#kids mermaid tail blankets
squiddy-god · 3 months
octo trio ocean plushi S/o
Re-upload from terminated blog squid-god-supreme
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Azul Ashengrotto 🐙🌊💜
The plush you have is like the one on my bg, a huge squid/octopus with long Tenticals perfect for coddling, it’s about as big as you and is your favorite color
Legit almost had a heart attack when he first saw you all cute and cuddled up to a massive plushi octopus/squid as big as you were
Tbh it kinda gives him a confidence boost. He isn’t happy with a lot of things about himself and his octo body is one of them so seeing his s/o cuddled up to a octopus plushi makes him melt
Probably has a picture of you sleeping with it ngl (he keeps it in his wallet)
Gets a little pouty and jealous if you spend more time with it then you do him. But then he remembers that it’s a plushi
Azul finds it endering how fondly you hold it and how fond of it you are
Let him take a nap/sleep with you while you cuddle it, it’s so soft and he understands why you love it so much
Discreetly asks if you can hold him instead (please hold him)
Honestly you haveing and cuddling a giant octo plush makes him more willing to let you see him in octo form because he’s knows you won’t judge him.
Is most jealous when it gets to sit in your lap because hey! That’s his place!
Azul also likes to cuddle it while you two sleep (100% not because it smells like you and that comforts him) he thinks it’s so soft and plush and just all around great
*discreetly gets you more plushis *
When you sleep and cuddle the plushi it’s Samwiched between you two, Tenticals intertwined with both of your legs
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Jade Leech 🐬🍄🌊
The plushi you have is an eel plushi (of course). It’s about half your size and extra chonky. It’s also more of a patch work style, large button eyes and odd quilt like fabric in patchwork styling.
Honestly he loves it. It makes you look so cute and smoll when you hug it like a child and watch him work on his little Tereriams
Go’s into cardiac arrest when he says something cute/flirty and you giggle and Nestle into the plush to hide your blush because ajskxnziekenfks so fucken cute
Smiles and takes a picture when he sees you sleeping with it, low-key thinks of the future and how cute it’s goona be with kids
Chuckles when he sees you just chilling with it in the dorm rooms and teses you lightly about being so cute he could just eat you up (sir is that a threat?)
Kinda embarrassed that he’s gotten jealous over the plushi when you snuggle it. Will never admit this and will take it to his grave
If your gone for whatever reason and didn’t take the plushi he low-key holds it in his lap like you do, he has no clue why but it’s becoming a habit of his (it’s because he misses you)
When you sleep he likes to be big spoon so he spoons you while you cuddle/spoon the plushi
First time he saw you with it was when he walked in on you takeing a nap. He just gave you a smile and made sure you were covered by blankets
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Floyd Leech 🦈🌊💙
The plushi you have is like 2-3 times as big as you, legit 2-3 of you long, and it’s also about as thicc as a normal body pillow. It’s dark blueish grey with muted teel fins, imagine the eels from little Mermaid.
The most vocal about how cute he thinks his little shrimpy is all cuddled up to a huge plushy of him
The first time he saw you with it was when you were just chilling in your room and he came in. There you were, sitting in comfy clothes, the tail of a eel plushi wrapped around your waist and legs. Needless to say you and the plush were promptly swooped up into a tight squeeze
Has tones of pictures of you sleeping with it on his wall
Gets high key jealous of the plush and will give it a death glare when you aren’t looking. Of course it’s nothing hugs and cuddles can fix
Loves it when you can sit between his legs/in his lap while the huge plushi is wrapped around you two.
Teses you 25/8 about how much you love the plushi but don’t you dare stop because he thinks it’s cute
Is determined to take it’s place and become your favorite body pillow
When sleeping with Floyd there are 3 outcomes
One is that you end up on the floor because he accidentally pushed you off the bed and you couldn’t move him because he’s heavy, Two, Floyd clings to you like a koala in a vice grip you can’t escape from no matter how hard you try, And three he uses you as a human blanket and likes to hold you while you lay on his chest
In one you just cuddle the plushi, in two, the plushi is tangled and wrapped around both of you also acting as a pillow while Floyd squeezes the both of you, in three the plushi is right beside Floyd and tangled in both of your legs while he holds you on his chest
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urhoneycombwitch · 5 months
sick days
foreword: first proper fic for dad!Steve series!! thanks for requesting, anon. happy mother’s day to those who celebrate, and to those who don’t (cheers)- I hope this fic is a comfort. hair texture and skin color of the kids in this series will not be described- any physical descriptors will be of their likeness to Steve. if you want to read the origin story/meet-cute of this version of Steve + reader, you can read that here!
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{for every ear a flower: series masterlist}
cw: mom!reader, R wears Steve’s shirt, the whole fam is sick in this one (no emetophobia warning tho!), fluff and parental caretaking
wc: 1.6k
There’s a soft noise around the corner, and Steve dog-ears his novel to scoot forward on the couch, voice soft and inviting. “Hey, buttercup. That you?”
His eldest daughter, JJ, peeks out from the entryway of the living room. “Me.”
“It’s you,” Steve confirms with a hum, setting his book on the coffee table to open his arms. “C’mere, babe. Your stomach hurting again?”
JJ gravitates towards her dad’s lap like a magnet, dragging her yellow flower-print baby blanket behind her. She’s already three and a half, but Steve hopes she never grows out of it- or the tiny socks with ruffles, warm in his big hand as he holds both her feet in a comforting squeeze.
“Head hurts,” JJ says, in a heartbreaking whine, settling her weight against the contours of Steve’s chest.
He sighs in sympathy, rocking his first baby in his arms like he did when she was even smaller. “Your head hurts? That’s no good.”
JJ makes a noise of agreement and burrows into Steve’s neck, cheek warm where skin meets skin. Steve slides a hand up her back, over her pink cotton nightie, to feel for lingering fever- her forehead is warm but not overly so.
In silent thanks to the wonders of Baby Tylenol, Steve kisses the crown of JJ’s head and pats the side of her leg. “Tell you what- it’s past bedtime but you’re not feeling so good. Wanna watch a movie out here with me ‘til you fall asleep?”
