#kek the cat
maxispremades · 10 months
Изо всех сил стараясь производить на окружающих впечатление дружелюбной простушки, Тхи Лин собралась устроить у себя дома трапезу с соседями (они же родственники). Не успела Тхи приступить к приготовлению еды, как ей позвонил батя Чен и напросился в гости.
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Тхи: Как же вовремя ты заглянул, папа! Поможешь мне с готовкой? Чен: Не вопрос, дочка!
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Из официального видео от Максис я узнал о том, что Чен Лин — кулинарный видеоблогер, мечтающий открыть собственный бизнес по продаже уличных закусок. Как же удачно всё складывается!
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Совместное приготовление пищи сблизило отца и дочь между собой. Ну что за милота!
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Еда готова, можно начинать вечеринку!
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На трапезу пришли все наши родственники-соседи и немедленно приступили к поглощению пищи. Все такие серьезные, как будто на поминках...
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Сестра Льен решила не принимать участия в общих посиделках и удалилась со своей тарелкой в спальню Тхи. Эй, Льен, у тебя всё в порядке?
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А Алон буквально продолжает увиваться возле Тхи, пока та наслаждается компанией и закусками. Эти два бесстыдника делают всё для того, чтобы я сдался и устроил им адюльтер!..
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Посиделки с едой у телевизора — очень тепло и по-добрососедски.
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Тхи: Сис, ну ты чего, как неродная... Давай обнимемся!
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Из уст Льен эта «Томарангская правда» звучит буквально как наезд на бедную Тхи.
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В этот же вечер повзрослели наши хвостики — кошка Лол и кот Кек.
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И мгновенно стали гвоздями программы!
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Алон очень недоволен тем, что Кек внаглую пожирает его еду. Не расстраивайся, Алон — сегодня эта любопытная морда побывала в каждой тарелке!
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А наша пушистая красавица Лол выскользнула на улицу и мгновенно искупалась в любви и обожании прохожих.
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Пока я наблюдал за тем, как Бекка тетешкает Лол, Тхи успела глубоко обидеться на батю Артуро за его непрошеную мудрость. Что же такое он мог сказать, чтобы так серьезно огорчить дочь?
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Несмотря на некоторые эксцессы, мероприятие прошло удачно и Тхи получила награду золотого уровня. Как мне показалось, новое событие представляет собой что-то вроде званого ужина, но гораздо менее пафосное и, кмк, более ламповое. Думаю, что в дальнейшем я регулярно буду устраивать своим персонажам такие соседские посиделки!
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heliosynchronisity · 11 months
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took some pics of Deja yesterday at work :3 suit by SheepSnaps on insta (paws by me)
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theophagie · 2 months
I'm not good at this staying away from social media on purpose thing. Anyway cringe diary time but whenever I'm with my friends and the partners topic comes up I'm left 🧍‍♂️ because oftentimes they lament things that honestly sound good to me... and then I reflect on what kind of relationship I would be comfortable in in general and go "mhhh yeah let's just be sympathetic and say nothing else right"
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akumuradio · 11 months
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brand new roblock avatar, and they are a lil arteest just like me :3
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twinrot-arts · 2 years
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You Shouldn’t Be Here
12-22 - Personal. Our kit kat; a lovely serpent suggested a photo we'd taken of her gives lovely classic ps1 horror vibes, and we could not resist attempting-- We adore her so. She talks as she sleeps, never moving - you better heed her words...~ Only we may use, do not steal.
Do Not Repost/Use/Remove Caption. Like this? Consider following~ Art/Pet © twinrot
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payidaresque · 1 year
Everyone say hello to this little fella
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sutrala · 15 days
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thecatkeks · 1 year
Кексик на охоте
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orecchieditopo · 2 years
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maxispremades · 10 months
Кошачьи будни🐾
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kekity-kek · 2 years
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yeyinde · 2 years
I know you like soft König but
you've convinced me 😳
Imagine being on the wrong side of him, and being hunted down by this hulking behemoth. It would be a feral, deadly game of cat and mouse with a man who could quite literally deadlift you over his head and snap you like a glow stick.
You hear him cursing when you slip away, his voice echoing off the brick. Grating. Booming. You think you found the perfect spot to hide, and you wedge yourself into the alcove. Breath held tight in your lungs as he passes by, muttering curses in German, and snapping into his comms. It fades. Trickling out.
Then, it goes quiet. Deadly still.
You breathe a sigh of relief. He's gone. Still. You wait. And wait. Silence. Nothing. Gunfire echoes in the distance. You need to move, to put as much distance between yourself, and the Haden being slicing through the shadows trying to find you as you possibly can.
You start to crawl out, fingers scratching at the gravel so desperately that your nails tear, leaving streaks of blood–blood red eyes; a voice that sounds like a raw, festering wound–on the stone.
An inch away from your delicate, fragile fingers, a black boot drops. Another one. They're the length of your shins, and crunch the cobblestone, grinding it into dust.
The heft of him seems to shake the ground. It jars you. Your bones rattle. Chattering. Fear pools in your guts.
You look up, and the bulk of him seems to stretch into the infinite cosmos. Shrouded in black. A mask covers his face, and the sight of it reminds you of a pall. You shiver when the eyes cutting through narrow slits sharpen.
He climbed the fire escape, waiting for you.
And now–
"Du gehst mir auf den Keks," he grinds the words out, eyes flashing in red-hot anger. Victory. "But I've finally caught you, maus."
