#kiddo come on
strflr · 2 months
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Hey y'all! I just finished a zine, the PDF is for sale on my Ko-fi store: https://ko-fi.com/s/c28e61cf4c
If you have a couple bucks to spare, I'd love you to give it a read! 💙
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dromaeo-sauridae · 6 months
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children of cadaver tend towards the massive. most resemble the huge shadow passing silently beneath your ship on an otherwise calm day. the affairs of the children of daksari are not ones they trouble themselves with, though a polite nod while passing by never hurts
this art is for a personal project, not for use in dnd or other things
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miscling · 3 months
what do you call your mommysub? mommy isn't the same as mother, mama, or mom...
call me mama and i'll look after you. what do you need kiddo? want a drink? a snack? snuggles and cuddles? you're so small and little mama will take care of you and do anything you ask her to, no matter how demanding you are. no matter how much you hurt her and use her, it's mama's job to meet all your needs and desires.
call me mommy and i'll watch over you. do you want to talk kiddo? is there something you want to ask for? you're growing up so fast. mommy will be here for you and help you as much as she can, even if you might still have the occasional tantrum. mommy's still there for you to use as you need her.
call me mom and i'll get out of your way. do you need some independence kiddo? is there something you need to do on your own? a good mom knows when to let her kids express themselves and be their own people. mom will always be here for you though, and even an independent kid still needs their mom.
call me mother and i'll apologise to you. did i do something wrong kiddo? do you need to tell mother off and punish her? sometimes you need to just say 'mother' at her so she knows it's serious. sometimes you want to tell mother she's in trouble, so you can punish her and teach her how to be a better parent.
if you want to control your mommy, the name you use for her makes a difference!
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chidoroki · 11 months
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"Unstoppable" by Donna Ashworth
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shinotail · 7 months
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misc art stuff i never posted here!
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blaacknoir · 24 days
Hi, you recently reblogged a post about how Nanowrimo is not disallowing or disavowing AI because doing so is classist and ablist and in your tags suggested that you consider this "yikes."
Honestly, it kind of hurt my feelings as a person with a disability who occasionally uses AI as a disability aid. Let me explain.
I use AI frequently for word recall. I have ADHD- a lot of people do. Many people with ADHD, including myself, struggle with word recall. It can be extremely bad, but how bad it is day to day is variable, and not all people with ADHD struggle with this to the same degree. When my word recall is really bad, NLP's (Natural Language Processors) are practically tailor-made to find that exact word I need. As an example, I used AI to remind me just now about the term "Natural Language Processor," which, along with the term "machine learning," is frankly just a better description than AI for these tools. But I will continue using the term AI for convenience.
The fact that people do not imagine this sort of use in conjunction with AI IS a form of ablism. They immediately assume all use is infringing. If they actually talked to people with disabilities (who do use AI), they would discover these other uses, and perhaps the conversation could be elevated to a more constructive state instead of trying to make everyone who uses a tool feel "yikes" for using it. Many of us are extremely conscientious and well informed of the issues involved.
Consider that if someone has said something is ablist (or classist or any other -ist,) they just might have a point and that you should try to discover what that point is before assuming that it's fake. Don't take everything at face value, but don't dismiss it out of hand either. Listen to people who have differing opinions and try to get the nuances of the conversation.
When people think about AI being used in conjunction with writing and visual art, they only consider the egregious uses - which makes sense, as that is how AI is advertised; as a magic technology that solves ALL problems. But those egregious uses are not the only use of these tools. AI does not have to be a magic wand that replaces the creative process of an artist. I have given one example of such a use above, but I could list many more.
If your "yikes" is in regard to the ecological impact - I hope that the overzealous implementation of AI into everything takes the ecological facts into account and that is ammealorated, but please do not throw people with disabilities under the bus while trying to make buses less polluting.
//The only use of AI in this post was to help me remember the word Natural Language Processor - I know my tone is pretty formal and sometimes comes across as AI, but it's not.
Jeezly fucking crow, dude. It was a single-word comment. I hope you sent this to literally everyone else who commented in a similar manner.
I use AI frequently for word recall. I have ADHD- a lot of people do. Many people with ADHD, including myself, struggle with word recall. It can be extremely bad, but how bad it is day to day is variable, and not all people with ADHD struggle with this to the same degree. When my word recall is really bad, NLP's (Natural Language Processors) are practically tailor-made to find that exact word I need. As an example, I used AI to remind me just now about the term "Natural Language Processor," which, along with the term "machine learning," is frankly just a better description than AI for these tools. But I will continue using the term AI for convenience.
