#kiera talks games
mintmentos · 2 years
I’m actually so sad Luke’s grown up enough that he doesn’t wear shorts anymore. Like Clive knew what was up, gotta keep the classic look of bare knees and high socks even in your twenties
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hattiestgal · 2 months
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That's right! It's been a bit, but doodle game makes it's triumphant return! I was... kinda lacking motivation to draw as of late, so I figured this'd be a good way to refuel my fire!
Since it's been a bit, let's get everyone reacquainted with the rules! Want to see a character (or characters) of mine in some situation? Send in an ask and I might pick it out to draw! This can include kink (minus ones that I'll specifically highlight in a moment!)
For a list of all my characters and their universes, check under the cut!
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Here's our cast, named from left to right! Any characters not allowed to participate in a kink scenario will be in bold!
From the Little Pocket Setting - Riley Foxglove, Violette Burrows, Omen Poe, Finnegan Oakes, Alex Lyn, Harlow Reese, Jack Foxglove
From the Abyss Setting - Lucy Diggs, Allison Dudz, Lilith Daybreak, VUL-TURE
From the Arcana City Setting - Phoebe Firebird, Kiera, Angel Goldencrown, Tempest of the Skies, Critter, Desmond Lilyvalley, Cake Sugiyama
I'll also be including all character tags in case you wanna see em! Additionally, feel free to ask any questions in the replies, and have fun! I'm excited!!
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nerdasaurus1200 · 4 months
Starting a new poll game! I haven't come up with a name for this yet but basically I'll post a song and y'all gotta decide what character it fits! For the first round I'm doing Monster from Epic the Musical
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imageingrunge · 2 years
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Witcher 3 Wild Hunt - game scenery by me (◕‿◕✿) 
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cowardlycowboys · 11 months
should stream again just for the hell of it and because i still have everything on my laptop
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strawberryblondebutch · 3 months
Need the Jesse Compher lore like I need air to breathe bestie wow I can’t believe I’m down so bad for a ginger
We respect gingers in this house, nonnie! Is my blog name a joke to you!
Let’s see:
Absolutely lying about her height but not by much (probably like 5’6 1/2”)
One of those people whose entire body turns scarlet when they laugh too hard (same, girl)
Said out loud “what the fuck is THIS” to one of the songs I queued on TouchTunes (honestly, valid)
Colossal sweetheart. Total golden retriever. Jess, girl, if you see this, lmk if you want to go to Riot Fest together. It is not your music scene at all but I want to be the reason the phrase “mosh pit injury” gets added to player contracts
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wosoamazing · 8 months
The Transfer
Summary: You move to Barca.
Warnings: None I don't think
A/N: Google translated Spanish so I apologies if it is incorrect, hope you like it. Also as usual feel free to send requests, whether it is for this Series or for kid!readers, or something else. Hope you like it.
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You run to Leah when you see her, and give her a massive hug, you missed her, camp was hard, especially the second last day. There was a conversation you needed to have with her, you didn’t want to risk her finding out from someone else, so you decided to just start it right there and then in the airport.
“We need to talk about something, Le.”
“Go to Barca.”
“What?” you exclaim looking up at her, surely you heard her wrong.
“Go to Barca, you deserve it Bug, you’re amazing, go to Barca, you can always come back, Arsenal will take you back in a heartbeat, any club would take you back in a heartbeat, but you’re not going to want to come back, and I’ll visit I promise, and we can put daily facetime calls in our calendar for the first few weeks. Call me whenever you need, I’ll pick up the phone. But the girls are lovely there, and you will have Lucy and Kiera.”
“Wait, so you’re saying go? How did you find out?”
“Of course I’m saying go, it’s Barca, and the finding out part, well Alexia messaged asking if I knew anything I said no, asked Lucy and Kiera and they were like ‘yeah she spoke to us about what the people were like, and the environment etc we thought you knew’ Millie then walked in and was like ‘Guy’s shit just went down at the Matildas camp, might want to check your sister is okay though Leah’, Millie than told us what Sam told her and yeah”
“So, you’re not mad I didn’t ask you first?”
“No, I’m proud, you asked the right people the right questions, you stood up for yourself, you manage to do some pretty hard ball negotiations, and you didn’t let anyone make the decision for you, you stayed true to yourself, and I’m proud.”
“Ready to go?” Lucy asks as your suitcases are loaded into the back of the car, you nod you had just played friendlies against the Lionesses in England, so at least the travel there was short, however the travel back to your club was going to be a bit longer, as you weren’t returning to Arsenal but to Barca.
“I feel sick,” Kiera moaned as she came out to join you and Lucy.
“Yeah, I told you to stop drinking, why do you think we didn’t drink.”
“Ah because she is still a week and one year underage, and you I don’t know, because you don’t know how to let loose and have fun,” Kiera replies. Last night some of your national and club teammates as well as some Leah’s national teammates had a party in your honour, to celebrate you going to Barca and to celebrate your Birthday, which was in a week.
It was your first night staying at Lucy and Kiera’s and somehow it was conveniently team bonding night at their place. It didn’t seem like a coincidence at all. You were really nervous to meet the team, they all knew each other already, this was the first time you were joining a team that you were completely new in, when you joined Arsenal you already knew the girls really well because of Leah, and then when you joined the Matildas you had Steph, Kyra and Caitlin, but this was different.
You had stayed quiet for most of the night, watching the game, trying not to draw attention to yourself, however that was all unravelled when Mapi sighed “Estúpido Àrbitro. Eso fue claramente una falta.” (Stupid Referee, that was clearly a foul)
“Casi fue tarjeta amarilla.” (almost was a yellow card)
Everyone heads turned to you, and their jaws dropped. “You know Spanish?”
“Ah, well a bit, mainly to do with the game, one of my Friend’s Dad’s is Spanish and they talk Spanish at home, especially when he is watching the game.”
“Leah never told me that,” Lucy remarked, “Leah doesn’t necessarily know” “oh, so is this a friend or a friend.”
“Lucy leave the poor kid alone,” Kiera told her off.
“So it is a special friend,” “Is she, or he, cute?” “Do you have a photo?” the girls all asked at once.
“Girls, as Kiera said, leave the poor kid alone, she just got here” Alexia told them, they all shut up immediately.
“Oh, Bebita, what’s wrong?” Alexia asks you as she walks into the locker room, you were slumped back in your locker, leaning against the wall, “come here”, she says as she drags you up and brings you in for a hug, in which you broke, tears start to stream down your face as you try to get out of Alexia’s grip, it was only your third day at Barcelona and yet here you were crying in front of your new captain. Alexia only tightened her grip at your actions cooing “It’s okay, I’m here,” rubbing your back slightly. “How about we sit down,” she sat down and pulled you into her lap, you rested your head on her shoulder, giving into her.
“I-I miss Le,” You sobbed into her shoulder.
“I know, its okay Bebita, we’re here,” Alexia could never understand completely how you felt but she could imagine, she could see how close you and Leah were which wasn’t surprising considering you had been living with her for the past six years but leaving her and only seeing her through the phone was something you were struggling with, and the team had started to notice it, you were always slightly sadder when you re-joined the team after being on the phone with Leah.
You woke up and looked at the clock, it was 9:00am, ‘shit’ you mumble to yourself, you sprung out of your bed before flopping back into it, after having the realisation that you didn’t have training today, you had a game last night, which you played in, it was much tougher than the games at Arsenal, so you were exhausted.
It was only then that you took in your surrounds, there were balloons scattered around your room, and on the floor, there were little present signs with arrows. You quickly got yourself semi presentable before following the presents, they lead you into the living room, all your new teammates were there. “Surprise!” they all yelled whilst someone exploded one of those confetti guns, you were in fact surprised, you had been at Barca a week, you were expecting something low key with Lucy and Kiera not a whole team affair, “Come sit,” Lucy said tapping the empty section of couch between her and Alexia, as you walked over you couldn’t help but notice the pile of presents on the coffee table, you had already received gifts from your family and arsenal teammates, so these had to be from your Barca teammates but you couldn’t really believe it.
“You got these all for me?” you questioned in disbelief.
“Yes, they are all for you,” Alexia tells you before handing you a gift, “here open.”
You eventually finished making your way through the present pile and thanked everyone profusely.
However, while you thanked everyone Alexia walked in with three more presents, these ones were quite heavy. “Don’t open them yet, I just need to call someone,” whoever she was calling answered, and then she handed the phone to you, it was Leah and Lia, “Happy Birthday Bug! We may have some surprises for you, open the skinny rectangular one first. It’s from Katie, she wanted you to have it on your actual Birthday, make it more special” you opened it up and grinned it was a whoop, “tell her I like it please, and that I said thank you.”
“Will do bug, now the smaller of the two remaining was Lia’s idea, but both presents are from us” you opened the two gifts and at the sight of them tears left your eyes, “T-thank you,” your sister and Lia had just gifted you a new Mac Book Pro and a new iPhone. Ingrid moved closer to you and hugged you, knowing it was what you needed. After getting ready the rest of your morning was filled with fun festivities as the girls made sure to spoil you, however it was time to start getting ready to go out for dinner, so everyone returned to their own homes in agreeance they would all meet there, waiting for everyone to be there before they went in.
As you walked into the restaurant with the team Lucy whispered to you, “there may be one more surprise,” she gestured her head over to the massive table in the restaurant, where two familiar figures sat, you couldn’t control yourself and run over to them. “Hi Bug, glad you’re happy to see us,” Leah said hugging you “we missed you” Lia said now hugging you.
“I missed you too” you said before you sat down between them, you were grinning from ear to ear. “How are you here?” “Oh, this was all Alexia’s doing, she planned it all.” You looked over to you captain who winked at you, maybe Barca wasn’t going to be so bad after all.
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mysunshinetemptress · 10 months
part 2 of you promised? some serious grovelling from leah, she gets told off by all of her teammates (arsenal and england), basically more angst but leah is trying to make up for it, up to you whether they end up together or not
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You promised part 2
Leah Williamson x reader
Leah had been lost from the minute you walked out the door. It had been a week since the break down of your relationship and you hadn’t returned home, Leah found herself sleeping on the couch waiting for your return hoping you would walk through the door and you could both sort it all out.