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sonicskullsalt · 1 year
I love their videos
This is indeed a great selection of German sayings
find their meanings under the cut
Touch me on the feet. (Fass mich an die Füße.) - a less graphic way of saying Kiss my ass
Life is not a pony courtyard. (Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof. [I would have said Life is not a pony farm]) - You don't always get what you want. Life isn't perfect.
You're going on my cookie. (Du gehst mir auf den Keks.) - You're annoying.
That is me sausage. (Das ist mir Wurst.) - I don't care.
Now, don't be such an offended liver sausage. (Jetzt sei nicht so eine beleidigte Leberwurst.) - Now, don't be such a sorehead. Don't get butthurt.
Now it goes about the sausage. (Jetzt geht's um die Wurst.) - This is the decisive moment.
Anyway, long talk, short sense. (Wie auch immer, lange Rede, kurzer Sinn.) - tldr; to put it briefly
Lies have short legs. (Lügen haben kurze Beine) - Lies don't pay off. Lies aren't worthwhile.
You're a lucky mushroom. (Du bist ein Glückspilz.) - You're a lucky fellow.
I think my pig is whistling. (Ich glaube mein Schwein pfeift.) - You can't be serious. On no account.
Latch closed, monkey dead. (Klappe zu, Affe tot.) - End of story. The matter is closed.
I have muscle cat. (Ich hab Muskelkater.) - My muscles are sore.
I only understand train station. (Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof.) - I don't get it. I don't understand.
Everything has an end, but the sausage has two. (Alles hat eine Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei.) - Everything must end at some point. Nothing lasts forever.
Brake your neck and legs. (Hals- und Beinbruch.) - Brake a leg. Good luck. Just like in English, this is a traditional way of saying good luck in the theatre.
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Hey! Friendly reminder that I have a Rain World emoji discord with all the files available for free! Here's a handful of the emojis and stickers that already exist, with many more available and on the way. As of writing this post, the server is getting so close to 100 members and I'll be doing a little giveaway when we hit that milestone ^^
>>> Invite Link! <<<
Emoji names and descriptions under the cut!
watcher-sweat: Recreation of the "man sweating" meme with the Watcher holding a red rag.
watcher-shocked: The Watcher looking down in shock.
Bed O' Clock: The Watcher holding a toy knife and staring at the viewer with the caption "It is Bed O' Clock, you best be sleeping".
surv-zone-out: The Survivor blankly looking towards the left with their ears flopped forwards.
surv-peek: The Survivor peeking up from the bottom. They are so close to the camera that the sides of their face are cut off.
surv-flower: The Survivor holding up a karma flower.
spear-knife: The Spearmaster glaring at the viewer and holding a kitchen knife.
spear-happy: The Spearmaster drew a smile on their face with an orange marker, and they have their eyes closed in content.
Box of Slugcats: A cardboard box full of slugcats containing, Saint, Hunter, Rivulet, Watcher, Survivor, and Monk.
scuppy-dance: A static frame of an animated emote. It's a small green slugpup with its eyes closed bouncing up and down.
saint-what: A recreation of the "Rug Doctor" meme, better known as "The What" meme. The Saint has their eyes wide open and they are looking downwards with a fake smile.
saint-disgust: The Saint with the "Excalibur face" from the anime Soul Eater. Their face is wrinkled up in utter disgust as they look towards the left.
riv-KEK: The Rivulet doing the dogkek facial expression, where they look up in laughter.
riv-sulk: The Rivulet facing towards the right and giving the viewer a side eye while sulking.
monk-worried: A closeup of the Monk's face and they have a furrowed brow in utter concern.
monk-hug: The monk hugging their blue lizard by flopping on top of it.
inv-sob: Inv is sobbing on the ground.
inv-OwO: Inv making the OwO kitty face, with large open eyes and a little smile.
inv-cry: Inv yelling with tears in their eyes.
inv-blush: Inv squinting their eyes with a big smile on their face while blushing. Based off of a cat blush emoji, but I can't find the exact name of it.
hunter-woh: Based off of slugwoh, the Hunter is surprised with their mouth hanging open.
hunter-head-in-hands: The Hunter covering their face in either frustration or embarassment.
gourm-revolted: The Gourmand looking down, absolutely revolted. Based off of a facial expression in Caravaggio's painting, The Cardsharps.
gourm-eats-ur-art: The Gourmand is eating a piece of paper with a drawing on it, and they're very happy about this.
arti-concern: The Artificer holding their hands in front of their mouth with a peeved facial expression. This is a reference to the "Spongebob Boi" meme.
arti-snarl: The Artificer snarling with an intense facial angry expression.
arti-sigh: The Artificer sighing with her eye mostly closed.
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bonefall · 1 year
There should be a clan cat saying that translates to "poor little meow meow" in clanmew
The closest phrase is, "His quicks are soooo long." It's very evocative of a sensitive cat and mocks the idea of a person who does bad things because they're sad. "Poor Little Meow Meow" doesn't translate directly, it's a very English-speaking fandom specific kinda word lmao.
"Keks kasmorwang uuuuuuuuuuuuuurrgrryyrr." [Quicks longness theeeeeeeeeeeeeycontain.] (Sing the long U for extra emphasis)
The "quick" here is the nerves inside of the claw, which can bleed and cause a lot of pain if the claw breaks. When they say, "He tore a claw," as an injury, that's what they're referring to. It's like having a really bad hangnail.
So in meaning, it's like... "Aw it's so sad, every time he swipes his claws it hurts him. He's hitting you, but it's breaking his hands to do it :("
Quick (of a claw, the nerves within a claw) = Keks
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sutrala · 15 days
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