#kidge date
kidge-planet · 1 year
hi everyone, wants some kidge today?
I just finished my first day of exams and so, I will today ( and it's been a while) write some kidge and answere some messages!!
Ok, so as some thing quick to write rn, I was thinking of their first unofficial and official date! so let's go ahead! :
The first date they had was unnoficial and Keith asked her out.
He was coming back to earth from a mission with the blades and the first person he wanted to see was Pidge, of course.
He has been thinking a lot lately, since the Atlas, the both had been very close and he can't help but constantly think of her. And, when he told his mother about his thoughts, it made him realise that he maybe wanted more with her. It still wasn't sure yet, so he decided to take the first step and try something. That way, he could see if he had a chance. After all, he hadn't talked to her a lot lately. He used to call her often but the blade was taking him too much time since a few month.
Now, there he was, his phone in one hand, thinking of how he should start a conversation. he wasn't going to call her because he didn't even knew how to ask, I needed some time to think of it compleatly and a call was too direct. He had never asked a girl out before. Never. let's say that when he was younger, he never experimented those types of feelings, it felt so new and so strange.
After some long minutes of over thinking, he finaly typed something: "Hi".
(Yea, he took more 10 minutes to type "Hi" but don't blame him! He thought about starting by "hello" but thought it was too formal. Then he wanted to put an emoji to make the mesage seem a little more nice looking and friendly but immediatly thought that it was a little too much because it didn't seemed like him, he rarely used emojis. Actually, he generaly didn't. He was bad to show emotions in messages so yup, Keith is one of these people that seem very cold in messages but is a total sweeet heart in real life. " Hi" Has his best option )
He stared at his his phone, his hands sweatig and his cheeks blushing hardly has he saw that she was writting.
"Hey, Keith! It has been a long time! What's up ?"
"I just wanted to make sure that you were ok and also to tell you that im coming back on earth next week."
"Well, im doing good, pretty busy lately but you know, I love my work so I don't think I care that much.. the only thing I miss is the afternoons of playing video games and chilling.. Or I also miss the full nights of sleep. I know, Im a "sleep depraved" but it's nice to have a full night of sleep from time to time so I don't have to end up drinking a hundred coffees to survive a day. Now, YOU 'RE COMING NEXT WEEK ?! We have to see each other! I miss you emo face lol!!"
keith smirked at his phone. He hated that, when people was calling him emo. But, when it came to her, he didn't care. He actually thought it was sort of cute from her. It was like it, they had nick names for each other: She was "shorty" or "Short one" ( Yea, it was generally about her high..) and he was "Emo" or everything that was pretty teasing around being an "emo".
I don't want things to be to seem too formal.. im not asking her out to tell her my feelings or anything yet.. He thought. He wasn't even sure of his feelings yet or if he even had a chance with her.
Maybe It'll be nice if we had some time to chill together? she said she missed chilling and to have free time..
"sure! Well, ever since you said you missed chilling, we could do something like it? I miss havin free time too and we might both need to relax."
Pidge immediately wrote back:
"Sure!! You could come to my place and we could have a movie night? What do you think? We'll get some snacks and order pizzas!"
Keith couldn't believe it. It was PERFECT. He started to type back immediately.
"Sounds great!"
They kept talking for a moment and then, a week later, Keith headed to her apartment.
He knocked at her door, and, after a few ticks, she oppened.
She giggled and jumped in his amrs to hold him lightly.
"I really missed you!" she said with her head burried in his chest.
He warped his amrs aroud her, carressing her back and nuzzling his chin in her haires.
"I missed you too, shorty"
She gave him a soft laugh before to let him come in.
He had brought snacks and he letted them on the table that was in front of the couch where they both settled. They talked for a little moment, catching up on the last few month that had passsed. After almost an hour, they took blankets and started a movie. At the beginning of it, they were pretty far away from each other but as it went by, they both got closer and curled up under the covers. He was playing in her haires wich she really enjoyed. The night passed and they shared caresses and a warm ambraces in front of a nice movie and Keith's heart felt so warm. All he wanted to do was to cuddle her and to never let go.
The movie ended and he looked down at her; She fell asleep on his shoulder. And gosh. It was the most adorable thing he had ever seen. He couldn't help but let a kiss in her forehead. He then setteled her in his arms and slowly layed down, letting her in the top of him, on his chest. He smiled. it felt amazingly perfect.
He held her tight and fell asleep with an amazing feeling in his heart. He knew now that he wanted to end his life with her and that he'd do anything-
for the love of his life.
I will do another part with the official date soon, stay tuned!!!! ♥
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justmultifandom · 1 year
Kidge headcancanon n.4 (????)
Keith planned to ask Pidge out during a mission with the Blades, and obliusly needs some advice. But he couldn't call Hunk, Shiro or Lance so he asked to the only people that was with him (The generals golden trioooo)
Zethrid: "You should push her on the wall and kiss her!"
Ezor: "Call her cutie and flirt with her first!"
Keith: "Come on, girls! I won't do this!"
Ezor: "No!No! I know! Make her a present!"
Zethrid: "Just kiss her with your tongue!"
Keith: "I'm done with you two!"
Acxa: "What if you just ask her?"
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kidgezine · 1 year
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Important Announcement!
To our fellow Kidgers, we are very happy to announce that the Kidge Zine 3.0 is finally complete!
Since Pidge's birthday is coming up on Monday next week, we've decided to officially release our zine on the same day (April 3rd). Just like we did with the previous zine, this one will be available online for free.
Thank you so much to all the contributors who participated in this zine and stay tuned for next week!
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kidgetrash · 2 years
Kidge One-Shot - Just The Way You Are
Character:  Keith Kogane, Pidge Gunderson/Katie Holt
Pairings:  Keith/Pidge
Warnings!:  None, really. Confused Pidge? That's unusual enough to warrant a warning, right?
Summary:  Pidge gets some misleading information which leads her to a complete conundrum!
A/N: this is what I was working on while I waited for the poll results! I can't remember the last time I was able to churn out this many one-shots!
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‘What does that even mean?!’  Pidge paused the video yet again and referenced one of the many other tabs she had open.  She was a genius, she knew what she knew, but she was at a complete loss.  ‘Why can’t you all just get together and turn in some decent quiznaking research?!’
‘What are you looking at?’  Pidge turned as her boyfriend, Keith, came into her office, various shiny packages sitting around her desk that were, probably literally, alien to him, but he was used to that.
‘Nothing!’  She slammed the lid of her laptop closed, the floating screens disappearing a moment later.
‘Yeah, that’s totally not suspicious.’  He sat in the chair opposite her and gave her a lopsided smile.  ‘So…what are you stuck on?’
‘If I wanted to tell you I wouldn’t have freaked out when you walked in.’  She wrinkled her nose indignantly.  ‘Just leave me to it, okay?’
He leaned forward, his elbows on his knees as his face slipped to one as serious as hers.  ‘It’s not often you’re stumped on…well, anything, if I’m completely honest.  Must be one doozy of a problem.’
‘Doozy?’  She looked up at him over her glasses.  ‘You’ve been hanging with Space Dad too often.  Or my dad.’  She started pulling the packages towards her.  ‘Anyway, this isn’t techy stuff it’s…personal stuff.  Techy stuff I can deal with.’
‘Now you’ve got me curious.  Personal stuff you can’t tell me about then.’  He sat back, knowing this wasn’t as imperative as he had first worried it may be, which meant he might yet be able to get it out of her with a little gentle coaxing.  ‘Is it a girl thing?’
She huffed out a sigh.  ‘Yes, and no.  I mean, yes it is a girl thing, but not a reproductive system thing.’  He chuckled to himself, making her frown again.  ‘What’s so funny?’
