tartt9 · 1 year
❛  i’m proud of you.  ❜ [ from @kentroys ]
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Fucking hell. The more Jamie heard things like that from his coaching staff, the more he’d get used to it. Roy fucking Kent, the man who he had grown up worshipping, the man whose poster still hung on the wall of his childhood bedroom to this day, was saying that he was proud of Jamie. And, truly, Jamie was proud of himself, too. He got the call up, he’d made the team, he’d made his England debut on the pitch at Wembley, and he’d scored a fucking free kick for England. It was unbelievable - this was his real life. He wasn’t just some boy asleep in the bed of his council house, about to wake up to the reality that he was still about to go to the academy, to fight for the dream he’d just had. Jamie had done his years of fighting. Sixteen years of work, eighteen if one considered the two years he’d played football recreationally, before City’s academy could technically recruit him. And he’d scored a goal. For England. And he was fucking ecstatic.
Sure, he came back to the dressing room to a dozen missed texts from “Dad” asking why Jamie wasn’t a starter, telling him how he could’ve done things better, but Jamie hadn’t read any of them past the singular line of text that appeared on his lock screen. He was proud of himself. Walking into the Earl Centre that Monday, the pride still hadn't died in Jamie's chest. It wasn't the sort of pride Jamie had had when he walked into this place when it was still called the Rupert Mannion Centre - he wasn't that cocky about it. Just proud of his hard work. And Roy Kent was telling him he was proud of him. And Roy, his coach, his friend, was proud of him, too. “Thanks, granddad…” he murmured, affection in his tone. He’d done all that this weekend, but now, it was time to start training for their trip up to Manchester. He clapped Roy on he shoulder, grinning over at him, before heading for the practice pitch. Time for work, Greyhounds!
@kentroys // from here !
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stillcominback · 1 year
𝚕𝚊𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚕’𝚜 𝚐𝚘𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚗 𝚟𝚊𝚌𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 !!!  this has been a way-too-long time coming [ cause your girl is burned the hell out ], but i’m finally taking a little trip to toronto from march 30 - april 4 <333 
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kawaii-sugarii · 11 months
I am working my way through the Fusions right now, although this one has been a bit difficult [not to draw. They were difficult on deciding a style, hehe]
This is Kentroy Malarkey and Jolly-O Wipplesnit's fusion: Keaton Peckpique
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As we have both figured, they are highly unstable. Some of the extra limbs didn't even finish generating when these two fused!!!
Also, their theme is based on Jolly Rancher's AwesomeTwosome bites; which is a sliver of soft candy wrapped in a thick candy belt. Kind of ironic when you consider that these two don't consider the fusion awesome, huh?
Damn, look at this furious boi! Love it, thanks! >83
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silly-shady · 11 months
This is my anon/IRL self, D speaking.
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*I give the Keaton Mask to Keaton Peckpique*
(When I read the fusion's name, I immediately thought of the Keaton Mask from Zelda and I just had to do this. Oh, and you may notice that this mask has a similar design to a certain Pokemon. And boy, do I love me an easter egg)
I am sorry, but there's a LoZ mask with the same name as the fusion??? I didn't even know this when I gave him the name!
Also, the Pokemon reference is an even BIGGER coincidence since Sugarii's headcanon voice for Kentroy is that of Ash Ketchum, and this lead me to have Keaton cosplay as Lost Silver-
Jolly-O: *through Keaton* Heyyy, it's a Pikachu mask!
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tessathegamefreak · 11 months
It's clear that Jolly-O hates Kentroy, but...what does he think of Zinnia?
Well, Jolly-O doesn't hate or dislike Zinnia. If anything, his strong disdain for Kentroy is out of need for competition. Learning that your dad had another son with his aunt in another arcade, and one that mocks his Otaku lifestyle, is what really sends Jolly-O fuming. He doesn't feel he has to compete with Zinnia since they aren't so similar like he and Kentroy are. I would say... He feels neutral to her. Besides being the sister of Kentroy, Jolly-O holds no transgressions to her. She might even make him wonder what it would have been like if he did have a sister.
