onlyhurtforaminute · 1 year
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open-music-reviews · 9 months
Dave Kettlehead
Dave Kettlehead’s music is the protective bunker of hope in a citadel by the desolate mountains. Those that feel and see beyond the slopes gather in hidden warm places to be healed and empowered by the music to make epic voyages beyond the horizon line.
Recommended songs: Falling Star, Faraway From Home, Leaving Town Blues
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einsteinsugly · 4 months
In and beyond canon (headcanons!); Red/Kitty and Jackie/Hyde parallels (and differences).
The parallels:
*Hyde gets a motorcycle, and Jackie rides it with him (even though she complains).
*Jackie can be a bit overbearing, as a mother. Not in a babying mother hen way, but in a "I know what's best for you" kind of way.
*Hyde detests church, as does Red, but Jackie goes often. Unlike Red, he rarely goes (see the political differences, down below).
*Hyde, like Red, is particularly protective of his daughter. He aggressively confronts a wayward boyfriend, just like Red did with Kelso.
*If his daughter dates a Kelso/someone like Kelso/a general dumbass, he'll call him a kettlehead. Or a dumbass.
*It's revealed in canon that Kitty and Jackie were both cheerleaders, and both care about social status. They both drag their significant others and kids to various social events, and they all protest.
*Both Red and Hyde are very introverted. Red moreso, but they don't want to do a bunch of stupid shit. Other than going to car shows, and for Hyde, he wants to go to some cool concerts, too.
*Both Hyde and Red like Sinatra.
*Usually, unless it's a moral thing, Hyde and Red will cave to Jackie's and Kitty's demands.
*Hyde and Red both prefer to stay bottled up, emotionally. Jackie and Kitty coax it out of them.
*Hyde and Red get Jackie and Kitty to think. Hyde, in particular, challenges Jackie to get out of her bubble.
*Both Kitty and Jackie take forever to get ready. Red and Hyde wait.
*Both Kitty and Jackie love to organize. Closets, parties...
The differences:
*Jackie's a terrible cook. Hyde cooks.
*Hyde is far more liberal. Red is far more conservative.
*Eric and Donna live next door to Jackie and Hyde, but they aren't much of a Bob and Midge, other than Hyde and Jackie finding them to be annoying sometimes.
*Kitty gets almost all of Red's clothes. Jackie only does this when it comes to formal wear. They both buy all the kids' clothes, too. Donna buys almost all of Eric's clothes, though.
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recovering-vamp · 2 years
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Bartie (he/it), my Chronicler PC for the ttrpg Rapscallion by @kettlehead-comics .
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thestupidhelmet · 5 months
H for 31. Red/Kitty of course 💛
Feel free to send me a combination too! 😊
H 31: Home, Red/Kitty
Autumn, 1980.
The kids, all of them, are finally out of Red and Kitty's house. Eric and Donna arrived at Madison, without a kick in their asses to send them in their way. He's majoring in Philosophy. Good thing he paid his own way to college.
Steven moved to Milwaukee with the loud one. He's learning the ropes of the music industry while she studies at Marquette University. Laurie's ... some damn place. Not here.
The Kettlehead reconciled with the mother of his one-year-old. They live in Chicago. And the -- and Fez went to some culinary school out of state.
Red's home is quiet, just the way he likes it.
Kitty returned home from her morning at the Knitting Club. She enters the kitchen through the sliding glass door, and her foot mashes a crunchy ... something beneath it. She checks the bottom of her shoe. A splotch of brown goo sticks to it. Schatzi is house-trained, so she rules him out as the cause. Another step forward, and another crunch.
She glances at the floor. It's covered in scattered Milk Duds. "Red?" she shouts into the living room.
Red hurries to the kitchen. "What is it? Are you all right?"
"Can you tell me why my kitchen floor is covered in candy?"
"I could "
Red fiddles with his rolled-up sleeve cuff. "I said I could, not that I would."
"Why don't you go upstairs and get comfortable while I sweep up the mess?"
Kitty is not in the mood -- in every meaning of the phrase. "Oh, I'll go upstairs. But I expect an explanation once you've cleaned all this up."
She shoves the broom into his hands and leaves the kitchen.
Music plays on the hi-fi in Kitty and Red's bedroom. He needed to work on his seduction technique. He's obviously gotten rusty. First Milk Duds on her kitchen floor; now rock music in their bedroom.