‘You aren’t normally shy about this kind of thing.  You’re practical, I love that about you.  I also love the fact you can shut Lance up and make him clear a room by simply bringing up the topic.  But, I don’t like when you have a personal issue that you don’t want to share because it means I can’t help you.’
She groaned and leant on her desk, giving him a serious look.  ‘Okay.  Do you know what a C12 eyelash is?’
He blinked twice.  ‘A what?’
‘A C12 eyelash.  Hard angled eyebrows?  Heavy upper lip?  Highlighting?  Double flick, slept-in smudge, or classic bar eyeliner?’  She tipped out the little packages on the desktop to reveal various packages of makeup.  ‘How about foundation shades?  What type of skin do I have?  Because I sweat a lot but does that mean my face is greasy?  Because I didn’t think I had greasy skin but now I’m questioning everything!’
Keith was silent for a moment, unsure exactly of what had brought this on but certain he was missing something.  ‘Why do you have so much makeup?’
‘Because we’re dating and Lance told me a girl should make an effort when she’s dating someone, and Allura agreed that appearance was important and that I should look after myself more and dress…better.  Then Coran told me I’d be undesirable by Altean standards because I looked too much like the gender I’m dating and then I thought maybe I need a makeover or a complete overhaul because I have no idea what I’m doing and…’
Keith had by now got up and come around the desk to her side, spinning the chair so she faced him as he crouched.  ‘Babe, slow down.  Why does it matter what everyone else said?’
She looked into his violet eyes as her breathing started to slow after her outburst.  ‘Because…because…’  She pulled a face.  ‘Because they know more than me about this stuff.  I don’t know about…relationships, or dating, or any of that stuff.’
Keith laughed softly as he reached up and caressed her cheek.  ‘Katie, I don’t want you to listen to a single word anyone else tells you about our relationship, because it’s just that; ours.  I don’t care if you’re wearing makeup, or fancy clothes, and I wouldn’t have asked you to be with me if I didn’t find you attractive, and I do.  You’re beautiful to me.  Just the way you are.’
Pidge closed her eyes and leaned into his hand.  She hadn’t realised that such simple words from the right person could mean so much or have such a positive effect on her.  She sighed heavily before raising her lids and looking at Keith once again.  ‘Thank you.’  She murmured.  ‘Because I could not guarantee what the hell I would have looked like for our date later if I’d been let loose on my face with this stuff.’
‘Speaking of the date,’ Keith gave her a raised eyebrow.  ‘How about we extend our date to more than dinner?’
She narrowed her eyes at him.  ‘What did you have in mind?’
‘Teaching Lance to keep his opinions to himself.  Once he’s asleep, I suggest we give him an impromptu makeover, Pidge and Keith style.’
Pidge’s face lit up in a grin before throwing her arms around him in a tight hug.  ‘This is going to be the best date ever!’
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bluedemon1995 · 11 months
KIDGE content…
AU where Katherine Holt has a massive crush on Lance, from afar. She is socially awkward because she skipped a few grades and now is the youngest person at the college/university. She gets recruited by Coran for his robotics club and there she meets Allura. Allura instantly wants to be friends but Katherine is shy and self conscious. She’s used to being in the background, the brains behind the curtain so to speak. Allura is patient though, she knows how it feels to be different. So she chips away at her walls. Besides she doesn’t want to change her just change everyone else’s perspective…especially Katherine’s. Once she finds out about Katherines crush on Lance she decides to use that line to tug.
Katherine is smart, witty and a bit devious. Unknown to Alllura, Katherine also goes by Pidge and is currently a consultant for her brother and his partner who works for the FBI. She does a lot of the computer work with Matt. Initially Shiro was very against Pidge helping but after getting to know her, he can’t help but be impressed. Hell, he’s half in love with her and knowing she doesnt connect well with people her age, he deliberately hangs out with both the Holts. Hiijinks ensure and their bond helps Pidge blossom.
Meanwhile, Allura starts dating the new guy at school-Lotor. Who has some conflicts with Lance and his friend Hunk. It’s around this time that Lance starts to notice Katherine, who he quickly nicknames Katie. She’s tiny, quiet and supportive. She always seems to be smiling and laughs at all his jokes. As Allura starts to hang out with Lotor, Katie falls into hanging out with Lance and Hunk. Hunk loves her, she eats all his cooking and she is wicked smart. They join the robotics club and are soon winning much of the competitions. Until they join an underground fight club for their robots.
The only reason they are doing the whole underground fighting however is because Pidge had overheard how her brother hit a bunch of blocks on the current case. So she dropped breadcrumbs for Lance to follow, which he of course ran for and somehow it was his idea to compete. It’s here that Lance sees his old nemeses Keith.
But Pidge has done her research and she knows that Keith is old friends with Shiro-so she instantly puts him in the friend column, especially after doing a deep five into his history via some hacking. Fortunately, he’s friends with Acxa who is friends with Lotor who Pidge believes is somehow connected to all this.
Paths are crossed. And while Keith doesn’t hate Lance, he does make his presence known. So Keith naturally observes Katie, who is kinda dating Lance. The more he watches the more he doesn’t understand. How does everyone thing Katie is so sweet and nice? She’s sarcastic. She’s tricky. She’s suddenly all he can think about. He’s constantly searching for that moment, that glint she gets when she does something…un-Katie like. But is like he’s the only one who sees. It drives him mad. He’s obsessed.
One day, he sees some guys hassling her and he goes to step in, not even thinking she could take care of herself. But boy does she. She wipes the ground with the guys and Keith witnesses it all. He calls her on it. She shrugs it off as self defense, duh.
But now Katie realizes Keith is onto her. What to do…she needs help and she hasn’t told her brother…yet. Then suddenly there’s a raid at the fight, and chaos ensues. At some point Keith is trapped and he’s ready to bash some heads when Katie appears. She pulls him along to one of her preplanned exit plans when she sees an opportunity to hack the mainframe that is usually heavily guarded. Decided she has to go with her gut, she tells Keith and of course he’s in. With zero thought. Watching her, Keith grins, satisfied with the knowledge he was right. She was so much more than she appeared.
Obviously a slow burn where Keith fell first, and Katie realizes, a crush is so much different than love…
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dawnrider · 2 years
For the writing prompt “don’t” - Kidge -
1) don’t listen to them
2) don’t lie to me
3) don’t walk away
Hello dear! So I decided to not only use all three prompts, I decided to use all three twice in the same one shot. It's the cheesiest kind of cheesy, but here we are. Enjoy!
Family Dinner
Rated T
It was time for another one of their “Family Dinners." The ones they did every year to try to keep the memories of their old lives, their adventures together, alive. To keep Allura’s memory alive for Lance and each other. Keith almost hadn’t made it this year. He was busy most of the time in other parts of the galaxy, using his Blades training to the benefit of the coalition. There were always pirates, bigger planets bullying smaller ones, and vestiges of the Galran empire seeking to regain their former power. They wanted him to start training new recruits this year, though. He was a bit up in the air about the idea. What did he know about teaching?
The reminder popping up on his communicator that it was time to head back to Earth for Family Dinner was a welcome distraction from the decision making process.
He arrived at Lance’s front door, expecting the cacophony that met him but still feeling overwhelmed by it. Voices called out his name, hands clapped him on the back and ushered him inside. He wasn’t even entirely sure who all was greeting him. He smelled food, so he could assume Hunk was working away in the kitchen, and there was a murmur of lively chatter coming from the back patio. He tried to look around and identify where everyone was.
