#kids these days (people my age and older) type in hieroglyphs
abimee · 1 year
this is so specific but something that drives me mad is when i go onto someones tumblr and they have a list of their fandoms/media theyre interested in, and me being behind the times i do not know 90% of them and therefore i wanna google them to see what theyre cooking up, and i get bombarded by an endless list of acronyms alongside fully written out video game names and i am expected to just know that the acronyms are
and i dont, so i try googling it, but when your video games acronym is like, TWD, AWG, TROK, AHE, TWS, all google spits back at me is niche computer stuff and random fields of work i never knew existed, and im left shaking my screen going ''WHAT DOES THIS MEAN''
and i think with certain games you can get away with this, you cant really google ''ff14'' and not have the mmo pop up because theres nothing else that cna really have a letter and number acronym and its so goddamn massive that im still seeing people reblog the ardbert x genwol nipple pic unaware theyre reblogging a dude who was once that other dude before being split off into two distinct dudes so one can be used for plot, but when people watch stuff like ''sugar saga epic soundstage'' and shorten it to ''SSES'' i sure as hell will get some random company called Sonic systems Entertainment Superior based out of Idaho that produces household stereo systems and no amount of ''SSES MANGA'' ''SSES GAME'' will help me because here comes some random other bullshit website with this acronym that sells manga and games
and i guess its because theyre so engaged in these fandoms that they dont know that a random passerby will have no clue what the hell theyre talking about, i know this intimately as someone who says things like ''we need a non-raider for prog group for e12s and were stuck on basic relatively'' fully knowing that most of my followers will have no conceptual clue what an e12s is or why im bringing up einstens theory. but i think if youre making a carrd and decide to list your interests no matter how deep into pit you are of it to do a courtesy and type out the name for the random gacha game play. for nosy people like me. cause i wanna know
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stark-tony · 4 years
underrated irondad and spiderson fic recs part 1
Men's Synch 3m Platform by loudestfandomsoftheworld
summary: or 5 times Peter Parker goes dumpster diving, and one time he does something else... " “You took my nephew dumpster diving?” Ben asked incredulously.
 His wife stood tall with a toddler strapped to her chest, tugging at one end of a couch with all her might. “I did not,” 
“Twash!” Peter yelled."
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
do you even remember what the world looks like? by iron_spider
summary: Tony’s heart has been working on overdrive since this whole thing started. Friday has a countdown clock plastered on the heads up display, but it feels like hieroglyphics to him at this point, like some ancient language he could never master.
Because when Peter Parker is missing, things start losing their meaning real quick.
“Should be around here,” Rhodey says on the com. May is still on the other line, listening in, because once a certain amount of time goes by without word from Peter, things move into Extremely Worried Aunt territory. They’re already in Tony Is Panicking territory, and when both of those territories overlap it’s never a good time for anybody.
Time? What the hell is time? His mind is blanking numbers out entirely. Minutes are seconds are hours are years.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Empty Casket by Jen27ny
summary: After the Vulture, Tony should have known better.
He should have listened to Peter.
But he didn’t.
And now, Peter is dead.
pairings: none
tags: angst
warnings: none
Patient #2252 by TheSoulOfAStrawberry
summary:  When a warehouse comes down on Spider-Man’s head and leaves him with a brain injury, Queens social worker Bianca Browne and Dr Grace Li of NY-Presbytarian Hospital find themselves racing the NYPD to uncover Spidey’s identity and get him help before he can be charged with a litany of crimes.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: police brutality
That's why they call me mr. fahrenheit by SparrowFlight246
summary: Peter’s on fire.
He wakes up fast, and before he even gets the chance to feel the pain, the aches, the dizziness, he feels the heat. It’s all encompassing, a raging inferno blooming from within him and burning him up from the inside out, and god, it—
—god, it hurts.
Peter gets whammied by a 24-hour superbug, and Tony’s left to keep him alive until tomorrow morning.
It sounds a hell of a lot easier than it ends up being.
pairings: none
tags: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
not like megatron by iron_spider
summary: “Hi! This is Peter Parker, I can’t get to the phone right now, so leave a message and I’ll call you back later! Hopefully not too much later, but don’t get your hopes up!”
Tony knows that message by heart. He’s heard it hundreds of times, in a greyer world, and it sends shivers down his spine as he climbs into the car.
He doesn’t think about that place. That half-world. No way, that’s done, that’s over, that’s history.“Hey, kid, don’t you know it’s bad etiquette to go and disappear on your birthday? Not allowed, really, really bad vibes from the universe. What’s going on with your suit? I wasn’t watching. Nope. Just got an alert. What’s going on? Uh, call me back.” He clears his throat and hangs up like a moron, driving out into the street.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff
warnings: none
Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater by frostysunflowers
summary:  ''Dying.''
''You’re not dying.''
''Totally am.'
'''God, I hope not, otherwise May will skin me alive.''
A weekend visit to the cabin doesn't go according to plan.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, humor
warnings: none
an irondad's misguided approach to homesickness by livingtheobsessedlife
summary: Peter mentions it once. Once. That he’s maybe kinda sorta vaguely somewhat homesick. MIT is no Queens, that’s all really. All in all, Pete’s having a great time at college. Really, truly.
The thing is that Tony’s never really taken the whole ‘only mentioning it once’ thing all that well. Not when it comes to Peter at least.
This time is no exception.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
you held your pride like you should have held me by searchingforstars
summary: “I had to take the risk!” Peter snaps. “I saved your life.”
Tony’s stare hardens. “Yeah, and nearly ended your goddamn own. This isn’t a trade-off. It wasn’t your call to make.”
“You would have done the same thing to protect me,” Peter points out. Tony just seethes at the statement.
“I don’t care about what you think I would have done. You are not me. And I don’t know who you think I am, but I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself."
or, as the timer ticked down, Peter knew his only option was to take things into his own hands. He just didn’t expect Tony to be mad at him for saving his life.
pairings: none
tags: angst, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
always on duty by parkrstark
summary:  Peter manages to convince Tony to take him to a gala, but when Tony is hurt, he realizes that it's just as dangerous to be Tony Stark as it is to be Iron Man. 
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, humor
warnings: none
Out of Left Field by blondsak, seekrest
summary: Even if Tony didn’t end up becoming a big fan of the Mets, Peter knew they’d still have a great time at the game. And the fact that Tony wanted to go with Peter badly enough to make it clear that he should buy a pair of tickets as a birthday gift?
Peter shakes his head fondly.
