeah…” “You know, I still have a lot to catch you up on…” “True, and you better tell me all of it. Every last detail Takashi Shirogane.” “I promise I will tell you about all of it, even the gross stuff.” “Thankyou, I am honoured. And I have to catch you up on a lot too. Like last years Christmas party was TERRIBLE. Lena brought a bowl of sunflower seeds as her savoury dish, who does that?” “Sounds like I’ve missed out on the real important news of Galaxy Garrison…but sunflower seeds? Really? I mean that’s an all time low…” “I know right? We can’t ever let her host it I’ll tell you that.”
Shiro and Adam stopped for a moment, and stared at each other. In those eyes Shiro saw the same things he saw all those years ago. All those years spent together. The laughter, the tears. Nervous confessions mixed in with flirty jokes. All the intimate moments they had shared, and all the breathless declarations of love. But shiro wasn’t leaving them. And as he carefully held onto Adam’s hand, he absolutely knew. He was never going to walk away from him again
(Hey guys! so basically in this lil piece Earth hasn’t been attacked by the Galra yet because I want things to at least be alright when they return home dammit. Although that is most likely not going to happen. I wanted to do a little a little reunion so here it is!)
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bunk12bear · 6 years
I Learned It From The Pizza Man Epilogue: I couldn't think of a witty title
6 months later
The late June air was hot and sticky, the kind of weather that made you dream of the winter you'd been complaining about only months earlier.
Pidge, Hunk, and Shiro lounged under a large tree, ice cold drinks in hand. Keith and Lance had left about twenty minutes earlier to, "get refills" on their pretty much full drinks. They probably thought they were being subtle.
Pidge took a sip from her lemonade. "Where do you think the lovebirds ran off to because it sure as hell wasn't to get a refill."
"Not sure, but if I had to guess I'd say they're probably off kissing somewhere. Like when they needed to 'thank their favorite professors' at graduation."
Pidge laughed. "I still can't believe you actually fell for that excuse and followed them no less! It's your own damn fault that you walked in on them making out."
Hunk put his hands up defensively. "Hey, don't laugh! I had to see my oldest and dearest friend with his shirt halfway off and his tongue down someone's throat. I'm scarred for life, dude."
Shiro winced. "Oh come on, that someone is my little brother. I really didn't need that mental image."
"I'll take that over the two months of pining that preceded their first date." Pidge rolled her eyes. "I swear to God if I had to hear about Keith's 'gemstone colored eyes' one more time I was going to puke."
"Keith was just as bad. He got back from your apartment the first time with this dopey smile on his face," Shiro faked a swoon, imitating said dopey smile, "and he's got these blue eyes, not light like the sky but dark like the ocean."
"Oh my God, really?" Pidge laughed.
"Yeah, I gave Lance the codename Mr. Ocean Eyes to make fun of Keith, as any good older brother would."
"That's better than ours, we just called Keith Pizza Boy," Hunk piped up.
Pidge's eyes widened and she gestured excitedly: "Oh, oh Hunk, do you remember the poem?"
"Of course."
Shiro seemed confused. "Wait, what poem? I didn't hear about a poem."
"The week before Lance told Keith to him ask him out Keith wrote Lance a poem." Pidge grinned and splayed her hand out in front of her. "I know it may seem kind of cheesy but a boy like you makes romance easy." she quoted.
"Really," Shiro snorted then grinned, eyes sparkling. "Oh my God, Keith is never gonna hear the end of this."
"I'm never going to hear the end of what?" Keith and Lance were back, clothing rumpled and hair a mess, a suspicious bruise blooming on Keith's neck.
Their friends exchanged a Look™.
"Hey little bro, I didn't know you were a poet."
"Wait, what? I'm not a-"
Shiro interrupted: "I know it may seem kind of cheesy, but a boy like you makes romance easy."
Keith's cheeks went pale. "What, how the hell did you find out about that?"
"Pidge told me," Shiro said gesturing her direction with a shit eating grin.
"Well, I still think it's cute," Hunk said placing a hand on his chest.
Keith's cheeks turned a distinct shade of scarlet. "Please God, kill me now," he croaked, burying his face in his hands.
Lance kissed his cheek. "C'mon babe don't be embarrassed, it was cute."
Keith slipped his hands from his face and grabbed one of Lance's hands in both if his. "You're cute," he said bringing Lance's hand up to his lips and kissing it.
"No seriously, I loved it!"
Keith cocked his head. "Mmm, I love you."
Lance grinned and kissed him. "I love you too."
"Wait, when did this happen?" Shiro asked.
"Couple weeks ago." Lance didn't even bother to look at him.
"Awww! Who said it first?" Hunk cooed.
"Keith actually."
"Really?!" Keith turned to his brother, "Always the tone of surprise."
Lance's eyes lit up. "Sweety, was that a Harry Potter reference? Oh my God, I love you so much."
Keith shrugged. "You're pretty okay yourself."
"Kidding, I love you too, sharpshooter."
Pidge began to gag dramatically. "Okay before you two turn this into a total mushy love fest they've just started putting out the food and I'd kill for a hamburger."
The group walked over to the buffet table, clearly whoever had cooked had perused Pinterest heavily. In addition to the usual burgers and hot dogs there were little graduation caps made of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and square chocolates, a candy bar with event-appropriate labels such as gummy "bookworms", a build your own taco bar, neatly organized appetizers like Seven layer dip packed in individual plastic cups and an abundance of mason jars.
They ate their food and chatted amongst the other partygoers. Pidge, Hunk, Lance and Keith answering the usual questions. So what's the plan? You got a new job offers lined up? Are you planning on getting an advanced degree? Keith and Lance also got the weird Probing Questions™ an alarming number of people seemed to think were appropriate to ask a couple. When are you two getting married? Are you planning on having any kids? There was one middle-aged straight couple who apparently had never met a gay couple before, with all the questions they asked. A relationship and graduating College are big milestones so it's natural for people to ask questions, but this was getting exhausting. Keith was one heartbeat away from yelling something like "We're gays, not unicorns!" and running away when Lance found a more polite way to leave the conversation. They went back to their friends to wind down and spend the rest of the party with them. The five of them returned to the spot under the tree. Hunk and Pidge chatted exchanging information about their latest projects, Shiro sat against the trunk of the tree texting Curtis who was out of town visiting family and Lance and Keith sat side-by-side,wrapped up in each other and hands intertwined. Life was good, the future was bright they were happy.
5 years later
Lance had been planning this for weeks. Hunk had very graciously taken time off of his busy schedule - which consisted of writing his thesis and taking care of his and Shay's new baby - to go over the plan again and again on the phone, assuring lance that things would be ok.
Keith looked at him from the passenger's seat. "Where are we going?"
"You'll see."
Keith raised an eyebrow. "Okay?"
"It'll be good I promise." Lance parked the car and lead Keith a short way before stopping In front of a very familiar restaurant.
"This is the Mexican place we went to on our first date"
"Yup!" Lance said. "Let's just go inside, I already made a reservation."
The hostess grinned just a bit too widely to be genuine as she seated them at their table. It didn't take Keith long to notice it was the same one they had sat at on their date all those years before.
As they ate and talked and were generally having a great time, Lance had the feeling that Keith was catching on to what he had planned. Perfect.
They emerged from the restaurant hand in hand and walked in the opposite direction of where they had parked.
"Didn't we park our car that way?" Keith asked, puzzled.
"Yes we did but just trust me."
Lance led Keith down the street quickly before stopping abruptly and pulling him to the side of the highway towards the road.
He grabbed Keith's hands. "Hey so by now you probably realize that I've been recreating our first date, I have a reason for that. The last five years have been wonderful. You make me so happy-" "Lance, are you...? Keith interrupted tears suddenly welling up in his eyes.
"Shh, let me finish. You are 100% without a doubt the one for me and know I want to spend the rest of my life with you so" Lance got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box, "Keith Kogane, will you marry me?"
Tears were streaming down both of their faces by now. "Oh my God, you beat me to it!" Keith said but pulled Lance in for a kiss.
When they broke the kiss Lance took some time to wipe his eyes and then tilted his head coyly. "So that's a yes?" "Of course it's a yes you idiot."
"Good," Lance said then slipped the ring on to Keith's finger and kissed him again. He pulled back abruptly, "Oh there's something I have to do. Babe, hold your hand up next to your face so I can get a picture."
Lance quickly snapped the photo and posted it to Twitter and Instagram with the caption "I liked it so I put a ring on it" and a bunch of hashtags about love and marriage.
Keith snorted. "Isn't that song like 15 years old?"
"Shhh babe, Beyonce is eternal."
Author's note: aaaand that's a wrap. Thank you again to Calliopestories for beta reading this.
Olive bro sadly didn't make an appearance in this chapter but I just couldn't find a place to fit him in, he might make an appearance in other things I write though.
