#kept the haunting and the incorporation tag tho bc I knocked it out of the park with those on the first try
breitzbachbea · 1 year
One fun thing about the sideblog (hewwo @i-centri-degli-universi) is that I got to make new category names.
"Sagen im Schwange" for my writing tag is a reference to the "Emperor in the Kyffhäuser" story that the Grimm's published, which begins with: "Von diesem Kaiser gehen viele Sagen im Schwange." ("Of this emperor, many tales are widespread.").
"AU Weckewerk" for posts that relate to AU ideas in general refers to the Northhessian dish called Weckewerk, which is a typical waste not, want not thing. It's more undesirable part of the animal, together with old bread and spices being made into a ground meat mix.
"Spiegelkabinett" for my art tag is a hall of mirrors, which relates quite nicely to visual representations that are basically copies of an original.
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crowned-ladybug · 6 years
I keep seeing vamp!Schneep on my dash (I’m perfectly aware of the culprit but I don’t wanna bother them by tagging) and suddenly I now have hcs for it
(Entirely self-indulgent for me and also for @theenbywitch bc I love throwing my goofy hcs at apparently v attractive things and Morgan is just a Big Gay)
he’s a couple hundred years old and unlike your stereotypical vampire, he’s been keeping up p well with the progression of the world around him, though he sometimes messes up what exactly “recent events” are
him being a modern doctor is fairly recent tho. Before that he had also worked as an artist, a German teacher, a small village’s local witch (which sparked his interest in medical things), and wrote a shitty romance novel that never made it big
he’s still fairly knowledgable about magic outside of his innate vampire abilities too
absolutely had ~100 years of an emo phase when he was v committed to being an Edgy Vampire who wears all black and barely leaves his gothic mansion of a house and probably sleeps in a coffin
holy shit he’s so over that now
plus most ppl are chill with vampires and other magic folks, so not like he Has To hide either
most of his Boring Edgelord Years were spent learning new tricks with his abilities, which means he can take up forms aside from human (his favourite and easiest is still bat, but there’s also big black dog, crow, snake, and for some reason, possum)
Marvin promptly calls him a furry
it’d be nice if part of his pay as a doctor was in blood but that’s not really feasible bc People Need Those. He mostly drinks pig blood instead and has not bitten a human in decades, if not centuries. It’s not his style
he can eat food other than blood, he just doesn’t get any nutrition from it, so he does snack on other things sometimes (even if it’s a guilty pleasure bc he’s technically wasting all that)
chews on the end of his pen when thinking. Bad idea
can actually see himself in most mirrors and photos work too (bc the problem is the silver in old-timey mirrors, modern ones often use aluminium) and is So Tired of ppl asking him that/joking about that/etc
can see in the dark but it’s not related to magic, his eyes just pick up light much better + have the reflective thing going on, so if you shine a light in his eyes when he’s in the dark you Will get to hear some Choice German swearing
it also means he prefers dimmer lighting and super bright white lights make his head hurt or can trigger a sensory overload (esp when combined with lots of strong/unpleasant scents or noise) in him
his eyes reflect blue
can smell if something is wrong with a patient’s blood (even just stuff like low levels of x or y) but can’t necessarily pinpoint what’s wrong until he does some tests
the sunlight thing isn’t as extreme as ppl think, as long as he doesn’t stay out in direct sunlight for hours he can counter it with strong sunscreen (he still prefers to go out in the evening but that’s once again mainly bc he prefers dim light)
has a lil stuffed bat on his work desk that one of his young patients gave to him
doesn’t usually go out on Halloween but he puts on a Dracula costume anyway bc the trick or treaters always love it when they knock on the door and Dracula opens it
suffers from chronic back pain that gets worse the hungrier he is and sometimes if it gets really bad he’ll sleep in one of his animal forms to help him find a more comfortable position
Angus is a werewolf and they met ~200 years ago and their initial reaction was p much “same hat!” except “ME DOG! YOU DOG!!”
yes they’re v good friends save for the fact that Angus loves jerky and Schneep thinks it’s a blasphemy
uses old timey English or German if he’s v v sleepy
his apartment was haunted when he moved in (he knew already) and thought he and the ghost could just coexist peacefully but the ghost was a jerk and kept messing with his shit until he finally sat down like “listen here you incorporeal son of a bitch” and the ghost was so surprised it actually listened
the ghost is still around but they’re friends now and his name is Anti
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