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belasso-blog · 1 year
which rage language are you?
step back / usually, you're able to bottle up your emotions and ignore the frustrations. but, after weeks of shoving everything down, your body needs a release, and i pity the poor person who managed to piss you off. it's screaming crying, shouting, kicking lockers, whatever you can do to get it out of your system. it's a whole jean grey moment, fire and fury blasting out of you.
tagged by: @kentroys & @bekeeley (thank you both!) tagging: @becoach @espercr @wiseagent @sangwoochos and whoever else would like to do this!
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tartt9 · 1 year
@kentroys asked //
i feel the same way about you. [ from here ! ]
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That's about the last thing that Jamie expected to hear. He blinks in surprise, every word he had built up inside of his throat dying - he was going to make excuses, say something fucking stupid like it's stupid, I know, you don't have to keep training me anymore, if you wanna talk to Ms. Welton about instigating a trade for me I'd get it, I mean, I'd miss the lads, and I think I'm really good on this team, but if you don't want me 'round, then that's fine, and I'd get it, and I should've kept my big stupid mouth shut, but then Roy speaks. And Jamie's taken aback. For the first time in his adult life, Jamie doesn't have a single word to say [ maybe for the first time in his entire life - Jamie has never been known to keep his mouth shut ].
"You serious, mate...?" he asks, looking into Roy's face, trying to read him through his eyebrows. It kind of feels like he's dreaming. Like he'll wake up from this any second. His feet are frozen to the ground. He can't do anything but stand there and stare at the man he'd worshipped for years - who had just said those words to him. He feels even more like a fucking idiot.
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kawaii-sugarii · 1 year
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Happy Father's Day from the Sugar Rush Next Gen!
Spreading love and gratitude to all of the best dads in the world!
But unfortunately...not everything is equal...
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Eclaire never met her father. And all she wishes for it to see him for once... But who *is* her father? You'll have to guess...
(This comic is also sort of like a sneak peek to two new Next Gen kids, whose names are revealed in the tags.)
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silly-shady · 11 months
I pick up Keaton and jokingly say "He's mine, and I'm leaving".
His reaction?
Jolly-O feels himself panicking on the inside.
Jolly-O: *through Keaton* W-What?! Creator, please don't let the strange bunny kidnap me!!!
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tessathegamefreak · 5 months
[I've been wondering what would happen if the kids from either Next Gen cast met some of the parents in the other Sugar Rush. So...I got a roleplay idea. Here goes. XP]
Gabrielle's family and Kentroy's family are about to have a jelly barbecue picnic, which gives the 2 kids an idea to invite some of their friends from the other Sugar Rush to join them, and meet their parents (albeit very awkwardly, of course).
Kentroy: Shouldn't we tell them about that first?
Gabrielle: Hmm...nah. We're gonna surprise them!
Kentroy: *sighs with a chuckle* Of course you wouldn't care about that. So who are we inviting?
Gabrielle: Obviously gotta invite Autumn and Pepo! And maybe Jolly-
Kentroy: No. Don't even think about inviting him.
Gabrielle: You seriously hate him that much?
Kentroy: Uh-huh...? Obviously.
Gabrielle doesn't say anything, but she's so going to invite Jolly-O without him knowing. What can I say, the girl enjoys chaos.
Once they're done writing the invitations, they send a marshmallow owl to deliver them.
[Ooh! That would be fun! XP]
Meanwhile, in the Mercy 'verse version of Sugar Rush, all my Next-Gen children receive their letters. All the ones that were invited gathered around at the center of town to talk of the invites. (Imma say Steep got invited too out of courtesy because I crave the drama of inviting a kid who looks like a certain villain, but your kids don't realize it-).
Tootsie: Hey, did you guys get a letter from Gabrielle and her friends?
Autumn: Yep! Me and Pepo did!
Brezziana: Um... I believe that would be "Pepo and I"...
Autumn: You got invited too?? Sweet!!!
Brezziana: Er-
Jolly-O: *he giggles* Well, it seems they aren't wrong about that! Hey, so did I~
Steep: ... *He sees Florence also got invited.* Oh modth. You got invited, too?...
Florence: Yep...
Steep: Surprising, s'ince you robbed them last time...
Florence: Hey. Knowing my mother, she raised her daughter to "let bygones be bygones", alright?
