#kelly owen
wheel-of-fish · 3 months
hey fish! i was wondering if you have any recommendations for the portrayals of erik that are more on the sweet or tender side of the spectrum? or especially tender moments some actors have done? thanks!
Yeah sure! These are the actors who come to mind offhand.
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Earl Carpenter (with Rachel Barrell)
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Ted Keegan (with Emilie Kouatchou)
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Josh Piterman (with Kelly Mathieson)
And the OG Michael Crawford, but I would actually direct you to this audio clip for him.
And here are some other tender moments that I like!
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James Gant (with Holly-Anne Hull)
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John Owen-Jones (with Celia Graham)
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Laird Mackintosh
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Saulo Vasconcelos (with Irasema Terrazas)
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Michael Nicholson (with Olivia Safe)
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Jeremy Stolle (with Samantha Hill)
Also this audio of Greg Mills
(Do most of my favorite tender moments involve hair and/or hands? MAYBE SO)
EDIT: This is not meant to be an exhaustive list! Please feel free to add your own!
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It appears to be bread day on tumblr, so here's the Michael Sheen bread toaster video for the vibes
Superb direction. 1000/10. Every shot, every transition was perfectly timed. The sound was synced beautifully to the toaster clicking, building the atmosphere and urgency even though there were no clear stakes. The dialogue was so understated but it was positioned perfectly. Just where it made sense to add it, nowhere else. The use of diagetic sound, the clicking toaster, to add to the mood. The transitions themselves, oh man. The way one shot of the bread moved to another, like the clicking of old-fashioned slides in a projector. The perfect POVs. The variety that they managed to bring to one simple, repeated action. The stillness in the kitchen filled with frantic motion, and the restless motion in the beach that was mostly deserted. It's like a beautifully choreographed dance. Not one step out of place, not a single missed beat. It felt flawless.
And above is the reaction I had to watching it the first time. Happy, uh, tumblr bread day? Thanks @madfangirlontheloose.
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operafantomet · 2 months
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When the same backstage photo appears across productions (and fairly unintentional in most cases)
ROW 1: David Arnsperger in Hamburg, Ben Forster in West End
ROW 2: Eva Tavares in the Restaged US Tour, Lillian Mandaag in the Restaged Tour in Austria
ROW 3: Amy Manford in West End, Clara Verdier in the World Tour revival
ROW 4: Elizabeth Welch and Rob Pitcher in Oberhausen, Kelly Mathieson and Paul Tabone in West End
ROW 5: John Owen-Jones in West End, Rob Pitcher in Hamburg
ROW 6: Hugh Panaro and his dog Soot on Broadway, Tomas Ambt Kofod and his dog in Copenhagen
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forsapphics · 6 months
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BLACK MIRROR (2011 —) · S03, E04: San Junipero — dir. Owen Harris
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cinematicjourney · 4 months
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Gosford Park (2001) | dir. Robert Altman
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rainbowpopeworld · 8 months
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Can’t even get some toast
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// Glastonbury '24 //
© dh2.co
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ineffableigh · 8 months
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It's done!
A fun silly piece that popped into my head yesterday morning and I had to do it lol. The Sheen's hair was super fun to draw and very good practice.
Inspired by Michael Sheen and his magic toaster in this music video below:
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I just started a rewatch of Boardwalk Empire for the first time in over 4 years and, man, but I am dying over how young Charlie feels as Owen Sleater after having recently watched Kin. 😭
I mean, just look at his boyish little face!! 🥺💗
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And I was listening to the audio commentary for the scene where Owen and Margaret first sleep together and, remember when she bit him on the neck and he smiled? 🤭🔥
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Apparently they were worried Margaret didn’t appear aggressive enough, so Charlie suggested she bite him. 👀
And...now I can’t stop thinking about that. Can’t imagine why. 🥴 *fans self*
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feat. origin: the black and white, my hatchetfield superhero au maybe 2 people know about!!
(alt. under cut)
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zekoagun · 1 year
Infinite Regress Under Duress apparently got removed a couple of weeks ago, the internet archive has a copy but if that doesn’t work here’s a google drive link, if all of those fail feel free to contact me and i’ll get you a copy
also, edit:
join if you want to! :D
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If yall can relate to Patrick Bateman, I can relate to these mfs
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ceruleanmusings · 3 months
Big Time Double Date - Mickames
i don't really have anything to say about this one. just that this is one of my all time favorite btr eps. i wish they did more bottle episodes, or rather more episodes where everyone was all in one place with intertwining plots. also, jett was the best part of this episode hands down! i loved all his scenes!
@partiallypearl @raging-violets @witchofinterest @myloveforhergoeson
Mickey heaved a sigh of relief when the broom closet door closed. She rested her back against it, eyes darting from side to side. The last thing she wanted was to get caught; she’d lose her job over this! Not that she really needed the job, being in a band tended to help with a lot of expenses but she wanted to keep it.