She presses stop on the cassette player and removes the cassette. Led Zeppelin, Houses of the Holy. That was Steven's tape. She puts it down on her nightstand but spots a strange figure on Red's.
She gasps. "That's Eric's G.I. Joe doll!"
Red swept the kitchen floor clean in a jiffy and holds his bottle of super glue. He unrolls his shirt sleeve, applies glue to the refrigerator door handle, and presses his sleeve against it. A good tug a few minutes later, and he's definitely stuck.
Well, not really. All he has to do is take off his flannel shirt. But after five minutes of standing by the fridge, he laughs. An hour or two would have his knees aching and legs buckling.
Kitty places Eric's G. I. Joe doll on Eric's shelf. His room is filled with much of her son's life but not her son.
Red should've come upstairs already. On her return to the kitchen, she mutters to herself about his strange attitude. He's been off the last few weeks, ever since --
"Oh, my God! What have you done?" Kitty stares at Red's current state. She sees what he'd done, but she doesn't understand why.
He shrugs his right shoulder, the only one he probably can shrug, considering he's glued his left arm to the fridge. "Just trying something new," he says.
"Something new? You ... "
The Milk Duds on the kitchen floor. Steven's music in their bedroom. Eric's doll.
She places her hands over her heart. "You miss the kids."
Red clears his throat, but his voice wobbles anyway: "I don't miss them. I'm not used to this place being so -- so -- "
"Yes! It doesn't feel right, Kitty. Chaos feels right. Being disrupted at every turn by a teenager wanting something, needing something, hiding something. That feels right. This ... 'normal' isn't our normal."
Kitty approaches him and cups his cheeks. "If you want chaos, I can give you chaos. I knitted myself a pair of undergarments this morning, and a thread is loose."
"Is that right?" He smirks and strokes her shoulder with his right hand.
"You can pull it if you want. Who knows what might unravel?"
Kitty kisses Red on the lips, deeply enough that his body reacts.
"See you upstairs," she says and darts from the kitchen.
He moves to follow, but he's wrenched back by his left sleeve. The damn thing was glued to the refrigerator door. By him. Kelso is an idiot, and acting like Kelso made anyone an idiot, too -- except Red was too smart to put super glue in his skin.
He wriggles free of his flannel shirt. It dangles from the fridge, but Red envisions the dangling thread of Kitty's underwear as he races upstairs.
Jukebox Ask Game
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Hii! How is your summer break going? I hope that great!! I just wanna now how is everything going with the grandpa red grandma kitty and little leia drabble, i'm so excited for it!! I just adore your Red and kitty grandparents content and the way you write them so well ❤️🫂.
Hi thank you so much for asking about my fic!
I'm still working on typing up the Grandpa Red, Grandma Kitty and Little Leia fic. It's not too much longer to go, but I think I'll be posting a different oneshot this week. It's Grandpa Red and Grandma Kitty but with Teenage Leia, here's a little peek at it:
Hope you enjoy and I'll make sure to finish up the fic with Little Leia asap! :D
Sneakpeek: It's a Heartache
“Oh dear, I better put on some tea.”
In the next instant Leia’s frustrated frazzled little face broke down into tears and the young teenager dropped herself into the nearest seat at the kitchen table and burying her head in her arms.
“Lots of tea and some sweets too,” Kitty quickly added, her heart aching for her granddaughter’s own heartache. She grabbed a plate of cookies off the counter and placed them next to Leia. “Here, sweetie, have a cookie.”
As Kitty filled the tea kettle with water, she kept her eyes on Leia who continued to sulk in her own misery. The poor dear, teenager breakups and heartaches were not things Kitty had missed during her years of an empty nest. She loved the girl talk and gossip, giving life advice and make up tips, even being the occasional bad cop was more fun than tending to a young, broken heart.
“Hey, kiddo.”
Turning around, Kitty spotted Red entering the room with a grin that quickly vanished when he saw the state of their granddaughter.
“Alright, who did this?” he asked as he marched over like his cane was a more of fashion accessory and not doctor recommended. “I want names.”
Leia didn’t even lift her head and instead gave a muffled, “Jay Kelso.”
Red jutted his chin upwards. “Ah the Kelso kid. Those kettleheads never learn.”
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lazagnum · 10 months
From: Me
To: Myself
"Stop writing in italic if it doesn't need emphasis, you complete kettlehead, you sleazy buffoon!"