Normally this news would be cause for a screech of delight and some couch jumping, but on the tail end of a long week of sickness, Steve’s little girl just plucks absently at his shirt collar. “Mommy too?”
“Mommy’s putting your sister down for bed,” Steve says, and then (because he always tries to be mindful of where blame could land, knowing full well that disappointment can breed sibling rivalries, and he doesn’t think he could stand seeing that sisterly bond turn contentious)- “But I’ll go see if she needs some help, and then maybe we can all be cozy on the couch. Sounds good?”
JJ hums in response, sounding faded and fatigued, and Steve moves carefully to keep the jostling to a minimum as he stands to re-situate his kiddo on the couch. After tucking the blanket in yellow swaths around her body, Steve turns to the nearby VHS stack above the TV. 
“You want Ariel?” he asks, already reaching to free The Little Mermaid from its plastic confines. 
“Yeah. But no Urz-la,” comes the reply from the couch.
Steve kneels to load the tape into the deck, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose where they’d slipped. “I promise I’ll be back in time to fast forward.”
The VCR whirs, opening credits coming to life on the screen with a colorful overture to match. After lowering the volume, Steve backtracks to the couch again, dipping to place a kiss against the dimples in JJ’s hand where it curls around a fistful of fabric.
“Be back in a few, buttercup.”
The cheery music fades as Steve moves down the hall; the first door on the right is partially open, and he leans a shoulder against the frame, quietly observing, not wanting to interrupt your rhythm.
In a pair of comfy sweatpants and Steve’s old Hawkins High tee, your form moves smoothly around the darkened room, tracking a short loop from the crib to the changing table on the opposing wall. You’re walking with a gentle bounce, swaying the baby in your arms with each step, a constant murmur of nonsensical soothing as you rock your youngest to sleep.
“That’s it. You’re a sweet girl. Just close your eyes, ‘kay? Shh shh shh. Sleepy time.”
Steve can hear the exhaustion in your voice, even low as it is, and feels a twist of guilt- the college where the two of you work only allows librarian staff one day of sick leave per month, which Steve considers a crime (JJ gets sick at least that often from whatever germs her preschool provides). 
Thankfully, his professor leave is slightly better, a generous three days a month, which he’s unintentionally blown in a week with this last bout of mystery sickness that’s been passed through his little family. 
You, on the other hand, were only afforded a three-day weekend, and not a very restful one at that: on top of trying to recover from sickness yourself, a fevered baby Birdie has been overly fussy while JJ has been desperately clingy to both you and Steve. 
It’s been a long weekend of rotating in and out of three bedrooms, disrupted sleep schedules, and speedy trips to the local pharmacy; a blur of constant motion as Steve and you have tried your best to stay afloat and tend to your sick kids. 
Steve’s grateful the worst of it is over, now that everyone’s fevers have broken, and he’s glad you’ve still got a whole Sunday to recover. But by the looks of it- hovering uncertain over the bars of Birdie’s crib, unwilling to lay her sleeping form down- you’re not giving in to recoup time yet.
Steve moves in behind you, quiet still but shuffling his bare feet against the carpet a bit to let you know he’s there. “Hey,” he whispers into the curve of your neck, hands coming to rest at your hips, joining the rocking motion you’re keeping up for the sake of the baby. “How’s my girl?”
“Better, I think.” The arm that isn’t holding the weight of your six-month-old comes to rest against the fat of her cheek, Birdie’s closed eyelids fluttering while you feel for fever, just as Steve had earlier. “Hopefully she’ll sleep through the night, with this medicine.”
“Mhm. She’s a lot better, babe- I meant you.” Steve molds himself to the contours of your back, swaying to the tempo you keep, nosing up the line of your neck to place a kiss behind your ear. “Can’t pour from an empty chalice. Or whatever that saying is.”
There’s a soft stutter at your ribs as you exhale a laugh, hand still on the face of your sleeping baby. “Think Eddie’s wearing off on you.”
“God forbid.” His arms wrap around your middle, chin resting on your shoulder, smiling when he feels you lean some of your weight against him. “You can put her down, honey. She’s gonna be okay. Come watch Ariel with me ‘n buttercup. I’ll even skip past the scary parts for ya.”
“Well, in that case,” you whisper back, a tinge of amusement in your sleep-scratchy voice that hits Steve in his soft spot of love for you. With reluctance and practiced ease, you slip forward from his arms to lay Birdie in her crib, pausing to make sure she’ll settle without your warmth and movements. 
She stays asleep, and you stay watching her, corner night light illuminating the steady rise and fall of her footy-pajama’d body with each breath until Steve takes your hand, gently coaxing- “She’s golden, honey. You did great. I’ve got the monitor by the couch, so we’ll hear if she’s up, okay?”
Your gaze stays on Birdie even as Steve leads you backwards towards the door, even leaning to catch one last glimpse before he pulls the door to a near-close. In the light of the hallway, you blink, looking more worn out than Steve’s ever seen you.
He brings your hand up to his mouth, kissing across the knuckles, tortoiseshell-framed eyes on your half-lidded ones. “Ariel?”
This seems to resonate in the fog of your mind; with a nod, you squeeze his hand. “Ariel.”
On the living room TV, Ariel and Flounder are exploring a shipwreck, and JJ’s watching from her snuggled spot with glazed eyes until she sees you in the doorway. “Mommy,” she says, with feeling, trying to prop herself up but getting tangled in the process.
“Hi, baby,” you greet with equal verve, kneeling to give your eldest baby some untangling and a kiss. “Can I watch Ariel with you?”
In response, JJ musters all her three-and-a-half-year-old strength to pull you on to the couch cushion, and Steve chuckles in tandem with you as you go easily, shushing gently- “Okay, JJ. Don’t strain yourself, angel, just rest.”
There’s nothing like your touch. Steve knows it, and so do both his kids- under the circular pattern you trace against JJ’s face pressed into your leg, her lashes flutter, lulled to calm again by the caress of your fingertips.