Two days later Leah found herself sitting at the gate in Luton airport with her mum who still wasn’t talking to her hoping you where going to show, only you never did and instead sent Leah’s best friend Alex Scott in your place “what’s going on Lee.” Leah felt her chin wobble as tears pricked her eyes “not that I don’t love you Al but where is she.” Alex looked at Leah confused “all I know is she came to my door yesterday handed me a plane ticket with my name on it and told me you where going to need me so I’ll ask again what’s going on.” Leah sighed looking to her mum who looked at her eyes filled with sorrow “I messed up.” Alex looked at Leah eyebrows knitting together “what do you mean.” Leah shook her head trying to stop herself from crying “I made a promise to go to her final match of the season for our home team in Newport Pagnell and I didn’t go I went to the Arsenal on instead Al, it was their game winning match she captained them to the biggest win in years and I stood on the sidelines of Meadow Park crying over Rafa leaving…I…..” Leah couldn’t help it anymore as she cried feeling all the guilt weighing on her heart again “that’s not even the worst part.” Leah shook her head at her mums words “I…oh…god I was mean.” For the first time in days Amanda grabbed Leah in to a hug. “I’m so sorry mum I’m so sorry.” Alex lay her hand on Leah’s lower back giving it a squeeze trying to comfort her friend as concern etched her features “I know Bubba trust me I do but I’m not the one you should be apologising to.” Leah sniffed turning back to Alex “I was so mean to her, I oh god Al I told her she wasn’t important that her match wasn’t important enough for me to go to that I get bored watching her.” Alex looked at Leah horrified “Le I love you you’re my best friend but what the fuck, you know better then anyone Y/ns fears of never being good enough.” Leah sobbed harder “I don’t know what to do I’m so lost she won’t answer my calls or texts she hasn’t come home I hoped she would come to this and we could talk oh I’m so stupid.”
Holly,Ben and Kiera followed the three women out a few days later and for the first time in their lives Leah and Holly weren’t talking. Two days into the trip with everyone there Amanda handed Holly her phone ushering her out of the room. Holly returned shortly after siting beside Leah before turning to her “ you fucked up big time and I’m still mad at you but for this holiday at least I’ll pretend like it’s the good old days ok.” Leah looked at Holly confused “ok.”
The trip to Ibiza had been the break Leah needed but she found herself longing for you every waking minute, she understood that she had messed up and promised to do whatever it takes to remind you how much she loved you if it took her the rest of her life.
You on the other hand had stayed with your parents for a few days before leaving to Tegan’s ignoring your phones constant buzzing. It was either Leah, her family or her teammates and although you desperately wanted to reply you kept reminding yourself they where her family and friends not yours. Of course none of them understood that which is why they had been blowing up your phone the past few weeks and at this stage Lia had grown even more concerned after going to your house only to find you weren’t there and hadn’t been in weeks that led to the first time Leah had to tell her friends.
“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE BROKEN UP.” Lia shouted, it was the last team bonding before everyone split for the World Cup, Leah hadn’t expected to be interrogated the minute she arrived “ehm well you see.” Katie turned shaking her head “you have to be taking the piss yeah, I mean seriously Leah what the hell happened that the girl who looks at you like you hung the moon.” Leah couldn’t help the tears falling “I made a promise and I didn’t keep it and when she called me up on it I was mean to her, calling out her insecurities and making her feel small, all because I was annoyed at myself for not going, for not supporting her." The arsenal girls stood frozen listening to their captain "Leah when was this" Leah sniffed trying to clear her head "The 27th our last match Rafas last match, Y/ns most important match oh god guys I really fucked up" Beth shook her head "mate you have to be more specific." Leah sighed before beginning to tell her team mates about the day that plagued her mind every moment.
The Arsenal girls all looked at Leah shocked as Lia stood looking at her best friend in disbelief "I can't believe you." Leah looked at her best friend heart clenching "Lia please i.." Lia shook her head "No Leah I can barley look at you how could you break her heart like that." Leah looked around at the disappointed group of girls before looking at the floor "Leah, that's the only match she has ever asked you to attend." Leah looked at Lia confused "no its not" Lia could feel herself get more annoyed at her friend "yes it is Leah, that girl felt so nauseous at the thought of asking you to a match played in a field she called me crying, and when I made it to your house I found her hovering over the toilet, she thought it was so beneath you for you to attend it took me an hour to convince her." Leah looked at Wally shocked "And when you agreed nothing could wipe the smile off her face she talked about it for days telling everyone." Lia shook her head getting upset on your behalf "I can't I'm sorry I can't even talk to you anymore." Lia sighed walking out the door as Leah looked at the rest of her teammates "I'm Sorry" her teammates just looked at her shocked before Beth spoke "we aren't the ones you need to apologise to Le, that girl is your biggest supporter and the only time she asked for you to be hers you let her down, Arsenals have won trophies and taken part in some amazing matches, seen teammates come and go but clubs like hers where they haven't won in a decade and they have their half time debrief on the side of the pitch, days like the 27th mean everything to them its their Wembley and Emirates and they want the most important people there and you couldn't even do that."
The Arsenal girls had made sure Leah knew where they stood, and although you wouldn't respond to their texts they made sure to let you know that too. The Arsenal girls adored you but the Lionesses where a totally different ball game. You had made the promise to the team that you would fly out to watch them partake in the World Cup the girls clamming you where like a good-luck charm, you tried to dismiss the statement but ultimately it had stuck.
Leah sat beside her mum nervously on the plane waiting to begin their long journey to the other side of the world when she turned at the sound of her mum gasping turning in her seat to get a better look at what her mum had just witnessed only to be met with your eyes staring at her "Y/N" you smiled sheepishly "Hi" Leah went to stand before feeling Amanda grab her arm as you moved to sit the far side. Amanda turned pulling you into a hug "oh my darling I've missed you, I cut believe your coming." You smiled at the older woman "I swore to Jacob that id be there and I also promised the girls id be in the stand for every match so, of course I'm here." Leah couldn't help but feel the guilt bubble in her stomach at your words, you had promised her brother and squad you would spend thousands of pounds to fly across the world to watch them play and visit. Leah could only imagine what would have happened if she had made the squad but you had answered her question, you would have seen the money to come watch her play in the World Cup, like a good supportive girlfriend and she couldn't even get herself to drive up the road to your match.
Australia was a different planet, you still refused to speak to her let alone look at her but Leah was happy that you hadn't let it get in the way of your relationship with her mum and brother both so excited you had made the trip.
Leah felt sick when Sarina asked if you both wanted to come say hi to the girls and for Leah to give them some words of encouragement. You declined the offer and so here was Leah stood on a pitch on the Gold Coast (I know very little about Australia but I think this was close to where they trained) staring at her squad "Alright girls." Alessia and Ella looked around confused "oy Skipper where's the missus." Leah stiffened "eh she won't be here today I'm afraid its just me." Leah couldn't help but notice the way everyones head moved slightly to look at her hands before she looked at them confused clearing her throat "We eh, hum we broke up actually." Lucy turned looking at Kiera who couldn’t stop looking at the floor before looking back at Leah “please tell me you didn’t do what I think you did cause I swear to god Leah I’ll break your legs.” Leah looked at Lucy confused “what are you on about.” Lucy shook her head “did you cheat on Y/n.” All of the squad let out gasps as Leah’s eyes widened in shock “what the fuck Lucy no never, I ehm.” Leah began explaining how she had fucked up your relationship while the squad found themselves getting more upset at their skipper “so she’s not here then.” Alessia let out sadly Leah shook her head “she is flew over with my mum and I, she made a promise to be here for you guys and that’s what she’s done same for Jacob, she’ll be at every game and so will I.” The girls nodded before Mary spoke “you better fix this though Cap, that girl is the best thing to ever happen to you besides football.” Leah shook her head “no she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me full stop Mary, I know that now and trust me I’ll spend the rest of my life telling her that if it means she’ll give me another chance.” Lucy walked over grabbing Leah’s shoulder “you fuck this up again and I’ll kill you you understand.” Leah nodded before thanking the girls and leaving back to the hotel.
The first few matchs Amanda stood in between the pair of you until the first match of the round of 16, Amanda left to go to the toilet when Leah turned to look at you already catching you staring before she spoke “I never thanked you for coming.” You shook your head “I wouldn’t miss this for the world, but I have to say it’s odd not seeing you out there and instead here answering all of our questions like a pundit.” Leah laughed feeling the tension slip away “I’m.” You shook your head as Leah began to speak “I’m not ready for that yet, but I’m tired of is acting like strangers so while we are here for the rest of the tournament can we please go back to being friends.” Leah smiled her heart hammering “I’d love nothing more.” The rest of the game Amanda stood watching you both interact like best friends her heart filling with hope that maybe her family would come back together.
The final had arrived and Leah had been pacing the hotel floor for about an hour nerves and anxiety hammering her system that was until she felt a hand slip into her own finger interlocking and a head resting on her chest as she stood frozen “your alright Le, I’m not going anywhere.” Leah looked down at you before closing her eyes feeling herself relax before she began to imagine you both back in your relationship “ I’m not even playing and my nerves are shot.” You smiled hearing her heart beats fast rhythm “they are still your team injury or otherwise and this is still a very big game for your best friends your nervous for them to achieve their dream to show the world how powerful they are but your anxious about missing out on this opportunity and not living in the moment for them so do me a favour and forget about it and and just focus on us right here right now.” Leah stood frozen looking at you bewildered “how do you always know what’s going on in my head and how to fix it.” You smiled up at her “I’ve known you since before you where Leah Williamson Arsenal Academy player let alone England Captain I’ve loved you just as long it’s my job.” Leah closed her eyes once more relaxing into you getting lost in the imagination of you both reunited as lovers “thank you.” You nodded into her chest squeezing her hand “always Le.”
The girls lost and to say everyone was devastated but you couldn’t help but hold Leah as she cried into chest heartbroken for her team, for England. “I’m a bit biased but maybe they are just waiting on you aye.” Leah chuckled slightly pulling away from you clearing her eyes before shaking her head “I think you might be yeah.” You grabbed her hand intertwining them together “come on let’s go see the girls.”
Leah had hoped after you returned to England you might stay the same friends that is and to her hopes you did acting like the friends she once remembers you being before the late night kisses and lazy days spent cuddling.
Leah’s ACL journey had been progressing well and you had been texting her frequently sending words of encouragement as well as liking and reposting her milestone videos as you returned to training with Tegan and the girls preparing to move up in the league.
It had happened all at once and Leah felt as though she had been hit by a bus at the image of you sat with a girl she had never met arm wrapped around your waist and you leaned into her laughing. You where hers.. shit key word where, you had the freedom to date whoever you wanted but that didn’t stop Leah appearing on your doorstep at three in the morning covered in water from the heavy rain banging on your door. You trudged down the stairs swinging open the door before running your eyes in shock at a shivering Leah “I’m sorry I am so so so sorry Y/n.” Ignoring her babbling you pulled Leah into your house scolding her “are you crazy Le you could catch pneumonia in that weather.” Leah didn’t respond instead she continued to apologise as you looked at her confuse before pulling her into your arms before Leah cracked sobbing apologise into you chest “I’m so sorry Y/n oh my girl I’m so sorry please forgive me I can’t do this anymore my love please.” You looked at her confused before realising her words, sighing you squeezed her arm “come on Le let’s get you dried up and changed yeah.” Leah didn’t say anything just following your every move wrapping her arms around you.
You turned on the shower leaving to get towels before coming back “I’ll be just down stairs ok.” Leah grabbed her arm “please don’t leave please stay.” You nodded pointing to your bed “I’ll be just here ok.”