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spokenofwords · 1 year
Chemical Romance
This rhythmic rapture is about a different kind of love
Not the hand-written romantic vows strapped to the leg of a messenger dove
Or the palpitating scarlet letter, fallen from the courier and left in the mud
It is a secret swan song, undercutting a police state circling high above
I share this surreptitious subject because it needs to be discussed
It’s important, a must, like freedom of speech, in danger of being lost in the dust
And I won’t pander to you with black and white issues
Or cite the wrongs of the world, to pull on heart strings, with cheap shot virtues
Instead, trigger warning alerts, the descriptions will be overt,
But the intention is not to resurrect long dead hurt
The aim is to divert off the beaten path most poets walk their words
And cover new ground, a little less tightly wound
To avoid red rose lovers, and sun and moon significant others
Both gone rotten with an overuse in culture
Because I want to talk about my love for those magical substances we call drugs
Our back-pocket relationship has the magnitude of any star-crossed love
And I don’t love drugs because they fill a hole I’m so desperate to control
Or because they expand my mind to three times it’s expected size
The moment that first milligram touched my blood I knew the future
Legendary nights stretching out like the echo of a rumour
Their flavour to savour, the kind billionaires pay for
Drugs are my healing factor
Allowing me to decipher the anger splattered across my body’s tattered armour
They knot an umbilical cord to strangers I wouldn’t know
And lift my sleep deprived party soul from morning lows
But company is the coagulant that consolidates these chemicals into gold
Their magic stays static until shared with similar enlightened souls
Coz I don’t need twenty-four seven consumption to feel whole
Without them, I don’t wallow and wine
My mood stuck in a clinical landslide nose-dive
Things are fine, I’m fine
Even when the days are a sickening grind I manage to survive
I stay sober and alive, no suicide
But why watch the world go by with colourblind frosted eyes
When you could indulge in a 4K high-def Friday night high?
Mandy Monroe takes me dancing
Till the last empathetic drips of energy have evaporated
Kelly Coke keeps me going
Her eternal heart-pounding hope never stops flowing
Katrina Ket-Ket-Kettlehead is a blessed mess,
Dragging me backwards through the night in a state of undress
Alice Acid is my go-to-girl
She shows me the Wonderland colours of the rabbit hole
And the two CB siblings hold me close to consolidate the evening
Their magic sandwiches me in a waterbed of teddy bear feelings
Now I know the little gears between your ears are whirling with fictions
Making conscious connections this sounds like an advertisement campaign for addiction
But you’ve identified the wrong negative symbol in this equation
Addiction and recreation are separate beings, with no genetic relation
Recreation creates elation, spreading love in all the clubs
Like a superpower handed down from the Gods above.
Addiction’s a different shape, with it’s own backbreaking weight
A hopeless fate, chasing your shadow for a made-up taste
Body dissolving into waste
It’s true they breath the same air, that’s fair
But only one keeps you bound and gaged in a basement of despair
I separate the two with boundaries, walls to keep you functioning in society
But thinking one always follows the other like fraternity brothers is an absurdity
I have three culprits banned from my body’s shop floor
Crack, meth and heroine always get ignored, doesn’t matter how many red roses they leave at my door
Half of you in here share these truths
You’re chemical romantics too, with your own riptide stories to boot
And the rest of you think I’m a social deformity with a screw loose
Spewing self-justifying delusions from the bottom of my stomach as proof
And that’s fine, I’m happy to walk the duality of that tight rope line
But please recognise the hypocrisy littering your mind
As an indulgent glass of wine becomes a ritual bottle sacrifice every night
Because I think alcohol was the devil’s design, his trick to destroy us, body and mind
There are so many more efficient ways of feeling good
And drowning your sorrows just drowns you
Trust me, I’ve tried it more times than a few
We all have our vices, it’s one of the human strings that ties us
So bring your vice out of the cold weather,
Embrace it, face it, wear it to your skin like tight fitting leather
Because your connection can’t be severed, you’re tethered,
And a balance must develop, like the falling dance of a feather
I’m not saying my love hasn’t had it’s issues,
I’ve been guilty of pushing the relationship to misuse
The early years deliver new frontiers, but a level of conscious responsibility also disappears
So to avoid salted tears, a reciprocation of respect must be adhered to
Each love is special, and in the throws of its arms one should be careful
I respect drugs like a sacred new love
I don’t burry my head in its bosom, ignoring when to say enough is enough
I choose the red pill, because ignorance isn’t a skill
It kills opening up our third-eye with cheap throw-away thrills
So this has been a love letter to one of life’s unspoken treasures
In the hope that our perception of them gets better…
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onlyhurtforaminute · 1 year
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butcherblockbrand · 3 years
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Beauty is in the hand of the beef-holder! Happy #FathersDay from everyone at @butcherblocksupplyco 🍻🔥🥩 . . . . . #TomahawkSteak #RibEye #CowboyCut #AmericanBully #attu #attutude #BigMeat #beef #steak #grilling #ReverseSear #KettleHead #WOYG #WhatsOnYourGrill #ButcherBlock https://www.instagram.com/p/CQXO8shB2Kg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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einsteinsugly · 19 days
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Christmas Time in Point Place, in the 90s.
