josebarrmageddon · 2 months
Hellboy (2004)
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Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)
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Injustice 2 (2017)
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Hellboy (2019)
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Hellboy: Web of Wyrd (2023)
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Hellboy: The Crooked Man (2024)
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-Jose Barr (8/4/2024)
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aaeeart · 10 months
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(commission info)
jumping on the jedisona wave with, HIM
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brokehorrorfan · 5 months
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Dark Horse is celebrating Hellboy's 30th anniversary with a deluxe figure. Sculpted by George Helmick and Mike Bonanno and painted by Hector Arce, the soft vinyl and PVC figure stands 12.5" tall (15" with crown) on a 6.25" wide base.
It comes with attachable Tam O'Clannie corpse, removable BPRD shirt, alternate head with horns and crown, alternate left hand with pistol, empty holster, holstered pistol, Excalibur sword in skull, and two skulls.
Priced at $149.99, Big Red is expected to ship in September-November.
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simp-for-fiction · 3 months
Adults coo over babies and ignore any kid above the age of 10.
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cowabungaguy · 27 days
What do you guys think about this?
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trendfilmsetter · 3 months
First look at HELLBOY: THE CROOKED MAN directed by Brian Taylor.
Starring Jack Kesy, Jefferson White and Adeline Rudolph.
Releasing in theaters later this year 2024 TBA.
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whatudottu · 4 months
Do you ever wonder if there’s a market for mannequin/robot/life-sized doll bodies for Ectonurites who want to safely explore well-lit areas but don’t feel comfortable possessing living beings?
Oh that’s actually a pretty interesting idea!
What’s mostly been banging around in my head is that ectonurites have either a seasonal skin and grow a sunskin (like a winter coat but for higher UV seasons). Maybe perhaps they make like a reptile or snake and go into a shedding season but, their skin is a lot tougher and thicker than any Earth creature that until an ectonurite completely outgrows it (the telltale signs being ‘bursting from the seams’ rips and tears), it acts as a sun coat.
And like in either of these cases in the off-seasons where an ectonurite is shed, the most I really had going for sun protection was parasols and other clear sky umbrellas, which even in a world of possessable sunprotection would probably still be an ectonurite dominated market haha. Would sun-bodies (an attempt to amalgamate the mannequin/robot/doll to one term) be almost the extreme form of body modification or would it be like those regular rain umbrellas that have the extra see-through shawl to protect against side winds? Can you tell which generation an ectonurite is apart of based on what sun protection they use, parasols for the older generations and sun-bodies for the modern gen? Maybe some ectonurites can’t possess something for as long as others can, so despite wanting a sun-body they’re stuck with either parasols or just staying inside?
In other words, I didn’t think there was a market for it until you, dear anon, introduced the concept! And what a concept indeed. Haha, and ectonurites are probably already the most freeform aliens you can make a unique character out of, adding the idea of sun-bodies makes designing them all the more versatile.
I’d say it’d also depend on the surrounding sun having community, because a self-animating doll may trigger an uncanny valley feeling in probably not just humans, but any species replicated in the design of the doll; even among ectonurites. It’s one thing to know what a ghost looks like, it’s another to define something as ‘wrong’ and fear it for its differences, so just with any xeno community only do what you want when you are assured you are safe!
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f1a1w1n · 7 months
Centre of it all (Cal Kestis x (f!) reader)
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Part one
Summary: You, a jedi hides on the most remote plant in the galaxy. No one can find you, or so you think. Enemies to lovers, Friends to lovers etc.
Word count: 1k
Warnings: none
Authors note: I'm writing a new fic. if you have any ideas pls tell me, comment or tel me in the google form at the bottom. love ya pls enjoy
A stupid amount of rain. Not that it bothered you particularly or anything, its just your speeder was rusted at this point and left at home, and you were so used to the dry weather and walking everywhere that it had become a habit to walk to the market whenever you needed anything. 
It was a small town that you lived on the outskirts of, on a small planet, in a small system on the outer rim of the galaxy. The town you live in was mainly made of wet grey bricks -now covered in blooming green moss. You stand on the steps of a small grocer, a small shel of wet rock your only cover. The grocer - if you can even call it that, it's just old Syue with her imports and exports of the week, sometimes it's fresh produce and sometimes it's best to stick to the non-perishables. 
As you wait foolishly for the rain to stop you think back to two weeks ago - a strange disturbance in the force, something bright, energetic… terrifying. The small planet was your only refuge, growing tired of moving around - this small gem was your lifeline in a never ending cesspool of politics. That presence in the force was alluring to you, your mind constantly flicking back to it. What was it? 