Maybe for once the month of May was going to work out for him after all.
pairings: spideychelle
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
three weeks, two days, seven hours by crowkag
summary: It was a mess. A real mess. Peter had been gone for three weeks, two days, and seven hours, taken right out from under their noses.
And Tony was laying on the floor.
(AKA “you’ll always get there first”, but from Tony’s POV.)
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff
for as long as i live and as long as i love (i will never not think about you) by searchingforstars
summary: When Tony first started to forget things, Peter thought maybe it was just age. People’s memories fade as they get older, right? Minds get weaker. It’s just natural.
But Tony has arguably the sharpest mind of the 21st century. Peter should have realised that it was never going to be just getting weaker. It was never going to be just age.
No - not when the sharpest mind of the 21st century also happened to come into contact with the deadliest amount of gamma radiation known to man five years ago.
or, Tony’s sacrifice is still haunting them five years later. Peter has to come to terms with the fact that Tony’s memory is fading.
pairings: none
tags: angst
warnings: none
a dream is a wish by floweryfran
summary: Tony seems to panic for a moment, shifting his weight foot to foot, before spitting out in one mouthful, “I have a business trip in Florida right before your spring break and I talked to May and she says I can bring you to Disney for the week once it’s done ahhh.” He then breathes, grins plastically, and holds his hands out, like, I’m Tony Stark, hold your applause.
Peter runs the words through his head no less than three times to make sure he had understood them properly. “Disney—you and me—spring break?” he repeats.
Tony nods, hair flopping. “I mean, like, don’t feel obligated to say yes, but I thought it would be fun since May says you’ve never gone and she would’ve been working for your whole break anyway, y’know, at least this way we won’t be worrying about you sitting home alone for hours doing G-d only knows what—building accidental robot armies or something, or, worse, becoming a couch potato and forgetting every bit of knowledge I’ve ever carefully placed in that rat trap you call a brain—”
“Tony,” Peter says, waving his hands to shut Tony up. Something warm sits in the core of his chest, hovering. “Yeah,” he says. “Yeah, yeah, for sure, let’s—Disney. Let’s go. Wow.”
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
Of birthday cake and millennium falcons by frostysunflowers
summary: "You still haven’t answered my question," MJ says, taking another sip of her juice.
 "Isn’t it obvious?" Tony replies, scratching at one of the scars on his neck with the end of a screwdriver. "It’s Ben’s birthday."
"And Ben’s birthday warrants a…" MJ waves a hand vaguely, "what the hell is that thing anyway?"
Tony has no self control when it comes to birthday parties and his grandson.
pairings: spideychelle
tags: fluff
warnings: none
what i have, i give to you by aatticsaltt
summary:  Tony would give everything to Peter Parker, if he asked for it. When May calls telling Tony she thinks Peter isn't feeling well, he drops everything to go check up on his favorite spider kid.
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Smile! by aatticsaltt
summary:  Taking Peter to Disney World was one of Tony's better ideas.
pairings: pepperony
tags: fluff
warnings: none
and when it's hard, i'll place your head into my hands by hopeless_hope
summary: “Tony,” Pepper sing-songs to get his attention. “Your mother hen is showing.”
“What?” he snaps indignantly. “I am not a mother hen. This is just... concern. Of the average kind. Perfectly normal.”
“Of course,” Pepper humors him, and he shoots her a dirty look as he types out a quick text to Peter.
It's been five days since Tony's heard from Peter, who's away at college, and Tony is not coping well. (Neither is Peter.)
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff
warnings: none
Of Wally-Crawly Harnesses and Over-Enthusiastic Hat-Bestowing Capabilities by TheOceanIsMyInkwell
summary: Tony raises a brow at him in triumph, then sniffs and rubs the side of his nose. “Besides, think of it this way. Now you got a bullet-proof neck.”
“Nobody would even shoot a sad-looking orphan bundled like a spring roll in Red Heart yarn,” Peter points out. “That’s just low.”
“Excuse me, young buck, I resent the implication that I would let Red Heart come within an inch of your skin.”
“You’re insufferable,” Peter says flatly. “I hate you.”
“And just for that, I think this calls for those wool socks I was working on,” Tony says brightly.
“No--no, wait--”
“It’s time to learn that your consequences have actions, Parker--”
“Wait, wait, I love your knitting, I think it’s super healthy and fulfilling and honestly the best thing that’s ever happened to you since you retired!” Peter hollers at the man’s figure as it retreats quickly down the hallway. -- After Peter faints into hibernation because he can't thermoregulate, Tony isn't taking anymore chances. Out come the wool skeins and the knitting needles.
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
how do you sandwich!? by killerqueenwrites
summary: “Why are you buttering toast before you toast it?
”“I’m not toasting this.”
“Then what are you doing?” Peter demands.
“I’m making a sandwich.”
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
What I Can't Live Without by aatticsaltt
summary: Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Heavy lies the heart of the father who has to watch his son bow beneath the weight of the world.
or: When Peter calls Happy needing a ride out of the Netherlands, it's Tony who comes to the rescue.
pairings: none
tags: angst
warnings: none
Tales from Quarantine by just_a_hungry_author
summary: Peter, Morgan, and Tony are all stuck inside during the Coronavirus quarantine. Morgan learns to play Monopoly, Tony struggles to help with 1st grade math, and a prank war ensues.
God, this is the longest two weeks ever.
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
if we have each other by ftmpeter
summary: "Do you ever just, like, feel like you’re upside down?"
"You are upside down, Pete."
"Sounds fake."
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
What Happens in the Blanket Fort Stays in the Blanket Fort by TheOceanIsMyInkwell
summary: “Well, I was gonna discuss with May some legal particulars about changes to my will that involve you,” Tony drawls, “but looks like I’ll just have to change my plans.”
There’s a beat. And then a yodel: “I’m just a poor boy, I need--”
“If not for this goddamn quarantine, I’d be there in a flash to shut you up myself, Spidey-Tighties.”
“You made these ‘tights’.”
“Mr. Stark.”
“Mr. Stark. I’m begging you. What does that even mean.” -- Tony comes over to keep Peter company during the quarantine while the kid waits for May to come home from work at the hospital. Bants are had. Feelings are spilled. And maybe, just maybe, a hug or two is shared.
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
On his Shoulders by snarkymuch
summary: “Please, please,” Tony begged, “Keep breathing, kid. Don’t do this to me. You can’t leave me like this.” The morning started like any other for Tony. He kissed Pepper good morning and sipped his coffee. He scanned his emails and chatted with Pepper about the vacation they were always planning but never took. The calm should have been a warning, as the storm always followed.
