#kevin the whomp
blackhakumen · 10 months
Mini Fanfic #1159: The Arrival of Team Dark Pt. 1 (and Knuckles) (Sonic X SSBU)
1:03 p.m. Outside of the NDC's Airport........
Rouge: (Walks Out of the Rouge Carrying her Purse While Inhaling and Then Exhaling a Bit of the City Air) New Donky City. At last, we finally meet~
Shadow: (Walks Out of the Airport While Carrying a Duffle Bag) It looks bigger than I pictured it being.
Omega: (Walks Out of the Airport Carrying Two Sets of Packing Bags in his Mechanical Hands) The land area of the city is approximately 469 square miles, including 304 square miles of land and 165 square miles of water.
Knuckles: (Walks Out of the Airport Carrying a Mini Book Guide) Yeah, and apparently, it was named after DK's grandfather who originally went with that name during his prime time. (Shows the Trio a Picture of the Original Donkey Kong Angrily Throwing a Barrel with a Blonde Woman Standing Slightly Behind Him Horrified)
Rouge: (Forms a Bit of a Teasing Smirk on her Face) Well, look at you taking the time to learn new things!~ Enjoying your new book of yours, hon?
Knuckles: (Shrugs) It's average. But the sooner I get over that lady and her bratty kid, the better.
Flashback on the Plane
Kid: (Kicking the Back of Knuckles' Seat While Screaming) GIMME CANDY! GIMME CANDY! GIMME CANDY! GIMME CANDY! I. WANT. CANDYYYYYYYYY-
Knuckles: (Quickly Looks Back at the Kid with a Very Vicious Glare on his Face) ZIP IT, TWERP!
The rude child finally ceases his yelling and kicking immediately....Only for his eyes to water not too long before he starts letting out even louder cry, mich to the echidna's continuous discomfort.
Knuckles: (Groans While Moving his Head Back to his Seat) Swear, I can't have ANYTHING he- ('WACK') AGH! (Suddenly Felt Something Hit Him on the Top of his Head Before Turning Back Around) What the- (Gets Repeatedly Hit in the Head with a Purse by the Kid's Mother)
Mother: You. Do not. Get. To. Yell. At. My. Own. Child. In this. Plane. Do you. Understand. ME!? HUH!?
End of Flashback
Knuckles: If knew a plane ride would be this irritating, I would've glide here myself.
Shadow: (Rolls his Eyesa Bit) Assuming you would have any I where to go....
Knuckles: (Scoffs While Crossing his Arms) Please. I would've havd plenty ideas no problem. All I have to do is use that GPS thing on my phone and I'll be golden.
Shadow: (Raises an Eyebrow) Do you know how to use it?
Knuckles: Well.....No. Not yet. But little learning won't hurt and at least it'll be leagues better than having people keep bugging me on the plane.
Shadow: How about I get you noise canceling airpods for Christmas this year instead? It'll save me the trouble of thinking of getting you anything else.
Omega: I will give you custom winter theme ear muffs for substitutional back-up.
Knuckles: Really don't have to do that for me, you guys, but.....(Shrugs While Blushing a Bit) Thanks , I guess.
Rouge: D'aww~ (Playfully Pulling on Knuckles' Cheek) Is my Knuckie getting flustered already?~
Knuckles: (Gently Swats Rouge's Hand Off his Cheek) Shut up. I'm only like this cause I'm feeling hot right now.
Shadow: How could you be hot in the winter time?
Omega: The actual outdoor temperature is current 50.6 Degrees Ferin-
Knuckles: Okay, okay, I got it! Can we find something to so in this city already!?
Rouge: (Forms a Cheeky Smirk on her Face) I know what we could do first~
Knuckles: (Already Doesn't Like the Look in his Girlfriend's Eyes) Oh, please don't tell me....
Rouge: (Happily Extends her Arms Outin the Air) Shopping!~
Shadow: (Rolls his Eyes Some More) Of course......
Omega: (Already Has a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Zero hint of surprise detected.
Knuckles: Do we have to do that first? I'm starving here.
Rouge: We'll head straight to the food court once we're done. (Playfully Pats on her Boyfriend's Stomach) Don't worry your cute little head and tums~
Knuckles: (Glares at his Girlfriend while Blushing) My stomach ain't a patting spot, Woman!
Rouge: (Giggles Softly While Moving her Hand Away From Knuckles' Stomach)
Shadow: You two can go on ahead. Omega and I will look around and find the Smash Family a place for us to stay at for the rest of the vacation. Just try not spend too much in there.
Rouge: (Rolls her Eyes a Little) Whatever you say, dad.
Shadow: (Glares at Rouge) Quit calling me that!
Rouge: (Uses her Wings to Hover in the Air While Carrying Knuckles' Hand) Stop acting like a responsible old fart and maybe I'll reconsider. (Turns to her Boyfriend) Come, Knuckie. Times are wasting~
Knuckles: (Could Hardly Comprehend What's Going on Here) Hey, wait a minute-
Rouge quickly herself and Knuckles to a nearby mall, leaving the rest of the Team Dark members behind.
Shadow: (Crosses his Arms) ('Hmph') Not that old.....(Turns to Omega) Am I?
Few Minutes Later at the Metro Grand Mall Center......
Cashier: Thank you come again!~
Rouge: (Happily Walks Away From the Cash Register in the Shoe Store) Man, I cannot tell you how long it's been since I've been in a perfect mall like this. I'm in love with city already~
Knuckles: (Scoffs While Following Behind Rouge While Carrying Multiple Shopping Bags) Yeah, I can tell. Didn't Shadow said not buy a lot of crap?
Rouge: Oh will you relax already, 'hun? I have still enough money to last us a lifetime. And besides, most of the stuff I brought so far are the gifts got for our peers this year, you included obviously.
?????: Well, well, welll.....
The couple turns to see a Shy Guy wearing a golden mask and a bow tie, standing next to a Whomp, glaring at Rouge in particular.
Shy Guy: If it isn't the cheating bat woman.
Whomp: (Happily Waves at the Couple) Hi!
Shy Guy: (Angrily Shushes the Whomp Beside Him)
Rouge: (Places her Hand onto One of her Hips) Game Guy. Fancy seeing you here in all places. (Forms a Bit of a Cocky Smirk on her Face) Still coping in loserville again as per usual this year?
Game Guy: For your informati-on, Ms. Bat, I've managed to gain an impressive amount of cult followings in the past few months since I've started my new gambling business. (Fprms a Proud Smirk on his Face) And I've never lost a single game of mines since-
Whomp: Except for me! I beat him twenty times in poker!
Game Guy: (Slowly Turns his Head to the Whomp Next to Him) ..........I don't think i remember asking for your INPUT KEVIN!
Kevin: (Lowers his Head Down) Sorry, boss.....It's true though.
Game Guy: AND!? I don't care! The past should stay in the past, not get brought up by your constant yapping!
Knuckles: (Chuckles Lightly at the Whomp in Actually) So you're the guy who broke his perfect win streak?
Rouge: (Smiles Brightly at Kevin) Quite a fan of your accomplishment there, dear.