I didn't put it in but I firmly believe some of the mentioned hashtags in the proposal scene would be ones Lance made up like Lancy Lance is officially off the market.
In the first part, if it wasn't clear Pidge, Hunk, Lance, and Keith have all graduated college and are at a graduation party.
In the second part, I wanted to include more like maybe their friends and family reacting to the engagement but I thought of the closing line and couldn't not end on that so c'est la vie.
Thank you to anyone who read to the end of my little story that actually means a lot.
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Caramel Skin Under A Purple Rain prt 34 full draft. Didn’t realise it was this tiny
They were late for the Gala. They were late for the Gala and Keith was annoyed. After pacing back and forth what surely must have been a thousand times, dodging Kolivan’s silently judging expression, by staring at his feet, Keith loathed the fact that we’re now a varga late for the Gala that they were throwing. He wasn’t rushing to be at the event. Not in the slightest, and if it wasn’t for the ridiculous monkey suit he’d stuffed himself into being too much effort to take off, he may have made a run for it by now, ruining the hard work of Shiro and Curtis, the pair coming to keep him company after Krolia had stolen his husband. The pair had already been alone for nearly 4 vargas, surely they’d long run out of things to talk about. At this stage, he wondered if Krolia had drugged Lance or seen sense and removed him from the palace for his own safety. Appearing out of the door that led to his mother’s chambers, Krolia was dressed in a flowing robes made from fabric that almost looked like liquid. Starting at a metallic purple along the bottom, the colour grew darker into black around his mother’s shoulders, the front of the robes dipping to show far too much of his mother’s chest and a rather distastefully large gemmed necklace, while the back had a raised collar which sat in line with the top of his mother’s marks. Her hair swept up into an intentionally messy bun, three silver pins holding it back on the right side, the bigger one had some kind of weird flower hanging off it by a chain, her slanted fridge slightly curled on the left and the bit behind her ear on the left had been left long. Had Lance been there, he would have been able to describe Krolia’s appearance better, yet Keith was mostly clueless about fashion and hair styles, so all he could say was that she looked every bit the dignified ruler of Daibazaal that she was. Smiling at him... nope, at Kolivan as she bipassed him in favour of walking over to her husband, Krolia took Kolivan’s hand in hers “Can you see the listening device?” Checking the large silver hair pin, Kolivan shook his head “No. You look exquisite. Is your camera in place?” Krolia tapped against the gaudy red gem on her chest, the colour swirling into a deep purple, set off by the shimmering diamonds around the frame “Done. I wish I could have worn my boots. These shoes feel too light” “It’s only for the next 5 vargas and 37 doboshes” “Don’t I look worth it?” Kolivan spluttered, Keith feeling a twinge or sympathy for him. Kolivan promptly “downgrading” Krolia as he tried to cover his embarrassment “Y-you look good. Good. Adequate. Fine” “Thanks. I’m carrying our child, yet I’m only adequate. Lance was much kinder with his words. Maybe I should take him as my date tonight, and leave you two to it” Keith and Kolivan both cast a glance towards each other then looked away. It was tortuous enough to attend the Gala. Neither of them particularly wanted to attend without their partners. Scratching the back of his head, Keith supplied “Mum, you look... good. I mean, nice. Really nice. Yeah” He wasn’t much better than Kolivan, but nice had to be better than “adequate” or “fine” “Thank you, Keith. Lance! You can come out now!” There were moments in life when Keith had his breath taken away. Generally they were from a hard blow to the solar plexus, admist battle or because he’d done something stupid. Then Lance shuffled out and his breath was taken away for all the right reasons. Wearing a thigh length rich purple Altean styled tunic with silver and white trimming, and a ridiculously well fitting pair of black pants, Lance’s outfit was much plainer than that of Krolia’s in a Galra terms, yet his husband looked like a prince as he shifted nervously. Keith was just as nervous. He wasn’t sure that it was Lance standing in front of him with his perfectly “naturally” styled hair. Keith knew that if he was to reach out and stroke his husband’s cheek, his skin would be as smooth and soft as it looked. Mumbling, Lance appeared composed despite his obvious anxieties. His outfit seemed to shoulder the burden of his husband’s depression and throw it far from the Cuban “D-Do I look ok? It’s technically your mother’s shirt, but all Altean’s dress similarly... I can go change, if you don’t like it... Krolia said it looked ok, plus it kind of hides my stomach. I... I look stupid. I know it. I’m going to get changed” Opening his mouth, Keith didn’t remember the English language. He had no words. His mouth closing as he frowned deeply. It was the same kind of shirt he’d seen a dozen times on Coran, on all the Altean’s. The same kind of shirt Lance had worn before... Lance might be a little on the thin side. He might have 7 out of 8 fingers. His eyes might be so ridiculously blue that it seemed he was wearing contact and his hair might be a fluffy rebellious mess come morning... He shouldn’t be wordless... tongue tied... stripped of his ability to speak... simply because his husband looked so handsome. He knew he was handsome. Things other people may judge him over, Keith accepted and loved because he loved him. “Lance, I don’t think that’s the problem. I think you’ve rendered him mute with how good you look” Nodding at his mother’s words, his walk was stiff as he moved to stand in front of Lance “Babe?” “Good... You look good... bello...” Mentally Keith groaned, understanding Kolivan’s pain. His breathy reply was somewhat pathetic. Lance’s eyes widened, cheeks taking on a slight red hue “Did you just say “bello”?” “Uh... I think so. It came out... You’ve said it before” Keith’s own cheeks felt warm. Lance would fall asleep during their calls, a dopey smile on his lips that was hiding his pain “It’s, uh, it means beautiful” All those times. Lance kept calling him beautiful when he was leaving him all alone. He didn’t feel very “beautiful” over his actions “You are. Beautiful I mean. You look... really good. These clothes suit you” Lance ducked his head, Keith lifting his hand to gently push Lance’s chin up. His husband an anxious mess “Are you sure?” “Very. I’m the luckiest man in the Galaxy. I know they say that men don’t notice, but I like your hair” “Oh... Krolia organised everything. The coalition was paying” “Let them. I hope you got your monies worth” “Yeah... yeah, it was a good few vargas... Mumma K and I had a bit of a talk” Keith was sceptical that they’d done all that much talking. He hadn’t been able to get in that much solid conversation with his mother since returning home, and he was her son. They’d talked about Lance’s pregnancy, his fears of being a father. His fears over how small their twins were, and the fear that came with becoming big brother, about his new sibling, then about Lance having a fitful night sleep. When including the suit fitting, he technically had spent more time with her... yet it felt like whatever Krolia and Lance spoke of were deeper and more intimate “You did?” “Yeah. Do you know the Galra call their young “pups”?” “Mum mentioned it” “I think it’s kind of cute” “I think you’re kind of cute” Kolivan cleared his throat, Keith jumping as he winced. Thoroughly embarrassed for acting so soppy in front of “Stone Faced Kolivan”. His someday step dad wasn’t great with expressions, and he wasn’t much better when there was an audience of Kolivan “We need to leave. The Gala started at seventeen-hundred-hours. The time is now eighteen-thirty five” “Kolivan, we allotted between seventeen-fifteen and eighteen-fifteen for drink and arrivals. The award ceremony will begin at nineteen-hundred-hours. Can’t you see how taken Keith is with his husband. That was how you were supposed to look at me” Kolivan gave a dangerous sigh. He was flirting with danger when it came to upsetting Krolia “I was dear. Keith, are you ready to leave?” “Uh... yeah” He couldn’t take his eyes off Lance. Lance covering his mouth as he snort laughed. It wasn’t a terribly attractive sound, yet Keith’s heart skipped a beat. Cocking his head in the side Lance poked him. Keith blinking, his husband grinning at him “Krolia, I think he’s broken” “I told you that you looked good. Don’t forget your crutches” “I was so close to being free of them” “One more night” “I know... So Keith, do you maybe want to come back to reality with the rest of us?” “You look really pretty” Laughing, Lance took his hand and Keith’s heart skipped all over again “Come on, Romeo. Let’s go get you that award” * Entering the Gala, soft weird alieny orchestral music was playing. The space was draped with black and purple banners, the tablecloths silver, with over flowing centre pieces of black, pink, and purple flowers. Lance hadn’t known that palace had a ballroom, yet he supposed it was kind of obvious that a palace would, and now he was freaking the quiznak out. There were so many people. The space was absolutely massive. 