Peter and Tony get trapped in a building collapse and Peter is gravely injured.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
coronapocalypse by peterstank
summary:  “This whole quarantine thing shouldn’t even apply to me.”
“Uh, I beg to differ, it’s very serious,” replies Tony’s voice, slightly muffled like he’s got his phone pressed between his shoulder and chin. “We’re all on lockdown, which means no leaving your place unless it’s for emergencies.”
“And what qualifies as an emergency?”
There’s a pause.
“Why do I get the feeling you’re not in your apartment?”
pairings: none
tags: fluff, humor
warnings: none
Little White Lies by snarkymuch
summary:  Peter gets injured and tries to treat it himself, hiding it from Tony, but he can't keep it hidden forever.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Peter Parker and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Semester by just_a_hungry_author
summary: "So tell me, Kid." Tony said, patting the space next to him. "What's been going on?"
"Nothing's been going on." Peter denied, but he sat down anyway.
"Pete, don't bottle your emotions up. Only I'm allowed to do that."
When Peter again didn't smile at his joke, Tony continued. "I know you're stressed, Bud. But tell me why so I can help you."
"It's nothing you can help." Peter mumbled.
"Can I at least try?"
"I've just been having a bad week."
OR: Peter’s been having a rough time at college, Tony tries to jump in and help. 3000 words of pure fluff.
pairings: none
tags: fluff
warnings: none
Windy Webs by silentsaebyeok
summary:  And that was it. He was officially an idiot. Peter didn’t mean to be dramatic, but this was one of the most embarrassing things to ever happen to him, even if there was no one around to witness the fall of the century. -- Peter goes web-slinging in dangerous weather and gets seriously injured. It doesn't help that he has to spend the whole summer living with the consequences.
pairings: none
tags: hurt/comfort
warnings: none
Peter gets the chickenpox by snarkymuch
summary:  Peter and Morgan both catch the chickenpox. Morgan's case is mild, but Peter's is severe. Tony takes care of them both.
pairings:  none
tags: hurt/comfort, fluff
warnings: none
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His Lotus Flower 𑁍
An archeologist accidentally awakens the mummy of Egypt's famous unnamed Pharaoh. Soon she finds the reason why.
Chapter 1 
The sound of your voice is sweet Full like the taste of date wine And I, drunken girl in a tangle of flowers Live only as a captive to hear it. -AN EGYPTIAN LOVE POEM, C.1300 B.C.
“Hello?” the young woman yawns as she stretches herself out of bed. 
“Mana! Where are you? For crying out loud! Your flight leaves in an hour!” her boss demands from the other side of the line.
Practically leaping towards the bathroom, the young woman shrieks, “Oh no!”
Hanging up and swearing at her alarm clock, the young woman manages to get ready in under five minutes and scrambles towards the airport, her luggage rolling behind her. 
As she tells the cab that she’s heading to the airport, she cannot help but chuckle to herself on why she was running late. She did not want to wake up as she was once again dreaming of the beautiful place, filled with soft sand, a long and big gorgeous turquoise pastel river, and sweet flower scents from the garden. Then she felt the arms of someone hugging her, making her feel valued, loved, and… safe. 
No matter how many times she tried, she could never see his face. This man, who held her with such grace and love, presented a dark shadow face. 
Never allowing her to see who she dreamt about. 
However, he wasn’t the only one. There were more people she dreamt of that she never got the chance to see their faces. It was as if the only people she ever dreams of only had silhouette faces. 
The woman smiled as she leaned her head on the cab’s window and looked at the passing buildings. Ever since she was young she dreamt of sandy lands, hiding inside of a giant vase, and being held so high before being placed on the shoulders of someone who her heart knew she felt an immense amount of love towards. 
Before she could continue to daydream more the driver announced that they had arrived. Thanking the driver after a nice tip, Mana turned around and glanced at Domino city one last time before stepping into the airport. 
Something in her heart practically screamed at her that things were about to change, but as always, she continued forward bravely. 
Mana whined as she stretched her arms and legs like a cat awakened from a long slumber. However, she wasn’t in slumber. She had been brushing all day the pyramid’s floor tiles. She slowly turned her head towards the legendary royal garden, which is just a few strides away. Though the garden was nothing but sand and rocks now, even under the red sun of late July Mana admires what's left of the garden. 
Mana’s gaze slowly moves towards the desk and her lips form into a soft grin. There, sitting so proudly on the wooden desk are the newly discovered relief pieces of artwork of the nameless Pharaoh and Dark Magician Girl. Mana smiles at the process she has done since the morning. 
After arriving in Egypt for her summer project to investigate the newly found palace, Mana was taken towards the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir, where she was escorted to their mummy preserves. There, she was permitted to see the famous nameless Pharaoh’s tomb. She recalled almost crying at such sight as if she was destined to always meet it. With the archaeologists and scientists at her side, she was allowed to touch it gently and she recalled feeling an aurora surrounding her at the moment. A spark, a ignite of fire, a beautiful deja vu. It’s as if she- she was meant to do that. Only she was meant to touch this Pharaoh’s tomb. 
Soon after that, she was taken to the newly discovered lost palace of the nameless Pharaoh. It had taken nine years to uncover the palace but it was a groundbreaking discovery. A palace everyone had given up as lost forever within the sand’s time. 
She remembered gasping when she stepped within the palace’s crumbling walls. It was breathtaking for her. The long hallways filled with endless secret paintings and hieroglyphics. Countless broken vases made her heart swell in pain and the shattered pillars almost made her cry. It was such a beautiful palace and from what Mana could tell, the people who lived within these walls were happy.  
It brought her joy knowing that long long ago, not only was this a palace, but also a sanctuary filled with beauty, honor, and peace. They must've been so happy here, Mana muses, thinking absently of the Pharaoh and his servants. Though she wishes he lived a long happy life, she knows, after years of research, that the Pharaoh sadly departed too soon from this world.
“Need help, Mana?” 
Mana stands up from the floor and smiles. 
“It’s alright Mr. Muto. Thank you though!”
Archaeologist Solomon Muto chuckles at Mana’s bright personality. “As much as I love your enthusiasm Mana, don’t you need to head back to your hotel? We’re the only ones left in this palace.”
“Thank you for your concern, Mr. Muto,” Mana begins. “But I want to finish something so if it’s no bother, I’ll stay for a bit more.” Mr. Muto shoots her a worried look which makes her smile widely. “Nothing to worry about Mr. Muto, I’ll be okay. The sun is still up, is it not?”
Solomon thinks for a moment before nodding slowly. “Alright, then Mana. Please be careful and just know that security is a walkie-talkie away or outside these palace walls.” Mana nods. 