Kevin: (Smiles Back at Rouge) Thanks! It was pretty easy really. All you gotta do is see the hand he has and-
Game Guy: (Angrily Shushes Kevin Again) ZAZAZAAP! ('Sigh') WHAT my personal....unpaid....nit-twit of an assistant meant to say was that I've managed to regain my streak and honor after all the numerous setbacks I've encountered. (Turns Away While Crossing his Arms) Not like a common cheater like yourself could ever hope to realize.
Rouge: (Rolls her Eyes at Game Guy) ('Ugh') You're still going on about that? You know you cheated on that game too, right?
Game Guy: No, I seem to recalled playing that game fairly, thank you very much!
Rouge: ('Scoffs') Yeah, with the rules you made upon the fly. When has there ever been a Poker Game where only YOU get to play an extra card foe every round?
Kevin: She kinda got you there, boss.
Game Guy: Kevin, why can't keep your mouth for five seconds (Angrily Points at his Assistant) YOU PARASITE- (Quickly Calm Himsel Before Turning Back to Rouge) What happened in the past is complete irrelevant right now.
Rouge: You're the one who keep bringing it up.
Game Guy: SHUTUP! (Starts Calming Himself Down Again) Okay, you know what? I don't need this. I did not spent months and hours revamping and reopening my empire to hear this right now. Which reminds me.....(Points at Rouge in Front of Him) YOU and your little ragtag of hooligans are hereby banned from ever stepping foot on any of my newest casinos locations. (Points at Knuckles) That includes your boyfriend here as well.
Knuckles: What did I do?
Game Guy: Exist, that's what!
Knuckles: (Gives Game Guy a Confused Look on his Face Before Turning Away and Crossing his Arms) ('Tch') Well, screw you too, jackass.
Rouge: Keep your five dollar mask in place, shortie, the boys and I were never interested in going to any club you own to begin with.
Game Guy: My mask is SOLID GOLD, YOU- (Calms Himself Sown Yet Again) Fuck it. I'm done. I'm not gonna stand here and waste any more minutes of time arguing with you. (Starts Storming Off) We're leaving, Kevin.
Kevin: You got it, boss. (Follows Game Guy)
Rouge: (Waves GoodbyeAlong with Knuckles) Have yourself a Merry Christmas, dear~
Knuckles: And a Happy New Year!
Game Guy: Don't you need holiday pity!
Rouge: We were was talking to your assistant there, smartie.
Kevin: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Oh! Uh....(Turns to the Couple and Happily Waves Back at Them) Thanks, guys! Hope you two have a Happy Holidays too!
Knuckles: (Happily Gives the Whomp a Thumbs Up) No problem. Take it easy out there, man!
Rouge: Yeah, don't let that mean boss of yours get you down this year, alright?
Kevin: (Chuckles Lightly) Don't worry, I won't! (Leaves Out the Store) Byee!
Rouge: ('Sigh') Such a sweetheart.
Knuckles: Yeah. He deserves to run those casinos more than his boss does.
Rouge: Indefinitely. (Felt her Phone Viberating in her Coat Pocket as She Takes it Out and Reads a New Message Given to Her) Hm. So this where the family stays at.
Knuckles: Where?
Rouge: (Shows Knuckles the Picture of the Place and GPS) New Donk Glorious Hotel & Suite. Shadow just sent the location of it and everything. It seems our shopping adventures has to postpone for now.
Knuckles: ('Sighs in Relief') Oh thank god- I mean....Oh no. How tragic. (Makes his Way Out the Door) Let's Go-
Rouge: (Stops Knuckles From Going Any Further by Grabbing his Arm) Upupup! Not so fast.
Knuckles: (Groans While Turning Back to Rouge) What now?
Rouge: (Forms a Another Smirk on her Face While Pointing Up) Look what's above us~
Knuckles looks up to see a bright red Mistletoe hanging down on the entrance door.
Knuckles: .........Oh.
Rouge: Oh is right. (Moves Knuckles Head to hers in Front of Him) Now, c'mere~ (Gives her Boyfriend a Passionate Kiss on the Lips For a Brief Second Before Kissing Him on Both his Cheeks)
Knuckles: (Starts Blushing Again) You're having fun with this, aren't you?
Rouge: (Casually Shrugs) What can say?~ The holidays are upon us are we speak~
To Be Continued
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dynamitekansai · 2 months
wwe: Well at least Tiffany Stratton tried to cash in 😅
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triskhellion · 1 year
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I would like to hear a FOP (or ANW) headcanon for any of your favorite female characters. Smiles
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trixie tang
her family is kinda confusing??? shes adopted, but then her father remarried so her step brothers are chad n tad but then he got divorced AGAIN and kept the twins custody
her father also implanted the idea of "everyone should give you attention because umm money i guess" whomp whomp
i imagine if she got out of her shell more and was like, ur typical kid shed be kinda snarky n cheeky.... elbowing u and jokenly insulting you type of deal
the zone outer... shes just like me where after 20 min of class shed just spontaiously start to not pay attention and forget... idk how to explain it like when everything just feels so light that thing
by the time middle school rolled around she started to slightly blend in more w the crowd cuz no one rlly cared much for the idea of popular kids that much, started to rebel against her father while doing that (intentionally picking less fashionable clothing when going outside by herself etc)
she still likes fashion though, its just a VERY minor interest
probably has a obscure webcomic with a patreon chloe carmicheal
she gives me horse girl vibes, if you show her mlp she will completely loose her shit
the lonley-er....... ppl found her kinda werid cuz of the fact she stayed at the top of her classes and so they just kinda speak to her weridly (<- projecting cuz this is somewhat happening to me idk whats their problem either)
has a horrible habit of impulse buying random nicknacks if let loose cuz she hasnt rlly thought about it
probably becomes rlly close friends w kevin!!!!! aj and chester look at her from afar like small ktitens being introducted to a whole home and looking all puffed up, sanjay and elmer are indifferent lmao
im going to be so honest chef she is probably going down a rlly happy jolly girl -> completely deranged and lost it if shes still staying w her helicopter parents
chronic liar for useless information, she can already do anything (litterly) so its like, why not, but also because if she shows she fucked up its like the world is ending next tuesday
probably watches a bunch of random movies
hazel wells
slaps roof of car this kid could hold so much anxiety and stress inside her
she has SLEEP PROBLEMS!!!! and probably has alot of nightmares... TERRIFYING!!!!
she just happens to know how to play the drums
she HATES strong smells, and is extremely sensitive to onion
hates eye contact..... dont stare at her like that
her main stim is rocking back and fourth, she could be doing is mindlessly in class and the kid in the back would constantly tell her to stop doing that, shes trying to stop doing it buttt its not working out too well for her
she also really likes those tangle stim toys....
i went more indepth abt her autistic traits here
the crane wives liker
therian!!!!!!! jackalope!!!!!!!!!
