askpokeeosin · 2 years
Oooh a doctor excellent. Quick question though (maybe two) what coffee do you like and what are your thoughts on genies?
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Boy I sure love coffee! As in I need coffee to function.
Ask from @khunisjirallgeniepony
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asklostcelestia · 2 years
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@reversal-mushroom @randoms-random-blog-of-random @khunisjirallgeniepony
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askdaisydandfriemly · 2 years
Hello there. Do you have anything against genie ponies?
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Splunge: Thanks for the ask, @khunisjirallgeniepony! =D
Attempting to draw without a rough sketch underneath, so maybe I can answer asks quicker. I think it came out well! I won't answer all asks like this, but hopefully it'll keep me from burning out in general. ^^;
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ask-shutter-ghost · 3 years
Idea: your ghost friend can sneak inside to see which area is safe to enter. All they'd have to do is phase through the wall and look around. Though loose items that might clatter or crash could alert someone.
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Prince Khunis: Idea: Your ghost friend can sneak inside to see which rooms are safe to enter. All they'd have to do is phase through the wall and look around. Though loose items that might clatter or crash could alert someone.
Rapid Stream: B - by myself? But - but what if I get caught again? I - I -
Shutter Ghost: Easy. We don't have to split up, okay?
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‘Luck befell you last time we met, why risk fate again?’ -O Sender: @khunisjirallgeniepony
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[[Ask box is open!]]
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*The Cart is nearing a checkpoint*
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whoovesnassistant · 5 years
So Doctor whooves and assistant are back in action eh?...Briliant.
It’s sort of a last hoorah admittedly.
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jitterbugjive · 5 years
I have a question for the mod for Whooves and assistant and also the va's as well, But what makes a Whooves and Assistant episode arch series? Possible story ideas from other fans Or would the fact that if an ask blog were to somewhat intertwine with the series of W&A be probable as well? Just asking out of curiosity. Also love your Doctor Whooves and Assistant series. :3
All the episode ideas were already planned out by me, and we wouldn’t have really taken any outside ideas since there was already a lot of episodes planned.
Even if we did take ideas we wouldn’t be any more because the series is ending, I can’t keep producing episodes when they take at least a year to complete, and most everyone on the team have moved on to other things.
I will try to keep scripting episodes however and make them available for viewing, and if I get enough support on my patreon read them out like an audio book of sorts for the youtube channel.
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Yup this blog is pretty much dead.
But guess what big update coming up regard BronyCon 2019 THIS SUMMER NEXT WEEK ALMOST THERE SOON WOOOWWW!!!
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ask-iamnotanalicorn · 7 years
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@solarmod @ask-golden-dragon-ranger-pony @khunisjirallgeniepony @discordasksyou Anonymous
Thanks for the Asks!
A/N: First off, apologies to the four whose questions got used in Pitch Perfect’s ‘throwaway’ pile if it upset any of you. ^^; I tried to use a few that I didn’t think I’d ever get to or didn’t have an idea how to answer atm, so at least I could acknowledge the askees. So I had good intentions! Also Per is 10, cut her some slack. XD 
Yes, Castle and Code are fraternal twins. Unlike the Cake twins, they actually were born to a unicorn/pegasus family, and in the town where the Pitch family lives, unicorn and pegasus siblings are reasonably common. If you don’t have siblings, I assure you that this kind of dumb bickering is perfectly normal. 
Yes, there are two more nerd references in here. It’s easier to steal them from the real world than make up whole new lore for fake ones. XD; And I couldn’t think of a clever ponified name for Star Wars, so we’re just gonna do a direct hack here.
Thanks for reading!
~River Babble
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techmomma · 6 years
Is Caliope a kelpie? I forget.
canonically Calliope is a mermare.
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ask-altan-mor · 7 years
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(gave myself more than I bargained for with these flashbacks instead of just more Altan in front of the fire! (even with being somewhat lazy with the backgrounds...)  
(Flashbacks are in reverse chronological order (just before the surrender of this city, a previously sieged city, and wee baby Altan!))
(As usual thank you for the asks!  @khunisjirallgeniepony and @brehtnecropolis )
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ask-shutter-ghost · 3 years
What's your opinion on genies?
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"Wow! I've never met a genie before. I guess I have more questions than opinions! How does your mane DO that? Can I take your picture? Is it true you can fit in a bottle? Can you fit in any size bottle? What powers do you have?"
Mod: Thanks for our very first ask! Shutter Ghost and I are super excited!
Animation by Animated GIF Maker
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askgeniealfred · 7 years
ooc asks under the cut
((there’s a bunch so check for yours!
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yep! not yet but definitely endgame
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SO many. pretty much anything actually, it’s just that all my friends ship al and artie so that ends up being what i draw the most lmao
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"i’m simply one hell of a genie” “alfred no” “alfred YES”
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he looks like that because he’s in customer service and he has no choice, but INSIDE? inside, he screams.
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that’s all for the mun at the moment, thanks for all the questions guys! have a great day and sleep well and be kind to each other n all that peace out
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pussycat-scribbles · 7 years
Scribbles, what do you plan for the new year?
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Next year is going to be really interesting for me because I’m changing from full time office work to part time (just three days a week commuting into London hell yEAH) so that I have more time for freelance art. It’s going to be a whole new world for me and there will be a lot to adjust to - not least relying on my art to pay bills! 
A big ongoing goal for me is just continuing to improve my art, particularly anatomy, posing and backgrounds. I want to try and spend some time each week sitting somewhere quiet that isn’t my house - maybe the local library or coffee shop - just doing studies and sketches. 
I definitely want to grow my Patreon page! Having more time means I can offer more rewards in return. I haven’t made an official announcement, but some of my plans include weekly character polls to help me pick who to use as my sketching guinea pig and more regular Patreon-only streams on top of my once-a-month critique stream. 
There’s merch I want to make for my store, and I’ve really should get cracking with some comic ideas I’ve had brewing in the back of my mind for a long time now (did anybody say Swan Princess klance AU??). I’ve also got a lot of recorded drawing footage to edit into videos. My youtube channel has been gaining a surprising amount of followers in recent weeks despite me not uploading anything for an age, so I should probably give that some TLC, too!
That’s all big stuff, though. My short-term goal is to establish a new working schedule for my freelance stuff since I won’t have to cram it into my evenings on top of a full day of work. I’m going to be incorporating the new Patreon things, post runs for my store orders and admin time so I can stay on top of my finances and business goals.
It’s going to be a lot of hard work, but I’m super excited about the changes I’m making in my life!
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