After Steve makes sure that the baby monitor on the windowsill is crackling with life, he eases into the spot beside you, draping his arm around your shoulders- you nestle into his side out of habit. JJ’s nearly asleep, but your hand doesn’t waver, generous and tender even though sleep pulls at the edges of all your movements.
A shark snaps at tailfins across the screen, volume low enough to not shake JJ from the sleep she’s fallen into. Steve kisses that same spot behind your ear, then whispers, “Perfectly good shoulder right here. Wish you’d use it.”
He’s rewarded with a dreamy smile as you give in, head dropping to rest in the hollow of his waiting shoulder. Your hand stops its tracing, instead landing to rest securely over your daughter’s arm.
Soon, Steve is eased to sleep by the quiet breaths filling the living room, head tilted back against the couch, glasses tilted to one side. He’ll have a killer neck crick in the morning, but it’ll be worth it.
And luckily for him, you’ve got the most healing hands in the world. 
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colorfuleclipse · 8 months
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴
genre; fluffier than a blanket mermaid!reader x anton
warnings; literally so cute it will make you blush and kick your feet
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anton hardly ever kept secrets, he was far too nervous half the time to really pull off any lies but this? this was his biggest lie ever. with exams coming up and stress from his competitions anton found himself an absolute wreck, tossing and turning in his sheets unable to get a decent nights rest. so he did what any normal teenage kid would do, he snuck out and went to the beach to get some fresh air and relax in the ocean.
the feeling on his skin cooled his head, he could spend hours and hours in the water if given the chance. the sounds of the waves allowing him to think more clearly, god the ocean was just where he needed to be.
a brush against his leg was nothing unusual, despite knowing it was seaweed something in his gut made his hair stand up a bit. but anton wasn’t swimming around in the dark just to be scared so he moved around and tried to let it go, that is until it happened again.
before he could even get scared something that felt like a hand grabbed him and pulled him under the waves by his ankle, adrenaline running through his veins he was scared to open his eyes but faced his fears and did so. and there you were, the most beautiful thing anton had ever seen. mermaids were only but a myth weren’t they? then why was anton seeing one with his own eyes? you were gorgeous, the hair framing your face was just right and your wide eyes staring deep into his own. your features were perfect and the tail you sported was the prettiest color a human could even imagine.
you swam closer, holding his face and making observations. anton had never felt so nervous, more nervous than anytime he’d ever lied. were you going to eat him alive? sacrifice him for legs? drown him? this feeling in his stomach was a mix of worry and admiration.
grabbing him by the arms you pulled the both of you above the water, taking a deep breath anton found he was below the surface longer than he realized.
you gasped at him, he spoke!
“you!… speak!”
“yes” he let out an airy laugh “do you?”
you nodded your head enthusiastically, a large smile on your gorgeous surreal face. he found it cute and smiled along at your adorable behavior.
you grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him under, swimming along for a good few minutes before bringing him up again inside a small cave. he thanked his years of swimming that he was able to hold his breath for as long as you swam.
he found you to be more fluent in language than he would’ve ever believed and you found the same of him, that night you spent hours talking about life and all that it entailed. throughout the tireless hours you grew fond of him and made him promise to visit you in his sleepless nights, and that’s how anton spent most of his nights. in your arms in the warm cave you two call home.
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proseka-headcanons · 7 months
•Tsukasa has glow in the dark star stickers on his ceiling
•Rui got small electric shocks so many times that he doesn’t get phased by static shocks anymore
•Nene had a blanket that looks like a mermaid’s tail and wouldn’t be able to sleep without it as a kid
•Emu has ice cream for dinner whenever her brothers or father aren’t there
rui gets tazed and is like “hmmm. normal tuesday”
all of those are so real anon i love you
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theplottdump · 3 months
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And like the idle spinning of a well listened song, or the last drop of evening sunlight spilling over the horizon- as quickly as it had all began, it was over.
𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦.
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Sunny: It's not fair! You shouldn't have to go. Kāne: It's only til Spring- Sunny: But that's like a forever away, and stupid Tartosa is on the whole other side of the entire planet!
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Sunny: I've got it. You'll live here. I'll bring you snacks and you can borrow some blankets. Kāne: Hmm, It's a pretty good plan, but I think HANSEL would tattle, and then we'd all get in big trouble. Sunny: Well then what if I came with you?
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Kāne: I don't think you'd like it. It's like, every two years we go to this stupid boring summit, and 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 all the other kids won't stop making fun of me. Sunny: Why? Kāne: Cause I'm too small and weird. They always pull on my tail and tell me I smell funny.
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Sunny: They sound mean. Kāne: They're probably right. I am pretty small and weird. Sunny: And your breath 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴 smell like old clams.
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Kāne: 𝘏𝘦𝘺-! Sunny: But the thing I still don't get is why mermaids have to go up a big ol' mountain for their meetings. It just doesn't make any sense with the having no feet and all that. Kāne: What? Sunny: A Summit. Kāne: 𝘖𝘩 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵-
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Sunny: Besidesways, you can't go anyway. Your legs are far too little for mountaineering and we still haven't even come up with a good name for our ship. Kāne: 𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥. Sunny: Right. Yeah. 𝙈𝙮 𝙎𝙝𝙞𝙥.
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Kāne: We could call it the Revenge? That's pretty cool. Sunny: Yeah but what are we revenging? Kāne: The unfair ending of Summers.
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Sunny: What about the Peggy Leggy? Kāne: That's the dumbest name ever. Like of all time. Sunny: You're dumb. Kāne: You're 𝘥𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵. How about '𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙐𝙣𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚?' Sunny: We can't call my shipwreck The Unsinkable.
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Kāne: Why not? Sunny: Because it already sunk! Kāne: Well are we under water right now? Sunny: I guess not… Kāne: Because it's 𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦.
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Sunny: The Jolly Rancher. Kāne: Not legally distinct enough. Sunny: The Beached Turtle. Kāne: How do you beach a turtle? Sunny: The Salty Sea Frog. Kāne: You can't name a ship after yourself. It's bad luck. … Sunny: Y'know, maybe I actually won't miss you.