As the paladins had returned to more normal lives on Earth, or elsewhere, the invitees for Family Dinner grew in number. Lance and Veronica were always present, which now meant that Veronica’s husband and two small children were there too. Hunk and Shay made the trip every year and brought Shay’s cousin who had become her planet’s foremost expert in alien cultures. Shiro and Adam only missed the event once and that was strictly because they had been in quarantine with their newly adopted twin girls. Keith was looking forward to seeing the now three-year olds, likely creating a mess somewhere with Veronica’s kids.
Keith was about to look out onto the patio in search of the last paladin, but was redirected into the kitchen where he was nearly crushed by a Hunk Hug. Lance was close behind him, asking all kinds of questions about his last mission. “C’mon man, it can’t all be top secret!” Keith shrugged with a sly smile, leaning against the island in the kitchen as Hunk went back to checking something on the stove.
“Leave him alone, Lance.” Hunk tapped a thermometer on the outside of the oven. “I’m more curious about who he’s been seeing…” A wink was tossed his way and Keith sagged in frustration.
“No one…”
“No one? No one’s jumping at the chance to date an intergalactic savior with a physique like a comic book hero?” Lance nudged him in the ribs. Keith wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be a compliment or not. “You really are on the job too much.” He couldn’t really argue with that.
“Well, that might be changing…”
“Oh?” Lance leaned on the island, dramatically cradling his face in his hands and blinking at him expectantly. “Do tell!”
“They uh… They want me to take over training new recruits.”
There was a lengthy silence. Lance stood slowly and nodded. “Like taking over for Kolivan, training?”
“Uh… Sort of.”
“Isn’t he basically a hermit?” Hunk questioned over his shoulder as he stirred a large pot of what appeared to be gravy of some kind. “Not much of a social life.”
Keith threw up his hands and vaguely waved. “I’m not much of a social person, you know.” Hunk was about to respond when a small gaggle of children came stomping into the kitchen, distracting both Lance and the chef du jour to keep anyone from getting spilled on or opening the oven. The former black paladin extricated himself from the room and sighed at the fresh air hitting his face.
“Don’t listen to them. You should do what you want.” He whirled around in response to the familiar voice, an involuntary grin tugging at his lips.
“Pidge!” The auburn haired engineer grinned up at him, the lightly applied lipstick on her mouth catching his attention. It was a very rare day that Pidge “got fancied up.” He looked around. Had she brought a date?
“Hi Mullet,” she teased, opening her arms to demand a hug and tugging on his ponytail in the process. He swept her up, unable to help the urge to take advantage of the difference in their height and relative strength. She laughed but pushed to be put back on her feet. “How ya been, huh? Hearing from you once a month isn’t enough.” Keith neglected to mention that their once a month communication was far more than anyone else got. He started telling her about how he’d been all over on different missions, then paused.
“You… Did someone come with you?”
Pidge looked around in confusion. “No? Was I supposed to bring someone?” He tried to shrug as nonchalantly as possible and not show how utterly pleased he was.
Ever since they had first returned to Earth, before the war even, Keith had been finding himself drawn to Pidge in a way he couldn’t ignore. It was subtle at first, so he didn’t notice it. Finding her in the common room after lights out, the pair of them curling up to watch B-movie cryptid thrillers and often falling asleep after rousing discussions of the plausibility of the film. Sometimes he wandered into the hangar when he couldn’t sleep, finding Pidge puttering away on some invention or another and draping himself over a chair to watch her work.
After the war though… While physically they were galaxies apart, she wrote to him almost weekly at first. Commenting on the state of the planet, the clean up efforts, and the modifications to the Atlas they were making to better incorporate the Altean tech. She would sprinkle in commentary about how their friends were doing, what her family was up to. Keith appreciated the connection with home far more than he anticipated he would.
The weekly letters turned to monthly eventually as Pidge progressed in her career and had less time, he imagined, to dedicate to an intergalactic penpal. They had switched to video recordings which he preferred on her end because he got to see her face, but hated to do himself because he felt so awkward. “I miss our videos,” he blurted out.
“Don’t lie to me,” Pidge chuckled. “I could tell by your face you hated them.”
“I… didn’t.” He winced at how unconvincing that was. “I liked getting yours anyway.” The blush that lit her cheeks made him blink, watching her bite that red-clad lower lip and avert her eyes.
“Oh. You… uh… Didn’t really say.”
He rubbed the back of his neck subconsciously. “I didn’t want you to feel burdened or whatever.” Pidge turned and started walking the line dividing the two slabs of concrete making up Lance’s patio. He watched her put one foot directly in front of the other as though walking a tightrope. “I liked listening to you tell me about your projects,” he muttered sheepishly. “I had to look up half the stuff you were talking about, but it was… nice.”
She paused halfway down the patio, doing a half turn and brushing her hair away from her face. “Are you going to take the job?” she asked after a moment, watching him with a cautious look in her eye.
“I… I don’t know. It’s not just the Blades that want someone to do their training.”
“The garrison.” She already knew. Why hadn’t she said anything before?
“Yes. I just wasn’t sure if… I wasn’t sure if I was ready to come back to Earth yet. Or if there was a reason for me to.” She nodded slowly, thoughtfully, then turned away again. As she took a step toward the end of the patio, Keith felt like she was stretching away from him into the horizon and he couldn’t… “Don’t walk away,” he breathed. She stopped, head lifting as though she'd only partially heard him. “Don’t walk away, please?” he expanded on his plea.
Pidge turned immediately, her hazel eyes glittering. “I won’t if you don’t.” She took several steps in his direction. He followed suit, meeting her in the middle. “Are you sure about this?” she breathed. “Would you be happy here?”
Keith let out a sigh, the tension he hadn’t really realized he was holding onto melting out of his muscles. “I’ve missed home.” He took a fortifying breath. “I’ve missed you.” Their fingers met between them, twining together naturally. “Can you put up with someone who doesn’t have your smarts? Don’t lie to me,” he warned her. Pidge grinned in response, fingers tightening on his.
“Of course. How do you think I’ve put up with Lance all these years?” Keith couldn’t help the grin that lit his face and the chuckle that bubbled out of him. “If you’re at the garrison, you’ll have to see me almost every day. Are you ok with that?”
He let go of her hand so he could trail his knuckles against her cheek and cupped her chin. "I think I could get used to it."
"Oh my gawd, will you two just kiss already?!" Lance's voice cut through the air, jarring the two of them out of their tender moment. Keith threw a heavy scowl over his shoulder at the small crowd of former paladins lurking at the sliding door off the kitchen. "We've been waiting forever for you to figure it out!"
About to argue, Keith was startled by a pair of small hands gaining purchase of his face to turn it and pull it down. "Don't listen to them," she whispered. "The time is right, now." Her lips met his and his eyes dropped closed to savor the moment.
They managed to ignore the whooping and hollering behind them for a while before finally giving in, blushingly joining their friends inside.
"Family Dinner" soon had a very different weight for Keith Kogane.
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rubymoon-snape · 2 years
Chapter Disclaimer: I don't own the supernatural creatures listed in the beginning
Summary: Vampire Keith turns an of age Pidge. 
Author Note: This is Kidge with vampire Keith and of age Pidge and was requested by Cmdr_fil.
"A Turn of Events"
Keith never thought he would ever turn someone, especially since he didn't even drink from people. He usually frequented a local blood bank that was friendly to supernatural beings that required blood like vampires, iimpundulu, asema, and the strigoi. Just like vampires, there were some blood sucking creatures that preferred not to take from people. Keith had met a few in passing when he started going to the blood bank. (He even saw a chupacabra once!)
That night started like every other night with Keith waking up and heading to the blood bank. Once he obtained his bag of blood, which he drank there, he normally would take a walk in the city, before going back home. However, he found himself at a park entrance. He cautiously made his way into the park, unsure of what led him there.