Solomon bids her farewell but before he can completely disappear from her sight he turns around. “Oh, Mana!” Mana immediately jogs towards him. “Yes?”
Solomon snaps his fingers as if he just recalled something. “I almost forgot. The CEO, who is also our sponsor, is coming over in a while to see the progress our team has been doing. He’ll be picking up some documents on the table stand over there. If you want I can stay and-”
Mana shook her head. “No, Mr. Muto. You need to rest. Besides, isn’t your grandson expecting a call from you soon?” Solomon gives her a look to which Mana grins at. 
“Fine then. Take care, Mana.” Solomon laughs softly before he waves at her and leaves. Mana smiles in triumph as she watches the old man go. He needed the rest, Mana thought as she turned back to her work. 
Half an hour passes and as she hums expecting some scrolls she tilts her head and groans at the dull pain in her neck. She lifts her head and she catches a glimpse of a shadow in the distance, within the crumbled walls of the palace’s hallway.
Mana pauses and hesitates. Though she wishes for this person to scram off and to not be stepping all over her team’s survey marks she remembers what Mr. Muto told her. Realizing the CEO had arrived, Mana takes her eyes off the scroll and takes off her gloves before heading over to the figure. 
Mana skips cheerfully towards him, excited to know who her team expedition sponsor is. Getting closer to him the man turns gently towards her. A soft gasp escapes from her lips as she stops. 
It was a young man, who looked around her age or a little older than she was. His skin was quite pale as if he had been hidden away from the sun for too long. 
He was wearing black pants, a dark midnight blue vest, a leather choker with metal pieces, golden armbands around his muscular arms, and black leather shoes. 
His hair was the most peculiar type of hair Mana had ever seen. It took every strength of her own to not touch it. It consisted of three different colors, with most of his hair spiked up. Most of it was black, except the edges, which were tainted with magenta. Though some of his golden locks spiked up with the rest of his hair, golden locks fell to each side of his face, like lighting bolts
However, the reason why Mana gasped was because of his eyes. Beautiful, crimson eyes that shined like red rubies. Oh, how she just wanted to stare at them forever. Though he had an intimidating gaze, he was also so handsome. His stance which showed his full of confidence only enhanced that idea. 
He was utterly divine.
“Oh, you must be the CEO!” Mana cheerfully says clearing her throat as she breaks away from her train of thoughts.
The stranger stares back at her, unabashed. 
“This palace… based on the limestones, was from 3000 B.C, no?”
“Yeah!” Mana tries to recover her foolish staring at him. She wipes the beads of sweat off her forehead and replies, “You’re the first who guesses correctly. We've had many people answer incorrectly as they get lost at calculating how old the palace is.” 
He smiles softly. Mana’s heart swells up. 
“You work here I assume?”
A sheepish smile paints Mana’s face, “Yup, if my clothes don’t give it away. Hehe.” Mana gestures at the sweat-soaked tee and loose blue jeans covered in dust and mud.
The stranger doesn't respond but Mana sees in his eyes a spark of joy and fondness. He gestures around them, “Is researching ancient Egypt a passion of yours? Or is it some kind of dull research project?”
Mana’s eyes lit up as she replied, “Oh yes! Researching ancient Egypt is my passion ever since I can recall.” She paces around and eyes the structures with fondness, “My orphanage took me and the kids to some local museum, and that month the museum was displaying ancient Egyptian finds. Imagine the horror adults felt when four-year-old me could understand the hieroglyphics on the displays.”
The stranger looks at Mana carefully. His eyes filled with amusement. 
Mana’s eyes widen as she does a double-take and bows, “Oh I am super sorry! So sorry, my name is Mana.”
She stands straight again and extends out her hand, “What’s your name?”
The stranger takes her hand and looks deep into her eyes, making her freak out internally. 
“Yami, Yami Yugi.”
“Yami. Yami.” Mana pronounces his name, liking how it sounded.
You can continue reading this story on either my Fanfiction.net account or Wattpad account. 
My FF.Net is forbidden-priestess 
My Wattpad is @Forbidden_Priestess
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bugaboowritings · 5 years
Tikki spits at fine art 
This could connect to my Past!Ladybugs AU, but it fits better in what I think could happen in canon if Tikki were to talk about the past ladybug holders and their hidden history. (It builds up slowly and it’s long so enjoy)
May write a second part ....
Marinette stacked the last of her books on her shelves. Knowing very well that they wouldn’t be touched until the start of the new school year. Being dust collectors until she needed a last-minute review on the past semester.
“Can’t believe that school ended. Too fast if you ask me.” Marinette reflected. Throwing her head back to look at her red and black spotted kwami while she tucked the last bit of her commissions in a cardboard box.
“All good things must come to an end. Whether we try to stop them or not.” Tikki nibbled on her cookie. Quickly stuffing her mouth with more baked goods before Marinette could question her tone.
With her room now cleaned, Marinette could finally breathe without her anxious ideas creeping on her neck. Her room decluttered from the mess (burden) of schoolwork and commissions deadlines. Her schedule that once hung with sticky notes and reminders now was wiped off and nearly empty.
Of course, it still had some events here and here scattered around. Like Adrien’s rumored trip out of the country and a party that was planned before the summer break was near.
Her classmates were relaxing with their family as Marinette took the silent in her home with a grain of salt. Knowing that it could easily be revoked with a blink of an eye.
On cue, she heard her father call her down to the bakery. Marinette swiftly threw her purse around her shoulders for Tikki to join her.
Tourists were already flooding in great numbers. Whether in groups or with translators, they all enjoyed the idea of having a fresh-baked pastry for breakfast. So orders enter the counter quicker and buns were already baking in the oven for the next dozen. The heat of the machines, which could beat the burn of global warming, made the small store sweat. Sabina hastily urged her daughter to open a window or two and get started on their iced teas for the lunch rush. Marinette, doing what she was told, couldn’t help but think to herself that this wasn’t what she had in mind on how she would spend her summer break.
Free from her responsibilities from school she was bombarded with the task of keeping a business open. One that didn’t stop till the people did. Don’t get it wrong, Marinette loved working in the bakery. It was an easy way to lose her worries in the recipes and glass bowls. It was like how people ran to clear their mind or draw to help them relax. It was just hard to take in the scent of fresh cinnamon and sweet, organic fruit-fillings when someone was breathing down her neck to get their order in. Luckily, her mother could handle the customers with ease.
“Marinette, honey,” Sabine beckoned while she waved off to the last customer.
“Yeah, mom,” Marinette answered back. Cleaning up the flour she spilled on the floor.