“Fuck it.” You say. You bolt down the street, groceries clutched in hand. You turn the corner ducking under cover whenever you can. Eventually you reached your small house, on the very edge of town. Surrounded by foliage and dense grass your house stood defiantly against the rain, brave little thing. 
You kick off your shoes and dump the groceries on the counter. You squeeze out as much water from your hair as you can. You glance at the clock. 
“Ugh.” It was time for work. I mean as bad as jobs go, this wasn’t the worst. You can’t really find jobs as a jedi can you? No - you can’t, and working as a waitress isn’t horrible?
Your blanket and pillows still remain on the floor from when you had fallen out of bed this morning, a vivid dream burned into your eyes. A bright red energy in a field of dull grey reaching out to you. “No” you say in your dream. The red energy creeps forward. “Who are you?” No reply. Suddenly the energy takes a vague form, it's a man. You can barely hear him say something. “Pardon?” you say. 
“...who are you…” you barely catch the man say - then all of a sudden you flung from your dream and you wake up on your floor. 
Dreams like this have been clouding your mind for months now. You're barely getting any quality sleep.
Jido Kara’s Tavern
For the most part, this evening was the busiest shift you had seen in a long time. Practically the whole town was there. You speculate its cause of the most recent import of alcohol, courtesy of Old Syue.
Wring the rag between your hands as you sit down your boss sits next to you.
“Why don’t you call off early? Rica is coming in to cover your shift.”
“Okay, sure. I’ll just get a drink first.”
He gives you a pat on the back and waddles off to the back. A game of sport is playing on the tiny tv at one side of the bar - close to the door where everyone is huddled. Cries of yay’s and boo’s chorus through the bar as the town's favourite team play. Obviously, you choose the opposite end of the bar to sit. The bartender, Deonor, pours you a drink and winks.
“On the house.” 
You smile gratefully, unable to make small talk. He doesn’t chide you for it. What seems like an hour goes by when you occasionally look at the game and sipping at your drink. Deonor refills it. Then suddenly you see a head of red hair poke through the crowd which surrounds the small tv. He boo’s and cheers with the rest of the group. You wave Deonor over. 
“Do you know that guy?” You carefully point to him. 
Deonor thinks for a second. “Hm yeah, he’s new. He’s been coming in for the last two weeks getting drinks if I remember correctly.”
“Oh right.” You say as nonchalantly as possible.
“Oh, no reason, just curious.” You say lost in thought. Why does he feel familiar? You can’t help but stare at the back of his head. Maybe if you stare long enough you’ll know. 
“I think he was looking for someone.” Deonor says. But you barely hear him, too intent on this man’s familiarity. 
“Uh huh.” you say, taking another sip of your drink. You can barely make out his face, only his hair is visible over the small ground of sports enthusiasts. 
“I think he was looking for you.” Deonor says. 
You almost spit out your drink. “I’m sorry what?” just as you say this you lock eyes with the man. You can almost feel your face flush as his bright eyes scan your face. But just as quickly as he looked at you, you turned around and high-tail for the back exit. 
“Wait” the man says over the crowd. 
You ignore him speed walking back home. Why did he feel so familiar? Just to be sure you reach out with the force scanning the crowd and sure enough, a bright red presence at the centre of it all.
If you want to be tagged, or recommend anything, fill this out. 
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demonsee2 · 3 months
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DEADPOOL 2 (2018)
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Deux ans après les événements du premier film, Deadpool / Wade Wilson est devenu un mercenaire tuant de nombreux criminels à travers le monde. Lors d'une mission dans sa ville, il s'apprête à tuer un baron de la drogue, qui réussit à s'échapper dans un premier temps. Il rentre chez lui pour célébrer l'anniversaire de son couple avec Vanessa Carlysle et les deux s'échangent leurs cadeaux : Vanessa reçoit un jeton de la salle d'arcade de leur première rencontre et Wade reçoit le stérilet de sa compagne, qui lui annonce qu'elle est prête à fonder une famille avec lui. Plus tard dans la nuit, le baron de la drogue et ses hommes attaquent l'appartement de Wade et Vanessa qui est tuée d'une balle en plein cœur durant l'assaut. Anéanti, Wade poursuit le criminel dans la rue, puis l'étreint sur la route, alors qu'un camion les renverse à toute vitesse, tuant ainsi le baron.