Leah came out a short time later finding you on the bed scrolling through your phone “I’m sorry .” You shook your head “it’s ok Le like I told you Always yeah.” Leah nodded siting beside you turning to look at you when you bumped her shoulder “I’m ready.” Leah looked at you confused “what.” You sighed “I’m ready now for your explanation for your apology all of it.” Leah sighed nodding “my words will never be enough to tell let alone show you how sorry I am.” You hummed in response “yeah but it’s a start.”
Leah sighed “I’m an idiot a selfish idiot who did something so stupid in front of her girlfriend who simply just wanted her efforts recuperated, who wanted to be shown she was loved and valued as much as she loves and values her partner.” You looked at the floor as Leah talked “y/n I have spent more of my life loving you than I have anything or anyone else, you have loved me just as much, you have celebrated me at my best and looked after me at my worst and supported me through it all.” Leah sighed grabbing you hand “and I’m so incredibly sorry for how I treated you in May. You didn’t deserve any of that, I messed up my priorities but I can promise you now I’ll never do anything like that again just please one more chance.” You sighed squeezing your hand “your right, I have loved you since before you signed the under 8s, I have loved you through it all and i will continue to do so but that girl who shouted at me in her parent’s kitchen who promised me an appearance at my final match day and then never showed is not the girl I fell in love with and I’m sorry Leah but until she returns I’m not giving you my head t just for you to break it again.” Leah sniffed “I can do that I can be the Leah you deserve.” You smiled kissing her cheek “come on let’s get to bed.” That night Leah slept on your chest taking in every breath you took.
Two months down the line and Leah was stood on the side of a field pitch screaming at you to push up and cheering when you did decked out in your New Jersey that she had specifically asked for. Leah had attended every match complete unprovoked and you could be more happier, the after match rituals often being either you or her ending up in one of your apartments watching I’m a celebrity.
But today everything changed Newport Pagnell where playing Notts County. Leah was stood next to her family and your parents cheering for your squad until you went down in the 75yh minute. You had been marked by to players who’s favourite line to use was no mercy and that came to light as one of them stook their foot between your legs knocking you forward as the other kicked right at your head clocking you head on. You dropped like a sack of potatoes as the entire Williamson/y/l/n support squad gasped before falling silent. Leah twitched wanting to run onto the pitch and pull you close but she could to shocked to move as Tegan appeared turning you over before shouting for an Ambulance. Leah didn’t care after that running on to the pitch to your side studding your bloody face. “Oh Y/n shit darling please wake up.” Leah knew how dangerous concussions where but she had never seen a head trauma like this “Tegan, where are the medics.” Tegan looked at Leah confused “it’s a Sunday league our manager is the medic with that stupid bag she needs an ambulance.” Leah nodded grabbing your hand staring at you “please darling I need you to wake up.”
A little while later the ambulance arrived assessing the situation before putting your unconscious body onto a back board and onto the stretcher Leah ran after you only to be stopped by the paramedics “sorry who are you to the patient.” Leah turned looking to your parents “her girlfriend im her girlfriend please.” The paramedics nodded pointing at the seat for Leah to sit in before closing the doors and taking off to the hospital.
You don’t remember closing your eyes or how you ended up in an unfamiliar place but you didn’t care all you wanted was Leah as you looked around the room desperately “hey hunny it’s ok relax your ok.” You looked at your mum shaking your head “Leah where is she I need her mum please.” Your mum nodded “ok ok I’ll call her she just went to get a drink ok hold on.”
Leah ran up the stairs before bursting through your room doors “I’m here I’m here.” Leah looked around the room panicking before spotting you wide awake “oh my love, I oh my god.” You stretched out your hand begging her to take it before pulling her towards your “you gave me such a fright Y/n I thought I’d lost you god please don’t do anything like that again.” You smiled up at the older girl hand playing with the hairs behind her neck “your here.” Leah nodded “I wasn’t leaving you no way not this time.” You smiled eyes beginning to fill with tears “I love you.” Leah nodded “I love you.” You shook your head at her words “no le I love you, I’m in love with you, I want you.” Leah looked at you shocked before feeling her self begin to smile “I’m getting a deja vu moment here.” You laugh “oh shush.” Leah laughed pulling your face closer “mine.” She whispered gently.” You sighed “only if you promise to look after my heart this time.” Leah nearly hit your head with how fast she nodded “I vow to you my one and only I will love you till the earth stops spinning and I will never treat you like that again it’s stupid I had to learn from a mistake in our relationship but I know now at you are my beginning and end my everything not that silly little game.” You laughed “hey I love that silly little game.” Leah smiled “more than me.” You shrugged “depends can you still kiss me as well as you used to.” Leah laughed “kiss me and find out.” Before pulling you into a passionate kiss “I love you till the earth stops spinning yeah.” You smiled “I love you to the stars coming calling Le.”
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mymindcreatedthis · 2 days
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That’s it, Let it out 18+
Reader x Jessie Fleming
Warning: Smut, Smut, Smut
Word count: 3.7k
*Y/n's Pov*
We are playing England right now. I get ahold of the ball and sprint up field. Beth Mead and Lucy Bronze hot on my tail. Leah Williamson and Kiera Walsh charging at me from the front.
I nut Meg both of them, I get to the net and smash my foot into the ball. The ball flies past the goalie and into the back of the net.
After 90 minutes the ref blows the final whistle ending the game. The final score was 3-2. Me and Jessie and the team go into the locker rooms
Me and Jessie get into the locker room and coach pulls us off to the side.
"You two shower and get dressed. You guys have a photo shoot for the new Nike gear in an hour." She says.
Me and her both nod. We hit the showers and get ready. We grab our things and drive the mini van we rented to the Nike store.
Me and Jessie change into our first outfit for the photo shoot. Jessie was taking pictures in their new sports bra and underwear. I bite my lip and check out the view in front of me.
I bite my lip as I check out her amazing 6 pack. The panties were showing her pussy folds and were making her ass pop. Her bra was showing amazing clevelage and I couldn't look away.
Jessie smirks, she knows shes teasing me and continues to tease me. Jessie finishes her first photo shoot in her first outfit and walks past Me. I giggle and slap her ass as she walks past me.
Jessie jumps and squeals in shock and blushes darkly. I was wearing their new sports bra and their new boxers. Jessie bites her lip as she checks me out.
She fucks me with her eyes and looks down at my crotch. She blushes darkly as she checks out my bulge.
I look down at my crotch and smirk when I notice she's looking at my bulge. We do the photo shoot for an hour and then get changed back in our normal clothes and go get lunch. We agree on Chinese, we get our food and make small talk as we eat.
We laugh as I share a story with her. "There is no way that she gave you a blow job in the school bathroom for $40." Jessie says.
"Yes I'm telling you it's 100% true. I was stressed out about the team cause I was the team captain. She helped me relieve some stress." I laugh.
Jessie laughs and shakes her head. "Sure."
We finish eating lunch, we walk to an ice cream place. As we are walking our pinkies rub against each other, Jessie looks at our pinkies and smiles. Takes her hand in mine and interlocks our fingers, we both smile at each other as we walk hand in hand to the ice cream place.
*Jessie's pov*
Not gonna lie I got turned on when Y/n told me the story of the girl giving her head in the school bathroom.
I was soaking wet, I saw her bulge. I wondered how big she is, I was so honey I wanted to feel her deep inside, I kept fantasizing about her fucking me. Before lunch my feet were killing me so took off my shoes and put on flip flops.
We get to the ice cream place, Y/n opens the door for me. I smile and thank her, the thing I loved about Y/n was that she was very old school. Opening the car door for me or opening other doors for me.
We order what we want, we get our ice cream and sit down. We sit down in the corner away from everyone for a bit more privacy. I wanted to tease Y/n and make her hard, I slip off a flip flop while we are talking.
I smirk as I trail my foot up Y/n's leg. Y/n smirks and watches me do this and bites her lip. I slide my foot up her thigh, Y/n quietly moans as I do this. I smirk and rub her dick over her shorts with my foot.
Y/n quietly moans. "Mm fuck."
I giggle, I bite my lip and continue to tease her dick over her shorts. Fuck she felt huge, Y/n was hard and turned on.
I tease her and stop making her quietly groan. I giggle, "Does daddy need a release."
Y/n blushes darkly and nods. "Y-Yes."
I look up to the toilets. I take Y/n's hand and stand her up. "Follow me."
*Y/n's pov*
Jessie guides me into the bathroom and locks the door. "Let me recreate that school bathroom story." Jessie smiled as she got onto her knees.
"Yes please." I whispered so no one could hear.
Jessie kissed my bulge above my shorts and boxers before pulling them down. I bit my lip as she kisses up and down my thighs, I began to get hard. Jessie licked along my length as she took my length in her mouth and began to suck my dick.
"Fuck babe, such a good girl." I moan as I grip her hair putting her hair into a ponytail.
She gripped my thighs, as she sped up her sucking gagging as my tip hit the back of her throat. Spot going everywhere as she began to tear up from the continuous gagging.
"J-Jessie Y-You need to be quiet people will hear." I whisper and giggle slightly leaning my head backwards against the wall.
My dick plops out Jessie's mouth, a string of spit still connecting us together. She takes my dick and slaps it against her tongue as well as her cheeks, rubbing it along her lips before taking it back in her mouth and continuing to give me head.
"Fuck Jessie, please keep going I'm gonna cum buckets." I moaned gripping her ponytail bit tighter.
She listens to my request as she gargled my length in her mouth letting it hit the back of her throat. Sliding all the way down her throat like she was swallowing me whole.
Throat pie:
I didn't have time to warn Jessie as I explode inside her mouth, filling her mouth up with my seed causing her to gag from the sudden liquid oozing into her kit and traveling down her throat.
"Fuck, swallow my cum like a good girl." I moan pressing her head further down on my cock making her swallow my cum.
She swallows every drop, not leaving any behind. "Hehe you let it all out, didn't you baby." Jessie giggles as she wiped her mouth clean.
I was going crazy, my legs shaking the dark look Jessie was giving me as she stayed on her knees looking at my cock swallowing the last bit of cum in her mouth. Without saying a word, she took my cock back in her mouth and started to give me another blowjob.
"Uuuhhh Fuck, Jessie fuck." I moaned quietly as Jessie began to suck my cock once again.
The cheeky look Jessie gave me as she got faster make my eyes roll to the back of my head. Her spit dripping down my balls as she continued to gag on my cock, my cock sliding down her throat as she deep throats me her hand snaking up my leg to play with my balls, covered In her Silva.
"J-Jessie, I'm... I'm close." I moans, my hand finding the back of her head once again.
Jessie listened to my words as she began to deep throat me faster. My precum leaking down her throat letting her know I was about to explode.
Throat pie #2:
"Fuuuccck." I moaned can my eyes slammed shut. My cum shooting out into Jessie's mouth once again making her gag as her mouth got filled up with my seed.