40 or so tables were arranged in a semi-circle around the curving black stage. At the back of the stage was a large screen, showing various dignitaries in real time at the party. The sound naturally muted because they probably didn’t want to embarrass anyone with the high chance of flowing gossip. Blushing as Keith moved his hand to the small of Lance’s back, he instantly tried to lean into him, as much as his crutches would allow “That’s a lot of people” Keith had paled at the size of the crowd, his husband seeking him out for comfort as Lance was him “Too many people. Would you like something to drink? Obviously not alcoholic, because you’re pregnant and now you’re glaring at me” There we’re things that obviously didn’t need to be said “One drink is not going to kill me. A juice would be nice though... but I should probably stick with water. Do you need to go?” Keith shrugged “Probably, but not until you’re settled. Would you prefer to sit or stand?” He’d been sitting or laying all day... He didn’t want to seem rude “Standing is fine. Krolia’s does pampering perfectly... I nearly dozed off more than once. Sitting would probably lead to sleeping” “Babe, if you want to sit, sit. Anyone who says anything...” Lance ducked his head, his husband was being unbearably nice “You’ll stab them. I know. But it’s ok, really. I’m your husband, and this night is to celebrate all the good you do. I’m proud of you, you know. Is it... okay if I stay by your side a little longer” Keith groaned at him “You can’t say stuff like that. I don’t know what to say back... You show up... and you look so good... and I have to contain myself as it is. I don’t know if I want to show you off. I don’t want people competing for your attention” “You’re an idiot. How many times do I have to tell you, you’re the one I want. No matter how many stupid things you say. Why don’t you escort me to the drinks table, then we’ll see who we see on the way” “I reserve the right to be pissed at anyone who hits on you” “You can be as mad as you like, as long as you understand that I have no intention of flirting back...” Reaching up, Lance raised his hair clip from under his collar “...I’m yours, remember. You’re wearing the matching clip. Stop worrying about my honour, and start worrying about the fact I’m thirsty” Tucking his necklace back in, Keith finally lost his glare towards the crowd. In a perfect world, he wouldn’t have to part from his husband’s side. They were in a room filled with strangers, yet there were some friends here. Hopefully Curtis was free to hang out with, and hopefully Veronica wouldn’t be able to locate him. Whispers blossomed behind them as they made their way to the drinks table. Chewing the inside of his cheek, Lance focused on the feel of the sheathed blade up his sleeve. He knew his anxieties would be a bitch the moment they entered the space. He felt naked without his bodysuit, and playing bait left him with no appetite, despite having only grazed on snack type foods while being pampered. All he could do was force himself to breathe deeply through his nose, despite the assault of scents that brought. Opening his mouth might lead to him saying something he’d regret. Something that might embarrass Keith, or even endanger him. He might be forcing himself to play along, but he wanted this night to go as smoothly as possible. The coalition banners mocked him from their great heights around the space, black with their crisp white emblem standing out of place “Babe. If this gets too much, you can leave. You have a completely free pass for tonight where I won’t be a jealous dick. I would prefer you don’t leave alone, but if you need to go, you go” “I’m ok... I know they all read the article. I know someone here is less than impressed. I want to stay. I want to see you receive your award... I just need to focus on breathing” “Breathing is important. Please keep breathing” Lance forced a strained smile. Honestly, it looked more like a grimace of pain “When you ask my so nicely, I can’t say no. I was thinking of trying to find Curtis. Do you think he’d be in trouble if I did? I don’t want him to get hurt” “What did Krolia say?” “That if they’re going to make a move, it’s more likely it’ll happen when I’m alone... If I stand alone during the ceremony, they might make a move, but if I’m like not too far away, that’ll be better for you instincts, won’t it?” Reaching the table, Keith plucked up two thin flutes of some kind of space wine. He could tell from the colour and consistency. Passing him the flute, his husband looked a little constipated “One drink. To be social. And yes. It would settle my instincts, but... I trust you. My instincts have been thrown into chaos, and I keep fucking things up. I know you can handle yourself, even with your leg in a cast, but please be careful. If you have a plan, trust your gut... but don’t... just don’t go getting hurt” Casting a glance around the room he didn’t like the see of strangers. Everyone seemed to ooze pomposity. This was not his world at all. Trying to find a friendly face so he could be “dropped off” before the ceremony began Lance caught sight of Krolia talking with Shiro. Seeing him staring, Krolia made a gesture to Keith before waving him over “I don’t plan on getting hurt... Quiznak, your mother is waving you over. Shiro’s there” “He and Curtis came to make sure I wasn’t a wreck with you gone” Lance bit down a smile. Keith would have been... no wonder his suit and tie looked so perfect... Provided he wasn’t too tired when the Gala ended, Keith was getting laid. Lance was going to enjoy himself as he stripped his husband later. It was so rare for his husband to wear one, meaning he had to make the most of it. Bring his glass up, he clinked it against his husband, then downed the salty wine. Keith was quick to copy, both of them slamming down their glasses as they wheezed “Why is it so salty?!” “I don’t know! Who needs salted wine!” “I better not taste like this... you don’t taste like this” “I know I don’t! Dios! It tastes like the ocean after whales mate” “It tastes like Zethrid cooked dinner” “It tastes like you cooked dinner” Keith flushed red, Lance was smiling so hard it hurt... it was either that, or his stomach trying to climb up and escape via his burning throat “You’re a douche” “I’d rather be a dick. I know you like those” Groaning at him, Keith blushed harder “I have to go on stage now” “I know. At least you’re not so nervous now. Gimme a kiss, then we’ll go see mum” Keith shoved him back, before grabbing him by the arm and pulling him in for a firm kiss. Both of them scrunching their faces at the lingering taste in each other’s mouths as they broke away “Mum can wait. This taste has to go first” Lance nodded. Anything to get the taste gone... Salty wine... it was an abomination that should be sent into the vacuum of space. Feeling isolated in the crowd, some dignitaries had taken seats, some wanted to give speeches, some seemed determined to shun his existence completely, some seemed happier to openly stare and gossip now that Keith had left his side. His husband clearly out of place as he stood with his team, and the other previous Paladins. Lance had seen Shay moving through the party, yet hadn’t had the courage to face her. Maybe he wasn’t taking not having seen her and Pidge worse than he thought. He’d spent a good day with Krolia, and sleeping, he shouldn’t be pouting for not having everything his way. Having been filled in on the plan for him to stand alone, Curtis was two rows of people in front of him and slightly to the left. Curtis couldn’t see him, yet he could see Curtis just fine. Veronica hadn’t approached him, either because she was mad at him all over again, or disgusted. With how his mood was falling, he knew he really needed to leave the ballroom, his scent would start causing issues for others if he didn’t... but quiznak. He wanted to be there with a ridiculous smile on his face as Keith accepted his award. He wanted to clap politely for his husband, then tease him mercilessly when they were alone. He know he might be emotionally compromised, and very slightly hugely biased, but Keith seemed like a dashing prince up on the stage. He seemed so far away, and so dashing, Lance’s poor bi-heart was racing... Shuddering in surprise, he shook off the sudden feeling. He couldn’t see anyone looking in his direction, yet something had caused the hairs on the back of his neck to prickle, most probably due to his paranoia over standing there and waiting for something to happen. He wasn’t sure if he was wearing the right expression. He didn’t want to tip off whoever was supposed to be after him, not by making himself a slave to his anxieties. He needed to take a breather, and it seemed it’d be some time before they actually presented Keith with his medal. After that disgusting wine, he’d downed three glasses of a sweet fruit punch to kill the taste, and now his body was telling him that he should probably go pee... Yet now he was doubting that him leaving the ballroom would be acceptable. Keith had said to leave if he needed to leave, and it wasn’t as if he wasn’t coming back. Dios. He was being ridiculous. He was a grown adult male. He could go without supervision. He didn’t need his hand held... so why did it feel so wrong? Feeling guilty, Lance kept his head down as he limped towards the doors that would take him out the ballroom. Whispers followed him. Pity and sympathy as they whispered about the crazy Paladin who’d killed his lover. Reaching the door, he was a hairs breath away from crying. Listening to people prattle on about peace and the future, people who’d didn’t even know Allura justifying their words with her name, it’d rubbed him the wrong way... Knowing that behind there was a whole room of people who thought him something he wasn’t... kind of wasn’t, it really fucking sucked. The cherry on top was when the word “disgusting” was muttered in his direction. Some of those people he’d helped liberate as a paladin. Some of those people wouldn’t be alive if not for Voltron and the sacrifices of all the people he-they couldn’t save. It was probably his fault. He couldn’t forgive the coalition who were hiding Kre’el’s story. Burying their dirty laundry and failing to admit they never found her planet dooming a whole hurting race to an even sadder death. Perhaps if he’d played nicer, he wouldn’t have been saddled with all this shit that seemed to cling to the bottom of his boots... No one else seemed to make headlines like he did. Limping down the hall, Lance realised he had a new problem of not knowing where the bathroom actually was. Surely the Galra were smart enough to build a bathroom near the ballroom, still, he’d never been to the ballroom before. Turning back towards the ballroom, the