transgirl, her fathers a transman... twinning
idk where to put this but arospec lesbian cuz im also one yay
she can barely cook on her own, like yeah fries and noodles are just fine but pancakes and bacon are notttt going to go well
she has the most bizzare turn of hyperfixations, and its mostly of things ppl dont tihnk about, like one day she could wake up and go "hm yknow i saw a really cool chair the other day at walmart" and completely spiral
she NEEDS to let her emotions out!!!!! she bottles them up like she could be so pissed at someone and still just smile at them and go yep bye untill a certain point, she should punch a wall and scream i think, i would let her
she lived next to a mine back in the day and antony just showed her around n it all went downhill from there
yk the way ppl would bully autistic kids before they knew it like they went in such a specific way, that thing happened to her so she didnt really have friends, she and jasmine just clicked and were like "huh werid that never happened before" neurodivergent to neurodivergent communication
jasmine tran
i have a whole post for this thing so
i also have the same thing going on so ik this is ooc but shes always slightly insecure abt showing what she likes, but she still does it anyway so its like an oxymoron...... if that makes sense
she also has just rlly bad memory in general, like the planets of the solar system, dont get her started on math
stays up wayy late at night so occasonally you will see her sleep in class
grew up with a family who loved to playfully make fun of eachother often but she just couldnt tell
was THIS close to being assigned a fairy untill fearless which was like the catalyst on why shed have one and then they dropped her case, however life can be dream and i still gave her one anyway
BITER! BITER! BITER! so much chewlery, and shes so used to this that when her grandma packed her lunches with metal cutlery instead she STILL has bitten the handle expencting it to be wooden but ends up shocking her teeth in the end, she also does it out of stress but thats not as common anymore
also has pica but i already made an indepth post abt it replying to you so
popular on pinterest, makes moodboard requests on tumblr
xenofiction liker, rip jasmine u wouldve loved selling neon wolf adopts for 10 points on deviantart
on that note, i know damn well she'd have the warrior cats art style, thats her one thing like the moment winn recognised the characters she turned tothem with a stone sfx you know the one, her fave characters r sorreltail n mothwing btw if u even care, she has secrelty made every kid at school she knows a character based off them in a story shes brainstorming
angela wells
had a godparent read my lore boy
had SUCH a hard time with depression and anxiety during her early kid years, she was such a wreck, and got better as she got into teenhood dw (unless you count the time she got postpartum depression)
also had codependancy problems regarding godparent mentioned above, hazel gets those from her whoops
is def ace but it hasnt rlly set in for her yet yk, like she knows abt how different she feels but shes just like meh whatever . shes 45
didnt have a bad relationship w her family, just didnt like to share her feelings w her family, which is what shes trying to not do
i think this was specified in canon? but she does notttt really know how kids work psychologically speaking... she read psychology books for older people when she was strating to recover slowly and bc she was like 13 she was like wow im so mature with how im handling this and might be accidently handling hazel the same treatment, but also bc she didnt rlly go in the field of specifically childrens psychology, she doesnt do it out of malicious intent it could just probably backfire on you in 5 years if that makes sense
probably also autistic . looks away
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coolskeleton59 · 5 months
"Whomp, Whomp. Cry about it" -Mister Whomp Whomp
[* LOUDMOUTH attempts to speak over you, as loudly as it can.]
[* REESE's expression shifts almost imperceptibly. He clenches one of his hands.]
[* KEVIN slides the button over.]
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moon-thething · 11 months
Jdhrjr hey sorry but I had an idea for another request(the last request you did for me was lovely though! :] /g)
This request is platonic, but I'm also only kinda asking it cuz I'm projecting onto the reader lmao(/hj—also ya don't have to do this if ya don't want to.). But maybe Streber and Kevin(separately anyway) with a Reader(who you can make them see as a bestie or a crush, I dont mind either on ejfjrjr) who usually acts all energetic and annoying, but is actually kinda sad deep down? Like they usually hide it whenever they're feeling bad about something or whenever something is wrong, and usually pretend to be confident as well, but are actually kinda insecure about themself. This is kind of an angsty scenario—but eh.
- Kevin Anon.
Did you really have to call me out like that? Anyway, I'm glad you liked the request :)
Romantic or platonic?: Romantic-ish
Readers gender: neutral
Type: angst/fluff
¡Warning!: I copied the long text on both Kevin's and Streber part because I am too sleep deprived to tye out two separate sentences :(
Let set the scene first
The two of you are work buddies, you were the one who was mostly in the back sotriong out candy (since the children were so used to seeing Kevin) and Kevin was the cashier
You two wouldn't talk that much, but by your friends visiting he could see that you had a pretty energetic personality, and he had to admit that it was a little annoying, but over all sweet
He never would've thought you were so sad deep down, he always saw you as this energetic person that wouldn't give a hater the light of day. When in reality you head was quite the opposite
When you two got closer together, he started to hang out with you a little after work (which was really weird, considering all of the stories about annoying coworker's getting together to hang out)
And he saw that you were energetic everywhere, not just with your friends. And he seemed to like that about you, it was just a little thing that made him think the world wasn't as fucked up as it actually is
But, he did notice the little shifts in your tone when the subjects got too dark or were feeling too personal. That made him worry a little bit
But you're a happy person! There's no way you can have any for of negative thoughts! Right?
He was flabbergasted when he head you talk about your actual feeling for the first time
My man's got himself an existential crisis rn
Kevin grabbed the money from the mother's hold gently and gave her the change before handing the kid his candy
"Here you go." He said. The kid gave him a smile and thanked him before tugging on his mother's sleeve, dragging her towards the exit
Kevin let out a sigh, walking towards the back to call out to you
"Y/n, c'mon! It's time to close up!" He yelled, watching as she jumped up in surprise
"Oh, yeah. Right away boss." You joked, giving Kevin a salute before running out of the back towards the main area
You flipped the sign to say 'closed' and grabbed a mop as you started to mop the floor. Kevin was the one whipping the register and couters
After a few moments of listening to the radio music, you spoke up
"Hey Kevin?" You spoke. Kevin gave you a hum of acknowledgement as he continued to wipe the counters
"... Do you ever fell empty on the inside? Like, mentally and physically feel like there's a part of you missing that just makes everything more difficult in life? Like, you keep this fake happy mask on when deep down you feel like you just want to crumble up into a ball and sob you heart out, like you just want to poof out of existence just to see if anyone would even care or it anyone would even bat an eye?" You looked up at the end of you speak, only to see Kevin in utter disbelief
His jaw was practically on the floor as his eyes were wide open. If this were a cartoon you were pretty sure you would hear the 'whomp whomp' sound affect
"Kevin, are-
Almost sobbed instead of u
He spoiled you like a prince's for a month straight, thinking it would bring up you mood a little and actually feel like the personality you display in front of others
It was sweet but he was more stressed than ever, making you feel bad about ever revealing your true emotions to him
But hey, it is what it is
Let's set the scene (again)
You met Streber through a mutual friend, and you just seemed to immediately click
Your personalities were practically identical to one another
The only difference being that Streber was actually happy and you just weren't, but he didn't know that!