“Why don’t you go off with your friends or get some fresh air? Last thing you need to do if worry about the bakery.” Her mother hummed. Marinette couldn't help but turn to her father. Who gave her a nod and a smile, telling her that it would be good for her to get some air.
“See you in a bit then.” Marinette waved. Closing the backdoor before she overwhelmed the air-conditioning with the heat. Pulling out her phone to call up her best friend.
Marinette walked the streets of Paris alone for the first time in not so long time ago. The one day she was free to make plans everyone else seemed to be busy.  Alya had to take her little sisters to a summer event their school was hosting. Rose and Juleka were handling some details for Kitty Section for an upcoming gig. Mylene was on a date with Ivan. Alix was- actually she preparing to do a mural near the Louvre. Technically, Alix was working but told Marinette if she could come by to say hi. Maybe even go into the museum to check out the new exhibit her dad and older brother were working on.
Tikki peaked out her head from Marinette's bag. Taking in the warm, sunny day as she softly hummed, “It’s surprising to finally have some peace and quiet.” 
“If the Effiel Tower isn't nearby then it’s not something that tourists tend to 'overflow' in this time of year,” Marinette recalled her past experiences.
"It really has changed so much," Tikki admitted. Marinette opened her mouth but quickly close it as she reached a crowded traffic light. Cars racing passed while she awkwardly stood by bystanders. Holding her tongue as the light finally turned red, allowing her to walk safely and quickly to the other side.
"Tikki, " Marinette hushed, away from curious ears. "This isn't your first time in Paris?" Holding her bag closer. "There been other ladybug holders in France, right?"
Marinette imagined the history behind her earrings. Tikki has been around since the beginning of the beginning so she could have seen when Paris was built or when France barely had its name and borders set. She could have seen the Renaissance flourished or observed both World Wars. Tikki could have been there in the French Revolution, there when Napoleon surrender or when he crowded his wife queen. Witnessed the construction of Versailles. Testified to the history books when The Hundreds' Year War took over Europe or suffered alongside Parisians as the Reign of Terror shook the streets. Tikki could have seen the things that Marinette can only read.  
Tikki bit back her tongue. She mentioned the other miraculous holders that have passed to Marinette. However, never really went into detail about them. Her current holder knew a bit, but revealing the history of creation could be a bit shocking. At one point in time, finding out that a little creature like her is the god of it all have made people mad. Knowing that what they believe was wrong or had no real purpose. However, Tikki wasn't in the Middle Ages or surrounded by monks. She was at the hands of her Chosen. Someone that was picked to wear her miraculous for a reason.
Pushing out an old smile, Tikki replied: "It's better if you saw it yourself, Mari."
----- Alix was nice enough (or maybe didn't really care) to let Marinette use her admission pass. Offering it to her when Marinette explains that she needs inspiration for her upcoming designs when asked why she rushed to this part of town so quickly.
For the summer break, the museum was a bit lonely compared to its usual numbers. Better for Marinette in the end since now she doesn't have to pretend to be on her phone so she could openly speak to Tikki. Without anyone thinking she's crazy for holding a conversation with her bag.
Marinette acknowledged the obvious when she looked over the museum's map. "The only known Ladybug artifact in this building is the hieroglyphics in the Egyptian Exhibit. Which did gained some popularity thanks to the Ladyblog," She crossed her legs. "How could there be other artifacts here? Surely, they would be noticed by now. Especially with Alya investigating Ladybug."
"They're here." Tikki winked. "They just hide under the crevices of history and the impossible." Flying out of the bag and marking their destination on the map. "You just have to know where to look."
Marinette wrinkled the map in her hands as she walked by the paintings. All sporting diverse techniques that made pigments seem to jump out and touch her. Stepping slowly to the corner of the room to a portrait that Tikki wanted to see. Directing her to a large painting. Which didn't look that exceptional really. . .
      "A Cavalier."
Marinette pulled out her phone again to type the name of the artist in the search bar. Only to meet a loading screen due to the Louvre's slow wifi. “I don’t get it, Tikki,” Marinette whispered, not helping herself as she impatiently tapped on the screen. “Why is this so personal to you?” Her mind bounced back to the hallways filled with grand and spectacular works of arts. How structures of marble were crafted to look like silk on a hot day or canvases had perfectly mirrored a queen’s flawless hair and jewels. Yet, she was here by a painting that didn’t really pique her interest. All as the internet lagged on her phone. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a peck of red flying out of her bag.
“Tikki!!” she hushed. Keeping her screams in her throat as she jumped. Throwing her hands up as her eyes widen in horror. Whipping her hair around, almost breaking her neck to see if anyone was around to witness a red bug-mouse floating up to a priceless painting.
“Tikki, there is a sign that explicitly says ‘DON’T TOUCH’! Tikki, wha-what are you doing?”
Tikki looked back at Marinette, "Showing you what hides under history.”
“Tikki, no-”
Then Tikki did it. She did the worst thing that she could ever do to a work of art. She spat on it. She spat on the painting worth more than her organs in the black market. Tikki, the god of creation, spat on a priceless, antique work of art. 
Marinette felt her heart drop at that moment. As if someone dumped a weight on her poor, fragile soul making it hit the bottom of her stomach. Throwing her knees on the ground. She’s going to jail. She’s going to be charged for vandalism. Then she will be a wanted criminal. Then be imprisoned for life. Then not only be away from Adrien but never be able to ask him to the movies. With her in a small cell with no way out Hawkmoth will be able to akumatized Paris without her to stop him. Chat Noir will be forced to work harder and face the damage after an Akumas. Paris will fall in a dark reign of power. Then she will be dragged for leaving Paris when they needed her. Adrien would never want to date her. Who would blame him!? Who would want to date a criminal or a failed superhero? Then she will never have a house to call her own or three kids named Emma, Louis, and Hugo and she can forget about the pet hamster the moment she gets cuffed up and taken to-
Marinette’s anxious thought peeled the color from her face. Her anxiety could have turned her lips blue if Tikki didn’t speak up. Grabbing her holder’s attention and tongue as they awed at that Tikki has done. Yet, spitting (magic spit, of course) on the painting seemed rough and boorish but it changed the painting for the better. Or revealed a hidden layer.
What once stood a man with brown curly hair and a mustache now a woman with black wavy hair. The simple, light brown tabard turned a bright red with black ladybug-spots, ending above her knees. Underneath her tabard, was a long, white sleeved shirt with a lace collar. With trimming that Marinette wished she knew how to mimic. A black cloth corset replaced the blue that hugged her waist as the black scabbard stayed in place.