"Such a good girl for me." I moaned as I guided her head up and down on my length for the final time.
Jessie wiped her mouth for the second time before getting up from her knees. Leaning in and planting a kiss onto my lips, the biggest smile on her face.
"Come on we've got dinner to get to then you're all mine." She winked as she took hold of my hand guiding me out of the bathroom.
"Yes ma'am." I reply.
*Jessie's Pov*
Y/n and I sat down at dinner after what happened in the bathroom at the ice cream place. Something I couldn't get out of my mind, giving her a smile as I felt myself become wetter and wetter from the thought of what I had done. Making her cum from giving her head in public.
Taking a sip of my drink i looked at Y/n deep in the eyes. "I need you." I whispered.
Y/n didn't respond, instead she giggled as she also took a tip from her drink. "Won't worry baby, you can have me all night, you just need to eat first." She smiled.
I nodded instantly thinking what kind of night I had ahead of me. No sleep just pure pleasure, how desperate I was for Y/n I wanted to spice it up a little bit I wanted to make Y/n want me even more.
We sat in the corner, the restaurant was dim. After receiving our food we both begin to eat, I slowly travel my foot up Y/n's leg like I did in the ice cream place. This time I travel my foot up further reaching her cock, I begin to run her cock with my foot. She starts to get hard almost instantly.
"Jessie Stop." Y/n whispered.
I didn't answer, instead I just giggle and continue to rub her bulge with my foot. Making Y/n close her eyes and take a deep breath, setting her fork and knife down on the table she got up off the chair.
"We're leaving now." Y/n ordered, her voice dominant.
I didn't say anything apart from a slight smile knowing I had gotten to Y/n. "Was there something wrong with the food?" The waiter asked as we made our way to the door of the restaurant.
"No, wait a little longer nothing was wrong. We've just got a situation back at the hotel that we need to take care of." Y/n answered as we left the restaurant. We get in our cab.
*Y/n's Pov*
The cab ride was quiet, I didn't wanna say anything to Jessie. Wanting her to guess what she had got herself into tonight, have her mind full of different scenarios I could do with her.
Jessie followed me into our hotel room closing the door behind her and locking it. "Get in the room, clothes off now baby. I'm gonna help you let it all out." I ordered Jessie which she filled my instructions immediately.
I purposely made Jessie wait a little too long, walking into the room I was met with her naked, laid on the bed. Jessie looked at me with pleading eyes.
"On your knees." I say to her as I sit in the edge of the bed.
Jessie does as I say and gets on her knees. I look down at her and lock eyes with her. "Get my cock out and start sucking. You've been so desperate since dinner, now show me." I ordered.
Jessie bites her lip, she wastes no time and slides my shorts and boxers off and tosses them off to the side, my hard length immediately springs out and at attention once it's freed from its confinement.
Jessie gave me one more look before spitting on my tip and began to suck my dick. I slowly began to undress myself as Jessie carried on, pulling my shirt off then my bra. I brushed Jessie's hair with my hand into a make shift bun and began to guide her head up and down in my length.
Spit spluttering out of her mouth and she started to get non stop, my tip hitting the back of her throat for the third time today.
"Keep going Jessie, that's it." I moaned, my fist gripped her hair tighter. The feeling of me in her mouth was amazing.
"Such a good girl." I moaned as I leaned back on my spare arm.
The only sounds in the room was the continuous gagging from Jessie's throat as she tried to take my length further and further down her throat each time.
"I wanna cum all over that beautiful face of yours." I said as I feel my balls tighten.
Jessie nodded taking my cock out of her mouth with a plop, strings of spit still linked from my cock to her mouth. I began to jerk over her face, as Jessie plays and massages my balls making them tighten up more.
"Oh my." I moaned loudly as ropes of cum began to ooze and shoot out of my dick. I didn't have time to warn Jessie before her face, lips, eyes and even her mouth was covered in cum, painting her face white.
I bite my lip and rub my cock all over her face covering her face with more of my seed. "Look at that messy face." I giggle.
"Did I feel good?" Jessie coughed slightly after what her throat had just gone through.
"So good, but you're not done baby get on all fours." I say.
Jessie does as I say, she gets off her knees. She moves onto the bed and gets on all fours. "Such a good girl." I say and spank her ass as she wiggled it around.
I get situated behind her, I line my dick up with her pussy, a thought comes to mind as I reach around Jessie's body taking grip of both her wrists and place them behind her back so her face was against the mattress.
"Ready baby? Ready to get destroyed?" I whispered as I gripped her wrists tighter and slammed my cock deep inside her pussy.
She let out a mighty scream filled with pleasure as I bottomed out inside of her pussy, not slowing down.
"This is what you get for teasing me at dinner. I was always gonna get the last laugh." I moaned as I carried on destroying her entrance. Jessie tries to reply to which I press her face into the pillows muffling whatever she tried to say.
The sight of her ass rippling against me after every thrust was a sight I loved to see. Jessie trying to move her hands but couldn't from the grip I had on them seemed to send her into over drive. Her moans became louder, sweat dripping down her back as she began to get closer to her orgasm.
"That's it let it out." I whispered, I leant forward placing delicate kisses to her back.
As soon as my words left my mouth Jessie exploded. Noises coming from her mouth I had never heard before. Jessie squirts all over my stomach, as I felt her walls tighten around my cock immediately making my balls tighten.
Creampie #1:
"Fuck." I yelled as I began to cum at the same time as Jessie. I could feel my cum oozing inside of her, not being able to warn her in time. Us both moaning together as we reached our highs, filling her pussy to the brim.
One final spank to her right cheek, I let go of her hands to which she falls onto the bed exhausted. I planted a kiss on her ass before moving up the kisses up and down her back receiving little giggles from Jessie. Suddenly flipping her over onto her back.
"Missionary now baby." I pouted as she smiles back at me.
I began to tease her pussy with my length, hitting her clit and putting my tip in and out of her entrance. I giggle as Jessie's moans and pouts, I bite my lip and slam my cock back inside her making her moan loudly in pleasure and gripping the sheets.
I grip her thighs as I thrust in and out of her at a fast pace. "Fuck Y/n, you're actually fucking huge." She moaned as she adjusts to my size in this position. Her head moving side to side as my thrusts sped up putting her through more pleasure.
"F-Fuck Y/n, please keep going." Jessie begged, as vains popped out of her neck.
"Does it feel good baby." I asked as I held onto her right boob.
"So so good, I'm close." Jessie cries out in pleasure.
"Beg me, why should you be allowed to cum." I demanded.
"Fuck I've been a good girl Y/n, your good girl please let me cum." Jessie begged.
"Okay, when you're ready cum baby." I agreed not wanting to tease her anymore.
A few more hard thrusts I began to feel my balls tighten, also from the sight of Jessie's tits bouncing up and down. I pulled her left leg up over my shoulder to give me more of an angle to go deeper into her pussy.
Creampie #2:
"Fuck." I shout at the same time as Jessie. We both begin to cum again at the exact same time, her juices leaking out of her pussy as I fill her up. Both becoming  moaning messes under each other's touch.
I kiss her calf up and down as we help each other come down from our highs. "Such a good girl for me." I whispered as I kissed up Jessie's body reaching her lips. "Can you go again?" I asked as I planted a kiss on her lips.
She nodded in response. I took her hand, standing her up off the bed. Placing her hands against the wall for her to keep her balance, bringing her ass closer to me.
"I was thinking maybe I could use this nice looking ass of yours." I giggled as I spank her.
"Yes please." Jessie giggles and agrees with my requests.
I took a slight grip of Jessie's hips, guiding my cock into her asshole slowly. Wanting her to get use to every feeling she was about to experience.
"Fuck, you're so tight." I whispered as I thrust in and out of her slowly and then pick up the pace and thrust into her tight ass faster and faster.
Jessie's hands were making fists against the wall as I continued to fuck her ass. The noise of her ass slapping against my skin, the way it wobbled after every thrust.
"Such a good girl for me, aren't you." I moaned again as I spanked her ass.
"Such a good girl for you, you deserve it." Jessie's moaned back as she turned her head to the side to face me, her face covered in sweat.
I took her ponytail into my hand as I began to thrust harder and harder. I could see the effect I was having on Jessie, her legs beginning to tremble as her toes start to curl.
"Are you feeling okay baby? Shall we stop?" I asked as I began to slow down.
"Don't you dare slow down, keep going. Fill me up." Jessie said raising her voice.
"God, Okay." I smiled as I sped my thrusts back up. The feeling of my balls hitting her ass felt amazing. Her ass bouncing after every thrust, I placed my spare hand on her back as I sped up for the final time making Jessie scream in pleasure against the wall.
"Fuck Jessie I'm, I'm..." I tried to warn her but it was too late.
Creampie #3:
Slowly I filled her ass up with my cum. My cock twitching from the cum filling her up, some of the cum dripping over her folds and down her leg.
"Fuck Y/n, you've filled me up so good." Jessie moaned once again standing up straight.
I looked Jessie up and down, her visibly exhausted from what we had both been out through. "Can I use your tits Jessie and thats it I'm done." I say.
"Yes baby." She smiled. "Get on the bed."
I got in the bed, sitting up against the headboard. My length still rock hard, Jessie laid between my legs as she planted a kiss into my dick. She then spits on my tip slowly letting her Silvia drip down my length before wrapping her tits around my cock. Slowly she began to stroke my dick with her tits.
"F-Fuck Jessie.... Just like that." I moaned as I began to play with her right nipple. 
Jessie began to speed up, pressing her tits tighter and tighter around my cock covering it in spit as she continues to stroke my dick in spit.
"Fuck Jessie I'm gonna cum buckets if you keep doing that." I moaned as I gripped the sheets underneath me.
She didn't slow down as she kept going, she began to play with my balls with her right hand. "Let it all out." Jessie giggled from the way she was seeing my facial expressions change.
Somehow I could feel my length getting harder as I become closer to releasing. A feeling I had never felt before, Jessie spat once more on my tip and went as fast as she could as she began to moan at the precum she could feel leaking out.
"Jessie... oh m-my..."
Cum fired out of my cock going everywhere. All over Jessie's face, tits and even landing in her mouth. My biggest cumshot yet, Jessie stopped tit fucking me and began to lick up all the cum off her face and tits.
"Such a cum slut." I moaned as I watched Jessie do this.
"Your cum slut." Jessie giggled as she licked up the remaining cum. "Letting it all out all over me." Jessie laughed again as she planted a thank you kiss on my lips.
We lay in bed, it was now 5:30 am. I turn on the tv, I put on a random movie. We cuddle together and fall asleep naked me cock warming her.
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bruhnze · 2 months
Apple tarts and tiramisu - Part 9
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Summary ''Apple tarts and tiramisu'': Lucy just moved to Barcelona, you offer to teach her Spanish. Reader gets into a relationship with Lucy Bronze who she met while she served her an apple tart.