You two would always be together and woult act like those two aunts that make perfect harmony when they are together
He absolutely adored that you could match his energy, he felt so complete with you by his side, like you were a missing puzzle piece that somehow managed to appear on a random day
And to say he was shocked when he heard what you actually felt like... Well, you would be correct
He was shocked, heartbroken, understanding, basically just gave actual good advice
You were in Streber workshop, just preparing for the haunted house when all of a sudden you felt a wave of sadness wash over you. And this time you didn't seem to want to keep it to yourself anymore
You looked around to room, only now noticing that you and Streber were alone, before turning to him
"Hey Streber?" You spoke up, he hummed, turning towards you
"What is it?" He asks, talking his head as he waited for you to continue talking
"... Do you ever fell empty on the inside? Like, mentally and physically feel like there's a part of you missing that just makes everything more difficult in life? Like, you keep this fake happy mask on when deep down you feel like you just want to crumble up into a ball and sob you heart out, like you just want to poof out of existence just to see if anyone would even care or it anyone would even bat an eye?" You looked towards Streber when you finished your speech, only to see a heartbroken expression on his face
"Streber, are-"
"I am so sorry."
You were shocked on how serious he was being tbh, you got used to his happy and joky attitude
Now that you see him looking at you with that heartbroken gaze you couldn't help but feel bad, but Streber assured you that you don't have to feel bad about anything and that he is here for you, that he will always be there for you, no matter the situation
As I had previously stated, actually has a deep and meaningful conversation with you
Doesn't treat you any differently but does stay close to you and calls and or texts you more often to check up on you
Overall, a reliable friend/boyfriend 👍
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sanqyeonn · 6 years
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‘No Air’ Concept Photos // HYUNJAE, HAKNYEON, KEVIN
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jewels2876 · 3 years
Getting Good
A/N: So I did what I promised and did a little follow up to Not That Smooth with Bucky x reader
Word Count: 592
Warnings: implied smut so let’s keep it 18+ please - which means if you click on the Keeping Reading link you agree you are over the age of 18
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
I would love any feedback/reblogs/love in general but my work is *NOT* permitted to be used in any other way, on any other sites, nor translated for other sites without my express permission  
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“Come on y/n!” Bucky hollered from outside of your bedroom door. “The game will start without you, ya know!”
“Keep your pants on!” you cheerfully hollered back. “Besides, the game doesn’t start until the 8th inning anyways!” You pulled on the t-shirt you had picked out and slipped your feet into your favorite tennis shoes, then grabbed your crossbody bag and opened your door.
Bucky was lounging on the doorframe, metal arm keeping him upright. His gaze immediately dropped to your t-shirt. “Where the hell…?” You grinned, lifting a finger to the back of his dropped jaw, tracing a line down to his chin before slowly pushing his mouth closed.
“You’ll catch flies that way. I don’t recommend catching a fly ball that way either,” you teased with a grin. “Ready?”
Bucky shook his head, taking a few steps towards you, walking you back into your room. “Tell me where you got this.” His fingers danced at the hem of your shirt; you bit your lower lip earning a low groan from Bucky. “Come on, you’re killing me.”
You kept biting your lip, your eyes twinkling as you involuntarily clenched your thighs. Your tongue darted out to wet your lip; Bucky’s eyes watched the movement, tension palpable between you. “Y/n, babe… you gonna tell me or…”
Your giggle escaped as you tried to move around him. “I like seeing you like this. Is it turned on or possessive?” As you tried to step to your right, he grabbed your left elbow backing you into the edge of your bed. You gasped, a rush of desire thrilling you.
“Now y/n, I never took you for a tease.” His tone was light but his hands now had a stronger grip on the Brooklyn Dodgers shirt you had found online. “Where did you get the shirt?”
“Hmmm.” You pretended to think hard, holding a finger to your lips. “Are we gonna miss the game if I don’t tell you?”
Bucky stared at you incredulously. A simple plan formed in his head and he grinned wickedly. Without a word he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours. You gasped at the sizzle of heat at the contact but Bucky kept the kiss chaste. He pulled back, his grin still wicked. His metal hand grasped your right hand and tugged. “Come on, tease. We’re gonna be late.”
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It was the bottom of the 6th inning and you were on fire. You were torn between jumping Bucky right there in his seat and jumping up and down for the Mets as they steadily whomped on the Phillies. The simple kiss Bucky had given you, along with the teasing, replayed in your mind. A sudden crack of the bat brought you back to the game, a line drive flew high above center field. You grabbed Bucky’s metal arm as the ball arced perfectly into the waiting glove of Kevin Pillar. The cheers in the stadium were deafening as you turned towards the scoreboard: 10 to 1.
“Can we leave now?” you whispered in Bucky’s ear. “I think I’ve suddenly remembered where I bought this shirt.”
Bucky rolled his eyes with a grin. “Just when it’s getting good? Come on y/n we can make it through the rest of the game.” 
Your thighs clenched as you whispered. “I can make it worth your while Barnes.” Then you dropped a little bomb as another set of cheers erupted for a baseline hit. 
Bucky scrambled out of his seat as you quickly followed suit. “Lead the way doll!”
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buddielove · 3 years
Why does it always have to be buck?? Like that’s his sister, sorry chim but he’s going to be on her side first. Chim needs to apologize, tempers we’re high I get the punch. But still 😞
I feel like people aren’t going to like what I’m about to say but I’m trying to be objective here. Also sorry! This is long again!! I have a lot of feelings!!
Chimney has abandonment issues, ones he’s never addressed properly. We saw it with Albert (the son HIS father left HIM for) and now we’re seeing it as Chimney struggles with the fact he might be losing Maddie/lost Maddie. He cannot handle that, but because he’s never processed his issues in a healthy way he lashed out at the first physical thing that ‘stood’ in the way of his family. Which was Buck, he lashed out and harmed someone who’s only ever tried to STAY (properly because he knows Buck will always be there) and someone his illogical brain said was an obstinate to Maddie.
Him following Maddie is also part of his issues, he couldn’t follow his dad as a kid and he couldn’t follow his mom because she died, Kevin didn’t leave but he died, and he only got partial closure with Tatianna (in my opinion), but Maddie means more than all those people and Chimney is ABLE to do something about her leaving. Even in the way he’s panicking about if someone is forcing Maddie away, that’s him trying to reason it all out because someone else CANNOT BE LEAVING AGAIN! Also in a way I think Chimney chasing Maddie is him trying to prevent this from happening to Jee, he knows what losing a parent(s) is like and it must be pretty terrible to look at your baby and think ‘oh no. It’s happening to her!’.
I’ve already seen people blaming Buck, and Maddie, when really it’s their upbringing and lack of healthy coping mechanisms that brought this on. Maddie’s ALWAYS been the big sister, always dealt with thing (Doug) alone and isolating is her way of protecting the things she loves (she left Buck when it first got bad with Doug, then she gave Buck the Jeep so he’d leave to be safe). Buck’s always been the emotional punching bag for this show (some times he’s earned it but recently it seems like one whomp after the other), but one thing has always been a constant in Buck’s life and that’s ‘LISTEN TO MADDIE’. It was his survival mechanism as a child (Maddie told him their parents only screamed cause they cared, Maddie told him to leave PA, Maddie tells him things and Buck listens) so though it was a terrible situation to be put in (and most people probably wouldn’t have just gone with it, I’m pretty messed up but if my brother was like ‘I’m running away because xyz don’t tell anyone. I’d end up telling someone, cause while Buck wants to believe Maddie will be ok PPD is a horrible thing and it’s extremely unpredictable, as are the medications attached to it. Thought take your meds yall! Speak to your health care professionals if they aren’t working/making it worse!!!) Buck’s instinct was LISTEN TO MADDIE!