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kdramaxoxo · 5 months
Sorry if you've been asked this a million times, but who are your favorite couples from the last couple years?
Congratulations Anon! This ask is AMAZING and I've never been asked it before! Shocking right?? :P
My favorite K-Drama Couples 2023- Spring 2024
NOTE: I tried to include 2022 but my list got too long :)
Moving (Bong-Seok & Hee-Soo, Joo-Won & Hye-Won & Doo-Shik & Mi-Hyun): It's very obvious by this list how much I love this drama and how many blorbo-from-my-shows it created for me. And I know I'm only reviewing couples, but I was blown away by this drama. I don't even LIKE superhero shows, but I made an exception for this one and I'm so glad I did. If you like character development and plays on good vs. evil, I highly rec this! Bong-Seok and Hee-Soo are one of my favorite couples EVER and I loved the softness and epic romance of Joo-Won & Hye-Won. (And we all know that scene at the rainy window with Bong-Seok and Hee-Soo). These couples are really EVERYTHING.
Tale of the Nine Tailed: 1938 (Lee-rang & Yeo-Hee): This is the only time I've ever watched a season two and liked it better than season one. It's probably because it featured my favorite tragic half fox Lee Rang and gave him a love line with a mermaid. The two are SO sweet together---SOB!
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Tell me That You Love Me (Mo-Eun & Jin-Woo): Wow. Maybe one of the softest couples I've ever seen in existence. Just watching them together was like a warm blanket in front of a cozy fireplace. I didn't like the ending choice which is a shame, but the drama was super well done and I still think people should watch it. There is also a very cute high school couple too!
The Eighth Sense (Jae-Won & Ji Hyun): not to be dramatic (just kidding!) this is the best bl kdrama I've ever seen. Literally this is it! I don't even want to tell you about the couple because I want you to just watch it! I'm dying for the writer to make another one because we need more queer media like this one!
Crash Course In Romance (Haeng-Seon & Chi-Yeol): Give me a noona romance featuring a man who has not felt warmth in 1000 years (ok not literally but this dude needs to have a warm meal made by an amazing lady!) This drama fell apart at the end (this seems to be a theme this year) but the couple makes it worth watching.
King The Land (Gu-Won & Sa-Rang): If you're looking for a low stakes, totally fluffy, rom com with TONS of chemistry (featuring MY BIAS!), King the Land is for you. Amazing skinship, kisses and just like a really fun duo to watch. Plot? Not so much but there are a billion good moments-- just look at the tags: They are full of cuteness.
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Love After Divorce Season 4 (Benita & Jerome): Listen, I know I'm cheating by putting a reality tv show on this list but if you're in the mood for one, I highly recommend this season (it's on Netflix). Benita and Jerome will steal your heart and they are still together! I'm rooting for them. <3
See you in my 19th Life (Ji-Eum & Seo-Ha, Da-Hoon & Cho-Won): My bias Shin Hye Sun kills it in this drama featuring past life romance. Honestly it's not fair because this drama is totally my vibe so I'm obviously going to love the mains. But when a drama gives you more than one love line and they are both interesting and lovely?? Chef's Kiss!
Dr. Slump (Jeong-Woo & Ha-Neul): This drama TOTALLY fell apart at the end and left us all very disappointed, but that's not because our leads weren't a perfect couple! They bonded over mental illness and even took their meds together. Communication: check. Comfort/Healing: check. Chemistry: check!
The Story of Park's Marriage Contract (Yun-Woo & Tae-Ha). You probably don't know this but I've been following Bae In Hyuk's career since we was in silly little web dramas. Seeing him as a lead is really wild! To be fair, he's not nearly the actor that Lee Se Young is, but do we care about that when there's a time slip romance drama featuring a historical lady who's been thrown into the future and has to fake marry someone who looks just like her de*d husband for reasons??
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Thank you so much for this ask - it was super fun!! Maybe I should do 2022 next?? :D
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stat1cstarz · 1 year
A/N:Their is still no title,and I don’t wanna just call it the little mermaid, so this will be the title for now! And yes, you’re apart of the royal family
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A large shipped sailed over the briny depths, a wooden giant, carrying hundreds of men. The Captain, Gunther, and his companions. Bo, a skilled fisherman, famous for discovering countless of fish, even a close relative of the kraken. Even though it was probably untrue, he was the professional and many people believed it. The third, Bo’s little brother Lester, was a poor farmer, who lived on the outside of France. He had a wife and a few kids, and who merely survived on what few animals he had, as well as the vegetables and fruit his wife worked on that weren’t rotten.
Lester and Bo relied heavily upon Bo’s twin and Lester’s older brother, Vincent. A famous artist that owned a huge museum in Paris, and an estate on a nearby island. He was his brothers only source of income, when waters were frozen over with Crystal water, or the orange trees and chilled air stopped food from growing. The ship was littered with many other crew mates, ones that the heads didn’t care to remember, some even went hungry if they weren’t memorable. The ship had been sailing for a while, Bo was currently managing the net, Lester was cooking in the canteen, and Vincent was drinking with the captain in his study. A black sheet fell over the merfolk and the people on the top of the sea, encouraging everyone to eat dinner and go to bed. The anchor was dropped, and dug into the sand, coming close to a coral reef
You were exploring the same coral reef, you followed the ship for a while, the humans truly fascinated you, their way of life seemed so relaxing, not having to deal with huge squids and sharks. They got to walk on two.. fleshy sticks..legs? You wanted to be one of them, but you knew that if your family found out you went against their orders, you’d be exiled, you had to come up with a plan, but for now, you would only admire from afar. The anchor fell from the sky, almost crushing you, you had to swim out of the way as fast as possible, so you or your tail wouldn’t be crushed under its weight. The coral reef was pretty much destroyed, broken coral floating around, as the ship stilled for the night.You got an idea, a dumb one of course, but an idea nonetheless, you swam up to the surface, wanting to look at the ship. You swam up as fast as possible, your tail flapping behind you, as you reached the surface.