I also have ADHD. I also struggle with word recall. You know what I do? I google things. I use dictionary and thesaurus websites. I use OneLook, which suggests associated words, similar words, and similar concepts.
Not everyone who uses AI is stealing from artists, no, but it's well known that AI does scan people's art--almost always without their consent--to generate pieces. It's also been seen around places like AO3, scraping fics from unlocked accounts.
Personally, I dislike the implication that disabled (or poor--that's what "classist" means here) people are incapable of writing without an AI generating something for them. I've written 100k+ words on AO3, and all of them are mine. I've talked to friends, I've written parallel fics, I've rewritten my own stories, but those words are mine. I wrote them. A disabled person. To imply that I need AI to do that pisses me off.
And believe it or not, my primary dislike of AI isn't ableist or classsist or whatever. (I'm not even against all forms of AI! I understand that in some fields, analyitical AI is quite helpful--I've read that it's great at finding breast cancer, for example.) My primary beef with AI, especially generative AI like ChatGPT is the fact that:
It will just lie to you. It will just make up things. There are people who have used it in court cases (it didn't work), and there are people using it to write books--everything from cookbooks to mushroom identification guides. (Guess what amateurs need expert help with when they're starting out? You know, so they don't die?) It's also happened with animal care guides. AI doesn't need to be used in a generative context at all.
There is also a massive environmental impact that I rarely, if ever, see talked about.
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chiscribbs · 7 months
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Juuuust a little bonus propaganda to encourage people to vote for Grown Apart AU in the @tmntaucompetition preliminaries ❤
Good luck to everyone!!! (P.S. - Mod Shadow, please feel free to use this image for the polls, if it'll do. :>)
[Grown Apart AU]
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its-your-mind · 4 months
the way Madam E talks is in fact Incredibly Extra (alex said somewhere that yeah duh that was the point) but also.
as a person who sits in a pretty diverse classroom of 12-14 year olds all day.
some of the Kids These Days do in fact talk like that. All the time. To everyone. No matter what. Front-facing camera not required.
The other day one of the individual-units-of-chaos-for-whom-I-am-responsible-for-8-hours-each-weekday asked if I had done anything fun over the weekend and I said "oh I just went for a short hike in the national park" and he straight up did this:
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like. LIKE. madam E's tone. her inflection. her little trill on the end of words... some of the slang was a tad dated (though that does sort of make sense, if Madam E is ~5-10 years older than my gremlins-disguised-as-preteens) but I literally got whiplash every three minutes because all I could visualize for Madam E was a rotating cast of the like. Seven of my kiddos who talk EXACTLY like that.
which I WILL SAY. did make the horror hit home Just A Bit More Than Usual.
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c-kiddo · 4 months
caleb has ocd to meeee , and yes , some of these behaviours are created from paranoia about very real dangers, but i think despite that all, he always feels safer when he creates rituals. clothes folded the same way Or Else, odd numbers or Else, distressed that frumpkin's whiskers are uneven (some fell out) and feels antsy until he re-summons frumpkin. he pats the doorframe or else he'll be found, lay down the silver thread, talk to each of tmn before bed, clench and unclench his jaw, cover himself in dirt so then he's dirty all over and not unevenly, pick the skin off his fingers, check the lock check the lock check the lock . etc etc
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uk4yy · 15 days
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idk why they thought scheduling a family photo for 9am was a good idea
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kagooleo · 7 months
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to an aura guardian, island guide, a loyal mentor and protector who remains true 🌊
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choraa · 1 year
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wanted to post OCs too, here are mine and @nicktoonsunite 's boys! their ship name is RockCandy now (realization came late only by 7 years)
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hood-ex · 3 days
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Nightwing (Vol. 2) #143
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sugarpasteltmnt · 8 months
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I read all of tnv today and I am insane for it please take my offering (that only took me like 2 hours sorry I have a project I have a deadline for and I couldn’t sacrifice much more time)
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RIP Donnie in the back doing the family guy pose i love it so much LOOOOOOOOL
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dattebroyo · 20 days
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I guess my summer vacation is over or whatever
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blue-rose-soul · 7 months
For hazbin hotel au: what if alastor arrives at young age? Let say an incident which both he and his ma die at same time but because of his heritage, he got sent to hell, forced to survive in the streets until he meet Charlie and the rest of the hotel residents. How do you think will happen if he meet Lucifer?
Oh, so an AU of the AU? Sounds fun! Let me think...
