#kid leia
anakinsthot · 2 years
New fic! We have: cute Obi-Wan & Leia babysitting, cute Obi-Wan, Leia, & Darth Vader family time, and spicy Vaderwan.
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supernightboy08 · 1 year
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stealingpotatoes · 9 months
How familiar are you with Star war legends?
not very but I think this is how a crossover between legends and (my) canon and would go down:
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(commission info // kofi support!)
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varpusvaras · 2 months
Just thought of little Leia meeting rest of the Corries...like suddenly Fox has this little nat-born girl hanging around with him, and when asked he's like "she's my daughter from the future. she's just time travelling" (he's casual about it because he has to be. if he's not he's going to lose his mind)
It actually doesn't take long for the Corries to believe it, because the conversation will go like this:
Thorn: ....who is she, Fox?
Fox: This is Leia
Little Leia: 🙂
Thorn: Um. Where did you get her?
Fox: Oh she's time travelling. She's my daughter from the future
Thorn: What-
Fox: Say hello to your uncle, Leia
Little Leia: Hello, Uncle Thorn 👁👁
Thorn: ...
Thorn: Yeah okay that's definitely your kid
(Thorn and Leia are immediately besties)
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biblicalbi · 1 year
Imagine a world where Obi-Wan survives episode IV and has to deal with another generation of disaster romances with the Skywalker family.
Leia: *falls head over heels with a dashingly handsome and very mouthy rogue who has more red flags than green*
Obi-Wan: “Oh no.”
Luke: *flirts with a stubborn yet extremely caring world leader despite the Jedi’s no-attachment rule*
Obi-Wan: “Not again.”
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archivistofnerddom · 3 months
In the last few years, Star Wars has really been giving some great content about:
Girl Dads and the (adopted) daughters they love, support, and protect completely
Bail Organa and Leia Organa (“Obi-Wan Kenobi”)
Hunter and Omega (“The Bad Batch”)
Master Sol and Osha (and Jecki as well, if I’m being honest) (“The Acolyte”)
Boy Moms/Mother Figures who love and fiercely defend the boys they’ve adopted
Beru Whitesun Lars and Luke Skywalker (“Obi-Wan Kenobi”)
Maarva Andor and Cassian Andor (“Andor”)
With bonus points to:
Girl Mom Breha Organa who is a moderating force to her husband and daughter while also being a loving and supportive guiding figure
Boy Dad/Uncle Owen Lars who just wants to keep an innocent boy safe in a terrible galaxy for as long as possible
Boy Dad Clem Andor who also saw a scared boy and gave him a safe place to call home
Girl Dads/Uncles/Big Brothers Tech, Wrecker, Crosshair, and Echo who also give Omega everything she needs to survive and a family to love completely
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mrv3000 · 1 year
Force ghosts are always an interesting and highly entertaining topic to me, especially when it comes to Leia. I don't think she spent any of her actual life studying on how to become a Force ghost? She must have gotten in the Anakin way.
I'm assuming Luke was the one to yank her into the ghost realm, but did he have to shove Anakin into a Force ghost closet so as to not scare her off?
Luke: I know you don't have all of your memories back yet, but now that you've fully transitioned into being a Force ghost...
Leia: Stupid name.
Luke: ...there's something you should know.
Leia: Does it have anything to do with Obi-Wan somehow slamming back what looks like space vodka?
Anakin hiding around the corner: *VIBRATING WITH EXCITEMENT*
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n0isetanks · 4 months
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au: jyn survives scarif and feels guilty for the loss of alderaan
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skeletons-eat · 2 months
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Merlin au
"Ser Sevander!", came the voice of his youngest sister, screeching in a way that only ten-year-olds managed to do, "What about this one?"
The redheaded man, Ser Sevander as Cody had gathered, turned his head towards Omega who held up an uprooted flower in one of her, very much dirty, hands for him to inspect.
But before he could give her an answer to the inquiry her twin, Cody's youngest brother, interrupted her, offended.
"Hey! Wait for your turn, Di'kut" Boba spit at his sister, "I was here first!"
"Now Children..." Ser Sevander interrupted in a low voice, frowning.
"-ody! Ka'ra, are you even listening to me?"
He was snapped out of his eavesdropping by Fox's annoyed tone.
"Who's that?" Cody asked instead of giving his own twin the satisfaction of an answer.
"I-", Fox pinched the bridge of his nose, " are you SERIOUSLY asking about the twins new tutor?"
The twins had a new tutor.
Huh, he didn't hadn't approved that.