Six semaines plus tard, Deadpool décide de mettre fin à ses jours en faisant exploser son appartement à l'aide de barils d'essence. Pendant sa « mort », Wade retrouve Vanessa dans une vision de leur appartement dans l'au-delà, qui lui dit qu'il doit poser son cœur à la bonne place, le laissant dans une grande confusion. Wade est renvoyé dans la réalité, au moment où le X-Man Colossus, en investigation de l'explosion, ramène les restes de son corps au manoir du professeur Xavier, afin de l'aider à surmonter son deuil et le recruter dans l'équipe des X-Men. Deadpool accepte d'intégrer l'équipe avec beaucoup de réserves, jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient, avec Colossus et Negasonic Teenage Warhead, appelés sur le terrain où un jeune mutant nommé Russell (capable de produire des températures extrêmement hautes avec ses mains et d'enflammer les objets proches) est entré en crise de nerfs devant l'orphelinat Essex House pour jeunes mutants où il vit. Après avoir échoué plusieurs fois à calmer le jeune garçon, Deadpool découvre que Russell a subi des maltraitances de la part du directeur et du personnel de l'établissement. Il décide alors d'abattre un membre du personnel. Deadpool et Russell sont maîtrisés avec un collier explosif inhibiteur de pouvoirs mutants, y compris le facteur régénérateur de Deadpool, qui voit son cancer revenir rapidement, le tuant à petit feu.
Wade et Russell sont incarcérés dans le Blockhaus, une prison de haute sécurité pour mutants contenant des dizaines de criminels équipés du même collier. Russell tente de se lier d'amitié avec Wade, qui le repousse sans ménagement. C'est alors que la prison est attaquée par Cable, un mutant cybernétique venu du futur pour tuer Russell, que Wade, libéré de son collier dans l'attaque, tente de protéger. Durant leur combat, Wade réussit à s'éjecter avec Cable hors de la prison, alors que Russell est toujours à l'intérieur. Quand il tombe dans l'eau glacée non loin de la prison, Wade a une nouvelle vision de Vanessa, qui lui fait comprendre qu'il peut encore sauver Russell et se pardonner. Pendant ce temps, le jeune garçon, isolé, se lie d'amitié avec un mutant mystérieux emprisonné dans les sous-sols de la prison, capable de faire trembler les murs par sa force.
Wade recrute alors une équipe de mutants avec son ami Weasel pour sauver Russell et combattre Cable. Cette équipe, que Wade baptise « X-Force », est composée de Domino, Bedlam, Shatterstar, Zeitgeist , le Fantôme et Peter, un simple humain. Ils lancent un assaut sur le convoi de transfert de prisonniers (transportant Russell et le mystérieux mutant) en se parachutant d'un hélicoptère de transport. L'opération est un désastre : à cause des vents forts, seuls Deadpool et Domino survivent au parachutage alors que les autres meurent tous dans divers accidents : Le Fantôme se fait électrocuter en atterrissant sur des lignes à haute tension, Bedlam s'écrase dans le pare-brise d'un bus, Zeitgeist se fait aspirer par un broyeur à végétaux après avoir acidifié Peter qui tentait de le secourir, et Shatterstar se fait déchiqueter en atterrissant sur les pales d'un hélicoptère. Domino, dont le pouvoir est de manipuler les probabilités pour que la chance lui soit toujours favorable, réussit à s'infiltrer dans le camion, mais tombe sur Cable, venu pour tuer Russell. Le combat s'engage entre Deadpool et Cable mais Russell libère alors le mutant mystérieux, qui n'est autre que le Fléau. Ce dernier provoque l'effondrement d'un pont autoroutier sous le camion, qui s'écrase en contrebas. Le Fléau déchire le corps de Deadpool en deux et parvient à s'enfuir avec le jeune garçon qui veut tuer le directeur de l'orphelinat, qui l'a torturé pour sa mutation. Weasel et Domino retrouvent Deadpool qui fait repousser le bas de son corps chez Althea / Blind Al , son amie aveugle. Cable y fait également irruption et expose ses motivations: en tuant le directeur, Russell va prendre goût au meurtre et devenir un tueur redoutable qui causera la mort de la famille de Cable. Deadpool accepte de s'allier à lui à condition qu'il lui laisse suffisamment de temps pour convaincre une dernière fois Russell de faire le bon choix.