corridor seemed longer than he remembered. Shadows of trees drifting through the windows as they succeeded to creep him out. He was being fucking stupid. Thank you paranoia. Keith would be laughing if he could see him now. He was a goddamn guest of Daibazaal’s ruling diplomats. Keith said to trust his gut and his gut told him to get on with finding a bathroom already. Turning back, he slapped his cheeks lightly. Leandro. He needed to channel Leandro. Leandro wasn’t afraid of a big bad corridor. Starting to limp off, his paranoia started rising again, making it a dozen steps, the hairs on his neck rose again. Stopping mid step, he heard the squeak of shoes behind him. Spinning on the spot, Lance screeched “Hunk!? What the quiznak are you doing?!” Looking somewhat sheepish, Hunk walked out the shadows of the hall, scratching the back of his head as he gave a half smile “Uh. Hey, buddy. I saw you sneaking out the ballroom, and I... uh, I’ve wanted to talk to you” Clutching his chest, Lance doubled over as he sucked down a breath “Dammit! You scared the quiznak out of me! You’re supposed to be on stage” “It didn’t feel right without you... Besides, Keith couldn’t come. Krolia has dragged him up beside her... What are you doing out here?” “Looking for a bathroom. They really need more labels around here” “You’ve gone past it” Hunk turned, Lance frowning. Hunk hated him... and there was something off... Shay hadn’t approached him. Why wouldn’t he send Shay after him? No. He was being paranoid. He was more than his depression. He was more than his anxieties. He’d known Hunk for years... Maybe... maybe he was sorry for walking out? Limping a few steps forward, Hunk turned back to him “You ok there, brother?” Brother. Hunk never called him brother. It was “bro”. Brother was weird. Bro. They were best “bros”... Straightening his left arm, his blade slid into his hand “Yeah, crutches, you know what I mean” Lance’s voice sounded strained even to him. Making a show of waving the two offending objects, he then hobbled forward, Hunk watching. The way his body was turned... Dropping his crutches, the man who wasn’t Hunk rushed him. Grabbed by the throat, Lance was thrown against the wall with ease. His head smacking back hard enough he bit his tongue, a harsh fist cracking his nose, pain glaring as blood began to run “What gave it away? Never mind. If you scream, I will go after Keith. Nod your head if you understand?” Nodding his head, he was released. His cast keeping him upright, his blade digging into his left hand “Good... You’ve brought enough shame upon the... coalition. Right now, everyone is hearing your confession. Drugs and Alcohol. Murder. How far do you intend to drag everyone down with you? Now you claim to be pregnant... You have no place here. We shall not accept you, or what you stand for” Holding his tongue, Lance forced himself not to utter a sound. He wasn’t sure if it made him powerful or pathetic. Failing to respond, Hunk’s face twisted. His attacker pulling out a blade of his own, slicing through the fabric of his borrowed tunic, exposing his bra and stomach. For an instant his attackers eyes glowed yellow, a clawed hand coming up to rip away his wedding ring. There was a lot he could tolerate, but not that. That ring was the physical form of his bond with Keith. Blue electricity formed in his palm, heating the blade, stupidly and irrationally, he lunged.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 5 years
Time to heal- Shiro Ship Week Day 1
Time to give love to our favourite space dad! I still haven’t seen s8 because I wasn’t ready to sit and go through all the emotions but I’m sure once my job is over I can easily set my self on fire watching this. One of the things I did wish was that Adam wasn’t killed because, god, those two just needed a chance to talk. Even if they didn’t get back together, just talk. So here’s my fic where they got to do just that, enjoy! Wounds
“You know, I don’t think you’ve ever spent so much time on a ship.” Keith said, watching Shiro type away at a computer on the Atlas.
“I do have work I need to do before we leave.”
“And that work doesn’t include maybe, oh I don’t know, maybe visiting Adam? You know, your fiancé who managed to actually survive that ship explosion that Commander Sanda sent him to.”
“Ex-fiancé. He broke it off because I choose to do the Kerberos mission rather than stay here.” Shiro reminded, his voice sounding hard.
“To be fair, your disease was getting worse. The Galra did you a favour of cutting that arm off for you.” Keith pointed out, ignoring the glare Shiro gave him. “You thought you wouldn’t get the chance to talk to him after all of this, then we found out that he was taken by a Galra group, patched together and then forced to work on whatever camp he was in. You should be talking to him.”
“Don’t you have a Blue Paladin second in command to go and comfort?” Shiro asked, hoping to get Keith to leave him alone and go and see Lance, who was still trying to get over Allura telling him she didn’t have romantic feelings for him, let alone ready for a relationship after the whole Lotor issue.
“Fine, I’m going. Just didn’t think the one guy I always respected would be running away from a guy, especially one he’s still heads over heels for. Black told me you always thought about him.” With that, Keith left, leaving Shiro to his thoughts.
He wasn’t surprised Black told Keith about Adam. She was such a mother. Even though he wasn’t technically a Paladin anymore, he’d still feel her rooting around in his mind at times. When they finally arrived on earth and got to the Garrison, he thought Adam was gone, killed when his ship was shot down. To find out that he was actually alive – hurt, blinded in one eye and missing a leg, but alive – he knew he should have gone and seen him. But, the wounds from when Adam left him were still there. He was never mad at him for leaving. He was being selfish, wanting to prove to everyone he could still be a pilot. Adam was scared he was going to lose him and didn’t want to have to face that. Course, Adam was right in the end, he did get hurt, just not in a way any of them expected. He had sworn to himself that when they finally returned to earth, he’d sit down and talk to him but now that he had the opportunity, he was hiding himself in the Atlas. It was one of the few times he was happy he wasn’t a Paladin anymore. Black would just take him to Adam without his consent and drop him on his doorstep. Though, he had somehow managed to turn the Atlas into a mecha, so he shouldn’t be too surprised if it gained a mind of its own.
He had been so focused on working on whatever paperwork and mapping out the places they had to travel to, he almost didn’t see the message Sam had sent him.
Matt has finally finished your new prosthetic, you can come and see it. We can discuss your operation to change it.
Some people, i.e., him and his whole team, pointed out that his new arm wasn’t the best thing. It was a lot to have to remember to keep his floating arm near. If he let his thoughts drift, his arm went with it. Plus, Shiro was getting a bit tired of being used to hack into computers. Enough people had rattled around his head, thank you very much. Matt and Pidge had worked on making him an arm similar to his old one, but with the looks of his new one. He just hoped his body didn’t reject this one. He wanted to actually return Allura’s crystal from her crown. No need to give up the piece that showed her as a queen when there where was still Alteans who needed a leader.
He stretched, already ready to get rid of the floating arm as it started pulling his flesh arm a bit to hard.
Leaving the Atlas now. I’ll be there soon.
“Was the floating arm, that bad?” Matt asked, as he pulled his hair into a high bun. His mother kept insisting he cut it, but he was having fun putting it into different hairstyles.
Pidge looked up from where she was doing last minute checks. She been at her house but got bored looking at the TV show for Voltron and decided to help on Shiro’s arm.
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t ask that.”
“I liked it.”
Pidge rolled her eyes at her brother. He was such a nerd.
“Excuse me,” a voice called from the door. Pidge looked over her shoulder to see a guy in a Garrison uniform. He wore glasses despite the large scar on his face that obviously left him blind in his left eye. She saw that one of his pant legs was pulled up, showing off a familiar silver leg prosthetic. The metal looked like what had been used on Shiro’s old prosthetic. “I was told to come here if I had any issues with my prosthetic.”
Pidge looked at both her brother and the guy. “Do you two know each other?”
“Uh, yeah.” Matt said, seeming to be unsure of what to say when Adam interrupted.
“Through a mutual friend.”
Somehow, Pidge could tell this mutual friend was important but also not to be talked about.
“So your prosthetic?”
“Yeah, got it when I got captured by the Galra after my ship crashed.”
“Wait a second. Weren’t you one of the pilots who was sent out by Commander Sanda?”
“Yeah. Managed to survive somehow but was captured by the Galra. After I was considered recovered enough, I was sent to work in their camp. My leg’s been giving me trouble since I got rescued. It actually collapsed under me today.”
“Alright come here.” Matt said.
Pidge got up to help when she heard a very familiar voice.
“Matt, your dad said you finished my arm. When can we get this annoying thing-” she turned to see Shiro in the doorway staring at Adam. “Adam.” The disbelief in his voice made it obvious to Pidge, this was how Adam and Matt knew each other.
“Takashi.” Well there was another. As far as Shiro told them, everyone called him Shiro because no one correctly pronounced Takashi.
“I…” Shiro trailed off. “I’ll come back later.” And with that, Shiro turned tail and left, though it looked more like running away.
“Damn, I didn’t think he’d get here so quickly.” Matt said, Adam pulling his arm away to get on to the table himself, staring at the door where Shiro disappeared from.
“Um, probably none of my business but I’m gonna ask anyway. How do you two know each other?”