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belasso-blog · 1 year
PALM. you give and you give. you are a gentle heart, broken but still standing. . . always lending a hand for those who need it. expecting nothing in return. you deserve someone taking your hand and kissing your open palm, the hands which have selflessly helped so many others.
tagged by: @kentroys tagging : whoever would like to do this!
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tartt9 · 1 year
@kentroys // [ sc ! ]
"So, like... now that you're gaffer now, does that mean you don't got the time to train me individually?" Jamie asks, fingers wrapped around his green water bottle, trying hard not to fidget, or bounce around, or rock on his heels. He wants to come off like he's serious about this - because he is serious about this. He doesn't want to give up what they've got - it's special to him. "Just... 'cause, like... you made me a lot better last season, and I think I ain't at my peak yet, so... I'd be... y'know, I'd be happy if we kept goin'. But - I mean - if you're too busy, I get that, I do. Got twenty-some other players to worry about, not just me. So. Just. Y'know. Think about it, I guess?"
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romios-gr · 7 days
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Ρωσία: Παγκόσμιος συναγερμός από την δήλωση του επικεφαλής του κέντρου πυρηνικών δοκιμών – “Είμαστε έτοιμοι να πατήσουμε το κουμπί” Παγκόσμιο συναγερμό έχει προκαλέσει η σπάνια δήλωση του επικεφαλής του κέντρου πυρηνικών δοκιμών της Ρωσίας, ο οποίος σε συνέντευξή του δήλωσε ότι η Μόσχα είναι έτοιμη να πατήσει το κουμπί… Ειδικότερα, ο επικεφαλής του κέντρου πυρηνικών δοκιμών της Ρωσίας δήλ... Περισσότερα εδώ: https://romios.gr/rosia-pagkosmios-synagermos-apo-tin-dilosi-toy-epikefalis-toy-kentroy-pyrinikon-dokimon-eimaste-etoimoi-na-patisoyme-to-koympi/
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kawaii-sugarii · 10 months
Which Pokemon would your Next-Gen OCs have as a companion? :3
Hmmhmm let's see...
Gabrielle: Pumpkaboo
Ven: Impidimp
Valerie: Mimikyu
Kentroy: Pikachu
Zinnia: Hoppip
Abby: Kirlia
Eclaire: Amaura
Alucard: Wingull
Toffifee: Rookidee
Dennis: Pancham
Candida: Eevee
Luca: Vulpix
Hotaru: Spheal
Reimune: Hattrem
Orengia: Teddiursa
Lemonia: Meowth
Carrie: Rowlet
Yasashi: Snom
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silly-shady · 9 months
Hey, we should make the fusions involving Next-Gen children interact.
Stella (Steep and Clara fusion)
Nabil (Nala and Florence fusion)
Miss Malt Shake (Cassidy and Tootsie fusion)
Keaton Peckpique (Kentroy and Jolly-O fusion)
Tatiana DoubleBatter (Toffifee and Oriana fusion)
@redscorpiocat @kawaii-sugarii
Of course. This is an ask that has been sitting in my inbox for a minute though, so let's add Bernard Enerpunched (Brezziana and Alucard fusion), Harvest Leaves (Autumn and Petalina fusion), and Jerepo (Pepo and Jeremiah fusion)to this interaction!
Nabil: Well, it's strange to have all of us together like this... Gotta say though, you all look good in your fusions. Even Steep managed to make his fusion with Clara look decent.
Stella: Heheh, yeah, heheh. Now if that isn't the most backhanded compliment I have ever received... her ears were arched back.
Keaton Peckpique: "Look good"? Seriously? Are you blind??? Look at us, dude! This is not cool!
Harvest Leaves: I beg to differ! You and us look so cool!!!
Tatiana Doublebatter: Same here! We are so pretty- awesome!!!
Bernard Enerpunched: I do admit, it's strange, but I don't mind this. It's like chilling with a friend, but bonding is easier.
Miss Malt Shake: You are right about that! I am not normally laid-back, but Miss Cassidy has been quite helpful.
Jerepo: Hehehe! The fusion mind is so weird! All we can think about are clowns and frogs, and it's so funny, hehehe!
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