"No, Cody, Grandfather didn't let you approve this one because he knew you would scare them all off before the twins could."
Fox was stressed and annoyed, tension in his upper body and pace too controlled and fast to be anything but.
Cody was aware about how the upcoming celebration placed a lot of stress on the Commanders shoulders, and he almost pitied him.
Well, If it weren't for the fact that the same celebration would be the day their father announced his retirement, effectively handing over the mantle to his oldest son, Cody hinself, he would truly reserve the sorryness for someone who wasn't himself.
They turned another corner towards the the main council chamber where all generals, the current ruler, Jango of clan Fett, his heir, Cody, to his own eternal despair, and the head of the guard, Fox, would assamble once a month, discuss the current state of affairs inside Manda'yaim and out.
Cody stared at the Fox.
Fox sighed, "No, you didn't say that out loud, yes, ba'buir thought you had enough to do already, and yes you should probably go to sleep."
The grand doors of the meeting room opened in front of them, distracting both brothers momentarily, although Cody couldn't help but think back to the new tutor again.
Ser Sevander. A man he had never seen before and yet..... Someone who seemed eerily familiar to him. Too familiar.
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skywalkr-nberrie · 11 days
I think that generally accepted fan headcanon that Leia would wish OW was her dad over Anakin or not understanding why Padmé fell for him instead of OW is unfunny and baseless. Mostly coping mechanisms for people who hate Anakin or severely project themselves inside or project something inside OW.
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thecleverqueer · 1 month
I love how much Obi-Wan loves Anakin and Padme’s kids.
We see it all throughout his series.
He spends what little money he has to buy Luke a toy space ship. He dutifully watches over him everyday as he lives in a desolate, isolated desert scape.
He goes after Leia… fearful that he doesn’t have what it takes to save her any longer. He risks himself and everything else to find her. He taps into the force again after breaking himself off from it. He trusts her. He looks at her fondly. She reminds him of Padme.
Then, at the end, after Vader buries him alive, for a moment, he acts as if he has lost the will to live. He’s defeated. He thinks of the past. He feels that he failed Anakin. Flashbacks of their final moments on Mustafar plague him. Right as he’s about to give up completely, he thinks about the children. He sees flashes of Luke and Leia in his mind, and he draws upon the force. He is strengthened by his love and compassion for them. Even though he’d lost his family, lost Anakin, he still has an obligation to the kids. They provide hope to both he and the rest of the galaxy.
I don’t know. I just get all sentimental when I watch it. I just love Obi-Wan so much.
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aviyx · 1 month
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anakin and padme parent au is so funny cause you just know those kids drive them up the wall
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sstarssucker · 10 months
There's only one way to see Revenge of the Sith...
*watch the movie*
*open ao3 immediately after*
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lizartgurl · 2 months
In Your Arms (Han Solo x Leia Organa)
Hanleia Week Day Two: Braids and Blood stripes. @hanleiacelebration
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Inspired by this piece by @lajulie24. Takes place after the escape from Jabba's palace.
He was breathing, but the air didn't quite reach his lungs. He thought he'd be able to see better now, but he couldn't. It was blurry, why was it still blurry? Dark blurs, light blurs, gray blurs, it all blurred together and it terrified him.
"Han," a firm voice, strong, unwavering.
He turned toward the sound that had broken through. And the darkness that had started to ebb at what was left at his vision gave way to white, like the angels of Iego. He'd heard the deep space pilots talk about them, a ragged beauty being all that was left of a once-divine species. He'd never give the stories much credit, but only one person he knew could ever echo such beauty.
"Leia-" He hated how his voice trembled, but his body reacted on its own, his arms shooting out to pull her close. She gasped at his reflex, but made no protest. Her arms gently wrapped around his head, bringing his ear against her chest.
"Just breathe, Han, just breathe," She whispered. His chest shuddered, like the bursting of a dam. Air flooded his lungs as Leia's warm arms enveloped him, her heartbeat teaching his how to work again. He felt her lips press against his forehead, her fingers carding through his hair.
"You don't have to," He said, suddenly embarrassed and acutely aware of how sweaty he was, and every grain of sand stuck in his hair. First the fever, and then the day spent beneath the twin suns, he'd wanted everyone else to clean up first, insisting he'd take care of himself once his sight returned, but that seemed less and less likely the longer they were in hyperspace.
"I assure you, I'm worse." She laughed softly.