“Pidge.” Matt scolded.
“It’s fine. I guess he never said anything. We were engaged.”
Shiro, that guy who came in, you were engaged to him? (Pidge)
Wait, Shiro was engaged to a guy? How did I not know this? (Hunk)
It’s Adam isn’t it? Hunk, come on, you know Shiro never hid his orientation. How do you think I was able to figure out my own? I always thought they looked good together. (Lance)
Wait, Adam, the guy who taught Aerodynamics? The one who offered to tutor you before they kicked Keith out? (Hunk)
How the heck did you catch Adam’s attention? (Keith)
What can I say Keith? He obviously saw greatness. (Lance)
Shiro’s eye twitched as he watched his team talk about his relationship with Adam. Like it wasn’t enough that he bumped into him earlier without being ready. He ran off without even talking him.
He still called him Takashi. Other than his late parents, he was the only one to call him by his name. most didn’t bother to try, taking the nickname he offered instead. He always felt bad that he couldn’t stop the Galra earlier, before they could have attacked Earth. Seeing Adam, who despite his not perfect eyesight was a promising pilot, blind in one eye because Commander Sanda thought he was a better fit to go up against the Galra, it hurt. He also had a prosthetic leg. Adam was an avid volleyball player. He didn’t doubt that it would stop him, but it would be harder for him.
“Shiro? Can I come in?” Matt called from outside Shiro’s room.
“Yes.” Matt came in, sitting at the desk. “Your sister is outing me to the team.”
“I thought you never hid it? Just never denied it.” Matt pointed out, which Shiro rolled his eyes at. That might have been true but still. “In case you were wondering, Adam is ok. His leg wasn’t as good as your arm so it’s starting to breakdown. We’ve got him scheduled to get a replacement tomorrow to make sure he doesn’t risk gaining an infection. He asked how you were. I told him we were giving you a new arm because you didn’t like your current one.”
“It makes no sense. I didn’t complain before because we were in the middle of a war. Plus, I could do without it being used to help you and your dad hack into Galra ships with my brain being used as the computer.”
“Fair enough. So…I take you never went to see Adam when he was rescued.”
Shiro shook his head. “what was I supposed to say? Last time I saw him, he pretty much told me our engagement was over because I was being selfish, which I was. Then I disappear for what, 3 years and then because we couldn’t end this fight, he got hurt.”
“Ok come on. Shiro, that wasn’t your fault. The Galra would have come eventually and you can’t dismantle a 10,000 year old empire in 3 years. Besides, Adam knew what being a fighter pilot meant. He can be mad at you for wanting to prove something over your own health, but he’s not mad at you for what happened. I mean, hello, you made the Atlas into a mecha to save your team. Can’t be mad at someone like that.”
“To be fair, including the time my clone was a Paladin, I was fighting in a mecha for 2 years.” Shiro sighed. “I wasn’t ready to see him though. We both left wounds on each other and I wasn’t ready to try and heal the ones I left on him, especially the physical ones.”
Matt looked sad, like he was upset he couldn’t help Shiro. “Do you think you can do me a favour? Adam’s parent’s died last year, before the Galra attacks so no one will be there when he’s recovering. You still have time to get your transplant done and you can recover on the Atlas and honestly, you need to talk to him, even if it’s just a ‘I’m glad you’re alive’.”
He knew he was right. He couldn’t just continue running off whenever he got scared. He fought the Galra for god’s sake. Being in the same room as he ex-fiancé shouldn’t scare him, though it did. God, he rather go fight Galra again.
Tempting as it was to just hide and leave someone else to deal with it, he stayed. Plus, Allura heard what was going on (Thanks Keith) and insisted he at least stay and talk to him.
“There are things I regret never saying to my father before I was sealed away. I don’t have that chance anymore but you do. At least tell him the things you wanted to tell him if you weren’t taken.”
Seeing Adam unconscious without his glasses sent Shiro back to when he’d find Adam asleep on the couch in the teacher’s lounge after grading all evening. Even with the scar on his face, he still looked the same. He had to stop himself from pressing a kiss to his cheek like he used to, though, he missed seeing the sleepy smile that would come to Adam’s face as he woke up.
When the anaesthesia wore off, Adam groaned a little, looking like he had crashed hard the day before. He had a habit of doing that. God, Shiro could lecture him about that for days, but the minute he became a Paladin, he started exhibiting the bad habit. He opened his eyes, his fully green eye slowly focusing on the ceiling. He blinked a bit before turning his head, stilling when he saw Shiro sitting next to his bed. Shiro didn’t say anything, still too nervous to speak.
“Your hair is white.”
Ok, not what he was expecting, but Shiro could work with that.
“My hair used to look like yours.” He said, nodding to the white streak in Adam’s hair. It wasn’t as big as Shiro’s had been.
“You look like Allen Walker but with shorter hair.”
Shiro let out a little laugh. Adam’s favourite anime was D.Gray Man. Relaxation for him meant sitting in front of the tv watching episodes or reading the manga over and over again.
“When I heard about the Kerberos mission, I was pissed off, but not at you. They said you were responsible but I knew that couldn’t be true. I know I said you shouldn’t have gone, but I also knew that you would have done everything to bring everyone back. You’ve always been that stubborn. One of things I can’t stand about you sometimes but also one of the things I admire.”
“I…didn’t know that. I thought you would have hated me.”
“I never hated you Takashi. I was just mad that you seemed to care more about proving a point than your life.”
“I get that.” Shiro said, “but you have to understand. Since I was a kid, I let this disease control my life. When I told my family I wanted to go to space, they didn’t think I could do it and I decided to stop letting it control me. Every step I took had someone thinking I couldn’t achieve this. Yes, I know it was getting worse, and yes, I know I was being so selfish, but I had to prove that I could do it. When you broke it off, I thought I didn’t have anything to lose.”
Adam stared at him before he moved his hand, like he was reaching for Shiro. Hesitantly, Shiro gave him his hand, which was squeezed with as much strength as Adam could give.
“If I begged you, you would have stayed?” he asked.
“But you would have wished you went in the back of your mind.”
Shiro couldn’t deny it. “Yeah.”
“Well, I’m glad you did. Could have done without the getting captured by aliens though. It broke my heart thinking that you thought I hated you when you left, except you did.”
“I hurt you. I wouldn’t have been mad if you did.” Shiro said, wanting to put his other hand on top of their clasped hands, but he didn’t trust the floating arm to actually work when his emotions were running high. “I am sorry I hurt you. I should have talked to you and explained everything, but I bottled it up. Kinda like I’ve been doing since I heard you were alive. I was scared about what would be said, so I just stay clamed up.”
Adam moved his free hand to Shiro’s face, the Atlas captain moving closer to allow Adam to touch his face. “You always did have a habit of keeping things to yourself. God, no wonder Keith is a ticking time bomb.” He teased.
“Yeah, guess he didn’t get your calm demeanour.”
“By the way, that floating arm looks really stupid.”
Shiro couldn’t help but laugh. There was the no filter bluntness that drew Shiro to Adam in the first place. “I know. I’m getting it changed. Do you know Sam used it like a bug of sorts to hack into a Galra ship? My brain was the computer.”
“I respect that man, especially after what he accomplished after he returned to Earth, but he is weird as hell.”
“I’ll let him know. Before I forget, I’m heading back out to space soon, after my arm is changed. I don’t want to make the same mistake again and lose you.”
“Well, we’ll figure it out. Don’t worry. I think we’ve been through enough already.”
It didn’t mean things were automatically fixed, but wounds were starting to heal and that meant something.
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crimson-mage-02 · 6 years
Mysterious Voice Modern AU
Chapter 2: Crushes and First Meetings
A week after the announcement, Keith took Allura to her Deaf School. "Thank you so much for dropping me off! See you later!" Allura signed happily as Keith smiled and see her off to the doors as he saw many deaf students looking at him.
He suddenly felt awkward so he left the car parking space and drove back home.
"Oh, Keith! You're here. Shiro called and wanted our help with the wedding plans." Krolia said. "Oh, cool." Keith nodded as he let his mom drive to see Shiro and Adam.
Keith then got a video call from his childhood friends Lance and Hunk. "Hey buddy! Are you up for our trip?" Lance asked on the video call.
"Yeah but first I have to help Shiro and Adam with their wedding plans." Keith replied as Hunk awwed. "Oh, can I be the one to bake the cake? My mum taught me how." Hunk suggested as Lance and Keith smiled.
"Ok, I'll tell Shiro. He would be happy." Keith replied. Hunk grinned as Lance laughed. "So, well we will see or call you later." Lance said, ending the call.
As they arrived at Shiro's apartment, Adam was looking through all of the white tuxes. Shiro was looking for a best place for the wedding.
"Hey Shiro, Hunk wants to make the wedding cake. Is that alright?" Keith asked his brother. "That would be awesome! We at least we'll save up some money." Shiro smiled gratefully at Keith.