You couldn’t stay up there for long, knowing your gills wouldn’t allow it, so you stopped at a rock, allowing you easy access to the ocean, you laid yourself on it, watching the ship. Some of the men were still awake, probably drinking, while everyone else was in the sleeping quarters. Vincent however, was sat on the bow of the ship, a sketchbook and pencil firmly clasped in his strong hands, and his long legs dangled over the sides. His raven hair was in a tight braid that fell down his back, a small rope secured it, as he was drawing on the paper. He looked beautiful in the moonlight, the bright stars enhanced his dark red scaring.
“Vincent” a crewman yelled, holding a harpoon over his shoulder. The man walked closer to Vincent, and because of the harpoon, you went back into the ocean. The men both noticed the splashing water by the rocks, but believed it to just be a manatee or something. They decided that it was time to go to bed, and hurried to the sleeping quarters, while you were heading back to the castle, you were hoping that your dad wasn’t up, or your sisters. Once you were finally back, you took a moment to catch your breath, leaning against a pole in the castle. Once you weren’t tired, you headed up to your bedroom. The bedroom includes a giant shell as a bed, with a full set of bedding, and a lavender blanket, and matching pillows. There was also a vanity sat in the corner, and a nightstand next to your bed. You pulled your blanket and sheets back, and climbed under, and let your head fall upon the soft pillows.
You woke up pretty early, from your father standing at your door with a bell. “Wake up Y/N, breakfast is ready.” He said, ringing the silver bell. You woke up from the loud ringing, and sat up, stretching. “I’m up, and thank you for making breakfast” you told him, getting up to adjust your bed, and swimming past him. You met your sisters downstairs in the dining hall, who were already busy eating, seemed to be shrimp and octopus. You found your seat and followed suit, you weren’t really focused on breakfast, though. You were to entranced on the man you saw last night, how badly you wanted to play with his long hair, or use his pecs as a pillow. The sister next to you started snapping to get your attention. “Y/N, eat your food, the hunters worked really hard to get it”, S/1 told you, annoyed at you. “Ok, I apologize. I just saw a man last night, and I can’t stop thinking about him.” You replied, you were sure their were love hearts in your eyes, as you began to chew on a tentacle. “Who’s the lucky man?” S/2 replied, jokingly raising her eyebrows, as most of the sisters were cleaning up. “I don’t know his name, but he’s a human I think” you said dreamily, causing both of your sisters to choke on their food. “Girls, is everything alright over here?” Your father appeared from behind you, his hand resting on your sisters head. Once sister gave a thumbs up, while she was downing her drink. “Everything’s alright father, don’t worry” you said, feeling your heart drop.
���Alright, but please follow me to my chair, I need to talk to you.” He told you, as he swam to the throne room. You followed behind him, as he sat in his chair. You sat on the chair closest to him, so you could hear what he says. He loudly cleared his throat, before he began speaking. “Y/N, how’d you meet this human?” He asked you, his brows furrowed. “You heard?” You replied, anxious. “Of course I did, now answer the question” he told you. “I went to surface, and saw a ship.” You said, fidgeting with your fingers, as an angry expression tainted his face. “I told you that you were forbidden from going to the surface, and you still go. Do you not know how tiring that is?” He said angrily. “I’ll have Sebastian watch over you, to make sure you don’t go anywhere near that man or the surface again, do you understand?”, you nodded in agreement, as you saw Sebastian swim as fast as possible. He landed on your shoulder, noticing your fathers look. “I came as soon as I heard my name..oh” he knew what was going on, and wasn’t ready to deal with it, but he knew it was his job. “Sebastian, can you please watch over them, they’re a bit rambunctious.” Your father said, and Sebastian reluctantly agreed. “Alright your majesty, I got her in between my claws” he joked, a raspy laugh leaving his mouth. “Y/N, please follow me?” He asked you, and you agreed.
You followed him to your bedroom, where you both sat on your bed, with a golden brush in his big claw. He sat atop your head, brushing your locks, while he allowed you to speak. “Y/N, you mind telling me what was going on?” He asked you, detangling your hair. “I saw a very beautiful man, he had long hair” you said quietly, causing Sebastian to squeal “Who is he?” He asked, excitedly. “He’s a human” you said ashamed. “Oh child, why do you have to be so difficult, theirs plenty of merfolk desperate to marry you” he said, trying to be convincing. “But I don’t want them, I want him” you said. “You don’t even know his name child” he told you. “I’ll learn it than” you said, swimming off, causing him and the brush to fall off your head.