Well, my first thought is that Alastor's demon form would be fairly different, since it's so closely tied into the manner in which he died. Buuuuut... I really like him as a deer demon, so I'm going to handwave that away. I'm also going to have him keep his powers associated with radio, despite him not yet having become a radio host, with the justification that listening to the radio shows together with Nicaise and making her laugh by perfectly imitating the radio man's accent were such fond memories for him they carried over to his demon form.
Ultimately, this version of Alastor still becomes the Radio Demon. But unlike the Alastor who died as an adult, nobody knows what the Radio Demon looks like. He's a mystery, known only for his radio broadcasts and striking down Overlords from the shadows. So when this little red kid with deer ears shows up on Charlie's doorstep introducing himself as the Radio Demon, she and Vaggie are understandably skeptical.
That skepticism dies when he blasts Sir Pentious's airship right out of the sky.
Alastor still brings in Niffty and Husk - two of the only people who know who the Radio Demon really is - still fixes up the building, and still acts as the facility manager. But everyone involved in the hotel keeps his identity a secret, at his request.
When Lucifer arrives at the hotel, he's in sheer disbelief that the hotel's manager is this tiny kid. Never mind Alastor frequently pointing out that he's around a hundred years old now. That doesn't really clarify anything for Lucifer who's several millennia old. He's less of a condescending jerkass to Alastor at first, seeing him as a kid, but Alastor doesn't take kindly to being treated like a child. So Alastor does what Alastor does and prods under Lucifer's armor. He starts throwing himself at Charlie, hanging off her arm, acting like a precocious kid and interrupting Lucifer's attempts to bond with her while shooting the King of Hell smug looks.
Charlie finds it a bit weird given Alastor usually acts more like an adult, but she does think it's kind of cute so she allows it. Lucifer is furious. He frequently refers to Alastor as, 'that damn brat,' and casually picks him up and teleports him to other rooms of the hotel for 'a time out' and generally treats Alastor like he's a nuisance, not a member of the hotel staff.
And then... Alastor's parentage comes out.
Lucifer is just as awkward with the childlike version of Alastor as he is with the version who died as an adult. That awkwardness just manifests differently. He keeps trying to make amends by treating Alastor as though he's an actual kid, lavishing him with gifts, inviting him on trips, so on and so forth. Alastor really doesn't think he should have to decline a trip to Lu Lu World more than once. Charlie tries to step in on his behalf, but she's not so great at dealing with Lucifer's awkwardness either.
One of the most insulting gifts is a pet, similar to Razzle and Dazzle, who is supposed to keep Alastor safe.
Alastor explodes.
He died when he was ten and he's been keeping himself safe ever since then, thank you very much! He was strong enough and clever enough to become one of the most feared Overlords in the Pentagram, all without ever showing his face once! And it's been over a hundred years since then! If Lucifer wanted to be his dad, he's about a century too late!
Unfortunately, one of the downsides of being stuck in a child's body is that sometimes his adult emotions are too big for it. All the anger and frustration comes out as tears, which only makes Alastor that much angrier. Lucifer tries to offer comfort, to pull Alastor into a hug, but Alastor melts into the shadows before Lucifer can even touch him.
#ask#anonymous#Hazbin Hotel#the Devil's Bastard AU#kid Alastor AU#the poll results are in!#although this is a spinoff AU...#I started writing out the whole history of kiddo Alastor waking up in Hell and rising to become the Radio Demon#including him making a deal with someone who HATES Lucifer#then I realized I was going off topic#but some other changes that come with Alastor dying as a kid:#he never met Mimzy when she was alive. they might have crossed paths in Hell but she doesn't come running to him for protection#since she doesn't know Alastor IS the Radio Demon#Vox still has his obsession with the Radio Demon#but since they never met face to face and never became friends it's more of a straightforward rivalry#Vox has no clue who Alastor is and doesn't care#kid Alastor is friends with Rosie still#she doesn't know how powerful he is but she has some guesses#she treats him a bit like a stray cat who swings by her shop every so often stays a few days begs for treats then dips#Rosie has offered to let Alastor live with her permanently but he refused#since Alastor didn't attend the Overlord meeting in person he didn't learn about the exorcist's death the same way#his shadow attended and reported to him later#and he went to investigate Carmilla himself later on#his relationship with Niffty is mostly the same#Husk doesn't like kiddo Alastor drinking and keeps trying to stop him#with no success#They're relationship is pretty similar to canon but Husk is the tiniest bit sympathetic#since Husk can just look at the age that Alastor died at and know how badly that must have fucked him up
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