Other parts: masterlist
Wordcount: 6k, decided to put the rest of the story in part 10.
Thank you for the ideas: anon, lb2-supporter, anon
Apple tarts and tiramisu - Part 9
October and November had been good months. You had took up going to the gym quite seriously and with yfs/n as your self-claimed coach, you were actually starting to get lean, you never had been really chubby but you just didn’t have any muscle, but right now your muscles were getting way more definition and you scolded yourself for not excepting your best friends advise earlier.
The coffee shop and bakery had had more customers and your mother had even been in the newspaper with her pastries.
Lucy had had her birthday just before her family had come and you had spent a lovely day and a half together at a beach house just outside Barcelona with Narla. It had been a tight schedule so unfortunately you had not been able to plan it as a surprise and Lucy had insisted on paying when you were booking but in the end you had persuaded her by saying that it would be her present.
But of course that wasn't just it, you had bought some presents and your parents had also written a card for her which you had taken with you and of course your mother had baked a cake which you took with you.
The trip had been amazing.
The meeting with Lucy's family went perfectly, you got complimented on your English and you actually got along really well with everyone.
Lucy hadn't like it when you and Jorge, Lucy's brother, had been a team together in a game. Lucy's father and she were a team and Jorge's wife and Lucy's mother were a team. The children were already in bed but it got louder and louder as the game went on, when Jorge and you celebrated that you almost won with a certain set Lucy said so loudly ´´no´´ ´´not at all´´ ´´just wait´´ that her nephew came in with his cuddly toy to ask what was going on.
The group had laughed and Jorge had taken him on his lap: "You can watch how aunt y/n and I are going to beat up aunt Lucy."
One evening during their stay you had a dinner at your parents’ with the whole group. Your father had talked to Joaquin the whole evening, which went surprisingly well, he spoke in Spanish and Lucy's father in Portuguese.
Diane and Jorge's wife had been in the kitchen with your mother the whole time, helping her with the food, and they had given her so many compliments that you were sure your mother would love to have them visit more often.
Dessert had been tiramisu, of course, and you and Lucy had told the story of your meeting together and your first date.
Now it was December, just before everyone went to their families for Christmas, Lucy's club wanted to celebrate it together.
You had seen her teammates a few times now, after matches you had attended and once when you went with her when she had a media event at the club after which you were going to eat at friends of yours, so it had been more efficient to come along right away.
Mapi and Ingrid had once visited the coffee shop with Lucy.
Mariona, or Mario, as Lucy calls her, had once eaten at your house. Mariona had a girlfriend in England, Lucy had told her and when he was in Spain 'Mario' had invited you to eat at her house.
There had also once been a dinner at Paños' house, her name was Sandra but Lucy called her Paños. It had been very nice and Paños' girlfriend was there too.
The one you saw most often was Kiera, she was super nice, when you had dropped off the dog with Lucy on a Monday a few weeks back, she had invited you two in and for tea with her and her girlfriend, Laura.
Everyone you had properly met had been nothing but nice to you, but you still felt a bit nervous to formally meet the whole team.
The dinner was planned to be in the Barca complex itself and all the players and staff were invited with their partners.
Lucy had texted you if you were ready a while ago, even though you hadn’t been completely ready you had said you were, as you knew it always took her some time to get to your house when she came with her car. It was way quicker to walk the distance between your apartments then to drive, but as you two had to go somewhere, there was no other option then to go by car.
You had gone for an elegant black dress and wore tights underneath that were a bit thicker then the ones you wore teaching. When you were standing outside with your coat and your bag ready for Lucy you were happy with your choice because it was very chilly.
You were just about to call her when you saw her black car turn the corner.
She stopped and when you wanted to walk to the car to open the door but she shook her head no and she got out to quickly open the door for you.
Lucy had been doing this the whole time, you had been together for three months now, but it seemed like you were falling more and more in love.
''good evening beautiful'' Lucy said as she held the door open for you.
Lucy was wearing black suit pants with a crisp white blouse, it was wrinkle-free, probably because it was a new one, cause you were sure Lucy had never heard of properly ironed.
You gave her a kiss ‘’you look hot’’ you said as you climbed in the car.
‘’you look cold’’ she chuckled before closing your door.
When she sat back in the car you replied ‘’it is cold, I can’t grasp the fact you’re walking here in a blouse’’.
‘’my jacket hangs in the back, can’t have it wrinkled’’ she looked at you ‘’you know I’m part English right, I don’t like the cold, but I can deal with it’’.
‘’since when are you so concerned about wrinkles’’ you laugh ‘’you don’t even own an iron’’.
‘’it’s a special occasion’’.
‘’pre-Christmas dinner?’’.
‘’yeah, and everyone meeting you, I cant look like a potato bag, people wouldn’t understand how I bagged you’’ she grinned.
‘’bagged me’’ you reply repeating her words slowly.
‘’well, yeah, uhm you know, got you to date me’’
‘’oh!’’ you chuckle, you knew what she had meant ‘’I know, I just thought it was the other way around, I bagged you’’.
Lucy looked away from the road a second to look at you with disbelieve.
‘’I offered you Spanish lessons’’ you refreshed her memory.
‘’I took your phone number to actually set it up and changed it to a dinner’’.
You sighed not knowing how to fire back.
Lucy put her hand on your thigh and rubbed her thumb along the covered skin ‘’it’s okay baby’’ you could hear in her voice she was grinning ‘’you’re my little princess’’.
‘’I said I love you first’’ you pouted.
‘’on accident’’ Lucy laughed.
‘’yeah but after that I said it again because you wanted me to say it first’’.
‘’because I asked you to be my girlfriend that night and I was a bit nervous’’.  ‘’I bagged you and I’m the one punching’’ Lucy stated as if that was the end of it.
You frowned ‘’punching?’’ ‘’what is with your weird English, I get bagged but what do you mean with punching’’.
Lucy chuckled and caressed your knee ‘’just agree bub, it’s true anyways’’.
‘’no’’ you said as you grabbed Lucy’s phone and searched it up in Google
In relationships, “punching” describes someone dating out of their league. The phrase is most commonly used in the UK but has recently been picked up more widely thanks to reality TV.
‘’what the- Luce, you can’t possibly say I’m out of your league’’ you chuckled ‘’or you mean I’m punching’’.
''I don't know, every time I blink you look better and better, I just get wrinkles''.
''good thing I have a thing for old people'' you chuckle, knowing Lucy hates to get called old.
You watch her face as you see her jaw drop and she huffed out some air ‘’you can’t say that’’.
‘’you asked for it gr-’’ you grinned widely at her knowing she doesn’t like the name that will follow next.
She looked at you ‘’don’t you dare!’’ she said as she squeezed your leg.  
‘’what?’’ you chuckled ‘’don’t worry, you’re the hottest granny I know’’.
‘’oh y/n you’re in deep shit’’.
‘’don’t beat me up because you’re punching’’ you chuckled at your pun.
She shook her head suppressing a laugh.
‘’come on Luce, you are hot, sexy, smart, the best footballer, ofcourse they understand you can get every girl, even though I don’t agree that I’m hotter then you, but there are literally maybe a hundred hot as fuck woman who would want to ‘get bagged’ by the Lucy Bronze’’ you say rubbing her leg ‘’why the insecurity all of a sudden?’’.
Lucy swallowed ‘’I don’t know, I have never introduced someone to the team’’.
‘’I’m nervous too, but it’ll be allright, right?’’.
Lucy sat a bit straighter up and took you hand from her leg to hold it ‘’god I’m an idiot, I haven’t even asked you how you feel’’.
‘’yeah well, I know a few people a little bit, but I don’t know most.. and meeting new people is always a bit.. nerve wracking.. especially your partner's colleagues’’.
''they'll love you'' ''and you look so beautiful baby'' Lucy said as she caressed your fingers with her thumb.
‘’will you stay by my side?’’ you ask carefully.
‘’ofcourse’’ Lucy nodded abundantly ‘’I’ll introduce you to everyone’’.
Lucy brought your hand to her mouth and pressed a few kisses to it ‘’and thank you for coming with me, I love you’’.
‘’I love you too Luce’’ you said as you leaned over to kiss her jaw ‘’I’ll always come with you’’.
You walked into the dining hall on Lucy's arm. Lucy had a hard time finding a spot for the car because she wanted to park near the door for you, every spot there was already taken, but in the end it worked out and the two of you hadn´t parked too far away.
First there would be a reception with drinks, but in about fifty minutes the food would already be served. A lot of people were there already, since the reception actually lasted two hours, but Lucy had said that Alexia had told her that the first hour was more something for the staff and was often a bit boring.
Speaking of Alexia, she came in with you and Lucy at the same time. You had greated Alexia and Olga, her girlfriend and the four of you were now doing a round of greeting Lucy and Alexia's teammates and Lucy introduced you to a few staff members too, like a physio guy that she had mentioned a few times at home.
After a while of sipping drinks and small talk someone, the head of Barcelona Femení, as Lucy filled you in, clinged a glass with his ring and announced that dinner would be served soon and asked everyone to start taking a seat at the long dinner table.
Alexia came up to Lucy and you heard her quietly ask if the two of you could join them because Olga wanted to sit next to you because she had learned you were a teacher too.
Lucy nudged you with her to follow Alexia and softly said to you that Alexia's girlfriend was interested to be friends with you.
Now you were seated next to Olga and Lucy, opposite was a woman who called herself Patri and next to her was Pina, a woman who was also on the team but Lucy had told you they were dating but keeping it quite low-key.
You had learned there were quite a few couples on the team, some were very open about it, like Mapi and Ingrid, who had visited the shop and you had followed them on social media after, seeing the had a few posts posing together. Other couples were only obvious if you knew, like Caroline and Marta or like the couple infront of you, Patri and Pina. But you knew as no other that the Spanish could be very touchy with eachother, so if you hadn't been told about the couples you would've probably never thought anything special about their interactions.
It is actually pretty fun at your section of the table, funny stories are shared, jokes are made but eventually the conversation inevitably turns to football. At that moment Olga and you start talking about teaching, you learn that she is a primary school teacher and you explain that you were an English teacher at a secondary school but since you stopped doing that you teach different ages English as a side job next to working at your moms coffee shop.
The topic went from teaching to dating an athlete, and just when Olga offered to exchange numbers to contact eachother to sit together in the stands next game, the table got louder.
''I just want to show her around''. Lucy said while laughing hard.
''Sure'' Pina laughed.
''I am going to show Pina the lockers too after dinner'' Patri chuckled.
''She already knows the way'' Alexia tuned in. ''I showed Olga around here too when we started dating''.
''Yeah'' Pina chuckled ''and it took multiple times appearently, i have seen you take her-
''Pina!''. Alexia scolded ''tanca la puta boca''. (shut the fuck up)
''Ale'' Olga said with wide eyes as she slapt her girlfriends arm.