"Tell Hunk that we appreciate it." Adam says and nodded in approval.
The four went to the shops for the two couple to be fitted in their tux for their wedding.
Meanwhile, at the deaf school, Allura had been helping out with the foundation for the Festival. She has been helping with the decorations with her classmates. She has been quite busy with the decorations and helping out with the flowers.
After school has ended, Keith was waiting for Allura in the car park. He saw her speaking with her teacher and her teacher gave her files.
Allura saw Keith in his usual car parking space. She waved at him as Keith waved back, smiling at him. The ride back to her house was quiet. Very quiet.
"Um, Keith. How was Shiro and Adam? Did they choose their tux?" Allura signed, asking Keith. "Yeah, they did. It will be delivered by next week. So, how's school?" Keith asked.
"Great. Just doing some finishing touches with the Festival." Allura replied excitedly. The two arrived at Allura's house. "Ok, hope you have fun with your 'Guy Friend' trip." Allura signed to him as he chuckled.
"I will be gone for 5 days, Lu. You'll be fine. Trust me. Mom will drop you off while I'm gone." Keith signed to her reassuring that that everything will be fine.
"Ok then. I mean it. Have fun. But be careful!" Allura warned him, signing fast.
"I will." Keith smirked as he left to drive back home.
Keith went back home to grab his bags for his camping trip with Lance and Hunk. Keith was nervous to leave his mom alone but she said she would be fine.
The three boys went on their trip. Hunk and Lance has been fighting over who will take shotgun. Keith suggested that he should drive for the first then, Hunk and last Lance.
As they arrived at the mountains. They got themselves their cabin and set everything as they were ready to go fishing.
Back at town, Allura was helping Krolia with the flowers for Shiro's wedding. They had different assorted flowers they have.
Krolia suggested rose while Allura wanted lilies. Shiro suggested to have both of them. The two woman nodded as they agreed. So they payed for it.
The cashier saw how they were signing to each other and felt a bit off as she saw Allura with a hearing aid equipment.
Allura also felt uneasy as she saw her staring at her. So she excused herself and went to see Adam outside who was looking at the wedding magazines.
Adam smiled politely as Allura did the same. It has been only two days since Keith left for his trip. She wanted him to be happy.
"So, Allura, how would you be a flower girl? I am sure your father would love to you in a dress." Adam signed to her. "Oh, I would love to." Allura smiled and hugged him.
After picking out which flowers they wanted. They all went home as Krolia and Allura had their girl time together. They chatted and chatted all day long.
Krolia has always been a second mother to Allura since her mother died. She began to fill in for a second mom role. "Allura, you are thinking about Keith again." Krolia teased her.
"Oh, you can tell." Allura signed as she sighed. "How did you know that?" Allura asked. "Honey, you play with your hair while biting your lips whenever you worry or think about him." Krolia stated in matter in fact.
Allura smiled nervously. "It's just.... I wonder if he would like to come with me to the dance. My school is planning to have a dance but my classmates doesn't want to see me with a normal hearing with me to go to the dance." Allura signed to her.
Krolia stopped chopping and said, "Allura, forget about them. They are just jealous that you have hearing friend. Ask him and see what happens." Krolia urged her to ask him.
Back at the camp, Keith was doing rock climbing with Lance but not Hunk. He threw up like, two times already.
They both had it on video. All of them had a good time. Lance was catching up until he saw a girl beat him to it.
As she made it to the top, she got her helmet off and revealed honey-brown hair and eyes. Lance was lovestruck by her beauty and adventurous side as he forgetton that he was climbing he fell down to the ground.
He still had this goofy lovestruck smile on his face. Keith laughed with Hunk as they got that on camera. The girl came down as she helped him up. "Are you ok? You not hurt?"
Lance shook his head back to reality. "Yeah I-I am fine. Um, the names Lance." Lance introduced himself as the girl smiled. "Katie Holt. But my brother calls me, Pidge. Nice to meet you." Katie introduced herself as she left.
Lance was blushing and giggling as Keith and Hunk watched on in amusement. "Holy crow!" Lance sighed contentedly.
As the day was over Lance was still thinking about the girl he just met. "You think I should ask her out? I know I just met her but still." Lance turned to his friends as they laid down in their beds.
"Lance. It's ok to be nervous. And yes, you should totally ask her out." Hunk encouraged him.
"Keith, what do you think?" Lance asked him but he wasn't listening. He busy think about Allura.
"Keith. I am sure that Allura is fine." Lance said to him. Keith turned to him As he nodded. "It's just I realised something for so long now." Keith said. Lance nodded, listening to him. "I think, I have a crush on Allura." Keith continued.
"Hmm, no. More like you are in love with her." Hunk hummed. Keith shot back up from his bed and blushed brightly red.
"What?!" Keith exclaimed. Lance and Hunk both grinned. "Come on, man. You two have been friend ever since you met at her elementary school." Hunk said as Keith looked away. "But, life's too short. Just ask her already." Hunk urged him.
The three went back to bed because they are ready for their next activity tomorrow morning.
Hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to send in feedback or send in an ask. 😁
Next chapter will be going to be more heartbreaking, it will be more similar to A Silent Voice an anime movie. Stay tuned. 😄
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thesunshinebunny · 6 years
Request:  Can I have a Voltron request, where the S/O (female) feels lonely and nostalgic while being away from home, and to feel better she sings in her native tongue during the night, or at least while others sleep. I'm mexican, so can you put a song, only for this time, in latin spanish??? Extra points if you do it with Shiro
100000% sure that I will end up crying at the end of this request. So much fluff ahead, many tears and sooooo many cuddles.
Just for this time I’m going to use the Mexican / Spanish Latin language, any other request that wants something similar, I will write it in general. And for this big occasion, I’m going to use this song which I was waiting for time to use in a request https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfzmjgpx-VE
If you want to hear it in english, here is the original song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onc7BXwEBbQ
Your P.O.V
How much time had passed? When was the last time you had seen the Earth? When was the last time you spoke and saw your family? How much? You could say weeks, but that would be lying to yourself. Months? most likely, almost a year, that could become the most relevant case. Being part of the Voltron Coalition it’s not something that could be taken lightly, much less being the engineer of the whole Voltron team. Although you did not walked in combat very often, you were very useful when it came to repair the lions and the castle’s particle barrier, and another malfunction equipment.
Inside you, you felt that it was a great honor to be part of this struggle and you felt a great need to help the most in disgrace; but every time you saw a child return to their respective family you could not help but feel a knot in your throat. You missed your mother’s hugs, your grandmother’s homemade food, the hair pulling of your nephews, the nights when you stayed awake watching movies with your brothers, your father’s advice. ‘Fuck’ you missed them a lot.
One more day came to an end inside the castle and therefore, your work as an engineer too. The lions had not suffered much damage in their last attack by the Galra on a rebel planet, so you only did a maintenance check and decided to leave the minimum repairs for the next day. Coming back to your room, you met up with Hunk, who was holding a plate of goo food.
“Hey Y/N I brought you some food, I figured you’d be hungry after this long day” He was a very sweet cinnamon roll, always caring for others.
“Thanks Hunk, I really appreciate it” although your voice sounded sweet, your look didn’t express the same, today was those days where you were too melancholic to work or even put a smile on your face.
“Ehhh Y/N…are you ok? Do you feel well?” no matter how friendly Hunk was, bringing him up your problems and your sadness would not help at all, it would make him sad and the both of you would end up around a pool of tears and their cries would attract the other paladins and the alteans and all would end up crying … no, it was better to leave things to yourself for the moment.
“Y-yes, yes! am ok, just a little stressed, I’m going to eat this and then I’m going to throw myself in bed and sleep like the sleeping beauty. G’ night”  You closed the door of your room before Hunk could wish you good night.
“Good Night” there it was. You heard him behind the door and then walk away down the hallway.
What you said about the food it was a lie, you were not in the mood to eat even a spoon, so you left the food next to the door. You fell heavily on your bed and you had thought to sleep until the war ended when screams took you out of your thoughts.
“In your dreams mullet!!” it seemed that Lance had gone back to make Keith’s rage fly through the sky.
“What just happended?”
“Lance wanted to bake his grandma cookies and dropped that ‘flour-ish’ thing on Keith’s hair”
His grandma. Shit, he must have missed his family too, he even wanted to try baking his grandmother’s cookies. Nothing could be more cute and sad than that. That kind of act…like, remember his warm famility by cooking….it was so sensitive.
Remember…Yeah you remberber your mother´s laught, you remember how you loved watching her dance in her long colorful skirts, you remember the orange lilies on your feet, the petals falling on your (h/c) hair when your nephews ran over them. You remember how you loved sitting by the fireplace on cold days, with your father and grandfather playing the guitars, you remember the first time you held a toy guitar and you thought you were a star just like your father. You remember how every night your family sang at the table after dinner and you used to sing at the top of your lungs to be heard. You remember the first time you sang when your voice changed, a sweet, warm and simple voice that your family always admired and that you wished they would continue admiring.