There was a smell that wafted over to Keith. He recognized it and relaxed slightly with a small smile on his face. It was his girlfriend, Katie. He had met her online under the name of Pidge on a cryptid website. She was passionate about her beliefs, which initially drew Keith to her. He knew beings that had lived for centuries that didn't have the enthusiasm of an eighteen-year-old tech wiz.
It had been a gamble telling and later showing Katie what he was, but it paid off as she didn't shun him. She got to know him and he her, which involved evening dates. However, it wasn't supposed to be that night, which put Keith slightly on edge. Why was Katie there?
He was about to call out to her when he caught the scent of something he hadn't immediately identified. His eyes narrowed as the scent seemed to be following Katie like it was stalking her. Keith tensed as he was worried about his girlfriend's safety as he finally identified the scent. It was the scent of a fellow blood drinker, a jiangshi.
He was so focused on the jiangshi that he almost didn't catch the scent of the hiding sasabonsam. He tensed as Katie unknowingly walked under the tree the sasabonsam was hiding in.
Katie hadn't originally had the night off from work, but she worked a shift during the day, so her boss let her have the night off, and she figured she might surprise Keith. She never thought she'd fall for a vampire, but maybe she wasn't entirely surprised. She was passionate about the existence of cryptids, which some people don't believe vampires were a part of. Katie wasn't one of them and was elated to have the knowledge of their existence. She was a lover of knowledge and the process of learning. She always wished she could have the time to learn more.
Cutting across the park was supposed to be a shortcut, and it turned out to be a misstep. She didn't have the enhanced senses her boyfriend did, so she didn't notice either of the blood suckers that closed in on her and eventually attacked.
The sasabonsam jumped down on top of her, and not wasting any time in plunging its iron fangs into the junction between her left shoulder and neck. Katie screamed in shock and pain but was still aware of a thump-thump-thump sound she had somehow not noticed before. A second set of fangs sinking into the other side of her neck wrenched another scream from the teenager.
Katie's screams enraged Keith, who immediately jumped into action. He grabbed the sasabonsam and ripped its wings off one at a time and snapped its neck with hardly any trouble. He turned to the jiangshi, grabbing it by its hair, which ripped off the decomposing creature. This incensed the raven-haired vampire more and managed to wrap his hand around its neck and tear it away from Katie. He crushed its throat, snapping its neck in one motion.
A wheezing sound caught his attention, hi dropping the dead jiangshi as he turned back to the mortally wounded Katie. He dropped to his knees as his eyes roved over her injuries. The level of emotion in his eyes told Katie that Keith knew what she had already figured out. She was dying.
"At...least...I got...to see you...again," Katie rasped.
Keith gently dragged his cold fingertips down her face in a caress. "I don't want you to leave me."
"We...can't...help that."
"Katie." There was a pause before Keith continued. "If..."
"What about if I turn you?"
The certainty in Katie's voice startled Keith. It hadn't taken her any time in responding to his query. Had she even thought about the ramifications of being turned or was she terrified of death? No, his girlfriend wasn't terrified of dying. Not much terrified her (except for running out of peanut butter).
"Are you sure?"
"Just do it." Katie closed her eyes.
Keith let out a deep breath, more to steady himself than out of any actual necessity, in order to collect his thoughts. He leaned over and as gently as he could slipped his fangs into an unblemished section of Katie's neck.
The gasp that escaped the teen almost caused Keith to dislodge his fangs, but he stayed put. Turning someone wasn't something done light or quickly. The transfer of blood was vital but had to be done in exact timing and sequence or it could end up killing the human. As Katie was dying, it seemed worth it.
After Keith had drank from her for three minutes, he pulled back. He licked his fangs clean as he counted silently to five before digging one of his nails into the opposite wrist. Once he created an opening, he positioned his wrist in front of Katie's mouth, urging her to drink a little.
"Just a mouthful, Katie. Please."
Katie managed to get a mouthful before Keith's wrist healed itself. She swallowed, gagging slightly at the taste of the blood, and minutes later, her body started convulsing. Keith managed to keep ahold of her so she didn't hit her head on the ground as her body changed.
Her skin gradually lost what little color she had to begin with, and Keith could feel her warmth fading as well. He could feel her breathing slow hear and feel her heartbeat diminish.
As he watched his girlfriend change into a vampire, Keith started to worry that she would be angry with him for turning her. He knew it was the only way to save her life and that she agreed to it, but that didn't mean that she couldn't be angry at him. Katie was scary on a regular night; Keith was sure he didn't want to face an angry Katie on this particular night.
While Keith was noticing the changes his girlfriend was going under, said girlfriend was experiencing the worst pain in her life. Every time she thought she was feeling the worst pain in her life, she was proven wrong. She thought having a long splinter being removed from her foot without anesthesia was bad, but then she broke her arm. She had thought /that/ was bad, but then she was hit with debilitating cramps during her monthly cycles. However, she was fairly certain she was experiencing the worst pain ever.
It had started all at once. There was a tightening in her chest like she couldn't catch her breath. The tightening spread to her extremities, the pressure increasing the longer it went on. Then, just when it seemed like her bones would crack under the pressure, it disappeared, only to be replaced by waves of pain. She couldn't place where it had started, only that she was engulfed in a matter of seconds. That was when she started convulsing. She was vaguely aware of Keith's arms holding her, glad he was there with her, but her thoughts were consumed by even more pain followed by an immense coldness that was so cold it burned. Katie wasn't sure if she could handle any more pain, when it suddenly stopped, and she ceased convulsing. Then, her body went extremely rigid, not even a muscle could twitch. Katie wanted to scream, but she couldn't even open her mouth. Then, everything went black.
The next thing she was aware of was the sensation of a hand running through her short hair. She managed to open her eyes, which landed on Keith, who looked...apprehensive? Katie wasn't sure that was the right word, but it was as close as she would get without knowing what was wrong.
"Katie, how do you feel?" Keith helped her sit up.
"Sore, honestly...and the park seems different."
"The soreness will fade, and the differences are due to your senses being enhanced."
Keith's answers seemed almost hesitant. "Keith, what's wrong?"
"Are-are you angry with me?"
"What? Why would you think that?"
"Because I turned you."
"I'm not angry. After all, I did agree to it."
"But, why?"
"You know I've always had an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and never had enough time to learn everything I wanted to and now, I do! Plus I can even experience the changes the future holds. Imagine the advances in technology!"
Keith couldn't help but chuckle at Katie's excitement over new tech. Neither of them had even considered this turn of events happening, but now that it had, both were looking forward to their future together.
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cocoshippertrash · 8 months
Small headcanon/moment
Kidge addition:
(This is my first time doing this in a long while.)
Okay, so picture me this. It's a nice sunny, cloudy day. A nice breeze. And the two paladins decide to go on a walking date. Like, to walk around the town, check out some small stores, get food, and look at small pop-up stands. It's similar to a shopping date but just wandering around and kind of enjoying the surroundings. Given that pidge and keith don't like being outside, that much.
They would probably endure it for one another. Anyways...
Their having a good time. Looked at some cool street performers, small attractions, and mural art that's along the builds they passed. Got some food and small snacks. Entered a few stores, especially the nerd stores that involved comics, toys, and games. (For mostly pigde) Keith didn't really care where they went, just as long as he was with her, and she was happy.
One of the stores they entered was a book store. Even if they both prefer to do their own thing, like training or tinkering. They both do like reading a good book or comic every once in a while with each other or in each others presents.
They entered the book store and it was 2 stores. Pidge, being a bit more excited, is in awe.
"OMG, this place is two stores!! And they have a manga and comic section. ARE THOSE LEGOS I SEE NEAR THE PUZZLES!?!?!" (Some book stores have toys for mostly little kids and also puzzles. Dont come at me.)