''She was saying crazy stuff babe'' Alexia offered as she shot a murdering glance across the room ''algunes persones volen córrer moltes voltes després de les vacances de Nadal'' (some people want to run a lot of laps after Cristmas break).
''No-'' Pina said ''i'm sorry capi, we were joking''.
''What would y/n think of us right now, hm? pensa en el nostre nou convidats i sigues respectuós amb la Lucía i amb ella''. (think about our new guests and be respectful to Lucia and her).
You chuckled as the pair across from you got scolded.
Lucy tapped your leg ''What did she say?'' she whispered.
You whisper back ''Ale says Pina and Patri are going to run laps if they keep disrespecting people''.
Lucy chuckled.
''Anyways'' Ale says ''Olga and i will go with you Luce and y/n''.
''We want to come too''. Pina pouted.
''Bé'' (fine) Alexia shrugged.
''Nah Pin''. Patri said ''they're boring thirty year-olds, let's annoy Vicky and Salma after this''.
''No way y/n is 30'', Pina said ''quants anys tens?''. (how old are you anyways?)
''I'm 25'' you reply in English ''Sé que estic sortint amb un dinosaure, oi?'' you added in quick Catalan, chuckling. (i know im dating a dinosaur right?).
''Did you just call me a dinosaur?!''. Lucy said laughingly but offended.
''Uh nooo'' you say innocently ''i said i'm not a dinosaur''. you couldn't surpress your smile.
''Ale?''. Lucy tried as she leaned on the table to get Alexia's attention ''what did she say?''.
''No Lucia,'' Alexia chuckled ''i'm not getting inbetween you two, this is motivation for your language lessons''.
At the mean time Patri and Pina were laughing their heads off opposite of you and Olga was also quietly chuckling.
''Mkay'' Lucy sighed ''you are lucky you're cute'', she said while squeezing your thigh.
You looked away from smiling at Lucy to face the two women who were now making gagging noices.
''So down bad'' Pina chuckled, making Patri laugh even harder.
/Ding-ding-ding/ the offical took the floor again and announced that they had the fun idea to change seats again for dessert to have a chance talk to some other people.
Lucy pulled you along to Oshoala, Ingrid, Mapi, Cata and Frido.
''Heyy'' Mapi said as she took a chair out for you ''pastrie girl and her worshipper''.
You chuckled but Lucy didn't laugh as she got back with a chair ''shut it xerrameca''. (blabbermouth).
''Ey Catalan!''. you laugh.
''What she meant is -hi y/n-'', Ingrid corrected her girlfriend ''and hi Lucy''.
Oshoala chuckled ''No Maria is right, Lucy is so down bad for you, i assume you are the girl she sends all those selfies to hm?''. She said as she stuck out her hand ''hi, i'm Asisat''.
You stuck out your own hand to shake it ''i'm y/n''. but Oshoala didn't shake your hand, instead she brought it to her mouth to kiss the back of your hand.
''Allright Oshoala that's enough'' Lucy grumbled in a lightharded way.
Mapi sighed ''you have to start hitting on girls that are not taken'' she said as she rubbed ingrids thigh.
''Ah Maria, she's just being nice''. Ingrid chuckled.
''No!'' Lucy and Mapi said at same time, making you chuckle aswell.
''Yeah i'm just being nice'' Oshoala chuckled cheeckily.
''We have to find you a girlfriend then'' you said tapping Oshoala's shoulder.
Oshoala grinned ''yeah, do you have any pretty friends?''.
''No sadly all of them are taken or straight'' you chuckled ''don't you have like fans or something?''.
''Nahhh'' Oshoala laughed ''you can't date fans''.
You looked at Lucy who was nodding in agreement ''it's a bit weird'' she offered as she looked at your curious face.
''Why?''. you asked ''is that why there is so much dating within the team'' you grinned ''or is that because you guys have such difficult schedules''.
''Both'' Cata and Frido said, breaking the silence they had kept until now.
''I can't understand-'' you stopped yourself ''uhm''. and got quiet.
''Go on'' Mapi chuckled ''we can handle it, Oshoala has the biggest ego but she'll manage, what did you want to say?''.
''We love when people are honest to us'' Cata added.
Frido laughed ''did you want to make fun of us?''.
''No, no, god no, i was just thinking, like, everyone is just a person right, only difference is you guys are good at playing football, and that became your job, but everyone has something like that, like a talent''.
''I can see why you love her'' Ingrid said, turning to Lucy.
You turned to Lucy aswell and saw her looking at you smiling, you blushed a little ''sorry, maybe i should be more like'' you turned back again and mimicked a fan girl ''omg! im at the table with Asisat Oshoala''. choosing her name after Mapi had joked she had the biggest ego.
''See i kinda like that'' Oshoala grinned, deserving a slap from Lucy.
''I advise you to never fuck a fan'' Mapi grinned.
-Sorry- you mouthed to Lucy who looked at you with narrowed eyes.
At that Lucy smiled again.
''But why Maria?'' Cata asked ''i haven't heared that story''.
After Ingrid had shrugged Mapi enlightend the table with her detailed story.
A couple of very funny story's and one dessert later everyone scattered back to the section of the hall that the evening had started.
Everyone went around sipping drinks and changing conversation partners, and the two of you went around the room without Lucy ever leaving your side.
After about an hour Olga and Alexia joined you again.
''Ready for that tour'', Alexia asked Lucy.
Lucy looked at you, ´´ýeah ofcourse, excited to see where you guys work´´, you smile.
''It's nothing special'', Olga whispered to you as the two of you followed your girlfriends, ''just nod and be excited at every little thing, oh and definitly ask about the gym machines''.
You chuckled ''is Alexia just as gym-obsessed as Lucy is?''.
''I don't know how obsessed Lucia is with it, but Ale lives and breathes the gym'', Olga chuckled.
Lucy turned around ''what are you guys chatting about?'', she asked with a curious smile, making Alexia turn around too.
''Y/n says you like the gym as much as Ale does, or actually, we couldn't really come to an agreement because we don't know how much you guys-
''I squat way more'', Alexia scolds.
Lucy rolled her eyes, ''i bench twice as much as you''.
''i- Alexia thought about a comeback.
''leave it Ale, don't embarrass yourself'', Lucy grinned.
Alexia frowned and looked at Olga, then at you, before looking back at Lucy ''lets start our tour at the gym then''.
''This is how you do that'' Olga whispered, ''you're about to experience the best private show ever''. and quickly hopped to catch up with her girlfriend.
Lucy grinned as she swatted an arm around you when you had catched up with her, ''Don't make fun of Ale too hard later, i'm about to emberrass her big time''.
''Hm i don't know'', you tease, squeezing her bicep, ''she looks pretty strong too, and Olga said she's in the gym a lot''.
''Oh yeah'' Lucy grumbled, ''why don't you go touch her biceps then, if they're so much better''.
You kissed her neck softly before whispering in her ear, ''i said pretty strong, not as strong as you Luce, you're the strongest''. After one more peck you said, ''no bicep could beat yours''.
''Lucia!'', Alexia called out, ''stop drooling and get over here''.
Lucy grinned, keeping the same slow pace to walk down to the backdoor.
''Your not scared, are you?'', Alexia prevoked, ''feble'' (weakling).
Lucy narrowed her eyes, ''what did she call me''.
''She called you weak'' you chuckled, farely enjoying this theater.
The four of you ended up in the other building, now standing in a hall with various gym equipement. Conveniently enough Alexia had a master key to the complex, being the Captain she could enter all the Barca buildings. You had praised her how cool it was after the woman had mentioned it for the third time, which resulted in a laugh and a wink from Olga.
Olga and you now shared an inside joke about how easily the athletes could get riled up by a few strategic comments, or on the other hand completely blossom, with just a few praises.
Alexia and Lucy put some weights on a iron bar, ''you first'', Alexia commanded, ''we'll up the weight until one fails''.
''We're benching after this'', Lucy said without leaving room for discussion.
Alexia sighed ''okay, sí''. ''but pushups after''.
''Fair'', Lucy shrugged, ''three competitions so no chance of a draw''.
''I don't care, 1-0, 2-0 or 3-0, it's never a un empat'' (a draw) Alexia grinned, ''you just gave me more to beat you in''.
''Yeah keep talking big Putellas, or maybe let's see what those chicken arms are worth first''.
''Ohhh Bronze! just so you know, if you're not tall enough to reach the bar, the point also goes to me''.
''You're the same heigth as me!''.
Alexia chuckled, ''oh no, i am 173 and you are 171''.
''Oh so you're obsessed with me?'', Lucy grinned, ''want me to write you an autograph?''.
Alexia grinned back ''I might give you mine when i've beat you'', she turned around to look at you ''and ofcourse y/n will get one too''.
Lucy put her hand over Alexia's eyes and turned her to the bench, ''you wanted me to go first hm? watch me ace this than''.
You couldn't decide if it looked more hot or more rediculous, the dressed up women glistening with sweat as they riled eachother up and had kept upping the weights again and again, even making you fear for their backs at one point.
Alexia had won the squatting, Lucy the benching, now it was time for some push-ups.
Lucy was a sight, she had thrown her jacket on one of the weight racks at the moment they had entered this room but after one set of squatting she had also rolled up her sleeves. When they had moved on to benching she had undone the top 2 buttons of her blouse, giving you a perfect view of her necklaces on her clammy skin.
Just like you, Olga was also eating this show up, her eyes hadn't left her girlfriend once.
You got pulled from your thoughts as you heared her whisper something to you ''tindré un bon sexe aquesta nit''. (i'm going to have such good sex tonight).
With a couple of blinks you looked up at her, sceptical if you had heared her right.
''I like it the most when they lose a game'', Olga confided to you quietly, ''but never tell Ale''.
You chuckled but attention got pulled away by grunts you knew all to well.
''47-48-49, babe you're looking right, 50,51'' Lucy grunted.
''Ofcourse, you're doing so good'' you swooned ''let's go Bronzey''.
''Yeah Bronzey'' Alexia mocked, ''go on until you get tired, are your arms tired?''.
''67-68-69''. with that Lucy sat up, ''that's a good number to stop on, i want to leave some energy in my arms and ofcourse give you atleast a little chance to beat me'', with that last she slapped Alexia's shoulder, ''your turn beanstalk''.
''the what?''.
Lucy grinned, ''don't worry about it, get on the floor''.
''beanstack?'', Alexia muttered as she got on the floor.
You can't help but comment, ''she called you tall''.
Alexia looked up and grinned, ''ah, ofcourse, thank you Lucía, now count for me''.
''No'' Lucy frowned ''i counted myself!''.
''We never said you had too'', Alexia looked at Olga ''you count for me babe?''.
''Ofcourse'' Olga purred, ''should i start at 70 and count down''.
''hm'', Alexia said as her grin grew impossibly bigger, ''yeah start at 71 for me guapa''.