Deadpool tente sans succès de se racheter auprès de Colossus et se rend à l'orphelinat avec Cable et Domino pour arrêter Russell et le Fléau, mais ont de grandes difficultés à maîtriser ce dernier, doté d'une force incroyable. C'est alors que Colossus arrive et distrait le mutant suffisamment longtemps pour que Deadpool et Cable puissent rattraper Russell. De son côté, Domino neutralise les gardes de l'orphelinat et sauve les enfants à l'aide d'un bus projeté par Colossus et Le Fléau. Le Fléau est finalement vaincu par les pouvoirs combinés de Colossus, Negasonic et sa petite amie Yukio . Deadpool et Cable parviennent à rattraper Russell avant qu'il ne tue le directeur et Deadpool use de tous les moyens pour le ramener à la raison, y compris en mettant le collier inhibiteur autour de son propre cou pour neutraliser son pouvoir de guérison, afin de voir si Russell est capable de le tuer de sang-froid. Cable dégaine son arme et tire sur Russell qui est sur le point d'exécuter sa vengeance, mais Deadpool s'interpose et prend la balle à la place du jeune garçon. Après une longue agonie, Deadpool finit par mourir mais réussit à sauver Russell qui renonce à se venger. L'ours en peluche carbonisé que Cable portait sur lui, souvenir de sa fille, reprend alors son apparence originelle, signe que sa famille est en vie dans le futur.
Wade retrouve Vanessa dans l'au-delà, qui lui dit que son heure n'est pas encore venue et qu'il doit retourner auprès de sa nouvelle famille. Cable, se sentant redevable envers Deadpool, utilise sa machine temporelle (qu'il ne pouvait utiliser qu'une seule fois pour rentrer chez lui) pour revenir quelques instants avant le combat final et placer le jeton en plomb de Vanessa dans la combinaison de Deadpool afin de stopper la balle censée le tuer. Grâce à la chance de Domino, Deadpool est libéré de son collier inhibiteur, toute l'équipe quitte l'orphelinat en ruines, et le directeur est fauché par Dopinder alors qu'il hurlait des propos anti-mutants.
Scènes post-générique
Deadpool fait réparer la montre temporelle de Cable par Negasonic et Yukio afin d'en profiter pour modifier le cours des événements. Il sauve Vanessa et Peter de leurs destins funestes, crible de balles son alter ego dans le film X-Men Origins: Wolverine et par la même occasion croise Wolverine.
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danityrose · 7 months
I need a serious explanation for why the invigilator took away my rounder before i entered the exam hall
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aaeeart · 9 months
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(commission info)
Lannik are apparently supposed to look permanently pissed off, thus; >:(
My guy is actually having fun probably
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brokehorrorfan · 8 hours
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In honor of National Pancake Day and 30 years of Hellboy, Dark Horse has turned Mike Mignola's two-page Pancakes comic into a 24x18 screen print. Limited to 250, to costs $60 and will ship in November.
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Deadpool 2 (2018, David Leitch)
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demifiendrsa · 3 months
Hellboy: The Crooked Man | Official Teaser
Based on the comic-book miniseries of the same name by Mike Mignola and artist Richard Corben, Hellboy: The Crooked Man is set in the 1950s and costars Adeline Rudolph as a rookie agent of the BPRD (the Bureau of Paranormal Research and Defense) who teams up with Hellboy to protect the residents of Appalachia from the creepy Crooked Man, who is collecting souls for the devil.
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moononmyfloor · 1 year
Hi Producer (正好遇见你) Infodump
Disclaimer: I have no idea about the accuracy of the information shared in the drama, I'm merely transcribing for future reference purposes. Proceed with caution!
Ep 3: Kesi Weaving
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Kesi is an ancient weaving technique with a history over 2000 years that is exclusive to China and is ireplicable by machines. Unprocessed silk is used for the warp and colorful processed silk for the weft. The warp is used across and the weft at places in a silk tapestry. Kesi craftsmen use their shuttle as a pen and perfectly combined silk tapestry, painting and calligraphy.
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A lot of valuable and classy tapestry appeared in Song dynasty. That's when the saying "An inch of Kesi is worth ten ounces of gold" originated.
Magpies on branches are coming out of the white silk.
I have long heard Kesi is hard.
And for anything that is produced in my regin,
Do not take it as ordinary needlework.
-Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of Song
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Blossoms and Doves by Shen Zifan from Southern Song dynasty
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Ep 4: Kesi (Cont.)
Song Dynasty was the peak of ancient Kesi's development. It was exquisite in color and basing a Kesi off of a famous painting was popular. Some of these would take months or even years to complete. This period saw emergence of Kesi masters like Zhu Kerou and Shen Zifan.
Blending paintings and embroidery into Kesi appeared in Qing Dynasty which enriched its expression. But some people over abused this which damaged Kesi's artistic values and characteristics. There's no shortcuts in Kesi.
Regular Kesi that is made by connecting the warp and cutting the weft is consistently-double sided. Breaking the tradition by making both sides look different is a recent attempt in Kesi, which was inspired by Suzhou differently-double sided embroidery.
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This was a good ep, check it out for more backstories and beautiful visual storytelling that I cannot capture through transcribing.
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