A tear ran down your cheek at these warm memories and, as if fate were pleased by you, you felt within your jacket the only artifact you could bring from Earth, in which there were photos of your family and a lot of songs from your hometown. You came up with that one specifical song wich always managed to lift your spirit back in the Garrison.
Deep inside you wanted to press the logo of the song asap, but with the thin walls of the castle, you knew that the moment you played the song at high volume someone would knock on your door asking you to turn down the volume, while wouldn´t let you enjoy it as much as possible.
So, you grabbed the artifac, call it cellphone, along with a blanket and left the room. You inspected the corridor trying to find someone in it, the same in the common rooms, but seeing that there was no sign of anyone around and that the castle was completely silent, you went to the Bridge. You got as comfortable as possible, wrapped in a blanket and sitting in front of the huge crystal window that overlooked the dark space.
Shiro’s P.O.V
It was one of those nights where I couldn’t fall asleep because of stress. We were in constant battles and little time to rest, even in that times I kept awake designing new battles tactics. Stress was playing a trick on me lately and as long as I continued like this, I wasn’t going to be able to lead the team. I rolled on the bed several times trying to find a good position for the sleep to arrive more quickly, but my thoughts told me that it would not be possible.
I decided to go train for a couple of minutes, try to tire the body until sleep finally arrived. On my way out, I heard the sound of trumpets, follow by guitars in the background. At first I thought it was just my imagination and that I was really tired, but the melody continued for a few seconds, and in a moment two voices rose over the music, one male and one female.
“Recuerdame, hoy me tengo que ir mi amor...”
‘that was...spanish? I know Lance is cuban, but the man singing isn’t him’ I thought. Although that voice was unknown to me, the female voice was much more intriguing; It was sweet and warm, like it was dedicating the song to someone special. Consumed by the beautiful voice, my feet moved alone towards the room where the music came out. In the Bridge, I could see in the distance a small seated figure, surrounded with a blanket, looking into space, so didn’t see me enter.
As I approached, I could see that the one who was sitting was Y/N, her (h/c) (h/l) hair falling like a little waterfall on the blue blanket.
“A solas yo te cantaré, soñando en regresar”
Although I couldn’t understand her language, I could sense that it was a song of love and sadness at the same time. I sat down, caring not to make a noise, prey to her beautiful voice and let her continue singing. It would never have occurred to me interrupting her.
“Si mi guitarra oyes llorar, ella con su triste canto te acompañará...”
I could not tell if I had seen well, but I could see her face for a brief moment reflected on the crystal. She seems like she was crying. The lyrics ended for a few seconds, leaving again only the melody.  
“For even if am far away, I hold you in my heart. I sing a secret song to you, each night we are apart”
‘She start singing in english’ Her words were like a faint whisper, almost inaudible, but those were the only words I could understand of the song, even not being in it. And were those that made me realize ... she was homesick. She missed her house, her family. The lyrics played again and with it the voice of Y/N rose again, this time with a little trembling. My old doubts were dispelled, she really was crying. I would have liked to hug her in that moment, hold her against my chest and stroke her hair, telling her that everything would be fine; although the last one could be a big lie.
But ... I wanted her to finish, I knew that the song was important to her, and even if she ended with a choked voice, it would be good for her.
“Hasta que en mis brazos estés”
That's when she broke down. From her lips came small sobs and her cry quieted the music that was still playing on her cell phone. I could not stand it anymore. I stretched my arms towards her and snuggled her onto my chest. Her face was wet with so many tears and her hands gripped my vest firmly. Her face turned to mine and I could see her teary red eyes.
“Shhhh...it’s ok, you can cry, let it all out Y/N”
She wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me as she dropped a waterfall of tears. I felt how my vest got wet from her tears, I stroked her hair and wipe away her tears from her cheek. We stay like this for a long time, Y/N had stopped crying a few minutes ago and stood still in the same position, running her fingers over my chest.
“I miss my family Shiro, I miss them so much” I could feel a knot in her throat, preventing her from speaking clearly.
“I can tell, I miss mine too. I didn’t have the opportunity to communicate with them when I hit Earth” now it was me who had a knot in the throat, but I had to be strong, for Y/N.
“I’m sorry to hear that”
“It’s ok to feel homesick for time to time. Next time, you can come talk to me or just come to my room to cuddle, my door will always be open for you” I placed a strand of hair behind her ear and pinched her on the cheek.
“Thanks Takashi” I felt like my heart skipped a beat, it had been a long time since someone called me by my name and that it came from a warm voice like hers, it also made it melt.
“You’re welcome” I holded her more tight in my arms “By the way...you sing so beautiful, I didn’t know you could speak spanish”
“Oh...yeah” her cheeks were dyed in a soft blush “I’m from Mexican, spanish is my native language”
“Well, that song definitely melted my heart, could you sing me something else one day?” with that Y/N showed her most radiant smile towards me before putting her head back on my chest.
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blueplanettrash · 6 years
Part 2 idea for Keith using Lance to make Shiro jealous: Shiro comforts Lance, they y’all and Shiro becomes super overprotective. They don’t like each other but are touchy and always make sure that they are ok. Keith gets jealous, but now over Lance! He breaks down and Lance finds him. (P.S: I love your writing sm! I’m a writer too so it really inspires me)
I’ve gotten so many requests for a second part to this so I decided that now was the time! Sorry for my little absence, I had a boatload of final assignments to do and then Easter weekend. 
Note: Shiro and Lance in this are platonic. 
It wasn’t a surprise that Lance didn’t go to dinner that night, however, neither did Keith or Shiro. Lance stayed face down on his bed, tears silently soaking into his pillow. He only looked over when he heard a knock on his door. He knew it wasn’t Keith but he didn’t know who else would be there. Keith was obviously out, he wouldn’t crawl back so quickly without sulking for a little bit, Pidge, Hunk, Allura, and Coran knew nothing about the whole thing. Which only left one person.
The call was muffled by the door but he could clearly hear the hesitance in his voice. As much as he wanted to ignore it, he really didn’t want to be alone at the moment, he wasn’t sure what he was going to do. With a shuddering breath, he got up and opened the door for him. He didn’t let him get a word in before he turned and fell on the bed again. When he peeked out again, he saw Shiro awkwardly standing in front of the bed looking unsure of himself and fiddling with his Galra hand.
“Sit Shiro,” he said, scooting over to make room beside him. With a bit of hesitation, he did so. He waited patiently for Shiro to work out what he wanted to say and finally, he turned to him.
“I just want you to know that I had nothing to do with what Keith did,” he said quickly, a look of sympathy on his face. To Shiro’s surprise, Lance let out a sigh of relief and his shoulder slumped slightly.
“Lance?” He asked with concern, hand landing on his shoulder.
“Sorry, I just, I thought you might come in here and ask me to forgive him or something,” he admitted with a weak smile. Shiro blinked and frantically shook his head at the idea.
“What? No! No, I wouldn’t do that. What Keith did was completely wrong and I can’t believe that he did it in the first place,” he responded disappointed. Lance let out a weak laugh, slumping forward to bump his head against Shiro’s chest.
“Yeah, well, I guess it was too good to be true,” he sniffled slightly as tears came unbidden to his eyes. Shiro gasped and quickly wrapped his arms around Lance as he started sobbing.
“No, Lance no,” he pleaded. “Don’t think like that,” he gently rocked Lance in his arms, letting the teen calm himself. As soon as he was able to dry his tears without feeling too horrible, he leaned back and gave the leader a grateful smile.
“Thanks, Shiro,” he said honestly with a small smile. He got up and headed towards the door, feeling lighter than he had in the last few months. Before he left he turned to Lance a look of apprehension on his face.
“Promise me that you won’t go back to him?” He asked quietly.
“You don’t have to worry about that Shiro, I may not have the highest self-esteem in the world but I do know when I’m too good for someone,” he stated confidently. A laugh burst out of Shiro and he smiled at him fondly.
“Can you do me a favour, Shiro?” Lance asked hesitantly looking down at his mattress. He cocked his head in confusion but agreed none the less.
“Don’t tell anybody else, I don’t want this affecting Voltron,” he requested quietly. Shiro sucked in a short breath.
“Of course Lance, it’s not my decision to make anyway, you’ll tell them when you’re ready,” he agreed, he turned, opening the door before looking back at the teen. “I’ll see you in the morning,”
After that night, it was like the two of them had some sort of understanding with each other. Since he had yet to tell anybody else about what had happened, he started going to Shiro when he started feeling down about the whole thing. At first, he was hesitant to go to him, thinking that he had to be much too busy to deal with his love life but quickly realized that Shiro was still feeling guilty about the whole thing and felt it was his responsibility that Lance felt comfortable talking to him about it.