No one was correct in this situation but Chimney lashing out was really uncalled for in my eyes (but sadly expected), Buck keeping the secret was really uncalled for (again sadly expected) and Maddie leaving was (say it with me) sadly expected (even if the actress wasn’t on maternity leave lol) that’s Maddie’s MO unfortunately. I wish they could have written it differently, idk how rn but I wish this had all gone down differently.
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thewebcomicsreview · 4 years
What am I reading?
Pruned down my daily Webcomic List again, moved a bunch of comics that are on hiatus or update super-slowly or don’t have an easy “This is the last page” bookmark to a new folder. This isn’t a recommendation list, and there are good comics not on the list for various reasons (Kiwi Blitz, [un]divine, Ten Earth Shattering Blows, JL8 etc), but it’s literally two big folders of browser bookmarks that I open every single day
My current list
Awkward Zombie
Gunnerkrigg Court
Monster Pulse
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
Sleepless Domain
Miss Melee
The Glass Scientists (Gotta be honest, I kind of glaze over this one)
Kevin and Kell
Tiger, Tiger
Fairy Fighting League (Which is also on hiatus, actually, but the person who makes it is in my discord so it stays)
Speak of the Devil
Daughter of the Lilies
Squires for Hire
Afterlife Inc
Cat Legend
Uber Quest
Cassiopeia Quinn
Arlo and Janis
Skin Horse
Girls with Slingshots
Bittersweet Candy Bowl
Damsels Don’t Wear Glasses
Shattered Starlight
The Rock Cocks
Dumbing of Age
A Ghost Story
Extra Fabulous Comics
O Sarilho
Sam and Fuzzy
Atomic Robo
Vast Error
Anything obvious missing? I really need to bite the bullet and add Kill Six Billion Demons back on.
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sambergscott · 5 years
i'll be with you wherever you are
i actually managed to finish a fic!!! suck it writer’s block!!!! 
also thank u to emma for letting me use baby maya, love u!!! 💖💝💗💕💘💓💞
It’s been a long week without him. There’s been lots of tears (from both mama and baby), sleepless nights and pointing up at the sky everytime an airplane passes over the city, asking if it’s dada coming home. Thank God for FaceTime, but even regular FaceTime calls do not suffice when all the two year old wants is to cuddle her daddy.
She doesn’t know how single or separated parents cope.
It’s killing Jake too, she knows from their private FaceTime calls after she’s finally managed to get Maya down to sleep. This is the longest he’s ever been away from their daughter -- and the longest he’s been away from Amy since he was stuck in that Safe House with Kevin -- and it sucks. He’s in California for a family funeral with Karen and he would’ve flown back by now if he didn’t have to stay to support his emotional, grieving mother.
“I feel like a crappy wife because I’m not there with you,” she confesses during one of their calls, tears threatening to spill over for the hundredth time since she had to make the difficult decision to stay at home. She’s almost 34 weeks pregnant with their second and it was touch-and-go whether the airline would let her fly across the country. They concluded that it would be safer for her to just stay at home with Maya. It’s not like funerals are not the best place for two year olds either, but still. She feels guilty as hell.
“Ames,” his voice softens, “we talked about this. It’s not your fault. You’re pregnant. You couldn’t get here.”
“But your aunt died. I could’ve bribed the airline, got special permission from the doctor, done something --.”
“You sent flowers and have called and texted constantly to make sure I’m OK. You’ve done plenty, babe. You have nothing to feel guilty about. Besides,” he says, “if it’s anyone’s fault, it’s mine for knocking you up.”
Amy rolls her eyes. “Way to take the romance out of it, Peralta.”
“I put the Whomping Willow in your Chamber of Secrets?”
“Fine, we created a new, beautiful life through our love making.”
“You’ve been spending too much time with Charles,” she responds sarcastically. Although she is in complete agreement that their next child will be beautiful (just like their big sister), she disputes his original point that he was the one to get her pregnant. They both wanted another one. The re-appearance of Four Drink Amy after he ordered Kamikaze shots may have just extradited the process.
A familiar cry coming through the baby monitor cuts their conversation short.
“I’ll be home in two days,” he reminds her.
“Two days, seven hours and eleven minutes. Not that I’m counting or anything,” she adds, her cheeks burning.
“You’re seriously the best wife ever. Love you.”
“Love you too,” she whispers. She has just enough time to send Karen her best wishes and lower the phone to her belly so he can say goodnight to Bump before Maya’s cries get even louder and she really has to go.
(btw, he texts her as she soothes their baby girl, my dad -- a legit crappy spouse -- hasn’t even texted my mom once. me and maya and baby #2 are so lucky to have you. 💖💝💗💕💘💓💞)
(She’s so touched that she doesn’t even correct his grammar).
The following two days, seven hours and eleven minutes feel like a lifetime. In reality, it’s nothing compared to his stints in Florida and South Carolina where she didn’t know if she’d ever see him again, but it’s long enough. She lets out an audible sigh of relief when she gets the text that they’ve landed and are through security.
“Dada’s nearly home,” she updates a cranky Maya in the backseat of their Accord, sending Jake a quick description of where they’re parked. Motherhood has really honed her multi-tasking capabilities. “Are you excited about seeing dada?”
“Dada?” She looks around hopefully for him. Her face crumples when she realises he’s still MIA. To Amy, “Where dada?”
“He’s coming, baby. He’s coming.”
She turns up the Disney playlist they’d been listening to on the drive to the airport (it’s basically all they listen to these days), effectively distracting her for a couple of minutes.
She’s so busy singing to Moana that she doesn’t notice Jake approach until he taps at her window.
“DADA!” She squeals, desperately trying to reach for him through the glass.
He laughs, opening the door, expertly undoing her safety harnesses and pulling her into his arms as quick as he can. “I’ve missed you too, Maya-Moo,” he says, grinning at Amy like he did the first time he said it back when she was one month old and proclaimed that he was basically Shakespeare. Two years in, he’s still saying it constantly. Amy would find it annoying if it wasn’t so damn cute.
She climbs out the car (a task that is becoming increasingly difficult as her baby grows from an apple to an eggplant to a butternut squash) and hugs Karen, who can’t help but notice Amy’s longing glances in Jake’s direction.
“Go join them,” she instructs, nodding at the adorable father-daughter moment happening in the middle of the airport car park.
Karen lets her go and Amy takes a few steps towards them. She taps Jake on the shoulder. “Room for one more?”
“Always,” he responds, kissing her gently before wrapping his arms around his three favourite people. “I missed you guys so much. I’m never leaving ever again.”
“Please don’t,” she murmurs into his chest, closing her eyes and cherishing the warmth of his embrace.
She’s forced back to reality when a large SUV honks their horn at them to move out the empty parking space and holds her hand up in apology as she puts Maya back in her car seat while Jake loads the bags into the trunk.
“Let’s go home,” he declares once everyone is ready.
He drops his hand to her thigh and keeps it there the entire drive home, simultaneously making funny faces at Maya in the rearview mirror. The sound of the two year old’s laughter is the best soundtrack to any drive Amy’s ever had. She’s so glad he’s home.