She loved picking up shifts at Chez Fancee when she wasn’t busy. Being in the thick of a dinner rush, creating delectable French cuisine, and providing a great experience and lasting memories for the guests gave her a rush nothing could touch. Performing onstage in front of thousands of people came close. And yet here she was putting it all on the line to make sure her friend had a great date.
They can’t say I don’t do anythin’ for ‘em!
“Katie, I love your style, but knocking him out was a little much I think,” Mickey commented when Katie rushed around the corner. A tree hat sat atop of her head, accompanied by leaves and fronds hanging off her clothes. If she stood still long enough people could mistake her for a plant.
“It’s just a dinner roll, he’ll be fine,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand.
“If that knocked Henri out, I don’t think he will be,” Mickey said, glancing over her shoulder at the closed door. She didn’t have much time to think about Henri and his apparently compromised health or balance due to a hissing by her ear. Katie and Mickey both looked in the direction of the sound. A second later James popped his head around the corner, his short hair slicked to his head.
“Pssssssst!” he hissed again, louder.
“Keep a look out,” she told Katie. Katie gave her a thumbs up sign and Mickey rushed around the corner, glancing back to ensure the manager didn’t catch her. He was a nice guy, especially for giving her a shot with her unpredictable schedule. She didn’t want to ruin that. But then again, on the flipside, she didn’t want Carlos to have a bad date with Jennifer 3. Jennifer 3 was very nice once you got to know her. And Mickey had total hair envy when it came to Jennifer 3.
“Help!” James hissed once Mickey got within reach of her.
Mickey came to a stop, blinking rapidly while looking him up and down. “With…with what?” She asked because, well, it couldn’t be with how he looked. He looked good. James always looked good, but he looked good. She actively had to remind herself to keep her jaw from dropping. Her momma always said to never underestimate the power of a guy in a suit, and she was not kidding. With James’ slicked hair and his nice clothes, he looked as if he were ready to film scenes in an old Hollywood movie. The only thing missing was a cigar nestled between two fingers.
“The guys are here!” he replied, tugging the bottom of his tuxedo jacket.
Mickey made a face, shifting the tracks of her mind from James on the glossy pages of GQ to the issue at hand. God, she hoped he didn’t notice the heat pooling in her cheeks. “Which guys?”
“All of them! Kendall and Jazz are here with Kelly and…some guy—”
“Oh, that’s Owen!” Perking up, Mickey breathed easier. This was a safe topic. “He’s our UPS guy. They were supposed to be going somewhere el—”
“And Logan’s here with some girl who looks like him and Camille’s here with Jett!” James continued, his voice kicking up a notch.
“Okay, that’s not too bad. …I gotta ask her about that later but that’s not too bad.” Honestly, she could do better than Jett. And weren’t she and Logan just together that morning? Mickey made a mental note to ask Camille about this whole situation later. Her dramatics would certainly make the story interesting, and something told her she’d need a good story after a long night. But damn they were more topsy-turvy than a see-saw!
“Gustavo’s here too!”
Mickey gasped. “Oooh, that’s bad!”
“I know!” James cried out, fiddling with the untied bowtie hanging around his neck.
“He’s supposed to be watching his blood pressure,” Mickey continued.
“…That’s kind of not the point—gah!” The end of his sentence chopped off due to him tightening the bowtie loop around his neck. His eyes bulged and his tongue stuck out, his fingers scrambling for the loop knot he’d made. Seconds passed and red grew in his cheeks. “Mickey…Mickey, help!”
“Oh my god! Stop, stop, let me do it!” Mickey slapped his hands away and stepped closer, yanking the knot away from his neck. His chest heaved with his deep breath and she swallowed the lump rising, watching the fabric stretch across it. Focus! Gathering her wits, she pulled the bowtie apart, letting the two ends lie parallel to his neck. Smoothing the ends between her fingers, she took in a Cuda-scented breath through her nose and began to let her fingers fly in practiced ease. Doing her best to ignore the rise and fall of his chest, Mickey clicked her tongue. “You can tie a necktie, but you can’t tie a bowtie?”
“Mama Knight usually does it for me.”
The simple sincerity in his answer made her take pause, her fingers fumbling before they stilled. Nose wrinkling, she pulled the half-knot apart and started again. “That’s nice of her.”
“Yeah, she’s really cool.”
She gave the finished bowtie a few tugs making sure it held tight and smoothed her hands down his chest. His heart beat hard beneath her fingers. Her eyes flew open wide and her lips parted and pushed out a squeak before backing away, directing her eyes to the floor, dropping her arms to her sides. “Sorrysorrysorry!” Her apology slammed together, falling off her tongue faster than she could form the words. If James said anything she didn’t hear it, didn’t want to hear it. The further away she kept him, the better. In fact, she managed to form some semblance of a sentence, telling him she’d be right back, before rushing off. She ducked behind the host stand when her manager and a few servers walked by, carrying large trays. It was where she wanted to go anyway. She tugged the box of items that had been left behind by patrons, rummaging through it until she found what she needed. With a triumphant grin, she hurried back to James. Along the way she grabbed an extra apron from the entryway to the kitchen; it fluttered behind her like a cape.