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luvhughes43 · 6 months
Stop you know how kids have a hyper fixation character, for example I loved all things Sesame Street and my niece loves bluey, what do we think miss leightons would be? 👀
she loves doc mcstuffins! she loves playing doctor and making the boys at the lake house be her patients. also bubble guppies !! she gets a mermaid tail blanket one summer and shes beyond obsessed with it
tbh i havent seen a lot of newer kids shows because i dont have a kid in my life but i assume she'd love bluey too! as a kid i was personally obsessed with thomas the train, dora, zoboomafoo... literally all the pbs shows
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
Finally brainstorming for the selkie!reaper au! You’re welcome! ~Bambi
*1am in the bay of a small seaside collage town*
Jack: *grumbling to himself as he parks the boat out by the nets and prepares to bring them in himself after dropping anchor* stupid fucking gerard getting pissed with the skipper leaving me to do all the work. *sighs and starts hooking up the net to the motored hook to do most of the heavy lifting for him, already contemplating if his uni degree and decision to leave the family farm was worth it*
*distant drunken cheering and music from the shore*
Jack: *glances back at the sea side town and makes out the shapes of the rest of the boats crew, all drunkenly stumbling about and having fun* assholes… *sighs and turns to flick on the motor to bring the nets in*
Jack: *spins around and looks at the ladder leading from the deck down into the water, normally used if for whatever reason a crew mate goes overboard* oh great better not be a fucking walrus again- *pauses upon immediately hearing the pained cries of a very sick baby* wh-what the fuck? *looks at the ladder to see what looks like a bundle of fur wrapped around a screaming infant boy* sh-shit shit shit- *immediately drops the nets and pulls off his gloves as he carefully hurries to the baby* hey lil guy where’d y-HOLY FUCK!!! *staggers back and lands flat on his ass upon seeing a grown man in the water, holding onto the ladder and pushing the bundle closer to Jack*
???: h-help, please, he’s sick I-I lost my herd… I lost my wife I-I don’t know how to look after him…
Jack: *groans as he sits up but quickly rises to his feet thinking it’s just a man whose probably ship wrecked and has been stuck at sea with his kid* herd? You mean family? How long you been out here bud- *picks up the baby carefully and nearly drops them upon pulling back the fur a little to see not legs, but a seal like tail* I?… what the-
???: they came after us, the water was red, I found my pup in our nest, I-I can only hunt I don’t know how to look after him. *suddenly pulls himself aboard showing his lower half to be that of what looks like a harbour seal only with fur around his waist, like he’s shed off half of a suit to reveal his human half* y-you help? Humans help injured things right?…
Jack: *standing there in utter disbelief, holding an infant mythical creature and staring at a grown mythical creature trying to calculate what’s reality and if he’s finally snapped from the pressure of his job school life balance* …I?… *suddenly looks down as the babies cries give way to coughing and fragile little baby seal honks* …what are you?…
???: we’re, selkies… mermaids y’know?… I thought humans still remembered us?… *suddenly grabs the fur at his waist and with a kick of his tail splits his lower half in two, before the fur suddenly unfurls revealing a very, human lower half* y-you can help right?… nice human?… *stands up and holds up the fur tucking it over the baby*
Jack: *trying to figure out where to look without being disrespectful and failing, finally settles on his face and notices the whiskers hiding amongst the man’s facial hair, the distinct freckles and spots on his shoulders and neck, and his dark, seal like eyes* …what’s your name?…
Gabe: *feeling hesitant to give his name knowing as a fae the power they hold* … *looks at how gently the human holds his pup and how comfortable he’s starting to look in his warmth* …I’m… Gabriel…
Jack: I’m Jack… whose this little guy?… *gently tucks the blanket around him a little more and rocks the baby making him calm down and cling onto him wanting to be warmer*
Gabe: *assessing the others nurturing nature, deciding he’s proven himself to be the makings of a suitable mate* …Cole.
Jack: okay… you- you go take him and sit down in the cabin, I’ll, be in in a minute to take you… home…
Gabe: home… *hugs his son close* we wait… *walks past jack and into the cabin as he’s told*
Jack: *staring so disrespectfully as he walks away, though noticing the dark fur leading down into webbed and clawed feet* … *walks over to the motored hook and cuts the net deciding to deal with the consequences later*
*a short boat ride and a frantic rush to Jacks flat later*
Jack: *pacing back and forth in his living room reading through article after article on babies with high fevers and fevers and illness in seals* maybe I should take you to the hospit- no I can’t do that-
Gabe: *holding his crying son trying to rock him gently but being a little too rough and only stirring him up* pl-please Cole I don’t know what you want- wh-what do you want?…
Jack: *glances up from his phone* hey hey- *walks over and takes the bundle from him holding the baby carefully* gentle, he’s much smaller than you you have to be caref- *pauses watching a pile of fur fall out of the selkies coat… the original bundle Cole was wrapped in* huh?…
Gabe: … *picks it up and feels his heart hurt* mi vida… mi corazon… my Martina…
Jack: that was…
Gabe: my wife’s coat… I came back from hunting and… it was all that was left of her… I found it just outside our nest… I’ve… been trying to take care of our pup on my own but- he won’t eat… and now he’s sick I-
Jack: your wife?… i- wait- eat… what have you been feeding him?…
Gabe: fish?… penguin? The stuff I eat…
Jack: … *hands Gabe back the baby and his coat before running to the fridge and pulling out a carton of goat milk before heating it up in the microwave for a few seconds and testing it on his fingers* this might work! *hurries over and pauses upon realising he has no clue how to feed the baby* … I’m gonna have to do this. Very. Very carefully… *walks back to the kitchen and returns with a spoon* I need you to hold him up right so I don’t spill it and hurt him okay?…
Gabe: *nods and shifts him a little*
Jack: *carefully pours some onto the spoon and holds it to the baby* come on… come on…
Cole: *sniffs a little and opens his mouth trying to suck for milk but manages to take it in with no problems*
Jack: h-haha, it worked.
Cole: *starts fussing again wanting more*
Jack: shhh okay okay hold on lil guy it’s gonna be slow but you’ll be much better after this. *pours a little more milk onto the spoon and keeps feeding him*
Gabe: *staring at him in awe, deciding he’ll be a suitable mate then and there to raise his pup with* he’s… he’s happy…
Jack: he’s still a bit flushed. I’ll get you two settled then go the pharmacy for some medicine that might help him… and a bottle and some proper formula… hopefully they’ll still be open. *smiles watching Cole rub his eyes, all tuckered out and full at last* I bet that feels better huh lil guy?…
Cole: *lets out a content lil honk*
Jack: here give him to me, I think you’re supposed to do this after babies eat.
Gabe: *does as he’s told and hands him the baby again, all the while watching intently*
Jack: *slides the fur coat down and gently pats the babies back until he burps* heh, seems it’s the same for seal human babies too.
Cole: *yawns and nuzzles into him* honk…
Jack: *carefully moves the coat back up and swaddles him in it as he hands him back to Gabe* …what exactly. Is that fur by the way?…
Gabe: it’s my coat. I put it on I become a seal, I take it off I can walk on land… I can’t go far without it or I’ll… get sick… that’s what the elders always told us at least. Stories about humans kidnapping selkies to marry them and stealing their coats so they can’t leave… but… you’re not cruel like their stories…
Jack: yeah I’d heard about those stories too but, I always assumed they were fake because well… I’ve never seen a selkie in person before but… *looks away shyly* y-you’re gonna have to wear more than a coat while you stay here! Some underpants at least!
Gabe: what are??? Underpants?