"Hm. This place is bigger than i thought. Where do you wanna start pidge?" As keith turns to face his girlfriend, he sees that she has disappeared.
Keiths mind went blank. His face is emotionless for a good few moments till it turns into worry.
'I lost her... she disappeared...shes missing..' his head is racing with statements and questions.
'How the fuck did she do that?!?! Where did she go?!?!? Please tell me that she didn't leave?!?! OH GOD, i lost her?!? Matt is gonna kill me. No shiro is gonna kill me. No. Everone is gonna kill me!!!'
Next thing you know, keith is on a pidge hunt and freaking himself out.
'This place is huge! And she's so small! This book store ate my girlfriend and i can't find her!!!!'
Keith is losing it as he walks by the toy area.
"Not here. Not here. Not here. Not....... wait a minute"
As he slowly walked to the previous aisle. And there he sees his girlfriend with a small basket of books looking at Lego sets.
*sigh of relief*' Oh, thank god', keith thought to himself.
"Hmm, this one looks cool. Oh, this one, too. Heheh. Hm. Oh, Keith! Which one of these looks cooler? this Star Wars battle ship looks good and hard, but so does this Avengers set. Oh, and there's some cute plant sets as well, and the typewriter, too!" Pidge was having a grand old time looking and picking through the sets.
Keith walks over to pidge. Goes to give her a back hug and digs his face into her neck. Sighing from the relief he felt.
"Huh? You good?" Pidge asks while being semi confused.
"Please don't do that again"
"Do what again?"
They both continued on with looking through the bookstore. As keith was making very sure not to lose this short paladin again.
She showed him the Lego sets she likes the most, some books she thought looked interesting and some books for him that he might like.
He ended up paying for the Legos, and she bought the books. After walking a little more, they decided to finally head home and have a movie, dinner, and Lego building kind of night.
(Headcanon: keith loses pidge in a store because she's short)
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s1lverpaladin · 1 year
List of requests (21)
This is the list of pending requests I've accepted to make but haven't posted yet, if you want to request one feel free to ask!
- #1 Punk edit (anonymous request)
- #2 Kidge/Shatt based on a fic or a favorite moment from a story featuring either ship (anonymous request)
- #3 Lotor as a Blade of Marmora edit (anonymous request)
- #4 Plance with Pidge visiting Lance's farm in Post-Canon (anonymous request)
- #5 Punk with Pidge wearing Hunk's bandana (anonymous request)
- #6 Adam edit (anonymous request)
- #7 Kidge hug for @ladieboog
- #8 Kidge future kiss (anonymous request)
- #9 Lotura as Katara and Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender (anonymous request)
- #10 Kidge with Galra Pidge (anonymous request)
- #11 Three Kidge children for @annoyinglyjovialbird
- #12 Kidge with Keith in a suit and tie and Pidge in a dress (anonymous request)
- #13 Keith with a black acoustic guitar for @incorrect-kidge-quotes
- #14 Lotura VLD/Pokémon edit with Gengar and Jigglypuff (anonymous request)
- #15 Adam with Mexican flag (anonymous request)
- #16 Kacxa sunset scene (anonymous request)
- #17 Group Season 7 ending with Romelle, Pidge, Krolia, Kosmo, and Acxa waiting for Keith to wake up (anonymous request)
- #18 Lotura as Chloé/Queen Bee and Luka/Viperion from Miraculous Ladybug (anonymous request)
- #19 Plance first date after canon (anonymous request)
- #20 Kidge future (anonymous request)
- #21 Post-Season 8 Kidge wedding for @kidge-planet
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yellowmagicalgirl · 2 years
5, 15, 23 for Kidge?
5. Who usually has nightmares?
Well, I'm pretty sure we've seen Keith canonically have nightmares (mainly about the whole Galra thing) but not Pidge. Therefore, I'm going to assume that Keith has nightmares more often. Meanwhile, when Pidge actually sleeps she tends to sleep deeply. She just doesn't sleep that often.
15. Who is scared of the dark?
Neither is truly scared of the dark, but Pidge has worse nightvision.
23. Who asks who out on the first date?
Keith asks out Pidge.
50 OTP Things
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kidge · 3 years
have some kidge matching icons to fuel the flame to your forestfire 💚❤️
like / reblog if use !!
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plus a kidge icon !!
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kidge-planet · 5 months
love this!
So everyone noticed but during the lunch date, Pidge glanced at keith and it's just too cute...
(sorry, I had to film my TV to illustrate.....)
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She seemed very excited to be interviewed but then glanced at Keith and probably understood his annoyance and that he wanted both Razvi and Kinkade to leave... (She undertood that in a glance because it's kidge... They don't need words to comunicate and they proved it many times... EVEN IN EPISODE ONE SEASON ONE!)
So, after the glance, she asks if she has to mention stuffs about the robeasts and finally, she finishes speaking, seeming to have shortened her thoughts and seems more neutral than at the begining of the interview...
Im making a post about this because I used to think she was looking up as if she was thinking (like characters do in cartoons)... But maybe not, after all... Interpret it as you want!
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justmultifandom · 7 months
Kidge headcanon 29
Pidge actually didn't hate the outdoor, she was just too scared because of her allergies, in fact she find biology and flower inspiring! When Keith told her he loved nature because it was relazing, she almost died from laughing, but then he took her out on a date in the desert just for relax and watch everything around them and she found it very interesting... Sometimes, Keith even gave here some flowers that grow in the desert, after knowing from Colleen that she's not allergic to them, of course!
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kidgezine · 2 years
Hey everybody, as we're still working on the layout, we wanted to let you all know that we will be pushing the zine's release date a few more weeks. Hopefully, our KidgeZine will be available online at the latest by the end of March (just in time for Pidge's birthday).
In the meantime, we’ve created a series of polls that will be posted once a week, as well as a series of drabbles two of our mods wrote as bonus content for the zine.
All the drabbles will be posted on AO3 under the title Timeless Kidge Drabbles, starting with "Liminality" (follow the link below) https://archiveofourown.org/works/45504628/chapters/114495883
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kidgetrash · 2 years
Drunk Kidge Confessions! Pidge to Keith!
Character:  Keith Kogane, Pidge Gunderson/Katie Holt
Pairings:  Keith/Pidge
Warnings!:  Drunken shenanigans. Throwing up. Eventual Hangover. Dirty flirting. mention of STDs
Summary: Pidge finally plucked up the courage to ask Keith on a date, only to see him with Acxa. She decides to drown her sorrows with the local alcohol...
A/N: You voted and I delivered! I have not, even slightly, edited this! I hope it's not too all over the place, but I will go back and fix it if I need to! It ran away with me and ended up hella long, but I'm sure that won't upset anyone! Well, it's back to drunk Keith for me!
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Pidge sat at the bar of a local tavern.  She had never been happier that this culture took so much pride in brewing fruit based alcohol that not only tasted great but had one of the highest percentages she had ever heard of.  She had checked, checked, and triple-checked that it was safe for humans, and she was sure she could drink herself into unconsciousness without doing any permanent damage other than a galaxy-ending hangover, even given her small stature.
She was sick and tired of emotions.  She just wanted to blot them out, steep in complete oblivion for a few hours before having to go back to reality and stick a smile on her face while she faked she was okay.  Spoiler alert; she was not okay.  She chuckled to herself at the My Chemical Romance reference she accidentally made, then realised it reminded her of him again and returned to a pout.  Him.  Keith motherquiznaking Kogane.  She hated that she felt the way she did about him.  She hated that it had taken her this long to realise her feelings weren’t just admiration, or a crush.  But most of all she hated the fact that he would never feel the same.  She was sad for her, not mad at him.  He deserved to be happy, but seeing him happy with her was somehow painful.