That seemed impossible. Leia smelled great. Then again, his nose was still a little stuffy after being encased in carbonite for two years, but he knew that he could smell the caff on her breath. And not the cheap stuff the alliance stocked in bulk, but the nice stuff, the hazelnut roasted beans that he kept on the Falcon and claimed it was because he liked the stuff, and not because she once said the scent reminded her of her mother's office in the palace on Alderaan. There was also the lingering scent of motor oil, one he'd only briefly come to associate with His Princess in their brief escapade from Hoth, where she'd insisted on helping with the repairs, even though Han hated to let anyone else but Chewie get familiar with the Falcon's inner workings.
Han dug his fingers into the fabric at her back. Her white senate dress had a soft, almost-silky feel, like a cloud from a dream. Between the handfuls of fabric, he felt strands of hair, damp, wet, but soft all the same.
"You were braiding your hair," He murmured, even as exhaustion hit him like a light cruiser.
"Do you want to help me?" She asked.
He shook his head, "I still can't see."
One of her hands left his hair, bringing it to his and guiding his hands to close around a fistful of her locks.
"You've been sleeping too long," Leia said. Her thumb caressed the corner of his eye, taking with it a single tear. She sat in front of him on his bunk, Han could still feel the warmth of her body just in front of him.
If he squinted, he could make out the difference between the darkness of her hair and the white of her dress. He really liked this dress. It made her look regal, like the princess she was supposed to be, and he knew she was comfortable in it.
He followed the strands of hair up to where they met her head at the nape of her neck. He divided the fistful of hair into sections of three, and started braiding, hoping that he didn't get them tangled. He'd originally learned how to make a braid as a kid, it was better for making stronger rope and stuff, but he'd gotten his best practice in when he started hanging around the Rebellion, hanging around Leia.
The more he squinted, the more his eyes watered, almost like they were cleaning themselves. By the time he'd finished the one braid down her back, he was seeing just enough to know that the one he'd made was not as nearly as good as the other braid she'd done for herself.
But Leia didn't seem to mind, twisting both of them up over her head in a bun anyway. She smiled at him, "Thanks, hotshot," She murmured, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Han placed his arm around her waist before she could leave, "Don't go," he begged, "Not just yet." His vision was getting better, but he didn't trust his eyes just yet. Some irrational fear scurried around the back of his mind, warning that if he took his eyes off his Princess, even for a moment, he would lose her again.
Leia paused, though she hadn't made any indication to move away from him. She dropped her hair, and raised her hand to his cheek. Han leaned against the touch. She was warm, safe, everything that Jabba's palace wasn't.
And she was here. She was safe. He hadn't managed to fail her yet.
"I won't," Leia promised, "I'm not going anywhere."
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varpusvaras · 2 months
One more thing for the little Leia time travel thing: Fox calls Bail like "uhh a tiny human came into my office, says she's from the future, and that she's our daughter? What am I gonna do now?" And Bail and Breha are INSTANTLY like "a daughter you say? Our daughter? Don't mind if I do!" and Fox is now playing house. Well. Not exactly playing because this is apparently their actual dynamic but he's still going through it-
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holonetwork · 3 months
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Illustrated by artist Russ Walks for the Star Wars Galaxy: Series 3 set of trading cards, released by Topps in 1995. Leia Organa Solo, holding her two newborn infants, Jaina and Jacen. The babies were born on Coruscant in 9 ABY, with Jaina being the eldest of the twins by 5 minutes. The birth of the twins was much publicized throughout the galaxy via the HoloNet, resulting in a brief baby boom throughout the New Republic. In a Tales story, named Routine, it was hinted that Jaina may have been named after Han's mother, who the story suggests may have shared the name. Regarding the origin of the twins, editor Tom Dupree recalled Bantam Books submitting a short, one or two page checklist to George Lucas for the Thrawn Trilogy where questions were asked as to what George would permit in the new books. Notably, when asked two questions -- "Can Han and Leia get married?" and "Can they have kids?”, George's reply to both was the same: "YES." With that short answer, the path to the birth of Jaina and Jacen was laid. Author Timothy Zahn would recall years later in an interview with Adventure Journal #1 the process of naming the two Solo children: "Jacen was easy. He was [my son] Corwin's best friend at the time, and so I named the boy Jasen, although Betsy Mitchell [Bantam's editor] suggested changing the "s" to a "c" so it wasn't so 1980s popular name. Jaina took a lot more work. I remember going over several days writing down names and bouncing them back and forth with Betsy and not really finding what we wanted yet. I figured if we were going to have Luke and Leia with similar initials, these twins ought to have similar initials as well."
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