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angrynerdbird · 7 years
The M Dude giveth, and the M Dude taketh away.
Voices provided by me.
Whomp! is the property of Ronne Filyaw 
Music is Royalty Free, and provided by Kevin MacLeod, may he never stop doing what he does. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZZ-Qv-ny0o&list=RDYZZ-Qv-ny0o
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moonymuses · 2 years
could we live in this tangled mess forever?
gender neutral oc, desperately in love regulus (and secretly reader too). regulus doesn't know how to express his emotions properly so he does his best to hint at it but it doesn't really work (this poor dude).
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if your blood is my blood, i will course.
if your love is my love, i want more.
“I’m scared of getting older.” Regulus’ words were spoken quickly, as if it would protect what he spoke. A hint of desperation rested inside of his eyes, his hands holding his fragile heart, hoping they would take it.
"Everyone is, Regulus."
The words stung. He wished they didn’t, but they nearly knocked him over. They didn’t notice, didn’t want to.
He nods, looking down to the book in front of him. For a moment there, he had entirely forgotten they were in the library studying for OWLs.
James approached the table, sitting down and pulling out his book with a wave and a small smile accompanying as greeting to the two. Regulus returned the wave, and the trio went back to their books.
The sound of quill nibs scratching the surface of parchment and tattooing them with black ink occupied the library, echoing off the walls and mixing with the clicking and clacking of peoples' uniform shoes.
Regulus was anxious.
His fingers tapped against his quill as he tried to think of the next words for his essay, but all he could think about was how good they looked while their bangs fell over their eyes and they rubbed at their eyes. They had been up all night again, he could tell.
It was warm out by the Black Lake, save for the breeze drifting off the waters and the light breeze that would sweep past, rustling Regulus' hair like an old friend.
He found a suitable rock and sat down, pulling his book out of his pocket and getting comfortable. Every once and a while, he'd hear the Whomping Willow shiver, it's dry branches creaking against the quiet sounds of nature. Water lapped against the shore, almost calling his name. If it weren't for the ruthless sirens below surface, he most likely would have joined the cool lake.
"Regulus?" Stevie's voice brushed against his ear, drifting over in the breeze and settling next to him. He looked up, finding their proximity to be quite close. "Hm?" he hummed; Stevie pulled their cardigan closer around their body, looking out to the Black Lake as they thought.
"Nothing, I forgot."
The hospital wing was empty aside from Madame Pomfrey and Stevie. The only sound bouncing off the walls was the two's ocnversation, and the doors being thrown open and quick footsteps.
Regulus marched right over to their bed, looking down at them as Madame Pomfrey continued cleaning the scrapes they got from quidditch practice. "Stevie, can I ask you something?"
"Uhh, sure?"
"Are you in love with me?"
Stevie choked on their spit.
Madam Pomfrey snorts, picking up the dirtied cotton swabs and walking out of the hospital wing with the excuse of visiting Minerva.
Stevie struggled for words, still looking at him, like if they looked away he'd disappear and Madame Pomfrey would replace him, this whole confrontation a dream. "Pardon?"
"Are you in love with me?"
"Um.. why do you ask?"
"Why does that matter?"
"Well- ...I don't know actually."
Regulus sighed, visibly frustrated as he sat in the chair that Madame Pomfrey was in. He picked up the roll of gauze, beginning to wrap their scrapes.
"Why don't you ever just use spells to heal these?"
Stevie shrugged, "They make my skin itch really bad. Like- I've itched them so hard to the point that they bleed, before. Madame Pomfrey decided it best that we just let them heal naturally. The ointments she uses still have magical qualities that speed up healing, though."
Regulus nods, tearing the end of the gauze off the roll to secure it. He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear, but it just fell forward again. He decided to ignore it. His eyes were locked on Stevie's, trying to figure out what to do next.
"Well. I'm gonna go." he stood so quickly that the chair nearly tipped over, but he ignored that too. All he could think about was don't cry, don't cry, don't cry, because he just told his best friend and most likely love of his life that he loves them.
What the fuck was he thinking?
His head was pounding and his heart was racing faster than his feet as he raced up to the astronomy tower, still trying to fight off the tears.
Regulus hates crying.
Regulus had been laying in his bed all day. The sun had long since set when he finally looked up from beneath his blankets. He'd missed dinner — and lunch — but it was fine. He wasn't hungry. He didn't want to see anyone, and he didn't want to see Stevie.
Stevie had gone to dinner (and lunch). They noticed his lack of presence immediately, and it threw them off. They sat with the Marauders, as usual, but despite their usual constant chaos, they stared blankly at their plate and zoned out. Regulus wasn't mad at them, right?
It was still warm out. Only the second week of July as the students of the castle were either wandering about or in their dorms packing. It was strangely quiet.
Regulus had only picked at some oatmeal this morning, but his stomach was burning with excitement upon his plan to ask Stevie to join him on a walk. He figured that maybe if they did that, he could find a chance to slip in the good old "I love you. I have for years. Please love me back, you're all that's keeping me sane." (yet simultaneously driving me to insanity).
James Potter was tired of this bullshit. For the past month he'd watched the two dance around each other. He knew what Regulus had asked in the Hospital Wing (that bloody idiot) and had told him that he was fucking stupid for saying it. He had approached Regulus upon seeing him in the Great Hall and smacked him on the back of the head, whisper-yelling quite the jumble of words:
"Haven't gotten the chance. And everything is great now! Why can't it wait till next year?"
James looked at him as though he had either said the most stupid or the most underwhelming thing ever. "Are you fucking serious?"
"Yes?" Regulus looked scared.
"Sirius told me you said that last year."
"Of course he did." he turned to his bowl of oatmeal, sighing defeatedly.
"Please, Reg. Just tell them." he pat him gently on the shoulder before standing up and joining the Marauders.
"It's nice out." Stevie spoke, looking up to the cloud-freckled sky.
"Yeah." Regulus thought for a moment, and then took a deep breath. "Stevie?"
"Yeah, Reg?"
"That rock is shaped like a heart."
"Um...sure." they laughed — the rock looked much more like very saggy tits than a heart.
Stevie and Regulus had just found an empty compartment and started spreading their things on the seats so that no one else would join them.
"Do you think that-"
"I'm in love with you. And I always have been. And I think this is really fucking stupid that I'm telling you on the fucking train and not somewhere more special but I couldn't tell you before and I think if you hate me now I might just go throw myself off the train."
"Oh? Oh Merlin- I knew I shouldn't have listened to James. Fucking hell, oh gods. I'm gonna go find the sweets trolley."
He rushed off faster than he had ever run from Mcgonagall in the hallways, mentally punching himself and tripping over air a few times. And there was James fucking Fleamont Potter. Great.
You could see the question settle behind his eyes, even through those huge ass glasses. "Did you tell them?"
"No, James. Well- yes, actually."
"What'd they say?"
Remus sighed as Sirius held out his hand to him, smirking smugly, "Pay up, fucker." Regulus' brows furrowed at the interaction, but he decided to ignore it.