Jack: oh god…
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bodysnatcherrrr · 1 year
Lil Writing Drabble Challenge
(Plus a goose.)
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1. Coffee- At fifteen her Daddy had told her she made her coffee too strong. "You havta chew it to get it down." He had chided from his usual spot at the empty dining room table, peering into the kitchen at his only daughter fiddling with the Black and Decker. Carpet holding distance between them was stained with oil and dirt from years old work boots. Her bare feet cold on the ground. Standing on the mopped laminate flooring of her own kitchen now, she carefully measures the grounds. The brewed coffee weak and bitter.
2. Lose- After so long all that is gradually shifts into past tense. It's the little scraps of information you wish you could forget. The minute details that hang around in your head on good days, bad days and whatever is in between. A body is never meant to be that still in a family home. 'She looks like she's sleeping.' Sleep doesn't molt once sun kissed flesh violet and blue. You lose the sound of their voice saying your name. An ever spoken I love you trailing before or after. (Her laugh escaping her, her belting out her favorite Elton John song.) The taste of home made fried green tomatoes on a random Tuesday afternoon. I was a selfish kid and never asked to learn how you fed us so well.
3. Shimmer- 'You wanna play mermaids? My tail is shimmery and black. What about yours?' A new friend was made in the three feet of water. Imagined tails slicing through sun warmed water as still growing feet kicked to keep them afloat.
4. Liminal- In most aspects of life, a liminality is constantly hovering. A waiting ship to beam you straight to another galaxy, but as I sit here with reruns of The Golden Girls playing with you, I know there are certainties in life.
5. Unanimous- "You can't get cold, you have enough blubber." "Your brother's friends said you're easy." Unanimously a loner. Broken bones can be reset and mended.
6. Purple- Crimson and azure perfectly blend as the setting sun falls just below snow blanketed hills. I am comforted by the sound of cicadas chirping their nightly lullaby. All is calm and I am fine.
7. Retrograde- "Mercury is in the oven again." And it was Rachel's turn this time to roll her eyes at the text, fingers hovering over the screen while trying to find the perfect emoji to send back. Words useless when all can be blamed on the precise alignment of planets. A simple moon sent and promptly ignored.
8. Wound- I learned at the young age of seven that bleeding will get you whatever you want. The sharp crack of a wooden Louisville Slugger whipping back into my cheekbone, one good scream and a fountain of blood were all it took to garner concern and sympathy. A new translucent purse happily slung over my avian shoulder as I brandished a row of neatly placed stitches under a shining black eye.
9. Interim- In the mean time I'll fill my nights with fantastical ideals of a life that could have been. An in between of realities and make belief as I work my way through my third cup of coffee for the evening. Fingers only warmed by the hot porcelain.
10. Brush- Knitting and twining, snagging and catching. You had always found a way to pull at every single knot. The careful brush of your hand through my hair, the tight leash you kept fixed around my neck, your hands were not meant to ever hold something so delicate.
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asexual-spongebob · 8 months
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The waves that lap the shore - Chapter 17 - Grape Soda
Chapter 17: Grape Soda.
FUCK YEAH BIANCA (I miss her so much- I wish see was a octo agent in canon :( ) I also made a playlist for this AU! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6LzHqeBTlYwPqhpFCVoua9 I made this fluffy intentionally. Cuz uh- next chapter will probably be angsty whoo
Chapter Text
Peso and Shellington awoke from their nice, long slumber. Shellington stretched his legs out and Peso was still snoozing, Shellington gently nudged him, Peso let out a grunt. 
They got dressed and went down to the kitchen “last night was crazy. Wasn’t it?” Tweak said, trying to start a conversation “oh yeah definitely-“ Peso responded, putting some strawberry jam on its kelp cake. 
“Yeah. I’m just glad Kwazii is okay-“Shellington agreed with a sigh of relief.  “Same here. That whole situation was somethin’” Tweak remarked, nibbling on her carrot. 
“Where is Kwazii anyway?” Shellington mumbled, sipping his hot cocoa that had a little to much whipped cream in it “it said it was gonna be goin’ somewhere with Paani I think?” Tweak recalled, her memory slightly fuzzy. 
Meanwhile Kwazii had woken up at eight thirty am. It  went for a swim around the marina, it was going to go get a bite to eat with Paani. 
Kwazii lurked below the surface underneath the dock, he felt an emotion he almost never felt fear. 
He could hear someone someone walking above him, “oh shit” Kwazii whispered to themself.
“Hello H2O!”, Kwazii let out a sigh of relief, it was just Paani. 
“Boo!” Kwazii mrrped as launched out of the water in typical mako shark fashion, Paani flinched 
“Kwazii! You scared me!” Paani frowned  “sorry matey!” Kwazii apologized, Paani handed Kwazii a towel “thanks… but I don’t need that… at least not now…” Kwazii said.
Please No Tail. 
Kwazii’s shark tail disappeared, they used their powers to dry themself off “alrighty, let’s go!” Kwazii guided, Paani taking his paw as they walked to the cafe together.
“So what are you gonna order?” Paani asked out of curiosity “pancakes.” Kwazii giggled, looking forward to some chocolate chip pancakes drenched in syrup and strawberries.
Pearl made herself some tea, Periwinkle was asleep in his room. She picked up her phone and dialed Bianca’s number. 
“So you know how I told you about my brother told me he was a fish?” Pearl recalled, sipping her tea dramatically afterwards.
“Yeah” Bianca replied “Well… he wasn’t kidding when he said he was fish… when I saw him he had a fish tail and everything. Oh and apparently his boyfriend Peso and his friend Kwazii are fish now to?” Pearl added.
“Shellington confessed to Peso?” Bianca gasped, not even questioning the fish thing. “Yeah. They’ve been together for bit. Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner- it’s just we don’t talk much” Pearl frowned “it’s fine I get it” Bianca assured. “Hopefully we can see each other more when I become a Octoagent” Bianca smiled “same” Pearl smiled back. 