At 36 she started shaking, you couldn't countain your chuckling when she almost couldn't push herself up anymore at 31 and slapped your hand infront of your mouth.
Lucy shot a smug wink at you. ''Struggeling Putellas?''.
''N-n-no'' She groaned, ''30 to go''.
''You can stop to safe your arms'', Olga offered as she eyed her trembling girlfriend.
''keep c-counting babe'' Alexia said, barely getting the words out.
After one more push-up she collapsed on the ground.
''Ayyeee'', Lucy screetched ''kiss for the winning lady?'' she asked looking at you.
''Ofcourse'' you grinned, being weirdly proud at your girlfriend, and walked towards her.
''and another reward later'' you whispered quietly in her ear before kissing her.
''Fuck'' you moaned as Lucy pinned you against the mattress.
She hummed as she littered your neck and chest with kisses and tender bites.
''I was rewarding you right'' you said, chuckling when she reached a ticklish spot.
She sat up, her hips straddling yours, ''oh but this is a reward'' she groaned, reaching down to massage your boobs.
Your hands closed around her wrists, trying to keep her hands on you.
Gently she started rocking against you, you saw her brows furrow lightly as she grinded down, positioning herself exactly against your clit.
''Get my panties off'', you sigh desperatly, wanting to feel all of her against you, ''and yours too''.
She quickly helped you out of them and then shuffled her own briefs clumsily down her legs, before throwing them besides the bed and climbing back on top of you.
You cup the back of her neck to pull her in for another kiss.
Softly she took your bottom lip in between her teeth and getly tugged on it before releasing it and going in for the kiss.
During the slow make out she tentatively started moving her hips again.
When a small moan of yours escaped in to her mouth she pulled back to look at you, ''does this feel good?'' she carefully asked.
''mhm'' you said, closing your eyes to focus even better on the way your bodies were melting together.
''Good'' she said as she kept looking at your face while gently steering your limbs in a little more open position.
Your eyes shot open again when you could feel even more of her, hear even more of her.
''Still good?''.
You groan as she kept rutting against you, or rather, along you.
Her face was adorable, holding so much concentration as she moved in a way that make the both of you feel amazing.
''Fuck'', she breathes out ''i'm going to cum like this'' she said as she increased her pace.
You reach up to touch her breasts, stimulating her nipples. ''You feel so good Luce, keep going''.
She groaned.
''Come against me''.
Another groan.
''You looked so hot beating her in the gym, you're so fucking strong''.
Lucy's head dropped in her neck, her chin pointing to the ceiling.
''I couldn't take my eyes off of you''.
''Lifting weights in your blouse''.
''You're so sexy''.
With that Lucy came, she panted hard as she rode herself through her high against you, slowely coming to a stop and plopping on the bed, laying besides you.
''Fuck'', she gasped as her chest was heaving up and down, ''you didn't-
''Sshh'' you chuckled, ''that was amazing''.
After a few minutes of stroking eachothers skin, Lucy seemed to have come back down to the here and now and started kissing you again.
It started fairly soft and slow, but her intentions quickly revealed as she worked her way down your body sloppily.
You moaned hard as she flattened her tongue to your core.
She looked up at you from between your legs, a sight you loved to see.
She stared intensely at you while she was working her mouth and brought two fingers up, gently pushing them inside you.
When your jaw slacked and your eyes rolled she knew she found the right spot, your head dropped on the pillow as you felt your orgasm approaching again.
It didn't take long for you to come undone.
When she helped you through it, you felt in complete ecstasy.
Only when it became too much did you gently push her away.
You smiled at her when she crawled on top of you to reach for a kiss.
With two hands you reached up to frame her face, she kissed the palm of one of your hands and you felt the clammy skin of her chin.
''Was that first thing we did okay?'', she asked hesitantly.
You looked at her slightly confused, ''yeah it felt really good, we should do that more often'' you say, petting her face.
''But you didn't-
You chuckled, making her frown.
''Oh Luce'', you laugh ''is this the first time that happened to you or something?''.
''maybe, i just..
''it felt really good'', you say ''and it was our first time doing that Luce''.
''i came too fast''.
''i take that as a compliment actually'' you chuckled, ''and it was your reward after all'' you say, moving your hands from her face to her shoulders to end at her biceps.
''Hmmm'' Lucy groaned, ''i guess it was'' she said as leaned in to kiss you.
It was a couple of days later, the Christmas days had been spent with the Bronze's family visiting Barcelona.
Your family's had meet up again and there had been eaten a lot of good food.
Lucy had opened up her apartment for her family again, just like last time, only this time her nephew did spent a night sleeping over at yours.
It had been really cute seeing Lucy with the kids, although she was a bit of a rough wrestler with them, she was always gentle.
Now it was time for your annual new years trip. You had the tradition to spent Christmas with the family and new years with the friends.
Often years it had just been celebrated at the friend with the biggest house, but in recent years it had grown out to a 3-day trip in a rented air-bnb.
As soon as Lucy had heared about it she'd agreed to come, excited to join your friends along your side, knowing you had never had a new years kiss before.
''but what are the vibesss'', Lucy whined, hovering over her empty suitcase.
You were at her place, your suitcase was packed and ready, laying in the trunk of your car.
Right now you were helping Lucy pack, you were at Lucy's to sleep there and the next morning you'd drop off Narla at Keira's, who just got back from England, and then the two of you had a 3 hour drive to the rented property.
A few friends had already arrived today, inspecting the place and setting everything up.
They'd sent pictures, it was a cute house, pretty big, enough rooms for everyone.
Everyone of the friendgroup had a partner now, even your bestfriend, yfs/n, she had started dating a guy recently, you thought he was nice but you didn't really have a connection with the man. Lucy on the other hand, she had spent hours talking with him at the dinners either your bestfriend or you had hosted. It worked out perfectly for double dates, you had yfs/n and Lucy could talk to Marc.
''Why are you so hessitant'' you chuckled rubbing her back, ''booze and games, the vibes are booze and games i think, and sweaters, pack enough clothes because it is cold''.
''How is the sleeping situation?'' Lucy asked as she turned around and pulled you against her, ''d'we get any privacy?''.
You grinned ''it's just 3 days, everyone sleeps next to eachother in one long dormitory'' ''oh, did i mention bunkbeds''.
Lucy groaned, ''why do i love you so much that i do this happily for you''.
You bursted out in laughing ''no we have our own rooms with regular double beds, every couple has an own room, that's why we have to drive a bit further this year, Ale searched the best house''.
''Hmm'' Lucy hummed kissing your neck ''great''.
''We have to pack your bag Luce'' you groan as she licks along your sensitive skin.
''Our last private night'' she said inbetween kisses, ''might aswell make the best of it''.
''I just told you we have our own room'', you chuckled.
She slightly pulled away from you and you saw a dumb smile on her face ''i don't know, if the walls are thin i ain't doing anything'', she grinned ''you have a hard time keeping quiet sometimes''.
''I'm sure you can think of a way to keep me quiet'' you say while a small blush crept on you cheeks.
''No way'', ''what if yfs/n is in the room next to us''.
You shrugged ''it's not like she wouldn't- you stopped yourself, ''yeah we'll manage not doing anything for three days right'' you hurried to say.
''What?'' Lucy said chuckling
''Nothing'' you say, trying to distract her with a kiss.
''No i'm thinking you we're about to say she already knows what you sound like''.
Your eyes screwed shut and you quickly shook your head, ''No, ew''.
''Well go on then'', she urged.
''It's just that we tell eachother everything'' you say carefully, ''i was going to say, it's not like she wouldn't know the cause of what she'd hear'' you blushed furiously.
Lucy cringed a bit but chuckled ''are you sharing our private life with her?''.
''Sorry'' you say grimacing, ''it was just our habit and-
''For me it's Jordan'' Lucy stated, making you look up.
You looked at her questioning.
''-the person i overshare with'' Lucy chuckled, ''ofcourse you have someone you share everything with, it's good, i just- '', she chuckled, ''maybe i should've known about it sooner''.
''Cus it's a bit akward isn't it?'' Lucy smiled, ''does she tell you about Marc and her too?''.
''yes'' you say scruncing your nose.
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mintmentos · 1 year
So do I do the sensible thing and go to bed, or stay up to beat the god of mementos
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woso-fan13 · 1 year
Whumptober 2023: 4 (ENGWNT)
No. 4: “I see the danger, It’s written there in your eyes.”
Cattle Prod | Shock | “You in there?”
“Y/N?” you hear someone ask through the door, “are you in there?”
You don’t respond, not wanting one of your teammates to see you in this position. Even worse, not wanting your capitan to see you curled up in a ball with tears streaming down your face. 
“Sweetheart, I need to know that you’re okay,” Leah says again, “if you don’t answer me, I’m going to get the key. Just let me know that you’re safe.”
You take a few deep breaths, trying to prevent your voice from shaking, 
“I’m fine. Go back to the game.”
You hear a thump on the door followed by a sliding sound. You knew that Leah was not sitting against the door. 
“You’re more important than the game, please let me in.”
As much as you want to resist, you’re craving the comfort that you know she’ll give you. So, slowly, you scoot to the door, unlocking it. You don’t make any move to open the door, but you know Leah can hear the lock disengaging. 
“Good girl,” Leah says, the relief palpable in her voice, “you’re doing so well. Can I come in now?”
In response, you turn the knob, allowing the door to fall open a crack. Leah pushes it open enough to squeeze into the room, shutting the door behind her. She looks at you, eyes raking over your red eyes and tear stained face. Without a word she reaches forward, pulling you into a bone-crushing hug. 
“I’m so sorry- so, so sorry- that happened to you. It was disgusting and unsportsmanlike, and I already heard Sarina talking to their coach. We’re going to figure this all out, yeah?”
You nod slightly, unconvinced. Leah notices. She pulls you closer until you’re in her lap, wrapping an arm around your head and resting it on her chest. She rocks gently, smiling and giving you a small squeeze as you relax into her hold. 
“We’ve got you, kiddo, always.”
“I know,” you say quietly but with full belief. 
“Good, good- we are all so proud of you. What do you say we get out of here and back to the locker room? Lucy and Kiera are going to have an absolute fit if you’re not safely in their arms soon.”
You giggle at that, the sound a refreshing change from your previous tears. Leah squeezes you tightly one more time before pushing herself off the floor and standing up. She reaches a hand down for you. Taking a breath and preparing yourself, you grab her hand and trust her fully. 
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xhollandlilsx · 2 years
Handmade - Leah Williamson x Reader
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Warnings: N/A
“You can’t just throw glitter on it”
Lucy argued as we were making posters for each other, for the game against America, they wanted posters of us up around the stadium.
Handmade ones.