“Okay, tie this around your waist,” she said, a little breathless, once she reached him. “Keep a booklet in your pocket to take orders.”
“I can’t take orders!” James said, doing as he was told. A few quick twists of his fingers and the apron lay against his waist. “I’m not an actual server!”
“I know, but you’re going to take Carlos and Jennifer’s orders. And by that, I mean it’s already written. I picked out the best dishes for them. Pretend to take their orders and bring the paper to me. I’ll make sure the food is perfect and out on time.”
“Oh.” James took the notebook out of the pocket and opened it up. “You have nice handwriting.”
“Thank you.” Mickey sucked in a breath, blinked, and got her mind back on the topic at hand. “Katie will be running interference. Check on them every now and then. If you need anything, I’ll be right behind those doors. Now, how’s your French?”
“French. Do you know any French?”
James’s eyes lifted to the ceiling as he thought for a moment. When he looked back down, a light had ignited behind his eyes. “Voulez vous couch—”
“Stop it.” Mickey squeezed her eyes shut as she thrust out her palm, blocking his words.
James’s shoulders rounded. “Sorry.”
“Got it.”
Honestly, why was that always someone’s first answer? They needed to get more material. Whatever. She had more things to worry about. Waving her hands in front of her, she wiped his slate clean. “Forget it. How’s your French accent?”
“Oui oui, hon hon, try ze baguette.”
Her eye twitched. “…Close enough. Just keep that up and keep your face hidden and we should be fine. Just, one more thing…” She reached upwards and he obediently leaned forward, moving in sync. She pressed a large, fake mustache against his top lip, keeping a firm hold for a few seconds. Once secure she slipped a pair of glasses over his nose and took a step back, looking at him with new eyes. It was so unfair he looked good in glasses too. Her big reading glasses probably would look good on him too, on her they made her look like a nerd. Well, she was a nerd to a degree, but the glasses didn’t help. She clapped her hands together, the sharp sound making James jump. “Okay, team, we’re all set! Remember, we’re doing this for Carlos.”
“Friendship powers, activate!” James announced, pointing a triumphant finger in the air.
“I’m not doing it this time,” Katie said with a shake of her head, making James pout. Mickey jumped in, easily executing the odd handshake James had come up with, doing her best to ignore the spark at her fingertips upon their hands touching. He’d been working on it for weeks, mostly with Carlos and sometimes with her, noting it’d only be brought out when they really needed it. And Carlos really needed them.
The group split up with James holding his arm up to his face, looking much like Batman with his cape draped up to his face. With a few quick flicks of her wrist, Mickey cuffed the sleeves of her dress shirt, only catching the smirk on Katie’s face at the last second. “You two looked cozy,” Katie all but sang.
“Shut up, Katie,” Mickey grumbled. “You’re the one who didn’t want to do the handshake.”
“Because it’s dumb. I don’t know why you encourage those idiots.”
“I’m beginning to wonder that myself.” Deep down Mickey knew. It was because they were fun, and they were her friends. Back home she only really had her sisters as friends. And, yeah, maybe they all came along just because of their connection to Kelly but she loved the guys. They made her life interesting. She wouldn’t have fun like this back on the East Coast. She and her sisters had their own kinds of adventures but the adventures she’d been having out here with them were on another level.
“Do you really think Jennifer 3 could be the girl for him?” Katie spoke up after a moment of silence.
“I think he’s trying hard,” Mickey said slowly, “and he shouldn’t have to try hard. So, as long as we get him relaxed, anything could happen.” She bit her lip, peering past Katie to see Carlos’ and Jennifer’s table nearby. “He’s very sweet. Any girl would be lucky to have someone like him. They just have to notice.”
Shrugging, Katie went to blend in with the plants. Mickey ran her hands over her hair, smoothing down any stray kinky curls, blowing out a breath. She caught James’ eye from across the room. He grinned and held up his hand, wiggling the shaka sign. Their secret way of communicating, checking if everything was okay. She smiled and waved the sign back.
If there was one thing she learned about being around them, everything would work out the way it needed to.
She may as well sit back and enjoy the ride.
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triplexdoublex · 5 months
Owen Grey, Kells & small hands would be my dream gangbang (if u could class 3 as a gangbang)
I personally don’t find Owen attractive but God damn he can fuck, so I get it. But I’d let kells and small hands turn me inside out 🥵🙈
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beingharsh · 4 months
it still sucks that radiohead is actually quite good. call me radio the way im giving head. whatever
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themelodyofspring · 1 year
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JOMP Book Photo Challenge
July 31, 2023 - Read in July
Also includes Words in Deep Blue (eBook) and A Kind of Spark (audiobook).
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