This planet had a bustling shopping district that had been preserved by the Galra for its eclectic mix of produce, products, bars, and restaurants.  Now it was Galra free, in the political not literal sense, it was open for business to locals and saviours alike.  Which was the reason for Pidge being here.  She had found a restaurant that sold what closely reminded her of burgers and fries and was excited to share it with him, she had planned to finally do what her heart desired, and ask him on a date.  Yeah, well that idea had soon been blown out of the water.  No sooner had she rushed towards their temporary lodgings than she saw him with her, going into an accessories shop.  They were smiling and laughing and…and…and just so happy.  She was everything Pidge was not.  Tall, slender, a warrior not a thinker.  And the worst thing was Pidge didn’t even hate her, she couldn’t.  Acxa had helped the team, defected to their side, and she and Keith made such a beautiful couple.  After tonight she would be pleased for them, she decided.  But for now, she would feel sorry for herself.
She took the shot from the glass in front of her, the sweet burn travelling through her body as she closed her eyes for a moment.  This was number…four, five, six…wait, was that one glass or two?  Definitely nearing double figures.  Even more definitely double vision.  Given her weight and height she should still be able to make it back to their lodgings with ten in her system, she just might have to ask someone to give her a total.
‘Another?’  The gold tinged skinned barman held the bottle of pale pink liquid out with another glass.
‘How many is that now?’
‘Eight.’  She waved him to pour it before taking it.  ‘The ancient tradition of the barkeep, on my planet at least, is that of a bringer of alcohol and an ear to listen.  Should you need to talk, even some nonsensical human issue, I will listen and offer any advice I feel may suffice to appease you.’
‘Wow, no beating about the bush, just lip service until I’m satisfied, huh?’  She replied, taking her time as she struggled to form the words without issue.
‘Beating a bush seems a futile endeavour, and I am afraid our service does not cover lips any further than serving a drink that  may briefly touch them.’  He…wait, was it a he?  She pondered the thought as it ran through her head.  Okay, they, they had misunderstood her analogies.
‘They’re Earth sayings.’  She replied.  ‘One means to, you know what?  Doesn’t matter.  I’m here because of something…personal.’
‘Might I proffer a guess?’  She waved her drink to encourage him.  ‘Your inbibement of many alcohol leads me to believe your personal problem is that of a coital nature.’
Pidge spat out the drink she had just downed and took the napkins the barkeep offered.  ‘That one does count.’
‘Number nine, again.’  He poured her once more.  ‘Am I to assume your abrupt expulsion was due to the correctness of my statement and not due to the alcohol you have ingested all night suddenly disagreeing with you?’
‘You got that on the…’  She squinted at him and realised he didn’t have a nose, so that analogy wouldn’t work either.  ‘You got it absolutely right.’
He wiped down the sprayed bar and answered without looking at her.  ‘And this coital issue is due to your mate being unable to perform adequately?’
She was glad she had paused before drinking this time as that would have led to another bar spraying.  ‘Not in my wildest dreams have I ever considered he might be inadequate, and I’ve had some pretty wild dreams about him.’  She huffed a deep sigh before taking the shot in one.  ‘The issue is more emotional that physical.  More that I love him and he sees me as his friend.’
‘It is times like this that I am grateful we have evolved beyond the need for emotional attachments.’  He smiled wonkily, which made sense, as his mouth was at a diagonal like the rest of the inhabitants of this planet.  ‘So you have confessed your primitive affections and he has informed you of your unattractiveness to him, and therein lies the problem?’
‘Who has a problem?’ Pidge’s head shot round as Keith sat on the bar stool beside her and she waved at the bartender rapidly while tapping the glass in her hand on the bar.
‘Last one!  Let’s go!’
The bartender topped up her drink as Keith spoke.  ‘I’ll take the same.’
‘Very well, Paladin of Voltron.  And to answer your question, the problem is your small companion here and her unattractiveness.’
Keith blinked twice as he processed that statement before being able to reply.  ‘Wait…who said who is unattractive?’
‘Okay!’  Pidge downed her next drink.  ‘I’m done and going back to sleep!  Night!’  She hopped off the stool and that was her downfall, literally.  Her legs buckled under her and she ended up sitting on the floor between the two stools, looking around in confusion before looking up at Keith.  ‘You weren’t always that tall, right?’
Keith downed his drink, cringing at the sickly sweet burn that slid down his throat, before swinging his legs off the stool and taking Pidge by the upper arms and lifting her back to her feet, keeping a tight hold in case she couldn’t stay there herself.  ‘How many did she have?’
‘Ten.  She assured me in great detail that her body mass and lack of stature would allow her to ingest the measure of alcohol she stated.’
‘Gee, you’re pretty.’  Pidge breathed, looking up at Keith in wonder.
‘What do we owe you?’  Keith asked as Pidge wavered in his arms.
The bartender waved his hand dismissively.  ‘It is a pleasure to have had the opportunity to serve our saviours in the great war with the galra.’
‘Okay, thanks.’  Keith turned back to Pidge and crouched enough to get on her level.  ‘Pidge, can you walk?’
‘Of course I can walk, what kind of a question is that?  ‘First I’m ugly, and now I can’t walk.  Sheesh!’  She tried to shake off his hold but failed and he sighed.
‘Okay, fine, you can walk.  But I’m going to hold your hand, just in case.’
‘Keith’s gonna hold my hand!’  She stage whispered at the bartender as they started forward, making Keith chuckle.
Pidge sucked in a breath as the night air hit her, warm and humid it was like inhaling near an open fire, a shiver running through her body, making Keith stop.
‘You good?’
‘Wow, I forgot how hot you are.  It is.’  She rapidly corrected herself.  ‘And you don’t have to hold my hand.’  She tried to pull out of his grip but instead he tightened it
‘Either you hold my hand or I carry you.  Your choice.’
‘Fine I’ll hold hands but you’re gonna make her jealous.’  She muttered.
Keith didn’t quite catch what she said but at least she wasn’t trying to actively pull her hand out of his.  Whatever that drink she had managed to drink ten of made her smell like an alcoholic gummy candy and from the one taste he had could have been used as an industrial solvent.  He had no idea what had brought this on, she wasn’t one to even bother with more than one drink at a celebratory event, but she had even gone so far as to calculate her tolerance, if the bartender’s words were true.
‘So, tell me what made you decide to go out and get hammered?’
‘Nah.’  She shook her head, starting their hands swinging between them.
‘I have never known you drink that much, in all these years.  Something is bothering you and I don’t like it.’
‘You don’t have to like it, but you do have to live with it.’  She stated.  ‘Because the reason I drank so much is so I can forget what I’m trying to forget and not have to discuss it so I’m not discussing it.’
‘But I’m worried about you.’
‘Worry about yourself.  Space STDs are at an all time high, I hear.’
‘I’m more worried about you than me…wait what did you say?’  Keith’s head snapped around to find her staring at the ground as they walked, her lips pouting either in concentration or anger.
‘I said SPACE STDS ARE AT AN ALL TIME HIGH!’  She yelled loud enough to turn the heads of a few locals, causing him to tug her in closer and cover her mouth with his hand.
‘That’s what I thought you said!’  He hissed.  ‘What does that even mean?’
‘It means you might get cosmic herpes and if your girlfriend is the jealous type I’ll probably get my ass kicked from here to Olkarion.’
Keith pulled her to a stop, turning them to face one another.  ‘You really aren’t making any sense.’
Pidge looked at him, or tried to.  Her eyes were struggling to focus, but they did so as soon as she spotted the restaurant over his shoulder that she had planned on inviting him to.  ‘Oh!  This place!’
‘This place has…cosmic herpes?’  Keith asked hesitantly as he allowed her to pull him along.