“Well Luce, it’s not exactly winning any awards is it!” I half shouted playfully, as I slapped some glue on there and just dumped a handful of glitter on it. I’d tried to make her look a little less intimidating, but it started to go downhill so glitter was my saviour as much as I hated the stuff, “Not my fault your photo looks like you’ve taken Liam Neeson’s daughter”
A few of the girls burst out laughing, as I fanned myself with my hands as all the arts and crafts business was making me sweat. I only had a zip up thermal jumper on and my Nike sports bra underneath, so when I ditched my jumper, and returned to the table I saw a few almost shocked faces.
“Damn Y/L/N, since when do you have abs?!” Kiera heckled with raised eyebrows. In the corner of my eye I saw Leah’s head shoot up, as I shot a wink to Kiera and laughed. Nobody knew except Georgia and Lucy that Leah and I were together, we hid it the best we could, not wanting all the interrogation, and wanted to keep it private in the first few months.
“No seriously I can count them, drop the workout routine” Lauren laughed astounded. I shook my head looking down with a slight laugh. I never knew how to take compliments so I usually just laughed them off or replied with my usual cocky comments. There were a few more comments thrown around about my figure and a few flirtatious comments that were purely a joke. Things like:
‘Wouldn’t kick you out of bed’ and ‘Damn It’s a good day to like women’.
I carried on trying to save the poster of Lucy, to no avail as it looked like a mess but I loved it either way.
“Tah-Dah” I held it up to the camera with a big toothy smile, “So for my artwork I did the amazing Lucy Bronze, I added some of these, and those, whatever they are. And yeah. I’m proud of it. She now looks a little less crime documentary-ie”
I laughed as I walked passed Georgia who was complaining about Leah’s poster of her.
“Y/N look at this. So this is my picture, I went with, everything you can see, that’s really nice and quite truthful about Leah” Before she then reached over to grab hers that was on the table as Leah was cutting something out.
“No no I’m not done!” Leah protested making me laugh slightly, “I’ve got to rearrange things”
“Leah’s altering it because I wasn’t very satisfied. I got devil horns” She moaned looking between the camera and myself, I let out a laugh and nodded crossing my arms.
“I think that’s quite cool” Leah argued, nobody else would be able to but just from the way she avoided eye contact with me I could tell something was up.
“Yeah it’s cool but… I give her, a tiara.” She told me expecting me to tell my girlfriend off, to which I just shook my head patting Georgia on the back twice.
“I mean you’re not exactly an angel on the pitch Stanners” I laughed as I walked back to my work bench, where Ellie had leaned against it and started talking to me, we were just talking about going for food tomorrow but with the hushed tone and the closeness I could see where Leah came from when she stood up, dusting her hands off and walking out of the room.
I looked at Georgia with a frown asking her what’s up, to which she shook her head and nodded toward the door where the blonde had just left.
After dusting my own hands off and grabbing my shirt again, I excused myself and followed after her, I searched the first corridor not seeing any sign of her, as I pulled my shirt over my head.
But spotted her when I turned the next, she was leaning against the wall in a sort of squat position with her hands on her knees looking down.
“What’s up?” I asked walking over to which she looked up and me before standing up straight, I tried to make out the look on her face but I couldn’t.
“Nothing, Y/N” She shook her head going to walk past me when I stopped her placing a hand on her chest.
“I’m sick of this.” She blurted out, to which I looked at her as she motioned between the two of us, my heart sinking.
“What?” I asked trying to keep my voice steady, as I now crossed my arms, swallowing hard.
“This, the sneaking around, the secrecy” She sighed, looking down.
“Leah…” I whispered before taking a deep breath and looking up at her again trying to be strong, “Do you wanna break up?”
“No! No god no.” She looked at me with wide eyes, to which I let out an audible breath I didn’t realise I was holding, “I just. I don’t wanna hide this anymore. I can’t sit there and be quiet when people are saying things like that about you”
“They were only joking Leah” I smirked at her jealousy, trying to hide the grin on my face.
“I didn’t find it funny.” She argued, “I wanna tell them.”
“Are you sure?” I asked with an almost wince, as I looked into her bright blue eyes.
“I’ve been sure since the game against Japan, I wanted to run over and kiss you when you scored with that bicycle kick.” She smirked, a goal I’d never live down, and never be able to recreate. I smiled slightly at her proud face.
Letting out a small sigh smoothing out my ponytail, and swallowing hard, “Yeah… yeah okay”
With that she finally let a small smile wash over her features as she pulled me into a kiss, her lips soft against mine as I felt her hands go under my shirt and against my abdomen, trailing down. One of my hands was on her cheek as the other placed itself on the small of her back.
“Don’t be shy” I rolled my eyes sarcastically, making her take her hands from my stomach. With a smile I placed a kiss on her forehead.
“Now come on before Georgia decides to do her own poster” I laughed taking her hand in mine and kissing the back of it as we walked.
Only a short one but here you go 🤗
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mildkleptomaniac · 2 years
eyes on the prize — jj maybank x reader
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭:  “ hi honey!!! i love you work so so much!! i was wondering if you could do a jj maybank x fem!reader imagine where their dating. the pogues are playing volleyball at the beach and jj and reader are on opposite teams and the reader is laughing with sarah and kiera and jj keeps looking at her and just admiring her causing her to accidentally hit him in the head with the volleyball. maybe some fluff at the end?? totally okay if you chose to ignore this 🤍🤍 ”
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: alluding to smut, kie slamming a ball into jj’s beautiful face
𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆: eyes on the prize, boy. he knows it. 
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All the Pogues gathered on the beach, enjoying a game of volleyball. Another hot, sunny day in Outer Banks, where the sand felt a bit too hot to play on, the air was thick with the smell of salt water and sunscreen, and waves crashing against the shore. Some of the Pogues, Kie and John B, took the match of volleyball a little too serious, whereas Sarah and JJ were bantering with each other across the sandy court. 
Boys against the girls always posed an interesting match. Despite being on opposite teams, it didn’t halt JJ from admiring his girlfriend. Y/N’s golden skin glistened in the warmth of the sun, strands of her hair poking out from her ponytail.  JJ attempting to focus on the game became grueling, especially wearing her tight shorts and a bikini top. 
“Hey JJ, keep your eyes on the prize,” John B patted his friend’s shoulder. 
“They’re most definitely on the prize, dude.” JJ retorted, winking at Y/N. She rolled her eyes and Kie and Sarah nudged her. JJ couldn’t quite pick up what they were talking about, but he later assumed it was their next play. 
“JJ, do you need to take a breather? You’re zoning in and out, man.” Pope questioned, an underlying teasing to his tone. 
“Nah, nah, I’m focused. I’m great,” He reassured. But something about hearing his girlfriend’s laughter, the dimples on her face, and seeing her cheer when they score did something to JJ. Eyes glued onto her when she bent down over their cooler to sip on a drink, splashing water on her body to cool her off. 
At this point in the game, everyone’s muscle began to burn and head pounding from the sun. Kie and John B refused to take any more breaks, determined to win. 
Kie took JJ’s weakness as a prime opportunity to get the winning point. Perhaps Kie served the ball over the net a little too enthusiastically since the leather casing bounced right off of JJ’s face and continued to fly in the wrong direction. A moment of shock coursed through everyone, mouths agape or eyes widening. Y/N’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of pain and confusion on his face.
Y/N rushed underneath the net to her boyfriend, the rest of the Pogues circling around the blonde. “Are you okay?” She asked, concern etched on her face. He held his face in pain, trying to conceal any sight of actual pain he might be in. She tried peeking at the spot of injury, before he dropped his hand. Swelling around his eye that might leave a bruise in the morning. 
"I'm fine, I'm fine," He reassured her, rubbing his head. "Just a little bit dizzy." JJ sounded dazed.
“A little? I’m pretty sure Kie was trying to behead you with that serve.” Pope teased, laughter following after. 
“Hey–I just really wanted to break the tie and win the game. Is that too much to ask for? I really didn’t mean to aim for his head.” Kie threw her hands up in surrender. 
“Hmm…killing our best friend or winning the game…” Sarah pondered for a moment, taping her chin. “I think having JJ alive outweighs the first place title, right?”
“No, I would’ve done the same thing if it meant I got bragging rights.” John B shrugged, a smiling forming afterwards. JJ rolled his eyes, leaning on his girlfriend for support. 
“Techincally, the ball went out of court…after it bounced off of JJ’s head.” Pope shot a look at Kie. The couples got into a petty argument about who won the game, but quickly decided to have a final rematch. Y/N and JJ decided to sit it out and relax on the towel near the court. 
JJ laid his head in his girlfriend’s lap, eyes squinting to protect himself from the harsh rays. She ran her hand through his hair, watching the game intently, while the other held an icy bottle to his forehead. Occasionally, she check on the boy in her lap–making sure he didn’t fall asleep. 
“Drink some water too, I’m nervous you have a concussion.” Instead of making a witty remark, JJ listened to his girlfriend and sat up to stay hydrated. As he downed several bottles of water, she rubbed his back and kissed his freckled shoulders. 
“Thanks for taking care of me, Y/N.” He smiled weakly and slipped his hand into hers, giving squeeze. 
“Of course,” She squeezed his hand back, looking at the welt. “Isn’t taking care of you what love is about?” Y/N smiled, before kissing his cheek. The tension in his shoulders dropped, leaning his head against hers. Sometimes he just needed a verbal reminder that someone loved him and it happened to be Y/N. 
He closed his eyes and sighed in content, “Maybe I should get hurt more.”
“Most definitely not–maybe we should just play on the same team next time so you won’t get distracted.” She teased.
“Depending on positions, I’ll still get distracted.” He confessed, which led to Y/N gasping and nudging her boyfriend. 
“You’re distracting too, y’know, but looks like I can handle it better.” Y/N mused, feeling heat rise to her cheeks at her own statement. 
“Hm, maybe we can handle this situation in another way? Looks like they won’t be finishing up this match any time soon…and the van is empty…” JJ alluded, looking at his girlfriend with a cocked eyebrow. 
“You’re definitely feeling better, aren’t you?” 
“I know what would make me feel 100% better,” He whispered, now planting kisses on her shoulder. She sighed, looking at her friends chase the ball around. 
“Let’s do it,” The two scrambled upwards, before JJ dragging her into the van. 
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cowardlycowboys · 6 months
I have a lot to say (never has anything notable to say)
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purplesaline · 21 days
Someone on Tik Tok was talking about how there are human names that feel normal when given to pets (Lance, Parker, Ellie, Kiera, Russel, etc), and then there are human names that are hilarious when given to pets (Jennifer, Kyle, Mark, Louise, Joanne, etc)
And I thought what a fun Tumblr game that would be!
So reblog with your best human names that are hilarious for pets! The more normal the name is for a human and the more hilarious that name is for a pet the more points you get! (Ethelbert may be wildly funny for a pet but it's not so normal for a person these days so fewer points than Jennifer)
Bonus points if you describe the pet! (Jennifer is a very blonde golden retriever, Mark is a black lab, Joanne is a standard poodle, etc. Feel free to get as detailed as you like for comedic effect)
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