“Oh and apparently Kwazii brunt some of Mako Island?” Pearl questioned “Mako Island?! You mean that place in Australia where paranormal things happen? I’ve seen so many documentaries about that place!” Bianca recalled “yeah well he says that Peso and Kwazii became mermaids there..” Pearl was cut off by Periwinkle running out of his room.
“Hey mom!” Periwinkle said, dragging his blanket on the floor “good morning!” Pearl smiled.
Pearl and Periwinkle went the beach. Periwinkle carried his shovel and pal, Shellington was laying on a beach towel with Peso, who was sleeping while basking in the sun “Uncle Shellington! Uncle Peso!” Periwinkle cheered, running up to Shellington and Peso, Shellington hugged the otter pup in his paws.
“Hi Peri!” Shellington smiled, scratching Periwinkle’s little tuft of hair, Periwinkle let out a giggle. Periwinkle reminded Shellington of when he was a wee little lad. 
“What are you doing?” Periwinkle asked “oh me and Peso are just chillin” Shellington answered, as he glanced over to the distance where Dashi was surfing and Tweak was admiring from afar.
Periwinkle and Pearl sat beside Shellington and Peso. Periwinkle looked up at Shellington starry eyed as Shellington infodumped on sea creatures. 
“Ahoy Mateys!” Kwazii greeted, Paani behind him “hi Kwazii!” Pearl and Shellington greeted back, Periwinkle waved shyly. 
“Where did you guys go?” Peso questioned “to a restaurant!” Paani smiled “oh yeah and I spent all the rest of the money in me bank account but we ball!” Kwazii giggled “WHAT-“ Paani gasped “you seriously did that?!” They added “mhm” Kwazii hummed, nodding his head, Paani proceeded to face palm “you didn’t have to do that!” He insisted. 
“No, I had to” Kwazii said “damn Kwaz…” Paani sighed “Anyway how about we go for a swim eh?” Kwazii suggested “yeah!” Pearl agreed, Shellington, Peso and Kwazii rushed to the waves, disappearing into them. 
Paani, Pearl and Periwinkle followed them. 
Peso and Shellington were dancing together, Peri watched “mom what are they doing?” Peri asked “oh they’re just dancing” Pearl answered with a smile on her face, Kwazii and Paani were surfing.
Surprisingly Dashi was able to teach Kwazii how to surf. Paani had taken off their jacket, it was getting a bit too hot for him.
It was about thirty minutes later, they got hungry and stopped for a picnic. Shellington placed the blanket on the sand, wrapped up in his towel. He looked like a pathetic ass cat that had been thrown in a bath tub.
Shellington ate his clam sandwich, Peso ate his kelp cakes, Kwazii shared grape soda with Paani and Pearl and Peri shared a cheese sandwich.
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doorrobloxstuff · 2 years
Talking about fan entities and why you don’t see em in canon. (Depth, Silence + Greed.)
Yay headcanons time- oh shit they dead.
- Femby like Sally! It’s how Sally/Window found out it was a femby when Ambush told sally about Depth!
- In deep love with Greed. Close friends with silence, Rush and Hide.
- Ambush’s sister/sibling. Ambush was devastated when it was killed.
- used to kill humans for food before a bunch of frogs got into one of its pools Laid eggs and had many froglings which it ate/bred.
- Its fiancé greed still killed a lot. So it ate that too.
- didn't like killing people like at all. Silence knew about this, Greed didn’t.
- ACTUALLY MADE DRUGS..IN THE BASEMENT.. from a book it stole from figure. Rush/Ambush only found out when they discovered it’s setup in the basement.
- It was a concrete brick to the head for both and a secret they’ll both take to the g r a v e.
- Has a mermaid-like tail which it loved to swish around, Greed loved to tug on it.
- Loved to swim a lot, like an unhealthy amount.
- Unfortunately after its death its sorta put on a pedestal? Entities really try their best to keep light of its memory but a lot of the time they forget its personality as a whole.
- The other entites memories of them are quite fuzzy. Some even question if it existed at all..
- Hide was traumatized when it died.
- Not much to say about this guy lol just a shy entity who loved to paint.
- Disappeared shortly after the two others.
- The memories of it aren't as fuzzy/Hazy.
- Friends with Jack/Shadow.
- Disliked Greed but didn't really say anything about it.
- Was conceptum and loved the color purple!
- entities swear that the paintings of it still look at them, but they really are just paintings right..?
- Incredibly well..greedy.
- Loved to hoard gold/knobs and would threaten any tresspasser who had too much of them.
- Likes stuff in excess in general.
- A bit of a bully as a kid.
- Hide once beat the ever loving shit out of it as a for making Eyes cry. Jeff had to get involved to prevent it from killing Greed.
- secretly loved knitting and made a blanket for Depth. Ambush still has that blanket though it looks worn and faded.
- Depths partner.
- Blind.
- Died of heartbreak shortly after depth was killed.
- Rush found it lying dead on its bed, parts of it already fading away.
- Its hand felt cold when Rush touched it.
general headcanons?:
- Hide was traumatized after depth died. It didn't even really ask what happened to Greed to spare its own mind.
- The paintings of them are still there in the hotel :(
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defranklin4113 · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Mermaid Tail Blanket.
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poshpugsblog · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NWT Authentic Kids Unicorn Faux Fur Snuggle Mermaid Tail Blanket / Sleeping Bag.
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bubypou · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Blankie Tails Fleece Wearable Mermaid Blanket Kids.
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yarnwanderer · 2 years
Mina's Mermaid Tail Blanket
This was a fun project. I used this Ravelry Pattern, but altered the main part to try and make it look more like fish scales...because mermaids, right? Eliza modeled it for me (^_^). She didn't seem to mind. And in the end Mina didn't really care for wearing it. lolol. But I mean, I guess I make these half for the parents as I do for the kids...
The yarn worked out well because it was kinda shiny (like a a fish), and I liked the color changing.
Yarn: Lion Brand Ice Cream Roving Color: Cotton Candy Weight: Medium
Ravelry Pattern: Mermaid Tail Blanket (used, but changed pattern for fish scales) - I think I used a version of this for the scales, but made it less lacey
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