As the painting became a totally different one, Marinette only focused on her face and hands. Her pale face carried light, blue eyes that were covered with a red mask. Carrying no expression. In her gloved hands, the woman held onto something that Marinette was familiar with.
The yo-yo.
“She- she was a ladybug holder,” Marinette whispered. “She’s a Ladybug. . .”
“Marinette,” Tikki smiled. Standing proudly in front of this astonishing canvas. “I present you to La Coccinelle. A hero that once walked the streets of Paris and worn the same earrings as you.”
Tikki might have lived through history when she was about to witness Marinette at the verge of making a new chapter.
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micahammon · 5 years
On Chinese
I didn’t learn to speak Chinese. In the West we usually differentiate between Mandarin and Cantonese languages, but in China they just refer to it as one language. Perhaps because the government likes to unify and emphasize sameness rather than difference--at least when it comes to ruling. Probably not a bad idea, considering that areas where Cantonese is spoken are not currently completely under the control of the mainland government. Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao are special administrative zones, that were under British rule previously, and are currently in a grace period until they can be completely subsumed by the mainland government again. This will happen in the next few years, I suppose.
I have a few excuses why I didn’t learn Chinese. The main one is that China uses a character-based writing system, like hieroglyphs if you will. What’s interesting is that this is a testament to the age of this culture and their tendency to safeguard their culture. When a language is being written down for the first time, the inclination is not to create letters in order to spell the words, but rather to break the words down into syllables. So if English used the same system, the word “brother”, would be two syllables “bro-ther”, and we would use a different character to represent every single syllable that we use in our language. Those syllable pieces would come together to form all the words.
However, Chinese takes a bit of a shortcut. They prefer their words to be only one syllable. That makes it easier to write. The characters are unbelievably complex! For example, to write the character for “I” (as in: I am Micah) takes 10 strokes of the pen! Obviously in English it takes 3 to write a capital “I” like how we were taught in school. So, the fewer syllables used to form a word, means the fewer pen strokes used to write the word. Now, how do you get maximum words using as few syllables as possible? Use the same syllables but change the tone and now you have multiple words using the same syllables (each is written differently though). Chinese has 5 tones. One tone goes up, like for example how when a person asks a question their tone goes up at the end of the sentence. One tone goes down, another goes down and then back up, another tone is flat, and the last tone is no tone.
I was born and raised in the deep south in America, and I can tell you that I am tone deaf. I think Chinese people are a little more naturally suited to singing because they are used to keeping tone when they speak. As an English teacher, I always get a chuckle from the kids as they try to mimic my tone as I pronounce the words, because in their brain, the particular tone I use to emphasize the pronunciation of the word might be the exact tone that must always be used for that word.
There is no written alphabet using letters. This means that reading Chinese is not phonetic. You can’t look at an unfamiliar word and phonetically sound it out in your head, like “con-ster-na-tion”. If a Chinese person encounters a word (character) that they don’t recognize, it’s impossible for them to know how to pronounce the word. They would need to ask someone who knows how to pronounce the word for them. It is said that one needs to memorize 2,000 characters, at a minimum, to be able to read simple articles, but the better target is 4,000 characters to be fluent.
Now, the truth is that you don’t have to read and write Chinese characters in order to speak Chinese. I know a number of people who are fluent or who can speak pretty well, and their reading skills are below their speaking skills. And the truth is that China has adopted a Latin-based writing system, using letters like the West! It’s called Pinyin, and it is an excellent writing system. This Latin-based writing system is what Chinese kids start with when they begin school, because, among other things, it really helps them to learn the pronunciation—it clearly shows the tones using accent marks. It actually takes school children about 7 years to learn the characters in order to become fluent in traditional reading and writing.
Pinyin is absolutely critical to modern life because in order to write Chinese on the computer or phone, one must use Pinyin. Remember that there are no letters used to form words in the traditional writing system. If not for Pinyin, one would need a keyboard with 4,000 characters in order to write. Writing on the computer or phone using Pinyin works just like predictive text that we used to use on older phones. Type the first 3 letters or so of the word that you want to write, then choose the correct character from the list of associated characters that pop up. Imagine all day writing like that—letter, letter. Select word. Letter, letter, letter. Select word.
Unfortunately for me, after words get typed into the computer using Pinyin, the end result is the traditional Chinese character gets spit out onto the screen. This means that I never see the Pinyin. I can’t read the words that people type to me in Chinese. All the newspapers, menus in restaurants, signs, etc. are written in the traditional character system. And I am a person who really needs to see the word in order to get a grasp on the words being used, it really helps me to read the word and mull it over in order to learn. The truth is that I would speak Chinese today if not for this.
Aside from how it’s written, the Chinese language is really not that difficult, in my opinion. They don’t have future, or past conjugation of verbs. Roughly: I eat a sandwich yesterday. I eat a sandwich today. I eat a sandwich tomorrow. There are some oddities. It is grammatically correct to form some sentences without verbs! One doesn’t say I am very good, but rather I very good.
The language is simple, and I believe that it is in part because of the reliance on the character-based writing system. If the meaning can be derived using fewer words, the better and less cumbersome to write. I also believe that is a reason why they often speak using what amounts to idioms and metaphors. When you already have 4,000 characters that must be memorized to read and write (and there are some estimates that puts the total number of Chinese characters around 45,000) then there would be a great reluctance to invent new words as technology develops or as language evolves. So, they can combine old words and use them to connote new meanings. One example is that “hand machine” means cell phone. This makes translation very strange and difficult even for translations apps like Google Translate.
I still could’ve learned to speak Chinese, and I am embarrassed that I did not after living here so long. I will never live somewhere and not learn the local language again. However, I lacked important incentives to learn Chinese. It may sound strange, but I would rather use the brain space and future time practicing and conversing with others in other languages. If I learned Chinese, then I would owe it to myself to keep myself in Chinese circles even after I leave, in order to practice and maintain my level. My favorite thing about China is the strong reading & writing culture, there are many amazing Chinese authors (which I read in English). But sadly, these are written using characters that I really don’t want to dedicate myself to learn. That would be the one big thing that I would love to be able to do, read Chinese books in the native tongue, but that goal was too high above my ambition.
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jamieclawhorn · 6 years
How becoming an investor is like learning a musical instrument
As we get older, most of us stop learning new things.
I don’t mean those lessons we need to keep relearning – that it’s less hassle to buy a Valentine’s Day card than to argue it’s all commercialised nonsense – but rather the big skills.
You know, like a new language or how to fly a plane or, in my case, learning a musical instrument.
