rooster-teeths · 11 years
Hi! I actually had a question for you, or two. The first is involving the lads hovering-pixel are that sits under your side bar. Did you create those, or commision them? I've been trying to get one of my own for quite some time, as I can't seem to make them. Also: what exactly is RTstuck, and where can I find it? Because I really don't think there could be a better crossover then roosterteeth and homestuck. ever. Thank you for your time, no matter what. c:
Hola!! I did not commission it, actually, it was posted in the rtstuck tag and I asked the poster for permission! I don’t remember quite who it is, gomen. I can draw, but I can’t draw like that. I could actually give you the code, if that so pleases you. Again, gomen for forgetting who it was. 
RTStuck is, well, what it sounds like! It’s a fandom crossover of RoosterTeeth/Achievement Hunter and Homestuck! You’ll find a lot of things like grimdark gavin, or trickster michael! There’s actually a few ask blogs if you want to look around! 
The group actually grew pretty big at one point, and there was a podcast (I wish I could remember to do a record for once) there was a minecraft tournament, and a confessions blog! These are all of course, my failed projects BUT I plan to try and get them running up again, if any of those interest you! (actually, i only started the confessions blog im probably going to need someone’s help with it) It’s a really great community, and I hope you would care to sit down and have some tea with us.
As for RTStuck links I’ve got a few of them!
There’s the actual tag on tumblr here!If you have a dA account, there’s a group page for them here!The actual tumblr is here!
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peachymints · 12 years
I really like your drawings, they're... amazing. Im trying to develop my art skills as well, but.. that isn't going quite so well. Any tips?
Thank you so much!
I would always say keep practicing and drawing. Try new techniques, new styles, new tools, and always keep an open mind. It's also a good idea to look around and be inspired by other great artists and styles, sometimes they can be a great influence to the way you draw and think. For the most part, you have to be patient with yourself and keep drawing things that make you happy. I hope that helps C:>
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ssugarmaplewings · 12 years
oops i got tagged
Rule 1: Always post the rules!
Rule 2: Answer the questions the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you tagged them!
1. Give us some of your favorite song lyrics.
Goddamn I like every song and lyrics why would you do this to me fuuu--
" Victoriam speramus, damnate timiditam
Concordiam optamus, iuvate libertatem
Victoriam speramus, nagate subversorem
Concordiam optamus nunc "
-- Victoriam Speramus by Krypteria
2. What was your favorite present on your birthday?
I don't even remember what I got last year for my birthday, but if you really want to know ask me again in a couple of days for this year's. 
3. How often do you go to your local library?
During the summer I go all the time, but pretty much never during the school year because I never have time to read anything.
4. Do you have any talents you don’t use all that much?
Nottt really. I draw and that's about it, and that's only mediocre at that.
5.What was your first experience with Doctor Who/Harry Potter/Sherlock/Whatever?
I don't even remember my first with Harry Potter because that was a long time ago, but I remember deciding to watch Doctor Who as my first fandom because of Tumblr. Then I watched Sherlock because netflix had it and because of all the Johnlock on my dash. >u> Then I was a lost cause.
6. What is/are your cheer-up movie(s)?
The Lion King and Legend of the Guardians.
7. How long do you expect it will take you to write 11 questions?\
Much too long.
8. How many books do you own that you’ve never read?
I have a stack of probably about twenty-thirty books in my room that I haven't gotten around to yet. To be perfectly fair, though, quite a few of them are Liz's. And I totally got two new ones yesterday.
9. What is your favorite book series?
This is an awful question. One does not simply have a favorite.
I like Harry Potter, Guardians of Ga'Hoole, Warriors, Maximum Ride, The Hunger Games, the Unwind Trilogy or whatever, and I feel like I'm missing something but yeah.
10. What is your opinion on blogs which do not blog fandoms?
Whatever you like, just... I do not understand why you porn blogs and hipster blogs follow me because really, I have nothing that you want???
11. Why did you join Tumblr?
Back when I actually used to roleplay on proboards sites, someone kept linking to their food pictures on the chatbox from their tumblr and I decided, hey why the fuck not try this? 
My Questions: 
1. What was the last book you read and what did/did you not like about it?
2. Name all the fandoms that you consider yourself to be a part of.
3. Now, what is your favorite character from each one (no cheating, only pick one)?
4. Before tumblr, did you used to type like a normal human being too? 
5. If so, were you a grammar nazi?
6. God, I hate coming up with questions. Which is usually one of your default questions that you always ask on these sorts of things? If you have any default ones of course.
7. You wanna play a game?
8. What was your favorite board game as a kid? 
9. What is your OTP of OTPs? And yes, once again you must only chose one because I am a cruel bastard.
10. If you read fanfics, which is your favorite one? It can be from any fandom. And if you don't, why don't you? Is there any specific reason why, or do you just not really care enough?
11. I am really bad at this, I know. What sorts of dumb things are you bad at, or that you don't like, at least.
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