Of course, that didn’t go over too well with Lance and later that night they talked about Shiro insecurities about love instead.
“What the Galra did, doesn’t make you unworthy of love Shiro, if anything you deserve it more than anyone,” he tried to reason with him. He cuddled up to Shiro’s side, dutifully listening to his stories about being held by the Galra, how he thought about his family and about Keith and how he just missed them so badly. It was hard of course and he’d readily admit that they held each other while they cried multiple times over the course of a few late night chats but they came out much stronger than before.
It was when Shiro admitted that he felt like he was supposed to be showing more affection to the team and the individual members that Lance put his foot down.
“Don’t force yourself to love, take your time to understand your feelings, no one is forcing you into this Shiro,” he argued. He grabbed Shiro’s face in his hands, forcing him to look him in the eyes. “When you’re ready, we’ll still be here with open arms, you don’t have to anything for us,”
He sniffed, his chin trembling before breaking into grateful sobs and holding Lance tightly to his chest.
After that night, Shiro spent a lot of his time with Lance and vice versa. Whenever they would hang out with the rest of the team, they would sit beside each other, seek each other out, etc. They became almost as close as Hunk was to Lance. To the average person, it raised a few red flags, considering that they also thought that Keith and Lance were still dating.
“Lance, what are you doing with Shiro, man?” Hunk asked one day after dinner, pulling him into the kitchen. Lance cocked an eyebrow, dumping the dirty dishes into the sink.
“What do you mean?” He asked, starting up the water. Hunk gaped, hands flying wildly around his head.
“What!? I mean that you’ve been super cuddly with Shiro but you and Keith are dating!” He whisper yelled, hoping not to alert the rest of the team in the dining room where they were still talking amongst themselves. To his surprise, he didn’t try to defend himself or anything, only started scrubbing the dishes.
“Me and Keith aren’t dating anymore, we broke up a few weeks ago,” he admitted with a short sigh. Hunk in blinked in shock trying to process the new information.
“Wait, what!? And you didn’t tell me?” He asked in hurt confusion. Lance turned to look at him at the tone and quickly dried his hands off. He hugged him around the middle barely suppressing a sigh of relief when he wrapped his own arms around Lance’s back.
“I’m sorry, I wanted to keep it on the down low you know? I didn’t want it to affect the team,” he said, voice muffled by Hunk’s chest. Hunk wilted slightly at the admission, he really thought that the two of them made a great couple, considering that Keith just made Lance so happy. It had been a long while since he had been smiling every day like that and it just made him so relieved to see. Being away from Earth really took its toll on everyone but especially Lance when he had so much to lose on Earth. It really was surprised that he wasn’t as sad as he thought he would be, but it seemed like he was just as happy as he was with Keith during the last few weeks.
“So how does Shiro fit in this? He’s not some sort of rebound is he?” Hunk asked with concern. A bark of laughter escaped Lance and he pushed away from Hunk to continue the dishes.
“No no no, not Shiro, he’s like my big brother,” he said with a wide smile. Hunk nodded but once again walked forward, twiddling his thumbs.
“But does Shiro know that?” He asked hesitantly.
“Trust me, Shiro knows,” he insisted. Hunk sighed but accepted the answer, turning around the start cleaning up the rest of the kitchen.
“Hey guys, anything I can do to help?” Shiro asked walking into the kitchen with a smile. Lance waved him over with a smile and handed him a dishcloth to start drying while Hunk watched them carefully from the other side of the counter.
He didn’t know what had happened between Keith and Lance but he trusted Shiro to take care of him.
They had gotten used to seeing Shiro and Lance practically attached to the hip around the Castle. They had also gotten used to not seeing Keith anywhere around the Castle. Whenever they were in the same room altogether, he would take one look at the two of them and quietly sneak out while nobody was looking. Whenever anybody tried to talk to him about it, he would make an excuse or tell them that it was none of their business and they would back off.
It was during a party hosted by one of the planets they saved that he really reached his breaking point though. Seeing Lance rush around the civilians, talking to them about God knows what, shaking hands and talking reassuringly to everyone had him thinking about what they’d had. As the night wore on, people became more relaxed and ready for a good time. They ended up clearing the centre of the floor for people to dance.
Lance had danced with everyone but him.
It wasn’t completely unexpected but it had cut him quite a bit deeper than he thought it would. For those last few weeks, he begged in his mind for Lance to send him a single look but he never turned his way. He went looking for him multiple times to try and explain and try and get him back but no matter what he did or where he went, Shiro was always there, standing beside him like a guardian angel.
Seeing him dance across the floor sparked something inside of him, longing and desperation. He wanted so badly to march across the room and take Lance’s hand. To lead him in their own dance, but like always Shiro was there. They danced like no one else mattered, hands grasping each other’s, clumsy uncoordinated steps breaking the rhythm and hip bumping each other occasionally to mess the other one up. It was like watching siblings break into spontaneous dance in the middle of their living room. Lance laughed like a maniac when Shiro suddenly hip checked him and he was flung to the floor in a heap.
It was everything that Keith wanted and everything that he knew he didn’t deserve. He harshly bit his lip as tears sprung to his eyes, he clenched his fists and spun around heading towards the training deck.
He couldn’t be here anymore.
“Lance,” Shiro stopped dancing, looking up at the balcony and stairs, Lance followed his gaze and saw Keith marching back into the Castle.
“Think it’s time that I finally talked to him?” He asked. Shiro looked troubled down at the floor.
“I’m not going to tell you when the right time is, that’s up to you,” he finally decided. Lance let out a huff of a laugh but started towards the stairs before looking back at Shiro.
“I might need someone to talk to tonight,”
“I’ll always be here,”
It wasn’t surprising to find Keith in the training deck, it was where he usually was after all. It was surprising to find him collapsed in the middle sobbing his eyes out.
“Keith?” He called out hesitantly, walking slowly towards him. He let out a startled gasp, head whipping around to look at him, tears rolling down his cheeks.
“Lance,” he breathed out, stumbling to his feet. He stumbled over to him, arms outstretched but he quickly withdrew him at the look on Lance’s face.
“Lance, please take me back,” he begged. Lance blinked in shock, looking completely taken aback at Keith’s plea.
“Keith, that’s not happening,” he said simply, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Keith sucked in a short breath at the words, looking down at the ground between them. He clenched his jaw and looked up to stare Lance in the eyes.
“Please Lance, I will do anything,” he said quietly, tears streaming down his cheeks. Lance closed his eyes, nodding absentmindedly at the words.
“It’s not that simple Keith,”
“Why? Why isn’t it that simple?”
Lance swallowed, looking away from him for a second before taking a deep breath and turning his full attention to Keith with.
“As much as I hate to admit it, I still love you, Keith,”
“Well then, what’s the problem?” He pleaded
“The problem. Keith. Is that you didn’t love me when we were dating, you only realized you loved me after you used me,” he burst out, poking Keith harshly in the chest.
“That’s not true, I did love you, Lance, I do love you!” He insisted, looking imploringly at the blue paladin. Lance let out a sharp laugh, eyes narrowing at Keith.
“You must really think that I’m an idiot Keith. That I’m a blind, naive, idiot.” He hissed, turning to pace in front of Keith. “I saw you sending Shiro those looks but I thought you were just testing if I trust you or something, I mean I guess I’m an idiot in that sense but I didn’t think that you’d be cruel enough to do something like this to me,”
“Lance I-” he tried to cut in but Lance wasn’t having any of it.
“The worst part is that you haven’t even told me that you’re sorry!” He finally yelled, hands reaching up to irritably tug at his hair. Keith’s eyes widened in shock.
No. He had apologized. Hadn’t he?
“Lance-” he tried again but he turned to him a venous glare on his face.
“Don’t. It doesn’t mean anything to me right now because you’re only thinking of what you’re feeling right now. You haven’t even begun to imagine what I’m feeling,”
As he put his fingers up to the bridge of his nose, his whole body seemed to deflate. The eyes that turned to Keith were full of sorrow.
“It’s going to take a long, long time for me to forgive you and I hope you understand that,” Keith hesitantly nodded, looking down at the ground. “Don’t forget about Shiro either, he’s just as hurt as I am,”
Keith let out a shuddering breath. He hadn’t been thinking about their feelings, just like Lance said.
“I want to forgive you, I really do… but I can’t do that right now,” Lance said softly. Without looking up, Keith nodded, squeezing his eyes closed tightly.
“I’ll see you at training,”
Seeing Lance walk out of the training room without looking back was like watching him leave his life forever. He had no idea what the future was going to bring them. Frankly, at that point, he didn’t deserve to know either. He was just going to go where the road took him and try to mend what he had broken.
Part 1/2
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