‘No, burgers!  Cosmic burgers!’  She put him in front of the menu board and showed him.  ‘Tell me that’s not the menu of a burger joint?  Because I defy you to tell me that they sound like the best burgers this side of the Milky Way, or at least the only burgers this side of the Milky Way, and I’m going to vomit.’
Keith finally let go of her hand as she lurched towards the side of the road before throwing up heavily and very vocally behind a tree.  ‘Uh…you good?’  He called as she sank to her knees using the tree for support.
‘No, I’m not good!’  She called back, her voice cracking from not only losing everything in her stomach, which was only alcohol, and from the fact she was now tearing up.
Keith walked over to where she knelt and leaned on the safe side of the tree with his hands in his pockets.  ‘You know, people generally only drink this much to forget.’  He murmured quietly.
‘Well, it doesn’t work.’  She sobbed, curling over her knees with her hands over her face.
‘Then maybe talking will.’  He suggested as he fished in his pockets for the Altean equivalent of a breath mint, that foamed, cleaned, and freshened all in one little capsule.  ‘Here.’
She glanced up, her eyes red and brimming with unshed tears, but soon recognised what he was offering and and took it gratefully.  The fruity alcohol had left her with the equivalent of the trick jelly beans Lance had once passed around the garrison.  ‘Thanks.’  She shifted to sit crosslegged, not even caring that she was in the street beside her strangely glowing vomit.  ‘I was going to ask you to this place, you know.’  She grumbled as she swished the capsule’s contents around her mouth.
He shifted in his position, taking his hands out of his pockets and turning to look down at her curiously.  ‘You were?’
‘Yeah.’  She sniffed and dragged her sleeve under her nose.  ‘Like a get dressed up just the two of us date and everything.’
Keith processed this information as he realised maybe she felt for him the way he felt about her; more than friends, a closeness he didn’t have with the other paladins, the desire to hold her and be held, to protect and love her.  ‘Why, uh,’ he cleared his throat, ‘why didn’t you?’
‘Because I left it too long.  Too late.’  She sniffled before pushing herself shakily to her feet.
‘You could still ask.  We’re here for a few more days.’  He offered her his hand but she just stared at it for a moment before shaking her head as tears flooded her cheeks.
‘Why not?’  He stepped closer, realising she wasn’t going to take his hand, before wiping at her cheeks with the pad of his thumb.  ‘You, me, dinner at a diner?  Alone?  Sounds pretty good.’
‘Forget it, I don’t get between couples.  And like I said, your girlfriend looks like the jealous type.’  She pushed past him and started walking wonkily down the street towards their lodgings, leaving him in absolute confusion.  Only a minute later he jogged to catch up with her as he sorted his mind out.  She had feelings for him and had wanted to ask him out, but she thought he had a girlfriend.  This confused him even more.  Unless she was seriously insulting Lance, the only other people she could mean were Allura, Romelle, or… ‘Wait, are you talking about Acxa?’
Pidge rolled her eyes as she swerved into the side street where their inn was located.  ‘I don’t want to hear that name.  That stupid, tall, attractive name.  That stupid, tall, attractive, not-me name.  That stupid, tall, attractive, not-me, dating you, name.’
Keith caught her arm, realising something had definitely been lost in translation here.  ‘Acxa and I aren’t anything, other than colleagues.’  He told her as she stared at his fingers on her bare skin.  ‘Where did you get a stupid, small, beautiful idea like that?’  He turned her words into something about her, at least he hoped she realised it was about her.
‘You think my idea is stupid?’  She pouted, wrinkling her nose in a gesture he could only describe as cute as hell.
‘Yeah, I do.  Not you, you’re not stupid, but your idea is.’  He smiled.
‘But I saw you!  You were all close and lovey-dovey when you were shopping together!  You put your hand on her back like a gentleman, you were laughing and she was giggling, and…and…it hurt!’
‘There’s nothing between me and Acxa.’  He repeated.  ‘Because for some reason a certain genius caught my eye and has been living rent free in my head and heart for the last few years.’
She raised her eyebrows in surprise, her mouth forming a small oh as realisation struck her.  ‘Matt?’
‘Quiznak, for someone so smart, you really are dumb sometimes.’  He pulled her against him and ducked his head, planting a soft kiss on her lips.  ‘I was shopping with Acxa because I wanted a girl’s opinion, or rather the opinion of a girl who was familiar with the situation and could advise me what to buy the team member I’ve been in love with for so long I don’t remember what it’s like not to love her.’  He reached into the back pocket of his jeans and brought out a small, plushie of the green lion, keyring sized, but adorable as hell.  ‘What better way to tell you it’s you, than with a mini effigy of your lion?’
She stared at him and then did something completely unexpected.  She laughed.  The tears that had been drying up beginning to leak out with just how hard she she went, and it was several minutes before she took a step back from Keith and wiped at her eyes.  ‘Quiznak, if I’d known drinking so much of this stuff would make me hallucinate I’d have just bought a bottle and stayed in my room!  It’s me.  That’s a good one, brain!’  She knocked on her temple a couple of times before staggering towards the entrance of the inn.  ‘Goodnight, imaginary Keith!  Thanks for making my night!’
Hunk trotted down the stairs opposite the entrance and past Pidge, she evidently said something to him as she leaned on the wall and slid her way up, as he frowned before turning to face Keith with a puzzled expression.  ‘What was that about?’
‘I just confessed to Pidge and she thinks I’m a hallucination.’  Keith leaned down slightly and watched to make sure she made it up the stairs okay.
‘I can’t say I’m surprised.’  Hunk shrugged as Keith glanced back at him.  ‘She’s pretty sure you will never feel the same way she does.’
‘She really does feel that way about me?’  Keith looked back after her in surprise.
‘For longer than you know, man.’  Hunk patted him on the shoulder then looked back at their companion as she slid down to sit on the top of the stairs.  ‘And please, this time, you be the one to put her to bed and listen to her whine about how great you are.’
‘She’s done this before?’
‘Go put her to bed, Keith.  Stick around.  You might be surprised.’  Hunk gave him a wink before leaving Keith watch Pidge lay down at the top of the stairs from her sitting position.
‘Oh boy.’  Keith breathed before running up the steps two at a time, this time not even pausing  before scooping her up in his arms.
Pidge snorted awake and looked at Keith from close up, fuzzy around the edges and jiggling with movement.  ‘Heeeeeey, it’s dream Keith!  Hey, dream Keith.’  She slung her arms around his shoulders and pulled herself closer to him.  ‘Did you always smell this good?  I don’t remember you smelling this good before in my dreams.’
‘I smell like I always smell.’  He smiled at her.  ‘And that’s probably because I’m not a dream.’
‘Hallucination, right, right.’  She corrected herself.  ‘So, what kinky shit are we going to do tonight, hallucinatory Keith?’
‘I’m not a hallucination either and…kinky shit?’  He gave her wide eyes of surprise as he realised she had been doing more than crushing on him.
‘Yeah, I know, I have to do all the work, but I close my eyes and there you are!’  She nuzzled into his neck.  ‘Above me, under me…down on me…’
‘Okay!  Let’s put that to one side for a while, alright?’  He spoke over her as she tried to add another position to her list.
‘Oh, gentleman Keith, this is new.  Normally you just rail me.  Okay, gentleman Keith.  What’s first?  Wanna go for alien burgers?  I know this great little place,’ she leaned in to his ear and whispered overly loudly, ‘but there’s a tree outside with pink vomit behind it, don’t go there.’
‘You’re going to bed.’
‘There we go!  Finally!’  She threw her arms in the air joyously.  ‘Where are we going?’