"That's what I said. But I rushed off before they could elaborate or tell me to fuck off or that they actually hate me-"
"Regulus, can I talk to- oh. Hi, James."
Remus and Sirius poked out from behind him, waving to the subject of the past month.
"And Sirius and Remus.. Um.. Regulus could I just-"
"Stevie, I'm so sorry that I said that and it was honestly all James' fault, I mean he's the one who-"
"Yeah?" his voice came out squeaky, causing his reddened cheeks to deepen in color.
"I was going to say that I actually-"
"Anything from the trolley, dears?"
"Oo, me! Could I have a box of Bertie Bott's, and a handful of licorice wands?" Sirius had money in his hand, and James was looking about the cart. Remus was already holding a chocolate frog — most likely he had asked quietly when no one was looking.
When they were done, they all squished against the wall so the trolley witch could get by. Stevie leaned towards Regulus, whispering, "I feel the same."
"'Oh'?" they were grinning, and Sirius broke into cheers and a very idiotic dance. "PAY UP AGAIN, REMU."
Remus groaned, "Fuck you."
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iheartmoosiq · 6 years
Sevenn’s Tiesto/Gucci Mane collaboration BOOM is still riding high on the Billboard charts, but this LA-based production duo refuses to sit still. We refuse to sit still to the tune of their latest explosive single, too. It’s literally impossible to stay static to Hello Moto, a high energy dance floor bomb that utilizes retro 80s gaming samples in between its wobbly trap basslines, steely future house whomps, and its ever-nostalgic Motorola jangle. Sean and Kevin Brauer, the Los Angeles based siblings behind Sevenn, present us with adrenaline pumping, vigorous pounding electronica on their stadium-ready banger. Sevenn’s Hello Moto is available to stream and download worldwide. For more information on Sevenn, including new releases and tour dates, visit www.facebook.com/sevennofficial.
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gluupor · 7 years
Hey all my new followers, read my Pushing Daisies AU.
Here is chapter 3, where we meet Allison. Featuring a sarcastic narrator, Renee’s lesbian hair, and a Neil who is honest.
Kevin gave him a considering look. “Rate your pop culture knowledge,” he said.
“Um, low,” said Neil. “Practically non-existent. My mother thought that televisions and computers and cell phones could potentially spy on us.”
“There should be a trombone player that follows you around just to make sad ‘whomp-whomp’ noises every time you say anything about your past,” said Andrew.
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 12 – No One Is Okay (I Promise)
In which we deal with the aftermath of the Thanksgiving Fuckery, Kevin is apparently not the only one with a choking kink, Neil is still obnoxiously fine, and Betsy is the best person to ever grace this planet.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
Am I back? Yes.
Am I alive? Physically.
Am I over what happened? Fuck no.
It’s fine, though, because from what I’ve gathered no one else is, either.
No, but seriously – every time the mental image of Andrew on that bed, half-undressed, blood-splattered, has haunted me the past week, I was hit with the biggest rush of new-found love for this character, and a fierce desire to protect him. Andrew frickin’ Minyard. This dude. I love him. I need to protect him.
Life goes on, I guess?
           Neil didn’t know if [the six cops arriving at the Hemmicks’ house] had nothing better to do on a Sunday night or if they’d come following the slip of Kevin Day’s name over the police radio.
Are you telling me Kevin has fanboys in the frickin’ police. Seriously?
I am once again doubting how big of a deal Exy actually is.
After the authorities arrive, one half of the squad is shipped off to the police station, the other to the hospital. What a way to end a Thanksgiving dinner. Amazing. 10/10 would thanksgive again.
Going to the hospital has one silver lining, though (apart from the murder kitten getting medical attention ofc):
Wymack is there!
           “Kevin called me,” Wymack said.
           Neil did the math in his head, but it didn’t add up. (…) The only way Wymack could be standing here now was if Kevin called him when he first went downstairs to get Nicky. Knowing Kevin, Neil bet Wymack got the call before 911 did.
FOX DAD :’((((((( <33333 #phonesoutforwymack #dicksoutforwymack
           “What do you want me to say?”
           “The truth,” Wymack said.
           “Why not?”
Yeah, hombre. You’re not speaking to the police, you’re not speaking to Wymack – why the hell not? They’re not after you, they’re after getting the truth on how Andrew was abused, which will considerably lessen your guilt (as opposed to them just assuming you murdered that guy for the fun of it), which is in your best fucking interest.
           Something like this demanded complete honesty, and Neil had been lying since he was old enough to speak. He didn’t know how to tell the truth now. If he tried, would it still be the truth, or would he poison the words by saying them aloud?
Alright, honestly, this is one of the moments where Neil just annoys the crap out of me.
Like. There is no actual fucking reason for you not to help your friends (and you, might I add) out of this shitty ass situation, yet you don’t do it because of your fucking angst.
Chill the fuck out and get the fuck real. No one is asking you to tell them your life story, they just need a witness of what happened in that godawful room.
Help your fucking friends out, Josten. Stop whining, help your friends and help yourself.
They get Andrew out of the hospital, they get back to the cousin’s house, and before they even set foor in the door, we get another Prime Andreil Real Talk Time:
           “You helped create this mess. The least you could do is help clean it up.” (…)
           He wanted to say this wasn’t his fault, but they both knew it was. Andrew hadn’t told him about Drake, but he’d said Luther betrayed his trust. Instead of listening to that, Neil sided with Nicky’s hopeful grief. He hadn’t invited Drake to South Carolina, but he’d delivered Andrew into his waiting arms.
Hold up, hold up, hold up. I get the point, but still, this is not Neil’s fucking fault.
Andrew had said Luther “betrayed his trust”, that could have meant anything from “Luther told people I’m borderline alcoholic” to “Luther told people I’m gay”. It certainly did not immediately suggest something like Drake fucking Spear.
Neil helped create this mess, yes. But he did not do it intentionally, and you can bet your ass he wouldn’t have pushed Andrew to go to South Carolina if he had known what it would mean for him.
It’s Drake’s fault for being such an absolute fucker, and it is Luther’s fault for inviting him back into his home despite knowing what he had done in the past.
Also – two can play the guilt game:
           “So you did nothing,” Neil said. “You almost put a knife between Nicky’s ribs when he flirted with me, but you didn’t lift a finger to protect Cass’ other children. You knew what Drake would do to them but you didn’t protect them.”
Not entirely true either – he did lift a finger by telling the only responsible adult he knew at the time who wasn’t Drake’s parents or Higgins (who was pals with Drake): Luther.
And Luther told him he was wrong. He was misunderstanding the situation.
My blood still fucking boils when I think of that expression. I could retch, cry, and yell at the same time.
           “Is this how you stayed quiet?” Neil reached up and took hold of Andrew’s wrist. He couldn’t feel the scars through the cotton sleeve, but he didn’t need to. He knew they were there. (…) “Did you do this so you wouldn’t tell her the truth about her son?”
           “Maybe I did.”
ANDREW :’(((((((((((((((
Protect him.
           “All you had to do was to hold out until graduation and then she would adopt you. So what went wrong?”
Yeah – remember how I jokingly mentioned Kevin having A Thing for choking way back in Book 1?
