#kelly's olympian
RIP Luke Castellan, he would’ve loved Newsies.
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apollosbisexualass · 9 months
Kelli: Take Percy Jackson to the arena, I’m sure he’d love to meet his brother
Percy: Tyson?
Kelli: Need I remind you that your father is a whore
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athleticperfection1 · 2 months
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British sprinter Hannah Kelly
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itspercyintime · 3 months
Pjo ship names except @caliburn-the-sword and I made them using ouat ship naming conventions (like Lightning McClean)
Percabeth: Ocean Owl/Sea Owl/Wise Sea
Perachel: Fish Prophet
Ruegard: Pink Spear
Silena and Charlie: Love Forge/Love Boat/ Dragon Boat
Tratie: Garden Thief
Valgrace: Grease Lighting
Chris and Clarisse: Maze Runner
Caleo: Drake Mechanic
Grover and Juniper: Tree Pipe
Solangelo: Solar Eclipse
Luke and Kellie: Scar Monster/Monster Drake/Monsterfucker
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low-key-lucy · 7 months
me when i remember i don’t have a chance with Luke Castellan because his type is Trees and Vampires
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thel1ghtningthief · 1 month
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artemx746 · 29 days
(Just copying this from my frustrated-with-the-pjo-fandom induced ramblings on the ta server + al lot more more shit than I expected to write)
I think the main pjo fandom has such a misunderstanding of why Alison might be bad for the show
It's not because she's a new character, I honestly think a new character could be good for the show, but it's because the pjo show team has already shown a fundamental misunderstanding of what pjato should be at its core (that being disability). Alison will most likely only prove what we already knew: that being the show not actually knowing what to do with pjo
Gonna be straight up here, I don't think any of these arguments against Alison are really about the fact she's a new character, season one had plenty of changes that a lot of people were fine with despite them not really making sense (why was Annabeth there for Luke's betrayal). They're because she's a new ta character and that'll either lead to the fandom confronting the fact that they've had a bias against the ta characters for literally no reason (Percy destroyed a bridge and blew up a boat, chb also had child soldiers) or their deep rooted sexism against barely morally gray women without stripping them of their agency.* The only fear I kinda get is that Alison will end up replacing one of the ta characters but unless you're a diehard Kelli fan I don't think there's really much to worry about, I'm not saying she'll replace Kelli as a Luke love interest but rather an 'evil bossy woman' type so they don't need to animate Kelli's hair.
The only thing I'm worried about is the lack of disability. I've rambled about this before on the ta server** but Alison is most likely going to be a child of a minor god, and while I do want more minor god kids, the minor god's kids represent a very important part of the disability metaphor, that being disability hierarchies specifically being detrimental against people with physical disabilities and people with stigmatised mental illnesses (npd bpd schizophrenia etc) . Alison has an open casting, and while that would usually be fine for any other character I doubt they'll cast someone with a physical disability and I highly doubt they'll cast someone with a stigmatised mental illness. So you either have: an abled bodied person acting like they have a disability OR a ruined metaphor and Ethan's eye was lost for nothing.
Ta server ramblings under the cut
*Me: considering how this fandom treats women I do not wanna see them if Alison is in the book. They can't handle Silena without stripping her down to "UwU poor manipulated girl" I do not wanna see them with Alison
making it out that Silena was just in love with Luke and he manipulated her is a) reaffirming the sexist stuff about aphrodite kids and b) robs Silena of her agency to make decisions that she ends up regretting
**Me: Honestly hate when people act like it was just Percy who got the minor gods cabins, buddy did the metaphor go over your That Much. The reason it had to be Percy was because he represents people who already have resources speaking out for those who don’t because they’re more respected. That applies to both Percy and Luke. Percy was not the reason for it it was Ethan,
There is a Reason why Ethan was the first named demigod child of a minor god and he had a physical disability, it has a mythic reason like all of the others but it is still a disability. Ethan represents the metaphor in the minor god demis, that being hierarchies in disabled communities
(this is another reason why I'm scared for Alison in s2 because she's probably going to be a child of a minor god)
what I'm really worried about is they either: make Alison physically disabled and kill her off (killing off all* your physically disabled characters rick how fun)
make her able bodied and the metaphor is lost unless they explicitly say she has another stigmatised mental disability which they will not
*I don't count the kid from toa since he's a background character mentoned once and hephaestus was pretty much disabled in the myths so not rick's
okay end of ramblings jesus christ
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justaneedle · 7 days
There could be a joke about Luke being a monsterfucker.
Why weren't there more monsterfuckers?.. If not about gods' partners, I mean. We should have more monsterfuckers than poor lonely Luke in this fandom!
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ask-princessandromeda · 4 months
since I’m assuming we can ask Kelli now, as yes won by a landslide:
why Luke?
Kelli: I loveeee me a man who’s wrapped around my pinky. Am I wrong, Lukie Pookie? Am I wrong?
Luke: *moving away from her* Ugh… let’s stop talking for a while, shan’t we? That’s a very good idea.
Kelli: But you looveee talking to me!
Luke: I’m going to get coffee. Alone. Bye-bye.
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my-pjo-stuff · 2 months
I think the remaining ta members had like a
“What happens on the princess Adromada stays on the princess Adromada “
like the Kellie incident
Chris is still traumatized
-Animal’s mod
While I do LOVE this, I sadly gotta say that "remaining TA members" probably only refers to Alabaster and Chris 💀 But yeah both of them are taking Kellie to their graves- and if need be Chris will have Percy take Kelli to his grave too.
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Didn't really have anything to do in art class so here are the blorbos ever
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captainsvscaptains · 1 year
Poll J
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this is literally annabeth’s song for the entirety of pjo
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bugwolfsstuff · 14 days
Luke being an implied monster fucker will never not be funny to me
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fellatitledthemf · 8 months
Something that I personally find really annoying is how are people still calling Luke a pedo
Many actually tried finding proofs that this is the case, but it was never truly proven to be canon and I myself belive it’s not truth.
When it comes to case with Annabeth, it’s always brought how Luke asked if she ever loved him, right when he’s dying.
You see, this doesn’t mean it’s romantic, you can say you love someone who’s your family member or friend. It was said that Luke only saw Annabeth in platonic way as his little sister, unlike her who had crush on him from the start.
Luke knew Annabeth really cared about him and that’s why he wanted her to help him. He used that to manipulate her, but did he have romantic feelings, no. When he told her that they can be family like in old times, he meant like when they first met, when they both ran from their parents. And that time he asked if she loved him, it was probably to check from curiosity.
Did he want a romantic relationship, no. Did he took advantage of her feelings to manipulate her, yes.
Time for Kelli, this will be quite short:
People bring Kelli to how Luke is a pedo, it’s because they hooked up at some point and she looked like she was Percy’s age (7 years younger than Luke)
Personaly, I find it quite funny because Kelli isn’t even a human, but an empousa, meaning she could be hundreds of years old. The fact she looked slightly younger than Luke isn’t much of a deal, because there’s even some people who are 30+ and look like 25.
Not realy relevant to this theme but some even say she could find someone better, as if she didn’t date a dude so she can eat him later.
For the Silena, it’s hardest to explain to explain because everyone think that this is acual situation of grooming. It would be grooming if Luke started a relationship with her.
You know, we never actually got information that he flirted or seduced her into one. Silena joined him because she found him attractive, and because Luke blackmailed her.
Even though he wasn’t a pedo, he is responsible for mass deaths and manipulations, which simply can not be forgiven.
For more informations about Luke's chracter check out my presentation
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