‘My room, I know I have some water pouches in there.’  Keith tried not to be distracted but her lips trailing up his jaw made it hard…difficult!  Definitely difficult.  He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing enough that it caught her attention.
‘Oh, that’s hot, do it again.’  Her tongue lathed his skin as he reached his door, realising he had a problem trying to reach his key.
‘Can you stand for just a second?’  He didn’t give her time to argue and propped her against the wall, holding her in place with his side as he checked his back pockets first, passing the small plush lion between his pockets as he did so.
‘What did you lose?’  She watched his arms moving with absolute fascination.
‘The key to my room.’
Pidge didn’t even hesitate before putting both her hands in his front pockets and rather than feeling around she felt…him.
‘That’s not the key!’  Keith looked down at her as he grabbed at her wrists then swallowed again as she looked up at him over her glasses, grinning with her lip between her teeth.  ‘Damn, when did you get so naughty?’  He carefully removed her hands before finding the key and letting them in.  He couldn’t say he hadn’t ever fantasised about what she was doing but their first time wouldn’t be when she was impaired.  Right now he needed her to sleep and sober up so they could talk, but he had had no idea she had thought of him like this.  That alien alcohol had a lot to answer for.
It took some wrangling to get her into the room, and a little more to get her boots off.  He sat her on the side of the bed as he did so, then stood to help her under the covers, which was when she wrapped her arms around his neck and dragged him down with her.
‘Bedtime!’  She grinned as he pushed up on one arm, looking down on her as she gave him the most innocent yet sexy gaze he had ever seen.
‘Sleep time.’  He managed to extricate himself from her arms and grab her a water pouch, making her sit up and drink some.  ‘I want you to promise me something.’  He sat facing her as she greedily drank the pouch, nodding avidly.  ‘That you’ll sleep and then we’ll talk when you’re feeling better.’
‘I feel pretty good now.’  She said around the pouch, dribbling somewhat.
He chuckled at her, sitting crosslegged with flushed tear stained cheeks.  He wiped at the side of her mouth.  ‘You need to do this with your wits about you, but I promise I will be here when you wake up.’
She lowered the water pouch and wrinkled her nose, looking down at her lap.  ‘That’s what you always say.’  She whispered, but in the quiet of the room he heard her easily.
‘What do you mean?’  He took the pouch from her and put it on the table beside the bed.
‘I mean this is how it always goes.’  She sniffed, and he hoped she wasn’t going to resort to tears again.  He hated seeing her like that.  ‘You tell me you love me and that you’ll stay with me, and then in the morning you’re gone.  You’re always gone.’
‘This time it’s different.’  He tucked her hair behind her ear before tilting her head to make her look at him.  ‘I give you my word, as a Paladin of Voltron, as a Blade or Marmora, I will be here when you wake.’
‘Uh huh.’  She nodded slightly and he leaned forward to kiss her forehead.
‘Go to sleep, okay, Pidge?’  He held the covers out for her to settle down.  He watched as she wiggled, smiling at the exaggerated movements she gave before covering her gently.  ‘If you need anything, I’ll be right here.’
‘Right here?’  She asked, pointing hopefully beside her.
‘You take the bed, I’ll be fine in the chair.’  He indicated behind himself but she shook her head vehemently.
‘Can’t you just hug me til I’m asleep?  Please?’
Her voice was so sweet he knew he had already lost, but he was determined not to encourage her in this state.  ‘Alright, just give me a minute.’  He was aware of her watching him as he toed off his boots and lowered the lights, ensuring the bathroom door was open and easily accessible should she need it in a hurry, then placing the small plush lion on the table.  He lay on top of the covers beside her and offered him his arm.  She scooched up close to him almost immediately, wrapping an arm around his waist and sighing contentedly.
‘Thank you, Keith.’  She murmured before yawning widely.
‘Any time.’  He kissed her hair as he squeezed her gently, his other arm behind his head.  ‘If you need anything, just shout.’
‘I only need you.’  She hummed.  ‘I know we always end up hugging until I fall asleep in my dreams, but like this ending maybe more than the others.’
‘I kinda like it too.’  He admitted, resting his chin on her hair as he decided not to argue the dream part any more.
‘Before this all ends, I just want to say something.’  She yawned again.
‘I’m listening.’
She leaned her head to look at him and he moved to allow her to do so.  ‘I love you.  I’ve loved you for a stupidly long time but I know you’ll never see me as more than one of the team, and all I have is my imagination that one day this might be real.  So, yeah.  I appreciate this more than you’ll ever know.’
A lump formed in Keith’s throat as he realised how much she really did love him and how little faith she had that he would ever love her in return.  ‘I love you too, Katie.’  He deliberately used her real name.  ‘And I will when you wake up, and every day after.  But let’s talk about this in the morning when your head is clear.’
‘You said that before too.’  She sighed as she snuggled down against him and closed her eyes.  ‘Love you.’
‘Sleep well, Katie.’  He whispered as her breathing deepened, quickly falling asleep.
This evening hadn’t gone how he had planned.  He wanted to give her his gift and ask her to join him for dinner.  He had no idea she had wanted to ask him the same thing, or that she felt the same way.  Instead, she had taken him shopping with Axca as a sign they were together and drank herself into a stupor.  He pondered how it was strange how things worked out.  How they had both felt the same but neither realised.  If he believed in fate, and after all that had happened, all the coincidences in his life, he was sure something existed, this had to be the most memorable he could remember.
Pidge woke with a pounding head and a fuzzy tongue.  She managed to crawl out of bed and over the muss of crumpled blankets and into the bathroom without having to open her eyes more than to gauge where the door was and kicked it closed behind her.  She went about her business, splashed water on her face, and briefly examined her face, pale skin and sunken, bloodshot eyes.  Never again, she decided.  It just wasn’t worth drinking this much, no matter how upset she might have been at seeing the man she loved with someone else.  She paused long enough to smile for herself about how last night she had dreamt he told her he loved her back, that it wasn’t a dream and that he would be there for her in the morning.  It had felt so real that maybe it was worth the hangover after all.  Sighing, she decided to spend the rest of the day in bed sleeping things off.  She wasn’t needed for anything and honestly, right now, the oblivion sleep offered sounded amazing.
Staggering out of the bathroom she scrunched up her eyes against how gritty they felt.  How could they itch and burn at the same time?  If she could bear the sunlight she would have gone back to the castleship and shut herself in a healing tube, but for now some water and bed sounded good.  She took two steps to the table by the bed and took up the water pouch, draining what was left before putting it back…and knocking something onto the floor.  She crouched and picked it up, squinting in the darkness at the small, round, fuzzy plushie that looked just like her lion while trying to remember when she had bought it.  It took a moment before parts of the night before came rushing back, including right before she slept.  But, that was a dream, right?  Right?!
One look at the bed convinced her it wasn’t.  Or rather who was on the bed.
The resulting scream of absolute shock was, she would recall later, perhaps the girliest thing she had ever done in her entire life.
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Tada! Give me some feedback! I might even be able to continue this into a morning after fic, if anyone is interested!
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kidge? really? a high school freshman and a senior? come on dude
i actually answered this on my main account, but im happy to do it again here as well!!!
alright, so:
i do not personally ship kidge. it's just not my thing. and i also would never even consider making content for them if they're not both adults in the au im creating for!!! that would be uncomfy, and i usually very much hate it when people use "aging up" as a defense in ships where one character is older, but i don't think two years is too big of a gap once they're both fully grown. my parents are six years apart- married later in life- and they've been married for almost twenty years. however, in the aus ive created kidge artwork for, i've double-checked with the commissioner to make sure they were both 18+. im 100% a klance stan, but if someone commissions me to do a ship (that's not pedo or something i personally don't agree with) i will draw for it!!!
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