           Andrew’s fingers slowly tightened until Neil couldn’t breathe anymore. He refused to shake Andrew off. The tightness in his chest started as simple discomfort but spread until it felt like every bone in his chest would break beneath the pressure.
Seriously, WHY is there so much choking happening in these books.
I can hear y’all going, oh Nicki, wait a second, that wasn’t sexual though, that was only the usual shade of violent we know and love, where’s the sexual tension that should accompany this?
           Instead of letting go, Andrew slid is hand around the back of Neil’s neck and pulled him in close. He put his mouth at Neil’s ear and lowered his voice.
           “Drake deferred his enlistment,” Andrew said. “He wanted to make the most of his last summer with his baby brother. (…) He wanted to get [Aaron and I] in the same place. He could imagine what we’d look like in bed together, he said. It’s be picture perfect.”
I am legit close to retching on my bed.
Seriously, this came like a punch to the gut – mostly because I’d suspected something like this earlier when we saw how protective Andrew was of Aaron concerning Drake.
           [Neil] needed to know if Andrew was screaming behind the euphoria his drugs fed his veins. But Andrew wasn’t, and Neil couldn’t live with that. (…) Tonight didn’t mean anything to him. This was a setback Andrew could sidestep and ignore.
And again – punch to the gut.
What the hell.
I am both hella scared and unbelievably sad. Also, did I mention I want to protect this sick, terrifying dude.
In better news – didn’t I mention, ages ago, how I hope Betsy Dobson comes back lots of times to grace us with wise insights and hot cocoa?
           “Are you still here, Bee?”
           “For a few moments longer,” Betsy said. “The milk’s almost done heating. I picked some up on the way so we could have some cocoa. (…) If we start drinking it now, we can probably make ourselves sick off of it by midnight.”
Oh my god. YES.
It’s been too long, but I can finally bring this back – it’s #cocoaoutforbetsy ALL THE FUCKING WAY.
I missed our Ravenclaw Molly Weasley <33333
           Neil couldn’t believe her. Chocolate wasn’t a fix-it; it wouldn’t make any of this easier to stomach.
Neil Josten has obviously never had chocolate.
I also now desperately want to do a cosplay shoot where all the Foxes just hang out and drink hot chocolate.
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           “Neil,” Wymack said.
           “I’m fine,” Neil said.
           Wymack said nothing immediately, then, “Be fine inside where it’s warmer.”
Sassy Wymack is the best Wymack.
Also, can Neil stop being fucking fine.
I mean, it’s a meme and it’s funny, but it’s also worrying the shit out of me.
A couple of hours later – after Neil has had his patented Angst Run™ and Exhaustion Nap™ - Wymack tries talking some sense into him again:
           “Your testimony could speed the process up, you know. You’re the only one besides Andrew and Aaron who was in that room when Drake died, and since Andrew won’t talk either –“
That’s what I fucking SAID. Thank you Wymack, my dude, my man, for having my back.
Also, Andrew’s not talking either even though it – surprise! – would benefit him immensely as well? Amazing. Stunning. These two are meant to fucking be.
           “Get back to bed.”
           “I’m fine.” It was out between he could stop it. (…)
           “Neil,” Wymack said, “between you and me, I don’t think you’ve ever been fine.”
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This is potentially the best sentence anyone has ever said to Neil this entire series.
In his own interest, and because I love and care about this dude – call him out on his ‘Fine’ bullshit. Please.
And as if the angels above (read: Certified Fox Parents™ Wymack, Abby and Betsy) had heard my prayers: Neil gets pressured into running errands with Bee the next morning, which Bee promptly turns into Fun Psychoanalysis Hour.
           “[Nicky] is lucky to have a friend like you worrying about him.”
           “I’m not his friend,” Neil said, “I’m his teammate. (…) What do I need friends for? I came down here to play.”
There are times where Neil just really, really annoys the shit out of me.
This is one of those times.
Like – I get that he’s miserable. I get that he’s angsty. It’s entirely justified. But he gets friends and support handed to him on a platter over and over again – and he refuses to accept it.
And I realized he’ll learn to accept it by the end of the books, he’ll grow into it, he’ll learn to let love in his life, blablabla, all good, all well. But right now, it’s just grinding my gears so much.
In other news – we are now halfway!
Not with the book, but with the entire series!
I’m equal parts sad, excited and glad – sad because that means it’ll end some time, excited for what’s to come, but also (not going to lie to you here) glad it’s ending at some point, because this is just really beginning to take up a lot of my time.
Don’t get me wrong, I love it dearly, I’m glad I’m doing it and I would not want to quit it at any point. But it’s also a lot of work.
And also – that is just halfway? I feel like we’ve been at these books for ages, and so much has happened already. This means we’ve only uncovered about half of all the shit that’s going to go down? What more fuckery could there be??
I have a very strong feeling I don’t want that question answered.
Back to Bee and Neil.
           “You can’t choke back on everything forever,” Betsy said. “You need an outlet, whether it’s with me or David or your teammates.”
           “I don’t need anyone.”
I’m v v happy about Actual Angel Bee Dobson pushing Neil towards the healthy and glittering Road Of Mental Health – even if he’s grinding his small angst-ridden orange heels into the ground refusing to budge an inch.
Somebody’s fucking got to help that boy.
Betsy and Neil go shopping, buy Neil a new racquet (RIP Wymack’s bank account) and get Andrew’s knives and keys from the Hemmicks house. Nothing interesting to report here. Next!
           “Where are Nicky and Kevin?”
           “Nicky tried to hug Andrew and almost got himself stabbed with a kitchen knife,” Wymack said.
In the words of a wise man chapters ago: Dammit Minyard, this is why we can’t have nice things.
NICKY :’((((((((((( <333333
However, Neil does not give Nicky all the hugs – instead, he frequents one of his all-time favourite hobbies: Eavesdropping on people.
           “This is the only ethical solution,” Betsy said.
What? What is? Solution to what?
           “Andrew won’t agree to this,” Abby said, a last-ditch effort to change their minds. “Going means leaving Kevin behind.”
Andrew? Going?? Going where???
           Neil ignored [Abby] and insisted, “Where are you taking him?”
           “Easthaven Hospital,” Betsy said. “I’m going to take Andrew off his medicine.”
I’m sorry, did I mention how Betsy is the best person in this entire series?? Did I?? DID I???
Apart from Wymack and Renee, of course.
Andrew going off his medicine!! Yes!! Fucking FINALLY!!
I’m excited for this because of plot reasons – what will Andrew be like off his meds? More scary? More mellow? Will he still pretend not to care about Exy? Will he still pretend not to care about Neil? Actually – will he still feel the same at all, both about Exy and Neil?
But in all honesty, I’m mostly excited for this because of the simple reason that I want Andrew Joseph Minyard to be happy and healthy.
That’s all I want.
           He’d wanted to hurt Betsy in the car for reinforcing the rules of Andrew’s awful medicine. She hadn’t defended herself because she knew she didn’t need to. She knew just like he did how cruel it was to keep Andrew on his drugs, and she’d already reached out to the people who could help him.
And apparently, that’s all Betsy wants as well.
I cannot thank the universe enough for the existence of this woman.
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