Grandbabies, grandbabies, grandbabies. Eight of 'em, to be exact. Three biological, two adopted. Three Kitty lovingly claims, although Red is notably hesitant.
Red: That Kelso girl gets good grades, but she's a kettlehead.
Kitty: You don't have to be so...honest.
Red (with a shrug): It's the Forman way.
Either way, Kitty revels in having a full house again, especially for the holidays. There's cookie baking, gingerbread house making, decorating the tree, and a lot of other things. She loves when her babies and grandbabies come to visit. Most of the time, but there is no such thing as a perfect family.
Kitty (snidely): You know, you only go to church when you're in town.
Donna (annoyed): It's Eric's choice too, you know.
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thestupidhelmet · 2 years
i know everyone loves one difference fics (and i do too of course) but something i've always wondered is how every character would've reacted when they found out jackie and hyde got together in the show (following proper characterisation: like kitty was rooting for them in s3 and i hated her response to when she found them in the kitchen) so idk if this one difference but i wanted to see your take (i especially wanna see how red would react haha)
Kitty leaves the kitchen, a small smile on her face, upon seeing Jackie and Hyde making out. In the living room she whispers, "I knew it. I told that boy he liked her, and it might have taken longer than I--
Red enters the living room and asks Kitty who she's talking to.
Kitty [whispering]: Steven and Jackie are kissing in the kitchen.
Red: Our kitchen?
Kitty: That's what I said.
Red: No, you said the kitchen. It could be anybody's--
Kitty: That's hardly the point, Red. Steven and Jackie are finally together!
Red: What do you mean finally?
Kitty: Remember the Veteran's Day where you and Bob had competing barbecues? Well, Steven was a Grumpy Gus after punching out this punk who'd called Jackie the b-word. I asked if his girlfriend was okay, and he he was completely shocked that I'd called her that. He gave me a bunch of denials about having feelings for her, but they'd been obvious to me for a while.
Kitty: Anyway, he believed me enough to ask her on a date. Even though that went nowhere, now they're kissing in our kitchen, and I couldn't be more delighted!
Red: She's a lot better of with him than that kettlehead, so good for her. But Steven better invest in a strong set of earplugs. I like the girl. She's got potential. Learned how to fix a car in a day unlike our son, who still doesn't know how to hold a flashlight properly.
Red: She and Steven will probably be a good influence on each other. But if he starts talking at breakfast about using conditioner on his hair, I'm breaking them up.
Kitty: Oh, you are not.
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soda-slosher · 6 years
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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!! And happy holidays!!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Here’s mistletoe drawings for my friends, greg, @dustytoonlink, @matchasquids, and at @dinkling!!!! I really hope you like them!!!!  ♡ ♡ ♡
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secretie · 5 years
Quiet mutual here expressing love for you and your art!!! Cheers, you're lovely!
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AWWWW you’re so damn sweet! This was so kind of you omg. How have you been?? I need to check out your new art asap! ❤️️🙏
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jaykaslo · 5 years
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KETTLEHEAD doesn’t like it when you call him KETTLEHEAD). 😳 #kettlebell #kettlebells #kettlehead #random #characterart #characterdesign #character #vectorart #vectorartist #phillyart #phillyartist #phillyartists #illustration #illustrator #illustratorsoninstagram #dailyart #dailyarts #드로잉 #그림 #아트 #ドローイング #アート #graphicart #graphicartist #cartoon #musclehead (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByJU7aNAgPm/?igshid=o5cdha98rvxh
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