Once more with feeling
Ever since I was a kid I’ve wanted to play the piano.
Like all kids, I was used to having no idea about anything and being routinely terrible at everything. That would have surely made it easier, but I never learned how to play back then.
Being out of your depth is the daily grind of childhood. But few of us live this way as adults. Rather, we get comfortable and stick to what we do well – whether that’s eating with a knife and fork or performing brain surgery. We stay in our lane and feel competent most of the time.
You’re instantly reminded why if you do try to learn something new. It’s straight back on the fast track to that state of childish awkward, hopeless, haplessness.
My piano playing today reminds me not of Chopin or Debussy but of walking past a classroom and hearing someone trying to pick out Mary Had A Little Lamb or Jingle Bells on an out-of-tune school piano.
Worse still, I can’t even play Jingle Bells yet – at least not with both hands together. Rachmaninoff will have to wait for a decade or two.
Learning to be an investor
There is, however, one endeavour I got to grips with as an adult, and that’s the art and craft of investing.
I’ve been studying and practising investing for nearly two decades. But I still remember that early feeling of having absolutely no idea what was going on.
My struggles with the piano have brought those old feelings back. They may be familiar if you’re still finding your way with investing.
1. It’s all gibberish
Harmonic 4ths, time signatures, treble clefs – music is a jumble of words that don’t mean anything at first. Sometimes that’s because they’re not even in English! Fortissimo sounds like something a love-struck Italian would exclaim at a beauty pageant. Demi semi quavering is what I do as I turn over the next page of my musical theory textbook.
It’s the same with investing. Old hands like me throw around P/Es, DCFs, NAVs, and VIXes, but to most people, they sound like the names of Star Wars droids.
2. You can’t do what you want to do
Perhaps you hope to be the next Warren Buffett. Maybe you just want to be sure you’ll have some money in your old age. You know what you want, but to get there you need to get used to this whole new world.
Experienced investors might think it’s easy to just buy an index tracker. They’ve forgotten brand new would-be investors can’t tell an index tracker from a Ponzi scheme.
3. You keep discovering there’s even more to learn
After a few weeks, I could finally read the notes on the treble clef and bass clef – part of the mysterious hieroglyphics of musical notation. For five minutes I felt like I’d achieved something. Clair De Lune here I come! But then I was told about key signatures, which mess with the notes I’d learned in myriad different ways.
The same thing will happen to you many times on your investing journey.
To give one example, after a couple of years I finally knew what all those acronyms meant and fancied myself as a bit of a stock picker.
But a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I held lots of banks for their high dividend yields ahead of the credit crisis, and when yields started rising I thought they were getting cheaper, so I bought more.
It was only the postings of some veterans on our old discussion boards that made me truly realise (just in time!) that a high yield can be a warning sign as much as an opportunity.
4. Other people seem to find it very easy
If you watch financial TV or even just have a certain type of friend, you’ll hear investing is easy. Cheap, great companies are lying around like winning scratch cards with the numbers revealed, for example. Or perhaps that a crash is obviously just around the corner, so everyone knows you should sell everything right now.
At first, this is very impressive. After a while, you’ll notice that despite the ease with which they claim to pick winners, it’s never their round in the pub – and you’re still waiting for the huge market crash they said was a certainty years ago.
It’s easy to bluff in investing but very difficult to win, at least if you’re trying to beat the market. Most people fail, but don’t expect them to tell you about it. That goes for fund managers, too.
At least with the piano, it’s obvious whether someone can play or not. But you’ll still get frustrated when you see them knocking out notes in perfect harmony.
5. You wonder what the point is
I suppose it’s no wonder most people give up learning a musical instrument, be it the piano or the flugelhorn.
Learning is no fun, especially at the start when it’s bewildering. And even as you get better, it only makes it easier to hear your own inadequacies.
Experienced investors are also more aware of their limitations. Indeed, my top tip when someone is holding forth about investing is to listen to how often they recall their bad calls or losing trades.
If everything is a winner, smile politely and move on to Game of Thrones or some other fantasy story.
But don’t give up! I am fairly sure that if I stick with the piano it will eventually bring me a lot of joy and satisfaction – but I KNOW that’s been true of investing.
Keep learning, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. You’ll get there in the end!
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The report is entirely free and available for download today, so if you’re interested in exiting the rat race and achieving financial independence, click here to download the report. What have you got to lose?
More reading
The most important action I’d recommend to ride out market volatility
Could the Marks and Spencer share price ever return to 700p?
Purplebricks Group vs 6% yielder BT Group: which do I feel is the better investment destination today?
3 moves I’d make after the FTSE 100’s recent ‘recovery’
Is it wise to hold money in a Marcus savings account right now?
0 notes
toddmichaelrogers · 7 years
928 Days Later
This post originally appeared as an update across various social media for Spell Saga.
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~pre Eh, ya’ll know I ramble. I don’t fucking like it when people who are too old use new language as if it’s their fucking language, but there is a tl:dr (god, I had to google that) at the bottom of the page if’n yer only interested in the sweet stuff (shipments, deck 2 & the like). But I like stories, and I am--if not old, getting older, so my stories take a long time to wind up and spill out. Longer than they did when I was a kid, anyhow. And much slower than these new youths and their dang emotiji’s or whatever.
all the kids’ talk in hieroglyphics It’s good for feelings but not specifics
~1 It all comes down to choices, really. I remember when I was younger--I was very newly 20, and barely 13 in most of my head--I remember I was homeless, not like, starving homeless (though sometimes I was) and not like, sleep under a bridge homeless (I had the couches of friends, and their friends, and my barely-met acquaintances, though no one seemed to own an air conditioner that Summer. One dude shall remain nameless, as I’m fairly certain he might be a super bad guy. He was never around anyway so I used to listen to his CD collections and spread my Star Wars figures around his house (13, remember, 13). I remember he had a box set of Joy Division, and I became obsessed with this one really fast version of “Love Will tear us Apart”. I used to listen to that in the Summer heat and walk around the house naked looking for something to eat. It was really years later that I realized I had lost my mind.
I had made the choice to stop taking my meds regularly. And then some other choices, as my mind spiraled without that ketracel-white. After what some would say was an alarming series of ordinarily dysfunctional life, my parents made the choice to kick me out. I have had to make a lot more choices since then.
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here is a pic of me from around that time with original french toaster: Paxson of Ashgarden.
~2 Where are your fucking packages?
~3 I know that there are some people who keep in touch with me regularly and have a better idea of what’s been going on. And I also know there are others who backed this project 2 and a half years ago and think it’s dead, or i’ve been trolling everyone with shipping dates.
~4 I was at a restaurant. I was not a customer. I had just spent three days straight and about 30 hours running around mopping up drinks. By Sunday, I’m usually on my third double, and it hurts to stand, or run up the stairs with trays of food. (who puts stairs in a restaurant)? But I was feeling pretty good about myself, having made it through one more death sentence of a weekend. I took the job to pay for Spell Saga when some other stuff fell through (like, uh, all our plans, & people abandoning the project). Each Sunday usually ends with me depositing a wad of cash into an ATM and then passing out on my couch surrounded by boxes of a fantasy card game. It is not a bad life, if not a little embarrassing. Also this particular Sunday it was tornado weather and I got to watch an entire porch of rich people get fucking destroyed. I was soaked and running around collecting plates being thrown on the wind. Inside I sat down next to people my age, and before long it came time to tell them why I was serving them and not doing something with my life, which is what I always do if I like a table. As it came out, these people were super into games, and Kickstarter, and anything I could possibly like. I had a used deck in my car that I grabbed for them and they thanked me and told me I was doing great. It was a real moment for me. What was most important though, was the stories they told me about other crowdfunded projects, and how much keeping backers up-to-date mattered to them.
~5 Most of my choices about Spell Saga have been insane. Whether good, or bad (there have been both) the choices have been the work of a mad man. That goes for game design as well as business wise. I do not apologize for the game, but man I am fucking trying you guys. And you will have all your shit this year. But it’s taking forever and here’s where we’re at now:
In 2016 I made a plan with my main man J Rizzo to fund a shipment of 300 units, so all of you would get your shit before we finished with all the printing (there were delays due to packaging changes and etc).
Also that year, J Rizz* dropped off the face of the earth, as did most everyone involved with the project, due to various reasons. I took a second job or two and funded the shipment myself. They arrived in July of that year.
*J Rizz and I are cool. We had a very long talk recently that lifetime asked if they could film.
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here is a pic of me & paxson of ashgarden & his son! (we are cool too)
I started sending packages out almost immediately, but I had to wait on the mail myself (autographed boxes take some damn time). By the end of the year everything was going smoothly and every. Single. Package. was about to go out by December 31st. What a fucking relief that was.
Then I lost two jobs in a month, and so did my wife. That was around the time the comments started to crop up, “where is my shit” and etc. Which I get. I mean, I don’t leave comments like that, but I get why someone would.
I scrambled and pulled together jobs and money and started sending out packages again. But now there was a problem: It was 2017 and we needed to start thinking about our patient, angelic manufacturer. Right now, they are waiting for us to upload the art to print Deck 2 and pay the deposit on it. Panda Games has been amazing with us. And I’m not saying that I’m paying for everything by working a restaurant--I have other sources of income for this project. But I am putting most of my personal funds towards it this month, just to get it finished quickly.
So in the last month I had to make another choice, in a long line of choices, and not send as many packages out. Everyone in the US who pledged over $25 should have their shit. I sent out a few Internationals, but not many. My ever-shifting goal is that by July everyone has their stuff. But again, I’ve lost two jobs before--shit happens. I used to not want to leave ANY updates because I didn’t want to get anyone’s hopes up. I think looking back that was a bad choice. It was probably also a bad choice to air ship any units over here. The cost alone would have covered the printing of Deck 2. But I like all’a you. Even if you leave a mean comment every once in awhile. And I want everyone to have their stuff. Most of my e n t i r e life revolves around it right now.
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~6 More choices have been made since the last update. We are printing new packaging for deck 1 and the prelude deck (which means everyone will at least have a fancy zero edition package from those we air-shipped last July--only 301 ever made)! We are also printing deck 2 AND it has it’s very own super-cool holofoil sleeve. But that’s not even the most exciting shit for me.
Cousin Lauren and I are finishing it up. That’s right. It’s happening. She is illustrating a picture for the front of deck 2’s box (I have been dreaming for years it would match the minstrel/lover pic we use on deck 1) and then she’s illustrating a picture for deck 3’s box.
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We aren’t printing deck 3 at the moment. But it’s going to happen. So in the meantime, she’ll be spending the next month getting all the art for deck 3 and the ending finished (as soon as I finish writing her an art list).
And THAT’S NOT ALL. Lauren is going to be working on the art for the a new realmwalker deck you may remember called The Discordant Shore. It is the deck that includes copies of all the homemade Paladin Cards you will be receiving this year.
I don’t want to get too into details on this one just yet, but you play as a girl named Brell, who is also named Scaradh. And it’s an adventure so unlike the highlands you will be surprised at where it takes you. Here is a pic of some character descriptions I sent Lauren:
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~7 When I’m not trying to NOT vomit because I am cleaning up a table, or worrying about you, or reading wonderful or disparaging comments in between cleaning up tables and worrying, I have been very hard at work on the next Spell Saga release: 1.5 The Under Sky. This DECK is like 2 games in one. You can use it between decks one and two, or use it as a new deck one. The design of this thing has destroyed me. I had to Photoshop the cards as I was making it because the ideas became so complex. It’s all about The Last Minstrel, but it’s also about how this process of making the game has been. Everything has taken so long, and a part of me is sort of dead inside. But I think maybe that part was supposed to die. In it’s place I have found a new type of strength to make things no matter what.
~8 This December is the 8th anniversary of when I first designed Spell Saga. In my head, there is a sort of countdown clock (198 days as of this posting). When the clock in my head strikes zero, my plan is that everyone will have everything. every. Thing. And then I’ll never work in a restaurant again.
~epi Spell Saga continues to dominate my life. As do other things. My band just finished recording everything except the vocals on our first LP, another project that took longer than expected. And I wake up nearly every morning and try to spend at least an hour working on The Novel that has consumed a decade of my life. My plan is that once everyone has their shit, I will pay to have decks 3 and the ending printed, and then we will Kickstart them to recover costs and make sure everyone who wants one sees it. I don’t give a shit about money. I don’t care if I ever make a goddamn cent on this game. It’s all going to end up going back into it anyway. Ii just want to finish the story. And now we can. I hope, regardless of how you feel or think about me, you will want to finish it to.
-mE. 913 days since the kickstarter started.
-packages still going out -no you have not missed yours -deck 2 the forest being printed with holofoil sleeve -deck 3 the caves being illustrated / finished -deck 4 the ending being illustrated / finished -deck 1.5 the under sky nearly finished -realkwalker ~ the discordant shore being illustrated / finished -paladin level cards part of discordant shore -everyone will have everything this year -most will have everything by july -life is hard but good
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